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"I will exercise inexorable judgement on the seven unauthorised gods." - Neuvillette

Previous: >>494180914

>Character Teaser - "Kinich: Business"

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Kinich Web Event "Saurian Egg Adventures" live until September 19

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems
RNIF6H9394K8 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Childe SOON
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What kind of pizza would Monsieur Neuvillette like?
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kachina kacute
Neuvcord raid
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W-what did he do to me
Loli sex thread
The melusines have learned how to access the internet...
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Why is the 4-star lineup for the old limited character instead of the new one?
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totally organic
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Capitano's POV.
undisputed /gig/'s favorite character
I wormed
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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klee tummy
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you guys are schizo
Reminder that neuvillette isn't even in the top 3 most liked men on /gig/
The only 4* characters that Kinich likes atm are Bennett, XL, and Thoma.
>Listen kino saars
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For me, it's (blue) ZhongTao, YanTao and FuTao.
troon out already, repressing it for so long will make even more likely to suicide
you don't deserve to take the easy way out
Because the other 4* that go that well with Kinich are Bennett and Xiangling, and do you really want them again?
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thoma works with him, you did pull emilie for him, right?
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good posts
Uh oh, shitalian melty
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I'm so excited for Kinich. I can finally C6 my thoma and hopefully get a C6 chevy.
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i think i'm going to get chevy on raiden's banner
I need to make Alice a grandma.
>making an early to force a Neuvshit thread
This is why nobody likes you Neuvshits. You will never accept that the hate is deserved and you get immensely butt blasted that your tranny draon will NEVER be liked here. Every other character takes the shitposting on the chin but not you. No, you actually like to think yourselves important like your forced tranny character, that's why you get melt down every time. That's while you try to hit back like impotent little bitches.

The best part? I can shut up tomorrow and there will always be someone else ready to shit on Neuvillette because /gig/ universally hates him that goddamn much. I fucking hate Neuvillette so damn much. Die you cretins.

Neuvillette goddamn flopped.
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Still surprised at how /gig/ now likes my husband, you anons used to shit on him so much. Guess our campaign worked
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looks like someone just got HUMBLED
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>Use all generals for said games
/gig/ is the only general obsessed with males.
Natlan flopped btw
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I mean, he has always been liked. Just not respected, and that didn't change
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>I will exercise inexorable judgement on the seven unauth- ACK
Kaveh... Our fuarking hero...
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Wormvillette flopped so hard that Da Wei forced the troon writers and character designers to pander to men.
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>Paimon.moe import feature is freezing up
fuck off it's 9am on a thursday
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femorrhoid flops do NOT sell
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she has dodoco for grandchildren
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Neuvillette OWNS these halls.
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The last time I was this hyped for a character was in 4.4 with xianyun. Can't wait for wednesday.
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You weren't here for 1.1 right? Anons were calling him a faggot and a wifebeater, some incels would always melt over him with how women only like criminals and not good guys™ like them
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I just woke up from a coma, are the hutranies still here or do we have new ones?
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Homopags always astroturf like this kek
None of the characters in this picture like or are close to Neuvillette. He is a bitch dragon with no friends.
>furina doesn't know that I fuck neuv when she's not watching
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When do we get the next natlan region?
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Emiliebros, are we rolling for Kinich?
made for tummy punching
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ajaw is more popular than all natlanian waifuflops lole
I might
Asiabros really do be keeping this game alive
Stealing OPs like a butt blasted bitch because you got owned last thread. Yeah you sure showed me.
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I'm using Emilie with Mualani
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average kokofriend intelligence
why does this one cut before finishing
ask a raidenfag why he likes raiden and he will dump several paragraphs on you
ask a childefag why she likes childe and she will dump several paragraphs on you
ask a neuvpag why he likes neuv and all you'll get in response is "chad"/dbz spam and ship spam
the most cowardly and pathetic "character fags" on /gig/
made for tummy kissing
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How big was the blender for her to fit in there?
sure why not
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Honestly, don't remember that at all, I remember bitching about Zhong being shit, crying about 3 limited male banners in a row killing a game and some Keka vs Razor civil wars, but Cheld in my memory has always been memeboy, with stupidly long CD on E. Though chinks did have a melty about him wanting to flood their not-China from what I recall
Raiden won btw
>ask a raidenfag why he likes raiden and he will dump several paragraphs on you
things that never happened
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I cut it myself because sometimes I just want to see her to do the turbo twirly groove by itself.
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Feel free to scroll past, like I scroll past all of your meaningless schizoposts
5.2 I think preglani bro
Omg hi gogomi!
Yeah right xister we'll ignore the years of derailed threads of people arguing over her story and character(you're probably one of those retarded roasties who seethe at people who like her)
Thome is one of the best picks for Kinich teams
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I think I am going to get Raiden on Raidens banner. And no Chevy
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Cheldposting started as a way to mock him, we just hijacked it. Whenever I would post chilumi, /pol/fags would start posting about single mothers/victims of domestic violence. Not to mention all the times I was called a troon
Unironically only women ship Neuvillette and Furina. They self insert as Furina.
reminder that she destroyed his fucking sword and didn't say sorry
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The consolidated rate requires 3 lost 50/50's to surface.

I'll believe it when the aggregate data actually rises above 53%
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are you me?
>retarded schizo babble
>moving the goalposts from Raidenfags talking about what they like about her into simply people arguing over her
way to kill your argument seething xister
>Unironically only women ship
No neuvpag that's not how it works, you ship because they fit not because you husbando the male and self insert
Sis you just showed your tits once. That was it. People would like Neuv too if a bitch showed some tits.
alright which one of you faggots told the mod
C1 Mualani or C0 Kazuha?
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>food codes
thanks, fatty
obligatory "TROON" post btw
If only women look as small and petite as Furina
I remember when some youtuber said Ganyu was just cryo amber and then the bitch was pretty fucking good for years
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Based. We love food here.
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You're welcome
>anyone i don't like is a female
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Anon if someone is willing to argue over an entire thread with giant walls of text then they are writing a paragraph on why they like a character. You're the only one moving any goalposts.

The only one sounding like a schizo is you.
Raidentroons are truly never going to beat the schizo allegations
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so close to the elite
Correct. Women are deplorable.
It was a regular sized blender. The dude had to work his wife into hand sized chunks first.
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>already have c6 Chevreuse
>absolutely 0 interest in kinich
>absolutely 0 interest in xilonen
>absolutely 0 interest in chasca
Hope Natlan will at least have some cool 4*'s because they 5*'s so far are boring.
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Mora and exp books, thanks Bwo!
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>Decide I’m probably gonna skip Kinich and Raiden
>Do 50 standard banner pulls from my stockpile so I can get the battle pass reward
>Get constellations for Collei, Charlotte, and Layla, and get my first ever Chevreuse
anything to discredit my opposition
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Yeah, I'm still hopeful we'll get mauvika leaks so I'll at least get his C0 I should have enough saved with my 12k + already at hard pity from grabbing emillie.
Really wish leakfags would hurry up and drop info on Mauvika or Pyro traveler.
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Nah, /gig/ changed their view on him before that
I mean you have Aveline
Codes provided by Fat Xiao himself!
This feeds my soul.
Fujotroons in this community stand out like sore thumbs and they are insufferable.
Oh, you’re the retarded lolifag who thinks that everyone who makes fun of him is a woman. No wonder you had a melty.
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Chevy is mine, go find your own
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I can't believe loom is sakura now
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Genshin for this feel? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UCj_FBVRD2A
cons are always a scam and kazoo is a very versatile support so kazoo
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>ctrl+f in /gig/ friendlist
>0 results
get out
how come only manlets get yumes but tall males have none? with cheld being the only exception
>Cyno more liked than Neuvillette
it's not bad considering early 50/50 losses. i'm sitting on a regular 50/50 loss at soft pity followed by an early jean so having a 75% chance of the mechanic proccing when i pull mauvika on 50/50 doesn't sound bad to me
My personality is... having melties 24/7
why did they have to give Chasca that weird half-jort, whats so wrong with giving her a sensible set of pants raaaahhhh
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>redeemed all the OP codes
>ask a raidenfag why he likes raiden and he will dump several paragraphs on you
Several paragraphs of lies, cope and headcanon, yes.
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>defending Raiden
>you're actually a lolifag because you posted a loli and called me a woman for my obvious femoid behavior!
That's just how charisma works
They can't help but feel attracted to cheld
Neuv on the other hand is an ugly pompous twat
nahidafag btw
I just realized we don't have any 'daddy issues' character (not in a fuck me sense, but in a 'I want my father to acknowledge me sense)
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>Secretos del fuego
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>i really like this character!!1!!!
>they are my favourites!!11!!!!!1
>only roll C0 and use 4 star weapon
>already have C0 Raiden
>wasn't able to get Chevy on release
>instead got C1 Yoimiya before pity.
>Still wasn't able to get Chevy even after pulling 70 times after getting Yoimiya

Yeah.. I don't have high hopes in this banner.

Still gonna try though.
Thanks. I'll need those EXP for Xilonen, everything counts.
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falseflagging klepeedo melty
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They should have given her chaps like an actual gaucho
What would it even take for a Pyro main DPS to want a Chevy team? C0PJWS Arle is shitting out 1.2 million a rotation in a Vape team by herself compared to 1 million C0R1 in C6 Chevy Overload. Every Pyro character loses massive amounts of damage from not running Bennett. That gives you exactly 1 Electro slot to work with. Xingqiu and Yelan do as much or more damage as Yae, Fischl or Raiden (lol) but they either give you even more damage or make you significantly more durable vs. nothing. Furina jacks a Pyro main DPS' damage up to absurd levels and does more damage. They'd have to come out with an Electro character that can sub-DPS and replace Bennett to even give this team a dream of 1) comparing to Vape and 2) having any flexibility in the last slot.
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>The rules of war are woven in the womb: the victors shall burn bright, while the losers must turn to ash.
>When the God of War shares this secret with the Traveler, it is because she has her reasons.
Kinich shares the commonly known fact not even five minutes after meeting the Traveler, as a throwaway line.
Quick question
Who does more damage? C2R1 Raiden or C0R0 Kinich?
I want C6 Chev
I’m mexican, which genshin is for me?
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she already has a kind of lukewarm personality. imo the half pants look hot. regular leather pants would just be too vanilla.
or gay don't forget that
nahitroon melty
She doesn't post on /gig/ and and it's an exhibitionist.
>obvious femoid behavior
>poking fun at the Raidentroons here who never talk about anything aside from food, sales, and melting down at various other female characters is “femoid behavior”
please do continue your melty though
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He's so charming
Kinich's dad was a piece of shit, he would beat him and his mom so much that the mom left and kinich had to endure his alcoholic beatings
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Im glad we all agree that princess Fischl is the cutest genshin
I wish Sara worked with clorinde
believe in Iansan
Just like how Furina did at the start. They’re rewriting shit it’s so obvious
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Dioner's character is daddy issues
they both suck and chev is powercrept by xilonen so there's no point pulling that brick
What the FUCK happened?
>defending Raiden
No one said anything bad about Raiden, only her fags were made fun of. So yes, you are a schizo.
>"nahitroon" out of nowhere
You have lost the plot, the argument and your mind.
Truly a kekaroo moment.
I always knew I was a God.
We are probably gonna know more about her once we get her SQ.

For now, she is probably like Clorinde except we at least know about her relationship with her sister plus some back story about her.
Ei is Scaramouche’s daddy
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kinich is the god of war
Why are you not playing Wukong?
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gn /gig/
>more gaslighting and ignoring all the arguments over her redemption from her NEET bubble
OK woman, now get back into the kitchen and make me a sandwich you dishonest whore.
I dont like Dark Souls/GoW gameplay
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You probably won't see this, but peace bro.
i don't buy games with ugly monkee face protags
/gig/ guild requirements have been updated
>Must own Childe, Alhaitham, and Neuvillette
>Must take a timestamped photo with you wearing programmer socks
>Must take a picture of your confirmed HIV positive result
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Farming for Kinich
I already beat it
The 2nd phase of the secret boss where you grow giant and beat the shit out of the 4 heavenly kings was kino
Definitely gonna have to pray that some Electro character comes out that can save this team because otherwise it's stuck playing third-string to Vape. The gulf without C6 Chevy is massive too, so this is an expensive team. It's more for an Electro main DPS, but it's still kind of sad it doesn't work as well the other way around.
i don't play chinese games
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We know, it's so obvious.
>Fucking venti and albedo are more liked than neuvkek
Capitano fucks that
Wanderer's POV
Ayato fucked that
Albedo is pretty lucky isn't he
She is ready for albedo
Neuvs pov
Kinich did THAT????
Gorous pov
Gorous is verry lucky to fuck that
Wanderer's POV
Lucky kinich....
This fat fuck belongs to kazuha
Wrios ONAhole
Gorou taps that..
Calm down siggy.
We know Bennett
Ayato taps that
Elden Ring is the superior game
You really want me to be a woman that badly, huh? I’m flattered~
But sorry, I’m not into your tranny psyop.
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Nyahida is very sexy
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I'm downloading NBA 2K25 right now.
Not into Wukong.
most of the shorter males are written better than taller
also tall men get fujobaited nonstop
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No man talks like you unless you're a literal faggot but that's fine, you'll hang on trees like the troons too for your dishonesty
Umm siggy?
I’m waiting for the REAL games, COD Black ops 6 and GTA 6
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Need Nahida pussy so bad.
Most tall males have a "serious and pragmatic" personality, yumes don't like that
there is no way they have made over 2000 NBA games
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Hi /gig/
What supports aren’t powercrept by Xilonen? C0R1 Xilonen with Scrolls + Kachina with Petra is better than C0 Furina + C0 Kazuha which is fucked and C2 or C3 on Xilonen just makes it even dumber
forced cuckspam they don't interact
fuck off shounenfag
And no mentally sound man has a melty like you do, but then again we are on 4chan so you yourself barely qualify as a man. Checks out.
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kys yourself schizo
Nah, if that was true Hoyo would be liable to get sued for posting false gacha rates since that wouldn’t add up to consolidated 55%.
Anon take a look at the world around you melting down. I am calm compared to a lot of what's brewing in the West right now.
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Bros I just came back to Genshin after a long break. What the fuck happened to Tupac and Ngoubou?
No one said anything about the Nahitroon, dumb Xilotroon
Tall males are carbon copies with the same personality besides Kaveh, who is written like a woman, and Itto the manchild.
So i might actually win a coinflip for once?
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chasca my beloved
Kinich's pronouns are she/her?
bennett wants his fathers to acknowledge him
You're mentally ill.
After like 400 wishes worth of losses yes.
Tupac actually shows up in game. He's Mualani's ancestor. Ngoubou is the name of a dinosaur.
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>it's another episode of the nahidatranny seething at xher imaginary women again
I like him. He is Ayaka's brother and he also appears to like me because brother in law came home in 26 wishes on a 50/50. Ayato is a bro. Ironic how the only people who care for Ayato in 2024 are Ayakafags like me.
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Tectone won again
Men rolled for a hideous whiny dragqueen for women because he's the best DPS in the game so now instead of admitting their metafaggotry, they make shit up as to why Neuvillette isn't a hideous character.
We are being raided by transwomen from Discord
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That’s true, I’ll give you that one. Nonsense like this makes me hate this fandom even more than I already do.
Will he job quicker than to Neuvillette this time? I bet he can do it in 3 seconds max!
transbian melty
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actually a real black nigga, Mualani's ancestor
a saurian material-boss

say goodbye to seeing actual african characters
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Cappucchino is now the pyro archon
There's no need for more
These aren't the people I'm talking about melting down. They've been doing so for a decade.

They're the communists causing the actual reactive meltdown though with people who will actually have the guns and desire to remove said problem.
your only options are Diluc, Childe, Thoma, MAYBE Wrio if you're delusional enough
meanwhile you can choose from Wanderer, Xiao, Chongyun, Albedo, Kazuha, Cyno, Lyney, Kinich who are all pretty different from each other so you'll like at least one of them
>1600% more votes than /gig/ had IPs at peak of genshin
smalldick incel melty
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Childe is always improving, always moving forward. He's not fighting him again because he has a bigger opponent on sight, the whale
This. This so fucking much damn. Imagine if he was weaker than Ayato. All you would hear would be people constantly making fun of him like he deserves instead you have these shitters who rolled him making excuses for their sunk cost.
incels broke you
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Why is genshin being so generous didn’t we just get 10 wishes from Logging in
it was a multiple choice poll
Stole the words out of my mouth.
CORRECTION: nobody rolled for Neuvillette (he flopped bigly)
Incels are men and men always win, sorry ladies and """ladies""".
But did he flop harder than Rome and the Italian kingdoms? I don't think so
>check his youtube page
>every second video is about genshin
this faggot will never leave huh?
How good would Chiori’s sword be on a non geo character
we always get 20 rolls on anni
playerbase bleeding
That's anni freebies
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Nahipedos are very lucky
oh wow that’s pretty nice
Based, we are all a hivemind around here, desperate to be a part of whatever the majority wants us to be
My PC is nowhere near good enough. Will get a new one after RDNA 4 drops.
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Sauce please? Google gives nothing.
femorrhoids got censored in 2.4. chinks failed to get lyney venti gorou etc censored
Will Mualani help me cope that I missed Neuv twice?
it's dogshit outside of geo
chiori and albedo are the only users of it
because I am still using a pc with a cpu that is from 2010 and that just barely runs genshin at 60fps, let alone modern games.
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>Sauce please? Google gives nothing.
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Oh shit
they orbit someone else so remove them and add gaming and bennett
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93 flat def
it's pretty good on alhaitham
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If men hivemind it's because they actually collectively like something and come together to appreciate it. It's femoids who follow whatever the trends are and play pretend to socially fit in. Hence why men are always the trendsetters and women begrudgingly follow us around into all our spaces that we build up while trying to nag and gaslight us into liking something we don't(It doesn't work unless we also play pretend but only if it's to get laid)
Why would he leave, riling up enviosity fans and stirring drama is how he stays relevant.
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Roll it first
I'm not the ItalianChad. I quite clearly stated in my post there are too many of us for you Neuvshits to shut down. He hate you, we will always hate you.
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Is Black Tassel REALLY chevy’s best in slot weapon?
How the fuck do we STILL not have better 4 star options for polearm users that want HP%?
Why can't genshin's loli character get normal proportions and not that fucked up model?
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Dawei CRIED because so many ugly fat women were playing his game
-Ugly brown muddy western graphics
-No interesting characters to interact with
-Uninterested in the plot/story
-Gameplay looks mediocre. It doesn't do anything new, fun or interesting. It's just dark souls with a monkey and some new abilities.
- OST is non-existent. It always is for these western games.
- World is bleak, de-saturated and unappealing.
- Reddit flavor of the month game.

I watched countless gameplay videos and there wasn't a single point in which I wanted to go play this game. None. I'm not going to say the game is shit since obviously I haven't played it, but some games just aren't for me, the same as how some normies will never try Genshin because it's anime based.

I have NEVER liked Dark souls/Elden Ring/God of War/etc games.
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I-it's usable... Haha...
Every male after them has been heavily censored.
A trans friend of mine saw Chasca's sister while I was playing and started playing genshin too lol
meant for>>494200776
Somebody just come online and suddenly the thread turns into men vs women wtf.
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pretty good if it was hp% last
because genshin caters to little tweens instead of grown women like Love and Deepspace does
Your polearm from the atelier event? Otherwise yes or fav if you can still reach 40k
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>Kinich's dad was a piece of shit, he would beat him and his mom so much that the mom left and kinich had to endure his alcoholic beatings
sasuke can't catch a break from his family
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Show me
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depends on what you like
See it yourself you lazy cunt
Wrio absolutely has yumes, look at these threads.
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>Still no free 4* banner weapon
make the graphics a little blurier and I would have believed this was an ubisoft game from 2010
lyney & cyno both got censored. their shorts are longer than their initial travails reveal. cyno had more bare chest too
manlets are inherently more popular than tall males so there's no point in developing the latter further
>alcohol addict
>loses the house
Kinich dad is Kaveh's married life
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>raiden now seemingly has not one but TWO high value 4* glued to her banner
sara with raiden makes sense but chevy fits on any electro/pyro team
they also ran faruzan with wanderer twice before finally putting her on cloud retainers banner so hopefully chevy is released from shogunate prison after this
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I stayed up way later than I should of. I hope the other Nahida posters will hold the fort down. Well, they can burn it down too, I guess it doesn't really matter. Peace /gig/.
bad kitty
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The next genshin that's posted fucks the one after that in the ass btw.
I don't like Chinese lore.
You missed the event polearm to make Chevy a magical girl?, also fav will always be BiS for supporting since you can always just go HP HP HP and put the natlan artifact set to no worry about ER
Fav is still better.
Kirara, do NOT rape Loom!
yeah..bunch of them...lol
barely gets posted unless it's fujo shit
>children have wider/stronger appeal than adult characters to an audience with a very wide age range
no shit
Hope that Iansan is an Overload DPS.
If not and/or Chevy isn't reran with Clorinde and/or Arlecchino, then this will be the last time Chevy is on a banner until 6.x when Raiden reruns again lol
she gonna sleep on her face
Neither comr close to black tassel
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>high value
Only because there are more and they actually get shilled. Alpedo had dragonspine, scaratroon is fat Xiao's pet, xiao has lantern rite.
Tall males are lucky if they appear, only shilled ones were zhongli and neuv
What would be the best pick if we did get that?
Clearly you missed the uptick in emo wolf posting recently or that one fag who made a whole Rabbit Hole AI cover with his voice last night
hsr lanklets are way more popular than twinks like yanqing so it's clearly not an age issue but simply the fact lanklets are not appealing to women
I can see it.

Please rape Loom.
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please... she has suffered so much
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Uh-oh. Cute and canon on the battlefield.
>lanklets are not appealing to women
Manlettroon you know this isn't true, all otomes have mostly tall males, all romance movies have tall males, HSR has only tall males and they are popular because they actually get content unlike the ones here
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She stepped on her
>put the natlan artifact set to no worry about ER
qrd? i thought natlan sets were only good for natlan chars
Kokomi gets to watch btw
Literally almost every single pyro has daddy issues
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So now that the dust has settled, does Furina's piss taste good or not? There was a lot of talk about it leading into Fontaine with thoughts about her being the water archon and hints at the water there being polluted, but not all of that held true. I personally think it would taste good, but am curious what other people were thinking.
>gets hired solely because of his ethnicity without being qualified for the job
>spends 500 years we wuzzing and talking about stolen power shit
>everything gets ultimately handed to him because of his ethnicity
>becomes the boss
why does neuvillette have a DEI black panther plot?
there was only one thread recently where he got posted more than twice
i'm not a roll slop chad unfortunately
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What does this mean for Mavuika?
What this tells me is that next thread might come and go without a single Nahida
My mental illness is stronger than yours.
the most popular males are xiao, kazuha, scaramouche, venti, etc while the only tall males that constantly top polls are zhong and neuv and alongside cheld they're the only tall males that get posted here in general, don't shoot the messenger
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Command and Conquer
>cute Furina art
>hidden cuckshit
Every fucking time
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I wanted to post Kokomi but the Sara poster was faster.
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There's no Neuvillette references in that picture, hidden-cuckshit-schizo
As I said, manlets are only ones pushed, tall males are always neglected. Zhong and neuv are the only ones shilled and even so they forgot zhongli like 2 years ago. Cheld is lucky if he appears for 5 minutes once a year.
yuri isn't cuckshit, you're supposed to join
I self insert in ALL of that
its 12% DMG bonus, its not a lot but its only peanuts behind noblesse, works better if you already have a noblesse on the team and can't stack tenacity like chevy, and its much easier to proc and mantain than something like Songs of Days Past which is utter shit
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you know you will go deeper
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Nahida is very sleepy
Women who play these games prefer memeable broken retards. With tall males minus Cheld as someone said, they're usually either stoic and serious or responsible adults which doesn't tickle the 'I can fix him' instinct.
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It's not just women who try to control male sexuality because it's a strong motivator to get men to work. However, the countries that impose the strictest laws on sexual expression of men and stuff like porn are also the countries where they do stuff like forced arranged marriages of women with little to no freedom for what they can do in their lives so the path of censorship is also the path of putting women back in chains.

You either have to choose a pure liberal democracy with absolute freedom of speech/expression where hypergamy is allowed and 80% of women are marrying the top 10% of men in harems while giving up your notion of a Disney princess marriage OR you go back to antiquity of extreme censorship and control of people's desires with stuff like religion and conservative dress with socially pressured/arranged marriages governed by the families.
How will GTA6 affect Snezhnaya?
my yaoyao is unstoppable with that first one
coincidentally all the ones that get the most pandering and content.
literally only diluc has daddy issues
gaming had addy issues but solved it at lantern rite
bennett gets along great with his dads
xiangling gets along great with her dad
yoimiya gets along great with her dad
yanfeis dad is away on some mission but she has no issues with it
thoma makes no mention of his dad at all
hu tao inherited family business young so i guess he died but its a stretch to call it daddy issues
i guess dehya too had daddy issues in her story quest but it was solved there
lyney has no daddy issues unless being an adopted kid makes him a daddy issues character but by that logic so does all of house of heart
alre has mommy issues
Same how elden ring did
I want to snuggle her so much
Because these are the only males that get shilled to begin with + there isn't much variety with tall men. HSR males are genuinely better, Aventurine is basically tailor made for women.
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>6/10/10 nahitroon is having another gigamelty
What about Kaeya?
should i go for c6 chevy or save rolls for Xilonen.
Chevy is c3 currently and Raiden is c0.
i'm thinking of dumping my 250 rolls.
c2 Raiden would be nice.
damn sparklefags have fewer braincells than her feet have toes
you told you were going away for the next three days i had my hopes up the threads will be slightly less troonfested for a while...
It's never going to be good for women in a society that wants to survive.
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Based Sparklebro
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>*kisses cheek*
im so happy mihoyo catered to me
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squish squish
>6/10/10 melty
If you really like playing Raiden, go for it. But Xilonen looks like she's going to take best debuffer in the game from Kazuha so she's going to be more generally useful.
I want to kiss Furina, make love to her, fill her womb, make her a happy wife and mom
that is the 6/10/10 nahitroon
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Are they gonna remove EN dub soon?
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>people rolling for c6 benny right before mavuika release
>people rolling for c6 chevy right before xilonen release
some people just don't value their cash at all
...Does GTA6 even have a similar public? I don't see otakus being into that
uh oh the sisters (amab) did not like this one
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>oh no, I might have to wait 4 months for them to re-run the archon
or maybe women just prefer manlets it’s rly not that deep, i see freminet, lyney, bennett posted almost every thread and they’re not shilled in any capacity
If you like Raiden why not. You will get more rolls in the 2nd half of the patch and some in 5.1 too. Even with average luck you can get both Raiden c2 and Xilonen c0 with what you have.
i'm already close to pity so i won't use up all my wishes for Raiden. i think
i'm doing it for c6 Chevy.
so should i go for c6 Chevy or just save for Xilonen?
i use overload Clorinde mainly so this is why i'm thinking of powering up Chevy.
Just to make sure I'm understanding Xilonen's kit correctly...
If I use a team of Nahida/Clorinde/Fischl/Xilonen, that's enough for all of Xilo's support, yeah? Two of her samples will change to Electro and she'll be able to heal, provide 36%+ resistance shred and 40% damage baseline with c1r1 adding in IR and another 36% damage.
newfag here
are any of the 4 stars next banner good?
Let's see tall males
Diluc - who? Mihoyo forgot they had this character
Kaeya - npc tier now, if he appears on events it's on the background and only says two funny lines shilling klee or jean and fucks off
Childe - can only appear once a year, can't speak much or he goes back to the box
Zhongli - shilled before, forgotten now. Where are those who share the memory? Certainly not here
Alhaitham/Kaveh - they appear but they are married, don't bother them
Wriothlesley - look at the TEA he likes TEA! did I mention he drinks TEA? He is stuck on meropide so don't ask for him
Neuvillette - only shilled one, everyone on Fontaine loves him shame he sucks
who do you think is more likely to post on /gig/ a woman that likes manlets or a male homosexual/pedophile
I'm convinced you just call anyone who doesn't slurp homo cock or put women on a pedestal a nahitroon at this point.
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oh xiao...
>4 star
pick one
>he thinks people want to roll for xilonen or mavuika
Bennett has strong healing so if mavuika doesn’t heal he’s still more useful to me just like he’s better than furina pre-C6 as a free character lol
chevy should have daddy issues, but she's apparently super chill with donato putting her through the wringer when she was young, so much she trained hard enough to be the one to inherit his position
chiori does not have issues despite her personality fitting (both parents are alive and support her)
emilie too, pretty normal
the only character that still seems to harbor daddy issues somewhat is navia, even after her story quest she still thinks everything she has is because of callas
Chevreuse is good, but only works with Pyro and Electro. Sara is good, but only if you get her C6, so that sucks. Thoma is niche.
Mualani banner gets shit 4 stars meanwhile Kinich gets the best. Every fucking time it’s like this, where’s the justice?
Kachina will end up with sub 1% usage
You cannot refute this
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should i enchance these?
Is it better to have multiple?
shut the fuck up, arlecchino, that's disgusting
Why can't I run Mavuika with Chevy?
i’m literally a girl it’s not hard to recognize other girls that post here, also the gaming and chongyun anons have posted their vocaroos multiple times
>gets called out
>resorts to samefagging
oh i laff
>didn't even bring up ayato
how does this >>494202659 change your recommendation?
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>crit rate one
yeah I would keep it
u never refine 5 stars unless you are a whale
Chevy in pyro/electro teams. Thoma c4+ in burgeon, Arle or Scara teams is okay. Sara wants c6 and is mostly locked to Raiden.
For Aether
For Caelus
Lyneyposters are males, they said it before and they are chill
Bennett isn't posted what ar eypj talking about?
Freminet is posted by one anon
Tall males are always preferred, all games show you this, genshin just likes manlets more and they push them while forgetting tall males >>494202740
Ayato is so irrelevant they forgot
All three of them can be used tbqh
Good luck leveling them up though if you're still in Liyue and Mondstadt
more like, why would you expect not to be recognizable when you regularly have thread-long melties posting paragraphs of off-topic gender war bullshit?
Baizhu... forgotten...
>have 1 char with a 5* R2 book
>have 2 chars with a 5* book
what do you think is better?
she won't be able to heal in that comp because she'll have 1 electro and 2 geo samplers. You need at least two different non-geo/anemo/dendro elements in the party to get her burst to change from geo damage to healing.
Can I join your discord too?
and when people post tall males you call their fans “trannies”’ retarded faggot esl
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What makes you think I want Xilonen...
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Sorry, arakaya's loli discord is closed for now.
Chevreuse is good even at c0 if you use pyro/electro characters.
Sara is niche and a meme before c6.
Thoma is good but needs c4 not to be a ER black hole.
I'd just go for Xilonen.
>melty out of nowhere
They're all good but either situational or heavily reliant on constellations. Sara is garbage until c2 and only good at c6. Thoma is garbage due to extreme energy needs until c4 but that's his single biggest issue so he's good after that and great in certain team comps like Burgeon or basically anything that uses Emilie. Chevreuse is great but restricts your team to only using Pyro/Electro and as a new player it's unlikely you have a good team with that kind of limitation. Her constellations mostly range from decent to forgettable but her c6 is amazing.
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Anon, you find that in almost every general nowadays and multiple boards. It's barely escapable. You can't even escape it on broader social media.
you’re easily recognizable, manletroon, maybe if you fixed your grammar you wouldn’t get called out
I forgot...
Ayato - genshin did too, did I talk to you about ayaka? You should go visit ayaka
Baizhu - never appears, isn't friends with anyone
why does the idea of happy marriage and procreation offend troons so much, do they not realize that if normal people stopped procreating they would run out of discord kittens to groom
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>Lyneyposters are males
looks like I tricked you all
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Women can't impregnate women
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Yeah ur a tranny
What u gonna do about it, cry some more? Join the 41%? Spam gig 24/7?
They really don't, shotafag. It becomes obvious when Genshin is the only gacha that forces manlets down your throat while only releasing 2 tall males per year. Even the fujos mostly orbit around tall men looking at how much money they invest on Zhong x Childe and AH x Kaveh events.
>being posted
Lyney has 1 homo and maaaybe one femanon into him. It took a year for someone to be bothered enough to make a Lyney and Freminet rabi after anons kept bullying them for being unpopular. Lyney was so much more shilled than Wrio, yet Wrio has basically the same number of fanarts as him. And most of the fanart Lyney and Freminet get are with each other and Lynette.
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Chev is a niche Overload support with on-field heal
Thoma is a decent shielder with massive energy issue
Sara is ja worse Bennett before C6 and a very niche Electro support at C6

get Bennett from current banner instead
>Raiden now holds both Sara and Chevy hostage
Why the fuck
Hey it's been a while /gig/, how are you guys these days–
see you /gig/
Why did he make Kachina so brown
Has that been confirmed? Her skill description implies that multiple characters of the same element will still trigger the samples to change but the effects won't stack.
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I'm the only male lyneyfag.
because that's kachina's skin color
>ctrl F "women"
>25 results
Well, the schizo buddykek is here, see u guys later
Furina geninuely looks better in anything that isn't her own outfit
[sad news] transwomen from discord are raiding us again
Last Ayato's appearance was in the cooking mini-event with Itto and you forgot about Itto and Thoma too.
I heard Bennet Fishl Xingqui Sucrose and Xiangling mog half of the supports they released since launch
That's her skin color, they made Mualani a lot lighter though so the contrast is higher.
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Any French giggers here today?
Vous jouez à Dofus?
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It's really insane how much genshin overuses manlets instead of tall males, first time this happens on any game I play
>Goes back to the box
NYOOOOOOO don't take him
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how come there's so little posting of the pyro archon
That anon is wrong, the res shred won't stack, but you'll trigger the 2PEHC rule anyway. It's why TCfags were shilling Neuv/Furina/Xilonen.
she is bland
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>Alhaitham/Kaveh - they appear but they are married, don't bother them
Divorce arc soon.
takes one to know one
so like every other hag?
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imagine how many billions in potential revenue has genshin lost due to popedev
waiting for the story to reach it's peak
I'm an oldfag, I was playing games when you faggots had yet to be created in your dad's ballsack, and once you get old, your time gets more important now. And the idea of playing a game where you spend hours smashing your face against the wall just to beat a boss fight that should take you 10 minutes tops if you were playing normally doesn't sound appealing to me anymore. If I'm playing a game, I need to know I'm making progress. I don't need to git gud like I was still playing CoD online.
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pic related
same poster as >>494202142
gets called 6/10/10 because he had a similar melty about women and gender wars when people made fun of him after he posted his nahida and her normals were left at 6
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Most ‘female’ Genshin players actually self identify as ‘females’ if you get what I’m talking about huehuehue
All I see is people like you spamming a strawman without addressing anything which only validates him even if it were truly one person(laughable that you think there's only one person here who cries about femcels).

This thread is usually crying about incels and I don't see people jumping to call it all one schizo. It comes off as henpecking to me after being called out...which again just validates said schizo's accusations.
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Kachina is white
>people rolling for c6 chevy right before xilonen release
is Xilonen better than Chevy for Clorinde?
i run her in overload.
shonenfags left after captaino took his cape off to reveal himself as yet another lanklet faggot
Capitano won
Dude why do you guys hate trannies so much? I'm just chilling and people would suddenly sperg about tranny this tranny that. Just talk about the stupid game???
shes white and the contemporary genshin global community finds that highly problematic
if she was brown or male she would have 50x the fanart
shut up nahitroon
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not pure white like furina
She actually is, most of the darker skinned characters in this game can easily pass as tanned whites with the exceptions of ones as dark as Kaeya and Xinyan.
lol xister big mad, forgot your pics from non genshin characters btw
asians were always the ones drawing most of genshin's fanart (that is worth looking at anyway), and they have no preference for brown skin
they are extremely mentally ill and annoying
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I'll be your nahitroon, just for tonight.
look at the state of this general and tell me with a straight face the dislike normal people have for troons is undeserved
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xilonen is universal just like kazuha, you are better off pulling a single copy of her than c6 chev
she's so hot
I’m a transsexual and love Genshin
nahidaGOD btw
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Kachina is filthy DIGGER the darkest ground drilling rat of teyvat
I'm trans. Do you hate me too? The hate is so unfounded. I swear that it wasn't this bad like 5 years ago before I socially transitioned.
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It's the same for the female characters, there are 17 hags, 9 lolis and 31 hebes if you include Loom.
Which posters do you think are troons? Like talking seriously
Only women are dumb enough to actually play this game on their phones
damn. i didn't think she's this good.
/gig/ is the only genshin community i am a part of and 99% of all fanart posted on /gig/ that was made in the last two years has been western, mostly shipping related, fan"art"
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Waifuflopper, Waifuflopper, don't cry...
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Im a 35yo boomer and this is why everyone in my friend group thinks genshin is a niche chink game that no one has heard of
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there is nary a single piece of western fanart posted ITT
you retarded troll
>and use 4 star weapon
I will never ever roll in the weapons banner
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based me too
fuck off shounenfag
You don’t have to announce you’re a poorfag
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How WEALTHY is Neuvillette as part of his position as the Iudex?
Could he go band for band with an old money heir like Ayato?
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Gonna be honest, I don't pay much attention to the female characters. But from the games I've played, I'd say hebes and hags are represented about the same, with young girls being slightly more prominent
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How badly will his banner flop?
Really does feel like everything they've been doing is to just piss off the westoid fanbase
>no niggers in natlan
>"genocide supporting" mcdonalds collab
>EN cast troubles
Next thing you know is hard confirmation that Kaveh is a straight man
Explains a lot
Wandie FUCKS this cat, dog style.
Calm down wanderer..
Hi gorou's wife.
Wandie, your wife needs some sex, she's mad.
Lyney fucked her there
Wanderer is so lucky..
Kazuha fucked this purple yinger
Kazuha.. your wife is looking off..
Capitania POV
Gorou, why is your kokowife laughing like that?
Kinich fucks this
>Showing off for kinich
Neuvs fucks that
Kinich's slutty wife..
Nahida after wandie says no sex tonight
Kokomi rides that btw
Itto is so lucky
Sara after itto fucked her
Koko after a long night of sex with gorou
Neuvs pov
Neuvs pov
Furina and neuvs Cat
And wandie FUCKS her on her sleep
Neuvs pov after he denies sex
.. has sex with wandie.
Is how her pussy goes when kinich shows up.
Capitano fucks that
Wanderer is so lucky..
Kinich fucks that
Waiting for wanderer I see
She is laughing at wanderer when he thinks he has a choice of not fucking her
She is grasping for wanderers COCK
Neuvs pov
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The fuck who would even want this?
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Genshin is fucking disgusting, profiting off babies being bombed by these corporations. This collab is US based so it’ll 100% flop.
depends if they can redeem him. they shouldn't have made him lose just to make mavuika's banner sell more.
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he will turn out to be a she and become the highest selling banner.
well its not a bad option, but probably just whale bait
think about all the newcuties
I'm not rolling for a fucking loser that kneeled and ran away and is named PERRY
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>someone makes post shitting on women and troons
>10 indirect responses seething and reeling full of strawmen and weird boogeyman
This doesn't happen in most other generals, at least not to this extent. It's clear /gig/ and hoyo generals are home to lots of troons(or maybe one spamming one)
Bold of you to assume he gets a banner.
people who arent poor.
>blocked on site
what site?
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Yamero cuckGOD...
Natlan designs look like vtuber shit. I can't believe /gig/ had a months long meltdown about Tighnari but is perfectly OK with the 5.x design direction.
where else do i get the wings?
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gigawhales who want to crown every character and not just their favorites, or whales who have recently started the game and dont have 4 years of crowns from events
he could go band for band with diluc at most, mans is too noble to embezzle funds
Do Genshin characters look like the race where their region is based on? So those from Liyue and Inazuma are Asian, and Fontaine and Monstadt are white? Obviously this falls apart with Sumeru/Natlan
>Do you hate me too
are you a neuvspammer and/or in a discord with them?
The fact of the matter is that /gig/ hates homoslop.
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Nahida is really really sleepy now
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What makes you think he'll get a banner?
I’ll be getting the wings
I don't know what a vtuber looks like because I'm not a teenage girl
my hebewife yelan...
nice try nahixis
fuck off shounenfag
this should've been in the stardust shop like how it is in their other game
literally no one will spend starglitter on that
The only other relevant person that cares about her is Clorinde. And I'm not sure it's Clorinde's best team anyway.
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I want to sleep with (elf) children
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I'm buying 4 of them. One for me, three to give codes away on /gig/. I'll eat all the food myself of course since you cant attach food to your 4chan posts (yet).
Case and point
Genshin player...
>not exclusive
do they want you to get them from zigger collab instead lole?
He has the typical tall male character model.
why does she keeps seducing me (Wanderer)
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>give codes away
So generous, are you the anon that used to gift welkin too?
without revealing too much info i am in multiple /gig/cord and the amount of unironic troons and "femboys" that post in them are staggering
i do have most of them blocked as all they do is spam ship art or gay porn
The Russian one doesnt have a name card since its a pizza restaurant collab.
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Why do you have four McDonald's apps?
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You act like Fischl/Mona/Noelle/Barbara/Amber etc. weren't in the game from day 1.
Very cool Da Wei. Now my next coin flip better be guaranteed after losing 7 times in a row before 5.0
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Have you read everything on this list, giggers? if not, you may be denying yourself from a full understanding of genshin impact
/gig/cords aren't real.
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I will never but this even if I had 2 crowns, which I do.
NTA but couldnt you just use multiple emails when signing in on the app?
Hehehe he thinks rolls before 5.0 count
Varka banner will outsell his
They are going to limit it somehow that's why they make you register in the app.
Yeah but Russia is also evil and no other collabs were announced. I guess the Korean one ended and not that many EU/NA players bought codes from it.
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reading this right now
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I still hate Tighnari's design more than anything we've seen in Natlan
He is the only case where I play a male character whose design I dislike just because his kit/playstyle is enjoyable
Fat Xiao didnt read any of that shit either. He read the wikipedia articles at most
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Imagine if Sony asked Genshin for another collab and we get another guest character but this time from Concord
USA truly is the land of free. It's SIM/phone number-locked for Russia.
Varka is nonplayable. He'll die just like Signora, sorry.
Concord? What's this?
Natlan has Iansan, so it's fine
Kinitch is much worse imo. He looks like a plumber ninja who's also made of pixels? Get that troonkai shit out of my face
what mcdonalds character are we getting?
She's walking proof Natlan was rewritten.
How are TCs so bad at this game LOL
the 4* electro buddypoke.....
I've concluded this banner is a trap. Xilonen and Furina are the future for Raiden, not Chevy. Chevy C6 is just more numbers, and while they are nice numbers, Xilonen and Furina sub-DPS are going to have higher vectors for scaling. Keeping that last slot open to problem solve shields or using Sara will end up Raiden's best teams. Chevy can't even get a 5* weapon that meaningfully boosts the team. Pyro main DPS doesn't want Chevy if you already have a Vape team for her. I hate to say it, but that Chevrolet is a lemon.
Please make sure to get C2R1 Raiden
It's a shitty collab, no figures just boxes with kazukek and beidou in them
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Nahida is sleeping now
Why would I roll for Kinich when Tighnari is free?
It's unironically the best low investment character you can add to your account.
The designs are definitely starting to look like computer generated shit especially for the characters you can tell the devs don't really give a shit about
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Please accept these creatures. We don't want them. Show your boys in shorts or wormvilette to these faggots.
I'm just pulling for Sara, I'll take what I can get for Chevy.
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no new character but we get raiden in a grimace costume and chevreuse with mcdonalds fries and nuggies in her idle animation
no can do. i need to keep some rolls for Xilonen like anons advised me to.
I would trade my C1R1 neuv and furina for C3R1 raiden, simple as
odds dw
Evens hod
Isn’t Furina terrible for Raiden because Raiden has so much bonus damage built into her by default anyways?
Fuck, I want Chevy, but I`m on 70 pity. Who should I get spooked with? C0 Mualani or C1 Raiden?
Some tranny DEI shooter
i'm sick of this shitpost.
Neuv and Arlecchino at the very least outpower her at equal investment. i'm sure there others that idk about.
Furina might be a better investment too since she does team wide buffs.
We already have Raiden
talents today bwo
Who's fucking idea was it to give Raiden TWO exclusive 4 star rate ups
Just use an atk goblet or something?
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Reminds me of r07 threads
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>C&C in OP
Based /gig/
It was ME!
Neuv is only better at AOE, while Arle is very finicky and basically needs a shield to avoid dying horribly
but Sara only works with Raiden, right?
To those of you who use the traveler for the story and exploration, which element do you go with and why?

Trying to decide between anemo and electro since they have (in theory) the most elemental versatility.
technically no, practically, yes
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Will fanartist ever stop trying to force Neuvillette into the archon crew ?
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Kachina is a better use of resources
I don't know, who would want 60% electro damage bonus?
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>TC moron learning XL is garbage in every way
And people listen to these people as gospel
>and exploration
Unless you have a character like Keqing/Xianyun/Wanderer then geo just for the step stool
the problem with Raiden is that she just has low multiplers it doesn't matter if you have 300 CD 300 damage bonus and 3000 ATK if her burst scaling still has low numbers and you can't vape or melt it
How do I defeat the 3 Fatui cunts?
That's because thighnari doesn't look like a Vtuber. He looks like a Kingdom hearts character, specially with the oversized boots.

Vtubers have been fine with us since forever.
If the character relies on Benny the heckin Bouken's circle to do damage, I'm not rolling and especially not C2R1.
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Eastern Europe doesn't need Jews to tell them that Russia is bad, nor does Georgia (the country). They learn it from their families and commnities. It's in their blood to detest Russia. Genshin impact.
>inb4 seething about muh butthurt belt and other vatniknoises
Dendro because it's the only good one at low investment. Anemo is kind of okay purely because of VV but the tornado can be a pain in the ass due to moving everything a mile away(including your drops) so you have to constantly be conscious of how you position yourself before you use it. Geo can be good for exploration due to multiple climbable objects. Electro is kind of bad overall. Dendro is great and doesn't even need investment. Hydro makes for the worst character in the game even at c6.
Makes no sense since he expressly wants to put their asses on trial
But enough about navia
meme teams like hyper yae
C2 raiden sits at 75k DPS lmao

C0 Arlecchino reaches 90k

Neuvillette and Mualani will soon reach 100k with Xilonen

Raiden is relic trash
Only means you run an ATK goblet and value ATK more instead. Sara/Furina/Xianyun/Raiden can already reach 70% of what Hypercarry can do (closer with EL refines). Xilonen instead of Xianyun is gonna go crazy.
Gig I need more bennettless kinich comps I'm going atk hat with WGS so my atk will already be massive + the circle is no fun with his mechanic

I only see Kinich Emilie Fischl Thoma on reddit are there any others?
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Kys, zigger
I know that Russia is evil because I know Russian
How is that remotely true when just the initial hit easily can hit for over 400k
Navia's best team doesn't use Benny. Not sure if her Xilonen team can outdps plunge Navia though.
Imagine not being plungepilled
a support forced into a dps could never be the top dog anyways
i'm not metafag so pls be patient
it's not just the bonus.
team building restricts you.
c0 Clorind needs a shielder, an electro applicator and some element to react with.
Sara simoly doesn't fit with Clorinde unless Clorinde is c2 where she drops the shield requirement.
keqing might be a better fit.
idk if Yae depends on her burst for dmg but i doubt it.
but have you factored in the rotation time savings from c2 xilonen
>inb4 nafoid gorespam melty
Muttlani flopped btw, killing the game
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What about Raiden+Xilonen?
c0 Mualani can do 400k back to back 3 times
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uh oh we got a /pol/ leakage
report and ignore, thank you
that lasts 6s
i'm getting better times in domains with Clorinde, Beidou, Chevy, XL than with Clorinde, Fischl, Chevy, Dehya.
Always keep an eye on the sniper, he can one shot anyone not built like a brick.
Melee have a cancerous time against fatty, best to have a team that has some range flexibility or means of withstanding/healing from his near constant freeze gun.
He's clearly judging them
Its just an option, anon. Even Raiden doesn't always use Sara. Its fun to have a massive buffer, that's all.
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Bros playing taser in the year 2024
Try playing alhaitham in spread team without nahida and this guy is absolute garbage.He's really a hyperbloom bot isn't he? Luckily I didn't spend roll on his cons. Heard he's garbage at vert investment too. What an overhyped character, top 3 dps yea lol
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C3R1 Raiden in Hypercarry easily does over 2 million damage a burst cycle by herself. Her team adds a couple hundred thousand.
yea reading her skills again i was mistaken, if you double up on elements then multiple samplers will transform, it just wont stack the res shred twice obviously.
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Venti Blender
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give father a kiss
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Probably not all the way but I'll roll for Chevy cons. This team is lit even with Dehya being the only one with cons and signature weapon.
i almost did it with Clorinde, Furina, Dehya and jean.
i killed the sniper first then got greedy with the electro hammer dude and lost 3 characters back to back to the cryo gunner stunlock.
HSR is going to beat us this month too
>How badly will his banner flop?
if arle with all the shilling only made $36m a skinny fag like El Capitano will make $20m at best
thats not the issue its that clorinde needs needs fischl.

you can maybe make her work only butsting every other rotation and buffing rinde with just her E, in which case you need to use chevreuse instead of dendro because you cant fit sara, dendro, fischl as well as -res

so the comp would be clorinde, fischl, sara, chevreuse, but then you've got a problem where you cant activate clorinde's mandatory A4
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>NeuvKINO was 1 year ago
People like to pull numbers like this out of their ass but it's simply not true. I've got a c2 Raiden and back when I used her(with c6 Sara) she typically only did ~150k-200k damage.

You say "easily" as if tossing out a 400k burst with her is something you can just casually do with any team comp. No, that requires very high investment. Good artifacts and good supports like Kazuha.
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strong healthy babies
his burgeon team doesn't use Benny but I'm not sure how good that's going to be
Do you plan on getting Kinich's weapon? That thing's high base atk means you can more comfortably avoid using Bennett. Still, there's not much you can do besides slotting a C0-C1 Yelan. Not sure if XQ would be good here when his hydro application is stronger. You can go YOLO with a TTDS character too I guess.
For some teams, doing the achievement to kill them all at roughly the same time is usually the safest way anyway. Their atk hike after one dies is drastic enough that at minimum you should kill the melee one that gives your team the most trouble first.
I'm trans
c3 r1 Raiden burst should deal 1m with the first hit to feel impactful with all these new dps units around
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I am not a frog, but I do in Talkasha
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What the fuck do I do with engulfing lightning should I fail the weapon banner
400k needs C0 Chevy, C5 Bennett, C6 Sara and C2R1 is probably doable. Supports shouldn't need 5*s.
>fat raiden is a forced mem--ACK!!!
The biggest flop in genshin history
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so any expectations for ronova the supposed shade of death who helped xboxlive make the fire
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i have c0 raiden, do i roll for her c2 or do i roll for c0r1 xilonen (have 180 pulls available)
Imagine if Guerrilla Games goes back to Killzone and we get a Helghast soldier collab or something
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I don't disagree with the article, but who the fuck reads these no-name clickbait online mags anymore
Half of them are probably written by AI anyway
It's Xiangling 's best weapon for ER whoring
>Fat Raiden
>Remembering Chevy
Either actually a /gig/er or they've been lurking here for our memes
>no 60% Electro CD
>no Overload benefits from Chevy
lol no one is going to play this team
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You are obviously pulling with your dick and should continue to do so because it is based.

Xilonen C0R0 and save for Chasca and Mavuika.
I don't want to build a team around Kinich and I don't want to roll for Pagden, but Chevreuse is on the banner. What the fuck do I do?
I found it here while looking for Genshin x McDonald's art btw https://x.com/techopse/status/1834199811173585344?t=VKsyG_pCOA-Vp5yMj3tfjA&s=19
Is this a /gig/ger?
You roll for Raiden or Shenhe or give it to XL. Otherwise, it's a brick.
Don't roll
Why is it always neuvillette lol
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>my husbando genshin vtuber collabed with a female genshin vtuber
no... its not what I think, right sisters? its over...
Chev is a meme unit you don't need her
I still can't get over the whole "this character would never support a genocide!" shit
Like nobody in that promotional video is a real fucking person lmao
Also McDonald's stopped giving shit to Israel anyways so I don't get what they're mad about
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Yeah this seems about right. My friend that quit had a C3r1 raiden and when I tried it with kazuha bennett it maxed at 250k initial burst, could see 350k with c6 Sara but even thats pushing it
this is making Raiden out to be too much work to be worth building
should I just build kachina instead
just skip
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>Not rolling for Ajaw and Kinich
if you put yelan furina xilonen on any team it will deal 60k+ DPS so sure seems fine, the 4th unit is just along for the ride.
Yep that's definitely a gigger
meta is Xilonen and she fits more teams.
support > dps
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Koko dragon, koko dragon, don't cry...
People AFK for serpent spine's passive in abyss???????
vtubers male or female are in relationships and have sex as soon as the stream ends sis
you are nothing but a paypig funding their lifestyle
neuv is so popular everywhere...
Are you going to rush Unity?
No one is going to play it with Yelan, anyway. Sara is the best choice and that team should have Raiden dealing near Hypercarry levels of damage on-top of getting sub-DPS without sacrificing it, compared to Xiangling/Raiden/Sara/Chevy with Xiangling replacing Bennett and lowering Raiden's damage by around 25-30%.
She made 120k on the meme tower chart
anons told me itt that Xilonen is better than c6 Chevy.
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>want chevy
>sitting on guarantee with 74 rolls in
>mualani gameplay filters me and kinich looks awful with the shitty spin being guaranteed dogshit against every threatening enemy in the game
>kazoo cons are worthless and brickden cons are even worse
fucking cocksucker developer
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Navia can plunge and still hit like a truck without being stuck inside the Anti-Hilichurl circle. Raiden can't do the same.
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All vtubers and idols are giga normalfag whores, sis...
I only have 1 level 70 character, and it is kinda hard to farm mats for leveling other characters. I am AR45. No one seems to request my random join requests. Co-oping bosses is generally easier, right?

I'm trying to level a party of Neuv, Furina, Kazuha, and Zhongli, but I'm kind of stuck. Cube bosses are easy. Everything else poses some difficulty.
Kazoo C1 and C2 are both great.
Yes, just put the character on your first slot and sit there for a few seconds stacking it up before starting the chamber.
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>/gig/gers actually being baited into not rolling for Chevy because of Xilonen
kek, idiots
Like putting a claymore character in slot 1 and waiting for the buff to max before clicking the key to start
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is Kinich for Lumine?
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Acheron with top up bonus reset made 140m

Arlecchino made 120m
>want chevy
anons say Xilonen is better than c6 Chevy.
save your guarantee for her.
I remember WL45 being a tiny difficulty spike as you slowly start gearing up characters but it'll get better as you gear more characters up
Don't forget to also grab talent and weapon materials
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but enough about femorrhoid waifuflops
Chevy cuter though
how hard was it for them to put zhongli with kinich and put raiden with xilonen
Top up bonus is a meme, just look at Mualani.
but thats mobile only, you're not factoring in HSR's PC and PS5 sales.
Whoa... 2 votes versus 1...
you can post your UID if NA and i'll help you
Put "help me" in your signature and bored AR60 will start joining you. You can only go to people with the same WL as you or lower so other newfags who may need help themselves.
Genshin makes more than HSR on Playstation at least
Why is this in Genshin
It's so weird and out of place
im not falling for a geo meme no matter what you fuckers say
Xilonen is better in general but for very specific teams? No. c6 Chevy provides 40% resistance shred, up to 40% attack(this is easy to achieve) and 20% damage every 2s up to 60%.
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He's so cool...
They're throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks since their "Genshin aesthetic" characters sell like shit.
>Itto is going to sell more than Raiden guys, look at his twitter likes!
No it really isn't. You just don't like voxels. We've had "2D" characters before.
The anon here summed it up: >>494208785
C6 Chevy will always be better for Pyro/Electro focused teams, but I don't recommend going for C6 on the next banners unless you really like Raiden/Kinich cons.
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>natlan enthusiasm is bottom of the barrel
>fucking rap beat starts playing while exploring the first area
I think I'm just going to ignore all the dialogue and mash as fast as possible this entire year.
Chevreuse is a dead end. You're at the whims of these devs releasing a support spear, which you know they'll never do. Xilonen and Furina will just keep scaling until they elevate the team far beyond what Chevreuse's ceiling is capable of.
>Xilonen is better than c6 Chevy.
Just run both
>I only have 1 level 70 character, and it is kinda hard to farm mats for leveling other characters. I am AR45.
Yep, that's normal newcuitie.

>No one seems to request my random join requests. Co-oping bosses is generally easier, right?
Normal as well, despite what everyone else has told you about how good "the community" is, the truth is that most online players just want your mats. Domain running with other people is hell, it's extra difficult cause 4 players instead of 1, and everyone wants to run the on-filed DPS of the week as if they're the main character with an audience instead of playing coop, so guess what happens? you need to play a healer just so that all those retards are not wasting your time by dying over and over. The relief you feel once you can run artifact domains on your own with easy is palpable. And let's not even go into trolls or glitches. Wanna invite Kaveh: Destroyer of Worlds into your account so he can ruin it?
This is the type of retard that complains about character motivations not making sense btw
The soundtrack is genuinely dogshit and that's without even considering the hip hop beats that play in settlements
Letting YPC jump ship was a massive mistake
Nigga a 2D pixel art dragon that looks like it's from Undertale or something is not the same thing as an origami samurai or whatever
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I'm rolling for Kinich bros
For some reason because of your pic I imagined Arlecchino saying that and thinking of Arlecchino being racist against Natlan people lmao
That's not even what makes her better, it's the 60% damage bonus to pyro + electro at C6. People keep forgetting what makes xilonen broken is that she activates furina fanfare.
She's really not that good on already weak teams like how furina is.
She basically just replaces baizhu/jean in every team where furina wanted a healer.
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So it's my first time playing since 1.6 and I think I just bricked my playthrough. The game wouldn't get rid of this notification to raise my account level, so I did what it said and played a quest to increase my level cap beyond 35. However I had no idea doing this would instantly push me to 45. Now my team of level 20-40 shitters keep getting bodied by level 80 enemies with no hope in sight of actually killing anything in order to aquire any ascension materials. How do I salvage this?
I level my talents, but weapons throw me for a loop. I have a single 5* bow (I forget how I got it) and a few 4* weapons of each type and not enough to merge dupes. So I look up suggested weapons and end up having nothing on the list.

People tell me I'm not ready for artifacts yet, which, fine, whatever, but I don't see where my power is meant to come from without them. Even my neuv, which is my most invested character with a sacred jade R2 just seems to be "acceptable" rather than "exceptional"

Also the stamina system for farming bossess is really annoying. Even with the reserves. Maybe I just don't play enough to build up a good reserve
the literal only use for chevreuse was if you needed a pyro/electro res shred alternative to kazuha (which also bricked you into an overload comp).
Now that xilonen is a thing, she has literally no reason to exist, don't fall for the bait.
You can lower your WL
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funnily, no one gives a fuck about pagden anymore. everyone know femorrhoids lose all their relevance when they get powercrept
It’s xiangling and Raiden BIS weapon
For Aether
c2 r1 mualani vapes for 1.5 million though
teams restricted to the same 2 elements are just retarded. straight up.
chevy, mika

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