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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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i luv u anon
Stay positive /lolg/!
>is Challengers a tier above Academy?
someones son xd
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tfw your friend's game is more fun to watch than that stale korean bullshit for the nth time
I like playing Aurora support
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They removed the T1 skins with autographs already??? I was waiting bc I thought It would be there till worlds but I cand find them anymore
what does aurora like in real life
you're just low iq
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I enjoy GenG games more desu they're just clean to watch
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I already despise the players playing with me and they are all diamond
idc about anyone bellow esmerald either, u fuckers should go play the game instead of wasting time posting here

low elo mutts
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you despise everybody fuck you. carry my weight and clean up the mess. You don't have a choice
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>tankchuds expected to be overpowered
>supports are giga buffed
>support quest items are not finetuned(not even an oversight,just intentionally left their items untouched)
>mages in the gutter
>adc has 1 item to rush that isn't troll


nigger how about you learn the game instead of being pisstuck diamond
I will return to league of legends soloq today
objective: +200 lp in 2 weeks
I want to like Seraphine but she's forever tainted by faggots and trannies.
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xth for my wife the durability update!
Yet another scripting toplaner in soloqueue.
Makes sense why people hate garen with so much scripters.
>Briar will stop attacking her target when frenzy ends so you have to spam right click constantly
Why does Riot hate this champ so much
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>durability patch 2.0
i saw an adc in a game -30 min ago that I suspected was using a macro to do extremely rapid clicks in short succession
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pull the plug
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>nigger how about you learn the game instead of being pisstuck diamond
master and above is not worth
I literally went full decay from d2 to esmerald 1 last season bc I didnt bother to play, and its literally 4 games per month

chads get diamond in 10 games then go back to TFT
what is this game
you all need to rewatch this game 4 lmao
>23 mins
t1 just standing afk
gave way soul point, no one's doing sidelanes or farming
gave away baron, cus they TPd back
>25 mins
t1 won a 5v5 fight, got dragon
>27 mins
again lost a baron, everyone's at the baron wall, no one's even dropping ward or checking it,
and then lost soul right after cus they're not engaging.

motherfucker, if it wasn't for that 5v5 fight, its straight up 10 mins T1 doing nothing, no compensation while losing every objective lmfaoooo.
shitters deserve to lose this series... if it weren't for DK just spamming two champs in midland.
like motherfucker. ziggs tristana are literally giving t1 headaches and they keep giving dk those champs.
wtf happened to this team
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you better fucking stay positive lolg or else...
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Sett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfsSett needs nerfs
please T1.. I am suffering terribly with pain. I have a terrible minimum wage job and when women look at me they avert their gaze. my only pleasure is watching T1 win at computer game... please win
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>diamond shitter cope
next time shut the fuck up about soloq maybe especially if you don't even play the gamemode
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still more points than u bro
stop crying

the rank u trying to get I got 6 years ago, I despise low elo mutts like you
stop projecting
ugh my duo called me a retard and blocked me because I tried to make a big play and messed it up
I know that there is a kite script for kog maw and ashe, also autoaimbot for varus
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Riot unironically says that 2012 worlds had current gold level gameplay kek. And honestly they're right
you know everyone likes to talk all high and mighty about how gold players know how to freeze nowadays while back in the day people were apes that just did whatever but noone EVER mentions the update riot did to minion AI that actually enabled CONSISTENT freezing never mind a million other standardisation type updates to the game. its not really fair to compare skill levels across decades because it truly is a completely different game now.
facts its just cope from retards lol
>get in lobby
>absolutely cursed team
>someone dodges
>queue instapops
riot can go fuck themselves
showmekar leblanc
I can't watch. if t1 loses I have no hope for this year. I will simply call it a wash and crawl into my hole and wait it out
Consider the following: League came out in 2009, at 2012 worlds game was literally 3 years old. A lot of gold players have been playing for way way longer than that, they've put in more hours, the talent pool is more like a ocean now. I personally think a silver team could've performed extremely well at 2012 worlds with prep, I genuinely think that.
niggas really be having emotional connections to esports org
can't make this shit up
yeah except you struggle to move and attack at the same time timmy
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Fellow Sennabro, if you're here, idk but the BT/BotRK + Runaan rush build just feels turbo dogshit compared to just going Shiv. Shiv gives me a meaty +50 AD, 45% AS, Movespeed and it speeds up my waveclear/farm and just feels better to fight with compared to the supposed high elo Senna ADC build that one guy you linked said to do. The "high elo" build probably has merits but just buying Shiv, grabbing my boots and then going BotRK into Runaan feels better. BT/BotRK + Runaan does what Shiv + Boots does but at like double the price, with the only benefit of it over Shiv + Boots being that Runaan will stack your passive faster, but in my games nobody is clumped up that much till I'm 3 items in anyway so I think I'm gonna go back to my old build and then just sell Shiv in endgame for a situational 6th item since I won't need it for anything at that point over anything else
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rito comes and develops a harvey birdman skin for the bird champion lord or whatever he is
Mindbroken Magesissies, malding out of their minds cause they don't get to delete literally every role in the game with 2 spells from 800-1200 range with zero risk to themselves. You'd think the Assassin niggers would be having a tantrum before the Mages do.
no matter how you look at it,it's retarded
phreak always looks at statistics and compares them but without context
>no void objectives before 20 mins
>dragon was less important
>camp timpers,gold and exp changed drastically since then
>lasthitting was much harder due to inconsistent vfx feedback,old and bad animations(lmao anivia,karthus and ashe)
>lasthitting was less efficient with spells because MANA WAS A THING
>because of mana issues people were actually buying potions and mana items so they could use 2 abilities on a wave without going oom
>aoe farming waves was much harder due to no hydra items, mana restrictions, overall less aoe damage output
>fucking no resource cost champions didn't even go popular until riven and yasuo happened but nowadays nothing has mana costs
>energy regen was not affected by CDR so zed couldn't just play piano on keyboard and be full energy 2 seconds later
the game has changed DRASTICALLY and to this day phreak would just look at 2 fucking numbers and say "ah yea i can draw a conclusion from this"

players DID get better over time that is right, but lets not fucking forget the horrid oldschool gameplay that got finetuned over 15 fucking years
Poppy got this!
That's why the comparison was made in bot
When do we get circus skins
extremely well is a very generous prediction desu. how many times would the top mids on leblanc and zed and shit just be farming random silvers who just dont know kill windows like the pros did? how many game losing nidalee spears would they fail to dodge? do they even fucking ward? idk imagine like oddone decides to start playing again, does he literally lose in silver? its possible but I dont believe he would, the skill gap is just too astronomical
circus freak sion ultimate skin
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>comparison made for bot
>when botlane was actually toplane
>the only person on lane until 3 minutes was the solo laner on bot
>duo lane wasn't on lane until after 3 minutes because invade meta
hell yea i love direct number comparisons without actually looking at the fucking meta we've had
>uuuugggh people didn't even have many items by 20 minutes!!!
and then we conviniently forget about purchasable wards,health and mana potions which were MANDATORY for many champions
did we forget about boots+pot meta?
did we forget that even junglers started with multiple potions and jungler items didn't even exist?
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best champ suggestion ever made
Wow anon that is very hurtful. I thought better of you.
she'd have some sorts of mind control cc like how renata makes people go berserk and fight each other
>we also conviniently forgot about minion armor and mr scaling
>we also conviniently forgot about how fucking tanky super minions were
>we also conviniently forgot about tower damage,health and resistances that allowed for backdoor strategies which were more rewarding than farming
>we also conviniently forgot about the importance of invades because of how slowly camps respawned

the list goes on endlessly
but yes phreak comparing 2 fucking numbers to eachother without looking at context
i love brainless data driven statements that have no fucking meaning besides deceiving the public
that's not how you convenient though
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Love it.
Leona just happened to come around the corner while i went for lux and aatrox.
>garen appears
>flash flash ult ult hard cc exh heal
>garen escaped
at what elo do the names stop ending in a vowel?
Anon what does this mean
i got bad news anon
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Any toplaners that use expsexplate?
like when do the players stop being names like elperdedoro jojo
Uuuuuugh T1 bros?
don't do it faker that's a brick wall
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faker crash out
Olaf sometimes
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Time to goon
Boy this game really is dead uh. Would love to see the pre and post vanguard monthly playerbase numbers in EU and NA.
where is that one anon that calls me a worthless useless piece of shit and spits on me infront of the entire thread when I play bad
iirc they did actually release a graph for that and it barely dropped at all.
I think people have just been getting bored because the game feels stale
Fucking hot little slut.
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no one
well I need one rn
>iirc they did actually release a graph for that and it barely dropped at all.
If they did, then they cooked the books. Or they included Chinese data.
Used to play with a group of friends and share a discord server with friends of friends. Like 90% of the people quit since January, most of them long-term players who spammed arams all year long.
you did great anon. but next time, do better ok? play a comfort champ
anecdotal evicence isn't representative of the greater playerbase.
since people in your discord quit it lead to more people in that discord quitting
I was watching a bit of the T1 game and not only was extremely boring, it also was very poorly played. Idk either im over league or this is the lowest point, no one is playing it and the pros are awful and make more retarded mistakes than ever even the supposedly good ones.
Im sure things will pick up a bit with worlds and arcane but the game cannot be dependent just on that, if it is then its a shit game
reserved for hot egirls.
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League feels just as fun as it did during S6, no idea why people are complaining about the game
It's not anecdotal evidence, there's a very clear causal correlation and you can take a heuristic approach to arrive at the conclusion that the same has happened across multiple other friend groups.
And really, if you look at the twitch viewership numbers, or discussions happening within this thread and r*ddit, you'll notice a steep decline from how it was just 1 year ago today.
bronze 2 and below
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your support for today
kkoma unironically was T1's mistake
T1 always "suddenly" become good when they kick their coachs and replace with someone of less status.
They worked best with coachs that they could disrespect. They don't need a respectable coach to tell them what to do, they just need to do their own thing and people who could support them
>It's not anecdotal evidence
Its literally anecdotal evidence.
>there's a very clear causal correlation and you can take a heuristic approach to arrive at the conclusion that the same has happened across multiple other friend groups.
Yes if you make retarded assumptions you can jump to retarded conclusions.
>or discussions happening within this thread and r*ddit
Reddit seems no different and this thread only dies because the cuck spammer shuts down most discussion and made people leave
not a single one of you faggots have the balls to flame any egirl here unless you're 100% sure she has no interest in you
goatmaker really put those baboon fucks in their place
s6 was the worst season after this season and s13
>Its literally anecdotal evidence.
You have no idea what this term actually means, you're just regurgitating it because you're utterly clueless.
Unless you have a good reason to believe this specific group was a sole incidence and a complete outlier it's perfectly justifiable to assume the same very process has happened across other micro-communities. And that's how games die.
Coach in pro league is the biggest fake job ever. Its completely irrelevant
>guy is so good at doing a thing he "trains" others instead of actually going pro himself
yeah right L O L!
soloq coaching > pro coaching
>soloq coaching
pay me 25 bucks so you can stream your match on discord and I explain away your mistakes (90% of which will be directly caused by the stream causing you to lag)
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Vanguard is.... LE BAD
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>Horizon -15 AP
>Rabadon -10, -5% AP
>Zhonya -15 AP
>Shadowflame -5 AP
>Seraph -10 AP
Fuck long ranged mage cowards
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Honestly only retards hate vanguard. Like yeah, go play your dota, TF2 or cs2 all of which are infested by sl*Vs or bugmen. League is a WHITE MANS game where cheating isn't allowed

>But moooom I don't want a Chinese rootkit on my goysauce laptop :(((( only NSA can spy on me.... And Microsoft.... Or apple.... Or discord..... Or.......
here is an accurate graph of scripting rates provided to you by our script detecting algorithms

this hereby is also the evidence of how concrete our script detecting system is because our script detecting system has a 100% success rate of scripters detected by our script detecting algorithms and there is no one that can bypass our script detecting algorithms because this graph here proves so
>You have no idea what this term actually means
Lmao? You don't seem to. You are literally just using your 1 experience and extrapolating it to the entirity of the League playerbase. That is basing a claim off of anecdotal evidence. You are the utterly clueless retard here. Save yourself the embarrassment and look up what it means and see why your arguement is so retarded.
>Unless you have a good reason to believe this specific group was a sole incidence and a complete outlier
Guess what retard? You have no reason to assume anything of other friend groups. You unironically think because your friend group dropped the game that literally everyone did? Listen to how absolutely fucking idiotic that sounds. If someone in your discord friend group got hit by a car would you think it justifable to assume that literally every other friend group had someone hit by a car and that car accidents are on a huge rise? No that would be absurdly stupid wouldn't it.
Genuine moron.
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I bet you guys feel dumb for complaining about the worlds patch now
>I bet you guys feel dumb
>for complaining about the worlds patch
>white mans game
>dominated by asians
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Yeahnah, this champ is like being made infertile if you don't rush attack speed + AD hybrid items
>mages do 30 less damage in their full combo (on a 6 second cd btw)
gutted. tank season
I will get to watch my champion’s winrate go even lower next patch
So RoA champions won hard?
Good, I'm getting tired of my dipshit teammates feeding this little nigger stacks on a fucking giant platter and letting him scale at ludicrous fucking speed cause they can't dodge his dogshit W or stop walking into his fucking Q range just to eat a fire HAWK TUAH to the fucking head.
literally facts
>Instead of Doombots, we get Ultimate Slopbook as a game mode.
Imagine bending that skinny pale butt over and giving it a playful smack before sticking yourself inside... fuck I'm so lonely and horny bros
Viego is aryan though
I don't know if it is kk0ma's fault or Tom's. There's something wrong with their drafts and T1's drafting is so behind.
it has always meant the second part. its people who emulate being a gangsta nigga. usually its white people because america but asian americans pretending to be gangsta rappers etc are also wiggers
I will spend my weekend playing leblanc because nobody bans her in my elo
You're actually so braindead it hurts.
>If someone in your discord friend group got hit by a car would you think it justifable to assume that literally every other friend group had someone hit by a car and that car accidents are on a huge rise?
If everyone from the same discord group was driving the same car and it was discovered that first accident was caused by some faulty firmware update then yes, I'd assume everyone in that group was at risk.
You know why? Because there's a common element you absolute inbred. How are you so incapable of making a rational argument for yourself? This is such a simple exercise in heuristics.
Akali is the king of wiggers
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I play her support time to time, she is fun to play but I just don't understand her enough to carry games or do anything. Also I don't like her farm. I like her chain spell the most.
take this shit back to discord/twitter/v/trash/reddit
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Ever since finding out despite having a 59% winrate this season so far that my MMR is Iron for some reason and that my average lobbies are Iron rank, I've felt like the guy watching people from this video, whether it be my own dipshit brain damaged teammates or when I stomp on enemy teams without doing much. This truly is a circus right now.

>Because there's a common element you absolute inbred.
There isn't just one common element in your discord buddies stopping playing League retard. The second is the fact that they are people who play the game together.
If friend 1 stops playing then friend 2 no longer has friend 1 to play the game with and friend 2 might also quit because of it.
If friend 3 wants to go play final fantasy he might try to convince friend 4 and friend 5 to come play it with him. Friend 4 and friend 5 leaving makes means friend 6 and 7 dont have people to play with now etc.
One singular instance of your friend group stopping playing a game is not indicative of any other friend group stopping playing a game.
>How are you so incapable of making a rational argument for yourself?
I made an arguement and you for some reason thought I didn't understand my own arguement? Yet you (STILL) have absolutely no idea why making arguement off of anecdote is so stupid. Your entire argument hinges on the fact that your discord buddies stopped playing and you assume from that that everyone else in the fucking world stopped playing. Its so stupid that I still think you might be trolling.
>This is such a simple exercise in heuristics.
Yeah its so fucking basic to not make wild assumptions about things off of 1 point of data.
Someone once got shot in the head and survived, maybe you go shoot youself in the head retard, clearly its safe!
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Kali makes the pawg cheeks clap
Iron lobbies really do be like that. It's a wonder people who actually belong in said MMR lobbies can even dress themselves considering a lot of Iron MMR games really do look like that 1 to 1. You see a guy walking in a straight line, making no real effort to dodge anything the entire game and your Thresh throws a hook off 3 miles to the left of someone.
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nta but
>iron 3 sivir with lux support
>he counters my blitzes hooks with E
>blitz tries to target the lux instead
>he starts bodyblocking for Lux
dubs and i go to kfc
no dubs on /vg/
00 is possible
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Yeah that's the other thing. MOST of the actual dedicated ADC players down here are basically here cause of an outright faulty MMR system and just stuck watching the circus too. If they have a high champ mastery they just don't play like the other clowns in the lobby do. You could even call them actual human beings really and probably belong in Silver/Gold lobbies instead. But everyone else is basically truly Iron-tier.
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wild that neither of you ever thought to actually seek more data outside of the literally single point that you can provide and would rather just pitch pointless arguments at each other. also in case you missed it there was a reddit thread a while back which reported similar losses to several independent communities NEVER MIND actually checking the championmains subreddits themselves??????? go fucking queue up stop rotting ur double digit braincells over literally nothing
>enemy picks kogmaw in niggalow
what am I in for?
ngl your analogies are either disingenuous or that guy is right and youre a moron
Probably a free win, cause it's not me at the wheel. Every Kog Maw I've fought in my pisslow games is retarded and just stands there like a fucking potato with his W on and just turret-modes the first thing he sees with not a single fucking thought running through his head. I doubt the one you're fighting will be any different.
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>wild that neither of you ever thought to actually seek more data outside of the literally single point that you can provide and would rather just pitch pointless arguments at each other.
because my point was literally that his argument was invalid and based on a stupid principle. Its on him to provide evidence for his claim.
but thanks for your input retard.
>also in case you missed it there was a reddit thread
wow there was a reddit thread! case closed!
the analogy isn't disingenuous. its exaggerated but its just another example of the fallacy his argument is based on. if you think the analogy is retard, its because his point is retarded.
>the analogy isn't disingenuous. its exaggerated but its just another example of the fallacy his argument is based on
ok ye youre a retard lol
no argument
Why do you think ADC mains suffer so?
>Keria will never get his Lux skin
Uhh ? T1 bros ? What happened ?
now post the corki winrates
Cause teammates don't fucking protect them, but that's an issue all the way up to Masters. Anything below Masters and it's just retards scattering, chasing random shit and leaving the ADC to fend for themselves at all times. This is a seperate issue entirely from the overarching plight of ADCs.
Is this why Nilahs winrate is so bloody high?
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Hollup we got a mfking reddit scholar here with the nerd words
>spammed arams all year long
so they didn't actually play lmao
Should have reverted the Corki rework so I can run it down again with the package straight towards the enemy tower.
most dads and moms don't touch SR queues.
i wouldn't be surprised to hear the vast majority of the paying players are concentrated solely within the aram queues
No, that's just "shitters avoid her cause she doesn't get the safety of range and they're too stupid to play melee" and they're basically Draven mains with dedicated e-girl supports that plug heals and buffs into their asses. She also hasn't been e-sported as hard as Zeri either. Dedicated, small playerbase w/ no esport treatment is a recipe for an absurd winrate. Shit like Jinx has 38k games/20% pick rate in Emerald+ according to u.gg and Nilah has fucking 2.8k games/a 1.5% pick rate. Let that sink in a bit.
>spam games for 6 days
>still can't stomp the lowest elo
i don't want to give up, i somehow should improve...
Ermmm just use your simple heuristics sister. My discord troons friends stopped playing so actually the game is fricking dead.
Number of ranked games didn't decline between before and after Vanguard patch? Errrmm doesn't matter, my hecking discord stopped talking about their negholes so its over.
how do you have fun in aram? the couple of times I played it felt absolutely awful
Man, should I just play Nilah then?
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hum... 2 patches into vanguard vs. last patch.

idk i only ever play it whenever i duo some support egirl, its miserable but ig it removes the most stressful and skill intensive part of the game (laning) and the stakes are infinitely lower
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Lolalytics patch 14.16 post Vanguard dead game
All Ranks Champions Analysed: 107,605,130

Lolalytics patch 14.7 pre Vanguard alive game
All Ranks Champions Analysed: 108,982,650

>b-b-but some guy on reddit said...
who won? T1 or DK?
14.13 was the 3 week patch before the summer event. 2/3rds of this and you have basically the same number
do you guys honestly think that soloq spammers are type of people, type of communities, to get filtered by vanguard? idiots. its aram casuals and friends that play a couple norms after work that are leaving communities, not retarded 20 game a day soloq addicts
>went 23/0 in niggalow again
I didn't want to do it, it all happened so fast
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the data doesn't count. I just like... feel like people quit
I'm sure you have lots of evidence for this yes? Literally any evidence?
There's the chest change too though
vanguard was seen at a trump rally last week
simple excercise in heuristsics
I think it happened so it happened
Truth is there's no actual hard data publicly available to reach a well-researched conclusion on this.
Think it's pointless to argue that the playerbase didn't see some form of decline, if only because Linux got fucked over by this update and apparently some older systems were getting bricked. Then there's the few (but very real) opportunistic quitters, who were somewhat already on the fence about quitting and the mild inconvenience (or cybersec craze, justified or not) presented by Vanguard served as the final nudge necessary to quit the game.
>Gwen is immune
we dont even have to leave our fucking doorstep to find evidence. look in the lolg discord its a fucking tarkov server now after vanguard. all the norms and aram spammers dipped and now the only people left in the thread at least are just a bunch of retards that play 1k games a split
>if only because Linux got fucked over by this update and apparently some older systems were getting bricked.
Riot themselves said that only around 800 people actually played on Linux which was their reasoning for dropping it
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What is this emote called
>vanguard killed the game because discord groomers couldn't stop using linux
>he actually went back to the argument of his discord playing other things means that everyone else in the world did
>lolg discord server
Who do I watch to git gud @ Ezreal bros ?
>oh reddit said
reddit doesnt count
>literally the lolg discord
doesnt count
>my sister/mom/whatever
doesnt count

done arguing with ur retarded ass but im just curious what actually would count as real data to you
If u bellow diamond, just play normal game with Ezreal nonstop for 1 month, avoid dying and keep a good farm, aim for 200 cs at 20min or at least 180

Avoid dying more than 5x, doesntt matter if u have 30 kills, if U died 10x = u trash, keep that in mind and keep playing normals
actually, quick glance at webarchive for lolalytic data shows the per patch average went down from ~120-130M late 2023-early 2024, to a steady ~105-110M average since 1 patch after vanguard
Actual data like player numbers or matches played you fucking idiot not the personal account of some other clueless retard.
For example >>494204241
I love how your 3 ideas of "data" are just asking other idiots
thats more indicative of overall decline of league rather than hecking vanguard boogieman
interesting how the sharp decline happened almost overnight huh. you had a short peak immediately with vanguard update then immediately the next patch an immediate 20% drop.
What sharp decline? >>494204241
Ye I'm already a KDA player, so I think that's going to translate well to playing adchud.
I've been trying to find cs/min but I'll try to keep that as a general rule 180-200@20 - which I think I'm so far below it. Thanks for that !
Right now I'm trying to find vidyas with more focus on laning early levels, and how I can improve my aggressiveness, but Challengers are playing a different game than Silvers are so that endeavour is a bit problematic.
Unironically, I learned nothing from this shenanigans - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w13SIPjBBqw ; But maybe I'm dumb.
Why is this season so boring
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patch 14.7 was when vanguard was first mentioned in patch notes for the PH server implementation iirc.
I honestly cant believe I spent even five minutes trying to look for actual data on SOMETHING NOBODY FUCKING TRACKS and im unsuprised that the only data I could find on 4fun gamemodes(the real telltale of playerbase changes) is post vanguard simply because all the stat sites im familiar with only keep the last few patches worth of data. leagueofgraphs doesnt do anything aside from ranked stats which as I said previously are not actually indicitive of playerbase shifts because the players spamming ranked are the players that are going to continue to spam ranked regardless of what riot does. so lucky you, there isnt actually any data to back up my claim, but theres also not any data to support yours either, because the data simply is not there anymore
>ermmm that data isn't good because [made up bullshit]
holy COPE.
maybe just consider that you may infact be wrong? whats with the ego?
>/lolg/ defending vanguard
shills? or actually pozzed?
idk what to tell you other than that you are simply incorrect. give me 5 min to log in and actually collect some data off the literal fucking ranked ladder and ill get back to you with why you are wrong and retarded
turdlog lover
>defending vanguard
>shitting on retarded doomers crying that league is LE DEAD
league has fallen though. millions must uninstall.
>you're just wrong OKAY?!?!
This is actually pathetic. Just drop the ego, its okay to be wrong sometimes. Being able to admit you are wrong is much better than embarrasingly dying on this hill with zero evidence to back up your point.
If you think Gwen is OP you're a noob. Every champ that's really good at something gets called OP by shitters when they run up against their strengths, but there's a reason her winrate isn't that high and she gets played mostly as a tank counter bot. I'm sorry 4 item Gwen did a million damage to you. That doesn't make her broken.
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>lolg defending not derailing the thread
what happened?
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: lux maldin
: because 1 mil
: and still silver xd
: nice damage sona xd
: playing 1000 hours of this game
: just to be silver xD
: must be good
: u r so mad kiddo xd
niggalow egirls are too insane
More disappointed in vanguard than anything, the way it was hyped up it sounded like it was going to be some ultimate reckoning or even cause the game to completely implode on itself in a massive dramatic shitshow, but in the end we got a few reddit threads, a few video essays on YouTube, and discussion on it largely fell off the face of the earth a week or two after it was implemented save for one or two people occasionally trying to bring it up by making the same posts "asking" if it would brick their pc over and over. People made such a big fuss about quitting only for some of those people to come back anyway too
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she went immune and my ult went through her.
it's a western-only topic, and for what it's worth it seems like it did have an impact in the overall player numbers.
also, doesn't help that every single reddit thread on the matter was shut down by the mods. im not even kidding.
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What yall having for lunch anons?
go back nigga
your mother doesnt open until 8
frozen pizza + monster
she gives psychiatric evaluations off the clock to severe cases
I'm sure it had some sort of impact, but not anywhere near the impact it was hyped up to have
sounds like youre needing a session lil bro
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Is Quinn any good atm? I used to play her S6 and after getting used to the game again I thought about trying her out
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ok heres some actual data for you nigger. I checked every tier bronze through diamond except silver simply because I do not have any silver players on my friendslist who I could check.

average ranked wins per player is a bit over 50. that means if you assume a 50% winrate(forced 50 remember?) that each player played a bit over a hundred games this split. this number is actually strangely significantly more in both bronze and diamond, closer to 150 in bronze and possibly even 200 in diamond but I only eyeballed them based on the elos I did calculate(gold and plat, div 4 and div 1 average wins(it ends up being within a few wins for each division). there have been a bit over a hundred days this split so far, so that means that the average ranked player in all divisions under master(masters+ is all nolife freak outliers anyway so it would just skew the data) is playing a minimum of one ranked game per day. so even without counting any warmup games any 4fun normals any arams with friends, the average ranked player is queuing up to play competitively EVERY SINGLE DAY. there is no good reading of the word casual that applies to people who play like this. my argument over and over was that vanguard disproportionally affected the CASUAL playerbase. people who log on every couple days to see if their friend is on, maybe queue a few arams, hop off for a while, whatever, doesnt matter what they are doing the point is that the dedicated ranked spamming playerbase are NOT casual audience of league of legends. I said multiple times and if you look in the >>>>>>>>>>>lolg discord(inner circle :o) most of the people that quit were not diehard ranked spammers, qed they must be casuals. I went back and found that reddit post as well and there was a definite maybe 40%(kinda made that number up didnt count but how suprising it kinda echoes the lolg discord...strange how two independent communities had a similar playerbase drop????) of people saying that they quit the game (1 of 2)
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if u spam and become an OTP? yeah its good
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schizo rambling, perfect for lolg
(2 of 2) due to various vanguard concerns. the only people getting trimmed by vanguard are the casuals and the data that either would or would not support my conclusion is just simply not present, or I was unable to find it. the data you provide from ranked is just not a valid dataset to draw conclusions from unless you honestly believe that the definition of casual includes minimum one hour of tryharding average per day not including warmup if the player cares to.
San nicasio chips and a latte.

Also idc about this topic but vanguard is unnecessary to play this game hence I don't really like it, this game is still miserable to play too so it's not like the quality of games increased or anything.
I mean casual fun, top seems to have a lot more healing now
filtered casual dont ever type to me again low elo irl
how did this game pop off so hard in korea anyways

wake up bro free reward news just dropped
Game is easier than Starcraft2 because you only control one unit. Also in 2000s Korea had a huge gaming boom and would be involved in stuff like Maplrstory and other MMOs.
>casuals even knowing what vanguard is
false premise
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>I checked all the people on my friendslist
i don't even remember vanguard is a thing until you people mention it
haven't seen any indication of it on the client or the game except the first time i updated
not what I said lol
decent point. however the popup as well as the requirement to install to even play the game would have at least piqued my curiosity had I not already been previously aware of it and I expect anyone who didnt know about it would at least google it once they were prompted to install it.
that's a lot of words to say the game is shit and people are quitting
couple months ago we had data of 12.5%~ playerbase dropping out but ranked games remained the same roughly
it's a combination of casuals dropping out and ranked grinders... grinding even harder because theres less time to play each split
so roughly the same amount of games in ranked, but queue times increased in normals,quickplay and ARAM on all servers

yes the game is rapidly declining compared to the last few years
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Do we like this?
will 100% agree with you on that
People have been saying league is dying for 10 years why should I believe you this time
Riot released arena in the same patch they rolled out Vanguard to obscure the effect of their spyware. You're not gonna learn anything looking at player numbers.
ah its different this time because 1 guy's discord friend group stopped playing
you dont?
No it looks like jinx, not zeri
The numbers here >>494204241
are from several patches before and several patches after Vanguard and are the number of ranked matches. It does not include arena.
theres also the matchmaking that just artificially extends your playtime by giving you dogshit matches intentionally
everyone knows they will get the rank you belong to eventually, but nobody talks about how long it actually takes given how many artificial obstacles players need to face

even if people say "no the game is healthy because ranked games!!" nobody knows besides riot just how many of those games are played by the same people, and nobody knows how many of those are the same people ON DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS

btw retards to this day are still buying bot accounts as i keep running into them every single day
apparently these accounts didn't even go up in price yet because there were so many before vanguard launched that 6 months after the prices didn't fucking move
hit the enter key a couple of times and maybe I'll read it
>the numbers dont count because they dont support my conclusion I made based on zero evidence
>Assuming it's mages because ???!!!
Whenever someone's having a temper tantrum, I assume it's ADCs. Even when it's a change that might indirectly benefit ADCs, I assume it's ADCs. Because they're stupid.
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Have you ever made someone so frothing at the mouth mad that when you come across them later, they're still upset?
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Briar won
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No, but this is funnier:
>Guy complains about "jungle gap" first game
>He forgets who I am immediately after we start playing together again
>Give him a pre-5 gank that gets him a kill
>He emotes, I give him the ol' grumpy Poppy.
>He starts to independently lose the lane
>He starts saying "jungle gap" again and we lose the second game too.
Won what?
there was a lulu/yuumi nigger who I ran down even 4 months after initially meeting them in soloq
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what is blud doing
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>Keep mental booming in Quickplay
Surely I'll get better players in draft... R-right ?
I'll keep in mind when I get better, whenever that is ! But right now I kind of need my hand held quite a bit
>Wake up
>Check /lolg/
>The spammer is up
>Go back to bed
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>l-l-le r-r-eddit-t sp-p-pacing-g...!
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I love Lissandra!
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Are we buying Lux's $500 statue?
Sorry too overdesigned
>Hating proper formatting makes me BASED AND REDPILLED
sis, this is lolg, not your private discord server
Lux is a League of Legends character, yes
im not positive enough...
It better jerk me off while I sleep at night while whispering in my ear for that price.
Why is she so ugly
heey you cant say that word here, go back to tiktok or twitter or some other redpilled forum
I'm going to wear it as a medallion.
I don't even play her
/fit/ is that way.
support is a dedicated griefer/4fun role
you won't get actual supports even in emerald-diamond
i had more katarinas,yasuos,yones as supports in my last 20 games than enchanters

enjoy playing the most griefed,disfunctional fucking role in the entire game
>Get kill
its not nice to lie in the internet anon
ok chris-chan
I'm not Japanese.
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have you tried it yourself?
I'm the Ezreal, obviously.
Idk as a support main this is probably one of the most tilting experiences I've ever gone through...
Like I WANT to play adchud, but I don't want to if I keep getting apes.
It's easier to play around a bad adchud than it is to play with a bad support...
She looks like one of those dolls you would find a ton of at a grandma’s house
Those are nice?
>It's easier to play around a bad adchud than it is to play with a bad support...
LOLelo myth.
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*sits down*
t. Norra
ye but you can't speak up cause adchuds always complain and cry, you have to just stay silent and endure
best thing you can do is just let them run into towers or something,keep up with farm and fish for opportunities
Were they not already strong enough? Seems to me for a while tanks have been doing the same amount of damage as bruisers while soaking up more damage.
a deadly move from a noxian assassin
Don't enable EU ADC crybabies.
Imagine the smell...
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shocking :3
All I know is I'm a jungle chad and when I play Zac I don't feel like any of the squishies on the enemy team have a chance and I can kill them as easy as an assassin would
Fuck Riot and their art direction. Anti-fun.
on my face or
some zombie island of dr ned type shit ngl I kinda like it
>skeleton arm
I thought china was scared of skeletons?
>new patch
>support gets stronger
>new patch
>support gets stronger
(repeat for eternity)
what's their endgame?
What would I get out of not being low elo?
why cant I find the T1 autograph packs?
Zac is green so it's not fair.
To make you stop crying when you suck cock.
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>what's their endgame?
egirls are the ones who buy skins or have people buy them skins and they mostly play support
I've never sucked a cock and I don't cry. meds
bald headed phreak taking down riot as a whole
buying skins for league of losers is probably the biggest loser move someone can do in life

I don't care if you make 9 million dollars a second, you're a braindead loser. spending money on worthless dogshit isn't a flex go buy rollies for that
surely that's not the case in china
bro just stop being poor
still can't believe they killed morellos
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bros im gonna blow your mind

girls dont play league theyre 2% of the players nothing in this game is made for them

i know its hard to stop thinking about girls cause u are pussy free virgin
caring about what other people spend their money on is the biggest loser activity imaginable
we have like 2 of them actively playing the game WITH us

25 if you count all xer alts though
what else is money good for once all the bills are paid?
>brainrot consumers immediately run to defend their degeneracy
why cant I find the T1 skins with autographs? WHY CANT I FIND THE T1 SKINS WITH AUTOGRAPHS? WHY CANT I FIND THEM?????????
>you must buy skins if you aren't a commie
aight then
I'd genuinely respect it more if you bought hard drugs to consume solely while you're playing league instead of buying skins
yes 2% of lolg
take your meds amerimutt the world doesn't revolve around ur politics ! neither does league of legend !
Your respect is worth less than the dirt my dog pisses on.
You're crying right now.
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>eu hours
>its nothing but schizos
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>he says in defense of his degenerate act of buying internet pixels
Go spam your nigger porn more, Finn.
nigga I've never stepped on the continent of na
why else would you care what people spend their money on
nigga the whole world doesn't revolve around na u good?
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I mean this would be worth if saving $5 instead of buying a skin for League ever mounted up to anything of actual value.
Apart from electronic components and perhaps maintenance stuff like groceries and household items I don't really think saying such things matter.
Of course if people are struggling to feed themselves, sure but such things are like boomers hating on younger people not being able to buy homes because of avocado toast meme.
>ruin your life for a temporary high
>league of legends skins
>make anon angry!
I know which one I’m buying
>Do not talk to Europeans
You're right!
>nigga the whole world doesn't revolve around na u good?
all mass culture is black american culture right now
drugs > skins but that commie nigga is unhinged regardless
>respect it more if you bought hard drugs to consume
I disagree. now what?
did drake tweet that?
ur from eu and use "nigga" every other sentence and say world doesnt revolve around na
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fright night zoey
>anon is angry that he got outplayed by someone using a skin
It all makes sense now.
>not being able to buy homes because of avocado toast meme
Smoulder doesn't have a Twitter.
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10 million million worlds in every direction; and anon thinks that it isn't worth spending times with beings that, though they have the same name, have, as far as can be told, different spirits and essences.

What's wrong with you anon; what do you think money is even for if not for paying for what one wants to see, enjoy, and explore?
Cope however you want adchud. If an adchud is useless, I can literally go support the winning lanes as a support - as supports should. I could literally follow the jungler and make plays around the map because my xp and gold do not matter after level 6.
That's why I've been just /mute all and trying to focus on my own gameplay... The blame game is real strong on adchud, and I'm trying not to ego...
As support I can just cope with coinflip...
nigga originated from the uk nigga u good?
ezreal did
>Cope however you want adchud. If an adchud is useless
>Being so stupid to think that's an ADC position
Support is a good pick for you. :)
meds. pixels can't tweet
and the aave language you use?
She would fit the summer camp narrative they did this time, but no we need gay pyke lifeguard and zeri for some reason
>17 deaths
why are regnarfags like this
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meds nigga
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why's kata so bad right now...
I know this motherfucker loves avocado toast.
Deleted burp passive.
>zeri for some reason
wow poppy is really a braindead disgusting faggoted champion
>EU hours
>Hate every champ, role, item
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I think Europeans should stop playing this game. They're incapable of having fun or loving themselves.
she had her turn to be broken with kraken's release. now it's other champ's turns
I think u should stop projecting
I have fun with League of Legends. Do you?
i play kat worse than iron 4 kat
i think she's ok if you play like a bitch throwing q's with scorch and sudden impact though they nerfed it a bit
ad kat might be better with the upcoming tankerino meta
if a champion's entire identity is that it completely nukes out some other class then I think it's dogshit yeah
>upcoming tank meta
>we are currently in tank meta
I don't even know where to begin with this kind of retardation.
not according to the phreak himself
sometimes your supports are retards
Sometimes you're a retard.
>I have absolutely nothing to say so I'm just gonna bark an insult and act like I'd be 100% correct if I was to actually discuss
>ksante is getting a rework
>apparently his second
>despite being a newer character
Lol just put his black ass in jail and be done with him. Aids champ, figuratively and likely literally.
>this also happened with yuumi ans zeri
Oh, so they just got bad at making characters after I left?
let me guess phreak looks at only mid lane meta and says yup its "adc meta" while glossing over the literal entire season of warmogs rush tanks running around
You do know each classification of champion in this game kind of fundamentally counter each other, correct?
Oh, OK, you are never to blame.
making a vague comment regarding class systems doesn't change the fact that poppy is directly designed and intended to faceroll divers

there's only a handful or less other champions that are this annoying at "I cancel you out instantly :)"
Cry more.
why do viegos refuse to see a psychiatrist?
nigga ur ill
organizing a team to kill bbc poster IRL
Please do.
what kind of bitch picks midlane and then decides to play a tank
>normal champions designed for iq having people
>PASSIVE; every nth attack does some thingamagicy
>Q; you throw big rock at enemies
>W; you do a lil skippity hoppity jump :) can go over walls if you do it properly
>E; you get a little stronger for a little tiny bit 5 seconds :) it lasts 5 seconds more if you kill someone ok lil guy?
>R; you do big big damage to one target

>PASSIVE; you get free ranged poke every n seconds but also it gives you shield
>Q; melee range AoE nuke 20% target max health + uber slow :)
>W; you get portable jail cell for anyone trying to run in or out
>E; free gapcloser so you can run in or out through minions
>R; melee range send people back to base button

This is fucking crazy and I am literally seething
I pick J4 and my teammates are all good, normal human beings that listen to ping, don't force unnecessary fights, push sidelanes and present during objectives
I pick Rengar and suddenly at least 2 lanes are fucking garbage subhumans that can't hit spellshots, ignore pings, feed their ass and overall just fucking suck
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I miss my wife
your champion is literally useless in an empty lane because her entire kit is designed AGAINST other, certain champions
What champ were you playing? I need to laugh at you more.
TIL: Poppy can't auto, Q, E, or R minions.
>my ranged poke free shield auto is very useful against minions
>my E designed for running people into a wall and stun them is very useful against minions
>my send people back home R is very useful against minions because I just send a wave back to base and split push :)
very cute how you didn't even list the W there
she's dead viego you have to let go. only akshan is allowed to revive people
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Isolde gets added to the game, what role and what's her kit ?
>very cute how you didn't even list the W there
>hurrng sivir isn't useful an empty lane because of her spellshield checkmate faggot
You're so fucking retarded.
unlike poopy diaper shitpants sivir's entire kit other than her spellshield can effectively be used to run down an empty lane
Burp, fart, piss, and queef abilities in that order.
Does somebody need his binky? Because he's reverting to babytalk.
>Does somebody need his binky?
do I get headpats too...
damn, what faction is THAT?
Yes, if only you stop crying about the mean, mean Yordle.
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I love poppy now :)
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Good boy.
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See, this is how you win an argument on /lolg/. You realize that arguing is pointless and they just need to be comforted from their tantrum.

Also, everyone is gay.
why is everyone gay
niggalow supports really are something else
because boys are nicer to me
It's /lolg/
they don't know who else to be
playing league with my bf tomorrow :3
why aren't you?
I'm online rn though
ok tazmir
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based nami wasting rengar's time and surviving
>Donkey Kong
Tyler 9/11
>t.newfag that doesn't know what reddit spacing is
stream when?
Whenever you post, I just want to insult you and I don't know why.
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Had a dream last night of playing League but there was like an actually good progression pass for once. Wasn't a specific event, but more like a general progress thing like the Ranked rewards.

I was scrolling through the points of it and early on was a node for unlocking Malphite that had a split of his old splash art and a new one based on his update cause it was like coming out soon or something so they had both present.
Then a bit further there was a malphite skin to go with it. Can't remember which one.
And then near the end was a prestige looking Orianna skin where she was wearing a big golden magician's outfit. Like a Prestige Prestigious Orianna similar to the old Leblanc skin.

Then I woke up before I could start playing a match. Man, it was a nice dream while it lasted.
>And then near the end was a prestige looking Orianna skin where she was wearing a big golden magician's outfit.
femboys (in game)
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When will etsyweewee stop akshan """"cosplay"""" (its his true form, he isnt cosplaying)

xD look even the syndra is giggling at you xD
How does this nigger mange to find the ugliest League art in the universe
nigga i havn't even reached my final form yet
you peaked tho and self circuit
When are they adding the Billy Idol champ since Lil Nas X got one?
after the rizzler champ
When's that?
best place to buy a lvl 30 account? don't really feel like trying to level a smurf to play with friends.
Whenever they add ambessa
he meeting with riot next month

ive had 2 accounts from there for 2 years, no problems
Yeah, she had the whole magician's coat like that Leblanc skin, and a really big hat. I think The Ball had rabbit ears.

Honestly, I'd love to see them bring back that skinline somehow. stage magicians are hot.
>No Bob Dylan champ
>No Neil Young champ
>No Jimi Hendrix champ
>No Jim Morrison champ
>No Frank Zappa champ
>No Brian Wilson champ
>No John Lennon champ
Instead we get Lil Nas X who's dead and gay, Riot really needs to keep up with the times.
Draw it out for me.
>No The Wiggles champ
Yeah you’re right someone should get fired in their marketing team
>stage magicians are hot.
Elaborate on this.
the kids playing won't be able to identify with these so we will be making a lady gaga champ
love, riot games
you're not obsessed with me whatsoever
>No James P. Johnson champ
But those are all the hip new musicians?
old ass nigga who the fk are htese niggas
I think I just find your name really dumb.
>John Lennen
>hip and new
it's time to let go anon
Taylor Swift kaisa
>The median mastery level of a Katarina on live is 13. That is first place by a lot. Second place is Yasuo at 11. The average champion is 7.
why are katsissies so dedicated to their champ?
it's because I main wukong

I can switch to my other account if you want
He means that when they are on stage the lights get really hot so
Fine, we'll add Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons first.
Who mains monkey!?!??!?!?!
I do ever since I first saw tyler1 at the age of 16 and decided wukong would be my one trick shtick...
Kids don't play this shitty game.
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She's adaptable but it's really hard to learn how to best adapt with her. Playing her is addictive because there are a million ways you can mess up (itemization and micro) but she can almost always get back into the game (unlike Yasuo who only has his one spike, really.)
Was it autism?
I can't even remember why I picked wukong, probably because one of my shitter friends back then used to play yasuo midlane and wanted to abuse my innocence for wombo combo potential
Was it autism?
are you saying kids have better taste in games than lolg?
if you use pictures of battle academia katarina you owe me sex
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>EU hours
More like tsundere hours.
could work, actually
thinkin of pickin up this rengar champ, hes a cool dog and jumps like my dog irl
biggest chud champ there is
what if i use pretty kitty rengar
>Not Seraphine
then he wouldn't be like your dog retard
this game is only fun when playing dirty, off meta picks
i have a cat too though, they r friends
>Not Kassadin
eminem seraphine
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Nice, smooth match. Got my Mog's, my Sunfire, and nobody could 1v1 me or escape, simple. Not sure I'll be able to manage to get to Gold by the end of the year, but I really want that Sona skin.
Eminem isn't still relevant, grandpa. I think you mean MC Hammer.
I do this
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White boi u know theres a reason why ur a virgin?? nobody owes you sex cause ur genetics are shit
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I’m not
My favorite champs are female except one
didn't read.
vayne takes too long to come online
>Implying that's proof.
>My favorite champs are female
you are a girl (male) who likes girls. are you gay
agp self insertion obviously
do you look like this?
Didn't read. Saved.
And sound like this.
I'm not good with 2D art and I'm trying to remember off a short dream here, but it was something like this.
Typical magician coat but with a big collar, really big and curvy hat, but instead of black it was gold and and had a white coat & stockings. And The Ball looked like a big round white rabbit.
You first, with a timestamp, spammer cuck.
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champs for pic related?
>still can't carry lowelo with kat
ok gonna spam 50 more normals
We need to get drawfag-kun on this.
it's a bot. doesn't have a face
Katarina has a skin like this
New champ?
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and also cause they are pozzed dei diversity tokens from california (the niger champs)
What are the fun off meta supports now
>jinx received buffs
>now every game is jinxed
Poopy. Make Anon cry.
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There's no way that rabbit would fit in her hat.
Best Leona skin?
>The deadly combination of femoids and metaslaves
does it fit inside a jar asking for a friend
Hats can stretch, birdbrain.
There are multiple sizes of jars in the world, my boy.
This one is confusing because it implies black women are desperate and he's too afraid to say "nigger."
why are you guys so mean to me
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that was NOT me what the fudge man
You're easy to bully.
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I'm an ice cold killer with frozen tundra blood a stoi cman an immovable object and an unstoppable force
Why is she farting?
I will pat your head, you little bitch.
I'm looking at Quinn itemization and it's extremely confusing.
>Everyone, including most masters build profane hydra
>Profane hydra has best WR
>But Krakens does more damage while being cheaper, it has lower WR

What gives? Why is profane hydra Quinn stronger than kraken Quinn?
waveclear? buildpath?
i just got black myth wukong and it reminds me of u...
maybe i will play wukong more if the game is good...
Kraken is a DPS item and Quinn is an assassin.
She's meant to catch and nuke squishes, you dumb, little stoopy.
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quinn has adc stats but is also an assasin, so while kraken has higher overall dps, its better for her to one shot
Hi sunshine
Did you just fart?
so much distroon faggotry itt
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i would kill everyone in this lobby without a second thought.
How do we save /lolg/?
try wukong support exhaust ignite cosmic insight bloodsong if you want to actualize his true powers...
Why is /lolg/ like this?
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>breathe in the NA server for a quarter of a second
>immediate seething ensues
>having any of those niggers added
w pedo
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hi :3
Never happened.
see here >>494235854 and here >>494236081
Pretty surprising how much extra 300 damage in a combo can make so sacrificing 30% of your DPS is worth it
Sunshine and chenna are mentally ill, play with the real na players
mix of high t vs low t
how am I mentally ill lol please what is your justification for the claim
As opposed to you, the pick-me troon.
meds negroid
senna said no one wanted to play with him so I was trying to help out with that
who are the real na players
>high t
back to discord
I don't even have anyone added on discord you loser stop being so attention depraved and jealous of other people interacting w each other
i just wanted to know who the real na players are
just go back nobody gives a shit about your essay
>senna said no one wanted to play with him
Fucking good.
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reminder that Nami is cute
World's shortest essay.
Reminder that my house is on fire.
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it be like that
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Very sane and normal thread.
by making more hwei mains
no one can resist the headpat. can't beat the pat
Good. Fuck eu
They should add a little monkey to league of legends
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Just imagine Chenna and Sunshine just going to town on you *shudders in ecstacy*
do vlad players really...
adc pleading for their 9/0 brand supp to stop taking kills
he spent the ENTIRE match split pushing bot after laning phase
My last Ranked game was against a Vlad.
I went Malz as usual and it was a rough start but the guy kept pushing hard and wasting his pool which let my Amumu and Thresh gank him easily. Then he said we suck in the all chat and kept complaining about his team being bad.
Fun time.
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Something like this.
yeah honestly the best response to someone picking a braindead champion is probably picking something even more braindead so they can seethe about how they're using one single extra braincell
Yeah, that's nice.
The eye makeup probably should be different though, too much like Leblanc's.
why not. what's wrong with them
Wow anon, this is great
It makes sense because she does have eye lines in her robot form, it's just sharpie'd over it.
something something meriipu is a nolife loser tranny freak who can't play the game on his shitty 2005 laptop and he thinks it's super duper funny hehe cute uwu to constantly call me a pedo this that etc
all of you are mentally ill wtf
no way dude that's too far take it back
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It works in gold at least.
Especially with how prevalent Garen and Darius have been lately. Malz with Rylais is able to hold up to those annoying Stridebreaker setups.
Just gotten used to doing Rylais first basically every game now.
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every game mode besides ranked is unplayable
>Crystal ball picks for worlds
Ugh I hope it's not yet another round of poro icons.
>play norms to learn a new champ
>at least one team every match has a freakish troll comp that makes it impossible to actually learn anything useful about how the champion works in a real match
they both seem adorable, what do you mean
i like aram
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Im not really a Briar player but she is hot
can you even get better at playing garen it feels like shit's too simple I don't need to practice it
I suck at Garen. Unironically better at other champs.
Like ad sylas?
ad sylas is a solid pick you guys just can't appreciate the korean mathematics
rather have 2 skins than a useless shitbox with no games
this game sucks fucking fat ostrich cock
Go to bed, Aussie-kun.
You around yordlebro?
arena is literally a "won at champ select" kind of mode
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Which do you want to be?
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Which one?
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I don't think I'll ever learn how to lane against Illaoi properly, but hey, a win is a win.
Hi fridaynight
which na dog is seething on my dick atm
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This guy draws a mean Qiqi
Hello anon
We need more hot female champs in suitcoats in general honestly.
sorry i just wanted to say it, cuz not allowes to say in game
A guy from Finland, Brazil U.S.A
is he gone yet
Don't think it, don't say it.
i miss league
but i will never come back
>every teammate underperforms
>minions perma survive on 1 hp
>enemy gets random lvl up timers
yep it's losers queue
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Bros what's wrong with my Lux... ?
Most sane EU poster.
Too much Ozempic
How does ur map look so pretty?
New champ?
how do I make webms with this quality resolution
The matchmaking system is conspiring against me, they locked me in iron because they fear my potential
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You wouldn’t be able to pull me out
cia went back in time and rigged all of my accs to prevent me becoming a famous league player then politician
So is Star Guardian Syndra going to be an antihero or antivillain?
What are your policies, Dr. Mundo?
Okay that actually made me guffaw
He has a few more but I rotate between these two atm:
There's currently a graphic bug on the red and blue buffs which just happened this patch on Ritos end, but I'm just going to wait for an upd8.
Divide 32768 / [Seconds] = Bitrate
Scroll to the bottom to turn off sound
as a glowie i can confirm we did this and also nice cock bro
>League player to politician
Yeah that'd actually be kinda scary.
I have an in-joke with my friends that KatEvolved will eventually become President.
One day a yone main is gonna increase your taxes
Ugh, yeah I'm not watching these internet people thanks.
phreak's new direction with items is pretty interesting
where before Riot wanted items to feel good to buy and do interesting things, Phreak instead wants you to be indifferent to buying items and also nerfs anything interesting about the item so he can slap 100 more fucking health on it or something
Thanks wind up merchant
I don't either. You're not cool for saying that. Stick your thumb up your ass.
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Shh....Gwen is sleeping...
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>Wake up
>Volibear is still reworked
Wind-up Diaper
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You're welcome !
Don't say that.
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why don't you just use webm for retards?
You didn't accept my friend request, asshole.
Isn't Nu Volibear an improvement on Old Voli in basically every way?
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My husband isn't a notable Ionian figure apparently.
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>Isn't Nu Volibear an improvement on Old Voli in basically every way even though they don't fill the same role in a comp at all?
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"smurf" zeri lost to bronze draven
this is my favourite basedbear in your collection
I can't tell who top middle is and why is Lulu there
i was the zeri
I asked because I don't know. What role did old Voli even do?
He was the bear from The Golden Compass 'n shieeeet.
>have blitzcringe on my team
>4 of us stalling a teamfight while master yi solos baron
>decides to hook enemy tank into us and they proceed to cum all over our faces in a 4v5
then who was i playing...
old volibear was a tank-ssassin with good displacement CC
new volibear is a bruiser who sits on you and spams his healnuke until you die
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The chance of knowing who you are is very slim, since Riot likes to reorder my friend requests every time I log on !
I tried, but either I'm too stupid, and it either: Cuts the webm too short, or goes over the bitr8, so I just resorted back to that website.
>The chance of knowing who you are is very slim, since Riot likes to reorder my friend requests every time I log on !
Just accept them all and keep RR.
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Lee Sin. I think they wanted a Yordle for every region. Idk what I'm doing. I'm trying to unlock cards other than the base decks they give you.
>4mb limit
>set max size to 3.9
woah that was hard
this is newslop bear
notice the extremely low quality gameplay, i dont even have my hands on the keyboard ever, plays himself, reddit friendly
>card descriptions are written in first person to compensate for riot game playerbase avg iq (33 points btw)
Okay, now show old Volibear gameplay.
Is that the card game? How is it? I quit Master Duel a while back and could use a new TCG to jump into.
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this is oldkinobear
notice the subtleties in this webm
read between the lines
he has the X factor
that jenny say kwah
you just dont see this in modern riot designs
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I miss this game
I was top 10 NA at one point you know
Shame it got taken out back and shot
it is literally unironically actually dead
>watch me last hit a couple people while my team fights with their blood and guts
>see how awpee and useful I was?
wow no wonder even the na ppl don't like u lol
why's he called volibear if he doesn't volley anymore
>Cuts the webm too short
As I said, I've already tried using it, multiple times. That's cool that it works for you though !
Ya right pal
but he does the funny naenae twerk on dae turret??
>Ya right pal
i won't sissy post anymore
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*blocks your're path*
my god some people here are disgusting
Is this a long-haul joke?
Just send a friend request to RainbowRitual#NA1
dude literally how
>set max size
>set resolution to 720p or lower
>disable audio
it's not rocket science
I thought you made soibear posts about vanguard and quit what happened
it's okay to admit you don't understand the point being made, i'm used to spoonfeeding /lolg/
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Shut up, don't expose me like that!
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I just started. It seems alright. There's many different techs. I played Magic a long time ago so maybe this can be fun too. I want to make a Shen deck.

Can you collect all the cards without spending money?
my friend showed me the new split changes and it pissed me off a lot
+ im exhausted of most of my replacement games
thinking about getting into RPGs but there's so many
Oh you're the guy who doxxed LBW
not me
Who? What?
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I had every card in the game and bought like one battle pass ever yeah
Thats the reason why the game died though
They didnt make enough money so they scrapped the whole thing and started selling the slay the spire skinnerbox
I don't think that's why it died I think it's because riot game refuses to accept the fact that their only successful game ever will be league of legend and no one gives a shit about them "opening up to new horizons uwu"
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Let's be honest.... Nilah?
She's pretty fun
losersq deluxe if I met u irl in a dark alley u would be crawing away with ur eyes gouged out of ur sockets
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still boycotting since undeserved q nerfs
That'll show them....?
how did gamers of old tolerate playing nothing but single players
I feel like I'm going nuts
I want to play top but I just feed every game I can only win if I jungle or support
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Nah the real reason it died is because they never added Qiyana
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Now which one of you are memeing me...
I'm really cautious about adding people here because of all the drama vgs and NA seems to get into... I'd rather live peacefully than deal with any of that high school behaviour...
>Go to website
>Divide seconds
>Disable audio
>Press start
>Get webm in a few seconds
Why do you question my ways if it ends up with the same results... ?
RR just wants to suck cock you can add him
Girls will.
it will i was 50% of her pickrate
>Implying it's unique to NA
Dude imagine if you could still use lobby tools without risking getting banned so you could make better informed decisions how cool would that be :(

Like, Riot, we can have that access and also retain the more punishing dodge changes.
I have like 1400 hours in new vegas finished the game several times over with uber hardcore oneshot-or-get-oneshot difficulty + fucked up impossible economy + reduced loot + game saving limited to beds + hardcore reduced healing + uncapped stats + no fast travel

doesn't really feel lonely when you got an in game companion
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like xd(ddd) jesus how fucking dogshit can the freaks that play this game be like two of them were just straight losersq matches just a bunch of chink insects in the game that scurry about playing tabis rush smolder but still going 0/3 but the worst ones are the ones where some freak gets a couple kills in lane and maybe ends with like 70 farm but it goes to his head and he grows some kinda delusion that he actually understands anything at all then he just goes 4th item pen lucian into a bunch of tanks and pisses away literally thousands of gold I could have used to snowball my midgame harder fucking kill yourself all of you STOP PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME IF YOU ARE ITS NOT EVEN LIKE A SKILL ISSUE ANYMORE ITS A UR QUEUEING UP TO JUST NOT PLAY LIKE JUSt FUCKING ROPE
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side note: when they fuck are they going to add briar to legend of runeterra!? it's been a year since she came out!!!
>daily teamdisparity seethe
Meds asap
absolutely meaningless lol resistances are what make tanks broken not flat hp heartsteel is just a funny meme proc item so tank players can feel good about themselves that none of their abilities are neither skilled nor impactful in most games also hubris is a bad item you shouldnt be building it in any game ever
/vg/s are all good and fun until you end up losing two groups of best friends over the course of four years... Haha...
>niggas I met in vgs unfriended me over vgs drama
wowwww end of the world! anyways...
If Hwei was a bit more clunky, punishing and skillful that'd at least be the mechanical Zappa champ. Just misalign some of the skill cooldowns so skill-choice is a lot more thoughtful and intentionally picked so one-trick combos and playing a fight out look way more elegant than Timmy Toolspam mashing buttons.
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>he unironically gets hit by max range zac E consistently
>If Hwei was a bit more clunky, punishing and skillful that'd at least be the mechanical Zappa champ.
He's not literally Frank Zappa though.
t. will never be good enough at the game to actually make a teamdisparity post of ur own because u are the teamdisparity
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>for years waiting for a champ that uses a whip as a weapon
>they give me this
Seething. And over what?
don't mind any attention to him please he's a mentally unwell sunsh*ne (ew) simp
Okay but what about Destiny?
scaling champs are unironically bait in low elo because either team will throw by the time you're done scaling
npcs like u that will never have anything outside of ur 5/10 peak 90 iq gf and ur 25k a year job that queue up just to amble around meaninglessly and waste my time only for me to queue right back up and get another of the six billion clones of ur retarded ass doing the same exact shit for hours on end because u are too fucking retarded to even spend your time doing anything except staring at a computer getting the funny dopamine sensory from league of legends once out of every ten skillshots you throw
sylas kinda uses whips
You're talking to yourself, dude.
dry ass insult
the meth guy?
fitting for ur npc ass then
i dont think you know what any of those buzzwords mean, like not a single one. "scaling" "unironically" "bait" "low elo" "throw" like all of these words you have seen other people use, and you think you kind of get it, but you just straight up dont.
literally what? scaling champs have higher winrate in lower elo because people don't know how to end
It's EUbrain.
Same. Might've faced you at some point, though I was way too ADHD to grind-out Ranked but made a Seasonal via Gauntlet and otherwise kept to Discord matches. "Gamers don't deserve the game" is the solace I give myself in rationalizing its failure (and also the design trend away from proper Control, my beloved.)
good evening reddit
Hi sunshine
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>bronze 4
>switch to ADC and jungler for hextech chests
>demoted to iron 4
Fucking kek, not even mad. You just lose so much agency playing these roles, its like you're irrelevant.
why are you guys always mean to me
just drank some soilent which champ should I play?
any assassin
God, EU hours are cancer.
You will never get that ugly shithead, sorry edgelord. You'll have to settle for enjoying Hot Rats and One Size while you solo-queue.
I think its the most interesting TCG out there, but its quick pace means you cant stop paying attention at all and I think it puts people off. Its fun though. Try it out before they kill it off. They are pretty generous on the free side too.
Uh oh ONE champ in the game has a 20 second cd ability that stops the cancer ruining League that is hypermobile champs. What a PROBLEM this is.

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