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Elves edition

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA Community, X-faction X-server

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

Previous: >>493952871
Be nice to other posters :3
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I can't decide if I should main rshaman, mw, or disc priest
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I got a little friend
mating press
fuck the goblin, marry the gnome and kill the panda
asmondads... will he play worlo tonight...?
never lucky with that shit
giwtwm with a pp
Thank you for this list it will save me at least 40 minutes in my raid tonight.
think I'm gonna go with herald of the sun since they cucked the fuck out of templar bros
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levelled like 10 alts in mop remix
not played any of them
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This is your tank for tonight. Would you join his group?
why would you do that
>not a single dk dps in the world first race
Dkbros is it over?
i hadn't played since SL so I went on my druid cause I was told druid had tons of new forms so i got to bear and then clicked on this model and it scared me lol, like what the fuck even, terrible
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This is just straight up plagiarism
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SERVERS ARE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
why the fuck would you bring a class that has no raid buff or other utility? are you stupid?
There should be a world boss yea? I don't see its location.
b-but raise dead!
Epic edition only.
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LMAO imagine being a yuropoor who has to watch Americans stream the new content while they're sat watching like cuckolds
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Hallowfall can't compare
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should i main on moonguard is it really that much better of a realm
my realm has some cool guilds but feels so dead
>Towelie still streams
honestly good for him.
Is there any class with mobility similar to DH
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>The LFR didn't drop anything for my Warlock
>Frank's Red Hot brap cloud filter
bricked account
>everyone will be playing mage arcane
>meanwhile the main mage of Liquid is playing frost in raid and beating everyone easily by 5/10%
can you get gear from Normal if you did LFR?
Fuck the panda, fuck the goblin, and fuck the gnome without a condom
So amerifats, how are tier8 delves? Can be soloed? Group? How is the betatesting going?
>muh streamer
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To preserve the future of our race we MUST slam against blue booty
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Tell me a fun range spec to play
Easiest tank spec for beginners? I want to overcome my fear of tanking
>baldurs gate invented owl bears
ask me nicely and ill answer you
evoker has perma 45% movespeed buff with glide and a 30% movespeed buff with 50% uptime as well as several teleports
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deljete this
Alleria is only hot because of hot sex with Turalyon.
Why does a titan-crafted flesh cursed progeny imbued with the holy light have a penetrating semen dispenser that fits perfectly into the natural but magically evolved and void harnessing lusty womb recepticle? Nobody knows for sure.
baldur's gay's parent company does indeed hold the copyright to them
i am emotionally stunted and can only express text based anger at those who consume media that is outside the realm of 4chania for it is most foul that a knave would do such blaspheme against our website which repays us for our loyalty
monk and evoker get close but dh is in a class of it's own
What no healthcare does to a mf
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At once, sire.
Yes, my lord.
blizzard is healing
Tanking in general is pretty easy spec wise, guardian, warrior, and veng are prot paladin are basically impossible to fuck up, blood dk it's easy to die if you're a complete drooler, but once you learn the basics it's invincible, and brewmaster is actually a little tricky. In general the classes are easy, it's just about getting a sense for routs and how to test your party to see how much they can handle.
kys footcuck
shut up before you beta test another 14hr maintenance for us stupid burger
When did Metzen bring Quentin Tarantino onto the writing staff?
thanks for the insights anon!!!
14hr maint? I was asleep lol
genuine mongs
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>On RP server
>Player numbers are up
>No one in Stormwind Park
>No one in Cathedral district
>Harbour is empty
>Silvermoon and Ogrimmar are dead
>RP guilds are no where to be seen
Years ago there used to be multiple style of guilds everywhere, Orc guilds, belf guilds, stormwind guard guilds, forsaken guilds, draenei and dwarf only guilds.
Where are all the RPers gone?
I don't know how it works for you but here in EU, the maintenance is usually 3am to 4am with reset at 6am.
I'm gonna go sleep in 1h and wake up at 6 to play
jerking it in goldshire
american game btw
>theres no pvp rewards from the weekly vault now
yeah think i'm about done with this semen slurping "game"
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So where's the portals to the old dungeons?
why? genuinely curious
you get a guaranteed weapon after three weeks, there's no reason for a vault.
all your pvp gear comes from the vendor now. they increased the conquest cap and there is a quest that gives a conquest weapon once you complete it
because it's an awful dungeon
literal golem
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>miss a vault
>behind for the entire expansion
okay kupo
the weapon its giving me is the wrong stats
Only Argent Dawn and Moon Guard are alive RP servers.
>Argent Dawn
Silvermoon/Orgrimmar RP is dead, killed by some anti-ERP cult called PCU that witch hunted everyone off the faction. They also slaughtered half of Stormwind's walk-up RP by harassing basically anyone who did adhere to what they thought was the correct way to RP.
Some still exists in Stormwind (Park, Cathedral, Harbor), Duskwood and sometimes Redridge.
Also Goldshire for low-effort goon RP
>Moon Guard
More active, but less serious. More just walk-up ERP central in Stormwind with people having crappy half-OOC profiles.
Same thing as AD in Goldshire but more active.

All other servers? Dead.
How is this a bad thing? you couldn't pvp & pve on the same chara before because of your vault + the lucky fags who got tier sets in vault were an advantage.


Tanking isnt easy cus of class
It's easy cus you got no competition
If I dont top DPS meter the raid may as well wipe
I am here to win
Lok tar ogar
where are the slutty screenshots??
need to fap
>doing delves past tier 4 is literally pointless except for vault completion because they only drop 554 gear
jesus christ can Blizzard do anything right
did you buy the bear
What is walk up rp?
>Always play female characters with girly names
>Have had people tell me on multiple occasions that their gf/wife/friend played/plays a character with that name

Not sure how to feel about this...
dont you get good gear from the chests that require key
So its just another weekly mandatory chore?
i hope danuser fucking dies
whats the recommended delve to rank up on?
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If I had kept Brann spec'd as a healer I'd have steamrolled this bastard in his first appearance. Goddamn.
plenty of people on wra darknest you can /tell to ask to ERP
I'm trying to figure out what this loser actually did.
I hear he's to blame for Shadowlands and fucking everything up with that cosmology chart or something, but what did he actually do?
Danuser cannot kill hope
He tried with BfA Nazjatar and Nyalotha drip feed storytelling
He tried with Shadowlands lore rape
He tried with Dragonflights gay centaurs
Hope remains
And he just keeps failing!
does dps brann even do much dmg?
it's odd that world of warcraft, which became a cultural phenomenon as the premier game for poopsockers in the 2000s, has timegated away literally all poopsocking-based progression
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For the love of god someone tell me where the portals are
he retroactively ruined warcraft 3 by making it so that the forces of the jailer were fighting the forces of the jailer in their attempt to thwart the forces of the jailer
I always get jealous of wowfags during raid releases
my life cant accommodate WoW anymore, no matter how many catch up gear they introduce

have fun anons
He can. And he CC's a bit. I had been trying Protection Paladin before this run, which needs more damage but doesn't need healing.
I decided to leave him on Damage for this run because Ret's pretty solid on healing and defensive CDs anyhow.
A raid tier just came out
Between her anus wedges
this tamegating is nothing new. they literally do this at the start of every expansion
That guy people call The Jailer?
His real name is... J'lor...............
Are m0s bitch baby easy mode or nah
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I'm on AD and its been years since PCU was around. They shouldn't have that lasting effect on the populous by now.
Moonguard silvermoon's upstairs used to be like a packed club now it's like an empty rural pitstop bar at 10pm, you step in and feel like you shouldn't be there, yknow?
I need help. I have tailoring and alchemy on my main and I need to decide what to run on my alt. Double gathering seems reduntant since you probably find just as many nodes if you just have one gathering. Is there any other profession that's ok money for very little effort? I was thinking herbalism to support my alchemy and then something more (that isn't mining probably).
Portergauge has to do something about them shoving this "attractive" f*male's feet in every cinematic instead of based gay centaurs and frogs
>people are bitching about xal'atath's feet
we can't have nice things in this game
Zek'voz didn't drop my boots again, I'll see you guys next week :(
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>China alone has 10x the population of retail in NA/EU combined
Scary stuff
>open twitch to see whats going on
>first stream
>boss bugged
most of the bosses are bugs retard
Classic Chads won
Retoilets BTFO
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Sex goddess is back
It's literally over. Retail is literally dead.
What happened?
>got a weapon from my second delve
we won bros...
They're not on my face right this second and I'm angry about it.
It's figuratively over. I am figuratively dead.
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why isn't Worlo big in India, though?
Ion won
Fake and gay
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(You) will not spoiler yourself out of the ending right anonie?
I felt that.
I want those 2 minutes of my life back

also who the fuck is the footfag making these cutscenes?
My secret is i don't care about the lore at all
Safest fanservice they can give us.
Thanks for telling that there are more xal'atath god tier feet scenes. Now i wanna finish the raid even more vehemently
>No new story information in the cinematic
>Just feet and Xal doing the same routine she's done since the start
People always say Blackhand, Doomhammer, Thrall, Garrosh, Voljin, Sylvanas
They forget that Ner'zhul was warchief too, once.
no poo elementals (yet)
How much of this is bots

Legion cinematics is way better than Xal'atah garbage
I paid for the expansion, I deserve that
There's a lot wrong with objectifying female body parts. And it's blatant objectification, because the constant display of her feet adds nothing to the plot. It's like Tarantino's movies, but at least he admits that it's a blatant fetish for him.
thank you wowhead - very cool!
Soda is back and he brought his cringe wifeu!
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>they reused the feet scene
China never got the original wotlk release, right? So this is the first time they've had it on "official" servers
Might be because its with well established characters? Is it the Illidan effect? WHo knows.
which of the arcana hero specs is the fun one and which is the metafag one
What is the Champion of Azeroth doing during this?
that's the second tier of the expansion tho. this is the first time we get a cutscene at the end of the first tier of the expansion, so it being nothing special is fine
>they could have made Baine a warchief
>picked shit Sylvanas
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ner'zhul's reign involved getting his shit pushed in on his home turf and blowing his own planet up
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>there's a foot chad in the cinematic team
how do u get the mythic weekly quest
for the horde xD roar
Both are fun but sunfury is the meta one
and thats a good thing
beta fetish. almost as bad as eating pussy.
> out of no where Xalatath is walking around like the quest campaign finale never happened
Pozz-Blizz truly cannot tell any proper stories.
This. A real chad sucks dicks instead.
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Why don't we just avada kedavra Xalatath?

Again Legion cinematics mog the shit out of anything Xal'atath
>log in
>que LFR
>get half full instance with angry BRs huehuehueing and pulling third boss
>deserter debuff
im so done with WoW, man
insecure melanin rich hands typed this
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>not even 2 hours and the latest raid already cleared
and you guys say classic is easy ....
>doing lfr
nigga just run normal its same tactics as lfr what the fuck are you stupid?
gtfo gnome
yeah normal is for casual dads
Mythic isnt out yet tho, and if they are following the trend of amirdrassil normal is and heroic are already super easy. Though i wouldnt be surprised if mythic is cleared on release day too.
Why can't this faggot Brann give me some orbinids not some shitty MYCROBLOOMS
Classic is extremely hard, retail is easy as fuck.
They have been doing this raid on beta for months
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just bring back the comic cinematic team, they still had finished assets and made xal'atath into a bug eyed dodecahedron buttwitch chin manface.
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bros i really don't wanna spoil myself of new xal'atath feet.. but...
No wonder when the Woke WIthin is written by wome for women with nothing but judgy 'looking down upon the whore' attitude.
Better than the previous female character stories (Jaina & BfA), but women can't get anything right.
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Why is it so hard for people like this to not speak as if they're HR for a company writing an email?
easier raids= more partecipation= more people happy
call me a beta and a loser... im so close...
you shut your whore mouth about pure metzinified kinographimations!
TWW is good and KINO
Kill yourself, toxic shitstain
waoooow heckin illidan u r not prepared i am my scars!!!!111
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>m0 = old "m10"
>drops gear worse than a 5 minute delve that can be done by a fresh 80
lmao what the fuck
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Are (you) ready for season 1, anon?
isn't she super powerful and ancient? she's supposed to be smug
bro just do mythic+20s wtf are you retarded god damn
Hello, I'll tank and only take 590 ilvl A tier minimum from wowhead list, see you in the lfg.
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>Retardin back to being trash after 2 patch of Glory
It was just a bullshit to reset keys level because everyone was spread to 30 levels of keys
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too many n*ggers and br*wns here
*farts out ur cum*
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well it's american hours, what do you want
they should add a podophobia mode to the game. when you enable it every character with bare feet gets a nice pair of boots
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where's my world quest mode or something for alt
our finishers need a considerable boost
you know what the strongest ret ability right now is, outside hero talents? blade of justice, FOR BOTH ST AND AOE, with the exception being hammer of wrath against low level targets
Nothing... forget it....
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>Tinted reading glasses
For what porpoise?
>some intern forgot to make this buff individual so now everyone has to wait 60 seconds to put flowers on a ram after anyone else does it
>this immediately leads to people just camping out a single ram, waiting for the 1-minute buff to fade 8 times
>some people just fly around trying to snipe rams from people or double-buff instead

On today's episode of "Blizzard has chased off all of its talent so now it puts out buggy, incompetent messes with every patch"!
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You have to finish the main leveling campaign quests
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I'll die for her
To look cool
I'm (Howl)ing in anticipation.
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i took candle
Made for BHC
Cosmetic glasses in mmos serve the same purpose as dyed hair IRL
gleaming shards
storm dust
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holy fucking shit was this intensive
>do legendary quest group
>4 dps 1 healer
>all 3 dps leave after 2nd boss
>only me and healer stayed
>we fucking do this with no soaks and standing in the fire for the whole fight while gaining more and more stacks
Increased breast size without turning into an absurd caricature? Amazing.
winning how?
I need to knot that dog.
feet modded?
>Female character written as a male #6713
Fucking based
post something that I would actually care about you fucking dorks
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When blizzard used to be cool
Nice, anon.
I hope this makes you less broken inside!
I know this might be a strange question, but what spec is currently performing the "nuke" role?
I just like casting one BIG spell from range that does big numbers
blizz has been fucking up with world quests in tww. More than onceive come across a WQ that feels like it was designed in 2007.
Using webs as bridges in the new raid is an inspired choice, art team carrying.
Destro warlock, as usual
Also frost mage if you build with glacial spike
stonevault lava boss was pretty hard on m0
Frost dk is a melee nuke spec now with deathbringer, idk about casters
Waterworks is a fucking terrible delve
>gnome in bdsm gear being chased around by a succubus
>hippy protesters (rightfully) being mocked
>simple visual gags that a zoomer would need a 20 minute youtube explanation to get like the hunter running out of his screen to chase the warlock
Good shit
sisters.... season 1 flopped...
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He doesn't have the fishing rod that gives underwater breathing

hellcaller aff does SO Much damage wtf..
less n*ggers and less br*wns
Can someone post the new feet shot of Xal'atath feet?
ok seems like bismuth and all the other stuff drops in price on start of week and goes up on the weekend
so just buy cheap now and sell high in a couple of days
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Got a cool axe.
What does the N stand for?
Bear druid is pretty good and easy. Awesome in open world and leveling too
Sinkhole delve has me feeling like a schizo
>Yeah CIA guy right there
>It's an actual person several times in a row
NH was the first "real" tier of the expansion. They got rid of those "beginner" raids like EN and Uldir. And VoTI had one to boot:

muts how is season 1?
so i know what to do tomorrow
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Give it to me straight Mazebros
Did we win?
Final boss needs like 30% more health.
What's next. 7.0 and 7.1 weren't "real" legion patches? what the fuck do legionkeks even smoke
Anon, say the full name in one go. How does it sound?
How much is it normal to give in commission on a crafting order for a 606 weapon?
bros noone is playing my class (frost dk) in rwf race
its over i have shit class
looks like shit sis
emerald nightmare was the only available raid for 5 months. it was the first tier of the expansion
>mfw (You) have no Sac
I just saw that raid ending
FeetCHADS we fucking WON
yeah, there's also a modder that made individually modeled toes and high poly feet but the rest is jumbo proportions, but if that's your cup of tea.
Anons please, help me. Survival, assassin or SMF fury? Please, I need your help!
Use your own dr bitch.
that was added in legion anon, so it's cool. everything post legion sucks
>Expansion ends in 2 weeks
>World of mazecraft begins

Well, it was fun while it lasted bois. See you in 2 years.
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Bros i'm so fucking nervous THIS IS IT
>buy 100000g worth of shards for 75-90g each
>shatter them into 3 dust each
>Sell the dust for 90-45 g each
>making triple profit at first and not worse than 150%
>for clicking "shatter all" and clicking the ah refresh button a lot

and then I listed 8 tinderboxes for 8000g each and they all sold instantly
i made all my millions buying wow tokens cause im not a 3rd worlder :)
wow that was a really cool cinematic
I skipped DF entirely
how feasible is doing high tier delves as a tank whos only got 580?
That's not the underwater one retard
>get deserter debuff
>debuff gone
pretty hard
lmao don't worry, you're fine
Does your W key work?
Theyre better in mythic+ than raid i think
It's fucking nothing?
Well, paypigs paid $90 for this so I guess this is what they want...
>I skipped DF entirely
probably shouldnt have done that, i came back from late BfA atound 10.1.5 and it was a much more enjoyable game then. Story excluded because DF story was a clusterfuck of nonsense.
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Putting this up here for all you retards who have had their heads up their asses up until now

>If you do not use a Bountiful Coffer key, loot is capped at Tier 3 dropping 554 gear.
Unironically this. Game isn't worth a struggle.
reminder to report and hide faggot avatars
the expansion is only $50, retard. how many times are you going to be a lying little faggot?
WrA is packed
I bet 90% of people will just look at the recommended ilvl table and think it's the loot drop table.
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Not the best, and I'm too broke to afford all my enchants, but hopefully i'll manage to gear some this week
delves are literally just a gear check, no challenge outside of bosses one-shotting you if you're not 600 ilvl
Please anons, I need the guidance of the council of gaymers. What do I play?
>same guy got 2 loots in LFR
this would never have happened with personal loot, fuck this shit
I made the post based on what I've seen in this thread alone after I skimmed through it, yes that appears to be the case.
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where are the portals
>where are the portals
where are the portals
>where are the portals
where are the portals
>where are the portals
where are the portals
>where are the portals
Any other Trolli-chads?
what old dungeons do you mean
Imagine being such an insecure little bitch that you do delves/world boss/lfr/m0/weeklies before raiding.
>all the mythic guilds are requiring mythic exp
>none of the heroic/low mythic are recrutining
im feeling like looking for my first job all over again
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How am I lying? :)
the returning dungeons this season. necrotic wake, siege of boralus, etc. they normally put a portal somewhere in the capital city to get to them.
Built for a human tomboy girlfriend
mythic+ doesn't start until next week
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>Just buy gold!
>Then spend the gold to buy carries and crafted gear
>Gameplay is for thirdies!
>why does no one take my accomplishment seriously
>why do people still give more credit to CM sets from 12 years ago
NGL these delves tier 4 and above are much much more interesting than tier 3
Big Butch energy
I look like this and I say this
The pact is sealed.
mythic 0 is open for the old dungeons.
maye is ban evading, DO SOMETHING
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It's Bobby's world we're just living in it.
I can't go back. I made sure of it I spammed nigger and other shit in trade chat making sure they nuked my account so I could be free.

But honestly, how is it boys? Is WoW back?
Is there some stupid progression system/ilev requirement for delves or can I just jump straight into doing max level ones.

Idgaf I'll just run in somewhat undergeared and do prot pally things.
In China, yes.
Rest of the world, no.
took me like 30 seconds to find what the hell are you doing? it's to the left of the item upgrade building
Looks like the season is a big flop.

Saw this coming. All that waiting for nothing. It's humiliating to play this sad game.

I'm done.
Classic? In Ch*na.
Retail? In the rest of the world.
It's so much fun unironically. We're back, brother.
Respect cannot be purchased.
No amount of bought gold or carried gear will make you stop being a shitter and its obvious to anyone who plays with you that you've never earned the place you try to claim.

The only way to be a saltyvet is to spend time swimming.
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>warsong scramble
But I was never banned though?
What the fuck did they do to renos voice? whose this retard?
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BfA was the last good wow expansion, at least the first half. Before dunguser took over everything.
>Vs Bots still isn't permanent option
RPers killed it. Everything went to Discord.
If there's no portals do I have to do SL story? There's no flying nor flight paths so you can't leave oribos.
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why the FUCK are delves open but not m+ ???
which delve is fastest
What a flop
>rolling a dice on weekly lockouts
welp funs over
see you all in midnight pre-patch wowg :3
>tfw getting filtered by delves because no tank s pec
Don't reply to me tranny, I didn't give you permission.
>Le NA vs EU
The futard is up I see
Does Moira really not understand why we killed her dwarf-hitler groomer? Even a little bit?
This one *shits on the floor and starts eating it while squealing like a pig*
you couldn't do it anyway
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i told you tww was just the firelands waiting room you slob payed $90 for this trash lmoa
>589 tank
>tier 8
>everything chunks the absolute fuck out of me and I do no damage
>meanwhile brann is one-shotting things with rapid fire and taking no damage
I can tell QA worked hard on this
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what'd she promise?
Wait wait wait... Is mazed+ timegated by 1more week?
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we fucking WON
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Yeah man
Do demon hunters produce elven semen? No seriously if a demon hunter for example consumes a succubus and then later makes a goblin woman overflow with spunk, would it be succubus or elven dna dripping down her tighs? Would demon hunters that consumed a felhunter become sterile because its not a humanoid?
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the portal to The Timeways is inside there you dumbass I already said it
keep paying $5 extra to float my sub you incompetent gold buying nigger.
I appreciate it.
Demon hunters eat other demons?
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>1.[DEX] Pretend to kiss her feet while attempting to sneak her toe ring off with your tongue
>2.[BUFF] Pretend to attempt to sneak her toe ring off with your tongue while kissing her feet
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Being dps is suffering
feetbros... she promised...
Yeah the initiation is being mutated after eating said demon
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Season 1 is bricked...
We have to protect the prestige of Normal/Heroic raiders :)
>brann can essentially solo T6 delve
>meanwhile, almost get 2shot
man i knew this shit would be fucking wonk but god damn
While I kind of get that it's like ha-ha funny feet as well as OOOOH FEET IM CUMMING..
It just feels stupid somehow. Like the entire arc of oooh big evil villain who killed Khadgar etc is just turned into a giant meme. I know WoW lore was never very serious to begin with but why bother with a villain arc when 99% of the people will just remember her as the feet elf.
they dont really eat demons, they devour souls and absorb their fel essence and knowledge.

an elf demon hunter is a fel-corrupted elf not some sort of elf-demon species hybrid the change is genetic but its fel-splice, not species splice. Felf cum doesnt have any other sort of demon in it.
>Soloing delves
It's way easier in a group
because the same weirdos who gave us dracthyr instead of drakonids and turned gnolls into Disneyfied scat fetishists are making this expac too
it's more satisfying solo doe
the only way this shit could get easier is if you all got a brann

Ok so the nut just burns a hole in your gut and you die. Very cool
For reading outside.
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They triggered millions.
What's the lastest cope?
to make billions
"Nobody who isn't a pandaren plays monk seriously"
>Metzen is bald now
He's going to look like Lord Lothar soon.
Solo tank is fucking miserable, everything does more damage to you AND brann so he constantly dies to random passive damage and you're stuck soloing mobs that have millions of HP.
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man no wonder the expansion feels low effort as fuck when they're making billions from chinks playing wrath
>almost as bad as eating pussy
Wait I love eating pussy. What's wrong with that?
There is nothing I hate more than this race. They look so, SO bad; they're nowhere near drakonids, dragonkin or any sort of dragons in the Warcraft universe. They look like DeviantArt scalies and that's what they are.
But everyone knows that and there isn't much you can do really. Man I hate this game's art direction.
it's just the weird framing that's constantly on her feet at weird times, coulda gave her sandals or boots or ANYTHING jsut to cover her feet and it wouldn't have been a problem
What do i even do first?
>doing heroic when M+ is available
This was expected anon.
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>WoW devs

>WoW streamers

yeah basically.
either that or partly demonfies you
though cum isnt felblood and plenty of fel touched creatures get along fine. Like blood elves all have a bit of felblood in them from slurping fel-mana to survive post scourge. Probably depends on the level of corruption involved. Like fully legion powered fel sworn yeah any poart of him is gonna be dangerous to the touch. Depleted felcrystal snorting edgelord junkie who hasnt eaten an demon in a few years, bascially harmless just a bit spicy.
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Is my cow cute?
this, game actually bad and we are all troons here, xiv won bigly
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China fucking loves Ulduar, it's a cozy raid that they find very relatable.
Im doing normals and also m+ isnt out here yet
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We talkin draenei or trolls?
it's so over
how are they playing wrath
Mountain dew flavoured
Trolls or nightborne. Draenai are Legion sleepers. Always
They did something to the damage %s if youre tank spec. Flat out.
Went from feral to guardian, started getting destroyed.
>elf with tusks
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>xhe thinks she will clear tier 8 delves on release
ok well ive finished them all without bricking, what do you have to say now tranny?
Dracthyr definitely have giant feet for no good reason
Femgob warrior tank flaunting her body and charging the healer for the honor of performing "healing" services
It's always a fucking cloak
>bountiful chests still go away even if you dont open them
i am afraid of tomorrow
what if i wont be able to do a single m0 and wont clear a single delve and wont ever be able to find wow friends?
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Do you think china RPers have draenei futa enjoyers like we do?
Even better they have undead future enjoyers
Playing their server campaigns and guild plots dealing with the fall of Dalaran, its fallout and/ or warfare in Khaz Algar
in my t8 delve the fucking zoidburg crab man showed up two shot me and friend and then left behind a claw that gave us 600 ilvl loot
i need to be filled...
>He didn't read the 50 warnings from anons in this thread and the 700 times it was mentioned on wowhead
oh no no no no no no
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I thought I remembered reading in the character creation "don't worry, you can change this later". Now I don't see it.
Can I change my Demon Hunter's skin?
i wish i had friend too
There's one thing that brightens my day. At least we're not Sony fans. Imagine spending $700 for the same console with no games. Holy. WoW on XBOX when?
>decide to do world boss
>check group finder
>pages of them
my head hurts
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I need 3 hours to shatter all this
don't crash the prices before I'm done please
yes you can change everything but name for free at barbers now.
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Its out bros!
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AD is healing VERY slowly on the horde side.
Alliance has high pop but sharding and instancing etc is messing up stuff. Orgimmar might be populated to "normal" in an year when there is downtime and people have gotten an all clear from the fallout signal.
Is the world boss a once-weekly chance for loot or can I just sit there until I get my pants/belt/ring
go to a barber
Get zekvir'd lmao
weekly. i'm sorry you're bricked anon


you're fucked
>goal is to make everything alt friendly
>that stupid warband system that doesnt let you filter by server
>personal crafting order are only server intern

Its like that dont have one vision. The same with the quest design: Certain quests are super easy&engaging; other are shite asf (the ones where everybody can gather the tools/that climbing quest in hollowfall).
Once a week, like every world boss in the history of the game. If you didn't get your loot this week, just delete the character, honestly
Nerub silkweaving are a bunch of fags pretending to be le real chuds. At least Elysian was upfront about being a bunch of pussies.
>Hero talents
>Only one is actually viable
>It changes actually nothing of the spec
>Just a few passives that enhances the already established rotation
>There are no visual changes either

What spec am I talking about?
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Fury warrior
>Laughing skull mask
>on shaman
>on non mag'har
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>mfw I got muted so I cant use the LFG tool which means I literally cant play the game anymore.
It should be a worgen in a lumberjack outfit princess carrying me in his arms.
Post horny RP profiles
I use the Laughing Skull mask on a tauren DK, cry about it
What slur were you incapable of avoiding?
>sign social contract
>break social contract
>be punished
i miss being able to say NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER in games too buy i know there are consequences if i decide to do it anyway
I want a WoW where I can link my Warband in Trade, other players can see which professions I have and then I can literally craft it from that alt without having to log over.
Maybe when we get Warband Housing.
>Thinking about making a trp profile
>The characters I enjoy most are a token DH and a monk I rolled on a belf to get the heritage armor achievement
Just fuck my shit up
So true sister
All of them desu. I got drunk last night
>These are the keybinds of your average DH
Thank God I never invite you disgusting faggots to my group. I'd genuinely rather have a vulpera than this trannoid loser.
>my class sucks in raids
how the fuck am I supposed to pick a good class I don't get it
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And now we wait.
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this cuck might as well be Allliance at this point he's even wearing the colors. Man I am glad I didn't roll Hordekek
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>Horde is healing
I sure hope so. I'm tired of only seeing draenei (>female), velves and humans (>thug, dock worker, criminal) in Stormwind
team paizuri
Not detailed enough for actual footfags. They're also not covered in some kind of slime.
i went disenchanting spec
im so mad!!!
>playing alliance
>having a whiny emo homosexual for a king
l m a o
>plaguelands are half cured by a few glowy towers
>ghostlands/the scar arent cured by the fucking sunwell being near
if this post ends in 9, on god janny is bussin
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how do I get this
>Play horde
>be irrelevant
3rd faction when?
sisters... season 1 confirmed a flop

what the fuck went wrong?
>Do delves 1-6 with zero issues, other than trying to figure out a good config for Brann's relics
>Do delve 7
>Enemies are actually able to hurt me now
Sure sucks having done EVERY MYTHIC AND GOT NO LOOT. I'm a fucking 589 shitter...
>worgen in a lumberjack outfit
I'm a worgen wearing the lumberjack shirt what the fuck? Is this post targeted at me?
PLEASE be on Argent Dawn
People avoided large scale orc and troll rp for years because of the aftermath. Even a lot of blood elves stopped because being in Orgimmar instead of Silvermoon was some rp sin in the faction made for cultural clashes and they got chased away. Forsaken are fucking dead though lmao fuck em
thrall is a house orc raised by humans
he never recovered after garrosh took his orc card
he is like a granny smith apple green on the outside white on the inside
could be worse. For balance druid the hero talents actively makes your rotation worse
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>no tank spec to get carried by brann
Literally all orcs are descendants from the slave camps thrall released them from, he's practically the father of their race

born low IQ serfs forever and ever disgusting subhuman race of filth
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>Rping with a slutty elf player in a dungeon knowing 100% its a dude but it only makes my dick harder
i love my life bros...
what bug
POST something that would catch my attention
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You're not a roleplayer if you haven't spent 4 hours on a single worgen-on-vulpera pawjob scene.
uh oh shitter alert
>add solo content to the game
>that solo content is just watching an NPC kill mobs because he does 10x more damage than you
cool blizzard
My other guess that it's easier to RP humans and elves than it is to RP a Troll or Tauren
>Play human rogue: Be bandit, pirate or blacksmith, or shopkeep
>In Dalaran, Anywhere in easten kingdoms, Boralus
>Play Troll
>'Ya mom, whatchu'wanna buy eh? Ya wen fa da ting?''
I give PI to whoever I happen to like the most. In fact usually parsetranny pumpers begging for it because "MUH DPS IS HIGHEST" are least likely to get it.
I don't care if I'm in the dungeon for 40 seconds longe.
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>I don't care if I'm in the dungeon for 40 seconds longe.
>want challenging, rewarding, solo content
>plays MMO
idk retard maybe problems that ur a dumboface and ur smelly and stoopid?
It's correct though. You don't do anything yourself in the delve, it's all brann. You just need enough gear to not die instantly and that's it.
what mythics feel overtuned / undertuned so far?
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>tank does a decently sized pull
>click wake of ashes and then spam blade and DS
>over 2 million dps easy
ok herald might be alright
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On of the best roleplayers I ever met in WoW was a troll warrior.
Lots of people like Elden Ring too
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Does it matter which one I choose?
Can you mind control a mob then give it PI? Seems like the ultimate flex.
zekvir just came out of nowhere and raped my solo ass in a delve wtf
>pull something
>sit back and shitpost while brann handles it
>get 606 gear
thank you chris, very cool
can only be used on players lil bro
>Blizzard still shitting the bed on weekly world boss rewards
Fucking incompetent pieces of shit.
doest matter but i wasnt able to chose, I ogt 10 world quests
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Very based set
I will steal it and claim it as my own
i give PI to warlocks who put down healthstones, but if there are no warlocks i usually give it to the highest pumper
Why is the player distribution between the factions so skewed? Is it even fun to play on these servers when one faction is completely dominating numbers wise?
Nice 'Role playing' game.
>Tanks invisibly take a trillion extra damage in delves
This is transphobic...
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I am entirely fringe, dumbass.
>unprompted mention of transwomen
>Why is the player distribution between the factions so skewed? Is it even fun to play on these servers when one faction is completely dominating numbers wise?
Only if you're the dominant faction. Which is why people change faction or change realms, which further worsens the imbalance until a realm is 98% mono-faction.
PvP players enjoy zerging down undergeared or underleveled players, so they leave in droves to go play on a server where they are the zerg.
It starts off as a minor imbalance, then quickly turns into every flight master and every possible pvp point choked out until the entire faction is transferred off and it effectively becomes a one-sided PvE server.

Blizzard encouraged it because server transfers made them shitloads of money.
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Hello /wowg/ooners
Blood Elf status?
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>This is transphobic...
"Tankphobic" was RIGHT THERE you cocksucking smegma gargler.
What they should do.
>Servers are either ONLY HORDE or ONLY ALLIANCE.
>Wait a month
>Stitch servers together trying to keep a rough balance between factions
>Repeat every 3~ months if there are drastic population shifts
It is a mixed bag. Humans are more basic and people really don't think about what the elven lifespans could actually be used for when making a character be they young or jaded. Worse yet if its an elf behaving like human. I love trolls and they have potential but I think the biggest obstacle legit is the typing. I would not say that Tauren are hard to rp but people go to the usual pitfalls of barrens brave or shaman in his 40s instead of looking at their options. I recently noticed that they added Tauren students in the old forsaken section of thunder bluff meaning that there are tauren mages and warlocks down there
eu sisters....how are you holding up?
Have you considered actually using your mitigation?
hidden top and pants would look better.
that doesnt look good.
Hi, Mr Intern, Larry from accounts here. It seems like you implemented some change to the game and our profits from account services have dropped? Care to explain yourself before we fire you?
Why do people have to be fucking retarded? Its not fun zering like that and ruining the server. And why the fuck does blizzard allow for it? They should balance this.

Yes you are right.

Ok but which of these servers should i join? I am on a locked dead server and have a free transfer. Maybe Mandokir because its kind of even, but the total player count seems a bit small
>shit your DPS up and work harder to take as much damage as the DPS players are
yea nah nothing broken and dumb about that lmao
no, then she would be nude and that's not the point
I am in pain. I want to play the game but I don't have time, energy, position, momentum, frequency, wavelength, angular momentum and moment of inertia
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is there a coomer mod to add PUBES to my fembelf?
>suck asmongolds dick
basically how I feel rn. All burgers should be killed, except for asmongold, whos dick should be sucketh
is it worth it to run the four daily bountiful delves once you run out of keys?
They can't be this fucking scummy
Just swap to dps spec for delves fucking retard
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yes friend just be downloading wow_nude_pube_patch_launcher.exe from very of friending wowpatchings.org.ru and putting in your login/pass donot of worry IDIOT it is uhm, fronts-end to just login to blizz servers. trust me! also requiring admin privilages.
scalecommander is fun but i wish the concentrated disintregate had a different visul/color
A number of races have giant feet which is more apparent with examples such as blood elf females having huge kickers
>Why do people have to be fucking retarded? Its not fun zering like that and ruining the server. And why the fuck does blizzard allow for it? They should balance this.
Most people are PvErs, so being the dominant faction means more communication in chat, more people calling out rare spawns or events, more people to chat with during events, and more people to share buffs with. PvP doesn't even factor in for most people, and for those that do, a small chunk LIKE being outnumbered because it means they always have a fight if they want one.
the beauty of physics is (You) decide your inertial frame of reference
>t. astronomeranon
no retardkun you cant spam them
When is the world boss?
it's in ringing deeps
everyone knows you buyed your challenge mode mog. nobody respects you, in fact they all laugh at you. noob
Oh, you claim to be an astonomer, huh?
Then bring me an atom of dark matter.
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What's the max level of delve I need to do today?
>gollum spits on smeagol
>we put crap on an ugly bear
>g..grizzly hills, somehow! cause bear!
8, 4 times
They gave it a retarded map icon. It's the event with the skull icon at the southern end of the Ringing Deeps that says "Escort 3 Breakers".

Level 8 is when rewards peak. Beyond that is just for achievements/challenge.

Ideally you don't do any Bountiful Delves until you've cleared Tier 7, then you use all your keys on Tier 8 Bountiful Delves.
is there a coomer mod that adds stray pube hairs to my gnome's face?
She was a mag'har shaman
He was a blood elf demon hunter
What more can I say?
God I want to rip that bra open and grab dem titties
They fight crime?
It looks like a delve reward that got moved to the store.
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That's exactly why Horde roleplayers are so much better on average compared to Alliance.
You can easily self insert as the vast majority of Alliance races, compared to Horde where you're /required/ to have decent lore comprehension and basic character building competency because otherwise your character just won't be coherent. It's a built-in system to filter out bottom-tier shitters with zero creativity.
I didn't get this quest last week or this week. what the fuck
anon you're being bombarded by them right now, just hold out your hand then name every star
Grizzly hills cus grizzly bear.

Probably correct though.
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why is everything timegated? they said in dragonfly that they wouldnt timegate stuff anymore
>m0 overtuned

dogshit game
do you think people wont notice you just badly edited some of the boxes? you even duplicated the lgbt shit for 2 of them. you are literally so brainrotten by worlo you dont understand bingo
>Adding Mists to the Mythic dungeon pool so you can fight two G'huun reskins this tier
G'huun humiliation ritual.
This red flag bingo card is a red flag
Why is the bear pogging
>doesn't even have NPCs, just doodads you click on
>gear worse than delves you can clear in 1/50th the time with 100 lower ilvl
it's over...they shoved it down our throats yet again
Paid*, retard. We paid for this slop. Not payed.
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bored waiting for m0 it's so over
I will not invite druids to dawnbreaker anymore.
Retarded suicide jumpers.
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Gearing is complete trash in this game. You get some shit item and then upgrade or turn it into a shitty tier item. Nothing feels special or cool to get its just all about item level.

Combat in PvE feels like dogshit. Everyone is super floaty, everyone has an aoe disrupt, a stun and a kick. No class has anything special they bring to the table so ground composition means absolutely nothing and dps are all interchangeable.

PVP... dont even get me started. You literally just tickle people to death. None of your school have any weight or feel good. Everyone has regens, shields, weird passive procs and no one really knows whats going on. Good luck killing a decent healer.

The zones are so uninspired and frankly just gay trash.

I want this game to be good but its just not. I was feeling sad and wanted to enjoy an MMO like I did was I was a kid but its not possible anymore.
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>6x6 bingo
heroics were retarded easy, they just look like that in comparison.

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>elves who swear
"Shindu fallah na!"
get gabbin' or get goin' :^)
you can only do the mythic keys as m0?
>sitting on rooftop OOC
im just waiting for dungeon queue...
I'm 571 on disc priest and genuinely did not have enough hps to heal through arakawa first boss with absolutely any mistakes.
This nigga just hates everyone
one of the worst baits ever
I actually agree with most of what's said on the card you just formatted it like a retard
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ok so i got two 2hs which i think sucks because you're supposed to craft it, a back, a ring and pic rel
i have to wait until tommorow to use it tho right?
M0 is so fucking painful to pug.
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*dabs on you're dead game*
>flight form is bugged in that instance
>druid jumps of airship
>turns into deer travel from
>dies from falling damage
I can say that i enjoy delves now that they can provide some difficulty
its more alive than ever
they truly didnt test anything
Invite me. I cant do mythics because im silenced but I want to try.
>replying to caca classic shitposter
>Queen Ansurek is just Raszageth with a little bit of Sennarth
I'm tired of knockbacks bros...
in chyna
Oh and BDKs death and decay ground aoe stays floating in place if you cast in on the moving airship making it useless.
kill all druids
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>Worried about gearing
Has the past expansions taught you nothing? You'll stress and whine over pugging and M+ when timewalking classic comes out. You'll be better geared from a vendor than all the work you put in today.
-Immersive world enjoyer
NA or EU?
>scump is just borgenball with a little bit of goink
who are any of these people nigga
Honestly? It's not that we can't do them, it's that we're doing them so fucking slowly. People at the ilvl I'm inviting shouldn't be doing such low dps it's fucking insane how widespread this issue is.
bros... how the fuck am I supposed to survive waxface's burn away? every tick does like 1/4 of my health even with cds
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EU xisters... GET HYPE
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Who the fuck told the devs that this is good quest design????
you're shit tho
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i cant believe im saying this but ......... dragonflight was the better expansion
Well, I just got done soloing the 4 bountiful delves. These things are severely underwhelming... it just feels like they made Torghast again except somehow made it less interesting. They all feel exactly the same with nothing interesting (kill X enemies, pickup X items, kill boss). The difficulty is an absolute joke as well. You shouldn't be able to solo the max reward tier week 1 in gear you bought off the AH for a few thousand gold. All "difficulty" comes from damage sponges and getting hit for high numbers. There are no interesting mechanics at all. The most I ever died in one of them was twice and that was because Brann is a CC breaking retard. Back to the drawing board, the devs are creatively bankrupt.
What does Brann's epic egg smells like?
Sulfur and gunpowder.

alt less sisters... our delves are now bricked
Post delve progress and i might read your post
the gay realm
I had fun so your opinion is meaningless to me
forums are nothing but people bitching about m0 difficulty. what a disaster
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>He thinks the Titans brought order to this world
>Consider playing PvP
>Need honor gear to have any sort of impact
>Queue epig bg
>Get in after 10 minute queue as healer
>We lose 16 minute match
>Gain 402 honor
>Need like 10k for a set of basic pvp gear

This might be the reason why PvP is dead.
I once witnessed two trolls ERPing in the Razor Hill inn. The female banded the male's dick, amputated it to use as a dildo, then he regenerated a new dick and DP'd her. They did all of this in /say and /emote. I was afk for most of it, came back to the DP, scrolled up and saw how he got two dicks.

I deleted that character and never played on an RP realm ever again.
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>genuinely cannot complete delve tier 4 on shadow priest
Oh cool so it's worth it to do the 4 bountiful delves each day even without a key
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*wistful sigh*
Will it be fun the next 50 times you do the exact same delve and face roll it because they're tuned around drooling retards?
wanna do them with me? i need to grind stuff
but I'm on eu
why did we hate them again?
We tried doing things your way and it just meant half the specs in the game didn't get to PvE or PvP because everyone only wanted to bring the specs with all the shit you mentioned.

You're fucking retarded for wanting to go back to "more variety" when the variety just means half the specs in the game are traps for newbies.
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>This is all in-character for trolls
>This is completely lore friendly
They're REALLY fucking based for this. Get filtered.
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where's the FOTM FDK nigger retard? Were you able to find a group to carry your trash ass?
>he memorises the enemy movements or uses addons to track cooldowns instead of just reacting to what's happening
never gonna beat pvp on revengeance difficulty, cucks
stop being a chud
>still doesn't post delve prog
dishonest little thing
>wiping on normal
You can get a full set in literally a few hours.
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Mandatory and you were forced to group with GOGOGO fags who would pull the whole island then cry at you when you wipe.
The pvp ilands were kind of fun but I wish there had been a second phase where your ships pulled up beside eachother and you got an impromptu 3v3 that gave you the chance to steal some azerite from the enemy tram
Just sold 20 tempered potions for 67k. Good use of concentration.
you can suck my nuts
because streamer said so
wow is bad, why are you guys still playing? are you retarded? The game is no fun
Right but surely that requires a winning streak in epig bgs? Because 402 for a loss is not worth the cointoss.
>Torghast again except somehow made it less interesting
Torghast was just the same ugly rooms over and over. kill yourself
bro... he's just been using a different avatar. He was never banned, take your meds
Me. It was me. I did it. As a rib.
why are delves so FUCKED as a tank?
the mage tower was actually easier than this shit, jesus fucking christ
>join group
>see skeletons on the floor
the game is fucked
now is the perfect time to quit
ancient meme
how much disney bloat does this xpac have?
I wish Raz didn't die, I enjoyed Raz's va a lot.
This spider bitch we have is probably the worst female VA Blizzard have used in the last 16 years. I thought Moira was the worst before you don't understand how painful it is unless you're Scottish yourself but this is far worse.
I don't know what this means. I just spammed mend pet and pulled 1 group at a time. It was a joke.

At least the layout changed and you got different powers to make it feel different. Delves are literally the same every time.
Delves would be more fun if they had shit like being trapped in a room with the ceiling slowly descending towards you and you have to solve one of those line untying minigames to stop it.
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How does rating work in solo queue RBG?
Got it, you don't play the game and just being a dishonest little bitch. Get the rope troon.
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>jump into a pack of delve8 mobs on brewmaster
>die instantly to unstaggered magic damage
The whole Nerubian raid is so pointless. It's just 'member Azjol-Nerub while Blizz tries to get their shit together behind the scenes. 11.1 is gonna be the real test of this expansion.
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Post controversial War Within opinions
Yeah I put my best into making both models.
I just wanted something soulful like Guild Wars 2's open world mini-dungeons. Unfortunately, Blizzard is uncapable of making anything this interesting.
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i did it guys. ass rogue, 583 with no consumables
Incredibly stale and lefty.
Beyond DoA.
580 shaman kicked from group for not being farseer
because sorry icyveins said it was better
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I want to have rough ale fueled sex with Moira and give Dagren some siblings
the biggest controversy so far is the amount of times we've seen xal'atath's feet in a cutscene
Delves should be harder
this never happened
be fast lads

with brann as healer right? and what level?
More like it was Ass hahahaAHAA
Explain your Scottish pain on a scale from "having to spend money on something" to "people conflating you with the English".
They seem to have a firm 'no keyboard turner left behind' mindset for content like this.
dont post these ugly abominations on my wevsite
Whats wrong with tanks in delves?
I would have imagined that tanks would have the easiest time of all the specs.
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loving the level 8 bountiful delves
dawnbreaker is actually a fun dungeon
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not controversial at all desu
leel someone else got a cloak too
It's not really the difficulty, I just wanted interesting layouts, traps, puzzles, etc. I mean the delves have "puzzles" but it's just the same copy pasted shit we've had during world quests for years; they aren't actually designed into the environment like in GW2.
Tanks will pretty much get one shot from all the same shit that one shots dps, so you're losing damage and getting nothing
no idea what that retard is talking about, i'm falling asleep in tier 8 as a vdh.

mind you he said "tankS", which implies all of them regardless of how easy they are
brann was healer at level 15. using amorphous relic and unbreakable iron idol. the latter is probably necessary since crits were easily dealing 1.5m
Nice tanking gea-
dwarven women are underrated
How does the delve difficulty scale wowg? Is tier 8 double a tier 4?
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Actually gay or low test
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fuck you devs with these aids quests
>the bald retard is still reacting to random shit instead of doing the raid
he's too far gone
D8 claims to be for ilvl 600
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Made me return to classic.
>Be in the ringing deeps
>Have addon for treasures/rares because you just about have too
>Can't target it in pop up
>weytert,dfgdgfdfgd fghfhge5, dfgdfdfd, scvxvx has mined ironclaw ore
>Try find quest item, it's smaller than a gnome, it's hidden between two rocks and under some plants
>Talking heads shouting at me because of Diablo 4 style events/dailies
>Fight something, it dies before full rotation, unfullfilling
Fuck it, I'm tired of this ADHD Cracker zoomies gameplay.
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>"people conflating you with the English"
I don't mind this, I've never understood the seething about the English, our royal families joined together willingly and the whole reason it happened is because we fucked up our attempts at being colonists pretty hard and ran out of money.
Scotland also punches waaaay above its weight on inventors and thinkers so I don't understand why so many of my people are insecure about being Scottish.

Being forgotten about has played into our favour, England quite literally has ALL the immigrants, it's gotten so bad down there that every year more English move into my village, they're all nice enough people.

Anyway on a scale of 1-10 Moira's va is a solid 9. She sounds like she could be my next door neighbour so her attitude + accent isn't exotic like it is to most of the world and just paints her as a giant cunt that should be punted into the Sun.
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>do all the side quests in Isle of Dorn and Ringing Deeps
>do dungeons as they appear in my finder
>just now into Hallowfall
>level 79
>have this whole zone and the nerubian zone to go
Glad I was punished for playing t he game
>capital on greentext
Newfaggot, troon that doesn't play the game and vanillacel that doesn't play vanilla.
kys already.
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goddamn is this sexy
it still looks goofy. has that troonflight style written all over it
We're early enough in the expansion that I'll take any big ilvl increase
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>spec templar
>learn hammerfall
>cast word of glory
>no empyrean hammer falls
uuhm lads????
QUESTION: what is this blue campfire?
>Because you just have to
You don't you lemming
idc i finally could mog my guy with these two beauties >>494002969
>flying around in hallowfall
>it's fucking empty

where the fuck is everyone? don't hundreds of thousands of players play this game? where are they?

someone looking over my shoulder while playing this game would be totally justified in thinking i was playing some single player game

where is everyone
How were you punished? I'm not sure I understand. Do you play wow? You do quests for the rep not the experience little bro.
The female Earthern facial hair is absolutely fine.
Is the UI thingy that pops up after a boss and shows the loot your party members received buggy af? Either I'm going schizo or today every other dungeon had at least 1 boss where it showed that I received loot yet I didn't
>24/7 posting retarded troon spacing reddit tier bait
nice life
This is a big problem in Hallowfall given that it's all ad hoc group content. I really feel like sharding is fucked by gatherers taking up too many slots.
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Akunda's Firesticks.
Comes from Voldunai rep at Honoured, so get a Horde character to buy them.
>our royal families joined together willingly
IIRC an English queen cut off one of your queen's heads, then named that queen's son as the heir to the crown of England (out of some kind of remorseful guilt? who knows) then he was almost blown up by one English guy, his son was deposed and executed by another english guy who hated the irish, but then the english parliament got sick of him and brought in the executed king's son who was kinda alright, and then his son got too fucking fat and stupid so his daughter was wed off to some dutch fuckhead and he became king of England, then their daughter was also a retard and she was suceeded by a bunch of germcucks.
Did I miss anything?
>A few brave rats, weary of singular weekly rolls which determine whether their characters are bricked or not, attempt to escape the maze
>They are made examples of and publicly crucified for four days
>The rest of the rats cheer to see the heroes among them punished so
What a bleak timeline jesus christ
Presently wasting my time on old raids that won't drop any of the things I want because the devs still haven't removed that bug that makes old content still have a weekly lockout
I have almost no fucking desire to do content this patch. Like virtually none.
>devs hype up how they designed island expeditions to be fun side content you can explore at your leisure without feeling rushed
>it's actually mandatory if you want to play seriously and you don't get to explore the cool environments they designed because you're on a timer before the other team takes the azerite and you wasted your time
post c@girls
>in the end, delves are not a viable gear choice, just another Great Vault MAU garbage farm
fucking piss
Puzzles are only allowed in the 'once-every-5-years' community puzzle mount event.
>unironically replying the retarded bait
Lmao even
They were fun and had good rewards but anything is less fun when they're holding a gun to your head and saying you have to do it.
i will reply to whatever i want, i'm a big boy
why did they make shitter torghast the main selling point of the expansion?
M0 would be great if they were harder and 10man.
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Had a busy day & I just logged in. What do I do first?
Maybe it's bait but hallowfall's multiplayer area with the lights is actually fucking ruined by gatherers taking all the shard slots, it could've been fun.
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I heard Xalatath's feet were the real deal
Be honest /wowg/
Would you sex an undead female?
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What other games are you guys playing now since wow is dead?
I even looked at the fair-skinned "cute" forsaken pic someone posted with the prosthetic jaw and I was grossed out. Like stay DEAD bitch you get to have peace you need to DIE in Lightbringer's name have at thee.
Depends on how corpselike she is I guess.
What game is this jesus christ how horrifying
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....are /wowg/ doing delves together? o.O;
yeah you missed the part where that's all false
stick to your own nation's "history"
thats second lxive
try it on a real mob, dummy
>get to 80 somewhat enjoy the main story but local stories were better
>cool places to explore get little treasures
>start doing world quests... weeklies... heroic dungeons.... mythic 0s.....
>realize this is what ill be doing for months
>turn the game off
>Cant finish tier 7
im done.
>missed the part where that's all false
Lmao, I didn't know scots were just blatant liars.
What gets me is, since I'm not in a guild, gearing my character is ultimately all about improving my ability to carry shitters in group content.
It's kind of cucked, if you think about it. I'm just putting in work to help complete strangers get gear they don't deserve.
>mountain of mods and options
>make the same generic coomer elf
The only positive of FF14 is all the options where I can play my OC girl character
i love femworg so much it's unreal
a lot of bitching in the past 30 minutes. is EU down for maintenance or something or is some faggot shitting himself?
wdym? it's the local vanillacel-zivcel-doomsissy as usual.
Best part of the last 2 expansions was at the very tail end where they add the bullions and you can get full raid tier set and weapons from simply doing LFR and be on par with people in heroic gear
Why are Worgen male players such gross chuds
Am I fucked if I want to swap my main to a character I got to 80 last week so I only have 4 vault keys?
Delves are just ugly caves and sometimes a nerubian hallway
will doing LFR cuck me out of doing Normal/Heroic this week?
does brann get like 90% damage reduction or something

LFR shares lockout with Normal/Heroic/Mythic
>Has a hard cast.
Holy shit this raid is awful. How is it so bad compared to Aberrus and Amirdrassil?
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Me on the right getting ready to lift her skirt and eat her pussy
oh good thing I didn't do it then
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I know this elf
fake and gay
wait what
they didnt fucking actually do that did they
seperate lockouts
Which race do you think gives the best gock?
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>zone into dungeon
>everyone immediately leaves
this game is so trash lmao
Watch your stinking mouth, BITCH
So to solo queue PVP you have to have ilvl 623 gear...? What's the gearing path for that?
the fact that people actually had to question whether they did something so retarded as the lockout shit, man. As bad as some other decisions are its believable, slightly.
Get Pvp gear
do pvp
fucking noob team mates
so fucking bad
I don't know man. It's like, originally if you were striking out solo you had this goal to at least raise your server standing. You could kind of focus on climbing up the rankings that way. But now everything is just phased/layered together, no realm distinctions anymore.
Blizz should think about their current Community system I think, implement some kind of ranking system, give players a more firmly established progression outline. Sometimes I think the current roster of devs are way too insulated from the average player who doesn't have time for a full-time clique or guild.
wtf happened to dungeon design? all TWW dungeons are just open areas with no theme
I like that the Earthen don't speak with Scottish accents because Magni, Moira and Dagran all have different accents. The latter two are completely different regional accents and the former is just fucking awful because the guy keeps changing the accent for every new expansion.
Select vs. bots and familiarize yourself with your rotation and bg objectives/layout while also farming honor for the starter set then once you're ready make the step up to human opponents and grander rewards!
Coming sometime in 2030
no it's not believable. there would have been a noticeable outrage. 90% of raidfags only do LFR
Counterpoint: fuck people who play this as a social game, fuck you people who can finesse and manipulate and navigate social situations, go back to real life where you can go to bars and suck cock and be gay in public, in video games every man should live and die for himself and what he believes in
Chudthic Plus trannies deserve maximum bullying. We need more!
>there would be noticable outrage, from 90% of people who wouldnt notice
ok boomer
Using 1.5 seconds to cast ascendancy is fucking stupid. Does the buff last if you swap out the trinket?
To be fair the social drama aspect is the most unique draw of an MMO. One could even say that the player interactions are the real meat of the game.
Problem is that third party social platforms have pretty much ruined this by superposing it and Blizzard abetted this by killing guild vs guild drama via all the fucking cross-server cancer they've shoved into the game over the years.
tfw i have not typed out a singke line in the chat window in all of tww so far
at least its not on the global cooldown, haha! :D
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I didn't think women were into feet, or is it just lesbians?
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Just found out that a phase with a crater does appear at the site of the blown up orc village in Redridge.
Safe horny directives handed down from corp.
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Except she plays it up
they fucking know. feetchads just keep getting away like that...
world boss bugged? I didn't get credit for escorting the dudes
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Which race/gender should I make my ret paladin?
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can someone explain this to me? i got this trinket while leveling, it seems fucking terrible, a stat stick that has a random chance to just make your stats significantly worse, like to the tune of more than the trinket gives you in the first place.

is this just a cheeky cursed item or something? or are people actually supposed to use this?
so there is LITERALLY no reason to do group content anymore... it's not even a MMORPG anymore... it's just a RPG...
yeah they know. you niggers won't shut the fuck up about it even in game chat. i hope you realize how much of a normalfag fetish you have.
Delves are insanely easy and fast in a group compared to solo
Holy basee
So what level delves can I do at 587?
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FootBVLLS won. We fucking won.
8s if youre a tank
>how do you do fellow kids
There is no way they are leaving delves likes this. At least half the players that felt forced into suffering through M+ are going to completely abandon the mode for the one where you can mindlessly get heroic raid gear in a couple weeks
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DPS bros...
>a couple weeks
you get one heroic piece per week
champion loot is normal raid gear rofl
Whar's wrong with that? Best gear still comes from +10 keys
>most efficient way of casual gearing is easy content with no timer forcing you to rush constantly and grouping is optimal rather than mandatory
oh no, people might actually socialize with each other now rather than locking in for 30 minutes...
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When will sizefags get their time in the spotlight?
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Just be a marks hunter. I did them at 583 pretty easily.
losing to xal feet...
When they accept trollxgnome pairings
are delves as MM viable without a pet?
If the xalatath boss fight doesnt have foot related attacks i will be severely disappointed
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Why is raid finder suddenly not working? It worked fine until a few hours ago. I tried exiting and relogging and it just sits here for an hour with incorrect times.
Some of them I could see doing with no pet but the mobs do a ton of damage at 8 so you need to be able to avoid getting hit (kiting, LOS, etc.)
The pet makes that 10000x easier because you can just send it in to die over and over.
Can someone make a new thread? I have important posts.
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> https://youtu.be/fFw_QuxhAKk
What do you think of the new PvP Illusion. This shit is 1950 rating only, seems ez pz for a unique mog.
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Why aren't you playing the superior Epsilon, Anon?
just send me a dm

I don't RP
the only time I interact with someone in my RP server is to get a load out and go back to playing the game
its over
s1 flopped
I ERP occasionally there with my draenei fembull
>5 hours ago
Epsilon isn't a game
I dont do maths as a sexual fetish. Im exclusively into night elves and their vagenes filled with ants
is devoker fun?
That was Afrasiabi retard.
Do you just go to Goldshire and find a random ERP escort or do you have people added on your friends list and just contact them? Genuinely curious how people find it so easily.
the fucking difficulty change from T7 to T8 delves is retarded
as is the difference between one delve/another
the mushroom one even on 8 is a fucking sleepwalk
do the mine one that intros you in the campaign and itll shit on you
its fucked
its ALL fucked
I don't ERP
When I say pump a load out I mean a bait, and it's as simple as poking the right people in goldshire
i really enjoy it despite some complaints you might see here or elsewhere
fairly simple rotation and a surprising amount of damage and utility to where i feel a lot of people sleep on it
Queen Elizabeth 1st of England died in 1603 unmarried and childless so her cousin King James 1st of Scotland became the ruling monarch for both countries. They remained separate countries for another 104 years until England and Scotland became the UK under Queen Anne.
The mob damage tuning is all over the place and makes no sense. You get web bolters who have a kickable cast that does like 1.2 million damage at most right next to dudes that INSTANTLY hit you with a bleed that does double that damage and can't be stopped.

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