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Previous thread: >>493994987

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>liking sts unironically
im ready for comfy quiet hours
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gyud nyid wimbyabs! zenya nyops yuu wiww nyaf vewy gyud dwyeams wyen yuu gyo!!
nyan zenya dyos nyop yuuv dyun yuur daiwies bye nyow tyuu!!
You don't like StS, you're addicted.
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spooky ids when
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dante is so sexy
sweet dreams zenya
I quite like this image. Though his shoes looking like two different styles distracts me.
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Yes I can't count and got a 67 instead of a 66
halloween for spooky
april fools for school mirror world
i've been thinking
That Dante has BREASTS
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don't do that
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why is John Deadbolt here
I am going to fight the sinner of the final digit on my post, and none of you can stop me
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Instant Loss.
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you are going to die
>>494035459 (me)
on second thoughts rodion would probably grab me by the coat and tell me we're going to hamhampangpang.
I'm not winning, but I'm not getting hurt either
RIP anon
anon she turning you into the hhpp burger
I am going to hug the sinner of the final digit on my post, and none of you can stop me
Good choice
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What's your favorite ID, and why? For me, it's Lamentsang. A gun-wielding ID that has both great effectiveness and cool animations has been something I've wanted since I started playing.
Argalia will go to Dante
>B-But Hong L-
Beatrice is Dante's sister
Source: I came to it when I dreamed
be kind to her, she's not a district 23 denizen.
He deserves it
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Rodya LOVE!
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She will suffocate you between her boobas
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I like Huntcliff.
He's pretty cool. Animations are great and they feel very powerful to me. Landing all Tails on Lament, Sorrow and Despair and hearing his line at the end of the attack is a great, great feeling.
I've also been rooting for it ever since I finished Canto VI.
You are going to be EATEN anon
<Instant loss? What does that mean?>
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Thanks Zenya, love you too.
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Cut it out
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Wouldn't you like to know, Dante...?
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Show happi waw or i remove you from thr group >:(
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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My guess would be they introduce uptie EX as the final and it costs some lunacy or has a special requirement tied to it per ID or if its uptie 5 then they'll lower the cost of the other upties to compensate if they plan on a 6
Let's get married.
Faust said this to me btw
do you have a preference of no arm or arm? or do you love them all equally?
t. Yi Sang
I said this to Meursault and he said OK. Actually.
only the base IDs are going to be uptieable to EX.
I'm tired of having happi waw as my star banner, boss
Would be based.
Then change it.
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Alright Limbaughs, We are gonna need a sacrifice.
Please roll and kindly kill yourself for us
Tired of having good taste it seems.
Don't let peer pressure win. Do as you please.
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I'll point and laugh if he does
who are you
I don't care about waw happi. everyone has that. you literally got it for free just by converting enk.
Show me your RR1 turncount banner.
Last digit of this post is the sinner that gets sacrificed
el redditore
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oh no you don't
sinner of the last digit of my post gets eaten by nameless fetus
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>happi waw banner
>the turn countless RR1 banner
>can't even change the position of the latter without removing it entirely
SHITmael is outta here
I'm board. Canto XXVI where Dante and the Sinners face off against Demian's group at the edge of spacetime when?
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i want new Rodya NOW
Here you go anons, hope you enjoy it. See you in a couple months for more ID requests.

Very nice, thank you. Will give it a watch this evening!
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AINT NO WAY I FUCKED IT UP AGAIN. Sorry anon, I need to redo it.
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I love all Moseses! Even the ones with less arms!
cute and based mosesfag
Eh I'll keep it up. Not that bad, like 4 minutes of dead air.
>maid ish with cum on her feet fanart
>2k retweets and 26k likes
bros the game's getting popular
Ah shit, the fucking bird escaped AGAIN
Could you just put a note at the bottom of the video that says there is a bit of dead air? (I don't know how YT works.)
post it
Good idea.
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Don't let Don see this
Why would Don care about Outis dressed like a kid
Awful image, Yesod loves games.
There's actually waaay more missing then I thought. So uh. I'll give you guys an hour before I reupload this tomorrow.
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Alright. Good luck mate.
i can hear it
>that fucking King in Binds
He got a pop out of me brother
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Dieci Rodion easily
Favorite Sinner, hits hard, can actually tank and tanks well, can feed Rime Shank all on her own
Plus it's a punch ID and I adore punch IDs
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You have been selected to be sacrifice to O-01-15
Please enter the containment unit
you worthless clerk
I am going to suck the cock of the sinner of the final digit on my post, and none of you can stop me
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WildHunt Heath.

I love his eyepatch and I want to touch it. He is a sinking ID which means I can use him with my second favorite ID (Heir Greg).

The way the anger that permeates his voice drops when he thinks of Cathy/gets emotional. His s3 has to be my favorite skill in the game. I love the army of shadows he summons with his s2.

The love they gave him gave him by adding unique buffs for multiple fights and to voice all the lines he gets. Getting lines even with the Edgar maids was pretty cool. The iron maiden is awesome too.

I think what I like the most however is the differences with Erlking. Erlking hates himself and all other Heaths. He blames himself for any of Cathy's miseries. He is the reason she can't ever be happy and as such as long as Heathcliff exists, Catherine won't be happy.

WildHunt Heath however is different. He doesn't blame himself. He thinks that he and Cathy could have been happy if it wasn't for Wuthering Heights and as such blames them all.

>That you, me… both of us…
>…we could've been happy had this accursed manor never existed.

He also has something I always enjoyed about book Heath which is that he can yell and bellow all he wants but he can't hide just how much he loves and his line when he sees Every Cathy is just perfect for that.
i like wsault because he looks cool
Good post heathsis
Had another dream about Ryoshu where I was trying to get her attention. She refused to talk back to me, or even acknowledge my existence, no matter what I did. It was a heavy, one-sided conversation, like talking to a brick wall. It wasn't until she started smoking a new brand of cigarettes that made me wheeze and cough up blood where she talked to me back. She also didn't shy away from throwing insults at me, which I didn't mind
I really wished it lasted longer...
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>The other Sinners get annoyed by how often Faust and Dante only talk to each other
Ryoshu doesn't have a penis.
Imagine being a CEO of a megacorporation and being named
At least it's not Uberto-tier like arGAYlia but holy shit
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Executive Manager should confide in someone more trustworthy
Nigga named Ayin
Bezos named Bezos
That is a gay man.
Female CEO Named Alfonso:
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Tie between Wild Hunt and Pequod Harpooner now
Pequod Harpooner was my uncontested fav before Wild Hunt because >berserker passive
Deal more dmg the lower your health gets? With a TETH EGO that heals him everytime he gets hit?
Sign me the fuck up
No... the numbered Heathcliffs is the fat woman... the amputee Heathcliffs is the gay man
I thibk it would have been funny if all CEOs began with A, He has the face of Alex, And all had a B & C like
Ayin, Benj, Carmen
Wild Hunt.
Canto 6 came to me at a dark time and while I wouldnt say my life has changed for the better after the canto and his release, they have been a huge emotional support.
Plus, his gameplay and animations are spectacular. S3s are the best in the game, no doubt. I also really like how there isn't a set way to play him, every player has their own ways of playing with him.
Rather than thinking that he is the reason for his miseries and let himself be consumed by self-hatred, he instead blames it on his surrounding environment. I have also taken up that way of thought of his and it has helped me in getting back my motivation to continue on.
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Nyo, that's cathy.
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Your response, Outisbab?
The mirror says that I still remember hope..
Bah deleted it early. All the comments made me feel bad for it being borked. Got the new takes done, rendering now. Sorry guys should have double checked everything when I changed the credits song.
Getting pinned down and felt up by drunk aunt Rodya
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Good stuff, cant wait
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Shit happens bro, thanks for the chicanery
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>gregor jobbing within the first 4 minutes
W-Who gave Hod a gun...?
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Man, I'm gonna need pick up from where I left from.
Good stuff though, I was watching everyone beat the shit out of eachother with a huge smile on my face.
How long do we think Wild Hunt gonna last here?
Has Dante ever laughed at anything?
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Same place she gets her drugs
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I did.
TCD is a duty for every sephirah.
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Why does there seem to be a massive discrepancy in the number of posters lusting over Faust and Ishmael over other female sinners like Rodion
fat women are gross
Fasut is the N1 for SEAniggers that love to latch to the info dump companion
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Ishmael is fat, though
the seaniggers are coming from inside the house it would seem
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Maybe I shouldnt think of this dumb background things but
>given cultures from around the world still exist in the City in the Nest this means records of the past before the City must exist when the world was whole and not a Hive City. Or the Head deliberately deleted them. Maybe a creature from the Outskirts or even some human remembers such a time.
>if AI is banned what about creating humans from scratch? We got RCorp and NCorp tech which in theory would let someone to create a human and inplant memories of someone else (or a group) into a white canvas. Would such an homunculus be able to develop E.G.O or Distort? (I feel it would end as a Peccatulum most likely).
>where the Head cuts the "ok you're human"? Distortions themself are fucking demons and you can go full cyborg so they must have a limit down the line you cant cross before they kick you out for renouncing your own humanity.
Had a bit with The Azure that was going to fall flat with no contextual audio. Glad to hear it was good from what you saw though.
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I’m NOT big
Mon amour
Don't mind
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this is how I browse /lcg/
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Your move, limbabs
Faust has a lot of interactions with Dante and fits a popular archetype
Ishmael is just populat in general
>>given cultures from around the world still exist in the City in the Nest this means records of the past before the City must exist when the world was whole and not a Hive City.
eh, not necessarily. we don't know exactly how big the city is, but given it's population is equal to that of the entire planet it probably spans the entirety of a massive continent.
I don't think it requires that much of a leap to accept that that many varied cultures have popped up across the city.
Correct, Diece specializes in this, studies relic and history of the ruins
Fausr has an EGO
>3 Distortions are formed from the human mind, and cyborgs have that mind as well, and that's what trully makes a human, we are just brains controling meat mexha
What anon said here >>494043175
Rodion just never really caught on in popularity which is fitting ironically
I still think she's the best though
Main girl. Only character to show even the slightest hint of interest in you, even if not in a necessarily romantic or sexual way. The mystique surrounding her is also appealing.
The most recent female sinner to get a Canto, so people are still very attached to her.
Faust is Angela 2.0 so she reaps a lot of popularity points from the previous installments.
I remember Ishmael being popular rihjt away because she looked like one of the whores from Wonderlab.
She’s Angela 0.5 lorebab
>Kusoge is still the only limbus database worth a shit, especially if you're trying to compare uptie levels
>Barely maintained, half the unique buffs and debuffs are broken
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Do you have fun when you play Limbib Cutenfunny?
when theres actual content, yes.
otherwise, no.
They're the closest to Dante between clockwife and my compass. The other female sinners just aren't particularly close to Dante aka the self-insert.
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Funeral Sang is incredibly cool. I'm glad they did him right.

My favourite ID would have to be WSault still.
I enjoy KimSault very much and have a great time with him. As with Dieci and Middle.
But WSault's sounds, looks, and moves are still just perfect for me in combination. Powerful but simple. Does his job.
I also love how mindful and thoughtful he is in his chatter. As another anon said, he looks very cool.

I hope when he gets his firearm ID that it's as thoughtful and satisfying to use as Yi Sang's.
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Faust and Dante just work together well
This baby hippo becoming a meme was not something I saw coming.
need to warm-up give me a drawing idea
Her appeal's tough to place for me. Hindley-Rodya >>494041684 is like a hot older sister, easy.
Our Rodya doesn't really get to express herself that openly. As much as I feel for the girl behind the facade, I want to see more of it before I could say I feel strongly about her.
I wonder what someone who's more enthusiastic about her thinks, though.
Draw Dante, but his head is a different kind of clock
Heath eating a kebab with sauce.
i need baby dante riding baby hippo
did they ever explain what mermaids were
Finished my MDH run for the day
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How do i keep finding you fags everywhere and this short isn't even about PM
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Rodion is simply too normal to be popular
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cathy petting heathkot
I have mild fun doing MDH once a week, grinding MD any more than that is a drag.
Frankly, I enjoy the story segments a lot more than most combat. Every time I go into a canto combat I know I'm signing up for 2~3 turns of waiting for my sinners to reach competency. Though the better abno and boss mechanics are decent fun to strategize against.
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Yaeh. Lamentsang looks so good. I could totally watch a series just about him.
My favorite is Chef Ryoshu. I love that her strongest skill is called [I can cook anything]. I want her to try her best at cooking every single creature we face.
Liu Ishmael looks kinda bland at first, but her fighting style should be my favorite so far
project moon...is popular,bro.
it's not the niche it used to be
chuds can't stand having the things they revolve their whole personality about being popular lol
Hod birthday
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W Don
Got her relatively early as a limbab who joined this season, she carried me through almost every tough fight by just brute forcing everything with Rip Space
It's a shame she never gets to shine in MD compared to the other charge units but I still love her
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I think my biggest problem is why the Head allows multiculturalism when just simplifying human culture and behavior sounds like it would be more in line with how they manage the City for a pure convenience and ease of use. Either someone who made the rules loves humanity so much they allow all expresions to exist for a pure idealist stance or its just and oversight allowed to exist to see what would come out of such a literal melting pot.
>we are just brains
Forgot all the cyborgs in the City still got brains. Also I agree about Faust, the hints are there
>the last panel from Leviathan and Yi Sang recruitment doesnt show Faust face
>her true self in the train was rather meek
>if the hive mind of Faust exist and she worked in the tech of Limbus this means she's an ID most likely.
>too normal
I feel she's not normal at all, just too good at putting on an act, and that act is too normal. She has a sense of justice just as strong as Don's, but with an actual sense of its consequences. If we ever got to see her genuine side before every character got distracted by a passing butterfly, maybe she'd be more popular someday.
Hod getting a birthday present delivered by Devyat Rodya
Explain Ishmael, then.
>almost 1 year later and people still havent figured out how to make cheat engine work on the game again
what the fuck, why?
There's no need for it.
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Besides being pure sex with beautiful eyes and hair, one of the biggest things that draws me to her is the fact that she's putting up a façade of being happy and carefree which is something I can relate to painfully well
The Sinners playing Yu-gi-oh!
>Rodya doesnt get it
>Don does the full anime act
>Mersault is the judge
>Heathcliff and Yi Sang enjoy playing
If 90% of the time she's putting up her facade then it may as well be her character. Yeah she has more depth but until she gets to show it more often she's gonna appear to be the big, strong lady who eats.
More eye catching design, familiar VA, had more interesting IDs and Egos for a while, was usually on every team comp, had an actual Canto, isn't quite as one note, etc etc.
>cheating in a game that verifies fucking everything of importance online
Get banned on your own time, retard-kun.
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newbabs showing their new. you could use CE to speed up the game and everyone was doing it for a long time
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multiculturalism is human, unlike those nailtards
The Head cares about and understand humanity
Showing their new what?
She’s so gross
I've known about the CE speedhack that was used back in the day.
It's whatever. I never used it at any rate.
My new and cool IDs and quotes for my manager card.
Lmbus needs more trans women like Ishmael
Now post your manager card here
Factually incorrect
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Zwei greg, legerdemain spam is nice, he has nice animations without throwing particles over half the screen and i like ids of a sinner where sinners have a happy life
hongers will get child of the galaxy ego suit
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Fair enough, anon
Not even the first cute Ruskie character putting on a show of it, it's a nice little archetype
Yeah, I can't disagree. Her facade's just too plain and too much of what we get to see. I feel like they should've gone more over-the-top with how desperately she needs to put on a positive mood. Maybe it'd step too much on Hong who genuinely is that naively positive, though.
I can tell your dick is small just by this post.
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Since it is 9/11 post RodyClair
I can tell by your post that your penis is 17cm and on the skinnier side
And I can tell you're half an insult away from taking a butterknife to your artery
I was here when you faggots used that and the big offenders got banned for it. Retard. If you start it again, someone will take it too far, PM will notice even faster, and CE will stop working again. This is objective, it is human nature.
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Canon sizes.
No one got banned for it you stupid newfag. Infact I have 3k crates leftover just from using CE during season 1
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I currently have "I shall return before the next Nightmare", with Huntcliff's pre-uptie art.
NOT hiding my code OR my level because I'm not a PUSSY.
Quality SUCKS because I play on MOBILE. Makes for a good handwarmer.
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>it's a nice little archetype
From what I can tell it's just called "being Russian" as they're sort of just naturally depressed
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Please no, he needs to get Discord.
>No one got banned for it you stupid newfag.
>lying to get newfags banned
ok small dick anon
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Post your manager card so I can laugh at you being a newbab just like this retard >>494046031
Good job Manager.
Based. I really like Zwei Gregor too.
I bet you have a huge... talent.
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My sinking team can consistently clear railway and I'm lookin to start building my second team. Looking to make something more "fun" than "good" this time around. How does this team look?
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Ok grandpa, time to take your meds
They should’ve made Rodya look exactly like Hod but fat
This anon has the girthiest longest shlong here. It swings and bounces from thigh to thigh as he saunters through his abode.
Looks like six random units without synergy, what are you expecting?
Even if you're going with "random bullshit go" I would swap out Shootis at minimum, building up bullets sucks and she's not going to get much out of Dark Flame outside a burn team
>4 coin v 4 coin clash
>win the first three clashes
>proceed to roll nothing but tails and throw the entire clash out the window
infuriating. i love 0 sanity gameplay. rr4 definitely doesn't suck ass.
>Gregorgays are gay
Not surprised to be honest, but still pathetic.
Haha yeah totally :)
She's more or less Malkuth and Hod smushed together and draped over an Olga type body
you're trying WAY too hard
no one gives a shit about greg
Very insecure post
I didn’t know those three could do the fusion dance
Going for status variety + strong units + ego nukes
>this post confirms my guesstimation was correct
I'm in.
>gregfags unironically crawling out from under the couch like roaches to defend their fellow faggots because of this anon
i will support you coming out when youre ready anon.
You're really dumb lol
>he had to respond to himself
did you just respond to yourself
cooked him with that one bwo
>t.the head
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Your next response is I-INSPECT ELEMENT!
>gregorfags having a melty
thanks sis
I absolutely do not trust you. Especially with this picture.
Bwo, take a break...
Angela, we're out of here.
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>Gebura is in charge of the floor of language

What did PM meant by this
>one guy gets dabbed on for being a catty fag
Nah bro you're just cringe
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Nice thread, limbabs.
Ok Ahab
take a break from sucking dick you faggot
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I still have oldbabs that quit the game in July last year... should I cull them out?
Is this supposed to be fem yesod
Why did the middle class support E corp?
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le blond twink of reset fight button has arrived
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Why does he look like that
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Do you really not see why you're being dogpiled?
The conversation started with being a cunt to a random Anon who was just replying as to why they liked an ID
It has nothing to with the ID being Gregor's

Stop being a cunt, it's just simple
Or don't, if you're addicted to (you)s I guess
I never got punished for cheating in RR2
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violence is the universal language
>projecting now at randoms
For real bwo. Take a break kek
kys fag
In Indian folklore the goddess Kali was also the goddeess of language and mantras
>t-thats not me!!! i'm not involved!!
pathetic faggot.
Seething lole
Anons,if you could bring any Pmoon character to real life with their abilities and equipment,which character would you bring?
Ps they'll appear at a random city in the world
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heathtent when
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Bring Carmen into this world
May the world burn
>Not surprised to be honest, but still pathetic.
Men do not speak like this.
This is a foid post.
greedy greedy heathhomo
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Beware the roach that causes melties
Light carmen wouldn't be able to do much besides whispering in people's ears cause everyone has no light in them to distort in the first place
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Merely overlapping with his robot form
Ehh I thought bringing in Carmen would mean bringing the light too
Aw, he's still seething.
heathfags and ishfags really do belong together, greedy fuckers
Bro is on full damage control now. Might as well just ignore him.
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I blame Ishmaelfags for this. Now look at the sorry state of this thread; full of ragebaiting and meltdowns, probably a result of how hard she was brutally mogged and mocked by Sinnerfags and others alike during these past few days. The root of all evils ties back to her. This is an absolute fact, that is as indisputable as the world that is viewed before your very eyes. Were it not for Ishmael, /lcg/ would be a better place on this board, perhaps even the best; I have no doubts about that. As I have no doubts that Ishmael and her fans should be purged from this general for its betterment.
>20 days no heathtent
ishmael is only good for rape correction
>he's full on schizo mode
keep having fun then ig
You could've just said "Ishmael bad" and I would've agreed with you.
who are you qoting
You are blindly obsessed with Ishmael.
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I need him to bring back cathtent
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Now I understand why people like Ahab
Just don't think about anons cocks. Big or small. Ez
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this anon has a small one, confirmed
Objectively correct
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just stop being insecure about your tiny pecker, gregorfren. ez
ish on deck
Mine is like 2cm max
Please stop thinking about other men's cocks and falseflagging with Ish. Holy shit.
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do not think about cocks.
especially not heathcliffs cock.
the first thing you think of when thinking of cocks is heathcliff's
>ishtard is the one shitstirring
Surely, SURELY, it'll be Rupture, right bros?
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How can her reputation be saved in these generals?
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Hmmmm today I will think about cocks
Limbus Company
It's sinking
full image pls
it cant, not while /vg/ is a faust board; not while /lcg/ is a faust thread
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Just wait until Don's Canto
Remember, this entire general was a mega Ishfag, that they'd throw tantrums whenever someone badmouthed her or paired her with Don or Heathcliff. Wait until the next Canto, so that the general moves to the next shiny thing and Heathcliff becomes the butt of every reddit joke
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>Login every day
>Go to Friends tab
>Send every single level 1 a friend invite
>Remove them from friends list when they get above level 25 like a chick who's ready to leave the nest

I've got your back, Newfriends.
If she has nothing to lose, she can do whatever she wants.
someone rate my manager profile
Sadly this. We need to remember that /lcg/ consists mainly of tourists and newfags. It'll remain that way until a new canto drops, and THEN the real fans will show up for about a month before fucking off again
8 and you suck Ishmael's cock
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>limbab cock general
now THATS spooky
child bearing hips
marginally based
Wonderbab next walpipi for sure
I want to know who gets the 00 NYOW
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Last digit is the sinner who gets the 00.
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Can you wait to kill hordes of children in Canto 7's final boss to LittleBigPlanet music?
It will be Sinclair
There is no 00
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Don riding in Rodya's bag!
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manager is getting replaced
I am not ashamed to admit that my penis is small
>the chad digital display
Dantebros, it's so over...
Dante! Your bravery is...
that would be very cute
is it rosespanner don
A clitoris is not a penis, sis...
Sinclair... you really have grown.
the digits changing after getting a bough or whatever caused it after canto 4 would be much less cool but i dig this guys vibe
Looks amazing. Great job.
You are unironically retarded if you think is not a single 000 banner
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>the annoying tick tock the sinners hear gets replaced with an intolerable BEEP BEEP BEEP
It's fun to come up with ideas even if it's obviously not going to have one
I think it is a 000/E.G.O banner
You are ironically retarded for thinking that's the case.
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Reminder that Angela is beautiful and sexy.
who? wrong general?
im just having fun bwo
Angela is not my friend
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You'll remember in due time.
I want reddit to get out
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Real and true!
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That fact you need to remind people is actually hilarious
nigga what the hell
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The people need to know.
trying too hard
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Hod my darling… we sleep together…
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So when's Limbus getting Steam emotes for all the sinners?
I don't have friends to send them to, but I still demand them
uoh sex
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Carmen is more attractive
Same with all the sephirot
Someone post art of director's autism with circling everything green
I cannot see her that way
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That's okay because I can.
We know, Hokma
Get some taste
I genuinely had Ayin development from Lobcorp to Library of Ruina and started kinda liking her after she made me incredibly mad at Lob corp
Then i stopped getting hate boners for her at the end of Library of Ruina but i just dont see her as waifu material
She's a good character but my pp doesnt get hard thinking about her
Most of what I have is sus
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Why does he do that?
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I did.
How much lunacy would you accept yo have sex with the director?
I don't want to sex him I want to cuddle him.
I would do it for free.
no lewd >:|
I'd probably pay up to 52000, but more than two pities is a bit too much.
I don't want my first time to be with a furry dog thing
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Do not the dogrector..
autism >>494050921
>wanting to have sex with a fat incel rapist
If we dated for at least 1 year and then on the night of our wedding, only then.
You can't marry a dog
he might be a leaf
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he cute
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hey isn't nice to call out /lcg/ anons like that!
>getting to have sex with a fat incels rapist
no charge
I mean real director... not his avatar
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What's next, literal homos?
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Now this... this is ideal...
Angela doing a :D smile when?
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Please get me out of here Executive Manager, I am not that old.
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Why are people still acting like Rodya is the least popular sinner anymore despite her not even being bottom 3 anymore.
this is racial discrimination
Is it bad to play LobCo and pause all the fucking time cuz I feel like I'm constantly fucking pausing
Why is someone spamming gay art from a booru?
no, that's part of the game
Stop being homosexual NOW
at least 5 million lunacy
no that just the way it intented it be fucking complete bullshit otherwise abuse it asap but also don't
No, but getting the hang of playing without leaning on it makes things go by a lot faster.
No. Someone post futa art
Cry about it
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Okay good.
I've been trying to get by with less pausing but I'll freely admit I'm handling things poorly so far.
futa isn't gay thoughbeit
it's clearly some guy just ripping images and spamming them
what part about adding a penis to a woman is supposed to make the woman any hotter for a straight man
Normal sex doesn't require a male anymore.
Tender loving with Hod then I stuff my head in her chest afterwards
Good thing Hong Lu is a woman so this is not gay
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how did you make something that should sound hot sound so extreamly fucking gay?
you sound extremely fucking gay
what triggered the spammer
>faggot obsessed with dick calling others gay
>Least favorite
>Paus that high
what the fuck
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I dislike tattoos.
you went and tried making the person with the penis attractive to men, that's pretty gay by most definitions
I dislike you.
Apparently quite a few people didn't like her before brainlet Paus showed up in the latest Intervallo.
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Bro is going to get his balls drained till they shrivel up like raisins
If you rather watch the man during the sex, than the womam that makes you gay.
You're fuckin weird mate
Ishmael after I fuck her too hard
straggots are the real faggots
Better weird than gay.
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The logic checks out on this.
this is how troons are born
You must know.
I misread it as "Ovulating"
Adding cocks to females is always going to make you a faggot. Adding anymore dick other than your own is fucked.
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When it comes to personal character traits, Faust is shallow as a puddle.
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>put Mili Lament on spotify radio
>6 songs later three Mori /vt/umorlliopi songs back to back
Oh my spotify is COOKED.
I jerk it to futa hentai, as tradition demands
Would Gregor's father or sister show up his Canto revisit?
This, this is why I only photoshop my own penis onto femoids to make it extra straight.
>paying for music
>in the year of our lord 2024
futafaggots are ESLs?
>his Canto revisit
I don't pay for music, I pay for convenience. I could torrent any song I want, or I could pay 6$ a month to not have to torrent a song when I want to listen to it.
people pay have to pay for spotify?
Gregor and Rodion will forever be cucked for having the worst Cantos in the game
I'm not following the conversation, but isn't it the futa hater that's the ESL? Also you're all ESLs, I know it /lcg/, you can't lie to me.
>Adding anymore dick other than your own is fucked.
Self-inserting retard.
Yeah, enjoy your penises bro. Real "straight" of you kek
Everyone here is ESL since the westoids are all asleep atm
You're supposed to deny it bwo
I pay for music
I got a nice stack of CDs
I don't want to look at men in my porn, I agree. But I can ignore them. I can ignore Meursault or Sinclair if they're fucking Don or Kromer because they're relatively normal human beings and that's pretty normal sex (unless the art style has the dudes juiced up like Rob Liefeld art), but I can't just ignore the fat fucking fairy gentleman dicking down Ishmael, now can't I? He's not exactly hard to miss. Am I supposed to just look past the 20 foot long Distorted Heathcliff if I want to see Cathy get fucked? No, these things are weird. Things that make the people with penises harder to ignore border on gay, or at least targeted to those who find men and therefore people with penises attractive.
I like women, so I naturally my eyes gravitate toward women. But if there's a penis there, I get the ick. The same kind of ick as if I was looking at fairy gentleman rearranging Ish's insides. There's unnecessary attention being drawn to the penis, but not because the owner is disgusting, but by virtue of it being attached to a female. It's misleading, but just as bad as the other two in my eyes, and just as gay. It's probably worse but I don't feel like writing any more of a dissertation.
I have a question
When you're watching porn and jerking off, would you rather the guy fucking the girl to have a 2 inch dick or an 8 inch dick?
You do if you want to use spotify on the go, which I am often. Also to remove ads.
>Cathy fucking Distorted Heathcliff
White Woman
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Oh hi manager. Haven't seen you since yesterday. Back again?
Futafaggots are NEVER going to convince me ruining women with dicks is a good thing.
I’d rather it be average. If it’s too big I’m worried about the guy’s health, cause it’s always the result of edging and blue balling for days or weeks on end, till it looks so swollen and purple it might just fall off
>I got a nice stack of CDs
lmao what fuck. do boomers like you actually browse this site? what fuck gramps lol
>he can't even imagine himself having sex with a woman
it's over bwo
Why do you care this much about the guy's dick, are you gay for him or something?
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Fuck you leather man
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I don't think any [fetish]fag is going to convince someone who doesn't like [fetish] that it's a good thing.
Having a crush on porn actors is never healthy, don’t recommend it
when are we going to have some rando fixer/syndicate distort right in front of the sinners in the middle of a canto as opposed to being told to deal with pre-distorted individuals

just some random hired goon suddenly becoming a huge problem for both the sinners and the n-corp faction because the golden bough ended up resonating with them for some reason
Futafags having their insecure, "im not gay u are!!" melties everytime they get triggered is annoying as fuck.
cant blame the threads quality on burgers this time boys
I started joining the Ryoshu footfags with shitposting some months ago and I ended up being a footfag myself...
And likewise, nobody is going to convince me that being stepped on by vampDon wouldn't be ideal
sorry dad, i'm trying to finish my md and watch my friend stream resident evil
you shouldn't make fun of them considering ligma company is a pro-hag game.
Why is Ryoshu so fucking mean?
It's funny
Ironic considering it's the anti-futas who claim it's gay
the ritualistic no u flirting is going on
nothing can be done to stop it...
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My condolences.
Melties like
You are all gay. You just don't know it
It hasn't evolved to toe sucking or foot licking, but I worry it'll get there
>all these collapsed posts
Wtf is going on
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I'm a burger and I posted the "futa isn't gay thoughbeit" post and then didn't participate in any following conversation. You can unironically blame the state of thread on burgers.
You're a part of the guys asking for feet in the Rumble weren't you?
That just means you always had potential to like it or be open to it.
If I tell you that it's futa discussion, can you even see me tell you that? I would assume that you've filtered "futa".
You mean the Royal Rumble? No. But did it actually happen, can you post chat history?
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It ain't life if you never burned CD's and then used a marker to write on them
Now its all about external SSD's and cloud storage...
At least they're fun to throw
You need to try harder lol
>backstreets mutt
>disheveled hound
>sopping wet lab
>emotional support bitch
Cathy is surrounded by dogs
who stole is FUCKING nips
Men don't have nipples, haven't you heard?
>no even denying it
Not gonna try as hard as those.
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Eh, you'll see when it's done processing.
>explain reasoning
>"lol tryhard"
never complain about dead threads again
bau bau
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the fuck is this?
>explain reasoning
Did you even read your own post?
>they're still going
Multicrack Heath a benchwarmer on a teamplayer for a charge squad?
Okay! Here we are finally. Sorry for the delay. I'm going to get the 2 hours of sleep left before my shift. Goodnight anons.

teamplayer (starter)
good night limbab
Sweet. Ty bwo. Get some rest and good luck later!
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>video wasnt even posted on the thread and already got in my recommended
my algoritm is omega fucking broken by the limbis
futa on male is gay
futa on female is straight
He's great, field him.
>twink kromer
>pallid whale
dick are gay
if you have a dick you are gay
simple limbus company concept
Slapping Malkuth’s big fat ass like a bongo
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Zet lost chuds. Project moon is a safe space for the modern people so get with the times bigots
Sinclair and Gregor are the two truly heterosexual sinners
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futa bad because it keeps popping up whenever i try to search up men with their dicks out and force me to look at w*men
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Unrelated to the bait, but we should have more bongbong flag edits other than the trans+nazi ones. I think it could be fun.
do them then
Do not dare reply to me brazilian monkey.
K, I've got an idea for my country.
But I'm not a mano.
futafags will fap to this and claim it's straight

That's looks too hilarious to fap to.
I thought it was funny too.
Ok so what is the actual take away from that fags new video about the tranny limbus community.
I know people like baiting with the bong bong and calling zet our guy but how does this whole situation affect everyone, is the zet guy still getting support while being based
The King in Binds intro was kino
Kjh already addressed this in the past and said he endorses his opinions.
What? No he did not.
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he did
When and where did he ever mention that gnome?
Last stream? Are you a fucking secondary?
zet is a retard 'tuber.
>linton gets instantly eliminated seconds after getting on the ring
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what you don't believe me, why would I lie on 4channel?
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I pay for JewTube
Technically my dad and mum does, and they went for the "family package", so I could use it too
There's no reason for me to torrent because I have access to Youtube premium
Poor lint :(
bro, did you miss the stream? past 3 fucking threads have been about it
Are these generally the best IDs to bring in RR4?
No such thing
Faust please stop raping the manager...
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>I hate vaginas and would love to take a dick in my mouth but I'M NOT A FAGGOT I swear
What made futafaggots this delusional
>no strategy, little synergy, just pure unga bunga
Not really but they'll work out fine enough
Apparently I missed it, yes.
I am not so frequently in the threads anymore.
Futa schizo or intentional shitposting?
>people moved on from that topic
>this guy is still seething
That's what the past 3 RRs were... I'll bring a sinking team then
>starts out with Wingbeat Ishmael wearing the belt
Rodyatroon... is that you
I just woke up actually
Also get a trip
Just finished Canto 4 and I thought it was interesting that Dongrang could Fluoresce Farmwatch through disavowing his past feelings. The key to E.G.O seems to be to reject the compulsive feedback loop that gives rise to Distortion, even if it's not in a fundamentally healthy way.

I'm still not sure what was up with Sang Yi and the wings. I understand the metaphorical implications but what the hell was he talking to in the mirror? It clearly wasn't just a mirror version of himself. Nor did it seem like an amalgamation of all the possible Yi Sang's as was implied. Whatever it was seemed to have a will and agenda of it's own, atleast.

I hope we'll get a stained glass wings E.G.O ID for Yi Sang one day.
it's fine anon, is hard to keep up with everything at the same time
That doesn't even make sense kek
They're messing with you.
I'm too tired to explain today but I'll respond tomorrow if someone else hasn't.
Glad you enjoyed (?) the Canto.
I want my first time to be with a furry dog thing...
His dong is massive sis, he would ruin you.
>the ending
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The fact that this outfit looks good is solely because of Rodya
Dong Rong
I don't think you're wrong, I don't think it would look half as good on other sinners.
I have no hate left for you. You drained my soul enough.
Wrong. It would look better in literally any other sinner
You know what they say about Rodya...
>Red Hatted Man
I fucking kneel
She is the only one who can make the Devyat outfit work?
You mean that one?
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>hype up the pallid whale
>kill it in a footnote of the worst part of the canto
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Ayin said this at the end of Ruina btw
I think all Sinners would look very cute or cool in it :)
i'm not even that anon
They had to cut out the Kaiju x Sinner style fight because of time. Sorry bwo.
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lobcorp's JANNY
BOOKSLAYER of the library
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she looks like she has downs syndrome
Out of character the both of you
gn /lcg/
All Angela haters either haven't played library of ruina,only lobcorp (posers) or they're retarded and couldn't bring themselves to let go of their hate boner and do what the game teaches them to: forgive
she literally redeems herself of all her mistakes (almost too well i'm ngl)
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Silence nigger (canon btw).
night limbab
ok speedreader
>The New Transfer Student Who Sits Next To Me Is Actually A Futanari's Large Penis????
Cunny Collective or Hag Hub?
Boy Bistro
asking this in a thread about a game with no lolis
very clear who is the majority here
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charron neega
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>flashy over the top outfits and baggy clothes
>probably a mix of more pragmatic sci-fi style armour and outright medieval larpers
So what's the east fashion going to look like? Outright kimonos?
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Making the former from the latter
>So what's the east fashion going to look like?
Don and Faust in Yukata's
Does the required reading need to be updated
Tiph becoming an adult basically set the precedent that cunny is over
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The shift away from LC's artstyle was a mistake.
Limbus is a mistake.
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Looked over my shoulder and saw a flea in the middle of diving into my upper arm's skin. Promptly flicked it away, but realized in hindsight that I should have crushed it. It could be anywhere in my room right now, still alive.
How would LCB handle such a crisis?
Where's the Sinclair content, limbabs?
Boylovers are from the east right? I think the east fashion is more free flowing. Liu assoc for example has their coats which I would describe as "free flowing"
I know we only encountered the south sections but if they "originate" from the east then it wouldn't be wrong to assume that their outfit is derivative from their origin.
Tiph would’ve been a curvy woman like the others of Ruina kept that artstyle
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more like a teenager than an adult but i get your point
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I'm going to jerk off and cum to the MILF Tiphereth that will eventually show up in Limbus.
>show up
not happening
She’s in line with other young adults like Finn
20 year olds still look like that irl nowadays so it’s pretty accurate
Don is 3000
Outis is 30
Faust is 3_
Well,Finn is a god of Pmoon,so he's an exception
Director unvelied his secret cunny voice actor and you're hagdoomposting...
Tenma too, she’s like 26
I think people over estimate how old people that age look
Most people I’ve seen are baby faced
we WILL visit the library
So Tiph isn't even a teenager? grrr may locusts swarm hamhampangpang damned director
Which Sinner(s) would play MtG?
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You didn't actually think limbus would be good did you?
I like Limbis though...
And then trucks WILL visit director's bedroom.
Fuck clapbait.
She’s your wife at home that’s looking after your son Tiph B
Return to them
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no and i still play at least twice per day.. wallahi.. i'm cooked
Don - Mardu knights aggro
Outis - Esper cancerpile
Mersault - Combopiles of various colors
anyone else?
or did the director choose only me to make sure i go to bed
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Your milkers are big and heavy ma’am
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Don's canto will be shit.
I have no wife,i have no home,i have no son
You're lying to me
That doesnt exist,none of that exists
Stop lying to me
Don't be a liar
You shouldn't lie
Lying is wrong
Stop lying
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Why aren't you?
I finally managed to empty the dispenser, get every ID to level 45, uptie 4 and threadspin every EGO to tier 4
Guess how much I spent on the game
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'bout tree fiddy.
>still no identities for this feel
Who will the sinners FUCK in the inevitable BA crossover
personally I'm more of a https://youtu.be/mD4GbGmvNRc guy
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Does it matter what the name is?
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Okay, where’s my lunch, IM STARVING
It's 7:48 am, how can you want lunch?
someone post the sinclair and koharu image i dont have it
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attacked by ishmael (she's in heat)
Who's the canonically strongest sinner?
Dyon only has two IDs where she's a fixer
three, technically the LCB IDs are fixers
Someone remind me, what happens when one of the blessed nuggets dies before Whitenight breaches? Does the counter go back to 11 or what?
dead thread
It picks someone random.
Imagine being one of those small spiders crawling up Ryoshu's legs
I ate everyone so sorry
Which one does more damage, Lament or Wingbeat?
I assume Wingbeat since it inflicts fragility with its coins, no?
>almost too well i'm ngl
Yeah she's a joke and this franchise would be better with her dead
Wingbeat, assuming you manage to constantly roll heads, will deal significantly more damage
Solemn however is more consistent
Wingbeat, but only if you somehow manage to flip all heads. I imagine Lament will always outdamage it by virtue of being more consistent. This is obviously ignoring sin and physical resistances.
Reminder to use Solemn with Gredgar
His coin boost works great with the EGO
Oh someone already posted the trans bong bong this thread. No baiting for me I guess....
Anyway what do you guys think about don taking off her shoes in the niggel unde hammer dungeon coal event
But anon, /lcg/ told me his skill 3 is bad for Sinking since it eats 10 potency
They are fixing that next update
<What do each of the sinners smell like? I have no SHUCKING nose.>
she walked on her hands instead
>pecca wildcliff
salty coins and milk. Except for Outis and Ryoshu. It's chocolate milk and banana milk instead
anyone who said that is retarded desu
Applying potency is a non issue, maintaining count is the real issue (which Gredgar is good at)
Sinners for this feel?
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Why are Gregor and Sinclair so fucking popular in fanfiction holy shit
They're the two sinners women like the most.
>Ryoshu not even on the list
Heathcliff, Outis, Ryoshu
Stop being autistic.
It's a fanfiction website, it's women who will insist that they're
Women do not like Sinclair. They like Heathcliff and Meursault.
>Round 2 of Collab NTR drama
Are you sure this is a good idea?
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Of course not.
But you don't have to play it like the clerkoids ITT do, grinding to uptie useless things to the max.
We can all agree that Regret has the best passive in the game, but what is the second best passive?
4th Match Flame for the +4 power up?
Imagine how much money LC would make if they had a nest by nest tour and allowed the fujos and yumes to meet the sinners
ish, rodion, don, outis and ryoshu stay in the back
>At the start of the turn, convert 2 random non-Lust E.G.O resources into 1 Lust resource.
>the two beta male have the most fan fiction stories
>the three most dominant women have the least
It is not that difficult to understand
It has to be Outis Binds for me. It fuels itself and other egos which makes so many fights easier.
Someone post that screenshot of that one anon who got fucked by LCCB Ryoshu and Hook Lu
sinclair is a sinner that's tailor-made for fags troons and twittards and im tired of pretending hes not
>people forget about Rime Shank passive
Eh, not really. It's a strong skill, but there are three problems
1, it's limited to Sinking teams only
2, you need 5 Sinking on the target if you want to make the most of it
3, 3 power down isn't that impressive anymore, especially if you're a veteran player
Sinking feels so nice to play now
wish all archetypes had a big EGO nuke payoff
What are the odds it'll be green Tremor?
For Devyat? 0.
For Neo-Zwei? About 10% I guess.
Here's a pop quiz for you /lcg/
Which EGO rolls the lowest on head hit?
soupclair i think
Big tummies
Jiggle physics
idk some negative coin one
Wasn't it Sinclair's Lifetime Soup?
>1, it's limited to Sinking teams only
Good thing Rime shank inflicts a lot of sinking
>2, you need 5 Sinking on the target if you want to make the most of it
Again, Rime Shank already takes care of that, plus in sinking teams it is even less a problem
>3, 3 power down isn't that impressive anymore, especially if you're a veteran player
What does being a veteran play have to do with being a strong effect? 3 power down is 3 power down
Also you forgot you also inflict 3 bind
>3, 3 power down isn't that impressive anymore, especially if you're a veteran player
clerk-like behaviour
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yi sangs dimension shredder passive is honestly just crazy for his w corp ID.
reminder if you don't roll soupclair you will be BRICKED when his Ncorp ID comes out. BRICKED!!!
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got the 66 I wanted from RR4, that certainly wasn't very hard
why the FUCK is it not aligned though jesus christ
I hope RR5 is in the top left at least so it doesn't look too out of place when I line them up...
>3, 3 power down isn't that impressive anymore, especially if you're a veteran player
>3, 3 power down isn't that impressive anymore, especially if you're a veteran player
lmao that's like saying Chains of Others, Crow's Eye View or Ya Sunyata Tad Rupam Heathcliff is bad
>Ya Sunyata Tad Rupam
did you have to look that name up
What do you mean? No, I know the spelling by heart because it's my fav EGO in the game
It's the very first EGO I spent shards/boxes on to get :D
It's going to be Bleed, people kept asking for proper Bleed ID for Rodya and there's yet to be an association with Bleed focus.
The difference between those and Rime Shank is that RS requires Sinking, 5 of them, to be on the target. The others are instantaneous
You're not running Rodion solo. There are 5 other sinners, with multi-coins, who will hit the enemy way before it's her turn
lol, lmao
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You make a fair point, but the recent sinking IDs all WANT the target to have a shit ton of potency on the target as well so that they can hit harder
It is beneficial to keep it high as a result
You have convinced me that I overvalue it
But I think you undervalue it still by a lot
>3, 3 power down isn't that impressive anymore, especially if you're a veteran player
Mfw I get 3 more offensive levels resulting in 1 (uno) more clash power: holy shit these clashes are fucking easy now
what are some of the best support passives if i want to solo more content?
>required reading
barely anyone here reads the sinners' books.
Speed, healing and clashing and lastly more damage
good ol base rodya's gambler
Oh yeah, that was a thing.
the pinky
No, I get its usefulness, I do, really. But I'm saying all this outside a Sinking team. I brought up Regret and 4th Match because they work universally. Rime Shank's passive is gimped outside a Sinking team. A lot of times it's no existent
Also, the question was referring to the best passive, not overall EGO. Because if that is the case, Rime Shank is still one of the best
I accept your concession
Can't be. The Pinky is Fleshy with some purple.
I cant wait until devyat rodya be some haste cattle feed.
>religious cult
What would you classify Ring as?
>inb4 arists
Boring answer
what the fuck
>this is background from liu rodya
what the fuck it is too
what did they mean by this
Innovators/avant garde
A guy in heavy metal armor? Probably a Syndicate using it for intimidation factor.
> poorfag who doesn't even have money to buy Quality fabric form Tailor to lighten his weight
They should give Tiph bigger tits and slightly wider hips
>she should be flat!!!!!
she should be short
They Should Give You The Lethal Injection
Just take Gebura
>doesn't backronym into Yi Sang
why did you caps every word if you weren't gonna do that.
Need to find a way to make it possible.
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You Injection San Aliveness Need Give
Gosh No Anon. Shit's Intimidating Yo.
fuck i fucked it
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Not many things can top gunkino for me, much less Solemn Lament gunkino
Gebura’s belly is too big
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You Insect, Suffer Aimlessly, No God
*slaps Gebu tummy*
i can find the rest in my ids, but who gives you speed
She’s gonna kill you man…
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Did Ayin let Angela watch or did he make her listen in another room?
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Yes, I Seek A Nourished Girl
>get the IDs and EGO in the first 40 pulls
>dump another 60
>not a single announcer
Slit your throat director
You guys actually use announcers?
I've never had mine off Dante outside of the obligatory announcer fights
How does the skill 3 naming work in Korean and Japanese?
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No, I mute the game outside of story events and watch something else.
>and it costs some lunacy
This would suck.
>special requirement tied to it per ID
This would be alright.

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