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Bow to the queen ehehehe


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/lolg/ OP pastebin


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im a sona main AMA
do you buy tear
if so do you upgrade it into archangels
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Hexchest rework was the best change riot has ever done for league. Two people just inted and flamed in my game when I carried hard, nothing I could about. My support goes apeshit about the rank LP he lost while I'm happy I got an S for the chest. Now I just need couple of more games on this champ and I'll switch to the next.

PS is Nilah good?
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
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>*saves league of legend*
yes. You must buy tear ASAP on sona. Seraph's should be 2nd item, in almost all games you play you should go tear -> boots / 1st item -> seraph's

TothBrush#7048 pls no bully im washed up i used to be rly good
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no you werent
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Why filter me heheh
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yes i was!!! i was 1 game off master's at one point (twice actually i got my promos). it was really impressive!
at the end of the day who thought this game would make european kids lose their fucking minds tho
meme group of people
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xth for picking riven(not)
what the heck?!
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when vgs
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Briar won btw
>Hexchest rework was the best change riot has ever done for league.
I wanna play Thornmail Caitlyn ASAP
>gp crys in allchat about my no-skill nasus kills
>all gp does in lane is pointclick q on me
>messed 90% of the barrel contests
i dont see it
I really hope he's getting paid to do this, otherwise what a sad existence must he live in.
i hate my life champs for that feel?
any adc or tank
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Damn that's weird I was just playing Lulu
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Let's think of an ADC that directly counters Jhin since somebody said he had no bad match-ups, let's call him: Uyhg.

Maybe his passive is that he blocks every fourth auto from any individual target. Maybe he can siphon attack damage and has a longer range. I don't know!

Picture added so you're more likely to reply.
just play kat and run bot to decapitate him on cooldown
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That's not the point of the thought exercise, baka.

Also, I think the monkey man deliberately turned down my friend request.
what lolg would be the best daddy non-sexual
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Riot Phreak: "We've decided to rework Black Cleaver into White Obelisk after looking at community feedback. The passive of the old Black Cleaver will be on White Obelisk but with less gold efficient stats suited more purely for tanks"
Riot Phreak: "Meanwhile, the stats for the old Black Cleaver will be on Coon Skullsplitter, a new item with a unique passive that crits enemies that are dashing."
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The hardcounter already exists
>Jhin requires to get a target low to execute him with 4th shot and uses traps and snare to hold them at distance
>Twitch has stealth so he can gapclose to him and kill him before he can even do 4 shots
>Second person to just not play along
/lolg/ is no fun.
Can I talk about TFT's Tocker's Trials here?
jhin's two biggest strengths are his short trade (1 q + 1 aa) and his LONG range followup (w, R). If you give a champ any way of countering both the specific short trade and the specific long-ranged follow up, then that champ would counter jhin.
lastly, historically jhin has usually had serious falloff problems after his biggest spike at 4 items. on 5 and 6 item super lategame situations, jhin usually struggles with really tanky targets because by this stage those targets have the tools they need to land some form of slow or stun on jhin. Give a champ the waveclear to force mid-game to go extra long and turn end game and that champ's winrate should beat jhin.
it wouldnt technically be an adc but it would lane vs jhin bot anyway because jhin just wouldnt be able to cook vs it but a tank with a retarded shit ton of stats that loses stats the more it gets hit. jhin wouldnt be able to hit it fast enough to drop its stats and it would just run up to him and statcheck him
Shouldn't this be Sivir?
This is a fun idea too. Perhaps it could be the anti-Jhin botlane.
what do u have against jhin lol
he trying so hard
what am i supposed to do at 15 minutes when botlane decides they're midlaners now
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thanks for the qiyana tips the other day, qmm! I applied as much as possible and, wow, the difference was night and day. she felt a lot more smooth to play. I even went 15/4/14 this game
here's a clip of my first kill in case there's anything here I coulda done better
Yes I’ve never played it
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It's just because of something someone said the other thread.

I'm just using it as a bouncing board for new champ idea discussion because I find it a lot of fun and it's /lolg/ at its most cooperative and least hostile.
flop champ
Kind of felt like the chips were stacked in your favor unless she's been buffed recently.
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This is bullshit
I played two games (in one day I demote)
now these fuckers at riot only bump it back to three days
fuck this garbage ass company
I don't want to play your boring ass game

The only reason I play this game
is to goon to Seraphine in a second hand way
by obliterating delusional Diamond and Master players in the Mid lane

that said
I'm probably gonna draw Pentakill Seraphine with PK Viego smoking cigs behind a bar, It'll probably be done in a couple days
sorry for the delay

you rotate bot and float mid after you clear the wave
desu I have no idea how they would go about doing it but a proper AD mage would be cool. corkis more of a spellweaver adc and jayce only has one ranged ability really so they dont really hit the fantasy that well. what do you think a ranged spell that dealt physical damage would even look like in league and do you think you could make a proper mage kit with it?
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>what do you think a ranged spell that dealt physical damage
I don't understand what you mean by this...
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Based, glad to hear it!
Good work with everything, you played pretty well there. Very nice using the W to keep chasing and great auto attacks.
Only have some small tips, you could've maybe walked up a bit further under stealth to open with an auto-attack and save the E to chase afterwards.
You also want to hold that earth Q a bit longer to make use of the on-hit and AS steroid, and you did cancel an auto attack with your W, might've been able to kill the Ori on the first trade.
Really great Qiyana play though :D
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emerald is the BARE MINIMUM. next season i will be diamond.
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>win toplane
>jungle, mid and botlane are lost
What are you realistically supposed to do
I mean fair but counterpoint rising spell force isnt really a passive that would go on a champion like viktor for example plus ezreal has dog piss for waveclear so hes kinda shoehorned into a more traditional carry role. I want like ad syndra or some shit man idk
why haven't you boosted j*lly yet
add me and we can ! isreal is evil#goyim
>I want like ad syndra or some shit man idk
You can mash it together with my original idea and making it a burst mage focused on siphoning attack damage (can't gain it naturally and still build AP but deal AD) to burst down attack damage dealers.

Uyhg is shaping up to be an exciting new champion.
Carry the game. Isn't this your dream scenario?
Nigga how many times have you lost just because bot won or just because jungle won
When the pressure is on you need to perform
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>Ranked game
>Clown fiesta start where enemy team tries to invade and we wind up turning it on them 4-1
>Their jungle Yi was the first to die
>Start laning
>My support Xerath pings me
>He's in their jungle, pulling Yi from Blue (still level 1)
>Follow up and kill him again
>Go back to lane
>They ask us to x9 the Yi and FF at 5 min cause he ragequit
Man, I can't imagine getting that btfo mentally
u suck at jg tho lol if u can hit emerald anyone can
hey sunshine, join my teamspeak
Why do ARAM players play like rape victims
This is definitely me when I put on eyeshadow.

>>494145880 wasnt me but ill join ur teamspeak sure
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league is boring
is black'd myth wukong good?
serious question i need a break, maybe i can climb after i come back..
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be my gf? I could you you lots of new games and dick pics
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Vex lost
very good idea, duly noted for next time! thanks, man
Her shadow?
her skin
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im told i am way to sexual by the lolg community
we all want you dead
Why is autofill still in the game
Why do I have to select 2 champs to queue a quickplay
Why am I locked out of rewards for playing 1 champ now
who am i
yeah it's good cutie
what did he mean by this
nothing it's ai generated
a soon to be dead faggot
Because fuck you, monkey.
>Why is autofill still in the game
Literally so they can rig games to increase engagement
>Why do I have to select 2 champs to queue a quickplay
solely to make the queue times of yasuo/darius/zed/the newest champ released/whatever other champ has a billion players in quickplay because it gets banned constantly in draft/ranked faster
>Why am I locked out of rewards for playing 1 champ now
because most players are casuals and most casuals play 100 different champs
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you have issues anon
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Who rep-fe-lol-parties here?
Quickplay is the mode where you have to get forced to play a champ and lane you don't want so Timmy can play Yasuo top and go 0/10
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Jelly is 1k games plat
wanna find out?
mogs me
Can't you draw something funny for once? Why does it always have to be porn?
do you have a link to your works :3
like if Quickplay let you pick just 1 champ, then the people who want to play yasuo would have to wait really long queues, because let's say you're in queue for yasuo mid, there's simultaneously 6 other guys in your MMR range in queue for yasuo mid, 4 for yasuo top, 8 for yasuo bot and 1 each for yasuo support and jungle
only 2 of these can get into a game each
so everyone else gets screwed over to make queue times shorter for the yasuobabs
I don't, I gotta see how to make a catbox gallery or something.
Do you have a funny idea? I am not funny.
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would be really funny if you drew something like this in your style haha
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>Do you have a funny idea?
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nta but I thought your Lulu coffee was really funny, be more confident yordlebro
Vex is responsible for countless deaths.
not funny
it's no more a tossup than norms or dare I say ranked even. It's just a lot more noticeable and sometimes the wildcards have higher multipliers.
But I love it. :(
Why does everyone hate boot Poppy now?
pretty sure her VA is latina or something so it's not an unfitting concept here. nicely drawn, too.
My point isn't waaah top lane is feeding
My point is I'm forced to pick a secondary champ and role I don't want to play to avoid the system clogging up because billions of Timmy's are all queueing yasuo in every different lane >>494148809
just dump your gallery here.
dudes the size of a 13 year old lmao
Bwos, how do I make Yasuo jungle work?
oh, sorry. Yes. Sometimes that prio can be limiting. It's also the mode where you see Timmy the Teemo up top and mirror Lux where one is the egirl and the other is not. And sometimes the Jungler is just another laner, so the roles are much more "dynamic" than non-quickplay. I would say, you do you: play the champ you want in a reasonably flexible lane. Especially bottom lane.
its not that bad desu. his clear is pretty good, ganks arent terrible
yone is better at it tho because his ganks are a little better
I like it
Okay, but now how about Gangplank jungle?
never tried
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who could hate Poppy?! she's amazing!
Thanks, Anon, it's been awhile since I've posted it. Little disappointed that nobody AT LEAST remembers boot Poppy.
i dont know anything about gp but its probably a bit bad lol. how are you gonna ever gank? im sure he can clear, almost any champ can clear, even nami and janna can full clear b4 crab spawns if u know what ur doing
so i guess you could play it
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I have...
Wow mundo is dogshit now, what a shame
Weed Lulu is still the funniest meme that's come out of this place
Don't sell yourself short
Guys mundo has to wait slightly longer to abuse warmogs now it's over
>even nami and janna can full clear b4 crab spawns if u know what ur doing
jelly is challenger rank in the elo of my heart
>dude weed lmao
i think jlly should khs
kys mundo players
kys egirl orbiter
kys bbcspammer
Post it?
Compared to what
>you cant have sex with pictures eswheely
>lyra traumadumping paragraph
>oh my gourdon
https://youtu.be/ioU3wrUSnso?si=vB-j_rvG9nlbItpT this is 5 seconds after crab spawns, but its leashless
i cant find the nami video, maybe the channel went private or maybe i made it up idk
how long does it take to get level 10 on a champ for the title
This guy's on a rampage. Somebody put a stop to this!
I dont orbit I just love her unconditionally
the funniest lolg meme is I'm afraid no mr. pom..... It hurt feefee of ee-ee..... you see E-males have bad T to E ratio so they are like girls.....
I tried to make my friend to jungle once as Gwen and told him to go krugs before raptors. Was that the killer mistake?

It seems like virtually every non-jungler does raptors first.
He got image banned again I see
you told him to START krugs or you told him to go red > krugs > raptors?
anyways if youre implying your friend executed as gwen jg or didnt manage to full clear until like 5 minutes then theres a huge problem there and hes probably like canceling autos and missing his q on the camps or something because gwen jg clear is very fast regardless of optimization
>bronze player
>diamond gem on load screen
>you told him to START krugs
Start because he didn't have smite (old norms.)
>anyways if youre implying your friend executed as gwen jg or didnt manage to full clear until like 5 minutes then theres a huge problem there
Neither of us are very good at the game but especially him.

It's a funny memory though. It's always impressive to see off-junglers.
always report people with the ahri skin
Vanguard removed when?
are there going to be vgs soon I need to run to the store first
oh no champ can jungle without smite anymore yeah if that happens you either remake or maybe if you don't care about winning go duo top
>It's always impressive to see off-junglers.
Yeah, and Gwen jg is kind of secretly op. I'm not a jungler but I just played it and I was level 18 while the enemy jungler was level 14 LOL
I somehow got the K/DA All Out one from a chest so don't report me for that.
I honor them they earned it
>oh no champ can jungle without smite
This was before the smite rework so I wondered if it was different.
kys l*ra
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Thanks. It was an idea for Fright Night Vex. RIP that skin until next year
Thanks. Ill try to think of something silly.
shaco is easier than master yi to play
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>Ignores Boot Poppy remaster
It's over...
they are both high skill but yeah probably
Shaco is also more fun.
i main shaco he is not high skill
I was gonna reply to it. I was just trying to figure it out first. Is it actually poopy in a boot?
no champ is high skill if you main it dummy
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>Is it actually poopy in a boot?
Yes, a cowboy boot and she's magically wielding her hammer by floating it in the air.

It came to me in a dream so I drew it. And then I remastered it by tracing it on my PC.

No one remembers this tale of /lolg/ past but I was hoping to give it new life since my drawing skills are suboptimal.
im not hosting vgs tonight sorry
maybe tomorrow probably not
>last league game i played took 25 minutes to get into
>this time it took 5 minutes to find a game, 5 minutes in loading screen from an afk into reconnect, into a 3 minute wait and 2 failed lobbies
I dont see why the game is dying bro. I love spending more time queueing than playing
10k games plat4 0lp
>random person I never played with adds me out of nowhere and says nothing
>later asks who I am
why do league players keep doing this?
They're in love with you.
How can someone play for 10 years, 1000 games each split and still be stuck gold/plat
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forgot pic
eat that log sion
New champion:
Scion. He's like Sion but he's nice.
does he eat turds
Only if you're a cute girl who's good for Christmas.
butt is she soft
shes a squishy latina who eats poorly and is self conscious of her muffintop
Why can't lolgs comprehend that some people don't want to play like a sweatlord to climb and would rather relax and have fun
Mindbroken ADC.
its the spammer
because the game is awful that way
Not if you're playing with likeminded people.
this his new thing now?
just what he does when he cant post images, same thing with the turdposting
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It's happened before.
he literally can post images hes doing it right now
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Do you think Poppy will do well on this Tank Meta 2.0 we are getting bext paatch?
yes it still is
I disagree.
what was his deal
then he chose not to post images in a poor attempt to be incognito since his posts are instantly recognizable images or not
is that majin
yeah and then shes going to get nerfed
shes already op and the only reason she hasnt gotten nerfed yet is most poppy players insist on building random garbage items that dont make any sense so they artificially tank her winrate
once people buy tank items which they probably will next patch her winrate will skyrocket to where it actually belongs which is nerf territory
So the hammer is floating around? Sounds silly enough, I'll give it a shot.
Are you really this stupid? Is this bait? It's RANKED, the COMPETITIVE game mode. Play quickplay if you just wanna chill
>most poppy players insist on building random garbage items that dont make any sense so they artificially tank her winrate
When people say stuff like this, it always sounds so schizo. Nobody's building Riftmaker on Poppy.
coom brainrot
quickplay is more tryhard than cutelow ranked games
i picked yuumi specifically so i could tab out and upload this monokuma picture
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no but they are building youmuus ghostblade eclipse and umbral
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I could have probably thought of it while awake, it fits my sense of humor, but the fact that it came from a dream is what gives it its mysterious power and is proof that it was some kind of sign from God.
No more Danganronpa posting. I thought I warned you about this kind of thing.
do something about it ezreal
Poppy has become CHRISTIAN.
why is poppy so hot
>Completely dumpster the enemy jungler
>Get an S
>Enemy jungler gets most honored on his team
>I dont get a single honor
lets casually get the dragons and never do baron hurrrr durrrr
She prays to the Lord at least three times a day. It gives her an evanescent glow.
I've done Baron while playing "casually." Just admit it's not for you and move on.
Alright, i'm gonna put some lofi and draw this silly booters poopers right now.
doubt it
Most people prefer to play with someone they enjoy playing
Bless you.
I request that you draw Poppy praying if this gets dubs. But only if this gets dubs.
I hate his belly button
I don't want to BE a boy.
I want to BE WITH a boy.
Get what I'm saying ?
Silly boys.
But why...?
The only way to get honors as a JG is to never type, play your heart out, and hope your Support doesn't like your ADC and vice versa. Otherwise those fags will swap honors everytime regardless of outcome or if they're duo.
I accept my fate. Some things aren't meant to be and only the digits can tell us that sometimes.
so you casually solo'd baron for your team?
No, they came. Casual doesn't mean no objectives?
>duo top
could actually work i guess
>forgot I had my audio set to mono for years
champs for this feel
just admit you can't and won't snowball
it was actually good last season but now your team gets heavily penalized for multiple support items
last season a lot of boosters would queue top and jg and play duo top tower dive combos like master yi kalista or pantheon master yi to boost their clients
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Genuinely not much I could do here. I survived the laning phase getting bullied by Teemo without dying once, hit my power spike and got a bunch of picks in the mid and late, but when your ADC is inting there's just not much you can do to win 4v5 vs a team that is trying to win.
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What are you talking about? Why are you so negative?
are tou ready to be stepped on by Poppy and every other tank this patch?
>champ x is an elo inflator!
>check persons profile
>20% winrate on said champ
just be a boy that gets with another boy
>Defending Champ X
you created the unpleasant gaming environment
again and again and again
i dont mind tank meta at all
let me out of this juggernaut plus ranged top meta
Tank vs tank matchups sound fun.
>Make good trades to get ahead
>You get to actually play the game rather than towerhug meta
No, I didn't. Are you talking about competitive? I don't play competitive.
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I love the coffee image so much I made it my twithc profile image hope that is ok I did not actually ask if I could
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>tank v tank matchups are all about skillful dueling bro
holy copium
nigga typing this from emerald [d4 peak in early season years ago]
>Still no one posted the weed Lulu picture
dota is better
i played the robot character in this game
blitzcrank is too ez, what other champ could he be
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Briar is sexy
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How so? No, really?
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here you go, anon
Said no one ever. Look how dead their general is.
yes you did for playing the game wrong
Sure, because irelia vs akali is so fun to play.
Both avoid eachother throwing the exact same ability untill 1 randomly connects and then they oneshot

Very interactive.
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I forgot what the robot did
I played the old librarian lady
yeah the two giant statballs ignoring each other is so much more wholesome chungus
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the point was NON robot champs
robot got big off of eating gears and got supercharged by lightning if you got struck
very fun
lightning champs for this feel??
Try to actually play a tank vs tank matchups where prio is important.
Something like malphite vs orrn
She looks horny. This looks horny.
t. adc player that never stepped foot outside of the handhold lane except to maybe try the nohands pve role(jungle or tank top)
That is fine, merii-sama. I made it for you, after all.
Zeri or Xerath, come on, Anon. Use your brain.
>Zeri eating gears
when you get kills the announcer goes HOOOLY SHIIIIT
mages do not have, never had, any right to complain about itemization
this item should give 0 stats then it would be balanced
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Not anymore.
better yet. a spell. zhonya's should be a spell.
yes. I'm seething so fucking hard I forgot to attach an image.
and you still left your wife out in the rain
how could you merii
how could you
Very sane.
forgot they existed ngl
all i thoguht of was voli and i was disappointed
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images like that are my favourite
also vex+viego and vex fast food images
I know. It's the best take in the history of League.
>all i thoguht of was voli and i was disappointed
Well, who's your pick then?
I dont have a wife sorry
I have a husbando though maybe two
is fiora fun
it's the most fun you're gonna have playing this game
Tell me which champ made you shit yourself over this and I'll judge you more based on it.
Boring in an easy winning matchup
Most fun champ in a skillmatchup
Absolutely most miserable champ to play against urgot
no its like playing riven in lane but a little stronger still loses to any unga bunga top laner but at least she scales
uhhhhh it does
Slightly more understandable. Have a slightly less shitty day.
cool he's finally asleep
i miss doja
Thanks. My day was pretty good actually. Hope you have a good day too.
Oh, okay.
you literally have an item that revives you. quit bitching
no it shouldnt be, theres a reason why cleanse doesnt remove supression
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>Hope you have a good day too.
I won't...
Diamond sona main, you do not need to buy tear if you go manaflow and presence of mind. Buying boots and tear delays echoes of helia too much, going boots into helia is much better for early fights and you can instacarry from there. Helia into staff is the usual build from there since games are usually over before you get second item, if the game feels like it's gonna go late you can go echoes moonstone dawncore for max three item scaling for post 30 minute baron fights but its usually only kind of worth dealing with the dogshit item that is moonstone. Only go archangels if the enemy team is mainly divers, talking akali midlane and khazix jungle, and I usually delay t1 boots until after Helia or if I back with enough gold to finish kindlegem and bandleglads I'll usually get boots instead of finishing kindlegem because the chances of backing again at that stage of the game with less than 700 gold is very slim.
Good Fish.

Is that all?
their general isnt on 4chan (im in it :))
It's on the dark web?
>support picked kogmaw
is this game dead or dying
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>haven't played in months
>look at game
>another k'sante rework
maybe they need to work on fixing old and busted champs instead of dedicating half their resources to constantly having to break and unbreak whatever balance nightmare the design team shits out
can I build it second item? technically yes. but it's shit. so shut up.
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>nobody is talking about endless elixir
I'll just abuse the fuck out of 500 gold trailblazer till they patch it
alright i'm making a new account and going to see if i can make it to level 30 to try out ranked
you are also either dead or dying. think about that.
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I didn't see an evil fish lately
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This is quite the unique request hmm
i want my laner to wedgie me
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another sexo banger yordlebro as usual, nice work
I wonder if she knows she has a shoe on her dumb fish crown thing.
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That's good. I don't think we'll have the power to defeat it.
haven't played in a while is camille support still a thing?
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I love it so much, thank you.
Do not lewd the boot Poppy.
>tanks get trailblazer for 500g
>ads get to skip a fucking lifesteal item for 500g
>mages get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ap and towerpush?
Nobody says this or looks like this.
>champ isn't allowed to jungle anymore because some fag at riot said so
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just keep her busy and you're good
Endless Elixir is not shipping yet.
Also it ships they MUST nerf elixirs. making the elixirs permanent is more broken than anything else, but having all 3 is insane. Imagine Kayle with all 3.
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>Last frame poops out because the site is jank
Let's just say she was moving at incredibly fast speeds.
u can get all 3 lol
>Also it ships they MUST nerf elixirs. making the elixirs permanent is more broken than anything else, but having all 3 is insane. Imagine Kayle with all 3.
She could actually do her job!
but meanwhile several mages who nobody asked to be made a jungler is enabled to be some of the best junglers in the game for months and still ongoing
>that time zed was given the fastest jungle clear in the game just because lol
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I might use boot Poppy as my Steam avatar at some point, fyi.
I think they are nerfing the level that elixirs become available im not sure
Poopy Boot is HAYAI!
To be fair, appealing Zed one-tricks at least seems like some kind of marketing strategy as opposed to BRAND PLAYERS!?!??!?!
it was for a patch and immediately got removed boohoo
I think all Brand mains should be immolated since they like Brand so much xd
very comfy hours
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That is fine.
there is no such thing as a brand main
just sad pathetic losers who need to win that bad
before he became op you never saw anyone spamming him, people would occasionally pick him here and there if the enemy team had a lot of tanks but nobody mained him
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Which champions would most enjoy deep kisses with tongue
brand supp was always a thing. no one liked brand support players because they always went 0/13
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absolutely, I both dread it and look forward to it.
he had the same problem as lux support that stole all the fucking kills and was useless after 2min
they did not onetrick it though they just picked it sometimes [probably because lux was banned] NOBODY has any passion or love in their heart for this champ
That reminds me, I saw that one Kata image. That's another request on the list. I wonder if that kata anon is around still
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>Poopy Boot is HAYAI!
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But what would keep her busy?
adc genocide is so sad ;_;
>I wonder if that kata anon is around still
Vex, Poppy, Lillia, Ashe, Leona
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Anon for this request. It was Kat drinking beer in her panties.
>It was Kat drinking beer in her panties.
I Would Also Like To See That

What's the consensus? Because I want 5.
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food and video games - she's kinda lazy lately
I dont think recall, but any but 6. 6 was mostly an odd joke. Imagine the chaffing ouch
I don't like most of your drawings but this one hits different
>Imagine the chaffing ouch
She's into it.
That Poppy is fast...
whats your list looking like or are you just doing your most recent requests?
Who would win in a race, Soraka in an ambulance or Poppy in an oversized boot?
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>any but 6
Raka on her way in her ambulance after I bumped my knee.
I vote for 2, thats my fav
Just 6 requests left as far as I can recall. I was going to work on them this week but new Fright night came out, and Vex was missing AGAIN, so I did some stuff with her. Not as much time to actually draw, so being a bit slow. Hopefully Quinn and Katarina by this weekend.
I'll try to do more funnies too, maybe minis since those are fast.
>tfw cant have potato soft tacos cause it reminds me of my goth egirl ex who ruined me
champs for this feel
It's because this one has so much detail. The hair, the shadows, the sunburnt skin between her breasts and her neck...
>Dia sona main
>Doesnt recomend lichbane, seraph, mejai powerspike
it's over
any female assassin
Morgana mains are either trannies or wife material. No in between
Bootpy wins by default, but Amburaka wins if there's a low HP ally by the finish line.
Oh hell. We're all out, but we can get more!

Depends if someone is hurt >>494163395 then Soraka

>wife material. No in between
Whatever happened to Morganafag, anyway?
>but new Fright night came out, and Vex was missing AGAIN, so I did some stuff with her.
you say that like you WOULDN'T have draw her if she had a fright night skin.
we all know you would have draw her more if she did have a skin.
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favorite SHEEN champ?
Is there a new green malphite troll trend or what?
It's always shamrock malphite and emotespamm.
>Play nasus into malph
>Malph maxes Q
>Everytime he use Q he spamms emotes and dance
>Buy tenacity and kill him
>He ragequits
he descended into reeee my hecking team is the reason I'm stuck in silver posts for a few months and then when people stopped replying he vanished
I was legit about t post that song lol.
Ok, you got me.
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you get the food, I'll get the games
I kind of miss him desu.
yeah same actually rereading it my post sounds more negative than I intended
>Is there a new green malphite troll trend or what?
>It's always shamrock malphite and emotespamm.
It's a time-tested tradition. Like Ghost/Cleanse Disco Nunu.
still plays, just changed name to something ele Morgy related.
you sound just like her...
But they don't post anymore...
can i get you anything else senpai??
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Y'know what'd be funny AND cute?
An Officer Annie skin, with her big dumb buddy cop Tibbers.
was thinking xayah more but close enough

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I remember getting called Katsissy here a lot but it seems like somebody else took and completely monopolized that mantle after I stopped posting...

/lolg/ lore goes deep...
same thing with Viposting
at this point I think they're all fake because it just doesn't make sense. I never see this champion in my games unless it's me playing. I guess all five Vi mains in the world congregate here
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Alright, these snacks and drinks will do. Now, what's the game?

I'm not even listen of the Offspring but that song slaps hard.
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>I have a 59% winrate so far this season
>68% winrate on Senna ADC
>I'm still being put in Iron lobbies
At this point I'm not complaining, it makes my stats look good, but why?
You anniefuckers got like 5 pictures recently, don't be so greedy
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I play a broad pool of champs. I only got called Katsissy because of a reaction pic I used (>>494142468.)

If you search the filename, you can get the deep lore.
don't do it he's gonna feed your art into the ai machine
Sometimes I lay awake in bed thinking... Is it truly 2 posters going back n forth into eternity, or 1 guy hallucinating.
The world might never know
Make a cute, fair skinned shortstack ADC that can accumulate range like Senna can then. You'll have one less Senna player in the world.
which one are you
Oh no! Not THE AI machine!
It's just the two of us. Now stop talking to yourself and stop spamming that ugly CG porn.
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I'm going to need evidence of this.
>cute, fair skinned shortstack ADC that can accumulate range
vg vs vg
pass: vidya
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lineart done
okay now add the fart cloud
No. 661 range is unironically not enough in current year of League. She's also more of an Assassin at this point, all her damage is frontloaded and she just gets stonewalled by tanks.
why would u lie about it
skill issue
You're unreasonable.
try not taking fleet
only took a short nap huh?
Do you need a hug?
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serious sam
Cute Briar!
Tell that to 90% of engages having the same-- if not more range than you and mages unironically having twice your range on spells.

661 range was enough back in like Season 4 or 5 but now everyone has a billion movespeed, 3 dashes and CC immunity while being absurdly tanky as fuck. If anything expecting anyone to make that work in current year is unreasonable.

I run PtA, still sucks even when you get a fully stacked E bomb.
actually, yeah i do
Come here, bwo.
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There's a reason why she's unironically at the bottom of the list. She's a fucking frontloaded ranged Assassin playing in a tank meta world right now while only having ELEVEN more range than fucking Caitlyn of all things who is only 7 spots higher than Tristana.
i'm getting better anons. i'm still a bit too pussy and need to start buying mejais. i'm too afraid of getting it and then losing stacks...
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Never play one, I take it that they're Fun
*hug* thanks
Youre supposed to dodge spells
But Worlds...
She has to pay for the crime of Trist mid until she is fully absolved of her sins
That's not the issue, idiot. Mages get to contribute more than I do and more safely.
tristana is pro-jailed, like corki, azir, k'sante, ryze, and other niggas like them.
Had to stitch em for you, but here's the evidence: https://files.catbox.moe/vje5ah.png
And the stuff in the drawroom >>492970890
Leave some for us other guys
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No problem, Anon.
How the fuck is it our fault that pro players are gorilla niggers that would sooner die than play into Riot's delusional tranny fantasy of everything coming down to "skill based matchups" rather than just stat checking people? Eventually everything is gonna be esported cause these motherfuckers don't wanna leave it up to skill, they wanna number check people and just auto win the matchup.
She got nerf cumdumpstered for being broken mid.
Deserves a life sentence.
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it's pretty simple - you press W + mouse1
And even then she'd still be ass anyway, Tristana was never a tankbuster champion and we're in a Tank meta right now.
Those fuckers don't care, anon. They're playing to win big.
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I'm going back to bed, /lolg/. Try to stay comfy.
wtf are u even saying lmao
stop the buzzwords chud
>people thinking tanks will be busted
Everytime we're in a "tank meta" it's just bruisers being drain tanks and killing squishies with their high base dmgs.
>tranny with no argument
Concession accepted, now shut the fuck up and get Riot to make a cute fair skinned shortstack ADC that actually hits long attack ranges like a late game Senna can. Otherwise I'm just gonna keep spamming Senna so I can bop people from 800+ range.
i wouldn't say they're number checking my friend, quite the opposite actually
>azir and ksante
are safe, blind-pickable, can play to scale, have play-making potential, and do okay on the defense
>tristana and corki
meanwhile are not about raw damage, but about their waveclear and side-laning potential, able to wreck turrets with their sheen procs/e bombs, especially with grubs, both are also very safe with their W jumps
he is extremely useful in pro due to his teleporting ult, and due to how combo-based he is pros can master him and maximize whatever damage he does, plus he is ranged so him being viable and having a snare/stun means the meta is based around him when he's even remotely decent
they're not about raw power or stat check, hell Maokai is the best jungler, and that's just due to the utility of his kit and having the most powerful ult in the game, even if his damage is shit
Cute, very slapable butt and biteable thighs.
Briar won.
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Oh, nice, I wasn't aware, but now I am. Huzzah.
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BBC queen
It was actually 6 with the tiny golden bikini one, but yeah. Dont give him Annie ideas, he'll fall for them.
hope you die in your sleep
>nobody directly answered the question posed here
Okay, how about something cute with the new Fright Night Veigar and Wicked Lulu? Or a Fright Night Lulu in the same vein to contrast with the Fright Night Vex.
Your MMR is still iron.
Even with a 59% overall winrate this Season?
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Do you like Orianna?
Damn that splash looks really sick up close.
Tasty textures.
MMR takes a long while to fix. It hard to know cause they dont want to reveal the formula, but sometimes your MMR just gets fucked.
Ah, well damn then. Guess I keep padding stats with the Iron kids for now.
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You'll have to wait til he comes around to suggest, but he said Quinn and Kata are next.
Yordle requests keep skipping the line for obvious reasons though
I've seen people claim LoL isn't a pay to win game in a random Deadlock thread, so I've organized a couple of LoL and Riot related posts to explain the Dota/LoL dynamic to people unaware of it.
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I remember the yordlebro oppai arc
Good times
Riot's history began by trying to destroy Dota Allstars - a game Riot copied, greatly simplified and made pay to win. They've done that by paying a guy who owned Dota's community forums to close them and put up a LoL ad.

>Steve 'Pendragon' Mescon is the creator of the DotA-Allstars.com community website, which has empowered DotA players to speak their minds for over four years. Steve has extensive experience in customer service as well as a profound passion for building deep relationships with the communities he's involved with

The reason LoL is a greatly simplified version of Dota Allstars is its intentional lack of depth and a rigid meta dictated right from above by Riot: there is very little character flexing and build variety, there are very few active items and there is no mechanic of denying creeps and towers. Other notable mechanics which are absent in LoL are: creep stacking, creep pulling, high ground and low ground, individual trees blocking vision, a pivotal day/night cycle that affects vision and teleport scrolls which enable strategic rotations. Meanwhile, Dota 2 kept expanding the game's depth instead.

LoL being more "mechanically intensive" is an easily debunked myth. Not only does Dota have multiple unit control (illusions, clones, summons, dominated creeps, couriers), but it also demands below 0,5 second reaction timings in high level play. This is visible in situations like 0,1 second manta dodges, blink dagger escapes (the escape has to happen in a split second since the dagger gets deactivated after taking player based damage), BKB activation during ganks, Linken's sphere shields and Lotus orb shells. The latter two require a player to literally observe enemy model animations or foresee spell usage timings and then place game changing spell shields on allies. There are also multiple mechanically intensive spell combos with a very high price for failure due to long cooldowns.
I do too and it was cursed. Yordles should be flatties with thick thighs and cute bellies only.
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Riot uses a kernel anti-cheat called "vanguard". It has the potential to hijack a PC, including all of its financial and personal information and transform the PC into an aggressive botnet. Anyone who hacks Riot can gain this power as well. Riot players can only play LoL and Valorant if vanguard has been active for the entire boot session, closing it forces them to reboot the PC to be allowed back in. Criticism and rejection of vanguard has been heavily suppressed at LoLs subreddit (Valorant came with vanguard installed from the get go), but reaction can be still observed in this oficial thread, but Riot doesn't have a steamcharts analog so it's impossible to say how many people uninstalled.


Unlike Dota, LoL officially allows smurfing and it is not considered cheating. This policy is likely meant to inflate player numbers presented to investors.


LoL is a pay to win game due to its character unlock mechanics and was even more pay to win in the past, since players could outright buy powerups called "runes". Some LoL skins also give sufficient competitive advantages to be banned from pro play.


Riot uses an army of partnered streamers to advertise its games and it is unclear what exactly that partnership entails. It's very likely a non disclosure agreement protected employment contract meant to circumvent Twitch advertisement rules, but despite this LoLs viewership is collapsing and already reached 2017 levels.

Tsundere old man
got an example?
I hope you live in your sleep
noone cares lol also holy fuck imagine unironically thinking this game is pay to win
nta but https://files.catbox.moe/sfdoll.png
Bro nobody gives a shit. Yeah the game is not as popular in NA anymore, it's an Asian-focused game now.
10% of the Asian playerbase is bigger than all of Valve's games combined.
Unpaid tranny shill response.
i just want to play top but i go 0/10 every game i can only win as jg or support
Braum players be like "get behind me fair maiden!"
every toplaner is starting to go mid. how do we fix this, midchads?
retard response
>home hubs taking longer than usual to load
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Need Qiqi gf
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i did that last year, went from high gold-low plat to solid emerald within a season, and haven't left emerald since
much more fun to stomp people with taliyah/veigar/leblanc/tf/vex than with any top laner
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T1 vs DK in 1:40. I got like 90 minutes of sleep and can't get back even though I'm tired, and I'm sitting here bored. :( I know I said I was done with the game for now after yesterday's terrible matchmaking, but...Maybe just...Maybe just a wee little ADC game or two...
Here is a big LoL website (which sells accounts) directly spelling it out:

>This isn’t really that much of an issue, but having a wider champion pool is definitely an advantage. Of course, having every champion in the game or even just having a wide champion pool is not really an advantage if the player doesn’t have a deep mastery over every champion in the game. However, if we were to put things in perspective, the player who has a wider champion pool is able to learn how to play more champions whenever they liked.

>League of Legends in the early stages was definitely pay to win because of the old rune mechanic. Back in the day, players could purchase runes using RP, which gave bonus stats. In addition, runes couldn’t be changed in-game, so players needed to purchase multiple rune pages if they want to be able to play champions decently using the stats that they need. That mechanic made League of Legends pay to win, but they reworked it after some time.

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post ur top 10 mastery bro
thats my gf
thats sunshines gf
old rune system went away in season 4, and even before it only took a few days to buy what was needed. also, runes could be bought with in-game currency that you earned by simply paying the game.
thats a picture ezreal
I think to a degree it is still technically pay2win, but acquiring champs in the early levels of an account isn't super hard for your initial pool. That said, actual new-player knowledge of champs and how many champs they can actually try during free-champ rotations will limit the quality of their unlock picks/what they save up for, I'm sure.

That all said, it's been a long time since the old runes, and the champions themselves are the only gate (which I've mentioned are somewhat generous early on.) If you stick to trying free champs as they rotate for a couple of months and just learning the game in general, you should have a pretty good pool by the time you feel like you might want to enter Ranked. You really should be focusing on being good at 3 champs in your main role and no more than that, and 1 or 2 champs you're simply competent at in off-roles depending on how common a given role is to be auto-filled into. You shouldn't be playing any more than 10 champs max at any given time, and even then those less-common off-role champs should only be seeing some token mechanical upkeep in a bot game once every week or two.

In the end they're just different models, regardless of what you think of the quality of either game, and I think LoL is pretty fair all things considered. I prefer the game to DOTA2 myself, so the free champs there aren't an appeal, simple as.
that article literally has a link to what runes were, where it says they literally COULD NOT be purchased with RP.
new players really shouldnt be concerned with having a large champion pool for to counterpick and make team comps with they should be way more focused on learning the game and finding a couple champions they enjoy which is entirely ungated by money whatsoever
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I miss it
btw yordlebro I was sorting through my collection and I think I misplaced the sports bra version, have you still got it
I need it bad
ok and do you feel like there was any money gate whatsoever between you and developing your pool of your 10 most played champions?
I know that League can be played while having a greatly limited character pool due to Riot's restrictive balancing philosophy, but it doesn't change the fact that player segregation into classes affects competitive integrity.

If you ask random people which game is fairer, the one that unlocks all characters or the one that doesn't - 99.999% will say it's the former.
idk im not that anon, just felt like posting my top 10
is it delusional to think that you could carry every game even when your teammates suck? I play with a friend and always says that, but then when our teammates int he gets tilted
oh lol decent kled kassa singed chad
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leona players are the most disgusting subhuman niggerfaggot goblin creatures ive ever seen in my entire life. guess i have to ban this champ every time its hovered on my team cuz even the highest elo leona groid still has lower iq than the blackest niggerest nignog from the deepest depths of africa. Unlucky!
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Heartthrob Zoe doko
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Gwen Milk
>As the title says, it really sucks that Riot doesn't want to give anything to all the players that spent real money on something they are taking away. I don't even care about IP, they are game currency, but we are talking about real money spent on something that they decided wasn't worth keeping anymore.

>I spent some money to have an edge, a little something that someone else didn't have, and I know that's not completely fair and the new system will probably be better, but knowing that Riot doesn't care is disheartening. It honestly feels like a scam, and not the way to treat their players. I have something that will hold no value after this season.

>It's basically the same as saying that from tomorrow SKT Syndra will be free for everyone and fuck the people that spent money on it. Most will be happy, but it won't still be fair.

I dont think anyone should concern himself with counterpicking and learn the champs they play instead.
Theres always some alternative itembuild and playstyle
i lost my temper and spammed nigger in lobby chat. thankfully the game didnt go througu but can i still get punished for that?
>uses 2 spells
>doesn't just instantly delete 1000 HP
>reeeeeeeee AP so weak reeeeeeee
Imagine actually being this retarded. This is how it should be by default after 30 minutes honestly. Just make ability casters fall off and play around ADCs in late game again like back in Season 4 and 5. Either end the game fast or shut the fuck up.
I never had issues with ally Leona players. It's Taric and non-Lulu/Karma enchanter players that are the issue.
By lobby chat do you mean champ select? Because yes. People can report in champ select.
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Yeah, DOTA2 is definitely more accessible out the game in terms of the tools you're allotted, no denying that. Some people just don't think it's a good game, though. Might be deeper and more complex, but these classical style of MOBA games are already complex enough as is with all the variables that that doesn't matter to a lot of people, and they simply prefer the more responsive game.

As for the competitive aspect, yeah I dunno if I agree with that, I think it's apples to oranges. As mentioned, League is already deep enough as is, and having so many wacky choices in any given game can lead to what people might consider cheesy or unearned upsets (though in match sets the argument would be that the losing team simply didn't adapt in time, which is valid.) Lack of depth certainly isn't the issue, though. Rigid balance philosophy with routine updates does of course inform this heavily, but one big factor is pros needing to actually be GOOD on their champs, and constant changes means they want to reduce a fluctuating champ pool as much as possible for the highest level of upkeep.

This leads to close-mindedness, admittedly, and unpicked completely viable champs/comp setups is something I've bitched about historically, but at that point, is that even worth it in the first place? Again, balance dynamics do play a part, but at the highest level you're already pushing your luck picking-up another champ in ANY context when you have to go against someone who is going to whip-out one of their high-level mastery champions. The argument turns to: how well are DOTA2 pros playing their champs in comparison if they're constantly pulling from a pool of 20+ at any given time?

This then breaks down to lower-level design philosophy and what you want to watch, which, again, just preference. I like watching people play champions at a relatively high level and think the game is deep enough as is to eschew more oblong/novel strategies that might be used in DOTA2. Simple as.
Yuumi pickers need to be killed IRL. Every Yuumi I get is a passive, game losing sissy parasite that doesn't respond to sensory input or be remotely proactive while the enemy team Yuumi is proactive and super attentive.
thats just because you are dogshit and dont know how to move your character or attack so on YOU a yuumi is pointless
Nah. Just can't do anything, cause these retards keep picking the champ into giga kill lanes with Thresh and Leona on them and don't respond to shit that is going on around them at all.
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also i liek da cute lil yordles wow
maybe if you dodged the leona e and then fought you could just kill them
streem Dota
Doesn't work that way unless you're Vayne or Draven, normal honest ADCs don't do the damage of 2 champs by themselves, you parasites need to pick actual champions.
>This leads to close-mindedness, admittedly, and unpicked completely viable champs/comp setups

Indeed. Worlds and MSI typically have ~90 champions contested (out of ~170) , while TI and Riyadh have ~115 (out of 125).
every time enemy team bans draven a piano falls on my head and tumor in my ass increases size by 12%
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Dota just doesnt feel good to play
It's not really as tactile or responsive imo idk why maybes its the animations or the turn rate or whatever but combos never feel good to do.
Some characters just cancer shit all over other characters and it's just gg, even really bad counterpicks in league you can lane swap or outplay, if you get counterpicked in dota is gg shake my hand at minute 0.
Also there's no character as bratty or as fun or as sexy as Qiyana so
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Holy shit fuck off if you like Flop2 soo much why guys dont go there???
LoL is still the best game ever made and will outlive Shitlock easily
Melee hard carries (completely normal in Dota) would not be viable without a turn rate. The only way to balance them in that case would be making them even stronger in some other way and that would be unlikely to work out for game balance.

Turn rates also make blinking (short distance teleport) right behind someone to minimize response time a valuable strategy, since even 0,3 seconds can make a difference.
>Imagine actually being this retarded

I made the analysis above to address LoLs pay to win mechanic, design philosophy as well as Riot's history and intend to occasionally post it in those threads.
you made the jinx instantly forfeit all of her teamfight impact completely anon theres literally no way you lose the game chillax
Saying something is "best" is highly subjective, but facts still exist.

>over half of characters UNTOUCHED in top level pro play >>494173487, yet new ones still get added instead of balancing the old ones to be viable
>almost half
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< Also Zeka just piss-chillin' will never not be funny.
Dotards obsession with this one specific stat is always so telling
The reason why is really simple
In dota there are ass cancer retarded counterpicks you need to consider for every champ becuase they just instantly invalidate them
League doesn't have counterpicks to that degree
in addition, dota champs are braindead facerollers 80% of them. Sure you can cite meepo but a pro doesn't need 300 games to get good at Zeus or Venomancer mothefuckers could just first pick the dudes honestly.
League in comparison, a one trick will play a champ 30x more uniquely than a first timer or even a player with 100 games on the champ. It's not even close.
You can keep wanking the meaningless stat if it makes you feel good though
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Can your main dab after killing someone?
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can your main stop having such a fatass?
Dota heroes aren't just counter picks, they also usually flex to 2-4 positions. This means a hero picked to counter your hard carry can end up being a support instead of a carry/mid.

Such flexibility means Dota's colossal depth advantage over LoL is visible as early as the draft phase.
Just promoted to Master on EUW /lolg/. What now? I know I'm too bad to reach gm but making it to Master is giving me hope
dabbing is cringe and so is qiyana with that shitty personality
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It's cringekino
congrats on getting s10 plat 1
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Can you guess who got blamed for this loss
xiaohu the motherfkin goat
congrats on making NA emerald IV
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congrats on getting na rank 1
If you can escape the demotion stratum and get to like 150LP before the next week I think that'd really solidify you as High-MMR.

Grats either way! If you don't want to grind it out to GM maybe switch roles and do it all over? Might be more fun.
that literally can happen in league too though and also why the fuck would you ever pick a hard counter and not send it against the hero that it beats isnt that just a colossal waste of a draft
one of the worst ive seen yet but >jungle so deserved
Because the enemy can also draft around countering your hard counter.

For example, a team may pick Leshrac very early in the drafting phase and he's one of the most flexible heroes in the game (position 1 2 3 and 4). The enemy assumes he's going to mid (his most popular position) and drafts to counter him, but then Leshrac ends up as a position 4 support while the midlaner assumes an entirely different archetype.
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same pose
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Never ever
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>be me
>play norms
>have a game where everything just goes wrong and we get unlucky
>all lanes lose and they have 4 dragons 6 grubs
>3 of us trying to ff but 2 people voting no
>35+mins into game and they are still voting no despite us only taken 1 tower and they have taken 2 inhibs
>enemy team dont destroy nexus and stretch it out to an almost 45min game refusing to end and winions eventually kill nexus
next game ------->
>i get 3 kills 0 deaths and start having fun
>enemy team ff at 15mins
??????????????????????????? apparently riot doesnt ever want me to have fun
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Thanks lads. Only took me 300 Renekton games

Might be doable. I was still averaging 55%-60% wr in dia1 so I guess there is a little bit more to squeeze out of it. But I really do like the suggestion of switching roles. Maybe jungle?
do people really consider 55-60% winrate as fine?
when my winrate drops to that point I just consider myself hardstuck and swap accs and strategies usually
who do I spam for free lp?
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KT is not going to worlds
I guess that makes sense we just dont end up seeing very much of that in league cause champions usually just go to their main role. are a lot of the heros in dota extremely flexible like that or are there only a few like leshrac
How so
>12 game loss streak last night
>5 game loss streak right now.
Fucking 16/3 as a jungler and apparently i just lack the macro to do fucking anything.
artist now
friendship ended with Elise jungler
now, Bel'Veth is my best friend
>are a lot of the heros in dota extremely flexible like that or are there only a few like leshrac

Only a few flex like Leshrac (Nature's prophet, Tiny, Alchemist, Naga Siren, Windrunner, Mirana, maybe someone else), but many others are viable in 3 and especially 2 positions and those positions can also have very different builds and play styles.
>Maybe jungle?
Try not to play too much for Top! Fight the bias! (Although things should be changing-up a lot starting as early as the next split, and going into next season of course.)
>Jungler ganks top
>I flash to engage, we end up trading i die my jungler gets the kill
>Lane is slow pushing to me so I'll get back to lane and not miss anything more than maybe one melee minion
>Jungler instead half ass pushes the lane, takes two waves of minions including a cannon, and puts the wave JUST OUTSIDE of enemy tower range
Crazy how he thought saying that would save him from playing a 4v6
>wake up
>still no lyra mommy gf to cuddle to sleep
>regret waking up
I don't know what to do, people like to pretend this game is skill based but literally what can you do when all three lanes are down 5 kills before the 15 minute mark, when your allies refuse to move out of lane to help with objectives/follow their lane opponent while the enemy jungler has 1-2 teammates nut hugging them at any given time

Like literally all I can do is farm jungle minions and wait till it's over, it's literally out of my control
The game hasn't been skill based in years man.
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Camille and Bard in our first game, pretty fun first draft. Hopefully the pocket picks and wild-cards ramp-up from here. FUCK 'IM UP, KINGEN.
It becomes a grind at that point yes, but it's doable if you have the time. Anything below 55% I'd say is no longer worth it. If you win 6 out of 10 games and have good mmr you still climb pretty fast.

>Try not to play too much for Top! Fight the bias!
6 grubs every game babyy. J4 looking kinda good right now, might try him
very interesting, that is definitely a lot deeper than leagues drafting. league pros dont seem to prioritze flexpicks as much and thats probably cause the counters arent as hard in league so you can just absorb a bad matchup instead of just not getting to play
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you're lucky he said mb. I'm not saying he was right to tax your wave, especially not as stupidly as he did. But for a guy that dense, it's a miracle he had that kind of self-awareness.

it's possible to come back, even with your hyperbole, just very difficult and will require the big dick fights to be won. Stating the obvious here, but sometimes we forget. Once you start losing the big dick fights over and over then yeah /ff and hope for evac instead of a hostage situation.
so what even is the fucking playstyle for mundo? I get that it's basically impossible to lose the lane playing this guy 80% of the time but what in the fuck else is it good for? it doesn't seem like all that good at split pushing and the most I contribute to the fights is just throwing a couple Qs here and there and soaking up important enemy abilities and sums before I run the fuck outta there and let everyone else clean it up
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I unironically had that EXACT game
It was normals and I was duoing with the jungler but the game was legit 15 / 5 at 10 minutes and we still won it by the end
Shit was pretty kino ngl I was erect by the end
Calm down Jelly.
all namefag equal nigger
Bros... How do I NOT mental boom as an adchud ??????
I have a strong mentality when playing support, nothing tilts me because coinflip...
But as adchud ???????????????????????????????? Why is my support walking ahead of me ??????????? THEN GETTING CAUGHT ???????
Only a few counters are truly catastrophic, most only cause a moderate advantage + heroes almost never fight 1 vs 1 in Dota anyway, aside from carries and mids killing supports.
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>1hour game
>34 deaths

I really should stop playing this game
There's no way it was on accident.
Dude took 30 seconds to do it.
He's just used to getting away with it by saying he's "sorry"
That's like a Yummi jumping off her carry, last hitting a kill that had no danger of killing her own adc, and saying "oops was just trying to get you a shield"
am not that person
brand wasn't "walking ahead of you" he was in the proper positioning while you were dillydallying in the back like a pussy

aside from the fact that you guys got ganked ofc
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do u have cancer
Faker can't play Yone
Dodging 0 of the xerath ult shots there is a real xd moment
if a yuumi took your kill while she was off you, you deserve it. she has a slow attack speed and her q isn't that easy to land when she's detached.
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>Faker can't play
Webm ain't the point, I just wanted to post funny shenanigans.
just like me frfr my goat
seems more like you wanted the people to bully your innocent support and immediately backed out on it when you got called out on your shit
my normal games are harder than my ranked games recently desu
im genuinely sick of enchanter players being bratty cunts. its not funny anymore. my lulu just made my game 10x harder for no reason by flaming my jungler and calling him a pisslow ape. like we got camped while he did nothing sure but it was a win so why are u even flaming???
my normal games are harder than your ranked games as well
cheers bro I'll drink to that
God I love these teams ILLNESS GAMING™
Or that I'm genuinely asking for advice ??? Because it isn't just a one time experience ? But go off, when I'm literally telling you my intentions.
Obviously, I know I played bad. It's funny to be able to laugh at my bad plays too.
the answer really varies based on your support's pick and IQ levels but whenever I play nautilus and I'm walking ahead of my adchud it's because we're in a position capable of bullying the enemy botlane and/or there's kill potential

give me more details regarding a specific situation and mayhaps I can explain it
love this img so much, lightens up my mood
goober anon...
hello, hope ur having a good day
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he's so sexy
hope ur not staying up too late again.......
a void theme is cute too my love!
Watching LS costream LCK right now and he said we're all gonna bust in season 15. T1 and Humzh have been hyped and excited too. What the fuck could it be? Surely not just vc. New engine and client?
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hopefully i can sleep well tonight
otherwise please zoe bubble me, thx
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I do not like the Hourglass Corki fad
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draven is literally built for situations like that
just commit to chudmaxxing and start playing him

why do u ask? Im not the one dying 17x and they refused surrender
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thanks for the hyper boku no pico carry kaisa and kat
I'm going to be an Ezreal / Aphelios main or I'm completely dropping the role.
Adchud is the most frustrating role I've ever played man. Built for masochists I swear.
You're also picking two champs that aren't exactly great for learning the role. Ezreal is safe but he's hard to maximizing damage on (he's no longer OP like he was in the Summer.) Aphelios is way too punishing without already being competent in the role fundamentals at lower ranks since you have no Galeforce anymore to peel yourself outside of Gravitum timing.

Maaaaaaaaybe just learn on Jinx for now?

FUCK YES I knew this ill-ass series would be good in the worst way
The point was it was something they in no way shape or form had to do for any reason, but chose to, and it grief'd their own team by doing it.
better suck off that all outta enemies guy. he does big dick numbers on small dick moonloser
lets go t1
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I just played nasus with spirit visage and active ultimate lvl 16
A syndra that had 3 items dealt half my hp bar with a single R press
>Learn a champion that I have no intention on ever playing besides just learning the basics

No I'm good. I'd rather go on hard mode for adchuds, and learn the ones that I want to like. Nobody told me getting a support with hands would be hard though.
as if you can, azakana
I want to play Poppy now.
Top or Support? How do I carry as her?
Never call me that again
Support is for pussies.
But really just go tank if you're the only real frontline otherwise bruiser is easier to solo impact the game and snowball with.
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>Yone theme
People keep adding me after games to duo but I keep rejecting them and feel bad
>Showmaker dumpsters Faker
>still loses because DK can't hold an objective
>still on a 16 game losing streak against him
you almost feel sorry for him
Idk man, Azakana's is even better than this shit.
cool blogpost, enough for this month thanks
I do that often too because I know I'll choke the next game.
Nope I still got 2 blogpost tickets left
sir I think you've mistaken your dilation tickets for blogpost ones respectfully
Hey that’s my wife you’re calling gross.
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Hate Kled
I have a pass to bully him.
Kek. Fuck Kled.
Dude I do not fathom people who sit in lanes like this with 5% hp, I see it so fucking often on both my team and the enemy
>already took enemy toplane t1 turret
>see 4v4 happening in botlane
>kill toplaner then run down to mid and take midlane t1 turret
>adcuck dies, spam pings me
>ask him if he's mentally retarded
>goes afk
Okay but I urge you to delay Aphelios for a bit lol. The teams that will actually play around you in shitlow aren't common enough, and the drafts usually suck towards that end to boot. There's a reason AOE always has a trillion deaths.
you know what they say about the meaning of "ks" - "kill secured". did they think it was certain you would've gotten the kill if they didn't get it?
yeah this is exactly how our uberfed 28/2 jungler with double full build thinks when he's on his way to starve our entire team of even more kills
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Ye that's why I'm playing Ezreal first.
Also now going to attempt to learn this funny combo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHOfRxK9gJA
he's like 1 auto from proccing his disgusting self heal though
Wave was pushing into Kled as well. He could just b and all good.
what will be the next rgm for worlds? I miss nexus blitz so much...
Skinspotlights guy said it was Spellbook IIRC
shes supposed to save it for when you have less than half of your hp bar.
then youd be dead right there.
be grateful.
God damn it you're making me want to play Ezreal.
...I meeeean if there is one champ to play for myself....

DK-T1 prio though
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How I'd fairly buff Briar:

-Frenzy gives personal true sight
-When she initiates her ultimate she does a 360' fear scream that sends enemies slowly walking away (Like a Nocturne fear) for the cast duration
-Grievous wound potency is halved on her during frenzies
is this true?
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it's another quickplay is loaded with super spicy otp's on their mains dabbing on unlucky fuckers trying to learn their characters episode.
ive been on the lucky side so far though...
>-Frenzy gives personal true sight
already the case
>-When she initiates her ultimate she does a 360' fear scream that sends enemies slowly walking away (Like a Nocturne fear) for the cast duration
useless in 99% of cases
>-Grievous wound potency is halved on her during frenzies
grievous wounds is already not that good, just buy spirit visage
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>already the case
Not true.
>useless in 99% of cases
Still better than her literally just standing still, she's supposed to be a duelist yet she can't ult during a duel
Ask him yourself next time you see him, "Does Yoneposter have a pass to bully you?" He'll also tell you I'm the only person allowed to call him by his real name.
>can't ult during a duel
she can if you get the e into the wall
What other duelist has to have that sort of set up for their ult for such a lackluster pay off? It's awkward and doesn't suit the role at all
Why can't I have this sort of thing on here lolg? Why do none of you ever name drop me.
but she can ulti someone on the other side of the map. it can't be both good in close range and long range.
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There's no hard confirms for her stun, so you need to hope they don't have any sort of mobility and hope you're by a wall just so you can do about 150-200 magic damage and then hit a little harder, that's awful for a duelist
Briar ult is suppose to allow her to make picks or get into range of a 1v1. It isn't suppose to be used when you're already in the middle of a duel you morons.
Should just be close range then, if you watch any high level briar players they very, VERY rarely ever ult across the map, it's usually short/medium range
An ult that is useless mid fight for a duelist is an insane disadvantage
ahh fuck thats lame
even without ult Briar can just straight up win against like half the other duelists unless she's behind
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When I play Briar top I get a lot of kills by hiding on tribush and ulting over the wall. They always expect the ult to come straight through lane.
You have to pick a gimmick to have in thread or just make a name for yourself in vgs vs vgs
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YA SEE !!! Ezreal is GOOD and F U N ! While being deceptively """easy."""
lck is a 3 man region
Man Aiming has just been cranking all season, crazy to think he's a top ADC this year. What would the list be going into Worlds (assuming he and Guma make it?)

Viper-Aiming-Peyz vying for S
Jackey-Guma-Light in A-tier
Elk-GALA-Massu-Hans for B?

I'm a little behind on actually paying attention to Elk so data might be dated, but he was looking relatively rough last I checked. Coulda' been ON affect though.
>peyz s
Whoops arrangements while making the list went awry, Jackey and Elk should be swapped.

Peyz good at playing to team strengths regardless of if you think he's getting carried.
on a scale of 1 to 10 how finnish are you?
What is this Finnish meme; 0
Trist and Ksante are very balanced
the goatmaker never disappoints
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>vlad shits all over himself in anger because he's playing against another self heal abuser
god these ""people"" are disgusting
don't lump elk with hans and massu bro thats disrepsectful
why the fuck do adc players have too much cancer to hover the champion they want to pick it makes no sense for a support to pick before them like thanks for going jhin after i locked in braum fucking retard
>luck ran out
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How does one sound like the BBC poster ?
90% of Adchuds are dumb. But you're dumb for not having a safe blind pick too.
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betcha wish you had this vlad. this was briar's daddy that game fr
I don't wish for any vlad other than the death of their players truly one of the most disgusting champions in this game
your vlad probably could have outmongo'd you if he were the smarter mongo but fortunately you were the smarter, and more importantly, bigger mongo
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and now my headpat
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Maybe its cause Im in the silver/gold range, but i pretty regularly see people upset when I play her saying shes broken.
Since I do play her, her weakness are very very apparent to me, but I can definitely understand why people who don't know her think busted when you press W and heal a massive chunk of your health.
I hope they buff her because shes my favorite jungle.
>Spirit Visage
Is this good on her? I always wondered but it always seems like the regen part of it is wasted, but I imagine the other part more than makes up for it.
>Faker Yone again
Blitz trolling?
See >>494183137 (although you'd likely say the same for Jackey)

Eccentric spacing, caps, punctuation

Wait a minute....That map... >>494184315
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In my experience she can be strong if you snowball but the thing is she is very easily countered and has a lot of shitty match ups.

Champs with on demand invisibility (even if 0.5 seconds worth cause thats all it takes to cancel your frenzy), hard CC or mobility are really going to fuck with her damage output since 90% of your damage is your W and every second you're not attacking with it is a huge DPS loss

If they aren't going to give her tenacity on her frenzy they really should give her true sight at least, it would make sense too since she's drawn to blood like a shark, sight isn't the key
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briar wont get buffed she is good in every elo its just high elo u have to play top lane
>strong if you snowball but the thing is she is very easily countered and has a lot of shitty match ups
My experience exactly, but when you snowball, its a very big snowball and I can see why someone who doesn't "get" how to stop her thinks shes busted.
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faker crashing out
Thing with briar is as good as she CAN be, you're going to be doing 5x as much work and thinking as the average champ of her strength for the same reward. The self taught thing can be incredibly self destructive and easily fucked with by the enemy team and I don't think she is rewarded enough for having to play around that.
Here's your (You)
this is true in master
are you playing in master?
no youre playing against timmy who rolls over and dies and doesnt even know what zhonyas is
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thats not an argument
decent suggestion and thematic as fuck but ridiculously cancer op if ever added
Lucid deserves to go to worlds.
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sub him in T1
I love watching Ksante die
I thought these types of mods weren't possible now.
Not that I ever personally liked them in league, but I'm just wondering.
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That pic made me sad actually.
I'm not the BBC poster. Just a guy with a problem. At least I don't like cuckshit I guess.
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Stressfull game, but worth it.
Wheres your eclipse now aatrox?
you were lied to by grifters
I cant tell if yone is ass or faker is just useless on him
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>twitch constantly halfway across the map from the team trying to split push
>jungler has no fucking clue and is also trying to split push
>have to collapse on anyone split pushing on the enemy team, split push take down structures and immediately tp/run up to any fight about to happen so the knuckle draggers don't suicide themselves
good fucking god I hate winning matches that feel like a chore
Faker plays him like he's an R bot then misses his ult half the time
DK are throwing lol
>missed his ult just seconds after this post
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I initially found it on r34 but apparently its a free skin on some nsfw skin dickcord if u want
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aw heeelll naww
these teams are so shit
why are you pretending to be black
why does faker have bounty when he has 0 kills and is 70 cs below ziggs and corki
shes like 4'10 my dick is literally bigger than that
Nah. I wasn't kidding when I said I'm not really into them. I was just curious because I remember seeing a big deal about Riot basically killing off the custom skin scene.
ok ksante

>two retards fighting
im literally ezreal irl lil bro
ok lil timmy
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any items for the giantess feel?
i think not because even this little gimmick got fucked but asking the wizards out there just in case
big dick timmy gets the girl chud
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>I remember seeing a big deal about Riot basically killing off the custom skin scene.
that's not something specifically done to fuck up custom skins, it's just spaghetti coding and whatever engine/lib changes they did at some point borderline fucked up 100% of the skins made up until that point and unnecessarily complicated the process of making skins due to how shitarded it became to pluck out and edit the specific files you want to edit

still, they exist
Yeah, I recall that being the case. That it was mostly a side effect.
Though I guess I just assumed Vanguard was the nail in the coffin.
i see why you dont stream anymore. sad
heartsteel + sterACK + elixir of iron
it's weird that streamers are still using custom skins without Vanguard throwing a fit
>i see why you dont stream anymore
and why do you think I don't stream anymore?
i thought they removed the size buff component of sterak's gage but maybe I am illiterate. i'm always forgetting about elixirs, too.

Thanks, wise zard!
because despite the anecdote about streamers streaming with custom appearance mods, you don't want to chance the ban because that hammer could drop at any time and for any reason related to modification of game files
what champion would convert most to my skills in minecraft? im learnign this game from now and i am rlly good at minecraft
you are retarded, what does any of that have to do with streaming
I don't stream anymore because there was this one single anon who'd cheer me on and on for weeks silver soon cutie etc , whom I asked on multiple occasions if he wanted to play together at any point and got no response from. couple days ago I drop my NA account for some gay faggoted anon to add and all the sudden my "number 1 fan biggest supporter who doesn't really wanna play together" decided he wants me add me out of some weird jealousy possessiveness whatever thing. really made me feel like killing myself but alas I just don't want to stream or post clips or whatever the not anymore
>notice that i am kiting with very high attackspeed
>meanwhile the average adderal user rat

get that femboy tier ezreal gameplay out of here
ezreal more like ezgay XDDD
none, try playing with legos instead
you should be more flattered by weird possessiveness than anything else
anons are a dime a dozen if you liked streaming you should keep going
woah scripts
Okay I've been looking for an excuse to say this, but Guwon is good enough for LCK. Send that guy to a team, give him his career. Replace him in Challengers with Gryffinn and Dal with Quokka. Poby can stay just for a bit more veterancy, even though he's kinda bad.

It'll be just as much as a struggle as this year was, but I think that team could actually do well. I just don't want to keep Guwon in Challengers because he's already worried about this year being his last shot and he's legitimately good and pretty smart. Hope he gets at least a year in LCK majors so he can better transition into a coaching or leadership role in the back-end.
garen is basically minecraft steve in prot IV iron armor and sharpness V sword
>you should be more flattered by weird possessiveness than anything else
why? nothing feels nice about being given little value until jealousy is involved. just reminds me of how girls start getting all the more flirty simple because they know you're already dating someone
nigga what tf does that video have to do with adderall
um. holy shit. do you need to talk about it? or did you get all that shit you just made up off your chest?
there are no scripts in that video
or he thought hed lose you and decided to finally act on it cause of competition and then you ended up being a freak with hang ups
is Challengers a tier above Academy?
>and then you ended up being a freak with hang ups
not really though, decided I'm not gonna play with either of those people and I already have a bunch of friends that are nice and interested in spending time together without involving teenage girl levels of mental illness
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>Horizon -15 AP
>Rabadon -10, -5% AP
>Zhonya -15 AP
>Shadowflame -5
>Seraph -10 AP
Fuck long ranged mage cowards

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