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returned from isekai edition

Previous Thread: >>494208936

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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Did you bros have a good Fake-Rabi Friday?
>Its an Escu;:;:;;:;;de game
A what.
wow rude it's just versa blob don't need to over react
Tell me more about these games. I'm very interested.
The six main heroines get 5-6 scenes, all the other characters get 1-2.
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This make more sense. I was confused by those ;;;;;
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H game for this feel?
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She'll never blob.
(Despite having a handful of h games lol)
>preview barely shows any porn
listings like this should be banned
>preview only shows porn
listings like this should be banned
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It's Friday.
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I already celebrated
Ah. I wonder how it ended up in their pastebin.
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Well, when I had written it, it was just a text file that I would include with the MSE download (I also included a map). To my knowledge, that MSE package got around, so I guess someone simply copypasted it for /rlg/'s use whenever MSE started getting discussed there. That's my guess anyways.
Anyone got a torrent for OP's game? Fuck downloading 3.2gbs from random filesharing sites
It is not a new game series so if you played the first you know what to expect aka plenty of feel good and ningen sex.
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How do I solve this boulder puzzle?!
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will Hakika ever make a game this good again?
No but like seriously where the fuck is clymenia, are they just not going to make games anymore?
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Considering it flopped at the end. I doubt it.
That's a real low bar to clear, so I'd say yes
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What happened between Asylum and this game? Ino only has one red feather here.
Oh yeah, now I remember how hakika decided to change his drawing style to a shittier one too, worthy of Takekshi.
waiting for the sex scenes to be translated
Why doesn't any 2dhg use music from diablo 2?
I never liked how he refuses to ever let his characters take their clothes off for some reason, every sex scene is characters having sex through their clothes or just lifting their shirt/skirt, it's like he's worried if he draws them totally nude then we won't be able to tell the characters apart or something

It's over for big titteh blonde princesses..
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These character designs are so uninspired it's hard to even believe it's the same guy
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Did you play Asylum? The canon end of Asylum is ending B, the one where you side with Versa. I think Ino's phantasm loses a red feather every time he comes back to life. In Asylum you can already find Ino's missing red feather (he should have 3) in an area that ends up being near Wen Marsus. I believe Ino failed to stop the calamity in Wen Marsus and his dragon instead created Asylum at Wen Scala to contain the calamity
>we won't be able to tell the characters apart or something
Which is funny because he is closer to that, clothing or not. Now you recognize characters purely by their accessories or colors or size of tits.

I wish he could break his fingers and reflect on his choices.
Great plot btw, totally not shitty. Bravo to him. Bravo.
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This anon is lying. Canon ending is Hambeast and Roastbeef rape Ino to death and he's reborn as a homo due to his trauma.
I liked it. I felt the story was the only actually good thing about the game.
while we're talking about Hakika I just wanna say Dita is still my favourite character in all his games and she panders to every one of my fetishes in a very specific way
I'm thinking of drawing Rabi but not sure on a specific idea for her
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How've you been doing bro?
Eh, I can't totally agree with you, but I can agree with you with the fact that the rest was shit.
Hakika is too busy snorting farts imo.

Nta but I think it's more about the confusion, see, hakika really decided to be not only ultra retarded, making ASYLUM, and a game with multiple endings. So he said B is canon, but actually C is too, but didn't really mentioned it, which made things really annoying and confusing.
Rabi's my personal favorite but Dita was good for me too. Smug flatties with big butts are just good in general.
Anon, I'm just homoposting and not actually serious.
man I just am grateful to have a dom character who doesn't become a slave to the protagonist's cock and a total personality change. Surprisingly rare in h games
Made sense the second I saw your guide, I felt a bit disgusted desu. I only spent like 5 minutes on it but still it should have just clicked instantly like a math problem

What do you call being able to solve such things? analytical power? iq? perception? being one with the game?
>man I just am grateful to have a dom character who doesn't become a slave to the protagonist's cock
I feel like there's something wrong with your post, and I dunno how to explain it.
Sleepy? Tired?
I just mean having a character who is a dominatrix but isn't a cookie-cutter tsundere and is just someone who actually wants to use you as furniture
Well that joke was right, so... congrats about being accidentally right.
What a mid game. Nebel was a lightning in the bottle, BBQ isn't HIM.
I played this and also thought it sucked, but you should know it was an in between game while BBQ works on the actual next game.
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Wait for his next kino, Kabukicho was a small project.
That explains the AI use then, thank you, I'll give him another chance
Oh make no mistake, the new ones also use AI. You can tell by the extremely inconsistent shading styles.
BBQ dAIsuki
Whoever recommended isle of the ts monster girls the other day fuck you
I was expecting gender bending loli sex feminization mind break rape but got absolutely nothing
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it's such bullshit that the dev put this puzzle in the sequel again does he think everyone is 130 IQ or something
a certain iq is required to play h games desu
I mean for starters, the first filter is having to actually install rpgmaker files + set locale to japanese
based dev
That's two filters.
>Can I just use applocale? It works 20% of the time
he had to debug his japanese code and was consumed
Is he actually working in a sequel now? The other game that was in dev hell for years ended up releasing?
>rates your game 1 star on F95
>posts how being a dik is a superior game
you mad?
that's from the other game he released. You also play as alps in some parts.
And the part with the superbosses isn't canon since Ino can just somehow rewind time right?
>The other game that was in dev hell for years ended up releasing?
That IS the game. it was just so shit that nobody gave a fuck that it came out. It's genuinely bad.
I liked it
30 usd on steam btw
DESU I also had problems with that puzzle, not because I'm retarded but because she can get stuck between the box and the rock
Yeah. Just the ending itself and Caith's event are the canon things. The superbosses aren't.
There is good Alps content in term of actual sex scenes? The new girl is kinda bland compared to her.
>From Mayo the strongest highschool student to Mary the Demon King of punching in one game
Man the girl climbs up the power scaling ladder really fast.
did you struggle with this puzzle too?>>494414876
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is it actually on steam? I searched and didn't see it.
less than half that on dlsite
It's Saturday Morning over here in Japan (10:49 AM)
And I have to go to work. Fuck me.
It was a game play problem, dummy
not that much. out of 6 fully animated scenes, 6 scenes that are a couple cgs, and like 9 smaller enemy animations Alps has 1 fully animated, 2 CGs, and only 1 enemy. Though I am missing 2 in the enemy gallery for some reason. Note that Vivi only has 2 fully animated and 3 CGs, so the other 3 fully animated and 1 CG are for different side girls.
Dieselmines games with this one girl is just depressing because of the crushing reality Ill never have a horny dandere big titty inverted nipple lover.
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That sucks, should have made Alps 2 electric bogaloo instead.
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I said.
Replaying Liz and actually doing the opening this time. I actually think this intro stuff, while basic, does a good job of showing a bunch of normal towns so that when they eventually get to the main town, the scumminess actually gets to contrast against the normal towns. Helps you not feel like you're just living in Porn World. It also helps build up Liz and Aisha as super powerful (and in Liz's case, arrogant) so when they get degraded later it's hotter.
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Is there any game that does the in-battle grope mechanic right? It gets so tedious and boring after the first time literally fuck you devs for implementing this.
This really is the perfect H-game riddle.
I like games where there's a balance between normal attacks and h-attacks. Sometimes you're low on health and you really wish they'd just do h-stuff because it's less or non-damaging. But on a purity run each h-attack is worrisome because it brings you closer to instant loss. I like h-attacks in sharkdev games, at least, but I get why people don't. It's not even a full scene so it feels cheap.
daiakuji? its an slg where you take over territories rape people until they can't live without your cock and capture girls to make into prostitute
Banchou's similar minus the prostitute
Are they fun games? How does it work exactly?
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you'll have to play em to find out
If he makes another game with something similar to Chemica's scenes then yes
God Chemica was great, and still is.
He made a shitty copy of her in kludge, but what I'm so fucking scared of bros, is that he'll ruin Chemica herself.
>sequel girls from the first 4 games in the newest hakika art style
Rape you doko or something.
But I'd wish you would tell me if the were good or not.

Sauce on that pic please.
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I hope he makes Nyx cuter like he did Uula.
Cancerous. God he really let himself go.
You have to capture characters like pokemon, by weakening them first in battle. Then you use characters to both defend your territory and attack others. In Akuji you have to conquer Japan, in Bancho the story starts in a regional phase against other schools then the scope switches to a world map. There are TONS of events and autism gallore, should not be played without a guide.
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>Chemica's scenes
If he does that shit with Nazuna/Prim i swear it's gonna be the end of my dick
What the fuck? I want to play the shit out of it now.
She got squishier and softer, lel
It’s been TL’d by cactuar for years anon, one of the best fan translations in the scene. Also I don’t have it downloaded anymore but the wording of some of those popups is giving me deja vu. Is Shiravune known for stealing from fan translators?
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Nyx will have disgusting cowtits the next time we see her.
Hilarious Otaku Plan have been sitting on this for a year now
What does Sen do in Black Souls 2?
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You mean Uula let herself go. She looks fatter, and that's a good thing.
What is the Vastas location names based from? Norwegian?
The Worst Princes' Battle Over Giving up the Imperial Throne
daiakuji was the peak of alicesoft its all downhill since sad
>Is Shiravune known for stealing from fan translators?
That's Kagura
>cheek shine removed
absolutely soulless
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Poverty diet
Hormones from constantly having sex making her body more womanly + she’s on the bad end of 25 now so her metabolism slowed
Russian. Stuff like
>Tjuerma тюpьмa
>Priroda means forest
>Plamia ->Плaмя ->Flame
>Zemlia ->Зeмля ->Earth
Oh. Guess that was pretty dumb from my part despite Vyner being there
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>from constantly having sex making
With whom i wonder
She’s basically Mana Tank’s neighbor. Probably comes to visit after work or on her break every day to blow off that wagie steam. It’s funny because she’s the second most experienced member of the Thirst main cast, and from what we’ve seen so far probably the dommiest and most possessive of Mana Tank.
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fucking kamige
Continuing Liz, it's actually pretty great. The tower is a grind, but the scenes put modern CG hunter scenes to shame. Progression is decently paced, and my only complaint is the usual corruptionge thing where you kinda have to choose to lose if you want Liz's corruption to go past level 1.
Does her position get any better in the company? She saved the world alongside Rabi and co. , surely Beryl could have given her some compensation
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>Can I have your virginity?
It can really drag out the battles. They need to do something where there are less battles. Something like Enokifu's games.
File deleted.
worst ending for a former JK?
being repeatedly impregnated in a lab to pop out kids,
used by a monster to satisfy their sexual urges until she breaks, locked up in a rich client's basement to be trained into an anal sex slave, pregnant disposable mail order wife.
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I think it's a good game. I'd explain why but you're probably a plotfag or a gameplayfag so you wouldn't get it.
or max 1 grope per battle
or grope resist
or a choice to take dmg, but skip the tedious, repeatable animation
How do her shorts even make sense? Does she tuck the crotch part between her thighs and hold it up there?
I imagine it loops around on the sides of the hips, but that's covered by the sashes.
I should probably try Innocent Rules, but something I heard about it bothers me. Is it true Ino doesn't actually fuck? If not then I probably don't even want to play it.
Manatank should fuck Ino next
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Of course he fucks, he's the protag
>female character getting fucked by tentacle monsters
who am I even supposed to self-insert as
Is it translated enough to be playable?
Her boyfriend
OK so after playing RJ01258175, I have to say it's a weird game. Almost no plot, like 3 CGs, barely any scenes, if you want a walk-through or a scene unlock the game links to a Ci-en to charge you (I really hadn't seen such greed before in a H-game) but pretty much the 2nd best "unlock the mystery of the place" adventure (H) game I've played, after Aisha's ones. And the villain has like 5 backup plans, which's nice. But really, charging the player for a scene unlock?
Also if anyone can tell me how to get endings 5, 7 and 0 (?) I'm all ears.
It's fully translated except for about 80% of the h-scenes
It's for you to find out, my son. Just play blind.
No, this design is shit.

Hakika nostalgia baiting probably.
>he's the protag
Unfortunately, it break the fantasy to me.
I will now play your game.
Though I'm confused as to why alicesoft gone downhill, I though it was still good?
Something tells me that he's definitely testing the waters using Ino to see if other than Manatank would work as a protag
He already did that with blindfold-kun. Personally I would have liked that he just did not.
>"Could you not hakika?"
I've read there was a supposed English translation of that one Nep game from previous threads. Is it on the dev's DLsite page?
it's an MTL
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I'm blobbing
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Frankly this is the only game where i think your help is really needed, Nazuna acts like a damn toddler and also too nice for her own good.
support kagura sucka
The girls are retarded when it comes to fighting. Auto mode is basically what happens if Manatank isn't barking orders out. Sure they can unga bunga a lot of mooks, but most bosses would crush the girls if they were left to strategize on their own.
My wife Nazuna is so cute...
why is Prim wiping her brow in most of the artwork?
Breasts that big are heavy.
Her tits are like 50% of her mass. She's probably perpetually exhausted due to leverage.
What is an ELDORANTE? The brother of the ELDORADO?
imagine having choices mattering.
in sequel
Ended up finishing to Liz getting deflowered by the shota gang.
Is it good or just blob?
has to be good, init?
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>storage harddrive failed and I lost all my games
You'll finally be able to refuse sex in Thirst
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Did they visit the Rabbit Horse?
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this bitch blobs
lmao lol
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New update soon
Does it allow the MC to not be black?
anyone else hates showers and baths irl? cold showers get me too stressed out, and hot showers leave me exhausted & depressed after
and no I don't sweat btw
have you tried warm showers
Anyone got a direct download for RJ01097471?
Shikinowans are courteous, they're polite and will never force themselves on you. Just watch.
have you tried using lukewarm water
cold water is to wake up and make you more alert. also can help with the idea of 'mental toughness' as it's supposed to be uncomfortable.
warm to relax and be comfortable. eases muscles so can help with minor muscle discomfort/pain.
>Radiant Victorias has a main heroine voiced by Illya's seiyuu
picked up
Makane sex.
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What is that trend with modern/cyber punk games lately? Is medieval out of fashion or what?
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Back in my day we didn't have walkthroughs or anons on the internet to ask for help.
the first game was isekai fantasy, and she goes back home in the end
it would be weird if she got isekai'd a second time
RJ01245257 description sounds OK, but the dev's last games felt like cash-grabs.
Unless you were born in the 80's, you had sites like gamefaqs. And before that there were gaming magazines.
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Speak for youself
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For me? Aisha!
I love them. But I hate leaving them and having to dry off.
The absolute worst.
I also hate being naked, makes me feel vulnerable.
Have you considered being a game journalist?
t. fat or ugly
Actually, I'm fit and often told I'm handsome.

I just have crippling depression and agoraphobia and many other fun things.
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>triggered Faria's maternal instinct
>always asking you to call her "Mommy"
>can't help but think "Mummy" instead because of the bandages on her head
Should have given her Sand related skills
If you buy the version on DLSite, all the unlocks should be free actually.
There's no ending 0, it starts from the true end (END 1)
END5 simply requires you to sleep on Day 7, with variations for 0 Night services, 6 Night services, and 1-5 Night Services. With 0 Night services, you can refuse to get END3 or END4 depending one whether you found the documents in the east annex
END6 requires you attempt escape with IF with one of the following conditions true
- Day is 6 or later
- Have done night training 3 or more times
- Have lost to the combatants in the underground (but before finding secret note 1)
There's also 3 extra, unnumbered endings
- Investigate the mummy coffin in the treasure room
- Investigate the medusa in the treasure room
- Investigate the machine in the underground laboratory
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>re-use most of the animations from the first game but with new outfits
>slap together maybe 6-7 new animations and a few CG stills
that'll be 2110 yen + tax
i walked through the cave east of misty's gym blind every playthrough because i didn't realize flash was a thing.
dial up sir you think people used forums back then?
anything for my fatwife
and i will pay for spring and fall memories when those release as well, thanks
you have been trained well paypig-kun, the dev thanks you for your easy money
>come to these threads to see if there's anything new worth checking out
>People just talk about the same 4 games nonstop
What a waste of a thread. Why do I even bother coming here?
you're free to post good shit too you know
>heh i pirate because of the... corporation? yea hehe stupid corpos in my porno games
My biggest complaint about Liz is always wishing that it had more. Game is the gold standard for corruption imo.
for the likeminded people? the good company?
Alright, you niggas got me. What's the play order of Sequel?
>the good company
Girls are non-virgins, story is average at best. Don't play if the RPG irks you that much.
First to latest if not counting spin-offs: Blight>Awake>Colony>Kludge
>Don't play if the RPG irks you that much.
Not really my issue with it, I'm just not a big fan of his artstyle but I do like the look of the girls in Colony.
Oh, well good luck with that. Honestly the story is not that great as people say, but it has it's moments.
>I'm just not a big fan of his artstyle but I do like the look of the girls
If you don't mind spoiling yourself then check the CG images and see it for yourself first, the sex may be a bit lackluster if you aren't into femdom
>Girls are non-virgins
Thanks for mentioning that and saving me time, I won't even touch it.
>what's the play order
your IQ is too low for sequel, don't bother
>Girls are non-virgins
>playing for H
Play sequel for great RPG and story telling
It's one of those "I don't play it for the porn because I'm a retarded hipster" type of games. Don't bother and see >>494447034
>girls being non-virgins is a downside
incels are so funny
You got duped, they are virgin
Just no hymen because of excessive masturbation
Bros, I heard that there are some good mods for VP. Are they translated? If yes, where do I get them?
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>Are they translated?
Defined vs undefined. An egg in a shell vs an egg out of a shell, spilled all over the background. She could be part of the said background considering how inoffensive her lines are. His new art is objectively worse, not that his original art was any good to begin with.
>colored sclera
Yeah... miss me on that.
>RJ01256651 has a harem ending where you get all the girls
>It's currently bugged so you can't get it and only shows a black screen
get cucked
>NTR game
>accidentally NTRs the player
Heh, every time.
Hello tourist.
>stop slut shaming women you disgusting incel

They can dish it out but they can't take it.
When will these guys release another kino again? It has been 1 million years
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
why slut-shaming is always directed to women and incel-shaming always directed to men?
>tfw no manslut with femcel game
it's so over bros
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HOLY shit guys
I know this might not be all that interesting to some of you but
which is the dev of this game
encrypted their game, meaning you basically couldn't translate it, i used all llms and tried everything but nothing worked. Then i fucking used the new model from open ai and it literally decrypted the whole fucking game in 2 prompts lmaoo
I think ill translate it now with gemini or gpt kek.
Truly a gamechanger. imagine using that bullshit to encrypt your game and gpt just decrypts it in under a minute lol.
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
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it literally took 49 to
1. look through all the plugin files
2. deobfuscate the code
3. find the key
4. apply the key to code
5. make code so all json are decrypted
Will probably translate it. it even included a way to reencrypt it, so i can transalte it and then make the game work again.
cheg supremacist... LOST...
Netori kino when? For being one of the most sold fetishes, we sure are not getting the attention that cucks get.
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kill yourself
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This any good?
I'll tell you if you draw me Alice blob.
tryhard anti piracy chegs should know their place
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>Multiple females
>lots of dick rubbing, schlicking, touching the femc's hymen before actual penetration
good fucking shit
Any actual new games with this feel or are you playing some past kino?
I'm sorry niggers, but where is koikatsu general? Where can I download good character cards without sifting through 100+GBs of community archives? Preferably packs with author names, but by Lord, my laptop does not have enough free space to download all that, pixiv and bepis have a very shitty search.
Found this using an external search: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115325421
>where is koikatsu general
on /h/
where do you think a thread dedicated to porn is? fucking retard
>SEA hours
What you did interests me far more than the game you posted about. Can you talk more about the journey and process? I wonder how long it will take for people to figure out some very specific and maybe revolutionary exploit or method of doing or making certain things with this new and future new models?
Feels like good pregnant games with changing H-status screens have been on the fall lately.
>where do you think a thread dedicated to porn is?
half of /vg/ is pornographic png collectos generals though
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i kinda dont give a shit about anything else but porn but you can translate korean cipher. Koreans got PISSED because their shitty written language is basically not a valid language, meaning you couldn't translate it well, eveb with a llm. Now you can, thanks to the reasoning (you literally need this in order to make sense of that retarded written language) and koreans got pissed because now their gate kept language is available for everyone.
here's the link for it.
Korean finally gets a real translator? I kneel, ChatGPT, you won.
>real translator
Almost forgot it was SEA hours. Thanks for reminding me fag95.
I am joyous that Korean finally has a great MTL, yes, autistic schizophrenic
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Holy fuck i tried this out, koreans are literally subhuman lmao.
Wrong thread faggot
shut the fuck up retard you're making us look bad
What's Korean cipher?
Here you go:

Other Sep/14 releases:
i actually want to hear you try and explain why if you couldn't find a koikatsu thread on /vg/ you didn't check /h/ but instead decided to ask about a 3D (THREE DIMENSIONAL) "game" in a thread dedicated to 2D (TWO DIMENSIONAL) games
because everything on my screen is 2D
3D games are VR games
Well, that's sort of interesting, I guess, but I don't see the point in anything Korean? Do Koreans even produce relevant digital media? Don't they just consume Chinese and Japanese slop?
Yes, only emasculated males who play as feMC think otherwise
>Well, that's sort of interesting, I guess, but I don't see the point in anything Korean?
I guess there is a point if you are into Samsung, or if you have to know their opinions in LoL or SC2
>it's MC therefore it's good!
Nah. There are likewise shit feMC games. Too many of them to count. Same deal with MC games. This is one of them. Garbage.
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Succs are actually very nice people. There's no need to run away from them.
That string on her thighs look real fucking painful
Yup, I can see how I'm not the target for this specific type of content. Nothing Korean interests me and I hear nothing about Korea - ever. I didn't even know that their language had this particular peculiarity to it, fucking over automated translators and AIs alike. But apparently non native speakers? That's the most interesting part of this whole story, but at the same time completely useless to me. Were Koreans proud of this aspect of their language? Was this a real thing, where they'd intentionally talk in some garbled way that only natives would be able to understand? Kinda funny and mentally ill at the same time. I pity them to an extent. Not that much tho. Too much effort.
I bet it's similar to dental floss but thinner and sharper, in that it would act like a garrote when pulled, ripping into her flesh. Well, not my problem.
>talk technical
Emergency succnugget pullcord?
You are courting death!
I dunno, I'd use a machete if I cared about blood. It's just more practical.
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It's over. Over.
The pink haired one is a male and you get to bang him.
Fucking pink haired femboys is always a good thing.
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>still releasing games with no sex counts

Just watched the trailer game actually looks decent. That number would be 77 right now if the heroine had black hair and small-average breasts.
>literal xray of womb that's not merely a representation
>it's a biologically inaccurate depiction
That's just an Astolfo clone. This was the reason why his hair is pink instead of anything else.
Its okay.

Their SLG kino subsidizes the rest of the RPG slop. Imouto DLC will make mad bank
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I know, there's a bunch of Astolfo clones out there.
i like it for what it is, nebel really pain in the ass to maneuver if you want the scene, i rather play corruptionget by bbq instead of using male mc to get NTR scene
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Alright game, but it's strangely rare that we get a harem game with a chad MC. I guess I'm just so use to NTR slop and Fem protag corruption games. The only downside of this game is that the protag can't fuck his hot mom.
verdict for eldorante? I don't play vxace games because they're ancient but I'm willing to try if it's good
thanks senpai
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What the hell is her problem
She's not as hot as her mom and she's jealous.

I am in one.
Not me >>494458980 >>494459956
>I am in one.
you asked where the koikatsu general was, you thought it was inside another general? fucking retard
>game is called Sequel Colony
>has unusually high amount of anal scenes compared to the other games in the series, thus making it the most "Colon-y" game
Fucking bravo Hakika
Not enough men to fuck in Alzhett
Chill your alzheimers. (you) asked:
>where do you think a thread dedicated to porn is
I answered positively that it is one.
these status screens only belong in NTR games
Please excuse her, she's stuck in a shit game.
or else what?
gonna cry?
piss your pants maybe?
maybe shit and cum?
If I pull that off, will you blob?
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For me? Also Aisha.
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Ren is better
I don't doubt that it will, but understand that it's already available with ESL TL and various decensor patches. Actually, might even be a proper TL by some other guy, I forgot what it was. I think an actual translator picked up what the ESL MTL guy did. The game has barely any text to speak of, so it wasn't difficult at all. Shit's been released for months already. And you know what? It's shallow and boring. But I know well that gooners gonna goon and they gonna buy all of the slop, no matter what it is. That one game that has a 3.9 rating or lower and thousands of sales? Assuming very low effort was put into it, you can call that a commercial success! A massive one, in fact! Flipping a small piece of dough that stretches and raises into a huge pancake, filling the entire pan. That's the visual representation of effort put in to compensation given. For enthusiasts this hobby is all buy dead.
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tfw no blob strike with elena hgame
why live
Gib Q blob
At least these meme games look and play better than Concord or Dragon Age Veilguard, even with stock combat.
The blobs will rise again
I see shit and I call it out for what it is. I'm not going to pretend that it's any good. It's carried by the art style, which is also getting replaced by some... AI-like monstrosity. I dunno what he did with the whole remake project, the lazy rotten fucker this dev has become, but it looks dead and soulless.

Mechanically and narratively both games are abject jank. It's all hollow aesthetics. No substance to be found.
I haven't played a h-game in months. I really needs a translated loli game
The absolute state of H games when anons like this show up.
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What does recruiting people in this game even do? I'm having decision paralysis because of the limit on recruitments.
Girl Knight Milk
It's fucking over.
Lads get it together two I ain't seen anyone mention Iris Action sequel is out on the 28th RJ01140283
Just gives you a bunch of conversations with those NPCs. You can just add all of them to your base with save editing if you want to see everything.
I remember seeing that his firs soulless game got an abandoned remake effort that looked really fucking good. Anyway, the sequel's art and animations remind me of early ScaleGarden, but other than that it looks like a piece of shit. Slow back and forth animations that will get repetitive and boring after seeing them 10 times. Defeat rape and some other girls getting fucked in whatever Live2d style.

And you want me to get it together? Seriously, this ain't it. This isn't the next Black Souls 2, that would carry hundreds of threads with black bar spam. It's just an ordinary fap game, with complete emphasis on sex scenes, types, and animations. Enjoy jerking off, but there's nothing to talk about.
works on my machine
God I hate this fucking thread
ez bait lmao
got (You)
Anyone have a download link for RJ01217836?
Did the pirates fuck Aisha?
Nice bush. The drapes don't match the carpet though.
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>Xray cut-in: "On"
How long has it been since you posted that? Also when will you unearth some more roguelike eroge kinoes to share with us?
IIRC it was posted in Hakika's Ci-en that past Colony, there would be little to no relations between the games, or maybe i misinterpreted
It does seem like the game is being padded by the tower, you can't really spend that much time in there. And really basic ingredients like herbs can only be found at least 4-5 floors up. Other than that, my only real complaint is what I said before about having to outright choose to ever go past corruption level 1.
Iris Action sequel end of month
Megrim game this month
Fumika 2 announced
Merc Adventure guy posted again with a game
were cooking good lads
No, they played board games with her.
>Iris Action sequel end of month
Don't care about ACTs
>Megrim game this month
Dunno what this is
>Fumika 2 announced
I hated Fumika 1, literally don't give a shit
>Merc Adventure guy posted again with a game
No idea what you're talking about
>were cooking good lads
Are we?
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>Oi, aniki, your girlfriend is so hot, how did you get so lucky?
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>isle of the ts monster girls

Please tell me why it sucks. It looks like exactly the kind of thing I love but I haven't got around to playing it yet. I'm ready to be disappointed, how does it fuck up?
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Not sure who recommended like that it but its like 95% R15 shit.
So "turn into a monstergirl" then "I gotta do something about this!" and finally "oh no im starting to accept this" the end.
With maybe a cg or two.
Did you even read the dlsite entry of it?
Vamp transformation was a cute.
We aren't. The bar has been thrown off a cliff. There are no standards anymore. There's only a tsunami of teash on the horizon. These aren't even games anymore, they're a series of sloppily connected CGs and animations. It's like early 00s flash games, minus the gameplay.

>doesn't know what megrim is
Don't look it up. It's a niche crotch tier fetish with really ugly hags.
How do you respond without getting cucked?
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Nice STI on your lips from sucking dick, faggot.
What's wrong with getting mad? Fuck you, I'll get mad all I want. This is just some ugly faggot.
who the fuck said anything about mad?
you just got cucked bwo
I'm looking for H games that cater to my fetishes. If they're not virgins, then there is no virgin rape which has my interest fly away. I play hgg2d games to jack off.
The art doesn't appeal to me anyway.
You expect me to read after you posted that shit, you faggot!?
>*text message from Wife <3*
>Anon-kun... I love gyaruo-sama's penis... I am sorry.... Do not watch the attached video....
How do you respond without reading?
nobody cares newfag this is a pro megrim and merc adventure thread
>The ending of the detective sequence in Night Tail where Yoru goes nuclear and kills the gang that sexually trained her
Any more games like that where the rapists get their comeuppance?
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more blonde lolige doko
If your wife calls you kun, it was over before it began.
Turn that hair to dark red and he looks exactly like Manatank
They got their comeuppance? Why? Because they were beaten or even killed? I didn't play the game, just wondering if that's really what happened. She lashed out, got her revenge maybe, but let's weigh the pros and cons. They had their way with her. That outweighs the inherent value of their lives. They won and she lost. Now she's dead and empty inside. It's over.

And to answer your question, 111 games. Literal genocide of guilty and innocents alike.
Lost Life
dungeon and bride is never coming out is it
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Her mom is better than her and I think she knows it
Not canon
This year's pretty full of games looking back
I'm enjoying Eldorante too
Please tell us about Eldorante. Is the combat deep? Is it corruption?
Roughly 10 years, going by the dates on my files. God damn.
And probably if one happens that's actually on MSE and/or D&P's level.
Any I've played since have been disappointingly mediocre, unable to get even basic shit right.
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Lots of equipment autism
think I'm gonna get into the Tsukinomizu games, I've only played Nightmare Girls, what are the other good ones?
Since it's Kagura, is it buggy?
I don't even fap to H games.
if this doesn't result in me getting raped twice as hard then hakika is a hack
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Next week. It got completed today though.
>SEQUEL thirst、完成しました
>the protag can't fuck his hot mom
All of them are good, Naedoko is the favorite one here though
assuming you mean Demon's Ground?
>first kemono and nyaa
>now fag95 is being blocked too
Oh come the fuck on. What's the point with VPNs these days?
Damn that’s a good looking cast. Total 180 from the nightmare that was Kludge’s character designs.
do all 3 block vpn access?
wonder what uula's gonna be this game, back in blight she was mostly a healer but that could also work for the monk, maybe she'll be a support or a buffer and/or debuffer? we know nazuna's a magic knight and prim's a tank from the demo but that's about it right?
hope people tell him that his new art is a massive downgrade
>game starts
>fake rabi shows up
>gee, you sure were THIRSTING for a SEQUEL, weren't you?
>hard cut to title
>result in me getting raped twice
Would only be the case if it's someone like Kuruha or Rabi, too bad all heroines in Thirst are passivesr44
No, what I meant was I can't access them without VPN. Just gives a 504 after a little while.
what do you mean bro, i'm on all 3 right now
The point is that everyone uses the free version, and these sites too. What, you thought that VPNs were a secret? Obviously they'd use all of them and fish all of their IPs to blacklist. Some more thorough and bigger sites even use paid versions to further filter out premium IPs, but not all of them. It costs money in the end. How many people are willing to pay for a VPN? You aren't.
What's Uula's canon class? Alchemist?
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can you please advice me more management hgames like monster black market or badcolor's new game?
Then what you meant to say was what's even the point of an ordinary ISP when you live in a cucked country that blocks the internet and dictates what people can and cannot access? Be thankful you have a workaround. Soon, not even those may exist.
I played Dusk City
Its shit
Why can't japanese women sound like normal human beings in porn/hgames
Nobody sreams like that, it's not hot
All management games are about input and output. It doesn't matter what you like, only what's cheapest and makes you the most money. After you're in the green and making cash reliably, you can choose to spend it on stuff that doesn't make any. Follow this course of action and you cannot fail.
the mechanic imouto is pretty cute, but yeah
I agree except it's shit because there are less pixel H-scenes and Mogura's sister got only one
I love the atmosphere and aesthetic though
Because that's the script the virgin dev wrote, anon. Please understand.
It seems like her and Outoku will both fulfill that damage/support role with Uula being more of a specialist in one (at least early game) and Outoku being more of a generalist. I imagine you bring both of them and Aruko if you want a magic damage party though.
Uula will be a sex pest in this one, allegedly.
Western whore moans aren't real either anon
>jew stereotyping
Mechanic? She gets SMGs and an orbital laser in this one.
What atmosphere? I literaly have no clue where I am, who I am and whats happening, finished the game btw
probably healer/alchemist yeah, the first game already had her start as a support so she'll probably be one, not to mention it'd fit her whole merchant thing
They aren't loud enough to kill my boner though
Also western whores aren't reading a whole 10 page script while getting fucked
>her smug in the previews
Nyx and Rabi lust must have gotten to her
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She’s a hybrid healer-damage dealer with weapon mastery of all weapon types. And she has machine guns.
So, which one here has the schlong
Not displayed but it's a bunny boy who looks unwilling. The unwillingness is the important part.
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None. This time it’s a side character named Tokuhaku.
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what the fuck are you hakika or one of the testers?
>a motherfucking machinegun
very glad outgirl's winning for once, good for her
Don’t come to Shikinowa tomorrow, Anon.
MGs are jobber weapons in JRPGs. She's basically Wakka.
Where the fuck did you find this
>machine gun
Hold up
The bullied dork memes write themselves. She’s not playing around this time.
Is it really surprising? Mechanist was one of the best classes in blight.
>trap rabbit
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He posted that on his ci-en for the Uula article last week.
I can sum up the rest of the party members' strengths, they're from the other articles.
Selfish Physical DPR (damage per round). She only has self buffs.
She's the only tank of the team. She has some physical damage skills too.
Late bloomer magical DPR. Has heals and support too.
Hybrid healer-damage dealer.
She has some combat skills and recovery skills. Most importantly she has debuffs that inflict unique damage over time effects alongside the debuff. Hakika points out two in particular, a -25% accuracy debuff and -10% ATK and DEF debuff. Both of these deal damage over time (80 and 70 base physical power per turn, respectively) and can stack together since they’re unique debuffs.
Non-elemental magic specialist (you can change her element with brands, that means). Has staged magic tier self-buffs (like Malice and Yolnaya had) and magic buffs for the whole party.
Trix are for kids
Anons let's see if someone can help me find games with a very specific thing...
Recently I have replayed games like imouto fantasy or how to raise a happy neet, and in the sex scenes you could cum, and cum and cum again and cum in her ass, and then vagina and then tits etc etc all over again until you are out of stamina... and it builds up until she's a mess covered in liquids...

Games with this kind of freedom/situation in sex? Not a scripted scene, but (you) building up the situation.
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>ATK and DEF
ATK and MAT*.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH THIRST WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN I NEED TO F U C K (read: get molested) BY PRIM i'm a uulafag at heart which is making me waver on who i'll marry this once though. i like uula personality-wise more but prim does strange things to my dick, plus cuckolding uula with the party member with the largest chest would be its own sort of comedy too.
>and can stack together since they’re unique debuffs.
Do buffs from previous games stack like this one? I.e Guard Force 20% DEF and MDF
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>When your sexual desires are building up, Ula will use you as she pleases, and conversely, she rarely helps you with sexual relief. In previous games, she seemed confused during sex, but this time she will milk you with a very cheeky and proud attitude...
What happened to her
>Nazuna will be useless in everything except the forced silence boss
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Those kinds of buffs stack together since they're for different stats, but + ones don't stack with the non-plus versions. I was curious about this actually so I tested it just now in blight, I just tried with the ATK and ATK+ buffs that Striker gets. You can try yourself and see. The + one overwrites the regular one.
While I don't care about SQ games, I can appreciate such discussions, talking about gameplay. Fuck, it's been so long... Keep at it!
Tapioca's game is what you're looking for RJ269793. It's on troon95 with all the relevant DLCs and unfortunately MTL. But it is exactly what you're looking for.
Take it or leave it. Not my problem.
I guess you prefer the cringier "UHHHHHH YEAH BABY FUCK MY PUSSY" kinds of weg sounds.
>Fatass, smart, maid, detective, lazy, ogre strength, gaslighter
Idk how Hakika managed to cram all these moe traits into one character without it being a mess. Lestea is the best personality he’s written but Prim might get up there depending on how he handles the spy thing.
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I vaguely remember being hyped about this game due to the aesthetics and animation quality... until I tried it out and was thoroughly disappointed.
Exact same for me. I finished it all on the fumes of "maybe it'll eventually get good". It didn't.
>4 almost identical girls and one green haired one
How could you not see that it was shit from the outset?
Wasn't 't this an incomplete game that got rushed to release?
Anon...who's ganna tell him?
Feels fucking bad, man.

There's some redhead that's not featured in the preview banner, also the middle one is the shota protagonist. But do you wanna know the kicker? I bet you can guess what I'm gonna write next. You can't fuck the green haired one.

I don't actually remember the details, other than following the development and for some reason being hyped about the level of detail and apparent progression systems that were being developed.
Witch hats are one of my weaknesses, one of many, and they are rare and also you often can't have them, either. It's like hags or OL. Rare to see, even rarer to have fun with. Hate Japs.
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Blight happened. She became extremely cheeky towards the end of her scenes in that game. Remember her confidence in her second milking scene and stripper scene?
>There's some redhead that's not featured in the preview banner, also the middle one is the shota protagonist. But do you wanna know the kicker? I bet you can guess what I'm gonna write next. You can't fuck the green haired one.
That's worse than I though then holy shit
Yep. It's always some bullshit. It's always some weird fetish or cockblock with these devs, like the guy who did Maken-shi Sara or the one responsible for Kurone's game, released by MTL Plan. So very typical. The only complete game release that I'm now looking forward to in the following weeks, is a fucking weg. What a disgrace that it has come to this.
whos the whore on the right.
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>SQ game names
>blight because protag is a "blight" to the world Durom wants to create
>awake because something about awakening the Colmana
>Colony is obvious
>idk about kludge
What would the reason for Thirst be
She might be featured in a future DLC, I don't follow the dev anymore or know what he's up to. But unless this does exceptionally well, I don't imagine the DLC being translated by KG. And for some reason I don't see it doing all that well, although it could. Maybe... it is pixelated and it does have that summer vacation vibe. It might work and pull in the crowd that bought Summer Memories.
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Dragon Princess is Hungry MC.
Probably semen and a whole lot of femdom. I hope he includes extra censorship on the "art".
much appreciated, I'll cum into it tonight thanks anon
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Kludge's one was (big spoiler) "a haphazard or makeshift solution to a problem and especially to a computer or programming problem" as per one of its English definitions. In this case, the problem was the Ark awakening when the war ends, and the quick fix was Reda tampering with stuff on her own throughout the ages to make sure the war between the the resistance and machines never ended.
Who send those rules?
How do I experience this irl
>kludge is an actual word
Well shit, guess i learned something new today
hakika happened
Lose weight and wax everything until you look like a skinny femboy, then enter some gay club or bar.
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delete this
Here's hoping her self buffs will be above average or on-par with Lestea, offensively speaking
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You can see in the demo what she has.
>passives that increase crit damage
>+50% crit chance when at <50% hp
>if she's attacked by a physical attack, she gains Gale (a +50% AGI buff. she can also start with it at the start of a battle)
>buff that does +50% to ATK at the cost of -100% crit chance (can be boosted to +75% ATK with another passive)
>self HP, SP and TP regen buff
Seems like you can go for either a crit-based or ATK based build with her. It might be fun to do crit shenanigans on bosses if you purposefully start a fight with less than 50% HP.
I'm actually flabbergasted to see proper gaming discussion in my gaming porn general
Bro, we got Venus Blood discussions.
Oh she blows Lestea out of the water because she can use skills during her +150% ATK buff, and one of her skills has 650 Power… yeah. I tell ya, these are gonna be the biggest numbers, the best numbers, this country has ever seen.
You mean that one guy asking for help every time?
My wife, Nazuna, is being her usual damage monster self!
...does that count as committing Sudoku?

God I hate those stupid icons so much.
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Wtf is this retarded plot device?
Yes? I think.
You find out what it really is way, way later. Like, at the end of the postgame.
This reads like MTL.
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>justify your plot contrivances with worldbuilding and logic
>no, I will simply call it the plot ring, with the power to teleport the plot where it needs to be
Shshshsh, don't question, it's retarded.
Shit, the last character i remember reaching power this high was Maria, although it requires Crimson Moon Creation
Well finished that Church of NTR game, and they really are between the line of shovelware and decent. Like the whole thing of finding out about the customs of the village is a good idea, but you never actually use them. The game should have knowledge checked you at certain times where if you didn't have such knowledge, you would get NTR'd. Not only that, but the fact that there's literally only a good end or NTR end for each girl, where NTR is only when you lose all the hearts is just lazy. Overall, it's halfassed as usual.
hakika is sub-par, but sub-par, was never sub-par.
Is that new officialTLd game worth it? Radiant Victorias
>Church of NTR
>first pic I find is about Bahamut Lagoon
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Hope this one also has evil woman main villain
Don't you dare blame this on us. There are no fucking games worth talking about and you know it. Enjoy this rare exception because it probably won't last. It's just cookie cutter bullshit after generic RPGM copy paste garbage, over and over again. This is the sorry state of HRPGs.
same and I hope you can correct her (with love)
I already hate it.
that's a lie
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>It's just cookie cutter bullshit after generic RPGM copy paste garbage, over and over again. This is the sorry state of HRPGs.
You can say a lot of things against sequel current state, but you cannot say it's cookie cutter.
So that's why there's a huge influx of filtered posts in this thread. They get a yet another kusoge title release?
What kind of reading comprehension is this? I said it's a rare exception.
Sequel mind broke me (again)
Yeah, where are they? Where are all of these great new games that have meaningful or even difficult and though provoking progression and gameplay, worth of actual discussion? Cause if I can figure it out myself, if all the abilities are obtainable through leveling up and if there's only 1 build or if none of them matter due to how easy it is, who gives a fuck? No really, tell me about them. I wish to play a good game that released in the past year and that's translated.
Name one good thing about Sequel.
I bet every other post of yours is about how games are shit while you chow down on MTL NTR, ESL-kun.
>filterBITCH being an attention whore AGAIN
dumb cunt shouldn't have human rights
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What do people with Sequel filtered even talk about here? The newest NTR or feMC garbage?
This upset for no reason other than a series you like getting made fun of? Misuse of ESL only outs yourself as ESL. At least you answered my question, it was wordier and more emotional than required but that's stereotypical for such players.
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I enjoyed it. Koume a cute.
We should talk about Liz
I took a fat dump this morning and the only thing I could think about at that time was Sequel.
Nogamesfag confirmed being a /v/tourist contrarian that doesn't even play h games and just likes to stir shit up for no reason.
Reply to this post to get 1 cunny.
I simply complain about games.
She's hot. That's about it. Wish Clymeme reanimated himself and posted an update on his upcoming game.
The girl's H-scene on far-right (Kotone?) made me cum buckets, her bra snapping halfway was damn hot
Okay bros, any management pixelge? SLG? I have been following this one dev who loves to post lots of pixel work from his game and I want to play one...
Real Euro hours.
sex with momoari
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Where is "I only play lolige" when we need them?
Draw Alice blob and I will tell you.
made me think of that norf fc meme and how the guy looks like an ugly bastard
I drew her in my mind, you did not specificy the conditions anon now fulfill your oath...
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Any VTuberge?
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Here. She is inside the box.
*opens box*
You get to go on cozy little adventures with horny women. That’s pretty much it. The high-level plot and lore has always been Sonic the Hedgehog OC-tier and for some reason anons get the impression that it’s on the same tier of mainstream anime inspired generic hero’s journey bullshit like Demons Roots because they get lumped together, but it’s not. The character and h-scene writing, which has greatly improved as Hakika’s matured, is keeping the trajectory on a steady rise, but he really should just abandon that world he probably made when he was 15 and start anew using the experiences gained from it.
Why did Hakika improve the mob pathing in Kludge which allows low level mobs that run away from you to turn to the left or right instead of stopping in place when they encounter a wall?
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>game explicitly tells you NOT to jump off a building
>get a collectible for doing it
I loved the game, but fuck you for pulling shit like that. And I'm still missing one squarey doll
I dropped sequel awake in the middle (presumably) and I don't remember a thing from blight, can I just restart from awake? Because I remember that blight was pretty long. I just hope that I can understand what's going on in awake without replaying blight. I really want to fuck the vampire.
If you find one, post it here. I tried looking, but couldn't find anything.
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The music
>do not [X]
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>click random link
>close tab after 10 seconds
Wow that was awful.
Why do people still have a hateboner for MTL, when these days ChatGPT does a better job than any human.
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>Demon Roots
>Black Souls
>Violated Princess
Don't you fags ever talk about anything else?
Nazuna's double Kagura nuke is the highest damage in SEQUEL bar none, and you can choose whether to use it as a pure single target, AOE, magical, or physical. She's the best attacker the series has ever had.
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Been a longtime since I last checked Nymphomania Priestess, did the grifter dev finally add gallery function?
>better job than any human.
As long as it continues to mistake "he/him" for "she/her" it will never do a better job than any human. There's nothing more of a boner killer than reading a line
>he put her dick between his breasts and made her cum all over his face
>>buff that does +50% to ATK at the cost of -100% crit chance (can be boosted to +75% ATK with another passive)
Whenever I see this kind of buff, I always look for an attack with guaranteed crit (or hit if the penalty is to accuracy)
Music's a hit or miss.
will always still be the best
I care about well-being of my feMCs, ok?
Anyway, I found them all.
Is it 2023? It hasn't done that at all since the upgrade to 4.0, and now we just recently got the PhD level AI like yesterday. Try to keep up.
Any games like sequel but mostly maledom?
Are you?
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It's fine to MTL stuff yourself. But MTL is bad when an MTL translation is pushed out on f95 or elsewhere, since it can prevent a game from getting a proper translation.
Then again, most h-games are pretty bad, so it's kind of a blessing that some can get MTLs quickly so actual translators don't have to waste their time with them.
>You get to go on cozy little adventures with horny women
It stopped being cozy by colony.
Don't get baited by the ai shill. It's the same guy every time.
It's 2024 and it still happens, lying won't help you when you're the only one that believes the lie
It's less he should give up the world he made, and more like, he should stop being retarded.
Shouldn't have left Rabi's side back then
Also Beryl dragged your ass and forced(?) you to help Auris and co.
Why do you faggots always type like brainlets that get all their news from bot accounts on Twitter? You should get PhDPT to write your rhetoric for you.
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I still think they're pretty cozy in general, but you're right that colony and kludge are a lot darker than blight and awake. Innocent Rules was much more lighthearted, so I'm hopeful that thirst will be too.
MTL is doing a better job than "proper translations" these days anon.
Discount Aigis a cute
AI never would have given us noja, so I don’t know about that lmao.
Not by choice.

The cozyness stopped being there when hakika decided to be, god forgive me for saying it, 2deep4u and went from femdom to dick bleeder 4000.
Fuck you hakika, fuck you, fucking fuck you.
I mean, I can talk to it right now if I want. You DO have a paid openAI subscription, right?
But anon, Tapioca-chan wasn't done by GPT. Its mystery MTL from 2020. Probably just Google.
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>go on adventure
>H-hold on Anon-kun, I gotta go number two
Cozy more like STINKY
I dropped Sequels like 10 mins into the game. I could immediately tell it insists on itself and takes itself way too seriously. I don't get the hype. Nothing about it was remarkable, and the art isn't arousing.
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>>The cozyness stopped being there when hakika decided to be, god forgive me for saying it, 2deep4u and went from femdom to dick bleeder 4000.
You're vastly overreacting there, anon. Jesus. It's not like there's any snuff or guro with the main girls or anything. Hell, from the the scenes in thirst's demo, it's very tame just like usual.
I know. I played that ages ago. I was just responding to the knee-jerk reaction as these days poor MTLs are a thing of the past.
It shined by it's simplicity and feels good adventures. By colony, hakika TRIED to make it more serious, and it seemed like he would succeed, but then he flopped pathetically. It became worse just after.

>You're vastly overreacting there
>just like usual
End of colony. ASYLUM. Kludge. L Depth.
The door is there.
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I like that this game is practically just a femdev living out her fetishes with a direct self insert with one of the characters. And a less direct one with the others. Although that makes the personalities of them suffer quite a lot.
That song is still so good after all this time. Colony's version is great too though.
I'm talking about the scenes here anon, they're still just femdom. The girls go a bit rougher on the final scenes, but there's love in there too, that's what makes it hot.
I wouldn't go that far. I'd say that they still aren't quite there yet, likely won't be without the possibility of inputting the entire game's length in terms of context, minus any bullshit censorship... that, or manual human revision. The little things, the misgendering, the way how it decides to call towns and people different names throughout games due to contextual limitations, all add up and ruin the immersion. I'm constantly reminded that the AI fucked up whenever I see such errors. That aside, sure, not bad. Let's see what GPT5 does.
Just femdom huh? You lie as you breathe and you know it.
This is why I like Precess/Grace Dev's games. Also, Kawaisou Nukeru (Hazuka Shiina dev) is a chick if I'm understanding their ci-en right. If it's not a chick, then it's a dude with a pervy masochist gf who's into exhibitionism and humiliation.
she was way more assertive by the end of Blight so it's likely her just becoming less of a prude about it and having already built a relationship with you so she's less awkward about it
SEQUEL game but the party is nothing but femboys from every game
It's like 99% of the way already. Especially as people become more familiar at using AI. I'd say before the decade is over the narrative will be very different.
Seems like a cope, we'll see.
THPbros we won!
This but without Kuu
I have a feeling Nazuna’s gonna suffer and have her purity of heart tested this game, mark my words.
Let's talk about Venus Blood Ragnarok.
That's where Manatank's gonna come in
Sure, I don't doubt that, what I'm saying is that it ain't there quite yet, chief. It isn't done cooking. It need a bit longer. Unfortunately even flawless AI translations won't bring about good games.
>purity of heart
anon she was wearing a succ outfit in one of the scenes
plus iirc she was already a semen demon when she got into sex stuff in Awake, even if she remained as polite as usual
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Yes anon, it's probably some of the lightest femdom I've ever seen. There's no death, blood, CBT, BDSM, mind control, findom, or any of the shit you'd see in your average monster girl game like vore. The sex in Sequel is extremely vanilla and I think you're baiting with how you're acting, really.
Maybe you should play something like Peniban Quest or Starless if you want to see what actual ballbreaking and revolting femdom is.
Blonde-to-pink hair is great.
But also fuck you.
She still has some of her innocence left, she'll end up like that only if you corrupt her further.
Please keep the adorable fox pure.
i didn't hate colony being darker, if anything i felt that blight and awake were kinda cliche'd at some points and felt that every wrong Alzett had done could be conventiently traced to one singular guy was a pretty cheap cop-out
Also liked how Kludge is basically Idea going "ah fuck the world is probably ending, better start a series of trials to create heroes capable of saving it" since her endgame for the entire continent was not only someone stopping the machines but also reaching her.
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This is...
i'm sorry anon, but i am turning her into a foxcubus and you can't stop me, and neither will i be able to stop her but that's the entire point
I hate to admit it but femdevs make the better scenes and sometimes writing, for example Lelie Navigation.
On the other hand they can be awful or fall for feature creeps or jut be inept in making the game properly such as Princess Synergy
Yeah, you are a fucking liar. Lightest femdom doesn't have pissing, dick bruising sex, questionable fetishes out of nowhere to fill a quote, giant hot girl wearing a guy and putting his dick in her.
So kindly fuck off.
whence does she hail from
The Shikinowan shogun will hear about this, you won't get off lightly
>giant hot girl wearing a guy and putting his dick in her
nta but never happened in sequel, and there was one (1) pissing scene in the fempc game and then never again. there are no
fetishes i can come up with so i am joining him in the you are full of shit camp and not even giving you a (you) due to the low quality of your b8
If you can't told us the sauce, you got a vacation for nothing.

>and felt that every wrong Alzett had done could be conventiently traced to one singular guy was a pretty cheap cop-out
Remember how in the main game they precisely told us that such thing would be stupid?

>Idea going "ah fuck the world is probably ending, better start a series of trials to create heroes capable of saving it"
Idea was so based, thét when Dita opened her mouth too much she cut her off with "Do you actually think you matter in the slightest?"
But it's weird how she didn't care about the WORLD-DESTROYING ARK.
>There's no death, blood, CBT, BDSM, mind control, findom, or any of the shit you'd see in your average monster girl game like vore.
>you won't get off lightly
well yes anon that's exactly my goal HEYOOOOOOO
back to more normal posting i'm kinda sad we won't see Lestea in this game since she seemed to know about Nazuna when she saw her in Colony's epilogue, although given all the stuff that happened to the poor girl while she lived in Shikinowa then perhaps that's for the best
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Questionable fetishes like optional piss (an extremely rare thing in h-games. barring that one Dita scene, fuck that), armpit sex and face licking are not hardcore femdom, anon. They're just weird. And that one with a giant girl wearing a guy is just an /ss/ femdom thing, hakika probably got the idea from doskoinpo. By the way, go look up doskoinpo and you'll probably have a heart attack from how hard the femdom he does is.
>questionable fetishes
Don't forget the scenes with Faria where she forced you to drink a medicine that turns you into a shota
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I like it.
>Kawaisou Nukeru
I find it a little hard to believe a femdev would be into shitting inside a loli pussy. Either way, based dev for going into a irl mixed bath with his gf/herself.
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>questionable fetishes
Hold that thought!
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I don't think that's very hardcore either, and that sort of thing has been in the series since blight anyway. Rabi was a shotacon.
That's what I mean. The non-optional Dita pissing femdom pissed me off, and the armpit sex is less just armpit sex, and more like sweat and scent, which is just weird. There's also the what's her face and Vynel which are nothing burger or yikes burger. Meanwhile ou got Falia and her weird Mommy kink that somehow is enough to partially put some longing in Mana Tank.
You know something is wrong when the femboy and the Muscle woman are the less weird.
>And that one with a giant girl wearing a guy is just an /ss/ femdom thing, hakika probably got the idea from doskoinpo
But it is weird. Hashtag not my sequel and all that. I'm here for fun. Nice, slight femdom sex. Not for the
You gotta understand, to me, in sequel, there are three kind of femdom, the nice and sweet femdom kind, the dick bleeding kind, and the ayo what the fuck is wrong you nigga kind.
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>the nice and sweet femdom kind, the dick bleeding kind, and the ayo what the fuck is wrong you nigga kind.
Well hey, you're the one who's playing a japanese femdom game in the first place, you have to expect that kind of shit. Some people, especially the Japs, like all three of what you listed. Hakika is Japanese himself, so it's no wonder it's in the games.
I really do shudder to imagine what you'd think of the average MGQ scene. You strike me as the kind of guy that would have the flatzune as their favorite girl since they just wants a marriage partner.
There is a 0% chance of the Pregcess dev being a woman, he’s just yet another virgin dev in his early 20’s making tradpilled femc games. Go look at kaze-t’s games if you want to see what a woman writing maledom looks like.
>the femboy and the Muscle woman are the less weird
in Yolnaya's case the whole thing was about her being, contrary to what her appeareance would suggest, the most girly and traditionally romantic of the bunch
kuu is incredibly dependent if not a borderline yandere (the game even mentions how heavy his love his) so i don't know where you got that about his scenes being less weird
Well fuck me.

>MGQ scene
MGQ is shit, gameplay, story and scene wise.
The story is entertaining, it should have been a VN.
Rabi should've had bigger rabbit ears
And again, they are the less weird.
Meanwhile Kuu only become, or rather show up his yandere in one scene. Which I found weirdly cool as it showed personality rather than being pure sex.

Today, I shall remind you guys that Kuu was a girl, so technically, you could use the They pronoun.
>a girl
The fuck?
>The story is entertaining
Do you want a fucking slap.
Yup. You actually learn that he WAS a girl, but got a sex change.
did you play an mtl version or something? i don't recall anything about kuu being a girl and you mispelled Faria's name too.
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Nta but did you not play kludge? He's Kuuem #8, the one experiment that had a gender change done on her. It should be pretty obvious from the dialogue in his scenes too, he brings up not really being comfortable with his dick and such.
In Kuu’s second scene you can see his perineum (below his balls and above his anus) looks like a closed-up vagina too https://files.catbox.moe/eq0qbz.png
Kuu being a girl is actually hinted through the game before discovering that he is one of the Kuuem.

As for Faria... it's a simple typo.
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see >>494507861
huh, been a while since i played Kludge so i must have forgotten that
Now that I'm thinking about it... is he fertile?
>deep lore hidden behind the gay sex scenes
wasn't that in the postgame visit to the ruins?
I recently finished kludge, and also saw that one tombstone or something that describes all the Kuuems. If i remember correctly the 8th Kuuem was written "Gender Change: Unassigned" or something like that, i thought Kuu was an unfinished experiment and he was a boy from the start
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All part of hakika's global homofication project
>Not using the school computer to print off an entire 100+ page guide from gamefaqs
I still have that guide.
You can see a lot of failed Kuuems. It's one of the neetest parts of the game imo, that are actually doing their jobs at being darker.

Also Kuu was... what were they called? Amazon? With Yol.
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The gender change was done. The "unassessed part is because he's too recent of a Kuuem, it's still Dita's turn to use the Ark and whatnot. Or whatever hakika meant by it.
NoStrike? in OUR sequel games?
it's more likely than you think still sad hakika never did any pregnancy scenes though
I meant the perineum thing in that post, it's pretty much confirmation to me
wasn't it that kuu died before fulfilling his duty and idea just erased his death alongside his previous life rather than him being too recent? i think dita was a later kuuem
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I want a bro bonding session scene with Fake-kun, Dire and (You).
And no, there will be no gay sex.
it's ok anon
it's not gay if the balls don't touch and there's nothing more bonding than straight sex so you're gucci as long as you're careful
Not really, research is already showing the LLM model of AI is plateauing. GPT4 had like 10x the resources thrown into it that 3.5 did, it was only ~15% better in terms of responding to prompts, they just added a bunch of bells and whistles to the site like a wrapper/pipeline to a third party image generation algorithm, things that seem impressive to dipshits that serve to distract from the reality that the core technology isn’t growing as fast as stockholders are expecting, and I imagine GPT5 will be no different. Pay close attention to how little they’ll advertise the text generation aspect again and instead pivot to integration with random services that have been on the market for years if not decades, like image processing.

What I suspect is these companies are trying to reach an acceptable level of shit that isn’t immediately obvious, and then inundate every applicable sector with it so that everyone loses their standards and they get to save money, as has happened with customer service. Whatever the path to that sci-if idea of AI that’s just people but better is, it sure isn’t the LLM model of feeding a neural network a loosely curated collection of text data. To be better than humanity, your input can’t only be a subset of humanity.
Dita is #7, Kuu reawakened as #8 after the death thing he went through. It's why he got teleported to the train that Mana Tank was on too.
Considering how tiny the balls of Frabi and Kuu are... there might be some truth.
Yeah, that's the one. So it was "unassessed" after all.
i see
man i really need to replay kludge, forgot a lot of it
>gender change
>gay scenes
Didn't know Sequelsisters were pro LGBTQ+
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Yeah. The one thing I'm talking about by the way is that in the intro on the train, there's a door you can go in and Kuu's there.
>Thirst setting is in Nip version of SEQUEL
I'll be thoroughly disappointed if there's no onsen scenes
Maybe one day he'll come back to his real gender, and it'll be revealed Kuu had HUGE BOOBAS.
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There's an indoor onsen in the hub, the demo had a scene there too
I mean, sub-par turned into a literal tranny after translating it, it’s amazing Hakika as Patient Zero has been able to hang on all this time.
You were not supposed to do that!
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When's their game?
>sub-par turned into a literal tranny
Already saw that and it's fine but nothing remarkable, i prefer something more like taking a stop in a bathhouse in the middle of your journey then getting assaulted while dipping in said onsen
i won't play any of hakika's new games unless he goes back to his old artstyle.
Yeah anon his pronouns on discord are she/they and his latest blog post from a few years ago even before he went that far talks about Pride Month, so I guess we could have seen that one coming.
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Me and my robot gf
A good mindset. I think.
Prim's tits are might as well be the biggest out of the characters, hell maybe outside SEQUEL and all of the games he made
You could have prevented this.
Do any anons here specifically like picrel's exquisite breasts?
This one is better for big boobs, they look like bolted on balloons on characters like Faltoga and Yolnaya in the old style. Also I personally like thick thighs and wide hips and these designs feeling “bigger” if that makes sense is good for that.
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I'd imagine Miseri's are bigger, no? She's 240cm tall, her boobs would be massive and way bigger than even anyone that would be a normal "tall" height like ~180 cm
Nah, Prim's clearly bigger.
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Prims' are gargantuan even if she's only 5'5" or even 6' tall. They're just big for her weight class, unlike Miseri. That's what makes them hot.
too big
I’m sure some anon could measure the cubic volume of breast meat like they do in Senran Kagura, but just comparing Prim’s to the sizes of the heads of the rest of the cast, they’re absurdly large, like actual Z-cups. Whereas Miseri’s look like M.
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You don't actually enjoy this shitty art, do you anon?
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I nutted to Prim in thirst's demo about an hour ago, so I'd argue I do enjoy it
what ge?
Okay but just put your hand over the Kludge designs because those are just visual nonsense and the rest is pretty good.
I just found out RJ01123559 has translation. How is it?
It's alright.
>Go to Senran Kagura wiki
>Bust: 93cm
>Cup: 68G
>Bust Volume: 1939.0ml
>The token loli’s bust volume: 148.6ml
Fuck you anon, why did reading this give me a boner?
Take out the two last lines, and it'll be perfect.
surely hakika won't troll us again with faltoga in Thirst right bros? she'll have a proper scene this time right?
This killed all the h-scenes for me. Now I can’t stop thinking about how some tranny is trying to make me cum.
>>Bust: 93cm
>>Cup: 68G
No fucking way it's 93cm or a G cup.
Nah, it's worth keeping Dita, Yubeil, Yolnaya, Vyner, Reda and Olivia.
Touch grass, noja.
Hopefully he'll stop being a giant faggot THIS TIME.

What the hell, does it have a translation?
of course not
No. Even if you like them, they all look like shit.
FINE, Yol is perfect.

Everyone except Olivia should get out. She's the one who saved the scenes from this shitshow.
gay weg looking ass
Summertime Saga is more fappable than this
Then why the fuck was it posted.
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Nta but why does it matter? Hakika himself is already a fruity guy since he puts homo sex in each of his games. Trans men are just men anyway too. So you're jerking off to an h-game made by a bisexual man that was translated by another bisexual man.
Shitposting, obviously
it was pretty disappointing, i swear sequels for these pixels games are cursed to be low effort
ge for this vibe?
No fuck you noja, it’s one thing if it’s a hot girl trying to make me cum with her writing, or a straight dude just writing shit he finds hot and I’m along for the ride, this is like the coomer equivalent of sticking your dick in a glory hole and finding out it was some mentally ill crackhead on the other side.
EOP problems
can't wait until bazed finally released king exit
god i love iroha
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>when no one buys your game
Traps are fantasy constructs, they look like women despite being men. That’s wholly different from what a tranny is. In a way you could say it’s what trannies hope to become.
>fantasy constructs
Those exists though, they're just super rare among the sea of creatura.
Traps are real too though
traps and femboys are a meme and are disgusting irl
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she was already a bit like that in Blight in some of her later scenes so it's likely that was her personality all along but it was buried under a thick layer of awkwardness and inexperience
That awkwardness is part of what made her so cute though. I really hope it isn't completely gone.
so are 3dpd women but that doesnt make me any less straight
Copium, copium everywhere.
>everyone claims ambrosia is shardev‘s best game
>it‘s worse than both celesphonia and enishia
All shark games are shit
Pray game proved that he isnt even the best at his own generic formula
>worse than celesphonia
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I don't think it's a cope at all, the same exact thing happened with Rabi when we went from blight to colony too. Rabi was awkward in a lot of her blight scenes but got confident in the later ones, and then in colony she has MT in the palm of her hand.
Celesphonia has cuter outfits, better gameplay and no green bitch.
built for rape
You keep calling it cope but nobody’s upset about it, we’re just explaining her character development.
Why do people put so much emphasis on art, something that is not objective
You are thinking right, because yeah duh obviously things should evolve, and wrong because there's a difference between a continuation and a sudden shift. At least colony wasn't as bad as kludge in term of dick bleeding.
In any case saying "IT WAS ALWAYS LIKE THAT" is a cope.

>character development
That's what we are calling extreme shift in characters now?
Because it's a porn game, how the fuck do you jerk off to it if the art is trash
Because the newest arts are actually objectively shit.
Ula was always worst girl
This is one of sub-par's rewrites btw. He's not a tranny
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The anon never said she was "always like that", just that she was "already like that". Reading comprehension, anon.
Roastie labias and blown assholes are objectively shit though.
>Source: Trust me bro
>Reading comprehension, anon
Right back at you. You got some balls trying to pretend to be retarded.
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>i want to play femdom games!
>i also want the scenes to be as harmless as possible!
my brother in noja you could get raped to death in the very first game
i'm taking her hat away until you guys learn to make better posts

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