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Previous thread: >>494000652

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo


>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Lucy cunny
new poll

i NEED hag sex with rina NOW
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Embarassing samefaggery
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anyone bought an account to start ? did you get banned or able to keep playing?
>it's so fucking autistic it lashes out any time anyone posts an adult
Holy shit.
Is this that phenomenon I've heard about, where a pedophile is attracted to little kids because it's mentally 6-10 years old?
How much anom prof for Jane? At 350 at lvl 50.
read the thread
as much as you can get. it doesn't realistically drop off, and it should be your main focus
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I need an answer to this question, POST HASTE
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>1.2 livestream has Burnice and Caesar show up
Good, I really didn't want to have a repeat of the 1.1 stream even if the Belle cosplayer was sexo
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finally got some discs that don't suck ass
how's my rato bros?
pretty much, he always does this kind of thing upon waking up. he was already outed as a seanigger
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almost there anon
ikb4 it's the belle cosplayer, now cosplaying as burnice
420 to max her passives, but more is better. Anomaly damage has no cap.
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>need 113gb to install
What THE FUCK bro. Do these knockers and asses weight THAT much??
ugly meme = ugly pagpag = opinion discarded
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i only installed on pc, no guest account system there
i rerolled 5 times, takes about 20 minutes each as you can't skip those early cutscenes
it's good to teach you basic combat tho

i bought rolls from the shop to get as many rolls as i can early on, and rolled the normal banner only
that's not optimal in the long run, but saved sanity then and there
not sure if i waited for S or not, i got piper+lucy and called it good enough, compared to my other 4 accounts

depends how autistic you wanna get about it, you could pick banner and 1 more S if you went crazy / lucky with it
Lucy swearing made my dick twitch
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Give me (You)s
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it's half of that once installed but yeah, Zhu ass model is at least 10gb by itself
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Better yet what if its the cosplayer, cosplaying as Belle who is in-universe cosplaying as Burnice
should my disc [5] be atk%, phys dmg%, or pen%? i am using jane/seth/rina
I love little girls, they make me feel so good!
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Not canonically, but I want to believe
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>he doesn't play Zzz on PS5 pro
pen% since you're using Rina, the gains aren't that big though so you can use a phys % disc if you roll a good one. Phys % is also what you want if you're not using Rina, so it makes your build more general.
she said she's still thinking about it and also told me to go buy condoms.

bros, i think i'm getting lucky
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I rolled for Jane
I rolled for Feixiao
I'll roll for Caesar
I'll roll for Lingsha
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>last node of survival SD
>clear Thanatos side with no problems
>go to mt. lion side
>mt. lion dude and elite brawler
>two shot you
>you can literally spam off timing evades and they would still be perfect with how much they spam attacks
>if you miss one attack they combo you to death before you can even swap
>if you manage to stun one you can't even focus them down because they're both melee units and hugging it out so target lock jumps to the non stunned enemy
>can't even separate them to focus one down because these fags can zoom across the map in a second or two
Whoever designed this particular node deserves to be shot without due process. With explosive and incendiary rounds.
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Good shit bwo, make sure to tell us all the details if she goes through with it.
has there been math done on the fastest way to build up daze on qin?
she's not considering selling sex, she's considering selling her virginity
marry her, you degenerate
Why has Sony been so retarded recently.
How do you even get it that high? +3 Prof on every disk?
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Since you asked nicely.
You roll for M1W1. Hit them with charged attack first time you see them.
will do, omw now to get some rubber. i think she ganna go through with it.

she's not a virgin, she in her mid 20's like i am
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>Stream is on Friday
>But also Stream is on September 13th
>But wait, it's September and the stream is this week
>September is the 9th month
>and today is 11th
>IT'S 9/11
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Could be better, but solid.
record it fucking coward
I liked you better when you were flooding the thread with gay porn
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so now the dust has settled, we could all agree as one that :

MOUSE KEEB > JOYSTICK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PHONEKEK
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I wonder if I should be autistically maxing Soldier 11 like BillyGODs are maxing Billies.
KEK the slopcop pedo didn't like that one!
oh yeah it's the 11th. if you're on the american server and you want jane or her weapon but haven't rolled her yet, roll for her in 1 hour and 40 minutes. that'll be the hour of the rat. you'll get good luck, I GUARANTEE it
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Belle is cute, CUUUTE!
Would it be really funny if the furry faction became playable before Miyabi?
how's your DDR skills?
ZZZ is very uncomfortable to play on a joystick.
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Since we are posting Jane's
based devs postponing Ellen power creep the as much they can
Miyabi is Wood Blinker
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Seeing all these Janes has me realizing I will never leave the relic mines.
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This man looks 40 and is texting like this
So what's the general consensus regarding spending polys for energy? I mainly play BA, and in there it's usually considered a good idea to do 1 recharge per day, with severe diminishing returns after that. Is it the same with ZZZ?
lvl 60 Jane has 114 AP base. R5 Rainforest gives 75 AP. AP disc 4 gives 92. That's 281, so you want to get 139 more from substats. Base AP substat is 9, and doubles with every bonus. A +1 AP substat on 5 discs is already 90, which means you need 6 more bonuses to go over 420.
Her sig gives 90 AP instead of 75, so that makes it a lot easier
I'd be shocked if they get a whole faction
it'll probably only be Pulchra and she'll join the SoC or more likely the Cunning Hares
i ate my own semen for the first time
yeah, I thought I was okay at 350 + seth buff, but nope. now I understand why I was struggling to get below 1 min crit 7
sounds like mental illness to me
save for rolls
>that pic
Meeb going through Meetosis?
Mihoyo is more jewish than BA devs, so no. Not unless you're whaling or desperate to catch up to IK50.
Is this a poll thread now?
soldier 11 has higher damage burst potential compared to billy
What substats are good for Jane? Is crit rate/damage any good?
Why are the Random Play bangbros known by numbers instead of names
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Miyabi Miyabi
Miyabi will be the broken character from 1.6 that Hoyo loves to do.
mihoyo is way too stingy to do that. they give batteries instead, feel free to burn those, but never use polys for energy
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'Roller for me, same with almost all 3rd person action games. I love that rumble when Nicole sits her fat ass on her guncase and blasts motherfuckers to hell.
>inb4 you're now pregnant
Ap atk% atk
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>That second dialogue option
I had no idea Wise's thing was black women
I do both, S11 and Billy are my main DPS agents
>black woman
sir, that's a robot
no, she can't make use of crit
ap is the priority, then attack%, then it's arguable on flat attack vs flat pen, but they're the two others you want
god i wanna FUCK court suit nicole so FUCKING much!
Modelled after a sub-Saharan black woman
depends on your budget
1x refresh is 1800 energy a month and costs around $15. i like to think of it as another battlepass
3x refresh is probably the limit id do and costs about $60
max refresh is $300+ a month
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The insanely harsh timegating from IK 42-50 is horrible. I just want to play the fucking game, man...
He's literally just shitposting you.
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I can even see her joining the sons of calydon but the cunning hare? why?
And I find it curious how all 3 have modified weapons with blades and bullets being used as accessories.
>falling for bait
I do 1x refresh a day using my BP gibs
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>That Nicole pic
She seems a bit more "foxy" than usual in that suit and glasses
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>So what's the general consensus regarding spending polys for energy?
We are 2 months into the game now gwo the autism race to ik 50 is long over.
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right on the cusp of the MURRICA patch...
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Eren nyoo...
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Alternate outfits never ever... At least we have mods.
What do Belle pheromones smell like
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like Wise
ok (<≻ω·)
>but the cunning hare? why?
SoC have the most members so far so I'd be surprised if they got another (especially one that isn't Big Daddy)
and I can see her being drawn to the Cunning Hares because Billy is apparently some legend from the Outer Rim and she also dual wields pistols
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I finished 11/11.
I've gotten SD7

I'm better than you.
I tried playing zzz on a flight master and it was kinda hard
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nice thread my zzziggers
Do you think the cat girl, the dog boy, and the monkey man are gonna show up in the next update.
Did you say foxy?
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>Hey what's with the camera?
Lucy love!
>Get the fuck outta here!
don't spend on recharges
levels don't matter in this nearly as much nor does the max level increase also its way stingier with rolls
yeah, that's... why they're in it. same with their shadow forms, which will be in a challenge commission or something
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whoa heyooo, didnt quite expect this
i hope you enjoy yourself!
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If your agents were above Level 50, you didn't actually beat 11/11. Sorry!
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Time to save.
>use resistfingerprinting
>get resistfingerprinting behavior
do firefox trannies really
I am not a furry I think... now I question it
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bitch it takes 4 million dennys to max out a character. I fucking earned those 10 extra levels
>female rats go into heat every 4-5 days, typically in the evening and lasting most of the night
>female rats are highly responsive to male pheromones, which can shorten their estrus cycle, putting them in heat more frequently
>female rats in heat arch their back, vibrate their ears, and run in short, fast bursts
>during their period of receptivity, which lasts about 6 hours, female rats often have sex every few minutes, sometimes up to 100 times in a single night
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Yeah. We already know they're going to also be special higher difficulty bosses like Jane is.
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It makes sense, but I think it would be interesting if it were the entire faction, they could make one Pulchra banner as S rank and the other two as A rank, so they could test people's interests in full furry characters.
Why do all hoyofags care about is making the most money to the point where when the games aren't making the most these generals get extra mentally ill
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Still the second best pairing in the game, only losing to Wise and Belle's cute sibling bond (incest also preferable)
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princesses shouldn't be dropping f bombs like that...
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i cant tell which jane is better, im getting similar times in shiyu defense

i guess the pen% one is better because my wengine isnt leveled up all the way yet
I hate that Butler is so shit. I wish they had given him reasonable energy regen. At least he has cool animations.
oops the disc[5]s are switched..
Making her a hare was his only mission and he managed to fail at it.
okay, so why does a Bangboo need HP anyway?
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>Lucy, I love you!
>Get the fuck outta here!
kys pedo
they both flopped
I love women and they love me back
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For the upcoming Bangboo game modes of course!
How would you guys rank the BP wengines?
Wet diaper
not 100% sure what that is, I use Mullvad browser for shit like 4chan and whatnot
Lucy love!
Lucy: 1800ml
Piper: 129000ml
Burnice: 0ml
Caesar: 1 chopped off dick
would you still pull?
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Bro, she even has a 3D model ready, obviously they will be rivals in the next update.
Anomaly >>> Defender >>>> Shit >>>> Everything else
Mullvad is Firefox bwo...
I don't know what you're saying
She needs to lose the mask.
She will probably only use them during the boss fight, before we really get to know them
pay up gweilo
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Why would she say this.. : (
I'm not stupid!!
Just mod bro
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Yes you are.
Having an ojou-sama with a potty mouth is really cute. Can't wait to hear her dialogue in the new chapter.
well you picked belle so she has a point
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I know, I said im not 100% sure what 'resistfingerprinting' is. I have the concept of fingerprinting but im not sure if that term is coined to a specific methodology or is referring to fingerprinting in general itself.
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It would be cool if her moveset was based on Haseo's Xth form
>decide to drop one final 10 pull
>pulled M2 Jane
bros it feels so good, she was already strong but now I feel like she will stay well ahead of power creep assuming no nerfs. Went from 800-900k tops to 2mil.
My sister is a whore
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>Got Soldier 11 and Lucy from my free rolls
The soldier girl is higher rarity, but I'm way more excited for Lucy.
the short answer is to allow poal.me to use canvas API and then clear cookies + force refresh
>Get the fuck outta here! My pussy belongs to Big Daddy!
They work well together though, so good on ya.
Anon you get a free bear, you just need a Koleda to form a top tier meta team.
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Congrats Lucy bro. S11 is actually the best character you can pull with Lucy since they're boht Fire and you'll be running them together. Keep in mind you'll be getting another free copy of Lucy soon in 1.2.
They work well together. Just throw Anby in there with them and you're good to go.
Anby is the canon girlfriend?
>E2 DanIL
>E2 JL
>C6 Eula
Keep thinking that kek.
VERY important poll
The avacado boo healing per is based off the boos hp
Did you get the ratball too?
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ah then yeah, this browser does prevent the Canvas API from that particular operation by default. im not even sure if I can turn it off(not that I want to). thanks for the explanation bwo
Where are the porns of Pulchra? Furries you disappoint me!
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Belle is super cool and has street smarts as opposed to 'Wise' who is just eyecandy that can cook!!
I HATE phone controls for games like this; especially in the fucking arcade. I'm missing out on lots of polychromes because tryharding snake on a virtual d-pad is a nightmare.
Why has Mihoyo bent over for Apple and shafted Android users regarding controller support?
Lucy sucks onces they release 5* Mcbigtits with Lucy's gameplay no one will care
Of Nicole? Yes
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>t. mindbroken by Sons of Calydon
Pulchra porn/art sucks because it all makes her fat when she's a stick in-game
ZZZ has controller support on andriod. I've personally used a usb controller to play ZZZ on my Pixel.
Just use an adapter, they are cheap
>someone makes a valid argument I don't like
>post a rabi in response
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Do DP Assists, anon!
They are cool!
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That's not how it works anon.
Why doesn't she just rape him
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Fuck, wrong webm.

Just dodge, bro!
you're literally only proving me right
Given that this game trickles polychromes I think it's ridiculous to spend them on energy, but to each their own.
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get those numbers up
I wish i could get +3 prof on every disk instead of just 1 and coping with two disks having zero anomaly prof...
getting her sig does help a lot tho
Lucy rabi?
What controller have you used and how did you get it working?

What kind of adapter?
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would be impressed if that happens
is that you S11 spoonfeed anon? ill have my shit setup for the next node. just farming disks until 1.2 baybie
jane is the canon girlfriend of belle
Jane is CUTE!!
Is there a site that lists ideal stat breakpoints for each agent?
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I don't have the resources to level up Seth right now. What teams can I put Jane on that doesn't involve the cat cop?
Jane isn't girlfriend material she's too much of a slut
Can make do with Nicole or Lucy if you want. Won't have team bonuses, but they don't eat up on field time and support well enough.
How are they going to fix ice for anomaly teams? It deals sigificantly less disorder damage than any other element, and that's with accounting for shatter
Just sync your controller of choice using Bluetooth. Playing ZZZ using my samsung tablet and PS5 controller
Belle flirt with all agents
ellen rape...
Most furry artists don't even know she exists yet.
For disc 5 Jane, does phys dmg bonus and atk% = the same damage?
QY if you got her and Rina if you're going Stun Team
she looks like she preys on human men (30 or older)
Futa Piper fucked my ass
new eridu is a post-apocalyptic police state dealing with an existential threat to human*ity. homosexuality is outlawed. there are no girlfriends for these girls
It's okay proxies operate outside the law
Backbone. I plugged in my phone and then switched to controller in the ZZZ settings.
Old, infertile trucker futa cock and semen invaded your inexperienced insides
Lycaonchads, what do you run for your two piece?
For thus burst window, do I want to cycle back to nicole to reset the defense debuff? Should I ever use Nicole's charge shot?
Physical Damage will likely be more damage.
this is incorrect
Zhu is a cop and has multiple girlfriends
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Yes, this is the cat
swap mid charge.
*Zhu's burst window
i gave all his discs to anby...
I went with energy regen to speed up his steam oven activation
ER, what else?
They should add a denny cost to unequip discs like in Epic Shit
sexualized playable robot lady doko?
kono sovlless desu
Started playing on ps5, told it to make me an account and nothing happened but it let me go in. Did I fuck up lads? How do I get my account on PC too?
No. End your chain on Nicole and then Quick Assist to your DPS to maximize the debuff time during the stun duration. Use Nicoles charged shot to group up small enemies who can be crowd controlled in order to make them easier and faster to kill.
based on what I've seen from people doing experiments

they're actually quite close since anomaly characters are extremely lacking in ATK
So Wise wouldn't be a target of hers, I forget how old the protagonists are?
za kotto...
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/hsrg/ oniichan is bullying /gig/ onxxchan again....
Hold attack without moving to use the combo where she quickly fires 5 shots, use ex special and swap to nicole during the animation and use Nicole's ex special to trigger assist. Do it correctly and it will be like if ZY never left the field.
For Zhu it's
>Nicole's CA > Zhu'a QA > EX > Charged Shot 1 > 2 > 3 (the triple shot) > Swap to Nicole > Nicole's EX > Zhu's QA > Ulti > EX > dump the rest of the bullets.
So generally, yes, refreshing Nicole's debuff is well worth it.
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soon bwo
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I don't know what I'm doing with the combat, I just mash the right click mouse button and space bar on occasion. Stuff is dying, so I guess I'm doing it right.
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You'll get there and it'll be cool.
And you'll be cool.
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I prefer her with mods
why do so many characters have their hair droop between their eyes
it actually pisses me off now that I've noticed it
what is the website you guys are using the show builds/inventories.
>you'll be cool
No, he's a stupid scatfag is what he is.
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Because if they dont hide the forehead pic related happens
I NEED Rina to unbrick my teams
Unbrick Ellen from the fieldtime black hole that is Basedcucku
Give Ellen her passive without the knot
let me run QY/Rrat without that faggot Seth
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i'd fuck both why choose one
As long as they keep releasing characters with multi-hit EXs like Piper, Corin and Burnice, Lucy will still relevant.
>Disc 1
>substats are AP, Crit Rate, Crit Dmg, and Atk
Damn, this one might actually be good...
add a cock and it'll be perfect
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ty fren
now I can post mine, how have I done fellas?
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Today I used all 4 of those stat selector disk things for a crit rate disk and not a single one of them had crit damage on it
+5 Attack
you have my condolences anon.
dare i say, br*cked.
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does 4pc polar metal + 2pc hormone punk work for m6 dps soukaku? I rolled a pretty decent ice dmg bonus disk on hormone punk.
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but they can just do bangs
why does it have to go BETWEEN their eyes
Would we say Element % damage is worth using a tuning calibrator?
If you're low spender or higher and not desperate for characters 1x a day refresh it totally fine. Especially if you're super behind building characters and impatient. However keep in mind eventually you will Proxy level 60, more characters built than you use, future characters prefarmed weeks in advanced, and just spend your energy on a 0.004% chance of optimizing disc sets.
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why do you guys keep posting the same mid ass webms
the gameplay isnt even optimal
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I'm sure Mibibi will not be endlessly abused by doomposters and tourists like Qingyi and Jane
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I have a hard time dodging all of this guy's attacks. Or at least dodging without my health getting chipped.
It's a royal pain in the ass to roll so why not?
Just make sure DMG% is better than ATK% for the agent you're rolling.
For example, for Zhu, ATK% is better.
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Anby had too many burgers...
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wtf i wroke basedcucku
cat, that is this yes
This proves that Jane attracted newfaggots to the thread
me after getting food poisoning AGAIN from eating a jack in the box burger
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Hey, fuck you, my Soukaku's gameplay was optimal as fuck.
I'll let you know, that's a 11/11 no damage S-rank Floor 1 boss kill with a level 50 Soukaku and level 60 Zhu Yuan.
There is quite literally ZERO mistakes in either webm because, given the conditions of the run, every mistake would immediately lead to death.
Now my other webms are mid because I'm mid, I'll give you that. But don't you dare to attack my Soukaku webms.
nuh uh
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That's slander, anon
I was attracted to Nicole, but stayed for kot
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for jane,

do my buffs need to be active all the time, or only when i trigger assault
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>set tuning calibrator and stat
>it doesn't consume my calibrator and instead rolls a totally different main stat
What the fuck?
At least the rolled disc has literally unusably dogshit substats (HP, HP%, Def, Pen) so I'm kind of glad I didn't waste a calibrator on it somehow.
uh oh
anti-soukaku redditor meltdown
He was designed to shill Jane's constant dodge counters yet he just made me appreciate Piper's ridiculous invincibility frames more.
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I'm here because someone was posting Lucy in another board.
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they did a poor job shilling that whore, I S-ranked that Shiyu stage with Qingyi and Billy
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Qingyi is in danger!
What's that blue girl's body type called
they do a poor job of shilling everyone, you can beat everything in this game with literally nothing
fertile tween
Are her tail and horns sensitive?
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>DPS Nico
My knees...
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just practice more
you'll get the hang of it eventalually
I'm finding myself to be attracted to both, short flatties and the big tiddy women in this game. ZZZ is doing something right.
not just that but SOLO dps nicole
meaning you could make dps nicole even more viable with supports
cunny hairs... I KNEEL.
>SOLO dps nicole
More like CarriedByAmillionCole
I have so few disc resources bros... this sucks.
>nicole completely solo
>billy with nothing but anby against physical resistance
they really need to add some more stages to shiyu
jane will fall off hard
Jane is the reason I got back to playing this game but I'm here because my main game's somewhat shitty general has become actually shitty if one cares about spoilers, thus making it actually shitty.
There's mechanical balls for every girl? I was forced to put Nicole's on Lucy since I don't have many options.
>actually shitty twice
derp moment but still true
at all times, unless you're using nicole then just when you trigger assault
shut it pagpag
just use the ER b-rank weapon in lucy it's better than that bro
Never spend polys on energy unless you're autistic about progression or you're a paid content creator. We can get away with it in BA because they shower you with currency at the expense of having some of the shittiest endgame ever, while Mihomo is stingy with currency but the content is so easy people are already clearing Shiyu Defense without rushing for progression.
If Da Wei blesses me with her M6, I will farm a DPS build for her cause she's just that cute.
>my fully invested team with elemental advantage can't clear
>this guy can solo with F2P characters
wtf... how is this fair
The power of sovl
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Fuck off with Jane hardselling, mihomo
sex with corin
Do you cope with Corin in a Lycaon/Soukaku team if you don't have Ellen?
can do both with anby and nicole with easy like i did. i also have jane, but nicole is just sexy and i love when she scream 'get away from me'
unironically just skip her ane clear them with Billy and S11 instead
nothing wrong with that team. Onfield knot until stun then pop corin in to unload
I didn't build my Corin...
She's cute and fun, you should if you can
that's what I said about my c6 ben that's been level 30 for 5 weeks
>3 smiley faces
I don't see the problem
a significant part of lycaon and soukakus power budget is tied to their ice (de)buffs
theyre kinda underwhelming otherwise
Bros they gotta sell me Ellen...
I was posting HSR spoiler here too though?
Im dating Nicole, Anby, Ellen and Jane
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We know, Ben
yeah it seems they completely removed the green shirt cat girl model
I dont even see them around lumina anymore
imagine them having sex...
Wasn't her mom a human?
No race mixing allowed.
Racemixing is bad.
At least the boy doesn't look like a girl anymore.
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Grrrr... this damn Old Fox needs boomer correction!
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I didn't see anyone think he was though
lots of people thought the thiren girl was a boy though, at least if these threads are anything to go by (they aren't, these threads are a horrible representation of humanity)
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Playing since day 1 and these are all of the S rank discs I've ever gotten from farming that have an elemental DMG main stat.

1 (one) of them is the correct element on the correct set. And yes it did roll shit sub stats.
I have the sudden urge to molest and rape Rina
holy sex
First hoyo game? welcome
I wonder if they didn't like the implication of Enid and Enid's Mom.
The materials her outfit is made of looks so cheap that it's distracting
>replace her with a sexier model
>anons get mad
Who's next after the RAT?
Sure. You could also do something like Qingyi/Anby+Rina. Although Caesar will finally offer a non-Victoria pairing for Corin as well.
Caesar and then Burnice
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kemono loli tomboy idiot is so goddamn good though
that's why koleda a cute
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Is a Qingyi/Rina/ZhuYuan team better than a Qingyi/(6)Nicole/ZhuYuan team? They all have their signature w-engines.
Thanks mate, guess I'll wait then, I wanted both of those...
Is Caesar a stunner?
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left or right?
I just try to get decent stats on other pieces when playing hoyo games. Elem slot just needs to be correct element, and I'd call it quits at 20-25 CV or something. I'll use the crafting option or farm for it last
I fucking love children
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New area unlocked, what am I in for bwos?
She's a cope stunner, but she also gigabuffs your team so that works
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Me too, but in a non-sexual way.
also does anyone know what Caesars role and elements will be?
we ended up fucking and got her the 150$ deal for her account.
hairy bush, very tight, she came real quick too and even said she'll be calling on me again real soon
who would have though a gacha game would get me laid
Caesar is a Defender, but cab sub a Stunner. You kind of need her wengine if you want to run her as a stunner though.
An area that used to stutter like crazy.
Wait, they're named now?

Also, my prediction for Anby's past: she was a rushed protoype. What made her quit is some corrupt higher-up in the New Eridu Armed Forces(possibly within OBOL), ordering Anby aka Soldier Zero to do what Vision alnost did to Canvas Street.
the game is in unity and this is a reminder
the stench of Manhattan and thirens combined
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Place is full of 8 years old girls and boys for some reason
I did at first. Pink hair at all. Usually reserved for girls, or fags like that FGO guy.
The girl I could tell instantly. I just wish you could back to the mom after that quest and explain to her that her child isn't as retarded as she may have been thinking.
a worse Howl, a worse Chop, and a worse map traversal experience
uh oh pagpag melty
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What genre of music is the HIA bgm? I need more music like this with delicious bass.

The one I referred to isn't a Mihoyo game.

Why does the boy look like Belle?
Wait did Koleda go from having an early growth spurt to having a growth stump? Been too lazy to do the character episodes.
>for some reason
We all know the reason
They need to arrest that succubus on the center
I'd favor the Nicole team because of the extra crit and ether damage buffs. The Penetration and Def Shred are doing similar things. Rina would be better for a more sustained oriented DPS, but Zhu is so concentrated on the burst window that Nicole works great with her despite the limited duration of some of her effects.
in her story she going undercover as a school girl and grace a teacher
so she's slightly taller than the others, but small enough to be believed that she a student at the school
She'll arrest you first
God I want to marry that slut in the center
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>said she'll be calling on me again real soon
Either she's really into the game or she needed that.
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Oh my goodness, she cute
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Caesar cute!
They're pretty stingy with the standard pulls huh? 2 a week, what like 5 or 6 a month from shops?
>2 a week
From where besides hollow zero
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The not enough sleep duo
>he thinks I have Rina
her arms kinda look like noodles
i think she needed that
she told she it was like 3-4 years ago since her last fuck and kinda forgot how good it felt
i should tell her i won't buy it again, 150$ is almost 2 weeks of food for me

also she manage to roll jane, her weapon and get her to c4
Do you think that she would sell me some coco milktea if I pay enough
you've got them both leveled bwo, take them into vr and see how they do
Oh I guess I was thinking of the ones from battle pass levels - One a week outside of that lmao
unless you got pissed on she faked it retard
Did they really have to call it "inter-knot"?
was it worth it to pay 150 doolers to shag a 4/10
I think it's more interesting than a hooker, definitely. But still
>Weapon + C4 in 122 rolls
This is how you know the story is actually fake lol
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She's even cute when sad
I'm not sure about the genre, but I always go to HIA when I am tinkering with my Agents or browsing through shops. The theme just fits so perfectly, reminds a little of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tntuxch3aUQ
The Chikes over at mihomo really schemed hard with the boopon login “””rewards”””. I really wouldn’t have minded 10x standard instead of some readily available worthless resource.
Man, hoyogames really do suck in general
>genshit is boring kiddie shit, and the characters don't look half as good as the world
>hsr is wordvomit chinkslop
zzz is great, and I'm not a furry person yet it's still my favourite one. Grim, desu
Cute zoomer imouto.
coco is literally built for B__
Lmao. Okay I might actually play this one now.
>I would have liked valuable resources rather than bangboo coupons
Yeah they know, the value of standard tapes is vastly higher and that's why we didn't get them.
Big Daddy, just like every other human girl
>not https://youtu.be/Jq7-slwEc30
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Bangboo finally start doing something at level 60. The jump between 50 to 60 is pretty massive.
Bwo the game is set in the 2070s she’s a gamma or some shit
>this is SO not skibidi..
Is it possible to 50 the BP as a F2P btw
Comfy times ahead
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ey i got laid and may keep getting me laid few more times, so i'll say it's worth.
plus if i can spoon with her when we sleep then win win, fucken love spooning

get better rolls
Yes, I already got this one to 50 like 2 days ago
I have a lvl 60 Cui, it’s only fun in hollow zero when you can spec into their resonia for fun. Other than that it does what feels like 1/15th of a shiyu hp bar on a chain attack.
Is her left hand really a stump
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yeah, if you do your weeklies and events it's easy. if you start today? maybe not, but don't worry about it, you'll complete the next one with 2 weeks to spare
Based bedtime bros.
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I always assume that people who say Bangboo are useless don't have one at lvl 60.
If Calydonboo wasn't coming soon, I'd be dumping my boopons into the gacha for Bangvolver dupes. That fucker hits for 300k on stunned enemies already.
BBC (Big Ben Cock)
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if I wanted a story I'll just read a book.
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Her smile is golden, bwos
That Calydonboo looks like he's gonna be really fucking good. His active can reposition enemies and his passive can reduce the cooldown on his active.
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>Bwo the game is set in the 2070s she’s a gamma or some shit
christ... imagine the brainrot
she would be operating on memes beyond our comprehension
Give me more combat comissions and a new hollow zero
wait really?
I left mine at 50 because I thought it would be a waste
I lost the Bangboo 50/50 and got Bangvolver instead of Rocketboo...
My lvl 60 Rocketboo goes around nuking mobs before I can even reach them sometimes, crazy motherfucker
It literally doubles its stats
this is the problem with just looking at numbers
5 dupes of the same bangboo is realistically just going to be 2-3 seconds timesave in shiyu 17
its a relatively small investment for relatively small return
nothing more, nothing less
Fake and gay
I want to get one copy of every S-rank bangboo before I aim for dupes, I think.
I don't care about "investment" or "value". I just want my funny gunface bangboo to hit harder.
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They go from like 4000 atk to 8000 atk.
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I hired this Bangboo security cop to stare at gay people
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>roll La Rata Sexo
>get KOT'D (again)
How will ever recover from this?
>'Wise' who is just eyecandy that can cook
That's already better than IRL me, I'll take it.
That's reasonable.
Where our playable MC?
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look at this little green boo at lvl60
>8863 attack
and of cause it's nicole's bangboo
>666 def
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I'm starting to think 4pc swing jazz on Soukaku is a meme and that you'd actually rather run 4pc freedom for faster freeze procs. Her chain takes forever, literally a whole Ellen basic combo in length.
that's a brick
people figured this out a month ago bwo
>Amillion is always the #1 choice for pure damage bangboo even without hares
oink oink
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>Robot cop with awkward social skills licking scene evidence
I just use Butler because I like seeing him making me pancakes in the middle of fights
how do I complete this? I went to the Outpost but there's no prompt to talk to Ray. I finished a round of Hollow Zero but the quest did not progress at all.
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Neko's M1 helps make her more fun. Especially if you also have her weapon, since the back attack and dash through aspects of her kit start really mattering.
Now you just need her ball and you'll finally have a playable character.
kys pedo
cucks of calydon flopped
Ehm, you’re not retarded right?
>gets no response
>replies to himself
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You might have some other quest blocking it that you have to do first. Are you being prompted to talk to anyone else in the Outpost too?
Rina does almost literally nothing in the story
Her character story isn't about her
She's not a good agent
Why was she so wasted
>been kotted 3 times
>still no kotball
I've locked her in my sex dungeon for her crimes. She will never see the light of day again.
what should i be going for with crit stats
should i just boost the shit out of % or dmg for better results
That's fair.
I love Butlerboo and got him ASAP but have been sticking with the paperbagboo because I'm a bit of a cardboard junkie (also too lazy to switch off).
try tracking the quest
I think you meant to say Ellen
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Is this the obligatory American character or a Schwarzenegger reference?
Roughly 1:2 rate to damage is fine while you're under 100% rate. As your rate approaches 100% favor damage though.
Ellen doesn't has an agent story
ellen wants crit rate mostly since she gets lots of free crit damage
Obligatory corrupt American cop. The Chinese cops are all good, hard workers. The American one is evil.
meant for >>494034794
I'm going to assume thirens weren't allowed on the force back in his day
reminder her passive gives her cdmg
thats on top of the frost debuff giving another 10%
this means she values crate more
inb4 the obvious
Yes American character for corrupt politicians like Trump
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Me and the bwos
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Inky the cat, whatever happened there...
Seth is the good guy American
>One American is a gigachad but an asshole
>The other is morally good but a dorky twink
What did Hoyoverse mean by this?
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Made for bullying American
They’re woke!!!
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Is "HAND" the equivalent of the FBI of this world?
Yeah, I tried playing Genshin some again with the 5.0 update, but I couldn't get over how sterile the narrative feels. Also Paimon's shrill, yappy voice. Yes, it's also shrill and yappy in JP.
If the game was "woke" every female character would either be butt ugly and/or trannies
I didn't knew bangboos went fucking nuts at 60. What are the best ones to use?
that was sarcasm, retard
I, I, I love little girls
They make me feel so good
I love little girls
They make me feel so bad
When they're around
They make me feel like I'm the only guy in town
I love little girls
They make me feel so good
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Belle's repeated mind-merging with Eous has resulted in some... Complications.
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Smooth Enzo, smooth
>'This disk isn't so bad'
>up it to 3
>one shit substat
>'Well the rest is good surely it'll be alr-'
and then everyone clapped
janekeks lost
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>Moan like a Bangboo!
My brain immediately went to that part in Bible Black where a guy says "NOW CLUCK LIKE A CHICKEN" while fucking a girl.
What is this site? Looks nice to check out the details on the stats
uh oh unprovoked pagpag melty
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bro theres a completely equal chance of every stat leveling bro trust me bro
It's ZY's bull.
This but unironically
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Stop it Qingyi, you are not Sonic the Hedgehog
Can't really say at this point as it's vague.
>file name
He got them cheeks clapping alright
Jane's long ass banner killed the game so yeah.
So HANDS and TOPS are two separate parts of the government, and just as vague, I'm guessing
ladies love the big robot arm
Wuwa won
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>get better rolls
that's 6 limited 5 stars in 122 rolls
meaning that even if you won every coin flip you'd be averaging a 5 star every 20 rolls
the statistical likelihood of that is so low that it doesn't register at 2 decimal places
She's raping him
And then she's going to rape me
Oh my goooood
>t. non-sex haver
mad cuz virgin
you have so much sex that you have to invent fake stories about having it
nyoooooooo I don't want to be raped by used goods ahhhhhhhh
what did you really believe his story? just some jakarta having a schizo episode
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Finally, I was wondering when we would get to some sci-fi racism in this game.
seth is one lucky fella
More or less. Though HANDS stands for Hollow Affairs & Neutralization Department, so that gives you an idea of what they're suppose to do at least. TOPS, I'm not sure of. Couldn't even find a wiki article on it.
hey I got my sex and C4 Jane who's the one crying here
Someone will play $39.99 for a boxed copy or an f2p online only Chinese jrpg
>I got C4 Jane
your story is so flimsy you can't even keep your own details straight within an hour of posting them lol
that'd be nice if it was an offline version with all the gacha and grind removed and it was just a normal fucking jrpg
feel free to jerk off to my sex tape virgin
>Disk is a brick
>Money stolen
>other games posting

Good morning sirs
i dunno shit about guns but does the wolf guy have a lever action rifle? i fucking love LARs in games
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H.A.N.D. (Hollow Affairs & Neutralization Department). It's more like Zenless's version of Marvel's SHIELD (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division).
ugly meme = ugly poster = opinion discarded
ofc sharty users won't know what sex is
>show chart that's there's a >1% chance of it being true
>not taking account of the anby and seth dupes and the resource they give
>not showing how many extra rolls you get off those free residual signals

i think this anon here is right >>494040043
You know some idiot, who's alreadying playing HSR, is going to buy this just for the Redemption Code, Trading Cards, Keychains, and Post Card.
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>Literally every S rank is available for trail use in the Advanced Drills
>Except Nekomata
hi /zzz/ I heard Lighter is S-rank, is it true ?
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Local Manwhore discovered
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The redemption code would have to be worth $40 worth so funny pull currency, 2 special in-game costumes, and a 5* selector ticket plus the other shit for me to buy it
>absolutely brutal negotiator that squeezes out the best deals from all her clients and baits people by looking like a ditz
>harsh but fair manager that occasionally spoils the team she manages
He's SSS>>>>
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uh oh
Oh my bad anon going from not owning a character to C4 with their signature is totally feasible when we factor in the 8 refunded rolls you get along the way
uh oh pagpag melty
>offline with all the gacha removed
Maybe in 10 years after a slow painful maintenance and EoS you might get an offline vers like that Mega Man gacha did where all the netplay stuff was ripped out and the economy retuned but not removed so you still have to grind rng sometimes
Do you guys think Bringer will get a redemption arc?
I see it's another episode of /zzz/ thinking unlikely = impossible again.
Someone should use THAT image as the OP at least once today. You know which one.
No Bringer and Seth's brother are corrupt officers and they'll only redeemed during their last actions before they get brutally slaughtered
It’s basically the government branch focused on Hollows.

So think of it as a more specific type of disaster response agency that employs people like Miyabi and Soukaku, since the known way to shrink Hollows is to kill Etherials.
i wonder what do you get of the code, if it's like granblue versus or relink you might end un getting the game for free if you sell the code
Cards have value, keychains have value, PS5 postcard and physical disk/cover have a bit of value, and if the redemption code is worth enough in-game currency (especially with EXCLUSIVE items included that you can only get from this) it may well be worth $40.
I mean, would you still be laughing if the redemption code was $50 of in-game currency?
You'd probably unironically be seething that people that own a PS5 are getting a better deal than you and how unfair it is.
Imagine a $39.99 boxed ZZZ but it comes with a redemption code that lets you pick 3 standard banner S-rank agents of your choice as well as 3 standard banner S-rank engines, you'd be seething.
>pretending that most PS5 "disk" game aren't just redemption codes or technically on disk you just can only play after a 200gb patch download
you're thinking of xbox
ps5 is 99% games that completely playable with just the disk
t. owns a ps5
Nicole Demara, attorney at law. She works hard, she plays hard.
Pedophiles are the cancerous growth of /zzz/. Fuck lolifags pedophiles.
Next time you make up a fake story for upvotes use a reasonably lucky claim like C1 with signature
Stop spam replying to me coping over your own ineptitude
The story literally sets Bringer up as being a genuinely good person, a heroic and selfless officer, before whatever happened to him. There's a LOT of room for an actual redemption arc where we free him from whatever bad influence is secretly FORCING him to be corrupt in the shadows.
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>photography event

Imagine if they turned off hints as opposed to how it usually works. Now that would be “funny”
most of them aren't that bad, it's the southeast asians who are obnoxious about it
not surprising since they're the ones who actually rape children
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Mualani > Shitkaku
i have not read a single word of the story
Is there any leak or any news about whether or not we're going to get team loadouts soon?
>the event would be hard if they turned off the target spotted indicator!
*looks up the answers on Game8*
MiHoYo would never do the type of shit you got from the Granblue VS DLCs and from buying relink. Those games paid for themselves and then some if you weren't playing the game. My 2b costume codes sold for $69
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>Lead art designer is lolicon
Loligame, go back to wuwa or whatever copezone you came from
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I can't believe our older siblings come here and fuck with us with sales like this
Got spooked rolling singles on the banner for an M1 Jane. I'm not upset because i wanted her and i have a locked in Burnice.
wtf bros I thought jane was a flop that killed the game
if that's the case then mualani and feixiao are flops that are going to kill all of mihoyo
Take your meds schizo, I'm not the story guy. I just hate to see you guys be retards because you don't understand unlikely isn't the same thing as impossible. I've seen so many of you in these threads say shit about how going to hard pity is statistically impossible, it's a 1 in 100 million chance (0.00000001%), etc, yet that's exactly what happened to me on the engine banner. The extremes on both sides are possible no matter how unlikely it is, and even if the story is bullshit all you're doing by trying to prove it fake is sperging out.
Afterwork sex with financially secure Nicole!
damn she would make a great lawyer
>very competent, loves being underestimated
>flirts to coax out information that she wants or to drop someone's guard
>knows the law in and out so she can be very slimy if she wants to
>drinks and vents to (you) about all the stuff at work she keeps under wraps to maintain her image
>makes a lot of money, still a penny pincher thanks to her upbringing but will spoil (you)

my mind is going crazy the attitude and that outfit is sexo
>most of them aren't that bad
nice try but they are quite literally the opposite, its written into the definition of the term.
>Look up fei xiao
>90% of her art is shipshit with Jiaoqiu
Is that why that Janeshipschizo is leaving us alone?
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Angry Qingyi
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Janepagbros, whats your opinion ? Is 450atk worth sacrificing for 40% more AM and 36 more AP ?
Team is Jane, Seth and Grace
>unprompted janekek rage
you installed 100GB of lolige onto your computer and you are NOT free to cry about it here. go back to /wuwa/ where you'll fit right in
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the sweaty construction president is now yours
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Fluster Zhu makes my heart go doki doki
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He sounds like he hates C&C.
>unprompted pagpag rage
Mmmmmm no. Keep the first one.
This general sucks
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I want to be detained by this officer
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Just take her into VR and time how long it takes for her to proc Assault and how much damage it does with both builds.
blame the seanigs. they're a blight on gacha games
Learn to filter.
Jane is an objective brick by popular vote THOUGH.
Bwo it's literally just inherited HSR culture. Blame them.
It's actually unironically worse there now when they're shitposting the new girl.
But I'm at work now and I want the answer NOW
I wish zzz had a damage calculator
>literally everyone including all the content creators the thread shill say jane is great
>um actually she's bad because *smokes crack* uh reasons
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Jane is popular among paying customers (players that actually matter).
im soprry /zzz/

i boughted
1 or 2
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>back to fellating content creators
I really hope I get Belobog'd once I FINALLY hit standard banner pity.
The shitposting isn't even that bad today. Relax.
As long as it wasn't the $99 one, you're still f2p
Hitting 90 pity has an approximately 1 in 13 million chance of happening. It's so rare that Genshin players put out a cash bounty for the first player to verifiably do it.
>B-But it happened to me
Yes, that's how probability works.
How would you have felt had you not eaten breakfast yesterday morning?
middle one
Safety's little drill machine is very funny
Qingyi consumes biofuel, so presumably she would have some form of waste (even if it's merely carbon) she would need to excrete. So I'm not sure her asshole would be used for charging.
Actually as long as you only paid for the first time top up for every pack you're still F2P
Buy 1280 chrome, get back 1280 chromes = you haven't actually paid for any chrome.
Sick wipeout.
The only thing I can say is that I'm starting to think anomaly mastery is a meme. Only certain hits of certain attacks can actually proc anomalies, if the AM from disc 6 isn't improving the buildup rate to the point you're proccing the anomaly at an earlier point in your combos then it may as well be an empty main stat slot.
If you didn’t complete this quest before the change, unironically bricked
Second of all this seems to be wide spread issue because Lycaon random trust event now shows him brushing that new girl too. Maybe they added a new child model which pushed the old girl into a different id and now the game keeps pulling the wrong girl
Tectone is reliable and trustworthy.
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Do you think we'll actually travel to the outer ring with Belle/Wise or it will be just like Jane's special episode where we walk around with different character?
Huh, that would make sense.
I'll try to test it
Ugh, so true. Caesar should've been a bad bitch femdom queen who pegs me into the dirt like the little bitch I am.
Instead they made her some boring bubbly bimbo. I'm skipping.
Play the fucking game retard. We were literally going to the outer ring after chapter 3 PLAY THE FUCKING GAME BEFORE ASKING STUPID FUCK QUESTIONS
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>90 pity
>He thinks engine hard pity is at 90
Hungry. Now kiss your sister and shut the fuck up.
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My gut says the latter should allow you to proc more Assaults in a stun window as long as you play correctly, so it should be better.
I swear math was done and 420 was the optimal since it hits the attack cap for her passion state. Anything over that is unnecessary and you're better off with attack.
We're talking about someone going from not having Jane at all to having C4 Jane in 122 pulls.
Is Jane a W-Engine?
but i want the assault number to be bigger
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Jane's slow ass banner is killing the game. Can we skip straight to SoC KINO already?
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>We were literally going to the outer ring after chapter 3
The game literally never said this.
Attack effects assault, if anything it might effect it more because it's multiplicative.
Good, because they're wrong anyway.
Jane is just to milk money from normalfags, be patient.
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sawaritai...? dame!
No HSR is currently in their big moment. It’s their new patch cycle. Please give them time.
I'm installing the excrement production module into Qingyi, removing the sensor that tells her when her waste holding track is full, and disabling her sphincter control. I'm gonna do this after draining her battery to capacity so she won't know what's happened to her until after the first catastrophic accident
This damn RAT presenting her fat ass in every single damn wipeout...
Post more of this blonde slut please
The ending of chapter 3 is literally Wise and Belle discussing how they need to find a way to the outer ring so they can chase Perlman who fled there. Maybe stop skipping the story.
inb4 THAT retard says
>k-kys pedo
play the game or fuck off back to gig/wuwa, openworldjeet.
Why does Belle and Wise have to do this. What is Zhu Yuan and her team doing?
lucy and big daddy's kids are so cute
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Reminder Miyabi is in fact the storm that is approaching your heart
>This is your average gigger
By getting her weapon too. Her M1 is the first step towards unbricking her and your account
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This HIA event sucked.
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I was gonna ask the same question a few threads ago, desu
If it's going to be story mission like all the chapters before it, it's likely we'd be going through a hollow, right? So they'd need a HDD station to navigate it. Would be strangely convenient that there would be such a expensive electronic setup exists for the SoC or somewhere we consider the badlands, which seems inconvenient for most people.
Unless of course, we just drive home every time we need to navigate a hollow. Which isn't too awkward, but that depends on how huge the Outer Ring is.
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I will roll for M2W1 Miyabi if they replace her dodge button with a parry ability that charges up some big slash
>Nekomata and Jane need M1W1 to become unbricked
Why is this allowed?
Define bricked
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Who will be the anal gang of ZZZ?
Bro, Seth already does that ?
how many standard rolls can I expect per month, excluding events? There's like 5 in the battle pass, which is what, 1.5-2 months? Then 5 a month from logistics, 1(?) a week from hollow zero, and I think the fading signal shop has some, but it's unreliable to expect to have enough currency for those every month. Is that everything?
I don't like them
hoyo's classic whalebait tactic
90-100 per patch.
Add an extra 20 or so if you buy monthly.
Character that I personally do not like = brick.
Just load the HDD into the pedovan
Seth is a gay little 4 star pissbaby
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Hey, what's with Jane's banner still being up?
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This is just like my yaoi fanfictions...
I think it's okay. It lets people try out the meta teams and showcases types of team builds. The one stage where quick assists turn into chain attacks is neat.
is the defense w-engine good for Caesar?
caesar and burnice are too busy taking big daddy's big boar cock to be on banner
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>I don't like them
I said standard rolls. presumably, I'm saving all my polychrome up for limited banners, since they're more valuable. Still, thank you regardless.
Aventurine if he poor
Like uh....
Off the top of my head it's like this.
1 per week from HZ
5 per month from logistics shop
5 per month from signal shop
5 per patch from battle pass
I might have forgotten something, but I don't think so. The game is a fucking Jew when it comes to standard rolls.
For every patch (6 week cycle)

5 from the pass
3 from the logistics store
7.5 from the monthly shop
6 from Hollow Zero

You can expect 21.5 rolls per version update
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please respond
>he doesn't want to immerse with Elfy
I dont get how they are fucking up the male disigns so much after creating kino Billy, Anton and Ben (Lycaon is fine too).
But now Seth, Lighter and these fucks look horrible. Did the design team change?
fuck off Grace.
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it's a small pedowagon, I doubt it has enough space OR generator to handle a HDD, let alone Fairy included
For Caesar? No. It's the best cope for Seth though.
The logistics shop stocks 2 per month
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Damn that's even worse than I remembered then.
You get few by promoting characters.
And you should have enough signals to get monthly standard & limited rolls from the shop every month unless you're doing some funny challenges like no rolls account.
Different factions likely have different character designers.
Does "When Launching EX attack" mean that the effect occurs the instant you activate it? Meaning it boosts the actual damage of the EX attack that triggered the buff?
qingyi a cute
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>dick inspection day
Ellen's massive shark dick...
I see. That's a bit frustrating, since I have characters that are almost good, but just need one or two more mindscapes. I'll probably have to wait for them to come up in the signal shop and buy a copy of them then.
If I ask Ellen to touch her tail on Christmas, will she finally allow me?
Be gentle with my dick, Ellen...
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I always come, prepared
Whenever I see this retard I think of cigarettes
how old is Lucy?
did she have her period yet?
what do her armpits smell like?
>shorter than ZY
>taller than QY
Can I get sandwiched by them?
How do SEAniggers feel when they’re playing a game made by people who view them as subhumans?
she's had children already bwo
>janefag exposing himself as the shitposter
just the usual day in /zzz/
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but... it's always penis inspection day...
>Pulled off a Booty Bonus Shotx3
anime girls don't have periods that's why they better then 3d woman
I don't think they care, same deal as jeets and wuwa
>pagpag falseflagging again
yup, it's seanig hours
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>stealing character designs from fucking FORTNITE now
Good job ziggers
They look literally nothing alike and I say that as a Helsie fag
goth zoomer agent when?
Hey SEAnigs, do pagpags and indogs racist against each other? How does that dynamic go?
They literally look nothing alike.
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caesar and burnice are too busy taking big daddy's big boar cock to be meta KEKINSANE
do zoomers really
If you think Europeans are racist against each other.
You haven't experienced Asian on Asian racism.
I don’t understand how they can be racist to each other when they look the same and both of their countries suck.
>yes I post official jane art this totally means I'm a janefag
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So, they nerfed the 1.2 banners?
Are we gonna keep getting S ranks that cost hundreds of rolls to get and perform similarly to free A ranks for the full duration of the first year? Or are they gonna stop this retardation when the game dies off completely due to no one wanting to roll and build these characters?
>when they look the same and both of their countries suck
Ever been to India and witness their caste system?
Is that shirt some custom edited in thing? Looks really weird seeing big-nosed western character wearing an anime shirt.
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You're telling me I had an old hag on my team this whole time?
Wrong, no A rank unit compares to Jane.
SHITsar and FLOPnice are too busy taking big daddy's big boar cock to be good lol
when's the drip marketing?
No thank you saar. I will never step foot in poopoo cow rape land
never forget that calydoncucks loved this
yes, piper is a short lil' ol' lady.
I tried so hard
and got so far
but in the end
it didn't even matter
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tourist falseflagger bwo...
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Miyabi !
The only limited unit released that has no A rank alternative that gives similar results is Zhu, and it's only because there's 0 ether DPS in the game right now.
>a SEAnigger got so mad he wasted his time making this.
Don’t you have trash to rummage through to find a meal lil bro?
>plays Fortnite
Kill yourself zoomer
anon jane's very best C0W0 clear is barely 8% better than a C1 piper
It's because racism isn't real. It's newspeak and propaganda with no definition or an absurd definition. Ingroup dislike for outgroup is an universal and unavoidable reality of all lifeforms.
janefag meltdown imminent
>he wasn’t here for the total Pipercoper death post
pagpag meltdown already in progress
What a strange kink
anon thats the exact clear im talking about lol
So why do SEAs dig through the trash for food? Even sub saharan Africans and Haitians don't do this.
Haitians are literally eating cats and geese sit the fuck down
Think of it like foraging in the desert or forest except you can only forage in a city slum
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Shorkbros we like to use roaming mode to circle around our enemies before killing them
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You can tell by his posting pattern
yeah but you eat rotten fast food that you dug out of the trash
Geese isn't exactly taboo to eat whitey.
>Jane doesn’t appeal to SEAnigs because their males are on average 160cm and she’s 170cm + heels

Tips for Extreme Intensity 11?
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Next thread will be better...
is he okay?
Caesar is 180cm though and he's not been shitposting her. Maybe he'll wait for her banner to do that?
>does all their damage in big bursts
>great ass
>massive brick
I regret rolling for Jane Lawrence
What characters are the best to put on a team with Ben and Koleda?
>their males are on average 160cm
How can a pagpag manage to live like that? I already feel short being 181cm over here in Europe
You're laughing. Ellen is raping that man and you're laughing.
it's the exact same person trying to bait people with SHITsar and FLOPnice if you haven't noticed.
No one tell them about the rotten deli meat.
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>does all their damage in big bursts
>great ass
>bricks my dick
I love rolling for Pip her Pussy
He said in a zoomerGOD general
>ctrl+f “Zhu”
>14 results
>ctrl+f “Qing”
>11 results
>ctrl+f “Jane”
>55 results
Yep I’m thinking Jane won
S11 or Lucy if you build Ben as a DPS.

Either way kino teams, fire eating GOOD
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he touched the tail...
>Ellen is raping that man
That should have been me anon...
I suppose no publicity is bad publicity.
Do we have real bonafide pavement apes chimping in this very thread?
>does all their damage in big bursts
>great ass
>massive brick
I have no regrets rolling for Nekomata
>Lives rent free in a schizo's brain
Could be worse.
lol sharks aren't even that scary if you punch them in the nose they'll fuck off
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Select only 3 agents, the extra cards aren't worth not having your best teammates from the start
Pick the pressure card so you can remove corruptions at doors
Take as many duel, dodge and shield cards as you can find
Get into as many optional combats as possible and hit retry if you lose a lot of health
There's no time limit
>SEAnigs don’t like Jane because they are reminded of her when they have to go to the trash to get their food for the day

Oh shit that's it, rats are their mortal enemy because they're fighting over the same rotten food from the dump
It's so obvious now
Lost cum? Yes.
I once applied for game8
Sure, the first worlders cant do no wrong can they? Tch.
Only poor do that. And some idiot senator tried making it a law instead of improving the poor.

T. Pagpag

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