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evil adventurer's guild desk worker edition

Previous Thread: >>494005904

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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>Nobody solved the riddle
I wish more games had body writing.
>no good games ever
It is with great sadness that I must announce the death of erotic games.
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>she became fatter
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taimanin arisuge doko
Why would anyone care? Cause otherwise you'll call them dumb or whatever? Who cares what you think? Seriously, come on. Give people a reason to give a fuck. Buy the new Winter garbage game and hold it hostage with the answer to the riddle. Now you're motivating anons to care.
>solve my riddle or I won't give you this cuck game
oh no...
Is this some new meme? Wearing shorts/skirt but a warm top is perfectly fine for winter unless it's below freezing. It helps regulate your body temperature, stops you from getting too hot because your legs can allow cooler blood flow and helps prevent you from freezing because your torso (hottest part of your body thanks to internal organs) can keep blood flow warm
>1,000 sales
>solve my riddle or i'll call you dumb
wow... okay.. anyway...
I just want to put my head between her sweaty, stuffy thighs.
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>Is this some new meme? Wearing shorts/skirt but a warm top is perfectly fine for winter unless it's below freezing.
>unless it's below freezing.
Take a guess, the snow is piling around. Pic fucking related.
I'm not going to open another thread just to entertain you.
Explain it here you if you're really that lonely fucking faggot.
First game took 5 months to be translated in Eng. Wonder if it'll be similar or even sooner for Winter version considering the good sales.
>Open another thread
It was posted last thread you loid.
Bros I have to confess something, I'm currently playing a ntr ai wegge and am enjoying it way more than the recent jp ntrges
I hear pleated skirts are very warm
Be a good blob.
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One week remains.
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>last thread
>another thread
Anon, are you the fucking retarded?
Anyone want to race me in finishing Winter Life?
I'm very bored and I'm downloading it right now.
And I'll be closing this general for a week or two when it hits.
>no ntr
>no rape
>no corruption
I'll never understand vanillafags
This is how you "enjoy" h-games?
By playing them? Yeah
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>no ntr
>no rape
Reverse rape
>no corruption
The girls do get corrupted though? You can’t say Uula from blight will be the same as she will be in thirst, for example.
>buy game
>start download
>rate 5 stars
>close site
>go to bed
>play it maybe tomorrow but probably not
the life of a dlsite buyer
Any games with thin lolis like this?
I look like this, dress like this, and it snows a lot here. Southerncucks just dont understand.
The lolis in RJ01094293 look like they've been underfed for months
Game is pretty bad though. What is that flashback crap
Stop it Uula...
Why are you smiling at me like that...
>be in a 2D scene
>prompt to start sex
>loading screen for 15 seconds
>in the exact same scene but one animated sprite has been added
I forgot how horribly programmed dieselmine games are
sticc erotic
I trust the other anon and can tell the game looks pretty bad other than the art.
isn't the summer vacation 2 the exact same shitshow? funny how that is
>have shit pc
>wtf shit load times!
It’s because she already learned how to efficiently milk your dick in blight. Not many can compare.
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
Never played a sequel game - probably never will - but the 2nd girl from the left, short white hair and giant tits, is literally perfect. I remember anons posting her from the translated demo a week or so back
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She actually grew on me after I played the demo. I expected as much anyway though, it’s not the first time that’s happened.
Even with a ssd the load times are a joke. You're out of your element Donny.
True, SSD is the only possible variable. Damn dieselmine!
is RJ01259041 any good so far?
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Any games where shy and reluctant girls learn about sex?
It's on doragon games. Give it a try and come back.
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She'll never blob.
what game has the smallest girls?
I can take them both
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>dev makes a comfy powerfantasyge
>puts in a MaleMC as the focus of the game instead of a futa
I fucking hate this. When will Takeshi learn that futa powerfantasyge where you can capture enemies to work for you is peak hgame? Futaring came out like fucking SEVEN YEARS AGO and STILL BTFO's literally all other gameplayge TO THIS DAY. When will we get another world domination ge/evilge/powerfantasyge with a futa MC?
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What happened to RJ01144186? Did it not get at least dazed?
>One week remains.
so what
hakika's last game isn't even fully translated yet
Why? Is the RPG really that off-putting?
Its extremely inoffensive as far as jrpgs go. I have no idea why the mere mention of it causes hyperbole. Someone will inevitably get upset that I say this.
Popular thing = bad + noja I guess.
It commits the ultimate eroge sin of completely separating the H and gameplay parts. The gameplay isn't good enough to stand on its own but it requires a substantial amount of effort and time.
This arrangement is inferior to even a "hold down X" RPGM scene collector.

The irrefutable truth is that sequel games would be vastly superior as VNs with the gameplay ripped out entirely. If you like the games then this idea might upset you, but you know it to be true.
No, I disagree. The games have always been fun to me. It was actually colony onwards that caught my attention since that and the newer games are actually pretty challenging at times. I think they would lose a lot if they were just boring VNs.
When I played the first 3 games 2 years ago, the only challenging content I remember were the superboss(es?) of colony, everything else was relatively easy. I just finished one ending of Asylum 2 days ago, and all the content in that game so far has been extremely easy, though I haven't fought the superbosses in that game yet since they are locked to a different ending apparently, which I'm assuming will actually be challenging. Everything else up to that point has just been me doing Encircle + collide + Gem of False Life equipped with 3 offensive familiars one shotting all the bosses with the exception of two of the mutated Distortions which required a small modification to my general strategy.
Dungeon with Gyaru english version just released
>It commits the ultimate eroge sin of completely separating the H and gameplay parts.
/hgg/ post of the year. I've long thought about what I hate about so many hgames but you hit the nail on the head.
And it doesn't even HAVE to be battlefuck-y, but there just needs to be SOME form of gameplay connection to the H, otherwise it's just a mediocre RPG with H thrown in as a crutch. It's a sign of the dev being a complete hack, having to pander to coomerfags who're gonna eat anything up. I'd much rather play a low-brow nukige with a nonsensical plot and lazy cghunting, than some pretentious high-production-value gameplayge that huffs its own farts and has a total of four (4) hgames (all of them are game-over scenes)
I'm the anon you replied to, to answer your question I don't really know why. Sometimes when literally anything is talked about or mentioned too many times I feel like I'm being gaslit into playing/watching/whatever it and it turns me off from wanting to engage with whatever it is. Probably the same reason I've never played any of the Black Souls games either, both of them used to get spammed a lot for shit posting purpose and just generally talked about by people who weren't shit posting. I guess my brain just forces me to repulse things that I feel like others are trying to form an opinion of for me, be it a negative or a positive one

Maybe it's just autism
I never understood the appeal of this game. The combat is tedious and the girl is easy. What's even the point? Is this DLsite AI slop? If it is, you can already play a superior MTL by dazed and whomever manually corrected some of it.
Any NTR games where the guy can kinda of see the girl doing sexual things but it's obscured (and he's retarded)? Only "hentai" one I can think of that I've played is the sword art online one
>four (4) hgames
CGs*, got too riled up to type correctly
>Not FeMC slop
>NTR avoidable
Eh, fair enough. As much as i SEQUEL games it requires you to grind like hell, much harder than you should if you're playing it on Normal. It's either Casual or Hard, no in between
>the girl's name is Monica
So is this the superior Monica? Acerolabros... our response?
Scars of Summer has it all but fucking happening in front of him and his only response is "..."
Is the ryuugames site any good?
I might try it again, but I distinctly remember feeling this was vastly overrated. Not shit as such, but very mediocre across the board.
Yup. You gotta slalom through ads and shit, but otherwise their downloads are legit. They yoink a lot of shit from fag95 tho.
I'll check it out, thanks
Not all the routes have this happen btw and sometimes it only happens late in the route
The park hobo route though literally has him seeing it happen through a tent and he just doesn't realize it's her
>Has a good end
>choice to save girl from getting raped or NTR route
Strange. Usually it's always bad end
No this is unironically based though
since the fact that the choice exists at all actually lends more credence to the idea that it's forcible NTR and not just plot loss
Well which route has it the most so that I'll know?
>playing vanilla game for ONE ntr scene
>playing ntr game for ONE vanilla scene
Prim will be a spy working for the enemy, calling it now
idk, I only played through the park hobo and the village ugly bastard ones to their end
Park hobo's is at the end BUT this happens to the FMC's older sister too and you can watch it happen
Ugly bastard he doesn't see the sex itself but he watches her walk into the dude's room and is just a fucking brainlet despite the first interaction you have with the ugly bastard establishing that he's a huge sex pest
I don't know about the others having concealed sex but the nigger route and the loser friend route both have them sending videos with the face obscured
a new sequel game will come out before the previous one is fully translated.
Anyone mind reminding me about the name of that one frontend launcher for h-games?
I thought that this was announced for release on Steam? Did they fuck up? I just tested the demo. The translation is legit, not AI or MTL or even ESL, but proper English. It's still censored though.
I like NTR as an option. It gives the game more depth in my opinion. I hate NTR as the only choice however.
it's more like
>playing pure route in an ntr game for ZERO scenes
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I think it is autism, anon. But personally I was one of the people that got into Black Souls and Sequel when it was brand new here (in 2020), so I guess back then it was more novel to enjoy them. But nowadays they’ll seem a lot different, with so many people discussing them.
do ASMRs in dlsite come with captions/subtitles or is it just the mp3 file
>long thought about
Obviously not long enough because that's the most common criticism the series gets, newfag. And the refutation people give is, you have the freedom to play the story as much as you want, and then when you wanna fap you go into the h-content.
here's a free one go find out yourself RJ01255525
let me guess - WEG dev?
this one says audio with subtitles, the ones I want don't
just answer for the most common case you paypiggies
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did I just keep a traumatized war veteran from commiting suicide?
Wow, that game has everything I hate from kusoges.
Greetings, what's kino and new these past months?
>playing ntr game
I larp as the bull
why are these games good again?
>larp as the thing you have zero control over
Player character has no bearing on my fap, I just like watching the scene play out
Dumb clingy fox and her fat tits.
I larp as the good blob doko.
Fucking disgusting.
>eating shit
>another year+ for translation
I sleep
ge where the immortal heroine gets raped for eternity with little to no chance of ever escaping her fate?
Was Azure Orphanage any good? Either writingwise or gameplaywise. Or is it a braindead juggernaut barebones SRPG?
why is the MC even waiting until the end of the summer to say anything anyway
it would all be solved if he literally just spat it out immediately, you can get all the prereqs for the summer camp by day like 4
Any VTuberge?
Demons roots
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Mainly the characters, music, lore and story. The gameplay’s good too.
The porn sort of takes a backseat to all that, but there are still a lot of scenes in each game (around 80+) and they’re good if you like thick girls, big butts and gentle femdom.
that one Rance game where you shove Gele back into her locker
despairge doko
>zero control over
you are the puppet master, you hold the strings. you can turn the game off, you can play it whenever you want. it worries me because i truly believe people like you can't differentiate reality from fiction, it's a video game of course you have complete control over it regardless of what happens in the game itself

get some help
>I truly believe
>get some help
peak projection
Some of us don't need trannies or robots to regurgitate the entertainment we consume down our mouths.
They stopped being good, now they are only mid.
you say that but there's maybe 2 people here who will play it in moonrunes and the rest will use MTL
>you hold the strings
you uh
no you literally don't unless you mean you literally just imagine it after the fact once you close the game
unless you open up the game files and make yourself the bull you don't hold shit
He realizes retard, he can literally call and make her phone light up in the tent. The lil nigga's just in shock and horrified that his hopes and dreams have been stolen from him.
Busy life and pretty much haven't touched any translation stuff in a while. But this game was super short and full of SOUL so I used some free time on it: RJ01244478

Very short game, only has two routes. Not even really a proper "game" but it uses game systems for the story, so eh, what the hell.


I also have like 95% of RJ01175469 translated but the last bits irritated me and I lost steam. I'll probably finish it eventually.
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There was a resurgence in quality with both L.Depth and Innocent Rules. I would hope thirst continues that trend. Asylum and kludge were the only missteps after colony’s kino.
>the rest will use MTL
I'm one of those, i'm too impatient to wait 6 months
Search the list for [vtuber]player
I'd believe that if he didn't also "..." when he saw shit earlier on
You'd think he'd at least get mad
>has to be a contrarian even among fellow social rejects
Communities aren't for you anon, go pick up a creative hobby and devote your time into that instead of trying to connect with others.
For me, it would need far more than two good games to sequel to get back on it's feet, especially if two of them are spin offs.
isn't that the NTRtuber? i think she streamed with her bf while mocking viewers
the jap term for favorite
Thank you as always. But man, you really choose some weird games to translate.
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it's only NTR if you're retarded enough to fall in love with a vtuber
otherwise it's just entertainment
so it's true then? that's a new low
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Nice to see you active again, how's the kids?
Inmate IQ
>Mainly the characters, music, lore and story. The gameplay’s good too.
This is the greatest inadvertent anti-advertisement ever. I will literally never try out this complete timewasterge now. Your post has that much power over me. Isn't that crazy?
low? it was funny as fuck
gosling genocide is always hilarious
That's an odd game to TL but I'm glad you managed to finish something. It might not be my taste by I know some other anons will.
What do you think the "..." is implying anon? Why would the dev draw attention to the main character's silence in those moments?

I don't have the glut of free time to do stuff like Lily Knight Saga/Naedoko and other hueg games anymore. And there's a huge swathe of games where the content is sort of just re-skinned versions of other stuff out there that aren't particularly novel or interesting to bother translating. Also I like TS/Possession stuff which is rare-ish.

Great, finally sleeping through the night consistently and not getting sick from daycare every two weeks. Only every four.
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People unironically donate to a vtuber that streams with her bf?
yeah it was a good reminder that irl ntr isn't anywhere near as hot as fictional ntr
yeah, because she's funny
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I look forward to that whenever you can finish it
>ugly bastard/goblin/monster MC
cheatcode to making a half-decent game. Even IF the game has lazy gameplay and even IF the CGs are uninspired and trite, 95% of the times, those games have such entertaining writing and nonsensical goofy "porn logic" story that it completely rescues the game. All of these are also peak self-inserts instead of boring "grey hair shadowface male MC", which helps a lot.
Do you think that's a fetish for them? Cuckbait some poor losers on the internet and then go and fuck afterwards.
>this girl
>look at pic
Otome Dori! Fun time.
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there's more and more of these guild games lately
Naw they'd probably prefer to announce it without controversy and continue to have the 6-8k live viewers she lost.
>"..." at the door when you can hear sex
>no option to barge in
The only explanation is either that he's into it or that he either doesn't realize or doesn't get mad when he does
Curious, are there recent examples of a company making their eroge into an unironically sfw console port? Meaning cutting actual sex scenes, not merely making costumes a bit more modest.
I specify consoles because "sfw" versions (with uncensor patches) are very common on PC.
how is it
should I try it

Do the tsukihime remakes and such have console ports? I guess they're not really eroge to begin with
you have a loser in this very thread claiming a woman is funny. it makes you think
You're a good girl, Chrono-chan!
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>caring about youtubers or vtubers at all
You're such a faggot holy shit
It's their money. Who cares? Good for the vtuber.
>googled it
>she started vtubing in 2020
am i supposed to recognize her from what exactly? good you're such a fucking tranny
>should I try it
irl ntr?
yes, but only as long as you film and post it
Wait Nyaaners NTR'd the vtfags? lmao wtf

How is "literally makes money from people wanting, but not being able to, fuck their ass" low status
>the only explanation
Yeah sorry anon, I'm with >>494239390, this is like that breakfast question meme.
no the anime
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Isn’t that what all h-games are at the end of the day?
The breakfast question shit is 1. probably made up because retards can imagine shit just fine they're always delusional and 2. not applicable because you see what happens on screen
Unless you're the type of faggot who gets mad and then just storms off in a huff? There's no real indication anywhere in the game that he's mad, I interpreted "..." as the author showing helplessness.
Maybe it's clearer in the routes I didn't play because in the two I went through, it felt like he either was an oblivious retard or literally okay with it. He didn't feel like he was in despair or angry at all (he doesn't change how he interacts with the FMC).
99% of H-games are not made by companies, and H-game publishing companies never port to consoles
The one exception was this one shmup(?) that got ported to the 3DS or something, I think it was made by the dev of Kamikaze Committee Ouka
What do you care about besides masturbation, anon?
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Otome Dori was kino, especially when it came out.
She's voiced by the voice provider for Megurine Luka at the time vocaloid was at its peak.
So hearing her go full animal literal bitch getting fucked sounds was such a 180 to the usual soft-oneesan song voice was fucking amazing.
Blew loads.
As far as actual context to the story I literally didnt care.
I havent gone full on voicefag but hers was the definitive selling point for me.
Its honestly what made me realize that I can tolerate even 'different' genres so long as the actual H looks and/or sounds appealing.
Triangles. With triangles you can do whatever you want.
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good to hear
Yeah it's peak but it does tug at the heart strings. I heard it started as a manga but it seems that disappeared off the face of the earth
I hate ntr because I sunconciously self inserts as the plain boring male MC
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TIL scars of summer got a DLC
how is it? worth the DL?
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
Yeah but make sure you replay the route in base SoS immediately before playing the dlc route. Also, half the routes in the dlc are locked behind a first time playthrough because the dev is retarded.
>Keep in mind: the female high-status ideal is to find a singular high-status man, keep him by their side, and build a stable family with him
This reasoning is why you're low status, retard
>Yeah but make sure you replay the route in base SoS immediately before playing the dlc route
Sarcasm or
That's no different than some OF whores that got their bfs to record them even though the bf never shows or mentioned, most knew their bfs is the one recording
If you haven't played it in years then the emotional hooks won't be in your heart. Sounds obvious? Take a look at the f95 thread and you'll see why it needs to be said.
I finally got around to playing it just this June, but I see what you mean in that case
I thought the story was okay. Gameplay was so easy that it probably makes a Normal Phoenix mode playthrough of Birthright look extremely challenging.
is there even any hard srpg H-game? At all?
Venus Blood series ya dingus.
No idea since that was the first one I played. It does have higher difficulty modes so maybe those help
Canela blob save us...
That's not FE clone THOUGH
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Probably some of the archaic untranslated Alicesoft games.
Actual SRPGmaker made ones? Nah, at least none that are popular enough to get noticed.
Tough luck. You won't find anything else as challenging.
all your blobs are dead
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managed to do the most roundabout ASMR transcription to translation possible by converting the downloaded .wav file to .m4a, moving it to my phone, using the voice recorder app to transcribe it from japanese, and then copying the text to my laptop to finally translate it to english using Claude Opus
it's not that bad desu, better than old MTL
Black souls 2 autists. Why do I lose sen beating this Zoa "princess"? am I not supposed to kill it
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forgot picture fffffff
sugoi added some ASMR transcription functionality, I don't know how good it actually is though
the nips should just add transcriptions/subtitles themselves, I'll never get ASMR fags
what's the appeal of some bitch slurping your ear? give me the text instead
I'll transcribe the entire series and see how the quality is when reading them together
even if you know Japanese having it written down is much better
Where is this again? I forgot
sometimes they provide the script
subtitle timing is a fuck chore so i dont blame them
a script is enough, just add the shit the girl is reading to the zip
Walrus dwelling. Just before entering the elevator leading to ship graveyard.
I think that's the メスガキ oyster .
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kill yourself
How did you get a translation for that game? I saw it hard a weird engine and gave up
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it's wolf engine which is translatable if you can be bothered to hack it
all the quest stuff are images though

might be worth checking out, thanks
>kemono is fucking dead
>coomer is still works
what gives?
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>I also have like 95% of RJ01175469 translated but the last bits irritated me and I lost steam. I'll probably finish it eventually.
Please finish it. I was really looking forward to the translation for it. Thanks.
Did you see that Fumika 2 got announced?
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He not only announced Fumika Fantasy 2, but he did it by showing off fanart of Fumika from /hgg2d/ based on the Snowbreak crossover we had.
think fanbox and fanza changed and kemono owner is too lazy to update their scraper and refuses to let people do it for them
I-is this serious

no way

no fucking way
coomer link?
coomer is 3dpd shit if you didnt know
The playboy classmate, Yas something, his route has you waging away in a love hotel, the same love hotel he and the love interest keep visiting
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Nta but it is real
time to break out that wallet
ye, I thought it was for OF shit only
so there's no fanbox ripper still working?
Oh it's wolf? The exe was renamed, I guess. I only checked the trial version
Not any of the other anons but that's because the hobo and the old guy aren't the main routes, the playboy and "other childhood friend" are the main routes which is why they got all the phone scenes and the most crushing endings.
not anymore no
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Yep. An anon here made a variant of a Fenny sticker, and it got FF2 greenlit.
Tell your friends!
No. FUCKING. WAY. holy shit
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I for one believe humanity has the capability to do GOOD deeds that can match those of angels. But also EVIL deeds that puts even the devil to shame.
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So will she start a virgin or not
the thing is out bros RJ01226398
It's weird because kemono was down, then it was fixed for like a week, and then whoever was running it just fucked off and doesn't care anymore. Like what the fuck?
This is a longshot but does anyone have the screenshot of that awful eroge where the proportions/perspective make no sense? it's like the most confusing image in the world at a glance where some girl with a blue bra is giving a titjob. it's like 15 years old at least at this point, used to be an /a/ meme.
John Carpenter version is still unsurpassed.
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It's finally Fake-Rabi Friday. How are you anons celebrating?
I know what image you're talking about but I don't have it either...
i’ve tried every combination of google search terms and have had no success, my brain hurts
Have you tried bing? Google is pretty censored nowadays.
is it this?

I remember a different one by I believe the same artist that also looks very off at a glance
oh my god yes that is it thank you so much
There was this one and the one with the girl stuck on a hurdle.
El saucy sauce?
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Has anyone given Brigand's Quest a play? I really love the idea of it, but I've never had the time for an untranslated game
Good job, anon. What you'd expect from hgg2d.
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Nice to see Fumika still posts.
Post the RJ and maybe I can tell you
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>Her sex counts and affiliation resets in the sequel

This fucking bitch
Anyone know if the fat witch's game translated yet?
That one blue witch girl who had a menu that would constantly break?
It was a sidescroller.
Kira queen dai san no bakudan
too late for a save transfer feature
so has she never had sex with (You) at the start?
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game where cheeky girls give you a footjob before they get violently raped for arousing the rapist with their teasing?
Onsen Tamago
games where rararanigger becomes a throat GOAT?
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Perhaps it just shows very recent history.
Can't wait to see this LG's cunny in RJ01252086
What game
how will you see it past the mosaic?
Scusy Sir, I haveth asketh for the sauce, couldth thou tell me?
>can't find the clothes how to make her naked
This sucks
Is 蒼キ光と魔剣の鍛冶師 worth it?
Cursed Blacksmith? Personally, I found it boring.
yeah I'm considering playing it, 1.8GB size is quite big
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gimme my goddamn u-room game already i want to fap before we all die.
Well like I said, I found it boring, but it's just because it's not my kind of game.
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>artist's misskey is hiyoko
I will play the game...
Does anyone have a download link for RJ01250827? The only ones I can find are suspicious Chinese ones that require Chinese accounts (and thus Chinese phone numbers) to download.
This is important, so reply truthfully please. Choose one:

Futa mc fucking a variety of girls

Fem mc fucking a variety of futas
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depends on the circle/artist
How do I open app.asar to access game resources?
expand on that please
depends on the other genres
depends on the cocks
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>100% the game will unlock an extra scene of her riding you in her signature yellow tank-top just for the sake of summer nostalgic

fe mc (male) getting fucked by a variety of homeless men (male)
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First, always.
Good gameplay, good story and, good world building.
That'a Chemica tho
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Chemica's panties doko
must stink really badly
I don't want them to come back like they were in kludge.
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It's a sacred relic.
It need to come back.
>The girls do get corrupted
Wrong, it always resets on each game
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Any games where the girl hates the thought of getting impregnated by the MC?
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Lesbian NTR game with AI art from the makers of RJ435672
It'll be free
But not like in kludge.
Also, do not post cringe pics.

>The girls do get corrupted though? You can’t say Uula from blight will be the same as she will be in thirst, for example.
They get corrupted by hakika's retardation yea.
>not a male who NTR's the dyke
You are cringe.
No, YOU are cringe.
You are the cringiest.
That's might be true, but you are the cringier.
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Go get a room and fuck each other out
Dykes and yuri are the new hotness these days
You are cumming with us.
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the strongwilled teasing girl is the best, she's one of the few personalities that threaten you when you sell her too.
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Why is a literal shit bomb able to deal with a god? Also the first superboss of Asylum is a joke, can still defeat it with 3 offensive familiars, just need to see what the boss does during the first 8 turns so you'll know what turns to stun/encircle. Dead on the 9th turn.
Gnnnnnnn want it translated so much.
Can I get some ntr/nts recs where the girl doesn't lose to the dick? Ideally optional ntr/nts but that doesn't really matter. I don't care about the genre either.

She can continue to cheat behind MCs back or get corrupted if its nts, but nothing where she just gets fucked so good she leaves the MC permanently
Asylum is, by itself a joke.
We are gonna to run a train on you.
she sells her body at the brothel because YOU told her your childhood friend that if she didn't help you, you'd be swimming with the fishies because you borrowed money from bad people.
What did you do with the money? you used it to go hook up with the previous prostitute who quit while she's working late shifts each day after school ends all for YOU.
Go back to arguing about stinky panties
I already said my piece.
Chemica's panties should come back.
where is the friday noger
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its been nearly 2 years since rarara last posted on his site. he said he'd be back and went out for milk, then got violently eaten alive by an escaped american.
She didn't actually have sex with Narika when they were children, that was Narika using mind control on her.
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we need more girls as merchandise games its such a lacking genre in terms of games but bondage is so hot.
I forget the exact lore, but shit is like the ultimate anti-magic material in the world. Shitbombs are started issue in armies according to Auris iirc, but she didn't know what went into making them.

Yes it's funny to imagine just throwing a ball of shit at someone, but they're more like a magical anti-magic grenade after processing.
I like my girls free range.
>canon milf
RJ303239 dev is alive and making a new game but didn't give any info on it
Where are the fridayfags?
I'm not seeing you fucks share RJ01038880
now we can sue him for plagiarism
I really like his art style. Hope this upcoming game will have romance.
How's the h system in this? Is there repeatable sex?
what ge?
And my rimjob?
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ge where you lick an unwilling girl's ass?
take your erp somewhere disgusting faggots
File deleted.
rararafag is extra uppity today
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>no proper torturege
why do nips conflate sadism with bdsm, how is using dildos or the lamest binding possible sadistic
But what about fem mc(male) getting fucked by a variety of futas?!
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Just bought an 'eck. I've yet to figure out on how to play it with only one hand.
There is an otome dori h-manga by carn.
It's good, but the anime does some things different and IMO it is unironically and objectively better than the h-manga, it completely surpasses the manga original.

God I've blown so many loads to it.
it's comfy since you can play it on the bed, and ask your sister for a little "help"
off-topic 3dge
Why did your left stick break?
The cap only got misplaced from playing.
>Kuruha is more girly than she lets on
>Sheena is just as horny as her friend, she's just good at hiding it
>but will still fuck (You)r brains out relentlessly
Normal humans my ass, if the protag stayed there any longer he might as well be drained to death
Why is Netorase so rare
because it's fucking shit, I'm here to watch the girl lose to cock and the loser beta male mc get bullied to death, not your uwu she loves me so she's sucking his dick fantasies
netorase is 99% self-insert fags and actual cucks
It's niche
Play blind anon
If you're tired, check the library door

I wish I can relive my first run
RJ01256651 in about 9 hours
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The second superboss is more of what I expected in terms of difficulty. Requires fine tuning and balance between survivability and damage to kill the boss before what I'm assuming is a team wipe at turn 25. Managed to kill at turn 20 with support Malice, 1 tank familiar, and 2 offensive familiars.
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I knew this from the start before vtubing became a lucrative business. It's a shame that I broke up with my gf in 2018 before the vtubing boom we would've made plenty of money. I got a new gf (we're together for almost one year) but is it too late for her to start vtubing now considering most vtube customers/audiences have woken up from the dream?
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His games are underwhelming but I'll still give it a shot.
>no malemc singlegirlge
>inb4 shotashit
Why are main characters never the rapey assholes that seduce the heroines? How am I supposed to enjoy playing as some wimp who thinks being kind is a superpower...
in ntr works people rag on oblivious mc's but that obliviousness is saving people from the emotional trauma that always happens in netorase. point is, people can't handle netorase.
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Explain her lack of hymen then? Not once did Fumika bled in her pussy whenever she gets orc'd, bandit'd or slime'd.
anon, hymens barely exist in physically active women
>being kind is a superpower
In a way, it is.
nooooo but my fetish!
May as well say being a cuck is a superpower.
The bleeding from the pussy thing is retarded and I'm glad it's dying off as a hentai trope. It's the biggest boner kill when every single fucking scene is obligated to start with "ooh it hurts oooh i'm shidding and farding blood oniichang itatata"
even if you enjoy girls in pain for some reason it always pivots to "HOOOH SHUGOI ITS STARTING TO FEEL GOOD IKUUU" in like 2 sentences so theres no point

the only acceptable time to use that is when it's a single h-scene at the very end of a long romantic story between two lovers and it's used for dramatic effect. Putting it in a femc game where she gets mating pressed by common fauna is full retard.
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I like it when it hurts. Any games where the sex doesn't really feel good for the girl especially during the first time?
Roastie cope. Losing the hymen during biking or simply just physically active is the biggest myth of all. Girls bleed on the first time always. That's natural. If she didn't bleed in her first time then either she lied to you and someone came first before you or she used a huge dildo to masturbate and lost her hymen in the process.
yeah that's also lame in rapege
like bitch I don't want you to feel good, who the fuck thought sadists want the girl to enjoy it? you can't find a single doujin these days where the rape doesn't devolve into consent

ok anon, whatever makes you happy
>I'm glad it's dying off as a hentai trope.
Uhh ok? I don't believe it though.
Yeah none of whatever you just said matters
I don't care, it's fiction and I don't the whole scene to grind to a halt so random ketchup can squirt out
only to devolve into IKUUU five seconds later anyway

It's just a basic principle of good writing, make sure your words have a purpose instead of meandering
if you're gonna waste your breath describing the girl bleeding in pain, that should have a point instead of just being an obligatory lame sidebar in every fucking scene

Imagine if every hentai scene included the male whipping the female's ass, but only one time, even if it made no sense and they both forgot about it 5 seconds later because the pain goes away instantly. The sadists who wanna whip girls aren't happy and everyone else's time was wasted. What were they thinking?
Troons hate hymens as it's yet another female thing they'll never have.
my malewife's boyhymen
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Troons are always bleeding, that's one advantage they have
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>I am bleeding, making me the victor
A good deflowering scene should have the girl experience some discomfort the whole way. She can lose to the dick along with some braincells on the second go and I wouldn't care but having a rough first time is important.
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>unmarked spoiler
>kusoge poster
exactly I want the girl to hurt
I want her to keep going despite it not feeling much for her the first time because she sees you like it
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The problem isn't that the male Mc exists (tough it is A problem).
The problem is that the Male MC the authors (TON's) self-insert, and is a switch-and-bait and ACTUALLY the main protagonist that gets all the stuff.

Fem MC can only be raped (by ugly men and monsters). Zero agency.
Male MC can meanwhile do whatever.

And the artists wants to make futa, but the programer (TON) hates it and doesn't want to add it.
Even if the fem Mc can't be fut,a at least a futa native girl would benice.
Also, you might want to try Dungeon Keep Her.
Bear in mind it's still in development.
Does this have any events or is it just all sex after the prologuee?
futa is shit kys
I would fucking pay for shit if (((payment processors))) didnt completely butcher cien and fantia.
futa is king keep yourself safe
>Futaring came out like fucking SEVEN YEARS AGO and STILL BTFO's literally all other gameplayge TO THIS DAY.

Futaring is great, but I feel it could have been even better.
At the very least I'd like for noballs options for other futas aside from MC and the MC didn't get the fugg her sister, which is a shame.
>Fem MC can only be raped (by ugly men and monsters). Zero agency.
that's pretty realistic though and is like 80% of the games talked about in here
nobody fucking ever complains about femMC games being nothing but corruption and rape
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Unironically the maximum optimal bathroom for sex

>Put inflatable bed inside
>Get out
>Have sex while the room is still steamy
>After you're down just hop back into the tub and bath again
>Come out

You just do the whole deed in one place. Peak optimization.
Both are good, but why not futa MC being dominated and drained by a bunch of girls?
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It's shit.
because that's twice as gay as regular futa
That was a great game. Too bad we got too few lesbian/futa scenes.
I fucking complain.
Girls can rape (and love) girls FFS.

And it's not realistic. Lesbians can get very agressive and violent.
I wonder what fucled-up bropken logic you are operating on.
I wanted to get cucked. I got almost none of that. Fuck this dev.
dominant women = gay
since futa is at least 0.5 man that makes your scenario femdom and therefore gay
>Fem MC can only be raped (by ugly men and monsters). Zero agency.
that's a realistic scenario for female castaways though
fuck off tranny, women will get raped on any settings without law enforcement, deal with it
I've been complaining about how there so few vanilla games where the femc falls in love with the fat ugly bastard or old homeless men for many years now.
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What are the few games with that
or like those one room games where you kidnap a girl
they just need better sex scenes but I like their general structure
Too bad it was retconed immediatly. THANKS HAKIKA.
real life
the uglies gotta be filthy rich though
Any games with political marriages?
Any games with JK marriages?
I want the defloration of the girl to hurt cause it doesn't make sense otherwise when I'm raping her.
Games with that?
barely any games with proper mindbreak from rape, where it's not pleasure based
Like what
Games with post-defeat gameplay? I'm thinking of stuff like Eris Dysnomia where you become a minion after you get defeated by the bad guys, even if it's just for a bit
Can't think of any games like this except for Pandora's Forest and Max the Elf
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Girls you wanna beat up for ryona pleasure's sake?
all girls
bitchy wannabe dom girls in uniform even more
>nice things le bad
Not talking about the games at this one, but if you honestly think that then i hope for your sake that you have your shit together
It's gay-ish ifis it's on man.
But futa isnt' a man, she coutnsas full woman. Futa is a woman with a clit-dick. She 's isn't 0.5 man. She doesn't have the mind of a man.
>that's a realistic scenario for female castaways though

Realism? In a game with ghost, spirits, scyborgs, and age reversal?
Also, the woman in question can defeat raids of big men, giant insects, warewolves, bigfoot, etc..

Overpowering another woman isn't beyond her ability. Besides, rape in this game can be done when someone is knoecked out, and the femmc cna knoeck everyone out as well.
>the uglies gotta be filthy rich though
Except they don't have to? All you need is confidence, charisma and I guess, being tall works on many girls.
thought this was about reverse rape but its just some malding yurinigger
>carbonara without ham
women = gay
simple as

reverse rape is also gay
what's wrong with regular classic rape?
monicas game isnt in the bin
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left better be a boy
SequelKINGS can't stop winning.
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>You saved a minor harmless ghost
>His ghost big sister comes to you and repays you with sex
>Turns out it was all an act she was your childhood ghost friend and she knew you since the beginning blah blah blah something like that

When will I be allowed to attack the cheeky MILF in her sleep in Himegashima?
my lolighost wife will protect my penis from this hag
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There will be a surprise NTR in the upcoming game
Is Hentaicovid.com a legit download site or is it a honeypot site?
the story of me and my wife frabi is already over though
You say we need "more," implying that there are some around already. Mind sharing? I like the concept.
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Finally played Hag Rinko's game after putting it aside for so long. It's pretty great if you can stomach the art. Amazing attention to details by the dev. Collecting all of the endings can get a bit tedious but the payoff is worth it.
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i'm waiting for this one RJ01254193
>women = gay

Sez the cock-sucking faglord
>reverse rape is also gay
>what's wrong with regular classic rape?

rape is rape is rape.
I'm not self-inserting or projecting, so who gives a fuck if girl A is raping birl B or girl B is raping girl A?
because dick cannot lose to pussy
girls cannot be raped by another girl
molested? sure
raped? not really
The music makes this fight kino
What is the game D&P referenced in the newcomers guide?
>character is the villain because she doesn't have an innie
>because dick cannot lose to pussy

An interesting theory that is only SOMETIMES true in specific doujins where there are no limits to the amount of cum one can produce and no refractory period exists.
There isn't a single notable soundtrack out of sequel.
dick cannot lose to pussy
refractory periods or cum amount is irrelevant, women can enter an orgasm cascade more easily which allows you to stunlock them
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I see plenty a women get raped BY the law enforcement still in settings with it, buhihi
she actually won though
Any recomendations for RPG games? Liked Black Souls, Rune or Celesphonia.
>refractory periods or cum amount is irrelevant, women can enter an orgasm cascade more easily which allows you to stunlock them

I'd be more worried of pain mode than orgasm mode. And you are also implying youd last long enough to give anyone multiple orgasms.. lol.
Mercenary's adventure
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Fumika Fantasy!
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SEQUEL series
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>RPG Games
I just realized Shark's nunge wasn't even an RPG. It was a CG collector like Anthesis.
do you die after you cum or something? I can do 2-3 times in a row without a break, and female orgasms have more to do with clitoral stimulation than jamming it in
Bullshit, women's g-spot is real. All you have to do is to ram the womb repeatedly as if you're trying to crush it with your dekai chinpo.
porn game sex is so fucking lame desu, just thrusting like a dumbass
so many interesting ways to make the girl cum but it's always just thrust harder and muh womb crush
What game is this from? It was even gatekept in reverse image search.
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Who are the two rival girls in LLMBX in reference to?
Dirty Pair
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It's not a game. Just a crop of a genshin impact doujin.
About to start Night Tail for the first time. Are there any missable scenes or something like that that I should be aware of?
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Any games with good stealth/hidden sex scenes other than Nebel?
Who cares? Just unlock the gallery after completing the game if you missed something.
>do you die after you cum or something? I can do 2-3 times in a row without a break,

I bet you also have infinite cum and every time you trust the women gets aheago look? And you shit gold bars.

Also, penises can get swollen and becme painful to touch from overstimulation/friction.
Any games with you begging anonymous image boards for everything you can find for yourself if you weren't a lazy, useless piece of shit of a human being? Preferably ones that have boards that exists solely for the begging that I'll be doing but not so I can use them, I want them to exist so I can exclusively ignore them or just pretend they don't exist while I continue to shit up whatever anonymous image board the game lets me post to with off topic garbage and self expected spoon feeding because the people in the game exist for my benefit and nothing else
which ge
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A lot of really good games are coming this December to next year December. Are you working out enough to outlive next year? Without cardio, your reproductive organ will start to suffer as well as your heart. Don't forget to exercise coupled with a healthy diet.
Not really. A vagina is basically a mini penis with an inverted ballsac called the womb. The clitoris is the head of the penis. It's where 90% of the sensation is. That's why foreplay is so important. Kissing, rubbing, and so on... it's to get her as close to climax as possible, so that the sex will take her over the edge. Good luck making a woman cum with just cold lube and thrusting. Give her a phone to play Candy Crush and she'll ignore you as you do your thing, believing that she's feeling what you're feeling, as her clit remains untouched. She isn't. Now start rubbing it or put a vibe on it and you'll make her drop the phone.
>this december to next year december
Right... just 365 more days in 110 more days. Totally soon. Right around the corner. 2 more revolutions around the sun.
>a lot of really good games
Such as...?
>Such as...?
I can't list all of them and some are just promises made by the devs from cien.
Okay, so Acerola, 111 and Sharkslop aside, what else is there? Cause none of these are interesting.
My vidya waifu.
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I did start doing exercises and my libido increased a lot. I'm going through my backlog a lot faster now so I'm looking forward to new games more than ever. Life is good right now.
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Found out the Mission Mermaiden dev put out another game in the years since (Hachina) and gave it a spin.

Kind of more of the same. The bosses definitely had less bullshit but ended up being too easy. The contact damage from trash mobs got annoying quick.

Overall...it was alright. Not something I'd want to replay but captivating enough to play to the end to figure out the protag's story. It was interesting that the parasite girl who lives in the protagonist's ass ended up getting the better overall scenes (particularly the gameover) than the other clingy lesbian foe.
blue archive
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These are AI voices aren’t they? The noja gave it away.
who the fuck is DazedAnon
can't you read posts? stop thrusting for five minutes and make her cum before continuing
thrusting is an activity where most of the pleasure is felt by the guy, she's not gonna cum from that
>Also, penises can get swollen and becme painful to touch from overstimulation/friction.
nigger I've jerked off twenty times in a row and it still worked, skill issue at this point
>A lot of really good games are coming this December to next year December
Name one. It's kusoge as far as the eye can see.
a share holder of blob corp
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I think I preferred the older design for this character. New one doesn't strike me as a seductive leader.
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If game allows you to choose skin color what is the only objectively correct choice?
>other (green)
Purple. Blue. Tentacle. Blob. Respectively.
>Language: English (Similar to Fan Translation)
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Dungeons & Prisoners.
A game stuck in never ever because creator went blind.
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>he spoonfed
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With modern technology, we can fix him right? right bros? Why couldn't patreonfags like techno take the fall instead...
>because creator went blind.
fuckin what
They are of the same illk.
protags for this feel?
You see his latest (?) release? He just calls it fan translation now. Got fucking bullied too much for his dogshit MTL "similar" nonsense.
The sad thing is that no one has really tried to make something quite on the level of Maidensnow Eve or D&P since. There have been a few very rudimentary games that kind of try to do the format but fall utterly short on the mechanics.

D&P was especially great for making the H content just happen organically. Odds are extremely high that even if you're playing optimally that a bad roll will do it, and there's just something special about seeing Lynn fighting desperately to save Miene while a monster is having its way with her. Or the reverse, watching Lynn finally get defeated and dragged off to god knows where.

The fact that it's not scripted and just happens as part of the normal mechanics is what made the game special, and no one else has really done that. If only he could have finished it.
Is it possible to continue it at all or is it obfuscated/illegal to do that
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I love flatties so much. Give me games with non-loli flatties... please....
I want a confident flatty girl that's not insecure about not having fat bags
why do nips always make them insecure...
nah, it's in never ever because ILL couldn't leave good enough alone. he stretched a 4 month deadline out into 4 years because he kept adding features nobody asked for, moved the entire game to a new engine, redrew all the sprites, etc etc.
still blame patreon because he was making more money by not releasing the game than he would have expected from selling it.
There was one in Gobi Burrow
This is unironically why editors and publishers are important
they force you to focus on shit that actually matters
Wasn't he actually seriously sick though, I remember him saying he got hospitalized because he had cataracts or some shit
Is this the magical girl game
what was her name again
Eris Dismo
Ayura Crisis
He should have just waited another few years for game dev as a service to become a typical thing. Well, he probably just ran out of ideas though.

Come on anon, no one cares about that. But to answer your question, there have been numerous attempts by people to take up the mantle and just expand the content. Everyone who tried eventually disappears without actually releasing anything.

It's important to know that D&P uses a modified engine of Maidensnow Eve, which is a fully featured and complete game. It's a great game and actually has some nice mods for QOL features up on fag95. The main reason I liked D&P more was that Maidensnow Eve punishes you brutally for basically any sexual encounter unless you've obtained a lot of obscure stuff to make that kind of build viable.
Maidensnow Eve was super fun but I was unironically filtered, I don't know if I was playing it wrong or just plain suck but Eve was constantly being turned into a meat toilet against my own will
>Come on anon, no one cares about that
Didn't the MGE guy subpoena people for drawing fanart he didn't like?
hello any new avoidable ntr ge for the past couple of months?
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>Wasn't he actually seriously sick though, I remember him saying he got hospitalized because he had cataracts or some shit
hgame dev sickness used to be a running joke because of how many devs used to throw in the towel by claiming some kind of illness.
ILL was probably actually sick but his initial deadline was way before he claimed it got serious and on some level I suspect he was subconsciously letting it get worse so he could keep collecting those patreon bucks.
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God fucking damn it.
RPGM is such a dogshit engine desu
I guess it got replaced by forbooks.
Eh, in his defense, I don't think he ever really wanted the patreon stuff. Maybe he really is sick, but I always got the impression that he was an engine builder, not a content creator. He enjoyed making the mechanics, but once that was done and it was time to write plot, draw CGs, and script scenes, he just couldn't be bothered anymore and did what so many indie devs do when their project has a loyal following: pretend you're sick

This usually progresses along the same pattern.
- Start taking longer between updates, fans start asking why
- Say the delays are because of some personal issue
- Due to the pressure, release an update but then immediately fall back into loss of motivation
- Say the personal issues are getting worse
- Eventually disappear

The problem with ILL is that his chosen reason was an illness, and specifically one that he claimed could be resolved with medical care that he couldn't afford. This led to fans asking for him to set up a patreon, which he repeatedly rejected doing until he was finally convinced to. It never really made any substantial money compared to other patreon scams, so I don't think he intended for it to be a scam. I just think he entered development hell on his game and could never get the motivation back to finish it, and like so many other devs he couldn't bear to admit it.
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Mary sequel RJ01097471
So what is the game even missing? I'd really be interested in expanding the content but I can't script for shit.
But he stopped collecting however much money he was getting at his peak. He could've continued milking them indefinitely. I think his Patreon remains open but is inactive, no regular billing.
i miss the good old days of devs just releasing a game without begging for money or posting dev """blogs""". once they get a taste of that free money they get just by posting pictures, it's over.
Same exact deal with ordinary shit in the form of microtransactions. It's been over for a long time already.
>huge dildo
why would it need to be huge if you think your tiny zakochin can bust her hymen?
microtransactions are bad but additional content is another thing. at least finish the fucking game. devs these days just focus on social media instead of actually developing games.
>so I don't think he intended for it to be a scam
that's why I said subconscious. people tend to think that corruption is something that only happens with evil people but there are numerous experiments showing that the brains of ordinary people shift gears and work differently once money is involved.
mary sex
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Know your role, Mana Tank
>replay all my old favorites
Nothing better...I don't get how people can play games with nasty old hags. So weird.
>losing against pus
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What the heck is this random bold text in dialogue supposed to represent? Unnatural accentuation of certain syllables or something?
He’s a partially broken robot iirc
pussy will outlast cock every time
some girl might get mindbroken by dicking but eventually the cock will be spent and went limp while the pussy can still take hundreds more cock
Cock is powerful but it eventually loses to pussy. Cocks can’t keep up with pussies because the refractory period exists.
that's great and all
until you need to start doing stuff in life
only a NEET has that much time to waste
>fought knowing he'll lose
RIP Tom, he was a great guy. Shame that protag had to be a non-combatant
And here I thought I was safe from this blob.
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game where maids are punished?
The tunnel escape killer is here:
Uula got too fucking fat in this one, what the hell is she been eating
I tried going on the dlsite to buy points and it redirects me to amazon jp? fucking western creditcunts
do they accept paypal i'm not using my debit card and i don't wanna open a credit card
no paypal
Poor people tend to eat low cost, high calorie(low nutrition) foods. Considering she was apparently poor enough to consider saving gifted donuts and sweets to act as her dinner in Blight, shes probably being living off Walmart $5 "meals"
It's going to be shit. The only reason anyone played his last kusoge was because namako did the art. He's nothing without him.
Can you generate a response that doesn't sound like insane cope? It might help your case, whatever that might be
zakochinpo cope
>5 dollar meals
>that shit
you could buy a 20 kg bag of rice from an asian supermarket, grab a lao gan ma, a carton of eggs, and a 1 kg bag of bonito flakes that will last you half a year
Anglos are so subhuman it's fucking insane
And the people blindly supporting them are to blame. Nobody's holding them accountable. They're being given stuff for free, of course many have no integrity and will take advantage of the system, milking it for as long as possible. The Summertime Saga dev is still leeching at least over $30k/mo, last it was public it was $50k/mo, although to be fair, I dunno if he charges monthly. In his place I totally would. As long as people who enable this type of behavior exist, there will be never-ever games.

An interesting perspective to take is that perhaps these games were never intended to be completed in the first place. It was all a gamble the dev took and he succeeded, is now in a comfy situation and is gonna continue doing fuck all for as long as people support him. Makes sense to me. Simply ignore these types of games as never-evers.
cocklet cope
goonbros can outlast even the sluttiest slut
Why does it have to be Asian food? Buy flour and bake your own bread or eat pasta with plain ketchup. Enough with the rice meme.
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I've been eating exactly this for the past 3 days.
It doesn't, I'm just giving a random example of poverty food that actually has nutrients and doesn't taste like rancid ass
>rice meme
is rice a meme?
Going by F95 its tons of indians.
But yes patreon and summertime has probably fucked wegs from ever being decent from everyone trying to chase those patreon bucks
Basically this. It looks like a generic defeat rape game. Easily forgettable, much like Tunnel Meme. They're both in the same category of bland and boring. As you already pointed out, the art carries the entire thing. The writing and gameplay are ass. Same as Daisenka. Garbage with very wholesome art.
The game is quite hard and the language barrier can make it difficult to understand what you're doing wrong or how to improve.

I hope the japanese government sanctions western credit companies unironically.
You are the delusional one. The cheapest rice price in the world suppose to be 0.53 USD per kilo. So 20 kg would cost you 10.6 USD. And you have to live in a fucking Bangladesh.
It is! I hear this example of bulky rice bag all the time and I'm tired of it. Buy pasta or I'll make you go la vista!
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Stop eating my images moot.
Any pinoys here? Any tips on how to buy games on dlsite? I only have Gcash and Paypal.
>10 dollars for 20 kg of rice
>aka a fucking MONTH of food if you're a lardball and eat 700 grams of rice a day
one of those chink rice-mixture things also costs like 4 bucks for enough for a week
Are you eating 20 kg of rice a fucking day you moron
It's mostly because you can also buy 20 kg of flour but making dough is harder than making rice
No idea how much pasta costs in bulk though
Is this her? She's so cute but I don't know what the hell the story is supposed to be or what I'm supposed to be doing
His point wasnt that you could buy all that for $5, it was that you could buy all that, save some money per day and have more food that is also healthier.
I honestly don't blame them. The platform itself does enable some honest creators to develop and release complete titles, as promised, in a timely manner without having to limit development time based on RL commitments. But these aren't that many. The way I see it in terms of wegs in any case, I'd include completed games only in my search, excluding Japanese ones, then rate based on rating, include any other relevant filters that cater to my interests and check to see what devs actually have a track record of completing games. I'd look forward to only to those, if I played and liked any of their past games. The Architect being one such example.

He's finished a bunch of games already, but ironically for whatever reason his finished products aren't netting him a lot of monthly income. Funny how that works. It's like the less you give to people, the more they give you because they think it's going to make you output more content, even though that doesn't happen. The inverse happens and they give even less the more they give! And they keep being given even more! It's fucking insanity!

I don't know how the situation's like over at Ci-en and what the biggest JP leeches there are, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was very similar.
yall are stupid just go buy a mickyd then, there's a reason you have poor people eating at macdonald its high calories for low cost.
I remember my lunch in college being a candy bar for 79cent.
Yeah, I understand. Rice is very easy to make and probably also a lot cheaper, especially if you have a rice maker. Cooked to perfection every single time, no effort required and power consumption is minimal. Well, whatever. The people who can't cook and budget will simply starve. Not really my problem.
>every day
>"high calories"
Do you have enough multivitamins in store, King of Anglos?
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just don't order the egg
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Videogames or the erotic kind?
>cutting down your nutrient intake even more
Also I hope you realize that this isn't even good calorie count for the price compared to fried rice or garlic pasta or whatever
Survival sim ge where you have to ration your meagre income to survive with your gf and make sure she doesn't get stolen doko
>new church of NTR game
>it's $18
i normally buy his games but damn dude
>he doesn't harvest crops from his farmland
city slickers lose once again
Here's /rlg/s pasta for Roland's game.
fried rice and garlic pasta is gross and requires a stove. If you care about calories so much you should just eat stray cats like americans or better yet your neighbour
>fried rice and garlic pasta are gross
>stoves bad
>McDonalds is good though
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling, Michigan man?
I thought you can buy games there using Paypal. If there's no other method, just pirate it.
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All just released

>Having conversations with NPC might put your or the NPC's chastity in danger
Is the FeMC going to rape them if you pick the wrong options?
I wonder why nobody's made a MaidenSnow Eve 2
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Also, not sure when they implemented this, but DLSite now has the option to prices in different currencies
Get a JCB card
I heard americans taste pretty good, they're nice plump fatty so the meat is very juicy. There's also alot of them free ranging.
It was technically a side game for the dev. His main rougelike isn't H.
It was really good though, a challenging and fun game even without the whole getting Eve married to a bugbear thing
How do you get her married to a bugbear?
The guy's games are pretty trash though. It's kind of like the in between shovelware and decent, where if some actual thought was put into the game as well as scenes, it could turn out good. In the end shit is usually just halfassed.
Use PP to buy points. 1 point = 1 Yen. Use the points to buy games. Simple as. Hover over account, click on my page, scroll down to purchase points and choose one of the two new options. The previous one included PP, I'm not sure about these two. And that's it.
it redirects me to amazon.jp. dlpay is also down.
I just mean mindbroken by one
I wasn't prepared for how hard they hit
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pray dlpay comes back
i agree, but i will consume the slop in the current drought we're in
Yeah, I just checked them myself. You're right. PP is no longer an option through 3rd party retailers. I dunno how Amazon works. Not really interested either. Imagine being in this situation! Not only having to pay for a product, but also having to go through various hoops like a circus animal before you can pay for it! Good human! Jump through the flaming circle and we give you points! You can then use the points to buy your delicious slop! Mmmm! Yummy sloppa!

Hahahhaha. And that's why I pirate.
>yen is back to 2023 value
have you considered those people are poor because they're stupid and lazy?
you can save a lot of money if you're smart about your shopping and cook your own food
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pinning arisu to the ground...
I lost to pussy... again *cums*
you're also born pampered and privilaged so you should be eaten.
this wouldn't happen if you moved to japan
>10800 calories for $6.50
I don’t think a single potato costs much and you’d get more out of it than whatever sugary nightmare she’s been going through.
I liked the stranded on an island NTR game they made. Also I'm a sucker for harem NTR so I'm looking forward to trying this.
Fug. I guess Tokyo Otaku Mode is my only option for buyfagging now.
Retail wages are too tired to cook properly when they get home. Sure a 5lb sack of potatoes is only like $4, but that 2000 calorie box of donuts is only $2
nta but what he's leaving out is that cooking fresh food, even a potato dish, takes time and effort. working two jobs or whatever shifts they can get not to mention parenthood can make processed or pre prepared foods a lot more attractive even if it isn't cheaper.
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Any male mc games with lots of group play?
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Looking at this it seems each girl will have 4 scenes with each NTR guy for 16 scenes each which sounds like a lot but splitting the corruption between all 4 guys sounds shit.
rararabro is funny kek
>4 scenes each
Exactly my thoguhts. This is why multiple NTR guys is always shit without exception.
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wtf is this?
A bird. I think.
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>using the Kekgura version
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wtf is this?
A hammerhead shark with a dagger stuck in it
Why do you keep shilling this garbage CG collector? This game is the very definition of slop. They're even sameface, every single last one of them. And the intro scene was one of the cringiest things I have ever had the displeasure of reading.
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Wtf is this?
Well he did say group play, and his image is of group play
Does that help you understand you fucking fukima?
It will sell at least 10k copies.
Shut the fuck up. I wasn't replying to his question, but to the image he posted, as is self evident if you could READ. He could've asked about group play without including it! He chose to shill his garbage and I'm calling him out on it, capiche? Now eat shit and die!
i'll never forgive his last game not letting us romance the green maid. fck that dev
Hands and...
Oh, they are grabbing a girl aren't they?
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if i cna't buy dlpoints with paypal no more i hope you americans get attacked by crocodiles.
Looks like funyarinpa to me
6 deers 2 mooses and 2 widemouthed cuckacoo birds
Flatbros... the game is... almost completed!

>play the Scars of Summer DLC
damn wtf even nips know about QoShit? tf
>Literally me MC
Holy kino
I fucking LOVE paizuris from flatties
any new good ntrge?
>mana so strong it nullifies a doomsday device
What the hell is this? I thought (You)r Mana was supposed to be positive energy or something
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That's not an option either apparently. No more buyfagging I guess.
a best
what's going on? did all the DLsite workarounds die at once?
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>that one girl in a haremge that encourages and helps you getting more girls into your harem
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there's still one option which is buying bitcash then use that bitcash to buy dlsite points
just move to japan
nutrition contributes to health which contributes to libido which contributes to enjoyment of hgames
Seems like more of a pain in the ass to go through than their usual games. You can unlock all the scenes though. Just that the main girl this time doesn't really hit the right spots for me.
name 3 games
or wait till american explodes in civil war and visa HQ gets raided
Can't you just buy a JCB card and just wire money over
Bonus points if she joins last.
Not buying shovelware is easier
w-what's that on her crotch????
my cum
Just some lotion so the armor doesn't chafe.
I don't think you're supposed to put the lotion outside...
Or you could just jerk off to something else. Once you're done you won't care about any hentai game anymore, at least not for a while.
What's the point of the game?
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Eldorkante release is imminent! Get ready for quality slop!
Sounds boring.
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Why is Manatank like this?
plot keeps making his boywives non-canon
He likes the Hypnosis tag.
But only when the girl asks to be hypnotized by him.
Not interested.
no games
hackikas art is good but his scenes are so fucking lame
why femdom of all things, just make it rance
games with orgies?
not MMF
Orgies with multiple girls and guys
nigger, you don't want that
telling an artist to do shit that's out of his fetish is basically death sentence
I dunno, it worked with MGQP.
yes, I'm complaining about hackika's fetish
if he wasn't a hack I could've had something I actually enjoyed instead of the mess that's sequel

mgqp is shit
I'm fine with femdom.
Not hardcore femdom that make the dick bleed and various other weird kinks that make me lose my boner.
For my fellow tag autists here, you might be interested in this site called Hentag. I recently discovered it when I was looking for a place to migrate all my nhentai favorites before they go up in smoke, but I saw it has an h-game category too (although greatly under-contributed to), and it lets you add custom tags to your collection, so now I’ve been spending these past few days building up a corruption library and documenting things like personality traits and sex positions, so that others can have an easier time of finding strong-willed heroines getting mating pressed than I did, for example.
Armor can be harsh so I put a lot in there; some must have leaked out.
soft femdom is worse than that, it's like a layer of grease over something that's infinitely close to being good
>mgqp is shit
First off, false, second, you are supposed to say "but trtr didn't change anything, he just make them purely optional" to which I would have responded with "Exactly".
mgqp is shit, and mgq is wasted potential
you could say mgqp is also wasted potential but it's built on such a rotten foundation it was never going to be good
Not with current hakika. No.
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VenusBlood bros DLC already on the anime-sharing!
don't know about current, I dropped it after the second game
wow you missed the kino.
That would have been ruined with postgame but still.
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What are some ge you love that will never get a TL?
that text only ntrge
sell it to me anon, what's the kino here
>mgqp is shit, and mgq is wasted potential
If anything, it should be the opposite, but we can't know for sure since mgqp isn't finished. But we had a taste of what mgq was so...

And also, fucking bullshit, mgqp is fun.
NuTRition thread
I don't play hgames for fun, I play them to jerk off
Meh, fair enough.
Though if you don't have fun when jerking off, you got a problem.
Taima Miko 3 and Curse Errant getting proper TLs.
Purging Sapphire.
Yachiyo no Kizuna, but that's never happening because of the AI art.

Soft girl.
I have no interest in shotashit or femdom
remove Luka and the scenes might be decent
>Law Sylvia
>Law Anora
>Bad End Sylvia and Anora
Okay this shit is good.

It's too bad Loki, that you have betrayed my heart, I'll have to kill you in Ragnarok.
How does lynn even get defeated in the infinite dungeon, I got 5 floors in and she still just kills everything
Luka being a bitch boy is half the point of the scenes.
And if you expect the scenes to be decent in any way even with him not being there you are delusional.
Hakika refuses to let him settle down with his canon wife (Rabi)
exactly, mgq was from the start a shota rape game with a monster girl theme tacked on which is why I called it wasted potential
MGQ > midquel
Kino roots > MGQ >>>>>>>> shitquel
But Dire's always with you though?

True, but I didn't like the reset every game. One of the reasons I dropped it at the second.
My favourite niche fetish? Wide area common sense alteration
Games I can remember with it?
Celesphonia and literaly none else
lol and lmao even

hakika isn't a very good writer, so when he try to do big things, he always end up falling flat on his face, his dick and his balls.
that's the one I think

Games would be better if they were self-contained, sequels and dragging things out with big plots always cheapens out the early titles and interactions.
Been wondering about this one. Not that i dislike it but why did Dire became a permanent partner for the player of some sort? Wasn't he supposed to be always hanging out with Rabi
Or he if he wasn't stupid.

He was, awake and colony gave a good reason for that. By kludge, it had been retconed.
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games with anal torture?
Games with war rape, impregnation and birth?
not exactly what you mean but I want to say that imouto fantasy's anal traomomg was one of the most satisfying ones I have played, her pain was delicious, shame she's got a gapping asshole in my save now...
hmm intriguing i will now play your game
>it had been retconed
>awake and colony
Awake was one thing since he pretty much had no choice but what about colony
the sphincter is a muscle, tell your little sis to do kegels
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OH BOY. I REALLY don't want to explain it, but basically, he was retconed into always being a tool to direct Mana Tank or Dita, whatever, toward their functions.
Let's ignore the fact that you have been kidnapped to the literal other side of the world or whatever!

In colony, it's simple, he just accompany you in your mission, and that's it, then later, Rabi joins.
games where one of the heroines is a trap without the game being focused on traps but rather just so happens one of them is a trap? I love having variety
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I wish more devs did cocklust scenes like hakika does
Also I see what he did there with the catgirl there in your gif, it's like a cat toy wand. That's hilarious.
not really a heroine exactly.
new imdria has a reverse trap, the dev hides it kinda weird she doesn't even get a standing portrait until you find out her secret
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Aye calm down, it's just my poor reading comprehension with the two games after blight since shit's pretty vague when it comes to their friendship, if you can even call it that
At this rate i wish (You)'d rather end up alone since it feels forced, if anything it seemed like Dire is just getting dragged along with you for no apparent reason, and then just as you said with the kludge retcon
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Honestly I still don't think it was really a retcon, hakika was kind of hinting at it with Dire being with you at the start of awake anyway. Since, if you think about it, there really was no discernible reason that Dire started with Mana Tank in awake. In blight and colony, it at least makes sense since he's with Rabi first. But not in awake.
I'm still not a huge fan of where it went in kludge. I'd actually imagine hakika just wanted to get Dire's backstory out there just to be done with it. Not like he really needed a backstory at all though.
Oh it's not your fault, it's me who's getting assmad.
colony (postgame) made me livid.
Asylum made me very livid.
kludge plot made me even more livid.

He had a backstory, Mana Tank too, but Mana Tank was the only that you could even argue needing an explanation. Dire was found by Rabi, Mana Tank was found by the Group, and accidentally (or not) wiped out his memories.
But nooooooo, hakika just had to be "smart" about it.
I take some fuckable character is a trap?
>colony (postgame)
What exactly happened? I know it's spoiler but i want to be prepared just incase
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aye you'll have to find out which though
Been a while since I played the SEQUELs, by retcon you guys mean Dire's connection with FRabi?
It's kind of a setup for kludge, you'll see
So remember how they mentioned that the racism in NotRussia cannot be resolved by killing one person or rapidly solved?
Well they not only ignored the years time skip because... well I won't tell you why because it's actually a fun plot twist, but they precisely did that, on top of having characters acting suuuuuuper retarded.
Also >>494396997 hakika is a piece of shit when it comes to sequelbaiting.

Oh that's right! kludge fucked that up too!
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Finished Ariadne and it was 8.2/10, love the RPG elements and cool progressive story.
Well alright, i'll look into it myself after clearing some of the H-CGs. I just hope the superboss isn't a total pain, if there's any
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No, it's the kludge stuff. Dire's connection with Fake-Rabi was merely coincidental. Dire is connected to Mana Tank in that Dire is Mana Tank's "sacred item", like all Kuuems have (#1's choker, #7's ring and #8's crown). Since apparently Mana Tank is set to be Kuuem #9, but he hasn't become it yet, as per the final virtual world room in kludge.
However, there's something extra hilarious that hakika can do, and he might actually be planning so. Faltoga has traveled to the same places that Mana Tank has, so she can very well be Kuuem #9 too. It would explain how strange she is, especially with her changing forms in colony.
What was the RJ for this one again? Its lost in my backlog
You don't have to do any superboss stuff, it's part of the Alzhett postgame chapter in colony. It's like the Palgadol chapter in blight.
The superbosses are a pain. But the ones in postgame story aren't. They are shit gameplay wise and storywise.

I'm silently seething
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>Faltoga has traveled to the same places that Mana Tank has, so she can very well be Kuuem #9 too. It would explain how strange she is, especially with her changing forms in colony.
About as funny as hakika being a piece of shit and cockblocking us.
>existence overwritten because of fat kot ass
ManaTank/Direbros, i don't feel so good...
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>guy comes to me pleading to be under my protection, ignore him and kidnap his childhood friend
>when captured he begs you to let her go and he'll do whatever you want, ignore and execute him then send his childhood friend to be trained as a whore.
I miss when games let you be evil.
I like Conquering the Queen.
But it's less "letting you be evil" and more like "you are evil it just depend on how much".
Keep going. Eventually you reach a point where she starts taking damage. If you go far enough, she starts getting overwhelmed easily.
oh liquid's got some nice artwork, i remember playing one where a village girl gets gangraped and killed in the intro because she accidently bit the soldier's cock.
I'm very interested.
tits too big (male)
wasn't this game getting an official release and TL or did I dream it?
One of the first things to go after the Raplay incident in the popular vn market was hard rape.
For a time a lot of the harder rape no "good feelings" outcome was altered to "girl is now ahegaoing and showing its not a brutal type of rape"
And some how that worked to evade any more bullshit from feminists for a bit of time.
Now, hard stuff like that is still made from time to time, but its knowingly inviting the ire of feminists, so most groups just cooled back on that.
you're thinking about daiteikoku the space ship one.
Daiakuji got picked up for TL by 2 fan translation groups though, one's doing a manual chat gpt->spanish-english.
the other guy's just doing a regular translation.
Of course its always the fucking americans godammit. I genuinely wish that country would just get into civil war already.
>Raplay incident
I'm feeling almost nostalgic. Almost.
May they catch the plague.
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dai banchou > dai akuji
it stings because you lost despite being in the right
i dunno what that is
>Characters 139
Damn what do you get half sex scene per girl?
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banchou was too vanilla, daiakuji was the peak of the series, let me know when banchou gets an anime.
That just seems pointlessly cruel.
The group Bishop were one of the first 'big' along with Liquid nukige groups in the 00s.
Bishop didnt try full guro, they were & wanted to be a group about rape, bondage, bdsm etc., but with exclusive female suffering.
They were the one to mention how since that incident happened to illusion that they had to change directions.

Of course, some or rather a good amount of people love their new direction since they're still around even to this day.
They still produce "rape" but as I mentioned, its all "rape into submission into master/slave ahegao". Not the direction they wanted initially, but a direction they embraced and still profit from & people enjoy.
that's the point anon, that's the point
I like what I'm looking at, please tell me more!
>two story routes
>can only play one of them because playing the other involves losing the best girl (who is also already your fiance)
3slg was the last best sufferinge they made its all rape into submission since sad life. what could've been, we could've had the greatest rapege slave slg known to man. seriously fuck the americans
but its an option you can leave them alone, kidnap them and get the boyfriend to join you by holding his childhood friend hostage, kill him and sell his childhood friend. I miss when games let you have options. and its all for a nobody mob character who you'd probably just ignore in your first playthrough.
>One of the first things to go after the Raplay incident in the popular vn market was hard rape.
stop reminding me why vns are shit
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>don't get to kidnap and train activists
banchou is mid
>a good amount of people
A different group of people. It's not the same.
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>vns are shit
Oh, if it's just one of the options you have that's fine then.
Goddammit tell me more, I want to know more!
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Right. Thats the correct way to describe it.
Its the entire reason why I eventually went from playing VNs almost exclusively to playing doujin rpgmakers in the first place.
shame doujin games took such a dip in quality, gameplay wasn't exactly great but the older games had alot of hard rape scenes or lots of cgs with mob and side characters.
I still fap to cowardly shia and magical girl the rpg. New games outside of a few circles is like 1character fem mc 8-10 cgs.
even doujin games have pleasurable rape all over the place now
unironically that fumika rape on loss scene with the bandits where she gets progressively more depressed made me rock hard, despite being a generally slutty game
Fumika's best scene was when she sucker punched the first quest giver and gave her to the bandits.
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Yamizome revenger
I do not know these things.
Fell instantly in love with the game when I first heard the map exploration music.
Truly a classic.
I never finished it, which one so I can corrupt her first.
Nta but I've heard it got shitty gameplay.
As I said, I never finished it, meaning I have actually played it.
Its an Escu;:;:;;:;;de game, their gameplay games are always experimental but simple shit.
I can tolerate even rpgm shit so if the latter half of the game is shit I wouldnt really care too much to stop.
I only just left it on the backlog but I'll just push through for some good haremslut kino.
See the UMLF guide.
/rlg/s pasta? I wrote that shit for here. I'm surprised it made it all the way over there.

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