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Previous thread: >>494213030

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Faust has the softest skin and the softest voice and the softest breasts. She's a soft woman.
That's a nice art.
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Perfectly normal Paus
Do you think X is worse at managing than a guy on youtube when he has been doing that for hundreds of years
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The only reason I kneel to X is because he's a LobotomyCHAD with 500+ hours on Lobcorp
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we see a canon X through the limbus IDs upties.
and the guy is a complete retard.
youd know if you werent a retarded secondary who doesnt even read the story
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>(if hentai games, the anus is their weakest erogenous area)
Which Sinner would have said this during the WARP train event, when they were all talking about bloodfiends?
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Because female vampires tend to be nudists with big butts (if hentai games, the anus is their weakest erogenous area) and often in media have conversations of importance while bathing in blood.
Hell play Castlevania. While Dracula, Brauner and other male vampires are formally dressed as members of high society, it isn’t uncommon for female vampire bosses and mobs to either be fully naked or strip before fighting you
Please show me how he is retarded
Nice! Thank you.
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Ishmale this, boatbilly that, you wouldn't say no to this.
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so youre saying Don has a weak anus?
>Dante (literally me) with pregnant Faust and Ryoshu
>(if hentai games, the anus is their weakest erogenous area)
I agree
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Meant for >>494262112
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just go watch the uptie stories on youtube buddy
it's really not that hard to find them
Damn lots of kino stuff this week. That shooty that spans two pages is sick.
I kneel drawGODS
>I can't play that good so it doesn't count
Everything that's doable in gameplay (if it doesn't rely on bugs obviously) is canon, that's literally how PM's games work. Every single bit of gameplay is canon. You're the secondary.
>uses elevator strats
>kills all clerks at the start of the day
I dunno he seems pretty good to me
>we see a canon X through the limbus IDs upties.

Okay you have to be extremely retarded
Why did Ayin make even trans...
Does anyone know how Echos of the Manor and Ruin interact? Does one overwrite the other? Do they both apply? Is it the one that is applied first? The one with higher count?
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Sounds like something Don Quixote (Normal Mode) would state screaming, unknowingly revealing her own weaknesses at Bloodfiend mode.
>that shu and paus
Anon, its not on fire. Its clearly a lollipop.
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>(if hentai games, the anus is their weakest erogenous area)
True and factual
anon look closer its just one color
its a lolipop
Ryoshu... The kid... You'll lose another one if you do shit like this...
Cute lolipop instead of cig!
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>facility is full of TETHs
>doesn't memory repo upon getting meat lantern
>still has faust and don using TETH gear despite having access to HEs and WAWs
Sequelniggers OUT
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Please delete these posts so it doesn't look like I'm retarded thanks
As far as I can tell they stack but the first one you applied will affect the panic state if it can be changed. They will both apply their effects which means that in theory, an enemy without sp would have a 20% decrease in their chance to roll heads.

Echoes' effect to gain sinking count works if both are on.
sex with gwanlijanim
ok now i know youre trolling
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Rodya LOVE!
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Good ol days of 9/11
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Explain why we can uptie base IDs
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I love my big meaty wife
Procedure that made Sinners able to accept IDs and Dante also nerfed them
You Thread it back
>Ish is doing that pose
>Not even leaning against anything
>She's just doing that
Why is she like that?
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Clever little bugger aren't you
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Finally drawtourists are making good shit
I think she was supposed to be against the wall but Nig_ger can't draw
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>9/11 jokes
>devyat' Rodya
>devyat' Rodya NSFW
She's leaning against her hair which has solidified because of all the salt in it.
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I want to care for and cherish this Don. She looks so fluffy
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Popular lad
I just like to imagine her hair defies logic and it can do all sorts of shit depending on her ID
kys newfaggot
>drawnigger seething
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Which sinner will be THE STRONGEST by the end? Which will be the WEAKEST?
Why is futafag like this?
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>he bit the bait
shut up nigger why speculate on shit we dont even know
Dyonbaek and Yi Sang!
>Sir, a second truck just hit HamHamPangPang
>why speculate on shit we dont even know
...the fuck else would you speculate on?
kys retard. if you'd been here for more than 6 months you'd know better.
shit we kind of know
like what?
It's a weird bit in the first place. Like calling random shit reddit.
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Maybe her butt hurts.
ruina got me addicted to valium
So I tested it against thread lux and, though it's almost impossible to be sure if Ruin is applying as all it does is -10% heads, it certainly doesn't overwrite echoes.
I do want to test vs an enemy with SP though, that can change panic type. Like, IF both are applying, AND they have the ability to change panic type, does echos do nothing if Ruin is applied first and is thus the current panic type?
>y-you're not an le old!!!!
Been here since the first thread drawniggy.
suspend disbelief
she's supposed to be leaning against the wall
Still really like this. Hope she gets buffed
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i had the same issue with Vice City
damaged Shi is overrated, I just want Real Shi ids.
>Using the term newfag
>For a general that was created a year ago
Gachaniggers can't be this retarded, can they?
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You mean PMbabs?
>The box rape got drawn
Fucking why, it's a joke also Rodya is too hairy
>someone who's been drawing forever makes porn (again)
>1 anon finally notices
Why are you retards like this
Can someone post the pic of El Director saying "not my fault, it will be fixed" on twitch?
It seems that I've lost it
courier rodya? charge+rupture no count application, you are welcome.
Why does it matter if someone's a newfag or not? Just enjoy the game, right?
not falling for this one newfag
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>Been here since the first thread
So it's your fault that it didn't die in the bud as usual then
This sin is even worse than being a tourist
There's no way you don't actually know what the term means and how it's used. No matter how new you are.
Stop acting like a retard and shitting up the thread.
The next post ending in 3 is a newfag. Bully him.
But gatekeeping anon! We must gatekeep! It's not like the niggers that need to be turned to pigsfeed have been a problem from the start.
what futafag?
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it's my job to shoulder it all, after all.
I'm a new fag, and I'm proud!!
>They all end in 3
W-What the fuck...
This guy is so handsome.
Incorrect. AoE Paralyze.
>All threes
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Is this really all it takes lol
>nooooooooooo the term must be used like I saw on my ticktocks!!!!!!! ur not using it right!!!!!!
holy newfag
I will never understand rupture fans, it's the most basic boring condition with no real investment or anything.
If it gains any real amount of count it'll become the best and brainless status that just adds damage to every hit without any further considerations. Other then maybe valuing coin numbers differently.
In fact high amount of potency is already a fair bonus to damage but people don't seem to value it.
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We are all newfags in one way or another.
>next post ending in 3 is a newfag
>all the posts ending in 3 are blatant newfag posts
What sorcery is this
I will roll 4
I will never understand burn fans, it's the most basic boring condition with no real investment or anything.
If it gains any real amount of potency it'll become the best and brainless status that just adds damage to every turn without any further considerations. Other then maybe valuing coin numbers differently.
In fact high amount of potency is already a fair bonus to damage but people don't seem to value it
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this is a Hod thread!
Did we get popular enough to get shitposters in here mad about the popularity of the game so they try to throw shit in the general now?
Newfags are kissed around here for some reason not called newfags
I will not roll 4
I will never understand bleed fans, it's the most basic boring condition with no real investment or anything.
If it gains any real amount of count it'll become the best and brainless status that just adds damage to every turn without any further considerations. Other then maybe valuing coin numbers differently.
In fact high amount of potency is already a fair bonus to damage but people don't seem to value it.
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Is there already a spreadsheet or something for Lobcorp mods? I'm not sure if I want to waste time cultivating my organization autism if something like it already exists.
In the first place, I wanted to make such a list because of the recent newfags asking about mods and also for my own benefit.
Anon, i...
Shouldn't have got lazy with the coin numbers part anon, you had something there.
I will never understand poise fans, it's the most basic boring condition with no real investment or anything.
If it gains any real amount of count it'll become the best and brainless status that just adds damage to every hit without any further considerations. Other then maybe valuing coin numbers differently.
In fact high amount of potency is already a fair bonus to damage but people don't seem to value it.
Nta but Ive seen generalnigs try to claim oldfag cred for just their general and not 4chan as a whole
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>Shi Ryoshu id is released
>her skill 3 is monocoin with a unique type of coin that only has a 1 in 4 chance to hit heads
>tails hit rolls 4, heads hit rolls 44
you rike?
I will never understand tremor fans, it's the most basic boring condition with no real investment or anything.
If it gains any real amount of count it'll become the best and brainless status that just adds damage to every hit without any further considerations. Other then maybe valuing coin numbers differently.
In fact high amount of potency is already a fair bonus to damage but people don't seem to value
Assuming it all goes well how many turns does it take for Heathcliff to be fully ramped up?
>for some reason
Unironically lurk moar newfaggot
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We always must kiss our dear newbabs, anons. That's what makes a Limbab a Limbab
>the most basic boring condition with no real investment or anything.
I understand big damage fans. Unga bunga me deal 2000 damage with Skill 3.
No Snaust, damn..
It's time to end the war in our community. We all need to reconcile and stop hating each other. Make Love, Not War!

Holy reddit
You sound like you really want to fit in here anon, good luck.
"Newbab" culture is gacha general culture
I'm not watching your pro-gay propaganda, G.
Its cringe /vg/ faggot behavior from another gacha general
assuming you're taliking about WH here
the fastest way to ramp´up with him is to kill with his horse skill 3, which gives him 5 coffin.
assuming you need to spend a turn to mount the horse at least twice, you'd only need 4 turns to fully get him to 10 coffin
why are PMtubers such faggots
Anon there are TWO snausts this time
>Gets mad when called out
Check the archives my man it's not hard
E-Celeb faggotry is so disgusting. Should've bullied this guy more.
Terminally Americanized
T-The joke is that she's in the box so I can't see her....
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What war?
Not gonna happen, but your desire to throw out old lingo to fit in made me laugh so I had to call you out anon. Enjoy your stay.
>The box rape got drawn
Fucking yes, there needs to be more also Rodya's hair is nice
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Sodom and Gomorrah
Pederastry Ancient Greece
Pedertastry Ancient Rome
Gabriel Matzneff's Petition in France
Monkeypox in Modern Times
>Indian accent
>channel location: Canada
please give me the extremist bongbong edit
Not watching tl:dr me
Charge actually is a lot more interactive and interesting than Poise as you aren't dumped a metric fuck ton of it by Mersault, and you actually use it up rapidly, unlike poise where once you get set up or so you just basically never have to worry about it again.
Like for charge you actually have to spend a brain cell or not to spend it all right now or use it to maintain your conditionals. Yes you have don Telepole overclock, but that's something you can't use too often.
The best case scenario is that you kill someone with his s3 while mounting Dullahan.
>1 coffin on a kill from his innate passive
>2 on use from using lament mourn and despair
>3 on kill for killing with lament mourn and despair
6 coffins on one turn.
Don't worry if he can't get a decent job here we kick them out now.
bleed is such an enigma of a status, we've been getting very good bleed identities and EGOs... that are good due to everything BUT the bleed they have in their kits.
uptie your ids anon
>Actually responding to bait this seriously
>ID is good because the coins and conditionals are good
>Status is still garbage with the application
Many such cases.
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Uhhhhh I hate all content creators or content creators as I like to call them, except for the retards here that create quality content like drawpipis and edits and drawpupis and the drawpepupapos and even some drawings sometimes.
Conservatives and chuds and rightists are idiot tourists and need to stop harassing PM fans.
>do 12 ticket roll
>EGO + Yi Sang
>decide to do 30 lunacy rolls
>get 3 one 00 nine 0 pulls in a row
I feel like a fool RIP 5k
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What is bait?
Baby don't hurt me
We literally just need a good Rodion ID. Literally the only thing missing.
Keeping bleed up for one turn when your fitting shit like sheep which clash with like 2-3 coin on every slot needs a turn of red shoes to pop off. KK is just too shit.
this weeks snaust is really cute too
Devyat Rodya is bleed trust
>Rodion skill reveal
>None of the skills inflict Count

>Rodion added
>Counts on skill reveal are actually all +1s
What would you do?
Bleed (Green Flavor)
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Can I offer you a Roland in these trying times?
its genuinely amazing how every single fucking gacha community has this type of stupid shit that you will never hear about if you just stayed in a /vg/ thread
what the fuck is up gacha games and making the most fucking loud and self-righteous fuckwits?
>all those dogrectors
my day is blessed
chuds and troons battling in twitter and discord and youtube.
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>no count
We have the ring IDs for that
They exist everywhere, it's just that they're more noticeable in smaller communities
If it gives bleed at all and has good clashing it'll make the team. That's all it needs to do.
Devyat Rodya will be a worse R Heath since if you fail it triggers an unskippable cutscene where the sinners get raped by the tentacles from the bag
I think at this point literally anything else would be more preferable to having to resort to Kurokumo/Mittelhammer as a bleed ID for Rodya
>the most fucking loud and self-righteous fuckwits?
>this type of stupid shit that you will never hear about if you just stayed in a /vg/ thread
That Der Freischütz is shucking cool.
ok vellmori
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the ideal....
but you're staying in a /vg/ thread right now and you're hearing about it
I never heard about all the stupid shit this pajeet is saying
Wdym? He's clearly saying that you should reedem the card sir. Mhmm I love cows!
you just heard about him a couple of minutes ago you retard
No make war
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i genuinely cant look at roland without getiing a little mad because he became the symbol of tourists that didnt play the game
Reminder that it's okay to not play bad games.
Binah-sama love is war
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bro you have autism
get mad at the retards
not at roland
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who the fuck is that schizo anyway
>muh le situation in le pm communauté!!!
Seeing as you can't behave yourselves, I'm leaving to go plap Sinclair. I'll be back later.
He's our "Funny hamhampangpang man"
Same as Kiryu is the "Funny dame dame guy".
Imagine if Ring IDs still counted as every ID type in the game.
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Nigger, they just use whatever is popular.
And you LET THEM live in your head, too.
Devyat Rodya will be force fed panicking characters by the box
Right? it's really cool and beautiful. I love any art that nods to or contextualises the size of things in comparison to their surroundings.
Is this even true? Outside of wonderlab which may be dead I can't think of much.
There only a few couples and aren't they all straight? Ishmael was as gay as you could be in a book from that age and it was crazy dialed back for limbus.
I don't understand how all these progressive types latched onto the series so much. Do they think just because they are progressive and they like Limbus it's also progressive?
I'm not even stirring shit I just don't get why they think that.
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>gender inclusive
Director say it's either male or female no in-betweens or whatever nu-genders there are now.
Everything is fucking "progressive" to them.
>Do they think just because they are progressive and they like Limbus it's also progressive?
With that we're done here and you've figured it out
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This threads going a little too well for my liking
It's leftist propaganda. The "fanbase" they're talking about is Reddit, Discord, and some parts of Twitter. 4chud, DCinside, and Arca.live don't count.
Yeah, sure. It's not like these retards project their vision on things that they don't understand like it always happen
Is this an indictment against me making the Dean Roland Gif back in Ruina EA because an Anon thought it would be funny?
>0 hours before the last tranny meltdown
And we were doing so well. Oh well, kill every limbab and start over.
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Can i have free (You)s?
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>ctrl+f "tranny"
>0 results
clears up the nothingdrama about zet's vtuber model artist, denounces dogpiling, and criticizes the toxicity of the lefty xitter fanbase
somehow retards think that Harold is an icon
they ALWAYS use her as an example
its fucking weird
>lies to make his video seem better
I just skimmed it because I'm not watching the whole thing
tbf the 4ch en community is pretty dead
Yeah I refuse to believe people are soloing the Fruits with just Lamentsang. If you don't get two S3s first try. You die, that's it.
>Wonderlab which may be dead
>may be
Did you forget the Merson Park 9/11 incident? Singlehandedly murdered it out of canon
*draws you getting raped by an ugly bastard*
Your response limbab?
>unironically watching indian youtubers
It's so dead that they still steal local memes
>If you don't get two S3s first try. You die, that's it.
Yes? Did you really think these "solo" videos just decided to make one and do it? It's filled with restarts in getting skills and coinflips right.
>*draws you getting raped by an ugly bastard*
literally what happens at the end of the video kek >>494267846
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Btw, you just know he now touristfags here. Well it ain't happening you faggot, your half of a hour video is garbage. Fuck you, it's not getting any popularity. Kys.
Director is fighting a legal battle to recanonize it
Hi drawtouristfag! *smooch*
>He is unaware
As expected.
this is 2 years old, anon. you have to let go
anon Director will get them back and WILL give them proper genders
wdym 2 years old? I got it recommended in my porn x-stash right now I know the original is old as hell but come on
>wonderlab will be a half chapter one day
what fresh hell will this leash upon us
>draws rodya without pubes
>anons complain about no pubes
>draws rodya with pubes
>anon complains it's too much
>canonically womb-having female Catt is now back on the menu
>2 years old
>posted sep 12, 2024
leftists will really lie to your face huh? crazy
I love paus
Id imagine he will just make Taii, Catt and the pink chick girls while the other characters in the bloom office dudes
Limbus company but all the sinners are from porn games.
Who would the sinners be? What would their source material bring to the game?
Maggot Bait
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>Dontard is a CLERK lover
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Now *this is* a topic worth my attention...
where did such confidence came from? Are you not afraid that director will be too afraid aswell? Ofc they won't bomb or stab any dev like koreans do but still.
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honestly i hate the director for confirming that limbus will be the only project moon game around for 10 years.
i hoped that after the first 12 cantos the game would be put on hiatus while they work on lobcorp 2 so that we'd get rid of these trash ecelebs that dont play the other games
I will nitpick because tentacle box rape is retarded
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the only way to interact with a game in a healthy way is to simply ignore the fanbase
maybe you fuckers wouldn't be malding over the most inane shit if you were to just not care for it
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>replace SHITclair with Luka
>game improves 100-fold
it's that easy
I mean he already said giving a character they/them pronouns for a long time will just be confusing
>ignore the fanbase
uhhh then why are you posting on lcg bro
If director was not chained down by being a male South Korean citizen things would look a lot different
He knows he has to play it safe with sexual themes so he just avoids it entirely
we have canon lgbt chars in type moon? what since when
Mate, that e-celeb is a Limbus-anti. The only reason he hasn't fucked off is because he's too obsessed with his nugget OCs.
paust is sylvia from teaching feeling
or maybe charon
Ayin, he's a flaming faggot.
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That's the trick.
There's none
Post the soundpost. And full image.
It's because bimbus keeps the lights on in his mudhut
But anon posted a video about the fanbase, how could I not engage and derail the thread
all the characters fags project themselves onto, yes
>no no bro it was a joke ha ha
Can't fucking tell with you faggots considering some of you are unironic with your fetishes
not to be an annoying one but... "source"? I want to see it with my own eyes. The safe future...
>Abnormality fight where you have to select which Sinner dies in events like Darkest Dungeon.
What would our EGO Suit + Awakened EGO former clerk, former nugget's gimmick be?
Who would get the 000 ID?
>talking about the PM community is derailing the PM thread
Does derail just mean people discussing things you don't like now?
ooc for faust kys
they don't have they/them pronouns in korean so what do you think
>To be cautious, when discussing Wonderlab, I remember that at the request of the author and in consultation, we decided not to set or reveal the gender of the Wonderlab characters. However, from the later works onwards, we decided that there needed to be a gender-specific setting and depiction. This is because, until now, I have tried to ensure that the narrative and treatment of the work do not change according to gender, but there have been very few times when the gender itself has not been decided. That's why I even thought of choosing the gender for the next work, and I think that kind of story was misinterpreted.
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i watched the video
it's funny how people like tsunui and esgoo think stuff like sinclair x demian are canon gay ships despite nothing in the game showing such a thing.
at this point i accepted that the fanbase outside of these threads is cancerous.
oh yeah and lets not forget reddit and discord banning you for using he/him for dante
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Yo, fags!
Check THIS out
Not now, we're discussing important matters.
>a game about taking in an underage abused girl, grooming her and then fucking her
Literal unironic pedo game
Tentacles make me feel icky man I'm sorry. Don't like the idea of Rodya carrying a "if you fail RAPE EVERYONE NEARBY YOU" box.
thank you
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not talking about g-chan
i meant the limbus only retards (who are much worse) like tsunui and esgoo
those two retards singlehandedly take up half the search results anytime i search up project moon
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<I command all the sinners to have sex with my NOW.>
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>have double upgraded ashes to ashes and double upgraded dust to dust
>remember seeing an image in here that says they can be fused
>do so
>it makes a worse version of both that now also doesn't even activate because im not running burn

you've got to be fucking kidding me
Why isnt angela in this game
stop being a zoomer faggot and just say you're not into tentacle porn
There's an english translation right below that post, you don't need to machine translate it.
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Your point?
>and I think that kind of story was misinterpreted.
what EXACTLY does he mean by this? i need somebody to spell out the EXACT meaning of this sentence
>worse version of both
It's one of the few gifts capable of improving your rolls directly, you just weren't running burn
It's called cinema, you blithering buffoon.
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lol cope
you're sitting in your cuck chair inside the light while carmen is having fun distorting people left and right
>If you would allow me to make a careful guess, back when we were discussing the direction for WonderLab, we had agreed, per your request, to not specify or reveal the genders of each character featured in WonderLab. We decided, however, that characters would need a description and depiction of gender in our subsequent works. It was because while we tried our utmost to ensure that narratives or treatments of characters did not vary depending on their gender, it was rare for us to not specify a character's gender. That is why we considered specifying each character's gender in our next project, but our intention may have been incorrectly relayed in the process.
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Your what now?
>These WOMEN are no They/Them ABOMINATIONS. It's not GAY PROPAGANDA, it's about L CORP. -kjh
so Catt will still be a girl in the next time she shows up right
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Wait, where can you even read the wonderlab/leviathan comics anymore?
Yes, a trans girl.
i guess he was making characters like the nuggets from lobcorp gender neutral in order to be more inclusive, but decided to drop this way of writing characters since they were being designed with gender in mind?
i guess this makes sense, considering how most rodya and sonya got the gender switcheroo and ahab became an old witch
this fag just googled it up instead of actually knowing
stop being STUPID and DUMB
no she'll be a 6 foot tall negro next time she apppears
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No need to keep digging that grave Dontard
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Thread(s) ago anon did ATHF list of sinners.
Now do the same with Sealab 2021 if you can.
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basically the wonderlab author saw that the nuggets didnt have a specified gender in lobcorp and decided to view this entire series as a LGBTQ utopia where all the characters are non binary.
and of course she seethed when the director insisted that every character needs to be gendered outside of lobcorp
I didn't specify any ages or anything, if anything her age would add to the storytelling of the Porn character limbus company.
In the OP you fucking IDIOT
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No, he'll be a manlet.
>Porn character limbus company
sinner named limbus?
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i accept your concession
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thank you for this cute image
and that ugly Ish picture is out of the way
I can't view Dante as anything other than a man honestly.
John Dante Limbus Company...
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your internalized misogyny is showing sis
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she most definitely fucks the sandwich man
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You're GAY now.
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you got it wrong
nuggets were 100% meant to have genders
that feature got dropped after legacy because it made the game more difficult and also made coding harder.
then retards like YOU and the wonderlab artist start coping that maybe this means that nuggets have no genders
I didn't mean it that way, he just has no feminine traits at all
>he was making characters like the nuggets from lobcorp gender neutral in order to be more inclusive,
no you dumbass
I remember that some abnos chimped out depending on gender back in legacy
Yeah, Red Shoes comes to mind
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Cute but why?
Ok but why is dante presenting them? Not like he did it
Faust says it is important to remind Dante of his position at Limbus Company
>This is because, until now, I have tried to ensure that the narrative and treatment of the work do not change according to gender
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you're delusional lol
he meant that didnt want a character's gender to limit their role in the story (like women being unable to be badass fixers)
not that he did not want character to have genders
this is pretty cool
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Do NOT post malkuth for your faggotry statements
I assume this just means the treatment of the character itself in the narrative (or when writing the character) isn't affected by its gender.
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<I did though.>
What is this anons
Malkuth only gets posted with faggoty statements
Almost everyone can't. Artists literally have to give him tits to show his feminine side.
Canon couples canon mating
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speak for yourself, fag
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Danteh...you don't even know what you have in between your legs...
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>baby is kicking ryoshu's belly
Ish is aradia from night of revenge
Dante has a BIG CLOCK, vergilius.
why does the project moon universe have to get such cringey art? the setting is gritty and serious but since limbus came out all we get is shitty art like this that has nothing to dow ith the games
coomer art is better than this i hate gachas
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It's impregnation time Manager Esquire~
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post dyon nyow!!!!!
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love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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gookcels raped all the good artists
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>Hong instead of Demian
I didn't think about it, but it's still nice.
/lcg/ will bite this because they're retarded.
It's like tits are a feminine trait or something
Youre fucking retarded there is shit tons of good cool art just from limbus
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You convinced me not to reply, thank you.
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Sinclaiyuh is so lucky...
Yeah, but the fact they gotta draw some massive bazoongas just to make Dante female speaks that HE does not look like a woman, at all.
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Why do they all have dead eyes?
This guy is right and based.
This """guy""" (tourist) is wrong and cringe.
This but Don instead
>No tits
>no hips
No shit Sherlock
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They stuck in the loop. And some genki nobody from second movie won the waifu spot
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Bring me back to the days we schizotheorized over the cg of dante reviving the sinners.
trying too hard
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Best wing CEO comin' through
why does the project moon universe have to get such kino art? the setting is gritty and serious but since limbus came out all we get is a variety of art like this that calls back to the games
coomer art is just as good i love gachas
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>doesnt bring up anything interesting to talk about
>doesnt post a (You) provoking image
>makes no effort to change the topic of discussion
>only whines and complains
YOU personally are the reason why the thread is shit. YOU let us down.
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What a clerk-like statement.
Plus I wasn't talking to you.
/lcg/ has been getting worse and worse this past few weeks, I’m gonna need to start raping some people…
Yeah but I'm (You) so you're wrong and cringe
given the choice female dante with tits is fine
This general is unironically so easy to bait it's insanity.
>Make retarded post
>get a few (You)'s,
>make a post replying to myself to make it seem a little genuine
>Everybody in the thread swarms and bites the bait like Piranhas
The highlights are the retards that reply with "Low-Quality Bait bro xd"(they're the 6th reply to said bait)
I wish whitenight was real and the world ended
We would have so much Limbus porn by now if Dante had his normal head.
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>malding over cute art
>Proves my point
Dante will betray Faust in Canto 12 or 13.
I just made comments on what the thread was talking about and got (you)s you don't need to bait for yous if you play the game anon. They give them out for free.
It's because this thread is full of tourists who have nothing else to do
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canon btw.
why is the female rabbit doing that to the male rabbit
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I've lost the desire to post because of it.
they're just gonna keep posting that image huh
his fucked up head actually weirds out all the mediocre artists. it helps culling the weak
Coomers don't even properly draw the guy anyway so it wouldn't matter.
i feel like jannies wouldn't care about something so tame.
>all the mediocre artists
lmao have you ever visited twitter or tumblr?
futa is hot
you are gay.
closeted homo
Sinclairxister btw, not sure if that matters
This is the average MIERDITAclair fan, by the way.
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Cute twinks are allowed to rape anyone
Its true
I want to dive lost mind
I want to dive lost mind
I want feeling
I want feeling
Don would NEVER be a villain and rape Manager Esquire!

When are we going to get futa ryoshu earfucking Don and to lather up her cock in bloody brain matter and painting with it?
Why do so many people care about if i like dick or not
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Don is going to mcfucking die at the end of her canto and somebody from the canto is going to put on her boots and become the new Don as an ID.
schnajangnim... I...
I'm closeted and hate myself
I don't agree with that
repressed homosexuality
Don't can't get the bloodfiend ID but that doesn't mean another sinner can't.
No it's not, why the fuck do you losers like this shit
I don't think there's anything wrong with dicks, I have one after all
but if you jack off to a perfectly fine woman with an unnecessary penis, I will simply not respect you.
Catt will be super cute, be voiced by an extremely high pitched VA known for imouto/loli characters, and will call you oppa. She will also complain about her period, just a bit.
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This anon is getting Don'd
>extremely high pitched VA
Please no, I can't tolerate that brand of moe
My guess is something more low-hanging fruit obvious, like uniting her two selves and awakening ego that way.
go back to lgbt
Okay fine. I don't like it too.
Just Tiph levels of bratty, then.
We hate faggot queer zesty homosexual gay niggers here
Kill yourself loser, there's nothing funny about you spamming the same HUUUURDUUUUUUR rape spam over and over again. Do you understand not everyone likes your shit fetish? Do you understand people might have some actual trauma over that shit? No, you fucking don't. All you do is go DUUUUURHUUUR SEXY like some fucking retard. You never could sympathize, fucking mouth breather. Stay the fuck away from this general, you've already made it shit enough.
I wanna rape Charon
I don't see how it's relevant to the game or PM in the slightest. Broadcasting your fetish will almost always bring ridicule anyway.
I want Charon to rape me.
(with her dick)
has our good pal David the third come around lately or has he already been shot dead by a cop
I beat the ensemble yesterday and I had fun
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Still searching for pocket money as far as i can tell
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You're right anon
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So you are that anon I was thinking of
Still Don'd
Uncle Ruckus (real) will live
I wanna bash your skull in
Imagine looking at an image of a man having sex with a woman and deciding to grab a COCK in your hands until it gets hard and stroking it up and down for minutes on end until it CUMS all over you AND feeling good from it
lmao couldn't be me limbabs
at least faggots are not in denial
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I'd tank that.
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
>that vtuber model
I assume he acts as zesty as hongker does?
Don't worry janny, they're just wrestling.
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i can't help myself.. i have to bite..
I can't say this enough: KILL YOURSELVES. You are cancer killing this board with your shit fetish, die and may you never have the chance to hurt someone you fucking psychos
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So do you think they'll post the trailer two and a half hours later, like the last two things they did? It seems they adopted a new time for posting previews and trailers.

Also, call the gimmick for Devyat. I'm going for haste + bleed, like Hook Lu.
Futanari is a fetish exclusively enjoyed by bisexual males.
>inb4 closet faggots sperg about bisexuality not being real
Don't. You're embarrassing yourself. Imagine seething at posts saying:
>Haha... you like to see huge, bouncy and marshmallow-like boobies xddd
It's silly.
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>killing this board
You can't kill what's already dead, dummy.
He said he'll be back next month. I'm waiting for him.
but my fetish is your rage posts.
Mael'd material
i think we should all kiss
I'm hoping for bleed and rupture, but I'm thinking it'll be charge or haste and rupture
futa can only be enjoyed by straight men
>b-b-but i need MEN in my porn
>n-n--no you!!!
cope, faggot.
this is his waiting screen
so you decide
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i just want to suck and fuck a futa female whats so wrong with that
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Here what they did to the event
He'll chat up a girl streamer and end up sitting and flirting with her the whole time before signing off.
He's your typical "charming" fuck boy that panders to his hoard of female fans. Only westoids have your delusion.
futa female sinner*
my apologies
Shut the fuck up, touchless losers
>selfcest yaoi pandering
His target audience is transparent kek
This proves they don't write ahead because it wouldn't have occurred to them just recently this is lorebreaking if they did
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>Heath VA is funny monke IRL
>Hong VA is playboy IRL
>Outis VA is... yeah

I see a pattern here.
Also how this style is called
can't get over the fact that hong Lu's name is just fucking "red chamber"
its like if heathcliff was called john wuthering heights
Outis' va is a genki hag larping as a genki disney princess
Nah I've considered it before but I'm straight, an anime girl with a dick and even some of these anime femboys that are basically just flat futas are fine and dandy but irl dudes (including traps) just don't do for me.
Different strokes for different folks.
His name is Heathcliff Wuthering Heights though.
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If you actually didn't want more posts, you wouldn't reply at all.
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How fast do you think the EVA pilots would distort?
you speak LIES
In his Base E.G.O art, there's a single heath standing atop a cliff.
And then the whole flower talk at the end of the Canto.
He is, quite literally, Heath Cliff Wuthering Heights.
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Oh no. That's hot
Kill yourselves NOW.
>Don's VA has ADHD
>Ryoshu's VA is... normal.
One of these are not like the others
One hand isn't hearing what the other one is saying
>going through mental gymnastics to protect your heterosexuality by saying futa is straight or saying that you can only masturbate to lesbians munching on each other's carpets with (You) as the voyeur
>not simply masturbating to (You)r pov of fucking a woman
You guys are retarded.
Mael'd???? Wh-what the fuck do you mean by that now?
>he didnt watch her stream where she thanks the english fans and then sings little mermaid
I shiggy
Hong Lu's va has a nice singing voice
Heathcliff is literally named after a flower called 'Heath' thats is situated on a cliffside. It's like calling yourself lilypad river
i just think the sinners should be in distress because they are scared to speak up against my authority as their manager when i rape them, workplace power imbalance is my favorite genre of rape because of how reasonable it is to happen. of course if the roles were to be swapped, that is, i was being raped by the sinners as some sort of comeuppance or a way to vent their frustration against me, i would think that is hot too. after all, the sinners can't be actually violent against the manager, the person who is reviving them on a daily basis, so the next best thing is sexual assault. i wish there was more art of non-consensual sex situations in PM's setting. with all the suffering in the city, there almost certain has to be rape.
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>And some genki nobody from second movie won the waifu spot
What was even her point unless i forgot did she even do anything in that plot that couldn't've been given to someone else
kill me yourself you limp-wristed WEAKLING
Shini would be quick,Asuka would take some convincing,Rei idk
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John Wuthering Heights sounds kinda badass
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You don't need to worry about it unless Ishmael gets hungry
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cute tiny canon sized moses(s)
Anon how you see them on the internet is a caricature of themselves. None of them actually act like IRL
<Faust, is this real?>
Ishmael sorta sounds like Muscle Man
I'm a huge VAfag so I like that our VAs are amateur enough to have this stuff out in the open for us to enjoy.
Yeah it's nice.
None of the sinners would rape correct dantenim
>after all, the sinners can't be actually violent against the manager
except SHITMAEL apparently.
shinklair would
I really wonder if Don's va will use her cookie voice for Bloodfiend Don
or this voice
for me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0CkU5jIhCI
...if thats your cope for wanting to fuck a tranny sure go off king
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I have a feeling that Yi Sang isn't actually very fond of Ryoshu.
Top of my head can't think of any good interactions between the two
One is where Ryoshu says Y.S. and Yi sang just says to speak thinking she's referring to him
Thinking of it Yi Sang is the most humane and moral sinner and Ryoshu is on the complete other end so it would make sense for them to not see eye to eye
Also Yi Sang's book counterpart was very anti Jap too
i agree, everyone is much too buddy-buddy now so it's difficult to come up with plausible scenarios, but there's something pleasing about sexually assaulting your boss because it's easy to overpower him. it's something that would have consequences, but of course if you dominate him hard enough maybe he could be too hesitant to actually tell you no, or even embarrassed to tell someone with actual authority to do something about it like vergilius. or for example, why would vergilius believe someone like faust raped dante? she's much more eloquent and it's unreasonable to think that she would do anything of the sort, so she could certainly get away with it completely scott-free.
ishmael especially isn't afraid to use violence and would be the type to be frustrated with the fact that she couldn't get away with bonking the manager or worse, so she'd need a different outlet to get back at dante.
Am I no longer a fake fan?
>I have a feeling that Yi Sang isn't actually very fond of Ryoshu.
Well duh, she's Japanese.
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What did Faust mean by this? Was she jealous?
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>he had to turn to one bad many good
You're still a fake
this is what Ayin gets to fuck every day in the light btw
she was reluctant to let dante get close to that violent boatbilly brute again
wrong idiot, or they wouldn't be injured
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I humbly request thine attention, fellow sinners. I am in need of either a streaming site or a torrent site for films. I need to rewatch Wolf of Wallstreet for a college team presentation and I don't want to pay.
It could mean anything since she has no personality
Probably more so questioning current Dante's actions, just like in canto IV.
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If you have whitenight in the facility as you use this thing, the agent wielding it can pretty much solo everything in the game.
All this speak of community creators and product managers made me want to create reasonable content and dedicate time and effort to the community, I hope you can enjoy and take away factoids from this video.

finally, a pm channel for chuds
check nyaa.si
do NOT headcanon this, we do not need another donrape
Project Moon IS progressive, but not in the way the zitter xisters think. If I had to make a comparison, it's like comparing the soviets to the modern queer fat NEET communists, or the Allied WW2 soldiers with the modern antifa groups. Sure technically they're similar, but one is way more grounded than the other.
I just find homosexuals disgusting
>it was crazy dialed back for limbus.
You're insane
i was mostly trying to continue pissing that person off but they seem to have fucked off
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>sinclair x demian
Sinclair is a giant homo in the book
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Faust was watching for any justification to behead Ishmael before she attacked again.
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you don't know which torrent site to find films yet you know how to torrent? I sincerely feel like you won't be able to do that part so try googling "watch free movies site:reddit.com" and sort by within the last month and you should be able to find some links.


Please enable all adblockers you have and ensure your anti-malware and anti-ransomware is all up to date. In fact, make sure you access the site on a device you would have 0 issue with destroying as soon as you enter the link
Tasteful, demure, superb.
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So that's where that drawing on Twitter I saw came from. Nice.
>In fact, make sure you access the site on a device you would have 0 issue with destroying as soon as you enter the link
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This is meant to be a 700 lbs morbidly obese ishmael
These site generate profit in some manner. Most through shitloads of bad-ads that pop up every time you want to click somewhere on the site; Others through injecting ransomware trying to find that one idiot who doesn't know how to secure their shit.
Once again I'm appalled that ANOTHER anon doesn't know where to stream/torrent shit in this day and age.
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thanks for the anime torrent site anon! I'll put it to good use, but I was asking about movies, real life ones with 3DPD
>you don't know which torrent site to find films yet you know how to torrent?
it's been a while since I last did, like a few years. Dunno what sites still work
thanks but I'm a student I'm not gonna risk bricking my device
cool video, gay voice
>Faust proceeds to masturbate in the bathroom
Mmm yep this is a good post
If you're watching pirated shit off the internet thats exactly what you're risking.
Who is Ritz?
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Perfect, just as intended.
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>click link
>not loading, reload page multiple times
>remember twitter just got banned here
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ah, well I just use piratebay or 1337x for all my torrent needs, but I'm sure some /g/uru would yell at me for it. I don't remember the right link for piratebay so I just go to the wikipedia for it. 1337x should be with a ".to". But try the google reddit site string, that should give you a lot more reliable resources.
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I did them shortly after reset!
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Just use megaupload and rargb.
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i did this thing again and they still need a lot of work but i keep procrastinating because painting orange is a pain in the ass and yes i know one's missing his head im just too lazy to get it out of my backpack
The latter is dead in the water.
Unless it came back and I didn't notice.
Is this the fucking pissfag?
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The method if it was five niggas
why does the project moon universe have to get such cringey art? the setting is gritty and serious but since limbus came out all we get is shitty art like this that has nothing to dow ith the games
coomer art is better than this i hate gachas
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Is that titan- what the hell is that
i need to do my dallies...
cutest rcorp buddies
good progress
Doesn't appear to be
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Nice. How tall are those?
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How much did those things cost you?
>literally can't do my dailies because the game freezes at the final wave of the EXP lux
The idea of Erlking attacking High School AU Heath because Cathy saved him from truck-kun was funny as fuck to me. Like imagine being some poor fucking kid who just watched his crush die protecting you then a threat to rival (probably exceed) fucking SHIN GODZILLA shows up to kill you
I do this too because all the ‘good’ torrent sites are private and annoying to get into tbdesu
report it so we get another 1300 lunacy sis
Skippa skippa
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happy to see you back anon
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Sinner for this feel?
Did you assemble these? Regardless, nice, love this kind of stuff
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same. i hope he does something with it because it's too fucking funny not to
So no 00 huh?
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You're underselling Shin Goji. Even if he is one of the weaker iterations of Godzilla, he's still stronger than almost anything we've seen in the City so far.
Meursault or Yi Sang
Not unless Director decides to betray the patternfags.
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8 inches tall if im not mistaken i just disassembled the big one since its mostly held on by magnets/faith and getting it out again is a pain
about.. 2000 ml of resin maybe less? they're not the real thing but they look like it and thats all that matters in my lgs
>2000 ml of resin maybe less
oh thank god I was afraid you'd given those damn br*ts money.
post Outis_69
You did highlights on those orange bits anon? Or its the camera not picking up the details? still cool ass Knight group.
There's something missing on the checkerboard pattern on the first canvas... what happened...
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What level of luck is this?
>finally listened to that vocaroo
>actually chuckled at it and found the voices funny
Sorry, anon, but you need to EXPLODE
Damn wtf
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good night /lcg/
So is W Ryoshu still good in a Charge team or does Nugget Ryoshu replace her?
why did op take a photo of his screen instead of screencapping it
This Anon maxxed his Luck scales to 3.
>Walpurgisnacht IDs
Pretty shit. Reroll the account.
That's one hell of a roll. DETONATE
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Goodnight, anon.
>tfw no qt.314 war crim gf
>NishikujiC's N.clair image has 2.2M views on it
Wtf how?
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It's a free sample Anon, don't be a sucker.
Also clean that dust build up off the bottom of your monitor
Sleep well.
i did a very minimal amount of highlighting since theyre still in their infancy paint wise and once again orange is a fucking pain in the ass to paint with. three thin coats barely gets you anywhere and i abhorr the air version troll slayer orange but it gets the job done
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which one
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Twitter algorithm favors fascist imagery
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>popular artist
>popular art trend
>grippy sinclair
I'd be more surprised if it didn't take off.
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Just so you know, the omega lucky roll isn't mine, I just ran into it, found it amusing and posted it. I've been playing day 1.
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He wouldn't do this.
i would
>Some people are still getting frozen after corrosion
+1300 lunacy soon.
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Abnormalities for this feel?
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I see, dont blame you. Since you 3dprint stuff why not giving the Knights the RCorp wepons like the punch dagger of Rsault, the Knifes of the Rabbits, a cannon with the staff of the Reindeers and the sabre of Nikolai. I sugest looking at some Eldar Ghostglaives in blender and fixing the meshes.
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>Just got that this was a reference to
>"You don't survive because you're strong, you're strong because you surviived"
sinclair game
sinclair series
sinclair planet
now I really want those soleil underwear
What? I just thought both would basically be able to flatten Tokyo. Erlking would take longer but good fucking luck to the Japanese defence forces fighting an endless army of augmented bastards
i did have the idea of turning a thunderstrike gauntlet into Rsault's weird energy weapon and i think i'd just need to make it in blender and glue it atop the gauntlet to make it work. my unreachable dream is modeling a miniature of Myo from scratch in her feral knives stance and use her as a proxy for the pilot (sir hekthur) of the canis rex
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While Erlking is obviously vastly superior to the average Japanese soldier and could probably wipe out dozens of platoons on his own, he would also have to deal with missiles and helicopters and stuff, neither of which are as present in the City due to the latter's laws.
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Every time I see her sprite I wonder, what is her weapon? I didn't pay much attention to the sprites during my playthrough. Is it just a sword? cause it's a pretty cool ass sword
I know this is bait but its legitimately fascinating watching the alphabet mafia try to psyop themselves into believing this game is some kind of pro-faggot franchise when literally nothing about the source material supports them
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This is the kind of art that deserves 200k likes.
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If you want a good female base try a Safs pilot from Maschinen Krieger then just edit her to look like Myo.
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Having a theme as vague and universal as "b urself" is enough to have faggots latch onto your series.
A charge-based officer's sabre. The segmented blade makes me think that she could also turn it into a sword-whip.
I think that's pretty badass.
There's no way something like an AK-47 wouldn't be useful against Fixers up until like Grade 3
I guess we could try to compare Rabbit and Thumb weapons to what we have nowadays, but we also have that dumb "can't penetrate steel" thing.
this is hot
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love me wife outis
Its a sci-fi Saif/Mameluke sword aka a Commander Sword. A pretty bitchin' sword if you ask me even when Iike the Kilij alot more in real life.
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I win
Managers with an IQ above 130 are able to solve this problem with ease?
You are out on a company sponsored dinner. Sinner Don Quixote wants to order the kid's meal. Sinner Outis is upset at this, believing Don should not order a kid's meal and instead act her age and order a normal meal. The two are arguing heavily, and this may cause a scene which will lead to reputation loss for Limbus Company. What do you do to diffuse the situation?
Her breasts aren't that big.
Party hard.
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Buy Don a Happy Meal and order Outis to meet (You) in restroom for blowjob activity.
<I buy two kid's meals. One for me and another for Don.>
<Outis can eat her plain, normal meal.>
<I buy a single coffee and then leave.>
>more jiggling related softlocks
mmmmmm more lunacy for me!
also wtf is the new rodion supposed to do that causes this lmao?
why does the project moon universe have to get such cringey art? the setting is gritty and serious but since ruina came out all we get is shitty art like this that has nothing to dow ith the games
coomer art is better than this i hate deck builders
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sex with this specific faust id and none of the others
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PMbabs really trying to run a joke into the ground, huh?
<If you don't stop arguing I will take all of us to burger king>
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<I offer Rodya an extra meal to be an enforcer once again and warm them that if they continue to bicker, she will 'lightly bonk them' on the head like last time.>
<And then I buy Don a normal meal and Outis a kid's meal.>
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>this is post walpurgis 4
so uhhhh wtf am I supposed to do with all this shit?
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Can you call it a harem if it's all the same woman?
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its funny
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a harem of my wifes ( all alternate versions of the same wife)
Not going to lie, I totally have a superiority complex over other gacha players for playing Limbus. I just can't help it. I feel so superior to those retards.
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disregard most of the retards replying.
/lcg/ LOVES to pretend like they have some dignity by hating futa yet in the next minute would post about how they'd love to anal fist hong lu and suck his dick
You literally are superior to them tho
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but I am better than every other anon itt too
Anon, you're equally as retarded
Save it for the next one, and then use it for the lunacy required uptie 5
This will result in potentially greater reputation loss. Failed.
Outis will listen to the manager's words, but absolutely heed his actions as well. Don and Outis resolve this peacefully. However, do note Outis may not be entirely pleased with these results. Pass.
Neglectful behavior is intolerable. Fail. See Faust after hours.
Collective punishment is discouraged, but will prevent any large incidents from becoming publicized. Pass.
This answer is flawed. By giving Outis the kid's meal, and Don the normal meal, neither are satisfied. Outis will listen, but Don will continue to be upset. Additionally, employing Sinner Rodya to deal with the outbursts will only cause potential conflict later. Fail.
Kill yourself. Genuinely.
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laugh at her jokes bros
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not really a headcanon when half the drawpile is just yaoi and gay sex
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>feeling superior over grinding mirror dungeons for hundreds of hours
1 guy
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Night /lcg/. Try not to think about dicks too much.
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>yingclair tard
>meursault obsessed fag
Anyone can just look themselves and see that's not the case.
Try harder.
this could be hot
Rodya already dealt with outbursts before in that manner and there was no fear of 'potential conflict' later on
Stupid Paust doesn't know what they're talking about
>>meursault obsessed fag
thats a woman doing it though
Do note this was in private, onboard Mephistopheles. This is a public restaurant.
Make Outis order a happy meal for herself to make an example out of her.
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doubt it
especially if they come to 4chan
>hating futa
>forgetting about futa geb
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perfect for correction
I tried another gacha for the first time with ZZZ and the daily grind is so much more intensive, and then the weeklies are just as intensive as MD except you can't have it in another window and let it win rate autoplay itself. Gay!
>my schizo senses are tingling
>the everyone is gay shitstirrer is also shit stirring about the drawpipi
why tho
>especially if they come to 4chan
anon this isn't the early 2007s anymore
there are girls that browse 4chan and I mean actual girls
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alot of these limbus only newfags forget how horny the original lobcorp fanbase was.
of which included ALOT of futa gebura art
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Look tourist, your astroturf psyop isn't working. Why haven't you gone back already?
Disgusting shemale loving faggot.
All of those are straight art outside of the 1 guy like I said.
Are you even trying?
What's your goal?
every time an anon whines about futa I get closer to comming mirin chikuwa to do limbus stuff
>Futafag trying to get attention again
Kill yourself. Your art is shit. You will never improve. Your fetish is disgusting.
No... it can't be...
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>a lot
not nearly enough, and it was all mostly the drawfag you posted which went wayyy too hyper
And now most of the futa art she gets is with her being the one who gets dicked down
cursed timeline
come again to seethe about getting bullied here for your disgusting fetish weirdo?
Although people may find it unusual Outis in her age would order a meal, she would quiet down if given this form of punishment. Pass.
>straight art
Yeah, one gay artist like was already said.
Uh? Thanks for proving me right ig?
I am so SMART...
>futafag SEETHING
Is it because people shit on your art?
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did people really forget that the dude is a tranny freak who's scared to cut his dick off?
Oh the futafag has come to cry victim once again? classic
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>the [...] shitstirrer is [...] shit stirring
because xhe's here to farm (you)s and advance xhes leftist agenda
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
bwo... why are you like this
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ByDon Days soon!
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fuck this thread.
c'mon dude, you're nice in the drawpile chats, do you get off your meds the rest of the week?
So? The arguing is already in the heavy territory so a scene is already made
If we wanted to avoid that we should've acted sooner
As such the threat of corporal punishment would work because both are already familiar with it
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MY schizo theory is that he's jealous. jealous of more than just one thing
>anons think don will get bygone days
>despite not having any sinking ids
Penis Envy
>rodya & bleed
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I desire not to talk about drama. Instead I would like to express my regret for choosing the Violet Noon pack while running a BL team
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If it has deluge she wont need to have a sinking ID
Bro, just kill it?
>retard so triggered he can't even stay on topic anymore
i had never seen that angle before, but his obsession with futa and hyper could certainly be linked to deep insecurities about his cock size and manliness
>someone is having a fucking meltdown over the drawpile
man its been a while since this happened
>people think faust will get burn ego despite having no burn ids
My only regret picking that pack is it takes so gd long.
just like Faust's Burn ID, and Ryoshu's Sinking ID
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>first MDH after Walpurgis event
>pick the Violet Noon pack because I thought that PM wouldn't leave in the instakill move, especially since there's the potential to grab the defensive enemy buffs which basically guarantees you're getting GREAT LOVE FOR US'd if you're running a non-status team
>they left it in
My penis is fucking tiny, but I don't do this kind of thing.
behead all dramafags, slice dramafags with a katana etc.
Anons also think Don will get Zwei West despite having gotten T Corp not even 3 months ago.
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>stream vod of some literal who playing ruina shows up in my recs
>dude got filtered by the red mist fight for 6 hours
i could ignore his faggotry but goddamn not another fucking tranny
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grinded just a little bit
he was already defensive over his buddy that trooned out. my theory is he gets triggered around "actual" females
he's probably on his way to trooning out himself.
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nice? what do you mean by nice?
all of the retards in the drawpile are fart sniffing losers.
the fact that you retards spam your trash in these threads every week is proof that you never get any attention on your stuff outside of here.
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did you already forget that Heathcliff just got an EGO, a 00, and a 000 all back to back
>who's scared to cut his dick off
Why wouldn't you be?
It resists slash and I don't even have lucky pouch yet, so I can't easily stagger it fast enough. I'm trying a substitute approach now.
He's probably like ZET and thinks people don't like his art because he's a dude
>a harem of my wifes (all alternate versions of the same wife)
I am honestly kinda surprised this idea hasn't been done yet.
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you see the amount of assmad whenever trannies get mocked itt and you somehow never made the connection that it was tranny tourists getting upset?
Doesn't bingus shut her whole gimmick down
Hell I think kali is the only "boss" in the game that doesn't have Shimmering, so bingus 3-cost lock actually does something useful.
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Now that the dust has settled, do you guys think that PM will ever be able to top Erlking's pantshitting face sprite? I find it hard to imagine anything else that could beat it out in the unintentional humor
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I remember seeing some fat British dude who looked like Jim Sterling sperging out about some fights in Ruina, having a melty and blaming everything but himself like a 6 year old
it was cringe kino
does filtered mean having a hard time with something now?
People think Faust is Dantes wife, but what happens if she's his sister
based as fuck
the drawpile shit is fucking gay and I dont give a single fuck about it besides the few snippets of porn that sometimes shows up
by nice i mean you're not shy about sharing your roblox avatar commissions
Are you seriously having to respond to yourself to push this? This is just mentally ill headcanon...
These aren't mutally exclusive
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Bloodfiend Don will have a ahegao face
Considering some of the lines that uses this sprite I think it's actually supposed to be an 'a thousand-yard stare'.
I feel like it has been. I know I've read some stories personally in the past.
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Dante is getting the Argalia ID?
he literally is you uneducated pleb, read a book sea nigger
>but since limbus came out all we get is shitty art
lol newfag

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