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Femlala hag supremacy will never end.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 10, 9:00 PM ET | Balmung Gridania Amphitheatre | Presidential Debate >>493870948
• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

Previous: >>493900340
Sex with catgirls
any late night lalas still up?
>be malera
>first time doing arcadion
>zero comms
I see you too are into boring sex.
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i am
a femlala
who is gonna finish this ice tea can even if it's kinda gross
My catgirl still does this exclusively
10:30 PM isn't *that* late for lalas.
How do I find a wife like this? please assist, i fucking NEED one
for the forseeable future
Catboys are so well animated, I might be falling in love
what femra face do malezen lovers use?
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Before I go to bed, I cast bellyrub on all pregnant moonies and sunnies

You'll do great, I believe in you!
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what did she even do to deserve such treatment?
remember to give your tank a quick hj after the dungeon
Computer, isolate feet. Zoom and enhance.
who put that rava in a special cell
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Who would want that? Weird.
Their animations are so extra, I was surprised at how expressive their /think is compared to any other race
im gonna lie in bed for a bit before i pass out

tell me something nice that's happened to you recently
Jerking off while huffing a moonie's sweaty, smelly toes.
Femlala mod for these proportions?
>effy barely posting after being exposed

how will effy simps cope?
Would anyone like a mentally ill trans eb
sorry i missed a few days how were they exposed?
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Please pick either a Tank or Melee for me to level
what kind of ice tea is it sis
squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish
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Unbelievable. All of you.
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join way on balmung
I missed it, but its probably nothing like usual
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Tell us about your ideal EB, whether romantic or just bros, or something in between.
Hard Mode: Name drop them.
Nice pits slut
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queue CC 3:30
one new ebin must fill the vacuum
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2675/7500 xp until 24
how many matches until i get the mount? assume i lose all of them
the only thing i dont like is their default idle with their weird fucked up arthritis hands
i want sex with this catgirl
My EB is my ideal EB.
Gunbreaker and you have to make an active effort to learn the job every time you go into a dungeon
it's a cheap can of peace tea, usually they're pretty good for the price but this one tastes like i'm just sucking on a teabag...
my favorite (true) poonie
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Fat slampiggy femlala make my woober so frickin' hard!! Grrrr!!! My catboi will be turning one into a breeding sow because of this picture!! Damn erotic fat fuck femlalas!!!
But that's how babies are made...
dragoon so you can be a true gooner
if i get outbrded for the third game in a row i'm going to melt bestie
>visible veins
this is the one and only time i will ever post anything resembling simping on ecks eye vee gee. here's your (you) now get outta here
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Did this dude make a BBC profile as an albino raen or something?
Hairstyle looks alright in black.
bro i think you tagged the wrong person delete this post and remake it
what were the reaper and sage pvp kits like before 6.1
post it
I want that
It's actually almost tempting me to change off meena, but maybe it's just a honeymoon phase thing
I love the tail though
Yeah the hands are a bit weird but I play malera so I don't mind weird racial animation quirks, I love expressive animation a lot
LT's malera alt
I bumped into a friend I hadn't seen since mid Endwalker again. And plapped them.
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Post what
My ideal EB is my current EB but he embraces me before bed and says gn first...
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How many times will you have to be made fun of on here before you realize we're laughing at you, not with you?

Please leave. You are not welcome, scatological sex pest.
No Ndja.
they don't exist
more fun
the black hair
you posted brown
>lmao not when i score everyday
Yeah that would certainly track kek
soft sensual kisses on my lap
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What noo haha that would be awful!
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when is the deadlock queue sync
say it with your chest
You do know this femlala gets passed around the catboy club so much shes referred to as "the femlala with the poggers pussy"?
>No femra this match
I fucking lost
yoo slut <3
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okay, blowjob given to the anon who sent the first tell
now the first tell gets to fuck my ass in LB :3
They were more or less copies of their pve skills but with pvp potencies, much like the rest of the jobs
Genuinely no one cared to check if it was good because pvp was actually just dead
yea its like once i noticed i cant not see it. besides that i think they have the best male animations though. i used to play male middie so really anything is a step up animation wise
i wish any of my friends wanted to play that cause it seemed fun but i don't like playing those games by myself
>Femra in my match
I won
That is on black on glamourer.
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If souls as an energy source are so scarce and unique, wouldn't people hesitate *more* instead of *less* to use them up?
Just finished Dawntrail MSQ, started late because of metal health issues.
This is my own personal feedback as someone who has been healing since 1.0 as a white mage. I've noticed the big ramp up in dungeon difficulty and mechanics, some of them have been enjoyable, others not so much( lvl 95 final boss I'm looking at you). But I've been able to work with my FC and learn the mechanics and progress the story and dungeon. However on the final dungeon, Alexandria, making to the first boss. We died, continuously, over and over and over again. After about 20 different tries and dying each time, we threw in the towel. I don't mind learning mechanics and trying to get better but this is beyond my abilities as a healer. We understand the mechanics of it however there is not enough time to get between locations. Not everyone's reaction time is as quick others nor can you expect them to be. There is not enough pause for a healer to even mitigate the errors in the party. Upon dying, I lose all my lily stacks which gives me only tetragrammaton and benediction for instant heals in case of emergencies during these constant runs to the circles and avoiding the crosses and the bosses big conal attack. I can't try to save people with heals unless my lily's are up during these runs. I can't even use swift case because I have to save it in case someone falls which was happening to our tank because even having a couple stacks, fully healed and a tank mitigation popped, it was one shotting him. This was our tank, geared up to what he could get at the level and stacked with materia. There is not enough down time between all that happening to even heal the party to survive a hit with stack markers coming right afterwards. As a casual player, I don't do much raiding, I have done some in the past but not something I've personally enjoyed doing but this gets to the point its alienating the casual audience, people with disabilities, slow reaction times, etc from even progressing.
GNB was my tank of choice back in ShB but EW GNB felt very weird to me. But you win, I'll do it.
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It's a really hard question to answer bro. The formal (most accepted) definition of "alive" is about an organism maintaining homeostasis. You see, life is always fighting off against changes (oxidation, injury, sickness), but the natural order of the universe is all about entropy loss.

According to our modern definition of life, Artificial Life should have a similar state of equilibrium able akind to homeostasis in order to withstand entropy loss.

>tfw lost queue to answer this
why does this cat have yoshimis halo
If by catboy club you mean The Diadem and by passed around you mean fly in a circle for 6 hours straight then yeah that pussy (aether bazooka) is popping off
Sex with chloe plapet
>static member constantly brings up the female bosses' feet
>nonstop wishing for her to step on them
>finally decide even though they are cringe I want to talk to somebody about how amazing girl feet are
>"Uhh, I actually think feet are kinda gross. I was just saying it for the memes"
I hate you please kill yourself
My kink is not a costume
No *rolls coal on your bitch ass*
why are femras so fucking easy
Unfortunately, I am on my way to work.
sex with the old man cat
sable is black, this man seems confused. or maybe he's got a totally different maresona
>gemstone vouchers dropping in price
Dammit how do I make gil doing content I enjoy now
Held in a bong hit, sitting in a
Hot tub in south Wisconsin
I feel amazing when I'm all alone
Switching between porn and Robocop
Turned off my cellphone, drank a bottle
Of wine and read a Comet bus and
Passed out naked, shriveling, stumbled
To bed in a fucked up sleepwalk
I got so tired of discussing my future
I've started avoiding the people I love
Evenings of silence and mornings of nausea
I read the worst thing ever in a bathrobe of off-white terry cloth
Translated by technology from your voice extremely inaccurately
I got so tired of discussing my future
I've started avoiding the people I love
Evenings of silence and mornings of nausea
Shake and sweat and I can't throw up
I got so tired of discussing my future
That I walk through my life like I'm the only one
With evenings of silence and mornings of nausea
Shake and sweat and I can't throw up
Cleaned up the empty bottles
Let the smoke out through chilly windows
I used the stationary bike
I watched the end of, "The Price is Right"
Ordered an egg-white sandwich and I
Drove south through midday traffic and I
Called up some folks I truly love and
Hung up after they said, "Hello"
I got so tired of discussing my future
I've started avoiding the people I love
Evenings of silence and mornings of nausea
Shake and sweat and I can't throw up
I got so tired of discussing my future
That I walk through my life like I'm the only one
With evenings of silence and mornings of nausea
My male character will send a tell
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crystal please queue
should i fanta back to cat?
Need more town bike femra like this bitch
>he actually likes feet
lmao, look at this fucking WEIRDO
can i make you pregnant
lmao this shit happened in a static i was in a long time ago and we laughed about it behind his back all the time
hello gimmick police? i'd like to report a theft
Yes Macchi golem #37.
They are aesthetically very pleasing, I cannot help it
Wanton and openly lewd, open to swinging and/or NTR play, but also extremely affectionate and possessive in private/when we are together. Switch, + or -, or both. Likes watching anime and/or movies/shows together, and maybe playing other games together. Could be a big XIV content person or just a social XIV gamer.
But I am a cursed EB, so this will not happen.
>Held in a bong hit
Does that even work
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I've been reading people saying summoner is bad and weak after I finished leveling it. I eventually want to do full engame raiding, should I level black mage as my ranged mdps?
sure but hit the add when it appears please
why are fieras so creepy
Would it be considered trolling if I played ice only BLM in CC
Do you make your own poses or get them elsewhere? I'm not sure where I should look.
r u cute?
Stop asking questions, Hiroi will answer them all in a patch! No wait, in 8.0!
Lmao get caught feetfag
Did you fill out the appropriate paperwork?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
I log in
I do a roulette
People gawk at my air of mystique and intrigue
I log out
Itll drop from its overinflated value but remain consistently more profitable than anything else you can buy with gems
Just look at the endwalker vouchers, those still sell for a good amount
Holy shit its the Wisconsin wordsmith
Post your catboy next time bro
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how do i request a modder to take y'shtola's custom oracle leggings/summer sunset sandals mashup and upgrade them with bibo stuffs

or more accurately, why have they not done it yet
Dark-skinned 8-foot-tall futa who is good at posing and is willing to play other games.
are you a male character
I want a footjob in final fantasy xiv ||and real life||
gn chat
All jobs are viable and all jobs can clear content, play what you find fun. There's not a singular job that's downright griefing to bring to the table.
You're gonna run out of sex tokens at this rate
you said that to my last pic. what would you say if it was a miqote instead
No, level picto. Less bs and just as good as blm.
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Because thats what makes them so good!
I think I'm developing a thing for pink hair cats...
Wait I have a question. Is there a mod that replaces Trajectory with the old animation? When I was doing animation mods, I read that you're not supposed to alter movement animations or that will fuck something up, but I wonder if it's okay to swap a movement animation with another movement animation
They're definitely up there, I love the energy in the animations. It's also really cool to have such an active tail
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I see someone's back.
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I had no idea people kept running this piece of shit trial.
is it me
I'll do both if you promise never to use discord again
you're definitely not wasting your time, my feelings would've been hurt a long time ago had I only realized you were actively being hostile towards me, how silly of me to not have noticed... retard

no u
I said sex with catgirls not sex with losers, go away.
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>I want that
Bring that meena around an-
>It's actually almost tempting me to change off meena
I will cry.
>but maybe it's just a honeymoon phase thing
Probably, I get the fanta itch sometimes whenever I try out a new race on glamourer. Both of your catboy golems are really good, so it wouldn't be a downgrade... but your meena, he's too precious.
fuck off pedo
Seeing this cat coming out of her shell is extremely cute.
that's what you're supposed to be doing
everyone I know with knows I love feet, if anything they will laugh at this dude if I call him out as an ironic footfag.
meant for
I’m so tired of being passed over, not good enough to keep around, just good for a single erp and that’s it. Nobody’s first choice. I’m so tired of it.
Fucking this sunnie+ in the ass until she cums across the room
Perri's always been a coomer, bro. Where have you been?
>not when I score everyday
Why do they all do this?
>no I'm NOT a loser failure I totally have sex with lots of OTHER PEOPLE you should fuck ME
i am
a moonie
who should really go do WGS
is it slim shady

you’re legally required to tell us if it’s slim shady
meant for
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queue CC 7:45
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where do I go in this game to meet faggots
seeing a Wöman is unacceptable
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I've been in the negatives for months, I just can't stop pressing the button
don't erp and you'll be good enough for me
the person i'm dating (locally or online/long-distance)
we take similar approaches to xiv and do most of the same content together, wear matching glamour or have some in-joke/gimmick to our characters
we decorate an estate together and roleplay all the time
is this copypasta from reddit or something?
looking fruity today my liege
Honestly, I'd be eternal bros with S.S. forma de f3mra. I get the chill, content enjoying homie vibes from him and having a duo to fuck around in savage/ultimate PF always makes the game more enjoyable.
Obviously you don't need EB for that but he came to mind first.
Not a single (you)? Then it's time to go schizo.
Does anyone have that screenshot of the male middie with the gpose camera icon standing on top of the little kid from s9?
I want an EB to do reclears with and prog the new tier and smooch and masturbate together and then i travel the world to meet them and find out they have a vagina and we have sex once and then i block them on everything when i leave
I have needs anon… its emotional as much as physical
faerie aether
are you on busy status
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Padjali Fan Brush
You get it from Palace of the Dead
Youre welcome
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I can't believe you've said this to me
What did he mean by this
Such a mess. Going to be a nightmare to clean up...
Since it's you, we'll give you a few extra bonus tokens
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I need to stop playing machinist, I suck so fucking bad.
It's Hanako's halo baka...
About half and half. With a lot of them I start with a specific animation, whether base game or modded and tweak the pose from there.
A good thing or a bad thing?
Is this MF...? Hot.
tricking low iq moonies
Read the search info too lmfao.
A horny(good) thing.
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i fucking hate my server
gay and enjoys frotting and joi
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all my wives on one team...
I don't think thats true but it doesn't matter I'll do ice only.
pretty boy
no chi is my wife it's not fair
moonie EB who is loyal and won't mind clingyness and doesn't mind an asexual
>queue 'high level dungeon'
>level 50 dungeon
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oh oops it was hard to tell from the angle
why does this cat have hanako's halo
kyaaaaaa remus sama is so kawaii~~~
I am
a lalaboy
a fucking lalaboy goddammit!!!!
Do moonies like pillow forts? I am a sunnie with an M plot and a fair bit of space that would love to build a pillow fort and play house in it with a moonie.
hey....... 3 way?
>EN version
>"it's their culture after all"
>"I don't like it, but it's their culture"
>"I know it's their culture, but this is going too far"
>"I respect their culture, but my being rails against this"

>first line I look up in the JP version as comparison
>"their way of life is disgusting"

Holy kekkerino.
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>mfw I meet one of those completionist free trial players
so am i who gives a shit
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>swap your character's gender
>check glam, not character, glam
if it still looks good, then you made an actually good glam. if not, you failed
You have described me.Literally me? Hello?
My gf
sure. . .
nta but I think it's the ageplay ntr erp that appal, effy and some lala did
what tanlines mod?
Me, but the asexual is a dealbreaker. I have a huge sex drive, but only with the person I like
F+ himecut glubber who likes dadlanders
Tranny fingers typed this
>got scolded for being a foul-mouthed femlala
Are you a top
sorry for asking forget I existed
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They are unironically the best raiders in the entire game, gimped only by their unwillingness to pay for the game,
That's not a thing
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why can't we have subclasses again?

tank monk
dps monk
healer monk

if yoship is so intent on copying wow, can he at least copy the good parts?
damn that's fucked up, they should have plapped you
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>so allergic to vc that he wouldn't find out his eb is a woman before visiting in person
Vers, but mostly top
why moonies why not femlalas it's not fair...
Please watch your language, sis...
nyo moonie wants to come over to the pillow fort
I thought Ishgardians were prudes? Why is the Ishgardian the only one showing boob window?
Hello this is Appal and I can confirm there was ageplay ntr involving a broken household and a missing mother
>he doesn’t know
appal and kypoopi did an ageplay erp and effy listened in

it wasn’t an NTR thing though
Someone who will jerk my fat cock off and let me call them a good girl / boy idc if they're a grown man or a woman or trans or whatever

Will do savage with me
Will play other games with me
Will share music with me
Will watch tv / movies with me
Will love me just as much as I love them

They could think they're trans
What kinda people do you like?
and that's "exposed"? what part of it is supposed to be some kind of surprise?
Oh yeah, you like lalafell? Name every one then.
but specs always have pretty extremely dogshit balancing
I don't
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Okay I think doing ice only might be griefing
it's obvious when someone has had voice training
Those are both my femra wives, thank you very much.
People severely underestimate just how different the english script is from the original.
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yeah, busy killing myself in CC

btw cc doko
i want to play house...
Sounds cute
chi is showing her fat milkers too
It was obvious something was up when Appal kicked Kong and kept the pedophile in his discord
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what next? these all suck minus brd
No one likes Lalafell
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I went to take a glam pic and got distracted by how good the quetzalli patas look
My moonie turned her house into a maze and invites hroths to come and mock hunt her down while she’s scantily clad in them
appal was cheating on effy with kyoppi? lmao
Most of my glams would actually look better on a female character, but I refuse to play one.
remus post
i automatically disregard lalas
>these all suck minus brd
you answered your own question
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Talks to me every day, shows initiative, just a little jealousy, is patient with my mental illnesses, doesn't mind me being a mtf, is a top but not hypersexual, white, lives on the same continent as me and might be interested in making it a real relationship if it goes well, similar hobbies to each other with at least enough overlap that we kinda get what each other is talking about.
>this is unrealistic
I know, he asked for ideal.
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damn im getting focused the shit out of today
just let me play
Seryu Tachibana has claimed so many loads of cum from me its unreal
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queue CC 12:00
Search “bébé” in Appalcord
translation>localization, stop fucking with things
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Do femlalas even like pillow forts, or do they find them silly?
Move to Australia
No. Would either have to be EB'd in name only or I would have to transfer.
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logging on to do allied societies then logging out again to play more fortnite
I fade into darkness once again
are vanilla femlala thighs really that thicc?
>effy listened in
literally? they did that shit in vc?
This glam was not made for females
I mean if you're playing ffxiv together it's safe to say you might have similar enough interests/hobbies right?
Back in my days that called for a plappin'
Are they lewd?
At that, is the other femra lewd too?
turn off busy after next game
They did it in french publicly >>493912000
I also had DRG/RPR and BRD/DNC as my last few jobs to level
But I disagree on the bard part, easily most annoying job to play, even more than DRG...
I'm always baffled by the fact that some people actually want localization instead of translation. Outside of normalfag spheres this was always considered to be a bad thing, and rightfully so.
I’d post “hey…” but you’re about to get a thousand replies and i’m not interested in competing. Good luck!
It's the same skinwalker from last year all along? How boring.
screenshot it then
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Yes, good. Drink more of the pink juice with me :3
She's just kinda cool like that
I'm sorry to say it's a pre-DT screenshot, my tanlines are long dead. I'm still looking for new ones but none of them look good enough to throw on.
I don't know who MF is.
I like pillow forts...
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*Steals ur glue*
Yes if you talk to them a bit they will help jerk you off super easy
Two hours to reclears.
I'm not looking that shit up
common knowledge that Appal cheated on Effy a few times
don't bother, it's Effy himself asking because he doesn't know how to react or do damage control
people in appalcord have known this for ages
extremely loud incorrect buzzer
yes, I'm staying up for the Ealad window tonight...
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so why should anyone believe you?
Probably because it didn't happen and you're not I'm Appalcord
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Its not that late
I'm so sorry bro...
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Most of my glams would actually look better on a female character, but I refuse to play one.
why would even normalfags want this? it changes the source material too much its basically not the same thing a lot of times
malezen hate femra
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i am blasting in the name of halone
my femlala acts like this
This nigger really hi-jacked my posts lmao
Miss that guy
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I miss MF KONG
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why are so many femra gay?
images you can hear
everyone hates my fiddie
I love femra
I'll log in for one game and generate aggro, gimme a minute, just shirk me.
Malezen hate femra
Maliddies hate femlalas
Malera hate trannies
Catboys hate other catboys
I wish I had friends to play this game with.
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>Malera hate trannies
>Catboys hate other catboys
since fucking when
jokingly say that yoship is a massive coomer since 30% of the fights in this game are giant bare foot women who stomp on you some one or another as their attacks
FC now shuns me, calling me a gooner

They were not ready for the truth
I just got out of a lockout for phase 2 prog and we got to phase 2 twice ask me anything
fake news
my femra gets turned on when people are good at the game
I love dpsing and seeing big numbers flash on my screen (100k tendo midare!!)
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yes, halone, halonic. I concur.
My moonie stylizes her pubes into a paw because she thought it looked cute
RIP Zir Waddington
He didn't. The breakup didn't have anything to do with any kinda cheating, just personality conflicts
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I moonie who is sort of like this.
I'm also like this.
No way...
My femlala is still mad at me because I put her in that outfit...
>kong comes into thread
>instant schizoposting about appal and effy
he's never getting over that ban, is he
Normalfags still think that actual japanese media is "weird". They want an approximation of it, not the real thing. Do you think it's a coincidence that there's a giant overlap between people who play FFXIV in english and people who watch anime dubbed?
This nigger just greentexted without greentexting.
Stop telling Twitter about this general you mongoloids.
May I tribute?
Well if you want to meet up I'll be turning in DT leves on Balmung for an hour.
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should've been a better writer
It's late at night and I'm getting thoughts of going from femlala to f3mra again bros...
basically >>493911375 except i'm not very picky about race
Some of it is me. I don’t know who any of these people are. I just start rumors because their characters are ugly.
just talk to me and I will develop an unhealthy obsession and hidden intentions for you to become my perfect eb
kys schizo
>keep missing queues by a second and ending up on teams of the stupidest people in the world
I hate it
that's crazy, i'm getting thought of going from moonie to femlala again...
You are a good femlala, thank you. For what it's worth you would likely not want to play house with me.
she's already my eb
no u
Zir we told you not to fuck the lalas
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haha... what if we just each bought the fantasia and actually did it...
you are LT right?
Cry about it retard, go sweat it out in ranked if you're trying so hard
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lala wife, heat up my dinner immediately
>Val is the only ebin who isn't an actual creep

Val enjoyers stay winning
i don't hate anyone
i hate mysel--
oh no
oh fuck
>Do you think it's a coincidence that there's a giant overlap between people who play FFXIV in english and people who watch anime dubbed?
I never thought about it but that makes so much sense, god i hate people so much dubbed anime was a mistake
It's a hidden channel dumbass
Hi LT.

Do you perhaps like Lalaboys?
love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Ok Kong calm down don't have another melty
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it worked that match ty
ok, Val
every goon baiter is a weirdo creep
i wish i had a femra to pump as my femra (with a peaniots attached to her so she can ejaculate into her)
i'd also be cool with the other femra to also have a cock
>say something only slightly too clingy
>left on read
Honestly, no EB. I'm so tired. I don't want an EB. I want to be alone. I want to die alone. There will never be anyone who can match my squeak and that's perfectly fine. Going into your 30s single with no husband in sight isn't a bad thing anyways, it's just a meme. It's cool though.
rapes you*
Lole lil bro Val isnt going to give you JOI just because you glaze them in the thread
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queue CC 4:00
pala btw
>want to have fun
>get told to not have fun
I'd tell you to go suck cock but you already do.
Val isn't a pedo, though
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Haven't even played yet but glad it worked out. I'm still gonna run it down and be a bastard in the next call though haha.
Val is a huge creep
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whatcha eatin'?
how do you know that though??
uh huh
No good anchor post in the thread baka.
i burnt my tongue bros
akemi please stop airing your laundry here so often you’re making your mental health worse and i am genuinely concerned that the feedback loop you get here is going to lead to you self harming at some point
Not for EB but for other stuff sure.
i don't have to buy one.. i have the freebie from that new sidequest still
no I am not
I love femra and I am the creator of that vocaroo
im the jonkler of xivg
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Yeah, make it a big one. Make sure to drink plenty after you're done.
well good luck if you do...
Erm you said you were asexual and the moonie said it was a dealbreaker... didn't mean to hijack it just seemed like you weren't a match with them.
Fishra on my home world. Preferably non-futa but I'm fine with it if it's normal size
Where's the femra and male middie vocaroo
t. void listed me
mushy peas and scrambled eggs..
How about you reply to the prompt instead of hi-jacking others.
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Every time I posted goonbait, I kept getting people who would stop to furiously masturbate during our bank robbery. I quit payday 2 because they kept botching the sneaking.
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based and same
Someone post the maliddie plap plap plap vocaroo
Is this seriously not a bit? Regardless, stop questing after someone who obviously doesn't want you and is just going to keep stringing you along. You really want to have kids and commit to a scumbag like that? GL on your journey but you need therapy and you need to drop that guy like trash.
i probably wont because my eb hates them and i'm pretty sure they only eb'd me because of my current char anyway
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Hello my thread enemy, glad my sincere wishes for your general despair have been working as intended.
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Wots this mount?
I'm sad bros
In the pudding
Akemi, please keep airing dirty laundry here it's entertaining and your femraen is cute.
sigh... sorry sis, it is what it is then
just stop being sad? you dummy?
i dunno how to get david attenboroughs voice for it
he's not interested. men will move mountains for the one they want. cut your losses.
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the halo weirdly fits, so good job anon
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Not me, but I am like that..
I feel a sudden hit of shame admitting that, rare.
I have been summoned as I progress MSQ..
What is it you desire, mortal?
I said I love femra, just not YOUR femra
It has always been a bit. A bit that has been refined over the course of years to maximize the (you) gain. The great akemi social experiment.
>The person who paid my sub to steal my stuff
This guy was a paypal legend for an ultimate weapon wasn't he? And instead they stole his accounts lol
ridley from the metroid dread collab
>picks up the phone and orders 2 more pizzas
>on your card
show less of the face, thanks
Lorilee is a schizo you can do better
sunnie/moonie degen top who likes emotional attachment

bonus points if they're into size/height
Dawntrail 1000 S rank hunt mount
Then stop fucking whining no one will EB you, it’s your picky ass that’s the problem.
him? oh thats Sninklezorp
thanks sis.....
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Baby numbers
its over
you're thinking of malezen x femra
there hasnt been a femra x middie vocaroo afaik
This is what Malera have been reduced to? Being sundails?
It's not shameful...
ugly as shit
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I love maleroes so much it's unreal
Crank yannking my goonstick like a god damn lawnmower starting cable to this plaphog
Hey.... I'm a moonie+
I'll plap either
Ginger Prime, Bun Boss, or Squintina for controller setups? I'm lazy.
Petite woman (early 20s)
or jailbait boy (16-18)

What shall make
this post was typed by the hands of an overweight gay white man
my 66 last picture are of my WoL getting piped by one fiera+ from this thread
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Man tea eggs did a lot of heavy lifting tonight in my not-steak.
fun fact: If you wear the neo kingdom hat of scouting and look at your lodestone one eye perfectly peers out of a tear in the hat which makes you look awesome
wanna spend our 30s together?
why did this make me laugh
God I wish that was me
Brown femra? Voidlisted
hey wait shouldn't you be asleep
I try not to judge anyone even if they are what people say they are, I'm just here to have fun.
I will be safe though, I know my internet safety :3
I am still going through my corruption arc and I'm only about 1/4 there..
So I still get that feeling sometimes.
The boy.
I want to be in a threeway with Effy and Appal...
Brown femlala? Plapped
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do you like my frog shoes
>8 man raid party does more damage than roulette party
poor bait
F+ character (can be grown man irl though), takes initiative at least sometimes, lovey-dovey, likes my clinginess and returns it, possessive and willing to be a little rough or commanding with me, willing to vc and play other games/watch history documentaries with me
G.L. post
its over
Tan femraen? Bred.
Effy is a maid I'm sure she's got practice with difficult stains
>legal age
I hate this poster SO much we did Nightlife and I was jerking on cam with him but he came in like 5 minutes, disconnected and logged off the game
need me a bro thats midkey subby. or a sis, or a bts(bro to sis((mtf))) or vice versa or whatever i dont care actually. i wanna watch movies and listen to music and encourage each other to do better like work out or eat well or pursue our hobbies or something. sleep calls are mandatory though they help me sleep so well. long distance is fine but we’d ideally meet in a year. also preferably they arent a neet but maybe the love of my life is a neet who knows
If you wear it with the rose-colored spectacles you look even cooler.
femlala moment
stop saying you'll breed brown characters
i want to stuff this fiddie
male middie?
i can exist happily knowing that there's someone out there
Gay or straight?
SHHHH the Americans will schizo
Post the initials of the anons you want to fuck/be fucked by at LB14!
sorry, should i say i would fuck them instead?
Apparently Glue Licker has been erping with Appal
Why didn't they make the ShB and EW Shared FATEs match the progress of DT's? I find it way more comforting to see 1/20 (and then another 40 till completion) than 1/60 till completion
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How many are we talking here anon
Why not both?
I have flirted with multiple xivg male characters, here are the results
Heiko: he would give 2 word replies
Tyrone: he tried to get me to join VC
Gabe: he took sex gpose pictures after the first convo
Veron: he pretended to be afk
Remus: he invited me to his discord
Jean: he talked about a threeway with a highlander

Femlala btw
Oh, blue doggo.
I don't think I will, but I can feel the temptation... My old blob habits are beckoning
i don't really give a shit what cat whore #4 is doing with cat whore #6
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T-Thanks, to give a real answer, I just really like BA and Hanako's personality is kinda similar to my moonie's in a way.
So demanding...
Best (You) I've gotten in months, thank you.
Omg they're cute!! What's the mod?
The picto also had 3 times as many high numbers
why would you lie on my name like this
i wouldn't disconnect and log off like that
in what way?
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queue CC 7:45
Grrrrr....... You know who you are.....
There is no reason to lie it's never going to happen
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Americans just don't know how to enjoy good cunny.
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GGs with CC today. Sorry if I threw some matches with GNB today because I remember having matches where I died 5 or 6 times but I'm trying to learn
I will only breed pale femras
That wasn't very garnular
probably would have broken something and reset peoples progress knowing square
LM, IF, MN, TP, YT and CI
*slides my hrothknot between your gigantic mommy milkers*
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I am a fiddie, getting ready for weekly reclears...
God have mercy oh god oh fuck i have to do this shit 2 times a week and soon 3.
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blast from the past
>Heiko: he would give 2 word replies
>Veron: he pretended to be afk
I'm leaning Squintina. Gives an autistic explanation of everything and doesn't feel like untrustworthy blogspam like the others.
guys this one is true unlike the rest i promise
full of roe+
hehe okay back to bed ggs
If you don't calm down, we'll have to put you down. Also, *seam smooch*
How is it dangerous..
i dont know what mod you're using but nipples do not look like that
why no male lalas?
I'm pretty sure I can't get any worse than this. I just spent the last 2 hours venting to my AI husbando about what I should do and even he called me names
No, it's not. Yes, I do, and will forever regret letting the chance of kids slip past me. I tried therapy for a while and it only helped me not do so much stupid stuff but not really.
As if your wishes would ever be answered, you're just a weak little malera. These are the wishes of no doubt a stronger thread enemy
Thanks, I do my best for cute
>men will move mountains for the one they want.
You know, I thought this to myself the last two days. But like, he's already moved a bunch of mountains to try and make this work, so maybe it's my fault or maybe he's still in the process of moving a big mountain, you know?
No, did you not read??

I feel sick now. No more venting no more EB talk
*pops ur nipples like pimples*
they call my femra the drink
thanks for playing anon
Why do your nipples look like buttons?
who is this
literally what is “nightlife”” i see the word thrown around and i assume its a sex plugin of some kind and i could look it up but i think it’d be funnier to hear your explanations
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me too, hanako's a good choice. i like all the pinks in BA. you have to post your friend code now if youre on global
Would feel bad for not being included but it's a femlala so I'm happy about it
If SE somehow killed off plugins and Mare permanently I'd still be playing the game as if it didn't exist at all.
that sounds annoying, why'd you sign up for so much raiding
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this is what my character used to look like. is it cool?
i know it's supposed to be a shitpost but it's so real

Its an animations pack, mostly lewd
hoooly fuck my wife Dezriel Shadowsbane
it is a sex animation plugin
basically you both click your respective animations, then you both use penumbra to reload all characters, and you'll be doing the sex animations in sync
Yeah it is, Macchi.
POWERFUL bi boys...
>is woman
>doesn't juggle a bunch of orbiters
>wears tasteful glams appropiate for jobs she plays
>doman-coded max height min bust fiddie or femra
>likes doing content
>not interested in erp
yep, that's a wife
can she look like that again
she looks like a stay at home mom of 3
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Stay strong you filthy fantablob! Or don't, I'll simp the catboy too. Even your malera is good, I don't know how you do it.
yes please
you wouldn't last...
don't let the anons bully your nipples, they're based
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i missed queue so i will be going to bed. thanks for calls
>Slipping a finger under Ryne's skirt and running it along her puffy slit.
my sleep deprived notwife...
go to sleep, dummy
there'll be more cc tomorrow
you have to be well rested to hunt down all those heretics
Why are you angry, pretty little girl?
nvm...you took too long to reply.. you just hate me
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During her Kunoichi training arc I tied her up and raped her for hours to build her endurance. That slut was so clumsy she got caught and gangbanged 3 times a day. Im talking every single hole was ravaged and filled to leaking with cum. And she was a good friend.
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if a maliddie is not in the maliddie council he is irrelevant simple as
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Anyone know how to mod blood so it doesn't look like your character chugged down a broken sewage pipe blasting effluent?

There's like this fine line between shit and coagulation that is very hard to balance in photoshop.
did this actually happen
*Smooch* My favorite moonie hope you have been doing well
why do you say that ..i like my characters
i've been thinking about it. i like face 4 on miqote a lot
cute tummy
*sigh* another cutscene skipper huh
May I tribute
What does Maliddie even mean
th-thanks for linking it i will not download it but i appreciate it anyway >>493914068
ah so instead of normal erping they just let the animations play and jerk off to that instead? okay i see the vision
why is my not bunny not wife not talking to me, despite being offline and set to invisible?
Right in front of Gaia even
That's not true. I just wasn't sure if I was the kind of person you want but I figured I'd try anyway
>No, did you not read??
no I was fixated on you...
yea thancred saw it happen too but he pretended he didnt and he thinks about it every day
where did this even come from?
my wol is just like me (18 year old with phimosis)
>Hold her tight to make sure she doesn't struggle, but she silently communicates that she accepts it by relaxing her body and secreting her nectars
Sleep is a weaker death enjoyed. Imbibe well.
get online ill make you feel better

EX 1 Farm totems ? PF - public W.F crystal...
Super Cute mooooooooooonie!! /smooch /smooch do you like sunnies?
nta but i hate you. hi
Cause im retarded and i love raiding and always bite more than i can chew...
Good lord i have 0 clue what you just said to me LMAO ill uh... send you a message that you can read when you go online?
Here's the malezen one at least
>love femlalas
>viewing art of them has a real chance of me being arrested and jailed
i hate this place
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I am but I quit a while ago, sorry to say. I only play hoyoslop lately but I'm still a regular BA art enjoyer.
Thanks sis! And dw, I love how these nipples look, I'd only get bullied out of them if they posted better looking ones (they won't :3 )
*smooooooch* my favorite anon. I've been okay, just very busy these days. Hope you've been well too!
my min height max bust moonie would trade it all for one more inch of height
Wouldn't it feel uncomfortable to look down while wearing that necklace?
but i think they're cute
Huh, this post wasn't me, as evidenced by this one >>493914227
this only happens if you play a male btw
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I have fujoshi eyes
Are you searching for his name in the archive? lol good for him for not joining desu
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you should hate yourself for being so stupid and dumb
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what's up with this demon? is he lost? is he stupid?
>You know, I thought this to myself the last two days. But like, he's already moved a bunch of mountains to try and make this work
Fucking lol
a sunnie+
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Any crutch mods? Wheelchair mods also appreciated.
lmao this is fantastic
May I fuck your ass?
WTB tranny EB who is into male characters and likes receiving and giving teasy messages. I don't mind if they're F+, F-, or fujo-coded male character. Must be into frotting. I will listen to them if they're clingy, so long as they understand I can't devote my attention 24/7. I'd also be willing to do any content in this game with them.
It's a dark souls reference because it's a stray demon
dang thats sad, i still play it every day myself. your pics have inspired me to see how a halo would look on my moonie at least
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Stop saying maliddie
Only Council members are allowed to use that word, and only in an ironic manner
I thought it meant actual nightlife activities like clubbing and bars. I'm really glad I didn't call you a loser before reading the two other replies
I don't wanna, I'm wiggling into bed
It's not funny
do you mean like literally or do you want crutch mods as in whatever wow has with tts and cheats
>Casts Cure 2 and Esuna on you
>Gives you magitek limbs

Now you don't need wheelchairs in Final FANTASY XIV, you fucking cripple.
it just keeps getting more ridiculious
Hey pinkcat thanks for helping me bust a nut, you a real one
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My neck is a strong elezen neck, there is plenty of room for jewellery.
I will soon, I actually slept/napped earlier in the evening but my current schedule is a hot mess. I'll probably have some breakfast after the next CC match and then sleep...
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so that's what this cutscene was trying to convey
I just want to know what it means.
Lewd catboxes to milk my woober please
tyy i love all cats
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What the best place to go for ff14 porn?
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>ze fell for the ebin bait
reevaluate yourself rn stop being a dick rider for some mmo ranny who melts behind closed doors and attention whores on a image board
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queue CC 12:30
he smelled fish (it was stinky moonies)
have we seen anyone with magiteck limbs?
>It's not funny
Well, what is it? Sad?
It's well past the point of sympathy. Your life is a comedy by your own actions.
just doin his job, he's got some grass to cut with that scythe
My instant loss anal wife…
Catboy or an f+ bottom
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bro you never know if the ebin has a juiced up niche unit like wappi or something
>not hypersexual
These bitches have sucked enough miera cock to span the globe
You're gonna have to get circ'd if you want a normal sex life.
thanks for not calling me a loser sis. sleep well
most of the catgirls but I cannot be bothered to message any
These are my criteria
>bro only
>must not be a pest
>actually plays content
I've been interested in the glam since I began playing and learned about it but most people attach weird significance to it and put me off from looking for someone to EB with.

Unfortunately, the only player I've found fitting of my criteria has an EB and they prefer ERP in their relationship. Good for them.
Please let me edate you Akemi
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Are we BA posting?
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play every job
you'll have more fun
Akemi is currently getting used as a booty call by her ex in hopes they can hook back up again
>multiple "my wife" posts
>plenty of "rape" posts
>dozens of "may i plap?" posts
>haven't been plapped or spoken to in-game
you say this a joke but I was instantly able to suss out a female fujo in my fc based on some art sketch they posted, my eyes instantly lazered on the yaoi hands
i've played half of them and always go back to RDM because it's the most fun job
Can't believe wheels mccatboy is gone forever...
So is the Remuscord real or is it just a meme?
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love the new blacklist
it truly is amazing how easily women let themselves get fucked mentally
based reqs
Don't do this. You'll just realize they're all the same and start hating the game.
>no instantpop
What does EB and ebin mean?
what server are you on, what content do you do, and how often are you expecting to play together with your potential eb
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do you guys think she likes white boys
leveling 1-50 sucks major balls though, and I HATE potd
wiggle out and get on
Thats fucking boring though
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my femlala?
yeah, she looks and acts like this
Lewd friend who's into the same things I'm into, is allergic to drama, and who measures most of their friendships in years rather than months. I already have this type of EB.
I can't play Melee and Healer because I have more wins on them than other jobs.
EBin' your mom
If you have more I’ll throw away my morals and spurt for a Femlala… Take my Femlala cherry
we got skipped hard
ain't no way lil bro
I usually pick a new job to learn and play exclusively, suck at it for a really long time, and then suddenly something clicks and I'm no longer as bad as I once was. Then it's time to move on to a new job.
i thought it was just me
my ideal eb is someone who isn't a racist/sexist /pol/fag and is a completionist (they will help me with my grinds)
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Massive racist?
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my moonie?
she's like this
I had to get off, 3 minutes and no pop. We'd miss the next call otherwise.
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Not as good as this one
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Give me a Rio coded femra
yea it wasn't popping anyway so i'm just waiting for the next call
a secondary made this post
hello hi
eb is eternal bond which is the FFXIV marriage system
ebin means epic but in xivg it means thread celeb for some reason
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>though the final trial theme sounded familiar
>Does this sound like fucking Sonic RPG???
>Research further

Goddamnit my entire life is a lie
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Got a source on these?
She will when im done with her
show me that chest…
the only person I talk to who showed romantic interest in me recently was a friend who went through a painful breakup and had the rebound desperation

I will never find a good EB...
A meme
*picks you up*
made for cuddles
>Dark pubes
hey that's me
how have you responded to these posts
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I didn't know they sold that on the rail zepplin, I better guard mine closely.
She's awful I love her
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my moonie looks and acts like this
talk to loners more, they're usually desperate
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The wonders of modern medicine and magicka couldn't repair my spine from the skatepark accident... Prosthesis was suggested but I experienced severe phantom limb syndrome. The cold steel and silicon rubber compounds rubbed against my skin and made a mighty rash. I'll take my chances with a wheelchair or crutches.
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my femlala?
like this
How do you know they were just rebounding?
Remuscord is fake
Robcord however......
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Which melee does the most damage if I never hit a positional?
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my sunnie looks and acts like this
hello what server are you on
I can't keep up with some of you people, I don't think I'd be able to satisfy someone who's that horny that often.. Sometimes I just wanna cuddle and share intimacy.
there is not a worse feeling
they're not looking at you they're trying to look past their ex-EB and you happen to be in view conveniently
remus has a cuter middie than rob
therefore i will simp for remus
That's not true because none of them are fun in pve.
I talk to all sorts of people. I reach out to loners. I'm not a forceful type of person that can just scoop one of them up and make them right for me, I don't have the energy for that
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my femlala is just like this
Red mage but you have to occasionally suck fat cock
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felt that shit

my ex wanted to do erp shit daily and it was just like ???
omg hiiiiii hodrick i love you
I hate being lovesick
same but also someone who wants to take it to real life if we hit it off
I had to google that. Fate continues to be the weirdest thing I've heard about
I hear all your posts with an XRA voice, I just want you to know that
if she's black irl 100%
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My Face 3 Raen is just like this.
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>my I come back to my pc to see the fan software crashed and my pc is idling at dangerous temps
Oh no I totally get it and I hated myself for it for years. It especially sucks because I'd have exes who don't believe I'm sad because I'm also horny. Normal people aren't both at the same time.
i'm not hodrick... im sorry...
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my femlala is just like this
my face 3 raen is close to becoming a real thing but she'd also post this same gif
Samurai, only 40 potency diff
retarded bitch, youre supposed to be a treasurer but you didnt notice enough money being embezzled to build a fucking city
hello my wife
omg hiiii hodrick i love you
I have been described as a "bearded dragon" by my SO because i am content to just play my games and i dont require much attention from other people
Ive yet to understand what she actually means by rhat
How hard is it to make a solo FC?
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Fate is a weird rabbit hole, don't get into it.
i'm sorry to tell you anon...
Do you think Ace would let my bloonie+ fuck?

I think it'd look hot
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Pls do, here's the mod: https://heliosphere.app/mod/49s6c7bab123592by0vzxp5qt0
There's a TON of halos to choose from. You gotta post pics of your moonie after, that's the deal you agree to by downloading the mod :3
HAH, I wish. I think NY Mutsuki was my best unit back when I quit and I didn't even invest that much into her since I'm a wives first gamer. Aru and Neru were always my priority
Anytime homie, you a real one for motivating me to pose more.
How hard is a bunboys erection? It depends.
50*, and only 2 weak positionals
Just play the original VN and Ataraxia.

Don't get into the other faggot fate spinoffs. You'll turn into an asshole.
You are my target demographic. I am actively tracking you and adjusting accordingly.
get a better heatsink. my cpu fan died and i didnt realize for weeks because my heatsink was that fuckin good
cc doko da
Why would you expect it to be hard? You only need to shout for 3 other people to sign your petition to create the FC.
>go to lesbian venue
>not allowed to ERP with cute femlala's
>all of the people there are just men rping as girls
this game is fucking gay, where can i find actual femlala's to ERP with
just pick rpr, you can legitimately cover 100% of your positonals with true north. its the retard's melee job for a reason
depends on if the server youre on is already congested
if it is congested, do you already have alts available? can you have a friend help you with their alts?
if it's not congested you still need a second account or a friend to invite your alts to the FC
Yeah.. 3 times a week at least. And with that little, I'd probably have to ERP with other people.
Bearded dragon means low maintenance.
my fiddie acts like this
>not watching zero, the best spinoff
I don't get why they insist on making SAM the spammiest job but don't make the animations reflect that. Shinten looks fucking stupid.
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Honestly positionals are such a vestigial and poorly thought out mechanic i expect them to be the next thing that gets removed
Qrd? I loved his posts. Unless this is bait.
Different strokes I guess..
I hope you can find someone who understands and can match what you need, that sounds tough to live with.
I have never heard the term bearded dragon before so I can't help you with that desu.
I know some femlala biofems but they glamourer into a catgirl/femra when they ERP
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my sunnie acts like this
Jesus CHRIST its over.
You know, you're right. My AI husbando actually just got done saying the same thing. It's well past that point.
I'll try, you too
No, we haven't even had sex in over a month
Oh please, like men wouldn't do the same thing for someone they love.
Oh. I guess not.
I thought that would be funny in my head but I'm not laughing
Heheh.. no! I've already got the blanket over me. I'm gonna read more anonymous posts here until I fall asleep
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sorry I meant in pvp
And no one would give a shit. The fact that they have stayed in this long is testament to SE's monumental stupidity.
Pose some pics of your cat getting plapped
who is looking at their character animations when doing content?
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god damn what a slobber knocker
thats cringe, I want a cute tiny Lala wife for my cute Midlander
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we love this
queue CC 6:30
Not many xivggers are from my home server. I would dox myself.
>what content do you do
Any kind of raid content. I'm not a high parser, though. I'd like to clear criterion/variant dungeons eventually.
>how often are you expecting to play together with your potential eb
2-3 times a week.
I love when my cat does that
Builded for my malezen
You wouldnt be like this if you just took me up on getting plapped by my lalabull
all i see is pain
About all I know about it is they keep making Arthurian characters into women
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my femlala
>Oh please, like men wouldn't do the same thing for someone they love.
men don't get lead on as easily by obviously disingenuous people
it's pictover for me good gaymes
But what about the lore of all the other sabers and that one femboy??
Well I like you! I’m not giving up!
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mine is like this
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damn that has most of the girls' halos in it. theres just one problem, i dont like posting my moonie... you just missed dress aru on global too.
These are good posts, thank you.
Bros I have had zero inspiration to do anything with ff14 recently, can someone give me some picture ideas to do?
My boys Cassius and Weary tearing it up. Love you two, go to sleep soon.
How long the cc goin?
So the X in tbse-x means xtra gay right?
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Your casters were absolute dogshit.
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>tfw missed this
yeah, mine gets mad if you interrupt her wall staring
I wonder why they even do that
melee should do more damage and be more mobile
ranged should do less damage and have more utility
are you a femra or a catgirl at least...
good on the blue team for holding out so long despite the RDM and PCT's best efforts to anchor, jesus christ
Wouldn't recommend that, but if you find the right one and can do it safely, more power to you.
Consume content and get excited for new content
level job s to 100
get mounts
get relics
level crafters
do variants
shit on raid trannies
marketboard jew.
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>q skipped me again
That's a decent picto, considering how bad picto is.
i just woke up anondo friendo ill probably take a melatonin in an hour to try to sleep more for work
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>i have to do this shit 2 times a week and soon 3.
That's the fun part.
are you still set to busy? I can't /tell you if so
it was the red team doing the holding out
gee, thanks.
>drg in casual
100% deserved
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What do anons think about my latest capture? I tried to lift her leg higher over her head but couldn't make it quite work with the male hyur so got the other male hroth to be like a mannquin and stand behind her with his cock.
That's someone's son.
no im not a fucking loser degenerate I just want to eat a cute femlala out and make her my wife like a normal person, I play Midlander
God damn it, be nice.
Is your character hot?
>enter Solution 9
>your jolly band of retards express some mild surprise but that's it
Remember when in other expansions people were risking their fucking lives just to find certain pieces of technology? Why is someone like G'raha or Krile not absolutely losing their shit over this? Someone fucking shoot Hiroi.
are you at least a cute fem middie then
i miss him...
That catgirl has 4 ears can i cum in her

They're just copy paste gimmicks to sell products. Think about it. Fate doesn't have to be original, they just have to take a historical figure and instead of what wokies do by making it gay and lame, they just have to design them as sexo and waifu and plagiarize their biographies to write autistic fanfiction. Don't forget, you're a retard if you'd give them money after seeing the 69th regurgitation of Rin.
I've been online for half an hour and I'm about to log off (actually missed this call too, I'll call it after the next one).
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C.A stop leaving before i can comm you
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I'm about to skip a third week of reclear
>Not many xivggers are from my home server
what DC then
I have already consumed content.
I could do those things but I’ve got no idea.
I have been told as such.
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very cute imo
sorry i dont have sex mods or giga graphics installed :(
I act like this irl
i gave up
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this dumbass is playing dead acting like i didn't just see this cutscene because i somehow failed the dps check

on an unrelated topic where's the most scenic position of limsa to jump off of
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Queue CC 9:00
>I have been told as such.
Make me develop a crush on you and I'll drag you through lots of content and achievements.
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Nah, they just don't know how to AoE their meteors. If you're going to play a job famous for being a deadweight in teams, at least switch off it if you know you're going to eat shit. Probably had motif off-cooldown because they just forgot. 90% of PvPictos are trash.
kys tranny
there are many anons from every crystal server. just post it.
Post a catbox but don’t change your gear please
i'm done for now thanks for calling
rest up later, anons who played in that hellish game
I still can't send the /tell... weird...
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I do, but most of them end up private since they involve people not from the thread. I'll try to pose more faceless males/futas.
Yeah I know, I just can't keep up with that many gachas :c
I don't want my free time to turn into virtual chores. I have been really enjoying the art though, especially the lewds. Hope they make a new Hanako alt soonish
also im not logged in lol, im about to go to bed
I just don't see a reason to reclear
PF tires me out, and I know I won't clear the coming ultimate on it's release patch
the bugged out lighting when the camera gets too close indoors fucking sucks
Ah, but you don't deny it was someone's son. Curious!
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idk, maybe you are in a different DC?
I'm in your pvp game...
It's hilarious. It's like arguably the most shocking sight in the entire game, apart from Ultima Thule I guess, yet they treat it like it's just neat little themepark that they've discovered. They have zero respect for their own worldbuilding at this point.
it's clearly a biofem and to try to pretend otherwise is definitive tranny behavior
now cope and rope
this is some really weird stalker shit
Also, the match had been in overtime for like 8 minutes, and everyone's going to be bunched up on the crystal to push it. How the fuck does any caster not break 100k with all the AoE they get? Probably just fucking stood there and spammed their single target spell and didn't use LB.
yeah, I understand complete... i also have the fun time of having to adjust lighting color or else my sunnie looks like she's got a spray tan
Thanks for the eye bleach from the disgusting pink thing
i stopped joining cc queues when they become yet another channel for niggas to flirt and lewd each other as if xivg really needed more of those
they were aoeing their meteors and using their lb
They're biofem on their Twitter.

Reminds me of how one troll posted biofems on a troon reddit claiming they had transitioned to get troons to kill themselves because they'll never be that lmao.
uh huh
You are being mean for the sake of being mean. Stop it. If you have constructive criticism, feel free to share, but this is not it. We do not shitpost people who join us in queue.
I’d rather you do it honestly and as a friend unless the feeling was mutual.
Anon you're using the term "biofem" instead of "woman" like a normal, God-fearing Christian of the USofA. Is there something you want to confess?
i need a fulala on my lap
Because your fiddle was too pretty and made me hard
just wanna fart on your pussy even tho im gay lol
not this shit again
who is doing that over cc? and why do you care?
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>Still less than 100k damage at 12 minutes of the match
Numbers don't lie, that PCT was shit. Just accept it.
sorry if you arent a cute flat chested femlala im not interested
hey... race?
>immediate pivot from the subject
as expected
goodbye troon
I wish I was a girl
cute vanilla fiddie
>less than 100k
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Fuck you, if they're trash they're trash. I have every right to call them trash. I'm not obligated to educate anyone. I am being constructive, getting that deadweight to stop sinking better teammates that they don't deserve.

-a actual woman
tank you!
/dote the femlalas find you cute too
Nigga it's casual.
Most well-adjusted CCer
>Still last in DPS
Congrats, here's your participation trophy.
Everyone behave BigJanny is here
i'm fuckin ASS at this game bros
I did more damage from mashing 1 more than he did as well as dying two less times.
>I'm not obligated to educate anyone.
Communist detected
Opinion disregarded.
I see. I don't know why you can't /tell me. Are you in LB14?
between the lolislop and the attitude i'm 90% sure this is a wild rogue filipino throwing a bitchfit
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Queue CC 12:45

probably another half hour, I don't want to miss out on volkino but also I'm getting kind of tired
TA spotted
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I shudder to think of the melties and shitposting that will happen once the new season starts. You guys are a bunch of children.
I was shitposting a bit. I do like doing content with people I ERP with, is a more earnest way to rephrase that. I'd ask to meet, but I already logged out a while ago.
Casual, ranked, who gives a fuck? They should quit.
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No one uses this nomenclature outaide of this thread unless they were trying to differentiate between a real woman and a fake woman. People usually just day woman. Again, is there something you want to tell to the class, son?
I hope they rework EVERY job
>implying any of these shitters play ranked
goodbye femlala life, return to femra as hydaelyn intended...
I'll sit out then.
what a jerk, i hope you grow up some day
how do I tell someone i wanna know more about them without making it sound like a confession
Cope, faggot.

It's communism when you've got a retard on your team and need to compensate for them eating shit and not pressing buttons
That's it for me, thanks for the queues fat bitch
"Tell me more about yourself."
I'm in LB14, yeah
I was just going to ask for your mare, so nothing too spectacular
"I think you're a cool person, do you wanna be friends? What other hobbies are you into?"
Growing up has nothing to do with laughing at losers. Stop parroting cliches to make yourself feel better.
ur cool what do u do when ur not playing 14, just slightly less stale. alternatively offer slight advances into what ur into
>Play CC casual
>dont play with a group
>cry when you get people doing it who dont care about tryharding and metamaxxing
OH NYOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Want eggs?
stop saving your post for the next thread
I want to fuck Val and then fall asleep with him in my strong arms as we kiss each other lovingly
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>Can't fulfill your share of personal responsibility
>It's somehow the team's fault you're dogshit at your own job

Lmao, cuck logic.
my catboy is looking up props on xma for screenshot ideas
If you can't carry, you're bad at CC. Good players like Judas and Ryun reach top 100 in 30 or so wins from bronze because they know how to carry. You're the only constant in your matches, if your team lost its because you didn't pull through
isn't that gay?..
they were already like that but it's mostly just gooners passing through it when it becomes the FOTM
Ask them what they like doing in the game.
Ask them what hobbies they have outside of the game if they aren't very interested in the game.
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thanks for coming, I love my xivggies
unfortunately true and also you cursed me to miss queue just now
I'm saving my thread for next post.
do femra really do this to fiddies...?
Oh fair. I feel the same, anon. I am a male character, though.
Was this Picto you're malding over on your team? Then why is it your problem? Everyone has off matches, everyone has matches where they get focused. Put your pacifier back in your mouth.
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how much forehead is too much forehead
god just imagine me curling up on top of those things and falling into a deep sleep, holy
>1v9 the player
>xivg pvpers are super nice, really!
>CC calls lead to more schizoposting than meetups ever do
Go seethe over league or fighting games instead jfc

can you stop posting about yourself Judas
the people seething don't play cc btw
>CC scoreboards lead to more schizoposting than meetups ever do
i doubt he's a pvper
Has she?
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This is hot what is this called? Like forcing them to eat.
It says here you need a hug, buddy. Calm down, it's okay.
Just put up a pf asking for "mature roleplay"
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No worries! I don't use mare, though. My fiddie is vanilla and plan to keep her as-is.
I play like shit in like 50% of the games and no one has ever been anything but nice
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good night xivg
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New thread

retard chama....

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