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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi

Previous: >>494082679
post cringekino
catboy supremacy
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pierced up femra (literally me soon)
Moonies are the cutest
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femzen superiority
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Moonies! :3
Sex with catgirls
might post my moonie in this thread
My wife's moonie is the cutest
I don't know about other though
Post you're Warrior of Light riding you're Air Force mount.
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healer tried to strike to save this game and you retards just laughed at them
you deserve all the garbage and no content yoship will give you
this game is a scam
my moonie is boring i won't post her
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i bought a fanta in the sale before it ended just to have on my retainer

not planning on swapping from lalaboy anytime soon

however i still used glamourer to see if there's any other race i'd ever want to try still and honestly male duskies are VERY cute. if i ever use this fanta it will be for a duskieboy
you didn’t wish me goodnight again. i’ll be putting a curse on you for this you tutboslut
post nice breasts
what about them?
posting my moony in moonie thread
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>femra fednesday
>no femras posted
fix this, right now!
Just be sure to wash your hands after petting a moonies
moon deployed
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I am now
A male moonie with Voice 2
And I will laugh near you.
Also how's MNK since 7.0 now that people have settled into it?
Finally... a time for moonies once again
Make sure to break your vow of femra picture posting & post your character with it. I'm really curious to see it
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>want to make a g-pose with Titania Feo Ul
>see all of the bones for the dress
I'm not that mad of a g-poser yet.
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my male midlander looks and acts like this
my moonie is gonna play dark souls
It’s actually Womenroe Wednesday
Can someone actually link some good bulge mods man I have a date with a femlala tonight
for me it's not posting my moonie catboy unless i have a good reason to
my moonie is disappointed ti isnt on
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Appropriating Elezen culture with mods
Isn't that the iconic celebrity Effy Kibou of 4chan.org fame? C-can I have your autograph??
Palmraping my goonstick to femlalas
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i love moonies so much its unreal
Holy sex
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i am a moonie who's eyes let her kill anything
i will now be making a glam based around the skirt i just got cause that sounds fun
pale face 4 wildwoods are so peak
I don't remember making this post.
Why are people from here so prone to suicide baiting?
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what are the ears called?
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here anon, terrible anchor though
is this joker coded moonie
may i colonize
Because you didn't, I did!
ryouginne shikimend
God I miss Venat more every day.

I wonder when we will get a Venat portrait housing item. Emet got one, the gods got one, so it seems inevitable.
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it only occurred to me after taking that pic that the dual channel dye system might apply to the jacket (it does and now i can cosplay shiki better)
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mine is like this
• September 11, 5:00 PM CST | Balmung Lavender Beds W14 | Hurricane Watch Party
• September 11, 5:00 PM CST | Balmung Lavender Beds W14 | Hurricane Watch Party
• September 11, 5:00 PM CST | Balmung Lavender Beds W14 | Hurricane Watch Party
• September 11, 5:00 PM CST | Balmung Lavender Beds W14 | Hurricane Watch Party
• September 11, 5:00 PM CST | Balmung Lavender Beds W14 | Hurricane Watch Party
But it can only be true if I posted it...
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my moonie is like this
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my moonie looks like this
ummm we dont get beaten up by men tho
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Thread Question: Final Fantasy loves its spinoff games, and FF14 is certainly popular enough to justify a few. If you got to design a spinoff title or interquel or whatever for FF14, what would you want it to be like/about?
we're not coming to your retarded shit
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Neat, off to report all of the people who show up for using illegal tools.
why are you so dependant on having another grown ass man to be co-dependent with
apparently the dawntrail dub is really bad so in preparation I've switched to jp in endwalker to get used to it, and I can't believe I'm saying this but it's actual dogshit compared to the dub.
May I plap?
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Whats a hurricane watching party?
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We're not doing your stupid hurricane thing, Macchi, fuck off.
ayylmao looking ass
is this scaled up with c+ or is this an actually big upscale?
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>apparently the dawntrail dub is really bad
No, you don't say. I'd have never guessed this at all. You truly are giving some unique insight that has never been said before.
Yeah, plapping femra is nice and all, but what about holding hands with femra
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Sunnie like this?
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i had a dream that i had an extremely tiny kitten (the size of a bug) that liked to take baths in the washing machine
My confession is that I don't like this character.
I'm trying to decide between playing through ARR on a new character or skipping straight to Heavensward kino.
it's yab+ with customize+
See >>494096667. It's disgusting that you'd make this horrible tragedy all about yourself. Where are your morals? Over 3,000 people died and this is what you think of?
I confess that I want to empty my balls in this hrothgal
my hands are for grabbing femra horns and tails and nothing else
I see, thank you
Consensual rape

Didn't read your post btw
I know my place as a fiddie (serving superior femra, catgirls, and femezen)
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just look outside
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transgaze pandering character
Moonie pits...
my moonie doesn't understand what this means

good girl
femra don’t deserve consensual passionate loving
gamers is it possible to have the EB ring on glam plates AND in inventory
I miss the california girls posting
I've never heard it, so I was going off what others were saying
>Grabbing femra horns
what a romantic kisser!
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This thread is infinitely better because there is more moonies
Is this supposed to be Shiki, SHIKI, or 「 」?
The dawntrail dub isn't amazing, but its important to recognize astroturfing when you see it. The narrative that Wuk Lamat's VA was bad was set in stone the moment that the internet heard she was trans. THAT is the reason people made the english dub in DT a hill to die on, and anyone who says otherwise has a bridge they would like to sell you.
should i post mine
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No grinding.
No timegates.
No gear treadmill.
The best story in any MMO.

Yep, that's Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail. You sincerely, unironically believe this.
yes we do..
It's Woober Wednesday, now me your woober
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I parsed this as "getting your hands held down by femra"...
No, THIS is what I think of.
That's Shiki, retard.
Don't tell me you are one of the people who think the item has to always be in the glamour dresser in order for a plate to work.
my moonie is a little bit of a chubby chungus because she stays inside all day long and never gets any exercise
My Male Midlander is currently listening to old 2000's R&B while he waits for queues.

He's going to treat you right, baby girl.
I like how she looks like a bullyable dork to stuff into a locker before going to hang out with Chadette and forgetting to pull her out of there. I am not a femra btw.
you can't be a moonie catboy. The term moonie is reserved for catgirls
My sunnie doesn't have one
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>Sunsluts posting more than ever now they are starved of attention from all the mooniecuties posting
I've been looking at mods for almost 2 hours trying to figure out if I want my viera to have big tits or not
No you didn't, you just wanted an excuse to post your weird fetish pic for the 15th time.
After listening to that do yourself a favor and follow the recommendation of this video
not how that works + you should read it
What does this mean
yeah what about em
Yes you should! I would love to see your moonie
e x p l o d e
chubby moonies are cute moonies...
You don't, it unironically is more trouble than its worth.
I tried ESO and GW2 but I couldn't stand the combat. I much prefer XIV style rotations at 90-100. what other games should I try?
Where the biofems at that aren't saggy fat white hoes man if I see another nude of some veiny saggy tits I'm gonna fucking lose it
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Its only at most gonna be a category 2. Try this again when it's at least a category 4, that's the real shit.
I'm posting my melezen.
The voice is more tolerable to listen to, but it doesn't fix the core problem of that character being shit.
Why do you like having to press 30 buttons?
can I get an ebin stock report?
who we buying?
who we dumping?
would he I Adore Mi Amor by color me badd my femra?
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Ai Kotoba
Ari Amaya
Atma Buster
Aureus Crush
Azelina Fanelia
Balalaika Fyth
Beleg Erkhten
Cabalic Labac
Cassandra Selenikos
Cecilia Provost
Charmont Foixewesfv
Cherry Popp
Chi Albarea
Cid Felgrin
Click Ennui
Clover Weiss
Dax Simula
Effy Kibou
Eli Star
Elk Crowe
Francine Beauvoir
Feriri Feri
Glue Licker
Grace Welkin
Greasy Gabe
Greta Meoweow
Head Pats
Herbeh Burtson
Hilden Dalden
Hydrangea Magnolia
Ikkou Alonz
Jass Monnawesfv
Jazz Venuz
Jill Stingray
Josefumi Cujoh
June Darkwind
Kari Weiss
Karotte Cake
Kiora Whiplash
Kirsten Swifthand
Kokone Kone
Korbo Epocan
Korkana Ryubi
Kouhai Chiisai
Kyoukoko Kyouko
Layla West
Lemure Shroud
Leon Lailoken
Leviah Lovegood
Licoryn Nelarth
Logos Arknight
Macchi Ato
Maiyu Catte
Marcille Toussaint
Mariya Astraea
Mayon Akai
Meryphilia Mordigian
Miau Miau
Mika Zahard
Miloslav Blazena
Mimizi Mizi
Molly Bloom
Mona Slater
Montgomery Fistpunch
Myron Bruh
Natalia Arkwright
Ndja Bosco
Null Rinn
Nyu'ra Kurorei
Ooki Himaa
Pan Miyumi
Peach Creme
Perrine Charlemend
Philo Kisne
Rena Yuuki
Rennil Xulna
Rinko Rin
Rin Yamaneko
Rori Chan
Saeha Muzen
Sapphira Nyx
Sarito Yanato
Seishun Complex
Ser Gwynard
Seryu Tachibana
Serashou Momaru
Shoro Tsunam
Sierra Karn
Skye Tikalili
S'tah Vaux
Strolling Sapling
Sunana Suna
Szeran Sagnime
Talienne Arliss
Tikaasi Mutei
Tozer Beau
Two Minutes
Val Morabella
Vaninii Vani
We'll Do'it'live'
Yuno Scatternut
do any f races even like fava kissnosis…
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Imagine being so fat and pathetic the only sexual gratification you get in life is wanking over your FF14 character that you control having the sex that you should be. I bet the room you're in right now reeks of cum from all your cumrags you've thrown all over the place.
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I've... never considered it actually, never had to think about it
make a time machine and play pisso2 pre-NGS. everything else may have sucked, but the gameplay mogged tab target MMOs
who has the gayest voice in /xivg/?
who has the prettiest voice?
the deepest voice?
>having the sex that you should be
I can't talk to women
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Not posting my sunnie
Napping at work
>didn't make the list
dodged once again
im sure youre one of those "healer dps" guys who masturbate about their sick healer parse like thats an achievement
ep6 pso2 was amazing
fuck i hate sega so much for pushing some open world botw slop
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Does any other character except thancred use 3 jobs?
Also me
I know for sure, mi amor.
>People that don't even come here made the list
>I didn't
It's so over I'll never be an ebin
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Turn yourself into a Lala using Anamnesis and post results
No editing the lala
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At least you're honest for once, do you think being a gooner over your character is going to help you in anyway?
It's satisfying
graha technically, whm blm pld
Honestly, I think I prefer the eng VA to the JP one for Wuk. The delivery is stilted, but the character at least has a unique voice. That jp voice doesn't sound like anything, just an interchangeable anime character. If I had that audio playing and was not watching the video, I wouldn't guess that the character talking was supposed to be Wuk Lamat at all.
i unironically think this is hot
You're a fucking cunt if you don't pull wall to wall
I just dropped it after NGS launched, this way I can remember the game at a high. Sega should be a case study of horrid mismanagement.
Wait, he does?
i'm a big fan of post coitus cuddling with femra personally
Just wish the upscales for bigger booba looked better. Thanks though you're right it's not worth the trouble.
I like wasting your time
Got em
i love my husband
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>Official art
Why don't you have a same race eb yet
Oh yeah that's true, i completely forgot he can do all 3 once you get him as a trust for stuff
he is gladiator the first time you see him, then rogue/ninja and lastly gunbreaker
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>Honestly, I think I prefer the eng VA to the JP one for Wuk.
>new healer
Not cunt
>new tank
Not cunt
>everyone has played shit to 100 before so they have general idea, and it's a dungeon below level 60
Dumbass cunts
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EXPLODE! EXPLODE EXPLODE EXPLOOOOODE! *turns into a Gundam and explodes*
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you deserve a medal for pressing 1 real hard sis
*slaps ur tits*
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my bad. i'll buy a fantasia
my moonie isn't that chubby...
>hang out with a lot of these people
>dodged the list
No sister wars! Sunnies and moonies were made for each other!
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I just want all of you to know that I believe in some of you.
does she have a grabbable tummy..
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i used to, but then i fanta'd
was for
umm.. no..?
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If you're not on this list don't talk to me. I can't be seen with you in public.
You'll need to speak to my talent agent, Theo Voloux
Challenging the Wood Wailers to a Fortnite battle
I'm usually not. I value my privacy & alone time a lot & codependency tends to trample over that
Would plap with my lala.
was it really time for some EBINISM?
she’s a war the tankbuster is supposed to target her
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>Male and female
>This makes the troons who love Wuk Lamat's English voice cope and seethe and mald.
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healers could've saved the game
it's owari
calling your "relationship" with appal what it really was, at last
It's always time for ebinism
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Wanna know why I pull wall to wall even if the healer is new?
Because sooner or later they will have to learn to heal big pulls
And I prefer it sooner
*licks u*
May my malera say something...?
Thanks roe.
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>but the character at least has a unique voice
Seeker of the Sun.
He may
I continue to live in the shadows
I was told my voice is "slightly feminine and super endearing"
sure, post an example
post your tummy aching moonies and i will procure you medicine
Smooching all moonies ITT
may i post my dunie
gonna make her a seeker of my COCK
The funniest thing these threads have done was try to push that moonies are attractive without 1k mods attached to them
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You're more fixated on it than I am. You might have developed a parasocial relationship with us both . . .
my moonie just countered a low paying job offer even though he needs a job and is worried they won't call back
Thanks I really needed that
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>A moonie just flew over my house
>Wanna know why I pull wall to wall even if the healer is new?
my maloonster is unmodded though
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I wish there were more mature looking lalas instead of the cross dressing faggot looking ones
yeah but im taken already
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>mfw still a lesser known femlala still
You are supposed to be a hardliner when you want a job, not when you need a job.
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its good to see the likes of the thaumaturges and pippin here, the attack on garlemald is like a whos that pokemon of side characters
is that don draper, player of 100 premade frontlines per day (winning of 33)?
looks like a fine little gentleman
*smooches you back*
my male moonies is a very sweet and handsome boy
it’s funny. i know someone with your submissive personality, but they look identical to your eb.
Very cute moonie, would pet meticulously
thanks for posting my blacklist
may i see him?
This is a "mature looking" lala post trying to push his ugly midget into being accepted
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she has a tummy, dunnyo how grabbable it is..
buy Perrine
buy JM
sell Molly
Good call back to Stormblood and big Pipin's big moment. he still wearing weird armour though. It is strange.
what should us normal lalas do..
You may, but there will be a smooch post following it if you do.
I’m never included in big name lists even though people know my name
maybe but I don't want to be paid slave wages...
Reveal yourself, coward!
Would he like if my fiddie put this on?
>Macchi spamming the thread
>unauthorized moonies taking attention away from approved moonies
>casual racism
Dawntrail was a great expansion but brought out the worst in people. I thought the debate showed them their place but I guess I was wrong.
moonie fotm is my favorite
femlala hands wrote this post
What's got you so bald bro
Speak for yourself, I think all moonies are at their cutest unmodded. Modding their face ruins them since the vanilla is the best out of all the races
my catboy is listening to the ergo proxy op
erm actually its called a cutenose
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Bro its been like this for years. The fuck you on about?
>not even my own kind believes me
my misery...put me out of it...
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>Ethics department
Welp that explains Dawntrail then and a troon for the English VA.
I'm looking respectfully at your melezen.
he's also shy
Okay, but let me guess, FFXIV still has the best gameplay and story out of any MMO with the best community and the most amount of content, right? And yet you're here barking about "moonies" all day every day instead of discussing the game?
hey we don’t use that language around here
It qualifies, but probably older than the category mentioned. He'll vibe with it.
Invest in low stock ebins right now. They are going to shoot up when they start posting again after playing their fotms.
>same race
I see a catboy in the background, is this not a midlander? (Genuine question)
turning this parasocial relationship into a parasexual one
Thats a good thing, it means you are not being bombarded by schizos.
Nothing *good* comes from being the focus of xivg obsession.
this moonie just proved you wrong my friend
I'm looking disrespectfully at your elezen
Hey mouth-breather.
*pinches your poopnose*
may i see a small portion of him? like his eyes?
and you dont seem to understand
a shame you seemed an honest man
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there is a sunnie in your moon
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Scions dating sim
Other than Macchi not being dead those are all fine.
Dodged it, nice.
if ur finger sinks in, its grabbable. with two hands.
How do you even know me
I’m never name dropped
So what do veenas and ravas do differently aside from one of them being brown
sell Theo stocks like your life depends on it
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Prrease tuuune in and makku Finarr fantasee yourr home for fwiend and you male to be hard gay toogeth-er!
Hard gay sex in erp room today with me Yoshida san!
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Yes, yes, we know.
do any middies like femra though
>supporting transphobia
Is life really that bad in the Philippines, Kanchelle?
Love that lil guy hahaha!
I literally just made a moonie, sorry bro.
I’m also going to play with JAP va on this char instead of English. Might be fun.
Also also AST or WHM? I already played SGE on my main.
What about holding a femras hand after breaking it? Aftercare is nice.
>"he still wearing weird armour though"
>Lalafell males are females can barely be told apart
>Pippin is dressed like a street walker/monger/night worker
What did Yoship mean by this
Me. Flat as board to big tits I love em
My male midlander sees lalafell the same way he sees cute plushies. Therefore in his eyes they are non-sentient and don't have rights. If someone started beating the shit out of one of their soft little bodies he honestly wouldn't even think twice about it. He may even give the uglier ones to one of his mounts as a chew toy.
I am
A gay maleroe
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SE did such a great job with Solution 9
I really hope we spend more time here in post 7.0 instead of some shit like Sharlayan or Tutorial
My fiera licks femra horns without consent
we know shoro
>be cronically in LB14
>don't get into the list
it's just that easy...
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Mere words mean nothing, post your male midlander
what do i get for lunch
t. moonie
This image is all wrong, the maleqote should be getting a look of disgust and shoved away
As long as it is consensual.
i feel that
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erm, that's Lain
my catboy also listens to this though
*posts you're character's name itt this thread*
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Holding a femra's hands together over her head dangling her off her feet because she can't stand after our breeding session. Taking her to a nearby bench to leave her there before going to enjoy the rest of my day.
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>Pippin is dressed like a street walker/monger/night worker
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my moonie is listening to the ed because she relates to it so much
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Uh oh Adana melty.


Silence, female moonie, and know your place.
Well how about a nice curry? my moonie had one earlier
i know but it was funnier to pretend they were the same thing
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>Dodged it
Hell yeah
you're in chronic need of some English lessons
I slightly disagree. The aesthetic is top tier but it's such a tiny zone that it's easy to forget it's meant to be a city. Could have been better.
Reminder that shitnose moonies are the pedo and schizo race. If you support shitnose moonies, you support pedophilia.
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Reminder that if you erp with other men you are by default a shitnose.
Rava forcefully mate and veenas rape
cute lil cat. cute lil poster.
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should stay lala.
Imagine your ign being moonie or something. your ctrl+f autism would be fucked.
You could KILL someone irl and people would still be like "wubby tubby moonie glubby fubba :3" and you will get off scott-free
i'm ESL i can speak bad english
sorry for my english btw
What is this list even about...
Gay sex with gay hroths
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Because someone posted it last thread (which wasn't me surprisingly) I decided to spend a little time seeing if I could pull it off. Definitely was lazy with the background and cannot be arsed to make it loop properly or mask the loop or anything but a fun exercise.
i hate lalas
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We know remus
DB was right, you faggots freak out for a dumb list of names that doesn't mean anything
>not an ass middie
it’s over
Shut the fuck up, Theo. *slaps your ass*
oh great you guys gave him an ego. now the avatar spammer is also gonna be a prick
Don't care, love moonies, simple as
Get the stranger of paradise people to make a singleplayer FFXIV action combat that cover MSQ/Alliances/Raids fights and simply shrug over the story with a lazy "graha is reading his book" contrivance to make people still wanna have to play the original to experience it, while also just focusing on being a combat centered spin off.
Starved in Commewnist China under Meow Zenyan.
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all the stress caught up to her and it poofed off (i'm messing around with hair mods (i finally found one i like and it doesn't work but that's a different hair mod than that one))
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If you're not on it you're NOTHING
the JP voices are superior and have been for a decade since ARR
you are getting shocked by suddenly not recognizing the characters after a hundred hours of hearing their voices like that but it gets familiar
ok but not mine
Ah, a fellow cosplay middie.
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When approximately is the next patch?

You should never have invested in the first place...
This is absolutely the offspring of Schizozen raping an unsuspecting midlander.
I thought the EU schizos are all face 2 sunnies
t. "Lalaboy" who needs to pretend to be a girl to be liked
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My fiddie will uh...
Have fun! On Primal!
I don't know what it will entail but I am excited to have fun. Oh joyous day
good idea, sis. i'm gonna get thai curry
>the pedo and schizo race
That's Hyurs of both kinds though.
The video last week with the pentax guy on how to take better screenshots of environments was pretty cool.
Either late Oct or Nov if I had to guess.
that's not a dogfucker, that's a cat
Female Keeper of the Moonies

Male Midlander
A clever scheme. I see how it is . . .
Am I supposed to be nice when someone says something vaguely rude
>unironically siding with a pedoschizo race that everyone hates
Trying to be contrarian today, aren’t you buddy? Where’s your 9/11 jokes, not edgy enough for you?
post fiddie
27 M3S clears so far and I haven't won the twine even once yet.
like a lot of things in xiv the only good thing about it is the music
Face 3

t. Male Midlander.
cute as buttons
My gf is a face 4 moonie
my balls hurt
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What are the three tribes you think we'll be getting this expac? I'm assuming the Pelupelu but I wonder if we'll do something in Living Memory or Heritage Found.
faggot. imagine jerking off to gay shit. get help.
Yeah it's me irl
this post made me think it was week 27 and i almost died from old age
whuh... it's a little squishy, but...
probably early november

does anyone know what we’re getting in 7.1 besides fru? im autistic and never remember
can you post het stuff or are there just no males at the goonbench
cute poop nose cute kissable mouth breather
500 moonies
it's a bit poorer in dawntrail but mostly people are mad that a main character is voiced by a tranny. just play it in English.
giants, midgets and lizardmans
what else could it be
it's fairly rare, but I'll try to post the next one I see
I'll buy your fiddie a star wars lego set to keep her busy
chubby moonie.
Kino pairing
i will
take most anyone at this point
You're reading into this too much, I like the race the most simple as
>Three femlalas watching
What did they mean by this?
Pelu Pelu are definitely a beast tribe and I can see them being lazy enough to do the Hanu Hanu too. Maybe the Gianrs in Urqo might also become allied quests.
I can't see S9 having one, maybe a custome deliveries NPC.
2015 secondlife lookin shit
can i come over and lay in your bed and listen to you play guitar in silence
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I like their adoreableness but I will stay a cat.
oh NYO! /return
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i'm a dumbcat retard that forgets the mods i use before sitting/playingdead
take better care of your guitar, faggot
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I do not.
From my experience, femra are either sociopaths and, to a lesser extent, psychopathic. The latter is especially true for xaela.
Rori's cool though.
I keep femra a yardstick distance away.
I'm a femlala though, whatever you're trying to do looks ugly
Wrong. See >>494096726. Unlike WoW, FFXIV has no grinding or timegating and it has a far better story. If you want to go back to retail, you can. Yep, exactly.
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>Make sure to break your vow of femra picture posting & post your character with it. I'm really curious to see it
I haven't really finished what I want my face 2 femra to look like so this is super WIP but i love the horn piercing omg
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its not tiny, its vast and undetailed
because everything except the nexus arcade is literal fluff, it just feels tiny until you need to go anywhere, then suddenly its too big
i think its just a new pvp season and the alliance raid, i think they also said the savage alliance raid is coming in it
*cums a lot*
*cums a little more*
Thanks IV!
Please post your character’s big smoochy lips
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some of the middies are alright
ten billion moonies
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oh, okay, understandable, have a good day kitty cat.
Okay, but I'd prefer one of the vespa. If you want me to build a star wars one for you then I guess I can
i like the CC ones
I was here last night.
to optimally use my books
>can just buy whatever i need in m1s
>should start with glaze in m2s until I only need savage gear
>should start with twine in m2s until I only need savage gear
>can buy the weapon in M4S when I get to it
>downgrade M4S books afterwards
is this correct?
CC doko
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christ that took a long time
my moonie is working on it!!!
okay awesome im actually pretty excited for all of that. i hope they do ffxi justice
my fiddie is also having fun! on primal!
Cute. Cute cute cute! I'll be on the lookout for a two tone inner dyed hair. There's one that I used to use for a while, but it's not especially well done https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/33141
but it's also Riamu, and she seems right up your alley based off of your yapping, so who knows?
You might be a grown ass man with mental issues but that doesn't mean you can't CLEAN YOUR ROOM
Korean Beef Power Bowl with Orbit mint gum for dessert
did you pick an arbitrary number or did you actually play second life in 2015
Male middie x male highlander
make your ideal middie golem, i bet he’d be cute like your miera/catboy
your moonie doesnt have to. really.
mablu and tobli
those rebel giants
mamook mamool ja?
Giants are basically guaranteed.
Pelupelu are likely.
The third one should be a curveball. Maybe a group of people/robots in Living Memory that refused to despawn?
Tidus X Wakka is a kino pairing...
bitch did you even look at your arm's movement? 2015 cunt.
maam please stop stealing all the growth serum..
stop with the moonies
Veena=snowy mountains
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what if i was a moonie?
I am a femlala getting my insides rearranged by a femhroth+
Prio gear over twine/shine since you can get those two from other sources later on, but otherwise yes
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the moonies will continue until morale improves
Bakool’s tribe will 100% be either the DOH or DOL tribe. Pelu Pelu wil be whatever they aren’t.
Unsure about the final one. I suspect re-engoodening Living Memory will either be an MSQ line or the third tribes goal similar to the Omicrons or the Pixies though.
Who's going to Spooky Club? I don't wanna go if any creeps, sexpests, pedos, schizos, trannies, blacks or Mormons are gonna be there.
One gets blacked.
The other does the blacking.
holy meowly
>always the ardbert face
Why must we be tested so or is it your wish to tempt us?
Need this moonies’ boob on my face as I sniff and lick it
Just go and blacklist magness
Betterment of the self is always good, moonie. Keep at it!
but her clothes are starting to get tighter....
>all the stress caught up to her and it poofed off
ah gg, it happens.
usually i find hair mods the most hit or miss but if you found a good one then badass man. hopefully you can unbald yourself though
*I clasp our hands together as we jump in the air for joy* Incredible!
Fruit at the bottom enjoyer face
The pig fat lala was at least amusingly vulgar. This hrothgal just looks uncanny
Having Living Memory people that refused/didn't want to get Alt+F4'd would be icing on the shitshow cake of that segment.
ooo that one looks interesting i'll try it out and see if i like it. thank you!!!
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Spectacle action game where we play as Estinien doing Black Rose adventurers and fighting Garlean commanders and superweapons like it is Metal Gear Rising, with the draw of the combat system being "if you are good enough at this game, never touch the ground'.
You'll never be as cool as him
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It's a nice inn.
That sounds fun, I'll work on it.
Hmmm. Nahhh, I think I'll drink some more.
You'd suffocate like that
It's a good face
If you want to make it loop properly, you'd have to have the background not move at all. Just have your character walking in place. Alternatively, you add a lot of fog which could be white or purple or whatever that cuts out the part of the background which isn't continuous, but then you'd have to match getting to that part of the archway with the steps. That's nice though.
What was the original post?

Looks pretty neat. Face 2 femra pretty much always look really good now.
I love them.... especially when they fluff my ears and pat my head
Pelu Pelu
loose clothes or less clothes are the answer
And it’s already been decided that shitnose moonies are ugly and dominated by schizos. You don’t speak for everyone else.
Yep, wife. I'm glad I shared these mods
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absolutely adorable moonie, may I pet and possibly smooch? potentially even hold hands with interlocking fingers
Chaos CC doko?
so that's a no
there were smoother animations than that in 2006
My thighlander is currently catching all of the fish
you're right
he is PEAKcliff for a reason
My options would be to EB a lalaboy, or EB a malera. Both of those options are not ideal.
I'm not surprised. I've seen so many face 1 and face 2's with the ponytail or himecut and they still look great every time.
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Tell me about it, im at the very last patch of stromblood and definitely the worst part of starting a new character is suffering through fucking ARR
im 6 of those 7 things and ill be there :3
Oh I know a few ways of doing it but I was due to hop into some games with friends so just did a quick image. I have the strut greenscreened so I can absolutely make it work with more time. Mostly just to see that I could.
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Nah I can take it
Bienvenidos a Perú
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what about the oposite?
Could have used Gogurt instead. That shit is already in a tube, it's free.
those lips were designed for sucking
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falke gonna melt as he gets autopaused for being a disgusting modbeast
thank you so much for these kind words anon

moonies can't be going around with no clothes on!!
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Skinwalking randoms is fucking hilarious like what the fuck is this jershey shore ass getup
its a random moonie i thought was cute and took a pic of :)
I'm thinking about buying an ARR skip, but I do be kinda wanting that free fanta.
I'm not really looking forward to replaying Stormblood myself though. Post-patch stuff yes, but...
The original post? Not sure what you mean..
Always pull wall to wall
If you don't you're griefing
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Discord group getting upset people are trying to talk about the game so they've spamming
but what if I buy legs week 4 and then win the coffer in week 5? if I buy twine/glaze instead i can avoid this issue since I need multiple anyway.
You were absolutely correct in your judgement
if you go blacklist magness immediately
have you been in a coma? rev mayers died, lil bwo
Mare bros...
My modbeast is over the vram and triangle limit...
It's over...
may i plap
>Oka Nieba
what a retarded name
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>Human skin tone
mines not
sucks to suck
>thinking about buying an ARR skip
Dont... suffering builds character i swear :^)
Yeah sure
Erm, she is brown?
You just listed the entire thread
thanks, if i get it to work i can cosplay harder than ever before but it's looking rough
What's your name?
blasting hugely, thank you inquisitor
are you blind?
QRD on Magness?
Yogurt Squirter
Thought /xivg/ was a Brazilian friendly general.
the thread has those? man it has gone downhill...
Shit name, as outlined >>494103148
>it's looking rough
grim... it's times like these I wish I used my modding knowledge for the greater good in ffxiv but im too damn lazy
praying for you anyway /kneel
That's why he is welcoming those fleeing our failling state to a less shitty failing state
>lose the chance of posting my moonie in the moonie threats because im outside
We like moonies.
We hate Magness.

Remember the orthodoxy, sisters. Follow the talking points or you’ll get muted in the ‘cord.
I'm too many hours deep with this name, i can't change now i'm building a brand.
I am a super cool awesome femra
who is getting a new raid group
my moonie was yesterday but after converting a million things to bc3 my moonie is an acceptable modbeast..
No threats by moonies so far
i hate both magness and moonies
QRD on *spins the wheel*
Cherry Popp
Hey guys can I post my middie (male) when I get home from work? Wanted to ask if it was cool
Log back in and come to the fc house.
Big Toe
my moonie was threatened with rape and now she's afraid of going outside
ill make the next thread a moonie thread for you
Only if you aren't the throatpie lala.
Who the fuck is Magness
My bad... ;_:
ah dw about it, i still like the base game hair if anything
Your moonie should drop social media
What the fuck guys
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>That 3% melanin troonie is what /xivg/ thinks is "brown."
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Do it please.. im begging you
>playing reaper
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every thread has been a moonie thread lately
Oh you.
good one
only i may enter my room but you gave me an idea to write a program that connects to my gt100 and streams out audio over a network
Two belts
You found Khloe's alt.
My favorite Resident Evil protag. Loved RE3. Claire's cute too but Jill gets the juices flowing, if you know what I mean.
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Should I buy DT or sit my ass on the LB14 queueing for CC all day
When I see a glam like this I think
>"Heres a bitch who will suck LITERALLLY any dick"
I am a femlala that wears short skirts and dresses to show off my panties as much as I can!
why are white people like this?
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Baking the next thread, see you moonies then
you better not be talking about jew nose Jill from the remake
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You can tell a white man made this character
I am not
There's parts of HW that do really drag. But the highlights are really high I wish it got the treatment ARR got.
My favorite part of it was Tiamat. That was so sad when you really think of the history behind her words.

>what the fuck is this jershey shore ass getup
It's based is what it is.

>The original post? Not sure what you mean..
The "it" that was posted by someone else.
This bun is a cutie
Every thread can be a moonie thread
Fucking hate moonies so much bros
If you're no life'ing ffxiv yes you should buy DT
my goonies a troonie
if everyone was a moonie there would be world peace
Of course not. I mean the REAL Jill, from the PS1 game. I did hear you can use a mod that brings the remake Jill to be more on model though.
Mine does this but specifically for her thighs but will never acknowledge that maybe she shows too much.
Thinking about fantaing off moonie
how's the healer PF drought?
may i see ur troonie
My femlala isn’t racist, because hrothgar aren’t humans.
You should.
Fanta to suncat
Empty threats, I'm sure you'll be fine moonie
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Not enough for you?
ser you're not gonna get anyone with this bait when we aren't even at bump limit
>beta female
Isn't that redundant?
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A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
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tits small
I hate soken
there's no way you people actually like this cartoon theme slop
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I mean, you're not wrong.
Whats wrong with them, anon?
And then they're gonna eat me!
> It's based is what it is.
why do modbeasts like tattoos so much
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You'll end up getting fondled, or more, by malelalas if you keep doing that, sisters.
do you have your documents?
grey moonies
appal did not cheat on me
raincheck on sex tonight
you'll run out of sex credits
love goonies

now give me my (You)s :3
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I am
A sunnie who will pvp with my friend
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my femlala is the Dr. Girlfriend of these threads. I refuse to elaborate any further than this. Have a good day.
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I will do my best and Q for CC
A true story.
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But I like my thighs... I can defend myself...
>implying there's any malelalas with enough balls to do that
They're all cowards.
Tattoos are meant to be art, anon
post sunnie
accurate reminder of why I hate effy
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>I mean the REAL Jill, from the PS1 game
good man
So this is why you're all groomers, it's officially sanctioned.
>Plan to get EB'd with someone
>We buy the gold plan
>they call it off
>considering throwing it away
It will literally never get used
You forgot Granblue and deep dungeons again
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>by malelalas
Post cute Hroth men
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Why are there so many DSL mouth options for middies
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My femlala is kind of like this
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White trash
molly if you're there I need you to post your tits
I shan’t
erm isnt that character a little... insensitive? Isn't he super white?
>by malelalas
If anything lalaboys are the ones also wearing short skirts
i don't
who the FUCK didn't spray their moonie
does anyone know the mod for this top
i hate thin lips so im glad they do. he looks very scholarly though
Makes us look unique? What's wrong with that?
I am saddened
I'm on it, I just wanna know what the fuck did I do this time
I like effy. they're nice to me
Heterosexual lalaboys are easily the most aggressive male race (also the craziest)
uniquely disgusting
eat shit faggot
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>Makes us look unique?
I should organize my last EO, still need the Plate and got lazy cuz no one wanted to do a 5th one back then
Femlalas fetishize being lonely.
When will they make a Second Life 2 so you freaks can fuck off already?
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So like
Dumb question
But can you get reported for just wearing shit the game gives you? Like it sounds absurdly stupid but
Just asking
A wise man once said "If that's your best, your best won't do."
creepy dude, and not in a spooky way but in an stalky way
can't take no for an answer
People still call me an ebin even though I never make these lists, you niggers are so cooked
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My WoL looks and acts like this
I would like to remind everyone that Robert Rob Chidori is the arch ebin of xivg and speaks for the maliddies.
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my moonie on the left
worse, you can get plapped
but you can't be reported no
i thought thats what vr chat was? though i guess a $15 sub is cheaper than a vr headset
Sovl decreases as triangles increase.
My low poly moonwife..
my middie is getting objectified again lads
>average malelala
I think my femlala that wears glams that flash her panties is just fine.
More sl rejects are in xiv than vrc, its amazing
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Where did I hit you, sissy boy
I think I'm missing one run on both of my characters, so I'd be down to join if you need more people
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the other guy is retarded
always prio twines and glazes since those are the hardest gate.
it's a lot more likely you'll get the raid gear over time than you will get twines. some jobs need shoes, some don't, for example. but EVERY job needs twines and glazes (and a lot of them generally)
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no, the game dresses NPC lalas lewd too
Japan loves loli/shota
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Average xivg poster
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I have a soft spot for mature scholarly types.
I see the same 3 tattoos on like everyone that likes this kind of stuff, but good cope
You shall be raped
It's based on the fact that all middie gimmicks are good.

Jersey Shore middies are good
Trailer trash middies are good
Goth middies are good
Trad middies are good
Magical girl cosplay middies are good
Autistic middies are good
Brooding middies are good
Desperate to be husband/wife middies are good
Tribal middies are good
Free use middies are good
Battle hungry middies are good
Cowboy Middies are good
Ishgardian Middies are good
Doman Middies are good
Turali Middies are good
Middies from a reflection are good
Even Garlean Middies can be good, I guess.
Technically anyone can report you for anything, but it doesn't break any rules so you have nothing to fear. But you should stop doing it anyway because memelalas are cringe.
unironically yes because ive been using the savage mount
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Tell a malelala how to go about this is a non-strike acquiring way? Asking for a friend that plays with other friends and would rather not lose a game connection with them by being banned or suspended.
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Only members of the MALE MIDDIE Council may use that word, and only in an ironic manner
i guess second lifers are just poor and/or stupid than
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surely this man can't survive the mortal cringe his poses inflict
i also think it's really funny that lots of anons here make cringe horny poses like those in private but only he gets his shit leaked because most of his "friends" don't even like him
I'll ask around and let you know
You force other anons to cross dress?
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You will not forcibly change thread culture maliddie, fall in line.
Riallant Fiedair
Melf extraordinaire
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I reported everyone who went here
Got a response from a GM saying they received my reports, didn't think they were that fast.
GODS I love froth butts
modding xiv is cheaper/easier to deal with than vrc for them, which is really fucking strange considering the ancient abomination they slithered from.
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thanks anon love u
this post reeks of moonie
hi magness
low IQ
see >>494105320
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I think second life is ugly so I'll be a modbeast gooner here tyvm
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you don't want this albatross around your neck
i know
pic rel is you rn
Just be polite, don't try to force it, and if they say no don't ask again or even bring it up. Most femlalas do want to be approached.
me on my savage mount
>implying Magness has the brain power to write that
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I love that song!
this is my femra but the front is cum and the back is also cum
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We (The Council) do not identify as that, respect our sovereignty and stop saying that....
>pic rel is you rn
It's true....
no that post was almost certainly his mortal enemy. funny how both of them fit this description.
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what in tarnation
My moonie+ is thinking she'll save her cum for next week
she quit and meltied after everyone laughed at her for watching Destiny
Buy an ad.
Sure thing. I can maybe find people if no one seems interested, too
Mhm. Now post character in it . . .
You should remove the +
siegben made the post?
i can see that, actually.
both have a weird obsession with middies
Someone give me the QRD on someone not mentioned in this thread yet
>watching Destiny
theres a bunch of us here
>Femezen only like femra with a gock
What the fuck is wrong with knife ears?
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I shall take this as the official adoption of Minfilia. First order of business, getting her pants.
Second order of business, giving her a gun.
Third order of business, teaching her how to use said gun
Fourth order of business, competing with her to see who can dome the most Sin Eaters.
Fifth order of business, actually taking care of her for her and not using her as an ammo resupply station for your crippled hopeless romantic ass.
You look like the dogfucker femezen.
i am chronically at lb14 and i have not made this list ... perks of being a wallflower
>be polite
>don't try to force it
>lust induced groping
I'd like to request a scenario with dialogue. To me, the first two seem to counter the initial objective. Kind of like asking to borrow someone's car, but you've already left and are calling the owner while driving anyway.
are siegben and magness enemies? i was thinking lorilee but i guess all three would fit.
it's manly the hair we use...
Jesus what the fuck
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what is this
I just don’t want an eb. We can be friends and do romantic things together, but you will always be given lower priority than my fc, much less irl obligations.
because i love white trash bitches
I wanna see lorilee get plapped by male characters. Seeing flat-chested awakened something in me.
same issue when i turned into a lalafell last night.... the ears, pn, the ears....
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I did.
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>This thread
he killed millions
Do femhroths like male middies (not maliddies)?
Post him I can objectify him too. I have the rights to
im not cute though
knife pointy ears....
people are ripping off your ads, macchi
Can I plap others, but always teleport back to your plot to hug you?
imagine rubbing her belly
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Try magitek Scorpion
Very cute cats you all should come with me
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That's called friends with benefits.
Oh, I misunderstood what you were asking. You don't start groping just out of the gate my dude. Especially with someone you don't know. I know one or three femlalas who are okay with that, but I wouldn't risk it on someone I didn't already know personally.
In short, get to know a femlala first, then start groping. Don't just cold open with "/em grabs you by your pussy. "becky lemme smash"
It’s the end of the thread so I’m posting my fat retarded rava+
Definitely! I always wanted a lalabuddy to tell me funny stories about wooing others
when you factor in expansions, subscription, cash shop slop, and paid mods, it's probably cheaper to just buy a VR headset and download a F2P game than play FFXIV after a couple years
I thought you loved tradwives, or are you doing a weird self-depreciating spiral where you think you only deserve bottom of the barrel and this is just a mild to moderate meltdown because you've burnt out all of your emotional receptors by being batshit insane for too long?
Imagine a middie in the new GNB AF gear that’s me rn
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siegben tolerated magness but got tired of his blogposting and grooming of the middies in the middie cwls so he finally kicked him along with all of the non 4chan middies magness invited.
magness used to troll around the qs and balmung chatting up random middies talking to them and asking if they wanted to join the super exclusive middie cwls and they would join, people would talk about the thread in there, and they would get confused.
magness had a meltie about getting called out in the thread by tyrone so siegben kicked him then removed leadership and invite powers from everyone besides himself.
source: in the middie-life crisis cwls
This was the punchline to my moonie's post
where did she go?
Ala Mhigans invaded my peaceful neighborhood in Empyreum and started eating cats
holy moly
After getting to know them to some degree, how does it transition into the gropes when the panty glams are out, if it didn't start out like that?
I am a lalaboy that just lost an FL match where a femra DRG repeatedly sat on my head after each time she killed me.
God you guys are so fucking weird and autistic about video game races.
Listen Gaelicats aren't actually cats...
She used shukuchi hehehehe
More please. Face #? Favorite food? Does it jiggle? Do it clap? Is it #EDC1B8 colored at the end?
Something me doing??
wtf no theyre not
eh, kinda true actually desu
Whats the minimum amount of people you can get away with for an unsynced max level clear of Eden 12S without it being a chore?
Go to therapy, nigger.
I want to fuck proxy so bad…
Same but I want to get sleeved by her femhroth
man she is so damn cute
might post my moonie in the next thread but i also might take a nap
probably like 6 people at least 710 ilvl if you want to skip br and titan
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Don't rape my easily bully-able sexually inexperienced manlet scholar middie.
I want my femlala to lose her virginity to her..
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>it's another self-insert
it's really just magness and siegben who fight over who is the middie gatekeeper
he hasn't done it in a while but siegben used to "warn" the middies in his cwls about certain people he saw them talking to at hangout spots like "Oh don't talk to lorilee he's a sexpest" and stuff like that.
very strange individual and magness does a similar thing if he sees you targeting someone he has the hots for
It varies from femlala to femlala. Some are open about it and you can just start, others want to be warmed up to it first with light flirting and roleplay. Just be flexible and take it on a case by case basis.
Yup I'm thinking builded for Amazon press
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If I really wanted to self insert I'd just do this.
You don’t look manlet to me
If this is why my fiddie has gone unplapped for the last three months I'm going to be so mad. It's not, she's just ugly.
Cringe behavior in general but warning people about Lorilee specifically is a good move
Shut the fuck up chronos. No one likes you or your shitty gimmick
If rapeanon does it, I can't really stop him. It'd just be bullshit that I can't do the same back afterward since he stays hidden so I have nothing to steal from him. Basically a golem which is boring.
Magness is back in the cwls now, you know.
Back to square one...
>tfw no ardbert mod for cp2077
> Tell a malelala how to go about this is a non-strike acquiring way?

Send me a message about whatever, we chat for a bit, we sit down for a bit side (it’s very cute how you bump shoulders when sitting side by side) we run out of easy things to talk about and I kiss you. That’s the basic game plan.
Trebek, I'll take "Things that will literally never ever happen" for 500.
Get a trip.
I did it last week tho? Don’t give into despair, lala-kun
Get a grip.
Kek did you like it
Let it rip.
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