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※本キャンペーンは日本国内のみで開催されます Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

are malera the faggiest race?
My femra stalking and harassing an ebin to return to femra
catboy supremacy
I love the hippo poster
soft faggy meena prince x softer faggier meena himcess = best couple
Bending over in front of the moonie obsessed middie and exposing my wet moonie holes, waiting with baited breath to see what happens
if you see ANY of these names on light LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY
Matilla Hatsuyari, Vex Ziu, Izumi Satou, Jupyter Kin, Ariuna Himaa, Umeko Kishimoto, Seiker Rukhan, Ranru Shiraishi, Iriene Josseloux, Narengawa Mochizuki, Ace Lefay, Rori Chan, Dezka Mierqid, Mikotsu Stingray, Anzu Miyumi, Ai Lu, Lunier Asteliare, Thread Schizo, Akito Hatsuyari, Alaire Vien, Iron Meido, Eili Furukane, Kohr Kohn, Theo Voloux, Heiko Harlock, Hek'a Ton, Otis Jenkins , Carmine Leone, Tyrone Johnson, Pygo Banthers, Marin Ara, Macchi Ato, Astrid Draetha, Gally Fujimi, Giselle Aureillien, Hideyoshi Chousokabe, Appalonise Savallos, Mithia Vyvne, Sophie Yumitori
The fuck did my guy say, "Nice ass" ?
Chainmail wife
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call my meena jagar tharn the way he be imprisoning femlalas against their will
Which femra are easier, face 3s or face 4s?
He does nothing because middies are cowards
I think....I think I miss my Stormblood...
my moonie needs a fulala on her lap
I want a soft faggy miera or catboy eb who likes f+ so bad
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>No garlean men left to do this to me.
We beat the wrong enemy
He's going to push me further in love with him despite not wanting it...
Face 4s act proud and tough and too good for you but they're actually built to get picked up and bred on the spot.
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Alright bros, that's another lv 100 done
Which one next?
My melf can do this to you
time to do a heckin' crafterino
gnb to finish off the tanks makes the most sense imo
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my sunnie needs a fulala in her behind
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God I hope not.

We didn't kill ALL the Garleans. We left some alive so they could build a statue thanking me for not killing all of them.
I love thighlanders so much it's unreal
Then I'll back up until he's pressed against it and has no choice
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wtf limsa cats are real?
Unironically the cutest catboy I've seen here.
I love you now.
he's been here for almost a decade bro
He'll probably just kill himself or glamour to femra
call my meena the donner party the way he devours these hoes
Now he knows you're retarded, farewell
Call my lalaboy the dung eater the way he eats shit
Surprised to not see a single PCT POV for any of the legacy ultimates on youtube.
cc doko
Where are the rava obsessed fiddies...
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CC 7:47 ET
I want to gangrape a soft faggy miera or catboy along side this f+ with my f+
I want to rape the inquisitor....
I'll force myself upon him before he gets the chance
Well I am a moonie so it checks out
True. Face 4s in job-appropriate glams are insanely weak to being called cute, do that and they'll do just about anything you ask.
I wish the sundering was never written into the story. Not because ShB was particularly bad but because it turned all discussion about the WoL into Dragon Ball style powerscaling where the only thing that matters is how much souls/aether everyone has inside them.
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femlalas will pay for being such erotic gluttons
i read stuff i really really didnt want to today and boys fucking suck so much dude.
it's miera by a country mile
>I'll force myself upon him before he gets the chance
No you won't, middies are well trained at instant femra transformations due to their council meetings
think i'm gonna log off and play modded stalker
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Something tells me this fiddie enjoys being spanked by femezen
popezen your hair looks awful
>talk to anon excitedly
>they pretend to suddenly be busy for 30 minutes before replying (cuz they so cool like that)
>i wait 30 minutes before replying to their reply
>convo dies
GNB so you can get rid of all the tank leveling gear clogging your armoury chest, then do BRD since it's pretty fun with the changes in DT.
Stressful CC game.. that could have gone either way
>play modded stalker
so the average limsa dweller?
>He doesn't know he won in the end
I'll just have to find someone more willing then..
This post feels targeted and is making me uncomfortable
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Try a maliddie
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take that back right now
femra post
erm... i don't think there's a limsa lominsa mod for stalker...
I rarely meet a face 3 who ERPs.
Almost every face 4 I've met ERPs.
name and shame sis, was it fucking Tali?
man we fucked up we gotta go bald
He's surprisingly dorky and I find it very endearing.
they just dc..
What did you read...?
I have judged him worthy.
H-how did you know
Femra Nation
It is targeted. At my femra.
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I don't know how to respond to that except from behind a couch peeking back.
It's time to goon
>busy with other stuff
>know he's busy too
>carry on a conversation and share stuff throughout the day instead of immediately responding 24/7
>still find it nice to chat on and off with him
And how differently would that go,,
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that coulda gone better
fun games tho, thank u for em
hes my threadschizo
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Have you ever been in the Mordion Gaol? Cells.
They're the new model. It'd probably still suck but he might actually do something at least
any allin tuta in the chat
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The NA one, or the EU one?
I love femezen so much it's unreal.
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CCC at 1130 ET
yeah i think thats the same person anon
I'm in bed
Do they keep you in your apartment on a ward filled with shell FC houses? Cells.
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Kek. That would explain so much. Going to block his NA alt too, then.
Femra who say bruh can GET IT
some loser i care about flirting with someone else
some loser i don't care about flirting with someone else which caused another loser i do care about to feel just as shitty
teeth mod?
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i'd suck a femlalas dick but i ain't gay
When you're not doing your roulettes do they keep you offline? Cells.
based schizoid-avoider
I'm jealous. I thought leveling my jobs from 90-100 wouldn't take long but it seems I forgot how long it took me to do 80-90 in endwalker. I just want it to be over so I can grind ex totems, hunts, relics, literally anything else.
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No but I probably sent a few people there
GAM love triangles...
I like you
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nta but don't interact with that schizo, nothing good will come out of it
Are you still married are you free?
do you like the song also, or just me
Still eb'd.
she looks like she's trying to hold in a slur after the minority cashier said "have a nice day" to her
What's it like to hold the hand of your Eternal Bond? Interlinked.
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any uhh, lalaboys on?
I listened to it for you and it sounds good
*sends you 300 emails in one day*
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Can anyone show me a glam where they use the pants that have like a built in upper part of a boot on the bottom of them and it doesn't look like shit?
oh no I just meant they are stalkers
bro you gotta stay away from that one trust me
you've sunk very deep
Do you dream about getting EB'd? Interlinked.
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Day 3 of the suffering moonie, It's not as bad today but still pretty rough
stop following me
no i follow whomever i want
Is this the femra who liked Jessie Ware? You need to send me more music somtime.
I'll never forget the day Emet's giant fucking ego destroyed the twin towers.
ty for listening to it, happy to hear someone likes it
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my sunnie acts like this
What's it like to hold the mount drop in your inventory? Interlinked.
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ccc at 5 ET
>uni starting up again so i can barely play
>finally get on today and its at 5 am so pf is dead
this blows
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get yourself a RL EB
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>can't sleep
>back to cc
I dont remember making this post
*pests you*
not until i get my own place or until they assign me my dorm at the bare minimum, the hoes will NOT be coming to my house
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This is my Meena
He will hold the hand of all Meena on Lich, Light
I'm going to lay down anyway and imagining I'm snuggling my future EB will get me to sleep...
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anyone wanna do levelling? i only have dps left to level so i will be leeching unfortunately
Within cells interlinked.
You mean roulete or? and yeah sure i need some tomes so im down, DC?
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I need to melt really hard...but I'm a male character so I will instead be stoic and suffer internally.
yeah, im on aether rn but i can travel to whichever
I play a femezen
I want an eb
I will be taking pics of my femezen pregnant with them and make a child of our characters and posing them being a happy family
i do this as a femra though
you can snuggle me instead...
I managed to get into aether, put up a PF and ill boos your queue time.
Are you the girl in the comic...?
ive been there twice for forced name changes
ok its up pass is 6182
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so any lalaboys on odin wanna party?
right now log on
let daddy in on some fun yo
Why Lich (, Light) specifically...
anon I'm afk doing work stuffs...
BPD face
have a mild crush on him but his characters proportions and fetishes give me the ick since i know he'd probably end up cheating at some point to satisfy the retarded porn addict fetishes he has.
He lives there!
Is this an alt?
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Submissive gock havers? Ugh, yea, based
walk up to that catgirl and ask her to show her pits, post results
Doing the ishgardian restoration past the firmament is unlocked? Yes, no, maybe?
is it me
no... unfortunately
To be an alt, you have to have a main...
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Hey he forgot to wear his rings.
Not necessarily. You could always run a set of co-alts.
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the actual pop is taking a long time so this'll be my last call

CCC at 1045 et
Please tell me you were the cute Spriggan Fiera who kept covering me that I won every match together with.
Lie to me.
I need to hear it.
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>Reclear night on M1S on my RPR
>DNC somehow decide to choose me for dance partner
>First pull
>Get my very first 200k Perfectio
>Absolutely fucking happy
>We wipe 20sec later
>Never DHcrit Perfectio again for the whole night (M1S to M3S)
sorry anon i'm just an alcoholic drk...
I describe myself as having a series of characters I have little attachment to, in the hope that something sticks.
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To roleplay my fantablob tendencies I'm thinking about roleplaying as Pistachio Disguisey, do you think this will go over well with the Quicksands?
Lorelee is that you?
filipinios rule this thread
do you like catboys
No but now you mention it, they are very close to being the same colours haha
I really like teasing cuties and turning them into mindless little sluts
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popezen how many ilms is your character’s woober
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the single most powerful mod in a modbeast's arsenal
the one that will GUARANTEE they get a little triangle in the sync-shell and get blocked by 100% of players

more triangles than a dorito factory,
sub-divided more times than a japanese katana is folded
bigger textures with resolutions higher than the vegas sphere
the modbeasts themselves don't know what they look like because they are getting a staggering 1 FPS on their early 2000s macbook
The past 4 CC games have been the same comps over and over again so I must sleep
depends on how cold it is..
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cid, gaius and nero are RIGHT THERE
Sleep well Anon
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do people buy these chairs or these decorations?
via joining fc and putting into chest ofc
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GM /xivg/!
The person I made a promise to still here?
Which promise?
Fat Cat Fact #285

Quickly spreading amongst Fat Cats is talk of a mysterious new device found in a strange area of Tural that provides a super comfy ride that also cleans the surrounding area! Fat Cats are thrilled and excited by the idea of such a device while some think it no more than wishful thinking that such a thing exists
This is my first time getting into raiding.
How do you guys go about gearing up a secondary job?
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what are they worth
fuck off cats hate vacuums
fake fat cat fan
Something lewd
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there is a sunnie on your moon
There is an alternate reality where I was a cringe Garlean RPer, but I was plapping posters like this.
Guess I should have guessed.
It's always about sex with you guys.
my dl is only about 80-90 mb tho
Buy crafted 710s for it. Then apply gear from tomestones and surplus books.
is it me
We don't want sunnies on our moon.
same as my main
>make a bee-themed version of my regular outfit at the behest of my static
>end up actually liking it
Expand your knowledge fren
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thank you for the cc games, I will be using this image as ragebait
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it's not your choice
710 crafted gear and cap tomestones when I am done buying the tomestone gear for my main, not really rocket science
If they add garleans as a race I will fanta immediately
hypothetically would it be possible to gear one job of each role with BiS before the tier gets unlocked
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How do I tell people I can't respond to them because I'm on trial? I feel really bad bros.
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Got BiS this week, so I could get started to gearing a second job, but I would rather let my friends get their stuff first before doing that. Because of that I would probably pass on all of the stuff they still need.
cope and lies my cat hates my Roomba I don't need Google to tell me that
do a little dance they'll love it
You don't belong on the moon, thats where the moonies and clangers live...
>change resolution to 6826x2880
>4k textures look just as bad as they did in 2k
Buy the game buy the game
Search info "trial player, cannot reply to tells"
if you're raiding together in PF then if you don't roll it's possible neither of you win
Stop it or I'll send my moonie on your sun
You've been warned
Alright, thanks.
that fat cat straight up chillin
I didn't do expert on reset day yesterday and it might be over for this patch cycle.
I sometimes roll on gear they are not going to win or have a low chance to. But we go in with 4/5 people in their. Most likely they will get their stuff.
>he can't even bother to make his self insert act like him
is it...owari...?
wait is ilm = cm?
Maybe your Roomba was mean and ran over your cat’s tail once
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holy shit, EU is dead
just melt bwo
i'm bored
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Every ilm of nil yhlm
Futa players: is your character’s dick canon? Do you imagine your female wol lugging around a trouser snake while doing msq?
Nothing homo about sucking a cute feminine dick, anon.
you're going to have to be more specific
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feed all your loot into an alt job so you can terrorize PF with perma greys until you swap (like me)
Yes she can conjure it back thanks to Pictomancy.
tired of seeing this lost ark port sculpt on every single catgirl lizard hyur etc
i'd suck a catboy's dick but i'm gay
>MNK glam just happens to be black and gold
>eternally seething whenever i load into m2 because people are probably thinking i'm in a bee glam
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is it a Bruce Lee glam
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>FL on Zalera
which jobs share BiS with other jobs in the same role?
I'm trying to decide on what to grind when I'm done with aiming.
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i should probably make that but no its not
Everything they just use different materia
femra fat tail spotted
What male race is most likely to be wife beaters?
Male midlanders
vpr+nin share the same accessories as pranged
you're SoL if you want to play blm along with the other casters though
Give me 10 mins and I can come.
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/parry /parry /parry /parry
All jobs from the same role got an omniBiS that works with all roles, check the Balance
Yes hello can someone post a picture of Lyse and Yshtola sweaty in gym gear showing their armpits off and looking at the camera with an angry face thank you
i don't remember making this post
Nah. That's too close to irl trannies for comfort. Rather my wol was born female and through alchemy and aetherial manipulation found a way to concoct a woober.
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Take your time, I waited for 50 minutes, now I've waited 20 more.
The suck my fat cock one? Yeah I'm still here and I was joking considering I'm a femlala
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Sorry my femlala got hit by all those aoes, she is full of catboy woober juice...
i have no idea what autoretainer's doing with my subs, i just let it rock
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I didn't realize I was dealing with an FGra
are you retarded
nobody is gonna queue at this hour
I think I shall learn how to play these jobs finally
Waiting for you to post a good song ever
if I paid for all loot from M1S-M4S one week how much would that run me
Yes. What's not canon is the embarrassing 'main story quest'. My WoL would never act like she does in those cutscenes.
>are you retarded
Retarded enough to have retard strength, retard
Optimal BiS RPR share gears with DRG since RPR only get the minimum skill speed it wants from materia on its weapon.
Both jobs don't want any SkS on gear.
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that wasn't my intention, but it was true at one point, i'm just a washed up ramfraud now
I post plenty of good songs, you may not have the brainpower to process them properly . . .
She looks like she has a quest of great importance for me.
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But that means I'll have to spend money to wait 1hr 20m for an alliance raid instead of waiting 1hr 20m for free.
it says they don't trialpoors me to RMT on reddit.
Who is this? This isn't actually Effy right?
You'd only need 2-4 more augmentation items and you'd be bis
>ram player
makes sense
The person I made the promise with should know.
they don't want trialpoors like me to RMT from reddit*
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if it helps i was a zooey player in gbvs, i have a type
anon hundreds of gooners make lewd promises here daily. you can't be serious right now
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This catgirl gives me dance partner even tho im a tank...
Yeah, it's my suncat alt
She want your feminine woober I guess
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Fuck it, Im on my way too.
I'm telling you if you meant the sucking off one before you went to sleep and I said not now I was joking....this ain't even a shitpost
Dust and dirt, muck and grime,
this is where I draw the line!
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this femra is cute and dumb! /pet /pet
I think we should get new content every 2 months instead of the 5 currently
Lazy fuckin japs
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Make it every month
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It’s going to be really embarrassing to admit this but this place unironically scared me into not doing anything harder than normal on the off chance someone does flame me for being bad. It’s been like 3 years or so since I’ve done anything harder than normal mode. I can learn really fast and get consistent but I just don’t like letting people down idk. slowly winning this battle though because the urge to do harder content is there I will now take your insults on the chin
Well look how ugly and retarded she is
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Asmongold saved this game, be grateful.
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I don't know how I landed here, but I'm a little scared.
Sorry to disappoint you anon I have a golem I could use and keep the femlala secret but you know cat is very much out of the bag
What compels a person to buy and boost a new account after getting permabanned?
Cute moonie, very kissable tummy!
i don't have any material to parry this one, but yeah she's cool. i end up making my characters look like the two of them without realizing so i had to go out of my way not to this time, but i prolly would have just made a zooey clone if the base game had a hairstyle+color that was just right
addicted to the game, isn't that obvious?
Loyality to the company
being based
Who did it this time?
just don't play with this thread
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A refusal to give up but an inability to pick their battles wisely.
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If I ever get permabanned I don't think I'd have the strength to start from the start again.
I've put so much love and tears into my character, I wouldn't want to do it again.
Think I'd take it as a sign to get to see new pastures too.
t. Total Play Time: 980 days, 16 hours, 48 minutes
/smooch on your tummy and giving your hip a nibble
This is definitely a hambeast biofem irl
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expendable income + want a second chance to call that guy a nigger
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I feel that, sorry for your suffering fellow anon
/fucking explodes
Nah, I'm a dude, I thought it was obvious.
>almost over 70-100USD (plus tax)
>best glams are on mogstation
This ironically demoralized me to the point of not buying.
do ameripoors really
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damn that's twice as much as I played
they probably don't have anywhere else to go, a lot of people in this general seem a bit too obsessed with their thread-popularity or gooning over modded characters.
I bought an paizuri toy not to fuck, but to lay my head on while listening to heartbeat ASMR. I fell asleep on it and it was honestly the worst I've ever slept. My neck is all stiff, I've got a splitting headache, and I only slept for 3 hours.
I'm leveling alt jobs right now, and it sucks ass, I'm considering just buying level skips to get over the hurdle of leveling every day.
>I'm a dude
If you aren't masc you can still be a puppy girl to me
plogons are to the point that you can legitimately just turn a few on at night and bot the msq in its entirety
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Been playing since 3.0 and forgot to turn off the game a lot over the years.
wait, you can bot msq now? link?
this is so pathetic
Why are Elezen such bullies?
>tfw most of my ingame playtime is from afking in bed with my EB
My ex-gf literally JUST confessed to me she masturbated after i slightly teased her and then left the other day. I have a boyfriend now and this kinda makes me feel strange, i dont like bio-fems that much anymore.
I'm begging you to get a trip.
If your character's that important to you, you wouldn't be doing anything that could get you banned in the first place
well now you can fuck it
Don't buy level skips anon, SE doesn't deserve that money. Get autoduty and let it run while you're at work.
that makes me sad because I started in shb and barely afk.. I have no life
Get on your knees and beg harder.
I put a vocaroo in the last thread, or the one before? Near the end.
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I'll do it when I learn how textools work. I'm a stingy goblin at heart anon. I'm also very stubborn.
I’ll take her
I miss muse
Coomers are so fucking weird.
I know.
small dick, so not really.
I'm not a cheater.
does that queue you for duties with human players or squadrons?
do you like to be teased about that
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HOLY BASED and literally me and my EB
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That's true.
Honestly if I recall correctly, I only have a single warning on my account from calling a bro "mah nigga" while we were discussing Fukumoto mangas while waiting in PF for reclears.
Even though I'm half black bastard.
What are you going to do once the game finally shuts down or we get a new mmo for ff17?
Buying a skip is more of a cheat than using a bot.
>”g-g-get a trip so I can fi-filter you!”
Softest faggots on this website
I oh meant physical looks, anyone can do voice training
Yeah I suppose unironically the biggest danger is oversensitive retards reporting you for something in chat, that's the reason I barely interact with randoms.
>getting timed for saying nigga
this is a rite of passage online, for me it was in fucking ROTMG of all games
Ask ZT, he's the only retard I know to do it multiple times
Pretty sure the dude lives to be miserable
Try some new games, find something else to do.
It depends
One gets me banned, the other doesn't
never happened to me
the gms can sense that I'm black
Not being a poorfag(like me) + enjoyment of the game + spare change + addiction(probably)
I remember getting banned from RotMG for calling someone an inbred stupid faggot for stealing a mana potion when I was playing priest and had people begging for heal constantly when I was out of mana.
>It depends
Then yeah, I'm fine.
I'm what you'd call a failed male.
Listen up bucko losers like us don't have anywhere else to go that's why we are here. We will just have to move on to the next MMO.
I fucking kneel.
Being able to sense the very melamine out of you is a powerful move.
>the gms can sense that I'm black
They see that you play the whitest fiddie possible and it's immediately obvious.
...ain't that the truth.
>Decide I want to EB someone
>Friend messages me asking if I know them because I was standing next to them lots
>Say yeah I really like them
>He dumps that they ERP with everyone and are a huge gooner
>Heart sinks and I go back to bed
Better question is why not start a new character with a fresh slate?
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i genuflect
that shit was so fucking annoying, eventually people just had that cheat client that picked them up instantly for you and it was cancer. i think theres a new client now though
She cute.
I'm not really into the "size cucking" thing, but calling it small, or cute is a turn on. I really like when girls pinch their fingers.
They're bringing the mount back?
I don't know what size cucking is, but I like doing the other things
Yep, honestly these days I only says things like "Hi" and "welcome" in PF/dungeon, and only really talk with people in LB14 (which is why I absolutely hated the uldah bench and the whole situation with that one cunt reporting us from talking with each others there).
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Thread's a little slow and boring, so it's time for a reminder.
>4channers need a safe space to talk because they can’t act normal in public
My man that's just sph
who would win in a fight
Goku or WoL?
effy stfu and kill yourself.
Classic, not heard this one in years
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QRD on effy?
>mfw the two black guys i know in game both play white fiddies
checks out
WoL, because WoL can mod himself to be faster and stronger than Goku whereas Akira Toriyama can no longer write inconsistent power ups and downs and palette swaps for Goku
Wuk Lamat solos both.
pendulum is timeless, never stops being rad
Boring, edated the threads biggest ebin and got dumped for being so boring.
all black people fanta off my race right now
Basically anything that mentions another dick being bigger. For example, bigger = better, saying your dick is too small, etc.
While yeah, it's SPH, not all SPH is about size cucking.
in bed
based friend, you'll get over it soon enough
Box it
You motherfuckers are too porn addicted. What the fuck
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Come on Astrid...
That's what real friends do, anon. You got a good one there.
>plays a female character
>is a huge coomer and ERPer
>only ever seeks other female characters
>is likely into futrannies
>still calls himself "gay"
What causes this phenomenon?
Why do so many people from other servers just live on Balmung?
Were you the guy asking for pinching pictures a while back? I made one but never posted it
gooner capital
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Why in the world would I be the one to say that coomers are weird when I am one
Grey moonie (goonie)
I believe niggas like these just want to crash other people computer.
Or are so lost in the whole modding shit that they are just a lost cause.

It's a good thing Mare pause them automatically.
No, I won't.
I actually don't watch porn that often.
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I like to visit from time to time, don't really live there.
post feet if you're a real goonie
I'm bi and play + and would love to do things with subby males
How do you do this?
>modbeasty as hell
>get nowhere near that cap even when I'm not wearing my vanilla outfit
how exactly
>female character only goes after female characters
>anon is confused on how this makes the character gay
>he thought the actual person meant they were gay
My WoL can't just fly high up in the air and make the planet blow up.

At least not without first having an extended arc of calling in favors from everyone we've helped along the way, having the Ironworks crew start building a giant cannon, explore with Y'shtola in search of an energizing mcguffin, have Urianger give me a heartfelt speech on the personal importance blowing up the planet has, seeing the twins somehow start a war trying to convince some random bystander that the cannon is good and then afterwards convincing his next of kin that the cannon is indeed good, seeing Thancred and Estinien brood in a corner about it, have G'raha and Krile explain to him where to find the other necessary mcguffin which will require a whole sidecontent trial series to get, and then getting a piggyback ride from Vrtra because my WoL can't reach all the way up the cannon's trigger.

Unless it's DT, in which case Wuk Lamat just does it for me.
>how exactly
8k butthole + gock
Nowaday I can't even play it. When I boot it, it opens an ad window to get me to pay up for stuff, and the ingame window is bigger than the game's window, so I can't close it and play.
I'm not a fan of feet. Feet are an abomination
Reminds me of a clip I saw on /gif/ once of a lady getting a toilet brush shoved in her vajeen
you ever just think man,
fuck crystal dc
I don't even own a camera, so if even if I wanted to, I can't.
just as I thought
its mostly a straightoid phenomenon, a lot of futafags who are bottoms are actually gay, most of the tops are prison gay incels
liking futa but claiming being straight is basically just saying "yep im so lonely and horny i will get off with men but as long as they don't say they are men"
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wait a minute, is this EB thing bought from the mogstation too? It's 10 dollars?!
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Either gooners or weak willed retards who immediately folded when DC travel dropped in the case in this thread. Remember all the Primal and Aether people who would shittalk Crystal or say they'd never go there? Yeah, like 70% of them now spend every waking moment on it and their only argument usually is that their home DCs' community is dead (they killed it by moving to mong and never doing anything on their home).
You can do a free one once
>doesn't own a phone
Neet or bait
there's a free version
nigga its 30 :^)
There's a free alternative but you get less ingame items from it
There’s a free package and two other paid ones on the mogstation iirc
I wish they would fuck off
Not just once, as many times as you want.
futas who wont bottom gives me the ick
Disabled NEET who can't work due to disability.
Post male Hroth now!
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I'm this
Male character players are cringe, especially the fags
I sigh and shake my head whenever I check my FL and see my aetherniggas always on balmung
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I've never left Dynamis. Pray tell, why would people visit Balmung instead of another server on their home DC?
and fanta directly to femezen, as I have found I have a secret desire for
my femlala is waking up by kissing her wind-up ardbert on the cheek...
>"If you play female characters, you are a faggot"
>"Futa is gay futa is gay futa is gay"
>okay, guess I'm gay then, whatever
>stick to yuri/futa
>prison gay incels
I think this makes a lot of sense, actually
Go do dungeons. With NPCs.
Stick to the low levels one, as a tank or a healer.
Enjoy your lancer party member.
Why does that tourist hang around LB14 anyway?
My male middie is going to bed by kissing his femr- ...
Who am I kidding, I'm going to bed alone as usual....
Yes its very cringe and lame, I cant imagine the cope they most go through on a daily basis erping as a futa while being straight
the amount of times someone has had a meltdown cause i pointed out my character also has a penis is actually crazy
I want to sniff Zepla's gaming chair.
Tell me about it anon
That’s where all the cool 4chan gooners and erpers hang out so why wouldn’t they also hang out there?
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my fiera is taking a nap
(she lifted a lot today)
Goku would be all "No way fag"
WoL is highly likely going to be given options to tell Wuk Lamat to go fuck herself in patch content
I'd rather not, because if I do, it can be linked to me outside of anonymity.
I want to see russian troops run a train on her with a bad end on Live Leaks.
Mr FC leader...
Another moonies just hit the crystal tower...
I need to make more pictures but I've been lazy
why do you guys care so much about other people’s sexuality
Love this middie
because im trying to get into their pants
niggas be cockwatching
The friendship windmill is flipped
my wol is goku
i dont
Its 100% true I cannot count the amount of times a futa top I was trying to ERP with got really uncomfortable and upset when I said I prefer my character having a penis
There's that one giant modbeast who sits around the bench / unfortunately followed us to LB14 and doesn't say anything to anyone that I've paused
why do you instantly go to violence, anon? I don't want that for my hag wife.
The urge to EB asap reminds me of women that hit their 30s getting nervous about being left behind.
bug off tyrone
I don’t. A lot of anons here aren’t secure in their sexuality either and get REALLY offended over being seen as gay or not
>when I said I prefer my character having a penis
Are you playing a male or female character? Seems like a weird thing to have to say as male, but it's also weird that a futa wouldn't like another futa
Because I want to cum and seeing her get brained as the last grunt in the unit blows their load would make me shoot ropes for the rest of my life.
so fuckin odd to me, you either do or dont like dick its that simple
Do you guys think malera ever get stuck in doorframes due to their horns.
I just barely see people actually from Balmung be the ones to shit up yell or say chat. It's bizarre
Sex starved gooners are so vile
i don't care whats in your pants but i do care what beats you listen to when you do your dailies
No. OG or nothing.
my malera gets stuck in doorframes because of his cock, not his horns
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>as I have found I have a secret desire for
That falls flat on its face when there are anons here who play a futa and cope by saying “it’s a feminine dick so it’s not gay!”. It’s very common in this general especially
for doing dailies I like to put on DJ sets like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geiMhvwl4W8
im playing a femra rn
This channel has a cool playlist. Watching bots fight each other can be fun too.
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Just as I had planned.
Female character, the average giant futa modbeast gets really uncomfortable with other characters they engage with having penises, thats why I call them all prison gay.
They do the futa top thing because most players are men and they like looking at girls but they are so lonely and horny they are willing to go with anyone who doesn't break the fantasy illusion aka a man pretending to have a vagina. So they will ERP with you but if you try to bring anything actually "gay" into it they will have a meltdown
is part of the job description of being a dj moving your hands around like you're hitting an invisible instrument
Does your character have a lore accurate name?
nta, but my futa prefers the other female character to have a dick, too.
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Whatever song/band I am obsessed at the time.
just learned how much sugar is in dunkin donuts drinks
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I'm sorry for being a little off topic but
>Used to really like watch FF14 streams on bed in the morning (lots of Japanese ones would do PVP stuff)
>Twitch update their app
>Putting a specific game on your favorite list does nothing anymore instead of giving you a nice place where you can look up any streams for a specific games you like
>Doesn't show up my followed streamer first and foremost anymore and put some random cunt game and stream on my face everytime I open the app
>Have to scroll down the fucking Browse section everytime I want to look up XIV streams instead of having put in my own favorite window like it used to
What the fuck were they thinking?
It's so fucking more ass to use now...
idk but its fun, I do it sitting at my desk also
why didnt we just crash the void ark into everkeep
I will find you
and I will stand at a respectable distance while imagining life together
same desu
No (I used to be able to get my RP fix elsewhere)
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Why the fuck can't I manually cast my dot that the game still expects me to manually manage?
Why the fuck was the immediate-full-dmg upon proc removed?
Why the fuck did they bring back blizzard II when freeze already existed?
Why the fuck did they keep both? Fucking merge them or throw one out completely for fucks sake.
Why the fuck was Sharpcast removed?

The job was fucking perfect in shb and they fucking RUINED it.
i get that shit every morning but im not gonna look dont tell me
>the average giant futa modbeast
Oh, I avoid those people so I've just never encountered it. I play + and like doing things with other futas as well
generic fantasy sounding first name that i used sometimes for other games and then i just went through the random last names until i found one i liked
sis... its a LOT
BLM has literally never been more fun to play than it has been in DT though. Learn 2 adapt shitter
Where are...the tomboy femra...
the thunder change is so fucking cringe
She does indedd.
noooo… im only getting their seasonal cold brews it cant be that bad
>job is only fun at max level
Suck some more on that yoshitPiss cock you filthy bootlicker.
thats just it though, its cope. you like dicks and youre a dude? youre gay or bi its that simple
I know, right?
Weird how they gave it a paint brush and a raid buff though, but i'm not complaining!

that is how it should be honestly unfortunately the straight futard gooner archetype is whats most common so you gotta deal with PLEASE PRETEND TO BE A WOMAN PLEASE IM NOT GAY PLEASE YOU HAVE A VAGINA RIGHT
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>Be a male playing a male character
>All these F+ only looking for other F+ and F to ERP with
>Try to ask at least if they'd want a subby male or a top one
>Always get rejected
>Just feels unneeded, unwanted, and in general hated
BLM is fun at 70/80/90/100 what are you talking about
Just watch WoW streams. Its the more popular game anon. Almost no one streams ffxiv on twitch. It gets beaten by random indie singleplayer games.
Hiding in plain sight
I just want someone to love my dick as much as I love them
only kinda, but I'm too attached to the current name to fix it
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this is how much is in a pumpkin spice latte
you should.
>tomboy femra
No such things anymore.
It's always "femboy", "actually a male", "just a boi" femras now.
Now you've summoned them..
Why are you going after futas and not regular female characters? Are you a faggot in denial anon
>drinking goyslop coffees
you deserve the beetus
>playing a male character
get out of here fujo
I like males, I've jsut never had one approach me, and unless they make it known, I assume they don't like f+
I have to get 1 pumpkin spice thing every fall. Just like how I have to gain at least 20-30 lbs from eggnog for Christmas.
Because that's all there is in uldah man
Nyope cause I don't do roleplay.
its not too late to get something else, just buy some propel or gatorade water if you really want to get something else
for me it's this one wing spot in times square that's really fucking shit nowadays but i HAVE to go at least once every couple months to see if they changed
Is there a way to make a macro so that your ability always targets tank 2?
xivg is filled with prison gays pretending to have vaginas, most people in uldah fit that as well
Moisturized in my trial pond ecosystem. Unbothered. Flourishing. In my own lane.
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>hooking up
>when you could instead have lovey-dovey handholding sex in the missionary position with your character's lover
yes but she had a brainfart and mixed up her first name and last name
how does a subby male x futa relationship work?
Yeah, there is.
how do you think it works
I am
a fiddie
who is now watching
the 9/11 attacks in real time while deciding if I want to run rolos
i fuck him until he cums
then we cuddle as he rests his head on my tits
you fuck his bussy
The dom futa destroy my asshole with her bigger cock and turn me into her little sissy cock hungry slave
fellow new york anon… hello…..
I wanna try that
inb4 taken already
Depends on the dynamic, me and my EB are switch, so for some nights im the one fucking his ass and some other nights the other way around. Outside of that? mostly just about the same.
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which one
>not a single mention of romance or feelings
sasuga ffxiv coomers
im getting EBd this weekend...
Reminder that you only have a few hours left to stock up on Rising nipple lamps
Congratulation ;_;
wait what where??????????
I am
a femra
and I choose to
69 indie games.

Give me 699$ and I might let you see my usb archive.
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Romance and feelings? They're RP stuff, and nobody RP, ever. Sadly. I kinda wish they did, I love writing.

69 fanta's and then toss them all because my character is already perfect
I aggressively cyber-stalked an FF14 e-girl to the point of her sending FBI agents to my front door despite the fact that she lives halfway across the world in the Middle East. I am mentally ill (OCD schizotypal) and play a female Au Ra.
i'm actually in NJ but i live as close as humanly possible to NY (can walk to the lincoln tunnel exit in 5 minutes). whats up tho bro
Male roe
imagine if this was real
I would definitely rather have the fantas. I hate the idea of playing on console ever again. Even if I HAD to, it'd be xbox. Modern playstation is not it.
How about I just 69 you?
There's a vendor tucked away on the far side of the monument.
you can just say you play a femra
why would the fbi care
You two now NEED to meet up and make out and catch feelings for each other
well actually same but i commute there by nj transit every week
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I think you're overthinking it. Just do what you enjoy and don't try to force things if someone's not interested.
Probably exactly like you'd expect?
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I'm ugly as sin anon. It's good rape repellent.
thanks bro
please.. senpai... tell me your knowledge....
my fiera and your rava
>mfw I'm gay
>people assume I want to fuck their character when they read my statut
>am just saying I love my boyfriend and nobody else and I won't care that you find a character hot
how do you unironically jerk off to ai like this
woah woah woah things are moving a little fast here
extra based, hopefully you're not too far. sometimes the traffic gets real heavy and that's an immediate +30 mins to an hour to your trip
based monogamous gaybro
Alright, this whole femra thing was decent but I think I should use my free fanta. Post male roes for inspiration.
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idk but it's been catastrophic for the r34 site, makes the venus body tag unusable
It's so over
what part of that being ai makes it suddenly SOOOO less attractive than a hand-crafted image
>ai based on incase's art
double cringe
become a moonie to tank moonie stocks, forcing a paradigm shift
is your EB f+?
It's fucked up Sankaku too. just endless trash
based and hot
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>/ac spellname <1>
Would target the first one in your party list. Change the number to which would be the second tank in your party list.
Shit slop for shit people that can't manage to pick up a fucking pencil but want to have the love and acceptance real artists get
it literally looks like shit? look at the eyes and hands. look at the blonde ones elbow and 3 hands.
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Thanks bro.

Or press F3.
it just doesnt look as good
Even sadpanda is full of that shit these days
I wish morbol had more bones in their arms for posing. I don't know how they expect me to make tentacle porn like this if the tentacles can't actually wrap around anything.
Joke first name ingame, but in rp (if ever) I have a lore friendly name that sounds like the word. It all works out
Which melee job is a counterpart to PLD in terms of gameplay?
Like for example DRG and DRK feel rather similar - a lot of ogcd weaving in bursts, static rotation, ogcd that gives a damage buff and has its own separate gauge on hud etc.
A fiddies exposed weak point...
New York, United States
AI has no sovl
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My femra is so retarded she's a danger to herself and those around her.
I'm once again being forced to think about hxh against my will. Why do I have to carry this pain with me.
I'd argue that a rear is a weak point for all women, even roegadyns.
I don't know what the difference between those subraces are. They don't look particularly interesting so I'll pass.
I don't got Hroths available to me.
It's not as bad there, but at least they're in galleries, so it's not a complete lost cause like booru sites.
probably monk but monk has a much faster gcd
probably nin in that they both share the gimmick of having ranged tools
>/ac spellname <1>
I kneel
Good morning /xivg/
My femlala needs a cute femlala to afk on her lap or vice versa
i need to piss real bad somebody hold my dicky and make sure the flow is okay
may i see ur femrar
Usually if she's topping, it's silicone rather than flesh. Usually.
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they aren’t even miqote irl. And I was looking forward to introducing “””her””” to my grandmother.
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Too late. Already a male roegadyn. I have seen the light from this thread.
Go lalaboy… he can be really feminine tho
Yeah. It's pretty rare to see hellsguards going by their nomenclature. Most just use the sea wolve names that sound more like a regual name convention of first and lastname.
Wait are you telling me these au'ra I've been plapping aren't cute lizard girls irl????? I think im going to be sick what the fuck have I been doing all this time....
my femroe is named slippery pearl...
Thank you honey
kisses your forehead as i wash your hands for you
can i eat her pussy
Can you just pretend I'm lalaboy while we afk?
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*tips your soda over*
not appropriate…
usually its not too long but there’s often delays because they’re literally always doing construction or something lol
ah yes another one good morning
*stands it back up*
or maybe i leave it, the cap is on so the orientation doesn't really matter
Nah.. same sex noodling just doesn’t work for me. Lacks dynamism
*grabs your drink and shakes it furiously*
I lied, the romantic RP wasn't RP, love me
>want to run eureka orthos
>remember i spent all my aetherpool on a glam so i would have to spam farm for hours first
>lose all interest in running eo
grownman kino
Is 4chin running slow for anyone else?
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Literally me
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>WT has CC in it
unfortunate but i will queue
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do you put it back down after or are you still shaking it? it's a bit unclear.
*looks at you confusedly as you wave about the bottle*
Melty incoming
Are you cosplaying King from Tekken?
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This hat would be great if visor removed the blank face. They could even keep the silly beard
Some idiot cares about someone who they haven't bothered pursuing at all and it is somehow their fault
Hate women and people who act like them
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The real question is, weapons or fists?
Fist monks are cringe, same with shieldless pallies
*opens the bottle while pointing it at your face*
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my monk? only uses gauntlet-type weapons
>Fist monks are cringe
get a load of this faggot
>didn’t admit your feelings to this person
>the person then flirts with someone else
>(You) come here and complain
These situations could be entirely avoided if you retards would just use your words to communicate like adults
They just are bro, sorry you're into fisting
Wrong post.
*the bottle contained nitroglycerin which explodes in your hands, killing me instantly and leaving you scarred and deformed*
I always chuckle when I see one of my friends sniffing around uldah, especially if they look kinda similiar to me. I dunno, if I was really hard up I’d contact them on discord and schedule something.
just flirt with me instead bro
I learned something about Kong by doxxing him and I'm not going to tell the thread what it is but it's pretty funny
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Sorry but my Aether is to strong and it won't effect me.
>not immediately clasping those hips
Dude's gay, isn't he?
Male kong fucks Malera men
yeah well i'm dead now
Qrd on who kong is?
Where's my EB that will watch Symphogear with me and cuddle together?
Shouldn't have put nitroglycerin in your drink.
Sometimes I talk to people so dumb that they look at me like I'm dumb, because I say things they can't even comprehend and they invent a stupider version of what I said in their head and think that's what I'm saying.
Does it count if my femra calls you "bruh"?
i heard nitro soda was popular so i deiced to give it a go
I don't remember making this post...
Gm to chaos only c:
my femlala
sits in mahjong queues during down hours
with plogons that auto-accept queue pops and auto-play the recommended actions
to help prevent wintrading faggots from getting full queues
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Every day it's so hard to fanta into a cute elf slave for my own wanking pleasure. God bless glamourer.

Can anyone recommend any slave shoes that goes well with the chunky black collar/cuffs?
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my monk uses claws for maximum opo opo damage
Can confirm.
>that creature
people itt use cute in place of words that describe their horniness and it drives me up a wall
There are some thoughts you should keep to yourself
Me but being in charge of a group of bri'ish wagies.
Palmraping my goonstick on this fine morning
Huh. I thought that I was the only one here with a slavery fetish.
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I need a pure yuri eb
How do people use autogatherer and autoplayer (for raids or dungeons) mods? WoW has a detection system to detect irregular movements and uses ban waves to surprise farmers. Macros that rely on one button press or mods that automate processes are detected immediately. Why can't SE implement this technology?
this nigga is NOT practiced in technical writing
me on the right
Anon it's 2pm
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same anon..
I'm too intelligent for higher education, I got all my learning from shitposting on 4chan for 15 years. *pushes up glasses*
I want an EB to pound anally and then snuggle and fall asleep with
My femraen and whose?
I play + so it won't be yuri... sorry...
GM bro, doing well?
Dont move irregularly
>there's a new quest in ul'dah that rewards a phial of fantasia
>complete it and add it to the 3 other fantasia on my retainer
Better question is - why you want this to be implemented if the bottable "content" is just mind numbingly boring slop? Stuff like crafting, roulette dungeons, gathering, island sanctuary stuff etc.
my femroe is in a good mood after watching the debate last night
They're both piloted by men
Easily one of the ugliest femezens
Who won btw?
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my femzen on the right

failed men hopefully
Lesbianism is alright, in practical terms.
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I still find it funny that they basically raped the whole job just because literally a handfull of savage troons were abusing the server ticks/old mp regen with their meme rotations.
just got home from work, gonna q some fls!
good afternoon...

No thanks, I'm perfect already.
which female character do you play as...?
Is lala a fun race? Not looking to erp
giwtwm on the left... i'm a guy who likes being called a good girl (in a non-tranny way)
Good girl
People just bot roulettes to lvl? Damned. I've been doing it wronf this entire time.
Not mine, she likes boys
How about you be a good girl for me anon and post your character~ If you are cute enough you might even get some head pats.
my moonie has concepts of a plan
Probably the most fun if you aren't looking for ERP
i would take a dog over $100,000 and 1 haitan nigger 'refugee'
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the submissiveone and a fiddie

I also like that spoiler but in the tranny way
yes, we are much more fun to glam and design houses for. Good expressions, good animations, most fun race easily
Lay it on us, I am interested in this plan
ewww that gives major iick nevermind
I'm not that lewd
>meanwhile in reality: the Haitians in Springfield show up to work every day, don’t call out and aren’t addicted to drugs like the rest of the population
I'm a femxaela sorry...
I'm a femra in a really bad mood today
I am willing to compromise..
I've never posted my real moonie, only golem moonies
how about some anal sex ma'am?
Pondering if I should make some low effort cringe pics.
not my fault I'm a tranny, the twelve cursed me upon my birth /shrug
I am sorry femra. Have you tried talking to other femra about this? We can relate.
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What >>494060590 said and also addiction
Thankfully I'm kicking it by not playing ffxiv for a month now because DT sucks dick and runs like shit
Anal is cringe.
I did
femra for my femra
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thank you
nooo, i don't want to out myself...
I wish faced 4 moonies loved face 3 sunnies
hello dc and eb status
Did talking to the other femra help?
I know the Springfield story is fake news anon I’m mocking Trump believing that bullshit. He tried to justify it with “I saw someone on TV say it”. He also tried to say that after birth abortions are a thing (they arent)
If you can't out yourself how am I going to call you good girl in game and maybe more?
Never compromise sis...
>posting that pic
>nty tranny
I'm laughing my ass off, lemme know how hormones are going in 2 yrs sis

Primal and single
Damn, Haiti must be a paradise.
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Putting this nigga in a normal ass sprout dungeon is so troll.
Yeah no, that was probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen. I hope they do more debates so I can see more double-downs from him. Murimutts are doomed lmao.
Not even to unite our peoples?
We know it's fake you moron that doesn't mean it's not hilarious that he said that shit on national television
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Well, when you come from a shithole like Haiti, working for slave wages in America must seem like heaven.

Also you can steal someone's dog on the way home for dinner.
No. You will learn to play the fucking game or suffer.
my f3mra acts like this
where on primal?
You could see the switch flip on Trump the moment Kamala attacked his rallies, he couldn't keep it together after that he was just mad. I wonder if he thought this would be as easy as debating Biden was
i don't want to because i don't play the game for coom purposes...
i specifically made an edit so it says son twice. trannies are delusional, i am sane.
But are they eating the Hrothgar?
There's no need for unity when we can just grab your people and forcefully bring them back to our tents.
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She’s not gonna follow through with her plan. Pretty much a copy paste from Biden.
W-well, I'd like to see you try?!
That makes it even better. Do you like doing cute stuff like hugging and handholding? I bet you do since good girls love that shit.
you're just as sane as anyone else here, don't fool yourself
>biden presidency
>fastest recovering economy after the pandemic
>inflation is at the lowest it’s ever been since 2021
Damn man that’s really terrible if we get a copy and paste of Biden, now what’s Trumps plan besides “deport 20 million illegals and pay for it with Tariffs (which make things more expensive here in America)”
nyes, but i've been touch starved for so long that i forgot what another person's warmth feels like.
Be careful or you'll end up tied in my bed.
Don't talk like that it makes me feel a certain way.... DC?
not gonna say as to not give myself away itt
You couldn't possibly overpower me.
I take it you are a cute cat girl since you said the thing?
no, i play fiddie
wait are you the primal tranny fiddie?
There is only one way to know. dc?
who? i don't know anyone on primal
Chaos... ;_;
are you face 1 fiddie or face 5 fiddie?I swear to god this better not be Macchi.
Oh dear, I'm on Omega
which ever the doman face is no clue who macchi is
Oh... well. I won't actually be around for a while longer, but if you're comfortable with sharing your linkpearl frequency here I can add you and we can arrange for something.
cute girl
ty anon <3
catch me in limsa on omega, I'm C.D.
Be there around 6pm UTC and I'll come look.
Uhm sweety pipe down and let people of color speak their lives experience
I am sorry anon. I hope it will get better soon. All femrar deserve happiness.

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