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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)


Previous: >>494191752
catboy supremacy
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how do i turn this shit off
femra fthursday
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posting my
by flushing your HRT down the toilet
You folks got Get Fantasy right when it was cheaper right?
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Post sweaty gym Venat
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laid b are
read the settings for more than 2 seconds and you'll figure it out!
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Why would you turn it off? Don’t you have friends? Just deal with the 10 fps, chud. We like this. It’s not like there’s anything to do in the game anyway, is there?
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smooching your
need to sex the 2nd one
Good morning /xivg/
Why are you so retarded, Kong?
When the fuck are you faggots going to corrupt me? I'm getting bored of waiting.
That's literally the worst one
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where can i get a daughteru like this, bros
Who are you
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Anyone have the webm of the Manderville speech about ala mighans
same, bitch looks ready for some BWC
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This >>494199483 post will live rent free in my mind until the end of days. I am shook.
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My moonie
i love it when black people drop the hard r
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All the europeans with EBs are whores. Gagalon Galon sucks horse cocks behind his buttbuddy Eiki Shiki (said buttbuddy that he forced into a stockholm syndrome by shittalking him when they were in chaos, E.S having a melty and then G.G bearing up with that bulgarian schizo out of guilt). Repeat with Ryun and Romani. And other EBs in the lightclique. It's always horse cocks too.
But I hate reading. Yaaaaawn.
A CC player
it's the one that my pp likes tho >>494208946
stop asking questions and just do it faggot
oh, ew
need the second one to sex me
why did alphinaud and alisae go on vacation to help the war-torn country of garlemald instead of helping the war-torn country of ala mhigo
Why do you guys sit in here all day and post porn instead of talking about ffxiv do you not have a job
How the fuck do I PVP Picto
>another moonie appropriating fiddie culture
i post here on company time it's free money baby
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A C@ of a certain flavor did not sleep enough last night…
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cute purplezen
they did help the ala mhigans already by getting their economies and trade relations stable so ul'dah doesn't screw them over
You don't, it's the worst job in the game just play something else
Okay, let's talk about ffxiv. What topics do you have to discuss?
that cats cock is huge
there's nothing to talk about with ffxiv, there's fuck all to do if you aren't raiding and all the raiders are already done
Need this for my sunnie+
Hi saar
save your comets for when you have two and madeen then pop em all at once
be extremely generous with your shield
Woah, is that the classic all-star GRAPE CAT?? You’re so fucking famous! Can I have your autograph?? Your sleep/wake status is SOOOOO important!
Which one are you?
wtf are you serious? post it
Hello K.K.
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>honey pepper pimiento sandwich is back
my moonie is going to get FAT
i love fat moonies with fat moonies
my femlala does this
Chaos CC 5:50 ET
They're a fucking huge sex pest, the lorilee of eu
"sex pest" has lost all meaning
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>ameliance is a custom delivery friend
did anyone take her up on the max rank offer and put her in slutty glams
its sort of obsolted by the 3d porn modellers but im still curious
hag pussy
ano... ah...
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Purely educational
I put her in the bunny suit because I put all delivery npcs in bunny suits. Even the malera.
I am a femlala that is about to gorge herself on nutella-filled croissants
nice sis...
The SB PLD quests were actually alright. Too bad everything prior to that tournament arc sucked. This was cool, they knew the PLD quests sucked, so they just made it a second gladiator questline.
everyone did that when her custom deliveries were introduced
show us anon
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>there's currently a shortage of healers in both static recruitment and PF
>raiders try to do some introspection why
>is it because they shit on healers when things go bad and when things go well
>healers are the dead last to get anything
>so they have to take shit from people for 8 weeks to get geared and get their mount potentially
>not including things like orchestrion rolls or whatever dropping and DPS claiming "MINE" on it
>"nope sorry couldn't be that, it's the dps rotation being lacking"
you dont it really is just that bad
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it's up
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famed world first raider and winner sfia is just like your average /xivg/ ebin
bweeeeehhhhhhh we healers like this...
this is so good..............
can she do it to me
>enter thread
>search "lala"
>only two posts
Is grape a eurofag?
my moonie acts like this
lumy is actually so hot

good statics give the non-gear loot to the healers first
does she have a +
I think I'll reach out again today
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holy moly
nice bro, keep it up
my femra is on vacation and misses queueing CC...
i want to sex this cat
My femlala doesn’t normally do this kinda stuff… but it’d okay if it was with (you)….
fucking dogs is moonie culture, sorry sis
I have a + so my moonie has a +
Alas Healers are sadly always shafted, healing is also just never a fun role in any game
good statics have already gotten their healers and are either done with prog or progging m4s
She has after that speech
May I plap this aunt?
yea but he is a catboy
i have never interacted with that person so idk what that means desu. i just think their cat is cute
Is it me
Thanks.... I think you'll really enjoy building legos with me...
I understand sis, I know big fishing can be kind of daunting...
I'd love to show you the ropes though... if you meet me at the next Ruby Dragon window...
my moonie is recursive and leads to memory leaks
I have been in groups that say this but then the Melee has a melty at the final raid saying they realy really want the mount and it's unfair they're not letting them FFA it and it's week x so can't we just let them have it or FFA it
I hate how the loot system was changed to allow shit like this but really it just brings out the selfish loot goblins and rewards them

PFing you encounter people who hoard coffers on 4 different retainers so they can roll need on a 5th instead of a person on their first BiS get it, in statics it's the casters and melees who throw a tantrum if they don't get mount plus orchestrion plus all gear before everyone else
Chaos CC 10:00 ET
I will ignore fast.
your moonie is my wife and leads to mating press
We don't care.

Boom, roasted. Defeated. Blown the fuck out. Yep, another screencap poster BTFO. Mods, lock this thread, we're outta here.
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if you have a twitter for xiv nsfw you are absolutely fucked lmao
it's very over for you
Every femlala is my WIFE
i need a lalawife like that so badly bros
ask me how i know you dont step foot out of roulettes

lmao why is it always healers that bitch about doing their job. this is what happens when a role gets taken over by trannies and women
Wow…. It’s so slimy *giggle*
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Sis wtf... fishing is wholesome...
I find it funny you can glam her up. You're basically spicing up her sex life with her husband.
You're already allowing for multiple tiers of subhuman degeneracy if a twitter is where you draw the line.
>some faggot giving callouts in frontlines
>doesn't warn anyone of the turbo pinch that loses us the entire game
Fucking RETARD
I will be gentle, but bionicle lore can indeed be overwhelming at times. We will start with the tales of toa book and work our way up.
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i'm not with any of that
i just think twitters in particular are really funny
Prove it? What race do I play
it's the only role that has to clean up for others not doing their jobs, and get blamed if they don't
>>"nope sorry couldn't be that, it's the dps rotation being lacking"
Yes this is the case.
Literally nothing else in that post is relevant to PF healers giving up and playing actually fun jobs.
Raping this moonie's feet! Just her feet though. As in, I'm carving a hole and fucking them. Foot pussy. The rest of the moonie can be discarded.
pot calling kettle black
my moonie burnt the top of her mouth
I wish you wore that dress more
>nothing is relevant to people not wanting to heal
>healers having fuck all for rewards and the hardest job that gets the blame first is totally unrelated to no one wanting to play it
this is some official forums cope
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My lalaboy is like this
Aren't you banned from the game Desolance?
my moonie wants a sunnie+
>don't want to heal because it's just 111 spam
>don't want to heal because every other job is engaging
>don't want to heal because doing my job gets me nothing in return even when I save the party from a wipe
Why does this role even exist?
>hips wider than shoulders
that's a woman
because of wow and its retarded holy trinity
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my femlala is like this
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I feel nothing. No relief, no release. The wheel of saṃsāra continues its inexorable spin, I within it.
Tell me why the salmon swim upstream, their bellies red with passion
Wanna bet
my moonie put another moonie in her mouth
Finally, a good lala"boy" post.
Who are you quoting?
I said nothing else in that post is relevant to PF healers because PF healers don't deal with loot getting fucked up.
If you gave healers wicked sick dps buttons people would play that shit even with every other issue listed because they would be intrinsically fun to play.
wait till you guys see taht a lot of "top" xiv streamers are sponsored by a company lying and saying immigrants are eating dogs
comapny is DrinkCTRL, it's a shitty gamer branded huel/onions knockoff and sponsors a ton of streamers like llamatodd

I'm just waiting for that one to drop
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this anon got how to get an autistic late millenial early gen z girl down hard
>Trying this hard to be a thing
if a moonie eats another moonie do they get more moonie power
Chaos CC 1:00 ET
Because it's the job with the least responsibility in reclears if your static isn't shit at the game. It's nice for coasting.
wtf do not eat the other moonies
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I like healing
The gear this tier sucks in terms of stats and aesthetics
I just wish dps players were nicer to one another and stopped throwing tantrums
Bootshine and true strike didn't use to have these particle effects, did they? I haven't played it since 6.0. Wanted to experience the changes from a fresh character because I hate relearning full hotbars. Autism.
>if you gave healers wicked sick dps buttons people would play
el mao holy fuck the delusion
at best we woudl go back to HW/SB days where you just wipe because your healer is too busy fucking around with their DPS and parse to break off and drop a heal

also we just had 2 expansions where healers whined they wanted to heal more like wow healers instead of being green dps, and they gave it to us in dawntrail, retards now are begging to be green dps
find a rando sprout that just started the game and give them a few mil
um... uhhh... I don't know...
im a sham, forget about me...
Even mine?
Are moonies the default race in FFXIV? Every time someone posts about the game, they do so as “my moonie does x”. I thought midlander was the default? Did that change in 7.0?
D-do you like femlala?
do you like femlalas
I love my parasocial ffxiv relationships. I love staring at my significant other's ingame cartoon character affectionately just like I would stare at their real gam body...
has eorzean nightlife been updated for this expansion?
Very pleasant lala right there.
My Male Midlander quite enjoys Moonies.
my Moonie is the default race, yes
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my moonie's head is hurting quite a bit
You do not have “autism” because you forgot to set your graphical settings right. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a debilitating social disorder that does not revolve around your video game.
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what in the fuck is this
Midlander. and if not you have to fanta or its over between us
what hair sis?
Yeah, my moonie is the main character
my moonie feels a lot more powerful, but she's not sure it's related. more moonies will be required for testing
too late
I have it paused for that exact reason
/xivg/ loves this
i dont remember
>also we just had 2 expansions where healers whined they wanted to heal more like wow healers instead of being green dps, and they gave it to us in dawntrail, retards now are begging to be green dps
they did not give us shit with dawntrail and the two issues are one and the same
we're still spamming glare 90% of the time which is boring as fuck
the healing part of the job is too boring, and the dpsing part you do 90% of the time is too boring too because it's ONE button
both of these issues need to be remedied, they are not antithetical
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Just your avarage xiv modder
that's not what parasocial means
Even mine?
i don't play a moonie, I don't have any moonie friends, i am totally indifferent to moonies however I make a lot of "my moonie" posts because I think it's funny
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Even the fucking squirrel is obese lmao
my sides
r u a moonie
Probably some beast Magness invited from UIdah
we love this
I really am not healing more than previous expansions unless people get hit by avoidable mechanics
my moonie does this femlala posts
What's the "N" word in the Eorza world?
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males under 5'10
report to the milking chamber immediately
can I see ur moonie
>also we just had 2 expansions where healers whined they wanted to heal more like wow healers instead of being green dps
Guy who skipped Abysseos and Anabessios where every mechanic had a follow-up bodycheck or heavy bleed that needed to be healed.
>and they gave it to us in dawntrail
Lmfao no

>el mao holy fuck the delusion
People play tank despite tanks being Blue dps that has to hit a mitigation every 30 seconds
I’ll go fiddie if you wanna be my wife
good I need a zesty lalaboy for my femlala
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no moonies are just really talkative
Yes my catwife...
>they did not
are you fucking insane? They absolutely increased the healing requirements at all levels with dawntrail
>erm when I hyper optimize this fight and no one takes damage I don't have to heal
>erm I play WHM and all I do is spam glare
this is some serious official forums tier cope holy fuck how did I fall for this bait?
Nobody plays healer because the role is fucking boring. Every job gets a single "out of the ordinary" mechanic at a time that is later removed. The team got so caught up in power parity and simpleness that they forgot to give healers anything fun.

AST cards are arguably the most interesting part of any healer's kit, and they're only like a third of what a melee DPS gets to do. There are no weird or interesting mechanics. Nothing that "breaks the rules". That's entirely separate from the constant deprioritization of GCD healing. They've basically removed cleansable debuffs from the game. There are no mechanics that require healers for anything except "make big number".

WoW does lots of shit wrong, but they aren't afraid to make weird healers. CBU3 would never add something like Mistweaver.
even lalaboys?
healer is boring to play, simple as. not gonna play a job which spams a single button 90% of the time.
O-okay th-thanks.
You know I debated skipping ARR, but I think I actually WILL wait until I get the free fanta. I'm... Kind of enjoying this early grinding experience. Running around. Checking out whatever blue+ quests I see. Haven't felt this in a while.
Max height male GODS win again.
Femlala feet post please!
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can i have some?
Mine can't.....He's saving his cum for a tribute
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I'm physically sickened
I don't know about zesty, but more like just straight up slutty
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I did it brehs
are these xivgers or just randoms looking for attention
Alphinaud and Alisaie gained many new brothers and sisters that night
>not week 1
doesn't count
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>Hardest job

You mean pushing 1 over and over until your 2 minute burst window, where you push three other buttons as well? That job?
Why do you sex pest literally everyone itt?

good job bwo did you enjoy the tier
Okay so was it ever any different? Someone linked me a world first video from like HW and all the WHM did was standing there doing nothing over 50% of the fight and just used cure when the tank took a hit. That's WoW healing. I do not like this.
My catboy is a chubby chaser
-20k lmao
Is there anyone who uses customize plus to actually create a character that have some oversized monstrosity of a body part?
he looks like a hairy penis lol
Should I treat myself on my birthday
I used customize to make my sunnies hips slightly wider and her tits smaller……
I just want to point out that it's because of this guy and his statics that SE removed the ability to place markers mid fight because they kept cheating
>are you fucking insane? They absolutely increased the healing requirements at all levels with dawntrail
no they did not lmao, you could at least say abyssos where every raidwide was a bleed but the current tier is literally just "throw ogcds at it and ur done"
and if ur talking about casual content then idk what to tell you but please post your healing logs for the tier
>erm when I hyper optimize this fight and no one takes damage I don't have to heal
are you not supposed to optimise your gameplay?
>erm I play WHM and all I do is spam glare
whm actually has more dps buttons than any other healer but pop off retard
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>linking my twitter like its something new
idk tho man i just like doing gpose
its fun
why are you upset
had fun with healer in BF2, Resistance 2, TF2, Dirty Bomb, Killzone 2.
Hi Chaiko.
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were you expecting anything more from cat whore #9 at the beds
What's a PVP job that plays like Picto but isn't Picto
bottom left can applied to at least 3 posters
niggas out here posting twitter links like it's some forbidden knowledge only they have
I think you're onto something here anon. That would be a nice form of Dāna to give new players a little boost. Dynamis would be good for this, right?

Pretty fermezen. I'd be happy to give you some if you help me learn how to pose better (I'm stupid and I can't do anything by myself)
I did say like this, not him
He's still a catboy
he did draw me though
fountain guard
Chaiko is a lalaboy now?
Yes, and?
Most people
Can I have 30m of this pls, I'm at 21m~ right now and all I want is to buy a large plot
PCT is a mix between BLM and RDM
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woah thats me :3
ive made more progress on my steam backlog in the months following dt launch than i have in years
thanks hiroi
>had a woman in every single static I've been in so far
>they've been, without exception, been deadweight
I need a static with 7 fellow manly men
we can do bro-stuff after a lockout too
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>Okay so was it ever any different?
different yes, better no
the entire issue is that there's a lack of engagement when it comes to both dpsing as as healer and healing as as healer which entirely comes down to fights being designed like "do thing, then do nothing for the next 15-30 seconds until the next thing"
still a catboy >>494213243
He drew a picture for me too, years ago. He's an okay dude.
yes it was fun

it was third week of prog for me, i had a good time
You chose to sync with these ham planets. You could easily play the game without mods, but you chose to “goon” instead. You get what you deserve.
I wish Magness could stop orbiting the worst people imaginable and dragging them to this thread.
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do it bwo
you've earned it for making it this far
>scaleless femra
>stupid spongebob tie
>dumbass goat ears
What an atrocious character
Treat yourself to THIS
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>if you help me learn how to pose better
id do that for free desu
but to be honest im not sure what i could tell you other than to practice
im just a caveman that moves sticks around till they look ok
I have to stop myself from sexually harassing you whenever you post
Nobody plays CC on EU...
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balalaika fyth logging in to xiv
that's a face 1 sunnie bwo
>been, without exception, been
Do you have new plap pics?
i get what you're saying but nobody uses "light form" on picto lol, if they do it's by accident
it's some poor attempt at modding to look like some slut from that hoyoslop game
How about you treat my mouth with your fat cock, huh??
It’s a Cosplay anon
>Dynamis would be good for this, right?
yes, thats were genuine sprouts with no clue would go
I used to use it to make my tits look saggier but I use YAT now.
You will never be a woman. We like her, and if you don’t, you can just unsync. The rest of us are perfectly fine with her as-is. We don’t like you and we will always support Effy over you, Kong.
Fuck, I'm face blind
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It'd really just be helping me setup the tools more than anything, I have pretty bad mental paralysis when it comes to that kind of thing.
I recommend hopping to Light, we have had decent CC syncs there. You have to bear with Shinobu and Alma in every match though because there's hardly enough players for two teams.
straight up slutty lalaboy for my super pure femlala....
kong tranny post
you don't know what you're talking about. do not reply to me ever again
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Miss me yet?
I remember wehn this dropped and that caster top was the fotm, simpler times
i also needed help with that lamo
its fairly simple though
who is that
Zero armpit sex
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>use mechanics in a way the game allows
gm milkers i mean gm milklers i mean gm milkjrs i mean gm milkrs i mean good morning milkers
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theres no warning but theres alot of flashing lights in this one
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reminded me i gotta remake this atrocity

QRD on every threadlala?
what race should i play to get a trans eb
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Do they think this looks good?
>You have to bear with Shinobu and Alma in every match
Ok here we go:
i'm immune to sexual harassment bwo
I follow both these jerkbaits. Small world.
All my wives
we like this
femra are trans coded
I am
A sunnie
i understand now that there is no place for unmodded fiddies in ffxiv. its not over. it never even began
where does a moonie have to go to get some /pets?
They're all free use, just pick them up when you're balls are full and have at it
All deserving love and attention
I am
a femlala
who spent 10 bucks on gacha...
is this my rad and stunningly edgy in this image cc pal M.R...
it's okay, you've been good this week, you deserved that battlepass
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good mornyan
where is my future middie wife who will play diablo 4 with me
Of course there is room for unmodded fiddies.
Whatever your complaint is though, it will be ubiquitous to all races
groovy moonie
>Caster get to be unique because it's from the gear contest
>Healer is fucking butt ugly and frankly bad in comparison

Fuck you for that SE
I wanted to be cool looking too.

At least the Abyssos gear let me be that.
Female AuRa have the most amount of trannies. It's why male midlander players love them so much
Middie (male)
which one sis...
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I can't I'm busy being soul crushingly depressed while playing other games
Leave the beds and play the game
i pet moonies.
I don't mind Alma
I find her incompetence cute
any female race if you want a transbian
>we have had maybe 5 women apply out of hundreds of applicants
Guaranteed those 5 "women" were biotrans
Healers and bards used to be very popular before shadowbringers ruined them. So popular that they were usually first roles to fill a pf. Nobody wanted to tank(too hard/stressful) or nin(boring bottom dps trickbitch) back then.
MR is the cutest catgirl
I love being comfy with people
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my brush is mightier than your sword
how hot should my CPU get while playing this game? 7800x3D
there's a tiny corner for us to exist in. it's not that comfortable but it's better than nothing
Oh well that totally makes it not look like shit.
I will afk in the beds today
Male character is hard mode. Trannies are majority incel freaks so you have to play a female character and appeal to their fetishes.
>tank(too hard/stressful)
>muh tankxiety
I made someone quit the game
i want to erp with some people ive interacted with but i was normal on first interaction so i dont know how to bring it up
with how fat that bitch is, he may have no choice but to orbit her due to gravity
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>Meanwhile they give the healer gear contest to every set
lmao even
Ignore the people saying femra, they're living in the past. Most trannies play femlala nowadays, play either a middie (if you mind transbians) or a fulala (if you don't mind transbians)
Can you AFK on my lap
I will do most things for gil
i don't even know where lb14 is
EU's two ebins that play CC, Shinobu is the hroth that looks like sonic and Alma the gridanian femra. The other chases the enemy all game trying to look heroic and the other just keeps hopping into the enemy team alone.
is it me
SE really hates healer
it's increidlbe
told some mod beasts in uldah to check out lb14, it's where the cool people hang now
For enough gil, I'd fanta to erp
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the M stands for moshpit
Only the grooviest of moonie
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I'm logging in
qrd on that?
Oh for fucks sake can we not shitpost each other?
There are already like 6 people at best who play these syncs
Can you post that MRRRREEEEEOOOOW picture pleese
cool prank, magness has been doing that since the first time we went to lb14
gonna make coffee and queue for frontline
you have been warned
without me...?
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limbab while in DPS queue
all I have left to level is DPS jobs
this is really boring
actually people say I'm bratty..
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hey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m74CTErNn4
I'm the main schizoposter in this thread and I've made at least 5 ebins stop posting as often by turning them against each other.
i thought xivggers were supposed to be tasteful modders sisters???
>remove healing from the game and then I’ll play healer!
Why not just play dps?
>there is a healer shortage!
There is more of a tank shortage, but dps players aren’t swapping to them, despite them having a rotation.
i'm going to pet this limbab and make him play lob corp
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I am hiding away on my secondary EU alt (so I can do splits next tier), levelling my DRK, and nobody in the roulettes know that their Highlander Hyur DRK looks very different on my screen as I am not synced to anyone.
Back to exposing your belly huh? Tch... Femlalas...
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I love petting I love petting I love petting
Need more feet from this lala
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I'm a lone wolf...
wanna level DPS together...
I miss the good old days of Stormblood
BROS, HELP!!! How do I get the moonie stink off my fingers.....
You know what, yeah. Bad players is still better than no players.
You should trim those nails down though. They're pretty but short nails are so hot...
I thought I'd be somewhat over it by now, but my heart still hurts from crushing on my best friend. She's so fucking precious.
nobody wants less healing.
you didnt beat retail
nobody who afks at the bends is tasteful in any way
Where would you rate DRK in CC?
Slide it into the moonie’s mouth and get them to lick it off
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this facemask has a gazillion billion triangles on it for no reason
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why is the first comment i see "I came here from Asmon"

I love my eb
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yeah yeah it’s time for the KONGNAMUL BULGOGI theme song
do do do
>this image appears on the left side of the screen and slowly goes to the right
do do do
do do do
I wish I was a chronic gooner so I'd fit in here a little better. I have several people who want to plap me, and I want to but it's just too foreign to me. Also hypnotism is top tier.
just lick your fingers bro
works every time
Zir why are you like this?
kongnamul splatoongi
fucking strays...
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Limit Break 14
The most Final and Fantastic of Limit Breaks
Balmung - Lavender Beds Ward 14
Made for nonstop soul draining blowjobs
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love donki
slightly below average
The fuck is this?
Well did you confess yet, anon?
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spread legs uooh im gonna cum!
why do so many xivgers play limbophony
based taste
I'd do almost anything for gil
Dunesfolk btw
tanks used to be harder to play yes. You also needed to know when and how to position bosses because they wouldn't reposition themselves to middle before every major mechanic like they do now.
I cannot wait for the XI raids just for the gear alone.
praying we get a second coming of Orbonne with Yoshi making content tougher
I also love my EB
but I wish he was around more
I can provide one of these
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im listening to radiohead
i want to fall in love with someone
I maxed out all my characters and now I'm hitting the boredom phase again. Maintaining submarines and reclears will have to tide me over until FRU...
I'm too high maintenance to ever really be able to find someone to connect with.
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It's ok.
When people realize they can just hard focus you before you do anything, it kinda sucks.
It does snowball and its pretty fun to play in CC.
is it me
Anxiety and autism

Ive said it before and I said it again kong needs regular plap correction. We need a hero to stand up and do what has to be done
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This game is KUSOGE and I don't respect it.
i said this to my dog earlier because he wouldnt stop

made for receiving them, right?
most fun tank
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Yeah I'm thinking reverse rape time
Asking like this never works, just let it happen as you go bro.
>Made for receiving them, right?
NYes. From fiddies.
I hate healing because I hate that someone else playing like a lobotomized chimpanzee ends up being my problem. Why should I drag this guy across the finish line when he’s standing in every aoe while spamming high fire 2 in single target in the 93 dungeon
My little meena BRD plays this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIoi2r3f5fU on his little instrument in his little house to his whimsical little audience of stuffed animals and minions
Several months after ERPing with another player, they reveal they're sixteen. But they tell you it's okay, because they're really mature for their age. Wat do?
they're short now...
the ones we had before the DT body updates were a bit too comically flat for me
Immediately cut off contact with them and report them to the GMs.
I dunno Xeno. I dunno.
Voidlist immediately because I'm not a pedo
delete everything and start fresh
Cut them off, forget they existed and hope they do the same.
Report to GM's if possible and make sure you ASK next time!
I don't live on crystal
Do like femlalas though
>immediately incriminate myself
good thinking
You block and report them instantly
Sfia getting owned on twitter reminding me to go back and delete cringe discord messages from years ago.

Cover yo ass, boys.
That's the AoC in civilized parts of the world so nothing
Lol Atris used this on you too huh?
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Feel kinda good about myself atm
whats up
My favorite schizo lala
So what is there to do until the ultimate comes out? I'm not into parse culture so l don't care for logs.
I'm quite possibly the only person who hasn't been sexpested by LT
"Damn, that's crazy"
and then never speak to them again
What race are you
shut up nigger
nothin much... what about you...
I also haven’t been sexpested by them
Chat, do we have any Moonies here today?
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prepare for 24man savage, maybe gear up a second role for it just in case
that aside you have fuck-all
Okay go gather 999 turali corn
Boss movement is pretty good this tier desu
Kek, I do this monthly and I make sure to delete my discord accounts at least once a year. I am a schizoid with a paranoid streak, though. And no, I don't really have anything particularly bad to hide
yeah, of course
This is so stupid
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gm chat
What server are you? please don't say aether...
16 is legal where i live so its fine
I wish they would give them some of their pvp kits to pve.
Tell them that I'm not comfortable with this, allow them to possibly say something and then blacklist. It's legal in my country but I would still be disgusted by it.
I don't harass people so I never have to do this
Continue epring.
I will say the art design holds up really well. It's cool to see how ARR gear was also heavily inspired or even just ported from XI, since I always liked ARR's gear design in general.
your prolly black on here
garuda anchor is by far my favourite and wish it was in every thread
Same, I think if you're a male character you're safe
gm (good moonie)
Leave all syncshells
Manually pair with people and unpair with whoever gives you that warning
You don't need to be paired with 50+ modbeasts, do you?
Blackmail her into sending me pictures or I will tell her parents.
What race I’m a sunnie
sniffing that nose
I'm on crystal like 80% of the time though
nta but not really, M1S is the only fight where tank really moves the boss a bit and only for one part, M2S if you do mario kart I guess
it's more than Pandaemonium but I wouldn't call this good
I'm not a creep so I don't have to do this
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aww yea
God help me I'm craving moonie incest
to avoid pozzing your pc with the marebeast zip bomb just simply uninstall mare
is it sexpesting when he asks to ERP with you, you say you don't wanna and he leaves you alone?
petting this moonie, smooching this moonie, convincing this moonie to commit many crimes against god and all his creations
i dont usually have lewd thoughts towards moonies, but damn.
>DPS players can die as much as they want in content
>the minute a healer dies the pull is over and everyone immediately laser focuses in on that fact
I hate this so much, gives me actual anxiety going into new content on healer because I'm not allowed to make any mistakes to learn, I have to play perfectly or everything immediately crumbles since they're taking away combat rez from non healers
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how do you all manage to start so much schizophrenic drama revolving almost entirely around textfucking? you know you could just, not do that, right?
>second role
I've been trying to do that but I've barely got BIS using books... I don't know if I like this loot system. I guess I'll do some merc parties for ultimates in the meantime as well.
nothin much... what about you...
Checks out
You're right we could all be textfucking this bottom bitch bun instead
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i already posted my moonies though
WHM should have Reraise as a capstone ability.
You could just not use that gimmick of yours where you act like a rude brat for no reason but it is what it is
>tfw the worst I've done is say nigger a bunch of times
I'm pretty safe desu euros often don't care anyway
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Please see attached,
These modbeasts are divine...
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Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".

Yes because that hasn't happened to me either
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my moonie goes against what is natural in the world (she still plays dark knight)
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Well if you're on sometime on crystal I'll come /pet
man I love fishra, even the shopbeasted ones
the loot system is absolute horseshit and always has been
sometimes I really want to help people clear but if I've already done the weekly they lose out on 1 chest, and some people will throw a bitchfit at the mere idea of that even if it's monday night
>anonymous shitpost with no credibility presented as fact
i agree with this annoying waste of air >>494216832 on one thing, stop being a dramafaggot
funny bratty bunny
Because at this point that is probably the lightest punishment
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what does /c/ mean
im a trans girl and im eepy, sis
No not you
I'm on crystal fairly often, just haven't been recently because I've been drowning myself in other games
Hey guys
What do you think
i dotn
femlala EB like this?
teaching this moonie to terrorize pf
hey... let's be eepy together... (i am a catboy)
Howard Moon was right. Desolance was right all along.
IMy WoL is weak to BWC
LT's observable behaviour both IG and ITT matches up with what's described. You are either a simp, a contrarian or stupid
my catboy has not cum in a week
I like this bun
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It means they have a character page on f-list
I think I should get another cup of coffee
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hey, you can use my catboy's mouth if you wanna...
Need some help?
LT has never sex pested me
my co healers die all the time it's rarely a wipe
Count your blessings lol
femezen eb where?
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you should hope it stays that way
sorry im a lesbian
Despite my gut feeling I want to drop everything and go all in with them.
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nothing at all
My moonie got spitroasted by hrothgars last night
I think I should do roulettes to skip Ihuykatumu
what a shit dungeon
do u speak japanese
starting to realize that i am absolutely powerless against catgirls
Can my meena be part of the audience next time?
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nobody has it easier than yoship
people are literally giving him 15$ a month for just hosting the servers so people can afk in limsa in a loop of their modded dance emote
I sexpested LT
riveting insight, did you just think of this yourself
Anon, your gut is always right. Listen to what it's trying to say. You will lose a piece of your soul if you ignore it and it later turns out to have been correct.
t. i did it and i've never been the same since.
Please, you don't want this miserable existence. Please.
I am simultaneously a complete and utter degenerate while craving a pure and wholesome relationship
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The ultimate questions. Be honest.
Last time you had sex ingame:
Last time you had sex IRL:
why is it always viera players who are the worst sexpests
both genders not even just miera
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Another day another MS Roulette
does the truth hurt?
Nobody knows that I'm really weak to flirting and it's all that needed to bring me to bed.
I know now
1.5 years ago
2 years ago
2 days ago
1 year ago
Last night
2 nights ago
Woah.. DC? Race?
Bitch stole a chandelier from a dungeon.
Fuck it, I might just make a raid alt to help friends and others. I just don't want to do dawntrail again man.
That's a negative.
It is a goal for the future though.
Fuckbuddy came over yesterday evening and we fucked in the shower before moving to the bed and finishing there
Logged in and was propositioned by someone but declined it because my balls were already drained
2 nights ago I plapped two people in the same night though
never and never
too busy for women
i dont erp
like 14 years ago
All viera are welcomed to my little burrow!
But you don't know who I am, so I'm still safe.
>in a static for savage
fucking explode this post is not about you
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Last time you had sex ingame:
Last time you had sex IRL:
Technically never
you're pretty okay too, I guess..
several months
7 years.....
12 days ago
1 year ago
You're right, I know you're right.
I just can't get away from them, they keep pulling me back in when I try and get away...
They don't want me like that, and they know how I feel so I am so conflicted!
More than a month ago since I stopped doing that
Never cause I am a sexless chud
meh, wasn't my experience with the guy, so idk
Never, never.
crystal middie
Post address and I'll drop by!
I'm not, I wish though
this is correct
gut instinct is all people had to survive by for hundreds of thousands of years in much more difficult conditions, its a fine tuned biological system. dont ignore it
>Last time you had sex ingame:
>Last time you had sex IRL:
Last night (with my hand)
Even if you don't do M2S Mario Kart, she'll near always move around the arena with the MT during AP1. The major mechanic of M1S rewards precise boss positioning, the better you put her on the clone spawns the easier the mechanics become. You also kind of want to re-center her repeatedly throughout the fight to prevent her jumping away from the party. You end up movingre-centering M3S in a few parts as well as like twice in M4S, its not about having to drag the boss around nonstop but just having the ability to IMO. Even on mechanics where you don't explicitly want to move the boss, that they aren't glued to the ground during things like Mouser or Chain Deathmatch is correct. I don't want to rubberband and go too far in the other direction and make every fight about running the boss around in circles, diversity is the ideal and that also means fights where boss movement is not the focus.
12 days ago
14 years ago

In the last 24 hours.
1 year ago.
t. Moonie
a month ago
We're more alike than you think mr waddington, you're just more unhinged
Dunesfolk femlala here, Yes may i help you?
I have threadcrushes, I don’t wanna admit who it is, I don’t think they’re into what I want to do to them
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maybe 5-6 months ago
3 months ago, its only been that long because i injured my back and i cant fuck
What is it you want to do?
Old ass nigga
>2 more fucking months of absolutely no goddamn content
BRAVO Yoshi P. Even putting the liveletter at the ass end of the month because of TGS instead of earlier to give people even a scrap of info is another genius move. Fuck you.
eu, femrar it's ogre...
Recover soon so I can get those numbers up
The new dungeons being harder is so ass for this, if the healer dies because there's a new mechanic you are faced with a choice of wiping till the healer understands it or the tank solos it for 20 minutes and pisses everyone off
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About a year.
Wanna say 5 years.
see >>494210531
train them and get them addicted to me, use them whenever I want
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Why does this game have such a hard-on for Final Fantasy III? It's to the point that it's malignant to the writing. The most important civilization in the game's history has its lore rendered nigh-incomprehensible by being mostly made of half-hearted FFIII references.
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ERP sex: Damn, I can't remember but many years. Probably like over 5 years ago.
Gpose/screenshot of character having sex: a few months ago
IRL: never
33 isn't old
A-ah… I’m not home currently anon I’m sorry :(
But next time!
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I've fallen and can't get up looking ass nigga
Ogey! I'll make sure to visit!
like 5 years if you mean erp
never lmao
youd hurt your back too if ya tried deadlifting ya mom off the bed
My threadcrush could be (You)!
Drop a hint at who it is?
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Who is it because I'm very into that...
>Last time you had sex ingame:
last time i've erp'd with my EB was well over 2 years ago
>Last time you had sex IRL:
never lol
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im doing something like that to someone from here and based our recent interactions i'd say it's working very well
being a dom is so fun
Cringe. What happened to innocent, nurturing, mutual love?
LT post
what do you guys even do at the ingame hangout spots are there worth going to with low thread cred?
Despite teasing and flirting constantly in thread I will never accept any propositions here, only ingame ones
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Had my first time like a month ago but only on the receiving side
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Miau Miau if poonie
Then what? Lose it because you can't build a house on the plot? Then have a empty mansion because it costs more to decorate it than it does to buy it.
Damn...it is over...
the hell is a poonie
They are a moonie, but I’m open to many different strokes of people, I guess I’ve developed multiple threadcrushes
That’s fine for people that are into it, I have no issue with that, but I can’t be that person, that isn’t honest to myself
My name is xenosys vex so i love it
make the next thread completely non-sexual
defeated by the incompetence of SE network team :( unless you want to meet up on Materia?
You won't be approached. If you don't intend on going out of your way to talk to people then you may well be in Limsa
we both know thats impossible
Lots of moonies, many moonies.
Care to narrow it down then I'll stop poking?
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my femlala does this
I'll be on the look out I guess unless you're free right now.
Yeah.. if your char is a f- though
This one I'm just sharing cause it's funny
potato is pretty good in thick japanese stews
NTA, but I would absolutely get someone addicted to my care so I can give them even more love and dote on them more and more
i used to listen to this album everyday on my ipod nano
A pale moonie
You need to be part of some form of clique or you are about as good as an NPC to most people here. So you better like PVP or ERP or something
that would be nice, but due to my schedule i'm not sure i'd be able to keep up with an eu anon. I do wish you luck, though.
>>>494211117 >>494211196 >>494211320 >>494212603 >>494213101 >>494214590 >>494217469 >>494218690
hello haters of sfia
Phew, my sunnie is safe
In game: this morning before work (20 minute speed run)
Irl: about a year ago
because it's one of yoshida's favorites, he said as much
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idk like a month before dawntrail
idk like a month in to p8-12 tier
please don't pee into the soup
same to you, middie. i'm sure there's someone out there for both of us. post if you ever find them. i want to congratulate you
Don’t really want to narrow it down more I guess, would also want to figure out a way to meet people like this
I'm a femlala
what does sex feel like bros
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Why is Celi dragging his grudge against Sfia into the thread that Sfia doesn't even post in?
bags of sand
Based and same
Celi has autism like all of us
what does femlala pee taste like bros
Couldn't be my moonie because nobody likes her
why is IVCS Muse+ doing this!!!!!!! https://files.catbox.moe/b98qgt.png
oh no
salty milk and coins
Totally awful, you virgin faggots glorify it too much
Who is your moonie?
Last time you had sex ingame: never
Last time you had sex IRL: next month would be 1 year ago.
oh YES
Lmao, is that who I think it is?
salty coins and milk
I'll stop poking, I suppose if you narrowed it down anymore then that means they have some kind of gimmick or style that none of the others have right now.
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I'm barely out of bed right now to be entirely honest, I'll try to log in a little later and go be lazy somewhere in lb14
a woman made this post and i respect it
who what? do you mean who am i or who are they?
pretty good but dry humping while making out feels better
slightly better masturbation
when one needs feets, one needs simply make them
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Oh actually I did erp at that make an alt and erp meetup except i did it on my main
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14 days... It's hard to be a small moonie with a big woober, the suncat life was easier

10 months
I can't see this image anon can you describe it
Who are they?
we need another erp meetup
Changing both of those to "today"
I kneel...
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this place
this cage
this box
this box
this box
this box
this box
idk but get better pubes frameworks
I'm guessing you have done foreplay but never coitus.
wdym, its much easier as a moonie+
That one dude (E)RP as a Garlean queen, being super racist and a massive sperg in CC.
I forgot their old name.

I think that's their third character now?
Sunseekers from the forgotten springs
yes and hes still a whiny bitch who ragequits at the drop of a hat
a femra
erp meetup but no alts
if youre a guy youre still a virgin if you only had sex with another man btw
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like putting your weener into a warm wet melon that has emotions
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This chair!
I see.. thanks anons guess I'll just stick to limsa.
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>there are more IRL sex havers than incels in this general
dr pepper
Nobody hangs out at the s9 apartment anymore, I usually just log in to people watch or hook up if I'm on crystal and do actual content on aether
Thanks. I love to help people out and care for them, but since I eventually want kids it complicates things a little because i'm only really approached for a one-night stand...
I'll probably just adopt desu, still hurts a little though
I don’t sexpest people because I wouldn’t want people to do it to me, but I’m very kinky and down to erp at all times.
>They are a moonie
god i hope it's me make me addicted to you
please do. it will help me prune my friends list
A year
5-6 years
Male midlander here, what do you need friend
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova
I am a sexpest femlala
6 years?
4 years or so, it's been a while
there is significant clipping between the model of the pubic area and the pubes themselves
this doesn't happen with Muse+ but it does happen with IVCS Muse+....
I have to use https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/69324 because BPF doesn't work with muse...
when did we ever hangout there lol
why do you think there are so many rape posts
I hope it’s your moonie too, any hints?
>He wasn't invited
i wish i had a femlala sexpest
A good handful of people did for about a week or two after dt launched and everyone got access to it but then moved back to the bench
cute moonie, I love her
>no one posts their character
Two weeks ago in game.
March this year irl.
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Let's play a game
What class was the 1%'er and how many deaths? M1S, by the way. I also apologize for setting this free upon reclear parties.
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what's up boss
I'm making Chicken Katsu :3
BRD, probably one or none
DRK, 4
Kinda wet and embarrassing. Heavily influenced by porn - deepthroat actually hurts as a guy cause it bends your dick, but girls wanna do it cause of porn or w/e
rdm, no deaths but alot of raises
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DNC, 3
My catboy would wed you and knock you up...
I just don't really visit any of the hangout spots...
i'm asexual
catboy dancer
either none or a lot
DNC, 5
Why are you evading
not grey
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Me too
if you werent new here you would know that sfia doesnt need my help to get dragged in the thread
sam 4
My bet is on PCT.
For some reason PF always give me the worst PCT players.
what does sex with another guy feel like bros
It's honestly not that fun. I've never orgasmed while having sex.
Celi post
If you hang out in lb14, then we might meet at some point
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The girl who incessantly kept serenading me eventually kept badgering me for sex, I was in University, I was still a virgin, I thought I may as well, besides she had been pestering me for months.

I caved in, couldn't get it up because I obviously wasn't attracted to her, or anything normal for that matter, was able to force an erection by closing my eyes and fantasizing about an anthro-superhero doing roundhouse kicks and engaging in a power struggle against horrific monsters, while she was screaming like she was having the best time of her life.

I didn't finish, I couldn't, and I quickly left, which ended up in her questioning why I left so quickly for the next few days, and the rest you know is history. She basically took offense I didn't release in the condom, then initiated damage control assuming I was gay by trying to get me to date the most effeminate gay man she knew.

I don't count it as sex, I count is as one of the most horrible experiences of my life.
good but its pretty overrated
no shit retard
6 deaths (he’d be considered a green rdm with only 5)
It's either a phys ranged with sub 90% uptime or a melee with multiple deaths
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All wrong! The people who answered 0 deaths were right though.
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It's a WHM isn't it. It's always a WHM.
>0 death drg
impressive.... i figured it was melee cause ranged wouldn't be beating anyone with a 1
neat I assumed the blues were the tanks and the 30 and 12 would be the healers. did not expect it to be a drg though thats a twist
Why are you dragging your drama here? You do realize nobody besides you cares, don't you? But you can't help yourself, you've been doing it for 10 years with various people. It's time to grow up and realize that this thread isn't a hamper for your dirty laundry.
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What the, 0 deaths DRG with a 1?
You need to literally do nothing but autoattack to manage that.
N…nobody cares about healer parses! This is why people don’t like hrothgar!!!
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Accurate representation of me in game.

Nobody want, nobody want.
>why do you [thing i made up]
damn bro bitches be crazy
Wednesday (yesterday)
Tuesday (2 days ago)
I wonder which serial melter this could be.

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