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Previous thread: >>494074753

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Post some in character out of character art
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So what's the new Rodya gonna be? Bleed? Rupture?
im gonna tremor burst
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cancel deyvat
the people DEMAND Hindlya
>You sit on the hard plastic chair, trying nervously to avoid looking at The Manager
>Hands clutched in your lap as you avoid messing with the coat of Magic Bullet, avoiding the instinctual urge to smoke on the pipe in your mouth
>The recording of the massacre you caused finishes playing on the screen, pausing on you holding a smoking Magic Bullet
>Manager and his assistant Angela look away from the monitor and towards you, and only your impressive JUSTICE V keeps you from recoiling
>A resonance with Der Freischütz in your moment of desperation, the first the company had ever seen, caused the bullet you fired to travel through every single room in the facility
>None of your fellow Agents lost their lives, thank god
>But every single Clerk died, and numerous Abnormalities breached
>You were absolutely fired
>Finally, Manager speaks, his eyes never leaving you
>"Do you know what I hate most, Mr. Anon?"
>You don't speak, don't risk angering the man who could no doubt kill you with a single gesture to his assistant
>"I hate Clerks"
>"I hate Clerks. I hate their Clerk-like thoughts. I hate their Clerk-like opinions. Clerk-like faces. I ESPECIALLY hate the brown Clerks. That's why I had all of them dyed white on the Screen"
>Your fear turns to hollow nothingness as you watch Manager light a blunt, before taking one of the longest draws you've ever seen, letting out one of the fattest clouds only rivaled by the Smoke War
>"I hate Clerks. Every single Clerk we've ever hired I wanted to curbstomp into the ground. What you did today was beautiful. Art. The very reason we all live"
>He hands the blunt to his assistant, who proceeds to follow his example
>"Good shit, Angela. You, Anon. You're promoted to Team Captain of the Architecture Department"
>A Keycard is slid across the desk, along with a white Armband
>"Keep up the good work. Total Clerk Death"
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Please (You) me when the Drawpile starts.
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He's so fucking cute holy shit
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probably fat.
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i want BOTH
i <3 clerks
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Love me wife Outis
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one of the few fetishes i don't get
This looks like ABDL shit, fuck you
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Lim Cum
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
She's perfect...
LOL leftoids are in for a rude awakening
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Idk what that is I just post pictures of my wife I find cute.
I tanked that
gay women?
gay men?
simple as
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Ye, not everyone realizes some people just look at things as cute rather than it being a fetish. Modern day, that's how everything is viewed though.
>dies from bleed damage turn 1 somehow.
You lost with Ishmael and you will lose again
Honestly, you have a point about lowering heads chances and lowering sanity. However I would counter somewhat by pointing out that clashing before being set up is not as impressive as clashing post setup, which in my experience Charge and Poise do a bit better
>Solemn Lament
The corrosion has 5 attack weight, that's not that massive. Same as a lot of EGOs, less than others. Yeah it inflicts butterflies, which is a nice little boost, but it's not like other teams don't have 5+ attack weight ego that help their teams, and often they don't need to overclock to do so. Not to say SL is bad, but its overclock isn't anything that special.
>Blue Rupture
You're not really "double dipping", as butterfly is an inefficient transfer. It is extra damage, but not much.
>Heathcliff Skill 4
You're acting like his skill 4 is more consistent than it is. No matter what you do (besides maybe spamming binds to force his SP to be low, which fucks his other skills), his skill 4 simply isn't all that likely to flip tails twice. The damage is respectable even with heads, but it's not much more impressive than a lot of skill 3s, not even the exceptional skill 3s charge has.
>Attack Weight
Youre ignoring Regret Faust, who simply has more attack weight skills, flat out. I think there's an argument she's maybe worse ceiling wise since her skill 2 numbers are a bit lower, but she just has more of those skills, and her AOE ego (especially fluid sack) just out preform Heathcliff's
>S4 consistency
I'm not saying it's inconsistent to SEE the skill 4, it's inconsistent to actually get the value you're proposing out of it, especially before you have extreme coffin levels. Yeah a 9 coffin skill 4 is a lotta damage even with Heads/Heads but that takes a long time, which was one of your main gripes against charge.
I want to say, I don't think sinking is bad, it's a very good team, but charge and poise simply perform better in more situations, and are easier to use
I want more art of the sinners just being part of the same group in mirror worlds, japing around
Give me hornet ego
Just a 50 roll fuck you pierce die
<Meursault, punch him.>
*Evades at 45SP*
Sorry Tenma. You won't spread your diseases today.
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Rodya LOVE!
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ByDon Days soon!
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>parries you
now fuck off
im looking forward to the mass distortion from you dyke loving fucks in a few years
<Meursault, protect him.>
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Just for that post I'm dragging Faust into my coom & goon chamber.
Reminded me of the block of GFL vore someone posted once. Why does /lcg/ get so much degenerate content? Disease of the mind?
kill all SEA
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Laughs in wave battles
He's distorting! Quick! Someone knock him out!
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Screaming into the void bwo.
Sinners for this feel?
Okay anon, but what does that have to do with what I said, again?
i don't like hurting the toad
same :(
First time in a general?
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dons dons
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>plaps you
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Forsooth, a glorious sight!
Women exist to be impregnated.
When will you marry and pass on your seed anon?
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then what happens to hags when their eggs dry up?
>ba devs say they have enough money to last 10 years
>splinter off after like a year from statement cause "tired" of working on it and possibly other reasons

>pm says they have enough money for 3 years
Ohnonono limbabs
nobody posts scat here though
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>"tired" of working on it

>Claim to be tired of doing a game
>Immediately make a copycat game copying it down to looking like a poor parody
>Anon believes this piss poor excuse
When has Director ever said anything that he didn't immediately regret? Never.
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What does Outis and Tomatoes have to do with keeping Tenma in check? She doesn't even dislike tomatoes
*rapes you*
sinners for this feel
Literally, scientifically true
<Thank you Meursault, I knew we could count on you.>
there’s a pretty important difference here
the ba devs who splintered managed to get a cult of personality around them, which gave them the confidence to start their garbage fire
kjh is the only cult leader and owner of the studio, so no pm employees even have hope of leaving
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LOL BA didn't survive their pinch incident
A vn is not a liveservice gacha my friend
He already got embarrassed, stop
Maybe it's a she.
They announced a VN for Comiket. Their main product was still going to be a gacha.
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>he came back
Dante...did you just reset?
anon they were very much doing a gacha. the company was registered as a mobile game company. the vn was a side project, not the main product
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>mass distortion event
Post the Outis one with don
imagine being this retarded and not keeping up with the news
the VN was specially to get a backer it was just an introductory thing
The main game that the company signed themself in the Korean company database was gacha
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Don't care. Raping Hod and listening to her soft feminine voice.
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>Maybe it's a she
post rape
Mon amour
Nah, that's genuine self-hating puritan spew, an anon ashamed to have a reproductive urge, taking out feelings he can't handle on others over the smallest thing
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can maid ryoshu keep the aoe on s2 indefinitively?
>casually omit the fact that BAslop devs work for fucking Nexon
>>>>over 7k employees
>compared to PM's 40 niggas in a sandwich store
poise teams are shit
Nyo, I like lewd posting time to time.
wait so BA is dead or something?
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>every single negative worker review left against PM always mentions as an aside that at least the food was good
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of course
It took a hit but dunno. We'll see.
Lost like 3-4 of their main artists and the lead writer.
Like the ones that made the original cast + some of the more important NPCs
Does BA really have 7k people working on it, I assume that's just the number of people in a certain division of Nexon
Unis sexo
What the fuck is BA
>kjh is the only cult leader and owner of the studio, so no pm employees even have hope of leaving
000_chairmaster_000 is too powerful
What a hungry girl
I wonder what penguins taste like
maybe if you use Blind Obsession and keep on critting
will probably have to sneak a s3 in there once or twice though
Tits or gtfo
more concerned about the 7 people running the sandwich store than the 20 programmers who can’t code for shit
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He follows the classic Carrot and Stick strategy, but this time is the Sandwich and Chair.
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i was not answered in a previous thread, and i will ask again:
does snagharpoon's passive influence the clashing calculations for ishmael's skills?
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what the fuck lmao
"Clash Power +2 in clashes whose win rate is in the unit’s favor. Clash Power -2 in clashes whose win rate is against the unit’s favor." I wonder
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She's cute so it's fine
lost 4 main artists and one of their main writers
people are expecting a bunch of filler months until they can recover
This time she's gone too far wtf...
U first sis
Is limbibi in the Gacha Cartel
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Sorry you're mad about things that 100% canonically happened, anon.
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<I wanna touch a girl's tits...>
isnt the portrait abno related to nostalgia or something like that? i understand Yi Sang and Gregor getting one, but what does Don or Ishmael have to do with it? if anything, Sinclair would fit it better
>5 attack weight, that's not that massive
That's 5 normal enemies, any more weight on the enemy and you're using the awakening attack instead.
>as butterfly is an inefficient transfer.
It very rapidly goes to 5-14 extra damage a hit when I'm not even trying to manage it in a luxcavation. It doubles as party wide sanity gain too which is very good. (Depending on which butterfly) It caps at party wide 30 damage per hit which with 6 speed slots averaging ~3 hits per die is around 540 extra damage that charge can't do.
Without ego gifts, it still takes a turn or two to reach the poise to even activate the bonus clashing from Kimsualt's passive or the Blade Lineage passives. Ryoshu will tend to burn out her poise with her s3 or be reliant on her dodge/s3 for upkeep. The Pequod/Hook pirate ids will have a hard time inflicting enough bleed to trigger their conditionals and Ishmael can death spiral because the other ids are better at killing.
>not much more impressive than a lot of skill 3s,
Except it's available minimally every other turn, with luck it's multiple times every other turn, and if you're just trying to maximize coffin you can alternate the s4 and s3. The s4 spends sanity like Nclair so at neutral sanity it rolls very well, the other sinking IDs feed sanity enough to let you bump him to max sanity whenever you want. Dullahan lets him dump sanity if he wants to, it spends sanity every turn and when he gets low just activate his counter. He can manage at low-neutral sanity because enemies will be panicking or debuffed form his s2 if they have no sanity.
>Youre ignoring Regret Faust, who simply has more attack weight skills, flat out.
iirc she needs minimally two turns to come online, then she can use her s2 to remain self tremor neutral-positive. Her s3 will reset her in any short fight and only does good damage single target with hitting multiple parts. I generally see her avg'ing 200-300 damage with the s3 which Yi Sang can pull turn 1 s3
>t. faustfags itt
>Complains about gacha general behavior
>Repeats /gig/ memes
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>fire main writer
>hire new writer(s)
>new writer(s) turn out to be 10x better than old
are the BA devs stupid?
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Paus has been getting a lot of push lately
Honestly anon, my suggestion is to join a book club and other such activities women tend to do. This will put you in regular, repeated contact with women, which will both increase your confidence, and increase the odds of you getting into a relationship
Regarding Faust's "fluid Sack" I'm not sure why you're bringing that up, that's EGO not an ID's kit and Sinking feeds that EGO easily, Butler Faust is a good option if you don't have every ID, still an option if you do.
I want to cuddle and read a book with a cute and stinky femcel though maybe one of us listening to an audiobook would work better
You haven't played BA then
Isakusan was the only one that could writing anything decent in that slop.
it might fit Don, we don't really know much about her past
You are all hazards to society and the only service you can give it is to avoid relationships with people.
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I've touched the breasts of multiple women before.
and men exist to impregnate
the sky is blue
sun shines
grass grows
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Are all of you excited for level 50, uptie 5, new luxes, MD5 and getting starlight buffs again??
Does the EGO passive still activate if Erlking's Horse overrides the stagger? I'd assume not.
I was using fluid sack as a comparison to the corrosion of solemn lament. I think it's a pretty fair comparison.
Are you getting confused by me later bringing up Regret Faust as a comparison to wild hunt skill 2?
You can't beat the feeling sounds and scent of a real book. The pages turning, the weight of it in your hands.
If you'd rather go the "audiobook" route the ideal would be you reading it to her.
Not without EGO gifts, supply from Blade Lineage IDs, or spamming her evade.
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So cute
>only one
Someone run a limbus quest
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I envy Yi Sang and Sinclair when I look at this
I agree, but there's no saving this general. Might as well ignore your least favorite posts. It's always kind of funny when I'm having an on-topic back to back with somebody while other anons talk about how gay Hong Lu is in the background
Reading to someone feels too infantilizing to me. Being huddled together around a shared book, teasing a little when she takes too long and pulls your hand away from turning the page, breaths mixing over the pages and stealing little glances at each other, away from the words... that's ideal.
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went out of my way to check this for you anon: the clash calculator before you start the turn is unaffected, and the passive only takes effect when the clash starts. this was on a neutral clash where the calculator said the max was 18
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so what gimmick do you want to see next for a lobtomy corp ID?
>weapon switching
>using abno tools
>ego corrosion (lobcorp ego version)
it pisses me off when hongfags pretend he isn’t even a little bit faggy
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I wasn't here when Walpurgisnacht dropped. Did the threads mention the stuff with Faust and Dante, or was discussion mostly focused on the new IDs? With this and the last Intervallo, it unironically feels like the Director is trying to push Faust x Dante more.
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Abno tools.
I demand the funny eyeball back.
>Reading to someone feels too infantilizing to me.
That's the beauty of communication. She could ask it of you and you could decline with this reasoning. It takes two to tango :)
And very cute, feels like young love.
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Hongers is peak masculinity.
ID based on any of the infectious abnos that can convert allies into minions
i think it's related to regretting mistakes you've made in the past, if anything.
Yi Sang regrets not communicating with his friends from the league, and Gregor regrets being turned into a poster child by his mother just to be cast aside after not being useful anymore
Ishmael could always regret not standing up against Ahab when it mattered, and we dont really know anything about don's past to make any conclusions about her
honestly, i just want ishmael to finally get a fucking sinking ego
he introduced pink shoes into the game
He's not. That's your pornsick westoid brain talking.
It pisses me off more that they get little to no flak for their faggotry compared to other sinnerfags
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>Did the threads mention the stuff with Faust and Dante, or was discussion mostly focused on the new IDs?
Both is true. Discussion focused on the IDs with Faustfags talking about the Faust/Dante stuff on the sidelines.
I would roll/grind for ego gifts/gear that I can equip to my characters for more customization. Would really help with the dead weeks. Just don't make them mandatory and give minor bonuses
He is they typical handsome pretty face that is wealthy and teasing with a dark past and tinge of ruthlessness that peeks out. Yeah.
This archetype does not exist in the west though.
Please I just want n sault, g Greg and shi/cinq Don to be good…
It exists in romantic novels made for women, AFAIK
It would be loose but she is royalty and the abno itself is based on the Wuthering Heights Manor itself, so she could empathize (subconsciously) with the plight of a servant trying their best to ensure their master is remembered.
It could be her longing for the memories of her comrades on the Pequod that she felt indirectly responsible for due to not standing up to Ahab.
BL Yi Sang will be the only ID made good by Uptie 4.
Everyone else will get a Mentor ID like BLSault which might not even be enough to fix them as new units roll in.
You're confusing all the guys genderbending him with regular Hong Lu fags.
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i don't get it, if the game said it was a neutral clash and the clash boost is only supposed to be applied after the chaining phase, shouldn't ishmael not get any clashing boost in this case?
he’s also a fop. we used to call these people slurs for a reason
My bad, I've not read western ladies romance novels.
While the idea is good, it somehow feels...wrong if they actually used abno tools. It's one thing to use abnormality EGO gear, but to use an actual abnormality in the field to fight, even if it is an abnormality tool, seems to be something the company in the game wouldn't allow to happen.
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honestly i feel like the slow powercreep we're witnessing is a natural result of the level cap increases every season.
every time the level cap increases the HP keeps rising while damage and coin rolls stay the same.
this pretty much results in newer IDs being designed with the current HP values in mind and thus are getting slowly stronger from season to season.
wouldn't be surprised if IDs 2 or 3 seasons from now make Nclair look like a joke
Sinner for this feel?
>fluid sack as a comparison to the corrosion of solemn lament
no you literally didn't?
>but she just has more of those skills, and her AOE ego (especially fluid sack) just out preform Heathcliff's
You're saying her ego outperform Heathcliff's. Which again is a comparison of EGO not IDs. You specifically compared it to Heathcliff's, your comment about SL was more general.

Faust's EGO is a bad example, because its use is only for setting party Sanity to 45 (which isn't a need for sinking teams) or resetting HP (which isn't a need for sinking teams) its damage is nothing to write home about and it clashes worse than her Zayin. They're entirely different in function.
Gregor's SL is for single target execution or inflicting butterfly on a crowd to raise the team's overall DPT. It has the secondary function (alongside Bygone days) of manipulating Linton Gregor's sanity and activating his passive but again, that's a bonus.
the agents literally picked up the tools from where they were stored and used them while fighting, i dont see any issue
maybe neutral is counted as positive? im assuming it works like lobcorp where the real probability is obfuscated and neutral is somewhere above or below 50%. maybe some neutral clashes get the +2 and others the -2
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>ego corrosion (lobcorp ego version)
Definitely want to see this, whether in an identity or not.
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it's really not that extreme of a concept lmao.
abno tools are basically half EGO
Sharted Regret Faust because I realized that I have most of the stuff needed to run a Tremor team.
Christ, this shit's too expensive. Next on the list is YuroLu, because I can get T. Corp Don whenever I want.
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the concept has already been hinted at in wonderlab (one of the characters starts getting features of the abno because they wore a EGO armor without the right stats for it)
which gives me hope that they do it for a walpapi someday
what's the ship name? Daust? Fante?
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Wrong, 100% of the "powercreep" is Director consciously willing it

But also I appreciate you noticing this
There is a problem with the split between thing tied to your Uptie level or Nothing (Coin rolls are the former or the latter) which coexist with things tied to your level (Offense Level, HP, etc).
I enjoy Fante.
perfect for rape correction
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Correct. Women love it and lesser men fear it.
i hate how simple the level system in limbus is. everything is linearly scaled except xp
Ayin sama please...
Um, excuse me? This image is lacking Don and Rocinante.
hong lu is from a romance novel made for men, thoughever.
Personally, I call it canon
UT4 also helped R Ish a lot too so who knows
base d
We're talking about that specific archetype and how it doesn't exist in the west.
This anon states you can find such characters in western romance novels.
Limbabs will NEVER beat the being unable to read accusations.
I'm not reading that
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>100% of the "powercreep" is Director consciously willing
maybe you're right.
but it's still can't be denied that new average IDs that come out today are much MUCH stronger compared to the average old ID
Female sinners for this feel?
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an archetype that doesn’t even fit the character you’re talking about
i read that.
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There's nothing wrong with powercreep because IDs are so easy to get and it's not a source to force FOMO like other gachas
The game should get more complex and charatcers stronger over time, that's basic gameplay progression. It's not a negative in Ruina that early game combat/key pages fall off
Ut5 saving season 1-3 ids in 5 months, then ut6 saving them and season 4-6 ids, then ut7
Did you get confused in the chain?
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W Sault too!
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So I was listening to some Kate bush cause she had a wuthering heights song, and this resulted in me listening to 'Running up that Hill' which THEN resulted in me watching a animatic music video of that song someone made detailing the backstory of Mr freeze, and I was like damn that hits really hard and it kinda reminds of of Heathcliff and Cathy.
Anyway this is just a long winded way of saying I can't stop thinking about Gotham's rogue gallery IDs for the sinners so here's a list.
Yi sang:mad hatter
Faust:The riddler
Don quixote:ra's al ghul
Ryoshu:Poison Ivy but the teen titans version of killer moth fits better unironically
Hong lu:joker
Ishmael:I can't really think of much nautical themed batman villains other than that one orca lady from btas so fuck it comedic irony she is a whale now
Heathcliff: Mr freeze
Rodion:Cat woman
Dante: batman
Sinclair:two face
Outis:deathstroke maybe deadshot?
Gregor:Man bat
Feel free to make counter suggestions
Counter suggestion: return to >>>/co/
Mr Freeze in the animated series was fucking great.
Also, I feel like Gregor could fit Clayface well.
can't wait for uptie 9 where you will have to personally sell your left kidney to el director in order for g-corp gregor to inflict 1 rupture count with his skill 1
Wordlist: https://rentry dot co/dtnasqwk
Starting with 4.
The suggestion is to literally bring an abnormality out to help you. Not to dress in the shell of the ego of another person like the Lobotomy Suits. Has anything been said about how the abnormality world of Heart of Aspiration works with the real thing? Why it's a tool in LobCorp but it has a body and enough sentience to attack in LoR? What changed its form in both scenarios? Could you change it into a tool outside of its habitat and vice versa?
I will only accept a unquestionable
>Actually you're right about everything sorry anon-sensei
Uptie 8 requires a code from seasonal HHPP-only events anyway, it was already over.
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>There's nothing wrong with powercreep because IDs are so easy to get
i fully agree.
but i dunno why alot of people here seem to have the opinion of "powercreep BAD" despite the fact that IDs are piss easy to get.
and it also makes sense story wise for a ID like assosiation director or ERLKING to be stronger than the old stuff
I'm telling you, get some sinner cosplayers, and get yumes to pay for photos with them. Limbus will be funded for the next 20 years off that money alone.
hong lu is a retarded harem protag at his core and i have faith in the director to deliver
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9/11 drawpipi...
9/11. Never forget.
read this post >>494140486
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>My solo MDH run got interrupted
Ishmael walking in paust getting plapped
I did think about that especially if one where to go with angle that the shape shifting is very unstable and can be uncontrollable at times would fit greg perfectly
Y'know Under /co/ and /a/'s rules in regards to korean works wonderland and leviathan would be /co/ content last time I checked....
Actually has anyone ever story timed over there?
They have the mentality because in a typical gacha powercreep actually is bad, and a way to replace old characters/trick players into spending on new shit they feel they need.
I think someone did a storytime for BlunderLab once.
Yeah romance protagonist but rich and attractive.
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What will YOU be playing during the downtime limbabs?
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drawpipi NYOW >>494142450
Megaman x8 demake.
>reading about another man fucking women
Sounds pretty GAY to me.
Part of me wants to play a submod of the Fourth Age mod for Rome Total War and finish a campaign.
The other part is telling me to fuck around with an AI chatbot.
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Thermodynamics homework
this rodya is sexo how they manage to pull that
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studying for my exam tomorrow
wish me luck or your mom dies in your sleep
>She got jealous Faust got pampered
In character?
I thought they were at their peak right now, what the fuck happened? Crashing and burning when you're doing well is weird
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Powercreep was good because early IDs were shit with no design space. Nobody applied any count or had any special effects, which meant other IDs couldn't do anything unique either.

>The game should get more complex and charatcers stronger over time, that's basic gameplay progression
No, retarded and unneccessary
Why get make a cool ID when a Canto later its outscaled by other new IDs and useless?
>But in Library of Ruina-
The best part of Library of Ruina is in SotC/Impuritas when you have the biggest variety of Keypages to choose from. You're interpreting it so wrong its laughable.
Deep Rock Galactic.
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May good grades come your way.
Good luck, nerd. What subject?
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Because as time goes on and her mental state gets worse, she's going to get more sexo IDs and EGOs and it's gonna be great
Post Dante being molested and the dante scared sound
>Why get make a cool ID when a Canto later its outscaled by other new IDs and useless?
Because many months pass between these releases and you can't see the future, stupid.
Even if you were clairvoyant you wouldn't have been smart to not shard the season 2 IDs just because the season 4 ones are better, because it involves waiting a year and shards get halved each season anyway.
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Only Megaman I've played is Legends 1
You've been playing that a lot if you're the same guy who answered that many times before.
Have AI chatbot run your campaign.
Nerd but hope it goes well.
Good luck but my moms already dead so I was immune anyway.
I tried playing that for a bit but my friends stopped which led to me also dropping it.
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Data Structure in my CP major
thats right, i'm studying child porn
Ayin will come back and give us a boon
To be fair, a lot of old IDs sucked monkey dick even ignoring power creep.
Chef Gregor
UT3 W-Faust
Basically every Meursault ID in Season 2 aside from Rhinosault and even he was mediocre.
Shi Heathcliff
LCCB Rodion
Blade Lineage Outis
Basically every base ID that isn't named Heathcliff, Hong Lu, or Outis
Most of the 'bad' IDs we've gotten since aren't even bad when compared to those two. Diecisang and Butler Ishmael are both seen as bad units but only because they're super redundant (Ish has a better poise and sinking ID, Sang now has TWO great sinking IDs he rather pick.)

It's a combination of power creep and the devs not fucking around and actually making halfway tolerable IDs most of the time now.
Nothing. I'm going to force me down to finish my drawing.
it’s been a dead year for them, anon
Sleeping, but I have some photoshop OC I want to make that I will do surely tomorrow.
I shall spend 20 minutes loading into SM2, play 1 mission and then quit out.
>Even if you were clairvoyant you wouldn't have been smart to not shard the season 2 IDs just because the season 4 ones are better
I probably would be to do it NOW though, considering whatever IDs I have right now will probably be enough to beat the next Chapter easily, and not sharding will give me a influx of Thread to uptie shit later on.

Also still true:
>The best part of Library of Ruina is in SotC/Impuritas when you have the biggest variety of Keypages to choose from.
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Darkest Dungeon (forme de modded)
L4D1 and 2
People's Playground.
Also meant to say 'in Season 1 and 2' for Meursault.
Can El director save BA?
Wasnt it revealed that with bonuses they took more money than CEO and still wanted more? Greedier than Nexon, i didn't know it was possible.
God I hope so. I either want to save her or be broken by her.
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I'd argue that power creep is an inevitable feature of any live service product. When you release a new ID or EGO or class or whatever, players will automatically go "Why would I use this over what I'll already have?" New gimmicks usually aren't enough, especially if the game has lived long enough that metafagging has become prevalent. Even in LoR's case, most people began to default to Yesod blunt damaging everything to death because it was simply the most effective method. It's unfortunate, but most players are metafags at their core.
Arcana Invoker is still my favorite class.
thank you!!
I have many games but end up playing nothing, sinners with this peel?
>You've been playing that a lot if you're the same guy who answered that many times before
Different anon. I cycle between a few empire management type games. Kenshi and X4: Foundations being the main two.
<Hello managers, here to remind you Outis is NOT Turkish!>
so are we getting ira or avaritia next?
Well anon, we have Buttersang now. He doesn't deal as much damage as Sunshower, despite everything.
This is the test.
Sorry buddy, this is a heterosexual thread. You'll need to move along.
Yes she's Australian.
Usually powercreep sets in and you get stuff with paragraphs upon paragraphs of descriptions and then the ones from season 0 that have 1 line passives like "deal 30% more damage if you're alive" or "heal everybody on the team if you have over 80%" that are too good to be left behind. It says a lot that Outis has some actual good IDs now so LCB, BL and 7 aren't just bench warmers anymore. Even TT Hong is still super relevant in todays game.
Why are you comparing an ID to an EGO?
All that in 2 hours?
Horse Hod
yeah we know, Greg is the Turkish sinner
I meant spicebush.
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I treat any week without an event/canto as 'downtime'.
You think I do anything more than the bog standard of 3 weekly dungeons + my dailies? I got everything in the game at this point. I don't need to grind anymore.
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Arbiter love!
Honestly, I think Limbus does a pretty good job at not making the new stuff massively outperform the old. If we compare Buttersang to Spicebush, the former is far more consistent but doesn't have the burst capabilities of the latter. Still, I would roll for the former simply because he feels better to use in Sinking comps.
Exceptions include a few of the awful season 0 IDs, of course.
Need GF (girl female)
random ass combination
Solemn Lament absolutely out-damages spicebush, what the fuck are you talking about?
>Inb4 mirror dungeon clip of spicebush doing utterly unrealistic in real gameplay deluge, which even then is only, at most, 30% his own damage, but is more likely 0% his
Using your weekly bonuses at all probably puts you in the top 50% of player dedication, and doing 3 separate runs instead of 1 MDH is an easy top 95%
I guess both are mothers?
Australian calling her a wog doko
Why does Ryoshu thinks she's him for wielding 1 zayin and 1 teth ego
Because everyone else forgot that she's HIM.
If we're being real here almost every ID can work it's just how hard do you want to fuck up the enemy? Spicebush will still see usage for turn autism or something from time to time but otherwise Buttersang is way more appealing in every way.
It's nice that you can pretty much run what and who you want for the most part but obviously there are exceptions. It certainly seems better than other games where the newest thing just instantly outclasses the previous.
Nigger, it's literally the latest class they've released. What the fuck could power creep it?
The issue is that they'll bring it outside of the facility. You could argue that there would be nothing to worry since Dante has a Qliphoth Deterrence in his clock and the sinners already resonate with certain abnormalities, interact with them and their gifts in the MD and beat them inside or outside of it. But we usually beat them because they escaped or they're on our way. Bringing an actual abnormality if Dante wanted to help in some normal place with normal enemies is just strange. But yeah, they could do an ID if they wanted. I just don't feel like the concept can come to fruition until they prove me wrong.
Because dual wielding EGO isn't usually something people do. One armor and one weapon is already enough to liquify you if you don't have the stats.
So being able to handle two, even if it's shitty jobber EGO, is impressive.
My ALEPH EX Giganuggets could solo an Arbiter
On a related note, I recall there being a gacha game that introduced a special mechanic for bosses almost entirely to cripple ONE specific character, so now every single boss is a fucking pain in the ass to get through. I don't know what this counts as, but the Director sometimes seems to do similar things to fuck over strong IDs in Railways.
She's my waifu, too...
what game?
Resident Evil 6. I love all resident evil games so I have been playing them again recently.
FATE Grand/Order
She has combat experience before she became an agent and she deeply resonated with her suit and the abno. This is something our agents don't usually have.
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>No my son, it's too much SoLslop to save.
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This is a recording of the day, we must never forget...
Do you play the other bad ones too? Like the Outbreak games, OCR, or Umbrella Corps? Have you played the rail shooters like Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles? I still need to play RE1 Remake myself.
>why does staceyoshu think she's the drink for achieving a feat only the strongest fixer in the series could do
i wonder
>drawpipi starts
>2 references to 9/11 already
>being bad
I'm sorry anon, but that's just shit taste on your part. The Outbreak games are a blast.
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And? So can mine
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No shame in enjoying your slop anon! To each their own.
>Because dual wielding EGO isn't usually something people do. One armor and one weapon is already enough to liquify you if you don't have the stats.
There is no mechanic in lobotomy corporation preventing anyone from equipping any ego. A level 1 agent can wear Paradise Lost And weild Twilight with no drawbacks
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Sunset Devils.
Why does the Director keep pushing Dante x Faust? Is he seriously trying to pander to SEAfags by pairing the Manager with someone so emotionless and boring? Why couldn't Dante interact with someone more entertaining than that replica of a human being? Someone reliable and hard-working, who always looks to him for directions and maybe even has beautiful hair that could remind Dante of the evening sky as the Sun sets behind the ocean waves and someone who always reads the brochures even though NO ONE else does despite it taking less than five minutes to do so
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you can just say you didn't play Lob Corp anon
it's shorter
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it'll just be part of the ID
the tool wont be there once the sinners get off of the ID
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I have always liked the idea of operation raccoon city but it felt wasted and they even did it again badly with umbrella corps somehow. Still hoping we get a good one with the idea of playing as Umbrella mercs.

Outbreak is neat. I can't really get into it though not sure why. I bet I would like it a lot more if I could play it with friends.

I like Darkside Chronicles a lot since it's the closest thing I have to a remake of Code Veronica and I love Leon so more content is good even if we then proceed to never see Manuela again. As a bonus, I like resident evil gaiden and survivor is less bad than I remember.
I was looking forward to running around as the Umbrella Corp too so it sucks it was bad. I have a fondness for on rails shooters too. It's not RE but Dead Space Extraction was really good.
An Outisfag made this post
I wish corrosion could happen in Lobcorp. Like if you took enough Sanity damage (threshold based on how close to the requirement you are). So a level 5 employee will not corrode into a Zayin unless they fully panic, but will corrode into an aleph at only 50% SP or something
Why people want to make Dante x Sinner since in almost if not all couples suffer some horrible event in the PM setting?
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Outisfags are used to being ignored by Dante and the other sinners so we have no reason to falseflag.
A Faustfag falseflagging as an Ishfag falseflagging as an Outisfag made this post
I made this post
Tribalism. Shitposting.
>caring about dante
Yes, anon. But why would Dante bring the ID carrying an Abnormality, despite it being a tool? Just because there's nothing to worry since he can just remove the ID from the sinner if anything bad happens?
they're really setting her up to have the red mist ID huh
I wanna play dead space now too...
I hope capcom can go the action route again that re6 and 5 took to an extent with a game about Umbrella soldiers. If they want to make the mainline ones more horror it's fine but I don't want the gameplay they had been working on since 4 to just die completely although re4make is not that far off.
Suffering builds character (and relationships)
in highschool they called me the juice box
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because it's strong?
you could ask the same question regarding why dante would use an ID like erlking who has a unknown magical power that lets him control the dead and use IDs from different mirror worlds
Wait, so are we getting Devyat this week? After the update?
No, its next week.
Next week silly
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Tragic romances are kino
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The important question is, will there be another April Fools event next year?
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Aw man. Okay, thanks.
does dante have a cock and balls and a pussy
it built character literally better than faust being a smug autist that barely interact with other sinner. i don't care about shipping
He's literally you. So what do YOU have, Anon?
my father castrated me when i was young so i have neither
cock and ball
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Dante has been and will always be ME
a cock and balls and a (boi)pussy
isn't castration the removal of the ball and not the cock
I don't know what you call it, but I'm a shipper who likes being able to control one of the characters.
self insert is very common anon
That's called a self-insertGOD
you're a self insert fag
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he removed that too
But I don't see myself as the character I control. I just try to steer their actions into one that results in a more cinematic romance.
Post an image of your wife.
Can you name a game where you are controlling the character, they have a very obvious personality not dictated by you and can romance others?
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A10cliff doko
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sodomite is a sin
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most visual novels?
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contemptshu is so fucking cool looking
shame its DOGSHIT!!!!!!!!
The protags of most VNs with romances have distinct characters, don't they?
What do you think of fan abnormalities lcg?
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fate/stay night
I haven't played many so I can't say. In my experience their personalities "exist" but I'm shaping them too so it's still a self insert.
It's really good you're just DUMB
your turn to die
WildHunt Heathcliff is still an ID, and since their philosophies(sinner and Mirror ID) can't mix because of some mechanism with the mirror world tech Dante's tablet uses, then it's not endangering him. In the other case the ID would bring another being, that acts on its own and is being managed by the user, that one being the agent. Now, how bad would it be if the ID had less and less sanity? Would the abnormality they brought react? You could just say they don't have time to since the sinner corrodes into some other EGO or just panics, but in most cases, the tools will kill the agent if they slightly step out of their rules or don't have enough sanity to deal with them.
baldur's gate
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Super cool
Damn, at least take me out to dinner first anon
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this is how i flirt with women
>requires full lust resonance for its max POTENTIAL
>sucks dick
>Binds (both) able to be stronger by just being used
It's only saved because it's not Garden of Thorns. It otherwise sucks donkey dick.
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happy 9/11 limbabs
this is either a troll or a spoiler for me
super cute, very pretty soft art
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Sinclair and Don
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you're retarded
lobotomy egos are literally another being same as the abno tools.
and we have many IDs using lobtomy EGOs
Yi Sang on a bench
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The lust res only gives you 1 Ego resource from each of her skills so any resonance will do.
She also gets Gaze of Contempt, inflicts 15 bleed and is arguably the best mass aoe slash Ego.
Also it's passive gives you 1 Ego resource of a lesser owned affinity just for attacking which is super good in the Railway.
didn't reply when it was relevant, but endless space 2 and write my quest
Reminder that Outis got a WaW EGO Weapon faster than anyone else. She's... the strongest.
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certified Frenchman hours.
>Already resorting to call me retard
Alright, anon. But like I said. they could do that if they wanted, add an ID that holds some tool, why not? I just don't see it happening until they prove me wrong. Also, I think I'm forgetting but what type of EGO gear can actually kill the agent in Lobotomy Corporation? It's been a while since I played it.
Sinners who would just say this
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wow art for this game really has exploded
I remember when none of the sinners were even close to 1k.
Kind of surprised Ish has the most.
>E-executive manager?!
>Please understand... this is... this is the effect of an abnormality I encountered in the Mirror Dungeon.
>I can't control myself at the moment.
>The effects seem to worsen when I'm not given attention.
>Executive manager, please! You have to take care of me!
>T-this isn't a joke!
he's just like me frfr
She was pretty popular early on for her looks.
heathgods... wtf is this
Rodion is literally made for sex, why is she so low?
>Faust - 3
>Don - 0
>Ishmael - 2
>Ryoshu - 2
>Rodion - 2
>Outis - 1
>Moses - 1
>Male - 3
>Not PM related - 1
I limbcum all over the place when I see someone posting Heathcliff or the slightest mention of him
Shit like this is why I don't post my wife.
She won't be another statistic.
hong lu being over 1k despite never doing or saying anything of any consequence is very funny to me
Meant no offense, but the original post asked for the "wife".
Surprising that Yi sang wasn't posted
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Okay what should i do?
the power of being a little bit of a fag
I want to have fuck with you.
Oh of course! For easy reference.
I'm surprised there was no Hongfag either today.
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Was it worth allowing a bunch of tr00ns and other mentally ill freaks to take control of the Western fanbase just to get a measly amount of "decent" lewds and no good doujins? LobCorp being a filter doesn't matter since they just skip it and encourage doing so.
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I'm not L*nton I just think she's sweet
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Post an image of your husbant then limbabs.
This is bait but there's literally nothing you can do once trans people latch onto your franchise unless the actual franchise does something to make them leave and even then that doesn't always work.
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gl bwo data structures is THE class you'll remember until you retire, go ace that exam
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I've seen trannies latch onto a visual novel that explicitly has the female love interest detransition from being non-binary in both good endings.
Trannies will tranny.
structure this data then
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Trannies aren't people though, they are hellbound mutilated abominations.
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>Dante's color scheme is Red, Black, and Yellow/White accents
>The colors of Lucifer's faces in Inferno are Red, Black, and Yellow-White
>white accents
Which Sinnerfags do you think are the most romantic? Most devoted?
>Dante's head is a clock
>Lucifer in the Dante's Inferno game has a big COCK
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>Hell is filled with shitskins,faggots and kikes
>/lcg/ is filled with shitskins,faggots and kikes
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Shitclairfags and Outisfags respectively.
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When will we see more of Rodion's upcoming ID?
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Sinclair will get this
when is maint over wtf
1 day 6 hours
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Wait... Snoot?
I'm not even that surprised, but still
beautiful can i get source pls
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uohh husbant
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>Wait, Snoot?
Correct. I am a fan of it.
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Unsure. People who have been singing their favorites praises longest in this general? Faust/Rodion/Meursault/Yi Sang/Heathcliff
faggot hours
FaustGODS of course, both categories
I like seeing the cute yumes get a turn to post
who is this
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That's very cool, Anon. I found out about it a few years ago when she was running for "Queen /v/" I enjoyed it quite a lot.
could anyone spoonfeed me how abnormalities/enkephalin/extraction/the well/the bucket works i've tried understanding it but i'm Dodo
>filter shitposters specific images months ago
>suddenly reappears and gets caught again
play lobcorp
blessed image file name
i did
To completion, yes?
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*chair clattering noises*
>The Well
Carmen's brain, which produces Cogito.
>The Bucket
Cogito, L-Corp's singularity, which can create abnormalities.
Injecting Cogito into someone.
Humans injected with Cogito so they can become physical manifestations of human thoughts/fears/emotions. They produce Enkephalin and they can not die.
Energy made when you interact with abnormalities that is a very potent fuel source. Can also be consumed for mind altering effects.
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four arms
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my hyper competent cyborg wife...
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Holding her legs behind her head but also wrapping her arms around my neck while we smooch... Ideal...
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>Heathcliff - 4
>Meursalt - 3
>Yi Sang - 1
>Sinclair - 1
>Gregor - 1
>Female - 1
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I need a Cashy in my life...
>Ask for husbands
>People post men
Wait, no... No way... Men are... HUSBANDS???
Faggots aren't people anon.
One rodion!
Thanks so much
I was going to write up something on my own, but, this anon >>494153613 phrased it better.
That would be the gist of it, really.
Im just counting anyon
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Dw bwo this is the time of day where schizos start getting jittery
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It's nighttime though.
This dude was always shit.
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I am always jittery though
He was a king in a world of shit
t. did not do RR1
He was just Shi Ishmael with an easier conditional.
It's five after noon though...
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New packs for whatever that Full Moon thing is
Are PM voice actors (and KR in general) mostly freelancers?
someone redo Sinclair's dungeon I want to see what they did for Don
i want to buy a faust acrylic she is so cute gimme some pics
in retrospect schadenfreude makes some sense since all abnos are born like that
I wish I could buy these with free lunacy
ty anon
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She turns into a bat and flies over the coals
The other anon is right but I want to be a bit more specific.
Abnormalities are concepts residing within the River, a representation of the collective unconscious. The process of extraction is giving that concept a material form to use. Killing an abnormality in our world does no real harm to it, as the concept remains untouched in the minds of billions of living creatures. That's why they respawn.
Extraction itself is done by injecting Cogito into a human whose mind has been utterly destroyed. Without their own mind to interfere with the process, conscious or unconscious, the human expresses an idea born purely of others, of the collective: An abnormality.
This connection to the River seems to be the source of Enkephalin, by the way. Distortions, being colored by the thoughts of the individuals at their centers, follow the same core mechanics, but without a place in the River, they die once and that's it. Inversely, without a place in the River, they aren't bound to follow one repetitive, looping story forever, stuck in the part of their story that people are most familiar with, like abnormalities are.
Cogito is produced by Carmen's nervous system. She is called the Well, Cogito is called the Bucket, the people it's injected into are also called Wells I think? This is where my memory breaks down a bit. The metaphor was tough, I only have a grasp on what literally happens and why.
i don't pay for this game i only care that hong lu is in this image
what are those things in the second and third pack
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WHERE IS THE YI SANG unhinged, no brakes N Corp ID??

Instant UT4 for WAW Egos
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Horse Hod
i like this image anon
limbis company
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but here bwo
just for you
>armpit censored
is anyone else unable to update ios
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Resource sinks are a mistake.
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So, uh, Limbabs.
About the Don shoes.
doesn't that still make her take her shoes off? Whats the result exactly?
KJH I'm fucking cackling. Wait until you see what happens when you fail this check.
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Gacha is a mistake.
FOMO is a mistake.
GAAS is a mistake.
Time gating is a mistake.
Resource sinks is a mistake.
Don't forget. No pm game until limbus is done.
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Do you like your Dontent?
This is it. You just eat shit and enter combat.
>GAAS is a mistake.
What's that?
yeah it might be over
Games as a Service
I bought the lunacy hoard though. It needs to go on for like 13 cantos
it means he hates Initial D
Why do you call it GAAS? Are you a jew?
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Just for extra context in case you forgot, there were tons of inquisitors guarding the paths, and this one just happens to be the one of least resistance, so Don just shouts she won't, and gets them to chase you.
>applekeks get dabbed on
>Censoring the armpit
You went too far, Heathkot...it wasn't even a good armpit now that I'm looking at the original...
I hate having to go to the play store every update why can't it just be allowed to update in the app?
Oh shit that's the first time I've made that mistake, I'm usually the one to call people retards for missing that kind of stuff haha. Thank you.
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>armpit censor
cease this faggotry
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you dont deserve to see it
I don't use phones, is this specific to Limbus?
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it lets me update in the app fine wtf do you mean?
Smar sellout cumpany, please understando
Based retard Don.
N Corp Flagellant Yi Sang 000
>uses nails as charge
>spends them to apply AOE nails like a motherfucker and apply Fanatic to others
>makes non-Fanatic sinners lose SP with his freak meter being infinite
N Corp Proceeding Inquisitor Gregor 000
>Everything There inquisitor, monolust
>"SP damage" is weird on the player so let's make him Sinking/Bleed
>Counter is exactly as theirs, replicates coin count and power
N Corp Slithering Inquisitor Outis 00
>two snake arm inquisitor (lmao caduceus), s1 lust s2/s3 glut
>only applies bleed count unless the opponent has nails, also applies poison
>getting staggered poisons everyone on the field
N Corp Corroded Inquisitor Ishmael
>Four-legged beast
>Bleed, fragile, and rupture

and they all build Instinct
NTA but I have it android and sometimes it just updates like it does on PC and sometimes you have to update from the play store page.
That's the norm for most games if you want it as soon as it happens for me. It does eventually update on its own otherwise.
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>Killing an abnormality in our world does no real harm to it, as the concept remains untouched in the minds of billions of living creatures. That's why they respawn.
>Extraction itself is done by injecting Cogito into a human whose mind has been utterly destroyed
Does that mean everytime an abnormality dies another person becomes an abnormality in lobcorp? And what happens if you injectcogito into someone who isn't mindbroken?
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Too late, I saw it now with >>494157210
the armpit of MY LEGAL WIFE
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She sleeps with them.
She bathes with them.
She gets murdered with them.
She kills with them.
She walks on whale cum with them.
She walks on whale guts with them.

Surely they must be rancid, stinky is just being nice.
>please cathy just a sniff, maybe even a lick if you permit
No. When an abno dies, it turns into an Egg (limbus addition) which then becomes the same abnormality after a bit.
It's just that one person (which is now a concept) being killed and revived over and over again.
Abnos get placed back onto their cells after "death", as they turn into eggs. The egg bit wasn't shown in LC back then, they just sorta magically ended up back inside the cell.
Also if Malkuth is anything to go by, they suffer a horrific death.
If she bathes with them then they are being cleaned too
>limbus addition
Glad we memoryholed NONCANONlab
>ignoring whos in the pic with her
Yeah, after maintenance I have to go to the play store
It's legit one of the worst marketplaces I've used and even clicking go to store in the app makes you have to go back and close the game or else the play store throws a fit and then needs a reset.
>Egg (limbus addition)
holy fucking newfags dont know this shit was in legacy lobco originally
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A good man protecting Cashy's dignity, keep making Heasu proud
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Just one month more.
>she has the blobfish plushie
extra cute
Honestly i dont even remember Wonderlab properly and from what i remember it was a pretty boring read
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>one month
Best case scenario is part 1 starts the 17th yeah?
should die permanently.
Legacy version had such tiny details, like the agents praying with skullbro, or dialogue picks for certain abnos, carrying abno eggs back to their cells.
Wonder why they scrapped most of it.
>Playing MDH normally
>Against long fairy
>Suddenly after a clash my 7 Faust gains +20 Poise
>Only Poise gifts are Nebulizer and Pendant of Nostalgia
>Wonder why they scrapped most of it.
unironically because they couldnt get it to work due to programming
Erlking: 8/22 (confirmed)
Walpiss: 9/5 (Confirmed)
Devyat: 9/19 (Confirmed)
Zwei: 10/3 (guess)
Canto 7: 10/17 (guess)
So at minimum, a month and 6 days.
Most are expecting it then yeah, cause then they'd have an excuse to have the final part of Don's canto story land on Halloween.
Yeah I know passives are a bad joke in this bad game.
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read her passive
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I'd impregnate whoever recorded this to correct them
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Heh. H.M.
>mannish voice
heh, thats ishmale alright
>Extraction itself is done by injecting Cogito into a human whose mind has been utterly destroyed
so you're telling me i don't become a cool monster with control of myself and instead die?? that sucks!!
So this is how we train our sanity? Is this good White Damage to level up my prudence, Manager?
That's what distortions are if they stabilize or the weird semi distortion ones.
Becoming an abnormality is you becoming a mindless concept monster.
Why is getting raped by a gorilla woman so arousing bros?
best burn team to clear md?
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>Is this good White Damage to level up my prudence, Manager?
no but this is
But don't you need Light inside of you to be a distortion?
Hi so I just unlocked Refraction Railway. I got to the first boss. Some tree with portraits. I got this bug where the screen constantly zooms in and out when the boss tries to summon portraits the second time. The game begins to lag heavily, and I can't use any of the skills (clicking on the skill does nothing, win rate button also doesn't work). I am forced to restart the battle or quit the game. Anyone got this bug?
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Shouldn't the snake arm go to Gregor? Otherwise, I liek. Great job, anon.
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sex with ishmael
and goodnight
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Does RRyoshu count for Perpetual Motion Machine?
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I laughed.
Hey bwos just a question. In Leviathan spoilers after the jumsoon distortion was killed by Vergilius, it spawned an abnormality (schaden). Why did it never do that again? Maybe I missed something that was special about that case of the distortion?
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>Don Quixote Modifier
I was thinking Gregor as another slithering inquisitor but I changed it to Everything There of an Inquisitor because Rodya compares its freaky arm to Gregor in the very first observation log.
Everyone can after the shining, those who had the light just had higher chances.
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holy meds
We don't have a clear answer yet, but some guess it's because the distortion's desire was negated by itself. Basically if you make a distortion be a hypocrite about it's own goals or hang ups, it'll implode into an abno.
I laughed
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Padre nuestro que estas en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre, hagase tu voluntad aqui en esta tierra al igual que en el reino de los cielos. Danos hoy el pan de cada dia y libranos de todo mal y de toda tentacion. Perdonanos por nuestros pecados justo como nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Amen.
So...Tiph B would be Kenny?
Ah yes, you are correct. Everything There works out better.
A distortion mimicks the same process as binah's pillars turning a regular person into an abno. Difference is the distortion is so self centered in its pursuit of [something] at all costs that it maintains its identity enough to not get overloaded by the collective unconcious of humanity. By making the distortion lose its sense of meaning or be hypocritical the person loses who they are and the human unconciousness can then channel through them unimpeded and become an abno
I just hit Star of the City. Why are the Liu cheating like this? Their numbers are so inflated compared to anything I have right now, why do their 2 costs roll like 3 costs?
is heathcliff just a worse version of edmond dantes from the count of monte cristo?
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>damn it kinda looks like you greggy boy haha lmao
I'm not a negro, rodya
Jumsoon was obsessed over dots due to Ring autism + comparing them to the Mirror Worlds, which he was also obsessed with
While he was fighting Vergilius, however, Vergil managed to weave past a buncha dots he set up and landed an attack on him. Vergil then went "haha I defeated you with naught but a single dot."
Jumsoon seethed at being defeated by the thing he was obsessed with and imploded.
Ergo, his meaning for existing (dots being the best thing in the world) was used against him in such a way where he imploded.
its time to git gud anon
you need to mindbroke them by make them a super hypocrite
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Oi, bruv. You best watch your mouth.
it might be the case of destroying a distortions worldview to born a abno
The new ryoshu feels fucking awful to use in MD.
>you use s3?
>that'll be 15 SP, fuck you
between this and Heath's canto being delayed due to plotholes does this imply el director is making shit up as he goes
Linton vocaroos please... They make me lose my sides so hard,
yo, lunashy
Can't even get past act 1 without wiping and only 2 or 3 of them alive and almost at full health. I hate having to die and get some books and use their to even the advantage. It feels like cheating. You should only resolve books from a reception if you beat it legitimately, and even if you kill any enemy you should still get 0 books from them. Fuck
he always has been but im surprised they cared about this cuz i forgot this event existed
She has sp regen built into her kit, her skill 1 is 16 so if you can't get 15sp back with all this idk man maybe close the account
>he just realized
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>anon realized
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>Heath's canto being delayed due to (HEADCANON)
Do doomfags really...
Canto 3-4 is literally impossible.
Defend this limbfags
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>heath's canto being delayed due to plotholes
when was this said?
also did you really just realize this?
he did delay to add a plothole (distorted heathcliff)
yi sang is my best friend and we dont have romantic feelings for eachother
>plothole (distorted heathcliff)
bro I think you might be retarded
This isn't Faust because Faust is not Yi Sang's best friend (Dante is).
This is instead Dante.
Do you think disorted heathcliff can throw it back?
Android phone fag here snapdragon 888, this exact glitch happened to me vs frog in mirror dungeon
When can I expect my free 1300 lunacy
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Managed to get a video of it. This happens 3 out of 3 times I tried the boss
Looks like this (please ignore the team, it already killed 8)
>it already killed 8
What kid of team were you even running for this jobber to kill 8 (eight(ocho)) sinners
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PM never said plotholes but they did say the delay was due to story and cutscenes
Considering I highly doubt they were rewriting vocal scene so close to release(this was in March), it was either scenes like the Erlking intro/Verg assist that were not up to snuff or they rewrote the unvoiced scenes like how Cathy/Heath's reunion was strangely done in an unvoiced chatlog instead of normally.
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can't play limbus on computer because they banned steam and i can't update the game
Shouldn't have cheated in CSGO rico
have they noticed iphone didnt get an update yet. give me lunacy
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>they banned steam
what kind of shithole do you live in for the state to ban steam
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dont tell me you live in vietnam bwo
If i scream into the void for Carmen to appear like i'm summoning a great old one with a chant what are the chances she shows up
nigga is poverty stricken
>Sanest ishbab
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Thoughts on W Outis?
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>assuming 6
>it killed
>>walpenis ryo
>>cracker faust
>>walpenis sang
it's not just that. But in the moment he saw that 'the only way to defend against this attack is to form a line'. Completely antithetical to his entire existence, essentially
Level up your units.
Deserved,Filthy SEA
Have you changed any graphics settings or have a controller plugged in or anything? There's always weird shit like that and it doesn't happen to me on pc.
Nhầm rồi mày, mở steam ra vẫn update được mà.
Chỉ có không vào store được thôi.
Mà nếu muốn vào store thì thử đổi DNS rồi reset cái modem xem như thế nào.
T-corp Don is so fucking cool.
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damn, sorry to hear that, hopefully it gets reversed soon for you and/or they fix this ios update soon
I'm on PC so this bug seems to be reproducible across different platforms
Yeah I want the tickets from section 1 at least but it doesn't seem to be doable
Very cool, I like her animation
I have no idea lol the boss is super tanky, then it suddenly uses this multi ATK weight skill that wipes both Yi Sang and Ryoshu in one hit
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Please tell me this was recorded without this fucking fat distortion of Ish's image in mind
SEApeople not being able to play the game will weed out at least a third of the EN fanbase
I would if I have the tickets. Section 1 has a bunch of them as rewards so I thought I could at least get section 1 done, but looks like it might not be doable
Controller might be it. I have a controller plugged in, maybe I'll try it without a controller later
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just realized this comes off as being sorry you're vietnamese
which I am but it was not the intent, more just finding out that vietnam banned steam due to taxes of all things
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hinh nhu la may tao bi loi du lieu hom qua
i missed a quiz playing limbus company fuck
why is it always westerns
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is this what ishfags like
i think ishmael is hot but not like this
does that mean i'm not a true fan
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old image
i haven’t seen whalemael art in a long time
Yeah the update doesn't require VPN or whatever.
Try adding DNS to the network setting then reset the modem, that usually allow you to access steam again.
The ban is very half-ass.
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[Softlocking Issue Identified after the Sep.12th Scheduled Update]

Hello, this is Project Moon.

We have identified an issue where the game softlocks/freezes when an allied unit's SP reaches -45.
We are currently investigating the causes of this issue,
and will inform you via an additional update as soon as we identify its cause.

We sincerely apologize for causing a disturbance to your enjoyment of our game due to this freezing error.

We will deploy the fix on the STEAM version of the game as soon as it is fixed

As for Android and iOS versions of the game, we will request an emergency review to deploy the fix as soon as possible on those platforms as well.
>rapefags are fatfags
>but most importantly ISHKEKS
Ahab was right
>No Lunacy
Monzo execution stream coming soon
m-maybe they just forgot to mention it...
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thank fuck it work thank for the help bud
This is like saying all Rodionfags are architects, which is also a common misconception
I don't like that type of art as an Ishfag
>American sinner attracts fatfags
bad day for nclaircucksissies LMAO
>don't have Gredgar
>didn't roll Solemn Lament so sharding him would objectively be worse than just using a support since I'd have to pay 800 shards + tax total to get him optimal
Converted all of my shards to thread on the spot. I will never have a Gregor 000 UT4 at this rate.
The fault lies solely with Ishmael for being such a vile excuse for a woman that she attracts these vermin to her, much like flies to shit!
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Faust... grip Nclairs balls until the game is fixed
So how in the fuck you're going to play Age of Empire 2?
how is a bugfix the most broken update in a long time
only fucking boomer play that shit
Thank you for your TRUE and HONEST ishmael images
simple solution.
keep rolling limbab.
with Myo it's not sex it's FUCKING
Buy the extraction packs
As far as I know Vietnam got a huge chunk of AoE2 players for some reason.
Are those instructions?
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>ITT: Low-T SEA femboys who can't handle a real woman
This is very, very true.
In this moment I hate niggerclair more than Ishmael hated Ahab
beats rape...
everyone in the tropics shaves for obvious reasons
The audio from earlier really enhances this image.
Can confirm.
What Vergilfags and Charonfags do, actually?
>morbid obesity
>guttural, disgusting voice
>Not morbidly obese or bellyshit but fucking bodyhair
>Full of this sucks major dick as well
If that's what a real woman has to be I might just become a faggot.
Can you work on your english more before you keep posting please? I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to say right now
Rape... eachother
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>friends list getting full and these guys havent logged in for over a year
I'm sorry for what I'm about to do faustGODS...
pick up a dictionary seabro
Lrn 2 rd
you shouldn't feel bad for culling the WEAK from your list
vergilfags arent real
Mate, you literally posted a boy
this is futa innit.
>heathcliffs VA deleted me from his friendslist
Am I... weak... bros?
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
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No but it has gross, brown hairy anus so it's equally shit
Only ishmalefags are so brazen to say this shit after THAT
full pic please
I just think the freckles are hot damn it.
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>ship name is 9/11
Besides battlepass I don't get why people pay money for this game? I have 600 on the battle pass which is effectively 480 boxes + 960 atm for any 7, 000 or ego I want + more from the pass
Nothing else is close to that value for money.
>Go lie down in silence
>Can still hear coins clashing
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Only Walpipi and the BP would require money in my opinion. If you really don't want to miss out and have shit luck sometimes your ass has to pull out the wallet. Otherwise yeah no point.
i used to get auditory hallucinations of ahabmaels yapping
I still think Ishmael is the second hottest sinner
Of the men? Sure.

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