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Male midlanders run these threads.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>494162147
catboy supremacy
Sex with catgirls
>he/she didn't fight him as a RPR
Couldn't be me.
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F e m r a
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Last call from me, kind of getting sleepy
Crystal Casual Queue CC @ 10:20 ET
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EB who can give my Lalaboy this on a daily basis?
What exactly are they supreme at?
Nice blank post Nermal
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Astroturf me NOW!!!!
cut dicks look so creepy
I haven't done the RPR quests yet.
Do you get to enslave an autistic girl to be your weapon power up like Zenos did?
i need my dick sucked bros
No you just babysit an edgy granny.
It is weird seeing American made stuff
thanks yart too
Stop namedropping this boring, ugly piece of shit already he doesn't deserve ANY attention, just stop namedropping him already and let him die alone like he deserves
EB who wants this from my lalaboy daily where?
oh... you know...
what the fuck, I thought the dad thing was just a shitpost
moonies are good actually
I want to make some anon happy by sucking their dick
what? bottoming?
But he is the original male midlander. He is the statue overlooking the maliddie council as they formed only because he paved the way
dumb shitposting wife..
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I feel that there is an addiction you have..
wish i was this clueless about the entire scenario
surely he had to have realized how weird this sounded, right?
>didn't invite me
Going to LB14 without being in the Syncshell is the equivalent of seeing a bunch of girls with their makeup off
yea, for my catboy
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>two femra on my team
>three in the match total
I won i fucking won
ice blank
This is a doggirl
nice blank
rest assured it is entirely normal, I have not even done it in 9 months
Meowdy Effy how are you tonight?
my face looks the same on or off.
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greetings ser.
my beloved himcess
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this could be us
nature is healing
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all males under 5'10
please report to my chambers for your government-mandated pelvis-crushing session
ok so going by the replies from the last thread the two ebins left that I listed that dont have drama attached are

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Confessing that I've been animation plapping with a lot of anons lately and it's been fucking nice
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Im just sayin'....
I only go to LB14 to see one girl anyways. The rest may as well be invisible to me.
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Please stop imagining things, anon..
9 months is..pretty lengthy.
Hope you're taking your Zinc!
any male middies wanna cuddle
>Please stop imagining things, anon..
stop talking normally and woof
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I don't remember making this post...
nyo... i shant...
Doing completely unspeakable things to this dog
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Lightcord ASSEMBLE!

Who we are:
We are Lightcord. European Light DC bullies that will assemble on /xivg/ to defeat the evil Americans that no single Euro can defeat by himself. Join fellow Light gods such as:

Special guests include:

What is expected from you:
Do not be an American.
Negative Threadcred.
At least three bought Ultimate Clears.
Have or be into Horse cocks.
Be a cuck.

What do you get:
A minimum of three namedrops every thread.
A discord full of horsecock autists and special guests from Chaos and Balmung.
Inability to clear P4S.
Unlimited supply of horse semen. Meltdowns on NA having all the good Europeans and the meetups.
Having your ERP leaked by T.T. for exposure and free advertisement.
Exposure induced Schizophrenia.

In order to join please provide the following:
Two pictures of your WoL and a horse cock.
Your WoL cannot be on an American DC.
No associations with the evil American Clique discords.
A minimum of fifteen excerpts from your ERP with any horse gock futranny catgirl or a fem Au Ra.
Just logged, got work in the morn
stop making me even more ashamed of being european
what choker?
does anyone want to do anything in ffxiv
love staying up for eurohours
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Okay thats all the calls from me. Thanks for queueing
ok where am i going with my catboy...
qrd on meat toilet
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Could you perhaps speak about them please? This Texas/Red Dead Redemption area is kinda slow right now..
drink fanta
tomorrow then, gn
This is the most schitzo post I've seen
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Why are fiddie SAMs like this?
ggs bro thanks for calling
Why do you wanna know...
Gn sweetheart
How many more thread CC matches do I have to play before I make a friend?
yeah you wanna awkwardly plap with nightlife?
thanks for calling
drink the fanta
come play cc
i'll tell u when i make one bro
i'll make you my enemy
WOAH u-umm... you're too...
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what game?
Good girl /pet
yea i ain't reading all this
I don't have the thread open all day so I wouldn't know, but does Effy post and avatarfag in literally every fucking thread? How?
cc pushes you away from people bro not the opposite
Play pld and exclusively use cover on me then we can become friends
how about you drink bleach instead


i suck at cc but i will queue
i think i figured it out. my femra needs longer legs
comical wedgie
ugly fucking lobster modbeast
>Could you perhaps speak about them please?
Making her rim me before she can get a treat.
Thanks for the calls!
Think of LT as a litmus test. Allowig him to plap your character means you lack a basic level of survival instinct otherwise present in every other human. You're the kind of retard that'd have left the cave without a torch duing the stone age and got mauled by a sabtertooth almost immediately. That is to say, in a very fucked up way, that schizo is doing us all a favor.
Yeah.. let's cuddle
Reminds me of this
I'm innocent of the crime
Was only running 21-30 a few times to help someone get their aetherpool up
hank you
Doing a-ok. Probably gonna enter my bedform and fucking DIE really quick, though... hope you are also doing well
My sweet....... (You)
By hitting the post button?
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eu players are nuts .
he's a NEET
>But he is the original male midlander
Bro has literally never heard of the GOD Ippiki Atros
NTA but I dont think there's a single mod on that pic?
They're 50% Moonie and 50% Sunnie, so they're just half asleep at all times, but never fully sleeping. Extremely powerful combination.
I'll do what has to be done to get the information I need..
this is pure vanilla RETARD IDIOT
I love my little foot princess Atma Buster @ Diabolos.
I like your character design. Ignore the fanta schizos.
liking futa is a litmus test on its own
dm me
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I will call a few cuz it's gockwork
queue CC 3:15
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cc enough and you recognize people a lot, and you get noticed if you're good.
jeb edated twice and got dumped and cucked
veron is on the dox chart

no ebin in this general is free of skeletons in their closet
kys lorilee
are you on bung? i will come /pet you before i go to bed
How do I get a femlala to worship my feet?
Why does Macska care who LT fucks? Who would care what Macska thinks, either? No one wants to be friends with you, so they don't care if fucking LT ruins their chance at friendship with you.
Post discord
i am at lb14 yeah

hey thanks
is your dad cut or uncut?
Need an effy himcess neet wife
buy a pumice stone and moisturize
i just talked to lorilee in game for the first time for like twenty minutes and they seem perfectly fine

i'm beginning to think this thread is just kinda mean
I'm not Effy, don't ask me.
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As much as it may get me into trouble, I find myself attracted to danger. It's hot.
She's lalabvll owned, Mhigger.
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!!! WARNING !!!

Nanky Meek is a paranoid Lightoid notorious for being a backstabbing nigger. This idiotic shemale himcess is a big time horse cock fangirl(boy) and has a multitude of incidents ranging from deleting an FC chest because someone pissed him off, to being a massive homewrecker in general. He is a magnet for drama and cannot be trusted at all. If you end up on his bad side, he will spread lies about you to anyone unfortunate enough to listen.
He leaked over 100 images of logs. He lies to make himself look better. He is obsessed with Soima Tho and has had multiple relationships with him. He non-stop talks shit behind people's backs. He has caused several three-way relationships to end, Soima/Binis/Nanky, Soima/Ryun/Vazi, Soima/Falke/Binis and Nanky/Gar/Eiki.
After HORSING Eiki. and prematurely killing the grown ass men relationship between the two most wholesome catgirls in Light.
Alright, which one of you niggers rattled the schizo cage?
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I already do that
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Veron edated erion and got dumped and cucked
i hope the not effy moonie and LT get together, just imagine the melties when they inevitably break up
Good news everyone! A new rhyme just dropped. It goes
>Rent free in Lorilee
yes they do
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>I talked to someone for the first time for a whole TWENTY MINUTES anything they did before must be null and void!!!
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drip or drown brah
wtf why do the faces look like that
*taps watch* it's eu hours you should have known this was gonna happen bro
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Grape-Flavored C@ checking out! Nya!
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Same here!
it's simply EU hours lil bro
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i am dinking ,
I hate Europeans so much it's unreal.
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yep im thinkin its eu hours
its not my bed time?????
Thinking about quitting, bros.
insane i've plapped every character in this picture
oh i thought you already had it...
He never let me bust his atma...
Plaptina and my two sexwives
It's like a dream come true
LT always tells "friends" when his reputation is being mentioned here so they'll show up and call him normal
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See you tomorrow for check-in.
need bwc in my pussy
not me
go for it. the game will still be here if you're ever in the mood for it again.
Or just an inability to read
All of my skill points are allocated into housewife talents
EU ebin names seem so weird to me for some reason. Anyone else feel that?
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where is my future middie wife who will play diablo 4 with me
nah he never edated erion, hes just one of her most devoted orbiters
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Take a break, anon.
bro how are you gonna dink someone twice and not get the kill
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It's almost 3am wtheck
This is a cyoot hrothgal /pet /pet
effy and LT together would be great because they'd spam the thread way less often
Nah I mean for good, there's not really anything for me in the game anymore.
she's so cool...
tell me about your bread baking
not hard homie
it's just EU trying to get people to care about their completely dead region
all the more reason then, no need to stick around
is d4 good yet
LT has been nice to me. Ever considered that maybe you're just an asshole?
i dont think about EU schitzos
Made for public disgrace and/or total debasment
Jeb gets plapped by futa femezen. It's not necessarily drama but certainly scandalous.
No not really
Let's see it then.
im having fun :)
these defense post are really bad and are not helping them in the slightest kek.
>2 canadians and 2 swedes
what a dire image
effy deserves better than LT
He means the guy that always gets called Effy but isn't me. I haven't really talked to Lorilee that much overall
I really enjoy making sourdough. Somethin about it just tickles my bones and makes me go "hehe. I like it"
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gn ser
Magness has been nothing but sweet to me. Where's your proof, schizo? Ever consider that maybe you're just a cunt?
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>3 Lala's on team
>We win
i have a bridge to sell you
We hear all the time about the easiest plaps at LB14, but who are the most difficult to plap?
Hard mode: don't say 'me'
NA typically uses stuff derived from English or JP sounds, maybe Spanish. EU has a lot of names derived from other language sounds.
I feel like the spare tire of all my friend circles in game.
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queue CC 7:15
Imagine how loose it is
I'm gonna pretend you posted magness' self-insert
do you also make your own pasta
i feel like its kinda the same thing
me. unironically me.
forgh made me laugh so I'm sure he's cool
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Nanky was captivating, with an energy that drew people in effortlessly. her presence in Gar and Eiki's lives was initially a source of joy, bringing laughter and excitement. However, beneath Nanky's charismatic exterior lay a secret that would ultimately shatter the fragile balance of their relationship.

Eiki began to notice subtle changes in Gar's behavior whenever Nanky was around. Gar seemed more distant, distracted, and Eiki's insecurities started to surface. One evening, after a night out with Nanky, Gar returned home later than usual. Eiki, unable to shake off his growing unease, confronted Gar about his feelings.

"Gar, is there something going on between you and Nanky?" Eiki asked, her voice trembling.

Gar hesitated before responding, his eyes avoiding Eiki's. "No, Eiki, Nanky is just a friend. You're overthinking things."
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I'm drama free but I'm also retarded.
i go to bed at 5am....
hey thanks...

anyone play signalis? i'm in the hospital area and i'm lost and i dont play horror games and i'm scared
>talk to someone the thread tells me is a pedophile, groomer, sexpest, schizo, etc.
>they're actually chill and lowkey don't give a fuck
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i am
a lalaboy
who showed up late to spooky club and left early but still had a lot of fun anyways

goodnight xivg

and please be kinder to people. it costs nothing
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>I really enjoy making sourdough. Somethin about it just tickles my bones and makes me go "hehe. I like it"
>a 30+ year old man with a norwood 3 wrote this
Dude is just a creep, simple as
What's the new linkshell?
i want to be friends with this hrothgirl
the fiera
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I did not realize how big of an undertaking this was going to be
Which ebins that seem happy do you think are secretly huge lonely posters, depression posters, and EB relationship issues posters?
How can you be scared playing signalis it just makes me horny...they have blue tongues yknow
bro someone being happy about baking bread is probably the least cringe thing that has been posted in this thread
my catboy (nobody likes catboys)
is that a gun or something
Idk just look for the ebins that have never done lewds.
>lonely posters, depression posters, and EB relationship issues posters
not an ebin but I do this to an insane degree lately
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idk where that post is but im happy for him, made me smile
FT go to BED
The male midlanders not called jazz venuz
>saw this weeks first enrage on m3s
>i have been raiding and napping for 12+ hours
i hate raiding, i hate (you)
and i hate the thread
Rob Chidori @ Balmung
I love catboys
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The exact same here
... me... haha... they can't know that though... I'm supposed to be the cheerful one...
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Eiki wanted to believe Gar, but the nagging doubts persisted. The next few weeks were a blur of tension and uncertainty. Eiki's fears were confirmed when he accidentally stumbled upon a message on Gar's tomestone. The message, from Nanky, hinted at a deeper, more intimate, violent HORSING connection between them.

Heartbroken and devastated, Eiki confronted Gar once again. This time, Gar couldn't deny it. He confessed that he had developed feelings for Nanky and that their relationship had taken a turn Eiki was unaware of.

"I'm so sorry, Eiki," Gar said, his voice heavy with regret. "I never meant to hurt you. It just happened."

Eiki's world crumbled. The betrayal cut deep, not just because Gar had fallen for someone else, but because that Nanky HORSED Gar, whom Eiki could not even manage to touch Gar's catgirl cooch. The revelation of Nanky's HORSE cock, something Eiki had never anticipated, added another layer of shock and confusion.

Feeling humiliated and broken, Eiki made the painful decision to end their relationship. Gar, torn between his love for Eiki and his feelings for Nanky, didn't fight Eiki's decision, knowing the HORSING had been done.

In the aftermath, Eiki struggled to piece his life back together. He threw himself into Daganis, using his Idolra HORSE cock as a means to fill the void in his heart. His HORSE cock became more addictive and accustomed to Eiki's catgirl pusspuss , resonating with those who had experienced HORSING and plapping. Eiki's journey of being violently HORSED was long and arduous, but he emerged more schizophrenic , more resilient, and more in tune with his spaniard lover's HORSING.
me i miss my friends so much it hurts
this but unironically
hes kind of a spaz but who cares
-...with my rava
He's right though. He's completely right.
nice, I wanna stuff my face into her armpit
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Exceptional post, My Liege
My malezen as he is unable to discern whether or not someone is interested unless they straight up tell him
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We're told it was me, even though I didn't do anything and I'm just getting vague posted and accused of posting things that I didn't post.
Also, EU and SEA morning hours have just generally been this way towards me since March.
The people posting that stuff haven't interacted with me so it's not even a case of them being the asshole in an interaction with me. Almost all of them aren't even on Crystal. It's just stuff made up based off rumors those two jealous people who have schizoed me. One of them everyone already knows is T'owa. Towa and the other person made up rumors that they just repeat.

I've had VERY FEW negative interactions with people. Just one person who was extremely awkward, but I think she's just awkward with everyone and that's fine. Another that I thought was a honeypot and kept wasting my time. I have a good memory and can tell I've never interacted with these people, nor do they know anyone who has interacted with me. They just make complete shots in the dark with the stuff they make up about me.
Rob Chidori unironically
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Be careful she will bully you and make you play video games.
Does he actually think that looks good or is appealing?
>open thread
>same NA schizos sniping at each other
>same EU horseposting
>close thread
idk why it's always at this time
cya xivg
I gotta run it down on MNK.
bro why isnt cc popping man this shit sucks
What about me makes these things come to your mind... Watashi kininarimasu
I have not, I'll add it to the to do list. Usually the things I learn to cook are dictated by what friends like to eat so I can visit them & prepare them the stuff that makes them happy
i like making friends

what color do the tongues mean... anyway i dont play scary games so i get scared easily
and there it is
Am I the honeypot
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I present to you: Non-standard Monk
20 minute dungeon btw
Picture of me with a horse..cock, I guess?
oh yeah? do you have a single piece of evidence to prove this?
look for the bathroom and the store room for what you need to get into the pump room

you got this redcat
Gonna take a quick nap then probably hit up someone for lewd
You are disgusting
One of the male middies
You're my thread enemy because I can't fuck you in the ass and leave you a quivering mess on top of bedsheets soggy with all the cum you've wasted on them, with a gaping ass full of my cum
>I've had VERY FEW negative interactions with people
lmao this is the worst lie of the bunch
xiv players too busy tucking in their kids and reading them a bedtime story... ppfffffffftttHAHAHA
No. We've had a gorillion and twelve wannabe gimmick/avatarfags try to do the whole Kumbaya shit in the thread. Wowee zoweee a cute cat picture and a positivity message, I sure haven't seen that before. Shit, lemme look back some threads and maybe I can find the masked cat that gives hugs.
Super mega comics is a classic.
>Someone undercuts me by 1
>I tank the price by 10%
Enjoy the new prices, fag.
i think this bun is cool and people on this website are DUMB

okay im still scared tho
You have that cocky demenour and love for soft exhibitionism because you think you can take anything and retain control. What happens if you lose that control? What will you do when someone mops spilled drinks off the floor with your hair? Defiles things you find precious?
love this astroturf
think about it
what would goku do??

i'm sorry you're so absolutely jaded and broken as a human being but that's not my problem
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ok lsat one!!!
queue CC 10:15
get a tripcode
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me since nobody wants an asexual eb...
schizo this. self insert that, horse there, queers here, where are the ex 1 farms
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Have this one on the house. Not reading allatt btw
>you lose money and seethe while he doesn't even notice because he has 10 retainers and actually checks the listings like every other week
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I am a depressed lalaboi, still drinking, still chainsmoking.
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this looks like one
>everybody likes me
>no one has had a bad interaction with me
>i am a master sleuth for honeypots btw, a completely normal thing for non-schizos to worry about
>it's all lies
>just the ramblings of one insane EU schizo
>who are you going to believe, the legions of defenders i have everywhere, the best people, or the one person who keeps using 5 phones to post about me and is totally not a bunch of different people who dislike me
>He thinks its about the money
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could it be... towa big tonka tyrone behind such allegations?!
No one wants you as an EB because you've been vocal that you want whatever partner you get to both:
>accept your asexuality
>do not seek outlets for sexual activity with others
You are selfish and weird. That is why no one wants to be with you.
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yea i'm sure that's why people don't want you.....yup..
yep thats LT alright
you're just proving that person's allegations that you try so hard to figure out who schizos you, which makes the rest of what they said even more credible
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>not buying out all the other sellers and relisting at 50% so he can never profit off the item again
low tier ebins.
JO before you spiral
cherry popp
I don't care, I just paste the new price then go back to not worrying about it
>no insta
It's over...
The perfect EB
lorilee being a vazi alt would be the dankest of timelines. i'm so here for it.
>I don't care,
Yes you do
i dont know if i can handle another cc loss guys
do you wanna be bros
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Nothing wrong with wanting a loyal EB who doesn't cheat on you.

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when i make an expression, save it, and try to use use it on another character it turns them into a chinlet.
gonna go to the store and then pose my catboy going balls deep inside a flat femra
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will i win lads
We go again.
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How does one acquire a thread enemy? femra btw
After seeing this. A lot of things in my life are starting to make sense.
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Here's my evidence
no but everyone else will lose
>do my m3s perfectly
>top dps
>we wipe
>new party is up
>i got blacklisted
i mad
The problems with every race (female) dating:
Will fuck you, make you want more, then disappear with the wind, along with your heart.
Will act like you're just friends, until it suddenly spills over into yandere cling and complete meltdowns about you in the thread if you even target someone else where they can see.
Says she's not a + (Is actually a +, and only a +, and will fuck every available - whenever you're not looking)
Says she's not a pedo, but somehow keeps leaning every time you're together towards diapers and binkis and talks in baby talk... Also has a circle of lala "friends" who secretly(openly) hate both of you, but she insists on bringing along for everything.
Doesn't exist, is rabidly racist, and has no actual sex drive, despite making gooses suggesting they do.
More interested in dogs and npcs than you, and has 3 alts that look exactly the same, with different names, that you keep seeing in the QS late at night with Tyrone.
Doesn't exist, has a bigger dick than you, and is more manly than you.
My character's tags are brown, tomboy, pubic_hair, armpit_hair, sweat, femdom
what do you want from a partner, affection and intimate non sexual touch or do you not want touching at all?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
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you got this bro
Honorless dog.
The rapes will continue until fertility improves
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This is from the last stage games meetup during Never Have I Ever. The ones standing have never ERPed, everyone else has. Take that as you will.
i think i've offered to meet up like three times and you never replied
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yes I will keep asking to do ex1
I did this with the AMR mount a while back except it was by millions. I tanked that shit.
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>Something like 15-20 runs of Worqor Zormor
>Card refuses to drop for me or EB
nuh uh
damn I want an elezen gf now
is that my catboy
>atris noire
>never erped with sherri
It's so fucking funny how I can call you whatever the fuck I want on here and you're going to point the blame at some irrelevant european.
LT is nice, he's just one of the sort of people who'd be really cool if he wasn't sex obsessed
don't queue for normal raids bros, i'm about to grief some parties by being really bad at this job
i'd say me but i probably make it obvious with my normal posts
It's the metaphysical concept of catboys, because I have no catboy
my character's are tan, smug_expression, horns, scales, human_male, pronebone
any late night lalas still up?
>Nothing wrong with wanting a loyal EB who doesn't cheat on you.
No, what you want is to change someone to match your energy. You don't try to fundamentally alter the behaviour of someone that you'd "love".
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how do I fix
how do I compress
Kino meanxivg hours
We should do this again
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vouching for cats
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>Says they are going to bed nearly three hours ago
>Check thread
>Still up playing CC
Not addicted btw
click the textures tab and do bc7 conversion
i really think it's lorilee schizoposting eu and samefagging himself
I don't even recognize any of the standers.
Based. I actually love your posts even if it makes some of my friends rib me about being a secret bottom. There's not enough fun schizoing and doing it for the lulz. This general is full of people who schizo because they have a vendetta, with the most prolific schizo doing it out of their own jealousy of others.
That's so funny.
>I just had sex
posts are true, sure. But this just reads like some NEVER GOON HATE GOONERS SIMPLE AS guy who fabricated a bunch around that because he's mad that 4chan gets 4chan posts. He's clearly never interacted with me.
This is a fine reason to hate someone and not want to interact with someone, I guess. But to go further than that and make things up about them makes you, objectively, the bad person.
I'm at least careful about not posting those pictures of XIVGers because I know how warped in jealous you guys get. But you don't respect that at all, and you're constantly searching me to see who I'm with and getting jealous all on your own.
>can figure out whose peoples anonymous posts are
Lmao yeah that's true. Lots of people can do that. This isn't being stalkerish, it's just paying attention. This is such a schizo boogeyman you try to gaslight people with due to being mad that people figure out who you are in game after you schizo them.
Merely saying I'm proving allegations by defending myself doesn't make it true. If anything, your resorting fallacy is just more reinforcement of how manufactured this all is. And again, by people who don't even play on Crystal. What would you even know?
I wasn't saying it's T'owa now. You suck at reading. But he is one who originally started rumors that you ran with.
my favorite elk cat
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that's not too bad actually
why not, it's so easy to get catboys
This maliddie gets proneboned by malera!
>ophelia standing
i KNEW she was based
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Anon I'm not forcing someone to change if you don't want an asexual eb it's fine you don't need to go after them nobody is forcing you.
Anyone ever gonna post some proof or a more concrete accusation than "um he's just schizo" about LT or nah
Coyotes decided to sing the song of their people again.
Why would anyone lie on the internet
my very first thread enemy i made it
I am
A gay maleroe
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Is he coming back for Dawntrail? He is missing out on Wuk Lamat kino
I just sneezed and some blood came out
I think its time to stop huffing moonie stink
hey lorilee when are you gonna tell me you're stalking me and other weird possessive things that bottoms like me think are hot? i'm gonna want a refund at this rate

You wouldn't want to be bros with a loser like me.
Once again, not reading all that shit. Please see below
First he has to beat Stormblood
its pretty clear someone that mentally disabled would samefag the fuck out of themselves. i still refuse to believe anybody efucks him and hes just having some sort of episode
we know shoro
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You have to let us go anon. we're not real.
i also just sneezed and only air came out
I don't seeking sex with other people is cheating in this instance. Ultimately, what is and isn't cheating is gonna be determined on a per relationship basis but if you're not even interested in fulfilling me sexually or in sexual intimacy, I don't think it's cheating to go out and find someone who can satisfy that and is.
Wrong one
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wtf do i do with 8000 porygons
I'm self-satisfying. What do you want?
i just sneezed and a moonie came out
Is there anyone I can ask at LB14 for the Syncshell info?
I'm shy
It's a lie. I don't ERP with low level alts. And that's pretty common knowledge among people in game who actually interact with me instead of your made up thread schizoing from people on EU, so it's a bad lie.
If you make it clear you want that so it's consensual OOC, and you write well, yeah I'll do that.
Then don't get into the relationship? It's not that hard anon I already said what my needs are and if they don't match with yours then just leave?
Are any of them shiny?
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Is there a plogon that sees whos targetting you in pvp like peepingtom
I've got people that kos me in frontlines with machinists and I need a counter to fuck em over
Jerk Off
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im playing ast actually
and the answer is most likely not
boring game my team is just doing pve
I like how every single time LT tries to defend himself and call out "haters" he justs confirms every suspicion that he's deranged and creepy
i just sneezed
ah, sorry gryne
it says it's IRREVERSIBLE AND HIGHLY DANGEROUS, is it actually a problem converting them?
My moonie will pour a healing potion all over her feet. Just lick it off to fix that little issue you're having, then get back to huffing
He will never return, not because of the game, but because the community is too autistic and annoying.
I have never seen a good looking PC femezen
All cute ones are NPCs like Blaisie, Ameliance and Shale.
you can't just call it 10 seconds before the in-game time
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no because you can just reinstall it
my non-existent wife
brunny bros is this true?
Why does the warning come up only AFTER checking it?
It's eternity in there.
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>It's another episode about lorilee melting about a schizophrenic fingol as he egostrokes himself while schizoposting EU with oka nieba cactuar formerly falke albrecht cerberus
Can both of you niggers please off yourselves?
I think he probably continued playing off-stream
>I don't seeking sex with other people sar
I like how you're sinking dozens of hours of your life thinking you can chemo this one literal who and you'll never have anything to show for your low IQ screeching
i never want to see this disgusting fuck playing this game again
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i don't feel so good
can i post m-
you know what, nevermind. i'll just ask tomorrow.
>Steam coming off the sewer golem
I'm convinced this dude has a scat fetish
apparently you delete a line of code for peepingtom and it works in pvp
Please continue refferring to the below post for any furure replies as my response going forward
>I managed to sneak into aether
Heh, sorry losers but my reclears are going to be a breeze now.
>If you make it clear you want that so it's consensual OOC
what an annoyingly reasonable and responsible reply, i wanna be caught off guard and chased down
maybe i'll say something
I do because the seethe will be legendary
You know what it is, by chance?
I'm not anon. I'm giving you my perspective in the hopes that you'll give yours, because I don't understand why you'd care about who your partner plaps if you're asexual.

I'm phone posting and forgot to type think. We think faster than we type so words get omitted.
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one more for realz
queue CC 5:00
>reclears are going to be a breeze now
bwo? it's thursday. you're fucked lol
it's more about the fucking loss streak you inbred
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I'm not sure how they expect me to stay invested in the MSQ after that grand finale.
i do not
i will not be present. thank you for calling
Why is it that every time I'm in a game with Suhr, my game lags like hell?
because that counts as cheating and I'm not a cuck.
>pit window
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Time to sing them the ballad of .223 Remington then sis
I didn't mind the part of him actually playing and finding some enjoyment in the game, the annoyance for me was the audience he brought along with it. It was okay at first, but then it got out of hand
bros they got unvaulted
what do i use now???
honestly dude this whole post is some red flag shit. in a single post you bounce between calling other people schizos and gaslighters, claim everyone speaking against you has never talked to you, call it all manufactured, and throw in a wild conspiracy about being gangstalked.
it's not really quitting while you're ahead since you're not, but maybe quit before you make it even worse.
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>adult male crying about losing in a video game calling others inbred
how many holes have you punched in the wall, kyle?
it works, it just took a while to load
wait what happened
Unvaulted has been like this for a while now.
Give it time to load and it's fine.
I'm asexual and I've had several at various points. None of them involved sex.
It's possible, just hard to find
The site has been having issues all week randomly, I'm assuming its just some server issue because mod makers can't go after anyone distributing their stuff
>Tit window
But you're asexual
>destiny fan
who's crying?
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Ah man :(

was jazz a pioneer or something
Drift all you like from ocean to ocean
Search the whole world

I will never find it
would you be fine if I go kiss other girls then?
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I don't understand why people reply at all when they get schizoposted. Never in the history of the entire internet has it accomplished anything except encourage more schizoposting.
enjoying this c@s tits
They really shot themselves in the foot with how conclusive Endwalker was
wheres the cc pop
>destiny fan
wtf I love molly now?
Its aaaall the way downhill from now on
he thinks hes being gangstalked because he didnt realize just how many people dislike him
watching bbc earth "greatest animal fights 2" bros
kek, good post
He's not asexual. You are. How are you not understanding this?
love my trolley boys
I can fix her
its fun to spin up angry retards because the more angry they get the more retarded they get
then why even get into a relationship with an asexual? Go get someone who actually wants it.
no chance chud molly left to come over and jork my miera
Nta but how do you not understand lmao
I am a femlala who likes to make lewd gposes than ERP
>don't respond to schizo
>"so it's true! you didn't even bother to defend yourself! you should at least say something instead of taking it like a bitch!"
>respond to schizo
>"so it's true! you deny it! you should say nothing and just let them shit all over you!"
One one hand I applaud them having the balls of ending a story arc, they could had easily milked it for one or two more expacs. But on the other hand yeah, ever since EW ended everything just feels....off
when i come home
ill bake you a cake
made from all their eyes
i will make you my wife
>when you get commends as a dps
that's the good stuff right there bros
would it be cheating if your partner gposed with another person but didn't erp?
You're too concerned about your threadrep.
I seem happy in game and I don't blogpost, but I am extremely miserable and depressed and lonely as fuck all the time
>leaving trip on a post while admitting to anonymously shitposting anons
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The void ark was a pretty good start for a new storyline, but they threw that out of the window for the onepiece expansion.
You look lonely... I can fix that.
most people know what a piece of shit he is already
it would amaze me if elk shitposting was news to anyone
I actually want to date this moonie
he's been here for a decade
i know, but it was clearly an accident that i find funny to call out
It's elk
you respond but in a non-serious manner, and despite what a few people may think the sarcastic sweetieposting does not count as non-serious
Luckiest game I've had all night, thanks for the calls.
got 30 kc on ex1 and saw 0 mounts, wtf is the drop rate?
>because I don't understand why you'd care about who your partner plaps if you're asexual.
NTA but sex is intimate, even if it's in game ERP shit. There are many ERPers in this very thread that have caught feelings for the people they ERP with. Just because someone is asexual doesn't mean they want all their partner's intimacy to go to another person who they will then catch feelings for because they are constantly being intimate with them and get to experience blissful orgasms with them.
Asexuals just need to find other asexuals imo
its a shame this lizard is such a tranny faggot because the (unmodded) character is good looking
no i just said i reply to schizos, like im doing now
who gives a shit, you are all mentally ill niggers with cum for brains
stop posting on the thread and look for work or a healthy social life or something...
Let's make some.
It’s time to crawl onto my sleeping rock and pass out
gn xivg
>playing a greedy dps with no raid utility
>not actually good at the game
I'll take an ace EB if they still mod cute and sexy outfits for me to ogle at and then let me jerk off to their character. I basically already have that with one of my irl girl friends who plays, but she has a bf so we can't EB.
It's fun if you have some content you need to do, especially if cutscenes are involved. I'll tell you I'll just rape you at a certain point during it, but you won't know when exactly.
I really like the anticipation, having time to stew on what my character might do. Thinking of how you'll react, and already thinking ahead of how to react to along the path it may go. It's like foreplay without having to actually write out the foreplay.
>waaahhhh lewd post
Filter the word rape, you insufferable retards.
>DMC Rank meter doesnt work during CC
Kinda lame ngl
lalafells are actually cute and I want to give them headpats and piggyback rides
does using your raidwide mitigation when the boss says its time for raidwide mitigation make you good at the game anon
She must burn
Based taste anon
I am a grown ass man... unless.. you want that... then-- Heyyyyyyyyyyy
Hello Elezen mommy- sorry I mean mommy-- SORRY I mean ma'am
Reveal yourself
If your WoL had to pick a boywife out of the three, what's your choice:
asexual this asexual that
the only thing you are is a sexual failure go to the local walmart and buy a hooker already
kill yourself
how bad is dawntrail? havent bought it
>Reveal yourself
I'm in lb14, idk if you're there but if you are then I'll find you
My WoL is the Astolfo boywife
im asexual predator
I always wondered if you look like dva from overwatch on purpose.
youssa greasy gabe-a-gabagool!
Currently at work...
based, i'm an analrapist
it's an analyst + therapist
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now go away
>I am a grown ass man... unless.. you want that... then-- Heyyyyyyyyyyy
i just want to do lewd and/or cute things to your cat in gpose
Story is mid
Dungeon design very good
Boss mechanics very good

Patches are set to be very promising
why did you stop posting
weird posts
idk sorry
ignore schizos
Silly Xehanort, Walmart is for high fructose corn syrup and guns. The hookers are strutting outside home depot.
gn Jill
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good question, but it is one I don't have an answer to
i was in the middle of a song on guitar hero
that's rich coming from you
What can you provide that my golem can't?
i was brushing my teeth my bad
How long will you be? I've already finished work so should be around for a while
Where we meetin'?
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I was getting a picture of my latest Manderville relic.
of course bro we radioheadpilled here
First week on the internet, bud?
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Do I dare try to get all the trophies for XIV...
Busy grinding SAM levels in Qufim.
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>Dungeon design very good
>Boss mechanics very good
in what fucking world
holy shit the dungeon has....one more enemy?? zaaaamn this is so goated fr fr no cap
wait is this boss doing left and then right instead of out and then in??? SHEEEEEEEEEESH yoship PLEASE I am going to fucking CUMMMMMMM
Me as the rope going between your legs
Ask if you see me at LB14 later today and I shall provide a mcdf for your free use requirements
Wowzers sesshin is a pedo I'm shocked.
Story is dogshit but the actual content is much better than the shit we had in last expansion.
>The hookers are strutting outside home depot.
>Patches are set to be very promising
what the fuck does that mean? im going to wait
your censorship work is duly appreciated
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getting objectified once again bros
Queue CC 12:40 ET
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i actually did fuck some hookers one time

i caught chlamydia
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>messed up my opener
>pic rel
no but greedy dps offer less than a dps with rdps buffs or other utility when played by someone bad.
Built for delicate but forceful handholding
>Cool music
>Great audio and visuals
>Cool mechanics
>Just a cool big monster fight
I wish DT had more of this instead of the cyberslop shit.
I like the dungeons.
>stop enjoying the game!!!!
I really think a mix of finding the golden city and just hunting Tural Vidraal would've been a fun expac. But maybe that'll be the trial questline.
we could have fought mayan gods or a sun god but noooooo cyberslop
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Are you ready to take responsibility?
what pokemon is that
outside of trial 3's phase 2 bullshit these trials have been extremely good, I hope ex3 cuts out woot lmao entirely
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I am a fiddie, officially in shadowbringers.
I wish the Golden City wasnt some big twist about how its not what you thought it was.
I will do what I must
I actually don't like cyberpunk since edgerunners anymore.
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>character tells you about something that happened in the past
>Wol gets lightheaded and sees an Echo of the same damn thing we were just told about
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Dawntrail is great
Sena Bryer is the greatest female voice actress ever and if you disagree I’ve got 3 syllables for ya….
Wuk Lamat is and always will be the main character of Final Fantasy XIV Online
We like this
Never doubt Master-P.
He is more influential than Miyamoto and Miyazaki combined.
Mario? Donkey Kong? The Legend of Zelda?
The entire soulsborne genre?
All fall short of Dawntrail.
All hail Yoshi-P.
If you don’t agree just go back to /wowg/
We’ve got 50 million more players than WoW anyways we’ve got plenty to spare.
A few thousand transphobes lost along the way won’t stand in the way of YoshiP’s greatness.
>sun god
that's being saved for amaterasu in the hingashi expansion
This but with Corsair
I swear these people just have a hard on for disappointing their players
Didn't read.
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genuinely yes
if you enjoy the game is it is then you have zero standards
the only reason this game was good was because the story was cool, if boring at times
the gameplay is mediocre and held back by 1.0's skeleton code
no amount of left right in out protean stack spread or pvp minigames or dungeons can fix .3s server tic or shit like not being able to just put glamour dressers in our houses
It ain't gonna suck itself
My femra doesn't look anything like that blizzard sfm porn magnet though?
Do you have a favorite NPC that's not a main character of the MSQ?
cute fiddie. first time doing shb?
you posted her
Longer than you think. Care for a drink?
>first time for MSQ
>get hint to LB3 as tank from the off tank
>nearly freak out when the DPS uses it for the add
>surprise you get another
>launch it
>only me, the other tank, and two DPS live the initial wipe
>don't need to continue because we all know what happens next in the fight
Still, I fucking hate the timing of forced tank LB3's. I always choke it, especially with Warrior of Light.
may i come groom?
your dick is mediocre lmao
I hate that this modbeast looks like my WoL
Damn that was fast. From Crystal tower to ShB in a few days.
Even if you're trying to rush through on an alt, you should level 2 jobs at once through MSQ or you'll waste a lot of EXP. DT gives so much exp that you can almost level 3 on it.
Its because S9 is so corperate and safe ER had edge and interesting stories.
For endsinger is when the countdown reaches 4 seconds, for WoL is when he gets the 4th LB bar filled
she's actually with my maliddie right now, sorry bozo
protip if theres a countdown you are always safe to press it at 4 seconds
let me be a sprout forever
what do i do with these
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nigger the internet went through this phase already
if you don't like shit then go do your own thing
i thought that was you and was surprised by your quick descent into beasthood
could be worse, at least your doppelganger isn't a pedo like mine
Exchange it for stuff in Wolves Den
May I come groom?
when will you be around? also name
Wolf Collars to buy Wolf Marks to buy Materia or shit to turn into GC seals
Do you like lalaboys?
yeah i know that
but what stuff its all shit

the fuck do i care about gc seals for
Begging you to use reshade
I will fight for the story to be good again and I will keep playing the game
you will sit there like a little bitch and have zero opinion on anything and never decide on anything of your own because you're a 2 IQ monkey and your skin is probably brown
Not into freckles
Yeah, you're right
As friends only
Coke or Hardened Sap to sell, or ventures
Do you have everything anon? You exchange currency for items, or for other currency for other items.
Nah, fourth time
Sure! come come
Yeh i was thinking that, but ill be playing only tanks so, dungeon spam is no big deal, plus ill just play war/gnb. WAR for dungeons GNB for savages/ULTS
Y'mhitra was love at first sight for me
Valigarmanda should've been the main villain of Dawntrail. It would've given them an interesting challenge also at writing a villain with motivations that isn't just a mystery nigga from a different world. Just a big ass powerful beast of instinct and nature.
>This but with Corsair
Viper is just supposed to be an FF9 reference like the rest of the expac I'm pretty sure
For better or worse
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That was with a reshade preset. How about you recommend me some good presets and where to find them?
I need lala thighs
>tfw no one will ever call you a good girl/boy
it's not fair sisters
I pause anyone who exceeds the limit on mare sync
My miera says bunjour
show armpits
It'll be one of these until I figure out my next blob and move over to that
that's being saved for chaos in the time loop expansion
Well, my femlala uhh... errmm... that is...
It's nice to have at least one DPS for treasure maps and stuff like that in case someone else wants to tank.
Also good to have 1 DPS for doing your Wonderous Tails.
Picto is a great choice for that and starts at 80, though, so not much work.

I'll see you whenever you're done and want to hang out at meetup spots.
>Honey B. Lovely MILK
Gods yes...
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im so glad like no other fiddie uses my hair
>honey b laburi milku
Hey /xivg/, I asked a friend to come chat with me while I know they were online, but they didn't reply. What would you do in my shoes?
Fucking this awkward femlala sexually.
leofard crew
company of heros
nothing comes ot mind

shout out to martynn for being based and the hlldibrand crew and gerolt
Face 2 hrothgirls make the cutest moans.
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I remain absolutely firm on my thought that Dawntrail should've revolved around Spanish Conquistador Vampires in the Golden City.
... silly me, I'll be in-game in...9 hours or so
>Picto is a great choice for that and starts at 80
Oh you are... 100% correct pct right now PUMPS damage and its great, ill def pick it up when i reach 80 and ill have it as a side piece.
they were maybe AFK?
parking next to you and targeting you and fapping
assume they were pooping and didn't see the message
chugging black cat's peach water until I die or go bankrupt
schizopost them
sign them up for blacked
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
arent vampires just voidsent servants or something.
Casual CC 6:10 ET
Couldve had a villain trying to reawaken him but have Valigarmanda be the final boss of the xpac.
tycho trying to copy val's body is pretty pathetic desu
It was on Discord. It denotes when you're idle after 10 minutes of no activity. Their icon never changed to the idle icon.

Er, that's a bit extreme, don't you think?
Source on the artwork? Looks awesome.
>we've reached the point where WotC is capable of writing a better story and more compelling characters than SE
Grim. My malezen is the Adanto Vanguard of XIV
Everytime I see them they are more and more naked
9 hours....
i will maybe be awake..
very nice composition, and cute too
it doesnt need to be that deep but i kinda wanted valigarmanda to talk at least in teh fight. ILL KILL YOU, etc or perish in flames blah blah blah kind of flavor.
Riqi-Tio my beloved..
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Well as for me, sometimes I see a message but I go do something else like going to the bathroom/eat/shower and say "Ill reply when im back" and then forget
I will not be sleeping tonight, so I shall be a LB14 dwelling making fantas and outfits :)
This is what playing in my mind when a schizo is talking
bro is copyrighting a big titty catgirl
these two femroe

idk i've always thought they were GORGEOUS
Just chill if it was the first time, maybe they're busy, tired, not in the mood to chat
If it's a continuing pattern, they may just not be interested in you
Try again another day.
theyll never do time skip but seeing her grown up and an alchemist or healer would be neat and seeing lyna being exactly the same would be kino as well and gnb ryne.
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Glubra gone wrong...
Laurentius Daye
The Warriors of Darkness, though you could say they’re main characters
And then my wife Cyella/Cylva
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How to do girlcock WRONG
the lizard that spit
I was worried I had modbeasted too hard, is this acceptable?
I did notice the similarity, but does val even use c+ stuff? I just assumed it was the same body mod
Where is that?
there's an infinite number of possible explanations
your life will be much easier if you don't assume the worst in every situation, you are just overthinking things.
unless this is a recurring problem and they just never respond to your messages then yeah it's probably safe to assume that your friendship might not be a priority to them
The more I think about Dawntrail the more it becomes apparent at just how absolutely dogshit it is. I wasn't happy with it when I finished the MSQ, but looking back at any part of the story just reveals more and more terrible writing and plotholes. Did anyone even play through it before release?
>legless laurentius the traitor
girl why
i like this cute sprout coded lala
they're about to have lobster
Extreme versions of solo MSQ trials never...
>120k triangles from 3 different outfit mods clownsuited together to form 1 glam
Am I too far gone?
>doing stuff in merycydia
>thancred will steal his thunder again

fucking thancred die already
why are people suddenly self-conscious about their modbeast size
I imagine its like
I think they reached a point where "just throw shit at the wall, they gonna gobble it up anyways"
He’s just like me
If it's not a common occurrence, I assume they're afk.
If it's a common occurrence, ask them if it's because they don't like me and tell them I'll leave them alone if they want.
I don't understand how people can miss discord notifications regularly. The notifications are unmissable.
However, my discord does bug out a lot and I don't get the sound. I'll eventually see the notification, like the next day at worse, and get back to them.

Anything under 375mb is fine. I've noticed most beasts are above 300-400ish so the default Mare set is reasonable. Under 150 is what I usually like to see.
Culinarian guild

i will kill you
lobster truck has arrive
what is memoria miseria
>Laurentius Daye
i'm glad I'm not alone in liking him
every time i see him i really wish he would change
he always disappointed me but i won't give up on him
the new mare update auto pauses people if they're past a certain threshold be it MB or triangles
cute roe
Card art of Call to the Feast from the Italian Magic the Gathering set. Artist is Yongiea Choi.
Giott is the only good lalafell and my drunk wife
i still think its retarded bakool ja didnt get more consequences for that and just in a taco competition after.
hey guys, a completely normal and mundane social thing happened today and i'm about to make a GIANT deal out of it and then wonder why i have no friends. thoughts?

also who wants to do roulettes fino fanta 14
the lobster thing was funny and it's stuck now but i do like how your femhroth looks regardless
people you're paired with get a big warning that says you're a fat retarded modbeast if your filesize is too large, and you can also have it set to auto pause people who exceed that amount
id have some of that lobster
if you know what i mean....
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>375mb is fine
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I got quickly reminded i am, indeed, in balmung when i saw this highlander have in her search comment "Abigail's mommy" said Abigail is the bunny (i presummed) getting plapped with animations. The highlander is in the back...
gingerly stroking the coeurlstache
Gposingway on GitHub comes with them
IXALAN, not Italian I'm so sorry about my auto-correct.
people theorized consulting company rewrites and i can believe it but the localization was dogshit and hiroi writing didnt help it at all.
I guess it's safe to assume then that they don't want to be friends with me. I wish they had told me that. Being ignored hurts much more.
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ask for permission first....
I'll check that out this week then, thank you
no one unironically likes male characters
>all the schizoposting in the last few threads
it really was 9/11
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here you go degen anon...
He has almost the same face and hair color as me.
Thanks, Misija is really cute
Fellow good taste haver…
I hope we see him again! His character is really interesting
S-sorry, it is very inviting
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can i get a qrd on the schizo posting?
i missed it
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>david attenborough voice: here we see a femra's woober sniffing out a potential mate. the length and flexibility permits some.. risky maneuvers
>I don't understand how people can miss discord notifications regularly. The notifications are unmissable.
i disable the notifications and sounds. hate instant messaging. love slow paced email correspondence. anything requiring more can be handled with a phone call.
why is it bending like that
idk i didnt read it
Shut up.
The stupid fucking catboy should never have been Dawnservant.
I feel the story wouldve been way more interesting if it was about Wuk and Zoraal coming to term and working together and understanding each other.
Wouldve have a deeper symbolic meaning and wouldve actually shown and expanded on each characters feeling of inadequacy and exploring their family dynamic.
Wouldve also served as a paralleled to the lizard and cat people alliance that founded their entire government.
But I guess that wouldnt have had any room for the cyberslop. Unless you want to make the catboy suddenly go apeshit and start jerking himself off to S9 calling it the pinnacle of what a nation can achieve and augments himself to death, i dunno.
Honest genuine thoughts on femlalas
goodnight /xivg/

get 8 hours of sleep every night
and drink 2.5 liters of water every day

But it's not MILK out of her, it's MILK out of traditional Hokkaido dairy farms.
my femra DRG's theme
gn ily i hope you fall for me eventually
>Bakool ja ja does all this terrible shit
>He gets a pass
>Zarool ja ja kills his dad
>Now you must die
please I need pit not a pitstop
>I don't understand how people can miss discord notifications regularly.
I frequently wont notice the little red dot on my notification area of the task bar if i was afk when i got the message.. if i had discord minimized instead of full closed i usually notice right away.
Based mental health and quality of life maxxer
I have had 2.5 hours of sleep and 8 gallons of coffee
weird interaction with the piss mod they're using maybe
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He was sad afterwards, okay?
gn my lobster wife
Post tits slut
Fine... Here...
i didn't even realize it was pissing
He made up for it by protecting the city from cyberslop.
that's not enough water..
I need ARMpit, not pitstop, not avocado pit. ARMPIT! SWEATY ARMPITS
this glub throats
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I am playing Core Keeper instead of playing Final Fantasy
>killed two robots
Forged by evolution in order to withstand the convoluted triangle riddled mess that is the average modbeast pussy.
Anon, noooo, not until we're EB'd!
I think I saw this rava's cock earlier today
piss.... mod...?
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>gaius does all this terrible shit
>he gets a pass
>nero does all this terrible shit
>he gets a pass
>livia does all this terrible shit
>you're dying right now
Oh wow, very cute
Sleep Paralysis got me up at 4am
Time to grind by myself, I guess...
I need to see before I buy the ring for you, of course.
I think what Gulool Ja Ja originally intended (or well, what a writer with two braincells would think) was that with this whole competition everyone involved (except maybe Bakool Ja Ja) would learn about their weaknesses and how the other promises were actually strong in their respective fields. So by the end forming a council with all the Promises would had been an acceptable, and welcomed outcome.

Too bad this didn't happened and Wuk went "WELL PAPA HAD TWO HEADS....AND I ONLY HAVE ONE...SO JOIN ME BRO LMAO"
grind on my lap
it's an anim in nightlife
t. used it once or twice
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thats actually the normal recommended amount
*Zeno voice*
The salvation of a world and its people. The motives of a hero true.
Can I save that gif? It’s a lot like my character in looks and personality and I would like to be able to share it!
Why was there no challenge for Wuk? It felt like any adversity happened everything just fell perfectly into place for her.
You're a bad friend.
See the line of little white dots?
Fuck no, weirdo
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Do you think a Lalafell could could die if you pushed them off their lalachair?
He wanted to go down the majin vegeta route and that's what he got in the end.
>this happens
>everyone complains how there is no conflict in DT and people just get along
Depends on how hard you push them and if they go head first.
Why do you think people call her Naruto, everyone loved her even though she never left Tuliyollal. Every suggestion she said was accepted and ended up being the right answer.

You are not wrong but wouldn't change the fact the whole ass continent as a whole doesn't has conflict.
Nah. Lala are like cockroaches. Very hard to kill under normal circumstances.
Sorry, but I believe that lewd comes after EB, and shared exclusively between the EB'd people, nobody else...
i do
No you dont
Just ordered a rounded bodypillow so I can pretend I'm snuggling my non-existent EB when I sleep
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I'm sorry being friends with me was such a hassle. I won't bother you ever again.
Except Naruto actually had hardships and shit he went through.
which dress?
That's good to know. I want our fc to be safe for lala use
I've never considered closing it to notifications bar. Minimizing it means my task bar has the notification icon which is easier to see.
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Did someone just utter Power Word: Bad Friend?
>cooking competition
>need to team up with someone else
>"oh fuck wuk lamat actually has to work through the differences with one of her competitors"
>her partner is koana
It was at this point I knew the story would be unredeemable trash
ya i do
He did but so did many others, sometimes even worse than him or that put way more effort into it (Rock Lee) yet he ended up being Hokage because plot demanded it.
Naruto goes through a fuckton of hardships. Dude actually can't catch a break
Why does there have to be conflict? They are alrady a united nation. The trial was about visiting them and solving their little problems. The challenges the chosen representatives came up with were all to the benefit of the local people.
can biggers sit in that chair
Fine, I'll just get the middie that looks like you to do it instead.
show armpits
She's the protagonist
Yeah you could kick a lala from the room and they would walk it off. They are sturdy.
They want that trans barbed penis
Rock Lee was just born into a shit family with shit genes. He basically got cucked since he couldn't use any chakra jutsu. Just how in the real world where ugly niggas are born.
begone bpdemon
Rock Lee didn't put in more effort than Naruto. He put in more effort than Gaara, that's what the whole talent vs skill thing was about
I was so upset when we didnt get the lizard.
Wouldve been way more fun and interesting.
But I guess fun and interesting wasnt on the agenda for this MSQ aside from battle content.
Omg she's so down to earth we love her!!!
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I'd explain my reasoning but this anon back then said it perfectly
Is there a more certain marker of a NEET than freaking out about bad friends or friend collectors when people don't instantly respond to DMs?
In my headcanon it's CWCville and they talk about Chris-chan. Then everything makes more sense.
Bad writing, and Wuk is the main character, obviously.
Why not just use google search for armpits? The internet is your oyster...
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I wish there was a better way of grinding these fucking things
>Using malms as measurement
>n the year 986 of the Sixth Astral Era, a pirate who had come to Limsa Lominsa wanted to procure sailcloth from the black markets when his purchase fell short of the length for which he believed he had paid. Enraged, he incited a scuffle that left some fifty men dead or wounded. Admiral Agatzahr Roehmerslyn promptly arrested the pirate and lopped his thumb clean off, declaring that it would henceforth serve as the standard measure of an ilm throughout the land. Cast-iron replicas of the buccaneer's severed digit were produced in bulk and distributed around the realm to serve as one-ilm rules, and disputes over vague measurements soon became a thing of the past.
They went through the trouble of changing "shite" to "shit" but couldnt be bothered to come up with their own measurement system? Or are we meant to believe the catboy introduced the malm?
Na I think it's dumb that the Black Mages in Ul'dah didn't just nuke the Amal'aa and put and end to them.
Struggling against these pansy ass beast tribes felt stupid.
You can get 2k in 45 minutes of bozja.
I cap that shit instantly, are you in ARR?
>I feel the story wouldve been way more interesting if it was about Wuk and Zoraal coming to term and working together and understanding each other.
Yeah sure yet another happy ending in this game where nobody ever dies that would have been good.......
The ENTIRE point of his character and his role in the story is reliant on the fact that in the end nobody understood him or what was going on in his head. That even as Wuk is realizing she doesn't understand the people around her, she still fails to understand one of the people she should be closest with. Just like families and friends that are shocked when somebody commits suicide or does a mass shooting, saying they had no idea and the person was also so kind and happy or whatever. The entire point is to focus on the tragedy of their failure in saving him.
he's trapped in his nostalgia because he used to have fun rp'ing
why wouldn't they? she's their queen and visits often
i love dying to unavoidable dot damage in m2 normal
You can cap it easily in Eureka.
You have unlocked and finished Eureka, right anon?
>Yeah sure yet another happy ending in this game where nobody ever dies that would have been good.......
We had a happy ending anyway so I'm not sure why youre upset about that.
Happy endings are fine, plus we literally killed sphene and grandma died so I dont know where you got the idea nobody died.
She's the throat goat
That on the other hand is a good point I agree with.
When the journey started, Wuk was a nobody with just a few followers, while the other promises got a lot of support.
When the ceremony started, everyone just accepted the victory in unity. That was strange.
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Stop this slandering, I am a Rava-!

Bloom by Solona IIRC
So the correct play is to afk until the next expansion and pay to skip yawntrail right
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>I don't understand how people can miss discord notifications regularly. The notifications are unmissable.
Join trains and watch youtube on the side until it's capped.
That's what I'm doing.
Ragz is stupid, black, and stuck in the past. Also roleplays as a Nordic demigod
Viera with reasonable body mods are so hot...
They already have the curviest bodies vanilla. I don't know why everyone goes so crazy with them.
they can, though it offers poor back support
Maybe but doesn't makes him any less right. There's absolutely nothing going on for Tuliyolal, to the point no one noticed fucking Wuk Lamatt had a wrong voice line on her coronation ceremony that was fixed last patch.

And before someone says "but Mamook". That 'conflict' was fixed in the span of literally two quests
>there is rumbling streamer in queue
cutie with a nice ass
Wuk actually just has unrivaled head game and that's why everyone loves her.
ah yeah i frequently keep it closed out completely since I'm regularly still on when none of my friends really are.
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I don't like going too far with any race desu. Being slender and cute is more my style c:
Now if only mods that give you heels/pumps were more realistic instead of every single one being 6-9 inches
dc and eb status my queen?
I will take that statement back, because of course they cheered for her, because she solved their problems during the trial. Just the people that actually live in the city she had no impact on.
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marry a sunnie
She's so strong from all the cum she swallows on the daily
Would probably be easy to cut those pumps down in blender.
Are you going to fanta to Viera? I recall you being Miqo'te. I'd definitely approach the Viera.
Yeah. Considering all the other stuff out there is it so surprising that it's a thing?
Who's freaking out, anon? We're pointing and laughing at bad friends. Are the people that are freaking out in the room with you right now?

But here, let me humor you. There's never a situation when I don't immediately respond to my friends. Forget about Discord, forget about xiv. Real friends, from work, from the waking word. Real flesh and blood people. As soon as a text comes in on whatsapp or over instant messaging, I'm there. Unless I'm balls deep in work, a lecture or a woman, you get an immediate response. Some of these people are on the exception list for DnD on my phone becauase I know they would rely on reaching out to me during a tough situation. And they all reciprocate this in kind.

This is what it means to be a good friend and no matter how much you cope ans seethe, you'll never stop being a bad one unless you change your ways.
cp won all these rava-'s coming out
Normally bodily functions are left out.
>landsguard junta backing zoraal ja
man that would have been so cool
begone bpdemon
Your concession is accepted.
I wish more bunnygirls shared your ideals. Vanilla bunnies are already basically peak
Amen to that. I typically like massive tits and ass but Passionlip-tier proportions just doesn't look good in this game.
can I start out just petting one?
Wow, just exposing me huh! I've thought about it, but I like both my cat and my bun so much. I don't know if it's worth spending money to fanta if I might regret it. I might if my friend wants me to funnily enough the more I play with her the more I am a bun and she is a cat (she started as a bun) so we sort of flip flopped.

Crystal (formerly Aether) and no EB
idk man i can go a year without talking to a friend and then the next time we hang out we pick up right where we left off
sounds like a you problem
I wish the ass mods were just 2B size. That's the perfect amount on Fiera.
They're pretty much all much more massive and clip vanilla clothing.
That sounds more of an acquaintance than a friend tbhfam
i'm the same way anon. i think i'd kill myself if i was as clingy as that other guy is
all rava are +
some bite tho
A cute transgirl said I smelled good today and all I could think about was giving her a handy.
That's fine. I'll see if I can go find one to pet before bed.
nah they let me crash at their place for a the week that i visit
yeah some people here are just cooked it's pretty sad
stinky malera post
please bake so I can ritualpost and go to sleep thanks
i'm gonna be so honest anons i don't know the differences between the bunny subspecies at ALL
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>Want to talk about FFXIV (gameplay wise)
>/v/ threads get deleted in sight because...can't discuss video games on /v/
>/xivg/ is literally just highschool drama and sex and has honestly an awful influence on me (like seriously)
>The OF is worse than trash fire
This is it, your last thread. I'm not giving you another inch
Rava are dark
Veena are light
I'm willing to accept creating a Magical/Alchemical + if someone is very cute and needy and I feel like being dominant with them. But as of right now I am Rava with 2 holes and no pole.
Penor goes into the bunnies in limsa, not the ones on the moon.
Very simple.
what do you wanna talk about? i like talking about lore stuff
Veena are big titty white chicks
Rava are big booty black chicks
I'll give you six inches instead.
you have to find normalfags to talk about the game with, it's the only hope
Rava have bushier eyebrows, and Veena eyebrows are smaller.
Rava have small pupils, and Veena have large ones.
Rava mostly have more tan, brown, black, and dusky skin tones, while Veena are mostly pale except for a few peachy, dusky brown, and grey options.
Rava forcefully mate, and Veena rape.
Do you like it in the ass?
i kinda assumed that but i thought there would be some other small differences like miqos have
taking notes, thank you...
Sheboons wish they looked like Rava goddesses
ty *smooch*
hell yeah, give us another gay male middie thread
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hope this helps
Blame Yoshi and his 5 month patch cycle with absolutely 0 fucking information on upcoming content. There is nothing to do in the game.
come to eureka!
The aco and trash threads are full of diapers, this game is played by absolute degens
my moonie is really tired
Ravas used to also have a prominent eye glow compared to veena, but that got nerfed with DT
Gameplay wise like I said, like for example, I believe the dev fucked up the new addition of RPR kit, Perfectio.
Or about the upcoming PVP changes, what hope and fears you have, I'm actually not sure they will even talk about it in the Live Letter...

But where?
Like I said, pretty much everywhere is fucked in someway.

Fair enough...
It's absolutely mindblowing in that recent interview that he honestly believes that each patch we receive basically overloads the community with content.
Nice job misrepresenting what's being talked about, anon. We're talking about leaving people on read for hours or days, god forbid longer and not about mutually being too busy to speak for long periods of time. One is being a Bad Friend, the other is just life. I have friends that live all over the globe and we may go half a year without speaking to eachother. Mutually. Life is busy and time zones are cringe. On the opposite end of the spectrum, forgetting you need to respond to a friend's message is unacceptable behaviour, and makes you a bad friend.
Would you like to try a different cope? Y/N
Nothing matters, just appreciate the cuteness and love them all equally!
May I tuck this moonie in?
my moonie is really bored
it offers poor support even if you're a lala
I was hoping it was actually a higher chair so I could see over my fucking desk but IT'S THE SAME HEIGHT AS EVERY OTHER DESK CHAIR AT THE IMMORTAL FLAMES DESK
sure thank you

hope you find some fun stuff
sleep tight moonc@
ty husbant

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