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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
based boodrum constantly stealing op just to piss people off with his lissandraposting
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xth for my wife durability update!
That could be a neat skin.
sorry guys hope you have fun shitting up the thread with your "another NA player is having a bpd breakdown and blocking some other dude who begs to be unblocked in the thread in a 89 reply chain conversation"
Literally once in a blue moon while EU bitching and having a meltdown about literally anything and everything is every fucking thread.
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yeaaahh but it's not what I expect when I think of a whip, I want something like Indiana Jones's whip and I don't play male champs though
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lux is the face of league, riot just released a $500 statue of her https://merch.riotgames.com/en-gb/product/worlds-2024-lux-statue/

>dat ashe
>EU bitching and having a meltdown about literally anything and everything is every fucking thread.
like what nigga? we got like 4 total people actually playing and posting from EU
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Just take a sniff of Summoner's Riff. Hidden Ireliea logs have been added as a part of the special fall event.
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don't lose hope whipbro
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Briar fucking won
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please fund league of lux.
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nice booty
These kinds of posts are an EU special.
Last placement match boys, wish me luck.
>EU hours
incels and mental illness
>NA hours
homosexuals and drama
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>I don't like this mentally ill person from my region
>ummm he's actually EU
cope harder nigga
>Literally farting as her statue
What a gross, dumb bitch
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>hmm yes we made top and midlane ungankable and support turbo broken with the new season changes
>it's fine because we are going to buff adc items for two months
>I mean half of them are going to be useless and almost all items will have worse buildpaths, which means less agency for adcs
>we are removing lethal tempo too but we are buffing the other keystones
>nevermind we are gutting the keystones for ranged
>we are also nerfing every useful marksman item to the point where they are as good as they were before the changes because of chovy or something
>next split we are also nerfing every item, hopefully this will help the most gold reliant class in the game :)
>oh tank items won't be getting adjusted in a meaningful way
>btw we also basically removed every max hp damage from adcs this year
>also support will be the other least nerfed class
what the fuck did phreak mean by that?
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Stay positive /lolg/!
the only people who think ADC is weak main it
you do realize this right? Everyone else knows it's op
Hi sunshine
Just seems like those kinds of posts are more common at EU hours, chill.
I don't play adc
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>the guy I don't like who's from NA is posting things I don't like
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>The game stays the same
>People complain ADC is too weak
>The game changes
>People complain ADC is too weak
The actual change or changelessness are irrelevant. Ancient Chinese wisdom.
>eu hours
none of you niggas go outside or have an offline friend circle
what's eu hours when you ghouls ask for vgs for 12+ hours daily before the 6 hour vg session starts that you niggas blogpost about for another 2 hours after it ends?
your degenerate na filth shits up the thread for 20 hours every day. there aren't eu hours nigger
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holy based firestorm
EU-style post.
>(literally fucking midnight in the eu btw)
As we know, every 4channer is a good boy who goes to bed at 8PM like mommy asks.
>The exact opposite of what the other Anon is saying
>people complain that adc is shit to play
>they ask to nerf support
>meaningless temporary changes happen
>people still complain that adc is shit to play because nothing meaningful changed
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time to play AD kat
I used Lethal Tempo on Kat, it was fun to spin faster.
why are trannies obsessed with diapers?
>na active hours
>eu active hours(NOT na active hours)
>by transitive property also midnight
checkmate eurotard
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implying euwchads are nolife unemployed neet losers like yourselves
Must be an EU thing. Tax deductions.
>ok I might not be able to point to any mentally ill posts made by europeans at this hour (or any hour of the day) but trust me it is eu hours
>tfw you don't have vanguard trash installed on your PC
Feels good man
I don't play this troon game, for starters
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sry forgot reaction image
There's one!
>tfw don't eat pork
Feels good man
I don't eat pork, for starters
What do you post, oomfie?
What do you eat, oomfie?
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niggas really be ragequitting without even saying bye when they're the one lagging in the first place even tho I kept saying it's ok np
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You ever imagine that they just disconnected?
didnt take my meds yesterday and skipped em again today as well

t. firestorm
yeah could be that would be nice if he said goodbye goodnight love you oomfie smooch etc tho
I just assume anyone who wants to larp as literally Zappa probably wants to self-insert as cool and edgy since that's his entire persona, even though he was an irresponsible father and spent too long steeping in cynicism that all he could do was spew post-irony quips.

I do respect what he was and still listen to him to this day despite being forced to listen to that shit growing-up, just seems like a Joker-level champ request lol (yes I know you aren't entirely serious.)
Im a big faggot homo and i suck dicks so goddamn much holy damn
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I hate the majority of AP assassins but I will Katarina's design to the death.
built runaans titanic on vayne today because it looks funny when the effects pop
i spent the past week playing bot games because of normals anxiety
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
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>cool and edgy since that's his entire persona, even though he was an irresponsible father and spent too long steeping in cynicism that all he could do was spew post-irony quips.
Doesn't that come with the territory?

You seem to have some baggage with Zappa since you zero'd on him out of everyone else.
dont worry bro the average niggalow player is barely better than a bot
I thirstpost both cute women and burly men
I'm a real EUW poster and I am VERY UNUSUALLY ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah we know the avg lolg would probably fuck and willingly get fucked by pretty much every other lolg regardless of shape size and form
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>bronze 4
>switch to ADC and jungler for hextech chests
>demoted to iron 4
How are people climb in pisslow elo as an ADC? You have no mobility, if you're ahead and someone ints you can't 1v5. It's not like positioning helps when someone flashes, dashes and ults into you while your teammates focus the tank

I'm honestly perplexed how people enjoy adcing low elo. Mayybe jinx just sucks down here and I should try something else next?
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Been chatting with a girl on a dating app for almost a week and I'm nervous about trying to go further.
Been playing ranked between responding to her and feel weird that I'm putting it off even though I've been enjoying sharing bits back and forth.
I hate the current burst meta and I can't wait for the next patch.
would u fuck a lolg if they were a worm
of course babygirl I'd still love you with my whole heart even if you were a worm
What Champions are you playing and what are your builds witht hem?
ew no i meant the champions
*enters your urethra* xoxo
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I had MF, Ashe and Jinx so I went with those. Builds I copped from online so they're pretty much whatever everyone else does too. Are the newer ADCs like Kaisa and Nilah worth trying if I want to *actually* kill people alone after winning lane?
Nah I actually really admire Zappa and his music, just thought the "no I want LITERALLY him" was kinda weird lol. He'd be like an uglier and more sarcastic version of Jhin.
just play an early game midlaner and hyperroam to the lane of whichever allies display signs of intelligence
Adchud is starting to be fun, even when losing !
Tips on Aphelios ? He's next to learn.
it's not your job to kill people alone you drooling spastic
But autoattacking things is actually quite fun, I wish I could just fight alone but it's hard without CC, mobility etc etc

It kinda is tho
To be clear that's an insult, Jhin fucking sucks. I fully admit that perspective is very warped by the people who jack his fantasy off and identify with him and say he's the best design etc etc.
Jinx is pretty much worthless without a functioning frontline
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post would be based if it wasnt Seraphine or any enchanter your rank is an exaggeration of your real rank if you play that slop
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>post would be based
what about being a grown man who wears diapers is based king grey
I know some sand people don't eat pork.
They also throw fags and trannies off of high buildings.
>chud decides he wants to become an adchud
>chud wants to play ezreal as if he was zed
your job is to sit on the back of the rest of the team and shoot your pewpew gun at whatever objective/aram is happening at that moment. you're not an assassin or a bruiser or anything else that's expected or intended to catch people off and burst them
>He says as he posts two gay men
Typical ADC.
>>494258081 meant for >>494257864 sorry ADChild
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4 W/1 L. I contributed but Vayne was definitely the big carry on the team.
wrong its your job to apply pressure to lanes dumb fucking low elo nigger and you do that by fucking threatening KILLS on people jesus fuck learn to play stupid fucking hypernigger
damn I'm never sending my nudes to any lolg you guys are actually fucking horrible
I noticed, it was just plain awful being 10/0 and everyone suiciding one at the time into the enemy team. Happens so often too.

That kinda gameplan doesn't work at this elo tho. Maybe I could play Yasuo bot?
me instead my* cause it's late night but w/e
>just thought the "no I want LITERALLY him" was kinda weird lol. He'd be like an uglier and more sarcastic version of Jhin.
K'Sante is LITERALLY Lil Nas X so all of the new, popular musicians we're adding have to be literally them too.
mmok you go apply ur kill pressure threatanzo to enemy mage midlaner or mundo yes? go apply kill pressure on 13/2 nocturne see how that turn out
You can send me nudes anon
Yeah id suck his dick
>>494258238 (Me)
what fucking god forsaken lobby are u in that by the time ur champ can do anything nocturnes already got 13 kills
I pretend to be Lyra's friend and she actually thinks we are friends but I spam hate posts about her in the thread
my nigga we out here in shitlow trying to carry niggas that go 0/6 by the 6th minute nigga we bleedin out here
on my main persona I pretend to hate lyra but actually deep down I simppost the most about her
I post kys but i just want to be hugged and pampered
He absolutely is not, K'Sante seems like a cool guy, Lil Nas X does not. K'Sante looks like a chad, Lil Nas X does not. He is only Lil Nas X in that he is black and gay, and they gave him that turbogay skin so people could parrot the equivalence more.
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what elo do I have to be to express my opinions on lolg
Like the rest of these chumps ? Bronze.
i pull all the goon post pictures from the thread into an incognito window until i have enough to goon
start talking and we will tell u
it's only a turn on if anon is posting it specifically for me tbdesu
thats cause youre a tranny narcissist
dont be a pussy
sion you cant fuck the cartoon doko
kys lyra you fucking stupid faggot
i pray everyday to god hoping a lolg posts their dick on catbox
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I pretend I don't know about the lewd pics of fox girls you have on your pc.
no it's just it becomes standard porn the moment it's not directed at you by another faggot who's actively trying to get you off and is presumably also getting off to getting you off in the process
gm+ but there's also a sweetspot in d1 if you have above 65% winrate
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How is this client still so trash, fails to load post game lobbies regularly still.
don't kill yourself lyra you're the sweetest cutest loveliest person in lolg
>the moment it's not directed at you by another faggot who's actively trying to get you off and is presumably also getting off to getting you off in the process
this is a crazy curtain to put up yourself and then look behind
>porn pages on twitter post porn to get people off
>this one faggoted dude on a league of legends forum is posting softcore porn (presumably according to my expressed preferences) just so he can get me off
if you can't differentiate between the two I believe you're suffering from autism due to little to no socializing in your earlier years
meds now
wait so you just get off to the softcore pornography being posted here without romanticizing the context of (it being posted by another dude who enjoys getting other dudes off)?
>here without romanticizing the context of (it being posted by another dude who enjoys getting other dudes off)?
imagine calling someone else autistic, and you are a faggot
Well, let's one-up them and make our music guys LITERALLY them.
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I wake up every day the best Zeri player in the world
you wouldn't get it
>Lungs and eyes hurt
Champs for this feel?
ezreal and sion
>I lack the brain function to realize the full context of the degenerate situation I'm participating in
wow I didn't know that someone could be too dumb of a consumer to be a degenerate
yordlebro koko?
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>/lolg/ expecting to get fucked in the ass
>i create my own faggot fantasy looking past a random softcore porn image on a random website
>i cant get there without it :(
>you are autistic and dumb
it is insane how you can think and type these things out yeah your eyes and brain can not decipher it once you read it back to yourself
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>I jack off to softcore porn images posted by a dude who is most likely a faggot that's doing it because he gets off on getting other dudes off
>I however lack the brain function to actually realize the situation I'm in and can't see past the 2D porn images
>therefore I am very straight and normal in the head
it's actually mind boggling how the majority of dudes are really similar to this, when I was actually going out and socializing and whatnot I realized a lot of guys out there would fuck another dude given the chance but would also pull some mental gymnastics to convince themselves it's not gay because they're the one fucking
Shut the fuck up you nerds
ezreal thinks he can have sex with pictures
ezreal thinks the guy posting naked Sona pictures is actually a naked Sona irl that wants his dick
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Irelias bitch about poppy being able to use W once every 20 seconds when this is how they play anyway up to emerald
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check em boys
gonna prime then its painting time
They just need headpats to calm down.
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Its not stealing the op of im just making the thread
It already is a skin!
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KhaZix carried this game.

There is really only 1 build for tradional ADCs. And you really shouldn't be straying from it. Otherwise you will be causing issues with your team's composition.

With MF you can delay your boots until your 2nd-3rd item. And even build gimmicky to cheese the laning phase. MF is probably the best ADC in the game right now, based on RAW numbers and basic design.

Ashe is overrall the best ADC in the game, next to Varus and Kalista. Her kit is extremely overloaded And she has one of the best Ultimates in the game. Even if you fall behind in Items/Gold you can still be useful with her.

As for KaiSa, she has a specific On-hit Build and she has to meet certain stat requirements to unlock her full kit. She is really hard to learn, because of that. But she becomes easy to play, once you understand how she works. Her main problem is she is very one-dimensional and gimmicky. She struggles with DPS and focusing/targetting priority Champions.

Ezreal mains go away. And go back to Mid-lane. Or better yet, Support me. (You are not an ADC)! :P
you are autistic and a faggot lil bro
>It already is a skin!
Then it looks worse in-game...
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
who's the purple guy
new champ leak
everyone is so skilled on mid. iwn be able to play kat
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his wife has hooves and horn
i play midlane and i'm far from skilled
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snip snip
a picture isn't a wife
the picture was drawn by a guy that wanted you to think it was your wife
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Take your time anon, don't stress.
Just put the time in and you'll get better, just play with friends who dont mind the inting to make the grind easier
Also Kat doesnt actually need to win lane you can literally miss all the cs get a random double kill botlane and you've won the game ngl tbqhwybh
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And she's very pretty and cute.
and a giant schlong which is why he waifued her
Crazy futa fags like you need to stop being so gay. It’s the not good for you.
She'd actually be really cute with that hairstyle
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play Evelynn!
I play her mid sometimes
dropped your soraka pic, bottom bitch
why are you guys so obsessed with sex
Only sex with lolg boys
name 1
wow boodrum and not me?
All lolg boys
they are virgins
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lol gay shut ins like you need to stop pushing your disgusting fetish on us.
even spammer?
if you dillydally around drake for 25 seconds holding up waiting for some imaginary teamfight that's "about to happen" while all 3 lanes are pushing towards us I'm just gonna walk the fuck out of there and go get some cs

I don't care if you get quadra killed, I don't care if you lose drake or baron or the entire fucking game
shouldn't you be erping with your two boyfriends?
I have 264 games in league and I'm still iron 4, what to do
post opgg please
its always good to push mid or bot in before a drag fight, makes them lose xp/cs and more importantly it gives free vision in lane so they cant get a surprise flank from that side. i see so few players doing this
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I'd rather not...
how am I gonna send you a friend request then
>all three lanes pushing into us
>enemy adc was seen behind drake pit
>three enemies running down mid towards our inhib turret
>one enemy running down bot towards our t1
>master yi spam pinging around pit like a mute nigga throwing gang signs
>running around in circles looking for the adc that was spotted
>give up and just hit botlane with the one enemy
>get a kill
>rest of the team rotates to mid into a 4v4 as the game's fate gets sealed
>play quickplay
>3 challs in enemy team with 2 masters
>"we are just doing the challenges bro!"

fucking die niggers
they just farmed my lvl8 morgana who was standing still to click spells
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guys you won't believe who I met in my normals
Shut up, get on NA.
>my lvl8 morgana who was standing still to click spells
27 deaths, i think she is getting auto banned too if she got reported
am on NA rn?
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We need more cute female champs in suits.

Thanks anon for drawing the weird skin I dreamt about last night.
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>ding dong ditched into switching accounts
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Decent games. My Lillia was areally bad, but this ChoGath was a monster.
What roles and champions do you usually play? What's your biggest issue when laning? CS, trading, positioning, etc?
>Nilah's pants aren't actually baggy
Why'd you give me another account then?
Post weird league art.
>She just sharted
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champs for this feel?
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>Completely shit on the enemy jungler
>Still lose because my team is incapable of doing anything alone and I can't be everywhere at once
>Top is constantly pushed with an inhib destroyed by sion (because somehow Vlad lost hard to Sion), none of them push it so we had supers on our last two towers, so I had to defend myself
>Ask my team to simply ward objectives so I can at least ult in when they do it
>They couldn't even do that

Absolute state
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>be an iron shitter
>give Quinn a try
>this happens
Good god this champion is fun when she works

I've been playing everything, my biggest issue is probably not winning lane and having low CS
uhhh.... I....
>Just won with Gangplank jungle
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ayo bro das aint cool
I don't mean to be mean but the idea of spending time with you really makes me uncomfortable and thereso I've decided I'd be unfriending you
lol I've played with that yi before and he was complete dogshit
But why? Why can't we be friends? :(
I haven't played this shit in almost 2 years but am planning to come back once I finish building my PC
Please tell me my boys Zilean and Malzahar have received something
A skin, an update, anything?
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What are the requirements to get Victorious skins? Do you just need Gold+?
I'm plat in Flex with only 5 games, is that good enough or do I need X amount of games or is Flex no longer counted? Haven't played in forever
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behold the monstrous void abomination
Wait is SKT completely out of worlds?
Fakeredditors BTFO
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All female champs should be morbidly obese.
calm down pierce
I really like arcade viego and hope they port it, but they missed a huge opportunity by not making the mist the floor from billie jean
You should probably focus on your two favorite roles and about two-three champs of said role. Not winning lane is fine so long as you don't lose it either and focus on getting as much CS as possible.
Pretty great booba honestly
Best in a long time
A good lesson to never tilt because your enemy laner could also be a chud...
Adchud is a funny role... Even if you're "behind" you're not that far behind... Or so it seems
Fart boobs.
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Onetrick a champ
Watch pro players pilot that champ
Learn one little trick or optimization that player does
Replicate them a few times
Eventually everything will become second nature and you'll climb.
You'll also absorb game sense from watching pros play, even if its the kind of thing thats hard to get a grasp on normally
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>No Michael Jackson champ yet
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Never seen so many S's at once
Phreak says Edge of Night is in fact NOT a defensive item
It is an offensive item
You can no longer say Edge of Fear in vgs it is in fact Edge of Alpha ok?
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Won't onetricking teach me bad habits? Take Quinn for example, I'm not actually learning the game by playing ranged top and flying around at 750ms. It's funny but not really something that other champions can replicate. Like sure you can play her top, mid and even bot but it's not like you're learning league.

Well I'm still trying to find a champion I like the most and my low rank allows for easy chests so I'm not sure if I want to climb.
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it's a little later than the usual time, but would you care to join me for a couple games again lolg?
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Every single champ has shit they can do other champs can't do
You won't learn the game by being a generalist, if you know how to exploit exactly when to cast ultimate as Garen or how best to land a GP ultimate or a tricky Qiyana combo that will make you a better player in all regards.
The important thing is paying attention to what you're doing and knowing why you're doing it.
That will open your mind to realizing what every champ does and how to counterplay it.
of course my love ill always lurk for you
No you're too shit at the game
say please
im watching football and twitch glitches out if i have 2 streams on at once
I was going to give advice to an anon but now i have to reply to this cute post instead
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Pros suck when it comes to champions though. They always need to play an ever revolving door of meta picks. See T1: Where all their comfort picks are either banned or "not meta," and how they struggle.
It's better to watch solo queue warrios (streamers and sometimes people with the highest mastery ranking on opgg), because they'll normally give the best tips on how to cheese shenanigans.
One tricking in general is a good thing, and is how you climb. You don't need to play everything. Keep your champion pool smol, in general 1-3 for your main role, 1-2 for your off role.
If you do want to learn everyone, it's better to go into ARAM than SR imo.
Why does Gorilla hate me
Well thanks, I guess I'll try to climb after I discover champs I like the most.
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Genuinely sad
ok you start a stream then
No kys
I always leave lolg streams open on the side because I feel bad
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can someone gift me blue essence so i can buy rengar
How new are you?
ive played for a few months.. he looks cool and he jumps..
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observing the strategy of the enemy is just a smart thing to do
Only if you be my friend.
sorry i clicked my own post by mistake..
All those ppl should kys
I'm more curious about how you don't know what champions you'd like...
Role ? Current champions you're playing ? Any other games you can draw inspo from ?
Thoughever, you're less than ~300 games, you really don't need to worry about ranked either. Just learn the game first...
that feels like itd be a weird dynamic sorry..
Oh, come on...
she collects them like stamps
i dont think you can even give blue essence anon..
ok guys sorry I'll stop watching the one single lolg stream up atm
>play a worn out whore
no thanks
is it even a lolg stream if its just 1 person playing norms with randos??

It would make more sense if it was at least a full lobby of ya'll or a vg vs
bros she so cute...
nigga there's like 8 people max willing to interact with anyone streaming, last time vbl played a viewer game his stream just instantly died because the only ones to join were the same ones that were watching
>5 stack of lolgs
>all in league voice
that would be a kino stream
you motherfuckers are distracting enough by just being in my lobby I can't imagine actually sitting in a voice chat
thats literally just a any% speedrun to get banned on twitch
what anons are sociable enough for a voicecall?
just 5 na streamers?
Which lolger is the definition of "all paths lead to me"?
Death to all extroverts
i use league voice when playing with lolgs sometimes it's not just the streamers
Lyra could never be this cute...
JFS really is the queen of /lolg/...
Lyra would 100% be more cute and you know it
Then how come she is always a bitch in the thread? I won't even demand that she streams but at least have the decency to cuteposts like Jelly instead of having an overinflated ego despite being mediocre at everything.
she's bpd if you get it you get it if you don't skill issue
Everyone hates me.
BPD femoids and trannies are the worst
Okay Lyra, you are not cute, you are a bitter bitch and jealous of Jelly.
So why do people care about a BPDemon
lyra could be cute if she just went full dere for one anon and only cuteposted
it's not her fault you ungrateful dogs.......
majin and rumia
t. Lyra
Stop being bitter and hateposting on JFS, it makes you look like a massive ungrateful bitch
can we get some vgs going

not really in the mood for some norms with pubs
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League eos doko?
I am NOT lyra I do NOT have to be lyra to defend and appreciate her
Who are you lying to? Lyra has no fans.
me nigga I'm RIGHT here I myself am a nr1 lyra fan
who could fix her
a nice lolg boy
Post IGN then liar. JFS has KG, who does Lyra have?
do we have any
any lolg boy could work the ship dynamic would be a little different depending
>who does Lyra have?
literally no one bitch doesn't even play with me probably doesn't even know I exist
Wait is this drawn by Hans-Sama? I remember tuning into his stream once and it was a drawstream and this looks like his style
I'm no ones fan you fag
I just want /lolg/ friends... Gorilla abandoned me... Wind-up Merchant won't accept me...
What dynamic would each lolg boy have?
KG Is an incel. He only associates with women if they give him sex or dating
don't be an asshole
post all the ones youre interested in

I think it is by him!
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Updated with the Fright Night skins.

How does this make you feel?
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nah but while you noobs get flamed i get glazed?
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Give more Qiyana skins
No, on Saturday they face the winner of KT-FOX, which is in about 6 hours
Stop talking like a nigger.
it's too useful of a term i fear
wtf why
who even are the "lolg boys"
because anon is an incel sperg and shits his pants when other people talk to each other and socialize in the multiplayer game
King Grey
BBC Spammer
like 98% of all the posters??
probaply a gooner that thinks you're a girl and would worship the ground you walk on even if you were 0/22
complimented isn't finna have the rizz that "glazed" does, you fanum taxing my meaning? a closer term is "he rode my meat"
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lost in the race of the dead pilot
one to another
rats in the race of the dead pilot
they lie together
lost in the race of the dead pilot
from one to another
rats in the race of the dead pilot
they lie together
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get ur ass in the game rn THIS IS NOT A DRILL GET IN HERE WE'RE QUEUEING
2015 was truly when the DECLINE began to set in, huh? You can't go one year without some kind of cancer champ from that point on. (2023 was alright.)
who are the lesser known lolg girls
Please stop talking.
are you the same guy complaining about every post?
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GET IN HEEEEREEEEEE RR I swear to god get your ASS in the fucking game RIGHT now
Odds I jerk off (to leave)
Evens I play league
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Remember when there was an in-client chatroom option?
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I'm in a lot of pain tonight and I basically just Qd to try and distract myself from it and level up playing low-effort champs badly in the jungle.

I'll log in to accept it but I'm tired and feel very physically ill right now. I'm going to bed.

Also, you should know that I'm just pretty bad in general.
vgs soon?
please stop
How's Vladimir top right now? I could use an AP pick that isn't Malphite.
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To league *
JFS won
I just got fucked by one, I was Poppy and i don't play her much in High silver so take that with a grain of salt.
>high silver
my tummy hurts bros
that is widwwy not weague of wegends
...the stream nobody wants to watch award
nothing wring with that
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I doodled a Qiqi because of this image and yordlebros arc
Goldkini kino
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So who are your champs gonna be tonight, anon?
what's kysfag's endgame?
This is why no one likes you Lyra.
if jfs and lyra were streaming at the same time I'd have to wish jfs a good stream and fun games etc and be on my way to tune in for the real lolg queen's stream
>end d4 last split
>don't play entire split
>play 1 game
>gold 4
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kindred or gwen probably
maybe some yordles or kda if i'm not fast enough
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Sure you would, Lyra.
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sorry to cut the stream short, but it was late and I was anxious. thanks for dropping by to everyone!
I like asses, but that is a bit much imo.
I'm never 'fast enough' anymore. Shit kinda sucks.
SHE knows I'm not HER so if SHE is reading the thread then SHE will know there is that one single anon out there who cares about her..........
why were you anxious momma?
lol kys
stfu steel
yeah well I'm also not steel thoughbeitever he would never in a million years have the balls to actually defend her in the thread
kys as well
Please don't stream again
your gameplay makes my eyes bleed its like saltyteemo
I'm just a naturally anxious person. it takes a lot of courage every time for me to even turn on the stream, but it's definately worth it with how fun it is to just chill with lolgs
>playing jg Gwen
>have 3 losing lanes
>solokill the enemy viego in his jungle multiple times
>50 cs up on him
>more kills, less deaths, more assists than him
>I got all 6 grubs, herald and 2 drakes, he only got 2 drakes
>he's level 14 and I'm level 13
Yeah uhh what the SNIP this game is bugged or what is that??? I pointed it out in all chat and even he admitted that makes 0 sense? How does jg xp even work? I know catchup XP is a thing but it shouldn't give him an XP LEAD right?.?
Anyways I think I might do a jg arc in ranked next split and see what rank I can get jungling. I've tried this with support (emerald) mid (plat) and top lane (gold). Been having fun jgling lately :o. It's kinda chill plus I can't feed cuz it's pve and my biggest weakness as a player is feeding before I have items. Once I have items I play pretty well and am useful but I just suck at Laning and die constantly lul
so cute...
ok fair

also do please ignore any other anon attempting to refer to you as mommy etc as it was initially my shtick that I invented by myself and have the copyrights to
that's not me. >>494282769 this is me
although I do agree with that anons sentiment. You guys are too hard on lyra
Why am I being flamed...
I still can't tell if people meme with me or not...
it's not flaming if I'm just preaching the truth brother
I just want some people to play with, geez.
hold up adding, dont start without me
I have defended lyra many times and I'm not a coward
we were never friends
>lyra gets to spam hate at jfs every thread
>but don't be too hard on the bully
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well I do feel extreme levels of cringy self awareness now about our argument over who defends lyra the best
Defending a bully doesn't make you a good person.
>defending BPD bitches
Yeah so if you want to avoid feeling cringe don't throw daggers at me for no reason. Because I'm like the rammus of cringe
Defend GAD boys instead.
rumia has nothing in life lol just let em rot bro his entire existence is to be an unironic piece of shit
that pretends he is just a girl pmsing all the time only fat retards fall for this
>I'm like the rammus of cringe
yeah I know man
majin x lyra is attentionwhore central making for a very entertaining thread dynamic but a flash in the pan ends after at most a week
tazmir x lyra is extreme bipolar love, hot and cold on and off every other day but lasts forever they ruin eachother bad end
vbl x lyra is the otp the most attention starved male and female on lolg sharing the spotlight in the end she ruins him true ending
kg x lyra 2 touch starved incels fall for eachother he fixes her happy end
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which lolg is a jeet
explain that one vocaroo she posted once then
alright someone host a fucking vg

im too much of an autist to make a lobby
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>hold up adding
>dont start
Who is me ?!
I still don't know who this is...
dopa down
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I realized I was too ambitious asking for a Henshin Shen skin. So now I want something simple Riot can't mess up.
Keep the rifle or make it a giant gavel? Judgement comes when Twilight dawns.
>happy end
sounds like best outcome
vg vs vg
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>I still don't know who this is...
Not a known name yet fortunately. I don't think I could handle all the criticism and speculation.
>happy end
as fun as that sounds I ain't gay sorry bub
did she even forgive you
Do you remember the Big Game yordle hunter and Road Runner idea, Anon?
>I ain't gay sorry bub
You're literally bisexual. Deciding to make yourself comphet because Riot june'd your champ doesn't erase that you wanted to fuck twinks for years.
vg vs vg +5
>this person would be cute if they completely changed themselves
Yeah it does, people change
kys (keep yourself safe)
vg vs vg +2
how can anyone even get mad at this
>Deciding to make yourself comphet because Riot june'd your champ
>changing your sexuality because of Riot retardation
This is so stupid but I'm not surprised KG did this
it wasn't that, its just something that made me dislike the champion
I want kids, that's really all there is to it
retards just spam "hurr stop namefagging avatarfagging gurrr go back to dischode urrr no one wants to read vgs stuff" as if it's not obvious autist jealousy
Me too, oomfie.
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vg vs vg
why does little timmy keep ruining vgs by playing troll champs
>I want kids, that's really all there is to it
Adoption is a thing unless you're one of those people who only want kids if theres blood relation
*prays that you lose your next league of legends game*
How many people are in this "Discord" you speak of?
I want blood relation
nothing against people who adopt or were adopted themselves I just feel blood is very important
the features I see in myself shared by my parents, grandmother, siblings, that kind of thing is really nice
Should lolgs repressed gays date each other?
there's like 2 including majin
*Dies of tuberculosis instead.*
if everyone is in the "discord clique" then it's not a clique it's a community
No, we must have dynasties.
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buff the yuumi
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Well, how am I supposed to know who to add then !
New champ?
So funny how this game just does not put you in a post game lobby anymore.
Have a literal griefer you need to report? Too bad. No lobby for you. Go to our website and file a support ticket to report them.
Dogshit client.
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Why would you want to add me?
>boomers like this slop
threadly reminder that dying to darius is 100% consensual and if you don't let him kill you he simply can't!
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If Lyra has 5 million fans I am one of them.
If Lyra has ten fans I am one of them.
If Lyra has only one fan, then that is me.
If Lyra has no fans, that means I am no longer alive.
If the world is against Lyra, I am against the world.
what if i want the monions
>that filename
>with a fat whale
nah I'm good
He's not that fat.
>lvl809 account
>first times senna in my ranked game
>ends game with 11 vision score
>lowest damage
>lowest gold income(220gpm)
>lowest damage taken

yep i am thinking it's not artificial
I am mainly playing norms until the next split anyways, so anything goes ofc. One less random to play with seems like a good choice.
Though I am still learning adchud, so I'm finna int for the next month or four.

Oh... Okay.
how would matchmaking know he was gonna first time senna
>I am mainly playing norms until the next split anyways, so anything goes ofc. One less random to play with seems like a good choice.
>Though I am still learning adchud, so I'm finna int for the next month or four.
Your friend hates me, I think.
they're pretty open about wanting to be under a desk here
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dude i just played quickplays for a few days then swap back to ranked to get lower quality matches
enemy is on a bot account, talk to them after match to ask him something he says i was fucked anyways cause he was 280lp master
senna is literally unable to use a fucking item, he just afks and sometimes randomly does
midlane goes afk halfway through cause something came up

it's fucking retarded, i am trying to explain my support how to use his class item in a d4 game
do you understand how fucking retarded is this?
I think we're making excuses now...
>>lowest damage taken
That's a good thing!
I don't know what this means.
means he literally has no friends and hasn't even played the game with anyone so far
me on the left
me and who
Ye what >>494287010 said; I normally don't play with people. It can affect mental if the other(s) complains too much, and I really don't like tilting or blame shifting !
I just want someone to talk to.
youre sounding a lil desperate
you sure you dont wanna sissymode and find a bf?
bro go outside then lmao
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I can't help but feel this is a spiteful comment.
it really isn't but it was the exact kind of response I knew you'd be getting from everyone else which is why I had pity for you
do you wanna talk to someone or not? then go out and meet someone to talk to.
has mid ever been a priority role in the history of lol of legends
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>Waiting for Friend
>Lurk in thread for a sec
>See orbital namedrop me again
>"Oh holy crap I suddenly got a friend invite"

That's being said >>494287472
Are you chill?
autists look like THAT?
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I'm going to bed. /lolg/

Apologies to everyone with a fade haircut.
fake autists that lie about being autistic on tiktok despite being a micro celebrity who gets 250x the attention an average normal person gets
are you....gatekeeping autism?
it's not a fade actually if you look for more than 2 seconds you'll realize that the haircut doesn't fade downwards like a fade would as the name implies, it's a non fade undercut
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Kinda lost the entire game off this one trade
If I lived I won it though so it is waht it is
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vg result
kinda sucked

another up
autism isnt a title you earn by being a loser its a disorder
I told you I am Stil Novo
>are you....gatekeeping autism?
yes if someone can "have autism" yet deal with inhumane levels of attention flooding to them while also being functional enough to maintain their "superhot sexy model" status then they're not actually autistic
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*looks at you with my autistic eyes*
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To the one who plays lor
Can get aurelions fragment on the new 0 stars adventure?
how do you even join this thing? I wanna try and play with you tards.
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I'm half Persian, if that counts.
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vg vs vg bets

the game goes up instantly when the post does so good luck

go into play -> join custom lobby -> type vg vs vg and hit refresh

the password is vidya

after this game ill do a 3-5 minute break so u can get ready
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alright I try and join
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Yordlebro koko da. Were you looking for me, anon?
Very Kino Quinoa, Qiqianon. Sexo
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>autistic desperate retard begging in the thread for friends
>decide to add him out of bare pity after someone tells him to kill himself for saying "I just wanted friends"
>start the conversation off about anxiety disorder and possible interest in abusing drugs to cope with it
>think np everyone can have anxiety
>suggest actually talking and interacting with people to help anxiety
>talks about not going outside at all
>barks two unsolicited insults towards me within 15 minutes of talking
>responds "oh I'm sorry did you want to date me" after I don't take the insults very well
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do you have a catbox or somethign with all your yordles? I only use to save your yordles but now I want your annies as well.
It's probably just a coincidence but I always get really bad nightmares whenever I'm sleeping and you guys post hateful things about me.
I'm sorry for what I did in the past but I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't want to get hurt
I'm sorry so please don't think evil thoughts about me anymore
bitch why don't you ever see me posting the nice stuff for fucking once
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I lost most of them due to a drive failure, but I'll upload some for you, give me a second
Don't groom him
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This game pisses me off so much.
>Play a lot jungle because can sway games easier
>Don't have the macro for it
>stick with top because sick of relying on supports who either refuse to follow-up or engage when at low health
>Go top and dominate only to had mid and bot feed the jinx and LB 13 kills by 11 minutes
Picrel fuck the bronze-silver elo.
I climb out of it back to gold / platinum every single season and being in bronze/silver is absolute negative enjoyment every single time. I fucking hate the brainrot here.
I've never said anything bad about you
I'll take this retard reddit faggot shit over the BBC cuckposting anyday of the week
>>Go top and dominate only to had mid and bot feed the jinx and LB 13 kills by 11 minutes
yeah the trick here is to conserve your TP and hyperroam to mid so you can babysit midlane and potentially tp bot to instantly turn around a fight

does it feel fair? no it really feels like a fucking chore being the team's mommy and babysitting them against the mean mean opponents on top of having to win your lane

does it work? yes it does
>adding a sissy retard from lolg
lol lmao even
fr nigga fuck me for having pity on desperate losers
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I had a wet dream yesterday about humanity girl using my throat as a fleshlight for her thick 8inch punisher. She was incredibly rough, basically going hard enough to have her balls slap against my chin with each trust. Not allowing me to breathe until she climaxed and spit on my face after pulling her cock out of my throat and rubbing her thick member on my face. Giggling to herself she then shoved her cock down my throat and pissed...
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>dunkmaster daddy
soldier of christ why art thou hidden? reveal thyself
ummmmmm but humanity girl is a girl and girls don't have 8 in throbbing veiny cocks?
wtf, fizz should have killed jinx there or maybe lower her hp bar to at least 1 hp. Wtf is riot doing?
how are you guys having wet dreams about each other when no one knows what tye other looks like
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fastforward next match, my karma is almost getting outdamaged by maokai
i unironically lost to maokai + smolder (both 44% winrate) because this afk'd through the whole game

i genuinely don't believe that i lost the support lottery 6 games in a row this hard
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you could put me in solitary confinement for 40 years and if after that the only person in the world i could talk to was sorakaspammer i still wouldn't do it
I don't really imagine anything visual but I might be dreaming of cuddling lyra to sleep when I go to bed
airing this all out on lolg tells me you're not the kind of person anyone would want to be friends with desu
Do I get Briar or Tahm Kench
I did think it would be rude of me to air it out in the thread but then he decided to bark some more snarky insults at me IN the thread after our short lived exchange
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always bet on briar
what's wrong with people that play tanks/bruiserchuds? just low iq?
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What the fuck is this?
but think of the free erp and sissy play he offers
you don't ask a question treating tanks and bruisers as if they were similar enough to be put in the same category

people hate tanks because they scale off of retarded shit like %max hp damage and armor and whatnot, it's really disgusting to have a "tank" that can somewhy dish out enough damage to 3v1 while soaking up thousands

bruisers idk about the general opinion but most of them have weird retarded gimmicks built into their kit, illaoi sharts out her tentacles everywhere in a lane and they respawn instantly every time you break one, their AoE isn't telegraphed properly (the shown area is slightly smaller than the actual area in which you can get hit), she heals a fuckton off of the tentacle hits, her only window of weakness is either through 1-3 or 1-6 depending on your champion, she can harass into turret range, survive a 2-3-4-5v1 and the majority of the suggested outplay method is "just fucking run away and come back" as if you don't lose hp in the process of running and coming back, or that window doesn't give her free time to fly out to mexico before you can come back etc etc

tldr; bruisers have retardedly complicated/little to no outplay
Sorry this is kinda silly, but hey you can always crop them right? Sorry lol
Did they nerf the damage/healing on Unending despair for the tank patch?
i wasn't even saying i hate them tbqhwy just that champs like ornn and malphite are the same category of boring NPC as sett or volibear
i am muted

Ornn at least has some combos to learn that require some precision
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bless you
super saiyan champ?
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But I don't groom people.
Damn, built like Kobayashi Kanna
Lunar Nasus.
honestly I'd say at least sett has a tiny bit more of counterplay allowed than the other three, as long as you sidestep his naenae you should be fine

recommended counterplay to volibear? do micro nanosecond trades before he lands his W2 then you just run, stay 900 units away from your minions so his passive statikk shiv doesn't poke you etc

just bare retarded that people even accept this sorta shit as something normal, compare these to literally any other class in game

>just dodge the spells and maybe land some cc then burst them down
>easy pickings without peel or if caught mispositioned
>also easy pickings with a tiny bit of cc if they're not fed
>60% of the toplaners?
>you have to do a pole dance for .68 microseconds before his E3 procs into his passive and then you'll have to sidestep and defuse the nuclear bomb through the minigame before it stunlocks you and then land 2 autos and leave before his cooldowns are back up again
dont mind these losers, lets go off into our terrible and bad end....
maybe you had to do it but im sad you nerfed annies panties in the back
Nerfed? You want just a string, anon?
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the full sets
I'm pretty sure dudes who do that are pure bored and lonely trolls. I can't imagine anyone doing that in earnest.
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vg vs vg result

another up in 4 minutes like i promised that 1 guy

hey that 1 guy pay attention im not gonna ping u tho
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Name drop them
China rules USA
hey if you're reading this i just want you to know i fucking hate you you piece of fucking shit never talk to me again
are you going to play vgs tonight?
You're always nice to me Lyra
I think you're a good person
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>darius system muted
>16k dmg
vg vs vg

>hey that 1 guy pay attention im not gonna ping u tho
I'm so ready
>next game
>my ali fails 3 combos
>dies randomly
>opens botlane at lvl3
>but win because enemy had 2 disconnects

dude what the fFUUFUUUCK is this match quality? griefers LITERALLY EVERY GAME
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I'm in
we LOVE inters in vgs
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vg vs vg bets

i might have oopsied the lobby we will see

relax its some euro let him have fun
we love euros here
open borders :)
Is this the Good Fish?
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>first legendary in the past 10 months that isn't a duplicate and i bought every single pass and used tokens for orbs
atleast it's cool, shame i have like 2 pyke games only
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yes, it's the one that doesn't hurt people
All in on Lyra
you wanna be my gf babe?
kinda feels boring not being part of dramas or being name dropped
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>mfw that one lolig artist posts yordles/poppy/zoe
I don't know how to type your name chinkbro
hehe I get it
no, you dont, no one does
>no si17

What is even the point
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Oh yeah? What do you call this?
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it's evil Nami that is living inside cute Nami's head, don't worry about it unless you have spare fingers
whoa whoa, put her down
Why are Jhin and Nami in so much art together? They don't even have that good of synergy.
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vg vs vg

another up
>be the only winning lane despute being camped all game
>explain to jg and his top duo that camping top's losing lane is not helping and he should make time for other lanes/objectives
>they both take offense to this
>we lose of course but not before the 6/19 duo held hostage
why do people take such offense to being their lane is losing? it's a literal fact
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Its Briar's birthday today
Happy Birthday Briar :]
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briar sweep!!!
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Thanks yordlebro
I was actually asking for if you wanted to see that Qiqi is all dw
She's actually kind of cute. In a bitey sort of way.
Thank you...
why is briar so sex
Hope I did mantheon proud
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Straight women shipping amounts to girl I think is literally me x guy I want to have sex with
With no deeper thoughts
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vg vs vg bets
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I dunno what it is with this game recently but it's legit not even fun to win a "hard fought" game where I'm just dragging 4 retards to a W.
It just feels like work.
I legit get more enjoyment trying to (without triggering an autoban) make my team lose when they deserve to lose.
People watching an MF ult hitting baron, having a full two second window where he could smite to kill it but he just doesn't press the button.
The team boosted egirl read: Support player first timing a champ after watching a youtube video from several months and patches ago.
The duo boosted ADC and mid going out of their way to hand an Irelia of all champs every single bounty they get so I can't even deal with her because BotRK and her kit is balanced.

I can go as far as telling the enemy team if they go all 5 mid my ult will mysteriously be on cooldown but then they just don't do it and keep splitting and throw the game.

Hate League players
why is this game so blue
da ba di da ba di
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yeah, just don't put your fingers near her
just in case
If it was green it would die
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all on annie
Stop giving burgers to Annie, she's way too chubby
Ah, np qiqinon
Goldekini sure look better on a Caramel goddess like Qiqi
>Down in a level
>Down in items
>Down in cs
>Still do same amount of damage

How / Why'd Sivir lose this... ?
The power of adchuds do not make any sense to me still.
bird milk...
>gets hit by every ability
>sivir building on-hit instead of lethality
gee i wonder
But we want to pet her.
ugh i hate that braum emote sm
Sivir isn't a real champ it just exists to afk shove waves to stall games for 50 mins and coinflip it all on one teamfight where u give ur allies speed
i think crit builders need stuff like ie to actually do their damage, theyre kind of balanced around it, ezrael just finishes triforce and its a massive powerspike and also she got hit by all the skillshots
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don't worry, I'll do it in your behalf
If I was better at using my emotes, I would've peace signed her...
>Thinking I know what adchuds build, or what their items actually do
I see I see...
Should I be playing more aggro as soon as I finish TriForce even when behind like that game ?
Though at that point I kind of checked out because I was getting 3-4 man dived like every 2 minutes...
That's fine, she just hast to get more exercise. Something that really gets the heart going, y'know?
Her walk animation is actually kind of crazy with the hip sway.
How'd you get those?!
Is there such a thing as an ARAM Challenger? Because I think I might be one
They're in the store right N O W
Unironically, ARAM MMR is hidden though.
>get Pantheon in ARAM
>win whenever I get my third item
Bruh this champion is fucking stupid.
bruh u win the moment u get hubris on pantheon
>get Pyke in ARAM
>get a quadra with his ult 5 mins into the game and print infinite gold for my team
I fucking hate ARAM sometimes
Wtf I didn't even know Hubris was an item that existed.
I buy it for Varus in ARAM sometimes
>get teemo in aram
>do nothing but place shrooms behind me to stall the game out for 30 minutes until my team wins
now u do :3
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vg vs vg result

another up in a couple minutes
>system muted
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She was intentionally designed to be bottom-heavy
vg vs vg
Sivir hits one Q and 9 autos
Ezreal used a summoner spell
He only auto'd two times less, but hit 3 Qs, one of which was amped by his W.
He has Triforce
Sivir has...that...build...

I dunno seems like a mystery to me
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lookin real fuckable sissy
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vg vs vg bets
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I think I'm dying /lolg/
Hmm... Like what? What would we need to see?
Holy shit I wish I had a Seraphine gf to give me transcendental head like this
Bitch looking like Sid from Ice Age with that eye gap
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what's wrong zoposter?
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Elise's voice is sexo so I'm all inning on red team
is this ai? wtf
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Take some pills and lay down
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I ate it, sorry anon.
leblanc so cute
>last split d4
>this split plat 4 28% winrate
it's fucking frightening man
it's genuinely scary
i am far better than what i was but i have less rating than i had 3 years ago
it's fucking scary because i don't know how the fuck i can move from here
almost every game we have an afk, support consistently opens botlane on lvl3,jungler is gapped by 100cs every 2nd game
it's fucking frightening because i don't know what to do on ADC
i have zero agency over the game, absolutely none when i have to play 1v2/3
did they?..
I did not eat mine, but it's still a snack
annie won
>Be Amumu
>level 8
>Have sunfire cape
>Run into Nasus who is level 6, has nothing but a hatchling
>Lose the duel because his Q's are still hitting me for 25% of my HP

It's already embarrassing how bad Riot is at game design.
What? What did she win
And then you come here to have redditors tell you all about how OP your role is. It's getting more hard nerfs btw, IE is going back to being garbage next patch, they want to nerf botrk some more, and they already nerfed all lethality items for ranged.
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Learning adchud after playing support is honestly infuriating. I don't see how adchud mains can do it. I swear, every other game I'm mental booming.
Whereas if I'm on support, I'm okay, all games are coin flip, and it's a lot easier to play4fun.
But adchud... Team already says that I'm useless during the laning phase with their lack of help, and my support doing dumb things, so I might as well split push all game. Team doesn't need me (^:
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wait a sec...
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ah yordlebro fucked up the portal trick, gotta tell him to fix it.
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What do you think of her new look?
I dont like it.
They're enemies with benefits so yes they probably.
Looks like shit.
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>no more booba, thighs, hips, or scary eyes
it's just a ploy to sell skins
default can't be too revealing now
Looks bad and she looks older. I think they covered up Leblanc in the card game too.both of them unnecessary.
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vg vs vg result

another up
>when majin performs everyone else lets him down
honorable no fear game
tf is that cope nunu build
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vg vs vg bets
I built deathcap first intending to go full ap and then I got instantly killed from full by gragas abuser so I decided to go full mr
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Tyty. Nah I think I like it best on the msgks, in hindsight maybe i shouldve gone for a brattier expression..
Is this chinaman really locking garen and full sweat spitpushing all game every game
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>my team's face when I don't 1v4 for drag because the enemy team's mid and bot lane actually rotate and help their jungler take objectives while my sit in their lane doing literally doing for 20 minutes
>is this chink going to play like a chink
What do you think?
why is every Nunu player a psychopath?
Is it done
I mean the character revolves around literally kamikazing yourself into the other team so if that playstyle is unappealing to you you won't like him
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vg result

im going to bed
tune in next time
vg vs vg na vidya
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Down with the Chinese and Vayne players.
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I'll be back with my briar mid for the next vg vs vg
Plz don't this champ gets picked so much in vgs it gets really stale and old plz try out a different champ
Better face and art style. Worse literally everything else.
Her design is great, and I'm glad they stayed with it.
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UGH I love my gf so much it's unreal...
Champ for this feel?
If you mention rakan you're dust...
Teemo because he loves his cute gf Morgana
Kinda super cute pairing...
Some of them are really nice but I'm not spending money on fucking emotes in 2024 on a game that's about to die...

Wait is this your work Qiqianon? This is SO good!! Qiqi has been doing her giga squats, very nice...
tfw I am too sleepy to play league
Gn lads..
Gn Nantochadchuu...
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Ty qkm
Always gotta make sure her booty is phat lol
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I might hit silver today idk no promises

>b-buh you said that last time too?
yeah and I could've if someone didn't decide to shit their pants on african levels of lag in my matches
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Wtf how
I didn’t even post briar
you say the funny bri tish word
Giga based...

The "gn lads" is kinda your catchphrase on stream...
bimbo granny
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>this champ gets picked so much in vgs
as she should be
guess I can try something else next time
Great job my nigger.
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ummmmmmmm thanks?
i finally remembered to press zhonya's in a fight
that's the improvement. even got a penta as a reward...

t. iron retard
>the day my chat restriction is over on Azakana
>see this on on other account
I donnooooo, seems pretty me targeted desu. Suck my dick riot.
>nuhours where eu babbies are asleep and na babbies are about to go to bed
how cute
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I didn’t even notice… I thought we all used “lads”…
I heard you've been going around spreading the word of "jeggy the [unspecified champion] main guy" mister nanto.. had my cover blown the other day.....
Have you tried not typing?
Yeah it's too hard.
i need team 1 to kyssss lol
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I one trick Briar and I am NOT a footfag
Just disable chat.
>I am NOT a footfag
>posts inarguably the best footfag image every single thread
its ok briarbro play who you want
anons just get emotional and assmad when they lose to certain champs
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What is the sauce for this picture?
Help me, my children are starving
is AI slop probably from twitter
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eep well nanto-chan.....
My winrate on the champ is 75%
Can you say the same?
I can tell from the build
It's AIslop but here
It's a sign to stop playing on this shit meme account and to climb on your real one.
>AI slop
>blacked as far as the eye can see
Is this the spammers twitter?
no he's just following a bunch of blacked edit twatter accounts
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No this is
playing in niggalow for a considerable amount of time probably gives you brain damage from the unusually stupid moves done by the players here like waiting in a bush for 45-50 seconds just so they can catch a 300 gold kill instead of properly utilizing their time
He probably has every BBC League artist on speed dial.
>BBC League artist
literally don't exist it's either AI slop or they copy paste tattoo pngs over someone else's art
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I can still appreciate nice art even if the fetish doesn't pander to me
literally what WON'T lolg complain about
>I can still appreciate nice art of briar stepping on my cock barefoot without having a foot fetish
Right. Of course.
from a toplaner perspective that doesn't really work out tbdesu, I get zero tilt from being dove by 4 nolife losers that are effectively wasting their time while they could be generating much more gold and whatnot for their team

what's really tilting as a toplaner is having a good matchup only to get ganked on your first fight and losing first blood, you come back thinking np I still outkit then you get ganked again, then again, then you see the enemy jungler botside but turns out now it's their support roaming

really just makes you want to lube up and bend over and be like "here you go mister"
nta but I like the pic too. it's got a very painterly style to it that I'd like to imitate. and I don't even like briar or feet
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>I don't even know a very basic concept like impressionism but I'm quite an artist myself nyes I would like to learn this style
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wtf is this crap
I'm a beginner. yes
warning letter you get for failing to accept in queue
the physical copy will arrive in two weeks shipping paid by receiver
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let me guess you draw cel shaded anime girls and league champions
these fucking retards didn't animate kai'sa's walking animations properly and her feet glide on the floor a little bit and it annoys me so fucking much
how do i play against silvers as an iron retard
what are the typical mistakes for silver elo
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nta but yeah whatcha gonna do about it kid
why are you playing against silvers as an iron retard?
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we all start somewhere. getting back oj track you can't deny it's a well made briar pic
>whatcha gonna do about it kid
collect evidence and release a video essay on my art blog making fun of you
>tfw lots of artist anons in thread
>I have to learn shading and highlighting for my minis
>have had them primered all day and didnt put any paint on whatsoever
you ever get this feeling like youll fuck up something so bad you discourage yourself from trying again?
>unranked to challenger stream
>acc starts emerald

If you don't start in bronze/silver what's even to showcase
>mocking people on your art blog
way to lose all your followers
>KT vs FOX
>marksman mid
>apc bot
This meta is a joke
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>you can't deny it's a well made briar pic
it's not bad, nothing over the top about the style nor the coloring but that 3D POV feeling of the image is really just psychological

solo lane marksman are fun to play althoughbeitever I hope the next split killing off bruisers and assassins make it viable for me to play kalista top
feel embarassed to bring up art discussion since I didn't finish that one anon's request yet
you could just not accept a request waitlist
instead of asking for requests, getting filled up, completing one or two, and then ignoring the backlog to do new requests you get every time you post you could just do a few per thread
you might then have someone request the same thing over and over even though you just dont want to do it however
I don't have a waitlist it's just one request I was gonna make which I'm sure the person would still appreciate if I just finished the piece but I couldn't really come up with anything unique for it atm and I feel braindead just reapplying the same style and technique for every single piece over and over again
just do it, the anon isnt going to care when theyre getting a free piece of art
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yes honey
lolg should /ic/ more often. it's way better than oatmeal, bbc, or avatar spamming
the yordleposter only does lewd requests, if you arent doing one of those im sure your anon will appreciate it even if it looks just like a bunch of your other shit
>copy paste tattoo pngs over someone else's art
This is one of the things that pisses me off most about Blackedfaggots.
Too mentally retarded to make anything themselves, so the ruin someone elses work.
Not accepting 2 or 3 times results in timeouts to "prevent stream sniping"
No I hate that account

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