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Male midlanders, yeah.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

Previous: >>494108228
Ive been cucked again bros...
Just keep it inside
Learn how to hide your feelings
its allways funny when you find out kong made this with out effy knowing kek.
I'm not laughing.
What about them?
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I'll be honest.
I want a Mileena from MK9 outfit mod.
Sliming up my goonstick IRL while Sechen PAWGud, Val Goonabella and Effy Kissou give the hawk tuah to my malera's two millimeter peter.
Where did they go?
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middie wife like this for my moonie
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crystal cc at 2 et
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Guys I don't wanna scare you but I think Niddhog has awokened... Doing DRG Job quests hit way different
>try to queue up some /xivg/ friendlies with the bros
>tryharding faggots chasing you to spawn
>faggots stealing the health pack from me instead of having a fair 1v1
>cc spamming right when you engage
you are all such terminally online retards, get a fucking life
Looking at the thumbnail I thought that was IV and her fat milky tits
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my moonie looks and acts like this
Think you'll ever make a good post or do you plan to be shit for life?
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It's the only way he'd ever be able to pose with anyone, so it's not THAT surprising.......
RDM should deal way more damage with auto-attacks
femezen post
can i see your moonie?
delete this
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We only got the most dreadful and horrific dogshit here, chief.
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Doing this to every femlala that posts in the thread
git gud
he's a malera so what do you expect?
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Did someone say post catgirls?
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>>cc spamming right when you engage
this is good Though?
I'm the main character and I make the first move by diving in and absorbing all the cc
if I live then I'm a god and we win and if I lose then I die for the team
My femezen is
uh oh melty
>fair 1v1
ok got a good laugh out of me
git gud
I think it's nice that the quests are related to the MSQ but I don't really get why DRG is the only one to get such treatment.
same but bigger.
>Playing the game
If this minigame is making you this mad you should probably queue down bro
can your mooonie please keep the heels on instead
Actually femra I want my fiddie ninja alt to wear it
auto-attacks shouldn't exist
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my fiddie hates windows
surprised it hasnt been ported yet desu
i can't believe i'm unlocking the clown job...
Pick one job to be your EB's job forever.
I try to grief as PCT and still win like half of my matches idk man
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what's (YOU)r contribution to /xivg/? what have you left to posterity?

for me, it's schizoposting myself so people will defend me
>having a fair 1v1
this gamemode is not balanced for 1v1s you idiot
why do you think mnk and blm are literally unkillable when you dont have anyone else backing you up
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Post em
is she a mac user?
Spooky club?
Pretending trolls are being serious so you can get an argument going has to be the #1 sign of having no friends to talk to.
My malezen unironically thinks like this
i love running around like a retard after everyone uses all their cc on me and somehow living, scurrying away like a rat and healing
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Seek Halone
Wild freaks boysmell post
Died after not practicing proper job site safety. Your life might be a joke, but safety isn't. Wear a helmet, always check and double check your harness, wear steel-capped boots, and maintain 3 points of contact at all times
holy shit that is sad
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t. deadweight
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more things than i care to list
im a pillar of /xivg/ and you dont even know it
you all repeat my jokes and repost my oc
You're playing a femroe you are already a clown
Very low quality posts, thats all this public restroom of a video game general deserves
i am going to book this inquisitor and attribute her to a Page of a Rat

I let out my feelings by teasing faggy boys playing catgirls until they’re a quivering mess. It’s how I fill the void.
I used to be the "Femra look like that?! ZAMN" poster but there isn't as many femra avatar fagging as before so i dropped it
>faggots stealing the health pack from me
implies you were going for it too
>instead of having a fair 1v1
"nooo! now its bad because you did it!"
goodness gracious please tell me this is a joke
une stop pretending you're still a lala bro you lost that privilege
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I made this and many other gay things (but I'm actually straight)
my moonie is bedrotting again
I post men & sometimes thirstpost
Weren't you a femlala last night?
posting my character

we love this
>goodness gracious please tell me this is a joke
Is it physically painful to be this retarded?
which femra fucks dogs?
no my character has never been a lalafel
My WoL likes this
>neph and archana
i just got whiplash
All the fiddie coded ones
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Attribute me properly and put me on the Floor of Philosophy
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Low quality femlala posts
You're going on the floor of philosophy alright
prepare to help a rat 1v1 the red mist and win
I made a couple of memes that people still post
I posted some stupid things that got a lot of (You)s, were screencapped, and is still shared
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My golem
Laughing at posts
Didn't you cheat on and cuck a femlala? I'd say that had more impact.
Why are you brown
no she just hates glass windows
horny posting at male middies
She looks like Miki
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does she really
horny posting at femra
Stop saying maliddie
She also fucks dogs
you all talk so much about rape and I'm still waiting for it to happen at LB
Can my lalabvll smash... please....
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Wahali, swap to xaela now for your Beast post you drog.
They canonically fuck horses.
maliddie post
ever think you are just too ugly?
God, I wish the guys behind female avatars were that cute
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>short males
lmao say goodbye to your pelvis
i am your thread enemy
ok but my lala is for based posts such as that one
threadsex with this middie
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ow my neck,
Now this
this is a femra I would fight alongside, and perhaps take a deathblow for
wow what a whore
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am i joke to you
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crystal cc at 6:30 et
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no, you are a gay
but you don't know for sure, do you?
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My suncat looks and acts like this
>been playing since ARR
>never actually clocked that i never seem to get ultima in trial roulette since the rework
>its because ive never actually DONE the trial, technically

I get why they did this, but at the same time, why did they do this, even on a healer I ended up having a long as fuck queue time because I think a LOT of people have never actually done this trial.
built for malera
also horny posting at femra
unintentional wryx falseflagging
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Pink sunslut
Only if you post IVcp (cute picture)
everything you make is repulsive, im unironically impressed. here's your (you)
can't argue with that actually
Let me guess, it's taking forever?
I say I sexpest male characters than don't sexpest any male characters.
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my fiddie loves windows
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starting a shitty running joke
bitter lala hands wrote this post
it just says that forever and never finishes and I have to open task manager and kill it
noooooo huj.... not the other team
may i rape
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got a visual example :thinking:
I lonelypost
What happened to scar middie?

I love femezen so much it's unreal
it would be appreciated, yes
god knows loss of control is hot when you're normally always in control
plapping this femroe and hugging her and stroking her big strong arms and plapping her again and letting her plap me and and and
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I like doodling anons from time to time! Also helped a few others with Gpose editing tips, posing in general, expressions, etc. And sometimes entertain anon requests...
Who's Wahali?
Thanks... I-I try my h-hardest haha...
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do you like windows
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I found this bunny. Post more bunny
I fucking HATE FL since the update. It's been cancer since 6.1 with no end in sight.
>team has multiple DRK and AST
free win
>team doesn't have multiple DRK and AST
ggs go next

At this point let me play slots instead and save me the 15 minute waste of time. There are ways to fix this without doing something retardedly drastic like solo queue or role queue, but these faggot gook lazy hacks don't play their own game so it will never happen.
My Warrior of Light is a lonely ass nigga
>press guard
>it doesnt go off
>press it again
>it goes off and turns off
many such cases
gonna have to pump to her pics now
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Posting my character's ass
That sucks bro
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I want to be crushed under this one's most thunderous of plaps (cowgirl)
Yep, it happened to me in the past with some of the mods, it's actually "done", use alt+tab and look for the 'save as...' window, for some reason some mods don't prioritize putting this window above Textools and you have to do that.
Thanks Cameron
Why is this femhroth build like a linebacker and is she a +
I enjoy encouraging wholesome non avatarfags posts even when it's not super great content because I like to think I make them feel better knowing not everyones a pathetic sexpest.
yeah i love them
>this anon never replied to me on twitty
im reducing the moonie problem
Uhh, sir?
I nicepost random people that I don't know for no reason
>and is she a +
God I hope not.
I almost never check my twitter DMs....
oh shit, thanks bwo
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that's based time to die now.
Look at your Guard icon instead of looking for the blue barrier. If you've got a 3-seconds recast time rolling on it, it means it went off. That's how I prevent myself from turning it off in a panic.
Me too sis, me too.
Abs... May I lick them? Rub my face on them? Trace their contours with my fingertips?
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Because it's not in the Trial Roulette
i answer people's questions about where to find settings in the menus
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I am a EU femra
who started drinking again

now I will ruin your queues
Ohhh, well, its nothing really, I just wanted to wife you and have you do lewds of our characters and terrorize everyone
you never niceposted me you ASSHOLE
did anyone save the akemi tribs from a while ago
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>is she a +
This lalafell is so rancid I love her
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ERPing with ebins.
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Uhhh I guess i used to have meet ups at my island but I got too lazy at hosting em.
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there was no need to make the arms bigger, they're already big
I need to express my love to you
/pet /pet /pet
I like to bottle them up until a suicide attempt
wtf i love cats now.
Is it really a problem?
Please like big men (roes, hroths)
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this will be my last one, thanks for coming to my calls!

casual cc queue at 10:15 et!
why the FUCK did you go hroth you idiot
I reply to my own posts
my wife
not this one, it smells like horse cum
it's easier to just ghost everyone and not say another word
i'm not sure if i'm happier but it's a lot quieter
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i want to get off this phonecall but i'm stuck for a while longer
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Isn't the entirety of Shadowbringers basically DRK-minded?
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Not a single thing of value!
In all seriousness, I get more motivation to pose from posts here than anything else so the thread's contributed to me making more poses.
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Yep that's a wife
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i made this webm
that is all.
i never reply to my own posts
happy to help, bro
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cute posts that aren't attached to a name so nobody knows i'm a dork

i'm a literal who anyway
waiting for ffxiv to become good again
Hardly. They have nothing to do with the DRK job questline. ARR's DRG quests are pretty much a teaser for Heavensward, and Estinien is a major character to this day.
>no futas plapping on the bench
how am i supposed to jerk off
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>Hodrick Blackstone
I made the first Lodestone Roulette.
Your laptop?
I'm not Wryx, that doesn't do a single thing for me.
>tabbed out and missed it
it's over. ggs and thanks for the calls
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Come visit once in a while, we're the better general.
you've damned us all
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pet cute moonies
Built for tender lovemaking with someone she loves
i hope this hrothgal gets to grind my hrothman into dust sometime
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can't do that, i'm afraid... but I am currently licensed to draw stick figures, if you like
It was pretty based
upskirt the nopan catgirls?
post melf
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Why not? It's not like my moonie, lala, or xaela are gone I could glamour to them whenever I want. Hell I still do poses with my moonie.
What healer do you guys "enjoy" the most?
What fits a male moonie best?
even mine?
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i'm at my pc it's just maintaining a conversation over voice saps my brain power from everything else i do at the same time
post your melf coward
true i like this one
Being a nuisance.
I meant it more in the sense of "Fuck off, I'm doing good no matter the method and will behead disgusting fucks."
Or something, I don't know I'm tired of this minecraft village.
I made this, how the fuck is it still alive.
oh my bad
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My fem hroth
Looks and acts like this
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My EB bound was taken recently.. Maybe in another life, anon..
I imagine her like an SCP cryptid... became an inside joke with a friend where she meets the worst fates and ends up okay
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I have every card that can be won from NPCs
But I'm still missing an NPC win for the achievement (I cant fucking find them)
Have you done the Moggle Beast Tribe? Does that change the dialogue options at all?
You have to actually look like a femlala for that to count
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AST If I am feeling spicy and gamer
SGE if I want a chill experience
WHM if I want brain off
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I contribute nothing and mostly just reply to anchor posts like this.
This will continue into foreseeable future, please be excited.
i thirstpost @ malezen and that's pretty much it aside from posting my lizard
he said cat girls not furries
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wow nice glam
love this moonie
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>pov ur a white male midlander
Who farted on team astra?
My suncat's got a gock. Do you maintain the position that she's builded for your melf?...
That's what she deserves as a sweet moonie
there are some cards from NPCs which you can earn by other means
so having all of those cards doesn't mean you beat all of them
It's still a cat :(
Who is the ugly nigga at the beds????
>My EB bound was taken recently.. Maybe in another life, anon..
god i wish
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I have left nothing, Duck however...
california girls dance
takes one to know one, fag
My femlala needs a femlala to afk with for 16 hours a day
god i fucking love rally
theres a fucking rat at LB14
We, hrothgar, are the real catgirls and catboys
Miqo'te? Just humans with cat ears and tail
Barely more than cosplayers
Know the difference, it might save your life
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Would you accept a lalaboy that doesn't wear a skirt?
Yeah but you look ugly
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Thats all well & good but how am I suppose to find this fucker. I feel like I've been everywhere
That's what my sunnie wife sees every time I walk up to hug her when she logs on
yeah but NPCs you haven't beaten yet still show up on the map
have you completed all the questlines anon, a bunch of NPCs are locked behind shit like variant dungeons and eureka
best I can do is a miera
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yeah? so? probably gayer than you, retard.
Yeah, I get what you mean, but that's quite a different thing already.
Am I the only one who thinks it's weird and narcissistic when people grab a meme then re-do it with their character?
cheesed to meet you bitch
only poster who makes me laugh
whats that
what do you mean Saran? you came up with one of the thread's most popular memes: JILK!
we LOVE Jilk! it's the most epic meme featuring one of our favorite peopl--I mean ebins: Jill Stingray! (quit because of all the harassment)
you are such a key part of this community! keep being awesome!
My blurry wife
that's kind of you..
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But this is zoophile territory
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Best Idolm@ster posting years ago.
Only if you're indistinguishable from a femlala....
xivg eureka gaming when?
don't talk like that bout my buddy tozer
What's spicy about AST? Juggling the card thingies?
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although at first there was a femra text version of this i copied from. the nuclear part i added myself!
You can thank me when you find the ying to your moonie yang
Attention whoring in general is an obvious sign of NPD.
Besides shit like skysteel tools and other shit related to DoL/DoH relics. I think I've completed 100% of the game's quests
Beast tribes 100% capped
All side quests done
All instances at least unlocked if not completed (still need to clear some ultimates)
All job/class quests done
All trade quests done
etc etc etc
is it better to make expression i wanna use for my gpose separately and just import it after the pose is finished?
Weak ass explosion
I have but I don't know what the regular responses are to compare..
nice drip bwo...
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i mean i was late to my own last call lmao
thanks for coming if you did!
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true and real, this EPIC ebin lorepost was fact checked by REAL american ebinposters. ty for the kind words anon, i will continue to harass jill, your praise fills me with determination
nice AI
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Encouraging the adoption of "bwo" with some success
and you've traveled through all the maps (including instanced areas like Terncliff) and nothing appears?
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It's way more button pressy than other healers, specially during opener/2 minutes. On M4S if someone that's not a tank pulls the boss and they get auto'd I legit let the other healer handle it because I got a strict opener.
What a shame.
mooniepostig (and I'm not a moonie)
my moonie has a really bad tummy ache
Leave the cat girls to me.
>that's supposed to be spicy

the absolute state of job design
Is 50-55 too old for a WoL?
I love dark skin vieras so much
This is certainly an opener
If you go to the book in the Inn, you can disable quest sync and see what would normally appear.
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i want to have autumn trees in my yard but i'm kinda iffy on the placement, do housing anons have any thoughts
my wife redra
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Compared to other healers it is yes.
my femra listens to the blade symphony ost while taking a billion fucking damage in cc
not gooning friendly, so it's never gonna happen
I hate Eureka, so no.
No, live your best life sis. Do what makes you happy and fuck anyone who says otherwise.
mooniposting, vague posting, anchor posting, friendmaking.
no, and there's an old man middie and old man elezen face that specifically support that
hell the brd job instructor is added reasoning for not being too old to adventure
I did not invent it but I will not let "binger" die
Ah. Yeah I'm never gonna heal in sweaty content (or tank for that matter), so that won't be a huge dealio for me.
Although I still haven't decided on a DPS focus for this char yet speaking of that... Fuck I wish I didn't hate lategame NIN now.
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CC doko?

Why the fuck is he glistening like that
Where is CC?
that kettle is a fire hazard
As fun Eureka it is, it sucks ass to play as a group unless everyone is on the same playing field.
Let my femra in that bath RIGHT NOW.
Alright now post the scholar opener
Nobody wants a loyal asexual eb...
ah, but my husband doesn't type like that
oh yea? you're talking a lot of shit for a dude whos about to get smooched by a grown ass man retard
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>Balmung closed off
Guess i'll just close the game and do something else instead.
what did this moonie eat
he's wet
flat fiddies...
I would begin by swapping exterior walls, roof and fence. Autumn trees don't look that good with green Hingan house. I think there's an orange-themed Hingan house style?
I'd actually be down for that
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CC 4:55 CC ET Crystal.
Bro what are those HIPS. They are women...
Why are their hips so wide?
Quite erotic.
Poor moonie, was it something you ate or are you sicky
I need this.....
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Neat, too bad I don't like SCH due how jank it feels as a whole.
Highlander stocks, hopefully
Thank you OJ
Nobody likes face 3 femlalas….its over….
none of them follow through with the kidnapping of midlanders anymore it's a shame
My mooni+ needs a brown /xivg/ bottom to take her pale cock
only some yogurt and blueberries for breakfast...

nyo idea
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I'm harmless, I promise. No need to mark me as Target to Attack 1.
No, you just have different taste is all. Bunch of anons say my froth is cute
zoophilia implies it has to be with animals
fantasy animalistic races that are intelligent and self aware aren't animals in the sense zoophilia implies
Otherwise fucking humans would also be zoophilia since we're primates
my future ex wife redra
How about a grey moonie
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the most erotic...
that's a really really cute picnic picture
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My fiddie? Built like this
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alas, i am already married
>not "moist erotic"
Ma'am, you had one job AND YOU JEFF'D IT!
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do you guys use position or scale to make expressions?
Yogurt has things that make you poop a lot
Try drinking some water and see if that helps you moonie
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Hello, welcome to my blog.

There is literally ZERO reason for MSQ Roulette to exist at this point, and I think it's embarassing for the game that it still exists.

MSQ Roulette had a justifiable reason to exist when it was 8-man content and was obscenely long and (even though it was piss-easy), it had a shitton of cutscenes that couldn't be skipped which you would need to see as a new player to understand what was happening. 8 man content naturally will take longer to get a decent amount of people for, and if you just threw it in a regular roulette people would either just leave or develop glitch speedrun strategies to skip as much stuff as possible, making things not fun for new players (this still happens post-rework anyway)

Now that both Castrum, Praetorium and Ultima Weapon are 4 man content and the dungeon time has been cut out by like 3/4th's there is no reason to keep these dungeons in a roulette outside of forced cutscene watching, which, in my opinion, is only really justifiable for ONE cutscene, the Gaius lead-up cutscene.

Castrum has ONE cutscene that you can't skip, which is Livia's intro, which could quite easily just be a standard "everyone waits for the sprout to watch the cutscene before starting the fight" situation.


It's embarassing because if you had to explain to someone new how this roulette works you literally have to say "Oh yeah it's a chore and no-one enjoys doing this, also you're going to hear some awful voice acting and general writing (except Gaius) btw, but it gives us good exp so thats why people do it, you'll be doing it too soon, isn't that fun?"
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Coming back every week or so to lament about pf.

And resisting the urge to go bigger, putting that into mid drawings.
I am
A gay maleroe
Today's the day
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moonies don't poop

will do
Can I clean the sweat off her tummy with my tounge after she goes for a jog?
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Use both for best results, I mainly use rotation for eyes and positioning for eyebrows and lips
*Marks you as "Target to Impregnate 1"*
my friend redra
Wonder if I should use rue for my viera
I have left nothing of note and will fade in to obscurity when I eventually depart.
Are there any femhroths who aren't built like linebackers?
my wife is in this picture!
Praetorium 30 minutes (80% EXP)
Meridianum 20 minutes (60% EXP)
Decumana 15 minutes (30% EXP)

Praetorium is the best. If you say in Party Chat that you're happy you got Decumana in the roulette I'll think less of you.
Remember to sip and not down it
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housing wards rain constantly so the wood is never dry enough to ignite
If it's the green that's the problem I can dye it another color
am a moonie
who doesn't know what to do with her hands in this gpose
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omw to possibly being raped :3
i was using rotation for the eyebrows and when i looked it from another angle i accidentally gave my character a grug brow ridge
I don't believe you
I think femlalas started liking me more when I fantasia'd to a femlala some time ago
This is why you have to watch the cutscene. The story is trying to create an emotional attachment to your magitek armor. That has slightly been flattened since the cutscene where it recognizes you was removed from the Praetorium though, but it's still there.
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>"Let me tell you, friend. So many futanari in the Quicksands, always a sticky, sloppy floor too. To many surprise dicks."
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Is that so... I can't find the option for it
Throw up gang signs!
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I started the true midlander appreciation in this thread. I built it and I proliferated it. The fact midlanders have any kind of presence is because of my steady efforts. Before I took up the flag, the general was nothing but mentally ill cats and femra with the extremely rare midlander being an outlier and definitely the exception and not the norm.
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you get it, you get it.
i'm so sorry to break it to you this way, anon. friendship and maybe back and forth cc kills are what i can offer.
I cannot help this moonie as I cannot see the pose
>running msq roulette
Sorry, you're already just dirt beneath me.
do you want tummy rubs moonie
try some tea or ginger ale if you have any too. eat light. feel better
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Just get 3 friends and use this.
Did they prune the bit where it was explained that, because of the mammet core you and the Ironworks used as a substitute, it had a degree of sentience?
This is a pretty good thing to follow
I've been a femlala for about half a year now and I can confirm your suspicions are true. Every lala is actually super racist towards non lalas and you will be too if you don't fanta soon.
damn ultima weapon needs a buff
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my femlala looks and braps like this
Cumming down that little hearthole
It's odd how normal this post is for this general
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I have two monitors and it's comfy watching stuff and shitposting here while Nero and Gaius rant.
It's really bad, I leave the instance every time
I wish it was like that too for my femlala but other femlalas tend to avoid her completely.
No, that still exists, it's in the earlier quests.
castrum is the best, since you can just game instead of sitting in cs the whole time
Good post
cc doko
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8:25 CC ET Crystal

Your welcome bro.
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Is that why viera and hrothgar still have so many issues?
It doesn't have changing dialogue options then. Damn. Thanks for humouring me regardless.
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cat girls
Where are you sis? I'll come give you some headpats.
What about new players?
nyone of those available
but a moonie could use a tummy rub...
fat girls
I'd prove it but you hate me...
Happy Plaptina
When are you showing me your hrothgal?
katrina 2.0 lets goooo
TND (total nice day)
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here's a dead cat girl
ignoring the brap part can you link that mod it looks cute
bless you thanks for this
dick sucking lips
The big issue with eureka is how leveling works in it. If there's a level difference of like 5 or so between you and someone else then the lower level person won't get experience from mob kills so unless you're both around the same level and do it consistently to remain close then you'll have to disband your party most of the time anyway except for things like fate bosses.
Women that look like this should be fat
What new players? They killed all the momentum they had.
yeah sure here you go.
Yet I can never find someone to give a blowjob to
it's hell with that exterior because the yard is so tiny
Modded catgirls make me sad
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Honestly, as long as it works from the angle you're trying to take the picture from, it doesn't matter. If you're looking to do multiple angles, then yeah, it's best to be careful with how you move stuff around. Slight adjustments to vanilla expressions also work the best, picrel
Just sync cheese the xp bro...
nice trojan bro. Too bad for you I just updated my Norton AV.
me but femlala.
do it
there's already at least two buff yab buns we could use a chubby one
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player Balalaika Fyth exceeds both VRAM warning threshold (503.61 MiB/375 MiB) and triangle warning threshold (201884/165000 triangles).
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player Ai Kotoba exceeds your configured VRAM warning threshold (615.71 MiB/375 MiB).
[Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player Jaden Mode exceeds your configured triangle warning threshold (205615/165000 triangles).
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>Healer dies early on
>Keep myself alive through potions and mits
Healer is an optional role.
Someone on Aether does.
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cute milf EB...
you retard
my moonie uses rue
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uhm sure I guess if you dont want it dont take it lol.
only works around fates that are popped
Fuck them. If they didn't start playing when I started playing they should unironically go back to WoW.
I'm gonna do it again and again too.
Dancer is a healer now?
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jerking off to froth tails
I haven't seen the "new player to this duty" thing on non Dawntrail content in ages on Aether in months, I used to reliably farm second chance points before but I can't anymore unless I go to dynamis
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arigato, i need to update it for dt i think cause it's got this weird dark spot on it but it works otherwise, cute!
shield samba+curing waltz means that you never even had to pop manaward or addle fo raidwides/mechs
I don't want an ugly pedo sexpest.
>she doesn't have BF blacklisted
I never used Mare before. Can you set it up so you only see a handful of friends modified while randoms stay vanilla?
rub rub
Yeah, but it still goes fast. And with how dead eureka is, its not like you're in a rush most of the time.
Dancer has a 60-second CD heal that can stack twice (if the DNC keeps themselves close to you, the heal ticks twice).
yeah you pair with people one by one or you can make a small syncshell where only your friends join
Why the fuck would anyone need 500mb for their own character
you guys are insane, not everyone has a 4090
ty for the tips, i’m super new at this
Mare will only work with people you either manually pair with, or groups (syncshells) you join. Even within public syncshells, you can selectively pause members within it, or just parts of their mods (e.g. sounds or vfx)
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my femlala is like this
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peeping tom list empty again today... not even my eb wants to look at me
Reverse cowgirl while clasping your hips
Humiliating anal
Facial abuse

Vanilla missionary
Putting your panties back on and then spanking
Spitting in your mouth and just that
EB but still tribs after
Coming to your CC
Oral (giving)
Cumming over your glasses
You sitting in my lap
Forcing you two to kiss
Choking (you out)
Bouncing you up and down on my dick
Mating press
Going on a date
Mare works solely via sync. If you only want to see your friends then only sync with them. If you want to see randoms then you have to go out of your way to join syncshells. They won't randomly pop into your view unless you specifically sign up for that.
So what youre saying is healer are not needed.
It's a two way code, you can't add someone if you don't give them your code
I still see it relatively often for normal raids on Crystal, but not for anything that's part of the MSQ.
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it has curing waltz, if you stand ontop of your dance partner you get more healing cause you'll get each others procs of it as well. So you can go from like 20-25% to practically full.
They're shitbins, what do you expect? They exist solely to draw attention to themselves.
i made the valentine's mixer list
Where are you anon? I can click on you.
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They should just skip these cutscene moments in dungeons. Hoh boy, let's watch the boss slowly move on stage, we ALL stand still and have a staring contest for a minute we slowly draw our weapons out and the boss autistically screeches. And if you've all already done it and not interested in the cutscene, it just creates this pointless load of nothing when the boss could literally sit at the end like every other boss before them.
t-thank you
I dont see how this means healers are needed.
>>faggots stealing the health pack from me
this is the only one that actually makes me seethe its always some barely sentient teammate missing a sliver of hp who proceeds to die 5 seconds later as well
it means your "potion value" was non-existent you actual mongolian
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CC 11:55 ET Crystal
my ptom pings have greatly reduced since I park my character at my small house either autocrafting or camping the bell with autoretainer
>In call with a friend
>He falls asleep
>Can hear his GAM Snores
>Still want to suck him off
Whats wrong with me
>Balalaika Fyth
Important thread ebin spotted, you must whitelist them and enjoy random crashes.
ur a good friend for sleep calling :3
>laser activation noise
Say glubnight
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chain queue frontlines on NA, any anons wanna?

its never been more over than it is now...
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y-you're welcome anon
i jerk off to them a lot
i am responsible for "cutenose" and the recently coined "poonie"
They'll still be able to play the dungeons, i'm not shit-talking the actual dungeons themselves because they're actually a thousand times better than they used to be (even if I take issue with some of the lazy design choices boss-wise, starting off the final base ARR dungeon with a fucking Iron Giant boss fight, something new players would have fought at least 4 times by now is insulting), Livia and Gaius are great boss-fights for newbies since, even though they're easy to me, they're a lot more intense compared to like, literally every other base ARR boss fight.

Also cutscene-wise like I said before, all they'd be "missing out on" is a pointless magitek armour blowing up scene, and potentially a drawn-out Nero scene that could easily be shortened (no voice acting) or integrated into the boss fight itself (much cooler).

Also if Square WANTS new players it really needs to focus on making ARR more engaging, I know they've reworked it a billion times already but reworking the dungeons to be MORE BORING is not what they should be doing. Give new players mechanics, challenge them somewhat. Perhaps instead of insta-killing them with hard boss mechanics like other players might want, give them buffs instead if they do mechanics right?
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>More healing is bad, actually
Why are you getting so worked up over this? Is this healer/dancer cope?
My FPS just increased by 10 by voidlisting him. Is the whole bit just to make people angry on purpose?
The game is so fucked on a technical level that I wouldn't be surprised if duty progress progressing and the boss spawning are tied to the cutscene trigger.
imagine the cute sleepy noises when he's getting his woober kissed
Have a Suncat who is going out for a walk before FL/CC time.
i dont know why i have so many triangles okay..
i'm pretty sure i coined "melf" and "shelf" a few months ago
Are the sprout lalafell at lb14 free use?
Hoooooooly fuck holy fuck holy fuck
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Val's soles
Sex with this cat
I've LB'd and been LB'd by this cat in CC before.
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>Use C+ to de-barafy my character.
I have probably made many Hrothgar angry at me
would.. come chain queue frontline with us! primal or crystal?

No, his thoughts don't extend past himself. He's not doing it to piss people off, he's literally so self-absorbed it doesn't even occur to him.
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My ptom has only 1 person on the list, and i wouldn't have it any other way.
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I planted the idea that Zepla fucks black men into the minds of this community. It will take time to grow. But soon everyone will see.
mine is
I started what game is this. I helped >pw poster gain more power. I'm also >you got my eyes. I give mods to even races I hate for the foony outcomes. Most of the shut the fuck up "x" is me. I secretly funded a lot of these schizos ventures with gil.
Built to rape and bully me
Eb for this feel
You good?
Weird fetish bro
sGang pStalker...
sorry was talking about that middie, i don’t like pvp
what keeps him going?
yah whatever
>mating presses you
Nta, but the triangle stuff is pretty broken (and also useless). Many mods it can't actually read the tri count correctly for (lists 0), and the default warning limit for it (if it actually counted everything) is idiotic, both in terms of perf and the fact that 90% of people would be throwing warnings if it was counting things correctly.
should I play ffxiv again if I play femra, also is leo still a rapist
she fucks 16 year old ukrainian twinks
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>Putting your panties back on
...what panties?
Actually it's Stinky Potato.
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pathetic grabs at attention
Fave male middies?
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what ebing KR does to a nigga
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Not a fetish. Its pattern recognition.
i wish that was me why dont my friends ever want to sleep call
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Congrats, you made use of an item. Doesn't make healers not needed, it would've made your run easier if they didn't fall during the boss but shit happens and you made do. That all that it was.
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what can i install to increase my triangles
Does fish eyes work with Shadeshifter now?
can i listen to you sleep
Uh oh! Healer melty!
just heavy detailed modded clothes.
I am very new and on the free trial. I have been only doing story quests and yet have out paced the level by a lot. I am nearly 35 and the main quest is only 25ish still. Will things balance out? I really like playing the story, but it feels cheap when I just 2 shot every mob.

Another question, should I bother doing dungeons with people? I want to watch the cut scenes and people will not wait. I am hoping that instances become at least a little challenging at some point down the line as of right now other players just tank and spank everything.

Really fun game so far though.
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this is the future modbeasts want
Bro I am not doing well at DRG right now LOL
Dream Angels Lily Embroidery Brazilian Panty (Beige)
Most hrothgar seem to reach the "insert my furry OC into the game" levels of modding eventually so I'm unbothered at this point. Do your thing, hero hroth.
Of course! Looking forward to see what you can do if you decide to post it ^^
>mating press
Then I wholeheartedly approve.
Yeah, but not for Aquamaton.
a wine aunt?
do people really even like face 3 femras or no
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>Doesn't make healers not needed
M4S was cleared on week 2 or 3 without healers. If you have a good group, PLD and DNC have basically made them obsolete.
All I contribute is by lurking and not posting. I'm a newfag and everyone who has threadcred seems to be a piece of shit or schizo except a few
yes but i make weird noises and become incoherent when i try to talk as im falling asleep
what can i install to decrease my triangles
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(You) like this. Greatest MMO on Earth.
Huh that looks pretty good.
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finally bwos, i am almost there
Well yeah...
stop shit talking healers, i’m training to become one stop bullying me before i get my degree
use not so heavy detailed clothing mods.
>I really like playing the story, but it feels cheap when I just 2 shot every mob
>as of right now other players just tank and spank everything
LOL welcome to Final Fantasy XIV! This continues through endgame :)

Have you installed mods yet? You need Penumbra/Glamourer/Mare/etc. if you wanna hang with the usuals at LB14. Otherwise you might get blacklisted.
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my moonie thinks she's like this
Thank god, Aquamaton has a lot of windows but shadeshifter windows are just awful, thank you for the info anon
you pretty much gain an insane amount of xp until you hit the level 50/60/70 etc quests which have xp gains assuming the player is level capped (almost nonexistant xp). the best thing you can probably do and what i tell my friends who are starting out is to keep up at least 2 jobs at the same time possibly 3. that way when you hit currentish content (probably around shadowbringers) you have a few options for jobs and you can take full advantage of the leveling bonuses you get on the worlds they force new players onto
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>blocks and counters
You shall live.
>avoiding hrothgals
unfortunate taste
Thinking about becoming a Maleroe, then i remember my character's name is fem.
i mean from like vanilla
i want to look like a playstation 1 character
My favorite Raen is Face 3.
She should put more clothes on
that's cute that only makes it better
She's already livid and you just made it worse
That honestly sounds perfect. I'd take the deal
I made an album
I know those ears.
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Thats fucking CC right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop in Palaistra, men deliver their new born baby in the spawn room. Fucking hard core dick in the ass CC fuck it chuck it game time shit.
Use trusts if you care about the story, use duty finder if you care about speed(though if you're playing DPS, you could probably finish a trust run before your queue would have popped). The game is incredibly easy outside of ultimates, and it only gets easier the further in you get.
You would need a mod that would polygon your char to ps1 levels but I don't think one exists.
I love them
She should shave
*raises paw*
a max potion heals for 2400
ok nice
A good thing to do is look into leveling another class on top of what you're going through the main story with, that way XP is more fairly distributed and you wont be wildly overleveled for what you need only to be forcibly synced down.
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>Doesnt make healers not needed
Healer has, and is, an optional role
Stop coping and accept the reality that the only reason people take you into groups is because people are too lazy to form a group of 3 DPS.
go on then...post it
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botters be like
Oh that's a good idea. I'll make that next weekend, thanks anon.
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CC 4:35 ET Crystal
Oh? You get turned on knowing you made a grown-ass man, someone's son, cum? You like knowing some sweaty hog spilled his load because of your little virtual barbie doll?
Most people will wait but if you find that they aren't even if you ask then doing the dungeons with NPCs is ok, if a little soulless. The instances never get hard, unfortunately, they've made them easier over the years.

As for leveling I think it evens out a bit by 60-70 if you're only doing MSQ but you'll never really have to grind to catch up in xp.
A good casual game for once. Rare.
is your moonie going to sof those
glubs are just better
Miera bros, our stocks are crashing...
ok double nice
ok not as nice but to each their own
it depends do you even like grey moonies
erm what if he only has 4k max hp?
>Oh? You get turned on knowing you made a grown-ass man, someone's son, cum? You like knowing some sweaty hog spilled his load because of your little virtual barbie doll?
Unironically yes.
>Oh? You get turned on knowing you made a grown-ass man, someone's son, cum?
I love them and want to sex one with my femezen.
if you started your character on a "preferred" world, you might've noticed the Road to 80 buff that accelerates your XP. Even without that buff, the MSQ does spoonfeed you a lot of XP, largely because you're given the option to try other jobs (classes), and it acts as a catchup mechanic. You can easily MSQ through on two jobs through ARR and HW, assuming you're doing roulettes or side quests now and then.

Keep in mind, jobs that are lower than your highest leveled one receive an accelerated XP bonus innately, so if you felt like giving Ninja a try passing by the NPC in Limsa, it doesn't hurt to give it a shot.
Buy a name change token, goyim.
Yes, used to play one
Should update this to hyper pots
my moonie doesn't know what that means
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How pedestrian.
>Not instant pop
did i miss it?
then i kill them in one hit and it doesn't matter...
my favorite moonie is grey so yeah
ok very nice
goon plapping this rule63 middie
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I DESERVE an EB, come and offer yourselves so that I may choose a worthy parnter
yjk glue raids with a dog cock dildo in his ass
just watch the cutscenes even if people don't wait, people who early pull don't mind if you join in a little late anyways
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it's close to the end of the thread so I shall
+ warning
what kind of fucked up disjointed post is this
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in..? your lap?
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good luck sis
don't kill your party members...
yes but now im a glubber (i can say it with the hard r because im glub)
can i see your moonie?
One of my friends alts is prolly my fav femra and she's a f3
Yeah my male middie wants to breed one
pretend i posted that weird fucked up cat in response to this
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Umm.. You don't have Necromancer..?
you both used to so thats good with me, nice
I'm not a moonie I'm a face 3 femra
fuck thank you that's so good
Fuck that im gonna be an emotion inferno. And im gonna be a positive one too. Only the best vibes.
You deserve the dirt. Offer yourself so that I may spit on your face.
I don't even have a savage clear so fuck off bitch
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Colorbeasting or keeping it vanilla?
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do you like femlala?
okay then i can admit face 3 is my favorite femra face
I never really cared about your femra, but your rava... hey...
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It's like talking to a wall.
Yes there are instances where if coordinated and practiced you can clear content without healers. Sure can be the same with no Tanks if given time and proper coordination and conditions. But you're talking about hyper specific PLANNED circumstances with competent players, try doing it with everyone with all content and see how that goes for you.
Witnessed. Add more to it in the future
cute hrothgal
Right is better. Left looks a bit too pale and sickly.
I do, actually
but I'm using adversary atm
There is no Necromancer class, does Reaper count?
Glue, your face 3 femra is just superior and your cat is ugly, just fanta
My BWC maliddie likes this
i don't even have Lonely Explorer, because i haven't died on my run yet
alts are nice too, also is it me
I see... I'll mark that down as a nice
nice, also nice grey moonie
can i see your f3mra?
I do but I think Once and Future King sound cooler
Just got fucked harder than when i was a femra (In CC)
oi take that back
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My sleep deprived ass couldn't connect the dots after this scene with him and sleepy ascian buT THANK YOU, EXARCH.
Necromancy is a foul art.
I have a save at 160 that I haven't continued in years, same with a save at 80 in HoH. I do have the EO title though
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7:35 CC ET Crystal
of course I have necromancer and also if you got necromancer on war or mch it doesn't count
And I'll do it again
I studied the blade and found keybinds that work. I will no longer grief que.
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Based. Potions saved me so many times. I also always eat food that gives me 10% more HP so I avoid even more deaths.
sorry. i thought that was a good time to smooch. i'm sorry.
I have been listening to the same song and running around Limsa for 3 hours... god what have I become
you just want to steal her horns, also she's offline
PoTD is dogshit content.
170 floors of snoorfest
*sneaks a smooch without your consent*
she uses the same scaling as my suncat and everyone already calls my sunnie fat
she isnt the one doing the sucking
Chat do i goon to this
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i am
a femra
stuck at work and wanting to raid

ill do it when the job releases so i can cast hell wind in style :))
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You have to posses a special kind of brain to enjoy solo DD "content"
i do that sometimes
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you cant just go around smooching random people, is that how you get off being a smooch rapist? I expect a ingame dogeza this second
We like this
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I am a depressed lalaboi day drinking and chainsmoking again.
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This could be us https://files.catbox.moe/sivsdp.mov
this cat has a woober...?
I am currently and you should too.
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Cheers Brother.
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im sofa king we todd ed
jaden, please get naked
Sorry other team, enjoy your spam
Best I can do in game smooches
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Your rava disgusts me.
You dollar store vanta
It'll look good on you. Trust me, I'm an expert.
Based on what?
Can't win em all.
Oh, she's about to learn what livid means.
Yeah and I might also cram fingers in your mouth.

Public disgrace.
Hot milf roleplay.
Liberating bozja with.
You could be be jerking off instead of inhaling poison
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It used to be 3>>>2=4>>>1 for me before DT. Now it's 2>3>>>4=1

Samesies. Just need more weapon.
>Hyper specific PLANNED circumstances
Mother fucker, 99% of dungeons can be cleared without you. And the fact that its even possible to clear without healers when the devs put in a mechanic that specifically required your presence proves youre a fucking joke.
>try doing it with everyone with all content and see how that goes for you.
I love seeing healers have melties when theyre faced with the reality that their narcissistic sense of inflated importance is just a delusional fantasy.
How bad is your adhd? Working and playing 2 games at the same time.
i will report to you to /kneel and /beg
what does this have to do with ffxiv
funny, I was the opposite at least for 2 and 3, still nice
I wanna stop gposing but my gposers friends wont let me
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I am become Adon
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where are the big bitches
this is us if ur playing gbf this gw is horrible
sometimes i use a footpedal so i can click bouncing my leg
i wanna raid in the hit mmorpg final fantasy xiv
I just want to lust after her...
bros i miss jilkbooru
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dynamis data center...
i beg you...
[1:14][Mare Synchronos] Warning: Player Modbeasted Hamplanet(fake name) exceeds both VRAM warning threshold (744.67 MiB/375 MiB) and triangle warning threshold (514787/165000 triangles).
Maybe I haven't seen a lot of f3 since DT. I've seen TONS of 2.
They're very close for me, though. It's not like I'd turn down any of them if we got along.
Where is the sex?
what mod do you use for the darker lipstick?
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holy moly love this bun
I found posing way more enjoyable when I switched to just using premade poses and shader presets. Doesn't look quite as nice, but you get something 80-90% as good at 1/10th the time and effort.
>cock between her own tits
do you like lalaboys
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not as big but here
It was like a massive free fap library, all my favorite ebins to pick and choose to glaze like I worked at krispy kreme
thank you
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i dont give a FUCK about deep dungeons
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>Her dicks bigger than mine
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check what
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Do you like sunnies?
I've definitely noticed almost all the f3s I knew fantasia'd. It can't really do the milfy smokey eyes look anymore that was the only thing it was good for.
you guys dont really like boobs this big do you..
I got that yesterday for the first time in M2S only for it it to be the most obnoxiously Mid and neon bright miqote
How do they even crank their shit up to 500mb+? Ive had HD texture for everything on my wol and the highest shit i ever reached was about 200mb due to a single modded glam of marika from ER
the 1st one is too big
Not enough people talk about how dawntrail killed off all nonstandard rotations
From BLM to MNK to even fucking NIN its all just grey goop now
cc doko
>No dubs
do you like moonies
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edited this to the vanilla face i think
First is too big, second is fine
at the end of the thread i will say i liked une more when he wasnt this open about being a gooner
Isn't NIN the reason why the 120s meta was established? NIN is like the poster boy for that happening.
what the heck does this cat mean
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11:25 CC ET Crystal(I 90002'd)
what's the point of having a futa if you don't fuck anybody?
where are the left girl's organs
you gotta be in the know to know, you know?
we like this in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
I look like this
Combat/vfx replacements, unironically.
Its okay for me to play DRG in CC I have a handicap
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ive always liked your cat but i feel like if i gush too much about it it'll weird you out
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The ryne hair is cute but it just makes you look like ryne

If anyone knows whats the cat on the left ears? been debating on switch off mord proxies plush ears
is there a mod to make my character's nipples stand out more
i'm using yab on a tan character and on large the color blends in with the normal skin too much
link to hair pls
>forget im not playing with /xivg/ger and comment shit like "holy moly, ra-ra-ra-rape!" on another mmo
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See you smoochist never learn, all you do is go around stealing people smooches hmph.
And you're just making it weird, should I get a collar and leash for you too?
Left would be hot as fuck if she wasn't using ham planet legs/hips.
>she isnt the one doing the sucking
I like a good struggle
I cum harder when I know the faggy slutty catgirl is a sexually confused estrogenized twink behind the screen
femlala eb like this doko?
nothing, just report for spam
If it makes you feel any better i almost said "RAPE" in response to seeing a cute femra while in static VC (They're well adjusted)
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that's a ra
We can desociate
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Dude this cat
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which skin tone? no erp
Yeah dark areola textures. Psure only Gen 3 versions are up but my friend got a bibo one I can ask them if you want
do you wanna... um, my moonie...
no... that's scary...
Her dick is bigger than me
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trans bunny
Nice armpit
That wasn't a no.
This game made me love trannies unironically
left if + right if not
i hate this too
i would greatly appreciate it, it's doubly weird since i have some yab mods where the exposed versions have nipples that look perfectly fine
please tell me she likes meena
>uncompressed audio files
the classic
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not a clue, it might be on telegram
its not weird but theres only so many ways you can really respond to a direct compliment ya know. gets kinda awkward if you arent having a full conversation
there was a really hot xaela with nice vanilla mashup hair here earlier but awful scaling yeah. shit sucks.
thats the spirit
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>she isnt the one doing the sucking
umm what about that twitter image sis
>90% of gear for the lithe is coomer gear
i hate this game
show her +
Migrate when ready.

ive never posed anything nsfw of hazel?
Yeah I know who this is
isn't this the same cat
yeah thats the same cat. way before she was an alt though
I'm sorry, I'll just look respectfully...
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I see this is going no where. So you just don't like healers, got it. Thanks for wasting mine and your time.

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