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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>493959628
Ye-Yeah there is reason army's use rifles instead of pikes.
Any idea what to do with this? My tps is shit, colonists are barely walking
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>want to make dryad xenotype
>cant make them all have brown skin without mods because tynandrial fears racism
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xth for daily reminder that Corin is horse and nog fucking whore.
I could take her, I'm built different.
Thoughts on CE important ammo?
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One of these is from the wrong mod. I'll spawn in both a delete the wrong one with Devmode.
Why are deserters so stupid? They keep sending only one or two people to kill Kozlova; you'd think they'd learn by now.
It was cut out in one of the patches
I remember turning dude white on release
Is that like a separate mod, or a feature of CE.
your negroes seem to be missing their penises
Looks annoying. Maybe it would be fun if you're roleplaying a scavenger
I just don't enjoy macro ammo management. Though I understand people that do.
how disgusting... but research is research
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Left or right for my mercs in an insectoid hive start?
>cut out in one of the patches
w8 developer is woke? i thought he wasn't since the game is clearly biased towards non-brown skins.
Balance-wise it's a good decision since skin and hair colour only cluttered the genes that you were getting
Does anybody know of a possible reason why none of the show hair with hats mods are working for me? Any potential conflicts?
i'd agree but blue/yellow etc skins and "bald" etc should be removed as well.
could instead make a new type of "gene group", which gives access to a bunch of cosmetic-only genes. for example the group of skin color, the group of hair styles, the group of body figure, the group of eye color etc. if you have a "group" in a gene bank you'd get all of those trivial genes.
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secret hideaway revealed
what will occur inside this inconspicuous basin? genetic experiments for a supersolider program? gatherings and ceremonies of the occult? or perhaps offerings and parties for the elite royals?
Looks cool, gonna install.
droppod raids
non steam link?
There is literally no reason NOT to pirate the DLC because Tynan allows you to just slap it in the mod folder and have it function perfectly fine.
You're either using a mod archiving website or just downloading it with Rimsort/Rimpy like everyone else.
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>if I don't give the random beggars (including a child) half of my alcohol, I'm a bad person
This is why I never use ideologies with altruism.
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How nice of the bugs to enter via the fridge, makes cleanup so much simpler.
>make my colonists lavish carnivore meals out of bug meat
>they still eat simple meals instead
Is there a way to get them to accept bugmeat, without the ideology? It's annoying to have to manually right click meals and tell colonists to eat them.
need nigger tradwife
You could restrict them to bugmeat until they start to starve.
looks like a penis
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What an... interesting undead I found in the crowd of raiders. Should I recruit her?
Is there a way to add ground water with dub's bad hygiene, from dev mode? I can't seem to find it.
Use her as fertilizer.
There is an option to regenerate watergrid
Say, is blindsight even that bad? With psycasts expanded it doesn't seem to be that bad
Make her the biggest and hardest boner ever.
undead don't sleep
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Alright it's been 315 days since I last touched Ribas, SoS has turned back on since I last played. I never really got a chance to play this mod, and I don't have Anomaly so this is the new content of 1.4 for me, for now.
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the superheavy shuttle
wait holy shit those things on the table are flasks. this whole time i thought they were miniature turrets, like models that they were using to help design the real ones.
blindsight is good even in vanilla what the fuck do you mean
what a powerful rat, consuming souls of the fallen
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Her last day as a cutie so I cooked her a birthday lavish meal. Hag life start tomorrow.
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I see, your colony is filled with lewd children.
>almost 40 colonists
my CPU would commit suicide
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She went peacefully in her sleep, my little girl is gone now.

I dont have performance analyzer on but it's still alright.
>become 13
>immediately crave drugs
if i were her dad id feel bad too
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A vast misunderstanding of what my primary objective should be has occurred. There is no life support system here by default. Looks like my friends have to take a nice nap while I perform some research.
doesn't blindsight mess up everyday work? plus i've never really seen anyone use it you'd think blind psychics would be more popular
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Anybody know what this blue bar is and how to turn it off?
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>this big ass pen can't support a single dino
i wish the land was more fretile
Does the dino eat live plants?
your terraforming mods?
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63rd for anime
Haven't used any land vehicles, is a double door wide enough or am i gonna have to find a mod that adds larger doors? Also are there any garage door mods that don't have Vanilla Vehicles Expanded as a dependency?
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IIRC, vehicles don't go through normal doors.
You need the garage doors (VVE) or retracting walls (Mechanical Walls, Something Different Wall).
Corin belongs to the Ranch
I'm using SOS2. I see short burn east and short burn west. I want to go north and south, and there aren't buttons for that. How do I move my ship once it's in orbit?
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God I hate CE bugs, even with mollies and Impids they still tear you to shreads.
I assumed you didn't have CE on because fighting Bugs with medieval weapons would be insane.
CE Halberd is op enough that it's possible.
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the ranch belongs to corin
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Another wonderful day in Gramont
What with the dead naked Impid? Also
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She's just masturbatin'
Brown fox is going to become 13 again
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Oh good. Also Sex With Impid!
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>quest to save a colonist's family member
>rush over there even in a heatwave
>she's a depressed pacifist that won't do basic labor
oh darn oh no it seems we lost her on the way back! a shame really, you know what it is in the wilds!
did she have any passions for things like intellectual that would give her a use?
spider infested jungles are a lot less scary when you constantly get traders comprised of overpowered anime girls that punch them to death whenever they try to take a bite out of their giant jellyfish
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N-no Anon i don't think you could
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my prison is getting crowded. should i recruit/enslave/excute/release some?
what would you do in my place?
Jesus fucking Christ Anon
execute all women touched by the pigger
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if you are a pacifist you had better be a premium dicksuck like a highmate, otherwise you're gone
Gas mask season
Anyone got any weapon and artillery mods they like? I'm looking for medieval and early industrial stuff.
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Randy moment
alpha memes and vanilla expended ideology add a lot of styles that change the apearance of weapons
>artillery mods
did you read his post...
all I can think of are the CE armoury ones but I never used them.
war wagon, but you need veicle framework
Thog's stuff would have been perfect for what I'm looking for but it hasn't been updated in a while.
Is human primacy too strong? Production specialist looks fun but I don't want it to be too easy.
how come vanilla has gay sexuality but no ideology precept about forvbidding samesex relationship? is tynan woke?
your existence is tiresome
obviously tynan avoids certain things that will be used by players in ways that will ignite certain issues (ethnostates, homophobia, etc.)
he himself does not seem very woke
people who submit to woke are in essence woke.
Production specialist and shooting specialist are both busted in ideology
Rape the new DLC girl
Rape Brusalt
Rape Elaina
Rape Jenni
Rape Momi
Rape Veron
Rape Julo
Rape Vermillion
Rape Tsukimi
Rape Nanako
Rape Serach
Rape Bell
Rape Yoonseul
Rape Yosimi
Rape Norma
Rape Tomomi
Rape Strawberry
Rape Apple
Rape Twilight
Rape Bubbles
Rape Blossom
Rape Buttercup
Rape Charlotte
Rape Esther
Rape Marine
Rape Femcel
Rape Katarina
Rape Glowie
Rape Kraut
Rape Saki
Rape Eve
Rape Nurse
Rape Aurine
Rape Kealana
Rape Mint
Rape Snowdrop
Rape Katya
Rape Toxos
Rape Stream
Rape Snickers
Rape Dudina
Rape Corin
Rape Hilda
Rape Alboio
Rape Erin
Rape Kylar
Rape Layla
Rape Ryane
Rape Uskos
Rape Cindy
Rape Sappy
Rape Sera
Rape Mink
Rape Harper
Rape Setsuko
Rape Zen
Rape Doris
Rape Amalia
Rape Rikki
Rape Date
Rape Brooke
Rape Allie
Rape Auric
Rape Zamora
Rape Lena
Rape Flynn
Rape Impids
Rape Highmates
Rape Hussars
Rape Wasters
Rape Dirtmoles
Rape Baseliners
Rape Moyos
Rape Ratkin
Rape Anty
Rape Revia
Rape Askbarn
Rape Slime girls
Rape Fox girls
Rape Cat girls
Rape Bunny girls
Rape Moose girls
Rape Dragon girls
Rape Dog girls
Rape Monkey girls
Rape Maru girls
In Rimworld.
go back to /pol/ you nut
woke is racism and bigotry under the guise of liberalism and enlightment. its corrison the reason libarlism has been in decline and people like trump got into power.
reject woke.
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The rotting corpse apparently likes the harp, though this friendship is a bit one sided.
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heretics have also attacked, this is the most action I've had in years.
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what should i do with my prisoners
human leather comboy hats and longpork meals.
traits aren't anything special
organ harvest
you get plenty of those from the raiders that die
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Dey whipp'd mah' ne'groe
>keeping useless gimp slaves
if you're running your CPU hotter you might as well make them colonists
I only accept pawn with perfect craniology that represent the pinacle of their haplogroup,
however our ascent to the genetic summit has been halted by our obsession with sadness and frivolous imperial pop culture.
once we dominated lesser culture like the deformed pigskins and the inexplicably tox-potatoe obsessed wasters, and now... nothing. Only wait to be superseded. But to pray is to accept defeat and I will exit the stage of history with dignity - By inviting other races to a great world war. The museum our my enemy will be filled with monument of our former glory with walls lined with bottles of liquor and inside we will store odes to homosexuality we called "art" next to our now deformed microcephalic skulls
really? i thousht i should keep the girl pig as colonist, the boy pig as comfort pawn and realese the two japanese goblins for faction favor
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Moon Base had some quirks that required a bit too much Debug foo to fix, so were are going back to the ground. For now, at the end of day three we are still hammering away at this terrible fort design, that makes me miss my last fort.
My entity containment zone is coming together, now all I need is an advanced entity so I can get the bioferrite generator.
Don't worry, Tynan loves to have the vore event trigger.
she is getting paid?
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I hate gachagooks so much it's unreal
what mod for that crop
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Building bridges, because all the steel on the map is on the other side of the river.
use / before rwg silly
Getting real sick of this cowardice Horror
Does Kozlova giving her a head pat at the end of the day count?
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2 advanced components for FREE?
What the fuck are you talking about
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why are rimworld genies so weak
what mod has headpats except lolium?
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could be worse
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Why doesn't the smarter construction mod, fix bridge building so they don't dive into the water to build a bridge island?
>he doesnt use rimpy
>feel like playing rimworld
>spend an hour setting all the shit up
>stare at the empty map
>close the game
man why the fuck am I like this, I "only" have 650h on the game, I keep getting the urge to play it but I give up instantly, it's pissing me off
dont start with a hard scenario. perfectly setup your pawns, location etc. I usually do like you when i try a difficult start/scenario
>>spend an hour setting all the shit up
Dont do that.
Go standard crashlanded, random pawns and go from there with whatever game throws at you.
Excessive setup and preparing is often causing bordedom.
that's the thing, I'm just trying to do a solo mechanitor, which is pretty much baby mode, didn't play much since biotech dropped so i wanna catch up
oh boy free loot, my wealth is going to fucking skyrocket from this
start with 3-4 pawns to quickly setup then banish everyone except your mechanitor. the 1-pawn start is maybe what's turning you off from the game. waiting 6 hours IRL for your pawn to have a livable base is annoying as fuck
>havent played since biotech
yeah you're missing out on a lot
Start on mountains, disable infectation (Tynan mental illness creation), and start digging. While digging - create a basic colony outside. I currently 3 years ingame and still didn't transition under mountains as there just alot to dig.
what armour are Ro and Herror wearing? from what mod?
NTA but https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3317177638
Yeah it's the bonereapers mod. The armor is pretty overpowered but so are the raiders it sends so it balances out.
ty, i thought it was the profaned but didn't find the armor in it. those two mods are kinda similar lol. what mod are these furnitures from?
have fun https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3102678787
/rwg/ multiplayer when?
second this. ill join if you guys host.
thoughts on CAI5000? It sounds nice in theory but in practice it ends up with raiders just hanging outside your defenes refusing to come close and it's just an awkward standoff until you decide to go outside and kill them
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RIMWORLD:The First Donuts
just make a scarecrow mod, that way every raid will lurk outside and eventually leave on their own
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I might have made a mistake doing all of these surgeries at once, this fox is going to empty out my entire freezer
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I built 6 heaters despite having Dub's bad hyenine installed. I think hard, I need to expand the base, and probably rebuild much of it, but don't want to.
Played 13 years deep into colony with CAI5000 on, never had this issue once. Are you that anon that just blatantly lies about CE for no reason?
I just had breacher raid and all they did was blow a hole in my wall and then just stand outside refusing to go in because there was one guy with monosword behind a corner
I've never received a breacher raid in my 1,334.3 hours.
I'll kidnap your female pawns and i'll turn them into comfort pawns
I have no idea why multiplayer is co-op. It can not be that much more complicated to designate control to different colony's.
I think you meant 13.343 hours
you won't. people gonna gang up on you if you try to be a bully. they do so in most aoe2 games i watched.

maybe we can use a mod that enable multiple colonists to a single player. we won't be able to war with each other but its like we have a small province with multiple towns.
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I've posted every run here for at least two years. You can go all the way up my single continuous reply chain in the archives if you want.
what difficulty do you play most often?
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maybe we can use a mod that enable multiple C O L O N I E S to a single player. we won't be able to war with each other but its like we have a small province with multiple towns.
Custom, with everything enabled.
community builder with raids turned off
strive to survive with 125% threat
>go to sleep
>some nolifer destroys your entire colony
They probably just think pvp wouldn't be fun and so aren't wasting their time on it.
Isn't Ribaorld multiplayer mostly played by people with their friends?
that's not vanilla is it? in vanilla it can't last longer than a quadrum.
just make it so colonies disappear when players aren't playing.
notice: if at least one player pawn is logged in and in colony (midraid for example) colonies won't disappear from map untill pawn leaves it.
I generally don't play with thirst on. Is it worth it?
you probably have a mod that disables or breaks it then, unless you're denying they exist
I keep hearing this but never experienced it. Do you use a lot of automated defenses?
I don't have a single turret in my base
You know what I have had this happen, once, I had a pseudo melee kill box set-up. Consider not using melee killboxes exclusively.
So she's going to need to eat 9 times a day. I hope you have a nuclear stomach laying around.
I just read online that you shouldn't add mods to commitment mode. Is this true, and if so why? Can I change my save to normal mode before I add mods?
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Sounds like comfy weather to hole up indoors and laugh at dying raiders and traders.
because most mods are buggy shit and will require you to reload or enable debug to fix something eventually
Mods can bug out, have some unexpected interaction etc.
Plus some mods throw balance off HARD and you can get like a raid that you have no chance of defeating.
>refugee quest
>5 come in
>one of them is cannibal (death sentence)
>can't kill him outright so do trial
>90% success chance
>"umm, he didn't do nothing"
>arrest him anyway, the rest chimpout
>result - 1 dead, 3 on prisoner bed, one cannibal executed
Gonna release those 3 afterwards, they really just retarded.
>raid with 10 alpha mechs sigebreakers and diabolus + a bunch of smaller mechs
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Hammering out the nessicarily bridges for the base extension, god 12 per tile is not kind. Thanks to a cold snap during the fall, I have to "hunt" (have Dan bash a deer's skull in and drag it back to be cooked)
Modding is cheating, so you should not add them because cheating is bad.
You never fully understand how powerful zeushammers are until you fight the empire and they’re used against you. Almost lost one of colonists to getting her head smashed in.
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Honestly seems like a manipulative bitch, probably better to let her bleed out.
My boarskin sanguophage with 99 torso HP and marine armor got fucked up by a swarm of empire melee soldiers. She killed half of them before they took her down but still.
Also two of my colonists were one tapped by the zeushammer dude because they had brain implants and I forgot that happens
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hit print screen
open microsoft paint
press ctrl+v
press ctrl+s
what the fuck is wrong with you
My cook is so good that the last 3 mental breaks have all been food binges.
*your cock
Game has a fucking screenshot option for the love of god.
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Does the toilet have to be separate from the bedroom?

not everyone has steam
The game itself has one, not just fucking steam you dumbass.
>a wife AND a husband
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I've always wondered why wood sells for 0.97 instead of 0.1, it makes it so easy to get money mid to late game.
And why does the empire want to buy wood? Seems like something they should have solved a long time ago, so should be tribe-only.
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Well that seems to defeat the point of silent raids, this is also my second raid Oskarware, please keep up.
Prepatcher (Prestarter) or RimSort?
Fuck yeah
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First Commercial Gathering, I look forward to many more.
Is Anomaly really that bad? Does it at least integrate with the base game?
it's kino and anyone who doesn't like it is black
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Took some refugees in, built them the refugee shack, they are both terrible colonists, but I need stone cut and anybody can cut stone. I don't think food will be a problem after I beat most of the wildlife to death, today is going to be a big hunting day.
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I probably didn't need to waste the bullets on the hunt since I pulled out the riot gear.
how do i use it?
It's fun if you like the content but it's really for a themed playthrough
the empire has no wood they have better use for their land

anomally is bad and you should feel bad
t. never played it
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I had just enough time to take my armor off, Dan stepped out, and I saw three raiders walking towards my base. Fortunately they didn't agro onto anybody outside, unfortunately I forgot to take my eastern door off hold open, so there was a bit more melee than I wanted.
Say, how do you get more steel in a sea ice colony? just wait until traders come by with either animals, or steel itself?
slag melting, offsite mines, trade, smelting of raider shit.
but i can't even make a smelter! i don't have enough steel for it nor has a trader that can sell me such has came by
its good for a single thematic playthrough but thats really it. anomaly demands so much but gives almost nothing back
It gives a lot back because the rituals and creepjoiners are pretty busted but it makes regular threats a joke and you are forced to deal with anomaly threats instead
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Randy go-away for like 7 days.
Your first goal needs to be getting steel for smelter then.
>wonder why my parkas keep disppearing
>realise I made a bill to burn biocoded weapons and forgot to turn off apparel from that bill
Its absolute dogshit with mountaian bases, I asume it is better on flat maps but those are boring.
>Get raided
>Raider tunnel through mountains instead of just walking around the natural terrain
>By the time they reach you they just pussy foot forever until you move your guys back and ambush them with one guy to pin them.
It's obnoxious because they will sit outside forever and not do anything. I'd rather put self limitations on myself then play with that ai, oh and the FOW sucks too because they will just magically know where you have no guys and walk there even if its in an area that they might as well think is solid mountain.
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I love relations
>no daughter, wife
>get raided by a group of 9
>3 of them are deathless
>oh boy time to make more room in my prison
>all 3 get brain:Destroyed just from walking on traps
>3 non-deathless shits live to be captured
daughters are meant for brothers
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No, incest is bad
Blood relation love. Not romantic
>this is how you ride a horsie
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hard to believe they don't have a slave woodcutter operation
>summon apocriton
>while waiting for it tribal trader arrives
>immediately send one of my guys to dismiss them
>before he can do that the trader and another tribal get in a fight, traders gets painshocked and the caravan leaves without taking him back
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Better incest that to fuck horse or blacks.
father/daughter's too far for me
v older brother younger sisterr
v younger brother older sister
v cousin cousin
v father daughter
x mother son
v uncle nephew
x aunt nephew
x grandpa grandaughter
x grandma grandson
Survived a breacher mechanoid raid during toxic fallout.
>x grandma grandson
where are my fellow hag lovers at?
x uncle nephew
v uncle niece
is diabolus the hardest vanilla mech boss? apocriton uses up the revives pretty fast and is pretty weak otherwise, war queen's urchins are pretty weak as well, but diabolus has the bullshit cannon and the aoe fire when you melee it
If you have Psycaster with Skip you can interrupt its Cannon Aiming by constantly skipping it
the canon is slow as shit.
just have one runner within the canon's range and a bunch of militors inside the canon's safe zone.
the militors (should) eat up most of the diabolus's turret shots so that your runner isnt slowed.
the word is cannon
it has 2 n's
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right, fuck.
i really need to get more sleep
Diabolous is probably the hardest of all mech boses ( doesnt mean its hard ) because of his main gun absolutely shredding static defences, wall etc.
All other bosses can be easily defeated by turret/ied spam but Diablo boy requires some thought.
really wish vanilla had more threats like the diabolus that forced you to think instead of just hiding out behind a choke point.
heard of anomaly?
anomalyCHADS win again!
Yeah its a really bad DLC that kinda killed modding while giving nothing but shit content and performance hogging in return.
What of it?
anomaly threats dont really fit the bill.
the diabolus is fun because it doesnt force you to go about it in one specific way (like endgame raids forcing you to use a choke), you can do >>494358105, you can have a sniper squad, you can distract its cannon with turrets, and so on.
the problem with anomaly threats is that they all only really have one good method to deal with them.
>flesh beasts, sight stealers, shamblers, gorehulks, chimera, noctol
all the choke spam
not exactly threats as much as they are modifiers.
same strategy as you would with regular raids, just no need for a choke since there's only one thing.
the only safe way to go about them is to get a squad with high fire rate and range to kite around the map
>fleshmass heart
you have to keep the flesh walls suppressed until enough nerve bundles pop up.
>blood rain
just another toxic fallout.
only way is checking everyone you want to recruit otherwise it'll become a near run ender.
>unnatural corpse
the whole point is to not fight it.
>like endgame raids forcing you to use a choke
but they don't, chokepoints and killboxes aren't required either. just like there's many ways to take down diabolus there are many ways to take on big raids

>you can have a sniper squad
>get a squad with high fire rate and range to kite around the map
these tactics also work for endgame raids and would probably be even faster than a chokepoint
show me you beating a 200 man outlander raid with either of those strategies without it taking more than one full ingame day.
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>one full ingame day
why the fuck would it take that long? as long as you're getting hits it'll be over soon. and it's not like you need to kill the entire raid, you only need to kill around half anyway. as long as you can distract or kite long enough that's all that matters, you should focus on that aspect

and i don't have any endgame save right now, my current run is only early midgame, this pic is all i have of a raid i took on in the open field and took me a while to find
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>get a bunch of prisoners from the people who raided my base
>plan to use them to "purify" gene packs (I implant them and then extract to try to isolate the genes I want)
>select the prisoner
>pick the gene implant
>"can't do this, their ideology forbids it"
why the hell would I care about their beliefs?
they are my prisoners, if I wanna rape their genes then I do that.
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>decides to release a female pigger that has been hanging in my jail fo a season or two
>not too long after, she come back with friends
>recapture her (webm related)
>she even retained my ideologi i converted her while she was in prison
i guess ill recruit her as colonist since she is so eager.
Post your female pawn (single)
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Why do you live in a forest where trees have eyes?
my youkai are from hell.
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No single females here, buddy.
whats the name of the mod to display the titles?
Guards for Me.
no wonder I couldn't find it, thanks.
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wtf three waltons?
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Yeah its pretty weird how this completely unrelated mod has an option to display titles..
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Get a better gene inheritence mod, I have one of them and pawns only get one skintone to avoid this.
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my colony as of now
Is that...a giant bed?
Is that the ocular forest biome? How difficult of a colony is that?
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I have too many single cat ladies, please send help.

>outdoor pool tables
>psycasts and permits
Cheating and non canon
>memes and specialists
Cheating and non canon
>genes and mechanitors
Cheating and non canon
>rituals and ghouls
Cheating and non canon
>core game
Fun, balanced storytelling experience. The way Tynan intended for his game to be played.
For me and all my wives.
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>play core vanilla
>1 billion man raid
>call allies
nothing personel. kid
adopting karyl
>lip fang mouth
into the trash she goes
Adopting Kaito
never played on any challanging biome but here are some features you should look out for
>very little grazing, hard to support animals
>weather give pawns debuff... unless you build a device hat brainwash them into liking the weather
>only stone block around is stone quartz. i hope you like seeing red
>trees that give actual wood are scarse and hide among red wood trees. red wood is inferior to normal wood for crafting and CAN'T be used in stove, torches etc
>red fog weather lowers accuracy of ranged weapons (tough the chicken error from a thread or 2 back wasn't it)
>disease freq is 2 per year, beware

>rabbits and lizards keep coming to eat from my fields
>redfog means madhunters animals are more dangerous as hitting them from afar is harder.

if you manage to overcome all that, its pretty smooth sailing. plenty of red wood to build stuff and tentacle fruit to eat. you can grow your own wood via fibercon.
Thanks for raising Jo-chan for me, I'm ready to take her.
hairstyle mod?
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>call allies
Like this?

Come and pick them up, don't mind the crowd outside

afu, eccentric, gloomy hair, erin, ponpeco, unagi, woolhair
harder than vanilla tropical swamp. both have high disease rate, but ocular forest add various challanges; the only thing harder in the swamp is finding a place to build
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speed 3 is like half of speed 1
why the fuck are shamblers such lag machines.
when i did my anomaly playthrough im pretty sure i had 1000 of them spawn in one endgame raid.
all i remember is that it was a number much higher than 200.
i assume it's because of pathfinding, the programmers should do some other type of movement for these zombie-type enemies if they don't have aggro on anything
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while they're at it, please also fix this issue when pawns auto-build a block without checking if it would deny access to a different nearby blueprint, and then you need to tear down the wall just to reach the inner blueprint
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thanks randy
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I wouldn't say the regular raiders are much better. I've spent almost 1h real time for 12h in game because of this 450 man raid + 150 allies. Silky smooth 5-20 tps
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who knew wasters could be this cute?
can you show tps/fps in vanilla?
Who needs contagion mods?
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Feed her more meat, she look vegan

Not without mods afaik
I only start summoning mechs when all my fighters have cataphract armour and charge weapons
>Feed her more meat, she look vegan
but my colony has rancher ideology and they only eat meat and milk
Wtf? Is she nazi?
S stands for Stallion
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What do I do at this stage of the game? I'm about down with geothermal power and will do microelectronics next, but it feels like I'm just 3xing research.
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>been capturing and releasing piggers for a while so I can trade with them
>just one more, just going to take a little lung before sending him back
quoted on accident
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Grow more cotton and use it to train your crafter. Caravan around and trade the clothes for gold and plasteel.
I hate caravans so have never really done it, but it makes sense that it is what I've been missing. Thanks :)
once you get geothermal, instead focus on getting to precision rifling if you havent gotten any assault/sniper rifles from raids yet.
after micro electrics, you'll want deep drilling and the ground penetrating scanner, it'll be your main way to get
THEN from there you should aim for bionic replacements, they are your main way to power up pawns outside of better quality armor and weapons.
while going down that research path, train your crafter as the other anon said. once you get to fabrication you're gunna need someone with crafting 8, but the higher their crafting the faster they can work.
but unlike what the other anon said, caravanning isnt needed. this part of the game really is just a slog because of the research wall.
while it is a good method to get silver, pawn off weapon loot, and get some rare items, it takes a very long time. id highly recommend only sending out your useless pawns for it (not to mention the possibility of being attacked, you dont want an important pawn caught up in that)
id recommend recruiting a bunch of useless dorks with the happy/lower mental break traits for it.
It's kind of crazy that the prison feature in this game is so fleshed out but also so useless.
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To be fair, you wouldn't react well to someone stealing your friend's lung, now would you?
I'm going to masturbate to this.
I wish researching metalhorrors and other anomalies actually give advantages to fighting them
Did RJW update insect impregnation get?
There's a drowned rat in your pool.
Make your base not ugly
They should be grateful I'm sending him back at all
What's your fav mod?
Performance Fish
Maybe its a mod conflict? I do horrible things that go against everything prisoners believe regularly and the game never stopped me.
Facial animation. I wouldn't even have bought the game if it didn't exist.
>I wouldn't even have bought the game if it didn't exist
I made my throne room inside some "mountain hightop" thing
but I get like 2-3 infestations every year or so.
if I move my throne room somehere else... and fill the "mountain roof" parts with something... will that keep happening?
I already lost some pawns and not because of the insects, but because some stupid visitors threw grenades at it, and that caused collateral damage...
I think every single tile that has an overhead mountain on it needs to be under a wall or it'll still happen
I mined one tile too deep in a random rock and an infestation happened there a few quadrums later, I built wood walls to cover it and it never happened again
thanks, I guess I'll fill the ex-throne room with wooden walls too, I just hope a fire doesn't happen any way.
Just accept the infestations. They're replacing raids which are probably more dangerous anyway
NTA but I had a ritual room that gets regular infestations and it's infuriating to see people get mad that the altar gets disrespected every time it happens
the place gets destroyed every time, they already broke one of my masterpiece thrones and I kind of got tired of that.
Uninstall it before they come out.
everyone was bussy, I just got a raid and most of the people where in hospital beds, my main fighter was still resting, 1 slave tried to flee so It was beaten, 1 girl just entered labor so she was in the hospital and the only one free was a 3 year old kid who was skywatching on the other side of the map and a pigger who can't haul.
everyone was what
tfw no rimworld bussy
Why can't I build overhead mountains? Why can't I have the choice between drop pods and bugs?
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will only take miho bussy
that's why you failed
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love bugs
love ancient complex
'ate unstable fuel node
simple as
lmao, the new fag banner
melee attack the doors so that the rooms just becomes "the outside", then the temperature won't rise so that you can put out the fire wherever you need
Hasn't that been broken for years? Or is there really no one that can do it anymore.
I'm playing with 200 TPS right now even though I'm only 4 years in and it's painful. How performance heavy are these mods, actually?
>Allow Tool
>Better Ground Penetrating Scanner
>Giddy-Up 2 Forked
>Melee Animation
>Muzzle Flash
>Random's Gene Assistant
>Show Known Techprints
>Vanilla Outposts Expanded
I already turned off the known dangers of Allow Tool like the urgently haul option, but is it still bad on performance?
I don't think stuff like Show Known Techprints would impact performance but they're part of the new mods I added recently, and it feels like I can never know with these mods. Does Vanilla Outposts Expanded have an impact to performance even if I haven't built any outposts? I don't make them often but I like to have the option to, but if they impact performance even if I don't then I'd rather trash them.
melee animation and oskarbloat are your problems
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Embrace the pain and get used to having the game run like shit.
>Does Vanilla Outposts Expanded have an impact to performance even if I haven't built any outposts?
the VE framework is a tps hit even if you don't use it, submods probably won't fare much better. for the rest the only way to know is to test yourself, dubs analyzer or whatever lets you see some of the effect and you can try removing the mods individually and seeing for yourself to a degree
it not, its just lost occult knowledge now
what does the creepy eye-to-eye symbol in speech bubbles mean anyway?
Whatever do you mean? I'm fairly certain almost everyone here can do it.
thought I remember someone mentioning that 4chan deletes the ascii character that used to be used for spaces from posts now.
I think it's for the deep talk conversations
that's deep talk
Eye kiss.
Because they're seeing eye to eye, because they're having a deep talk.
>Only guy around
I see
cosmetic anime hairs?
what the... i assumed it was a spoken threat or that she sees someone she don't like
I thought it was an eye shattered in two pieces
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Biotech Oni of the Rim
I'm gonna make the most OP breach axe wielding pawn ever, he's going to be a door busting legend you'll see
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Dan missed the Lynx twice, watching a child die after failing to save it would be traumatic, but we just chilling.
it doesn't take long at all if you use 3 pawns melee attacking the same door at once. even if they wield guns. i usually just break down walls that way, not even only doors. the walls have so little hp it's silly.
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Church status?
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Two normal fighting dialogues
what the fuck
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Total feline genocide

No, total door genocide
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>Church status?
Shroomed, also you can't dye the glass like I hoped you could so no stained glass windows.
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naked 4 year old girl comes to my colony by herself to beg for silver to buy back her kidnapped older sister

i think its a fake ass story, should i kidnap her?
>send child to beg for money
known gypsy scam
yeah, kidnap her
>should i kidnap her?
I always do that, unless I have that stupid "charity" ideology thing.
If they are less than 7, they have potential to get traits/inspirations, if they have good traits I also kidnap them, if they have really shit traits, I just ignore them until they leave or they get attacked by the shit randy sends me.
>grow child on vat
>it comes with some different ideology than both parents
>she organizes a party
>doesn't go to the party because she's reading a book
I sometimes just wanna beat the shit out of the children in the game...
sticking to big and small
Is there any way to rearrange my pawns?
I mean, like what if I want to put the current leader on the first place, and the slaves together, etc.
Right click drag them
Have you tried clicking my good sir?
tbf normally one would think it would be left click and drag but its right instead
didn't know nor tried that before, thank you
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The outer wall has been up for awhile.
If I had all the time in the world to play the game then I would, but it hurts playing for hours and seeing less than half the progress I usually do on other playthroughs just because the game runs slower.
>VE framework is a tps hit even if you don't use it
Fuck that sucks. Some non-oskar mods I like depend on it so I can't dump it, but I guess I can just dump the few vanilla expanded stuff I have. I don't use them much, anyway. Testing with dubs performance analyzer sounds like a pain but I guess I can do that when I'm bored.
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>Yttakin raiders attack
>receive them with miniguns while they were preparing
>some of them fell, the other managed to flee
>most of them were old (past over 60)
>one woman on her 30s, with 2nd trimester of pregnancy
>decide to keep her, to see what happens
>she manages to give birth, an Yttakin girls
>decide to adopt her as a future wife for my current children
>she is marked as Yttakin, but doesn't have the animals gene
Can kids suddenly be born, said to be of the same race as their parents, and then lack genes?
I'm not sure how this works, most of my MC children are hybrids because he's of a different xenotype, but the baby just born is marked as Yttakiin.
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After a full year here we are.
her dad was a dirtmole or something
>father: dirtmole
>daughter: awfull mining
maybe it was a cleanmole instead?
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Made a pretty big hotel
*rapes you*
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Finally after a bit over a year we finally got functioning indoor plumbing.
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>end of fall
>toxic fallout
>followed by volcanic winter
>psychic droner site
>animal disease plague
>animal disease flu
>every single non-disease threat were mechs
5 days after toxic fallout and there's still no animals, they're not even letting me cannibalize
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Bad day to be these guys!
What kinds of threats would you make?
2 random spots on my map got polluted? anyone know how this could happen??

also do i need to deal with it or will it stay contained?
Probably a mech ship you didn't destroy right away, it doesn't spread
oh ok, should i destroy these things on my map? ive just left them alone
That's for being a mechanitor, if you don't plan on making your own mechs then you don't have to worry about it
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Out of the five devourers that arrived three survived, one even got brain damage as a bonus.
gotcha, when you say mechs i didnt destroy you mean like mechanitors that attack though right? not just old mech rubble on my map from the start

i sometimes leave little pieces like this after killing the mechs, and i've taken a few of the lights home to my base to decorate, should i destroy them?
I want to have sex with the anomaly lady
Those ones are okay to be left alone, it's major threat buildings like defoliator ship and stuff that you need to destroy
the pollution is from defoliators specifically
thats so strange because i go out of my way to kill each one of them
>unlock orbital trade
>have to put a satellite thing in every storage and bookshelf room so I can trade those
>they drop the pods outside my base, in the rain
>have ship landing zone, but nothing falls there
Is there any way to tell the orbital trade where to drop the stuff?
whenever I get something, it's been already damaged by the rain.
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on my way to making hybrids with every vanilla species.
disgusting race mixer
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God I love these 1w hallways, so many set-ups by blocking hallways, I almost never used melee, but with silent raids and fog of war, usually my first sign of a raid, is the sound of weapons beating on my doors.
are psycasters worth it? are there any downsides?
american houses are built like this. your pawns just took inspiration from the land of liberty. should't have read 2500 year old books.
Will I be in trouble if I download a couple of mods from the workshop, change their def names, combine them, alter their textures, and then upload them as different mod?
>200 tps 4 years in
lucky bastard.
>got a megascreen tv
>installed it in my rec room
>have power to turn it
>nobody actually watches it
do I need to put the couches in certain position or something so they watch the damn tv?
I paid 2 hearts for that
depends what mods, if they are abandoned and you credit the authors you have the best chances nobody cares
if its some autism mod with a discord behind it, like those anime OC bloat mods you will be in trouble
psycast pawns will need to spend an hour or two meditation even without using psypowers
to powers worth it.
no oskar you won't
they'll always drop it either at a beacon you place outside or near the first beacon you created, same as drop pod raids
sometimes they drop it right in my 9x9 beacon, but most of the time it's outside my base.
I'm not sure if I should make my beacon way bigger or what can I do
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i plan to combine these to make drug mod and farm mod. the farm probably just gonna be for my personal use, since I'm going to use oskar's texture for it
>9x9 beacon
are you using a modded beacon? that's not their range
if you have an outside beacon, items will go there no matter what, otherwise they'll go outside the walls of a beacon placed indoors. if your game is doing something else maybe some mod is bugged
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>Get body ravaged by .45
>Decide to stop fighting and light their food on fire out of spite.
But why?
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3 days away through mountains. Awful!
the drug one got some stuff i don't like and the art is kinda meh, except the bean one (which I plan to make the other two match the style)
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Well none of the original settlement construction is with us any more.
is vanilla psycasts expanded a good mod? im considering adding it for the vampire psycast class
It's ridiculously overtuned, so if you're rp limiting yourself to epic vampire magic it's probably fine, but not if you don't have self control.
Game breakingly overpowered, with CE installed along side of it just severely overpowered.
overpowered for sure. By letting enemies use psycasts you can attempt to balance it into more deadly experience, but they almost never have psycasts strong enough to actually threaten you
unless they explode the eyes of your 900% sensitivity caster, killing them instantly in under a second
i was thinking of only letting 1 or 2 of my vampires have it, and only limiting it to the blood tree still gamebreaking op?
nope, the vanilla one, It says to put the lights at least 9 spaces from each other
Any easy way to patch a modded xenotype to use facial animation? Also, if I just want the apparel within a mod, do I delete all the hediffs within the folder that aren’t related to what I want or should I use cherry picker?
I haven't used that one, so I can't really comment on it.
>It says to put the lights at least 9 spaces from each other
what are you even talking about, what lights? you mean the ones for ships?
this is a totally different beacon, read the descriptions, these have absolutely nothing to do with trading, only with where empire ships will land, so if you don't care where their ships land or you're hostile to them these are useless
do moral guides need to have high social to be effective?
dammit, i have this guy i want as my moral guide but his social is low
my next colony will be solo mechanitor and his highmate wife
I hope it won't take forever to find one because I haven't seen a single highmate, hussar or impid in my current playthrough
which one is the best deal?
>doesn't make his own android wife
That's what I'd say if normal androids would be capable of romance. Fucking Oskar.
robot girls can't get pregnant
not with that attitude
last one is ok but all are meh
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Phase two of new Lovelock is complete, minus the internal furniture.
Hopefully we can start adding colonists soon.
entirely based on what you need
if the books or skilltrainers are useful to you take them
if the helmet is useful take it, it's one of the best
under the right circumstances the materials can be useful too for melee weapons or beauty
ty guys, i will probably go for the helmet
if i have a quest that requires 2x steel plate armor of normal+ quality, can i give them a normal plate armor that is highly degraded? as in its heavily worn/damaged and at 20%
Just order him to touch some grass.
Flirt with some Pawns.
Use a Skill Trainer.
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Alright got cameras up, hopefully this will reduce the amount of surprise knocks at the door I receive.
I'm starting to rather like this alcoholic corpse
It would be wise to destroy the middle part and get the transponder to decrypt. Even if you don't plan on making a mechanitor, you can still get the quest for it. Waiting longer and letting your wealth grow will make the quest harder, which is annoying if you change your mind on getting a mechanitor.
Haven't been here for a while. How's esther these days?
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Defeated by empire and enslaved, i believe
I hear they walk slower and fail construction more often
Use artisan room instead
Stop abusing forest. Play on tundra or desert
Try calling for bulk good or visit faction base
I had grandpa/grand daughter once. I miss lolium
That's why I stock up low shield pack
Progression wise. Diabolus easiest cuz low escort. War queen have plenty of pikeman to volley your shooter in long fights. Apocrition is ok, until centipede escort them
>sightstealer is invincible unless revealed
>shambler love punching ur wall instead of follow chokepoint
just use the halfling har instead.
I may need several hit and run with vampire and rockets or a psychic god. Antigrain may finish the job. Or neuroquake.
It's a vanilla problem since biotech. Tynan never fix it
Idle pathfinding always have been huge tps drop. Shambler also have animation and smelly effect
If you have good recruiter, yes. Otherwise she'll spend her childhood behind bars
>trader caravan starts shooting on beggars
wdym? i think even a 6 in soc is enough to get her out in a timely manner
have the couches facing it maybe?
The bioferrite generator is quite powerful
thoughts on ancient urban ruins and ancient mining industry? I just want more quests and world map event
I saw a comment that mining drill from ancient mining industry is a TPS killer but I can just not use it
Several object from urban ruin is indestructable. Don't start a new colony in it. It also add a shitload of gun
Mining industry is fine, but don't install urban ruins unless you want to do a city playthrough. I installed it and it bloated my game with a lot of stuff that was only used in a city even though I never went to one. Luckily I was able to remove it and keep my save
I will skip ancient ruins then
what about ancient hydroponic facilities?
It's fine too
is transhumanist meme really that OP?
Its not. Who the fuck says its OP?
it was back when it changed the time on tanshumanist facilities.
Any Mods to highlight raiders and hostiles on on the map. Their red names make it almost impossible to find them until their right on my ass.
the base game does that now
it also highlights wild animals and colonsts
the concept of urban ruins is good, but its just a bunch of bloat.
>most of the loot exists for the sole purpose of being sold.
>adds a ton of guns that are outclassed by various vanilla guns.
>adds a bajillion junkfood items that are glorified survival meals.
>adds a ton of medical tools (most less useful than industrial meds)
not to mention how clearing out some ruins is VERY time wasting.
id suggest keeping an eye on it but not playing with it yet, it could be salvageable if the dev gives the loot items uses (for example the loot pool contains unboxed PC parts. despite the obvious you cant actually use these to make PCs for your pawns) and fixed the gun pool. but until then its a rather solid nah.
I feel like the pawns with the fat portrait are always super useless.
I only consider ancient urban ruins bearable after editing some XMLs and fiddling with cherry picker, it's full of bloat otherwise.
The other mods are fine though, I think the buildable mining equipment is very cool.

Yah But it's still to difficult to find where there are unless I am actively following them.
get camera+, it has better highlighting options for when you zoom out.
Would be nice to have a "people" tab like the wildlife tab but for people.
would be better if they balance economy properly, it's been imbalanced for 10 years now
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>some male nymph i rescued decided to join me
>no skills besides meele and soc
>slightly insane

>got psylink neuroformer from a quest
>ponder if using it on the insane nymph would be fun
>in the heat of the moment use it on my qualeela instead

which psycast should i give to my ayameduki?
any tips on fighting diabolus as lone mechanitor? I'm using CE
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cute cowardly schizophrenic corpse
Conflagrator is fun
Did they survive?
it still does
as did this guy
>solo start
it's dev mode time
That's literally me.
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Fuck these dogs in particular.
Why would it need to be split in three xenotypes tho?
because transforming from one to another
What is a better thing to do: to use a mod for a race or to recreate it as a xenotype?
I got fucking scammed, this is the worst rat mercenary company I've ever seen.
something tells me that the rats just want those three dead.
clearly you should help them out and throw them into melee.
>Shooting 0
>Melee 7
I see no problem here. The only correct way of using a machine pistol is to bonk someone until they are unconscious and then start shooting them so they can't dodge the spray.
depends on how far the race deviates from baseliners.
unlike HAR, biotech doesnt have support for additional body parts. so while you can display them graphically, they arent there. yttakin for example dont have a tail body part, so they can never lose them due to damage.
if your race even has ears or tails you should use HAR so that you can add those body parts.
extreme example: a lamia, normally characterized by having a snake lower body instead of legs.
with har, you can easily replace the legs with a snake tail and even have relevant implants for said tail.
with biotech, you cant do any of that because it doesnt support additional/changed body parts.
I see. Thanks.
>Fuck these dogs
please no
Tynan made 100% infection last way longer than any other percentage for dramatic effect since a few versions
Doesn't the altar gets disrespected debuff with unfloored ground?
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so I have this chick in my prison cell that is infected with metalhorror. Two bits of flesh dropped, then I dunno, at least a quadrant but likely more have passed and nothing. Is there a way to somehow force the metal shit out?
it literally tells you how in the description
anyways be careful, that shit can spread from feeding a patient, which means if you imprisoned her through a downed capture there's a good chance its escaped containment.
better pray that your cook didnt get it.
It's been so long I think I would see a piece of gray flesh outside
the chick came from a skip capture ritual and was locked up from day 1. But the inspection does nothing until I have analyzed 3 pieces of gray flesh, and the third one just refuses to drop
I'm considering just putting her in a cargo pod and sending as a 'gift' to the pig union
if you have the death refusal ritual you can just kill her and that'll force it to emerge, then you can use death refusal to revive the pawn.
When are we getting a HAR edition patch for vanilla xenotypes? Surely there is a way to patch the gene system to actually add for example; a tail body part to yttakin.
big and small can do that and it doesn't use HAR
oh that's a good idea, thanks
>>Humanoid Alien Races
>Required if you e.g. want snake tail to actually give the character a snake tail instead of legs, etc. Otherwise the change won't be reflected on the health tab and a number of HAR-only genes won't be available in your game.
>create psychical sensitive OP character
>can use powers like a pikachu
>implant some brain thing to increase that
>suddenly a drone
>-50 mood
I see now what that other anon meant when he said being psychically sensitive wasn't always a good thing.
I remember another one who reduced consciousnesses, it made it down to 50% for males in a gameplay but...
Is it possible for my psycasters to die from that, I mean, if I multiply that 50% for 2, it'd be -100% consciousnesses, right?
doesn't that mean death?
No, they would get unconscious lol
Hmmm might install it, does it patch vanilla genes?
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Kids love psychic rituals!

Mind numb serum is cheap and outlast most drones. Enjoy your 1000% sensitivity.
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>Randy finally sent a trader
First carravan in almost a decade btw
aaaaaand they instantly left because of the fallout...
wdym they are not working? you need to manually configure a lot of the modded hats/helmets in the mod options
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I went and checked and apparently not.
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looks female enough. smash.
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did the trick, thanks again
What if inspired recruit could overwrite unwavering loyalty.
That sounds good, and would make me turn unwavering loyalty back on.
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>im not giving in! i will forever stay loyal to the shitfuckistan tribe!
>look man im not sure how to say this but we arent the ones that sent you to certain death against a colony that regularly fends off mechanoids and 200 man raids.
>ok yeah but... hm.
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Starting to wish I put the church farther back so I could have a courtyard infront...
>does it patch vanilla genes?
Big and Small? No, you need the other mod from the same dev called "Vanilla Genes Rebalanced".
i don't have the addon, whats the sound?
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Sounds cool but all those submods look bloated and kind of meh (except for bugs, of course).
>ok yeah but they promised me 72 virgins after i die.
will 1 scyther beat diabolus?
>make comms console
>children start using it
who are they talking with?
Same people as contemporaries, other kids and groomers.
god i hate the groomscare. its why princess maker 5 got such a shit tl and the father marriege got removed.
Please don't fuck Hussars. They are like bulldogs. With each new generation they suffer more and more with their genetic makeup becoming playdo.
Yeah can't even use the original use of the word anymore because it's considered a synonym for abuse.
i like to imagine that its everything from other colony's children to prank calls on random merchants.
but i kinda wish we had some events relating to children using the comms console.
or hell more interactions for children in general.
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>takes a bajoulen years to equip armour
I miss dubs apparel tweaks so much bros
>Child 1 has insulted Big Boss of Pest Slickers! They are dropping right on top of you!
>Child 1
Are you chinese? No sane person minmaxes their colonists as to go with naming them numbers
>He doesn't know about the Romans
to be fair i have zero clue what to call my ship AIs for SOS2. aside from charlon from the inital ship quest im now up to 'formgel 4'
but since children already come with names yeah thats retarded.
how do I get a highmate wife in rimworld
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its still used, just very rarely
a. use character editor to manually get one
b. have your self insert have high soc and make sure he and your intended wife get recreation time together
c. install vanilla expended highmates for even sluttier highmates
d. groom a kid highmate from age 3
but I need to first find a highmate
With VE Highmates ( or VE Empire ) you get free highmate when you reach Baron rank.
highmates are incapable of violance, you are more likely to find one while raiding than when waiting for raids

or you can start the game wih one
RJW Nymph event works too.
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your best bet is to ally with the empire and start grinding out slave trade caravans and ships. 1/20 chance for each one.
if you're fine with becoming the empire's enemy, you can also just kidnap one from a trade caravan.
but that also means you'll get spacer tier raiders, so you probably shouldnt.
I will not install oskarshit
>one RPG HEAT shot is enough to take out diabolus with CE
who said CE makes mechanoids harder?
Tbh VE Highmates isnt that bad. Recessive/dominant genes, additional traits and bonuses depending on who highmate bonds with, etc.
Pretty solid work for Oskar, probably one of his better mods.
mine are all named "Baby"
btw, is there any way to add personalized colors to ideologies?
I saw a colonist who had a full black as favorite color, but the nearest thing in the ideology is a dark gray.
I might trust you, it depends on whether or not I can install it mid game
Apparently its safe to add mid save.
Is there a way to reveal the "fog of war" in vanilla mountains without mining out the tiles next to it?
you can with dev mode
>VE highmates
lowmates are basicly genetic sluts. i don't those existing in my world. or coded in my computer.
but that is the whole map isn't it, I just want to reveal a select few tiles.
>have this pawn who is good at construction and crafting
>make it in the production speciallist so he gets better bonuses
>produces a lot of masterpieces, and sometimes even legendaries clothes
>try to build a roof
>takes hours to remove a tree
>just because "plants got removed"
wth... didn't they think what might happen when they programmed this?
I modded lowmates out and replaced Oskar parts with AFU parts, as well as added eye colours.
I don't get why people care about lame brainwashing highmates when they are strictly inferior to rats and revias and dozens of other waifu races
hmm? Removing trees uses plants, so that is why it is slow. Not sure I understand what you mean by "plants got removed".
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Another pawn is being gestated.
different feel. highmates are the kind of lover you'd want to protect. ratkins can protect themselves. revias can protect YOU.
because the pawn was kind of decent at plants before, and didn't take that long to cut down a tree to put a roof.
the "plants" skill got removed.
btw, is there any way to browse past notices?
I got a "pods dropped by" news, but didn't manage to see the place because I accidentally closed the message instead of clicking on "show location".
>plants skill got removed
Oh yeah I know what you mean, it counts as lowest technically. Personally I use mods to make them capable of all work then just manually restrict them to their niche. As for old messeges not that I know of in vanilla, nor is there a mod I know of to enable it. Try the event history log I suppose.
>Try the event history log I suppose.
I didn't know that even existed, but after searching I found it.
It was some ibex meat about to expire because of the rain.

>beggars came
>ask for I don't know what because I was busy killing foliator mechanoids
>after the chaos ended, they are still there
>put my kids on a line behind a defense line
>send one to capture one of them
>everyone turns into enemies and tries to flee
>a volley of bolt action rifles barrages them
>3 survivor prisoners of the 7 who came.
>I didn't know that even existed
It's farely hidden away yeah.
Normally when going for the kids I just send a bunch of my pawns with clubs or their fists, kids are pushovers in melee. If the execution wasn't your intent
has anyone extracted the custom xenotype factions from alpha genes? i'm about to do it myself but i'm hoping it's already been done
>when going for the kids
ah, the beggars were all adults
What's your usual freezer temperature?
I have been going with -9°C, but whenever there's a solar flare (which seems to be pretty frecuent for me) everything starts to spoil kind of fast.
I wonder if it'd be a good idea to go lower so the place stays cooler for longer.
-273, it costs the same amount of power regardless and with double thick air lock freezer it gets down to -55 which is usually enough to eat solar flares
Not true, it costs 10x less to maintain a temperature.
I geuss I imagined it after reading
>put my kids on a line behind a defense line
>Been using tweaks galore on 1.5
>just noticed it now needs(or always needed?)Tabula rasa.
Is the framework coded well? I don't care about Negronix being obnoxious.
always -9 with like 4 coolers or something.
it's probably better to just build double-thick walls so that the cool temperature stays longer. i think there's no or little temperature leaking through double walls?
tabula rasa is a new requirement
it used to be shit but apparently it might be fixed now? who knows, it's still useless bloat if you don't use any of his other mods
Just tried to manually remove everything but the apparel from the KOTOR weapons and armor mod on steam and got absolutely fucked. Each time I ran the game it would just crash or load and say corrupted mods or some bologna. it’s like building a table from IKEA and you’re following the instructions and you end up with a coffee table. I didn’t go to IKEA to think about reverse engineering tables I went to ikea to buy cheap Swedish furniture to trick and impress the women who come into my home expecting a man who doesn’t live in a house designed like he’s doing an ice sheet playthrough
thank you, you have saved my power grid from the excessive 180 extra watts that my freezer uses
well I asumed me not using it is why my techlevel is still animal. That or it's counting the fucking Anomly techs for some reason.
>live in a house designed like he’s doing an ice sheet playthrough
Man I'm glad I still live with mum, but decorating might be fun who knows.
iirc you don't actually need it, it just gives update news or something
but that might have changed
What are your thoughts on couch pillows?
Anoying wastes of space just meant to look good; afaik women love them though because they keep using them to decorate their homes despite people throwing them on the floor most of the time.
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>go to the classroom
>see this
what the hell...
It makes sense from how teaching works.
>Adult pawn and child pawn go to desk for lesson
>If other children can't get their own Adult they crowd around the on adult doing the teaching
>In your case they physically can't go behind Mayumi so they stand infront
>Hog is waiting for an Adult to begin a lesson just below
shouldn't he be at on of the blackboards, and all of the kids at the seats?
dumb rimworld
>shouldn't he be at on of the blackboards, and all of the kids at the seats?
Yes, but that is not how Rimworld works. I geuss tynan was going for 'Adult helps child with homework' instead of 'adult teaches a class'. Theres a mod that adds proper schools but I never used it because the assests were kinda fugly even with the recolours.
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Apparently the "trotter hands" debuff remains even if you cut them off and install two bionic arms.

Maybe they made custom trotter bionic arms for him as a prank.
kill piggers
behead piggers
transport pod piggers to cannibal camps
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I downed most of the insectoids, but by imp-firing them I inadvertently made an insectoid gas chamber...
looks like meat's back on the menu
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If I implant a "mild" UV sensitivity will it disable "intense" UV sensitivity?
I’m just as pragmatic as the next guy but I got tired of chicks calling me psycho because I didnt have posters, bookshelves full of manga, or a cutesy welcome mat. It’s hard to combine efficiency and beauty unless you plan on adding a bunch of wooden busts in your place, or maybe I just don’t have the knack for it but maybe you will
Yeah idk, my dad was a graphic artist and photographer so maybe I do.
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>crashed shuttle event
kino Man I hate that the mindbend carpet is locked behind dudeweeds.
>my slaves are older than 50
>not enough raids to get better slaves (they are genius)
>get a great idea
>get some shitty baseliners (most of the time they come with really shitty traits/skills)
>get ovums
>make 55yo slave fertilize them
>put them in a vat
>plan to make them birth as slaves and implant them a xeno to make them good in the labors I can't care less about but need it (cooking/plants/animals)
>may pick traits when they grow up
Yes. Implanting xenogenes will disable any conflicting germline genes. This applies to any "spectrum" genes including different levels of UV sensitivity, as well as some cases such as incapable of violence and all violence genes.

They're mostly intuitive, but if you want to see for sure which genes conflict, you can check the wiki:
Any gene with one or more "exclude" entries will conflict with any other gene that shares an exclude entry.
The game is now in bullying mode, my pawns are not ready for this right now
Cool! Thanks!
if you have a mechanitor, a summoned mechanoid raid will target the bugs.
i have a quest that says i need to safegaurd someone for 12 hours, its been 3 days, and they still havent left, bug?
Gotta be careful, my xenogene made his metabolic efficiency -6 when intense UV was disabled, meaning I could not implant it and had to do it again (as a -4 instead of -5).
This corpse is lucky she's so cute or I'd have her fucking executed for this behavior
I thought it'd be larger but the infestation was pretty small. One angry fox is all that was really needed to wipe it out.
to be fair on horror, if you already died once and got necromanced you'd be scared of dying AGAIN too.
>given a second chance
>body probably frail and weak
>you know what lies beyond
anyways keep the mechanitor trick in mind for later, its a good way to farm a few of the early boss waves for their chips.
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>Space battle event happened over a manhunter pack
>sudden cannibal raid
>they immediatelly attack
>go to intercept them
>they decide it's a better idea to go and gang a baby elephant who was sleeping outside
>manage to beat their crap with miniguns meanwhile they are distracted butchering the baby elephant
>some try to flee
>didn't let them
>the baby elephant (not even sure when it was born) lost its trunk, 1 eye and 1 leg
>decide to better sacrifice it
it didn't have a way to be saved, right?
I mean, I can use the biosculpture thing for humans, but is there anything for animals?
what biome mod is this?
And now that i see it, i wonder if an anima tree forest would be cool
My favorite are when raids get wiped by manhunter animals.
>bought gene implanter capsule
>it comes with other 2 shit genes
>implant it on prisoners and extract them to try to recover the gene
>it doesn't work, and I always get the shit genes
>tried this more than 10 times already
Is it possible to extract archite genes from someone?
or should I just wait to get the isolated genes?
Try stunlock it using militor group with emp shell. The mechanitor use molotov
I had a random kid call to my house once. Probably that
You mate then marry a pacifist junkie
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Speaking of highmates. She's SO good.
One thing that prove biotech inferior to har
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does anyone know this?
is it because I implant and immediatelly extract?
should I wait the 2 years to extract archite genes?
>Is it possible to extract archite genes from someone?
no. you completely wasted your time
No, you can't get archite genes the normal way. You just killed a bunch of prisoners for no reason. You monster.
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wallraise mvp
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Do I want the awesome minigun (not useful) or 50 gazillion advanced circuits (not awesome)?
then the only way to get them is to buy them?
given the size of the raids id say you're early enough for the plasteel and gold to be big.
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the kids saw some action
My headcanon is that the person still feels as if he has trotter hands, having grown up with it, so he can't move all the fingers on the bionic arm properly.

However it makes me wonder if the "long fingers" xeno is removed when you install bionic arms. It gives better manipulation due to the person having long fingers, but those are gone with a bionic arm so can't be explained away in the same way as with "trotter hands".
the only way to get rid of that debuff is by implanting a "long fingers" gene to replace the hands.
a lifetime of having long fingers allows the pawn to manipulate the bionic arms just a little bit faster than baseliners.
doesn't make sense, he'd constantly try to grasp things with the tip of his fingers that are no longer there. if anything it should give a debuff if he no longer has his real hands.
obviously bionics are custom to the pawn and only replace what they had, it doesn't give them anything they didn't have before or change their normal anatomy. sorry pigger but nothing can stop you from being a waste of space
Are there any mods that make the world feel alive? I get bored once I establish my colony since everything starts feeling really fake and stagnant to me.
I did and it still wasn't working, it wasn't working still. It was outfit builder that was breaking it.
That's not right. Races with different body parts are a part of vanilla. There was at least one alien race mods with different body parts before HAR.
I don't know why you couldn't use a gene that changes a pawns race:def. Of course that would require you to write your own race:def, so it's an issue with laziness not an issue with impossibility.
You have stuck to this lie for over a year now, and I have explained this to you at least thrice, so I don't know why I bother.
>don't know why I bother
the day you stop countering is the day lies start to take root
How come the trade ships are still sending stuff to my unpowered beacon? I actually just can't figure it out.
>start a rich explorer run
>food poisoning
>food poisoning
>food poisoning
sure would be nice if i could PLAY THE FUCKING GAME
These Tribals have some pretty impressive items.
That is sooo many blocks
is Kasu a dirtmole? is cute
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>decide to delve into the mod's more complicated systems
>can't start because the only one capable of synthesizing the drugs required is incapable of intellectual
no one told me dumbasses can't cultivate and reach godhood
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Pawn lands in a drop pod, considering taking them, see the pedophile trait, suddenly a lynx comes and eats them.
I decided not to do it
>Download Altered Carbon Continued weeks ago
>Gets deleted
>Altered Carbon 1.4 breaks my game
All this story telling is making me tired
what face mod
I suddenly got a quest which said Err: talked about some settlement from some error faction and didn't have a time limit, what should I do?
it's just the face mod for the race
can I put these on all my colonists though?
I never liked that mod, use Questionable Ethics Enhanced for your cloning needs.
I like the aesthetics of cortical stacks
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I haven't even been playing Rimworld for a year so whatever schizo narrative you've got going on I'm not going to entertain it
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You mean to tell me there are two people who either did not read or did not comprehend the HAR steam workshop page, and go around fervently defending their misunderstanding of HAR?
The workshop of HAR explains that it is not the only way to make new race:defs, and that it is just there to make it substantially easier, and handle compatibility easier.
using C# seems easier than excel for some reason
>anon 1: big and small changes body parts without har
>anon 2 (Me): incorrect, here is proof
>anon 3 (You): [irrelevant autistic screeching]
You can be quiet now
Well in case anyone else was wondering about this, after some testing I believe the wiki is wrong. The trade ship will still drop to your depowered decoy beacon even if you connect it to a powerless conduit and flick it off.
My original plan was to build a deacoy beacon really far from the base for drop raids, but I think I'll just put it near now. Definitely a bad idea to deroof my outgoing beacon though, since I don't want raiders landing on all my valuables.
of course not
>anon 1: big and small changes body parts without har
>anon 2 (You): incorrect, literally only HAR can do that
>anon 3 (Me): incorrect, here is proof
In fact here is the exact quote of say HAR is required to do that, you did not just say Big and Small races can't do that, you said nothing but HAR can do that, something HAR itself doesn't claim.
>>Humanoid Alien Races
>Required if you e.g. want snake tail to actually give the character a snake tail instead of legs, etc. Otherwise the change won't be reflected on the health tab and a number of HAR-only genes won't be available in your game.
>anon 1: big and small changes body parts without har
>anon 2 (Sexy): incorrect, here is proof
Is it possible through some mod to make only every female bisexual
I want all my self insert pawn's wives to also be eachothers' wives
i think there's an rjw mod that allows wives to fuck and/or romance other wives, this may even be 2 separate mods
Now Anon wants to do organ harvesting on illegal impids that are in prison!
There is nothing wrong with organ harvesting. I have no idea why it is okay to kill prisoners because it makes us feel good, but not to take them apart to save lives.
haven't played rimworld in a while, is the new dlc good?
Allegedly it makes all preexisting content irrelevant.
If you like SCP or LobCorp it's fun but by its nature it kind of requires a focused playthrough to get the most out of it
would you look at that, i DO like lobotomy corporation
alirght i'll check it
If you interact with Anomaly it will out scale all normal game threats, and only anomaly content will mater.
If an inspired pawn's inspiration expires mid-craft it doesn't apply, does it?
there is an ancheint hebrew saying 'harachata vegam yarashta' (lit did you murder and inherit?) 'did you kill AND steal?' it means if you kill them, at least let them keep what is theirs.
tynan is a jew, thats why organ harvesting or wearing tainted clothes give mood debuffs.
>but what about taking downed enemy items
well those are forbidden at first and you need to manually enable them.
Explain why non-Abrahamic societies also don't harvest the organs of their death row inmates.
same reason why japan celebrates christmes: christianity influance runs deep.
organ harvesting is overrated, so is stripping people. their gear will just take up space and their organs will just generate unused wealth.
Christmas has lost almost all of it's religious ties, even here in the west.
it doesn't apply
you can also just stop making something and continue it when the inspired hits
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>visitor comes in
>walks inside my base
>digs his way out
what the fuck his problem
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I changed to blades, if I need to non-lethally take somebody, I can just aim for their legs. We have EMP grenades from a trader too. Once I get exoframes I can keep give us our batons back, I'll probably start wearing backpacks just around, so I can have my pawns carry more stuff.
Once I'm done crafting I want to expand the base out more, since I have the construction and crafting skills.
>visitors comes in
>walks inside my base
>have these isolated insect nets which I keep from the last invasion to get some insect jelly
>they immediatelly attack it with grenades
>they destroy my wall, and furniture in the other side
>some of my pawns got damaged because of the ceiling falling in
>the visitors leave
I know that feel, bro
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Oh! Pawns with throw horseshoes through embrassures.
...also my north-east embrasure is longer than my south-east embrasure.
Your Lock Mod bros?
calling it a mod instead of a cheat doesn't make it not cheating
>2 anons with interesting stories
>some faggot with no stories shows up
>I left my door opened and a nigger robbed me
>Locking the door? But Muh Story!
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>storyless anon seething
one more amazing story provided to us by the king
Does anomaly do anything cool like let you have shadow claws?
lets you have tentacles and ghouls
>No CE gene for smoke breathing
You can make your pawns turn invisible.
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This is rape
this is how God intended humans to be
we must kill all jews
>download a few vanilla expanded mod
>instant -400 tps drop
the aftermath of the 140 person raid on my vampire castle, i did not realize that raids could get that intense in this game
I was supposed to take a break from rimworld today but I don't think I will be able to
omegaverse mods?
You call it rape, I call it discount luciferium.
>baby was stillborn, wanna rename it?
>use resurrect serum
>now it's named baby and can't be renamed
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>hate some dude
>find the one person they hate
>turn that person into a highmate
>have that person bond with the dude you hate
>laugh as the dude gets physically and mentally raped every day for the rest of his life
It is rape only if you are poor or a filthy deserter.
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The game has troubles differentiating between lovers, spouses or people who just have sex.
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I don't know if I should make my yttakin hybrid (with fast healing, robust,psycally dull and melee combat bonus) into a brawler or something else
really game should have used 'randevous' over 'affeir'
depends. if you want to keep your colony small, you will need pawns to be able to fullfill multiple rolls. if you don't mind taking more pawns as the need arise, having pawns that are good at what they do is better than pawns that are good at filling in holes left by lack of manpower.
if you want to keep your colony small for the foreseeable future, make him hybrid. else, look at the spec options and choose whichever he already has the most affinity towards. finally, think about story/rp porpuses.
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I'd rather pick fast walker over brawler here so my options aren't closed unless you already have tough
if it was me id give him plants along animals to make him pen specialist. id give him brawler because i already have an axe that increase plant cut yield from a mod, and fast walking isnt as usefull if he stays the same place most of th e time.
last skill would probably be construction so he could fix broken fances and stuff.
I guess I'll pick fast walker then, I don't wanna close the options as a hunter (because he'll surely be a good hunter with that animals bonus he got by default).
He already got rank 4 shooting with all the invasions where he helped and the bolt action rifle.
I also think plants, animals and construction would be the most useful pasions, so I'm picking those, but I don't have that axe thing, so I guess I'll pass brawler.
imagine if instead of ranged hunter you get giddy up and make him a cavelier
>No dubs bad hygiene genes.
I'm not sure what that is
"giddy up" is a mod that let your pawns ride animals.
just checked it and there were comments about it not being compatible with 1.5, is that true?
probably, im still at 1.4 so i can't say.
Wish roof were an actual thing you need to build opf actual materials, and with the option of building ones of different kinds, with the potential to place stuff on them.
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I'm playing on 1.5 with Giddy Up 2 forked and it's doing fine so far
aesthetic base layout even if its just squares.
im jelous of your adrichalry prowess
use the forked version for 1.5 or youll have lots of weird bugs
like pawns not being able to die, and giving birth being impossible
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Um excuse me, I shot her in the leg and liver while she was in the river just north of her degenerate friends corpses, and she went all the way around to the hole in my wall, and has continued to charge at Doug while he back peddles, telling her to surrender, I was considering recruiting or at least sparring a women who went to the south east post, but Dan killed her with a stab to the torso.
Most of real life architecture is squares in real life, and basically everything else is a triangle or hemi-circle/circle.
Honestly this is one of my least favorite base designs desu.
I don't get it, I think I've heard a term pronounced like "aldridch" as like a role equivalent to a mayor, but I can't seem to find that definition online.
Oh no...
im jelous of your architecturial prowess
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Hey I was wishing for more raids earlier, Randy decided to drop a second group on me while I was micro managing the health of our prisoner. Dan is a powerhouse, however that guy with the stick bombs is concerning.
I can't tell if you are upset about my return or if you are concerned about the lack of Noah.
If it's the latter the colony has been going great (until this exact moment). The Noah pawn is not present, because we had a falling out in the real.
>The Noah pawn is not present, because we had a falling out in the real.
What happend
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This was almost literally the worst time for a raid to hit, fortunately Doug hadn't finished taking his armor off.
After stabbing Dan twice and shooting him once to minimal damage, they decided to throw the bomb which downed him, at which point they decided to take who they could and leave.
Fortunately Doug is a machine, and I was going to say "imagine running from a man in full riot gear and him gaining on you, while he blocking arrows" but Cazaro is carrying a human, the fact that he is keeping pace is impressive, this all must be very embarrassing for Romasa, who was only barely keeping up up until Doug went through a door.
I think the situation is under control.
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That was closer than it needed to be, neither me nor Doug were able to hit our shots until we were right on the edge of defeat.
Not my blog.
To think I usually complained about the game making me and Lewis best friends while me and Noah didn't get along, the game knew better the entire time.
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my abominations look so cute...

Any recommendation for a "remove specialist work restriction" mod?
the first result I found was this
but after reading the comments it seems it's broken for 1.5
Then there's this
but It said something about enemy factions broke or something like that (I didn't understand the comments).
Is anyone here using a restriction removal mod?
I only have the vanilla specialists, but I don't know how good/bad of an idea would be to remove the restrictions (I don't know if there's specialists in the enemy factions too).
if I have a pawn as a slave...
and make it not needing to sleep (due the brain implant or the "no-sleep" gene)
does it still need a bed and room?
the game will bitch at you no matter what if you have a pawn unassigned to a bed.
you can just place a sleeping spot shack outside the base to solve that issue.
will they still get the "my room is shit" debuff thing?
I guess I'll just put a representative barrack thing if so (I have the normal and good beds I don't use anymore and maybe I could give them those).
No they only get that after they sleep.
they only get the bedroom moodlet if they sleep, and given that they never sleep they'll never get the moodlet.
its honestly why i dont use never sleep in the first place, its good to have as many happiness buffers as you can.
thanks, I just want slaves who never stop working.
make sure to give them brain implants as well, so that you can stop revolts with simple EMP blasts.
>the game will bitch at you no matter what if you have a pawn unassigned to a bed.
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How exactly would you know if you've run into one of these pawns? Are their names unique enough to stand out?
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First harvest of the year, good to see my freezer with food in it.
Hoping to get another expansion started by the winter, hopefully finished by the time it becomes time to replant the fields.
Dan's back up, Aubirge is down from 96% certainty to 40%
I gave them the "non-violent" and "calm" genes, I hope they won't try to leave, but which implants are good and how do I stop them if they try to flee? (I also made them fast).
they always have the same backstories and nicknames, and show up no matter what tech/faction you start with
its especially noticable with tribal starts since you have shit like "broquno 'crocodile' novabuemi" and then youll see "samantha 'sam' haxton" (that also always spawns with a sniper rifle) or "ralph 'humps' brock"
theyre pretty obnoxious
Maybe there wiki page. But honestly - you don't. There was unique backstory dlc before Rimworld release, but now it's gone.
Tynan Sylvester the slothful game dev is unique enough to stand out that's for sure
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these four with "brain shock" are the ones that allow you to EMP slaves to down them.
the half cycler is obvious in your case, but the learning assistant is also a good choice since it'll also make your slaves learn faster
One of them I keep seeing is literally "onesan", as in big sister in weeb.
pretty sure that name wasn't supposed to be a weeb thing because if it was it would've been with a double e
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Strongest Zsinj Admiral, btw.
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onee san is more common but people romanize these in different ways, I'm certain it's supposed to be this guy's anime waifu OC donut steel because the other names are japanese too
finally found my highmate wife in an ancient danger
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>Onee san
>Incapable of caring
What's even the point?
>Onee san
>Incapable of caring
Fake onee san. Trash. Garbage.
and what do I need to do to "brainshock" them?
EMP weapons
>crafter pawn makes masterwork shirt
>puts it in the storage
>slave comes running and wears it
wtf... do I need to manually force every piece of their gear if I don't want this to happen?
after watching the wiki...
are the EMP grenades the best option to stop them without damaging them?
also, how long does it usually take for them to recover from that?
Set a clothes policy and then set the slave into that policy, you can just use the premade slave one if you want them to wear only slave straps and such but they'll suffer from bad temperatures
thank you, I didn't know there were policies for that (I also saw the food and drugs policies).
If I set priorities in work, and then unmark manual again, do they lose the priorities?
From what I remember, no they don't
no, but I mean, if I put 1 in cleaning, and then ummark the manual, do they keep doing cleaning first'
does the constructor/crafter specialist also get a bonus for art?
Oh in that case I think they do lose it and just do it in order from left to right until you put in on manual again, not sure though
new bread?
first for the government
Stove in freezer, butcher table in freezer, both in freezer, or neither?

+ less travel time
+ food is immediately frozen
- adds heat to the freezer
- uncomfortable work temperature

+ less travel time
+ meat is immediately frozen
- leather has to be hauled out
- uncomfortable work temperature

- butcher table decreases cleanliness which affects the stove's food poisoning chance

+ comfortable work temperature
- extra hauling to and from freezer
butcher outdoors near the freezer and change butcher bills to drop on floor, stove in the clean kitchen near the freezer
Oh yeah, also

- nudists could get hypothermia if cooking for a long time

- takes up a lot of freezer space if tool cabinets are included
So is Combat Extended better or worse than vanilla?

I keep one butcher table inside and one outside. Outside for small orders/low work availablity, inside is for the big ones/high work availability.
Stove always in connected kitchen for cleanliness, since 4x orders were created it isn't so bad.
the less travel time isn't really a thing, you can just take whatever section you'd have the stove and table in and make it into the kitchen. At most you're saving the time it takes to open the door which just isn't a lot unless you're using a stone one and for whatever reason can't invest in an autodoor.
Speaking of autodoors, do they completely negate the door opening speed? Does that mean stone doors and wooden doors open at the same speed, which is to say no delay at all, if they're autodoors?
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There's still a delay with stone.
I see, then I guess I should stick to non stone doors.
For most pawns, steel/plasteel autodoors won't slow them down. If you have a very fast one then you might need a wooden autodoor to avoid slowdown.
They multiply the speed by 4, so stone would be faster than wood normal but not close to instant. Plasteel is the best material if you wanted something more durable, but durable and worth an autodoor is an incredibly rare overlap even if it exists.
Stone = 45%
Uranium = 75%
Steel/Plasteel = 100%
Wood = 120%

All multiplied by 4 for auto.
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should I make my solo mechanitor (with a highmate wife) a vampire?
what about normal wood door?
Steel still burns, right? Plasteel sounds like the way to go if I have some extra stock, though I'd probably only use it for the freezer door.
Seems risky unless you have a way to deal with fire.
Yeah, Steel has flammability so not really worth it.
his wife can do that for now, and later paramedics can firefight
NEOOOOO thread you lazy fucks

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