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>tfw no WoW gf edition

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA Community, X-faction X-server

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

Prev: >>493901956
Be nice to other posters and players :D
I love my awkward vulpera bf!
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remember to cuddle and hug avatarfrens
LF Pandaren GF
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everyone left after the first boss again
Hang Vulpera players by a rope to a tree

>tfw no wowg lurker gf
remember to shame and ignore avatartroons
Didn't blizzard say that they are bringing leaving penalty back like 2weeks ago? Are you telling me it's still not implemented lmao.
Are we watching the debate while playing the reset day
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This can't be true, can it?
when is anduin getting his elf gf
No. Chinese are known botters, gold spamming cheaters, and multi account users on china servers even before blizzard fucked up their contract.
The chinese are never to be trusted for stats and that faggot is the biggest pusher of cope for WoW.
no im not a tranny so I don't care about americans
Anduin Wrynn from Final Fantasy
Are'y'all hyped for solo queue rbg grounds
>that faggot is the biggest pusher of cope for WoW.
They're the creator of warcraftlogs you gargantuan faggot
yea im not even going to bother buying PVP gear.
finna sneak my shitter ass into rbg
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Better late than never, but for some reason it seems wonky now, not getting exactly what I want. here's a sample anyways
>Captcha: GY4T
And this changes the facts of my post you mentally stunted HRT infested ape?
ye maybe I'll be finally able to get the last Mage Tower weapon tint
it will have a pvp gear requirement just like solo shuffle does
The best part of rerolling alliance?
No more listening to Nathanos when you enter Seething Shore
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Bellular is going to fall at some point in the expansion
I am afraid I will be playing the intellectual man's game that is 3v3 arena.
if this post ends in 9, on god t dubs is bussin
Trick post, you hung your lurker gf to the tree
T dubs flopped just like Rytes bought glad.
post paw pics
I dont like the ruleset but it's kinda fun you're allowed to queue as 1dps+1heal
right? I didn't think they'd enable this but they hotfixed it in about a week ago. gotta find the original characters I earned the tint on and level them I'm only certain of dk/dru
these four zones don't really feel like a new expansion... they kinda feel like a very large side zone
>need pvp to enter
>need to pvp to get the pvp required to pvp
ye. pvp is back.
you can pvp with pve before getting the pvp to pvp
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what's the rule set?
consider it mandatory warmup. and filtering pansies
Pretty much this
If you can get glad mounts from it I might stick around longer
>was really enjoying templar ret the last few days
>started to "gear" it
>logged on today
>absolutely fucking hate it
>apparently all my enjoyment was a bug
Oh well back to warrior I guess.
Or get the crafted gear, sheesh.
Are you sissies fucking new?
Explain the
Meme pls.
hawt. now post him /sleeping :3
i dont know
>buy an entire set of gear from jew crafters to be able to play a minigame
holy fucking kek please tell me you aren't serious? just give me free base gear.
>b-b-but people should have to pay me to have fun
but why?
Why does Bellular always do such cringe videos?
Shit meant to reply to >>493921175
built for worgen knots
sounds like a certain thread on a specific board of a mongolian basketweaving forum doesn't it?
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It's time to dog out and get some rest before the new season, anon.
I was wondering why I could only ever smash the hammer once throughout the whole beta and until like before the latest hotfix.
Yes, it was fun, I made a WA to track the buf to pump out as much hammers as possible, which sometimes lasted so long I could cast Wake of Ashes by the time it went out and got it fresh.
Was even considering Prot Templar since the hammer gave you self heals.
But there it goes...
Why don't you block youtube from suggesting his retarded videos then
>was going to finally get started on war within after skipping the opening and pre-patch event bullshit
>14 hour maintenance today
i guess i'll put it off for another month or so, by the time i'm in carries should be real cheap anyway
about what should i complain then?
is skinning more lucrative than mining? I heard about some luring thing you do once a day to get 6k
worgen don't even have tails, how tf do you expect em to have knots?
go to the barber, and transform yourself into a bitch
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he's a grifter, dude lurks on 4chan, reddit and the forums spinning whatever he can grasp into a video for views. maybe at one point he gave a shit but giving a shit doesn't give views, so now he views his viewers as just cows he can milk for both doom and hope. Watch his thumbnails the guy is a swing.
can't say I blame him that's how audiences are.
Retards who specced into being able to gather nodes while mounted for minimal gains in speed while forgetting that getting the r3 materials when they’re not abundant yet is a much higher value choice
>free base gear.
The base gear is extremely cheap these days, nothing like before when you had to suffer through dozen of BGs to afford something.
Now a BG (even one you lose) = 1 honor item.
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would you do it for two scooby snacks?
same as bg blitz. they figured there'd be massive leaver problems with default ruleset, so most of the BGs are sped up through custom rules.
increased mount speed, flag cap time reduced in most bgs. most importantly you can't assault or recap enemy flags in AB / deepwind they just go untargetable for 45s when capped then return to neutral, to encourage constantly contesting different map areas rather than sitting flag / rogue fuckery. eye of the storm only has 2 towers. wsg buffs non-tank FCs and flag debuff stacks much faster. gilneas is the only mostly similar one. all (?) BGs gained a stealth + 100% ms powerup
go back to /trash/ you worthless pedophile
you seem extremely upset newfaggot kun
world of gooncraft
world of wargoon
goon of warcraft
world goon warcraft
I thought it was meant to work like that since nothing in the tooltip says "lmao can only use once".
Not him but that's pretty based.
Fuck base defending and fuck "defending enjoyers" who are typically just faggot bears.
I want to rub her tummy
mad because you got called out faggot? stay in your dead containment general and keep crying because namefag#34275 wont typefuck you
Did this change literally today? Just yesterday you could keep using it for 12 seconds as stated
drawfags commiting suicide en masse on /trash/ so you're trying to escape your containment general?
incoming toughpaw/seki autism meltie
>the blue people represented trannies in sl due to having different genders and stuff after death, as well as not-white angels because white people associated with angels are bad
>the dracthyr represented trannies in df with their pick a form day, not to mention their design
>the earthen now represent trannies with bearded women and their racial which is self gender change

Can we get an expansion not about trannies now that Metzen is back?
I do notice the gay husband quests that df was rife with have been downplayed now that I did everything in campaign, but we do have strong cripple black woman. At least she may need Anduin as a man.
redpill me on toughpaw/seki?
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bear is fun and good
Yeah, if you go by what the tooltip says, the-prehotfixed version actually made sense.
Maybe even that was the original intention in the first place, but then someone thought "ret can be THIS fun".
you clearly see a cute character dancing and immediately think about fucking children so I think it's just you projecting
There goes my hero...
id prefer cute trannies over ugly niggers
problem that wow trannies are uggo as fuck
maybe if you get thrilled by watching paint dry
Where do people find raiding guilds now?

The in game finder was shit, I tried Raider IO and it seems dead too

>September 9, 2024
> Classes
> Paladin
> Fixed a bug that caused Hammer of Light to not go away as expected.
why would drawfags commit suicide?
pseudo-roleplayer on argent dawn who writes the occasional cringe prose here while being a permanent furfag degenerate resident on /trash/

the other loony troony avatartrannies usually try and protect him when others dont want to see his word vomit, but thankfully hes not as terminally online and omnipresent as he was in the past
Yep, todays hotfixes. I tabbed out of a dungeon I was doing to figure out what the fuck is going on.
maybe I can finally justify picking sunwalker. I really like word of glory healing, one of my fav things about ret.
>Anduin as a man
Anduin was always a bottom.
>cucked by mommy dragon and nu Lich King
>caught by the mighty Horde in mists
>had papi single handedly give all the alliance leaders a chance to er. be killed again for achievements. idk.
>Sylvanus dommy mommy'd him with some soul of Arthas shit idk
>needed his strong dom figures to break free of the edgy slut servant spell
>gone missing and now looks like a 30 y/o femboy who misses her hotness
This is going to kill our dmg so hard holy fuck
>Fixed a bug that caused fun.
Should have just said that.
Any goblins have an opinion on listing mats before reset? Should I wait or just dump before?
local paladinfags not so smug since getting balanced
Kyrians have their visage based on the original spirit healer while the rest is based on ancient Greek mythology.
The one tranny was there because the actually mentally ill bitch who was responsible for the Bastion quests and at the time identified as a guy, felt the need to insert herself into the game like that.
kek all the paladin hero talents are so cucked now
crafting is cringe and gay
tummy OwO
SSRIs and birth control wrote the zone story
My warband is now going to be evoker, hunter, warrior, death knight.
The first 3 will all be male dracthyr, the death knight will be a female tauren.
dracthyr men strictly seek vulpera women
Interesting factoid, she then went to work on New World, which turned the autism warrior into a fullblown tranny.
i hate women so much its unreal
These three brothers didn't have a choice.
To do what, rub their cloaka on them? lmao
>source: e621.net
they are the biggest zones since northerend, you just fly quicker now
no.they pussy vore the little vulpy :3
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>want to get into the game
>skip every enjoyable part of said game by buying carries
>call game shit and leave a week later
>"no content"
Why are paypigs always like this.
and subsequently die to human men who hunt for vulpera onaholes
so that i can get invited to groups during my days off from work instead of spend those days making glacial progress grinding content designed by the devs themselves to become obsolete
I hit the character limit and needed to go to work. Here's a few more details.
>The core PCU guilds at the start were more right-leaning. The Rotgarde is famous for styling themselves after the SS, complete with German naming conventions and nazi salutes. Almost all of Perroy's inner circle are Putin-worshipping, anti-immigration, anti-EU and champion western Christian values.
>They were extremely edgy early on with a boner for war crimes of all varieties. Lots of in-depth and graphic descriptions of torture and execution. They loved any excuse to write paragraph after paragraph about the detailed violence they inflicted on any enemy that they got their hands on.
>As the PCU expanded, their standards slipped and they pretended to be accepting and tolerant people who would accept anyone into their community in order to bolster their numbers. In BFA, Perroy became obsessed with having the biggest community and biggest RP guild and biggest everything no matter the cost. This led to several PCU officers being trannies and leftists but still sucking up to Perroy and his inner circle because being a part of AD's biggest RP community was more important than having principles. A lot of them even got kicked out when they were exposed as ERPers.
>They were guilty of massive witch hunts and conflating issues in order to make their enemies seem as vile as possible. You RP a neutral character? They don't like neutral characters, they also don't like ERPers, they think ERPers are paedophiles because some children play WoW. Therefore, you are a paedophile. Anyone who did anything that they didn't like was branded a paedophile and effectively banned from AD's RP scene.
>Now that the tables have turned and the PCU has fallen apart, they're trying to frame anyone who doesn't like ex-PCU members for their prior witch hunts as weirdos for holding grudges over a video game, never mind the fact that they basically insisted that anyone who wasn't PCU was a paedo.
Erm your cute owl bear form?
so the RWF got ruined, tons of people in Echo and Method are banned Blizzard is basically handing it to Maxkike on a silver platter
eu chads will win anyway
max is a troon who is starting HRT as we speak
>to become obsolete
Content is meant to be consumed.
Why would I play any game if "I'm not going to want to play it again after."
Its basically the same logic
will you guys let me in your raid today?
blue gummy bear is the best one
> Throw a ball and apply a weak echo effect on everybody
> Jump to someone with Verdant Embrace applying Lifebind
> Everyone with an echo have Lifebind now
> Press Emerald Communion heal yourself for full hp
> Allies get healed for full hp too
Alright nice. I'm starting to understand pres evoker.
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why yes I am a silkweaver how could you tell
i havent played this game in 6 years
yet i keep coming to this thread. i think i enjoy /wowg/ more than i ever did wow
So this is canon?
which race/class/spec combo for voring? as the vorer btw
Fat people or the sentient cows
either evoker or guardian druid worgen/kul'tiran. or tauren if you like being spit out and revored into other stomaches
I mean if maxkike is the only one who didn't exploit doesn't he derserve to win?
Glyph of stars type glyph(yes glyphs still exist) for feral/guardian WHEN
dracthyr warlock when 11.05 comes around
How in demand is voring in your ERP simulator?
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was excited for s1 of m+ until i realized that the dungeons they went with are almost all terrible
>city of threads
what the fuck were they thinking? even shadowlands did it better with just having relevant dungeons
Only if you are a cute girl
akko is cute
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city of threads is important for healers. I'm gonna farm that thing nonstop for the trinket
I know some people...
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>american sylvanas
what do you do in vore once you're in the other character
like there's no way to see inside a stomach unless there's some magical bullshit or bioluminescence or you brought a light with you or something, and then there's the air quality and a few other things like you not exactly being able to do much movement
the fuck do you do, squirm around and sing praises about how much you love the situation? how do you close out your erp, whats your escape method once the afterglow of it fades
plap plap plap get pregnant!!!
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>fire mage in D
What healer does big single target healing? I want to see big green crits.
Im a cute girl(ugly dude)
you sit there and get digested, obviously
Usually where it ends like any climax. Curl up and go to sleep or whatever, imply a little squirming for the other.
Because blizzard has started paying him again.
He was doing the negative videos when they stopped paying him.
gross. can't wait for the 2nd coming of the one true warchief to place you into a cell
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why are you talking like a pedo pol tard?
>posts anime pic
>talks about pedophilia out of nowhere
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Reminder that playable nightborn will NEVER look like this
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And Kul Tirans will not be thin despite the model existing in the game.
Legion was good so danny boy refused to allow anything from it to effect his simping for slyv
I'm so grateful for the follower dungeons. I love this game, I really do, but I'm actually quite terrible at it. I've been playing for years. I always get lost, I can't keep my buttons straight, I'm bad at the mechanics. Honestly, I just cannot wrap my head around it.

My husband is a talented gamer and encourages me even though he is also in disbelief sometimes of how bad I am at this game. One time I got stuck for a long time between two rocks, and he had to help me out. I am 46, so I am likely not going to improve much more.

I play Hunter because it's much easier for me, even though everybody hates bad hunters. I let my pets tank for me because it's the easiest way for me to not die every three minutes.

I try to stay out of people's way, so I stopped doing dungeons and raids even though they are very exciting. I have tried to get good at a normal dungeon, practicing it dozens of times until I know it well, and then I will try heroic and I'm just not good enough. I hurt the team. So I stopped playing after Shadowlands. But when I read on this forum about follower dungeons, I immediately subbed again and bought the expansion. And I love it so much! I won't have to hurt any teams anymore to be able to experience all the dungeons.

You can be a bad gamer and still enjoy this game a lot, and now you can enjoy endgame too!
why heirlooms are still in the game
since you mentioned them, gotta ask: how retarded must you be to play a nightborne warrior?
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Please tell me some fun dps specs
built for big scalie feet
arms slayer
Dev evoker
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Suramar will NEVER be a major city.
>open the arcane lock worldquest
so anyone got a weakaura for this shit
Frost death knight, make sure to pick the horsemen for your hero talents.
And retaliation paladin.
Beast mastery hunter is fun but unfortunately he sucks.
You can go very fast thanks to traiblazer and a monkey pet but for instanced content he's bad.
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god I wish Kul Tirans were just slightly smaller and less angrier Vrykul
I miss borrowed power, bros.

I miss artifact weapons.
Hero talents are borrowed power
That's hardly better. I made one to play mage but shelved her so fast cause I couldn't stand her ugly face and nasty skin color.
Nightborne are uglier than mechagnomes.
vulpera rogue
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so why can't dracthyr transmog again?
all of wow is borrowed power because gear gets shittier every expansion
very nice revisionism, the only rapist that was in the pcu was vyst and the guild that he was a part of went down with him (as he was trying to be incognito)

i love how roleplayers are so enraged by other roleplayers that theyll spin every lie they can conceive and then fail to present evidence or post shit like the f-list made by an epoch member as a joke or the fake videos cobbled together by the scarlet scourge, the other retard carousel

nope, never been
their community is dead
post receipts then you unhinged tranny lol
Professions are the new artifact power.
Somebody save moonkins bros...
despite people praising legion so much, i never liked it
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they can. but you gotta be in their ugly ass form >:3
there are people who dumped a ton of gold and crests to hit 588 who will not get invited to any groups today
let that sink in
you will be sitting out season 1 in the cuck cage, along with fire mage and retardidins
>get banned 4 (four) days on a 7 days week
What's this? Germany's justice on immigrants? a rape = 12h free labour
Hmmmmm nyo
That is a female human
Downbreaker will be peak kino.
There are already retards landing in the middle of trash packs in heroics and dying.
Will be good for some laughs.
coping, I get in tryhard groups and get carried by retards who spend all their time grinding that gear. I guess they find me cute, like a group pet.
it feels like it only applies when you leave before the first boss
or maybe its only for random dungeons?
i queued into ara kara specifically and there were no repercussions for leaving after the first boss, not even a cooldown on the lfg or the heroic dungeon itself
holy shit i forgot there's tool enchants i'm finally getting gazillion ores from finesse enchant
palabros we shouldn't have made fun of rogues now they're going to be taking all the melee DPS slots....
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human.. with scales.. horns.. elven ears..
Nigga are you trying to make a joke or something? Cause it sucks ass
the visage does suck, true
>explain that you don't speak German, therefore can't sweep sidewalk or carry out the trash bins
>don't get the """punishment""" at all
Come on, it's not THAT easy.
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>she thinks its impossible to get keystone master as non meta
that's not a dracthyr either, it's a shitty humanoid with accessories. When I choose dracthyr I want to play a dragon and want to have transmog in that specific form, brainlet
>known players exploit on a systematic scale in an organized fashion to gain an unfair advantage over others in preparation for a memesports event
>get punished
How is this bad? If anything they should've been punished harder to send a message that they aren't immune to punishment, they got off easy
Who are you talking to?
I don't recall asking you for your shit eating opinion
I have actual autism but you.. you are way worse.
thanks for the blogpost?
they and you will never be women
you can use dreambreath after embrace and its a nice hot since embrace gives dreambreath a buff when you are talented into it
>some retards don't even know you can (or should) kill the minibosses in the church, house and tavern
>if they wipe on heroic, they just try again running at the boss with 3 stacks of the buff and fucking up all the mechanics, just hoping dps will zerg it in time
Yeah, I can see the whining on forums already.
It's 4 days in heroic week. If they had any fucking balls they'd do it for 14 days.
>make a new race, decide it's gonna be something like a dragon... dragons are cool!
>they're so fucking lazy that the dragon form can only transmog 3 slots
>all armor comes from the barbershop
>the tier sets that were supposed to be ported to the barbershop as you got them were not ported
>have to use a shitty wannabe elf model if you want to actually wear stuff
Killing the packs is stupid and prone to failure, which is why it isn't done.
You land, engage the guy, the healer accidentally agroed another group, someone got feared, you finally kill the guy. Do it another two times.

Going straight for the boss is just easier. Might not be viable come mythics because of scaling though.
Are you kidding me? WoW World first race is the biggest event this old game has. It attracts many people to the game. Who cares if *checks notes* FIVE people exploited a shitty rep that might give them a 0000.1% advantage? Your what's wrong with this game.
correct method is to land at the miniboss outside the house, pull the boss and cleave the miniboss down with the boss. any other way takes even longer than just killing the boss with 3 stacks
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huns boughted the gold set
I don't see the problem. Dragons look amazing and I love their customization.
You just wanna wear your old ass 8bit armors from classic, super stretched on this enormous body, looking like some thrift shop hobo.
do you get paid for being a contrarian
yes, the race is ruined that's many many hours combined that they won't be gearing for
there's not really any sugarcoating it the race is basically over, give anyone a 72 hour headstart and they're going to win a marathon guaranteed
>complaining about revisionism
>revising the post he's complaining so he can complain about rape accusations when there were none
you're just a weird cunt standing up for his friends
u jelly?
>he bought the 4chan pass
>he likes the dragons
>nerub player is a degenerate
That's it, I'm an Elysian follower
>average AD nelf player
Anon, dragons are fucking sick. If you don't like em, that's not my problem. Since they now support all sorts of classes I probably won't make anything but them anymore. Unless they can't do that class, then it's back to blood elves.
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jelly cuz huns is noob who has no talent lmao okay
post meets all the quota we agreed upon, check paypal
sars which deposit do I overload?
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I'm here, plaiyng my dragon, having fun, doing dragon things..
You people are cunts
and you will never have it lmao, stay jelly
yes anon, when I roll a dragon I want to play as a dragon AND transmog it, as is the case with every other race in the game. stop happily accepting half assed shit.
Microsoft has split up Blizzard and Activision
Chris Metzen is back
Everyone returns to the new expansion, for this is the real Warcraft
We won.
>ehhh its vibe check
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>you have autism because you want to play the race the way it was promoted
>no dragon in the pic
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pissado got so raped by me during bfa since i btfo'd his mount collection to the max and kept showing mounts he will never ever get. no wonder he stopped posting screenshots after bfa, humilation ritual to the max
When I want to play a dragon, I want to play a transformed dragon like all the big ones. Alex, Nozdormu, Chromie, Ysera.. they always hang around transformed with hornes and scales. That shit is awesome!
If I could, I would never leave my Visage form. That's why I have it set to auto transform after battle.
Like I give a fuck what was promoted.
I can only play my Dracthyr alt using transformation toys. I hate how big Dracthyrs are and the animations are funny.
is there just a fuck ton of quests in this expansion or what
thats a name i havent heard in 5000 years
>they're all dead after their failed transitions
Not missing either one desu
literally who?
you werent here when it happened
go away newfag
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do you guys pug m+ or do you have bois?
more respectable and based if you manage to pug yourself to keystone hero
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Oh holy shit yea another good combo
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a few of my bois betrayed me to form a guild that is now dying..
But I still have a few left. I'll pug it, at times with 1 or 2 frens.
Your Finesse helps you gather something extra:
You receive loot: [Bismuth ]x3
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I do agree, it is awesome!! I just wish both sides got what they wanted...
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Both, but more motivated to do it with the bois.
lmao i'll drag you to keystone hero again
I only m+ with other wowg anons
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Does that mean I have to tank those aids dungeons on +10? I don't wannnaaaaa... 20s were aids..
I spent countless fucking hours learning routed and shit and all I got was a stupid mount
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I'll get carried by guildies/friends by the end of season as always
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Hey anons! I'll be seeing you in 11.2, when picrel become playable! Toodaloo!
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will we see kino like this again in 1st season of m+?
built for vulpera slaves
>implying the underground race will be in the underground expansion
fucking idiot
What happened here?
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t. fotm shitter who got btfo'd by non fotm
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>join silkweavers
>immediately get molested by a fat bastard male panda
I really liked sneedolands but i dont missed getting chewed out by my rl because i was bottom dps as an arms warrior on sludgefist
>"bro why are you bottom dps"
>"dont you use condemn?"
>tell him nah i weny kyrian
>"oh ok for the spear because you pvp?"
>nah i dont pvp
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I can't imagine being so insecure you have to make a collage for yourself to hype yourself up.
Reminds me of the weeks of endless shit talk I got. They all told me it's impossible I'd ever get AOTC and time 20s.
Now I get the same shit for playing sanlayn..
Tier whores..
fine, i'll get my druid geared later during season and tank them.
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Then what am I supposed to do?
Zamn ure telling me I can be my braphog self in the silkweavers?
You heal and I'll keep the pulls managable for you.
i aint never repped a set baby
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deathknights can't heal u dumb..
it's why you log the evoker you gigabrain
Feels like I'm reading discord chat at the moment.
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>fire mage

But seriously, why they are so shit now? I don't play mage.
but I wanna play my deathknight.. she's my main
Anything below B tier is death
D tier is grave stomping
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>both healers who bring bloodlust are top
wow... riveting...
sick of this shit
resto sham is always the top healer but nobody seems to talk about it
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fine, we'll do it pack by pack then
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>tier list made by literal shitter nobodies
wowhead should be fucking nuked
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All my bois quit in SL.
I'm going to pug it and tell them about it then they'll call me a retard for still playing wow.
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>not a single (you)
I won... I fucking won...
1 (You) and I am a European that just woke up
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i got a you
feels good brehs
pure gemmy
>4 of those is me
it's over...
I have friends who play WoW but they are all dogshit at the game
female vulpera
male chad
female tranny.
Are you European tho
both of them look like shit
I can't tell the difference between male and female dracthyr
female, plate bikini
QRD on maye's feet?
ecelebs on the alpha/beta wouldn't stop making vids about how fun and strong sunfury fire is so the devs made an example out it
trve queen of /wowg/
wow no replies suddenly two samefagging very organic
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Goodnight /wowg/

night panda bro
Sad state of the thread and the game in general.
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chat, do I hold on selling crafting reagents for rwf autists?
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unironically what did blizzard mean by this?
just ask josh for insider tips ingame through mail
shaman bringing lust doesnt matter because your mage was gonna bring that anyway
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>inviting mages
>open mailbox
>6 pages of sold auctions
Name a better feeling
he already fell by taking sweet baby pedo money
Sex with pandas
There wasn't a season where mages weren't above average.
Why did they start with this "season" thing in wow?
It feels so weird to hear someone say
>not inviting the guy who is gonna spellsteal 30% buffs in priory
why hasn't someone gone and just measured out all the zones in the game by their actual area? that would be interesting as fuck
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>errrrm your class is bad because it doesn't have heckin utility
>yes it shits out damage but... UTILITY
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Watch me have a normal DPS and season with Fire, tier lists are a clickbait meme
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3 hours to go! xD
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>5/8 M+ dungeons this season are complete diarrhea tier
They are trolling, right?
Seasons were a thing since vanilla.
It started with PVP.
Sounds to me like you've got something to do while you wait for your mom to find you a job
Just call it the real patch duh, it's the same as ever they just changed the name
isn't it on 17?
I have never ever seen a ret use hand of sacrifice in a m+, freedom on someone else? 1 ret every 100 dungeons.
Time Gating is Good :)
No i will not explain why.
You're racist.
uh from BWL release
seasons used to just be tiers but they made other content actually matter so its a season instead of a tier
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Three weeks later and still no content...
DF S2 had 6/8.
Only Freehold and Underrot were good
I have some boys that are always in the group and then some extra boys that show up every once in a while. We usually get up to 3200 or so rating and play for a few weeks and then it fizzles out until the next season.
time gating IS good
so the game is playable for non neets and content isnt instantly invalidated by the most efficient farm
Everything except maze+ is up TODAY anon
Don't tell me you didn't knew and you got lied by maze+ and doomtrannies didn't you...
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>Not having backup accounts in case your main account gets banned for doing the inevitable exploit that always pops up
Rookie mistake.
my anecdotes say fire is bad too. never invite.
Oh you didn't poopsock the last 2 weeks straight? NO INVITE

I haven't heard ANYBODY refer to it as seasons from WOTLK until a while after M+ was introduced in legion or whenever
yeah that would be an actual issue without timegating
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>I have to abuse an exploit to get this rep ASAP
>B-But it's useless
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god i hate when i'm fishing and some fag comes up and starts fishing the same pool i just want to kick this vulpera faggot in the face right nwo
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GLOBO FOMO PSA we don't have a discord and we won't have so i'll do it here

I saw we had quite the amount of requests to join last night while i was sleeping.
Once we accept your request, you need to accept AGAIN to join (i know pretty retarded and non-intuitive)
Reminder to have fun /wowg/ anons and /globofomo/ anons.
kino fanart, saved
I haven't pugged with a single good arcane/frost mage either, it's the class that attracts retards, tiers don't mean anything with it
season 1 sisters... what went wrong? why is nobody playing season 1?
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>shitting up the thread with guild faggotry
just make a discord
it was always called seasons in PvP, you might be retarded
Until legion M+ there was no real content outside of raiding, so people just talked about tiers
Now that m+ exists, it doesnt make sense to call it a new tier so they call it a new season
I just report them for inappropriate communication with reason "cunt". think about it, if everyone does it they'll get autobanned.
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>Throwing the biggest esport competition in WoW for your entire guild in order to gain a "completely useless" advantage
RWF faggots are truly some of the most retarded people on the planet.
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class for this feel?
That vulpera thinks you're friends and posted to his twitter about his hecking wholesome fishing buddy
gingi is such a shitskin its unreal
fire specifically dealing less DPS than tanks all SL and DF. something about them being turned around massive combustion pulls? I don't know what exactly the rework did to them but I'm just gonna keep assuming their DPS bad.
POV: You're Green
And I haven't been below the tank a single time as Fire all SL and DF. Mage is just 99% shitters.
holy paladin
I am C....
>you can get crafting sparks from delves
what the FUCK
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yes yes very wise let them all in
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>leveling alt in normie dungeons
>tank has absolutely no fucking clue how to dungeon
>oh cool, a new frien, cute
>check tank
>has 15% exp boost
>keeps happening on daily basis
I'm not looking forward to plugging shit.
why is nobody commenting on the overthrown nerubian queen being lesbian with the weaver? chuds? taken too many Ls? not even gonna try?
The next Hero Class should be Chronomancer
danuser's leftovers
non canon soon
Dond care about pvp
I find delves take me most of the way to 80 now. they put an 80k exp quest at the start of every delve.
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The wheelchair broke the chuds.
They are spiders, go read a book.
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This guy is still spinning threads of cringe because he got caught buying KSM 5 years ago. Amazing autism.
i've got 3 80's don't know anything about the dungeons. im not sure what you can learn when most mechanics don't actually even activate.
my favorite streamer said outlaw does more than assa...
the arcane wheelchair of khadgar is genuinely one of the funniest things i have seen in my entire life
i was crying tears from laughing so hard
chapeu blizzard
>lack of raid buff and relatively average damage contribution place it in the B tier
It's joever...
>Retards pull 2 extra packs and the boss on second miniboss in the town in dawnbreaker
You will stay on the floor and you will watch me solo the boss for 3 full minutes retards, you waste my time I waste yours
???? fire mage was part of the m+ god comp since aug was added and stayed that way all of DF
I'm pretty sure I had 3 80s before I ran a single "The Dawnbreaker"
Leveling's just that fast this xpac.
laugh all you want but wheelchair-bound folk are happy with the tasteful representation. blizz showed it to a focus group and not a single one of them got up and walked out.
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St. Peter is trans btw
Good one anon.
Fine, I'll be your gf. That means
>I'll tank your keys
But also
>I VILL cvck you
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you son of a gun
are you sure? that doesnt look like the pearly gates. If anything thats more of a TSA inspector on your way into the afterlife airport
umm you mean folx
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>personal handmained

porn has rotted your brain
6/10 idea 1/10 execution
it was the peak of the shadowlands fuckery.
I'm kind of wondering who wrote all that stuff.
You don't understand anon, lesbians are hot and therefore okay, anything else is WOKE and bad!
dunno why you're watching spider porn instead of playing the game lil bro
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>friend from I usually raid with joins ultra sweaty mythic raiding guild (that will implode in 2 weeks) where wanting to have fun means you're a casual
Guess I'm pugging this tier
Haven't played Shadowlands but did a bit of content for mogs and such... The fucking despair is crazy in those zones, would hate to spend a whole expac there. Broken post-mortem soul processing machine... feels so fucking disgusting in the Warcraft universe to have that.
How is there no holy dps caster class or spec? Feels like an obvious thing they're missing. Closest thing is disc but that's still a healer at the end of the day.
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unique and cool design to replace it with a MAN(born female) in a fucking dress
>>friend from I usually raid with
having a stroke nigga?
>mythic realm firsters retire to a hc clear guild
>It's wowg
>always 2 short
It's ESL hours anon
we are wow players, we are having a stroke 24/7
Yes, I meant whom but I guess my fingers have hyper mega death aids
What was the spoiler?
in fact I'm stroking right now
mad disrespect calling him a lil bro
such a cool design and model ingame
did literally nothing, and replaced her with a tranny
life imitates art i guess.
My old chill heroic guild faction changed and server transferred to "find more people for pushing mythic progression".
Didn't work.
Imagine if it had been a male2female tranny. It would have giant fucking tits and DSL and 50 feet futa cock
>f2m; short butch russian gay porn actor cut
>basedboy personality
>cool design
what? this looks like shit and from a different game
man shadowlands was just a complete mess
>go to a datamining spoiler website
>wtf!! i was le.. spoiled
grim grim grim why are people so retarded
Wheelchair Khadgar.
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when will they introduce the first belf x orc half-breed character?
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I wanted to drop everything and just main arcane mage. Raw-ass basic bitch "me and my hands" mage.
>arcane simplified
Great! Fun! Amazing!-
>it's S tier in raid again, gonna get nerfed
>Still no easy mode talents to do less 6% dps with 2 less buttons to press
I love how the players swallowed this shit and accepted it as part of the game and it's going to be there forever reminding them that this is what they got.
yeah I hate EVERYTHING about Shadowlands too but you can agree that it looks so much better and dont have such a terrible voice acting https://youtu.be/ZdtTReaVI8A
Dornogal has to be the most sauceless capital city in all of WoW history
Yeah idk man, I just want to raid for fun. Why do people need to rush le hardest content. Do they aspire to be esports-niggas?
I was absent for SL and ran sanctum for the mogs - liked it, painsmith and sylvanas raw presentation was on point, but I imagine the blaring horns and miserable dumpy grays / soul greens / magma yellows would grate on you week after week.
WoW community manufactures their own outrage often but seriously the narrative they're pushing
>kelthuzad monologuing how he was on the side of the cosmic force of death all along and was merely pretending he wasn't in wc3
>sylvanas: why do you want to stop jailer after seeing how shit and broken the afterlife is??? (I don't)
>tiny ass head
>bad proportions cause UHHHH BIG ASS
please, someone post some AI kino to bleach this shit from my mind
shadowlands is not canon already
You can say whatever you want but this is part of World of Warcraft - forever.
I'm a B- DPS, B healer and B tank.
Pelagos says: Mm, who's next? Come on papa doesn't have all day.
Khadgar says: Pelagos? My man! Could I stop by the massage parlor afterlife first? Just a regular massage! To relax these old bones. First.
Pelagos says: My man? Sweetie it's more complicated than that. My gender, okay, as your God-
Khadgar says: My apologies. You said you identified as a man.
Pelagos tilts his head and purses his lips
Pelagos says: Mm hmm. Sooooo it didn't say on this list of sins you interrupted people when they're speaking. I'll just write that down now?
Khadgar says: Sorry, it seemed quite clear cut. I'm from a different time!
Pelagos says: Right. Okay. No, it's okay. You're from a different time :) let's get you to that massage parlor. Guardian of Azeroth, you old battleaxe you!
<Pelagos ticks the box that says "Maw" on zir clipboard>
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okay anons...so... are the tranny devs in the room with us right now?
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It's a paradox. You wanna wipe 10-20 times on a hc boss in week one. Clear the raid, get gear, do it again next week, maybe reroll. But unless you're all unstable nutjobs, you're gonna want to progress at some point. And then you remove all the losers who make the guild cozy cause they're bad at the game.

Or you make a "cozy social" guild and never progress.
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You guys would invite my fem nelf fury warrior to keys right?
I'm glad that they fired a lot of people responsible for shadowlands
now we are in a new metzen's kino era of warcraft universe
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>Only fun mage spec in the toilet
>literally 1 change to ret destroyed their value all at once
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God of the afterlife with Helm of Domination (the same crown that The Lich King Arthas had)
>I'm glad that they fired a lot of people responsible for shadowlands
not enough of them, Ion is still there
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>top DPS every single dungeon I do by a large margin
>Low C tier
Ret Paladin bros, it's FUCKING OVER
>pandaren-themed headphones
sovlful slop, i didn't think such a thing was possible
Only if her feet are out
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youll never play with friends on voice again. theyll disappear into another guild or hook up with a tranny. it's over. literally.
it's not actually because it's not canon
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No they're at blizzard hq right now retard
Goes to show how fucking bad the average player is.
Gear envy of the mythic autists and incapable of feeling "done" unless they clear the raid on mythic.
That's how my GM was anyway.
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>nothing to doom about so they're bringing up shadowlands again
non game players can you go back to /v/ to seethe there thx u!!
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looks great
simple design is always so much better than something that looks good
we should make a discord just for VC and random announcements.
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I'm sorry ffxivplayers but shadowlands is not canon
Metzen is back
We won
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went with female blackrock warrior
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uhm idk how to break it to you guys but youve got something on your heads...
Sure, my S1 DF guild was stuck at Mythic Terros for like 7+ weeks because of a handful useless retards, but there has to be a better compromise than joining a wannabe Mythic guild that will inevitably get stuck halfway into the raid and implode? Especially a guild where the GM has the attitude that fun = casual. Sounds miserable
Sounds like brainrot
ret is just really front loaded currently.
everything dies so fast, some specs cant even get going
and half the shit does 0 mechanics
Why are resto shamans always the best healers?
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Why did the retard artist draw her tail on the side of her hip?
>still denial about shadowlands
truly broken
>Ret Paladin bros, it's FUCKING OVER
Especially since they fixed the """bug""" with hammer of light.
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How about another slop, /wowg/?
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>based steve the anus.jpg
This but unironically.
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N-no. W-we're good, I swear. I won't have to play my Survival Hunter or Blood DK to do M+, r-right?
Keep seething. SL isn't canon.
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no brains spec
shitloads of cooldowns without sacrificing much ALSO doing decent damage by putting down acid rain and spamming chain lightning
now they have a group buff
they can earth shield themselves as well as the tank
The average player looks at a tier list and picks the top one because the tier list cant be wrong, so picking the best means im the best. Like it will play the game for them.
>in 50 years the pendulum will have swung so far back to the right that there will be a WoW expansion where you genocide all the gay/trans npcs that were added to the game over the decades
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more like... sylvanASS
How long til reset in burgerstan?
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your worg slop, give it to me.
wow a female toon that's not trying to look like a slut? impressive
is the miffic blus out yet
Must not be a wowg poster
7 more days goy
remember when pvp felt like this?
Played with the same 3 irl friends since wotlk. One quit in BfA and got a job/married, another started simping for an e-girl and abruptly cut all contact with rest of us without explanation in SL, the last joined a """hardcore""" guild and now spends all his time in their discord jumping between classic and retail.
I barely played DF, I haven't bought TWW. Unless the one who got married miraculously comes back WoW might be over for me
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I'd be fine playing an F tier spec if I enjoyed the character, the armor, the race and the general vibe.

None of my mains fit this.
It's been four weeks and there is still nothing to do.

Feels like WoD.
hate this nigga like you wouldn't believe
we are the nightborne
Game's at an all time high bro... This is what the PLAYERS want...
>replying to the phoneposting doomjeet.
Players paid $90 for this so I guess this is what they want...
WoD had follower shit you could do and the dungeons were fun
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At least WoD was kino.
horde garrison supreme kino, dont have to deal with smelly vulpera faggots or dracthyrs in MY base HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i got bank, AH, everything in my base too!
Worgen demon hunters when?
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You will never feel Swifties warm embrace.
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>errrrrrrm we cant have dracthyr shaman because billion dollar company can't make a hecking totem model its simply too expensive
didn't swifty die as a volunteer in ukraine?
Is there a single new leader who is a man? It's literally all women
>uhmn we cant have Night Elf or Void Elf paladins (even though they exist in lore) because.... uhh we just can't!
>there will be drachtyr demon hunters before other races
>we can't give playable high elves to the alliance because... because eh...
because ion is a black gorilla nigger
Men bad women good
Is the collecting wax really faster than dungeon spam for 70 to 80?
I just bought retail with a month sub to play Resto Shaman Troll because I got high, what would you rate this choice
>hmm i wonder what kind of activities there are to do in this mmo
>20 years since the first one!? wow, i bet they've really upped their game and provided so many fun and cool things to do
why is turalyon so racist wtf lol
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She gon' get ZUGGED in that jungle
Dude spent 1000 years fighting Chud Demons
Niggas on here spend 1 second on 4chand become racist
Can you blame him?
It's not even a matter of "GOT A LIFE! MOVED ON!". You can play wow if you want to, truly. You can make time. I got a ton of time (and money) and could raid every day of the week- if i had the fucking energy. I want to be as independent as possible and play offline games when I want to, but the idea that I could 24/7 retail and classic is like, "i fucking wish"
So they can make him a villain.
he's ELITE. you mere warriors just wouldn't get it
>Gamers now watch chinese vtubers instead of playing games
>People unironically buy games cause it got big tits and dogshit gameplay
Why even bother, bro
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Oh boy I look forward to being told to go faster and then nobody actually managing to handle anything tomorrow.
why are the horde and alliance training the earthen? they clearly have an established military and have been fighting the nerubians for ages. They are better equipped to fight them than we are, they should be teaching us.
We don't like racist chuds here.
it's today doe
so...where are all the players?
Okay anons, final stretch of picking my main. Ass rogue, ret paladin or survival hunter.
In China.
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>she never got a m+ deathwalker mount
>has to resort to using the cuck beledar's spawn version
fitting, trolls are a pretty high race and resto shamans have the highest keybinds
Most of the earthen are workers and crafters
There are at least a couple of readings.

One, that in extreme cases it's evidently right to interfere in foreign traditions.
Two, that traditionalists are dumb as fuck.

I like the former but I suspect Blizz was going for the latter, given that in the same expansion there is an entire race which an easy answer to existential matters that have troubles humands since the dawn of time and they go like "Naaaaaaaaah imma do whatever LOL!" instead.
Yeah, but its my midnight and shutdown is my excuse to go to bed.
For me?
It's delves
Do you guys think a tank like Blood DK is best for high delves?
beta tester hands typed this post...
ret is a frontloaded burst spec so no shit it looks like an overperformer in heroics where everything dies in 6 seconds and bosses die in 20
I'm assassin and any time there isn't some high burst class like arcane in there to fuck my kingsbanes I always end up with over double of everyone else's overall damage
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>charges at you
im going to be honest i was starting to think it was bugged before hand right before they hotfixed it because the dam felt way fucking better like that and i could understand why they kneecapped all our builders and FV 15% right before launch
I like his son more
And I don't mean Garrosh
Y-yeah but I have 3% d-damage reduction. Everyone will want t-that!
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Do.. do I have time to reroll!?
Did they gift a 70 boost at some point? i now realized that i have one.
sorry bro my garrote is an aoe silence and 15% damage reduction
but hey judgement hd looks cool
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just make your own group faggot
youll still get picked before shit brown tho, kek
>tier lists
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>xhe hasnt leveled every individual spec to 80
It's over for (You)
i fucking love this image lmfao
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>nothing in S tier for tanks or dps
>only 2 D tier dps, no D tier tanks or healers

surprisingly balanced actually.
passfren is picrel right?
>damage felt better when I could spam something that was supposed to be on a cooldown
best case is they'll change it to how it was when it was bugged but kneecap the damage by 40%
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>Xal'atath telling Alleria MM Hunter is shit
assa rogue is so unfun man its not even worth being 20 ilvls below everyone and still outdamaging them
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Xal'atath sent us to hell, but we're going even deeper. Literally, we're uh, we're going deep into the earth, underground
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Blizzard tried to do the obvious cash in of early access but not realizing why it works for a lot of other games. If like 90% of your profit comes from a singular point of release where the entire appeal of that period is seeing other people play the game too, you don't then try to divide the consumerbase.

Early access legitimately doomed the expansion.
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Guess it's back to the Blood DK cuckshed, then
i like dots and the classic rogue class fantasy
Doomed? In what fucking universe? people had a shitfit about the leveling nerfs for about 36 hours and then got the fuck over it, cause the rest of the expansion has been good so far.
If im an anti social asshole what rogue spec should I play?
>replying to doomjeet
>Horde gets cool Conqueror title
>Alliance gets Justicar (lame)
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making bank with delves right now :)
Justicar is cooler imo
>pure DPS class
Pick one and only one. If you want to be the main character, you play tank. Pure DPS classes are played exclusively by people who need to follow.
Only if you're a Warrior or Paladin or something
dont justicar and conqueror mean the same thing?
you remember the "quest" in vanilla in westfall where you walk around spamming "chicken" to get a pet or whatever?
that's like, 80% of the quests in retail now
alliance already got conqueror of orgrimmar
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hmm. not sure how i feel about that ma'am.
this title is kino
my title is concuqeror of ur mom
my favorite title is highlord
Conquerer = someone who conquers
Justicar = someone who enforces justice
you're not black
Seems a bit counter intuitive, being a tank implys also being a leader of some sort.
except they removed /chicken because it was offensive
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it would be cooler if you got cool armor
Man, I was gonna start doing Heroics tonight. I forgot its maintenance night.
WE WILL MEVER BE SLAVES! But we will be conquerors.
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>Mistweaver A
>Survival B+
>changing filenames and md5s
kill yourself already
>playing a h*aler
You're not fit to play Survival
Why does he look like he just saw a dog shit into a baby's mouth?
Because he just did.
is he going to play today?
Why didn't they consolidate control of Draenor before invading Azeroth?
why are there still old dragon models in old zones? I thought the previous expansion was about dragons
My hunter was first, the healer was to hedge my bets when it looked like hunter was dead in the water. Assassination rogue coming up next.
So how many months will it be before my destruction warlock is invited to a mythic.
erm previous expansion was about family, sister.
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hmm let us consult the tier list
i've had the best luck with healers in delves so far
everything has low hp when you're healer spec, but brann fucks as hard as ever
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Yes, being a leader means you have unconditional power over other people. Sociopathy rates climb dramatically as you climb corporate ladders. Tanking means everyone else in your group is disposable. You set the pace, you dictate the run's success or failure, and you can brick runs by taking your ball and going home if the DPS peasants get uppity. Anybody claiming true gameplay independence on anything other thank tank is absolutely delusional.
My penis is just above average, what race/class combo should I play?
the new dragon models are shit, the old dragon models are SOVL
so is the current one lol, look at moira and alleria's arcs
why didnt this dude just pay for his mom to go to some luxury retirement home
im not talking some slump to get abused at, im talking like a 5 stars hotel for seniors
couldnt he afford it? did he really hate his mom so much?
mw is just a dps that heals
Is that Nico? Did he lose all the weight? Or is that just a filter.
anyone got that spurdo sparde kilrogg/gilrogg :DDDDDD meme?
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will i get brann to level 15 by the time i run through 4 5 6 and 7 or what
hes like 11 and a half from the kej farm i was doing
Dwarf or Kul Tiran Enhancement Shaman, easily. Big "it's not about the size of the ship but the rhythm of the ocean" vibes.
That's why I made my online friends outside of WoW and we all play whatever we want while talking. Maybe you should try that.
kul tiran death knight
you know what I only noticed yesterday?
the fucking warcraft 2 human theme music plays during pet battles if you have music on
pure SOVL
Yeah, he lost it all. Apparently, he hasn't made any videos for the past two years, and has just been working on himself. All the insane shit he's been doing on his channel was a backlog of videos he prepared beforehand.
He was basically fucking with everyone. There's even an old clip of him saying that he's stopping the retarded shit and losing all the weight when he hits 30. He hit 30 two years ago, right when he stopped making videos.
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Sometimes I feel like this thread is run by drooling morons. Every time I mention any sort of damage related to bloodDK I get 20 (You)s talking shit, telling me how amazing their damage is.
Then I read this on wowhead
>its main weakness now is relatively low damage contribution
Hm.. alright.
inb4 wOwHeAd LaMaU
shut the fuck, pull-bitch
I feel like in WoW its possible to be anti-social while also not lacking empathy. Sure you can lord over the social and gameplay responsibility that being a tanks lend but maybe I just wanna do my part unnoticed as a DPS.
Please anons, help me. I can't make my own decision on classes because of crippling depression.
hes cheap and a bad son
evokers and shamans eating good
it's a legitimately astounding level of psychopathy and self-control to just bait everyone into giving you endless attention and money as you purposefully turn into a lolcow and then just reverse it on a whim
shut up bitch swallow, if you dont swallow
shut up bitch gargle
who gives a shit about tank damage? BDKs die less
>zoinkers! I need to you play a pipe fitting minigame to make sure my heckin brewery doesnt asploderoni! us dwarves love our ale as you well know
>champion of the azeroth! you've arrived just in time. quick, take this broom and sweep the fucking floor
>bing bing wahoo ilvl +up!
the jewhead tier list is fake news
its not even remotely accurate
it came with the base ($50) expansion
the 500 anons who constantly give me shit for saying bloodDK doesn't do good damage
Thats interesting. Here's to him not feeling the need to do that again.
I love you and cant wait to do keys with you but
>wowhead LMAO
In comparison to literally every DPS class/spec, yes blooddk DPS is ass
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post ion memes
Enjoy your 30 minute ques, and having your damage profile expression limited by another player.
Asocial/antisocial. Antisocial personality disorder is not even remotely the same thing as extreme introversion or social anxiety.
Its insane shit, yeah. But I respect the hustle. And the willpower to go from ball of lard to twink.
so how does m+ work
am i locked to a single dungeon for a week or what
this but healer
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You cannot tell old people what to do and if you try you better be ready to reap the whirlwind.
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You don't look like that anime girl
whatre you faggots doing first?
im thinking raid finder dps que while i get the 4 keys into delves
but then if i dont go straight into pvp im going to get gatekept by two set havers and miss mark
idk i just dont know...
The problem with being a guide following faggot is that the only result you can replicate is the one that the guide creating faggot had. True chads know that tanks and healers only need to do their job just well enough and therefore put points into shit that does damage or has utility.
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i lost all my ion pictographs...
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>get my spark
>craft my 606 2 handed axe
>get on a call with the boys
>do an all-plate mythic0 world tour
it's gonna be fucking fat
Hmm, maybe. I'd imagine they'd also have lower health as a tank too.
>tank pulls the entire dungeon
>ignores aggro
>DPS get raped
>I as the healer get blamed after the inevitable wipe
observe and reflect
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Do an M+ dungeon, which gives you a key for a specific dungeon. Run that dungeon. You get a new key that is one number higher (run a +1, get a +2). Rinse and repeat until the dungeons are too difficult for you.
bDK and vDH beg to differ, but at least you have more influence than a DPS.
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!trigger warning! OG CONTENT
>chads know that tanks .. put points into shit that does damage
So you are what you described as
>guide following faggot
I mean, that's what Icy Veins, Wowhead and any written or video guide tells you.
Anon, you might not be very smart
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I just dont give a shit, they can kick me if they want. If a group wipes and it's not my fault, sounds like a shit group anyway.
Who is the most MAZE'd WoW streamer/e-celeb
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i just impulse bought The War Within after not playing since MoP... what the fuck did i just do
Weekly quests, delves. Heroics and LFR, then M+ if I'm not being a pussy.
if youre a brokie do the nightfall sanctum delve for tinderboxes
they instastell for 6k
The more I do dungeons and have to deal with tanks who don't know how to look behind them, the more I just want to make a tank so I don't have to deal with the headache.
m+ is next week
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you are playing sanlayn you freak of nature
stop making shit up lmao
welcome sister!
>what the fuck did i just do
if you ignore absolutely everything being said about the game on the internet it's a pretty enjoyable experience
Don't you get only one per character from that delve?
Are they guaranteed?
>check out what my bis gear is
>double on use trinkets
Oh hell no.
a wise decision.
Are M0s not this week? I know that +1 onwards is next week.
sauce on where they came from?
pls help
Towlie, duh.
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uhhh.. I guess it's sunny outside and my walls are white...
But why are we just sharing random stuff without any sense or meaning?
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>be healer
>bis is passive trinkets
we love a passive cute healer ;3
Nah. He's transcended being mazed and is on a whole other level now.
>make a tank
>don't deal with the headache
pick one
What does he even do these days?
which tank tops the damage meters?
ive done 3 in the past hour and have gotten at least one each run
cute passfren
Pet battle bros, what are some OP pets I should use? Preferably ones I probably already have or are easy to get
holy fuck bear is boring what do you even press
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Does /wowg/ think he ERPs?
Fuck if I know. I'm not watching that retard.
qrd on how to sim? I'm traversing into tryhard territory
Unless you're a 45s burst class, this doesn't make much sense imo. Passive+active is usually a better combo, even if 2x active is hypothetically better on a site like bloodmallet.
The first line of his that I ever think of is when he said "LOOK at those Draenei Thighs!" in one of his WoW news videos.
So yes.
btw if youve got a character with tailoring do it on that one
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fire mage bros...
>decide to play tank due to shitty tank fatigue
>now get to know the joy of terrible DPS that ignore mechanics, pull extra groups, or just do shit DPS
>also get to know the joy of healers who dont heal or healers who cry endlessly

You cant win
you tell me nigger
you play dogshit hero talents that give you absolutely nothing offensively or defensively and then you bitch here that you are losing aggro cause you do no damage
you or /wowg/ in general never compared bdk damage to other tanks you disingenuous troon
yes i am terminally online on wowg I read everything you post and it's always mentally retarded shit but I can't stop replying to it
just be a brainlet and macro all your trinkets onto your CDs
How would I know, I don't follow faggot guides.
not the guy you're replying to but I've been playing blood for like 6 years and we definitely do have shit dps. the tradeoff is being basically immortal
I never once in my life lost aggro. You made that up.
I never compared bloodDK to anything, I just said it's damage sucks. You made that up.
Why are you lying so much?
So that the Scarlet Brotherhood has somebody to rally around.
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so you are a naturally this good at being a faggot?
Based I'm gonna make a blood DK and spend my time shit posting about DPS damage
i fucked up
i got so caught up playing the a hache i forgot to level and refarm honor on my pvp characters and now im remembering that im going to be forced to do that immediately or use my catalyst charge on a pvp piece with the mark of mastery to make two set...
its so fucking over for me
midnight when
>looking to make the first belf character for the sake of racial quest
>wondering what class to make it
>rp autism kicks in
>the paladins are just human light worshippers now
>Midnight will make them use pure faith and be golden good boys instead of well tappers because it is getting perma voided
>same with priests
>I already have a forsaken mage
>midnight will make them anti-warlock so that won't do
>already got a troll dk
>already got a draenei hunter
Just fuck my shit up. Tactician larping arms warrior it is. Midnight will kill this race so bad
you ARE the best race for m+ RIGHT!?
I have to laugh at you getting dogged on by a nigga chimping out at you for posting that bdk fags chimp out when you says bdk damage is bad.
I'm alright with others pulling extra groups even if it's a bit annoying. I'm confident in my knowledge of whatever class I'm currently playing to be able to handle split second situations. That's why I hate these newbie tanks who are on autopilot and don't think to look around and go, "Hmmm, there's two caster mobs on the healer, maybe I should run over and aggro them."
If you do bad damage with Deathbringer, Bonestorm, Tombstone, and Consumption, you're unironically a shit DK. I'm regularly dabbing on DPS in dungeons rn.
i play dwarf and nelf exclusively yes
All my characters are dwarves
theyll still take me over you shit brown
Perfect expansion for you tho
finding a group today is going to be ass
>every race in a M+ is a drachtyr
>Aug Evoker in every group
>Preservation Evoker in every group
>Drachtyr Vengeance DH in every group
Ions Azeroth...
>the paladins are just human light worshippers now
>Midnight will make them use pure faith and be golden good boys
and that's a good thing
The best race is the one that makes my armor look the coolest, so yes, I am playing the best race for M+.
its simple, if you're playing as drACKthyr i will remove you from the group
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Unfortunately I think the earthen look and sound retarded, but it gives me an option for the horde I guess
>I never once in my life lost aggro
you were literally complaining two days ago about how hard it is to pull aggro off DPS who ninja pull
blood dk is the 2nd highest dps tank spec below prot warrior in tww tho you guys are dogshit lmaooo
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Wowhead says my dps class is B tier yet I'm always top damage. Curious.
Bring the player, not the class.
Anon, that's 2 different worlds. That's not holding and losing aggro, that's racing against the DDs to gain aggro. Once aggro is established, that shit is locked in.
tier list is for tryhards pushing m+ keys not for your dungeon finder heroics
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>Healers worst rank is B between a total of 7 specs
>Tanks worst rank is C between a total of 6 specs
>DPS worst rank is D between a total of 26 specs

Between all three brackets and 39 specs TWO specs reached D and those two specs are BM Hunter and Fire Mage.
always was
same for shaman it will always be orc centric
wowhead is dogshit literally made by random noname faggots in the maze+ world
dratnose is a literal meme and so are the other niggas
also I don't understand why these faggots ALWAYS shill guardian druid whenever it's possible
what i said on my bm kyrian hunter ;)
Draenei do the light worship better.
Outside extreme imbalance cases the tierlists are just based on few% DPS gains or other utility. Nothing good gear and player with working fingers can't overcome
I ran heroics with the same friends I did m+ with last expansion so I know they're decent players. I think whoever made the tier list is a retard
I main Outlaw rogue and everyone keeps saying how ruined that class is. But I'm always topping the meters as well, and by a landslide too.
>Damage meters? Why would I need that? I already know my rotation.
>Parse? Why? I'm just here to slay big monsters.
>Who cares if I'm not in the top 0.1% of damage after spending tens of thousands of gold on consumables, I'm having fun playing with my friends.
again those lists are made for 20+ god gaymers not for normal players
>bm a spec for the monkeys you tame being d
this is fine
>fire mage the crit strike slot machine being d when we have no crit
this is fine
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>can't play spellslinger frost mage because everything dies so fast
Had a weird dream about WoW last night..

I’ve just come back from work. As I open the door, I notice that there are at least a dozen razer headsets in the hallway. I find this quite strange. Obviously I have guests over, but I never expected them.

I go upstairs, and I see pretty much the entire Echo roster that got mythic WF Fyrrak. They all give me high fives, shake my hand, talk with me and make me feel quite special. Though when I try to get into my bedroom,Meeres tells me that he doesn’t think it’s a good idea. I laugh it off and just go through anyway, as I would like to change from my work clothes.

I go into my bedroom and I see Kush in nothing but a towel with a video recorder in his hand. He’s recording Gingi having sex with my girlfriend (missionary).

In my dream, I put my hand on Gingi's shoulder from behind and tell him, “mate, I think that’s enough”.

He responds with “My friend, is ok, no?”

I tell him that it’s definitely not OK.

At this point my girlfriend Emily doesn’t even acknowledge my existence. Rogerbrown comes in and gets me into a full nelson and drags me out of the room. I have been manhandled, ridiculed and disrespected in my own property, by people that I once looked up to.

I’m sitting at the bottom of my stairs, quite bemused. The doorbell rings. I open the door, it’s Scripe. Finally, a man of such respect, regard and authority would restore order in my own household. I approach him, congratulate him on the WF and then go on to explain what has been happening upstairs. He has a trademark smirk on his face and tells me he will take care of it. He practically bypasses the orderly queue formed outside of my bedroom and enters as Kush and Gingi walk out.

Then the next 30 minutes are just followed by loud thumps and squeaking which clearly shows that he was just as bad of the rest of them.

At this point, I woke up because of my alarm. But as I was in the shower I was like what the fuck did I just dream about.
as long as there isnt something egregiously broken with a spec resulting in a 50% deficiency in damage even in the best hands, skill>>>>>>>>>>>>>tuning. a skilled player will just have so much more damage with better positioning, uptime, ABC and Ogcd weaving, and knowledge of the mechanics that a less skilled player will lose far more than the difference between two specs in dps just on a fundamentals level of mechanics.
>Dark iron dwarf
This isn't his honest reaction btw because this poster isn't a cat
What rogue spec has the lowest APM?
Imagine the post dungeon tribbysesh...
IIRC Assassination is the slow one and Subtlety is the fast one
Gotta be assassination, you dump your fuck huge energy bar then go grab a coffee and come back to do it again
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me driving to your moms house
Uhhhh what happened to feral druid?
How do you know?
raped, as deserved
no more mastery scaling on ferocious bite
It's a delve and pvp spec
What's the chance maintenance ends on time?

Are Augs painful to play? If my BM Hunter can't find groups then I want the easiest KSM this season.
okay, does anyone actually enjoy balance? does anyone actually like playing around eclipse? who is this spec designed for? it feels terrible to play.
Hardest part about playing Aug is you have to look like a faggot scalie
game is patched and I can log in to the realm selection screen
should be on-time maybe even early
aug is one of the easiest specs
If you play dracthyr you are speed running yourself into cuntboy content
Patch will most likely have a 2-3hour delay
BM will not find groups.
i dont want to be a dick about this but should that cat really be allowed to drive
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Whisper any member if Alliance, Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum first and ask for an invite there.
blood bros..........................................
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You can tell Balance... Just never was supposed to be a Druid thing. Druids are healers, (de)buffers and shapeshifters. Balance being a slower mage was a poor choice from.the beginning but Chris and the other numbnuts just forced it in there like a square peg in a round hole.
People only enjoy it for the meme value and the farming - Ehich makes it the perfect Bot class and should thusly be nuked.
NTA, but how much targeting of the party do you have to do?
For whatever reason, my retard brain cannot handle clicking on party frame and clicking a spell. I'm always too late or misclicking and shit.
I play BM Hunter. Its awful. Like, horrible damage. Worse single target and AoE damage.
I don't like the other 2 specs but I'm going to switch to Marksman, because BM is just dead flat.
It needs rework or huge damage buffs, im talking 30-50% damage buffs.
It needs a better, more reliable AoE.
Yeah this is what I was looking at. I'm gonna keep running raids and delves on it, hoping that the anni patch saves it. Aug or assassination it is then.
I just started playing dragonflight, how do I upgrade my gear? The NPC wants me to use flightstones but it seems flightstones are no longer available? Or is there another way to upgrade gear?
in 5-mans all your prescience, redirect magic, etc auto-targets to appropriate people if you have no ally targeted. it's ez mode
is there a similar PvP tier list?
Good to know. I might get my Evoker to 80 then, and try out Aug.
>dood theres nothing to do. heroic? pfffft
I am a BM player, swapped to surv because you pretty much just cannot play BM right now. Now I feel like everything I kill I literally do double damage.
What? Why would you want to upgrade DF gear?
flightstones were relevant when dragonflight was the current expansion. just speed through as fast as possible to 70 and get to the war within content
Yeah, ignore all that until you get to tww content.
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The Midnight
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it's funny how taurens had the lowest number of playable classes in vanilla among other races but now they literally can be anyone and have the most classes available
Ignore it and just get to TWW, anon. Then you can interface with the totally different and totally unique Valorstones.
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Half my gear is heroic and half my gear is quest and guess what?
>click party finder
>click make mythic group
Simple as
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>people caring this much about tier lists
I pity those that have no choice but to pug M+ or raids. shackled to the lists people make based exclusively on simulators and perfect scenarios.
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you need a healer and 2 RDPS to fill out this raid team. which specs are you taking and why?
is 2h frost good?
>WW mediocre (as always)
>BM is the worst tank

I think dw feels better because "more auto attacks, more procs".
But dps-wise, dw and 2h is roughly the same.
>is a dual wield spec whose bonuses and abilities all revolve around dual wielding good if you don't dual wield?
not sure
>she doesn't have the information
Taurenchads stay winning
China still has active Wrath Classic servers that didn't go to Cata?
no seriously
they are the only race that have that many classes
it is literally part of the assa single target rotation to stop pressing buttons and just autoattack sometimes
Paladin or Priest healer. Monks are super versatile healers, probably go for a strong tank healer. Arcane mage and Aug are the obvious choices, you can pump.
Are you guys dogs?
bear is the worst tank because it can cause the user to fall asleep resulting in a wipe
only correct answer is warlock mage rdruid unless the only options for these classes are piloted by literal retards.
>check frost mage talents on wowhead
>ray of frost
i dont fucking think so.
china got wotlk servers because wow was down
Please, tell me what to play anons
Is ADEU the best server?
What content do you like to do?
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any outlawfags here?
Frostmourne-OCE is the best
96% alliance
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Resto Druid for MOTW
Shadow for PWF
Warlock for cookies and summons
Normally I'd take a Mage over a Warlock or Shadow but when your comp is this melee-stacked you aren't getting much value out of AI.

2H Oblit was viable for all of DF. Has something changed?
australians really love royal families
frostmourneBVLLs stay winning
>still haven't decided if I'm maining DK or Warlock yet
>thinking about boosting a priest to try it out
Imagine being a yurocuck who has to sit and watch Americans play the new content 24 hours before they can lol
I am going to be playing M+ with my usual buddies. I need to play a DPS because we already have tank and healer. I also want to be able to delve hardcore on it, and maybe do some BGs as a casual thing.
Bet that ass can make some music
Boosting fucking sucks if you're on the fence, it's brutal to try to figure out all your shit at 70
>2H Oblit was viable for all of DF. Has something changed?
Now DW Oblit is just as good. Thats really it.
I'll be honest, I haven't looked at frost since like lich king so I was just wrong about it being strictly DW
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huns boughted the gold set
it's the fucking double-edged sword

You want to boost a class you haven't played before because it's something new to play, but you also want to learn the fucking class pre-ability bloat. I'm sure they do this on purpose.
unironically, death knights are owning PvE and PvP right now. rightfully so.
Not Blood though.
100% make an augvoker then, hands down the best choice for what you need
>I'm sure they do this on purpose.
we used to have class trials which made it a lot better
I miss the class trials
how bad is the honor grind right now?
I want a big strong evoker girl to put her tail between her legs and peg me in the ass with it
Oh, I should have mentioned we have an evoker already, sorry.
How hard is it to tank a heroic dungeon if you're barely over the minimum gear requirement?
I just came back and the last time I did dungeons was during Wrath and I remember sleeping through heroics back then, but everything is so different now I don't want to go into one and have everyone laugh at me
Should I just respec to healer and learn all the dungeons first? I haven't healed as a paladin since Karazhan.
>class trials mysteriously gone
>undeleting mysteriously stops working
what will they sneakily "break" next?
Human male monk with the Monk hair
you vill make a new thread
quick someone call me based
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Based wow enjoying anon is based.
oh yeah
forgot about them
Level to 80 and then use the boost to make an alt of the same class. Now you have a spare for farming trannymog.

Trivial, Heroic is barely harder than Normal. Except for Dawnbreaker, where someone dies to retarded instakill mechanics every time.
they are the original race of azeroth after all
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why i got to wait an hour before i get the gold from ah
i got a loan shark breathing down my neck
What are the other DPS? People will think I'm taking the piss but Survival is a solid pick if you don't already have lust from another class, they do decent damage and then you have Marksman to abuse people in BGs and BM will be an absolute top tier delver. If you already have lust then it's a tougher sell because that's really all they bring to the table unless you're smart about using all your CC options.

Fury Warrior, Assassination Rogue, Frost DK, and Ele shaman are in excellent spots right now since they all PUMP and they all can manage solo content well. Rogues are deceptively one of the sturdiest non-tanks and stealth is gonna be a massive delve speed up.
We have evoker healer, druid tank, warlock and either shaman or DH as DPS, depending on the time of day. I'm looking at survival, ret, or assassin.
Mage, Priest, Druid for the buffs. Resto/balance and shadow/disc doesn't matter, the classes matter more than the exact spec composition. I'd also just straight up drop 2 DPS warriors for a DPS DK and a ret, 3x Warrior in a comp that small is almost unsalvageably retarded.
sub apm is barely above ass, while outlaw is playing dragonforce in guitar hero
Me, but i swapped to assa because outlaw has 20 more buttons for half the dps.

A shame. I loved the idea of being a heckin epic pirate.
i'll swap back to outlaw when the bte change goes live
Healer quit after the first boss and I didn't notice until the end. My self-sustain is just that good. Healers are replaceable and frankly just there to keep shitty DPS alive.
Reminder that tanks and healers are cucks who have the easiest jobs. DOS is unironically actually harder because you actually have to COMPETE with others tk show that you're not dogshit. Tanks and healers just go in like retards and press buttons and get carried by DPS. Healers don't even need a rotation they just press their heals when people take damage,

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