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Tanks for Nothing Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

Previously on /xivg/: >>494121153
my femra doesn't have this happen to her because she just never remembers to reprisal in the first place
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my new character. his whole deal is he's a chill guy that lowkey doesn't give a fuck
can you tell that was my first drg match
my femra hopes her husband is online
Sex with catgirls
Reminder that brown XIV girls are builded for white girls
Aight I can message them, prob wont respond immediately but

Right now? No, working on some cursed as fuck weapon mods rn. Later? Mayhaps.
bro just low key posted cringe fr
My femra is loyal
hey magness 2.0
If we're going by who aggressively takes Mt or who wants to be subby ot bitch, Gnb is definitely a bottom. Rest accurate though.
he will be raped by femra
He looks like someone with a rap sheet of "allegations" from women
cc doko
damn nigga...anyways....
I can hear this guy saying "oh jeez"
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i logged in
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3:35 CC ET Crystal
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the only good catgirls in this game are the are 6f+ tall beastlike brown egyptians futa and im tired of pretending otherwise
what makes GNB sub? i dont play it
I really really want to deep dick a lala with no protection and take responsibility.
I hecking love CC
thank you, take your time
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black or orang?? pls halp

i saw your twin earlier today and he was stinky too
Took a hiatus from Black Mage because they ruined the job.
My malezen likes highlander women but is too shy to talk to them because they can outdrink him.
>thats the spirit
though I don't tink we ever chatted enough for me to sexpest you
My femra is not
So I aint egyptian or beastlike, but I am slightly smaller than viera with big boobs
i think liking lalas is bad for my mental health
blasted to that rava album last thread
shut up furball
same......... all of my threadcred... gone in the blink of an eye...
What's the oily skin mod?
I like this new character. I have a feeling we'll all get into all sorts of zany hijinx with him.
Can you share it?
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I want to be a little more up-front about being a lewdposter but my shyness and insecurity and worry about being annoying to my friends always stops me
I really really want to deep dick a fiddie with no protection and take responsibility.
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>WAAAAAH My specific discord tranny way got removed!!!
this guy doesn't give a fuck. what pants are those?
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need daughterwives
im going to need proofs
There's only one lala I still like
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My brown catgirl is 162cm and f-
It's the YAB (Yet another body) mod, it has an oily option
I want a wife but nobody actually likes duskwight femezens.
I think furries should stop being jealous of one another because we all hate them regardless of who they are
They rarely ever want to main tank, so they just throw Heart of Corundum and Aurora on other people.
Is it me?
In actual minutea, mostly their rotation is too loaded with ogcds so mit can be awkward for them, and they usually don't like repositioning bosses themselves b/c the disconnecting required can make fitting in all the melee ogcds awkward, so most gnbs are allergic to main tanking.
peacelover's pantaloons
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lol, lmao even
I am obsessed with face 2 femra but will never approach one
i wish i was clear about our boundries and relationship from the start because now there's no taking things back
Left, show a full body picture
I dont even know why i ritual post
Nobody wants a GAM platonic wife so I'm considering just going back to femra full time.
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Hroths Hroths Hroths!
I literally dont have any other pictures nor do I feel like tabbing out of blender to take any
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Call me crazy but weren't there clouds here before
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Bitch you look like a furry Rosie O'Donnell
brother you can just open the last thread, ctrl+f catbox, and it's the second to last highlight
warning, big woobers
I used to be like that so now I act either super coy or just post stuff on my twitter without interacting much, helps keep schizos away
I gave myself a woob with a knot.
my moonie has normal proportions
Nintendo fans and try not to be pedos for 5 minutes challenge: impossible
share hair?
I love moonies no matter what
why is every healer spot taken in learning groups? man i wanna learn to heal these fights but everyone is a healer secondary now
Uhmm wtf? Ok, weirdo
do you guys actually melt over casual cc or is it a bit
Wish I had never met some of the unironic actually mentally ill people from here
I want someone to drag me to their house or apartment, tie up my arms and legs, and then choke me out while having their way with me with or without my consent.
>falling for a LL flank
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this dress made me think of saya so I swapped hair color and damn its almost there
I tried using it but it made my character's body invisible
I might make a catboy golem later that's builded for my brown sunnie but I'm too lazy to download male mods right now
It's a bit
i feel like my person thinks like this
my moonie has lost her legs in the war and has crippling cptsd. the alcohol has stopped helping for her but she still needs it
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they actually do and i wish they'd all get cancer
my moonie still has a tummy ache but it's a little better
t. doesn't play cc
I don't like how it feels to play compared to Shadowbringers. Especially when it comes to AoEs.
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I've found solace in the knowledge that all face 4 femras look like hags nowadays (in certain lighting), not just me.
You need bibo too, and give higher priority to YAB
getting raped by this femra
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Talk it out with them sis, it'll be better in the long run. Don't stay trapped.
anyone know of a baggy jean glam mod? can't find shit when modders name stuff "slut 2.0" or someshit
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Speak for yourself.
tributing this fat fucking retard whore
Balmung still a fucking nightmare to get on to for Aether players? Cause was gonna AFK there but if not Limsa I stay in
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heh... throat's a bit parched. let me at them moonies
threesome with these two femra
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Good afternoon anons! Any anon know how do I remove these weird polygon textures on her arms?

I've been testing a variety of presets and this gets highlighted a lot more in certain ones.

Thanks in advance to whomever reads!
cc doko?
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Post hags of excessive power
Because we cannot hope to defeat them
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Just say you want to throat HG like the rest of us
I am
a catboy
eating hawaiian pizza
Hag f4mra are built for my malezen
nta but one day i will also have the courage to sexpest you
my mooniewife, tell my raenwife I sent her a smooch to you both, you know who this is
Its 50/50, some people do it ironically but because enough people actually melt over shit it's impossible to tell when someone is trying to be funny and when it's actually someone schizzing out.
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the meet up was fun guys hope we do another soon.
cc doko..
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What did you want my veena to do to you?
Making breakfast for this femra in particular
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sopranos meetup doko...
I know who this is off those boobs. You still need to send me you dildo viper swords mod, imma need them for reasons.
Don't bother, the fact they cannot find a partner despite the fact their character is pure sex shows how insufferable their personality must be
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I don't like it when my friend calls me their wife, but I feel like it would get weird if I actually bring it up.
Hawaiian is the best kind of pizza
i don't know how to talk about it, i don't think i can do it without melting at him and making things really awkward, he's my favorite person and doesn't actually deserve it
i'm being illogical here but still i hurt inside
>fucking dies
holy moly I give a fuck in fact I
if this femra ever offers you a "cold one" as they say, do NOT

do you feel safe and secure and like nobody's out to get you?
just remember...

the remaster effect
Dunno, you don't seem the kind of person that appreciates sexpesting from somewhat strangers that well
hallowed ground?
thats a skill sweety
I like the koro mods but I'll never wear it if im synched because people will think im a pedrophile
Big agree...
>used to enjoy playing main tank GNB
>realize I vastly prefer doing this because it makes me feel more like a support while also being able to freely do my cool shit
This is absolutely a tank for bottoms no matter how you spin it.
kyoppi is just walking cognitive dissonance
ok? i just wanna erp with them.
QRD on that Malera named Alexandria
Do she like white boys
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i'll do it myself

Crystal CC 8:30 E.T.
He gives korean ntr mahwa vibes
ay dios mio
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>No american meet up
that's a thing?
do you like my veena
khaidai oronir alt
Just do it. Don't bottle it up forever.
>Hey anon, can we talk about boundaries?
There you go, ez.
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Can someone continue doing CC calls my internet is dying.
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You missed the presidental debate meetup last night, though.
nott rlly
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Rest easy, I do not partake in such activities.


Miss, you look like a 50-year old trying really hard to still look 30. Those glasses just seal the deal.

The white hair is just natural, but post malezen.
i would this middie
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Verification not required.
it's really not that simple anymore...
yjk this sent kong into a blistering rage
post the one of her fucking a shota
im in fact ready
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I have returned to fiddie, anyone wanna see her?
thanks doc
I wish I could marry this lala
You mean Donald Trump avoiding all the questions and just attacking the lady?
don't be a lewdposter, you wol's mother wouldn't be proud of that
no. unreturn.
I shan't
It's more fun for me if i remain anonymous, besides you're EU and i'm NA. It wasn't meant to be
You look like you try to make jokes to retail/food workers and they give a fake smile and forced laugh
that's just a vanilla texture
suffer or download an upscale that uses decent skin textures
I believe in you anon, you can do it.
no i mean the meetup? the fuck nigga lmao
Femlala face ranking
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Your culinarian skill increases!
I found blindfold glam did wonders for hiding the wrinkles and wizened eyes.
femezen for my femroe
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So I've unbara-fied myself, pretty much have Highlander physique, become dog, do I even count as Hrothgar anymore?
Grabbing a cold one and watching the CC team drafts on allaganTV
Making this person's character for then, apparently.
Renting an airship and joining the mile high club.
Trying hroths out by letting you you give me an awk handle
Completely ignoring her pits and going straight for the starfish
Bondage, excessive. Both.
Respectful doggy with a mirror
Clamps clamps and more clamps
Name-calling while anal
Absolute debasement
he's cute and well dressed, i like him
Sorry brevs, when is the next live letter for the patch ?
I did this too! And then I gave it to a friend!
femlala facefucking ranking*
damn i love HW but i dont remember there being so many drawn out quests
It's a tranny.
Thats right, bitch. I dont. Healers are all whiney babies with an inflated ego. Just like (You)
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Helping friend level crafters, whats the leveling food of choice for them?
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i will be queuing CC in approximately 7 minutes
Wow so did I!
Makes me want to vomit still so
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just when i thought i could escape the truth
You just look like an idiot (even more than before).
any tea that gives control
strangers not really. there does have to be some fucking around before you can start finding out
Rroneek steak
orange for some color. she's very cute.
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gonna add that to me and my thread crush's watchlist hehehe
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that's usually where I sit at as well unless I get wasted that one day in those kind of weekends
>we cant get fusefield right
>we finally get fusefield right
>both healers die
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also smooch
we're so back
AH SEEING YOU RUN WITH THIS AS FAR AS YOU HAVE IS SO COOL!!! I love how you've pulled the concept together, I really do.
y-you're a vpr main? wow.. that's so sugoi..
femra face rankings 3>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1
i drank too much and missed work today whoops
Alas, so it isn't just the shader. Thanks.
So long as you remain a hero, your character will resemble a lion. Hrothgars are honorable creatures.
yeah but i like your middie more
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>steals ur pizza
Get back to geewee, dork.
Post your femra right NOW!!!!!!!
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I saw a picture of people in red hats and felt too much second-hand embarrassment to go.
>pld and dnc have basically made healers obsolete
>no logs without healers uploaded other than the one and only group that did it week 2
damn healers are so obsolete that 99.999999% of groups still have them
fucking retard
>modbeast up
>reminded that nobody ever asked for my mare
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cc doko
I am comming to Balmung

To /pet people
the official tranny no personality anchor image
you're in the xivg synchshell, right anon?
Why is there so many fucking catgirls on Jenova
Switch 4 and 1 and your list is perfect
>no recording hmmm curious
>full randoms team vs ebins
come on now
i only share my mare with close friends or people im about to fuck
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This but with Feint.
ayylmaozers is it over for us
We need a reverse Garuda anchor. Post Garudas and Songs.
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>steals your femra
Mine now
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>zip bombed
I have finally unlocked dancer and I shall be playing it later
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Two for one
ok i also have this other veena
my femra is offline
>no recording
there literally is one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xINq44-heQc
wait huh, how, what? where is this?
I don't have a femra but here is one I found in gridania.
no one cares about moonies anymore the stocks have plummeted
I don't really want to find out any of my friends who I currently respect as fellow humans are actually MAGA cultists or the reverse TDS deranged lefties
my f3mra is offline too
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queue now!!!!!!!!
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this is my malera
This is true, smart money is cycling back into blue chip Sunnie stocks
If you're there look for R.V. and ask when that nigger is gonna transfer to Excalibur
My only friend.
Cute hag fish
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Took like 6 or 7 levels of MSQ progress and half of a minecraft movie, but it really did get better.
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he kind of reminds me of this guy, who is also certifiably a good boy
across from yaana's place
my hostile takeover is working
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total modbeast death
Crystal CC 1:00 E.T.
Very nice, very nice... Knots should come standard on hroths, but I'm also just a knot lover so I'm definitely biased.
Same but it's more like I'm afraid it will link back to
my regular accounts. I am jealous of the types who don't give a fuck.
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gonna rape these two, come watch
Bro why are her cheeks hanging out of that
Thats huhhhhh? It makes no sense. Unless SE is hiding some random mamool ja that got stuck in the bubble, oh wait...
please don't
not bad desu
Hmmm, Charmont golem
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>healing ez HW dungeon
>tank single pulling
>has mentor crown
>run ahead of tank
>doesn't get the hint
>rescue tank forward
>gets upset, threatens to single pull the rest of the dungeon (they're already single pulling so this threat rings hollow)
>continue rescuing tank forward
>tanks butt buddy leaps to their defense painting me as the bad guy
If you're a mentor crowned tank you shouldn't be single pulling in any dungeon, let alone an ez HW dungeon that doesn't have pulls big enough to overwhelm even the noobiest of noobs.
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i'm going to put a hag in a bodysack, too
Damn my male middie is that ugly huh..............
KEK Minfilia has a fat ass.
You already posted this? Get over it lol
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thanks guys :)
>Last one to join a PF
>They say brb
I hate that shit
Yes remus
>theres mods for small au ra too
I might give this a shot as well
you already posted this
Why do you even care dude? Its a single dungeon and its not worth the trouble, itll be over and done with in an hour
i don't want to post my femra when i keep overusing the shots i have so i just wanna hype up my sisters this time
yes remus...
videogame-tier, very nice.
Cute ears and hair!
Vanillaras are so cute.
I like the colors here. Are those black specks dust?
Good question. I didn't realize a certain mod collection I made would affect her and the room was too bright for me to notice.
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I feel that
My deadra looks like this with piercings
You're tugging at my curiosity as to what that could entail
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good meowning
>sits on /xivg/ all day reading every post
Holy shit get a life losers
I was convinced and my friend was very happy for it.
My low key hope for what will come in 8.0
>This expansion will not see two brand new jobs.
>instead we are introducing three job variants which will come with their own story, a new way to play your favorite jobs, and sometimes even a change in weapons.
>Dragoons can become a Phalanxer, which will allow them to equip a shield in the off hand and change their role to tank.
>Dancers can learn the Liebandanser and become a dedicated healer to support their allies.
>Finally, Dark Knight can forego their defenses to become a Blackguard Melee DPS.
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you ugleh sunnuvabitch
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Femra like this?
it's definitely a mystery. i assumed it was zoraal ja and gulool ja at first, but the other head is a boonewa head so it's a two headed mamool ja (bakool?).
you should try to take it easy and have a good day instead of being so high strung and raging at strangers all day
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Were we ever gone?

Don't worry, the red skin kind of hides the hag look. Or then your skincare routine is on next level.

Matron deliver me...

This armor is remarkably edgy.
this is my femra after drinking the suspicious emboobening potion (she is normally very flat)
Long ago, ancient-ra
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Here you go
i love connor
seems like something you'd see on the official forums.
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So yeah, you know, I've tried to bring this up before but since monster soul usage is a big thing in the Arcadion, it's obvious that in this big cyberpunk utopia there would be uhhh, "carnal" districts where they would use them for things other than fighting.
That succubus graffiti pretty much confirms it.
You know? Take one of the magrails or whatever down to one of the lower districts... uhhh... 500k gil for a serpent lady you say...? A regulator? No, I won't need it, even for safety reasons miss...
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tank can report for rescuing him like that i wouldnt risk it and just try vote kick and then leave if it didnt pass
next week i will be bis and then i can finally get an orange on 4....
>No hats
>No good skin/hair colors
>No hairstyles
>No highlights on racial hairstyles
>No news about fixing existing mistakes
>Stretched out textures in armor
>ZERO QA done leading to a plethora of bugs
>Modders can do what SE can't within a few weeks/months
What's their excuse
Genuinely, what's their excuse? The emotes and voices are pretty fucking good, but the rest is just so lazily put together it makes me actually seethe
This kind of makes sense, since Yoshi-P claims level 100 is going to be a hard cap
why are yugiris horns pinkish when no other cumscale has that
this tycho belle guy is super cringe
Huh? I thought he was xivg's favorite male middie people keep calling him the cutest male middie and "the new king of male middies" and shit
abomination of a race that only exists to pander to wowfags (it fails at that too)
its over.
You are hag years young.
retards will continue asking for new races lmao
It isn't horrible. The most annoying stretches pale in comparison to some of the shit in Stormblood (most of it, really) and some of the thirdish quarter of Shadowbringers.
Join the cc syncshell???
>he thinks anyone remotely competent or anyone who cares about the game works there
No he fucking didnt
Why on earth would he ever state something as absolutely ridiculous as that?
10 years of vertical progression only to turn around and do some 11 shit?
Thats not gonna happen dude
Both those posts and the posts calling him ugly are him
>name drop hours
yea that's enough cc for today.
lmao, seethe.
No I don't even go to LB14 or Balmung so no point
>This expansion will not see two brand new jobs.
give up on that hope, yoshi-p already confirmed during the media tour that he'll choose the next two jobs very soon

one of those "I want attention so much but I don't want to make it obvious teehee" except he's always desperate
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i wish instead of making new races they just put 100% of that dev time into making hairstyles that dont suck total cock
all the posts praising him and calling him cute are also him
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what do I press during perfect balance?
nah mine is uglier
crazy how Glue Licker drops everyone else he friend collected into his cloutshell as soon as he gets a possible in with the fotm ebins that one schizo is being very vocal about this month (created an illusion of grandeur) you really showed your true colors I can see you're online in your own linkshell list you just dont gaf about us because we've outlived our ability to win you AWESOME threadcred
No hairstyles was downright embarrassing after all the work they put into male hrothgars over the course of EW. Like genuinely what were they thinking? Do they have to start from scratch each time or something?
why are you a limsa cat, sis...
that ones that do the most damage
In fact, every post is him. Your post is probably him too
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Femra look like that?! ZAMN
Me if I were cursed with suddenly being a blighted creature like a femra...
Why would I join a syncshell and download mods from others who I have no clue about and flood my SSD with GBs of random shit?
Single pulling is completely reasonable from a mentor, someone who expects to be there because other players are struggling
He's a real cutie for sure
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uh oh, melty!
Ah, a fellow Limsa cat, I finally aint alone
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This raid tier is making me want to kill myself.

I've been reclearing for weeks now and I've gotten hardly any drops. Most of my gear has come from pity slop books.
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Crystal CC 5:00 E.T
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Stuck in the raidcage
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>another team of randoms
>cloud 9
Yup, I'm sitting this map out. Brb 2 hours.
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i'd pretend to be impressed by the $15 he made buying and selling btc in the last month for some dick desu
>Single pulling is completely reasonable from a mentor
Single pulling is never reasonable ever. This is why you're bad at everything you do, you have a loser's mentality.
cute cat
cute song
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Since you wanna be a nigger about it, where on the doll did the Healers touch you anon? Speak loudly for the court.
This femra looks she smells irresistible...
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>all the glubs posted
Nature is healing.
whats it do?
true, we already have a resident nigger who thinks we will get burmecians
I have to really fight the urge to not reply to every single post my threadcrush makes even if my reply adds absolutely nothing of value.
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God damn...
What a view...
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i put too much chili oil in my noodles and now my tummy hurts
why are you black
t. literal who
This sprout standing next to me in Limsa has a familiar fucking name and I can't put my name on why
post your favorite mod
same bwo, had to do a couple of merc runs
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Doing well when on your team.
Plopping one of those remote controlled vibrators and setting you loose.
Instant loss (I'm the one that loses)
Sloppy blowjob behind a carnival ride.
Blowjob blowjob blowjob
Honestly I can't help to say forced kissing.
Instant loss (you lose)
Pic related.
Outdoors exhibitionism.
Some serious acrobatics that will leave me sore.
Heels stay on.
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Did you end up taking the fish pill, or are you still experimenting? Lookin cute sis
blasting to this middie
Builded for… *dies*
Is something wrong with limsa..?

I always liked Limsa more than the other two and it doesn't help that the MB is just a few steps away..

/pet /pet
what your hobbies say about you:

>raid parsing
70 iq
>pvp melter
80 iq
90 iq
>coomer gooner
100 iq
110 iq
>craft/gather botter
120 iq
>msq only gamer
130 iq
>pays a monthly sub to afk and play other games
140 iq
what about gposer
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lalas at the bench make my pp hard
Ok but lalafell eyelashes though
your house is comfier
invert the scores and correct
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Spheen Ozma no doubt
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i don't know who you are but that's probably the best compliment i've received related to the game in a while!
thank you thank you
honestly the dusty facepaint set to what would be a blush tone on your character is kind of a godsend for that.
My goonhog plapsleeve coombait rapewife
there's that biting and subversive wit that we've come to expect from the xitter transplants
oh wow actually yeah i can totally see it
what happened to NM
>your house is comifier
but my house isn't decorated..
do you like femlala
Nature is healing? Don't make me laugh. The exodia is forever shattered and we're left to suffer in this hellish world. How is that healing?
Stop being mad at me for playing the babyshitter role.
Play something the dev team gives a fuck about.
Cute cute cute cute cute glub
do any middies blast to femra
i liked the jump puzzle
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>exodia is dead
So summon Exodia Necross?
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Hold her down, sisters! She's one of us now!
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how fat are you?
I blast slug shots into their skulls
Am glad you enjoyed them, stumbled upon these when talking with a friend about those exact fanarts you been posting
Yeah me
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FFXIV is the Donkey Kong 64 of MMOs
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no i love them sis !
Ai Kotoba is a nigger
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Why do I have to redo these every time I make a PF?
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i took the fish pill!
thank you!!!
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I'm a lot fatter right now with custom stuff on... I'm sorry...
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Imagine not just keeping on reprisaling, overwriting each others but this time not because of an accident but because you are trying to send a message. This is how i gained a PF enemy... a friend... a good co-tank.
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i thought i was gonna lose power aaa this is SO BORING
Japanese UI design
Damn the fuck Yato doing at the goon bench
get off the computer and take a nap.
is there any other flat(ish) bibo body aside the nymph?
lookin good sis, enjoy the fishra life.
i just went from fishra to f3 so you took my place...
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Who even are you again?
Oh! You meant my FC house! When did you stop by? I tried checking the other day and didn't see no comment in the book.. I'm guessing you couldn't finish the puzzle?
Your EB is melting and seething right now, you might be single soon......
Pretty kitty
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Crystal CC 7:30 E.T.
There is no such thing as midcore. Putting it in your recruitment pitch is a red flag.
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what else am I missing?
let's be real, everyone is a pvp random except for
Arthas that was mean
I hit /pet right before you killed me but I don't think it went through
i stopped by two years ago
parsecels seething
Who is this?
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the lip rings are a bit much but otherwise cute.
I MEANT 8:30
lets kiss right now.....
an au ra that posts on the thread?
glub glub glub
im glad the f3 population didnt decrease
a nobody, unironically
he doesnt know dont tell him
i love them so much though. i wish i had a nose ring too
Lithe and krauter
Not bibo but I like nofflefit (gen3) as well
I don't know who their character was before, or their name, I want to know
Hope to see you around soon
this is 12/10 on the modbeast brainrot scale but also 11/10 on the sexometer

what outfit is she wearing, tell me and I'll post my sunnie in it
Bibo or YAB?
Which one looks better on femra?
I would do anything for a crumb of lewd from this wife
I just know that twink is gonna laugh his ass off at this. Good post.
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her time may be up soon...
You're missing so many people it's obvious you don't play PVP
depends on what you want because YAB still uses the bibo textures
I prefer YAB
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>i wish i had a nose ring too
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cute sprout couple i just saw
Any fiddies ITT like favas?
>never set a portrait
>it still breaks
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how do I find this
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It does? My yab looks really smooth though, no big ass pores like bibo
It's okay to do this sometime, but not every time...
malera win again
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>CC more than half of these people but my initials never show up
yeah its not a REAL PvP party until we have ZW I fucking LOVE ZW I GOON I fucking GOON to his PLAP posts all the time and I say audibly HOLY PLAPBALLS IS THAT SOME RAPEBAIT OR HOWDY and everyone in the denny's looks at me but I know they're really looking at ZW
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macchi you should unironically just make the sexo character you can and try to compete with all the pumpsluts at their own game
you could even make a twitter and make a living doing it, you just have to surrender all shame
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I still need to host this years lottery meet up. I can't decide if it should be halloween or christmas theme this year. Maybe something else entirely since I'm drawing blank for ideas and decorations.
Did you mean a year ago? I don't think my FC house was decorated 2years ago or I'm just bad with time..
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I have one for my Miqote, could prob port it over to femra after I get done with my backlog
femraen x xaela male
Every time
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>buy a regulator
>load it up with some feral souls
>surprise my eb by becoming an animal in the sheets
I don’t want to do reclears... I just want to prog M4S.
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Still my favorite fiera
hello hater of tzera
Don't forget my mans, going to name drop them to boost their ego:
Casey Jones
Tommy Bahama
Tozer Beau
Yuri Shinya
Howdoi Smite
Love seeing the boys in queue
hey ive heard that one, take this
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>stopped being namedropped almost entirely
i'm free
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Where's the new splatoon repo at
Oh snap, I knew I was forgetting CS and HS. Based.
ooo that looks nice
im kinda retarded and dont really get how adding them works. can you assign them to the same ring/earring/bracelet etc? I noticed that if your bracelet/necklace/etc don't show up due to your chest piece then the modded piece doesn't show up in game, is there a way to fix that?
me too
i love being a boss character that shows up in queues
Thanks, love House music
but i dont think modbeasts are sexy, i like ordinary girls
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Grats Anon! What shall you do with your new found freedom?
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i made this last night
she's babysitting
same, np king
I had thought in one of the live letters before Dawntrail Launched Yoshi had said something about looking into a new progression system, but if he’s not and plans to just keep going all ahead on vertical progression, that’s honestly kind of a shame from my stand point. I just don’t know if I like the idea of going on and on like WoW or SWTOR does with a level squish happening every so often to prevent the level cap from reaching 200z
It weirded me out before, but working accidental watersports into ERP with my EB is growing on me
louise braptiste
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i am a ghost, an enigma, truly anonymous....
blasting on that exposed tummy and cleavage + nice song
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CJ* damn it.
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continue to shitpost anonymously, of course
he did a play through of that game
a fun watch if you have never seen it
me on the right
we're all out of games, right
he's been talking about a new progression since 4.x, it's another vague promise he kicked down the can, but now he'll have to do something about it with 8.0
but he'll keep adding jobs regardless
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I did this and ended up growing a woober
Yeah you can assign them to a bracelet or anything, I got mine selected on the ring. To item swap go to penumbra -> advanced editing -> item swap -> between slots. Incase you wanted to go from earring to ring etc. For them not showing cause of your base piece or whatever. Meta Manipulations -> equipment parameter, then type in its item id (will show on the changed items menu for penumbra) and what it is and select the circle that says show bracelet, ring, etc.
I love male characters with vaginas
what other games do you guys play
this is cute
do they come in other colors too?
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Hmm should I story skip to Stormblood or Shadowbringers? I've played all the way through Dawntrail on my first character.
I want a comfy starting spot as far as content left to play and content unlocked to still play through. I can't do ARR or level 50 MSQ shit again. I just can't.
you're sex
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>have to do fate farm for memories to work on ShB relic weapon
>60 fates in total
Lord give me the strength.
Hot take: sky shatter's indicator should be a 3d proximity marker to improve visibility. It's pretty much impossible to avoid if the DRG is on top of you (i.e. melees on the crystal).
*kicked down the road
oops sorry I'm high
>tfw found out there's a mod for this dance today
Life is actually incredible and worth living.
skip to shb, i bought a skip to stb once and it was so boring i stopped playing the alt altogether
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Okay, we SHOULDN'T have issues this time
crystal CC 1:30 E.T.
FUCK veenas

I know what this is about but I was just imagining some Blitzball RP turning saucy.
yeah I just snagged it which is why I was thinking about it. It's perfect
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erm... how do i say this.....
i got a you this thread saying i was doing good for someone's team so i don't need a namedrop i'm happy enough with that
where the hecking ex1 farmeroonis?
So cute! I love this pic a lot, take care of that snowman, cute femra
Hell yeah, also glad it even has options on it too - I have a couple friends I might record doing the dance with, so being able to get the audio right too will be a huge help.
Are you sure about that?
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and i crashed before my own queue's time came

yeah, i'm thinking it's time to off myself
Wait until you get to the raid grind step.
Wareframe, BG3, League, and Star Rail
you might be right, i am really bad with time
halloween would be easier to pull off since snow stuff is so expensive
how do I get a femlala eb
That IS fair, thinking about Gyr Abania again... Pure AIDS.
ask her (me)
that's cause Raen malera are only good at oldman maxxing and playing a xaela femra is codeword for being a GAM by default
you must be pretty new to cc
Breeding rp?
you DO have BLU levelled, RIGHT anon?
Hell yeah! Have fun brother
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this sad image from one of mixteqs old raid guides
5 fucking ley lines, not a single black mage in them
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>tens of thousands of parses for m4s
>one (1) ONE parse without healers
/xivg/'s intelligence knows no bounds
I like this
Nice taste in top.
I'm about to be stuck in there too when this PF fills.
I really wish they made it less RNG. Like remove the glazes from 1-3, and make the 4th raid all 4 books so on average veryone gets guaranteed glazes or gear pieces faster. I don't see them ever changing what they've done since the start, though.
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Hunt showdown, Outlast the trials and every horror slop game that comes out.
thank you i'll try to fix my issues
can you assign multiple modded pieces to the same gear piece?
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shut up man
didn't expect to see n*r* here lmao
nvm my bravado wore off
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i've been rebuilding my ps1 collection from scratch the last few weeks
Thats it im going to become xivgs biggest male sexpest. Femra beware
feet before raid
Here's a SUPER HIGH IQ TAKE on why Zenos wasn't in The First
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Ascended levels of based.
I'm more of a secret side encounter that only shows up in queues after certain conditions are met
ranjit was based
how do we force gigajacked maleroe as fotm?
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jk i love all cats
Unfortunately you cannot.
tell me right now
you WILL become my wife.
Why the fuck do instant portraits not auto update when I change glams? Don't say it's not possible either because I found a plugin that does it. If random anon can fix it in their spare time why do these retarded devs not do it?
Wrong, WE like this.
Hire a deepweeb assassin and put a hit on Shoro to start.
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Still better than WoW. Have you seen the state of retail?
respond NOW
my sub time is running out soon so we'll see i'll probably resub the day before halloween to get whatever this years halloween glam
Please understand
h-hold on... where did this come from...
please just forget I said anything... >~<
If your character is modded, it’s an automatic no from me.
When does EW get good? It's giving me Stormblood vibes so far and I hated it
I'm never looking for an EB ever again after what happened to me. Jesus was right about the "You reap what you sow" thing too i guess. Goodnight.
Deepweeb assassin might be the funniest thing I've read in the thread for a while and it wasn't even intentional
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I've already completed 3 weapons, 2 while it was content and 1 only recently. So the raid step wont be so bad as I only plan to go as far as Augmented Law's Order.
It is. But I have been neglecting getting its new spells since EW
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it's over lalabros...
can i see your penis
Hi, I hope the right person sees this.
I'm sorry for being mean to you and for telling you to kill yourself multiple times.
You're all right but the people you used to hang out with were insufferable cunts.
and I love your moonie
Its been real bro, have fun with whatever you fanta into. o7
The names Darkheart. Xander Darkheart.
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>tzera fucked this niggas reputation so hard he has to actually play the game and nicepost his thread cred up
it's called night of devilry if you wanna try it in glamourer
he will be protected
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Surely I won't get assassinated by myself this time
Crystal CC 5:30 E.T.
let me guess, catboy?
>I made a list
i got a ton of more expensive stuff to grab still like all the working designs stuff, suikoden 2, muppets haunted mansion
how do I get a femlala eb as a femlala
They'll never forgive you.
i watched it, him and his wife are adorable
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Right now, wife.
Comedy is the way I communicate the thoughts I know are not nice to have without making people actually mad.
That could be fun too...
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Will I get lancet fish tonight bros?
Tozer once challenged me to a duel, I beat him, and he immediately said that he meant we should do best out of 3. Cool guy from what I know but funny story.
isn't tzera that jewish guy with a nasally voice thats into blacked? you're really going to side with him?
that is quite ENOUGH anon.
Don't forget us
Where are you at, I'd say Garlemald is a good part even though it ends a bit quick, then it enters a period of boredom with the loporrits at the Moon. Gets interesting a bit when you go back in time to Elpis and meet Emet and Venat (Hydaelyn) presundering, but learning the cause of the Final Days being the creation of the OG Fandaniel dragged a bit.
Macska post
Honestly, it kind of just doesn't. The story has a couple good moments (the shit just prior to Tower of Babil, the last solo duty), but every dungeon, trial and retread is worst fucking content than ARR.
Post-MSQ content is alright. Trials are good, alliance raids are brainless but aesthetically neat. Story is awful, and I can't believe they made it as boring as they did given what its about.
didnt he literally just suck the party into mid there
what do you want them to do
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you shant be missed, race traitor
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Autism simulators, mostly. They're calming.
It's fun showing up for a couple of games to spook people into locking in and then dipping out.
when ur already wearing outfits and have tattoos that look out of place in the game, your vanilla face ends up looking out of place too. it's a cursed mishmash and probably the only thing modbeasts get right
if ur using a vanilla face, use vanilla mashups for ur hair and clothes or else it looks stupid as fuck (this is a rant directed at everyone not just you)
i do dn narrow/wide witchhunt braindead in all my m4s parties and pray everyone else is doing it right with hector's "variation" (i raise my brow when i see the tank inside the hitbox with me, melee btw)
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Got it.
Your lips look so soft... maybe I could.... feel them... against my... own... someday...
Crap! Snap out of it! Almost fell in love...
i want to see this bun get crammed full of rava+
A hard question. Years ago I was hard line against skipping as it brought some of the most DOG SHIT players to end game and typically they would leave anyway.

That being said, with every expansion now being insanely long it's hard for me to recommend playing through OR skipping.

If you are dogshit, please play through the game in order. If not one thing you could do is watch the voiced cutscenes via youtube and then just skip.

Keep in mind not all experience from other MMOs translates neatly into FFXIV, especially healing.
I have no new pictures of it. It's still that one really old picture. Haven't been with anyone frottable lately...
Yes. Tzera hasn't gone around stirring up drama in all the time I've been here. It's obviously deserved in this case since Tzera is credible.
You're right. Enough pussyfooting around with the other guy. Tell me your World. DC asking is for halfhearted shit, we all know what worlds belong to what DC.
>But I have been neglecting getting its new spells since EW
so long as you have choco meteor, hydro pull, ram's voice, and ultravibration you can just erase a lot of the fates
junk like breath of magic and mortal flame are nice against bosses but it's not a gamechanger
BLU at 70 is still more than enough to just erase everything
It's ok bros i shall hang out with my old kin anyways!
Tarkov with other xivggers
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>Haven't been with anyone frottable lately...
Would you like to fix that? specifically with a fiddie?
my femra first on the left last row
anyone have a m3s pastebin? ive already cleared it but i wanna know where ranged/healers go for spread
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League of Legends and various singleplayer games (mostly Fromsoft stuff).
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erm... I gtg.
siding with jews? on 9/11? surely nobody would..
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>but I wanna now where ranged/healers go for spread
t-this is a joke, r-right?
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Naraka: Bladepoint
or i did until those fuckers killed the netcode for anyone not right next to the only NA node
A smaller cock fiddie? Yeah that'd be perfect.
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It's so oversized and ugly compared to earlier steps and it makes me mad.
Oh yeah I got those, then this should be easy then. Thanks.
Congrats brother
Is my femlala allowed to go to the spooky club?
Make sure to plap her pregnant right away so she cant escape bro
no, thats why i asked the question
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This set is pretty nice except for the gloves butI will 100% resub before it goes away since I don't want to paypiggy for it later..
there's only 3 euros in this discord btw
Nice, we are both in balmung so, if i come across you ill hit you up.
smelling them after raid too.
My malezen? yea he rapes unsuspecting female characters
I use the pre-order Gunblade, so I don't ever really see it.
What's the addon that lets you go frame by frame through animations?
Dbd soloq surv (yes, I hate myself)
built no CREATED for my meena
It comes in gold as well https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/103325
You'll have to do an item swap to use them together & go under advanced editing -> materials to adjust the specular settings otherwise there's a chance it will glow
check out the dyes on it, it's pretty good
You can go if we aren't the same World. Otherwise, we'll be meeting in East Gridania.
cumscale or blvck scales answer fast pls
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It works well if you put on a glam that has a giant coat with it. I do prefer the first step though for my more casual glams.
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i look so deflated
Oh, a misogynistic malezen, daring aren't we?
Best tank? PLD, of course. They don't just mitigate themselves, but the whole party.
You're a non-tank that somehow got bustered? Cover.
You're a main tank? Intervention for additional mit.
Raid wide, but you can still attack the boss? Divine Veil.
Raid wide, but you can't attack the boss? Passage of Arms.
Healers are dead, and RDM/SMN are being retarded? Clemency (please give us Raise).

DRK who? GNB who? WAR who?
Over drama from a week ago? Yeah
Dominos or KFC for lunch?
that trope is so played out and tiresome
sorry im not able to there bros. is odar still dying 30 seconds in?
Yea you could say im somewhat of a free thinker
KYAAAAAAH!!! So Cool....
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Homemade, healthy food.
What gloves?
dominos, cant remember the last time i had a good kfc experience
playing the bongos on this moonie
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made for pelvis-crushing rape
nah i died like 10 minutes in that raid
Give me a kiss anon
it's slop and only the gloves will be usable in actual glam
No yours is too sexual
I wear footwear that breaths really well so they don't smell bad... just Veena smell.
I'm on primal to get m4s done. It would probably be another day.

Brio does this. And for plate animations there is HaselTweaks
They overbuffed Paladin, honestly. DRK is still the most damage on a 100% uptime fight and GNB is pretty consistently good too. Plus, you need 2 tanks.
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this is not the kind of response i was expecting
No glam I can make for GNB can top just how great this outfit is. It's so perfect.
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bro next time we're on im giving you a slick and exfil with a kitted out gun. I need to see you winning
She is, but I WILL sexpest her.
See you in six months orbiting a biofem or "biofem" after your bunboy fanta.
tuck your shirt in boy
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Publix Sub
I stood in East Shroud for 4 minutes and there was no one there. That answers that... o/
I'll keep you updated on who my latest obsession is
Crystal CC 9:40 E.T.
Someone posts about wanting to do wholesome and pure things
>haha same
>you'll get yours one day anon
>do you like femra?

Someone posts about wanting to do deranged, freaky fetish things
>eww wtf anon
>shocked urianger image
>grown ass man typed this
>do you like femra?
>they discontinued popcorn chicken for some fucking reason
I've never been more mad.
>It would probably be another day.
Oh well, ill have to wait then, been meaning to frott with someone cute and you seem perfect!

Woah woah what's going on here
Almost perfect. The second dye channel being for the leather straps instead of the metal holds it back a little.
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I eat that every other day, Thursday is when I get some greasy slop for lunch
Handsaint's fingerless gloves
KFC here is usually okay but I'll have to pick it up, Domino's I can get delivered. Kinda wanna make nachos but that means going to the store and I'll miss part of spooky club
I don't know what that is
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for him of course
Please do, it's has been awfully boring on the drama front since the three or four wowg sprouts that came in a package stopped their little gay rituals on the thread.
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and now i forgot the image
is snapper still dead?
They don't know about that gift from heaven.
Chicken tenders, white bread, Swiss cheese, lettuce, mayo, honey mustard, buffalo sauce (optional), toasted
smartest limbab
What happens if u rip out the lil uzi vert pearl thing on a garleans forehead
may i plap
If we're lucky i'll be so crazy about them that if they spend time with someone else i'll have a huge melty and make a fool of myself ITT. It'll be kino
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End of the thread
It's part of their skull
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>nyls hotdog doesnt work with my skin textures and leaves a giant box above it that id have to fix in photoshop
felf eb for my moonie doko
I'm the rare Femroe lover, sorry
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I'm not a fan of the gloves though.

The t-shirt and horns are pretty good. I tried the pants but it dyes a different pink than the shirt.
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I love my dorky retard husband who simultaneously manages to be smooth and an absolute disaster so much it's unreal.
I get horny when somebody thirsts for my character
*kisses you back* delicious lips...
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nigga i just don't have my lc folder on this machine
it creates black rose gas
>I will never be smooched like this
Nice armpit!!!
this could be a possibility
you know when goku got his tail chopped off and he turned into a monkey? yeah its kinda like that
cant wait to play bg3 and have the person im playing it with realize how gale coded i am
Just use a strap like a normal lesbian
anyone here from chicago
is the chicago hotdog actually good it looks good
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reclears isnt going that *coughs up blood* great bros
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you and me, we are two of soul
Girls should not have hair there, what the fuck
Are you sure you have the right oiled setting? That happened with me
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you may not, sorry
bro... just say the "focus" word and it will surely get better... haha...
Currently? Astro Bot.
fiddie posts.
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I see you like taste of Rockstar Fruit Punch as well...
Now that naty's manipedi mod broke what do I use instead? I hate bibo hands
cute boymoders
Glue nigger
Use the forked branch, ive been snagging some people for no real purpose other than i like collecting them.
...haha..surely bro...
it was happening even with oil turned off
Are you using textures from a mod not in the oiled up thing? Post a pic of the where the woober seam is
post uncensored right now
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I tried that but couldn't get it to work. It made a folder for the person but no mods went into it
catbox NOW
It took almost 6 hours for me to do just the 2nd and 3rd. It was only 5 pulls total each, but filling PF took over 2 hours each...
Really though, sometimes it helps to ask if anyone needs a 1 or 5 minute break. What happens to me is I see someone messing up, then I'm not focused on my own game, and I get tilted. I need to take a breather for a minute and just focus on myself and give them another shot to do it right.
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>kfc stopped selling potato wedges
what the fuck were they thinking
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man dont do this to yourtself
Don't go to EB ceremonies when the bride is your crush.
Where do you find it?
drop my fucking boots you whores reeeeeee i dont want to keep running this goddamn raid
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I see
liked these
She said "with my skin texture" so she probably has a custom one, I assume with the body freckles
We needed more of Cachuia making her baby boy die of embarrassment
i watched my crush's eb through psearch
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yeah i use https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/34338
No, i was gonna make a pose and everything but im too lazy.
That is because you are using the outdated version that has not been worked on for a while, check in github for the fork branch.
Literally go to snapper's github and just look up the branch.
He looks cute as a Twunk
that's a penor
That is indeed the exact same seam that I had, rip
I don’t know if there’s a mod fix for it if the gen3 stuff for hotdog doesn’t work, I’d probably just use it and then use a blend brush or whatever you use in your image editing software
its so over...
i meant link the new snapper but that works too
it happens on every skin mod i try so im just gonna bite the bullet and blend when im done taking screens lol
Who else did you steal?
The list is long but im always deleting funny enough this lala was next

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