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Previous: >>494002476

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Login Bonus (~ Sep 11): 3 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 3M QP, 20 3*Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 1 Beast Footprint.
▶NEW Limited Master Missions: 10 SQ, 10 Stargazer's Teapots, 1 Golden Apple and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Part 2: September 11.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples (It also counts for the duration of OC III)
▶Welfare Servant: To be revealed at the end of OC III.
▶This event is scheduled to be added to the Main Interlude.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ Sep 30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.

>Archetype Inception Part 2 Summon
●Sep 11 ~ Sep 18 JST
5* Foreigner Koyanskaya of Darkness
4* Caster Edison

>Archetype Inception BB Dubai PU Summon:
●Aug 28 ~ Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! C.I.E.L PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! Karna PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.

>Pastebin for utility links:
Jason and his shitty animations was a mistake.
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Remember that from now on Protea Alter shall be nicknamed Puta.
>No City
Wake me up in two weeks
I won.
>Observe, masterless center of the moon
>Sparks Route (Root?) Infinity B
>Checkmate Interceptor
>C3 Punishment B+

I get what the NP and last skill are referring to, but what are the 1st and 2nd skills referring to
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Smells like 2015 with "people" being concerned for foggsu and pretending to be Tamamofags.
You try so hard when it's nowadays only me and the occasional other Tamamobro.
Can't wait to see playable Hakunon's feet bros
all thanks to Lip
…with the power of love received from Hakuno, Tamamo who is below Lu Bu, defeat the king of heroes!!!!
GudaBB love.
>of all the costumes from the story the hakunos will be stuck with the nazi uniform since thei they're the welfare
>Predict a couple weeks back Hakuno/n will be playable off the Moon Cell beam animation
>He(literally me) gets added on my birthday
Thank you Nasu, very cool!
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Costumes exist, retard. They can be like Nobukatsu and have ascensions.
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Now we just need a Tamamo buff.
So, who won? who lost?
I saw something about a date with AE
So Melt won't be in this oc3.
>Melt is too rebellious towards her...and she's just too conspicuous...
>Violet was mention by Hakuno.
I honestly don't really get Drop randomly schizoing out. Did we give her Hans's data at the end of part 1?
>Fake Tamamofags will now spam cuckshit pretending this is what they always wanted all threads long
So I assume you're choosing the male Cuckuno? Just the thought makes me laugh really.
Can you explain to me what are JP fans tweeting about, anon?
I honestly feel like it’s the Kagetora and Shingen situation again.
>Female Hakuno actually decided to side with BBD because she's the "stronger" side and Male Hakuno had no idea what she's been up to ever since they parted
I guess she lied about the paper-rock-scissors thing to tease BBD
>>Crimson Moon drops moon on Earth
>>Archetype Earth drops Earth on moon
because the girl can't cuck you with futacock magic
oh wait
In before someone post that scene from extella.
Just shipperfag logic from people that don't play the game and don't care about the lore, same as Castoria x muramasafags
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>FGO quaternaries are the true Tamamofags!!!
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>Fake Tamamofags
Imagine trying so hard.
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Why do you care about what actual literal whos on Twitter think or say?
Hmm, no idea, but the BBfag I know who is extremely into Hakuno x BB say, fgo BB is not the original BB.
The current Hakuno is not the Hakuno of the original BB which she was created from.
Gonna breed with Hakunon's feet soon
they actually can read the source material unlike you EOP tho (and no MTL doesn't count)
Taking a guess that its a reference to the route-like nature of extra games.
Or considering that one of its passive is the regalia, the ability to switch through possible outcomes like what Archimedes could do.
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>Why are people more invested in a dead ship tweeting about every little single breadcrumb about it?!
Damn bro, that truly proves the canon text wrong.
Nobukatsu is not a welfare you absolute fucking retard. Welfare costumes are some basic shit like Kagetora with her hood, not a completely different outfit.
Wasn't this supposed to be a main story chapter written by Nasu? Why does it feel like gagshit?
So the parting happened sometime after we maxed our happiness counter?
>People who'll eat up the Extella Cuckuno are the true tamamofags
LMAO you shitposted for decades about her mistreatment there and now you eat it up because you have no other option? You're fake as fuck, no Tamamofag would ever stand to support Extella shit
>then I speedran 70% of the cast dying in 5 chapters
what the hell happened during this OC's writing jeez
usually this is in the fucking finale for Nasu not middle of the story
>Hakuno uses all of his servants
cuckposters won...
I’m not disagreeing with you guys but they’re posting things from the story it seems.
Guda Tama is officially fucked, we will be seeing lot of Tama/Nero/Gil x Hakuno arts then. Do something !!! GudaBB, save fgo !!!
Last year's summer was also gagshit
Everyone can read the source material that states FGO BB != BB/GO != BB Dubai.
Go back to cuckpost Melusine instead of trying pathetic avenues like this one raikouschizo
IIRC he said sometime just before it maxed out?
true Xfags wouldn't give a shit about shipping just them appearing desu
I can get the feeling when your fav doesn't show up for years with this game
I realize that I'm a bit overselling it.
But basically Archimedes kept on drifting through timelines until he could manage to force Sefar's awakening as a QTL.
Hakuno's first skill is, likewise, a 0 CD 10 star bombs + card shuffle as long as he has 10% NP charge.
So you can just shuffle until you get the right combination or you ran out of NP charge.
I don't support Extella's wrongs. But I'm also not a schizo that shitposts about cuckshit when my wife appears next to my self-insert.
It's just the moment Hakuno introduces himself to the party.
She reacts, it cuts off and things continue as normal. It's people headcanoning to schizo levels about her reaction.
She's not the CCC BB, she merely has her records, but not feelings. That's canon lore, going against that means Nasu retconned it which would be extremely bad since it decanonized SERAPH.
And everyone also knows nasu changes the lore and rules at the drop of a hat
>your fav doesn't show up for years with this game
And we get clapshit instead. It’s so over
*run out
>male fate/extra MC
Who asked for this? Why couldn't we get Hakunon in her swimsuit. The game needs to stop pandering to homos and fujos and get back to their roots.
You’ll get her at the end.
But Nasu knows women are evil and truly the root of all wrongs if the world, so for now she’s an antagonist.
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Wait new face from Kingprotea
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>They're posting the story, which means it has to be Right
I know what they're posting, which is why I call it shipperfag logic. They're creating something that isn't there from a single moment from something that isn't said. Shippers are the same no matter where you go, they twist lore and facts to create whatever answer they want
In a chapter where there's literally two different BBs running around? Grow the fuck up.
What's going to happen, at the worst, is that FGO BB will bring up she killed BB/GO and that unlike her she moved on to someone else.
They are not the same BB, that's already confirmed even in this timelock where BB doesn't know stuff Hakuno randomly references from Extra because her records from BB/GO were limited.
im still mad they didnt release her as new servant
You can probably choose the version you want, which sucks because I want both of them. I wish it was like Dioscuri with the two characters at the same time.
I see. Tbh, while it seems like a Kenshin and Shingen situation with fans blowing things out of proportions, with how BB is reacting to meeting Haku, I’m quite afraid.
As a Hakuno fan I'd rather they were added as a pseud servant and did their own fighting

Also fuck Extella but I'm still going to 120 them
Holy fuck, cuckposting makes this shit unbearable to read.
So do we finally forgive BB? I'm still a little hesitant.
>tease Drop all Summer and Part 1
>goes schizo and dies as Protea in two chaps
At least she’s not in NPC jail like Dechi.
Which one?
Do you see those same people talking about pic related which happens as soon as you start today's nodes? No. Because shipperfags will just spam what they want and can headcanon to no end.
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don't bother giving the schizophrenic actual (You)'s bro
Honestly no need. The last thing I wish for her is to get overworked in a franchise that doesn't respect her. Let her shine in Record.
I agree, except Archer/Nameless/Sakura five and BB, any other extrafags are officially fucked/cucked.
What, I saw people call that shipping too. Oh wait, you only call non Guda shippers that don't you.
Tamamokek, nerokek, altera, bbkek on suicide watch
How many Servants do you need, at minimum, to survive LB7's ORT raid?
yeah no i don't believe she'd die just like that
part 3 will redeem her
i hope
>protea vs protea alter
>protea alter says ______ always wanted to be a giant, but deep down she's a little princess who always loved humans, blatantly says she's not protea, and telling her to take care not "dropping the act" until the end. Telling her to commit to her role
>Then rips her arms off and rips her heart out, as blood effects keep appearing on screen
>She starts to tell Lip that protea here was just a fake, but that she also killed and ate the original protea offscreen, before protea alter is distracted by Eresh trying to 9/11 the entire city.
>We fight Eresh this chapter which means Eresh is just the mid boss all along

Basically confirms BB Dubai or Kazura is final boss
So now that we can have servants with 0 CD skill, does that mean Quick is saved? A servant with a skill that converts X number of stars into NP gauge and they can do it repeatedly in the same turn.
Was there really a need to make Hakuno a servant?
I really hope he doesn't have dialogue with BB
Keep going and don’t give up on GudaBB.
Probably at least a hundred? Since a lot of them don't have damaging NPs.
Not BB, and maybe altera (moon and earth version ) the rest ? Yeah.
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It's nowhere near Kenshin and Shingen situation.
BB Cosmos and Hakuno don't have any meaningful interaction whatsoever. They just become crowd talk with the rest of the characters.
There's one or two moments meant to show to Hakuno that FGO BB isn't BB/GO like how she didn't know Hakuno and his servant faced a beast level threat ( BB/GO ) and prevailed
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I am just gonna say this as an oldfag who remembers Seraph. BB talked about the existence "of her senpai" in Serpah, which makes sense since she's a bug created for Sakura AI's feelings for Hakuno. She knows about Hakuno, but she says "I never met him". This BB was created by the mooncell and sent to Chaldea upon creation. For BB, this is the first time she sees him. It doesn't matter since she has found her own love.
Right could be doing the Kiara trick of using the food as one ups.
Probably like 25-30 if you do the single servant with Kaleido and the 20% Charge MC strat, and use Mashu as often as possible.

This is nothing compared to what Melufags suffered.
(You) forgave Koyanskaya, no doubt BB will be forgiven.
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How are BB fags or Sakura five fags cucked? None of them know or even care about Hakuno. If anything this chapter makes it even more blatant they're only for Guda
This chapter even after meeting Hakuno, protea and Lip before the final battle make a deal that whoever does the best in the final battle gets Guda for themselves. Protea says even after only a short amount of time Lip was humanized again and fell for Guda all over again.
They still only love Guda

The only ones Hakuno summons in his animations are
keep coping, bbkek
Ozz, you should start your panicking phrase now, Hakuno is here.
>Really short update
>Xu Fu and Kiara still havent shown up
Jesus how crammed is the final chapter going to be?
Raging turbo shipperfags. Anon, to 95% of the FGO fanbase, BB's main ship is Guda. Deal with it schizo. You go compare the GudaBB and HakunoBB, and tell me which one has the most material. The latter may as well not even exist.
Yeah it means one thing the story is shit like a fever dream so retards latching into things you say.
>How are BB fags or Sakura five fags cucked? None of them know or even care about Hakuno.
I was saying, except them (BB and everyone who I specifically mentioned) are not cuckshit, the rest are.
>high-ranking relationship
>The original one died after he rejected her, this one isn't even her
I feel like Cuckunofags are just bottom feeders who don't care whatsoever about the writing behind their ships because shit like this is embarassing.
Even having to compare themselves to Guda as if BB doesn't cry or make those faces 24/7 in front of him too.
Hakuno’s skill is converting his NP gauge into stars bwo…
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Meltbros love Hakuno
Meltbro btw
Break your skulls open.
Well, not counting alts at least

Shame about charlemangefags since they literally just got that shipping event with him
>Imagine your waifu leaving you after seeing hakuno
Bravo, FGO
Imagine being extrafag right now
Go back to x, turd.
cuckge. That was this game is. Why am I still here?
Not to justify BB's betrayal but Hakuno actually has a better design than Guda's
It does feel kinda disgusting.
>Tamamo moves on
>summer Tamamo
>Constant flirting from Nasu's own writing
Then this. I don't care for her, but it is a disgusting move when you bait people that hard.
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I am both Hakuno and Guda so it's fine if they love either character.
>BB's main ship is Guda
Nips just don’t believe it. It’s sad, how can they be like this ?
>Release the ultimate galge character like eresh
>Cuck extrafag to balance it
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How many died?
Yeah whatever you say shitposter.
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Cat, D'eon and Boudica appeared first when I googled "Tamamo fgo expression sheet" lmao.
Aw, crud. I'll never get enough Servants in time before EOS.
You haven’t seen the war back then.
She must be really cold in the vacuum of space if her legs are exposed like that
Aaaand here we go, Hakuno already turned into Muramasa 2.0 where he's just a walking generator of cuckposts.
Lasted less than a day.
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I won
Not a bait, Takeuchi's designs are all the same
I think the chances of you getting a hundred leveled up is higher than an EOS announcement.
>I am both Hakuno and Guda
I don't get how niggas get mad over this either. It's like getting upset over Draco when it was Moon Me giving Chaldea Me some umu beast pussy
I'm not repeating twice.
Melufags got cucked to death
They're all the same. Hakunofags, Shiroufags, they just cuckpost cuckpost cuckpost and pretend all versions of characters that aren't in their games are suddenly "theirs".
The only thing I'll enjoy out of OC3 is getting Hakuno to burn him to death.
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Very organic and well meaning posts just like in 2015. Please be concerned.
Losers can't relate because they've never gotten cheated on but damn it hurts. Stop pushing this cuckshit already
Anyway Hakuno loves (you) very much
Whoever is using shipfags as an insult is a very secure person for sure
But (Me) loving (me) is forbidden love…
It doesn't seem like such a controversial opinion to me
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Please tell me you're all underaged.
No adult should be acting like this.
I know the animations are fundamentally no different than Jason summoning the Argonauts for his attacks but Hakuno's animations make me feel cucked.
It was obviously going to be like this
But I HATE them
Hi Georgie!
Tamamo likes “Handsome Souls” She can pick Twice as well just like how she picks Guda. But she only loves Hakuno. Debate ended. I wonder what will we debate about over the next decade. (Melusine cuckposters should kill themselves )
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Next year surely
>Nips just don’t believe it.
No, nips ESPECIALLY believe it. What part of "GudaBB has so much material that HakunaBB may as well not even exist" is hard to grasp? Most of the GudaBB material is from Nips retard. To most Nips, GudaBB is the main ship. A bunch of turbo shippercucks on twitter is not the reality.
Al least playing through this lock is not as painful as the part one
Sucks to waste a plugsuit to get rid of the npc but I can deal with only using my own servants.
I do not care about Extra.
It's the only form of pure love
You will learn to love them
>Saw some nips burn her bb (all variant)
it's over......
I never played Extra or Extella, therefore I have no connection with Hakuno, and therefore Hakuno is not (Me) and thus, Hakuno fucking sucks and should be deleted
Halloween soon, trust the plan
I've only got 169 of them, not counting the one that's DATA LOST, and most of them are level 1 or below the pre-grail max level. I also have nowhere near enough mats to max out the skill ranks of a good chunk of them.
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Hakuno isn't Muramasa, retard.
Hakuno is (You) as well.
Kinda makes sense to have special invul pierce introduced if theoretically we're supposed to fight Galahad after OC.
I still don’t like them after playing Extra & CCC
Bro.. BBguda is a meme that only exists here because of your spam
Hakuno Won so hard
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I don't get what the big deal is, personally. I'd rather Tamamo reunite with her soulmate than continue to be an irrelevant lonely spinster. Now she can enjoy another honeymoon.
I'm seeing how well this cope is holding up bro, truly. We're totally not getting a Muramasa redux which is already killing all hype for this chapter as it is.
>Debate ended.
there never was one to begin with. It was throughout those years all artificial in this smelly echochamber. Simple witness who participated in them and you see them even post now.
Then why their fanarts don't increase over DECADES!!!!???? Why most of the BB fanarts just show hakuko or hakunon? Is the nips hate Guda that much? If not, WHY?
That is unfortunate, but you can readily fix that with one simple trick.
By playing Fate/Extra and CCC afterward!
You have my permission to skip the Extellas since the first game has a decent story/shit gameplay and Link has a SHIT story/okay gameplay
Funniest part is that Hakuno is quite obviously using his own servants and not the ones summoned by us.
Keep coping, retard
you sound like a pathetic cucked guy in a ntr doujin
>want players to finish the story
>make insufferable battles where you're forced to use shitty servants all the time
gee i wonder fucking why
But how can I play Extra or CCC if the PSP is discontinued?
You're asking a schizophrenic /frog/tard to consume anything besides this kusoge.
It's like asking a rabies infected to drink water bro.
Why would he appear in an event that’s been irrevocably tainted by Liz Particles even down to a conceptual level?
Nobody's playing that dogshit fuck off
Cry more. Just like Guda, you can name Hakuno to whatever you want. Shirou can't be renamed because he's not (You).
There is a nonzero chance that Nasu is actively trying to kill FGO since he's sick of writing Fate, hence why he's not writing Fate when writing FGO.
Nasu wants you to have fun like he did as a kid playing the shittiest tedious kusoges he could get his hands on.
Nasu killed a Summer for this fucking dogshit story?
Yeah but you say now when the general became shit so... don't try to evade.
Not my fault CHOCO cucked Melucucks and lied to them
Where are the pics then you fucking spic? All I see from you is the same 5 pictures cycled every thread with you desperately posting that shitty Sakura blossom WIP for months until your commissioner finally finished. GudaBB has always been ultra-niche and elevated in your mind because it's your favorite ship when in reality no one gives a shit.
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>generic self insert from shitty vn is not (you)
Sorry that your "self insert" is just the latest victim of cuckposters who'll ruin his image, not even as popular as shirou for fans to put any resistance so good luck
>cuck entire extrafag before the remaster come out
>make insufferable battles
is nasu try to kill fate series
I fucking hate retards who love the Sakura 5 and BB in FGO but refuse to touch or even read CCC. You're invalidating 50% of their character by ignoring their past. Fucking, tertiaries.
Hakuno/Hakunon calls himself/her Xavier, it pretty much tells you, why you can choose a name for them
Yeah this shit will be like fever dream also nobody won't discuss it afterwards except extrafags maybe or shitposter.
Xavier is a joke name for them.
im primary fgo-only chad
How unfortunate you confuse that anon with me. GudaBB will always be stronger, cope ZabiBBDaily.
do they still exist after nasu cuck them with hakuno?
Of course I couldn't say this yesterday before I knew about Hakuno's release, I'm talking about it now that it's happened.
Blame it on the bugs drawn by Takeuchi
Fate lives in Nasu's head rent free because he'd rather make anything else but Fate is what makes him his money and his distaste for the property wars with the good of his company and bank account.
You mean the game that only introduced 2 out of 5 and made them all unpopular until FGO came to give them actual characters stories and notoriety?
I hope we get a direct acknowledgement from Cuckuno that those girls have been better off with Guda because without FGO you wouldn't even know that Liz exists
It's just BBspic posting on multiple devices.
He brings in xitterdrama here because he can't relate to anyone out there so he's got to compensate with just a few dozen commission spams.
Nice try. You won't trick me into downloading 400,000 viruses.
I have read them so I can directly tell you and any cuckposter that those chars are not cucked. They are for Guda. The rest like Nero, Tamamo? Yeah, those are officially fucked. Nasu done this btw.
I genuinely believe that the madman is only one person
Use PPSSPP to enjoy it on a modern setup! You can make it look nicer and increase the state speed to make your RPS grindan a little less insufferable Save states can also let you check out the obvious bad end choices rapidly without having to reload and replay days, but don't be gay and use them to cheat combat!!!

1% he tries it, but a 99% of goading stray anons in the crossfire into finally trying it!
>in three months, BBkeks, Egokeks, Tamamokeks and Melucucks got BTFO'd into cucks
>Ereshfags, Tlalocfags, Kamafags and FGO Arcfags for some reason won

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(You) will never be Shirou. Cope GudaoKEK
>BB Dubai says f Hakuno is a sacrifice to the city and also her last trump card
what are they cooking
Nasu chapters have always had annoying and obnoxious fights though, this is nothing new.
It feels like he wants you, the player, to feel the struggle and challenge of the story and get more immersed in it, but between 9 years of powercreep and FGO’s rather shallow mechanics there’s not many avenues left to do this without making things like hard servant checks or otherwise near impossible to clear without having a specific line up.
I don't get it.
Today's story also had GudaBB and it's direct romantic on her part without headcanon which means Nasu is self aware of what he's writing for her. If his plans were different those scenes wouldn't be there.
>When BB-chan reunited with the EXTRA protagonist for the first time in a long time , she [[HEADCANON]]
In one year we already got 3 playable protags - hakuno, iori and npc-kun from mahoyo
When are we getting playable cute girl protags like ayaka or hakunon
>>in three months, BBkeks, Egokeks, Tamamokeks and Melucucks got BTFO'd into cucks
Only Tamamofags and Nerofags are cucked, Altera is an exception
Based on the other Mooncancer ID, you’ll probably get to choose which Hakuno you get.
Probably because she can also use the mooncell beam or whatever it's called
i saw some people cope that hakuno welfare can change their gender
how do they cope now
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Melufags suffered the most. Nasu hated them during summer and valentine, artist who Nasu worship tricked them and made a literal yuri artbook and confirming she loves Aurora forever
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thank god that Mash is my fated lover and i dont need anyone else
The main protag of Mahoyo is Aoko not mountain man. He's also a protag but he he get's less focus than her.
2 out of 5. That is true but did you forget why the Sakura 5 existed in the first place? Because of Hakuno(n).
That's the thing. BB and the Sakura 5 are 99% safe and yet all the shitposting is on them. Where's the Nero, Emiya or Gil outrage?
Gilfags imo are the most fucked.
Both Hakunos will sacrifice themselves to power up the Mooncell beam and they’ll use it as a rocket engine to accelerate the Mooncell away from the Earth, but the one of them will show up at Chaldea at the end just because.
How did Kamafags win?
it's literally how almost every plot goes with welfares
The interlude manga adaptation I would assume.
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>Fighting city with forced Mashu
>You had to pick certain servants or else they're in permanent stun
>Or pick support Nemo who protects the whole party from stun but dies to a single crit
I love gimmick fights!
So, can you please give me a summary of the recent update and the new story?
Now that BB fan, Nerofan, Alterafan, Tamamofan, gilfan, and etc is the laughing stock of this general
you guys better stop posting their image
Tbf Nameless are different from Emiya. Gil is a polygamous guy….
ESLs really sending their best here
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I'm at 14 currently, how many more chapters is Part 2?
meltbros btw won so hard
Just 4.
Enjoying waiting for 2 more weeks. Again.
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[incoherent schizo ramblings]
Yeah yeah whatever.
Mai foggsu~
Luckily I had Astraea positioned in the back so City's gimmick didn't do shit to me.
Because it would be comedy, which is what Halloween is all about.
He’s talking about the one in LB7 I think.
I will never give up on GudaBB. Why? Because Yusei never gives up. GudaBB is what makes GudaSaba special.
>koyan dark and a bunch of other servants no one wanted gets a rerun
>no koyan dark buffs
Why is lasagna like this? A jinako rate up? Really? LMAAAAOO
>Nasu hated them
Only in your imagination
I will ask this, why people care about tamamo yet no one cares for tamacat? You guys know Tamamo is cuckshit, right?
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Feels good to be white
Who cares who they exist for if there's a zero sum interaction?
A newly made Lip had a better and more reasonable romance with Guda despite Cuckuno was around. This chapter shits on his bond with the Sakuras more than it does a service to their ship.
A reminder that the female one fried Lip with her NP and started cracking jokes
Damn, this general really feels the most alive when it comes to cuckposting and having a meltdown, huh.
you now remember ereshiniger beast
Ask >>494073771
When was the last time Cat even got content?
I can’t remember…
Looks better than what's actually in-game
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lippa deserves worse
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Believe in final part gacha
cat is too wholesome to be controversial
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Both me btw.
Guda(k)o? Also me.

Say hello to a couple of my wife concubines from my harem.
eos next year?
So who was the fake Protea? Kiara?
God, we're really not even getting a glimpse of Violet. The fuck is Nasu's problem.
Why would koyan gets buffs? She's already good.
Gil only cares for Enkidu. Fujos will be pissed since Hakunos is his 2nd Enkidu.
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It’s probably the retards from BL.
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Don't bother wasting your energy in "getting" anything this shithole talks about.
I think I got a random dude on /a/ to emulate both games in a fateshit thread few weeks ago.
Sounded technically inept trying to find ways to not do it but even old ass phones and tablets from a decade ago can emulate it easily so crying about being poor and thus claiming to be not able to play it while still having the capability to post on here is not an argument.
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So, what are the monsters around Eresh and in her intro are supposed to be? So mesopotamian shit? The flaming/ice one reminds me of Surtr.
Because it's a different character? I care, but not as much.
I am a greedy master and simply want my favorites to get stronger for free.
He hates 'tall' girls.
Cuckchad won so hard....
It is impossible for me to believe in future Lip content.
What does fucking yourself feel like?
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>Arc x Guda is canon
What the fuck are they talking about?
Isn’t one of them identical to one of Koyan’s beast forms?
Summer and OC3 has a lot of Lip content though
yuka my love
they look cool but they will never be relevant or appear again because they were stapled onto saber wars OC garbage instead of a mesopotamia story
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He thinks it's really funny to make people wait for fucking ever
>Above 170cm? That's disgusting.
>May as well go for 1700cm then
are we cucks now
Nobody gives a shit here, dude.
>a Japanese wormfag
Opinion doubly discarded
i dont know chinese sorry
Blueballing and teasing is worse than nothing at all.
Random schizo shit about the same scene for the 50th time. Never is the word senpai even said, she calls him "Kishinami san"
they are making fun of us again
>Found out extrakek got cucked
my condolences
wow, that's a lot of unhinged mental gymnastics.
>wow, that's a lot of unhinged mental gymnastics.
that's my daily /frog/ reaction.
we know Shiroubro
What's the quick animation that isn't Charlie? Is it Altera?
Tamamo is quick
pot kettle yada yada
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Skippa story.
Skippa ship/schizo/insertfag ramblings.
Enjoy decimating enemies.
Enjoy making party compositions.
Enjoy grabbing images.
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She obviously remembers Hakuno, she's literally about to cry when she sees him before composing herself. Then again BB was a loser in CCC, Hakuno either ends up with their servant or with Blossom so it's not like it means anything.
This is a sign. I can feel it in my bones.
New Tamamo the savior of quick any day now.
>that face
Mashu please.
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5 chapters is super fast for a middle section.
It means BB would drop Guda in a heartbeat if Hakuno asked lmao, it's Circe all over again.
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>New Tamamo
Oops. You asked for Tamamo Content. We can't have that.
I mean the Quick animation where he claps and prays before balled lightning hits. I couldn't tell if that was a Servant or Moon Cell magic.
>Gudaokek will think this is a win
I hate Tamamo so fucking much.
>She [[headcanon]]
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>ZabixBB is trending
I kneel Nasu
They are trying to gradually bury Tamamo.
Tamamo Vitch is not Tamamo, but her replacement.
she didn't even appear
I wonder if Nasu considers Tamamo and Koyan to be the same character because they share the same face despite going out of their way to go against all the build up prior to Tunguska and that’s why Tamamo doesn’t get content, because Koyan shows up fucking everywhere instead.
Koyan calls herself Tamamo 2.0 so there's that.
It's based on what you view dumbass and seeing you're a cucktard that's what you get
Hakuno/n being only a 4* welfare is fucking gay. Fuck Nasu.
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>just 2299 post
>many of these from the same accounts
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BB fgo is not ccc BB but I will say it is over for otherfags I g. This is why peace should never be the answer. Nasu betrays (you) and shill cuck-shit in the game!!!
You're an autistic retard BB literally only cares to keep Guda and Mashu safe at the cost of her life this entire time.
She even tries to sneak one on Mashu on the beach scene and gets mad when she's interrupted by enemies.
Later on she literally says all of them servants have to prioritize Guda even at the cost of their lives.

Just stop, you can't even differentiate it from your melusine mental illness you schizo
I must be more a normie than I thought because even though my timeline is all in Japanese my trending recs are all 9/11 related items.
I think BB loves both Guda and Hakuno. It's complicated. While she's a version of BB who hasn't met Hakuno personally, her entire existence is due to Sakura's feelings of love for Hakuno. CCC BB didn't also meet Hakuno until CCC. The only difference is that she doesn't have Kiara's bugs to make her go haywire. At the same time, she learned to love Guda in her time of Chaldea as her own individual. That's why Hakuno may be her origin, but Guda is her destination.
Shut up and go back already bbspic.
You're annoying.
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I hecking love used goods! I love rejected women who settle for me and would go back to their exs instantly if they asked!
Welfare SR Shiki
Welfare SR Iri
Welfare SR Kuro
Welfare SR BB
Welfare SR Sieg
>Case Files
Welfare SR Gray
Welfare SR Erice
Anything that seems like an actual collab tends to have the protags summoned as the Welfare so why did you expect anything different from Extra?
Can't wait for the ending just to BTFO the third-worlders once again
Why is she barefoot lorewise?
Don't care, fuck Nasu.
im immune to your tricks because im not reading anything
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wrong pic anon
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Iri, BB and Gray aren't protagonists and the Prisma collab also had 5* Illya.
Why does Illya get to be a SSR
Loli and waifu buff
You can't leave money on the table like that.
You're lower than third-worlders equal to animal.
Kuro’s slut power level was too high to have 3 ascensions when the Prisma collab first released in 2016 or 2017.
Bet the c"liffhanger" gets solved in literally one fucking chapter.
>Welfare SR Shiki
Is she for (you) despite being married? I just don't dig void's personality
Really, /fgog/?
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The cucktard doesn't get it and I partly don't blame him because few of us play Extella. The servants that help Hakuno in her animations are the ones he summoned as mooncell's master, they are not Chaldea's. The most obvious proof is the extra attack with the giant Altera with a childish voice that only exists in the mooncell.
Agree but for different reasons.
>Prisma is 17 years old
Holy fuck that thing is ancient if you think about it.
Sure Pedro, now take your tacos and stop cuckposting
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Nasu doesn't consider anything.
He's weak and wants to end it all so he does whatever. There's no grand plan for her and them announcing that the Tamamo Nine won't appear in FGO at all because they are too difficult to write is a sign of their incompetence.
That's why Record with Ninou at the helm is a fantastic sign for the future because under his reign he can prevent any damage that a non-enthusiastic Nasu could do and simply improve and intensify on a former fundamental experience instead of damaging it with mediocre to bad further content.
im so hyped for my new homo welfage, bros
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Again your other personalities were released. go take your medications. HAHAHAHAHA
So what? All Servants summoned should be for (Me). It ruins the power fantasy aspect of the game if the game goes 'oh by the way here's this playable dude that has way tighter connection and relationships than (You) will ever have' Hakuno should have just blasted moon lasers and that's it.
>same post from that x user
Fuck off
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Fuck that's unfortunate...
I mean it quite literally is schizophrenia. back when the first part of OC3 got released the maleschizo admitted that he sees Gudao the same way Skizu sees Shirou, if whatever we get after FGO has a new protagonist many of those retards who complain about "maleshit" will shake hands with Kizu and his fans to cuckpost together
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i cant believe im cookcold
This year really has been a big joke.
I cant even have the energy to be mad anymore.
Will they let you pick Hakuno or Hakunon, or are they giving you the opposite of your Guda by default? They're obviously the welfare.
lately they've been making every TM protagonist playable that I'm starting to think we'll get an eos announcement for real in two years or something
Why do you keep asking the same question
i dont really care about hukano unless its meta support
>the same pictures over and over again
Hey if GudaBB is so popular why not post something new? Surely it must be loaded with fanart if the ship is so popular.
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>I'm starting to think we'll get an eos announcement for real in two years
Hope it ends quicker.
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u rike?
purisu givu us dollaru
Extra/FSNfags are not beating the spic/third-worlder allegations.
>they giving you the opposite of your Guda by default
I don't think that's possible since you can freely change your gender at will. They're most likely separate units.
Isn't cuckposter always hates third-worlds, why are you accusing me? Is it kind of falseflagging?
im quitting this shit if they are separate units
I said that when they added Aoko and people argued against me. But it really feels like Nasu is going full kitchen sink in FGO lately, shoving everything from the Nasuverse into FGO so that there is nowhere left to go.
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cuckposters are FSN/Extrafags, and these are third-worlders
>clear evidence of multiple whales spending for NP5 every time a new servant gets released
>that of which averages around a few thousand bucks each time
>but no, were going to EoS somehow in 2 years despite having no decline in revenue because of sunk cost fallacy cucks, 95% of them are nips btw
Yeah unless the gambling addicts finally get a grip, this shitge will stay up for a long while.
You do realize FGO has the biggest population of brownfags, spics, and other third worlders right?
beastly butt
>thirdies mad at thirdies
the absolute state of this general.
What reaction did BB have to Haku? The information from x and here differ.
they will just announce the next game together with eos. problem solved, milking continues
those stupid giant Arondights sure were strong...
Because nobody replied to it seriously
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The capcha knows what happened today.
We better get fucking both Hakunos. The valks not getting a rerun already has me pissy enough.
Orgy with (Me), (Me), and all my Servants when?
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will the game eos before he get into the game? i can't see a tsuki collab anytime soon...
She's shocked and then normally introduces herself and moves on
OC3 is literally just another extra collab in disguise so who knows
They did it once with Mecha Liz. Would not be surprised if you had to choose and you can't get the other one til next year.
Assuming they do a rerun at all. At this point it might be a three-year gap until a potential 'other Hakuno' gets dropped into the leaf store.
The three collabs in a single year is kinda sus ngl, it's like Nasu is speedrunning everything he wanted to put in the game.
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>Neapolitan ice cream still have not gotten rerun/leaf shop
FGO is dirt-cheap to produce, the biggest drain on resources is the voice casting.
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Four if you count these two
Even then it's not like they voice story or events so it's even cheaper compared to more recent games that have full VA for story and important events
So about that AE date, you need to give me more details.
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remember /fgog/
So why are JP fans going ballistic over that? Really reeks of the Shingen and Kenshin situation, where fans jumped the gun with their headcanons
No one cares about Hibichika but didn't he outright spoil Sojuurou's fate in the collab event? Pretty sure he has zero desires to write it now that the event happened.
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Would you say they’re
I've no idea but they did the same with BB Dubai despite her showing no real interest whatsoever in Hakunon
Kinda but not really? We don't really know the context behind it. If this was another writer I'll call it foreshadowing but Nasu is a lazy nigger thats probably not gonna write it.
Nasu's a lazy motherfucker. He rather would put Nanaya and Satsujinki in FGO in some random event/main story quest plus drop some dumb lore about them that retcons something in old Tsukihime than finish the rest of nuTsuki.
Because she tears up + the CCC theme starts playing
>and handful of literal whos on Twitter posting about it
>JP Fans going ballistic
Do you just make things up to get mad about?
Why are people acting like BB tearing up after seeing Hakuno is literally nothing?
I'll probably regret this question but what fucking discord is this
It was pretty obvious from Mahoyo itself that Soujuurou wouldn’t make it past the end of Mahoyo as a whole, despite surviving the first of the 3 or however many parts Nasu said the story had.
>the biggest drain on resources
that would be the suits draining as much money for their own pockets and to fill the holes now made by concord and their no games consoles flopping.
Sony keeps fucking up I legit have faith they will actually go red and EoS eventually.
On twitter there are less than 40 tweets nips regarding the BB scene. Of those 40 80% are from people who claim to have played CCC, 95% of the tweets did not generate any reaction and the 5% that are from the nips accounts that analyze the event and get to have a reaction comment that it is sad because it is a copy of the BB of CCC seeing in Hakuno the story of the first BB.
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>>Murachanga (Shero) and Emiya kneel to Guda
>>Kiritsugu kneels to Guda
>>Illya kneels to Guda
>>Sieg kneels to Guda
>>Ryougi kneels to Guda
>>Erice kneels to Guda
>>Soujuuro kneels to Guda
>>Iori kneels to Guda
>>now even Hakuno kneels to Guda
>>but one protagonist refuses to do so
He bows to no one
"Servant? Miss me with that gay shit"
Because BB Cosmos is FGO BB and their interaction literally starts and ends there?
I care more that BB tried to cuck both Mashu and Lip of (You) on the beach which was funny since it shows her interest plainly and blatantly.
I goon to this
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>Choose which welfare Hakuno you get
>SSR Hakunon
Anon, Shingen and Kenshin got approved by Keikenchi himself plus most of nips ship them since ancient time.
Recently they released MV for Gudaguda 8 which focuses mostly on their relationship.
Don't compare Cuckuno and BB with them. That is insulting.
>>but one protagonist refuses to do so
has a total of zero appearances in FGO
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>Gun god
>Prob redline guy too but idk didn't read redline
>why are JP fans going ballistic over that
You mean like a few CCC fans?
Nasu is playing both sides as usual. There's 1 single brief clapbait moment for those type of people and then BB will just keep sucking Guda's dick everywhere else
>nerofags, alterafags, tamamofags, gilfags, redmanfags, charlefags getting cucked in 2024
Lmao, what now?
Guda has saved humanity many times, I think bro deserves the respect
>>he doesn't remember that time Tohno reincarnated as a dinosaur, took down one of ORT's bar then encouraged Kuku to take action
All Type-Moon protagonists are just divided spirits of (Me)
Jannie you don't get paid 0$ for nothing.
Sweep up georgies and bbspics shitposts already.
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Neo's translation server. By the by, it was made as a rule that if you posted about shitposting in these threads you will be banned, and also that Yatsu guy is apparently someone else from your pic related.
Implying he won't kneel in the tsukire collab. Now there's basically 0 chance he won't be the welfare
Release him just means Arc and Blue Mashu will be all over his dick
No one likes that
Bro, Teppu may be the equivalent of Shiki in LB7, but his past and story are radically different, besides having no real connection with the original.
Dear journal,
Today /fgog/ was retarded, as always.
The people that claim to have read CCC would’ve felt sad because FGO BB IS NOT the CCC one.
That x user gets it
no such thing anymore
never existed
they're used to being abused
>gilfags, redmanfags, charlefags
yumes and fujos don't care
SSR Hakunon would have better animations and 3 different sprite so there's that.
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Knowing how greedy Aniplex/Sony i bet they plan on part 3 being a new game all-together with no servant carrying on from part 2 and that's why they're hiring a bunch of 3D-related people, they're making it as different as possible from current fgo so no one complains about not having their 120 10/10/10 waifu anymore
Not into cunny but this specific image has awoken something in me, thanks dracobro

Also unrelated but if Hakuno is welfare us getting summer lips has basically zero chance of happening right?
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For me, it's the FGO OGs
>FGO is so unimaginative they have to rely on FSN to mine waifus from
Depending on how Nasu decides to handle him in F/GO, there's a good chance Nanaya will be for (you), mirroring Melty Blood's master/servant relationship between Len and Nanaya, so who cares? He'll kneel before me.
Nice terrorist attack
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Guda's so lucky
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1st ascension is the most erotic for some
is it because of the dress covering/not covering her legs?
>couldn’t even make Medeafaces
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I miss the times when Anti-Purge Defense was exclusive to her.
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Less shrimp armor. More skin. Direct cunny access.
Simple as.
genuinely incredible that Ereshkigal did a Space 9/11, on 9/11
Nasu's still got it boys
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Based Nasu.
If you know that's the case, why have you been shitposting and doomposting for over a month?
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auto correct prohibited me to write "shrimple as"
auto correct hate
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Define this image.
>why is an attention whore avatarfag acting like an attention whore???
cute and canon
>Mashu watching Guda and AE flirt from her cuckchair
That one dude that draws AE Guda stuff will get inspiration from it and deliver.
>I saw people posting Mashu with Shiki so I took it personally
>t. Nasu
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I choose the secret route
leave us out of your autism. gilfags only care about our king and the strongest
Contemplating the worst scenario will certainly cause someone to enter a state of utter doom, especially when there’s only so few of GudaBB lovers that there’s not that many interactions.
Bottom when they see the bulge, top when they see Hakunon's cock fully erect. >>494080302
>Lip's T&C kills her in physical space
>thus Moon Dubai is physical
still feels weird desu
Gudako looks slightly more wall-eyed.
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Someone,supposedly, found the model Takeuchi used for inspiration for Arcueid.
>Guda ordered French cuisine, Mashu says Guda doesn't typically order that kind of food & Anthony says Guda might be showing off in front of royalty

>Arc ordered the "pleasure set"ー a set meal for kids, it's a hamburger meal w/ toys (a toy model of the solar system)

>Arc: What's with that Final Boss Tournament? If we're fighting who's going to be the last boss, the citizens vote should be ignored & the contestants should just fight amongst themselves to determine the winner. Ah, that just now was my mistake, that was just a joke.

>Arc invites Guda for "one dance"

>sure, dance.... lmao Guda gets it's actually a battle tho and says no need to hold back

Apparently (You) treat AE like a real princess
Gudako doesn’t look happy at all in that top left one.
She looks more mind broken.
Broken by gacha.
BB was a losing heroine in Extra, OC3 will be about BB finally moving on from her past.
I'm just glad Wada fixed BB's face and gave her a ton of cute new expressions for her reunion.
reeeeeeeeeeeee Lip alt doko reeeeeeeeeeeeee
>Arc was a canadian all along
Guys, I think I don't like Type-Moon anymore...
>Arc is Canadian
a foooken LEAF
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A fucking leaf
>French Canadian at that
>3 out of 10 l*af
I identify as Hakuno. Therefore,
get cucked gudalosers smell ya later
Damn, Arc became the Dino Thunder yellow ranger...
To be fair it's been over 30 years.
reminds me of Chloe from Smallvile
>she has a tiktok account
Which TM heroines would and who'd be the most popular?
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I don't think any of the pre 2004 heroines are tech savvy enough
maybe Chloe
definitely some of Waver's students
This “Protea” has to be Kazuradrop right? Obsessing over perfection and going on about insects makes no sense for Protea to say but is perfectly in character for Kazura, so did Kazura just vore Protea offscreen?
Rin would do several hour long NPC mmmmh Ice cream yummy yummy slurp streams for the donations.
And just after they released that inteview.
>guys, Tamamo Extra and Tamamo FGO are totally different
That interview basically told you that Tamamo was going to be all over Hakuno's dick when she's not like that for Guda. Learn to read retard.
What? No, It can't be real.
apparently she found out about Beckman and decided to just go crazy
i will use my hakudick on the dragon to fix her.
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She seems so sad
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Sion! The only content in that shithole that doesn't damage your braincells!
But did Arc’s burger taste like slaughter?????
Want to see it because i'm a curious fucker, twitter is blocked in my huecountry
Thanks Elon
Definitely Aoko
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DRACO BROS!!? Her doujin has received an English translation
would get banned a week later for grooming
Who’s “she”? Protea or Kazura?
It's basically a nip crying about BB scene with Hakuno. No, I am not shitposting.
Go cry to Darth De Moraes, mamón.
Kazura, yeh
Kazura can never beat Protea. It's been stated in side mats for a long time.
Anon, why didn’t you mention that BB was almost about to call Haku Senpai? I think it’s the beginning of the end
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Would you Arc (real)?
I prefer darker hair, sorry
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Being 3DPD is almost as repulsive as being a Sakuraface, so of course not.
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Double win today
ENG doujin + we didn't get cucked
Are you retarded? The fact she didn't merely means Guda is her senpai not him.
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deja vu
I hope Hakuno's final ascension includes BB in the attack animations.
>"Just so you know, random canadian person, a pic of you in your teens inspired a multi-million dollar japanese franchise which started with a porn game"
Imagine her reaction
BB and Haku are pretending not to notice each other. As that user is saying. Go read their albeit amateur, tl.
>Hakuno is over 1000 years old
ew stay away from guda grandpa
2 more weeks until next disappointment, royar prayer
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It's easy as that desu.
She has the memories of BB/GO, she never met him herself.
You know that yet you keep cuckposting like a retard. Nothing happened, you were literally shown she loves Guda in this same timelock at the beach part.
Guda can keep Kama
Wise speak won
Go read that user’s tl of BB and Hakuno’s meeting. It’s so over.
Did they assign the wrong servant to the wrong card animation? Shouldn't Tamamo be arts and Charles quick, not the other way around?
Yeah bro I'll go read the TL of the guy that only highlights his self insert scene and portrays them as the maximum expression of love
Lmao I hope you're not the BBspic still trying to stoke cuckposting for your supposed waifu by using that other retard.
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We won 14 years ago when we met her he did only in 2017 though.
At the end of the day it's irrelevant imo.
I rather would have wished for them to keep it to the CCC gang and leave the Extella parts away but alas Nasu had to remember.
Still think Nero Mumei Tamamo and Gil would've been enough for the animations.
i can't wait for the ntr contents once chair-kun is added into fgo
Man, this is such a non-chapter. Can't believe we still have to suffer another OC after this. Id really was an exception.
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behold, my wife
You'd have to be a special kind of autist who can't pick up on social cues to not realize that BB recognized Hakuno.
And no, I'm not trying to cuckpost. Just because she knows him doesn't mean she loves him.
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look at her speeen!
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>Just because she knows him doesn't mean she loves him.
But /fgog/ taught me that if a male and female talk at all in a positive manner they’re fucking each other behind my back????
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>Remember that one time GBF did a crossover with a Love Live gacha
>waifufags were shitting themselves and chimping out because one of the idols simply interacts with a male character
>/fgog/ is now inexplicably worse and it's a daily affair
We're reaching levels of mental illness that shouldn't even be possible
Who the fuck are you calling a spic you third-worlder?
It’s her reaction towards meeting him, anon. Surprised, had a sad expression, and was about to call him senpai and not in the usual way she calls Guda.
Was that ever in question? Chaldea BB was made with memories of extra/ccc/whatever BB, she just doesn't think that those memories are hers, but she has it.
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I got a lot of ideas, i just wish my skill level was higher.
None of the characters are fucking, even the canon couples are completely sterile
FGO has zero dating sim mechanics, what the actual fuck is wrong with you people
>>/fgog/ is now
*has been since 2015
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>No Kazuradrop
Give her to me NOW.
Trying to cuckpost BB gang is pointless, they are basically Abby tier pandering.
Idolfags, you mean.
Sorry bro, next time I’ll add 7 more question marks so the sarcasm is more obvious.
>heart symbol too
Oh fucking hell.
I've been here since 2015 and I assure you it wasn't like this
There may have been joke shitposting about Tamamo in London but the waifu faggotry we see today - on the level of genuine obsession - didn't set in until much later.
I now realize how much I miss the yearly lb6 shill in-game (outside of valentine scenes)
We are being raided retard.
You got new blood gachababs in this shit hole now.
Anyone who has stayed long enough has stopped caring or has left.
This place is basically a kindergarten now.
Yeah and me too.
Please stop acting like Halloween and the mentally ill didn't shit up the threads back then.
Same shit as today.
Cuckposting has done irreparable damage to 4chins as a whole.
>high-ranking relationship
What does low and middle tier relationships look like?
Sadness. Pain.
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tired of these losers
Because it is nothing. For FGO BB, this is the first time she actually meets Hakuno. She knew of him through memories, data, and because she was created from Sakura AIs feelings for him. She reacts to him, swallows her emotions down, and continues as normal because she has already chosen someone else.
Oh, I get it now, the worm sub plot was an AC6 reference
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>Oh no, I've never seen him make that expression with me!
Sure, maybe it's because Shee never need to feel melancholy to see (You) when I think of (You) as a person who was a part of CCC BB's life and pretend not to know who (You) are?
Just as you can share screenshots of tweets with no reactions I can share those of nips who know the context, that she is a copy with her own life in chaldea who knows the events of CCC as a record and that the material itself explains them.
for me? it's Enkidu
BB herself didn't meet Hakuno until she abducted him, she only had Nurse Sakura's memories/feelings. Our BB still has them. It's in her bond ce/mats. Her entire existence IS because Sakura fell for Hakuno.
However, this doesn't mean she can't fall in love later as Melt did for example. Still she would feel overwhelmed from finally meeting a Hakuno for this. He's the reason she exists at all.
The only person I trust with this is that Carli girl, so i'll wait her reactions to it.
You chinese?
Nasu specified the way she calls Guda senpai (a toy) is different from senpai BB called Hakuno. I won't repeat it. it's in her maps. He uses katakana for one and kanji for the other.
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>Id really was
the same fillershit as ever.
>exist exclusevly to deal damage to existing fanbase
the fact she almost called him senpai in Kanji alongside an heart in her dialogue, unlike Guda, who she refers to him senpai in a jokingly manner.
It’s true anon, it matches with what JP players are tweeting about.
I. Fucking. Know.
This shit hurts, like watching your favorite team winning and then suddenly lose.
Shame Nasu Nasu'd her with AA
I haven't been able to stop clapping
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Get lost Kizu
BB talked about the existence "of her senpai" in Serpah, which makes sense since she's a bug created for Sakura AI's feelings for Hakuno. She knows about Hakuno, but she says "I never met him". This BB was created by the mooncell and sent to Chaldea upon creation. For BB, this is the first time she sees him.
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>hurr durr
>“Eh? You’re asking me why I can call you senpai (センパイ) with confidence even though we’re classmates, when you’re thinking I’m the Senpai (先輩 ) to you in something? Is that right…? That’s wrong. Tsk, that’s like, compleeetely wrong. “Senpai” (先輩 ) is directed to only one person in this universe, a Senpai of the “Oh… Impossible, how precious…” type. On the other hand, “senpai” (センパイ) is something to use towards a new TOY. Please proooperly bear in mind about that subject ok, s-e-n-p-a-i?” (センパイ)

>To the Protagonist, “Master-san”. Sometimes BB would call them “senpai” (センパイ)
in jest. To humans, she addresses them by their surname with a -san attached to it, while to Servants, she addresses them without honorifics. Only towards a certain Master who has existed on the Moon would she decide to genuinely call someone “Senpai” (先輩 ).

Don't shoot the messenger. These were in her mats.
I know this is the BB spic I can perceive the fake depressed attitude because he really wants to cuckpost over nothing
>Our BB still has them. It's in her bond ce/mats.
Her OG Bond is BB describing the story between Hakuno and AI Sakura and wishing to experience a similar story for herself.
BB herself is Sakura's love for Hakuno specifically. This doesn't mean she couldn't have grown to love Guda, but that is the source of her existence.
Ah, so the situation has not always been as bad as this... It would be nice if we could just talk about story and lore here.
To be honest, I really wanted Shiki to appear, but having another protagonist showing up as a welfare -with those animations also- is a good consolation.
where is zabiko
Imagine telling her some Japanese guy was so obsessed with how she looked that he drew multiple characters based off how she looked kek.
Next Summer welfare will be male.
She is aware of it now, the people who found her asked if she was the one in one of the pictures to confirm and she said yes, she had no idea about it but she has now.
Oldfag here. I agree with you. An event of a female character with a harem like Jeanne Alter got would be nuclear nowadays while we laughed at her then.
It doesn’t matter anymore anon, the fact that she had to compose herself, prevent saying senpai in kanji, and with a heart in her dialogue. It’s honestly looking very grim. Yet she’s a fucking copy.
>>/fgog/ is now inexplicably worse and it's a daily affair
It's not "inexplicably" because everyone knows it's due to a handful of severely mentally ill shitposters people should learn to ignore
Sakura fell for Hakuno for being the only one who helped her then when she was going to fade.
Now has Guda....done this for BB ever? Moreover now Hakuno is helping another BB.
I'm kind of missing why does FGO BB care for Guda too, honestly. Hakuno was a catalyst for Sakura AI to get a soul. They were parallels of artificial beings struggling to gain personhood while Mooncell wanted to erase them. Guda...exists?
>her past and reason for existence doesn't matter!1!1
Why should my self-insert have to do anything to have hot women throw themselves at their feet?
This is all Nasu's fault. He can't help it but destroy what fans like.
Reread what I said, anon. Also, even if she were to fall for Guda, what would be the problem? But who cares anymore? GudaBB is fucking dead. When it comes to supporting GudaSaba, not one is there for mine.
he's doing his best to make (you) snap for the last 9 years straight, but you just keep taking that in your ass, anon
My question is serious. This plot was given to Melt. That's why it was well liked. Castoria to a point too: two characters who met and recognize they were together in a similar struggle. There's honestly no reason why would BB give two fucks over Guda, outside typical Master/human she must babysit. It feels jarring.
You don't like talking about events for one day and shitposting until new content unlocks?
she fell for guda over time, while traveling together
>inb4 Nasu pairs BB Dubai with Guda while he pairs BB with the Haku’s
Hahahahaha fuck me this seems like it’s going to be true..
Nasu's just thinking of the working man. Clear the story chapter on your break, go back to work and then don't think about it for two weeks.
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playable hakunon when...
the cuckposters aren't sending their best today.
If Nasu was thinking of the working man, he wouldn’t have made a time limited chapter in the first place.
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>GudaBB is fucking dead. When it comes to supporting GudaSaba, not one is there for mine.
This was drawn today >>494085465
Did you reply to it? No
3 new recent BB doujinshi have been uploaded to panda.
Do you care? No

The reality bbspic is that you don't care about BBGuda. You just care about appearances and when shit like this threatens it you immediatly give up.
In reality, look at BB Dubai. Her Bond CE is once more all about Guda. Because at the end of the day there's no chance FGO BB would ever share romantic feelings for someone she doesn't love.
Even new BB's follow the same pattern. BB/GO was Hakuno's BB and we killed her. Do you see him caring btw? No.
What’s there to cuckpost about anon? The story is right fucking there. BB wanted to call Haku senpai and cry but she composed herself. You should already know how it’s going to look from there. GudaBB was never ever going to work.
>welfare is not even summer
>is a fucking OC WELFARE
>not even a good outfit
>also the male one
By this point I am gonna stay here just to see if nips will explode and Nasu says something dangerous that unironically ruin him forever
See that? Bad writing and unrealistic. I'm not against Guda/Servant. I like it. But some Servants are difficult to buy without the "show" part of the dynamic. You can't tell me that without dropping any single touching scene. I'm going to give you a few examples. We know why Abigail cares for Guda because of what happened in Salem. We know why Melt does. We know why Dantes does. We know why Jeanne Alter does. We know why Moriarty does. We've seen both Oberon and Castoria grow close and rapport Guda in LB6, them too. Musashi as well. Takasugi got an entire event about Guda breaking out his shell. Goth got hers.

Now BB....??? BB's entire interaction with Guda is her doing stuff for Guda... for plot reasons. And hijinks. There's nothing Guda does for her in return. It is all one-sided. BB isn't a normal being. She's literally the EMBODIMENT OF ROMANTIC FEELINGS OF SAKURA FOR HAKUNO she moved to her copy. Hakuno is the reason why she got a fucking soul. So she fell for this guy for absolutely no reason at all? You understand why it cheapens her if Nasu doesn't put any effort in writing their relationship or a motive why she could like him? Because her relationship with Hakuno in CCC was developed. That's the thing. And, like I brought up earlier, he gave that role to Melt. BBGuda stuff I'm not against but it's written as cheap fanservice instead of a genuine relationship as any of the ones I listed.
Your next line will be "Morgan has not development with Guda".
They already said it's an OC3 Welfare not a Summer one. Are you retarded?
We need grail refund.
Who is melusine having sex with?
I think a bunch of events is a good reason to get attached to someone. it doesnt have to be very obvious and straight in your face.
our BB is a clone that didnt tried to copy/follow her original and went for her own life and found her own love. there's nothing really weird or wrong with it
The writers put no thought into any kind of serious relationship stuff. You don't matter. Romance doesn't matter. This is not a coomer gamer. It's all just lipservice. If you think, you lose.
Regardless, I’m only here until the final part of OC3 to see how it’ll end but with the revelations of what happened in today’s story, I’m not too excited. And also, I wouldn’t go that far to commission several art featuring Guda x BB. Looking back at it now, I honestly should’ve known better than to pay for something that never truly existed, at least until now.
>Male Hakuno says that there was no Rock/Paper/Scissors, and Hakunon just decided to side with BB Dubai on her own
>Female Hakuno is just eating cake with BB Dubai
What the fuck is going on exactly!? And we still don't know who BB Dubai is btw.
Did they? Or was it just "the welfare will be released after OC3" which was a way to gaslight people?
Me, >>494094637 is a little bitchboi who couldn't satisfy her.
I've found the auto-builder to be sufficient.
She moved on because FGO BB never knew or felt anything for someone she never met.
She's a copy of the original BB but they didn't copy her feelings or memories, merely her appearance and knowledge of existence. She learned those things by killing BB/GO at the end of SERAPH and obtaining her memory, but knowing that those memories aren't hers.
BB/GO says that by spending time with Guda even FGO BB would feel the same she did with Hakuno, and that happened. We had Summerfes, Lunar Somersault, Summerfes 2, OC1 etc. all stories where BB love for Guda is put in highlight to help him
>Guda doesn't reciprocate
Hilarious retardation.
Guda allowing BB to live and not punish her for all the dumb shit she does is already enough for her in return compared to what BB does. Did you know that Guda saved all her daughters? That doesn't count? How about when Guda saved Luluhawa because BB asked him to? Or when he entertained BB antics in Valentine even tough he knew she was dangerous?
The real question is what Hakuno did for BB.
He murdered her, rejected her, chose white Sakura over her. And what did he do for white sakura? He just helped her once.
Wow, what a grand rollercoaster of romance.
Dude what the fuck are you even comparing. The sole fact the Sakura Fives don't even acknowledge Hakuno in OC3 while a new Lip and a new Protea fall in love with Guda in a short time should tell you how much an actual human can do with AIs like them.
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>your waifu is not touched by the cuckobsessedfags
>clock into work
>Come back
>Cuckfags have literally been trying their hardest to shitpost the entire time trying every trick in the playbook
You can release a heroine from other games, but you can't release MCs from other games. It causes those MCfags to sperg out every time. We're still dealing with the muramasa fallout even years later.
Even though the game spells out BB is only for you, and Hakuno even tries to help you fuck Draco, cuckfags are still trying their damn hardest

Ironically we wouldn't have this problem if the welfare was girl Hakuno
It would be nice, but I don't think it's the same. Morgan is different because she's not born specifically from romantic feelings for some other person as the definitive source of her existence. Read that slowly. She's a character love-starved and honestly, I don't think it's unrealistic she grabs any scraps. The "competition" for Morgan pairing was a furry simp and hypothetically a faceless guy whose relationship was never explored.
You probably are aware what I mean why BB needs to show why Guda hooked her. The reason why that short scene with Hakuno was so effective is because BB and Hakuno did have a game exploring their relationship. So it evokes sentimentality of that. Guda and BB have... fanservice?
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Then record yourself burning all your BBs. Else you're just doing the same shit of just bringing negativity because you're a pussy.
If you're not ready to fight tooth and nail for what you love what the fuck are you even bothering for. Go be buddy buddy with raikouschizo already feeding on your insecurities by bringing in Melusine for no reason.
GudaBB is dead
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TLDR If you can't bother reading don't bother commenting.
GudaBB will never die.
Hakunon is playing the Buddha to BBDubai's Twice.
>girl Hakuno
I can't lie, anons...I would plap her.
what's the point of cuckposting?
Hi Kizu
I have my people I want to prioritize bond for. Why can't I just keep the same fucking servants int he same slot it's not that hard?
It is endlessly amusing to see spergs fighting spergs. It doesn't even have to be cuckposting. 2 autistic arguing about power levels can be just as entertaining.
that's just how 4chin works
Why are Waifufags so limpwristed weaklings? Look at Romanisisters nuking every single pairing they try to pair him with and making all those women irrelevant for trying to orbit?
>It is endlessly amusing
watching how someone is arguing in a bad faith million times is not amusing, it's exhausting and annoying.
Super Karna will push back the entire planet for a while in the finale based on the tale of him pushing back Arjuna's chariot that weighed as much as the universe.
It is if you don't live in this thread. Then it becomes an occasional treat.
Inb4 "well how would you like it if Mashu..."

I mean we had that, it's called melty blood. Heroines in FGO have the excuse of it being a copy, it's not the same version the other MC loved, it's technically a different girl, etc etc etc FGOfags have 40 different excuses for why the other MCfag isn't cucked and it doesn't count
Meanwhile the real Mashu goes to Melty Blood world, not a copy but the real her, falls for Shiki, says she's into him, and FGO fags nust have to acceot it the difference is no one cares because we don't like Mashu. FGO is the only game where the heroine fucke a lion and the players just have to accept it.
>while in the finale
I doubt that'll be the finale. More like subplot to be solved in the first chapter before we move to the rest.
>Cuckposters going wild exaggerating it for shitposting
>Anti-cuckposters going wild downplaying it as nothing
BB meeting Hakuno is a nice little scene that we'll never be able to have a proper conversation about.
>Women are mentally ill that go around harrassing artists for having a different opinion
Wonder why is that.
>, falls for Shiki,
This never happens. There's a lot of allusions she likes Guda though. Nice try.
If there was any "cucking" was Ushi staying.
Why is it that comic book fans accept the idea of the multiverse and shit like superhero couples having different partners in different timelines but TM fans are insistent that all forms of Arc go with Shiki, Saber with Shirou, etc... when that's not even true in the games they originate from?
Hakuno is just Muramasa 2.0 so buckle up because most of us will hate him by the end of the year and shitposters will make him their flag.
I wouldn’t want to stay in FGO after the writers took a huge shit on your entire existence, legend and fan base with Kagekiyo either tbdesu.
I don't think they harassed. BUt the pairing got popular that had Nasu admit the "only one" Romani showed his true smile for was (you). That feels like a retcon to appease them. And every single orbiter never got their feelings reciprocated. That's power.
Hakuno actually never kill BB directly in either endings. In regular ending, we never see what happens to her before White Sakura teleport you back to the near side. In CCC ending, she dies because of Kiara and Hakuno DOES say "I love you" back before she disappears. (only male Hakuno tho).

That being said, you are right about this BB not knowing Hakuno.
Never trust women and never trust low test cuckposters. They always ruin everything
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it's just a bunch of retards who can't even read the story trying to upset (You) just ignore them
>Attitude towards the Master
>Without tearing down her wicked underclassman character, BB sincerely serves as a Servant. There are no personal romantic feelings in that. Although BB’s misanthropy is not any different, she loves the “good humans themselves” as gratitude to the person who once taught her.
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Nasu wishes you a happy 9/11.
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Surprised how brutal they went with Protea vs "Protea", even if the fight itself was a joke. It was very one sided.

And then Eresh randomly decides to be a bitch
At least it had the impact of the Avengers leaving.
>If there was any "cucking" was Ushi staying.
make me curious why Akiha let her into the mansion, knowing full well that she's the kind of girl Shiki would like
yo can anyone help? wtf do you do with arcueid at the very first quest with her infinite guts?
Personally I don't hate Muramasa, and I doubt I'll hate Hakuno, because I'm not a little bitch that lets shitposters influence their feelings about a character.
You do nothing, the guts go away by themselves after she np.
They blatantly said there's a welfare after finishing OC3.
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Happy 9/11
>Hakuno is Muramasa 2.0
Mentally ill.
Because she's also into her, bro.
As much as mashu annoys me, her interaction with Shiki was the most platonic Shiki interaction with a girl ever. It reminded me to Tepeu and Mashu friendship, with a handshake and all.
Feels weird if Kazura ends up being the big bad of this event at this point. Feels like it's going to be more of this event gives some hints towards her true nature for the 99% of players who haven't read foxtail and she'll get an event next month.
I can't see how that statement is wrong. Melusine too before you ask. It's just the nature of their pandering being from My Room. Nothing really wrong with it either, but there's no need to delude oneself and say things that are just untrue.
Hakuno is funny.
People hate it, but anti anti purge defense may have saved the game

Lip tells you that anti anti purge can't be defended against, you can only run away or escape. It breaks through purge defense like castoria's NP, but you can evade it. Previously there was no reason to have an evade party since an invul party is functionally better in every way. But now evade parties might start to make a comeback. It's no longer as lopsided at least
Wait why the fuck is OC3 limited? Are they really cucking people out of a fucking main story?
Hello, kizu.
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Kingprotea Alter literally died stopping 9/11 this chapter
She saw the plane about to hit the towers and she stopped it just barely in time
Pretty sure they've already said they're going to add it as a permanent main interlude later
Hakuno the QUICK savior.
She's not dead, BB Cosmos said her SG is stable but it's all up to her to survive on that state.
it's limited time rewards since it's connected to currently running summer event with the shop. after that summer event will become permanent but without rewards, together with OC3
still not worth it considering she is basically guaranteed to be on the cuck chair just like what happened in kohaku's route. and yes i agree about mashu. funny how they had her interact with shiki, meanwhile i don't think saber had interaction with him at all
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So is the Kazura dream officially dead? Did they really create 3 different ascensions and all those expressions only to put her in eternal NPC hell?
Just woke up. Who won?
Remember Tunguska?
AE fags
This is a shitpost right? Did Nasu seriously make a 9/11 joke? Is he that based?
Her interaction with Shiki was a foreshadowing for her friendship with Tepeu.
Timelock CHADS
eternal winners
>the reason we had to have such a long timelock was because Nasu wanted to sync this up with 9/11
Where the fuck is Melt?
Evade had the advantage of being lower ranked compared to invuln, so the rest of the effects in the Skill/NP could have been stronger.
Like how Sure Hit Skills/NP/CCs/CEs have stronger effects than Ignore Invuln/Ignore Def.
nah, they're definitely still hiding some stuff around her
nasu is a fucking weirdo about "putting important shit to the story in an interview or blogpost" but he's deliberately trying to foreshadow/hide stuff around the fake protea, especially with the censored name
there's also the plot point brought up about kazura's buildings being tanky as fuck and a good place to evacuate, which will likely come up given the impending disasters
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This year has been something else
she is doing the suck of dick
Me, I won and only I.
i clapped
Hakunon is the secret boss of OC3.
shiki when
Why is Male Hakuno dressed like a nazi?
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
Gilgamesh is a bad influence
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Isn't it basically impossible for her to be added as a new servant in part 3 though since all the slots are now filled with Hakuno's release. Can I hold onto the ultimate copium that she's ascension 3 for BB?
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>Guda tells protea alter to incapacitate protea
>She rips all of her limbs off and then rips her heart out the second the fight begins
>For some reason no one really held it against her
And somehow protea alter was the only one who realized the original protea was already dead. The one she fought was just something pretending to be her
Extella is literally a nazi regime.
I’m pretty sure FGO BB, prior to taking CCC BB’s sg already had the memories given that she’s a 1:1 copy.
I wouldn’t go that far to burn BB but I will stop playing FGO, and basically want nothing to do with the game or its playerbase.
We’ll see in the end of OC3, but going by the “reunion” of BB and Haku. I’m not too optimistic.
Everyone but me.
>>She rips all of her limbs off and then rips her heart out the second the fight begins
What the fuck, man
People are calling Hakuno's outfit a Nazi

Even though it's clearly some sort of train conductor
Hakuno hates jews and doesn't allow their relocation in the Mooncell.
In Extella he conquers the moon.
I miss lb6
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Because there's too many disgusting untermenschen are playing FGO.
Enough is enough. Time to clean up.
well, she does have the power to eat other Sakuras and steal their powers. So, I can see 3rd ascension being her absorbing both BBs.
Isn't that just one dude >>494099693 and the others (me included) joking on it?
>train conductor
I swear if Hakunon has a white version of his outfit
Most of those were basically all OCs too
You know what they say about Nazis and trains bro…
Kubo in FGO soon.
Bloodied flowing hair Dobrinya was pretty hot bros
Did anyone really feel bad when ereshkigal died. I did not really give a shit cuz fuck servantverse and nostalgiabait.

Lostbelt 6 is the only good thing Nasu ever cooked since Big 2020.
Death is meaningless in FGO even if she was a character I cared about I wouldn't worry because she is coming back eventually
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Gotta wait until nearly October to find out. These timelocks and fucking aids. If she is the FA of BB and all her other ascensions are costumes then that's the best case scenario since I already have BB and can just roll for more copies of her.
She is likely merging with normal Ereshkigal
Must to feel weird for Hakuno to be in the bottom bitch position following orders as a servant now huh.
We still need to learn about the third ascension so she’ll be back.
>We still need to learn about the third ascension
Just like Bob
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What kind of ascension do you want BB's 3rd asc. to be?
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Cosmos Penguino.
Lewd Gyaru
I already told you, burn your BBs or this cuckposting you're doing for no reason is just pathetic.
Evil goth BB
you may as well cope that they can always just add more slots, it's not like they're modding a game with limited space or something, they're the devs as incompetent as they may be
wanting only one ascension (and wasting all those extra outfits) for her tagged onto two other BBs wedged into one character already is a pretty poor consolation prize
>パッションリップ どうやって自分を倒すの?
>キングプロテア・オルタ そんな事で私は倒せません。
>キングプロテア・オルタ それ以外にプロテアを止める術はありません。
seems like it's discussed before they even come face to face and puta notices something is off, KP can just walk off most damage otherwise
extra wank for the giant 9/11 servantverse super mario rpg sword taking her down I guess
That would piss me off honestly. I rolled for BB, not Kazura.
Instead of talking about this why don't you spend your time talking about BB wanting to be alone with (you) at the beach? At least that seems to be a thing from the spoilers i've seen.
it's over
By the way Puta means whore in Portuguese and Spanish
Not gonna install the game back again but is it confirmed that the Zabis are Welfares or are they only a story unit like brolga so far?
Would be hilarious when the welfare is actually Kazuradrop and the Zabis just go away after the event because the mooncell needs them lmao.
>female welfare
Nasu will data lost the moon cancers
Entire scene was oddly graphic
The entire scene is already translated also


Skip to about 5:10
How am I cuckposting when the fucking scene from the story almost had her crying? Or when she was about to call him senpai in kanji, or a heart symbol in her dialogue when talking to him? Sure she called him by their name but there’s a reason.
>this summer by itself basically doubled the number of Mooncancers
I warned you. But to be fair, it's much healthier than me. Going aronnd and trying to burn everything alongside me because this cuckge is utter shit.
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Its true
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more draco
I don’t think anything has been confirmed yet.
Have faith Nasu isn't going to cuck you.
She puts hearts whenever she talks to anyone including (You), that's how she speaks.
Are you sure you're a BBfag? Lmao.
You've got so much faith just a voiceless dialogue that led to nothing already made you drop her. Cucktard.
Nasu already cucked all of us by being a man instead of a cute smelly autistic girl.
My waifu is not written by him
He was never a BBfag just a shitposter using her image to shitpost and ruin the character to others
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I'm visiting Japan in a couple of weeks.
Any way to get my hands onto FGO materials while here?
Yep noticed how the Melu cuckposting has stopped.
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Sticking it inside senpai's butt.
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Since this is Extella Hakuno the chances of Karl increased dramatically.
On the contrary, must be liberating to take a break from being mooncell fuhrer and do some grunt work
You can probably find XV in stock at Melonbooks or Toranoana.
You can check used good stores like Mandarake etc or some specific used book stores.
He already shitted on me with a bond CE and worshipping a hack.
I admire you and your endless hope and faith, Karlfag.
So all the BBs have some memory of Hakuno?
Karl was a faithful man, I must strive to do the same as long as I wait he will come
Is this raikouschizo falseflagging?
Beast Eresh boss fight is pretty cool.
Good amount of heroic sacrifices, Guda being the spotlight and the conclusion making sense for Ereshkigal.
At the end of the day she didn't feel Servantverse at all ( Anki Ereshkigal ), even more serious than normal Eresh. She still does fall for Guda too
TM should just get Kyoani'd
>being NTRbait
The more things change the more they stay the same. What's the next panic button after summer Eresh?
Maybe we can get him in the Ruler OC, it seems like it'll be written by Higashide after all and Karl's his character
>Astolfo got vored by Protea
batschizo giving us more alters.
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Append switching fucking when? 30mil campaign?
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i just fapped to this
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no newfags is playing this gachashit with 2000s flash game technology
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He did not at this point
So I'm safe
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We don't have to beat around the bush, she basically flat out says Kazuradrop killed the original protea and was pretending to be her while going on a rampage. She then used it as an excuse to devour the other mooncancers. Although Protea Alter "killed" Protea, the thing she killed definitely isn't dead. Protea Alter admits the original Protea was already long dead before the fight.
>ooc trash
>getting mad at a doujin
based vanillaCHAD
The Odysseus dilemma

The one thing you don't want to see your girl do is suddenly make eyes at their ex, this is something an inhuman like Nasu wouldn't understand. Circe's popularity dropped like a rock after it happened.
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I know how you feel bro
Just do the needful and don't stand for NTRshit
But did you clap?
how far we are from 30m anyway?
Why do you care? You're not a GudaBB fag anymore and you never were, go ahead and quit. We both know you won't because you're a little bitch with no backbone to fight.
Good, self insert shitters are subhumans
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So leave already. You never belonged here in the first place, you don't even play this version of the game.
Hakuno is a self insert.
No he isn't
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That happened before they are reunited.
No Hakuno, no BB. You understand what BB is? She's the feelings of love and memories of AI Sakura displaced into a copy of the far side.
This BB simply is new and never personally interacted with Hakuno, so is like at the start of CCC. And has no Kiara bugs.
Well. They have a NP unlike Olga.
Solomon (only Romani)
The Crypters

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