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Male midlanders, yeah.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

Previous: >>494096840
Sex with catgirls
Stop saying maliddie
I love femezen so much it's unreal
>Be Eurydice Binis
>Engage in multiple instances of horse cock erp with 3 well known stable masters
>Get taunted and mocked for my fetishes in this thread and on discord
>Eventually have a very public meltdown in thread
>Go radio silent
>Purchase one of Yoshi P's finest name changes
>Change my name to Lorgar Urizen
>Purchase one of Yoshi P's finest Phials of Fantasia
>Attempt to remain anonymous
>Forget that lodestone ID remains the same
>Get discovered and exposed in thread
>Read what is happening because I live in this thread 18 hours a day
>Private my lodestone, as I am being mocked in thread again
>Purchase yet another of Yoshi P's finest name chages
>Change my name to Horus Lupercal
>Start to insert myself into the thread again under my new identity that cost me €40 to create
>Don't notice that I changed my name to what is essentially Horse

Good luck Horse Lupercal you horse cock loving freak.
>*Estrogen Puppy @ Balmung invites you to a party*
Lörs reaktion?
Really it's my own fault for TPing there today..
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Midlander Supremacy
so many moonies in the last thread and only one was grey. very sad to see that nobody likes grey moonies anymore
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Show off your snowbunny tattoos too
there's nothing wrong with blacked
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Post Lalafell!
show us your spade then
>mark as Target to ignore
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All males under 5'10 are getting raped
i don't have one
• September 11, 5:00 PM CST | Balmung Lavender Beds W14 | Hurricane Watch Party
• September 11, 5:00 PM CST | Balmung Lavender Beds W14 | Hurricane Watch Party
• September 11, 5:00 PM CST | Balmung Lavender Beds W14 | Hurricane Watch Party
• September 11, 5:00 PM CST | Balmung Lavender Beds W14 | Hurricane Watch Party
Put it in.
i was the one who exposed the first name change when i played my eu alt in frontlines and my playertrack set off alarm bells
>liking trailer park girls means you have to go to therapy
nah beer is cheaper
This is my first time here. Came to laugh at the absolute state of the game, instead I find this gem. Why not just own up to being a horse fucker, simple as?
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Make it 50/200
What is your grudge on Eurydice anyways?
link the post and ill add it
ive seen your room and i know youre an ipa drinker
thats a nice butt what body is that

extremely but doing that while actively harboring magness of all people is a bad thing in itself, too.
don't forget siegben was calling himself the middie gatekeeper here only a few days ago
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want one?
do you have your documents?
grey moonies
appal did not cheat on me
raincheck on sex tonight
goonies do this
you'll run out of sex credits
>you forgot granblue and deep dungeons! exdeee

I need my (You)s every time I spam the thread please :3
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Making Ardbert hold his axe straight up. Grabbing Ardbert by his ankles. Swinging Ardbert in circles for hours with your WAR strength to build up force. Finally slam Ardbert-Bravura against your opponent of the day.
Don't recall seeing one therefore I will not spawn it, potential spoileroos.
when do the yurojeets go to sleep?
warhammer 40k is gay so of course it would attract a horsefucker
I play a dark skinned character but don’t like blacked
femlalas who only hang out with male midlanders has the vibes as asian girls who only hang out with white guys

i shan't be elaborating
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All middies (not maliddies) may have one (1) friendship with me (fiddie)
You will get free objectification credits under this contract.
>all that time invested to take a good picture
>not taking 5 seconds to google the © symbol
my moonie is ghostly white and pale but her soul is grey
How many voice actors are Trannies for Warhammer tho. And FFXIV?
Hell yeah
Are you guys weathering a hurricane today?
>t. euro
I like all moonies thank you very much
what r the chances were already friends
>choosing to sit in your own filth and wallowing in mental illness rather than taking responsibility for your actions like an adult and doing something about it
You're the American version of the Finn schizo.
Thank you for being respectful of our race
t. MALE MIDDIE Council Herald
I wonder why...
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Fucking shant’ers, I swear
>femlalas who only hang out with male midlanders
can't think of a single one who does that chief
beer is gross
>t. lalaboycvck
my moonie is yellowish white like the moon
That mod is called stallion so it's either YAB, Rue+, or Lavabod. Hard for me to tell from the back
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seething transbian femlala fingers typed this post
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Sorry bwo but I don't use tattoos..
I was just jump scared is all.
It's just regular Bibo+
I forgot to switch back to my regular body last night..
(see pic)
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first for forced femra horn piercings!
>allowing square enix to claim ownership of your work
this is why I don't gpose. I do photography and my own art.
The stock is finally refreshed. Business is once again booming
That's better. You're applying yourself just a little more
100% you are my friend now
>Male Midlander
Snoooooooooore, Bob the Fighter lookin ass. Get the fuck outta here. What, do you have default hair too?
ofc its eu
wallowing in filth is an american pastime
Groom him into detransitioning
How I eb
What should I say instead?
Yep it's never been more over
probably rue or lavabod with a scale i guess
ok but where are the race mixing middies
male middie from the end of last thread please post again
If you have any repressed meltie inside you, feel free to let it out and share with the class.
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Help me out here /xivg/, if you HAD to be gay for a sec who would you say looks nicer?
Kinda wanna try being midlander since they get normal ears (hats don't turn ear shaped) but I dunno.
I think men should normalize being friends with women without the expectation of romance or sex
oh okay
want to do savage runs for fun
Your middie looks cuter than your miqote. But the hair sucks ass
change the hair and go catboy
Dropping juicey blobs of ballsnot all over a printed picture of this cat and wiping my dripping tip off of her face
Idk about the forced but horn piercings would be super cool to have. Horn and tail decorations in general are neat.
I don't do savage (yet)... But I will wish you luck
I will not take your poison, Moshe.
the answer is catboy or miera if soft gay
roe or hroth if hard gay
No because they'll know it's me
Should I play catboy to femlalamax?
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Horus Lupercal is a good name. I was there, when Horus slew the Emprah.
mucho texto
Left looks more androgynous
I hate Horus so much it’s unreal
who cares it's still fucking gay and attracts horse fuckers. other things aren't relevant.
You play femlala to femlalamax.
yeah because they look so good you have to put them on or you get killed or something
I like the cat, but i love the midlander.
No homo, I would break the Miqo'te's hips and call her a good girl despite the "Hidden Dom" effect/aura/etc.
No, femlalas want male middies that play WAR and wear the AF1 set so they can help them hook up with sunnies.
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hello thread
>Horn and tail decorations in general are neat.
that's one of the reasons i like being face 4
having the horn rings is neat, especially after the face update
that's spooky
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getting ignored and left in the corner hurts and it makes me want to lash out and do things I will regret
Not avail, sorry
Whatever. Spin around and throw it back.
Real talk, have you ever gotten your pipe moist?
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>face 4
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Unironically this >>494109372, and if you feel sassy make her a + too
>"b-but they're just lalab-"
Shut the fuck up
hello my future ex eb
what a lovely highlander
want to learn savage for fun
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Present a bouquet of flowers & mildly inconvenience your nearest Wood Wailer
You can't just say something like this and then not follow through with proof. That's Fucked Up
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this umbrella mount is cute
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Maybe one day, definitely next tier though. This week I actually still need to gear up my new main
Eye cancer AND ear cancer. Wow!
For real, couldn't leave the house without my horn rings!

I think those are a bit excessive... looks like a punk.
eb like this?
Reminder: Fulalas are fundamentally no different from lalaboys.
may i trib ma'am
I’m not a gooner just want to eb
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So getting a tribute....is a good thing?
Fulalas are cute tho. Like, they're literally femlalas
it's impossible to see femlalas as anything but breedable onaholes
May I groom?
One is for boring femlalas that utilize sex to keep attention.
depends if you're a whore or not really doesnt it
I want to fuck proxy…let her ram and fill my femlala up
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>I think those are a bit excessive... looks like a punk.
STOP having sex.
Yeah, of course. Tributes are straight fire
I've been in a manic episode & it's reduced me to nothing more than a walking talking severe gooner trance
I'm afraid some anon will zoom into the picture 500x and backtrack the paper quality to my country. Otherwise that bitch would already be wearing a Tudor Crown.
START having sex (with moonies)
You will never be accepted here after what you did, Rev.
i thought everyone was talking about the tenacious d song
Holy... wife
pit and tit for a trib
I claimed her first
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There is nothing gay about having relationships with women and sex with men.
seconding >>494109251
super mario bros 3 is the best videogame, actually
>nobody at lb14 wants to rape my bussy

I wish a boring femlala would use sex to keep my lalaboy's attention.
post boy
This. Also, you forgot Effy for Ebin of the Year 2024
buildered for roe mans
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I never lose, so no, loser.
I never started....
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>*Slaps you're EB's ass*
Lörs reaktion?
If I must..
>don't have access to a printer
>tablet screen looks weird in pictures
trib bros... i don't feel so good...
yes, its the ultimate compliment
You're right, if theres nothing wrong with racism then yes theres nothing wrong with blacked
My femlala has a horsecock
whatever filter effect makes it look out of focus really fucked with my eyes
I see them as cute hug dispensers and pet receptors but you do you
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god i love pierced up femras
aint this the guy who was a highlander because his eb Layla West wanted a male but they broke up so he went back to fiddie?
Get a burner phone that you use as a phone number for online orders.
I think they're flattering. But nobody would ever make one for me because I don't post anything at all seductive.
>tfw I think trib means tribbing so everytime someone asks to trib I mentally imagine two chicks slamming clams and get hard.
Some people can't rotate the apple in their mind, me? I'm just built different.
I’m thinking about having a gimmick where I shamelessly copy ebin common pictures, but as a male character where the context doesn’t fit
Like Effy’s fang picture, or that Elk MREEEEOW one
is my threadcrush logged on here
my malera acts like this
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How my viper look
I love piercing femras if you know what I mean
yea im right here
Pretty cool
If a femlala is with a lalaboy, then the lalaboy is already just being cool with the femlala.
my sunnie is a fan of tribbing
where are the straight middies
how much does it cost to get a nose piercing?
Do moonies love anal?
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What does that even mean if I'm a grown up?
You cant have her cock all to yourself sis..
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>this post
*laughs chorously*
Yeah whats up
Same bwo...
You look like a MGSV OC cosplayer that went to a renfaire and was told he wasn't allowed to carry guns since it's not historically accurate and was given two random swords so he didn't stand out so much from all the vikings, templair knights and that one random "vvitch" with most of her boobs out.
if that's any consolation, it's also the first thing that comes to my mind
>buy cheap 30-50 dollar burner phone
>transfer pictures to said phone
>cum on phone
>take picture of phone
Plus, if you want, you can just use it to make order from fast food places that always want your number for an online order, despite already asking for your email + giving you an order time estimate.
File deleted.
why are the catgirls on twitter so much hotter bwos
this is some nice rapemeat
I would try it
i miss you
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I'm glad someone's getting as much of a kick out of these as me. We're soul siblings . . .
The ultimate meatwatcher... we hate to see it. Well, it's the thought that counts
Have an oldie https://files.catbox.moe/hc0b0b.png
Fang picture? You should, it could be really funny
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Oh so the tranny chaser was this middie all along.
That could be funny.
I would like to like this femezen but she fucks horses and I can't compete with that
We could double team her...
Wanna set up a time and ask her together? I'm sure she would accept
that femra is literally me
my sunnie is back on that depression binge tism again ong frfr
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What does that even mean?
I like her. I wanna hold her down and force her t-
My lawyer has advised me not to continue this post.
jet moonies melts steel sunnies
Is it?
My moonie thinks its kinda gross
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My moonie would have done this
oh. but i already have a tablet that would have a bigger screen than a phone. i just can't really get a good picture of it without the screen or the cum looking bad
i also don't care that doordash has my phone number
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right here
>captcha: GAY80T
YJK this bitch smell crazy. Post pits
Okay Ty :)
Easier said than done I see my male friends as fuckable too
surely you have to realize how obnoxious and spammy you've become
appal used to pretend to be blind to the same thing
Are a tranny for trump?
I'd rather have an Elezen that fucks animals and not spades.
>performative racism
Sure… i see her at the LB right now
Your grandpa lost hard. Get over it.
You are in the middie council you take/give broshots and let the fiddies objectify you.
The "Bigots don't deserve anything" poster. It fits with you posting the same shit 100 times.
>name literally one heterosexual white male who knows who jesse earl jones was before he died??? literal fucking WHO?????
From a long fucking time ago too.
Can you please stop spamming the thread for just a minute?
Aw fuck I'm not there. Maybe later? Could you hold on a little bit?
i forgot to farm criterion yesterday
nta but now i am /guarding
I love you
it’s over
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Going on a taco Tuesday date night with Lamaty'i...
Sounds like a lighting or load issue.
Thx pals I'll try more hairstyles, feedback noted.
Shut up fag I want to see his posts
Stop seething at people who actually want to interact with other people in the thread
Mine sure does!
trying way way too hard
The fuck? I only laugh at posts that I think is funny.
why do people think dying or wiping in xiv is a big deal? is it just an ego thing? you're back to where you were in a few minutes
Why do malidsterdies have the worst forced memes
But Elk you're trans?
Effy has some of the best engagement in the thread imo. I think you're losers
what race is most likely to become my vaginal only EB to creampie
Would your moonie rather I deposit the cum in her bellybutton??
My party wiped on m4n twice yesterday and I was about to freak
he's posting on cooldown for the sole purpose of mass replying to socialize
the ingame tell system is perfect for that once you go past the first few back and forth messages on here
you're not going to win me over with that argument just because you happen to personally like him
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I wish this place wasn't so sexual
I knew him as Thulsa Doom from Conan, and Terence from Field of Dreams.
definitely not a load issue.
how should i do the lighting? the last time i made a trib, the camera would either focus on the screen and make everything else dark and weird or focus on my cum and the screen was blurry
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Put a capital on it, it's Maliddie to you bro
Because no matter what it's my fault and I should feel ashamed for being the worst at everything
sex with you
Only crystal femlalas are like this… you need a primal one
Have you seen /pso2g/
This place is actually fun and nice in comparison
even if i had a pussy i'd probably still prefer anal it's hard to explain but i'm sure physiology agrees
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can i post this? do you guys mind?
An hour sound good to you?
>Here's an oldie
Good picture but I want to see the red head :v
fat toddler hands
Just start fishing and all your worries will melt away
you couldn’t be more wrong
Wanna just hang out and chat about anime then? no sexual stuff, just what shows you're excited or want to see. I'll talk your ear off about Gundam if you let me.
Sorry you've got too many clothes on in this picture, you're gonna have to delete this
my rava’s balls resting on this cat’s face
There is no way your phone doesn't have a dozen sort of camera settings. Just trying stuff out. Maybe have a flash or something. Maybe mess with the Tablet's brightness setting as well.
Yeah, but I don't particularly care, either. The posts you dislike seeing the most are ones that are easy to filter--Tree of Tranquility, A New Beginning, Heart Shaker, and I Can't Stop Me are the shaders that I use. Anything that my avatar is not attached to will end up being game related & you would never know it was me
I love you too buddy
+ or -
You guys are so jealous of Effy getting more (you)s it's funny
Bee allergy hands
nobody gives a fuck faggot
I think the outfit is fine for a roguish character but those swords are far too heavy
try something thinner and lighter, maybe something like high durium twinfangs
He's right though, the only difference is that /pso2g/ is fucking dead nowadays, just like the game it's allegedly discussing.
real, the same sus joke that'll have the boys laughing will have some gooner take you at face value and try to erp with you here
Most of my pure friends would be mortified, so please don't. I'm a whore and would like it, though...


Pretty good but I think there's a bunch of tops that look better on male characters than that.
I kind of mind but not enough to do anything about it
What's with the influx of people making fuckugly characters on purpose?
I’ll protect you proxy
Sex. Rape. Goon. We like this.
Not all dislike (or disgust) is jealousy.
I fail to see how an amongus joke would inspire someone to ask to goon.
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everyone here has a corn addiction thats why i left
He looks like he fucks femras. Or solid snake
Post nudes of Effy's sister
Punching this racist kot
NTA but what if I'm done fishing
the last time i was there it was so full of malice and schizophrenia the thread was completely unusable. idk if things have changed or not but it was basically like having the trash thread as the main thread
spent like an hour and a half trying to get a hair mod to work and i dont even like it
Why are you here?
This fucking story arc
>and that one random "vvitch" with most of her boobs out.
Why is this so accurate lol
Do you like Haitians?
Hey faggot, can you please use a tripcode so it's easier to filter you?
same, I think it's boring
You're our queen, why are you asking for permission? The answer if always yes!
I stopped browsing the place after dropping the game after EP6, but I heard that it go so mentally ill it practically killed the /vg/ community.
There are like 3 threads up just for posting lewds on /aco/ and /trash/ for xiv and they still come here, because these threads don't get enough (You)s. I just find it boring, because coomers have zero creativity.
go play a different game that has fishing
a friend of mine was talking about Dawntrail to me so I thought "I wonder what the general is like now" and then I saw that post and wanted to make a joke. I will leave now, sorry.
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take this back now.
sorry for my transgressions, ill end it all.
you don't mean this
why specifically haitians
thank you my minion
Sad to lose you but I get it
Trash threads die because tikaasi spams them with nigger dicks
The secret is I'm hypersexual with friends who encourage it or are super sexual themselves. And completely non-sexual with those who show no interest in that stuff.

On here it's 50/50. Sometimes it's complete hornypost degeneracy. Other times it's long winded discussion on FFXIV things.
read >>494111968
he's literally saying he could stop shitting up the thread but he doesn't care, with a little trolling about how game-related every post with an ampersand is, while of course mass replying to gooners and simps
but unlike you at least he's honest about what he's doing and admitting his detractors have a point instead of trying to pretend his detractors are jealous
>You are in the middie council
Yeah I created it
>you take/give broshots
Yeah thats part of the bromance
>and let the fiddies objectify you
Could be worse, it could be a f*mra or a l*la
It’s all ironic though, right?

>you don't mean this
I really really really mean it. Honest.
Anon that’s what I mean. /pso2g/ is completely unusable.
Sis the biggest culprit of this is a Primal femlala
usually the tablet would be on max brightness just to make sure it's as visible as possible. guess i'll try messing around with the camera or maybe getting a lamp for extra light?
everyday it feels like the handful of people who actually play the game becomes smaller and smaller
i want to be objectified by a femra or lala...
yea its pretty lame. would be cool to just talk to someone without some shitlord trying to "rizz" you up or scrolling through the thread and not seeing random dudes on the internet beg each other for tributes
I want to plap jaden
Then why does she spend all her time on Crystal?
Checkmate Aethiests.
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I'm gonna fucking kms
damn was hoping for some mooner woob
>Could be worse, it could be a f*mra
haha yeah fuck oda
Not a porn addict btw
Friends with all the coomers btw
Viera+ gock for my fiddie btw
women should normalize it by not allowing themselves to be passed around a male friend group like a used onahole
yeah being sexual is cool and all
but does anyone need a hug
can you recommend something
I tried fishing in Sea of Thieves but it wasn't very fun
Will Smith's son?
kinda worried that FRU will be too easy like the savage tier and we get a whole 'nother wave of TEAfags
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I don't care about "winning you over" I just want to call you a retarded whiny faggot
Which you are
>Wanting to spend time with women without fucking them
no way I ain't a fag.
This almost never happens, if it did there wouldn't be so many incels and virgins
I heard no man's sky introduced fishing recently
Just play SEGA Bass Fishing, it has never been surpassed.
You aren’t going to expect me to download preggers mods right?
It is not uncommon for me to get an erection from looking at hrothgirl tails.
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take it back
are you cute
sorry, i only have golems for +
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No, they all suck anyway
might download some pregnant mods for my moonie to take cute pictures
Did you know back when the Dominican Republic was fighting for their independence from post-revolution Haiti they had an extremely strong track record in battle. At the battle of Azua the Dominicans fielded a bit over 2000 troops, and the Haitians fielded 10,000. Despite this overwhelming numbers advantage only two Dominican soldiers were killed, whereas the Haitians lost 1000
Let's Fish! Hooked On! for the PSVita.
>whining that people shouldn't be using the thread to critique a fruity man's spam posts, with no sense of irony
>"retarded whiny faggot"
seems like you fit all three of those words. projecting just a bit there? sorry to have hit a nerve
I've literally never heard of/seen this person, what's their character look like?
I just hope it'll go by fast.
Probably try a couple of flash options on the phone, first. No way things should be that dark.
God I hope so. We need another UWU or TEA instead of more ass cancer like TOP.
No I am average looking
>wake up
>for once, anon didnt send me 15 messages while i was sleeping
>>whining that people shouldn't be using the thread to critique a fruity man's spam posts, with no sense of irony
That's a funny way of saying you should be allowed to dramapost about your thread enemies without interruption.
Can someone mention my name
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mery? cute pic
Were you able to find that femroe NPC in Bronze Lake?
>i only have golems for +
wait WHAT you do futa???
peggable partner
NTA but I'm genuinely the best looking character here, and I would never plap someone as retarded and dorky as you.
It's mostly uphill afterwards but that fucking trolley made me take a month long break I was so burnt out
>below the neck
we like this
>above the neck
shan't be fapping
oh fug that game is expensive...
maybe i should elaborate... a game that has fishing in it, but the main focus is not fishing
like stardew valley for example
the lights are always on so it's not that dark in my room. trying the flash might be a good idea, i've never used it before. thank you trib sensei
She does anything with a pulse
I just think if /xivg/ is your outlet for socialization you're probably better off swallowing lead aspirin.
Works on my machine.
bro, at that point, the worst thing you could do is trying to hide, you'd have to just own your fetish.
It goes for cheap a lot during sales so keep it in the back of your mind
Wish that was me on the left.
do you like cute futas? :3
even on 60% off it's still kinda pricey... but I will keep it on my wishlist.
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unironically has never been surpassed
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do you like big mean rava+
Need a Mery husband
i criticized his posts, and he acknowledged the criticism was valid and said he just didn't care
that's the extent of it
anything beyond that is you trying to beat up a strawman you've created because you can't just take the L and move on
A lot of (I would like to say most) blacked porn is made for (and sometimes by) people who like racial NTR/cucking, which isn't a fetish that is likely to occur in a non-racist person
Fine, I’ll unblacklist you, just don’t go crazy again, okay?
retarded nintendo fanboy
Red Dead Redemption 2 has fishing. Hell, there's multiple side quests where you go fishing with someone from the gang.

A certain member of the gang will ask you to go fishing at some point in chapter 3. Say yes. You'll regret it later if you don't. I did.
Terraria has fishing but it will make you rage.
weird question but how do i try out party chat macros when im by myself? a party doesn't form until a second person is in it...
no i meant, he plays futa?
Would you a moonies?
yeah i only fuck white guys (im bioasian)
>Good luck Horse Lupercal you horse cock loving freak.
IDK any of the Eurotroons but this is genuinely one of the funniest things ever posted in /xivg/.

Don't all the futa enjoyers like horsecock though? I just assumed all of them were getting HORSED.
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Yeah, then I recalled I only have Brio and even then, I don't know how to use Brio to snag NPC info, especially NPC info I can't target. Gomenanzensorry.
What creature utters these words?
I'm gonna fucking die here.
sam is one of those jobs that if they have an animation mod, they have to be 11/10 kino like the vergil one or it's not worth getting
sea of thieves has pretty fun fishing and a whole faction dedicated to fishing
there's even pve servers now so you don't have to worry about getting trolled by fuckers who are really good at pvp
>We're soul siblings . . .
pierced up femra can bring people together like nothing else
I would a moonies 10000 times
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wrow.. domincans rule the world
then maybe.
only golems
i understand, i'm not good enough..
chill on me..
you lost, tendies won
Bro, don't shake it for free, you're better than that
my moonie has depression and autism and anxiety and adhd
don't ping me
don't pregnant man react me
we're done
My moonie blushed reading this
>What creature
Those you call "hornheads"
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i am here to undoko your lives
crystal cc (c^4) at 3:30 et
Can you wait until I get off work until you start calling
Cuddling and smooching this moonie to make em feel better
please reconsider
midderpsters getting uppity again
He has a futa golem, it's a femra
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>made it on the newest nothing burger list
>haven't interacted with xiviggers in over a year
this list is a farce and names are pulled at random out of a hat
I demand a recount
i can keep calling till you get off pookie!!
my haitiancoded maliddie WILL eat your catgirl's kitty
>Those you call "hornh-
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>i understand, i'm not good enough..
so true.
gitwm otr
Midwards are a bunch of faggots
right when i wake up, bless you anon
Lemme try. I have both Brio and Amnesis. Be back soon with results.
I want to have passionate lovey dovey handholding yes, that's it with a hornhead
nevermind i dont want you..
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I am logging in
>everyone saying it's cute not realizing she is getting fucked anal.
no cuddles????
Explain the mechanics of that one anon.
everytime i see you post, i feel a sense of foreboding
you'd be really hot if your body wasn't hyper
>starts his new character gimmick
>spams his character on cooldown
>a few weeks later it's already public knowledge that he has a female golem with a penis
i fear for the lot of you.
It's the black skin.
plap me please
cuddles are not passionate, they are relaxing
those are good too, however
i am now logging in
every time i see you post, i throb
why are you black
Different hornhead, malidster.
I like calling my femlala spud
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I like being hyper
You have 2 choices
>go cowra (pale)
>go cowbunny (pale)
you have until sundown
>I like being hyper
what body do you use
why did renko nakatsu, an ebin alumnus of this fine site, go on to create nothing but blacked cuck content?
Do you think her anus is in the lower spine above the pelvis?
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getting objectified again lads
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cope. seethe, even.
>she is unaware of the lalafell back hole
now we're thinking with portals
>molly's used goods
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There was another battle where the Dominicans had around 500 troops and the Haitians again had 10,000. Total casualties was one wounded Dominican and 600 dead Haitians. I think there was also a battle where the Dominicans retreated and somehow the Haitians still lost several hundred men. The Haitian navy also got beaten by some trading ships or something. It was so bad that during the war not a single battle was won for Haiti, and the Dominican losses totalled a few hundred by the end, mostly from the last battle
funny bratty bunny
You're strong and you will overcome.
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bibo+ okaa-san

I already have a pale bunny and I shan't be making her a cow

who are you
Anon I don't think that's how anal works
Oh, you're just making shit up
Enough talk. Put both your elbows to your belly button NOW
great post wu zhao now go back to browsing renko's twitter
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>so afraid of being rejected he rejects her first
nigger you fucked shoro, you absolutely would fuck that cat
I am a hroth, who just found a LEDx
lets fucking go
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>bibo+ okaa-san
damn it. i love that body but the lack of clothes ruins it for me
It's preferable over my experience with /bdo/ where everyone in it was either a massive faggot or a massive faggot (fujo)
My maliddie is Barbeque-coded and he will eat your Haitian-coded maliddie
ok here's a plapping gif I made, keep in mind I'm kind of shit at doing animations

stay the course ser
we just got a new upscale and it even has a woober option
God, I just want to dress like a slut and drag my boyfriend to a nightclub
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>everyone in it was either a massive faggot
>implying it's not like that here too
is there a way to port the hair textures from dawntrail onto modded hairs? i dont have much of an idea how it works in specific but a lot of older modded hairstyles look like plastic
I want you second life fags to shut the hell up
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that game was a doozy omg

next crystal cc game is gonna be at 7:20 et
>dominicans mog haitians
>haitians mog french
are french actually 4th worlders
>/bdo/ where everyone in it was either a massive faggot or a massive faggot (fujo)
Lmao that's /xivg/ also
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If anything, Molly is MY used goods, and I would NEVER use that WHORE.
should've just left it at "funny" you bastard.
speak lies, lose your thighs.
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i love saucy femlalas that know what they want and aren't shy about getting it bros
Explain this epic discord meme to me
shut the fuck up just actually shut the fuck up
The bottom part of the clothing isn't the coat, it's her pants.
you can see her using her hand to pull them down.
you can see the top of the pants on the others skin being pushed down
YOU MISSED ONE!..........................
who are you quoting
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They haven't spoken about the FFXI Alliance Raid at all since it was announced, have they?
I ran my old hair through the textool DT updated thing and they turned out alright
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can middies not ever do this pls, ty
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have you ever got a draw on frontline before? is this normal?
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>playing the modbeast game
>complaining about modbeasts
IMAGINE choosing FFXIV:Dawntrail as your ""gameplay"" hobby
anti-modbeast cat
They will probably talk about it in the live letter?
How can I find one...my femra wife to be...
what hair sis
This is /xivg/ retard
>those pouty lips
oh no no no
little boy or little girl?
une is a discord industry plant
sorry you had to find out this way
this fag cut my hair so well the other day i had to give him a standing ovation afterwards
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Probably? I haven't followed much since it was announced.
I got it. Under the Appearance tab click the icon that looks like a person with a pen. It's labeled Advanced.
Change your mainhand weapon by setting the values underneath to
9001 20 1
That will change your main hand weapon to a wine bottle. Hope that helps, bro.
builtet to be made fun of while i peg him (im a minimum height femra)
There are a lot more men here that are MEN, not larping as a weeb/gook-worshipping racist femboy or a fujo pretending to be that
I hate that archetype of person with a passion, yes I don't care I'm not allowed in your flaming fairy group
This nigga's the parfait
Happens a lot on Shatter actually. That map is pure ass since the rework
No femra does this. I need proof
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you just mean the dawntrail upgrades option? i did that and the hair looks like this, but i had to do it to get the hair functional in the first place so it might not be a very good example
The Haitian revolution and the years that followed are super interesting imo, and there's a lot of very interesting politics as to why the French lost so hard. But the short answer is yeah, pretty much
alright footfags, what are the good feet mods
>you still have to do shitty fucking eureka for stormblood AF armour
kill me now
I watched a couple videos on XI and since I haven't played any other FF outside XIV, it's interesting to see how many things they took over to the newer mmo and how many characters appeared. Like that stupid cat from the HW alliance raid. I thought it was just a random talking cat, but no, it has lore.
Indian-coded malidster
not like any of them look good or anything
Nights Feet is usually the go to.
(Mandatory for Moonies!)
Two versions on xma, one with nail polish and one without.
>One of the few people who actually like femlala
>Nearly all of them are GAM who are only interested in obvious fetish stuff with other femlala
you vill enjoy the eurekino
Gil... must... make the big bucks...
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They're going over it September 28th
Depending on the class, you can get some stormblood af gear sets from pvp
petty, sex-crazed middie like this for my femra
yjk this maliddie moans at high frequency(voicecel level)
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>be off tank in a trial
>do nothing except take a few extra adds when necessary
>6 commendations
thanks i guess
You will farm the fates, you will walk around the dragons, you will participate in Cassie and crab NMs and not get any loots and you will be happy.
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crystal cc, queue at 11:00 et
my middie is
quite the opposite
would that be acceptable
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ummmm bro your PLD kino?
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Nice, thanks for the info.
nice, ty. i use yab for body but the feet dont look too good.
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And people here try to tell me that maliddies aren't the race indians gravitate towards
in crystalline conflict
It probably wasn't that bad before Bozja came out and everyone moved on
is my wife FT in the queue
When my EB is curious she makes the sound when you hit a boss in Link to the Past
Maliddie hands wrote this
Fuck off SK. Nobody likes you.
you can get it from the calamity salvager, but the dyeable variants, yeah still eureka
Wonder if they will ever have the balls to include a tank swap in normal mode content.
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The Cait Siths in Wings of the Goddess were incredibly endearing. There's also a TON of named NPCs that are throwbacks to FFXI. We've been eating good for a long time.
kemonofriends eb
idk who that is homie
Oh, I'm not sure then
but I'm taking a break from cc to cap all my jobs...
Someone post Magness' self insert
You're not a middie. You're a maliddie. Post your lodestone if you really are a femra
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what did anon mean by this
>Want to practice PCT for FRU
>Already recleared
>Only PFs up are for 2 chests
I hate this
Yeah I read that name on 4chan a lot.
cap them using cc!!!!!
>wanna fap to tributes
>search archive
>litterbox links for everything
ughhhh... whatever
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Yea like 10-20% of assets are ripped from XI
How does someone even make litterbox links
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my alt character is literally Kemono Friends. henlo!
sorry anon i'm saving up for a big one
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I have a boyfriend
He looks like a bro tier chad
I made a battlestation in my private estate so my moonie canonically posts here
Why does she yell during the fight?
fine, but only if this hypothetical femra wife appears will I cease my levelling
not you, you get shot on sight
I hate the irony of those retards acting llke Effy's posts are off topic when theirs are far more off topic.
My wife Iroha is so cute
What if I wanted to insert myself into your femlezen?
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Good morning sir of light pray return to the megadoodoo.
post your last one so I can fap to it anon
Heello saar
head tracking between gpose actors whennnnnnnnnnnn
how big is your +?
yeah idk. i just hope the solution's not something too autistic like going into blender and adding more detail myself or making a new texture or whatever
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I thought I kinda liked feet, but after checking what is supposed to the footfag choice, I guess I'm closer to being normal than I thought. This doesn't look sexy at all.
post it
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Vandalism? This is what the pirates are resorting to, after running out of arguments?
porn addiction general
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(You) like this.
New to modding, what program do I use for detailed posing?
Chat is that real?
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we like this
thats when you int clear parties and use them as alt job prog (someone else in the party will do the actual inting)
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i need to make new daggers
your horns
give them to me
These are fantasy Indians, not real ones. They know how to use a chamberpot
I smell cum
I need to make a fuckton of gil for the numbers but I don't have subs
God I wish they made some good feet for rue because gen3 is eh
Anamnesis is an external program
Brio and Ktisis are both internal addons through Dalamud
not secondlife btw
I'm not online but picture a desk using the level checker as a monitor with mostly eaten dangos as clipped into the desk as a mouse
t. has never played second life
do men really like balloon animal tiddies like this
Brio (can pose while animated, better posing UI imho)
Ktisis (steadily getting more features, lights, cameras, etc)
Anamnesis (maintained by the same dev that does Brio I think, out-of-game program, steadily becoming increasingly defunct)
I'm not a +.
Completely valid opinion.
It is essentially just higher poly feet and it's not for everyone.
Those painted nails look fucking atrocious, nails should be simple like no paint or basic french tipped
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the brap fumes always gets me
you'll just have to play it to find them
You can't handle my horns anon, they're too sharp for you.
Not really
Thanks anon, I appreciate it.
>actually like the head
>everything below it gives me an aneurysm
this modbeast was so close
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une saved my ass, our asses, bless

next crystal cc match at 2:30
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nyo thanks
Yeah, cringe then.

You can get rid of it.
I've yet to figure out a good keyboard idea, so I pretend she uses a vitrual keyboard
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4 thousand coomers can't be wrong
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i hate this challenge so much the slimes radius is always huge when it clips you but tiny when you need it to clip the target
did they ever fix the feet textures for yab? last time i tried using nights feet on it the foot texture was all messed up
The fuck is this variant dungeon garbage and why does no one queue it? Been waiting for 35 minutes. Did they bring this back in DT or was it contained to EW for being shit?
I tank marksman's spite so you don't have to
/pet thank you as well!
You gotta make a PF el mucho retardo.
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>mfw "Defeat!" while seeing my teammate literally on the point
That is the point of rape
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You're essentially a walking vandalism fee LOL GOTTEM
im a femlala GAM but I'm not into lewd stuff (or getting EBd)
I'd yell.
Nta but balloon tits are alright, my personal tastes are really tall, lanky, skinny girls, bonus if nerdy
Was better vanilla, this has to be a form of visual shitposting with mods I cannot fathom someone enjoying this
I have a fetish for bimbos and hypersexualised proportions soooooo
I would simply win
What if I bought a mansion and put all these unwanted femlalas in it?
Yes I love all titties
no friends to run it with bro?
At getting raped?
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Why does Zepla have
For me? It’s tall girls with big bobs
I’m pretty short though.
Hubris leads to downfall
>(TIM POOL???)
I'm dying, thanks anon
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because you can get the only important reward (glamour) from the marketboard instead of spending time doing bland endwalker dungeon fights with like 1 or 2 different mechanics each time
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Wait, which one?
DUDE, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I don't know who you are (I can't tell who's who ITT), but I'd abuse you with /pet and /hug right now if I could.
i've been defeated...
it would be terrible if i was to be captured by this cat i lost to...
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1. It is an expression of pain.
niggas really trying to force an epic new meme
Val's unwashed ass...
Stop spreading lies, nobody wants my pierced up femra...
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It's what I do. Hope you can make good use of it.
Please crush my hips, I am a middle looking to get desiccated
i didnt pull it close enough..
first thing I see upon opening the thread
Real tears lol you guys are so funny
I'd rather suck start a shotgun.
I don't get it
Its not a meme, anon.
It can be done solo, and even during release, people used PF. In fact I think it's faster if you do it as a tank with the Spirit Dart action. But yes many people did all the endings for the mount and called it quits, almonst no one runs the Variants anymore. Criterion is still fun but even then its a niche audience.
so basically all male middies and catboys
wew, im safe then
Then do it.
spirit dart is kinda shit compared to an actual dps damage innit
femlala sex
I thought you could solo variant dungeons?
funniest post in a while
You have to be 18 to post here.
Zepla has a the look of a white woman that fucks blacks.
I always said Zepla would probably do blacked porn if her streaming career didnt take off.
CC doko?
my unpierced face 3 femra is now a pierced up face 2 femra and my eb is gonna be PISSED!
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I would like to fight, why does nobody want to fight
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which middie fucks dogs
Good morning, my american friend!
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It's a powerful DoT if you keep it up, and some jobs can make it better with their self damage buffs like WAR's Storm eye.
all of them
All of them
Is there a name for e11s type fights? like p11s is an e11s
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You remind me of this picture a lot
She just looks like a normal woman. I think you just have a blacked fetish
tzera or yuki or whatever his name is now
She's slavic, people only want to see white girls get blacked
we can fight
crystal cc et 6:50
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I was worried you wouldn't show up.
None of them.
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not exactly
I simply wouldn't lose
you will be forced to listen to me ramble about things I like while I eat strawberries
Tina especially, but all of them
marksman's spite should be bodyblockable like caitlyn ult
this is fine, actually
all of these
Always lurking and watching out for the goods.
>and some jobs can make it better with their self damage buffs like WAR's Storm eye.
nigga READ the TOOLTIP
Isn't storm eye an attribute or enhancing effect
she's not slavic, she's from louisiana and just decided to move to ukraine in her 30s
imagine being able to grief your teammates
so you always win at raping?
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if you play
in /xivg/ friendlies, you are a MASSIVE cocksucking faggot
what do they look like
Built for violent handholding and maybe some smooching but nothing more
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>play 3 of these
am i cooked
My one duty is to fix an xivg ebin.
uh oh! melty!
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If it's a boyish haircut why does it look so perfect on f3mra?
>/xivg/ friendlies
>are actually incredibly unfriendly
You got raped last game huh
you can't fix a himcess, elidibus
not even rejoining all the shards, and thus zodiark, will be able to fix him
NIN or DNC main hands made this post
Why is every lalaboy like this? Where are all the hetero lalaboys who don't dress like girls?
Good job sis! If it ever goes south, my femra will be there with some drinks to hear your woes.
Because f3mra are perfect overall, next question
does it matter if you play neither of these but at the same time spam the same job every match?
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>my job isn't on there
Sis, you start looking like pear-chan..
Your mission will be incredibly difficult anon so I wish you all the luck for it
>/xivg/ friendlies
>Only my enemies are playing
Can I get your mcdf?
here's one
>le friendlies
ur poop so it's okay
>pedo sexpest
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Feeling sad today
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UHM what hair is THAT please don't tell me it's a mod or cashshop
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gonna reach under this femlala's sweater to grab her goods.
Was gonna do more with it but I don't actually have any ideas at the moment
>WAR and MCH main
>50% of a massive cocksucking faggot
I'm bi so yeah that tracks actually
i'm glad i have no enemies

except for one guy that targets the shit out of me all the time as pld and drg but we play together really well at least
What's wrong, anon?
Extreme Zodiark?
what's got you down
you wont do anything weird, right..
is this true..
Any words for your thread enemy?
I want to get back together.
I hope you're having a nice day.
Gonna grief them if I am going to get them in my team
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fellow stove touchers we're back to crystal cc at 10:45
>you wont do anything weird, right..
I won't do anything normmal..
Feeling lonely, been sitting alone and watching videos for a while now
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I spam SGE to be an annoying faggot
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this list keeps expanding and it's really funny
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A little bit of boyishness goes a long way sometimes.

Don't worry, it's from maps or MB.
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*sexpests you're*
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I know that feel, been happening to me for like 2 weeks now... I'm here if you wanna chat
DRG main hands typed this post
Well what're you gonna do about it? you got people to talk to right?
>If you play FFXIV you are a MASSIVE cocksucking faggot
Fix'd your post for you.
you forgot drg
I hope you are doing better now after failing to backstab
that's it
petting this fujo
fanta'd to a catboy and male middie
Is there a good color for yellow eyes?
don't kick people who are already down, nigger.
Also making Essi collapse insensate on top of Effy's sister after fucking her brains out and making her empty her balls for the umpteenth time. And then going another round
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I would win and not get raped
erm what the meow
Sure anon, what have you been up to?
I have friends but I don't wanna bother them, I kinda learned I should suffer alone because nobody likes to deal with sad people all the time, so I pretend to be happy around them so they don't feel sad too
Sometimes when I see a player so shit at a job I don't play or I'm not familiar with, I'm compelled to go back and learn it properly so I can be upset with them more accurately.
race/gender? We could hold hands (potentially.)
Why not? If they're already down they can't fight back. That's the best time to kick someone.
DRG is fair
I'll show up next time so get ready to add SMN to the list
no it's not
>learned I should suffer alone
Unlearn that it'll only make you feel worse. I'm sure if you reached out they'd be happy to chat to you
Retard, if mans lonely he should seek company
The undesirable one (femra)
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god you guys are so fucking weird about what someone plays in this game
legitimately why i don't help people ingame if they post a picture of their character to go with it
i think marie face is pretty and i'm tired of pretending it isn't
brainlet here, how do I stop a bone from rotating in brio? I want to move an arm and it starts spinning and never stops...
i love pears......
turn off anam/ktisis posing
>what have you been up to?
A lot of back and forth between watching movies and wanting to play some singleplayer games but losing all desire to do so right before launching them I have been getting some interaction with other people in the way of reclears every week, I guess
i only hold hands with malera, sorry dumb kot
I think it's very pretty however it's everywhere and it's getting boring. I hope some cute new face sculpts come out soon to diversify things a bit.
oh ok, yeah we can hold hands.

It's a meme, it's not that deep.
>my job is not in there
I've been watching some movies too, but I lost interest in video games, I just stay logged in FFXIV doing nothing
I hope you've been having fun interactions though, have you been having fun with raiding?
here.. /c/6c5om3
That's nice, what kind of movies have you been watching?
>stay logged in FFXIV doing nothing
I've been wanting to do stuff like running maps, maybe run some criterions and stuff like that... maybe I should ask people to come along I somehow don't feel like it at the same time so I haven't been asking anyone
>fun with raiding
I enjoy raiding, yeah. Although prog was more enjoyable than reclears
*holds your hand too*
Comedy and Horror stuff, been wanting to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy but it's such a long time commitment and I don't like watching movies alone for some reason
Seems like you enjoy the game a lot though, I'm kind of lame and don't do content that's too hard, like those people who are 30+ and only play the game to relax, I'm one of those
What job do you play?
Any good ones you'd recommend? Also, it's been a long time, but LotR is worth a watch, so you gotta watch it some day!
What kind of things do you enjoy doing in XIV? I imagine more casual stuff like fishing and collecting TT cards and so on?
>What job do you play?
MCH, DRK and sometimes SAM and WHM
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