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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

Previous: >>494034787
catboy supremacy
post breasts
Post healthy, fit, athletic women in gym clothes showing their armpits off. Preferably sweaty and with disappointed looks on their faces. Yes this is my fetish.
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I leveled. Time to queue down.
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queue CC 12:15

all me
I'll never have a lap lala..
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my moonie looks and acts like this
This is also my fetish but I'm afraid I can't post my wol under this description...
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Good taste.
Try it in front of me >[ I wanna' see.
cringily c*ckolded YIKERS
this coomer slop is actually worse than the midlander faggot
Thunderclapping to Une to escape the enemy team only to be knockbacked into them by her massive chest
literally ask any femlala or lalaboy
very specific
thats illegal
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I will indeed be posting this again

I make up for it by using cure 3 on you after diving back into the enemy team don't worry
What keeps you awake tonight, /xivg/?
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you're not typing the way you usually do, are you mad at me? did i do something? are you okay? ehhhhhhhhh?
Trayvon martin gaming?
is this the worst event reward ever
who the fuck cares about krile
that miera is built for my catboy
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All 3? Transgender.
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nice makeup
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i think i got drunk and vc with effy one night
it was fun
>group is done with reclears next week
>still want to get some more books and items for other jobs
How bad is PF this tier for weekly reclearing?
no one cares.
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I pet a femlala and called her cute
Dead tranny mmo.
not bad if you do it on tuesday
this tier is really easy
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my socks
these heels looks so much better than mine...
my eb hurts me so much but i still love him
despite everything
I gaped both those middies.
Better finish em before thursday, or all you're gonna start seeing are memes and 0-1 reclear runs.
I did this and woke up pregnant
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My femlala is losing at guild wars...
Mogstation sale ending soon
What should I buy?
>Prophecy Star got Crystal in Season 1
Just goes to show how fucking retarded claiming getting Crystal rank in Season 1 is. It is the absolute definition of clueless about PvP when people say it as a point of authority.
if you dont reclear in the first 6 hours you may as well wait for next week
Nice jugs
I'd like to do this
I'm so tired of portraits breaking.. I just wanna change my hat or weapon real quick
Why can't they just let you change any glam and it retain it? Much like the adventure plate one?
I'm gonna start a guildwar on her womb and see if she can win that
the magitek set for me, thanks
god damn i love this meaty charcoal rava
I've tried that before.. it didn't work out.
Would someone really want a clingy submissive f- cuck eb…?
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there is an option in simple tweaks that autoupdates you portrait when you update your gearset
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Playing oblivious to their hints for a while, I got them to ask me to EB them earlier today
Of course, I said yes but I'm happy I didn't have to be the one to ask for once
is this cherry popp
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We like this
I was going to make a confession about potentially understanding why people like lalafell beyond cute appeal in the perverse regions, but I changed my mind and think lalafell should stay cute only, everything beyond that is worrisome and a minefield I would rather not step into
it's only fucking wednesday and that's the most depressing though
I'd like to know that too because what makes me more upset about it is the fact that the "beta" version of the system worked ten times better to what we have
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Nothing. Good night!
getting this femra pregnant tonight
There's a plogon for that now. Another thing modders fixed before SE themselves.
It's possible. I like to VC & it's fun to tease people when they're drunk
My bad. I'll take responsibility . . .
Just gotta ask
i got really drunk even though this was supposed to be my first night of not drinking in the last 2 weeks
Posting an uncomfortably close shot of my malezen
post voice and i'll know for sure
r word
yaoi mizzou let's get drunk together
i had a good time but i kinda just feel like i annoy them more often than not.
It should have been me!
ask more people!
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how I plan to win the affection of my future eb (I need to improve my building skills)
male middies should fuck femra
Need to have sex with Ryne while she is wearing heels
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Our interested are aligned and I love your bun / glams. I'll say hi again next time I'm in-game but I'm off right now
Another week went by of me grinding out pointless tasks instead of doing raids.
nice damage control
I remember one time my EB was overexplaining something and I was already in a bad mood so I ended up snapping at her and I could feel her shrivel up in her chair as she squeaked out "I'm sorry...".
S1 was objectively the most fun because the mode was fresh and everyone was learning. MoN on a 25s cooldown that deleted Mesotes and Salted Earth ywt somehow didn't feel as obnoxious as the button does now on a 50s cooldown with 10 less yalms of range. That's how fun S1 was. Not to mention queues were instant at any time of the day the entire duration
My ideal EB is a femra that acts like Tohno in Blendy's animations.
I want to ruin you.
More lewd lalas for the rest of us then.
i want to kiss a malezens neck
I spent an hour in M3S tonight without getting a reclear. Didn't miss any mechs myself, but every pull it was someone forgetting something. And still technically on a Tuesday.
oh hey! I now know lol.
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Retard? Yea thats me
What… what are you.. ????
It's her dream.
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ok but if only we can keep it in game
What did he mean by this
nah the other r word
Not sure what the matter is since they look like the same heels, have you tried the version 2.0 of them?

Really? Just from that? Although it helps that I just posted something else.
this person needs to die
Unnamed Neko @Jenova is having another meltdown.
I have, upon close inspection they just don't look at good with the color I have them in, coupled with the lighting/environment in that shot. I just need a better outfit for them!
Fool. My power only grows.
this guy is being fucked by a femra
do you actually plap femra
my femboy cat is exactly like this
Is that Tracer from Overwatch?
cc doko da
Can you narrate this for me?
Sometimes I wonder how NPCS and other people when they see my 8' steppe god walk into the room? Do their panties instantly dampen? can they smell my pheromone musk? When I'm alone with Minfilia is she grinding her thighs together hoping for me to bend her over the desk and have my way with her holes? Is Alisaie waiting to hit maturity so I can treat her like a woman? Or does she want me to pick up her tiny frame and use her like a doll? Can Y'shtola see my potent, thick aether pulsing at the edge of her vision? Yugiri wants me to fill her so full until she can't even walk anymore, Sadu wants me to fold her in half and repopulate the Dotharl, Cirina wants me to claim her as my property and make her my breeding sow as I fill her with my hot, thick light. I think a lot of players feel similar, when I walk around I see lots of people looking at me admiring, I can see the jealous stares of men, and the lustful gazes of women as they stare at the bulge in my pants. Inside my head I can already hear them moaning as their boys sit in the corner furiously stroking themselves to the sight before them, I can see their boys wearing dresses and cleaning up as my maids as I sit on the Dawn Throne being serviced by every women who can smell my pheromones as I deposite another hot load directly into their stomach as their daily meal for serving their god
i want to hug you
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>mfw wuk lamat is guaranteed to be in the post-patch storyline
cc doko
zamn, heiko looks like THAT?
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queue cc 5:30
i hear wearing nothing but heels is all the rage, maybe give that a try
Wryx ILY come play CC
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Hell yeah
Playing Humankind in bed on my laptop.. but now I try to sleep...
Sure just go to LB14 on Balmung and ask in say chat.
being underfucked
I think stripper heels are gross
i'm too much of a vanillafag to do so without getting to know them...
I'm going to Asda you fuckers want anything?
I wish my eb looked and acted like Fenny
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Was thinking about it, while YoshiP has been very tone-deaf in the past, this time around he is beyond that, and after thinking it, I know why.

We are getting more of the same Wuk Lamat for at least 2-3 more patches, so he cannot say "yeah she is around a lot and we'll cut down on that" because shit's already complete.
i love stripper heels
she's not. sena said she hasn't been invited to do voice work for 7.1 and onwards.
We're going to need photo examples. For uh evidence and proof and all that.
heh i knew it was you
idk, feeling a lil lonely but I really should just try to sleep.
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just watching friends play games while i cool off from the heat of the day
Rape anon.....
Reveal thyself
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report to foundation on hali
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femra are stupid
and I don't respect them
>It didn't pop
i love stripper lalas
i’m usually the same, it’s nice to get to know someone a bit but sometimes the tension is too much
I cleared on week 1, and BiS'd a job with tomes last week.

I have 4 more weeks of tomestones before I can BiS a second job. This sucks ass.
This is too based for a silly little fool like me to narrate. Why are malera so cool
Did I make you do anything at all?
I need fucking glasses, i thought this pokeball was carl wheezer
stripper heels on femra holy fucky
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I like all of that except for cuck, I can't value someone who doesn't value themselves
Why does it matter?
I mean… why do you want to do that…
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not that one’s
stripper heels on catgirls
Don't worry, gear rework (that does nothing) for 9.0 after the 8.0 job rework (that also does nothing)
>upgrade chest gear
>go from gray 7 to green 47 in savage
fucking 'ells
no clue who that is
It's what you deserve for being unable to pleasure a woman you cuck.
stripper heels on meena
Oh. Damn. Didn't expect that. Wanna meet up somewhere?
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You and me, both.
no it was just vciing and drinking
What's wrong with their pants?
What plugin would that be?

And it's been left like this so long too.. why introduce the feature if you're not gonna fix it
>Unnamed Neko @Jenova responds to my post
>Nothing shows up because hes filtered
Life is good
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I will soon, after this...
I'm listening to ELO and Supertramp while chatting on Discord and planning to sleep in the next 10 minutes. Not even lewd could pull me from the clutches of impending slumber.
High heels are fucking amazing, but the comically large stripper heels usually overdo it by a couple inches.
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Ah vvxfffcv
I'd do this for you but I don't like posting suggestive images in the thread
just post a cabox or imgur album or post it in the /aco/ thread
need a stripper catboy
>Not even lewd could pull me from the clutches of impending slumber.
I could, if I wanted. What should I do with this power..
Should I buy the moon mount bros?
Get in line, chaser.
>trashy slutmogs
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queue CC 8:45
almost there bro
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Sad reality
You're a lost cause, nothing good will come out of you trying to be in a relationship.
You'll only disappoint...
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I think this general has made me start liking cuck stuff. I'd prefer it a bit more wholesome tho, think of like, he comes home from fucking another girl, notices how jealous I seem, and starts having his way with me while telling I'm doing just fine and it's not my fault.
>nelves and belves
I just upgraded my 710 extreme weapon to a 720 tome weapon (I lose the M4S roll every week)
I'm curious how much this affects my parse
No… I can cling to you…
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Im so glad this bitch fell off.
Her guides were complete horse shit.
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God I love when they use cute femra models
it’s better i don’t too in the mood to behave sorry
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don't exist
i have a might need to plap this lala
on second thought I don't think I will be using a viera tail mod
It's not cheating as long as he knocks you up first
femra won so fucking hard
I did this for PLD and it took me from Blue to Purple. (I don't use Pots 90% of the time)
oh god this is my pic I took way before mare existed.
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can meena be kaworu we need that fruity sexual tension shit going on
She started really falling apart near the end of SB. Her o12s guide was horseshit.
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Remember chuds
her and mister happys guides were dog shit. hector is so much better I don't understand why he gets so much hate. I feel like people don't remember how much worse it can be.
You posted one
you actually like this? i thought it was a joke
Then i will simply unholster my autism.
Location. Pick.
They were ok. Good for her becoming a mom of two in a happy family instead of playing this shit game constantly.
Of course baby, I'll keep you safe.
Just don't worry if I don't answer the phone, yeah?
Thanks, Macchi golem #37, came to this one.
>skin condition mod
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Why is this tree so small
Okay sure, but what's Shinji?
They did and my midlander fucking loves it
this shit is mad gay bro you guys need to just post on /soc/ or something
lala sized
my two favorites what am i suppose to remember?
It's average...
Gets the job done.
>ELO and Supertramp
best song by each?
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what is happening
why are you so small
the most boring poster in the thread
It's actually a very large bonsai.
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wryx go the fuck to sleep, or next time i queue up against you i'll cut your dick off and cauterize the wound, ye horny bastard
that's not me
Is decorating the island worth it? Or is it like the houses where you don't have enough items to make anything good looking?
I wont worry if you please come back to me
My rava+ is leaking
I waited until Monday night to reclear m4s last week and it was fine, we only took 30 minutes. it was a 2 chest party too (I didn't win anything)
nta but you get a lot, I think 90? so you can make some dope looking things, problem is if you dont have anyone to bring over
there's not really any empty enough space is the issue
you can make some decent stuff but there's not just a nice blank flat space for you to go wild with. you have to build shit between other buildings which kinda kills the whole vibe if you ask me
put a cork in it
feeding a femlala a quart and a half of relish
does she like miera?
tfw i vc with effy and fucking BLEW IT
happy to help
male middie x femra
based or finna cringe
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well that depends. do we have any fuyutsuki-coded face 2 catboys because if not then we can put it on catboys but otherwise we may regretfully need to hand it to male middies
if we don't have any fuyutsuki-coded face 2 catboys then middies can be gendo
Pre-hector was fucking terrible.
I tried to watch MTQ to do coil for ARR and her guides just made the mechanic seem way more complicated than it actually was.
Sweet Talkin' Woman by ELO clears the rest.
Supertramp is a toss-up between Goodbye Stranger, The Logical Song, and Breakfast in America.
Normally you'd be right but I'm already spent. Good night and rest well!
I'm gonna ask one day
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Happy 9/11 bros
Bro just tell him how much you wanna goonplap his rapebait and make him sniff your boysmell its not hard…
Last minute bros, don't forget this is the last night before The Rising event ends. You got 8 hours left now...
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queue CC 12:30

same except leaking blood everywhere because she's dead
I started after the fact but when TOP came out I remember watching her guide to prep myself a bit and I honest to god couldn't understand shit. Then a friend told me how it worked in like 2 minutes and got it perfectly.
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Holding a femlala down and doing with this to her.
Then putting it on youtube.
ain't doing it
rewards suck
based if the middie is lewd with the femra and the femra is mine
i need about a half a bottle of captain before i get that retarded
Yes. Now show both pits at the same time
ty, I legit forgot.
you should get that checked out anon, could be a coolant leak.
Not Wryx, another fellow femra loving midlander
post your character AND what they think of the following:
>mozzarella sticks
>healing in WoW
>[your choice]
god i wish i still had someone to sleep call with. it just made falling asleep so much easier
final fantasy xiv
you mean ntr stuff?
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i feel like this has been posted every single thread since i made it
based if the femra is lewd with the middie and the middie is mine
Plapping a ghost
Been leveling DRK lately
Lvl90 as of today
I have to admit this is the most satisfying and fun tank to play compared to the others. I do admire the mitigation feels lacking but it also feels like it's damage is much higher than the others. I do think many people may be exaggerating, it foes have issues but it's not unplayable. It definitely stands out from the others due to its mote careful playstyle. The blood weapon changes are stupid though.
Same fetish, cuck is in the name anyway.

That's actually pretty hot to think about. Getting knocked up and him having fun with other (prettier) girls to let me relax while I'm pregnant. I can watch like that though...

final fantasy xiv
you said you were gonna stop horny posting
no? wth
You need to be my wife right now
>wryx go the fuck to sleep
Wasn't mine, but I am, see >>494045576
yeah that's cool and all
but are you going to come get hugged or what
you phrased your post really weirdly, thats what it sounded like
it looks like val is decapitated
>blue collar
>somtimes i feel like i don't have a partner
People don't actually hate hector. They hate that there are retarded shitters that follow his guide 1:1 without understanding how the mechanic even works or being able to flex positions/adapt/think.

They just scapegoat the blame on hector as an easy target when the people to blame are the ones too stupid to understand/execute the strat. Its no different than other notorious strat/guide maker in the past.
People are just used to the other tanks being able to mit anything. Warrior mains especially throw a fit if they can't get a full heal from just pressing one aoe.
>dote femra
>get dote back
Lalabros, it is just that easy.
punishment is in order
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Shinji would make a good catboy.
Gendo a middie.
Then is Ritsuko a femezen and Misato thighlander.
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It's fun, but like the others said, you really have to make the best of those ninety pieces of outdoor furnishings and hope that people don't notice the spots you left empty.
prophecy star is in queue
it's so over..
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I have always said that if you /dote everyone in uldah, no matter who you are, you are guaranteed to find at least ONE interested party
Show the woob man I've had enough of your boobs
Are people upset about this guy? What to that Ronald dude?
they all make me think of moonie tits, what does that mean?
I am Queuing up!
my bad but no
So, when's the sequel with another thread ebin?
It's just bad WAR mains who complain too much about DRK. The job is not without issues, but people overblow it by a lot. Certain tolls are lacking compared to their equivalent ones other tanks have, but it's not like you don't have anything else in your kit to make up for it. In dungeons you'll be rotating your mitigations more than other tanks and in boss fights where physical damage is the norm, you'll be spot mitting vulnerable players like the Caster in your party with Oblation, while TBN is also rewarding when you use it proactively on other players.
sleep tight pup
you still owe me a frontlines queue
Anon… you really think im just gonna publicly announce “hi im a cuck girl can a girl character please cuck me” in a public chat for the whole thread to see…?
I still have to make my half of it
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>Misato thighlander.
Holy based.
That sounds closer to swinging and not cucking. In your fantasy you know he still wants you and that he's still horny after fucking someone else.

Had a similar situation with the last person I dated but not as positive. She ERPed with others and I did some too. She would get SO jealous, though. So jealous she wouldn't talk to me for hours. She'd eventually get over it because she understood the hypocrisy and just from simply getting over things as people do.
But it really fucking sucked because I'd still be horny for her after finishing with someone else, but she would ignore me for half the day.
EVENTUALLY it'd be passionate, I guess. But I wanted to fuck her silly and cum more in her than I did the last person right away.
Bros... my median parses are green... *coughs blood* Despite my high purples... no static will recruit me for FRU... I keep getting killed by my partner... *passes away*
Always my lover
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There's some of that in here
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he would like all of those things
their voice is kind of cute lol
im not going to do it here if thats what you think
stop using your toy, count to 15 and then continue
so is my fiera+, sis
Cause of death: gamer numbers
You guys are really starting to piss my lala off
your f ather must love it
Youre messing with me.. (please dont be)
No competent static is going to be looking at Arcadion logs to recruit.
nobody cares about potatoes
Can I have this cat's mcdf for rape?
middie x fiddie
as hydaelyn intended
Say his name, anons.
barse run :DDDDDD
fug :D
midlanders are made for race mixing
I never get a chance to post this stupid pic, so make of it what you want.
I hate Hector's guides because he often chooses the worst strategies of the ones available in the first day or two of the tier.
He did largely choose good ones this time, though.
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Joe Hendry
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I am free

Thanks anon, though I have more....
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Why do those voice lines have such a weird delivery?
really need to learn how to finish posing before rotating the camera.
spent too long with my head rotated too and now I'm dizzy...
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waiting for some big rava cock at lb14
I think I've developed a crush on Effy
queue CC 4:45
why what are you expecting?
a big muscular black guy who weighs 250 and i'm going to r word your malezen?
or maybe i'm a cute girl and i'm gonna r word your malezen with my f+ femra
(lmao fuck no that's gay i'm the big muscular black guy)
Wuk Lamat?
>play through EW
>now feel weird for lewding Venat/Hydaelyn
Should've been a lovers angle
Can you post something like this but with Venat? Thanks
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>Lore has tons of mixed race couple NPCs
>Only a tiny handful of actually mixed race NPCs

So did the people of FFXIV only start interracial'ing, or is the chance of producing a mixed race offspring really low?
if you see ANY of these names on light LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY
Matilla Hatsuyari, Vex Ziu, Izumi Satou, Jupyter Kin, Ariuna Himaa, Umeko Kishimoto, Seiker Rukhan, Ranru Shiraishi, Iriene Josseloux, Narengawa Mochizuki, Ace Lefay, Rori Chan, Dezka Mierqid, Mikotsu Stingray, Anzu Miyumi, Ai Lu, Lunier Asteliare, Thread Schizo, Akito Hatsuyari, Alaire Vien, Iron Meido, Eili Furukane, Kohr Kohn, Theo Voloux, Heiko Harlock, Hek'a Ton, Otis Jenkins , Carmine Leone, Tyrone Johnson, Pygo Banthers, Marin Ara, Macchi Ato, Astrid Draetha, Gally Fujimi, Giselle Aureillien, Hideyoshi Chousokabe, Appalonise Savallos, Mithia Vyvne, Sophie Yumitori
im gonna spit in ur mouth and make you look me in the eyes while you swallow it
Because the localization team doesn't have a good director in charge of the voice acting in XIV. There's a lot of great voice actors that sound perfect in other games, but they often sound off in XIV. Pure incompetence of the VA direction.
Holy moly.
Raid voice acting is always a bit weird. I unironically think Myths of the Realm and Athena have worse lines than anything Wuk Lamat has.
>the world shall TREMBULLLLLLLLLL
cool story val
cool story val
Hector does have some consistency issues with positions. Last expansion half the guides were CW and others CCW because he flipflopped between NA and EU strats so it caused a lot of problems when the hector strat appears on the opposite DC
but yeah most of the issues with him are the retarded sheep. I've seen retards join a yuki party and ask how does this differ from hector, they do not do have any understanding on mechanics at all.
>tiny handful
there's literally one and yoship thinks it was a mistake
this damage control with random simping is pathetic
Ah, I see. Good luck with that, then
I miss having a femra wife to play with her lovense...
damage control of what
>on light
no one is going there.
I could only think of one, but I didn't want lorelettes to come and go
I thought myths was fine. Only one I thought was weird was the sister. But thats mainly because she sounds like an 80 year old woman and a child at the same time.
I miss having a femra tell me I'm retarded
The latter. And they're always the mothers race with minor traits of the father.
Raid VAs aren't the Americans like the MSQ, is the UK people.
why would I log off when my wife (real) is on that list
what body mod?
i guess, but last one
might buy a femra a lovesense not gonna lie
val literally only hangs out with vexa delmend anyway
are you surprised
iirc it's because they don't want to make unique character models that will only be used sometimes and they'd have to make up a bunch of phenotype rules, which is too much work when they don't even go into any form of
on screen romantic development in this game anyways.
>lala hybrids
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one more but look really angry, as if youre being forced to post one more after telling us it was the last one
What a tragic existence
I like to be nice so I just attribute it to the voice filter
what mod for the sweat?
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RNG is doing a funny today
inflation erp
not cumflation either actual inflation
in final fantasy xiv
im every poster in this itt btw
>>494046752 Wet Skin for Bibo+ by SB
This happens to every popular guide maker and the only one who deserved it is Mr. Happy because he makes extremely rushed guides where 60% of the time is dedicated to actually explaining the fight and the strats and 40% is rambling about how his group could've done it in a better way or his waymarkers not being good. The other guide maker that used to dominate the game was MTQ and made decent and succinct guides, but the lack of details was a problem with retarded sheep not being able to grasp the fights because of that. I think the only thing that could really improve Hector's guides is having footage of the execution of the strats like Joonbob videos have. Maybe things will change one day as Rinon becomes more popular.
Post yourself sucking it now
I miss having a femra tell me that she loves me
I miss having a femra to tell good morning and good night to
I miss having a femra to esleep with
I miss having a femra to play the game together with
I miss having a femra to watch stuff together with
I... I miss her so much, I will never have anyone like her ever again, hurts.
tfw you will never vc with val
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Have you tried asking them?
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#1 sloppa enjoyer
There's some rather cool ones here, but wake me up when I can make a Death Knight Drachtyr.
kor uses Tre
this desu
Hector, Illya, Brappy, they are all no different they just offer a consolidated strat that PF should be able to do consistently even if its not optimal. Anybody that knows how the mechanic works should be able to look at ANY strat and say "okay no problem I can do that". But the hector sheep are the ones who can only learn where to stand in the strat and hope it resolves they don't actually know how the mech works or resolves or why they are standing there.
You're alright wowboy
boobs get in the way
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Femra Nation legalized enslavement of non-femra.
It's big enough to squish it between and give yourself head
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Why does it have to be a femra
They're all fat hairy grown ass men IRL
Thinking about moonies...
does he know.jpg
You deserve it for playing the >dub
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think harder
sena said he*
And that doesn't mean anything. I know the screencap you're referring to. He never specified a patch, he just said that his MMO work was donezo or whatever. This shit is written and produced years ahead of time. It's entirely possible his contract was for a batch of voice work that included post-patch, which could easily mean that you'll have more troon voicework in store.
PS grow a pair and call troons out on what they are
Yeah, I guess so. I don't have experience with the kink so I'm not sure about the terms. Thanks for the story though, interesting stuff.
i've noticed that's usually catgirls and viera girls

this one viera girl i used to know that tribute baited me constantly ended up being a 6'2 hairy dude into motorcycles n shit lmfao
pull it between your boobs dummy
slim shady profited off of an obsessed fans suicide
why do people still like him?
Lich, Light
I got it done on ten before raiding reclears started, I'll get the other two later.
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It's all of them
the conditions of finding a good one is bullshit
it's hard enough to find them but then finding a good one is like 1/100th of 1/100th chance
give up and settle for npc/golems (don't do this I did this but it's not that cool)
upon further examination that is indeed true
I'll pose a pic of them just sticking up between the boobs, I don't have the type of talent nor the interest in posing mouth bones
thanks for the idea though, that'll be number 5 in the album
Do they exist?
Who is better
>Hisui or Kurenai
>Wayakke or Nostalgia
>Eutrope or Yaana
>Ryne or Gaia
>Alphinaud or Alisaie
>Lyse or Yda
>Aenor or Clemence
>Kan-E-Senna or Merlwyb
The dub is shit.
have you tried just asking me u smelly idiot
this is ironic, right?
You wouldn't let these two ladies go home all by themselves, would you?
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no that just kind of sounds retarded
moonies are one of the few things my sunnie thinks about when her two braincells collide
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i've been mourning the loss of this feel for the last three years
we'll get through it but it's so tiresome, i know
I'm bringing the catgirl home
I want to marry Alisaie
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i like to put the creed song on and roll my windows down with my arms outstretched like in that music video, like jesus would do
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queue CC 8:30
regula van hydrus spirit will rise from the grave, and the world will know that Garlemald was right
bros this mare update is fucking stupid
Cunny Senna
But this is my first Raod tier. Do I have a chance at a FRU static? I have done all 5 ults in preparation to do FRU on patch.
EB like this
what'd it do
im paired with basically noone so i havent checked
they come to snuf the ROOSTER
vocal songs in this game have the lyrics way too present where you're focusing on the lyrics as a narrative instead of just listening to the song, it's cringe shit
I hate to say it anon is right

I erp as a woman and look like this

>he updated it
Didn't you see the announcement int he discord? The update is a rootkit and they specifically told you to not update it while they get their repo back
>Flirt with the 3-10 mroes in uldah
>If bust, try again in 8 hours
>If bust, try again in 8 hours
>If bust, try again in 8 hours
>Repeat until desired results
>HW - Warring Triad (VI)
>SB - Cardinal Beasts
>ShB - Weapons (VII)
>EW - IV's villains
Post-DT should have trials based on XIII.
Go to sleep
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It's over
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u might have retarded...
same as >>494047305
yeah kind of need a val x effy x femra
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Of course not, Ul'dah is known to be a hive of scum and villainy. I would escort them to their respective homes and urge them to come to church and rethink their lives, because prostitution only harms themselves in the long run.
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>made the list
i'm finally an ebin again
r u a femroe
nice pic you flaming faggot
I came unironically
Now you must sleeve my Rava+ next
CI you slut
don't challenge me to halo i'm too fucking rusty
this is really the last one!
I wish XIII got more love in XIV. People shit on it, but XIII had great music, setting and monster design.
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>mfw I befriended a maleroe a few months ago.
>genuinely the sweetest person I have ever met, realize we have so much in common, VC and chat almost daily.
>fall hard for him
>turns out he ended up having feelings for a mutual friend
>now I'm stuck third wheeling them while I feel like killing myself.
I notice I get a warning from nearly everyone I pass in uldah. I wonder if it'll make people start being more conscious of their filesize.
one more
Leveling Paladin I'm almost done with it
Didn't happen
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do you sound like a boy or a girl or a grown ass man or a hag or a minority

actually they're all like this
just femra
What do you do if some random whispers you nice glam? I don't even know them what do I do

Do I just respond thanks and move on with afking or crafting or whatever I was doing? that feels kinda awkward but should you even continue those kinda convos I don't know
Señor Roberto...
haha you're gay and unloved haha
>mch spams tti 1 on themselves right before the match
CC autists, please translate.
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hello yes this is moonys
Are there even maleroes In this general? I only know of Shoro and Gryne but one is taken and the other is MIA.
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Red Sands time.
I don't think anything I make is cumworthy but I also don't want proof of being wrong

it's bleak
>xiv playerbase
s9 has some graffiti of a busty voidsent, and its startling accuracy suggests they have come into contact with them before, and that it was not too long ago.
you literally cant control it, its not like you can decide how big the mod is you want to install
one more you fucking pitSLUT
>first raid tier
>did all five previous ults
Huh? How that that even work? If you're a pentalegend then nobody gives a fuck about savage numbers.
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It's morning.
I'm not, I want to though.
Do you deserve anything?
I wish I had someone like that...
Raping you for saying something this retarded
Val sounds like an aggressively bisexual man
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Give me your data I'll pose it myself
do you like catboys
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I remembered seeing ads for XIII and now I looked it up and it was released in 2010.
miring the neck size
Cute boymoder
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Dude these melatonin gummies got me fucked up I'm on some kinda ghost ship with an old man
Dragging your moonieboy away to use as a body pillow
ok but u can still plap right?
i've been playing the game for 5 years and only recognize half of these names
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Great picture, king.
No… not really… id feel really lucky that you wanted me to be close to you in the first place. Let alone you toying with me like this..
>doing really well in trial
>accept raise ready to redeem myself
>knockback sends me off the platform
I was pulled into ults by a friend during anabaseios but I thought I was too late to raid the tier. I did all of them on party finder from September to April and I thought I should make my logs prettier for my first tier. So can I find a successful ultimate static for FRU?
There's a Crystarium mixed race baby
>>Kan-E-Senna or Merlwyb
A shame you had to use Merlwyb since you know Raya O mogs Kan to the moon and back.
Rob Teadori...
i sound like a straight man who got played
All these goddesses are instinctively hungry for 'it'
me and whom
And SE still won't port it for the console fools like me, despite even doing XII.
I shan't be autofellating this day ser
Times like those, I just take my hands off the keyboard, fold my hands together, and think about my life choices.
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If you don't say yes to sleeving my rava+ I'll sleeve you instead
Darn it
There is NO reason that they don't add a line of text to Raise that it grants a couple second immunity to damage.
It's such an important mechanic that simply gets mentioned nowhere by the game, it's just a little yellow buff you have to notice by chance to learn about it.
every fucking week theres something new
fuck petnicknames
fuck you
I think i'm literally just going to start pesting on main like straight up just "hey do you want to fuck?????????? here's my X" levels of thirst
That's why I prefer valerian
don't slobber on him too much... Or do
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queue CC 1:00

post the rava
Being on night shift for 8 months in a row, unfortunately
If I ever find you, it's over as you know it.
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>get drk to 92
>shadow wall loses the cool sound effect
Do it DO IT
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yippiee ^_^
your bait lacks finesse, and reveals your imperfection
There's something really weird about his head/neck in this but I can't put my finger on it
but actually last one!
I mean I can just tell you where I am
I can't guarantee it because ult groups are very cliqueish but you'll have a much better chance than someone who only has good logs for the savage tier.
that was me in my first clear of m4s, I got killed during sunrise, proceeded to fuck up the second water knockback, and laid dead on the floor as the boss died
That was me on monk
>Get lvl 92
>My 1-2-3 gets downgraded animations
Leaping opo is the worst skill in the game
It's probably the angle, and the big ass scarf tbqhwy, it looks fine in other shots
thank god I'm not the only one who thought this
why is the bench so empty
feeling up this fiddie's dress and mushing her panties
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I should probably ask Race and DC first, yeah...
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The bard class quests were some of the most excruciatingly cringe shit I've ever had to do. It sucks because I genuinely like archer classes but goddamn it sucked.
One more except as Venat
I've been doing roulettes with DRK this week, and only once have Living Dead been done properly. I fucking hate that skill. People shit on Hallowed Ground cooldown, but at least it's straight forward.
Superbolide is the best.
The Femra Nation: A Tale of Unity and Valor

In the realm of Eorzea, nestled within the verdant expanse of the Black Shroud, lay the hidden and mystical Femra Nation. This secluded society was home to the Femra, a race of fierce and noble warriors known for their unparalleled skill in battle and their deep connection to the natural world. The Femra Nation was ruled by High Matriarch Seraphina, a wise and formidable leader whose vision and strength had guided her people through countless trials.

The Femra lived in harmony with the forest, their homes built seamlessly into the trees and their lives intertwined with the rhythms of nature. They were guardians of the land, protectors of the ancient secrets that lay hidden within the Shroud. Their society was one of equality and respect, where every member, regardless of age or gender, played a vital role in the community.

One fateful day, a dark omen appeared in the skies above the Femra Nation. A massive airship, bearing the insignia of the Garlean Empire, descended upon the forest, its engines roaring like a beast from the depths of the void. The Garleans, known for their ruthless conquests and advanced magitek technology, had set their sights on the Femra Nation, seeking to exploit its resources and subjugate its people.

High Matriarch Seraphina called an emergency council, gathering the leaders of the Femra clans in the Great Hall of the Ancients. The air was thick with tension as the council debated their course of action. Some argued for immediate evacuation, fearing the overwhelming might of the Garlean forces. Others, driven by pride and a fierce sense of duty, insisted on standing their ground and defending their homeland.
Fiddie, Crystal (Coeurl)
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I just miss old elixir burst.
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only if i can do the fucked up character model where shes like covered in mud lmao
>Ryne or Gaia
Mating press enjoyer or deep throat enthusiast? Answer this and you've answered that.
Now how did a Fiddie get so lost along this path?
Nostalgia (I just dig the time based names some Alexandrians have)
Merlwyb because she's had more character development
do both
teaching moonies to hate
Why is your cat so fucking ugly, Unnamed Neko @Jenova? Was it on accident?
doesnt matter
doesnt matter
>kanne senna.

mating pressing them all by the way.
What if I'm maleroe and no one flirts with me?
no.......it wasn't you......was it....?
Happy 9/11 to my American cousins!
*coughs blood* nooo I don't want to be sent to the party finder mines again...
>Have a kamehameha
>Downgraded to a fucking weird aura expansion thing
It's so gay dude
I don't know why but I keep fat fingering superbolide. I put the invuln on the same hotkey for every tank but only have this problem for gunbreaker.
I was already kinda predisposed to this stuff long before I started playing.
Seraphina listened to the voices of her people, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. She knew that the Femra could not hope to match the Garleans in sheer firepower, but she also knew that surrender was not an option. The Femra had always been warriors, and they would not abandon their home without a fight.

“We will not flee,” Seraphina declared, her voice resolute. “We will stand and defend our land, our people, and our way of life. We will show the Garleans that the spirit of the Femra cannot be broken.”

The council erupted in a chorus of agreement, their resolve solidified by Seraphina’s words. The Femra began to prepare for battle, fortifying their defenses and readying their weapons. The hunters and scouts took to the trees, using their intimate knowledge of the forest to set traps and ambush points. The healers and mages gathered in the sacred groves, calling upon the ancient magics of the land to aid them in the coming conflict.

As the Garlean forces advanced, the Femra launched a series of guerrilla attacks, striking from the shadows and disappearing into the forest before the enemy could retaliate. The Garleans, accustomed to open warfare and direct confrontation, found themselves at a disadvantage in the dense and unfamiliar terrain. Their magitek armor and weapons, so effective in other battles, were hindered by the thick undergrowth and the Femra’s hit-and-run tactics.

Despite their initial successes, the Femra knew that they could not hold out forever. The Garleans were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless. The Femra’s warriors fought with all their might, but they were slowly being pushed back, their defenses crumbling under the relentless assault.
> earns the achievement “Hungry Like a Wolf I”!
Oh no...
every zenos poster.
sometimes it takes a forest man and his magic rock to discover that soldiers liked to sing when they march

Urbani, servate uxores, moechum calvum adducimus. Aurum in gallia effutuisti, hic sumpsisti mutuum.

(Citizens, keep an eye on your wives, we’re bringing back the bald adulterer/fucker. He’s fucked away the gold in Gaul that you loaned him here in Rome.)

Gallias caesar subegit, nicomedes caesarem, ecce caesar nunc triumphat qui subegit gallias. Nicomedes non triumphat, qui subegit caesarem.

(Caesar vanquished/fucked the Gauls, Nicomedes (fucked) Caesar, Caesar who vanquished/fucked the Gauls now triumphs. Nicomedes does not triumph, who vanquished/fucked Caesar.)

Gallos caesar in triumphum ducit, idem in curiam, galli bracas deposuerunt, latum clavum sumpserunt.

(Caesar leads the Gauls in triumph, likewise into the Senate House. The Gauls have laid aside their trousers and put on the broad purple stripe.)
my moonie loves
I forgot that was today
thanks the mare update ruined the game
In the midst of the chaos, Seraphina received a vision from the spirits of the forest. She saw a hidden glade, deep within the heart of the Shroud, where an ancient and powerful artifact lay buried. This artifact, known as the Heart of the Forest, was said to possess the power to turn the tide of battle and protect the Femra Nation from any threat.

With no time to lose, Seraphina gathered a small group of her most trusted warriors and set out on a perilous journey to retrieve the Heart of the Forest. They navigated through treacherous terrain, facing countless dangers and overcoming numerous obstacles. Along the way, they encountered the spirits of their ancestors, who offered guidance and support, reminding them of the strength and resilience that flowed through their veins.

After days of arduous travel, Seraphina and her companions finally reached the hidden glade. There, nestled among the roots of an ancient tree, they found the Heart of the Forest. The artifact pulsed with a vibrant energy, its power resonating with the very essence of the land. Seraphina carefully retrieved the Heart, feeling its warmth and strength flow through her.

With the Heart of the Forest in their possession, Seraphina and her warriors made their way back to the Femra Nation. As they approached the battlefield, they saw their people locked in a desperate struggle, their spirits unbroken despite the overwhelming odds. Seraphina raised the Heart of the Forest high above her head, its light shining like a beacon of hope.
his cat is cute
teaching femra to ingite hate
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>teaching moonies
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If you want to get the attention of people, no matter who you are, you need to be the one who makes the first move.

If not you could be AFKing forever with no one ever talking to you.
Very well, would you like to meet tonight or some other time?
in what way? its the same shit
This is new age chemotherapy jesus
modbeast mad it warns everyone about him now
4:50 PM by my watch.
Can the E12S be solo'd unsyced by a tank or anything? I want the picto glam weapon from it
new age rape
The Heart’s power surged through the land, revitalizing the Femra and imbuing them with newfound strength. The forest itself seemed to come alive, its trees and plants rising to aid the Femra in their fight. Vines ensnared the Garlean soldiers, roots erupted from the ground to trip their magitek armor, and the very air crackled with magical energy.

The Garleans, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, faltered in their advance. The Femra, emboldened by the Heart’s power, launched a fierce counterattack, driving the invaders back. The Garlean commander, realizing that victory was slipping from his grasp, ordered a full retreat, vowing to return with even greater force.

As the Garlean forces withdrew, the Femra gathered in the Great Hall of the Ancients to celebrate their hard-won victory. High Matriarch Seraphina stood before her people, the Heart of the Forest glowing softly in her hands.

“Today, we have shown the world the true strength of the Femra Nation,” she declared. “We have proven that our unity, our courage, and our connection to the land are more powerful than any weapon or army. Let this victory be a reminder that as long as we stand together, we can overcome any challenge.”

The Femra cheered, their voices echoing through the forest. They knew that the Garleans would likely return, but they also knew that they were ready to face whatever came their way. With the Heart of the Forest by their side and the spirit of their ancestors guiding them, the Femra Nation stood strong, a beacon of hope and resilience in a world fraught with danger.

And so, the tale of the Femra Nation became a legend, passed down through generations as a testament to the power of unity, valor, and the unbreakable bond between a people and their land.
Femra Nation
I'll make you stand somewhere tomorrow and show you
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One step ahead of you.
don't lie, every hroth on the server sends the gayest shit all the time MAKE IT STOP
Just play an elezen
doubt it
Now would be okay. I’m in Coeurl Gridania
mare was a mistake i'd post my femra
most likely no sex but I'd be happy to take a pic of both of us standing next to each other for my album if that would interest you
no? i had no issue loading everyone before, now i just have fucking prompt after prompt of people what have 1 fucking extra mb than some arbitrary set limit by a dev that thinks they know whats good for everyones pc
Kissnotising moonies
Why does she have "the look"
You know the one.
The look white women that fuck blacks have.
NTA but hm Coeurl Fiddie. I can't think of any of those.
holy FUCK
I'm not the guy constantly requesting but I am enjoying these because it too is my fetish
What does the mare update do? I'm not on so I don't know
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i might be a modbeast but at least i'm only a 90mb modbeast i guess
erm https://youtu.be/bRpN4hjXUuE
how does someone SOUND bisexual
teaching moonies to eb sunnies
This is the last reply you are worthy of brown coomer. Enjoy a fraction of the attention you wish your dad gave you (but didn't because he left lol)
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I like Yaana but her fight was too easy and forgettable.
>see an interesting uptime strat for m3s towers
>its in YouTube short format
who watches fucking FF14 tiktoks for strats
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32mb myself
>He still remembers the last thread
I won.
Ye that's fine because you have taken a pic of us together before
Also post album
Would anyone like to play some CC?
my moonies is the healthiest
holy shit
this femlala is finally gonna get some rest... anyone wanna join me in bed for cuddling
Sure, give me a few...
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queue CC 6:00
would u ?
how do you even check how big you are in mare
But easy means comfy on the reclears. You don't want to be going into Bee all frazzled already.
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I don't know man you just sound bisexual. Like if I heard your voice I'd just assume you're down to tongue
very good picture
pvp players are the most mentally ill
Gives you a warning when someone's character size from their mods is way too big and starts affecting your vram, which surprise, is a good chunk of modbeasts
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hey bro
want to polish each other's suctums?

>he's brown
No, you definitively lost.
I really want to plap your sunnie. Preferably when you are oiled up.
factually wrong
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can confirm
you mean fatmoder
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Very good artistry
>Too afraid to reply normally
Why are you getting mad at me when Zepla is the one that looks like she fucks blacks?
Y'know what I mean?
gayboi voice
what sweater on left btw?
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Anyone need MSQ roulette?
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cc wife like this

also where calls i finished dinner
an alt
I agree with that anon
also ?????? spam is gay/bisexual behavior
You need 3 people for it at the moment. One tank, one RDM and a good DPS.
>Why are you getting mad at me when Zepla is the one that looks like she fucks blacks?
no I did my MSQ roulette when I woke up
Aw man I was hoping I'd miss the CC queues while learning RPR.
gn *forehead smooch*
Fug, mine is 100mb, am I warning tier?
I have indeed seen your rava, I didn't realize she was enwoobered
let me know if you see me on, I'd be down to take a pic with both their +s hanging out and looking at the viewer or something
>I accidentally convinced two First timers to queue up without checking to see when the thread was queuing
I am so sorry bros.
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how do you check
default is 375
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Hello world
You guys should take turns plapping each other
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good night ferns
literally why is she so dirty
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her snowfriend became a snowparent
so now the dumb femra is babysitting
she considers it practice for she becomes a mother
that's not going to happen
Warning: Player exceeds your configured VRAM warning threshold (524.90 MiB/500 MiB).
ok we're fucking playin og halo 2 lockout
Based, alright
you're retarded bro
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I do
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blackout was a better map because i like my lonely outpost night time vibes...
My femlala um... uhh.. well she uhh... yeah.
I'm on crystal how about you?
Does she like anal?
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My femlala finally reached her milestone goal. Yay.
I'm on crystal atm
i need to go to sleep but maybe next time
Like you've got the kinda voice that makes me wanna slide my tongue in your mouth or nibble your throat
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The catgirl not even looking at him is even funnier
does she like catboys?
My desire to make my character dance MMD dances is the number one thing that keeps me subscribed to the game
My desire to make my character dance MMD dances
They were Dueling Regulars at the wolves' Den, they just didn't really know how to play CC and kept diving all game because they weren't used to the decreased Time to kill
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>good matched early accidentally
kill me
my malelala will be the 6 to your 9
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queue CC 10:30
thank you i hope we get more areas with snowmen
i like posing with them
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>fatfinger all the quick chat keybinds i forget to remove
>i look like a sarcastic cunt now
my meena is known to sniff (You)
I'm glad you got it. Heh.
this is why i should queue less while drunk
HAVE SEX (with femlala)
>don't bind quick chat
>never fatfinger a quickchat
Just that easy.
Why are they all Japanese names?
They don't want me to.
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not a single meena has ever sniffed me(a catboy)
does she like malelalas?
I need DPS what about you..?
lalas are the scum beneath my boot
You cannot rape the unsexable
i bought 60 million gil about 8 months ago. I bought a ton of shit but remained frugal. bought almost everything i wanted, all crafts/gathering at 100. even a house. i now have 70million gil. what is there even worth spending money on? i dont feel bored either. i just like being in the game and doing my dailies. i just don't feel like gil has any purpose. it's been great to not need to grind. i dont even need to buy gil anymore im pretty much just gonna make more money just doing dailies.
why he bald
One of them is literally Tyrone Johnson.
>didn’t get included
Damn, I like lalaboys
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>be me
>never socialize
>never do anything that isn't content
>decide to go to a cafe for the fuck of it
>greet everyone, sit for a cawfee
>a femroe with weird makeup on /tells me to meet them outside
>it seems they're trying to seduce me
>record scratch
>they send me several paragraphs having a melty because i was calling the bartender petnames
>mfw i responded with a simple, yet effective "take your meds" and left the ward before reporting them

i will likely never participate again
how do I git gud at reaper
I am not very good at melee DPS jobs in general but when I play reaper I'm always bottom damage
dps too
I don't like lalaboys
Can you give ne 20m gil pls
already logged out, sorry </3
show screenshot of what they said
The proof is I remain unsexed by femlalas.
I got tired of scrolling gomenasorry
don't make me have to fooled because i'm become extremely rusty
so it shall be

we shall double team a fiddie
damn i was about to tribute
I should quit now, but part of me wants to still give DT a chance because it will have everything EW was missing. I KNOW the foray will be more streamlined than Bozja. I KNOW the new deep dungeon will make Orthos look hard. I KNOW cosmic restoration will be another timewaster like diadem. I KNOW pvp is not going to receive any real shakeup or good rewards. But after being subbed so long it's only a couple more years, right?
i can and i will
Pop off only on occasion, brother
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>ninja quest
>slapstick effeminate ninja does his best WWE heel gimmick and smoke bombs in-and-out of the narrative
>monk quest
>themes of ultimate truth vs. the ethics behind disclosure
Finishing ninja last it would seem.
Should I main AST or SCH?
What the FUCK is a petname
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that's how i roll
weird reaction but why would you call someone a pet name your first time meeting them
of course this is a fake and gay story though
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i'm an old nigga from the south. i refer to dudes as "brother" and females as "sweetheart" "darling" etc
okay I make PF password 0000
Menphina is CUTE!
7.1 will save pvp...
trust the plan
you can just unsub and then come back if it's good
Gunna be honest, I skipped every single MNK class quest after the bit where you're saddled with a pencil neck who spends the entire class storyline making fun of monks. Pugilist job quests were the true MNK quests.
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Save yourself the heartache and just unsub.
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Will 7.1 even change much for PvP?
oh thank god, i was getting sick of hiphop music
damn unc is in his 60s
mine just popped sorry
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we will get new FL and RW maps, who knows beyond that
Don't call me Gaga
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ok no more calls from me
thanks for joining CC!!!!!!!!!
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im terrible lol
chain queuing to beat that sam to a pulp, then
should i start calling or does nobody wanna cc anymore
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>divers forms over the years
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Who's Deryk?
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i'll play, only got to play one
It can be, but it's not necessarily used as one. You're fine if it's just how you talk to people, I hear it all the time down here in the south. At least, that's my take on it anyway. It's a "pet name" if it's your name for someone sentimental to you, like how I call my cat "sweetheart"
Go ahead
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This feels different knowing her VA is gone
casual cc @ 4:15 et then
I just got back from chatting with peopel.
I still need a few games on white mage to level so if you would
please look at >>494050795
I made a mistake
UHM what outfit
Deryk-t your mouth to these nuts!!!!
punts your midget ass into space
Like you've got the kinda voice that makes me wanna fondle your ass and make you moan into my mouth
Do the EW alliance raids
post your job and favorite sandwich chain
karasu was based
It used to be Firehouse Subs but I feel like their quality has gone to shit over the past few years. Maybe it's just the location near me that sucks though, idk.
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Temporary C@ post..
i dont eat fast food
DRG and jersey mikes
Sometimes I think they use archaic words on purpose to bait people like you
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cowardcore posting that with no character attached
Gym Bunny by Anno
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As far as damage is concerned, your kit has lots more AoE damage than it seems, I'm pretty much always looking to use my harvest/communio on multiple targets standing on the point if there isn't a target that will be immediately deleted by it.

Besides that, your entire bread and butter is the portal/dash; Because dying is worse for RPR than any other job, your entire gameplan should be hovering around the outer edge of the fight after teleporting in, spamming your AoE abilities and deathmarking a target that preferably doesn't have guard available, as a good player can just guard when they see the debuff. The literal second you start drawing any significant attention, you need to be ready to purify and return portal, dashing back in once the heat has died down.

RPR is also entirely balanced around its LB, it's a worthless job without it, so you want to pretty much look to use harvest on cooldown to generate it faster. How you use the LB is entirely a game sense thing. Do they have a PLD? Wait until he covers someone. Is there a big LB coming up? Use it to stuff SAM LB as he's about to/has already procced chiten. Are you guaranteed a kill on a single target? Use it. It has a 45 second cooldown so if you're not spamming it you're actually griefing.

That's all I can think of for a shitty end of thread post. This game sucks. Also someone's going to tell me I'm wrong. Just be creative and focus on staying alive because you're like the 3rd tankiest job in the game.
Who honestly even plays RW
I tried it once, had to wait 30 minutes for the fucking queue to pop, had no idea what was going on, and never tried it again
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me when there are mogtomes to farm
I play malera so I don't see a reason to attach him
My eb saw this and thought it was hot
based anti-coomer coomer
Why are you jobbing so much on PLD on this alt Uchiki...?
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me when theres mogtomes to farm and <Wings of Fire> progress to be made
Jon Smith Subs
12 inch cajun steak extra sauce side order of cajun fries diet coke without the ice
that explains your extreme homo radius
Jersey Mikes
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Sprouts grocery store has a deli section and they let you customize whatever sandwich you want it's pretty good.
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>a SINGLE sculpt is 1.5 GB
what the FUCK IS THIS
why do you need this many triangles
why do you need 16K giga textures

modbeasts will pay for this if they're too stupid to sail
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i only have 100 wins for the mount but I kinda want the title
I'm thinking I should try to do 200 wins per event so I can get it by the time 8.0 is here
I'm not a big fan of the game mode though. I hate that the pvp achievements are so ball bustingly long.
my moonie is a val enjoyer
The normal faces for female characters mog the shit out of sculpts
there's really only a single subway near me that i know of, sandwiches seem too easy to make for me to bother trying out other chains
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova
Nobody listens to your shit music.
my moonie does not think about val
casual cc @ 8:10 et
I love androgyny so much it's unreal
>I hate that the pvp achievements are so ball bustingly long.
agreed but Rival Wings games on average take 7-10 minutes whereas Frontlines take like 20-25 or something so it's much more digestable
helps it's only 2 teams vs FL's 3
it has to be the best quality! why wouldn't you make the best quality?! who cares about optimization?
do they think about anything... be honest
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I like lore :( I also died trying to make a response.
I'll reserve further judgement until I continue the ninja quests.
i sailed it and edited the shit out of the makeup and it doesn't look that bad anymore, much more vanilla-esque
my val thinks about moonies
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Subway (I don't know any others, I tend to just make my sandwiches myself)
I often go with the vegetarian protein or tuna sandwich.
these faggy vocaroos always crack me up
they're so quiet because you're forcing your voice to sound feminine and you lose so much volume when you do that
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>mfw we defeated the wrong enemy. (Garlemald)
I think about catboy val a lot
yeah, i sometimes think about catboys
thanks oomfie
how much are Publix sandwiches
I generally like what I get from there but it's typically expensive
oh fair i think about those too a lot
the thought of a mod beast installing this and other mods like it on their 2015 laptop lousy with other junk at single frame digits amuses me way too much
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I will never understand why all of these face sculpts have inflamed and irritated looking eyelids. It isn't even limited to ffxiv, I see it in other moddable games too.
like $10
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The Endsinger*
Remember, she wanted to stop us before we could experience Dawntrail. This is the dead end she warned us about.
Publix is just such a low tier trashy sounding grocery store. Makes sense that it is in Florida, one of the trashiest states in the country.
where did you find my playlist...
What's the fastest way to go from 90 to 91?
Probably by levelling up I imagine.
that's true. I bitch a lot about the levequest achievement timegate but getting 3,000 wins in Frontline is probably going to take me way longer since I don't have friends to premade with.
Algaia with preorder earring is best until you reach level 95
Aglaia or just do 10 matches of CC.
Anon it's one level you can do anything you want.
spam aglaia from 90-97
Are malera the faggiest male race?
Not when my fiera is sexxing them
Step on the gas
Mental illness. I will never understand people who think shit like this or all the second life negroid sculpts look good.
I don’t really play the game I just look at XIV related threads because I find the characters hot and like jerking off to everyone’s WoL’s
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You just know this guy is going to keep this thread in a tab for another 2 hours, reply one last time to get the last word after everyone has moved on, and then spend the rest of the day giggling to himself about it.
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If defeating Garlemald was wrong I don't want to be right.
there's infinitely more faggy catboys and mierdas
There's nothing faggy about men kissing men
why did you leave those men to die in iraq
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casual cc @ 11:20 et
It's a higher end grocery store than Kroger, Harris teeter, etc. Usually only see it in nice neighborhoods.
I'm usually against calling in casual but if you play monk and permadive me/rat I'm gonna ping you, sorry but it's either that or I permadie
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Good point.
this is the anthem for autists bro...
honestly? that's pretty based.
alright get to frotting already whitebois
Dang...I don't have those earrings
You shouldn't joke about things like that. I knew some guys who died like that, when I abandoned them in Iraq.
Kroger carries moonie feet under their Private Selection label while Publix has no moonie products at all
I know where I'm going
I only eat my own sandwiches, I don't go out to some chain for sandwiches.
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>waiting for FL queues on Zalera's crystarium bar
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Keeping this for future image macro references.
>while Publix has no moonie products at all
They literally have moonpies at Publix. You stupid fucking bitch. You dumb fucking bimbo. You fucking retard. Fuck you.
its why he became a catboy: his form of atoning through self-punishment.
They deserved it.
Yes, completely random Anon who definitely isn't that guy, I agree, that isn't sad at all.
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S E R C R I S T O N .
T H E R A T C A T C H E R S . . .
A R E T H E Y S A F E ?
my moonie shops at publix because kroger farms feet unethically
my moonie can't afford publix
I want to play a male character
but I do not like posing male characters
and I like posing
so just glamour yourself when posing? idiot
I hope next expac we get an adventure with Cid.
what's the hotness for doing albums now? catbox accounts?
so play a male character and pose female characters?
my moonies just afk on a bench cause i don't feel like doing fates..
Mmmmm I hate DNC players in PVP now I think
my moonie has just afked at her house for several hours while she watched videos on youtube
I feel the same way as you, and the suggestions in the replies don't do it for me.
You could go femboy with female base, but there is a really dedicated EU schizo who will reply to every one of your posts about how you're not allowed to do that.
People rag on about female characters but if we all played boys it would be a total sausage fest
Make a rava male, they're built to be bottoms right out of the gate, basically women.
You're a bit late bwo...

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casual cc @ 4:10 et, calling it after next
if I played a male character, no catboy or miera would be safe.
niggas have never bought moonie feet at piggly wiggly and it shows. shit is half price compared to kroger and organic
Yeah I didn't think you rage left
uncleansable cc should not last any longer than 1 second imo. dumbest shit in existence
naw we got stomped tho, i made some really bad moves
why would i buy moonie feet when i can just look down lmao
>bro just buy the knockoffs, they're exactly like the name brands
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Dang, I fucked up.
Don't worry about it I've been making bad moves since CC came out
If only there was a way to predict the usage of that LB...
if moonies tries to look down at her own feet she die
half the time it doesn't matter in a teamfight tho is the thing

can't predict polymorph also, uncleansable cc is just bad design in almost every game
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Kind of late, but thanks for the calls!
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