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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>494179219
I love moonies and hope you do too
Post sweaty Thighlander girls
i was gonna say this op is otis slop but theres no grotesque beachball tits or shark teeth
I play a moonie and I love myself more than anything, therefore, I love moonies
yea i love moonies
i play a moonie but hate myself i love moonies tho
smooching all these moonies on the forehead
Post the last screenshot you took with friends.
And that appears to be a malera melty
guess i'm not posting
now post her as a moonie
ok lets say hypothetically a veena
and lets say for instance that i am present
then it would be fair to conclude that i am a veeennaa heereeeee
If you aren't qualified to speak on racial stereotypes it's ok newfag. Leave it to the archivists and professionals.
do uh npcs count as friends
I shan't, they're naked in it
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I'm still here anon
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i love femlalas
Please post male highlanders too... they still exist here, I'm sure of it...
All the more reason to
Do all players get the same GC supply mission? As in every armorer has to turn in the same item and so on.
I'm well read on the goings-on regarding shitting on malera
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>Enter on Crystal alt.
>HORSED by Nanky in Balmung.
>Travel to Cerberus, Chaos.
>Plapped by Ki You. HORSED by Forgh Shial and Bunny Hole
>Odin, light.
>Plapped by Binis
>HORSED by Soima
>Plapped by Daganis
>Plapped by Towa
>Plapped by Lyria
>HORSED by Romani
>HORSED by Ryun
>HORSED by Bunny Hole
>Raped by Meteor
>Slampigged by Very Cute
>Turns out to be Yuri's personal plapmeat
>Worships Idol Femra+ hocks (horse cocks)
>404 takes turns on this poor catgirls ass
>Still doesn't have enough and repeats it the next day
>All of this... Behind his EBs back
GarGalon bros... How do we respond ?
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Effy Kibou is responsible for most of the drama here he is transsexual and mentally ill
I can't. I was told not to (there's a male player surrounded by female players)
Very well, anon. You may post the last picture you took with friends where they aren't naked in it
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Imagine having this many skeleton in your closet and STILL trying to be a public figure...
what a majestic moonie
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My femra is pretty happy today
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fuck off kong go play with your irrelevant pedo discord
I would need to scroll down to around 2019 era on my screenshot folder and I'm too lazy to do that.
it is.
>Soima tho
Unmedicated Finnish tranny femra that sent his nudes to Vazi while sleeving him with his horse cock, Responsible for the "I cum" "so am I" Incident. Got HORSED by Binis and Nanky.
>Nanky Meek
Lightcord's Appal. Has triple the amount of mental illnesses Appal does. Groomed then HORSED Maro, Binis, Soima, and Gar Galon. His date with Gar ended miserably because Eiki caught him HORSING Gar.
Lightcord's finest horse cock haver and second worst sexpest. NTR'd Maro by HORSING Falke. Got divorced three times because he was caught HORSING someone else by his EBs. A huge asshole in general. Do not get near him if you have an EB. One of you will get HORSED.
>Gar Galon (Banan Juice)
Another Horse Cock Lover. Got HORSED by Nanky, Soima, Binis, Idol femras, 404 and literally everyone in Lightcord except Eiki. His beloved Eiki Shiki is schizoposting the horse havers out of pure spite and jealousy he didn't get to plap Gar.
>Eiki Shiki
Powerful Bulgarian Schizo. Lost to horse cock and the thread pays the price for being cucked. Has a million IPs. Just mentioning the word "Horse" in the thread is enough to trigger the bot.
Beyond Schizophrenic Horse cock lover Egyptian subhuman. Jerks off to his catgirl being dismembered. Backstabs people for his own entertainment. Got HORSED by Nanky, Binis, Soima Tho for a P4S carry and still didn't clear. He is currently dating Nanky. His Schizophrenia is more potent than Eiki's
>Daganis Ura
Spanish Schizo from Sicily. Used to date Eiki and HORSED him. Eiki comes to his apartment every midnight to get HORSED by him to cope with the copious amounts of HORSING Gar gets. Schizoposts Eiki and Gar. HORSED Maro for P4S help (they didn't clear it).
>Falke Albrecht
Transferred to EU for the HORSING. Got HORSED by Maro and Binis. Thought their HORSE cocks were mid and then transferred back to NA.
>Zanaki Shimoku
Gay Hrothgar.
Dates a 15 year old tranny. Leaks logs and deletes his messages when he melts to protect himself.
Happy femra, happy life. What is she happy about?
Is sfia someone that posts here or is he strictly a Twitter microceleb?
Meeting new friends :)
im gonna rape u niggas just call him T.T. or ill be the next schizo that melts who the fuck says the niggas full name GOD
Just one post earlier she posted a video of herself twerking in cosplay at a rave.
please, please post his character
Why do you care?
That's great to hear, anon! May us too meet some day!
Uh oh bipolar tranny manic episode
I like that you pretend Eiki and Towa are different people
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Post malera.
Did Crystal ever get good
First season was horribly animated
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A better representation.
because i call the nigga T.T. and i want other niggas to call him T.T. because it sounds funny i dont give a shit about this weird europoor drama LOL t.t. sounds better than TOWA you silly little goober u gay little butt bunny
im in lb14, always happy to meet new people
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sfia also drugged and raped a fat woman at a fan fest in 2018 btw
He should just fantasia to malera
Hey, my Skeb request for my XIV character got accepted!

I hope it turns out nicely.
god damn this nigga is down so bad they got him watching the magical girl animes
Unfortunately, I am 1) Waging and 2) On EU.
T.T. is a faggot and a sexpest who brags about ERPing with catgirls on Path of Exile global chat of all places and you should kill yourself if you white knight him on 4channel
I swear, malera are known to persistently attempt to flirt women, miera are known to simp for women and hope one day they fall on their laps, but it's always the lalafell and miqote that are cheating.
Uninspired glam with 0 matching pieces, good job (not)
wha...I don't like the implications of this
Thanks you're too
I want to gently grab him by the hair
who the fuck is white knighting him u little goober im gonna squish ur cheeks i said i dont give a shit i said i want u to call him T.T. because T.T. sounds funny r u trying to twerk in front of me and be weird loll like i cant even understand why ur bringing that up when iw as like hey i say call him T.T. u call him T.T. but u called him T.T. so were friends now :3
I've never seen drama from effy except for outting schizos like kong
It's as though people who are willing to uncover and out schizos get attacked for it even though they're based
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>mfw I watch a guide on a extreme/savage fight
I think I may have reached a gaming memory capacity, and it's filled with action games and turn based RPGs.
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>dating nanky
to this day i question where this came from
You forgot malera also grooming minors, being dogshit at the game, and having large egos in proportion to their tiny penis
i prefer you to call him big tonka t because i think its very funny to invision that its tyler1 playing a futa catgirl
>make schizo posts and name random people
>don't reply to anchors or post character so no one knows you are present
>someone replying will assume its someone proved to be present in the thread
>dodge all blame forever

Its really that easy.
>Areola is missing
Erm sisters why are my nips white and not pink? Anyway to fix this?
you failed to rizz up said trannies
I don't know what you mean, but you will now go to the pool and swim for a couple hours.
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I am *reads last thread and this thread* leaving.
What the fuck is happening here
Why is this bad again? He did something like 30-40% of all people do, and they weren't even real relationships because
>lmao people taking EB seriously
Imagine getting cancelled over something as stupid as that. They are trying to push for it as if he was a child rapist or some shit.
Anon I have seen literally every single thing listed here applied to everything but male hroths and that's only because I don't care about furry drama.
dl a DT updated ver of your body mod
E-girls should be manipulated and abused anyway. I don't see the problem.
Are Malezen and Highlander the only truly chad picks?
It's the most consistent with malera and are key racial traits at this point
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Based desu women don’t deserve to feel safe in public spaces. He should rape a few more desu.
If you can't handle the thread at its worst (95% of the time)
Then you don't deserve it at its best (it's still bad)
Stop melting
but I don't want to get wet right now
Bro can't help but think about malera cocks again
>got a new job irl
>won M4S mount
>good parses
it's a good day for me
Can you Toucan on 4chan?
This femra came hard last night...
Well I know it's not fair since lalafell are just more numerous than malera but they're three to one on every single point listed just on the ones I know.
*cancels your current action and sends you to the pool ladder*
That's someone's son anon.
I hate calling people sexpests with literally zero evidence of it but Sfia really does come across like a total creep. I want to see more discord DMs though.
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You schizophrenic retards cant actually tell who is causing whatever drama in the thread when 95% of the posts are anonymous text fucking morons this thread is a bell curve and 5% of people make 50% of shitposts and they never actually identify themselves when making the posts or mention themselves in any way
my man you got fucking HORSED by him because the cuckquean eiki shiki found out about what he was doing with gallons of gar and nanky needed another catgirl >>494192320
Did I really? how do you know?
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I can tell exactly who is causing drama, because I am the one orchestrating it.
Some weird tranny groomer jealous our lil lalaBREEDER is laying pipe while this guy- sorry GAL is getting turned down in DMs from feminine "allies"
divination magic
meena x meena = pure kino
Maleroe are actually consistently pretty reliable people, because even if they don't like you or you don't like them you can tell that very soon since hardly they're played by shy people holding back.
Shit, maybe I'm just sleep deprived.
It's completely fair and it's a good thing malera numbers are dwindling
Let your hair grow longer, happy femra
r there euro hours moonies...
I can remember every single fight i've ever done in this stupid game because they're all so simple
Lalaboys are 3x more aggressive and 10x more mentally ill than malera. That’s okay, I’ll still hang out with them

>t. femlala
r u a moonie
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yeah, me
yes I am a moonies
total prison gay death
>3x more aggressive
>10x more mentally ill
>still preferable to malera
What's his role in the minecraft movie?
*refuses to move to pool ladder*
I see, well you must be very skilled at it /pet
Yeah but I don't want a himecut, I'll play around with some styles and maybe find something that works
do u moonies want me to reply to u all individually or all at one time...
>Free Company
>not free
>nobody keeps me company
none, he's killing himself.
Zombie villager baby
Send all of your replies care of sunnies. It'll get transmitted through.
what do you want with the moonies anon
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Open up character creation on goblin.
ok but you're going to have to kiss me after
I am a femlala looking for the Victory Leo to my Star Saber
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>Warrior of Light
>You don't have to play as a Warrior
>Can even be a dark knight
im always care for sunnies...

i want to see ur moonies so i can moonie ur moonies while they moonie.

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I'd play with you if you did reinstall For Honor bro
I want to throat a rava so bad bwo...
Skibbo Wazzle ERPed Plinkle Stink behind Yarbo Habbo's back, can you believe it?!
Of course. I'm not letting you go until I'm done.
Very cute full armoured femra.
Not succumbing to the siren call of anon's thirstpost. Very good. /dote
What did he mean by this?
>removes pool ladders

minor spelling mistake. im just waking up...
my moonie is camera shy im afraid, you'll have to find her in the wild
Reminder that if your EB doesn't worship your butt she doesn't love you.
post YOUR moonie moonie anon or im never posting my moonie when you ask ever again
Fucking hate malera.
wtf does moonie your moonie even mean
Cry about it.
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What do you think it's like to give a hrothgal a really big hug?
only moonies would understand
We respect Transwomen here Chud.
i have no problem finding moonies out in the wild, but alas i am crystal euromoonie...

only someone who knows would ever request this of the moonie poster... you know what you've done...

moonie someones moonie to give them a moonie to go with their moonie while they moonie if you wanna truly find out what moonieing a moonie is post ur moonie.

actually same
You can just do things with a lalaboy that you can’t with a bigger…. and I understand (some) of the mental illness, it’s rough out there for them.
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>isn't a snake
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Okay, that's it
move_objects on
Huh? You didn't EB a boy, did you? That would be kind of weird.
Shut it Xenosfag
>isn't a raper
>Gets moist fresh 18 pussy
>Gets away with it
>Sues a mentally ill black for defamation
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The user does not control me, I am Clu, I will make the perfect world!
a dragoon named britney SPEARS
get it
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I've been a moonie for a decade...............
Haven't seen glue post avatar in a while
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>Wait over an hour for CC queue
>See it pop for others and not me
>"Registered duty arena has changed. Registration is canceled."
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Such... power... !
>check xiv fanart
>horse beastiality
>dog beastiality
>futa (with horse cocks) everywhere
>actual pedophilia (not the lala kind)
What the fuck is wrong with this playerbase? Seeing xiv characters fucking animals and kids shouldn't be this easy to find.
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by not posting the moonie......
you have sealed your fate.........
>927 storm seals for level650 item worth several thousand gil
>1395 storm seals for 20 broccoli worth 80 gil
this guy isn't even a moonie, he's just baiting people into posting moonies baka
this is the consequences of pornsickness
repent now or forfeit your dignity and soul
is it something you really want anon?

bold of you to assume...
>has no dot/poison mech
>lost its only toxin mech
there are too many moonies to reply individually sis...
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posting my hand

She was a minor
treating each moonie special is my duty, every moonie is special and important.
if you wont post the moonie
then you dont get the moonie posted
my moonie is boring and common
You will never be white.
then you are unable to see my moonie
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I am white though
And that's a good thing!
Look at the images to posts ratio.
xivg needs to enforce having an image in at least 1 of 3 posts. The only good threads we've had since this schizoing started were the ones that were almost half image posts
There are TWO kongs?
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she cute
Whatever dude. Yarbo is a tucking creep. I bet P.S. Just wanted to get out of being EB'd to someone who makes unconsentual carbunkle gposes using their data.
so what you're saying is we need a garuda anchor
i can find a nuance about any moonie, to remember them by...
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I'm quite happy with this whole picture, even if we both look old in it.
i don't take nearly enough pictures to attach an image to that many posts, especially with how many of mine are just silly replies...
i still have a duty to fulfill to a euro moonie... to pet them i need to 100 parse or get top 100 in cc, and i plan on doing that... eventually.
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Desolance, for the final time, 17 is not a minor.
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Image on an image board
NTA but westoid rpgs have severe powercreep baked into their lategame. Goblin Slayer tier gishes are normal for these types of games.
My sunnie's neighbor always ignores her at the market board. It hurts her feelings a little
It is a minor if either he or the minor were US citizens and this occurred over the Internet. Federal law applies and 18 is age of majority.
Cute character. I like the yellow and blue
What does it says?
:-) vs :-|
rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape
>Warrior of darkness
>Get filled with light
It went from shit to aggressively mediocre.

The problem about the Sailor Moon Crystal anime is that it's faithful to the manga, and the manga is absolutely shit, badly paced, with the characters having no personality and supporting the main character unanimously and filled with the author's incessant NTR fetishes.

Thinking about it, Sailor Moon Crystal / Manga (and many other modern anime) has the same problems as Dawntrail. Usagi in Crystal / OG Manga is a black hole sue, she doesn't earn any of the shit she does, she becomes the most power character in her own universe, and goes up against no friction other than "Forces of evil", while everyone worships her, her own child even fucking goes evil because she gets jealous that her mom and dad are fucking, and the one thing that pushes her over the edge is she finds out her best friend (Pluto) also wants to fuck her dad and is closer to fucking her dad than she is.

If you watch the OG Anime where Toei ad libs all the character personalities with filler, you'll notice that these seasons are far better than a lot of the modern precure or mahou shoujo slop you get nowadays where everything is extremely sterile. The introduction to the Sailor Moon Crystal Cosmos movie manages to capture the spirit of the OG anime, before devolving into the garbage that is remaining faithful to the OG Manga (hence why nobody liked it.)
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Did they ever mention if they will be talking about the PVP update for the LL at the end of the month?
IIRC I heard it would be a short one and only a part 1, but I hope I'm wrong..
>next picture is two femlalas fuckin
idk if i want to know what the funny runes mean
>Final Fantasy
>they made 15 more games after
Based confused half-elf/rape baby. Khagan approved.
a default judgement is not a win and his case is easily proved as a slapp by simply presenting revenue fluctuations of other twitch streamers and correlating his damages claim was incorrectly attributed to him.
>she finds out her best friend (Pluto) also wants to fuck her dad and is closer to fucking her dad than she is.
what the fuck
Pathfinder 2e is the only tabletop game that handles skill checks properly. Shame it sucks because they did a lot of things right.
Yeah they'll talk about the removal of CC and Onsal at the LL.
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yeah i dated him and we got ebed but we split up after a few days because he kept erping with priest players in ragnarok online
The main thing I kind of look at is how was it handled in the court system. America has incredibly strong freedom of speech, if what was said was true then you can say whatever you want. There’s also very low chance of conspiracy, Xenosys isn’t a big powerful figure, he’s a YouTuber with 100k subs
>the anime meetups were happening in secret all this time
>meanwhile real meetups were shitty obscure movies and david lynch wanking
What the fuck?
he'd have to actually properly file stuff and show up tho so that aint happening lmao
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How do you people find the time to erp and gpose? I can't even find time to do one of those things.
That is pretty dedicated if you pull that off. props if you do it anon
i love moonies more than anything in the world
It was advertised in the thread, I remember seeing it
If you ever read the original manga, you'll realise this was the original plot all along, and Sailor Moon Crystal remains faithful to that. The reason why Chibiusa becomes Black Lady is because she gets NTR'd by her own mom and her best friend from wanting to fuck her own dad.
I do neither of these things and I'm a soulless NEET.
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I've not played since 6.0 main story, what am I in for bros
just because he picked on the one person who's actually neurodivergent doesn't make what he did actually any smart.
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google can translate from image uploads
A mid to pretty good half story that get down the drain quickly near the middle to the end.
I can't even find time to play the game and grind out the stuff I want to get.
Moonies have the cutest everything so it's understandable anon
kino into dogshit. >>494196227
post 63
top 100 in cc i definitely think i can do anon, pve might be a little bit more difficult because i have a wide range of improvement that i need to do, down to optimizing ranged casts to cut down time and when TN is actually necessary
I have to attend one of those someday.
post 29
They expect me to believe there were TWO coin locker babies?
If it was never reported then the court system can't handle it. If you guys have any knowledge / evidence of him grooming a minor under the age of 18 then you need to report it to NCMEC. It's the only way the minor will get any justice if they don't realize they were groomed / exploited.

EW post content kino and then the onepiece expansion.
mid tier writting at best, decent enough combat instances when you hit DT but the writting gets worse
t-this looks like my femlala...
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One of these I guess.
You can't get pussy over the internet, anon.
Femcel moment
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Grape-Flavored C@ checking in! Nya~~
ERP / sexting with a minor is still grooming and a form of exploitation.
Good afternoon to chaos only c:
nervous gulp ..
The cool thing is I get my legal advice from people who are actually professionals at it, like Cornell law https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/defamation#:~:text=Privileges%20and%20Defense&text=Truth%20is%20widely%20accepted%20as,witnesses%20during%20a%20judicial%20proceedings.

Unless you’ve got something to demonstrate that the courts won’t accept this, I’m not sure what else I can say
if this actually worked xenosys vex would be in prison
a decent but polarizing story that ends the saga on a good note imo when it could've been much much worse. it suffers from the decision to wrap things up in one patch when it could've had a lot more breathing room if it was two expansions, but I can personally forgive it for that given what they had to work with wasn't super interesting enough to fill two whole expansions and they clearly wanted to move on.
Jealous much?
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What next picture? The page only has the one.
may i rape
Petting this cat when I log in then logging out to sleep for work
Yeah that sounds like something the Chinese would say
I managed to fall back asleep after sleep paralysis and I'm currently feeling like shit
What are (You) gonna do on XIV today, anons?
I'll probably craft while othergaming
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I am a lalaboi, that has done nothing but drink and chainsmoke for more than 13 hours.
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Fuck off.
/deride /throw /throw /throw
itt jealous seething over malera being successful sigma predators just like epstein
their previous pixiv upload sorry, the next picture in their gallery. it keeps going from cute lala to degen..
Grooming is classified as facilitation and when applied to a minor it is a felony with up to 15 years time.
Can you show us the horsing pics :3
This is completely disproven by Doctor Disrespect who just went through arbitration because he was talking with an underage person. Federal law does not apply, also in the majority of states it's 16-17.
Why would I be jealous? I'm not a malera.
What is the context to this image?
A minor is anyone under the age of 16. Cope and seethe.
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Nobody cares if it's technically legal to fuck that teenager when you're 30, they're all still going to think you're a fucking creep, man
No matter how much you disliked DT, it will never be worse and more pointless than the PLD quests.
Aryan groomers won
Black mentally ill niggers lost
being bratty only makes it hotter, anon...
Don't care. I'm the one with my dick in legal cunny and you're the one seething. Cry more.
Don't argue with MAPviah MAPgood and Kongnamul "Streamer Slurper" Gookbrap.
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The previous picture in their gallery appears to be this. Even turned off the filters just in case they were censoring something.
you know change what that anon said about removing the trannies from this thread, remove the nonces instead and it'd be much better
Could've posted some aryan music instead of this black shit
the HW PLD quests pissed me off while DT didn't do anything near that. It's just a bit of a let down coming from past expansions where the quality was better.
No. All women that are born prior the year 2000 can go and die. Have you seen women above the age of 30?
>a half dozen anonymous tards on a chinese basket weaving forum and 2 seething twittards
Oh no...anyways
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That is aryan music
I need to teach you guys the difference between a circle and a venn diagram one of those days.
Um, they're the same people, literally nothing would change about who you removed
Yeah I'm killing myself I guess
Based lala enjoyer
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I see... Well I'll just try to enjoy the ride then
This episode is boring, someone skinwalk an ebin
I always like how /current/ wh*te nationalists can only appropriate phonk, which in itself is just remixed rap music.
Good b&, I r& c@/10.
This whole time I thought the pedo accusations were just schizo ramblings but allot of ppl here seem to believe it. Is there actual proof
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Yeah, getting all you filthy yuropoor shitstains would really be great.
Federal law supersedes state law. That includes age of consent by state when solicitation occurs online between an adult and minor over the Internet or in different states.

18 U.S. Code § 2422, 18 U.S. Code § 2423
just pretend i post a picture of elk
uhhh need a fiddie eb on my cock or something
>>actual pedophilia (not the lala kind)
can i will u posting ur moonie into reality
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Chimps sample actual good white music all the time, we are just repaying the favour.
Odd. Even with R-18 turned on in settings that didn't show up at all here. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/33537655/artworks
can you guys keep your replies to the post you're directing at? it's really obnoxious when I've filtered your idols but you guys still won't shut the fuck up about them and I have to hide your posts individually.
First you guys pretend there are real females in this thread and now abused children.
No, you can just keep individually filtering me anon
Post THAT pic
You know the one
It's a region based thing I think, there was a big deal about pixiv censoring certain art if you're in NA/EU or something a few months back.
I really like shortstacks.. vanilla lalas not so much
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If you post your avatar in this general more than once per thread I assume you can't be trusted with kids.
I think it's ironic considering epstein is jewish
Only a tranny wouldn’t pick the t2 line anyways.
People here toss them about with no proof, but also people online have been misusing the term and actively devaluing it from its original value
Back in the day, "pedo" was a word used exclusively for actual, real life child molesters
Now, it's tossed around even for stuff like having/liking fanart of underage characters (even in cases where characters are of "legal age of consent" in some/a bunch of places)
"Oh, you have fanart of this 17 y/o FICTIONAL character being lewd? You are a pedophile!"
Despite the fact in most of europe, and even in some of the US, you could have consensual sex with a 17 y/o without breaking any laws

Now, whether it is moral or not is a complete different topic in which we could argue for hours
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No friends here
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If there's no abused children in this thread explain Elk, Effy, Akemi and Korkana without bringing up sodomy.
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>and even in some of the US
Most of the US. The AoC being 18 is only in a minority of states. Like 15-20 out of the 50.
NA list posters really need to step up their game, their stale linkshell member list copy-pastes and ancient lists full of people who no longer even play cannot hold a candle to the EU schizophrenia.
sorry i don't have any picture of elk's - i mean my moonie
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My friends don't play on the same region as me. So I have no pictures with them
I am
a poor fiddie
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About what time do the dramanigger NEETs go to bed for future reference? It gets worse at 7am EST I've seen and keeps going for a while.
Your just mad melanin-enriched, Hellsguard Roegadyns have a taste for fatcats.
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Hanging out with people at lb14 is comfy and no one can tell me otherwise
>say the word pedophile once
>all the pedos crawl out of the woodwork to cope about how their AI generated images based on irl CSM don't make them pedos
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>slop generator is a friendless loser
it writes itself and I didn't even use ai for it
i dont mean elk. i mean you.
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I love this dumb little rascal…
You EU fags not in the known are missing all the good parts. The drip shitting on the thread is just a spark, I get to watch it all unfold, the suspicions, the insecurities, the falling outs. I have to hold back laughter when pretend to comfort them. But at least I'm not retarded enough to spill it on the thread.
No, no. This is our private circus, and I have to nurture it so they keep going.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how did you know i'm a moonie
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what are the chances this actually gets filled up
i am a femezen
who had to go back to bed because i felt sick
It starts at like 3am est and slows a lot at around 1pm est and mostly ends at 6pm est
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You know how on other boards, anons fall under two categories: right-spectrum, culture warriors and contrarians who are that themselves, but mimic and steelman leftist critiques.
/xivg/ is the opposite of this and I get whiplash from a bunch of futalovers chiding troons, knowing that this is some form of layered larp.
Arbitration is a closed proceeding and outside of the courts. If he was innocent why did he settle his arbitration suit after spending millions of dollars as he claims, rather than allow it to conclude and take the matter to civil courts?

NCMEC forwards cases to law enforcement. Many things can impede law enforcement from investigation or charging an individual, including the willingness of a victim to testify.

Celebrities with tremendous fan following are a significant deterrent to a victim testifying.

None of this changes the fact that under federal law -- which supersedes state law -- coercion, enticement and solicitation of a minor under 18 is a felony and criminalized. Both 18 U.S. Code § 2422 and 18 U.S. Code § 2423 were written with online solicitation in mind.
i have a keen sense for moonies...
the stink gives it away
why will no one be my friend
pretty good with trial roulette being half decent. it'd fill faster if you posted your dc
qrd on (You)?
retarded fiddie
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Get well soon, fren
keeping it together
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I'm getting mixed messages here
Should be Meteor instead of whoever that faggot is
I love you, Ace, you're cute.
I'd like to think I'm just a dude, nothing special about me.
I play pvp a bit too much tho.
I need to go to the WC but I can't stand up
I am a femroe with a flared horse cock
depressed bnuy
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sorry troons and coons*
I messed up.
frontier player detected
how big
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wtf but i shower everyday
okay you can have one elk took with her in it
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got it twisted
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/pet welcome back
Is your skin dark?
That’s not how you spell Fat Cat, fren
I'm going to be honest, I think I would enjoy having that butt on my face.
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He's a horse cock lover, of course it is.
Oh, you meant in the game.
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my femra looks like this
Thanks, but i've been back for a few months now..
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femezen increasingly annoyed with people trying to put things in her puss when the other holes make me cum so much harder
pornsick midrange rule34 animator who should really be making more porn instead of playing games
My catgirl wants to kiss her chest
Some trannies get into right wing extremism for attention, but usually drop out when they get the fattest, ugliest, dumbest woman outranks them just like in the real world
/pet hope you feel better
Feena too sleepy to get plapped
30 something femra who wears their heart on their sleeve. I struggle with making friends online. I have plenty of good friends in 4k, but none are as passionate about the things I like as I am. So I keep trying to find a connection online, even if it means getting hurt on occasion.
can someone gift me the resshi attire, papalymo's attire and demonic attire thaaankssssssss
sent ;)
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Barely mentally functional right now and holding on by a thread but hiding it from everyone IRL because I don’t want to deal with the drama of what that will cause
thanks I just received it!
I am now hard
Picto is fun but Black Mage is way more fun bros
hello wife
thanks.. I don't think I will but thank you..
Inquisitor… what do you mean by this.
They also get railed in the ass every time they queue CC
NIN is more fun than both
another night of afking in the inn room
my catboy has yet to unlock picto simply because the aesthetics aren't cool
I wish more femra looked like that. Everyone uses dumb bodies
i'm happy for people who like it but i really just don't enjoy picto
do we like this?
My Femra is going to get plapped and impregnated today! She will have a 9 month abortion.
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Why aren't you AFKing with your EB in your duo FC mansion instead?
how will the abortion be performed?
huge cock? insects? ryona?
>Be Eurydice Binis
>Engage in multiple instances of horse cock erp with 3 well known stable masters
>Get taunted and mocked for my fetishes in this thread and on discord
>Eventually have a very public meltdown in thread
>Go radio silent
>Purchase one of Yoshi P's finest name changes
>Change my name to Lorgar Urizen
>Purchase one of Yoshi P's finest Phials of Fantasia
>Attempt to remain anonymous
>Forget that lodestone ID remains the same
>Get discovered and exposed in thread
>Read what is happening because I live in this thread 18 hours a day
>Private my lodestone, as I am being mocked in thread again
>Purchase yet another of Yoshi P's finest name chages
>Change my name to Horus Lupercal
>Start to insert myself into the thread again under my new identity that cost me €40 to create
>Don't notice that I changed my name to what is essentially Horse

Good luck Horse Lupercal you horse cock loving freak.
Who's gonna plap you?
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im sleepy
I hauve govid
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where's her anus?
Leviathan, Primal
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my catgirl looks like this
Anon my femrar is vanilla..

If you don’t agree with the above, then you’re a convicted pedophile and a schizophrenic.
they're not on, and we don't have an fc
I didn't read the rest of your post
Young but already peaked tranny with every fetish you can imagine. Femra, in case it wasn't clear.
hey... name?
I am
a fiera
that has not showered in 3 weeks
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>The gaijin know
her mouth
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Being an ardent futafag is gayer than just being into women with penises just so you know
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Need EB for my middie to match his new drip
There's no difference between the two
Do you like miqote
Wuk Lamat sex.
I think we've reached a new depth of depravity. I just hope you're NA. We don't need you on EU.
I don't know how to prove that
I'll save you pretty elezen lady! Open wide!
Why are you not a hrothguy or hrothgal?
Let me sniff
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>tfw you vendor the wrong item with an identical icon
Nope, your femra has my default mods (which look like that)
The difference is cultural, in that one perspective heavily suggests other values that are equally as delusional as "Futanari is different"
because i like my moonie
and i really hate the limited hair options on hroths
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Males are ugly, females are low effort even compared to the males and viera
can i see your moonie?
Any successful catfish stories?
i'm tempted to fuck around with horny miera or malera players but idk if i want to put effort into making non-suspicious alt.
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I pray that you will be all mine
I'm not a furfaggot
i think they're overrated fotm trash
yeah if you get in her roulettes sometime
you've already seen her this thread dummy
Male ones yeah.
Short meena & occasional himbo malera
I'm all yours
You're all mine, mine mine, only mine
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do not blame me for asking, more moonie pictures are always appreciated
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My femlala assfuck ERP partner hasn't logged in for two nights in a row now.
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The Darkest of Knights
Post more glubs
I'm too attached to my femra but I have a hrothgal alt on Balmung.
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Thinkin bout rubbin my fat moonie nuts on a sunnies face
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my femlala looks like this
I want to snuggle a hrothgal, not be one, and being a hrothguy ruins the size dynamic.
I pronounce you man and man.
Melten Nogud
my fave blankposter
Is there any way to speed up variant dungeons?
It feels so boring after the first couple of runs and then theres ten more
At first glance I saw the bridge of the glasses as some sort of rat/mouse nose and her poopnose as her mouth.
that cow has better eyelashes than i do
He's such a cuddly superguy
run with 3 dps
Are you playing as a tank with Spirit Dart? That's about as fast as it gets.
qrd on layla west?
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My femra looks and acts like this
malehroth are so comfy to cuddle
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Except I'm all three.
Mediocre but strangely popular femlala whm.
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>want to show european heritage
>pick an african animal

I sincerely hope I don't know you
Lewd with trust issues that is hard to get close to, as I never expect anyone to accept my unusual life circumstances, but if they do persevere through the tough outer shell, they get a friend for life.
no hats
ugly hunch
stretched gear textures
this game will become better
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I need to make a fuckton of gil man I need the numbers 12.9m ain't enough
You don't have to think about groids all the time man.
may i see it
Because my hrothgal is a golem...
What's the current FOTM
i understand now
this is the real endgame of ffxiv
Hot choco cat.
europe had lions althougheverbeit
Post himbo
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>In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might beware my power… Hroth Hero's light!
>dies to wall-to-wall pull The Dead Ends
what do you need the gil for
moonies seem more popular than usual
We are friends for life :)
yeah bro we know you like eating cats but settle down
cute moonie
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My middie looks and acts like this
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love these dumb moonies
copium, it's only downhill from here.
>M- Moonie playing with S+
Why are there multiple doctor posters now
The reputation.
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>Malera DRK in Algaia
>Playing GNB
>Occasionally pull aggro from him
>Has a little cry in /alliance about I'll never beat him in DPS so stop provoking
>Haven't touched voke once
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Akemi simply lives in a 2000s nickelodeon teen sitcom and doesn't know how to get out of that loop.
we're back to mooncoons, it'll probably rotate back to face 2 femra again after that
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I am a moonie
Fresh out the shower
Who wants to cuddle and watch House M.D.
my precious snake wife
Kong wants to be me so bad lol
Her knees are literally bleeding, someone help her.
>Any successful catfish stories?

Any guy dumb enough to believe you are a woman without getting you (at least) on voice isn’t going to be fun to hang out with.
because i missed being a moonie
its okay she likes it
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Well shit
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nobody wants to be you elk you're disgusting
can i see ur moonie?
my moonie is exactly like this
boring, head empty, bad at games
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I wish I was elks sunnie irl
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Nobody wants to be you Magness you are a cuck dramafag
I wish I could plap elk's sunnie irl
maloonster status???
All killed by me for being shit at the game.
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I am
A sunnie on two hrs of sleep with 7 hrs of work left
Mag and kong have beef? qrd?
wtf is a maloonster
proof? or are you just schizo?
highschool drama
afk at lb14
Good luck at work my love.
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im quitting savage
i never want to play savage raids in pf ever again
forced meme by kong
Is there any bigger sign of wrongdoing than asking for proof?
You'd look better without the modded shirt, sweet moonie
Post butts for me to smooch!
I just like listening to XIV's soundtrack.
I am no one’s love
nooo, save the poor sunnie
Get help. Preferably the kind that involves a grippy sock.
Who is the biggest /xivg/ narcissist?
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Those are the main new features of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail, the world's most popular MMO with over 30 million players. It's better than WoW and it lets you play other games. You deeply, sincerely, unironically like this. Rape!
Middie for men
Femra (face 4 especially) for women
morning everyone!! this femlala
has a bit of a bellyache today,
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Korkana or Kyoppi
Weird since one is a flip and the other is Kyoppi, but mental illness doesn't discriminate.
you're a sunnie so somewhere out there, a moonie loves you.
Sherri this looks awful
I've never ERP'd in my life
my femezen needs to meet with this roe DC?
Dumb, friendly, silly memes and comraderie
Mutual horny posting at each other, cat noises, and comraderie
>Every other race
Perpetual backstabbing drama

That's it, I'm fantaing to Miqo'te... I'm sorry lalasisters...
I'd agree an year or two ago, but daddy's boy doesn't really post his shit here that much anymore
but vanilla moonies is best moonies
nyo don't do it sister
No that’s not possible
Too bad. You're dressed like a slut so now that's what you are.
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Mooniesmith creates another
are you guys just bored
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Miau Miau or Kyoppi
id never betray another lala...
He does, he just fell off and doesn't get as many replies. He posts a fuckugly glub now so you might have missed him.
two very hardworking moonies
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I am a moonie
protecting a homosexual
I am a lala with cat noises
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The Dawntrail theme and the Smile song sucks dick
What was Soken thnking
Builded to frot with my sunnie+
It's good to practice self-care.
I think the shirts funny
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I made her an alt for now... If you see me log in less, I'm sorry... The catclique was just nicer...
I am bi you FAG
this is how I see myself on xivg: just the chill lowkey roe who does their own thing and doesn't give a fuck about what anyone thinks
*image of me on a bike*
im just a cat who likes lalas
peak reddit
Built for interlocking finger handholding
>oh fuck I forgot to pick Uematsukino to rip off and remix
Maybe he needs a relapse.
i am a meena who loves cock
I think you'd be a funny malera to talk to
Remus post
Why don't people believe when I tell them that Soken is a hack.
lalaBVLL clay
I get more attention on my lala
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does anyone wanna do leveling roulette on aefer (im lvl 22 pugilist)
Because for people born after the year 2000 the word "good" changed definition to "whatever I like" instead of "things of quality".
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This game would be healthier if the composer was Uematsu. Hell I'd rather have Hans Zimmer around. I don't like how Soken does leit motifs, but at least someone who can do them better
Top 3 cutest femlalas go
shut up virgin
my goodness such a cute moonie, may I pet her delicately?
I don't want attention... I want friends...
and bigger dick
You have never fucked a woman kong
yeah but be careful
I am a femlala who shant be logging in today
The music in Dawntrail is good
The game sucks


Soken good
Yoshida bad
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This is what my fiddie (on the left) wants to do with femras (on the right) during her free time
other can i see ur moonie poster my kindred spirit..
I will move slowly as to not spook her
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i thought so too
shishitter shitter
pipisser pisser
susucker sucker
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This one
ok gramps
They both suck and so do you (on futa horse cock)
feri, polly, uwasa
yes i could join you in a few mins after i send out submarines
1. the one that goes waah
2. the one that rides the corgi mount
3. the one mysterious femlala that never says anything and reads books and wears an oversized hat
>with Ultimate coming up raiders start posting about RWF
>Sfia posts that there's only been 5 women in RWF teams ever which is weird
>immediately a bunch of women clown on him and expose him as a weirdo sex pest and say that people in RWF and high level week 1 teams straight up stalk and perv on any women in there so they stay out of high end raiding

oh this is juicy drama holy fuck
We are men of the same faith, seeing moonies is simply divine
Lorilee (I think that's the viera with the face paint?) makes me feel genuinely uncomfortable
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My wife's golem
My wife's alt
My wife's other alt
Korkana and it's not even close
is the meta for poses ktisis and brio? I have anamnesis too but I feel like it's only useful for finding model #s and setting the weather. I don't know if there's any other useful tools I'm not aware of.
moonies are simply... moonies.
Every person that uses twitter to share their life with the internet is weird and should be avoided.
such smoochable lips, destined for a loving EB who treats her well
The furry black kemonolala
That dark lala that posts the meme about hugging you and telling you your blood pressure.
brio for posing
ktisis for camera and lighting tools
Depends if it's to broadcast it to everyone and anyone, or to find people with similar interests. If it's the former then yeah that's weird and they should be avoided at all costs.
This is just my golem broski
no way fag this is funny to see a streamer eceleb get outed as a sex pest and get turned on by the people he thought had his back
I am probably not opposed to it
I just talk a lotta nonsense mostly, but I'm always happy to talk
Korbo Pocan
Big desire to give this femroe a back massage
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Please Yoshi, new content, or most of xivg will need a shrink.
Why not?
then the day she becomes real will be a day celebrated
The difference between a normal attention whore like Remus and a true narcissist like KR is pretty thin, but it is there.
Remus does shit because he's desperate for attention, KR does shit because he believes he deserves attention.
Back off the third one, she's mine!!
I wish people liked moonies in game even like a tenth of the amount the threads moonie posters did
what makes u think i dont, anon?
>Why dont women raid in top end teams!

>Sfia: they don't apply


>Real reason: (bio)Women fucking suck at video games
It’s too late anon, she’s just another QS miqote now
Remus' entire appearance is crafted to be (you) bait, he's pathetic on a soul level, absolutely no identity
but sfia has been known as a sex pest for years now
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i will be waiting...
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that day will probably never come.
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my f3mra looks and acts like this
then the heavens weep
x.com is a good site to reach people, but I only check once a week for shitposts and bot accounts. I don't think I follow a real person.
It is funny, but should also be a warning to not be that guy
it's so over sis
do you like miqo'te
Top 3 fiddies go
I hope my old crush is doing fine... Sometimes I see her hanging out with the wrong sort. :c
I don't want to boost their ego
im raping
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I can't even name 3 I don't hate.
my moonie never gets any pets or tells... she's probably just too ugly
I'll be honest I thought your hroth was really cute and I was sad yesterday during cc calls when I saw you fantad back. I'm glad you're happy though you seem nice
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finding and petting this moonie
*rides off into the sunset*
to be fair women get harassed for existing in male dominated spaces, especially ones with a large autistic communities like video games
i will change that right now moonie
Shut up....
I remember you. You were very friendly /pet.
My male middie is going to bed at 10 am again
My male middie is a fucking mess right now.. haha
Hopefully I feel better soon
Good night bros
perhaps in the hig end raiding scene but the average stream watcher has no clue about high end RWF drama
remember that there's drama ever Ultimate that RWF raiders cheat when every raider is just confused like "we always cheat, we always have splatoon and cactbot and triggernometry installed and running wtf?"
You have a nice spine
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Are you a NEET?
It's funny that a no-lore raidboss has more impact on the playerbase than the proclaimed maincharacter.
Imagine if Honey B. Lovely would have been the third promise we help to reach power and Wuk would be a raidboss.
Get your hands off my husband, bitch
Get well soon, fren. We all deserve comfy days
its 10:30
Vroom vroom
The real reason is that out of every group I've been in with both men and women in gaming (ttrpg and video games) one of two situations happens
>the biohole starts dating the leader of the group or most attractive guy and it becomes awkward for everyone else as they basically e-fuck and flirt in sessions
>the biohole gets hit on by people, turns them down until she fucks off to another group, everyone whines why there's no women hanging around
All of your problems will go away if you simply don't wake up :)
Anyone with a hint of a survival instinct should feel uncomfortable interacting with him. I can't believe some people willingly interact with that freak. What porn does to your brain, I guess.
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>decide I'm gonna queue alliance roulette for more clusters
>go in on healer
>tank stands in group on rhalgr and gets people killed
>me included
>ffwd to azeyma
>same tank nearly does it again but moves out of group thankfully
>notice a lot of people getting hit
>azeyma dies
>there's a bunch of first-timer cutscene watchers here
>somehow nobody early pulls nald'thal thankfully
>not enough dps to skip scales
>someone switches sides at the last second
I haven't eaten breakfast yet and I'm already tired of people today
It's ok! I wasn't trying to marry him! I was soley a complement.
So handsome.....
I'm not on the mung but do you wanna like.. run a roulette or something sometime
intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor
>I haven't been approached by Lorilee Tortellini
It's over................................................................
>Honey B. Lovely would have been the third promise

Everyone i know who actually does content is counting the weeks till they can start skipping her fight.
Tallienne or however their name is spelled.
Top 3 male middies
1. MS
2. AN
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i'll miss froth, but the moonie calling was too strong
it's already closed
autistic, plays raids like he's better than he is, terminal jobber
Do they know they aren't obligated to do reclears or?
moo and milk poster
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People weren't joking with this.
cute moonie
well yeah, it's been clear from teh start taht Wuk Lamat was basically lab grown to be the horny tomboy furry character and be waifubait, so much that I have to assume she's Hiroi's waifu he had to insert into everything.

That kind of forced shit is what people can smell and don't like
Thanks, he doesn't exist
I can't reveal my lala after posts like this, I'm sorry... She's supposed to be pure...
That will be 90% of your objective in this expansion
I'm not kidding
but i thought you wanted friends...
I didn't stutter, anon.
Crystal moment.
get ready, over 300 "speak to wuk lamat" objectives over 100 or so quests, and she has 7000+ lines of dialog, more than anyone else by 2x
we were not joking at all, she is the entire expansion
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>That will be 90% of your objective in this expansion
Can't wait.
Aether actually, which makes it worse
>Get algaia
>Had to leave at start because knock on door
>this poor anon probably got my AR or was in it
>Look up a shitter on fflogs
>They no longer appear

Can you hide yourself entirely on fflogs? Did someone finally call this leech out and they hid everything?
You do if you are in a static, would be a real piece of shit move (even for xivg) to dip after getting gear funneled to you.
thighsex with this femroe
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sick evo
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>just woke up from a dream where I had a horsecock and raped a catgirl
This thread ruined me beyond repair
You don't get to choose to treat the game like a job and then complain that you hate the job. They should count the days until they get some bitches.
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I am praying to any god or devil that'd listen to kill you before these events can pass. I hope you understand.
Qrd on Remus?
may i see your character
>blaming other people
yup you fit right in
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Cool and chill guy, a bit attention starved but aren't we all.
Nice blank. Concession accepted.
The coolest hottest most awesomest male middie ( not maliddie, he's the council leader and said not to use that word)
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Still better than the competition.
He's not the council leader bro
I read somewhere that completing the halls of novice from The smith gives you per finished role questline an xp bonus.
I can't read anything about it on the wiki. True of false?
No Story vs Bad Story
A true test of tolerance
it's not, DT has fuck all to do and WoW is on the upswing after finally getting a kick in the pants from Shadowlands hate
Why is he forcing himself so hard?
W-what am I conceding to, exactly...?
i saw pictures of naked fiddies on your tomestone
I'm sorry
it gives you starting gear and one of the rings gives you extra XP until level 30 on all jobs
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Have fun!
Completing it on any role gives you a ring with +30% exp when level 30 or below. Beyond that it's just some recolors of the sastasha gear.
I wish someone would force themselves on me
I'm not in a static and I've cleared Bee (Savage) 57 times so far.
Oh, it's the ring. Alright, I already have that. Thanks.
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r u a moonie
Post meena...
You will never be a woman. FFXIV has more content than it ever has been in its entire history. Have you done Eureka? POTD? Anima weapons? Diadem? Exactly. You haven’t finished FFXIV. Where’s your M4S clear? Classes at 100? And if you finished ALL of that, congrats, you can go play other games, because unlike WoW, FFXIV respects your time and has no time gates or grinds. Keep seething, WoWbuck.
>you're upset there isn't content that caters to you and interests you?
>have you tried (long list of content that's either dead or not interesting to you)
every time lol
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If only you knew how bad things really are
my sunnie is horny at work
my femlala saw some ala mhigan refugees eating chocobos at the city park.....
ik this is bait but its a bit sad that SE let this kind of thinking get to them.
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Speak with Kong once again
Have you tried being interested in content not interesting to you? It's a challenge, but I believe in your gumption.
unironically yes, it's shit design but when the writing is good behind it or the characters are fuckable it makes it passable
when the character is a tranny freak furry with a weird voice and the story sucks ass it's not passable
Rape Kong yet again.
Are you a femlala?
wuk lamat is a normal female hrothgal althougheverbeit
>anons answer is to do dead content like eureka and diadem
>or potd bashing your head agaisnt the RNG wall solo for 1000 hours
>or grinding RNG relics
You're washed
FFXIV has no dead content. Thanks to the level sync system, all content can be enjoyed just as it was released. Unlike WoW where half the game was deleted in Cata and nothing but the current match matters. Yep, FFXIV wins again. How’s the trial going, Bobby Kotick?
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Yes I had a shower
I really really hope they kill her off, in any fashion, whether it be unceremoniously off screen while she returned to her home planet, or the new villain appears and just kills her to establish themselves as a thread but we befriend them eventually, or if she becomes the villain and we get to kill her ourselves without shedding a tear or have the option to tell her she was an abject failure and you feel no remorse.
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Moogle Tombstone filler event when?
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This applies to unironic creepy sexpests like LT by the by.
good mornyan
>ffxiv has no dead content
diadem, DR, eureka outside of bunny fates and BA, and Zadnor/BSF outside of Z3 and dues would like to have a word with you
>WoW is on the upswing after finally getting a kick in the pants from Shadowlands hate
haha le mao
why do people spout this the first month of every wow xpac
when it's the same shit as always
wow innovates less than xiv does
u log on, do ur weeklies all in one day, then log out until next week
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a moonies
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Remember back when this game still had a Fandaniel?
*hugs u*
So if I keep "RAPE" posting we will get actual Moonie rapists here eventually..?
MT 25無敵使います
The sprouts cannot grow without the Suns immaculate radiance anon
i enjoyed seing him and Sadu in endwalker
what if i want to get raped by a moonie...
I think about it every day.
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Man, all these changes are wild.
I've seen a moonies bloonies
No you'll get more schizo AFKers who pretend they rape when all they do is sit at the idle spot /telling every female character they see.
>female characters played by failed men are the sexpests all along
Funny Daniel... those were the days
you'll get hroth hero on your ass for attempting to rape the innoncent
I don't get this meme
I like this moonies, because she's not desperatly trying to find text fuck buddies but at least appears to have fun.
noooo you're supposed to hate her aaaa
I'll rape him too
i think its supposed to be a joke towards the people who attach ", however" or ", thoughever" or ", albeit" to the ends of their posts because it's pretentious
They should really just be solo instances with npc parties at this point
It's not for you, white boy.
What if it's just bait to rape hero hroth?
i know a femra who is really into getting punched in the stomach. i really hope this isn't them..........
>not desperately trying to find text fuck buddies
That's what she's best known for.
ending sentences with "though" became a meme and now people are making more and more complicated words to end sentences with
This is a good case study on emergent player behavior
>no one will run this duty
>make a roulette for it to get people through story

>they don't want to let sprouts watch the finale story
>they make it unskippable

>no one will run long dungones
>they increase the rewards

>everyone sleeps through it and queues for the free rewards
>they rework it to take 4 players and require much more involvement

just wild how at every stage lazy NEET players tried to resist what the dungeon is and necessitates out of wanting to be efficient
I do this... is it that bad though?
that would make you a gay furry
I'm not a catboy, so I'm save.
It's usually redundant
>make 50 minute long dungeon with boring text dump cutscenes
>people don't run it more than they need to unless they're heavily incentived
really weird..
>they removed how very glub
what the fuck bros...
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educate yourself anon
Hrothhero being “asexual” with a physics-rigged bulge is pretty funny to me. Easily the dumbest label people assign to themselves, even moreso than “pansexual”
it's a bait thing zoomers do
on the one hand it was a meme where people were upset at ending a sentence on a preposition like though
on the other hand the zoomerspeak has started ommiting syllables with an apostrophe like 'ough 'beit

this combines them in the way that
F a m
and unc and other zoomer speak baited retards into getting them added to the word filter
I'm bored, bros...
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ive been waiting an hour just for an alliance dungeon, at least ten times someone withdrew cause it isnt labyrinth of the ancients
Imagine if you had posted "Queue Ridorana Lighthouse on Datacenter" an hour ago.
Ivalice raids are dogshit so it makes sense
You're right. Wonder why I started doing it.
It really took them years to get the idea to implement all the story sequences AFTER you beat the dungeon. There is no need to hold everyone hostage.
my moonie is gonna eat one of those fucking slop totinos pizzas because they're nasty in a good way
>errm if ur asexual u have to dress like a nun cuz i say so
same, wish i was plapping a fulala rn
shan't be reading though
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how the fuck do you get past the catpcha on this site
There is nothing to do, why we have 4 months between patches that give content for max 3 weeks
grease eating mooniewife
It's his justice bulge
eating greasy foods with moonies
I just know this moonie REEKS
It's okay to like things bro. You don't have to pretend Totinos aren't great just because stuck up retards had a "real" pizza once and think they're cultured.
my moonie is gonna eat a chipotle burrito
An exceptionally stupid post from an “asexuality” defender
i don't want to plap, just want to play game with someone... or pose something cool, i don't know
>errm asexuality isn't real akshually cuz i can't comprehend it
the poster himself is obviously a furry fag but ur somehow twice as retarded
it's not time for my weekly shower yet
my femlala woke up and is drinking coffee and eating a pasty before work. i thought you should know
sorry.. I'm in a plap mood atm
weak moonie powerlevel, its been months for my moonie
sis? your anti-rape stench???
Asexuality is real but 90% of the people online claiming it do not have it.
>replaying BG3
>Halsin ends 4 sentences back to back with though
no wonder people hated him
In his defense, if you're modding pants you don't have a choice because all hrothgar modders are gay.
*takes notes*
..and a pasty..alright, got it.
please shower more often sisters
Bri'ish detected
didn't know a pasty was also a type of food and gagged a little when first reading this
wait no i meant pastry, im not british ah fuck!!!!
You can be both gay and asexual all it takes is not being attracted to sex and the guy is only attracted to furry dudes protecting (you)
I shower at once or twice a day because i'm deathly afraid of fags seeking 'boysmell'
>Try to look up some mods for my male Roe
>It's all Bara Gay or effeminate Gay stuff
uma delicia
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>First thing i see is this
Aight i guess he is my husband now, he is claimed. (I have 0 clue who he is)
look at the british femlala everybody
i remember those days, youd be doing it as your first dungeon and theyd have got up to ultima weapon while you still in the opening cutscene
also one of the lift buttons you press now, was an actual lift AND you needed a code for the mech , which left a graveyard of half the people in the dungeon either under the lift with them having gone up without half the team, or some rushed up the lift but forgot the code and got stuck next to the mech.
It was so fucked and im not mad they changed it even if it is a pain for the roullette
Nice teeth keke
Case in point, the guy has posted his city of heroes charactet
that's C.A.
take good care of him
>1th thing I see is this
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no no no O NONO NO NO NO NO NO!!!
it sounds more like you're applying weird standards to what counts as it and not
If only the game had vanilla options to a great big woobly cock almost flopping out of his subligar. Asexuals brutalized and erased once again
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Final Fantasy XIV is the 15th-best game of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Still mad, WoWbucks? We won, you lost.
Prove you aren't British by posting your lala and swapping to local time in game

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It's not stench, it's my aura!!
Weird standards like not downloading horny mods?
but au ra are known to be stinky
Who has the bigger penis?
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oi lad, this is 100% real
I meant champions online and it's just a furry guy in spandex fighting crime and rescuing civilians he clearly has a history and track record to back up the fact he's sexually attracted to rping as a furry in tights jumping out with (you) in his arms out of a burning building which is on par for the crazy you see in these threads
Pasties are also eaten in the northern Midwest usa
>This lala
It all makes sense
ur applying the label horny to them because you're projecting your own sexuality whether straight or gay
to an asexual it's just a bulge
hence the absurdity that all asexuals have to dress like nuns to be valid to you
A mod specifically to give pants a fat fucking buldge with jiggle physics is horny bro. there is no other reason for that shit
If you think about it, a buttplug is just a medical device too. Lmao, subhuman.
to you sure
but 1. all hroth gear mods are like that so if u want the hroth body which better suits a super hero u kinda just have to deal with it
2. his super hero hroth is based on old time comics that often had bulges

le false equivalence, ebin!!
As an asexual, I don’t get what’s the big deal about wearing a ball-gag and leash in public…. It’s a nice red color you see
brb stealing him from you
everyone has moved onto the new thread so no one will notice that I called this femlala CUTE
>u log on, do ur weeklies all in one day, then log out until next week
lol this cope when people are literally crying about nothing to do in DT waiting 4 months for patches.
Remember when this general posted twitch views during shadownlands?
90k views vs 7.7k on twitch btw. xiv will never be on top

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