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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>493588385
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First for anime
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1st for Corin is a coal burning, horse fucking whore.
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My lake-side sniper lookout. Got a guy sitting in here with a DMR, it's so cozy.
Non-bloat version of Big&Small
>no bedroll
>no shitter
>no well
>nowhere to even sit and read a book
>Do you use "simple" sidearms?
if I move the weapons far enough they don't come back, but it's pretty annoying
for weather control? mod name is feather control
for weird enviorment? its 'alpha biomes'. the specific biome is ocular forest.
0. I have a whole base to sleep in.
1. I have a whole base to shit in.
2. I drink salt water.
3. I do not own any books.
first for horses
Sex with Imperial girls
Still, its not comfy.
Comfy sniper hole is somewhere one can rest and sit for hours - not somewhere where you have to leave the second you want to piss.
Not to mention not even having a light.
that's pretty cool
but yeah it would be even cooler if you added some basic furniture, even just for the looks
and you might want to make the first door metal or stone in case some scythers decide to take a detour

Did Tynan disable the sexuality traits? I haven't seen gay, asexual or bisexual in ages. Did he do it because people were targeting them for human experiments and they were annoying because of their constant failed romance attempts? Does that mean he is planning to overhaul the trait based sexuality altogether?
>words or quote
>empty space
signs of a complete shit post
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Mushrooms :)
I do need to put in lights.
Chairs + table is a good idea too.
I have no concerns about sythers. Landers are pretty bad if they get in range, but anything smaller than a centipede is not a problem.
Light, bedroll, stool and a crapper.
Then it will be comfy. Could use some camo nets too.
If you have a mod that adds camo nets I NEED it.
I dont, im sorry.. It would be great.
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Cool. Put a turret in there later. Here's my panopticon
Your wealth will increase endlessly and you can't stop it. Though it will take a while since you're being very frugal
that's because Tynan is a n*zi ch*d who hate LQBTQABIPOC folks
Turrets make the game to easy for me.
That is a lovely building. What mod are the windows/fences?
One of the vanilla furniture expandeds. I only use turrets there, I like seeing the prisoners automatically getting shot and going back to their rooms
based if true
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>host royalty quest
>king dude picks social fight with cybernetic melee brawler colonist
>brawler punches his head off
>quest failed
No I have a gay genie in my prison who would have been a colonist were it not for his disability
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>>cheat to remove red fog from my colony
>no one can hit nothing even outside of redfog

>>starts a new game
>>dont bother set ideology
>>don't bother choosing colonists
>>just choose grassland and pray

>>game crashes
>>close browser
>>start game
>>repeat the process, only first remove half the factions so my computer can handle it

>>game starts
pic k colonists with highest shooting
>>tell them to take the rifle
>>mark animal to be killed
>>manually send them hunting
>>no one hits anything

>>load the last colony where violance worked
>>load mod list from save
>>load game
>>have a colonist melee attack a thrumbo
>>he loses misrebly but at least the damge is done

>>quit game
>>ONLY bring in alhpa biomes
>>start rimworld, load ocular forest
>>send colonist to kill something
>she actually does damage. not with ranged attacks, but melee and fire attacks damage.

i don't know what among the mods of
swimming kit
choice of psycasts
war wagon
robot girl doll
srts expended
[nl] realistic bodies
[aya]qualeela race
Wildheart Psycast
Facial animation xenotype compatibility
gulden mod
regrowth: boiling
remove gradual relation decay
music manager
wrelick male body retexture
appareal body type resolver
heppoko scurity turrets
broke my game, but im defintly putting them on a list of 'try one by one'

thanks for reading my blog
you will get harder raids once you break the 100k wealth, so don't be impatient about it
I got a gay genie yesterday, I made it into a slave to make me clothes (they somehow seem to be the best for that).
I kept him because he wouldn't stare saucy at my mistress.
he will stare at your self insert tho
>vanilla extended based mods
Slopconsumer gets sloppa.
>wild woman wanders in
>try to tame it with some imperial which came with the "betray the empire" quest who had 11 in animals
>fail to recruit her many times
>it got mad at one time and beat the shit up of the ex-imperial
>go with my main pawn and beat the shit out of her
>rescue and treat her (without medicine because I'm stingy as fuck and it was all blunt damage)
>she comes out on her own
>goes trying to get some berries
>fails misserably
>had my kitken door open because the place becomes an oven when the door is closed
>wild girl goes and eat my food
>she seems to stay in my pen now (I still have no animals because no useful animal has appeared yet)
>try to tame her again with the imperial (18% success chance)
>fail again, enraged again
>beat her crap again, praying to not break anything (I don't want defective pawns)
>rescue her again
>"X decided to join because you helped her"
>feels good
so now I have a new girl who can barely walk and do shit because all the beatings.
also, had to jail her because she came with a stupid ideology to not eat meat, and most of my food is meat based due lack of crops (damn corn takes ages to grow, had multiple blights (even when separated 4 blocks from each other, those were different events), and same happened to the rice (I think Randy hates me or something).
he actually does, because I made him attractive.
But everything is fine while he doesn't try to "insert something" into my "self insert".
Rape the new DLC girl
Rape Brusalt
Rape Elaina
Rape Jenni
Rape Momi
Rape Veron
Rape Julo
Rape Vermillion
Rape Tsukimi
Rape Nanako
Rape Serach
Rape Bell
Rape Yoonseul
Rape Yosimi
Rape Norma
Rape Tomomi
Rape Strawberry
Rape Apple
Rape Twilight
Rape Bubbles
Rape Blossom
Rape Buttercup
Rape Charlotte
Rape Esther
Rape Marine
Rape Femcel
Rape Katarina
Rape Glowie
Rape Kraut
Rape Saki
Rape Eve
Rape Nurse
Rape Aurine
Rape Kealana
Rape Mint
Rape Snowdrop
Rape Katya
Rape Toxos
Rape Stream
Rape Snickers
Rape Dudina
Rape Corin
Rape Hilda
Rape Alboio
Rape Erin
Rape Kylar
Rape Layla
Rape Ryane
Rape Uskos
Rape Cindy
Rape Sappy
Rape Sera
Rape Mink
Rape Harper
Rape Setsuko
Rape Zen
Rape Doris
Rape Amalia
Rape Rikki
Rape Date
Rape Brooke
Rape Allie
Rape Auric
Rape Zamora
Rape Lena
Rape Flynn
Rape Impids
Rape Highmates
Rape Hussars
Rape Wasters
Rape Dirtmoles
Rape Baseliners
Rape Moyos
Rape Ratkin
Rape Anty
Rape Revia
Rape Askbarn
Rape Slime girls
Rape Fox girls
Rape Cat girls
Rape Bunny girls
Rape Moose girls
Rape Dragon girls
Rape Dog girls
Rape Monkey girls
Rape Maru girls
In Rimworld.
Good. Total noble death.
Female pawns are for passionate love, not barbarism
>enslave yttakin girl
>90% supression
>0% decay because leash and straps
>have skull spikes everywhere
>suddenly she's giving a lesson to one of the kids
>she suddenly rebels
>the kid beats the shit out of her because high combat stats
>send her to the slave bed
it said there wouldn't be a rebelion, why did it suddenly happen?
Post sexy BASELINER female pawns
Sex with Nina
actually i suspect the mod that gave me troubles was voiceroids as animals
maybe kid tried to rape her while you waren't looking
check soc log
Slaves rebel even on max supression, its one of those retarded tynan mechanics that he put into the game.
>download mod
>don't like it
>find it in steam workshop folder
>copy to another folder
>move to local mods folder
>edit to my liking
I have done this a couple of times, has anyone else modified some mods to their own liking?
I just done it today, lol. Actually first time i had to do so.
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I found it's easier to breed a xeno with a baseliner to dilute genes...
I mean, If I want to make a hybrid with certain genes, It's better to have it breed the xeno with a baseliner, then the other xeno with another baseliner, this to isolate the genes I want, and then the products breed each other. I use vast to increase their growth and then breed again.
i;d have modified 'moyo in water' to include other water temed races, but i don't know how to.
not this
Like every single VE mod I have cut content on besides paste
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>crashpod asking to join
>its a nexaga
note to self
remove nexaga from game
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA why can't you search for stuff in animal's inventory??? Just add a little searchbox for "Also search gear".

And why doesn't the colonist portrait have little blood drops next to them if the person is bleeding?
Why is the interface so flawed after 10 years?!
should I just give all my shooters cataphract armour? the enemies will come to me anyway so what's the point of being fast, I can just give them go juice and bionic legs if I need to chase some fag
if you don't need movement speed then yes
I like kiting around enemies and being able to respond to threats quickly so I stick with recon armor, but if I don't then just stack cataphracts
locust armor
Depends what shooter is meant to do.
Cata armour for a CQB fag is a good idea, standard mainliner can easily go with something lighter, especially if you send a lot of squads to raid other sites.
that's for my melee pawns so they can close in on the most dangerous target
It takes a shitload of time to put on so the downside is mostly during the good times.
If you're a Phoebechud it's definitely worth it during her time of the quadrum, otherwise it's eh.

Of course it can be argued that as progression is tied to wealth, and only raids themselves pose any kind of half permanent threat to the colony, industry does not matter in the grand scheme, but I would call people who argue such things turbofaggots.
it's nice for all to have that movement, can jump in and "carry" a downed team mate, then jump out with him
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>Vanilla combat is good
>>493978260 >>493975919
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>SAR keeps bugging out
how do i stop incest? one of pawns is trying to bang grandfather and cousins trying to get married
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Anon it is borderline impossible to get it to happen in vanilla. Just get some nonbloodrelated pawns.
one of my colonist got addicted to go juice, I have psychite dependency and wake up impervious genes available, can I use them to prevent him from overdosing on go juice?
>how do i stop incest?
Why would you? Its not like there is some penalty for this, in fact incest only colony nicely gets rid of all the social fights because you get plenty of opinion bonuses form loving/family.
let the man warm his dick at the fire anon, living with that many women is stressful enough
>Forced to be the designated Cumstud
Such is life in the matriarchy
I know that one of those genes prevents minor overdoses as a concept as they're all tied to the same bar, but I don't think that they prevent major/random overdoses of other drugs. Not sure though, but I don't see the rationale like I do for the minor overdose.
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just don't forget to give your melee shield belts
a tragic fate indeed
CE didn't soilve the issue
Unfortunate, try Yayo?
i already solved the issue. i returned to another colony and simply based my modlist on that.
Also CE wouldn't solve the issue because CE I believe isn't save compatible, unless you did a fresh save with CE.
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>start building floors
>wealth skyrockets
I honestly hate this game sometimes.
but marble floors look so neat...
irl, crime rate is higher in cities where the inhabitants have floors.
But it looks like your wealth increase is mainly due to your item wealth, not your building wealth, anon. I mean, yeah, I can see the little upswing in your building wealth where you built the floors, but it doesn't seem to be the main contributor to your skyrocketing wealth.
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Fake Corin
Potentially dangerous individual
Fake. Not true.

Be careful not to believe everything people post on the internet!
yeah I saw that, burning my muffalo wool+leather.
You use cheat walls, no wonder why you think armor is bad.
>Be careful not to believe everything people post on the internet!
yeah, I don't believe you
That's still would increase your GDP though.
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Eh it helped a little, grew too much haygrass honestly.
Building floors actually lowers the wealth that the AI perceives since built wealth counts as half. Example: every gold floor you build decreases your perceived wealth by 347.5 silver.
>Conversely, possessing any drug impervious gene against a hard drug prevents overdoses, both random and cumulative, from all types of drugs.
can I trust the wiki?
Don't burn it, just put it outside your walls. When raiders come, some of them will take the items instead of attacking you.
Yeah sure
so... can I safely put my gold floor and walls on my throne room?
If you have no gold, mining gold and then turning it into floors will increase your wealth. If you already have gold sitting in storage, turning it into floors will decrease your wealth.
Do you put any kind of floor in your fridge/item storage?
If the rest of your base has floors you shouldn't let your colonists touch grass or dirt, since this will generate filth onto your floors.
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I forgot to suspend the task again brothers
I didn't know that...
are rugs for cleaning their foot on entry or just decorative?
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Lavish meal time
If you're talking about vanilla, there's no such thing. If your colonist has filth on his shoe, he will deposit it eventually on a manmade floor, there is no way to preemptively clean it off.
There are rugs but I think they're an ideology thing.
Brothers my pet (bonded) megasloth has gotten into the Luciferium supply
megasloth bondage drugs step brother
That's a big freezer.
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Imagine compromising all of your morals to create a nightmarish abomination only for it constantly lose to ordinary animals 1v1 and need to be handed food.
so i downloaded 2 vanilla expanded mods and now i have a bunch of this pop up when i load a playthrough, should i add these factions? or what should i do
also this one says its non spawning?
It's listing all the factions that you don't have in case you added a faction mod. If you did then add it
i added a sangophague expanded mod, probably from that then? will it fuck my game up?
I don't know if that mod adds a faction, if it does then add the settlements for that faction.
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Why is synthread in the game?
Seems to be just as rare as hyperweave but hyper is better than syn.
it adds 3 new bloodlines for sangophages, but it doesnt specify adding a faction so im a bit confused
I got it from one of those drop pod malfunction crashes I think. I should probably just sell it.
Maybe it just appeared for no reason then. Just click don't ask again for all factions, you can open that menu again in VEF's mod options
weird i wonder what caused it, maybe adding them includes some of the vampire bloodlines in said faction? would it hurt to add them?
well, which was it?
If it doesn't say anything about vampires then don't add them. I don't think you can remove them later. The ones you showed are just vanilla factions.
>I don't think you can remove them later.
You can you just need to destroy all their faction bases
yea none of them explicitly mention vampires but a lot of them are cannibal for some reason, i could add them if i wanted tho if i wanted more factions to play with tho right? just worried about it corrupting my game or something
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>Merchant's cow dies of a heartattack right outside my base.
If you add them, you can never take the mod out of the save without breaking it.
And the VE team is known for doing overhauls in their mods that break saves.
I make pants out of it but I'm just wondering if there's some hidden meaning of it that I'm missing. Since synthread is so rare.
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it's time to start shitting out cataphracts and summoning mechs en masse
may Corin be with us
well fuck in your experience is VE worth it? i just wanted to make my sangophague playthrough a little more interesting
Never tried the Biotech related ones.
I mean, unless you intend on doing a multi generational(30+ years) colony, go for it.

I lost a 30+ years old medieval colony because they decided to overhaul the Medieval/Viking factions and said the new overhaul is not compatible with older saves.
So be wary of that.
my vampire wife Setsuko...
i was actually hoping on doing a long colony (already at like 5, also my first ever successful colony) with my two main vamps being the rulers, i think ill just risk it and not add the settlements if that makes it more stable
my vampire wife dany...
this game is so fun and i wish i found it sooner, i love how it lets you imagine all the little stories happening within your world
are any of the perfomance mods worth it, my game struggles at certain points
searched around and can't find anything that indicates that synthread is special in anyway, except it being rare. but there's no benefit coming with it.
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Zen won
performance fish is a lifesaver for me
what does it do? i'm not that anon
i cant find it on steam ? am i retarded?
yeh i made it up
it does a lot of stuff that fixes your TPS especially on late game, you can see it in the settings
it's not on steam for some reason, google it or get the link from the /rwg/ mods pastebin in the OP
is VE empire mod worth it? seems pretty cool, considering adding it to my current world
unless you try to center a run around it, but it's still a bit eeeh
Deserters is decent enough, and probably the most likely reason why you'd install it
do you guys make your colonies look nice? im new so my colony is pure function and kinda looks like shit
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This is bullshit, should at least set relationship to (0 neutral) because it has a tendency to drop to (-100 hostile) anyway.
Why bother to release the prisoner if it gives you nothing? At least set it to zero for a while so you don't get raided for a bit.
Your relations with other factions does not affect the frequency of raids at all. The storyteller will just roll a different faction. That includes mechs and insects.
I think I have at least 600 hours in the game and I still do things solely based on performance, but I do at least make bedrooms of decent size for everyone now instead of just one omega barracks
>it does a lot of stuff that fixes your TPS especially on late game, you can see it in the settings
can't find that in settings, and i dont know what TPS is
TPS is ticks per second, in the most simple of terms it's how fast your game can go
by settings I mean performance fish's settings in the mod options, not the game settings
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I didn't know that. Still think releasing a leader from prison should set that faction to neutral since you can then trade with the faction via caravan for a while.
ah, i see
leaders don't matter, even if you kill them someone immediately replaces them
i know that, leaders only matter as prisoners since if you release them you get >>494014168
i'm just saying it's too low to be worth it
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Two impid tribals fucked my shit up. God that was sad. I need to get good at security...
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This thread need more soaking wet female pawns.
it's the same as anyone else, if it was different it would only cause them to be specifically targeted. the same happens with you, if your leader gets taken would you really want a bigger demand for their return if the event actually pops up?
are there footfag rimworld players even though there are no feet.
At the risk of sounding redundant, sex.
kyaru that's not how you soak in a hot spring are you fucking dead
I'm sorry anon but your pawn is an incel
I'm not a focused footfag, but I do like feet sometimes, and I appreciate the footjob in RJW.
(base or addon? idk.)
I don't like dirty feet though.
it's not the same as anyone else. maybe you're playing with mods?
NTA but it's the same +12 for everyone and a little bit more for empire members, you just need to fully tend them and have them not from the permanently hostile faction
hm, okay maybe i'm wrong
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I have a feeling I'm going to regret saving and allowing a Wretch to join my colony.
But this colony was made with the intent of accepting all xeno freaks with open arms.
>Next day turns into a lamia werewolf who gets heatstroke at room temperature and has to live in my freezer.
>And is also now a female.
Okay yeah this is pure AIDS holy shit.
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Hello fellas
I've been out of the game and the community for about 4 months, did anything interesting happen while I was gone? Have most mods updated?
I also hope the hype about the new DLC has died down by now.

Pic related is my the raid that hit my colony less than 1 minute after unpausing the game.
>raider shot my nature running child
>punch him in the throat until it bursts
Is this an appropriate reaction?
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>Died during child labor
What were you expecting? The devilchild's horns ripped her uterus and caused bleeding that couldn't be managed.
what about straw? wouldn't straw absorb filth?
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i don't know
i do know i reinstalled
swimming kit
choice of psycasts
robot girl doll
[nl] realistic bodies
[aya]qualeela race
Facial animation xenotype compatibility
gulden mod
regrowth: boiling
remove gradual relation decay
wrelick male body retexture

back and stuff still works
which means the issue was either
war wagon
srts expended
Wildheart Psycast
music manager
appareal body type resolver
heppoko scurity turrets

voiceroids and turrets are the main suspects but i don't feel like testing. its probably only me anyway. ill just mark those mods in a list somewhere and be done with it.
i get synthread from dropods more often than hyperwaves
maybe thats the differance?

tell us a story anon
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my colonies are chaotic but i like how they turn out
the secret ingrediant are floors.
she is so smug
NTA but I got a little one that got a friend of mine to try it. Vanilla- ages ago before DLC. Had a 40something housemate call the 17 year old pop idol a cougar for having the hots for the 18 year old vatgrown soldier guy. Housemate proceeds to go outside to hut some ibex and is promptly ambushed- killed an eaten by an ACTUAL Cougar.

The other two got that cute little 'my rival died' moodlet. Shit was hilarious.
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there are always mods
look at the baby's smug face
>i did that
she is swimming

sometime pawns don't matter to their factions
but you can get relation bonus on non-leader pawns

i also feel the same way about my colony but if there is someone i don't like i still don't let them in. the last xeno i let in did names on my appearance mods so i don't let pawns of that race into my colony anymore.

welcome back
kinda new myself so can't help you there
all i have for you is this nice webm with audio
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hopefully owlchemist comes back and fixes the 33% performance drop
why is owlchemist a better programmer than the dev team
how does rimpy download stuff from steam despite not being logged in?
Rimworld's workshop allows anonymous downloads. It's something that devs can toggle.
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>anonymous downloads
nvm found it
Are there any good prosthetic/cyberbatics/cyborg mods so i can slowly turn my pawns into androids instead of using a race mod
the paniel mod require you to harvest an organic brain in order to craft a paniel, however said paniel does not retain any of the original bbrain holder traits

pawnmorpher+transhumanist might be your thing

finally better transhumanist seems like your type of thing

i could try searching for other keywords but for now, what do you think about thos 3
>made OP character
>OP enough to beat 3-4 guys by himself
>80 years old highmate with good stats but beaten as fuck falls from a pod
>decide to capture her and sell her as a slave to the nearest town
>travel is around 1 day
>when almost at town, some raiders decide to attack the base
>only the MC wives, 1 kid and 2 genius slaves are there
>and everyone decided to catch some disease at the same time (dunno if because randy shenanigans).
>manage to beat the 2 raiders with my slow as fuck sick pawns
>but everyone is slow as hell, even for healing and almost die
>the prisoners die because the healing was taking too long and they bleed out
>everyone is getting mental breaks because of pain, and how slow they are even to eat
>OP dude comes back and everyone gets back to normal because he does most of the needed shit
damn... I was expecting them to survive at least 1 day without him.
Post your faction's champion
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>too poor to dropod himself to the destination then psycast himself back
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Mod suggestions?
No anime monstrosities.
Wow, this fucking sucks
>has all the best cheatmods
what's wrong with it?
>no anime monstrosities
weird way to say you don't like HAR but ok.
humanoid dryad
vanilla expended pigskin
vanila expended ideology
HD Head Attatchments for Nals Facial
AFU hairstyle
VoiceActedRadioChatter JP Plus
BondageBedTorture Furniture Addon
Ponpeco Kids' Clothes
Vehicle Framework Expanded - Classic Mechs
Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
Gerrymon's Nautian Style
Shella Backgrounds
Gulden Mod
Robot Girl Doll
NieR: Automata Music
Terran Music
What if we make an official rwg modlist together, post your favorite must-have mod

Ill start
>Dubs break mod
Kill yourself.
Ask me how I know you would die to 2 mechanoids with CE on.
not a problem if they don't have CE
CE isn't the problem there, dumbass.
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Ask me how I known you won't post your modlist.
how do you know i won't post my modlist?
Ask me how I know
The slugs passing through my colony are being salted
i just did
No, you don't understand. Ask me how I know.
I'm sorry, You are right;
I don't understand.
You fucking morons. ASK ME HOW I KNOW
How I know?
so this is the power of late night American posting
thank you Mr. God for timezones
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>read rimworld lore
>FTL tech does not exist
>setting is +3500 years into the future (5500)
>most rimworlds are in the core of the galaxy
>the core of the galaxy is +20000 light years away from earth
uuuuuh Tynan? Hello?
>most rimworlds are in the core of the galaxy
That is not stated anywhere.
where are all these genes from, what's her metabolism like, and what's her manipulation etc
the only important stat is her vulnerability
They may have something that allows ships to move in an unconventional way like Skip Drive for Ship. It is technically not FTL since you Skip into location instead of travel.
Transgender boarskin vampire baddie assassinating empire nobles. In all seriousness though, why is melee so powerful in vanilla combat? The only combat altering mods I have on are Vanilla Skills Expanded, and my three melee colonists got all the kills in this mission with my chain shotgun person just finishing off the noble.
i assume hes referring to "coreworlds"
ie, worlds that form the core of the new civilization like sophimunda (where the empire was from), not worlds literally at the core of the galaxy
because not being able to fire at pointblank is a retarded balance "decision", combined with jumppacks and long aim/cooldown times on any gun worth using
>because not being able to fire at pointblank
Wait, i remember i could do so at one point, did retard removed it, or i missremember and it was a mod?
The problem really, is that 3500 year span is way waaaaay too little to be doing space exploration without FTL. Shit is just MINDBLOWINGLY far away.
ranged biggest theme is killing enemies from afar. that means, hit without getting hit. ranged weapons are better for defensive and for open spaces.
humanity was kidnapped by aliens
Also, threats like Ancient Dangers dont make any sense over such a small timespan now that I think about it. Tynan dun goofed big on this one.
>i'm only cheating a little
bro you turned melee into a machinegun are you retarded?
nod really, rimworld has reactionless drives and casual terraforming, just plodding along at 1G acceleration (including the deceleration phase) you'd be able to colonize a bubble hundreds-to-thousand of light years across in the 3500 year time period, and the unmanned terraforming probes would be arriving way in advance to prep the worlds for settlement
Is it stated anywhere 5500 is AD still? If not I assume somewhere it explicitly says that rimworld takes place 3500ish years from now/our current time?
actually rimworld runs on the hebrew calander so it takes place 200 years ago.
I knew it! TYNAN!
it takes place in 1740 to be precise.
b-but the first bolt action rifle was from 1800~...
as are proper revolvers
tynan is 100 years off
Another one of my favorite colonists. Had to use a melee neurotrainer to get her to melee 15. She has max psylink.
She almost died during this attack on an imperial maxipack that had to stop along the road for some reason. I was sweating pretty hard while seeing this. Thank god for the robust gene. I still swear by jump packs for melee, I was just really aggressive here and wasn’t careful enough with how I positioned her so she took a lot of damage. A jump pack with a charge sniper rifle is also kinda nuts since you can have a charge sniper rifle person with high shooting skill zipping around the map with high mobility to gain a sightline on anybody behind cover while also being out of the effective range of all the most dangerous enemies.
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1.if you ware allowed to get only ONE of the following mods in your next colony, which would you choose?
a.Combat Extended
b. [NL] facial animation
c. Humanoid Alien Races
d. Rimjobworld
e. pickup and haul
f. preformance fish/rocketman
2. is there a mod that you wouldn't give up on even if it means giving up on all of the aboie?
I noticed that the dude she was in melee with had dropped his gun and that he was standing up being cleaved apart by her. Turns out he was high on blue sky with is like a version of go-juice that’s even more extreme and can have very bad health effects. If go-juice is meth, blue sky is fentanyl.
Despite picking HAR I would say performance fish because shit was literally unplayable after 10 years in on my machine, I often end the game around 8 years in nowadays though
What's your opinion on https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3309003431&searchtext=insectoid?

I would also like to hear if there are any face change mods without animations.
Biotech mechanoid stuff with bug flavour
I don't think it will leave my modlist since it adds variety to bug enemies even for colonies that don't touch all those hive bullshit
maybe you can send a caraven to trade?
or build comm console for orbital trade ships
I love CE but in its current state it's not worth it
Too many incompatibilities and bugs
Vanilla Combat Reloaded is something between Yayo and CE but way better
>both of the revenants I captured have broken out of their holding cells and the sky is dimming
Jesus Christ how horrifying. I feel like the two revenants could be a real threat while unnatural darkness is active. That’s if my psycaster with vertigo pulse and burden gets hypnotized or otherwise taken out in some way.
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Is there a mod that improves the "work" tab or is that impossible?

For example I would want "cooking" split into
cooking + preparing + butchering
...where "preparing" is doing stuff like making tea, baby food, wort (maybe need better names)

And "doctoring" split into tending + surgery

Would also like more numbers than 1-4
just saying but
for cooking you can limit bills
for example, you can set a bill so only workers with at least 6 cooking could do it
or for butchering you can make it so only workers of at most 5 skill could do it
more than half of random visitors brought a reinforced barrel for me, that's some rotten luck
any mod which makes it so when you cancel an unfinished item you get 100% of the resources?
i only found this
first you need to learn how to use bills at work stations
second this won't kill your save like anons other mod
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thank you very much friends!

i wish vanilla had default bills for common work stations, for example "butcher creature (forever)" in butcher spots.
they can be suspended by default but it's pretty tiresome to keep adding the same bills constantly, especially when you're traveling.
just needing to unsuspend the default bill would save some annoying clicks. the game could even support a "use as default" checkbox for custom jobs that are replicated when you make a new workstation spot.
How come Tynan had the balls to include children and not make them invincible and unable to take drugs but Tynan didn’t have the balls to include Rimworld style analogues for popular psychedelic drugs like psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, and DMT? I feel like the high life meme from Ideology would make so much more sense if these existed ingame. The High Life meme even references tripping when you generate the narrative for your ideology, but there’s no drug ingame that causes a pawn to trip. High life was probably inspired by the 80s anti-war movement in America which was full of hippies- most of which consumed mushrooms, LSD, and DMT. Was Tynan too much of a coward to add psychadelics to a game where you can make human leather cowboy hats out of babies, or did he just not know how to include them in a balanced and authentic way?
(I’ve fallen in love with psychedelics over the past few years so I’ve been thinking about this a lot.)
what would be the real world name for GoJuice?
Go-Juice is just intravenously injected methamphetamine I’m pretty sure. Wake-Up is adderall/vyvanse.
Any mod that lets me perform transgender operations on humanoid alien races in prison?
SYR Body Shaping lets you change pawn’s sex. RJW does too.
Even on guilty aliens in prison?
Yeah all the body changing is done through surgeries.
take this for maximum fun
probably because it would be bloat since all the important things are already covered and only autists like you would even care
Rate my newest member of the colony
>Animal lover
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it is a perfectly reasonable trait
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Can we trade?
There's no Mushrooms, LSD and DMT for the exact same reason there aren't PDWs, GPMGs, Bullpup Carbines or any other specific niche weapons in game; there are already plenty of them and there wouldn't be enough of a difference to justify adding any more.
Much like gun autists want all those weapons added, you're a druggie that wants those drugs added, neither wish will come true.
if you can influence tynan to try those things then he will add them as dlc just like anomaly
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Why would he make an entire DLC just to add a smokeleaf reskin.
If he made an entire DLC because he watched a movie and got inspired creativity from the mood bonus then anything can happen
SCP isn't a movie
Did you draw it?
Talking about DLC, what kind of DLC are we even lacking at this point?
>Glitterworlds, Deathworlds or other worlds to be implemented
What else?
I thought he said he watched cabin in the woods
You're supposed to land on a rimworld, it's kind of the name of the game.
what would even be the gameplay? you watch your pawn have all his needs tended to by a crew of drones, then spend several hours making wood sculptures before going to a yayo party with his buds?
At least better than deathworld gameplay where you crash land and immediately die from toxic buildup.
why is the glitterworld just a pinnacle of depravity
think it's all niche themed stuff at this point maybe a dlc on caravaning for sure
All in-game descriptions of it pretty much have it layed out like that. A post-scarcity, hedonist 'utopia' with basically no issues other than civilization-wide boredom.
Actually one thing he could still add is a "Computech" DLC, like Biotech but for mechs and computers.
If Anomaly exists, then anything is possible.
sounds like comfy gameplay, why dont you like it?
How do I rush building armor like you guys do?
damn, how long until they give birth to some chaotic entity that wipes them all out?
Just go straight to researching flak armor
Contrary to popular belief plate armor is actually good and simple helmet will suffice if you don't have plasteel for flak helmets
In-game sources also state that glitterworlds are the pinnacle of "recognizable" human civilization, and the step towards building an archotech 'evolves' them into achotech worlds as the archotech subsumes everything within it into itself.
Whether the human civilization is wiped out, moved or somehow assimilated into the superintelligence is left unclear.
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He owns a katana that can cut through steel and he knows everything about the bushido code, which he follow 100%. Truly the greatest baseliner to have ever lived.
have a genie to research armor, sell drugs or beer for armor materials. can't really rush power armor tb h
What should I do with all these children? They came to beg for medicine...
Kidnap the cute ones for rape
i give me researcher plate armor. she is not going anywhere anyway.
>psycast himself back
how do you do that?
there is a mod for more psycasts
you can specialize in a psyvast tree
one of the tree allows travel
Farskip isn't even a modded psycast
>iron willed
>blonde samurai
this guy actually sounds pretty cool wtf
literally everyone hates him though, it's kind of sad
I want a sneaking system, and be able to do crawling on grass and some metal gear stuff.
It depends on your ideology (if you have ideology), I preffer to pick a "non charitative" one, because it's a pain in the ass to get a debuff when I arrest the one with good traits/potential.
must be hard being a gaijin
Kek more on his backstory please?
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3 raids of imps coming from a quest; 7 jannies come to aid us. 95 in total in a normal raid type.
Reward is a techprof subcore, achotech leg and 172 uranium; pretty good.
Also Natalya is pregnant with Ivan's child, making for the first couple and first child of the second generation of the colony.
>give access to the fridge to the carrier elephants, so they can carry crops there too
>they stay most of the time inside the fridge, eating the crops
>the kibble pile in the barn hasn't gone down since I got them
wth... can I pick the animals diet?
or do I just ban them from the fridge?
I don't want them dirtying the house
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While we were bombarding the first raid (killed 26 with some 6 shells), the second came immediately after; this time attacking immediately, with another ~90 impids total. This might get a bit hairy.
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I imagine irl it might be terrifying to have a horde of barbarians in these numbers running to kill you; then again the british did face that and killed them anyways so maybe it isn't that bad.
Say, whats the most hostile biome to raiders? a radiated sea ice base?
He was transported in weeb rimworld after getting hit by the 2011 tsunami.
alpha biomes has some pretty nasty stuff
>some refugees ask for help
>say ok
>they are 3, 1 baseliner woman medic, 1 pigger artist and 1 shitty male child.
>they have way too many debuff because of their ideology, and the medic and child are greedy, but I don't plan to give them special treatment and put them in a 7x5 barrack (it has wooden floor, a big statue and table and chairs).
>some town asks to take care of a prisoner
>he suddenly snaps and goes into a murdering rampage
>3 of my pawns are waiting outside the door, and barrage him with bullets
>"oh shit, I hope he doesn't die" (don't wanna fail the mission).
>repair the door and put him inside again
>the medic refugee is healing him
>Refugees "decide to betray" (this seems to be pretty common for me)
>"it seems they planned this all along"
>medic breaks the door again, and the guys haven't even moved from the barrage before
>pigger girl tries to steal a psylink shit I stole from the empire
>shit child tries to steal some heart I got before
>have 2 slaves in the pen they try to flee to
>beat the crap out of the child (try to not kill him because the "child killer" shit social debuff)
>shotgun the pigger girl on the face (she loses an eye).
>plan to sell them to not get debuff for "killing colonists/children"
>$175 for the medic, and even less for the child
>decide to extract their hearts instead
>use a slave to get the child heart so he gets the "child killer" instead
>he didn't get the "killed a child" social debuff and everyone likes him for "killing a criminal".
how does the child killer thing works?
doesn't it activate if they are guilty?
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that was easy
isnt this just a killbox but "naturally" generated.
Could actually be solid, a dlc geared towards making a nomadic playstyle possible, with the possibility of making temporal outposts and low tech qol stuff for them which would help tribals too like a way to preserve food that isn't freezing it. Add in official mounts and vehicles frameworks and you could end up with a solid dlc.
For the victory condition it could just be a rework of the one we already have where we have to travel to the ship but it could be expanded by having the ship be broken and having to travel all around the world searching for parts to fix it now that a nomadic playstyle would be possible.
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Here lies Yarou, he heroically fought a pack of manhunting elephants by himself to allow a kid time to escape. Good riddance you fucking pyromaniac.
AFU women and men hairstyle mods, automatic night owls, glitter weaponry, better workbench management, blood animations, breachable embrasures, careful raids, clean textures (+ soil), death acidifest, erin body textures, dynamic trade interface, HC Animal continued, layered wall destruction, CAI 5000, Melee animation (+ no bloat), rimmsqol, more vanilla textures.
I'm tired of listing the qol mods in my current modlist, so here's the rentry code instead 3seoa7tz
>meanwhile at my colony
>"oh noes... X died"
>"well whatever" (butchers him)
I wonder if someone else does this too?
I may be too stingy to make funerals.
can hare and snow hare interbreed?
or are those considered "different species"?
Is there any mod that lets me remove the planning tool and replace it with a tool that lets me make a concept of a plan.
Metalhorror was a huge nerd to rax meta
really the only missing thing is making the world outside your colony worth a shit
at the moment diplomacy and caravans literally dont matter, the only use for every other world cell besides the one your colony is in is just to hold quest areas and mineral scanner lodes
being guilty overrides all other death/murder moodlets depending on ideology precepts
i had a similar thing happen actually
>baby has done nothing but cry since it was born because theyre affected by expectations for some reason
>just finished a stupid hard quest fight against some mechs so all my fighters are recovering in the hospital with intense or worse pain
>baby continues to cry, further souring their moods with disturbed sleep/sad kids/baby crying thoughts
>someone finally goes berserk and crushes its skull
>it unironically cried so often that it was rivals with everyone and even its parents hated it
>pawn that went berserk gets improved relations with everyone since they "killed a rival"
is there mod that lets me adjust tab sizes, like normal windows grab and extend or make smaller tab?
too many brown people
what do you have against brown people
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>what do you have against brown people
Is anomaly still a one trick pony?
You don't like to look back and remember your colony's story(TM)?
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We finally finished researching recon armor, and used the techprof core to get marine armor instantly. Time for a refitting of our defense gear.
Well yeah, barely even since I built that funnel corridor too
Brownfurs are good people!
I don't think it's about "balls", but just an oversight.
once again I forgot to grab some prisoners to throw in ripscanner and just left them to die :(
also any mods that add mining mechs able to operate deep drills? alpha mechs don't have anything like that and I'm not gonna install oskarshit
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You could've been happy with your lover as a slave. Now you try and be smart, look at how you ended up. This is *your* fault, you know?
>pawn that went berserk gets improved relations with everyone since they "killed a rival"
That somehow made me laugh, I wonder if I'm becoming a psycho.
>You don't like to look back and remember your colony's story(TM)?
I did when I started, I even made graves for the raider who came, but after a while I took it as "waste of space" and started eating everything.
I’ve been loving Anomaly so far. I’m also a veteran player with almost 5k hours in the game so I really appreciate the challenge. We’ve needed an official content pack that adds in new and fun threats for a while now.
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how would one start a scenario with 1 person in ideology and be able to spread it? Any mods/tips?
Post your favorite colonist's backstory the more autistic the better.
capture > priosner > convert
A lone Space marine who was slightly touched by Slaneesh crashlands alone on a planet
You should take meds.
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An infestation makes our kitchen super busy; Some bug meat becomes kibble, some chemfuel, what remains becomes lavish carnivore meals.
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Do they never learn their lesson?
should I put a hay floor in the storage/fridge?
how do the people who use animals as haulers deal with it?
"Make your own robot" DLC like Fallout 4.
im searching for a new body mod.
do you any body mods that steam is hiding?
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They're not even that into each other. Maybe they were just lonely?
wasn't that like half of biotech or do you mean we'd get androids
>anon gives his baby shit living conditions
>baby cries too much
>is happy when the baby dies because it was annoying
would you by any chance be a boomer?
Save our ship is neat and all but, its pretty fucking boring
you spend so much time just waiting for something to be canned
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been a rough start, but not because of events- because i had to shuffle mods when chicken.webm happened. right now ik ditched thigapp because ftp or whatever its called and looking for new bodies. found links to several and will look at them later.
sorry my colonists are so ugly.
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... or horny
>vanilla races extended
>vanilla animals extended
>X shit extended
all that shit seems to be from the same dude...
Does he base it "on the book" or did all that shit come from his wet dreams?
So does anybody here wanna give updating this mod a go? Despite the tag its still broken

What happens to an embryo on a vat when a solar flare occurs?
does it have some tolerance time or does it just die?
the latter.
Only the first ever mods he made could qualify for the name, but just about everything else is insane fanon.
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brown boy and brown girl are now friends.
well that was much faster than in my previous colonies. i hope their relationship lasts.
stay away from oskarshit
it's insanely bloated and will kill your performance and loading times
not to mention the balance but it's single player game so to each their own I guess
some extended are fine. like pigskin.
or biomes.
while ark was building their royal bed, his wife couldn't hold herself and jumped him.
>pawn lacks a leg
>get a bionic leg
>have to double check to see which leg is missing to not fuck it up
Is there some actual warning if I try to chop the wrong leg, or will I suddenly have someone with a pegleg and a bionic one by mistake?
Say, any tips for sea ice? is it as simple as wait around for shit to happen while hoping to get raided to be able to eat?
yes, sea ice is just straight up dull
even worse after you get past the initial hurdle
Putting a hay floor in the freezer is fine. If you want them to eat the kibble instead you could ban them from the freezer and make a lower priority stockpile just outside it. The elephants will haul the crops to just outside the freezer and the others will bring them inside.
That happens in real life too.
Cross of Iron or Rim at War for my Krautcore needs?
if you have ideology, just add rituals to get more people (to canibalize from/get clothes) or the one to call animals (if you pick rancher). I did that to survive.
>i hope their relationship lasts.
in every single colony that ive had a marriage in they've ALWAYS broken up despite both remaining at high mood, usually due to an affair.
at this point im convinced that oskar is into cuckshit.
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so i got myself a wondering nymph... and a crashlander with paralyc ambesia for the next 20 days... and i got a quest for prisoner keeping.... and a quest for a guest with aparalytic abysia... what do they think my colony is, an assylum?
well maybe if i disable rjw there won't be an affair here
I never have this issue, but I do use psychology.
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if i fence the area, would it stop them
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poor guy
i hope that by the time he is out he will learn to love it
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my colony, Rose Button, as of now.
>lower priority stockpile
how do you set up that?
can the nearsight gene bane be fixed anyhow?
why this mod and not biotech's pregnancy stuff?
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Made for prone bone
Imperial lady female pawns are for impregnation
Rebel female pawn sluts are for anal
>Literally half of my mods list isn't updated to 1.5
I'm not going to buy Anomaly, I guess I'll be returning to 1.4
yiithkins are for rugs
pigskins are for dinner
neandrathals are for kibble
wasters are for the refinery
impids are lumber
highmates are for meat cages
genies are for compost
baseliners are for worshipping insectoid overlord's meat rods
You are missing out
What are sanguophages for?
high mood doesn't matter, they need to have a high opinion of each other so make them spend time together or often pass by each other during work
maggot nursery.
>yiithkins are for sex
>pigskins are for sex
>neandrathals are for sex
>wasters are for the sex
>impids are sex
>highmates are for sex
>genies are for sex
>baseliners are for sex
I guess one advantage of having six melee colonists is that you can set up a good melee block pretty much anywhere. I got an attack of thirty noctols and only one person got hurt. They couldn’t make it past the wall of melee people.
This child showed up as a wanderer join event and immediately got hunted and killed by a fox… couldn’t make it to her in time to kill the fox and tend her.
why is that pigger so big?
what about ratkins, mihos, antys, moyos, rabies, marus, revias and minchos?

Prisoners don't benefit from having a TV in the cell?
no, neither from having a chessboard etc
which is pretty dumb if you ask me but what can you do
should have the same needs as regular colonists except "outside" i suppose. maybe with a "prisoner expectations" +mood to make it a little less hard to keep them docile (similar to how slaves have a "slave expectations" +mood).
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got storied right there
not pictured: one colonists and man in black that got captured by raid that came right after I accidently ancient shrine (haven't realized I have 2 on my map)
Are killboxes still necessary? Stopped playing years ago because it's what I hated the most about the game.
She’s a boarskin from Pigskins Expanded. Boarskins grow larger until the age of 60.
>those sure are some beautiful bones
Ha, your ideology is pink! Gay
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they never were, you only need to git gud or learn how to properly lower the difficulty
"Killboxes" are not necessary, but some kind of chokepoint is. You can make a killbox and just take out all the traps and untwist the path, and the community won't consider that a killbox.
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Oh boy, time for my favorite event!
im guessing that the captured colonist was named dave?
functionally yes, you need some kind of choke that will unbunch groups of enemies so that you can kill them one by one.
forgot, what was gray flesh bound to?
Also Dave came to life as a clone from the monolith
Waiting for the guys at archomart to send a ship with an archotech eye my way.
>forgot, what was gray flesh bound to?
metal STD
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New Tynan dropped. Why is he always alone? Shouldn't a rich, tall and handsome man have a family or be surrounded by pussy? Social media posts where it's always just you by yourself is one of the biggest turn offs for women
he's on that sigma grindset
Post your female pawn wife
His fate was set in stone the moment he was born autistic. Literally nothing else matters
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he's not autistic
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whats even the appeal of having a colony at that size? I worry that would be too much in terms of micromanaging everyones needs not to mention the amount of bed space do you have a really nice barracks or does everyone get like a 5x5?
We have to cancel this guy for visiting woke california. Everyone uninstall rimworld, NOW!
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how many years you usually play?
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>whats even the appeal of having a colony at that size?
My longest colony was 20 years in. I usually play until I lose or do one or the endings. Usually about 12-15 ingame years. The archonexus was the one that took me 20 years.
just leave the less useful ones on idle and have a huge barracks
>micromanaging everyones needs
what are you even talking about
Are you using the very large map size? Apparently map sizes above medium make the game way easier since stuff falling from the sky will fall further from your base and edge raids will take longer to reach you.
>not just having a gay baby jail for anyone that has a mental break
largest size is most fun if you use vehicle mod
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why do my colonists refuse to fucking clean, everyone keeps getting some fucked up parasite bc they never clean the vomit, i have common sense installed and it does nothing
cleaning is like the lowest priority task
you either need a dedicated clean bitch or roombas
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I need warm bodies to protect the waifus. Also for the "all endings at once" thing I'm planning.
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it was 275x275 map
i have a quest where i need to deliver 14 shadecones and its a 4 day journey, but i have no pack animals and only about 6 colonists, is it possible to do this without an animal to colory the hats?
Transport pod but you still need at least one dude to do the trade, so he needs to walk that 4-day journey home
i would trust my main guy to do it, but i dont have transfer pods, damn i really wanted the neuoformer
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is there a mod that adds like an impregnation ritual or something to ideology
If you only want kids then invest in IVF
If you're kinky then install RJW and brothel colony, there's a fertility ritual with an orgy on top but I think you need the brothel meme
sexperience ideology has a ritual where the organiser has sex with a victom con or non-con closest you will get.
VE memes has orgy
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She wasted absolutely no fucking time huh
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I have to pump my numbers up.
>promises her happiness if she would join
>asks him if he would personally guarantee that
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Do you think my son will be able to make this demon of semen happy?
A fucking hag??
based anon dunking on imp*ds and w*sters
I will go to bed now and try and save her tomorrow (no reload 500% threat tribal start dryad meme playthrough)
I will give you an update whether she lives or i lose
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We fucking love hags around here
Yeah, but I (Anon) am not a hag. No way
Prove it
Prove you are not a meaty hag who needs mating press correction until octuplets
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Say, when playing sea ice when do you know you can actually have another person live with you, after hydroponics or wait until raids get to be bigger than like 2 people? Elenore has killed like 20 of her kin and we only have 3 rooms because traders haven't come in like 2 seasons
for me it's tiny hags
worry less about food and more if they're actually a good pawn, you can just send them to caravan around if you can't support them in your base normally, if you're doing cannibalism then you'll have tons of cash
It's fucking over
anon (anon) fucking anon (pawn)
>>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
Do they even have generals anymore?
Shut up son.
Now go breed that demon pussy
Your new elf wife will have to wait her turn
which succ mod
It comes and goes
Sometimes some anon creates it only to it die after 100 posts
Steam release really was a tragedy for DF
>set shelf in elephant area near the fridge with low priority on crops so the elephant can carry stuff there
>he actually moves and carries the corn there
>immediatelly after he eats it
that didn't help much...
give him a break man that's his salary
You shall not muzzle a bull while it is threshing grain.
Nine years in and Gramont is yet to use a firearm.
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Blood for Helelle
I just use hauling as extra levels of tameness. I don't let any animals near any storage.
That's my favorite colony. I'd be a pawn there
better off not letting animals have access to any food you don't want them eating and just letting them haul non edible stuff, your low>high priority setup is good for keeping your base clean otherwise
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Boy gets his first kill at the age of six.
cool eyes. what facemod?
but this is a bad lesson to teach children. Their first kill shouldn't be an execution on a defenseless enemy, once reaching 3 years old every child must be given a pistol to earn their kill in the honorable way.
>face; Unagi
we don't use guns at this colony (yet), and children tend to get one shot in melee with my mod setup.
I made it myself with a bunch of genes, just like all my xenos
Made a few new ones recently
I got
>dark elves
>tiny foxgirls
Need to think of more, as well as improve these as they were slapped together pretty haphazardly
>female supremacy
>(god) (emperor)
women btfo
>it was 275x275 map
neat, I gotta learn how to make better organized bases like that, last one I made was in a 350x350 and I was all over the place with it
I finally got the rare thrumbo event again today, but all three were male. I stashed one of them in a cryptosleep casket, and almost immediately after I got an inspired taming. Then, almost immediately after the thrumbo was tamed, it bonded with one of my original three pawns.
Also, thrumbos are actually pretty good to keep. I did some calculations, and a thrumbo will basically eat 1 tree a day, so I can just let it graze. You can also train them to do anything.
I'm hoping when the event happens next time, at least one female shows up so I can start breeding.
>so I can start breeding
why wait? just set that thing on your female colonists and you'll have a whole litter in a jiffy!
Stupid skeletons no match for one very fast brown fox
are creepjoiners worth it? just got one with 19 intellect and im tempted
Nice friends making him relive happy memories before he dies
>modded invincible anime fox girl singlehandedly stands in doorway and defeats entire raid, 0 micro required
ah, so this is the person who is too good at the game to use killboxes.
nice cope but you don't need to cheat to get away from killboxes, micro is required though
>modded invincible anime fox girl singlehandedly stands in doorway and defeats entire raid, 0 micro required
so kino
pls help sirs! should i let him join?
I take all creepjoiners but I also savescum sometimes so I dunno
my religion requires executions so they have been basically all i have been executing, but im tempted by this ones stats
Worst that can happen is metalhorror so might as well roll the dice if you need him
are metalhorrors dangerous? never encountered one
can easily infest your entire colony if you remain ignorant of the host.
they're the hardest anomalies to kill
somewhere, a revian has heart eyes over the deed. keep him safe.
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>Burned through every slate chunk I have making bricks
holy shit
>captcha: PHP XD
Slate floors are so fucking sexy.
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They sure are.
It's a colony ending event if you're not prepared
me and my vampire wifes deathrest chamber is coming along nicely :)
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I'm just going to assume that the skeletons are hiding all the blood in their bones
thats a cool ritual circle, is that from a mod?
Vampires are too OP and make game too easy
Fire on paper should counter them but it's so rare it's just stupid
Anomaly fixes it a bit with all these new fire guns but still there should be a special raid of vampire hunters who use mostly fire weapons
fire is common if you keep encountering tesserons
vampires are still OP even with the fire weakness though
well if its any consolation only 2 of my pawns of vampires, as im roleplaying a bit and will only make them vampires if they are worthy, also there is a mod that adds vampire hunter faction
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damn RAT, this is not the time for this
Revia mod
Try some mods. Rimsenal has a hostile faction for example that regularly uses long range flame throwers and incendiary grenades.
CE bros, did VE insectoid2 get patched?
I'm talking about vanilla game, mods of course change everything
It was a great mod five years ago but now it's pretty bloat and doesn't match the quality
Modern Rimworld modding is way more vanilla-like and Rimsenal just doesn't fit into the modern modlist
it's all rng since you can easily have a lot of fire depending on your map and type of raids, on top of the their fire mental break has pretty long range and severe rng behind it too and then they can catch fire. besides anomaly adds a lot of stuff that makes the game even easier
Firefoam poppers exist and their only weakness is that everyone is too lazy to build them for some reason
i love the rock insects in that mod. cute and can take lots of punishment. the flier hive is proly the best tho sweaty gaming wise
doesn't it destroy itself when it goes off, too?
if it just needed 5 steel to refill, that'd be okay
but still a high investment
that's for your base, if you're properly making use of them then they'll be outside your base on the frontline nowhere near firefoam
They cover quite large area and definitely worth a single component
Just a couple of them will stop your base from burning
Foam turret? Firefoam pop pack?
Fire is no problem at all if you actually counter it
I always put one in every room containing flammables.
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Praise Randy!
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I'll admit I debug researched void provocation, there is not enough violence in my colony. I hate having to wait for anomalies before I can research the ritual to summon anomalies.
Lol you changed her name
set cleaning priority to either 1 or 2
>Have VE Genie
>Have Menustration mod
>Apparently Genie periods have blue blood
idk why I'm surprised
VE has a system for blood color genes, so menstruation mod probably hooks into that.
they still have to be close to someone with foam or you need to be able to get to them quickly, the sang can have a mental break before you even use a pop pack or turret too

as someone who goes heavy on wood and never uses foam i'll agree fire is nothing but a sang can have an issue with fire at the drop of a hat and most people aren't really great at this game, just look at the thread, most idiots here can't even survive higher threat scales without killboxes
You gamers are such chads
Imagine drinking your genie gf's blue period blood, bros....
never post again
>need to think of more
japanese goblins
dryads (the monstergirl kind not the tree dogs one)
mincoids (musroom people)
golems (stone and magic not steel and science)
sentient dolls (tiny, use forks as weapons)
zashiki warashi
>dryads (the monstergirl kind not the tree dogs one)
Doe's anyone think of Tynan's "Dryads" first when you say 'Dryad'? I wish there was a mod that made them into a proper HAR race, alrady know about the retextures.
You can always ignore Tynan's and use the Warhammer one. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3306148928
i only know of a mod that takes a proper HAR race and turns them into a dryad
perfect, shame about the feet but what can you do?
>what can you do
manually edit them out, its only pngs
Not an artist, might try it though.
my bad, mandola aren't HAR
I just want the vanilla dryads to be humanoid for.... reasons...
pretty sure you can already accomplish that with a retexture and rjw
They are treated as canines though.
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533 for steampunk
you can just patch that then, find where the human offsets are and copy those
Female pawn feet
neat, I'll try that.
>Copper nose
That sounds horrible- assuming it works. If you don't keep that shit clean it's gonna turn green on your ass from the copper oxidizing.
>he doesn't want to be gween.
About to get back into the game after about a year. Is it true that Lolium doesn't work with 1.5 without a patch that anon made? (I'm about to try the patch)
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There's no escape you sillies, you are mine now; Forever.
You really don't need that many radiators in the hallway
>released nymph
>releaser just go back and forth
>just have the wartden drop her
>everyone gets debuff because 'prisoner escaped'
>use cheat to remove mood panelty

>see people in my colony awake in the middle of the night doing stuff
>then they are tired during the day
>realize i set bed rest as 2, set it as 1

>after 3 colonies, finally notice that wooden doors have 120% opening speed
>all this time i used steel doors for durability
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I think I do if I want them to just be naked in their cells.

lolium has problems
but there are lolis HAR
>wooden doors have 120% opening speed
So that's why my doors feel so slow in my colony (Always used wood before).
What are you guys listening too when Rimming? For me, it's Half-Life ambient.
I listen to playthroughs of modded X-com (The proper kind- not Firaxislop). Currently on X-piratez.
I've been wanting to import some touhou bgm and various works from iosys, demetori,cool & create and sekkenya but i have been to lazy to get stuff and convert it to ogg so i just put on infected mushroom on my other computer
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...I'll take the blame for that
Eh. You got lucky. I was once doing a naked brutality run. Had a little shack for my runaway girl. She was dreaming of riches when the lovable Randy decided to drop a fucking meteorite made of silver right on top of her head. Knocked the roof in and clear-cut her head off. Never had a run end so abruptly. I could have save scummed- but it was too good. I let Randy have that one. He earned it.
Why is there a tent inside?
>He doesn't have an indoor fappin tent
I want to have sex with Stahlbrak so much...
But she's brown.
To stay balanced, for every mod you have installed you need 2 additional mods that increase difficulty
If you have any mod installed at all you're a clown if you don't play at 500% threat, 100% friendly fire and 100%
And that's not even considering hardcheat mods like randomplus or HAR colonists

Ps: you dont like ratkin, you like cheating. If you liked ratkin you wouldve just gotten a rat/mouse ears genotype mod and maybe gave them -1 melee +1 crafting at most but you want ultra unkillable godpawns
God you're so sexy, I wish my boyfriend was as good at rimworld as you
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>deserter quest
>save game
>accept quest
>pic related
>load game
could my party of 5 realistically carry 100 gold back from a caravan raid? there is a gold mine near me but i dont have any animals, could my pawns keep it in their inventory?
>pigskin raiders took my only female pawn who was mining machinery at the edge of the map
it's fucking over, what are the chances they rape her?
I like ratkin feet
gold is small volume material so it's very light, 5 people is more than enough
Gold is very light, one person can carry 100 easily
? He have a good stats.
100 gold is less than a kilogram
Autopistol is twice as heavy
Holy mental illness, take your meds asap.
I hate the bone brigade! I hate the bone brigade! I would like it if the profaned raided more often than these fuckers.
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>shit kid joins in exchange for high drone
>notice she has nimble, 2 chances to get it
>decide to gamble and keep her
>joins at growth tier 3 80/100
>try to rush for at least tier 4 for a passion
>hear growth moment notification
>shit, didn't make it
>see this
luck is a skill, lads
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the antys naming sense is adorable.
i don't see art as skill.
>liberate my bones

>traits: virgin
which rjw has that
Show her, is she a cute brown?
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prison is readhy
Give me an idea for the colony
Something aggressive and violent
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i dunno you decide
>face tattoo
Sad to see.
Cute brown hitler
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demon lord wants to take over the world - one colonist with demonic xeno/har (like satan from big and small from heaven and hell ) and the rest are monstrous and demonic, but not as scary as demon lord. demon lord needs to have good melee and soc. you can only recruit pawns if they are either 'evil' xeno/har (like pigskin and impid) or have 'evil' trait (like psychopath)

orc tribe for pillage - live in a cave up the mountain and go raiding from there. can have orcs, goblins, pigs, etc.

illithid. just try a run with one. i dare you.

drow revenge- same with orcs but drow only. obviously start in cave. venetrated animal- spider. might want alpha biomes and set your cave where there are certain monster spiders.

hungry yithkins - like orcs, but more focus on slaughter than on rape. they care for meat as much as gold and they don't bring back prisoners, only corpses. note: doesn't have to be yithkins. look at big and small heaven and hell and you will see other hungry races.

red oni blue oni - and a couple other small oni, living on an island and raiding from there. make land mass small but spawn many islands. pirate japanese goblins aoi!
How are you getting the skellies to not have anime faces?
Too fantasy for me
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I just made a tiny patch to add this gene to all the skeleton xenotypes. There's also an option in the facial animations settings to do the same but I only found that out after.
>pusspuss pro
make a lot of islands and reduce landmass
start raiding sea colonies
bring back gold to your shore colony/island colony
The Hive: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3328812977
>this will never be you
why live?
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>refugees arrive
>3 naked ratkins and one [aya] mommy
RimWorld is a story generator (and a dollhouse), not a skill test.
>no mustache
I glad i am not him, i bet he is also believe in some moon-god or something.
>all three of my persona formgels (blobs of mechanites controlled by a persona core) have had family relation moodlets
>neurotic pawn that was 18 when i started had a daughter older than her die
alright thats it im installing a mod to remove random relations.
i tolerated it before but this is just fucking stupid.
Rimworld is a tower defense game with a colony management gimmick and no amount of vanilla expanded events and mods you add will ever add a meaningful story to this game
It WILL be me.
>ratkin: hey fox, wanna stop being the leader of your ideology and turn over to mine
>fox: no way! "starts social fighting"
>*fox loses social fighting against a naked ratkin*
maybe i need to give her a helmet
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i don't need a fictional story to be meaningful
it only needs to be fun.
That's just boring
I'd rather kill bugs
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>wild cow wonders in
i heard endling also works if you're okay with some random relationships
i put on no random relationships, but it just wasn't the same slaughtering people who only were only acquaintances with each other
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>my colony needs to craft some guns
>but i need electricity for crafting
>i set a watermil at a nearby stream
>but i need wood to build it
>i have garuntlean tree already planted
>but i need someone to maintain it
>i have a plant passion pawn whos only other uses are melee and medic
>i want to raise her nature connection stat before bonding the tree
>for that i need to craft some fea equipment
>but i need electricity for crafting
i have some fibergrass growing wood
>nature connection stat
is that from some retarded mod
>pirates are boring
no u
u want interesting without fantasy but it also needs to be violent?
get some star wars (rim wars) mods as well as camping mods and start making colonies all over the world. make a rimempire of your own.
of do you think sci-fi is still fi?
from roo fawn mod
it speeds up pruning
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She's in and safe
in vanilla prune speed is just based off work speed and plants, the latter will rise up fast even with small passion, the former can be improved with the 4 work speed traits, the wake up drug, or the work building from anomaly and if you have access to any of them it'll make a huge difference. at around plants 10 with very neurotic my pawn will prune in only 4 hours, compared to another pawn with no work boost but higher plants that takes 5 hours
What an ugly hairstyle she has. And a fucking hulk.
for some reason my ant has a weird body
i don't know if its from my body mod or from my anty animation mod
ill try switching to a different body next save and see what happens
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time to attack this weird place
Send the Ratfugees in as meatshields
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>taming failed
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i actually postponed the raid untill after i craft some heavy smgs
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dead and burried.
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first try!.... i accidently one of the refugees, the others turned around and started shooting. second try i got it. no deaths. no perement body damage. all the anchiendts but one very tough hag are dead.
I wish the game supported a "core group" mode where you can set a number, like for example 6, which will be your max number of core colonists.
However you can still have more background colonists, they don't appear at the top and don't do as much work, but also doesn't get mood breaks and such. Still need food though and need to be armed if they should partake in combat. Can also be upgraded to a core colonist if the limit isn't reached.
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as soon as i got the hag someplace safe she got up and decided to leave. and thats after an encounter with cantipede and some machine explosions. truly based.
id keep someone over 70 but i gotta admire her spunk. Goodbye Futa.
Does big and small cause small faces floating way too high?

Also, fuck this shit, my RW doesnt' work despite no erros when loadig on creating world or pawn. Only whne I enter tha map do I get a barrage of errors that point to nothing specific.
sex with Corin is non-negotiable
need an antiseptic faction that specializes in trade and subterfuge. All males wearing skullcaps, while trying to influence other factions into doing their bidding.
Tweak your mod option
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>anchient danger into manhunter pack into a disease (that only hit my colonists) into betreyel
randy really wanna punish me for savescumming huh
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>the 3 rats are dead
>the mastermind, the queelia has set fire to one of my desks, broke down a door and is getting away
>the 3 rats are dead
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>0 medicine in stock
>buy 2 medicine from traveler
>blight on healroot
>male nymph
the only thing vanilla like about recent VE mods is the performance degradation.
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stop getting infections, meatrod, i don't have medicine left for anyone
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that was close
My pawns are going to get shitfaced...
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Oh Miho, Why are you Miho
Deny your ideology and cast aside your faction
Or, if you won't, stay in my dungoen forever
and my colony won't be foxlet anymore.

>meanwhile my kitsune chara
thats not what bed rest is

true but ppl here dont want to hear it
also its really funny when people claim rimworld is a storytelling game but then obliterate their story by constantly saving and reloading.
My other pawns barely showed up it was mostly these two just drinking together.
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mindcontrol is op please nerf
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>lacking food
>decide to raid nearby camp
>don't take anything but a couple of bedrolls
>reach camp in 4 hours
>meet two tribals with bows
>kill them
>now for loot
They migrated to /vst/ after trannies killed DF.
some reworked android stuff by Tynan would be great, i unironically love VE androids
>combat extended
>go to a ideo relic subquest, has some mechs
>soldiers have full flak armor, steel maces, and between 6 and 14 melee each
>make a mockery of a group of scorchers, fighters dont even get injured
>next room, a single scyther downs two of them and kills a third while theyre all wailing on it in melee, despite having broken eyes and bad manipulation from getting hit so much
isnt CE supposed to fix this shit?
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you'd end up mpreg with a foal afterwards
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post SOS2 ship designs that can be built inside my base walls (if posible). finally my colony's tech lvl and wealth is decent enough to get to space
Can you filter specific xenotypes from having dubs hygiene needs? I looked at the options but it seems I can only filter animals.
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I don't have a close up picture but maybe the small one can fit if you expand your wall a bit.
is SOS2 meta building a very fast ship with no guns so you can outrun any enemy and just boarding everyone?
No, enemies can board you too and they will always be faster than your ship so you want your ship to have a lot Point Defense too.
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time to take a rest im sleepy.
not to self: take the helmet from mark, he is incapable of violance he shouldnt be a showoff
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Gassed my defensive line with my own tox IEDs and now there's 150 shamblers and who knows how many sightstealers in town. Very storyable moment.
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>plant a lot of devil strand
>around 48%
>cold snap
>everything starts dying
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Many such stories
poor fox
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looks neat but needs a tiny bit more touch to make the brush strokes less obvious imo
get her a bionic replacement NOW!
How do I unclose the event notifs
do you see the book icon on the hotbar?
click on that, second tab.
>What happens to an embryo on a vat when a solar flare occurs?
does anyone knows this?
Randy seems to really like to solar flare me...
and I don't wanna lose potentially good characters to those shenanigans
>pigger visitors pass by (became their ally)
>2 kids and 2 adult
>1 of the kids has 8 years old and "too smart" trait
>her name is "piglet"
how the hell does the game decide the names?
I don't have any mod to change that (as far as I know).
vanilla xenotypes have their own exclusive name pools.
Has rjw added anomaly sex?
Ok, how in name of god do you fix tits disappearing? This shit keeps happening
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>hmmm today I wanna play some rimworld
>2hours later finish setting up the mods
>spend next 3 hours trying to figure out why factions don't spawn on map
A day well spent
look at your mods. do you have anything that affect bodies? look up 'bod'
My second pawn just died. My first sapper raid came and I thought they would tunnel through the walls so I sent all my people outside to fight them. An old guy called Chan got downed, and they decided to kidnap him. A while later he showed up in the social tab as dead.
>Body types matter
>RimNudeWorld Chiseled bodies module (add-on for RimNudeWorld)
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Here is what I mean, all their breasts are big or average, they render for a period then disappear, even when they still have their breasts
the second one is suspicious, try disabling it
So, did you just watch them kidnapped him? Sound like your fault
Will do and report back
They showed up for now, by themselves
btw, have youi noticed any trigger for their apperance and disappearce? such when they go to sleep, when they get drafted, during an hour of the day, etc? does it happen to everyone at once?
I installed the camping mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=3234938357, but I set the waiting time to "re-camp on the same spot" as 15 days instead of 60.
Does anyone know a reason to not reduce this time?
I mean, I don't know if there's some resources/vanilla function reason to do so.
>RJW updated
>tons of the best submods now don't work because of an arbitrary refactor
>dont even see any difference in performance
why is RJW and the modding culture around it so goddamn shit
maybe the problem is with 1.5
RJW itself and the submods have been 1.5 for a while now. Just RJW in the last couple weeks bumped to 5.5 and now the submods have to catch up because the dev decided to change the pathing for the sex organs and so many things are dependent on that for obvious reasons.
But asking a RimJobWorld mod to get updated promptly is like pulling teeth from a horse; the devs are always fucking lazy as shit and would rather just wait for some sap to do it for them.
One I remember is after I role changing, they all lost their tits.
I think sleeping mess things up, because before I closed the game I had 2 colonists with tits and 2 without, and it was night time, so I believe that sleeping cause that too.
Game is still loading to report after removing that mod
Maybe because they're asleep and it doesn't render under the covers?
No, they spent a whole day without tits, then they spawned again, then 2 pairs of tits vanished
Honestly what did 5.5 even add?
>moding my own xeno
is there a way to make a gene or something to make my OP xeno able to carry more stuff?
or is 75 the default of every full grown human?
Nothing, as far as I can tell. Refactored sex parts to new pathing so they allegedly aren't as buggy (not that I noticed any bugs specific to just parts) at the cost of literally every sub mod now needing to update. Also allegedly a liquids system specific to parts but I don't think anything has taken advantage of it so it's a nothingburger right now.
VEF adds a stat for that which you could make a modifier gene for (VEF_MassCarryCapacity)

it'd look something like this:
<VEF_MassCarryCapacity>YOUR NUMBER HERE</VEF_MassCarryCapacity>

if you (understandably) don't want to add VEF as a hard requirement for that one thing, you can replace the initial <GeneDef> node at the top of the gene with this: <GeneDef MayRequire="OskarPotocki.VanillaFactionsExpanded.Core">

this will prevent the gene from being loaded if VEF is not active
For now, after removing that mod, it seems that only sleeping is causing the disappearance, I will report back if anything goes wrong.
Thanks for the help anon
I havent tried rimjobworld since biotech came out.
How well does the 2 work together with the gene stuff?
Thinking i want to try to form a legion of rapebaby ubermensh.
Is rjw still hella bloated with high tps impact mid to end game?
>liquids system
an addon for that is in the works, expect it next week or so
Well, I have been installing and uninstalling stuff just to see how they coded the mod and "steal it" for my custom one.
What I didn't like from the base code was that if I wanted a personalized darkvision gene, I have to add a part for the mood "in darkness" and for now I understand I have to replace the whole object for the mood to not be aplied to my current gene too, so I just added the "darkvision" gene to my xeno too.
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>get a few more mods for my save
>works just fine, but don't like one
>disable it
>go back in to save
>its running at 2 frames
>add mod back
>still fucked
welp there goes my run
95% Tynan made sure to add hentai orcs specificly for this reason.
I WILL marry ratkin qt3.14 and I WILL impregnate her
Do i get to have a brownfu as well? Lucky shota bastard
Please lt us know if it is possible to return to your old base or if the map just gets reset. Want to know before commiting to a SoS playthrough.
Yeah just save them from their savage ways.
you can't
rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape Corin rape
I don't have Epona installed anymore.
Im not a horse tho.
So it's a dead tile? Someone said you could return in an earlier thread...
Okay dude but I still have like 3 other pirated versions somewhere
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always a nice conclusion to an infestation
>or is 75 the default of every full grown human?
It is (except for small volume items like gold and silver). It actually scales with manipulation and body size, but due to Tynan being Canadian, a pawn will not pick up more than one full stack of items. Since the vanilla stack size is 75, that's also your maximum carry weight. Just get ogrestack or stackxxl or something that increases stack sizes and pump up manipulation.
You might want to get https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1428989232 too if you plan on caravanning with your uberpawn.
so I better get bear carriers because they carry the same as an elephant, but eat way less?
Are we talking in map or in cavaran? In map, yes, bears are better. Cougars and panthers are even better IF you're not running mods that edit stack size, since they can carry a full 75 stack and eat even less. Do note that elephants can graze while the others do not, so elephants may be better in warmer biomes. This is entirely pointless if you have biotech though, given that lifters exist. No need to train them or maintain their training, no food requirement, will always haul instead of only doing it like twice a day.
While caravanning? Bears aren't pack animals, so elephants win by default. Even if you made everything a pack animal, elephants would still win due to higher body size (or carry weight if running bulk carrier*). Again, mechs are a thing and all mechs can carry things.
*base carry weight is 75*manipulation*body size. Vanilla caravan carry weight is body size*35. Since without mods you cannot increase manipulation in non-humans, they both linearly scale with body size. Bigger animals will therefore always carry more shit than smaller ones. Regardless of whether you're running the mod or not, an elephant will always have higher carry weight than anything else, tied with megaslots and thrumbos, UNLESS its manipulation is reduced through injuries.

Tl;dr: use a lifter. Animals are shit.
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Could you not, please?
Rape is bad and it's not advisable for you to even try it on her.
She can take out a scyther with her bare hands no armour, you know
Not him, but always played 400x400 maps. And always will. Cope about "not intended" is made to justify inability to optimize them.
Why do NPCs have to write some 4chan buzzword in every post even when it's not necessary.
That could be neat but right now Licentia isn't updated fully for 5.5 yet.
NPC is a buzzword too you know
I dont know, why did your father touch you in the bath?
>left leg - cut off
adding SOS2 mid game nay or ya?
so i cant implant genes into a sanguophage right?
NPC response

There's no equivalent word in this case. Maybe simpleton? It doesn't really affect the same meaning though. Need some kind of word that describes a vapid person who follows blindly the trends of the community they're embedded within.

Is SOS2 fun? Personally I feel like I wouldn't be able to leave behind the colony I put a ton of effort into and get on a spaceship.
What's the harm?
>Is SOS2 fun? Personally I feel like I wouldn't be able to leave behind the colony I put a ton of effort into and get on a spaceship.
You don't have to.
Isn't that the whole point of the mod though? Or does it add other stuff. Based on the steam page I just assumed that after you launch the ship you play on the ship from then on.
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It was a very intense fight
She got her leg cut off and fell to the floor. She was about to be finished off but Magnus stepped in and saved her. The wound soon enough sealed itself so she took her weapon and "stood up" again to fight
anyone know? i have a quest that gives a tough gene pack that expires soon
>his is entirely pointless if you have biotech though, given that lifters exist
don't those require electricity and pollute the place while charging?
I don't have electricity yet (tribal start).
I think thrumbos are probably the best since they eat very little (one tree per day) and have combat and slaughter utility. The downside is very slow maturation. What's your opinion?
last time I managed to tame one it died of a heart attack because it was more then 200 years old or so.
If you implant a gene on a sanguophage it replaces the sanguophage gene, as far as I know.
Every time you implant a "xenogerm" (the ones non-inheritable on vanilla) it replaces every other xenogerm.
So it'd be the same as a baseliner with just the genes you implant.
Yeah, make sure you select the healthiest ones before you use your inspired taming. You don't want one with scars or old age.
There's a mod that deletes my whole UI when I load into a map and I got no fucking idea what it is. And I am too retarded to troubleshoot it I guess.
Anyone else lately has had such issue with any of their mods? Running the 1.5 version trainwreck
Melee in CE is retarded. a masterwork uranium warhammer swung by a Cyber enhanced GigaNigga with 20 melee has less blunt penetration than a pistol round
oh okay, is this considered a gene or a trait? i might be confused, could i add this to my sanguophage and still keep him sanguophage? reposting bc i had the wrong image attached
You can if you make your pawn drink 4 liters of go juice everyday, this is what happened to her liver.
my sanguophage has fast walker and long jump kinda makes slow movement irrelevant, he has 20 melee so i jump into the battle so any extra armor would be worth it, no?
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Nevermind it was the fucking Anomaly DLC that was outdated...
Thought that the button on story teller menu looking like this was intentional.
Pistols do be penetrating irl tho
B-but Superclotting is literally biotech
>What's the harm?
mostly i have heard that adding sos2 mid game breaks it, that new game is must or at least recommended
>Is SOS2 fun? Personally I feel like I wouldn't be able to leave behind the colony I put a ton of effort into and get on a spaceship.
never really tried it but what i have heard of it its almost like dlc
Mind telling what's that hair mod please?
what happened to her anus?
You don't have to give up the colony to play in the ship.
>mostly i have heard that adding sos2 mid game breaks it, that new game is must or at least recommended
Worked on my machine, though that was SoS 2.5 on Ribaorld 1.3
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I'm not sure if i recall correctly, can't check the mod at the moment but I'm pretty sure it's AFU hairs mod
I censor all the private parts of my colonists that I post
Thanks anon
>don't those require electricity
>and pollute the place while charging?
Not exactly. They create wastepacks that pollute terrain if left outside to deteriorate. You can freeze them and later on drop pod them elsewhere. You can theoretically pollute the entire world and have your tile still be pristine, though it'd take a lot of effort.
>I don't have electricity yet (tribal start).
All the more reason to not bother with animals. You need to tech up fast before raids spiral out of control and unless you're on full year growing season you'll have to waste even more time growing crops for your animals.
>they eat very little (one tree per day)
That's not very little. Especially in winter.
>combat and slaughter utility
No. Just no. Go ahead, try to tame one before it leaves the map. Now do it again with another one of the opposite sex. Now spend months training them and have a pawn waste time and food keeping them trained. Now wait a year and a half because they take forever to grow and eat all your food. Thrumbos are the most resource and time intensive animals to breed. Sure, they're excellent meatshields, but you could just enslave a bunch of raiders and have them do something productive while you're at it.
What kind of interaction between your ship and colony is there?
Just use your inspired taming on them. Also once the thrumbo bonds it's pretty easy to train them. I have one that bonded early and took a little over a quadrum to get to 7/7 hauling.
As for trees, they will grow outdoors as long as it's not freezing. They won't die just from cold weather. For most biomes there's only a portion of winter where it's too cold in the daytime to grow. Even if we say the whole winter is ungrowable for trees, that's just 15 days. Your map probably has 15 trees on it. If somehow your map can't replace 1 tree a day, you can feed a thrumbo with a 6x5 area of trees.
it's just a second settlement on a world tile that's only reachable by a shuttle or by launching another ship that can fit in the tile
most people i've seen run a ground colony at the same time and ferry resources back and forth
Is there something special in space that makes it different from just having another colony on the planet.
i wanna relocate basically my entire colony deeper into the mountain, is my only option for moving these really deconstructing? dont i lose a lot of materials that way?
deconstruct + reconstruct = lower wealth = easier raids = profit
he comes
Minify Everything mod.
don't use those, grow outdoors, it creates a buffer for raiders and you're not left with giant spawning rooms for bugs
steel and plasteel are easier to amass since deconstructing enemy ships or derelict ships will yield tons
no raids, only ship battles
don't have to worry about pollution from wastepacks
also i don't think i've ever had a colonist get sick in space
might do this honestly but im so pressed for steel idk, this is my main food source
might check it out, ty!
i want a full mountain base thats totally self reliant and doesnt need colonists leaving for the outside world for support, ive been strip mining for resources and plan to transfer everything into the strip mined areas, ive been getting drop pod raided since parrs of my base have artificial roofs, deeper in the mountain that wont happen,
also i've been dealing with infestations pretty easily
Why can't I remove overhead mountains?
>She can take out a scyther with her bare hands no armour, you know
I doubt it, go ahead, post pics of her naked fighting a scyther
Steel and plasteel are already so plentiful from the deep scanner though. Seems like just extra headache to have to manage two screens at once.
are you really asking why you can't destroy a whole ass mountain
Yes Mountains aren't infinitely high.
you'd have to have bagger 288 on hand or multiple nuclear bombs to level a mountain anon, you can't just blast a tile and expect it to fall down bit by bit
Why not I can remove one part of the mountain in like an hour, and how tall can 1 tile of overhead mountain be?
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fair enough, though you could just have one guy up in space in cryosleep and only wake him up when you want to ferry stuff and have everything else be handled by mechanoids and the ship ai
this is the yield from deconstructing a medium-sized ship if it's completely intact btw
just think of it like thin rock roofing being the only parts that are reasonable to bring down
What do you use all the steel and plasteel for?
Please kill your self Tynan. Why does a 5x5 rock have an intently tall roof
I had a "mountain" that had only 1 overhead mountain tile. I could remove everything but that one tile. Rimworld.
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Rimworld is arizona
I could totally remove that.
I destroyed a few entire mech clusters with just monoswords and it was easier than shooting.
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What is even this error? And why do my game lag so much?
last time i saw something like that there was some item on the map that didnt technically exist and the game was constantly trying to make a hauler pick it up
How did you locate it?

new thread you lazy faggots.
That's the problem with no Z-levels. You can't really say how high it is.
mostly on ship expansion, but the leftovers would be either sold off or sent back to the ground base, which i'd still keep around since the ship misses out on planetside quests

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