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This is someones birthday.

Upcoming tournaments(PLEASE JOIN):

EU tournament
September 21st (Saturday) 12pm PT / 7pm GMT
NA tournament
September 21st (Saturday) 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET

Big meaty notes

Versusia Character Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2OoiGWYFUk [Embed]


>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Vikala (october) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.
https://youtu.be/4GqEX6Eqr34 [Embed]

New Belial Battle Pass Costume:
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Anre, Seox, Neechang
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous Thread: >>493968669
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Reminder to all Cagliostro mains
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Metera players every time someone gets within f.L distance of them.
>get a thread the last 30 minutes
Based anon, thanks.
We shidded on him...
He bought it upon himself but I couldn't help but feel sympathy when he started crying, it just felt fucked up.
66Lover... MY HERO
hes always asking but ive never seen him in it..
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Thread saved
>simple inputs in MVC2 rerelease
we won..
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give me the mugs
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This game needs more female Harvins
these mugs seem like they would be awkward to drink out of.
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This game needs Satyr
extended meaty
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*bottom ones you*
that's not Ferry
that's not Yuel
This game needs to release a second Narmaya
That's not Vane
fuck off vagger you're not even in the conversation
I fought you today. I was Siggy Wiggy.
>he struggles against Vane
two fucking neechangs
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Why is she cross-eyed?
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We need this one
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Galleon next season.
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Gachafags, how did nee-chan lose her left eye?
bukake gone wrong
every face Yuel makes is :3
she didn't
Can you prove that?
Show me ONE (1) picture where you can see it.
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two mamas
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holy shit
No. Someone post the double ko pic of the two Yuel's doing the
I knew it.
You asked for a picture and I provided it. I won.
That's cheating...
>we fwip
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at first glance I missed the second hand and thought Narmilf was massaging her breast
You could scam people harder than an Indian call center
I'll eat Narmaya's pussy like I'm a fucking Haitian
I would come out the other end a husk of a man
>I would come out the other end
Oh ho ho... no... no, you wouldn't.
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Why are we dead?
Dead game
Doesn't Belial want to fuck literally anything and everything?
how in the fuck is Belials instant low kick that can hit you from 2 miles away fair i want to claw my eyes out
There's nothing wrong with a 7 frame low 2M that's plus on block.
He needs it
ryona knights,
surely someone has drawn her in a onesie of her derpy dragon form.
>threads reach bump limit in a day
there are plenty of actual dead generals
his 2M is a low because his 2L isn't and also his 2L is -4 on block instead of -2 so it's fair that his 2M is plus.
please ignore the fact that his 2L is the longest 5F normal in the game.
>how in the fuck is belials [anything] fair
it's not, there's a massive homo who constantly daydream about being his bottom at Cygames is all.
cant his 2l cancel into itself/something else like all of the others?
I meant to explicitly say pajama onesie because there are some weirdos who use onesie when they meant a nightie/negligee. And as cute as that could be I don't want to see the derpy dragon in that.
>because his 2L isn't
yes, it's not a low. tickling your opponent's shins won't make them trip.
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that's also :3 howbeit
Yuel's mouth is making me act unwise
If anything, I'm surprised this general is still somewhat active. And by that I mean filled with people that play the game.
The power of a good game and extremely hot gacha pussy.
But we're not getting any of that in this game, just twinks
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Excuse you, we got the best girl of all when Rising released.
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You spoiled little children.
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Not yet we haven't.
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shes on her way
Any tips for Versusia as Zooey? I'm having trouble getting in. Her buttons outrange mine and having to constantly respect EX pillar limits my dragon usage.
Some of us aren't pedophiles
How can mere dragons hope to rival the power of a god? I hope one of the onion players replies to you
pretend to walk and block against zoning until she burns H pillar then start running the jump/623X/j22X roulette. if you have dragon meter to burn you can use it on H dragon for an easy gap closer if she doesn't have H pillar.
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Yes, I want people to suffer against Abelial.
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Your loss
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L dragon is your friend in the matchup to prevent her from getting install for free
outside of that, it's not a good matchup.
EX pillar has a decent length cooldown and you can spotdodge it if you are reacting to the EX flash. Not specifically the move, but there isn't anything else shes going to throw out at full screen that causes the flash. It's really hard to react to, but the fullscreen option of her is pretty much limited to EX pillar, so it's basically a training mode setup.
She has a unique interaction with 623H where it's only 0 on block against her and only against her, which puts you in an unfavorable strike/throw mix since shes throw invul from the blockstun. So it's pretty much garbage in the matchup.
66H is always punishable against her, and she gets a full corner carry if she has install, so refrain from using it ever against her.
Your best bet is to try and show her in a corner and throw L dragon in her face while doing strike throw and hope she eventually dies. try to end your combos in 5U>6X or ult dragon to keep your dragon meter up.
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Who do i watch to learn a better yuel? or are there any good Yuel players here
How do you play against Ladiva
BC his headbutt
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Ferry is very pretty
have a dp
That's only if she standing blocks though, and also 623H beats all her specials, so I would say it's actually quite good against her.
Use good pokes and keep her out.

Hold up at the end of her knockdown if she has super
thats very true but it doesnt help me
>That's only if she standing blocks though
She will be in neutral
You could watch Kiwi, he's a high level Yuel player
She is, yes
Why do newfaggots always play Zooey?
Don't get hit because one 2L can corner carry you fullscreen
Be careful about using moves that can be rolled through because Ladiva can cancel their roll into command grab
If Ladiva does something that's plus you probably want to brave counter rather than take the mixup
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i slept like garbage today
Go back to sleep then.
Guess better. Dp/reversal the headbutt. BC if you don't have an option and its going to lead to you dying or guessing for game. You are guessing the moment you get hit from C.L/C.M/66L. You are guessing on a light headbutt that connects. Ladiva is plus on medium headbutt if you let them get away with it. Ladiva is in range on a few knockdowns to whiff 66l and force you to guess. Crouch a lot. Spotdodge blue lariat. You can basically do anything to avoid the reversal headbutt.
As the other anon said just never let them get in so you never have to play the grappler game. Backdashing is throw immune if you weren't aware.
if i sleep anymore my sleep schedule will be fucked which will lead to even more shitty sleep sessions
Please tell me her mom is single...
>Sleep for 5hrs
>Wakeup feeling refreshed
>Sleep for 8hrs
>Wakeup feeling like death
>Go to bed early
>wakeup multiple times throughout the night
Sleeping is a meme.
I can only sleep for about 2 hours a night I am so jealous of you.
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Ass Magnum
Arse magma
What're you on?
They started me on ssri when I was 7 years old.
>go to bed at 2 am
>can't fall asleep for 2 hours for god forsaken reason, feeling all hot
>say fuck it and sit on pc for an hour and a half
>go to bed at 6 in the morning
>sleep about 6 hours
feel like death
Dragons. The answer is always dragons.
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>tfw no nice bed
Get some sleep aids.
they will not add this character to the playable roster (sad)
>Get some sleep aids.
only if they look like this >>494184416
Peco housewife never ever
Kokkoro housedaughterwife never ever
I'm hoping that cygames as I am told truly never learns their lesson. We might get the pricon fighter.
Same but every day
I don't think I've woken up well rested in at least 20 years so I think it's made up
>Another generic swordfighter
Who cares.
I want the slayer function
Instead of having triple attacks it's all links
Delayed wakeup is added to the game. What changes?
That already exist when you choose to not tech anon
>the man that is supposed to save granblue can't even get masters with new kat
bros we are FUCKED
>cant stay asleep irl
>cant stay asleep in the game
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What? Why are you retards so obsessed with Smashtards?
like he said, granblue is good now.
kind of funny he could get master with the other 4 but not kat.
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What do you mean? He did get her to masters
wtf... anon why did you LIE
You can't tech hard knockdown
Damn I'm a liar
I watched up to the point where he failed a promo and ragequitted into sf6 so I was like, this man is cooked
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mashed potato...
Don't post that nigger after what he did to our girl
soriz has one of the sickest raging strike animations.
It's just his UOH from Versus
soriz still has one of the sickest raging strike animations.
But that's Vira though, she just plunges her sword through your skull
nice fang
This is the face of a mentally healthy person.
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>tfw this used to proc red nade so it was plus, combo on hit, still destroyed throws
If they ever brought UOH back would they reuse RS animations for the new characters or give them new ones? Some like Anila definitely don't fit an overhead
Are there any more Nierfags, or did they all quit? I wanted to ask about how to improve the pressure game, cause I'm starting to get exposed real quick, was wondering what situations I should start slotting Ultimate Skills in more, and how to effectively frame trap opponents with the light Misfortune, or if that's even a viable strat.
Sex with LIch
Fuck Lich
Marry Bikki
Kill Nier
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I'm having a color crisis right now.
Versusia with human skin looks weird.
I use 12 for the reference but 7 and 8 are nice too.
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>this is someone's dietitian
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I know that color 20 has black sclera but it looks to me like Versusia is doing pic related.
20 is my favorite because of the eyes. 3, 5, 6 and 10 are pretty good too. She has a few good ones to pick out of, and a few absolutely terrible ones.
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>watching Kamiji
>he's like half seething about Cag's 2U because he lost to one doing 2U into SSBA
>actually after testing he calms down because it's a 11 frames and realizes it's kinda ok and that's it
>tests others
>some characters have retarded long ass 2Us but they're 11 frames
>others have 7 fucking frames ones but they're melee
which characters have the best 2Us? I always thought Charlotta's not bad, 9 frames but advances her forward.
Anyone EU wants to play
Sure. Lobby or room?
All the same to me, you pick
Lobby then, I guess.
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Man this place just fucking dies when I'm not here to generate discussion
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me last thread...
>don't play <fighting game I really like> for a few weeks
>watch a tournament for <fighting game I really like>
>think "man, that's such a great game, now I want to play it again"
>don't play Rising for a few weeks
>watch a Rising tournament
>think "man, am I glad I don't have to deal with that shit anymore"
Yeah I think quitting was the right decision
>the universal thing: he's not playing any fighting game
keep watching cuck
Yeah, that way we don't have to suffer your shitty posts either
I got only 58 last thread
Why does Zane have Dudeakoff in his pool but Socky just has random shitters?
Sieg's is pretty damn good. You get the best of both worlds with fast start-up and excellent range on the second hit. It's a truestringing multi-hit low as well, so it blows up people mashing reversals. The two hits make it super-easy to hitconfirm. The only weak part about is that the overall duration is very long, making it really bad on whiff.
Dudeakoff is ass
I beat his Luci with my day 3 versusia two sets in a row
styop nyoticing...
Dudeakoff is a random shitter
I feel like they're both washed as FUCK, they were carried and it shows.
Sonic-san and Fitizen still have Siegfried, not sure if they're washed too.
can someone explain me why you can't reversal those attacks?
because its a true blockstring

you can't DP while in blockstun anon...
people complain a lot about lance's slide
and nier, yeah that shit was absurd
ok but
if I can act the DP can come out in 1 frame no???
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you need to think...about the other player....maybe they're tired or not feeling well....maybe your win...wasn't a real win after all....
Nier, remove the plastic bag from your head... Your last boyfriend tried to suffocate you...
Okay, here goes.
When you are in blockstun, you are unable to take any actions, but will automatically block any attacks until you leave blockstun. For example, if you block the first hit of an autocombo, you will always block the following two hits of it as well.
The exception to this are true blockstring (meaning that there is no gap where the opponent is not in blockstun) overheads and lows. Those can still hit you even when you are in blockstun, so you still need to hold down to block lows, and not hold down to block overheads.
Most DP and super reversal inputs require you to not hold down when you do them. Because of this, you can't block lows while you are mashing them, meaning you will get hit by a low thats part of a true blockstring. All characters in the game can take advantage of this with the low autocombo ender. Since it's a truestring low, it will beat DP attempts. The same goes for multihitting low moves, like Beatrix 22H/U and Siegfried 2U. There are also some DPs that can be done while crouching, and those can be mashed in these situations without getting hit, you will simply keep blocking in that case.
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Nier deserves to get married for this alone
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I'm so retarded
thank you, makes perfect sense

another thing you probably know: zeta has a new setup thing with her j.U where she jumps directly above you and immediately starts spamming j.U, it looks it hits me even if I think I'm guarding, is that another case of "you're trying to DP but you're not guarding anymore in a blockstring" or just me being retarded and not guarding at all?
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true blockstrings serve ZERO purpose outside some setups, the whole point of a blockstring is trying to bait out a counter...
grimnir-seonbae... get to master already... stop doing GM tier setups and combos on S ranks...
I haven't played a Zeta who does that, so I can't be certain what you are referencing. But I do know Zeta has what is known as a f-shiki (also known as a fuzzy overhead) setup. Essentially, there are overheads that would only hit a standing opponent, making them rather weak. However, your character's animation and hurtbox isn't fully synced with your inputs when in blockstun, so there are situations/setups where you can block low while still having a standing hurtbox, allowing you to be opened up by an overhead that would not hit a crouching opponent. Most characters can actually do this, but only a select few like Zeta and Grimnir can get combos from it, so you don't see it that often.
Here's a video of it:
The Bea first blocks high to block the jump-in, then switches to blocking low due to Zeta landing, only for Zeta to immediately jump again and hit Bea with an overhead that connects because Bea's hurtbox hasn't been updated to the crouching one yet. Is this what you were thinking of?
exactly that one thank you
High impact sexual Grimnir.
Nier had a boyfriend? I'm okay with mental illness but used goods is where i draw the line
niia is a little past used goods anon
she has a body count in the triple digits anon
GGs anon, sorry for being so laggy.
ggs anon
I'm sorry about the ping, I played you other times in ranked etc and it was fine, maybe my net is fucked today
did this patch change how people automatically airtech? I feel like the trajectory is slightly different than i remember.
It's all good, it's just a shame because I 100% did you dirty sometimes because of the ping
Both figuratively and literally, >>494206781 is right after found the closet where she keeps her previous boyfriends' corpses. He joined them immediately after.
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What if I had multiple boyfriends...?
What if I kissed multiple boys and cocks...?
What if I sparred in the /gbvsg/ lobby with multiple anons?

I deserve love... And if you don't give it to me willingly... I will take it by force...

Maybe wash your dirty ears before you air your dirty laundry?
They're not dirty and they're cute.
If you touch Niers ears, you die.
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Everybody will judge Nier but who will judge Vira for consorting with the dark lord himself???
Gold mom looks like a stripper...
Imagine smelling Nier's ear smegma
niers lovely ear asbestos
>nobody will want you like nier
its not fair
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the first Nierposter of this general was a cuck
Nah, I think Neechang is better, I don't play the mobile game but i'm pretty sure she never had a boyfriend and she's a virgin
nier was made for Karl
The stains on Nier's ears are dried cum
is this the fabled neutral I hear everyone talk about?
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please learn to hit confirm your f.H into ult spin
... you got (you)s by posting retarded shit and lowering the quality of the thread?
congrats I guess
Very nice. now let us see your posts
What do they have in common?
mom's default is the best
likely, I've seen narmaya in a galleon onesie
so someone has probably drawn galleon herself
there are other uses for 50 meter
Rotten vaginas
Triple digits body count
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Dark element, socially awkward they a recurring trio in GrandBlues. Ferry and Danua join them sometimes.
I'd still fuck Vikala's roast beef sandwich looking vagina
Vikala is the worst of them all
Makes Nier look like a virgin
>Death JOBS to bees
she wouldn't be able to feel you, i'm afraid
you guys are kidding, right?
How many frames of advantage do I have when I cancel a normal into a skill?
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>16 days
do i have time to finish it?
yeah with ease
5 frames, but only on full moons. if the moon is at half mast, you might only get 3 frames.
at least in the dark ages we only got 1 frame and was told that we should consume cake instead.
I mean, if I cancel a -9 on block normal with a skill, how many frames do I have until my opponent returns to neutral and can press buttons?
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the recovery of the move is canceled. this is why you can frame trap with moves that are minus on block(ex: rekkas)
bro she has a hat literally made for activating whore mode
yeah I'm just kidding, don't know about lich too. but Nier is unfortunately used goods
if you do a -9 on block normal but cancel it into a -6 on block skill you are now -6.
proof? flat earther scum
you forgot to carry the one anon...

the way it actually works, is that if you do a-9 skill on the opponent frontside, then you cancel into a -6 skill within the first 5 frames, you are actually +2 because of the derided properties of the move carrying over into the opponent's blockstun gauge. however, if you do not have those properties and instead have the lackadaisy property associated with the first skill you performed, you will incur a penalty tax on the 5th move you perform in the game, which will instead make you -2. it gets a bit more complicated once you start discussing the quantum physics behind the move and how that shifts the momentum of your character through the battlefield. if your character is able to have their left foot forward when performing the second skill, you can ignore everything I wrote above because now they have the momentum physics shift weight bonus, but this is only true for characters who are left sided dominate, otherwise the stuff I wrote above is still true since you will instead get an off balance weight reshifted gear penalty. if you get the weight bonus, you can incur an additional 4 frames of blockstun on to your opponent so what that means if the skill you did was -1, it would actually be +4. however if you have the reshifted gear penalty, you incur a -3 frame penalty, so instead of being -1, you would be -4. But at the very least you could apply for credits and get that lowered down to a -1 penalty to prevent yourself from being punished by a throw. But you would have to consult your frame agent to ensure you aren't accidentally commit frame fraud, which automatically causes you to lose because the game will detect that you aren't playing correctly. This rarely happens though because auditing matches takes a lot of time and cygames doesn't have the money to spend on auditors unlike in street fighter where you could get caught within minutes after your match.
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i see
zeta jyobbing
wrong, when I cancel a -9 on block normal into a -6 on block skill I get a knockdown and oki because they mashed like a scrub.
That's not fair, she's fighting an actual top-tier.
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I know this might be a bit controversial but I think Uno players should kill themselves...
Neechang wouldn't say that
that's my neechang
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Narm players would never say such things
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hmm... yeah... I understand it all... yep...
About tree fiddy
that's not my neechang
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Narm players wouldn't... Neechang however?
>turned her into a full yandere
thats not what a yandere is
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Why is she like this? Just rape Gran/Djeeta and get over it.
>violent devotion and obsession to one person
>To the point they would murder without a second thought
I dunno bro, seems pretty yandere to me
>get close
>get cucked by f.L
Have fun anon!
You missed the part where Narmaya isn't insane.
Un placer
Anyone has the Lancelot giving someone the L pic
>sword autist
>not insane
She lost it long ago.
Just because she's not as obviously insane as someone like Nier doesn't mean she's not fucked in the head anon
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No unfortunately.
God I was in that thread, the first months were great, but the general is still aight in my opinion
I remember that post.
i'm pretty crazy too, you've never suspected it because i'm pretty nice when posting or joining lobbies but whenever i get a losing streak i cut my thighs
pic of thighs for proof?
I like the tiny bit of crazy and wish there were more chances for it to come out.
That's not extremely unique anon, many people hide secrets.
hey someone liked my post enough to make a picture, thats pretty neat! Although I dont see what Lance has to do with the content of my post...
The nigga who ran over a boar
The Lancelot from Antarctica
The Seox who ate his own poop
... and the Djeeta who came in his own face
This gen is great
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This is unfair. That was a Seox player.
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>... and the Djeeta who came in his own face
I keep telling you guys it wasn't on purpose
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Its okay anon. When I was 13 I somehow shot directly in my eye and spent hours in pain and couldn't stop smelling cum for 2 days.
>/gbvsg/ - Virile Studs general
narm was always insane
her entire backstory is that she followed in the path of her sword autist uncle Zanba (aka Octo) in a bid to recieve his praise only for her to inadvertently become just like him as she pushed away everyone around her while delving into the art of the blade.
only AFTER her hard work didn't earn his praise and she ran away to live in the woods did she mellow out and devote her hyper autism towards gran. but that cold sword autism still exists.
i miss hogbro
People can't be passionate about shit nowadays because everyone goes
>is he le autist?
>damn he has el gran autismo
No faggots, being passionate and borderline obsessive about things you like is very good and it's how cool shit gets done
Your favorite celebrity probably sucks cock, like Kizzie
kizzie is glizzy gobbler fr
das gawdlike
I mean his ingame name used to be diddler and a bunch of doodoo jokes.
i don't actually play Yuel but don't tell anyone
The only thing His Vastness sucks is grease and cooking oil
My cock is very small
I play Uno btw
Its okay to have a small cock.
I don't know about Uno that is a life choice I am uncomfortable with.
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My cock is very large
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my culture...
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I don't think Zoi is cute
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>perform honest mids and throws
>get banned for it
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this would never happen in sweden
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Oh yeah? Prove it
i'm sorry for lying...here's me using my honest neutral to destroy a 2b as an apology.
one of the commentators literally read a post from the thread on stream
>he didn't use 66L within 5 seconds from the start of the round?
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yeah him and cakefatekoi have always been in here.
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Danchou-philia is some serious shit...
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damn I wish I could do that too... my buttons are too small for that, I can just roll...
is Gran's cock really that good?
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I have a big beautiful cock.
>Any BBCgod
>wants to fuck her
All the women really like the number 15
ypipo are so weird
how about you start not self hating and learn how to fuck a bitch instead of praying for the black man to do it
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>that's someone's champion
bro /gbfg/ is two blocks down
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Harvin women have needs too....now you're upsetting me with that STUPID Vira image. FT10? FT10?????????????
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I'll never have this
How do I stop charlottas from 46L > 5L > 46L ... me constantly, my f.L always gets whiff punished somehow
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Monki soon-ish
what the fuck
Harvin men exist.
And no, I will never accept another FT10 after I got frauded out by that Lowain.
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You're a coward. You are a fearful mouse. You are a gdkhsghsdg.
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>fake out punch
>you flinch

What I thought de arimasu
Yeah, Harvin males are revolting, female Harvin are sex goddesses who naturally orbit to a more appealing race
why is 'lotta using a toy sword
cope, all harvin males' development went to their dick (12 INCHES minimum)
you can't compete h*man
Shut up.
Harvins are disgusting. Draphs already fill the short girls quota.
Damn, Harvins are the Asians of Granblue
Anybody up for some games? EU/EC
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Harvins OWN you.
Today I learned that you can attack while in owlcat form in the gold brick stage
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Bros, Zoi is so fucking rad...

I HATE ZOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the fuck
yup it's pretty useful to chase other owlcats down too
The fuck is going on with bomb rush these days?
is BRC fun, there are games i'd play just for the mods alone
why'd you link this retard
Because it's fun you humorless nigger.
she's an onion
this is my knight
zoi sauce
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Give it back...
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holy crap is that Beelzebub from the hit game Helltaker
Is Zoi popular or she just has a bunch of loud fans?
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queue for bruise
>Get hit once by Ferry's fullscreen normals
>Get put into an endless 50-50 high-low blender you can't even BC or DP
If this is her being bad, this bitch needs to never be good, ever. Holy fuck what an awful character.
Funny because I was about to complain about the other zoner, Metera.
I genuinely don't know what to do against her and can't even practice fighting her at all.
she was old popular but the writers didn't know how to utilize her character then they kept shafting her until her eventual retcon of being just a sentient extension of someone else
most new fans are versus-onlys
If I was a Ferry player I would call you a retarded, but oh what the hell, I'll call you a retard anyway because you deserve it
this is stupid since most of the cast is MC-sexual regardless of if it's gran or jitter so they're all bisexual gg idiots.
>most of the cast is MC-sexual
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Not in the game.
hows your butt doing champ
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Dumb idiot.
>only lance and vane are gay
Nier can you please stop fucking vandalizing the lobby
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my nier is becoming a no good hoodlum...
Shut up
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dodging the ft10 wont unrape you.
Ft10 me.
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We had like, 2 official FT10 in the history of this gen, no?
It does though.
FIGHT ME!!!!!!!! FT10!!!! :( I'm not even that guy I just want to play
as far as i know ferry anon did some ft10s but idk what the results ever was, then there was another one but i didnt recognize the name.
ok but i've been shitting for 2 hours now and it doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.
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w-we can play another time anon
i dont think there is going to be another time....
>matchmaking pairs me with an S+ then 2 As in a row being S rank
Did all the other S rank euros go to sleep 30 minutes ago?
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hes in the lobby, having a melty...
Thas gawdlike
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What do the runes mean?
he has a shit pc
my mom is so cute
PC specs are weak
Erotic bulls
>erotic bulls
Isn't he talking about draphs?
>belial belial belial cag cag
it's like the patch didnt happen at all.
speaking of draphs when are we getting another female? We've only had Neechang since versus
i need izmir but she's a never ever
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Aliza was in the polls
I forgot about the sheep, i have not seen one in months...
>Zeta doesn't get to keep her ARVESS burst combo
>This is fine
8frame undodgeheavy btw.
I'm always ready to vanillapost.
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Holy based, thank you anon
No, he's gawdlike.
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fuck this trash fucking game and all the trash fucking players that play it, round start press the fucking brave counter, block a jab press the fucking brave counter, I do a -2 2L into a 9 frame 66L and instead of trying to do anything they just wait and press the fucking brave counter because they are too stupid to know basic fucking concepts like abare, if you press brave counter i hope someone cuts your testicles off with a rusty butter knife
hit him once and he's gone, but I still get your frustration
i lost that round because his strategy was just negative on block move -> DP/BC/Super but I beat him the next two. I just want to play the fucking game not play "guess the brave counter" into 2 touch. I hate these fuckers and I hate the devs for KNOWING this is a problem and putting out their big fucking patch that DIDN'T ADDRESS IT AT ALL.
Did you forget to take your meds or something
>katfraud having a melty over someone playing like a retard
Kat can just hit 5U to punish BC attempts
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We NEED a Cow...
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ggs kat anon thanks for gaming.
ggs bubs anon. sorry if I upset you somehow.
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>BC schizo is a Kat player
The other guy that hates BC is a Belial player.
Total coincidence i'm sure
hope this sieg pisses himself to death
needs more run up dp
Im pretty sure the black kat schizo played Belial before they buffed kat
i forgot to take them yesterday but i took them today.
(you) should be upset about BC regardless of what character (you) play, if you aren't you don't understand fighting games.
they literally are the same person anon
Guys, guys I'm hosting a tournament, come watch, and please no ad blockers that's not very pogger
insane how every nier player I'm finding has no basic understanding of how to play this game at all
they truly were carried brainlets
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Why is it that every time someone is too vocal about something being bad they end up being a schizo?
i've played a lot of characters.
>he's a schizo because he hates that mechanic
cmon bro, BC is cancer
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it's not bad except being bad for the game, the thing is overpowered and overcentralizing.
I am a schizo and meds don't help.
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>Go into the /gbfg/ the other day because someone here linked the thread
>No idea what they are talking about but i still "get it" because of the way they talk
>Doomposting about some new event
>Avatar wars
>Shitting on the devs endlessly
>Highschool girl's table tier drama about clearing specific shit with "unviable" characters that nobody besides that gen cares about
>Sunk cost fallacy posting
>E-celeb worship
>wtf this is my home.jpg
>Seriously contemplating downloading slop for the first time in my life just so i can shitpost in both generals
Give it to me straight lad, how much time am i gonna spend on grinding before i get to have fun?
And by fun i mean become a non shit member of that gen?
Many esteemed scholars have told me to not even bother starting because the grind is awful.
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Brave counter and the block button are cancers that ruin this game from being truly great
BC could get toned down but otherwise isn't really that bad
The point is more about the schizo nigga having a retarded melty. he's the one downplaying kat too
I want defensive mechanics but BC is boring
Don't do it
I'm serious, I've played the game for years now and I'm glad that it's gonna die in a couple of years if there is a god in this universe
I never downplayed kat I just said that people lose to throws and mids. She's top 10 this patch at worst, probably top 5.
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You're not mentally well if you play fighting game for a hobby.
Especially not one that's based of a gacha.
It's that bad hu?
I have no idea how gacha games even work in the first place but it can't be worse than my local casino that has ripped me off for 10K right?
No i'm not relapsing btw, i'm fine.
the casino is a better investment of your money than a gacha game
If you want to get rid of boring defensive options delay 2L should be the target of your ire. A strong option select to beat strike throw in a game where 95% of the mix is strike throw is retarded.
2L is already some strategy involved
BC is just
After you stop using the fucking en dub, brick
What if i just wanna roll for Chalotta and Zeta for fun?
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here's your picture of charlotta, satisfied?
don't do it
>list a ton of bad things about the general
>somehow wants to play the game now
what the fuck set you off? was it that last line about you feeling at home?
>Give it to me straight lad, how much time am i gonna spend on grinding before i get to have fun?
the early grind is the most fun part
the deeper you get into the game the more you hate it
think about this anon

gacha games are better played from day 1 for a comfy life

you missed TEN YEARS of game
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The gacha is similar to the Disgaeas in that you barely need to grind if at all if you only care about the stories but it's several life times worth of autism if you want to do the harder fights or be somewhat competitive during Guild Wars, in the end it's up to you.
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Hummm... nyow...

I'm a /wsj/ regular.
I can't explain it, it just clicked for me.

I mean, yea but there is no PvP in that game so it doesn't matter since nobody else is gonna see how bad i am right?
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it doesn't matter because there's no PvP, sure, but it's awful to not being able to roll for some special banner because you have no currency
don't give cygames money, they're doing an awful job with all their games. this game is probably their best managed one and holy fuck if it's managed badly and could've been much more
The entire game is thinly veiled pvp.
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>I mean, yea but there is no PvP in that game so it doesn't matter since nobody else is gonna see how bad i am right?
There is also a "pvp" aspect to farming, even though it's better from before, where you have to do a certain amount of honors in a raid to get a chance to get decent loot before it gets nuked by other people. If you start now you also have a shit ton of stuff that's timegated (arcarum) and a lot of f2p stuff unironically comes from there, so it will be at least a couple of years before you can actually start "playing" the game. Or you can whale a shit ton, but you'll still miss GW characters, seasonal limited characters that are quite important etc.
Just don't do it man.
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>ggs bubs anon. sorry if I upset you somehow.

What's with the overly sensitive lobby regulars we're getting?
day 1 participation literally doesnt matter for grub
everything from back then has long since been powercrept years ago and old units have been put in the classic pool for collectors to roll for
>it just clicked
95% of the general is thread personalities shitflinging, salesfaggotry, other game shilling and cuckposting
very little talk is about the actual game in any capacity
>there's no PvP
oh no no no no
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Some anons are really sensitive here.
I dunno he left after 3 matches mid match, wasn't sure if he dropped he actually had to go or was PISSED.
Where's the strategy in delay 2L? After your opponent runs up to you press 2L after waiting a bit.
>But if they delay it properly then the 2L gets counterhit!
Yeah, that's not strategy that's the aggressor guessing how much delay the defender will put on the 2L. Mind you I do think guessing and reads have their place in fighting games, but delay 2L isn't one of them.
That's not to mention that at least BC is a limited resource. It's far too plentiful, but you can technically run the defender out of it. If your opponent is committed to delay 2L'ing forever though, you have no recourse but to
>A) Be a privileged top tier
>B) Run up to them and play the odds until you (or them) get lucky
That's ALSO not to mention that the punishment for failing to play around delay 2L is so much worse than failing to play around BC. If you fuck up playing around BC your opponent gets a hkd and a safejump/setplay. If you fuck up playing around delay 2L, you get hit and the opponent gets a combo (probably sending you to the corner too with how good Rising's corner carry is)
Anyways, fuck delay 2L.
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do you live in SEA or eastern asia? if no, dont fucking play that shit because you have a permanent disadvantage in having garbage ping with the servers. its a really really really outdated browser game that constantly has to send requests to their server for every little thing.
the raiding is about dealing more damage than other players as fast as possible which you can't fucking do if youre in EU or NA
Oh that's fair, sometimes you gotta take care of something at the moment. I have no issues alt F4ing in rank if my family/job needed something from me
>play casual to warm up a bit and fuck around
>second match of the day
>some mashy asshole 2B
>win, but immediately want to stop playing
2B is really a special character. She beats me every time even when I win in-game. It's such a fucking chore to fight against her. It was casual too, so no stress about points and shit and I still just closed the game anyway. Holy fuck. Cygames and ArcSys need a special award for making one of the most obnoxious piece of shit characters of all time.
I think it's just anons being autistic and overthinking it
this is my first fighting game btw forgot to mention that
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It's good but NOT that good anon.

I guess OS shit like SF4 is bad but we're nowhere to that level.

Also, they cannot change it without drastically changing the power of throws and throw baits.
>There actually is PvP in it
>It will take years
What if i'm neet and have no self respect?

>Laggy servers
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd dropped.
No way i'm playing another GB game with shit netcode.
delay 2L is stupid but even at the highest level people do get hit.
BC is stupid and at the highest level you get to watch two people BC back and forth until they run out of the brave points and then they play the game normally but die instantly.
>What if i'm neet and have no self respect?
there are better games to waste your life on
>What if i'm neet and have no self respect?
Then this game is perfect for you.
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Lack of pvp does not make it a better experience. The devs still aren't interested in giving you anything worth enjoying.
Yeah, you can talk about an old charlotta unit or another harvin thing and how that's enjoyable, but that shit is all years old. The longer you go on with it, the worse you'll start to feel.
I just finished a match against a dude and we were BCing every fucking touch.
You should respect yourself more. GBF is the worst and I mean WORST gacha game in the industry to have ever released.
As a neet with no self respect i enjoy single player games a lot more, i'd play gacha but not having some ease of access to the characters i like is a huge turnoff, some people will shill their gacha by saying shit like
>But the f2p units are still pretty good
Fuck off if I can't use the characters i want to i'm not playing
I don't get the joke or the meme or whatever. Fuck 2B.
oof that's a tall claim considering shit like taimanin put people in gacha debt and that's just a well known example
>It's good but NOT that good anon.
Maybe. My personal disgust for it probably makes me overrate it. Because even if it's not as strong as BC, I do legitimately think it's at minimum twice as boring and that's a hill I'll die on.
>Also, they cannot change it without drastically changing the power of throws and throw baits.
Yeah, changing 2L without changing anything else would be a recipe for disaster. Sucks, but it's the game as it stands.
should this discussion not happen in gbfg instead
>No way i'm playing another GB game with shit netcode.
so yeah instead of preloading a level and letting you play like a normal game, this "game" is basically just a regular website with a bunch of gifs on it that you constantly have to load in over and over. not an issue if you have 15 ping in Japan, massive issue if you have 200-300 ping.

theyre not actually gifs but it boils down to the same shit
>open TNS and see MK1
holy fuck how do they keep making them uglier than before
>open TNS
I'm saying you thinking 2B is one of the most obnoxious characters ever signifies that you haven't played that many fighting games. Especially anime ones.
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>The gbf app is legit just a gateway to access some dusty 90's ass website located in japan
Holy fuck lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
People play that shit unironically???
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Oh, I see, thank you for the in-

Tell me about Satyr cock lore.
Why does she have a gock?
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Bubs here. Had to leave real quick to take care of something. Sorry about the sudden drop Ladivafriend...
forgot if tns or paragon was tonight or tomorrow
>Transdiva players
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some of us... have bpd...
yeah its one of the main reasons I dropped the game
that and extremely fast power creep / extremely expensive character build costs forcing you into the "meta" build with no room for experimentation ever

i've tried raid shadow legends as a joke and ended up sticking with it for a few months. that game is unironically a lot better than gbf its fucking sad.
>f2p characters extremely viable/meta in endgame content
>emulator macros/autoclickers are allowed
>top tiers barely get powercrept
>extremely low pressure guild content
>degenerate p2w pvp side of the game is completely optional
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What do you mean? Why wouldn't she have a dick?
if you ask in that thread you are gonna get KEKYPOW'D
they got more important things to talk about right now, go take a look for yourself
Seeing the entire website adopting /dbs/ talk is like resurrecting as Genghis Khan and taking a stroll in any Asian country.
I don't believe you
Bad person disorder isn't real anyway.
guys i went to the store and i cut through the alley on my way back but there was a midget holding a blue sword in the way that demanded i drop my pants immediately
i ran and called the cops
wtf was that bwos
its over she has your scent
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Jannies tongue my anus
Karyl would never say that
but you're the janny...
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I wasn't ready for what came when I opened paragon thinking it might be granblue night.
very based month 1 ban gif.
Got some Papa Murphy's pizza bros, this shit lasts me 2 days cause I dont eat much.
whats on it kizzington
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Kizzingtons is this true?
can one of you please post the image of gran asking who wants to fuck men in response to all the dykes.
damn i could go for some hawaiin pizza from papa murphys right now
is it thin crust my kizzington?
Yeah thin crust Papa's Perfect family size. I love it
Lucy players, we need to talk about your RQ habits. You can't just just keep mashing ALT+F4 when you get hit with a crumple or flip.
mom said i'm top tier now
then why do i keep losing
is there a way to beat delay 2L if you don't have a throw bait?
put yourself in the corner, get downed and delay 2l them first.
Which wsj manga are you reading?
short answer >>494275735
long answer: your options are
>run up DP/super
>gamble with delayed buttons/run up ult skills if you have one that's plus on block
>do an early backdash into a far button and hope you caught their 2L timing with a whiff punish
>mash as many specials as you can and take the chip damage as a win
>attempt to throw them and take the late tech damage as a win and keep your turn
>try to do autocombo 3 enders to do some damage and take that as a win
>frametrap then play the space trap game if your character is capable of it, otherwise you just gave up your turn for nothing
you'll notice that all but two of these options get countered by BC on reaction, so if your opponent is mashing both BC and delay 2L they just have OD defense in this game and you CANNOT open them up without risking your life.
tldr; pick a top tier and mash your throw bait
Alright, my resolve is cracking. I just don't have it.
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Believe in victory
these threads are getting worse and worse
Just like how the game gets worse and worse the more you play it.
once you're done in ranked narm, you can come to the lobby!
we slimin
you deserve it fucking katfraud
Next time. I'm gonna have some beers and chill with some music while I come off tilt.
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my shit crashed anon, i'll reboot and join again
Anon, I'm not whoever you are talking to but can you please share that Zoi pape?
If I run into a fraud nigger character I will mash brave counter and reversals and if you bait it I will jutsu you. This is my game, it's always my turn.
Gamera dropped Bea for Fraudtalina.... It's over...
It fits his style better, especially now with 5U being such a good button.
Yea okay, but what does that equate to in Zeta buffs?
Just gotta get my grand bruise daily done quick and I'll get to play with my /gbvsg/ bros! Just give me 5 minutes to get a match going...
my /gbvsg/ bwos...
game dead
thread dead
>going through new genshin region
>it's so fucking lame I'm debating just hopping off to get salty at ranked
Dark times.
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I played a bit of ranked and some sets with a Bubz/Belial anon in the lobby earlier
I want to tongue kot's anus...
I want to KISS Rosetta!
Prime position for her to give me a handy
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I cant login and play...
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You're banned...
I banned all Nier player accounts.
But the niers are the cutest posters it can't be....
I am working on banning all Nier posters from the 4chan.
nier posters are all pathetic
djeeta posters are all rapists
narmaya posters are all scammers
ferry posters are all coomers
zoi posters are all idiots
charlotta posters are all annoying
vira posters are all doomers
sheep posters are all gooners
bubs posters are all based
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(you) called?
you can have her after i fill her womb
My whore wife Metera's well used anus...
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What about mom posters?
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For a board of autistists I know you can provide a deeper analysis than this. Use your head.
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Since the battle season ends on October 31st, it's safe to assume that that's when Rat comes out, right?
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I'm not a rapist, I just have needs, and it just so happen you're one of them
i think theres a 2 or 3 day gap between the pass ending and the new character iirc
I'm really not looking forward to the type of ''people'' this character will bring in.
there are already cag and charlotta players, anon
She's going to bring in like 20 new players at best.
>he lived
you do have a right to sex
they do owe you it
you're valid
i hate brave counter
i hate versusia
i hate lucilius
i hate lancelot
i hate 2H
i hate 66L
t. Charlotta main
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i love most of these things
Based ~de arimasu
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We don't even exist anymore…
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you never did...
HIV particles...
Zooey has dragon aids.
HIV is actually pretty common with fujoshis in japan. it's actually a somewhat big issue in japan that's kept swept under the rug and people pretend doesn't exist.
literally how
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Bikki until Djeeta gets her with her lebinleibu
Sure, I believe you.
my understanding is that fujos actively look for gay guys to fulfill their sexual deviancy and they get HIV from those gay people. It's basically impossible for women to get HIV unless they get it from a black person or from a bi/"former" gay person.
did you get this HIV obsession from /gbfg/?
it's a gbfg ref. I thought you got the idea for the gif from there.
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I should visit /gbfg/
I want to know what the general for the original Granblue game is like.
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Okay, that was a mistake. I'm not going back there.
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>metera, yuel, ferry, and now possibly nier
Why do they hate the female erunes
/gbfg/ is a good example of a bad general
its just namefags and their followers throwing shit at each other most of the time
The problem is I can go in there and say "Yeah I too am this retarded" but then I find myself unable to have any interest in a gacha game.
>/gbfg/ is a good example of a bad general
Eh, to be honest from the generals I've been too.. I've seen worse.
The thing is, the generals I visited were from games I played and I went there for talking about the game or whatever, not namefags or shit. however i dont play gbf and i dont care about it, so i go to /gbfg/ for the shitposting, so maybe it would bother me if i actually played it
but even then, i find the /gbfg/ shitposting genuinely funny. a lot of shitposting in other gens is just not.
>i go to /gbfg/ for the shitposting
If someone posts a grid/raid code or some other actually gameplay related shit, usually there's a few replies.
But I have noticed element and gold moon weapon shitposting has decreased.
The schizobattles and fkhr shitposting on the other hand gets boring really quickly though.
>fkhr shitposting on the other hand gets boring really quickly though
>play yuel
>it's like the patch never happened at all for the top tiers
>except i got nerfed somehow
nice fucking game
have you seen nier or are you just ignoring her
yeah belial is unchanged and honestly six/lance/seig don't feel that different
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>>it's like the patch never happened at all for the top tiers
Really, now.
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>have you seen nier
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Hello FKHRT, put Ilsa in the game already, you fucking faggot.
we already have nier
Nier isn't stuck in a broken wheelchair so she hasn't been nerfed enough.
Dirty slut, nobody wants her.
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Cagliostro is a mid tier character with underwhelming tools that can’t compete against the top 10 chars. No one has been able to refute or show me otherwise

t.master cag

I’ll challenge anyone on here to prove my statement
Name the top 10 characters
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Yuel is now a low tier character with underwhelming tools that can’t compete against the top 10 chars. No one has been able to refute or show me otherwise

t. S 3
yuels strongest ranked grinder
I'll have two cheeseburgers, medium nuggets and medium fries. Oh and a coke, thanks.
Zeta has always been a high-mid-tier character with good but upplayed tools, which are too unsafe and volatile to be able to compete with top 10 chars.

t. D5
get master with another mid tier and i'll believe you, otherwise you're carried.
belial's ult command grab needs another buff.

t.S+ belial that spams command grab and loses
I got master with gran when I was still using the free game currently working on getting masters with anila
Not ordered
Belial 2b lucilius zooey lancelot beatrix percival siegfried ladiva griminer(fuck anyone that says otherwise) narmaya and katalina are heavy contenders now with narmaya being WAAY more annoying to deal with now oh and avatar is creeping up on the list too
Is this the funny latinx humor everyone talks about?
Mirin? Shion? Azusa?
Siegfried is a mid tier character with underwhelming tools that can’t compete against the top 10 chars. No one has been able to refute or show me otherwise

t.S Sieg

I’ll challenge anyone on here to prove my statement
He's almost free to play thanks to his constant appearance in some tournaments top 3.
That just shows how much more hardworking and better the honest midtier Sieg mains are compared to the fraudulent top tier abusers.
Found a cockroach squashed beneath the wheels of my office chair.
The nasty part isn't its remains, but that it got this close without me noticing.
Fuck, it's getting colder again and these critters try to find themselves a new home for the winter. Since these apartments have been renovated, there are now more little vents for them to get in, apparently. Had a battle with one in the bathroom this morning.
This general isn't talking about the game anyway
Seox deserves nothing but buffs desu
>We lost another Nier player
R.I.P lil nigga.
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There is no recovery from this.
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Ive been playing some nier and I blow all my hearts for one combo and then just unga in with 66L and tick grabs/cL cH traps. Its kinda working.
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Versusia is top 5
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do not nier
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Go to sleep
I wish
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i just woke up
sleeping with Vira..
I would hop on to play with you but its 3 am, alas, I must sleep. you are great!
Next guest character will be Iroha from Samsho
>Verification not required
>wake up
>weird vira is on my monitor
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it's time
put the horse back
why did you go to australia
Good luck, enjoy the trip and get that win for us
europeans cant even spell hotel right
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Cute Vira
I still find it funny how Vira got that new art for the sole purposing of telling her that Kat is dead.
It's one of the earliest gacha games and it was 'advanced' for its time when before that it was literal card collecting only. It came a little bit too early since dedicated apps became more mainstream 1-2 years after release
Whenever I see a single bug in a room I just seal the whole place, spread poison everywhere and leave the room closed for an hour or two.
I'm probably overdoing it but I'd like to believe that it's the reason I almost never see bugs at my place.
so many months later and you still cant make the cpu brave counter on block in training
He's IN
Make 2H count like a c.H or f.H for combo limit purposes
Thank you
anybody eu wants to play for like 30-40 minutes?
Sure, lobby or room?
ill be in the lobby in 1 min
what characters have the worst 2h in the game? aside from charlotta.
still charlotta
dont worry I know my queen has it worse than ferry.
Metera and Ferry
Please nerf Ferry, most annoying character in the game. Unreactable 50/50 setplay does not belong in a footsies game
I wonder if next patch will be a balance patch.
Will they nerf Belial now that they've sold enough battle passes?
do something about his 2M i beg you cygames
ggs anon
Thanks for playing.
Do I really have to hold the blue grenade?
Depends on the distance and if you block the first hit, rolling it is good but eustace is slightly plus if he's at beyond his f.H range
If you block the first hit challenging with a button is good if eustace is running in but it's kind of a gamble if he doesn't do anything, you can also jump after you block the first hit to gain space
Seems kind of rough, but thanks. Also what is the counter play to ultimate straight lightning shot?
Belial has been top tier ever since he came out in the first game, there's no way in hell that they're giving him any meaningful nerfs.
well yeah Cygames love their homoangels
You can double roll it if you react to the blue flash, but at a certain distance if Eustace picks U slow kill instead you might get clipped, still his reward off U slow kill isn't that big compared to U flamek
ah hell
eustace furries are fraud as fuck and i'm tired of pretending otherwise
*ex slow kills this post*
my neuch kinda good
Have you tried dodging his shit?
Eustace is mid.
You are not supposed to have problems against him.
Just press buttons, you win automatically.
That will get you killed
>Gamera playing Beatrix again
>loses to Shosan live on stream
Wasn't he seen playing Katalina some time ago? It's like he has an identity crisis.
I think Katalina is lame as hell but she does fit his playstyle more, i'd still want him to waifu fag and not drop Bea
He should go back and waifufag over Djeeta.
I never noticed the old man taking yuel's seat.
Randomly throw out safe ultimates the game
When's the next big tourney, awt or whatever
He's the reason Ladiva command grabs Yuel.
Did you think Ladiva was just racist to Yuel?
Literally tomorrow
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keeping your GM is hard when mr Pow exists
"You don't have to be good to win with Belial" - Xerom
That looks like its in 2 hours actually? Thanks bro.
He isn't wrong
That's the team tournament, but yeah
I wonder if they have the teams somewhere, that should be fun to watch
easy when the block button exists
I thought cmd grabbing people was just a thing Ladiva did to everyone without thought
I want to grind some more match up exp but I promised I'd play with my friend in RL duos...
He's right
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but what about my pride? but what about my honesty? but what about learning the MU?
I don't think it will be streamed
On the schedule it says it will be on damascus channel, we'll see I guess
I don't have time to go through my 100+ replays...
ferry nerfs
small meaty?
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>already coping thinking it will have some balance changes
This is probably just bugfixes. And one of the bugs they identified was that Ferry was getting the technical input bonus while doing simple inputs. So this update probably will technically nerf Ferry lmao
cute niers
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The game will not be complete until every female Erune is bottom tier.
Though they buffed Metera.
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If Charlotta is angry, then they are doing something right.
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revert yuel's parry to the old version you fucks
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if you also fought mr pow you'd feel the same
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Emergency Belial nerfs
proof he said this??
It'll just be bruise fixes
wait capturing gameplay is that easy? huh
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>Replays created in the previous version will become unviewable in the game
you can actually still view them
you just have to downgrade your game back
>What about my honesty?
As a Charlotta main it's non-existent
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your main?
>queue for ranked
>only get matched with someone with 200-250 ping
>queue for casual
>find different people with 70-100 ping
Surely this is some sort of bug and not the game trying to match me with the same goddamn guy for the last hour?
Everyone is fleeing ranked to get away from this guy.
Un Placer.
wait is this 2v2 even streamed
no :) should've paid for the flight + tickets if you wanted to see 2v2 kino
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I don't know bro
>Smash has more entrants than any other game at UFA by a longshot
FGC, your response?
Well it was supposed to be RIGHT NOW but damascus doesn't give a shit apparently and they are running dbfz
Fun enjoyable game vs fighting "games"
yeah I don't think they're steaming it, they changed the schedule
yeah, thats what i noticed as well and is why i asked
Because you're not supposed to beat it, it's designed to be an unbeatable option. Get a hint and start playing the BP game, fraud.
>schedule said zdamascus would stream Rising 2v2
>he's streaming DBFZ instead
>Rising is LITERALLY THE ONLY GAME besides KoF to not get a Sunday finals
This is just sad at this point
Honestly kinda fucking retarded holy shit
Fuck the french
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I really hate this 66H
I'm not hoping for anything but I hope people will bitch at @UFA_Gaming for this shit
ultimate is the opposite of enjoyable
EU doesn't play granblue, it's pretty obvious, whenever you see someone complain about ranked giving them someone outside of their rank, 9 times out of 10 it's an EU because their ranked is completely dead.
>EU doesn't play granblue
EU runs this general, burger.
Zane is my 2v2 partner bwos....
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you get assigned to 8d4spthem randomly?
so you got a free carry? nice
finna grimfraud everyone
Bro no lie, S rank is harder than Master rank.
Everybody is smurfing in S/S+, i'm getting cooked down here.
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But you've never been to Master rank.
Even when he's getting hit, he can mix you up...
There's a smurf in S+ right now playing grimnir with a 93% win rate.
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They never said that zdamascus would stream Rising 2v2.
that's not a smurf, that's just someone who played grim for a bit and then decided to go play rank. That's pretty much been my experience any time I decided to go learn a new character and try to climb to master with them.
It's definitely a smurf, because he started at C rank and had very few games on his account.
Lowkey hoping Desselie demolishes some guys so people stop downplaying metera
wow this fucking sucks, we have nothing to watch
Stop being toxic Nier
Or I'll remove your arms. Do you want to be a fuckngget?
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It was on this one
yeah they did, see
Do we have any ex-DBFZ fags in here?
The game looks so fun, why do people shid on it? besides being old
I see people saying its kuso but isnt that the norm for tag? marvel is extremely kuso but people love it
Yeah, these are not official unfortunately.
people only like the "culture" around marvel
niggas were bored to death watching mvc3 at EVO and the marvel collection flopped after all the shilling
>i hate brave counter
I know when to spot dodge someone who abuses BC
>i hate versusia
I just hate the reach she has with 5M/2M
>i hate lucilius
Mostly his fanbase are low test morons that will never make 6 figures in their lifetime
>i hate lancelot
Should be 12K HP along with Seox
>i hate 2H
It's aight
>i hate 66L
I love it. I hope the traditional neutral dies out in another 5 years
wtf I'm the carry
>open strive stream
>see a tranny
It happened to me multiple times during the match so it feels like it was deliberate.
Basically, back in the day DBFZ was very low-powered game for a tag game, with mix, oki and neutral options all being pretty toned down and reasonable for a tag game, and heavy uninteractable mix getting consistently patched out of the game. But after they stopped producing paid content for the game, the few interns left in charge of providing "balance" patches, went fucking ballistic and buffed every character to high heaven, so now the game is the usual sort of "every blocked move leads into true unreactable looping 25-25-25-25 mix and every hit leads into a ToD" sort of tag game. Given that DBFZ stood out by not being that sort of tag game, this new direction has upset quite a lot of people.
This is made worse by the older versions of the game not having rollback, so if you want to play rollback version of the game, you are forced to play on the kusoge patch. It's very similar but more extreme to the difference between base Versus and Rising, except it's the same game, so even if you wanted to go play the original DBFZ online, you can't, you can only play DBFZ(form de la kusoge).
I'm obviously a bit biased since I liked the old DBFZ, but you can probably understand the general point.
Classic eutroons
did the game crash?
ok no it's just everyone at arcsys deserving death
>play this game again after a 2 week break
>immediately remember how antifun every character is
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I mean...
there's just something about how this game plays that is infuriating
It's super simple so there's no bullshit to blame.
You feel like an idiot when you lose because there's a very specific thing you can point out as to why you lost.
lol, s+ rank post
lol, no reply because he either knows it's right or is a retard
i hate riot games
Baked early.

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