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You are a grown ass man, start acting like one.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494281662
catboy supremacy
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what wall matches this
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I want to start learning dsr bros..........
How do you get a lot of purple scrip scrip from ocean fishing? That took 40 minutes and I only got like 500
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CC @ 2:30
thats what im saying
any late night lalas on?
You fish fleeting brands instead lol
Ocean fishing is for leveling and a couple of mounts and cheevos
QRD on people you see at LB14
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This really, really is someone's OC on the dev team and they're not really shy with sharing that fact.
100 bust femhroth is too small wtf
I've seen people here say to do ocean fishing... They lied to me...
What happened here?
Ocean Fishing is more for achievements and leveling fishing, if you're trying to farm scripts then there's better methods than being locked into one voyage every 2 hours
Heckin' glubberinos, IRL politics, and fat fucking modbeast cancer (we like this)
ye bakool ja ja is a cool OC though
lonely and bored like me
I think our lord and saviour will be able to enlighten you on some of our locals
haiii whatcha need
How do I get from 80 to 91 fast?
I don't like this.
My portrait broke....
Do all people have consciousness? When we consider what a conscious decision is, is it truly something everyone is capable of? I firmly believe there are people out there who cannot make actual conscious decisions. They may think the are able to, but those decisions are always instinctual, not conscious
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My wol looks and acts like this
Bored people that'll do one roulette or two before doing basic mod shit
Here are 3 of them!
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>rolled 87 on the mount
>didn't get
It's over
what body has the best butt
its cool that you asked for OP pictures, I think if this keeps happening these threads will start to look a lot less embarrassing
If you ever trigger the VRAM warning on my PC you are getting permanently unpaired on my Mare. Control yourselves, modbeasts
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height mogged
sure, just like how there are people with sub iq that cannot imagine hypothetical situations, or those that do not have a mind's eye.

what's this got to do with ff14 though
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what's your wol's fav food?

mine likes udon noodles
>make a cute golem
>don't feel like downloading mods and posing
buy job skip
What is the best race for a +?
hey can I come help and/or teach you whatever you want to know...
-Unironic pedo that melts daily
-boring gooner
-boring gooner
What a collection
>what's this got to do with ff14 though
Ever been to LB14?
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I am a 6ft highlander and yet there are more woman that height mog me...
femlala cunt
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>mind's eye
Do people actually believe this shit?
ah not since that terrorist appeared months ago, no.
i like the dark haired fiddie
lmao this is pretty funny ngl
30+ runs and 2 gwibs dropped. I'll get my last gwib another night
fulala woober
>log on
>do nothing
>seethe that i have no friends
>browse thread
>seethe that modbeast retards have friends
>everyone is cooming
>everyone is having fun but me
>literally everyone has friends ingame but me
im just going to delete my character
any spaghetti and meatball enjoyers?
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How come you didn't schizo like this when the spot was ul'dah?
Mine is a bit like this
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Report to Bozja
I fucking loved this
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maybe you're thinking of something else and i used the wrong term
my example was pointing towards the phenomenon.. phenomena? that apparently, some people cannot clearly imagine an apple in their mind, much less other things or concepts.
My femlala is bored. Entertain her.
How do I be a more effective nuke in FL
this is great
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>pre-endwalker duels: characters pull through but might be on the brink of death
>post-endwalker duels: lmao dynamis
girth mog him
its funny when people call me stalker and stuff yet stalk me and whatever i do

ur the real weirdo anon
lots of sex and lots more gay sex
these are my favorite cats
thank you for posting
People like Elk and Macchi got really mad the spot got moved from Ul'dah even though both of them barely play this game anymore, just generic autism screeching
This person is a good example. He posts whatever random thing pops into his head without thinking about how it relates to anything.
DC travel in the middle of the night and then stay there
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I am a sunnie with a sharp pain in the side of my temple
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YAB, probably
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>log on
>tell fc hi
>collect from retainers
>ask to do ex1 in thread
>stare at thread
>didn't do ex1
good day today.
Have you tried... making some friends instead of seething that you don't have any??
lavabod is nice but literally just a yab sculpt so technically yab?
Reminder that if you nice job at the end of a lost match and you have the most deaths, you are going right to hell.
I like to think my WoL really, really likes cured meats of almost every variety.
You should see the lady highlander to femroe height difference. It's really great. Also cute highlander and picture.
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gm sis I didn't get a mount from M4S it's so over
hey its that failed ebin that turned out to be a pedo
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>never deal in
>never form a hand
>3rd place
Mahjong is a cruel game.
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griller here
man blu looks fun but i cannot into it.
there's not much to do anywhere
the gameplay sucks and i'm not shameless enough to coom

anyway bye
Its a shame he lost because of the rules he set for his own game.
I've been crying in call to my bf for the past hour while he sleeps because I miss him so much
Pretend I'm talking about Sfia or something nobody cares about. If we consider that some people are not truly conscious, what makes them any different to a livestock animal? Why can't I just eat them if I want to? The obvious answer is that I make a conscious decision not to, but what if that isn't true, what if it's an unconscious decision, because we evolved to not want to eat each other, or perhaps it's because morally I believe eating people is wrong. In that case is it still a conscious decision ? Did I really have a choice in that, or is that just how I feel?
bit weird
so many thots here lmaaao
Femhroth disgust me, every time I see one I think "That could have been a cute cat or lizard."
bro you dont wanna do maps with me or sync cc queue or do criterion?
i also wanna do cool and maybe lewd gposes with u
Just wait for Beastmaster, it'll be exactly like BLU but with animal-themed spells.
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 6:45 ET.
I'm 100% wider than him
good morning lander
Please fucking kill me
I don't see you in this screenshot
that sounds awful, i'd rather get into BLU.
i hope beastmaster is entirely different
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cute c@s
who turned out to be a pedo and what's the proof of it
i hope you guys actually arent like this
catnip overdose
May I pet this absolute cute?
Is bozja better than zadnor?
i am the most clingy mentally ill person ITT and even i can't do the sleeping on call stuff
Yep, exactly. Macchi is still melting about P1S and Elk is a mentally unhinged tranny who we all hate. See >>494296871 and >>494296921 for examples of posts coming from a child rapist.
they're ftm
im mtf
does it make a bit more sense now
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4th avoidance? sounds like a win to me
i need some fat femlala tits in my life sisters
femlala eb like this please...
based, i love your girth and length
Ah, I see you're a connoisseur of futas
True, could have been worse.
The fates are closer together so you can do more fates per minute in southern front.
But if you need the mettle too, just do Zadnor instead.
I made Tzera stop posting. You're welcome.
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Sorry about the DDOS earlier.

I was playing FFXIV while on the clock so my boss decided to DDOS the servers to get me to stop playing.
Is getting the Rathalos ex gear really easy now?
excessive self ham
maybe tomorrow i'll actually do some msq
>If we consider that some people are not truly conscious, what makes them any different to a livestock animal?
hmm, probably something to do with sentience, or while they don't make conscious decisions they still are human and capable of thought, even if it's not conscious.
>Did I really have a choice in that, or is that just how I feel?
don't you think how you feel impacts your conscious? it should, it does, probably.
you can control how you feel about things, which is a conscious decision.
idk what i'm talking about or why i'm trying to be the foil here. eating humans, even subhumans is bad. you wouldn't eat a monkey would you? i mean probably if you HAD to. i'd rather eat a deer or cow though.
no, it doesn't
been in the quicksands for an hour with no messages, might end it all (fantasia)
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>dead queue
I don't wanna play SGE right now...
how about you ddos those clothes off
clingy femlala eb like this?
My femra
Has been living in a diet of only orange juice
Her Ravioli veena friend gave her
And her shits are crazy
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thoughts on max-height femhroths?
Damn, you sound cool as hell.
>And her shits are crazy
Then you aren't the clingiest? I am severely mentally ill and clingy and start feeling in pain when my crush isn't paying attention to me for 5 minutes but even I acknowledge some of the people here beat me out.
>spoiler text
>spoiler image
max BMI isn't good
the fight's difficulty is unique because it depends on the number of players, not the damage you deal
4 level 80 people will kill it way faster than 1 level 100 person
Yes, yoi can easily solo it at 100, and it's even faster with other people. Do remember to stun him and break his tail in phase 2
ty, king
has been for quite a while
i like small scale content or stuff like bozja/eureka. posing, pvp, roulettes and criterion are my jam. i dislike bigger raids and savage.
Pick up the stick and get back to learning DRG.
I would like to die by one crushing my skull with her ass
big fan
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You will never be a real woman, Macksa. How does it feel to be hated by literally everyone?
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i love this lil guy so much
Standing here at the end in Uldah Balmung is scary, I don't know how you guys do it
FFXIV made me cum from another man calling me a good girl while emasculating me and calling me a faggot cumdump, why did Yoshi P do this to me?
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I am back. Please post athletic, fit, healthy women in gym clothes showing their armpits. Preferably sweaty. Yes this is my fetish. Bonus points for Venat, Lyse, and Y'shtola.
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>maybe lewd
no thank you
fix your porn addiction then we can be friends
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You may!

If you are looking to double dip with mettle grind Zadnor is usually the way to go, but after doing tons of Bozja grinding I've come to vastly prefer BSF more for exp grinding sessions. As other anon mentioned, there's just usually so many skirmishes and CEs popping off that you can be getting to a new one without too much downtime. Plus the layout of the skirms is much better in my opinion. Zadnor always feels like such a slog if you aren't using the movement speed+ essence. I also personally enjoy the variety a bit better since usually you have people in all 3 zones versus Zadnor where zone 1 and 2 are often super dead.
Is there a particular server or set of servers /xivg/ hangs around on? I’m brand new. I read the Free Company section of the resources doc, but it’s still not clear to me which ones are popular, or what the culture of the servers are like. I know you can pay to move servers later, so I guess it would just make sense to start on one of the level boost ones? But I’m assuming things like player homes don’t transfer between servers?
me but no bf
>Wanted to rent an apartment
>cost half a million

The fuck?! I just wanted to use the Chocobo stables to raise my damn bird!
This is peak /xivg/. We love this.
Macska is my scapegoat, I don't even know the guy.
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mine is kinda like this
i fucking LOVE hrothgals
You didn't deserve that m.m.?
I miss Dream's Based, at least he gave this thread some culture. Can someone get him back?
500k aint SHIT to Chad Warden
I'm studying! In Gridania!
will you slice up my femra or no
Maybe tommorow I'll do you
Buying an apartment means you truly own it forever and its yours, buying a house is renting from landlord Yoshi P. The XIV world is backwards
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I am a depressed lalaboi that is drinking and chainsmoking.
but women...
i dont remember making this post
>what's your wol's fav food?
What are 3 of your favorite things about hrothgals?
i am a fiera that is really fucked up but is lighting another one
man shut the fuck up stop posting this and die from alcohol poisoning already
why are you depressed lalabro
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 10:15 ET.
Do male characters like it when you push them against a wall and jerk them off?
Wuk is a Black Hole Sue
Thancred shouldved killed Ranjit. I dont know why we were the ones that finished him off
He's lying. You're being lied to. You're easily propagandized fools.

t. serial liar
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working on my third mentor, what's up?
So cute!!
/pet /pet
If it's another guy, yes
it is a morning to be good on
i mean to say that i feel good on this particular morning
and to wish you a good morning whether you want it or not
>such cool fangs
>so soft
>much taller than me or my wol
if it's another meena yeah
t. meena
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my femroe could eat skybuilders' stew all day every day...

I did end up making the recipe from the book (I didn't have the daikon or whatever) but it was still really really nice
what proaganda is being spread? that im upset? retard
am i the only one that uses nice job non-sarcastically..
What is an acceptable triangle warning threshold, /xivg/?
eh its ok i guess
where do I find some mods to make a rat girl
When are you gonna take some DT shots lucy
Fuck, it's going to take me months of doing duty finder dungeons just to break a hundred thousand! And I just started on StormBlood, too!
the default one desu
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>get to that point in Shadowbringers
>The Blue clown girl isn't a BLU
>they also die for good
MAN FUCK SHB, FUCKERS TOOK MY CLOWN GIRLS, I wish I was kidding but it fucking hurts. Wish they got a redemption arc or S O M E T H I N G .
Very based.
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good evening
When are you gonna get a personality lucy
>femroe wife than can cook
EB status? Server?
>can't target people on the speed lanes because they're clipping through the ground
Wait what? Is this new?
Do you like viera...?
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lemon muffins/waffles
>And I just started on StormBlood, too!
If you're on the trial you can't even hold 500k.
What the fuck is a triangle warning threshold
If you join a FC with at least a medium house, you can buy a room for 300k. It's practically an apartment.
I'm starting to think this femlala was murdered and the killer continues to post her old screenshots.
yeah but im moonie owned
we love this
Are you on the free trial?
You're imagining things.
I love the one on the right.
Uchiki is right there.
Qrd? What rules? What game?
i might sneak into lb14 if you notice me please do not point me out or i will cry
>The only thing tying me to my server is a dead FC and friends that I talk to once a week
Balmung transfer time
uuoooohhh I see pink
Do your roulettes and you'll get there in no time.
we are friends now
The defaults are actually really reasonable.
what mod for the shirt
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qrd on this thing I just blacklisted, got tired of seeing their mods
We know there are other shitposters in here who play in Macska's field. Fortunately for you, you're not worse than him.
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On the edge of death, my heart races. I am alive!
good taste on the black maid dress
did convenience kill the soul of this game
You don't know shit, I'm afraid. And you never will.
overall cool person who isn't a anonymous posting blacklisting pussy
It's ok sis, you'll get it next time...!
nice diaper
How do you create spotlight effects? I know how to do it in gimp but it always comes off unnatural somewhat.
No, I'm pretty sure I saw someone dip into the speed lane floor for a few seconds before emerging and was able to target them right after as opposed to when they were below.
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Thancred deserves dynamis bs since he's cucked from using aether
Ok Ne Ya
>complaining about anonymity on an anonymous image board
hi ne ya
Ne Ya is this soft? I'm blacklisting him too.
Random modbeast that doesn't do anything other than walk around with 1gb of mods all day to annoy people, I unpaired from them forever ago
These are all really good! The fangs are one of my personal favorites. I also like how they can be really expressive with their tails, and with painted nails their claws are super cute while still seeming tough.
Needs more light.
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this is too easy
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One of these works with the housing light turned down low.
I felt I did zero damage in that match.
cute moonie
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 1:45 ET.
They don't type like this at all, if you ever seen them say anything you would know instantly this isn't them kek.
Nope, subs. Starting fresh with a new character since I wasn't trying to be that deep into jobs and raiding back when I first started playing.

My FC isn't that active anymore now that people have finished DT so...yeah.
ishikawa probably intended for him to die there but the higher ups didn't want her killing off peoples' comfort character
worthless individual and balmung uldah native modbeast
you lose nothing whatsoever by blacklisting them whether you're sync'd or not
bro you posted you were daydrinking when I went to bed 8 hours ago. you're still at it?
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my femra looks like this
Okay, Ne Ya.
does she like ravas
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This nigga unironically gets so mad when people unpair from his modbeast
Saving this for when I finally get the house back from her. Ty.
I won't ever see them say anything because they are blacklisted.
People wouldn't use cheat engine hacks in friendlies, it would be too easy to spot.
The command /smooch does not exist.
oh looks like it was the dude that defended him in piss chat lmfao

kinda cringy
man I love fishra
fat femlala post
He's a feisty little thing
Oops all ranged.
goodnight xivg
hope there is a lalawife waiting for me when i wake up..
>used redwood instead of magic logs on my chewed bones
gonna kms sisters

friendly reminder your warrior of light looks and sounds like this
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He can go on the list too.
Viciously raping this lalaboy until he's traumatized and crying to be let out of his cage during sissy training.
oyasumi bwo
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do you think she likes consensual sex
Built for my malezen
*smooch* thanks hopefully mine is as good as yours.
I unpaired from them too, were they that giant ugly crocodile thing?
my moonie wakes up and slowly rises out of bed like nosferatu
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>no eb to fish and goon with
slow night
Which DPS has the most survivability?
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yeah, im sorry
/pet /pet /pet /pet /pet
Yeah, I unironically gagged seeing them transform from a normal looking character to a 300lb 10 foot stenchbeast with its dick out in front of me
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nin or sam
On PVP or PVE?
for what? pve? pvp?
did u succ
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What character would she be if she was isekaid to ffxiv?
NIN, probably.
>Uchiki is right there.
...He is rather clown-coded...the Clown Club IS three blocks down...
A moonie's feet
What do you think gagged him?
MNK and WAR for durability. NIN for mobility.
/pet /pet /pet
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 5:30 ET.
you haven't seen his clown lala alt?
PvE, sorry
Need more femras doing the lewd dance in LB14
/plap /plap /plap
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My femlala on the right
Red Mage then, why you asking?
I insta unsync anyone that sizebeasts their character taller than Shaq
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i am a femezen who is drinking heavily and watching neo turf masters speed runs
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dude wuk the fuck
Is he ever going to come back
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>groomers grow bored of their dolls
>need fresh dolls to groom
Because I suck and want to die less
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im ngmi
yeah... they remind me of like, 80s anime catgirls instead of the modern moe ones it's sooo cool
I am

a clingy fiddie

with nothing to cling
you gonna keep sucking then, you can heal yourself more as RDM but you shouldnt be wasting GCDs healing yourself
God I fucking love pale fishras so fucking much
against all odds, i've decided to post my character.
>same two tanks third partying for maelstrom literally every single drk pull
clown game mode
cling me
>no instapop
let us cling together
can you post a character that didn't erp with kong today?
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my femroe looks and acts like this
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Sometimes it be like that...
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i am
a lalaboy
who is going to bed

oyasumi xivg
No I love the current dolls i just want more dolls
my male midlander on the left
playing a dark skinned character is playing on hard mode
I am sad and have not slept in 32 hours. Do femroe laps make nice pillows? I need something nice to imagine.
cling eternal
Unless you like SEAsians.
Back after unpopular demand: You
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tell them sis.
>to all of my children
>venat fucked many men

big things happening
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Oyasumi, lala lad. Sleep tight.
i am my own father
Is that Jaden Mode also known as Kong's sleeve?
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I don't mind it
Where's that meme with that duskwight doing his best derek chauvin impression on Lolorito.
Wearing golden saucer headband is free use to vieras
maybe it was all a dream...
literally who
what bunny outfit mod is everyone using, they all suck
Chicken nachos
I will have sex with any crystalloids who queue for the three endwalker alliance raids right now
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i am now queueing as MCH
you have been warned
-You can voidlist them
-You can fanta off of them
-There aren't many of them
Hey why does everyone hate this cute moonie now? I remember people were falling for her 2 weeks ago. Literally throwing her (you)s.

Unless this is all some discord psyop and she's just golem#12.
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 9:00 ET.
Depends on how big you are in comparison, I guess. But overall lots of space.
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Nevermind, putting my Billy away
argh plap
Azem makes Ghengis Khan look like a virgin
are you cute
She made the mistake of ERPing with a thread pariah
Convenience killed a lot of the community interaction in every MMO, but if it wasn't implemented, people would complain about it and move to other MMOs

If you had to remove convenience you'd have to remove it from EVERY MMO nowadays
familiarity breeds contempt
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Two more weeks until liveletter! I wish there was something to do...
ERP'd with Kong earlier, and generally posts nothing of value. Even the goonbait is stale and recycled
What makes the tree a catgirl magnet
this is my maloonster's theme song
Words to live by.
Kong was that guy who ddosed someone? I'm not wellread on thread lore since EW.
yeah, plapping
Why are you assuming people eRP?
Any proof of it happening?
I'm an EW bab, so what are convinience based changed they made over the years?
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gn. nice matches
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Cats get stuck in trees. It's just a fact of nature
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Did you really fuck Kongnamul Gookbrap?
someone posted a screenshot of them and Kong inside the same house for hours
HECKING PROOOF?! nigger shut up they literally admitted to it early after someone posted the screen shots.
ty for playing
What else would two gooners do when they walk off to a house and stay there for over an hour
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you all might know of these tweets calling out Sfia as a sex pest, but did you know...
Chances of getting a stat squish in 8.0?
good night cute fiddie
/hug /dote
my catgirl is catgirlsexual and I like being around them
Thanks, I was busy fucking ya moms
We like this. This is why we play.
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never understood how people so easily erp with others in this thread, just seems weird to me
You've got a very pretty modbeast. What staff is that?
Kong, notorious catgirl simp, and Jaden, notorious catgirl whore, spend time alone in a house in Lavender Beds. It's not rocket science. Kong later admits it in the thread
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Nice matches, kill you again later.
I think this is the only gpose of yours that I've liked.
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We need to be hitting numbers past the millions in order to warrant a stat squish, which was what was happening in Bozja in Shadowbringers.
>male lalafell
>being weird
what else is new
If you're in LB14 and give me a hint I'll find you
not sure which patch it was but for some raids you had to be in a specific area to recruit for party members, it was just a nice to interact with people.
ShB had something like this too (with the intermission zone between raids) but EW and DT got rid of them.
All men ain't SHIT, what else is new
i am

a clingy femra (not)

with nothing to cling
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there's more? Well guess what..
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THEY DIDNT EVEN FUGG in their own house!!! some strangers!!!
It would be funny if they were both in the same raid with him.
no you give me a hint...
This is why women don't have the mentals for raiding.
I feel like more people should have higher standards for themselves. Then again this is just a game to many and they don't care who they fuck so long as its good quality
I still haven't had anyone ERP with me yet, but that's mostly for good reason.
Did your ex who was using you as a booty call cheat on you again?
>We need to be hitting numbers past the millions in order to warrant a stat squish
Is that something the dev team said or something you think?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
girls get it on
Gooning with your 'ord 'riends at the 'aveneder 'eds. We like this. We play money every month for this. This is why FFXIV is the most popular MMO ever. If you hate this you're Kong, Macchi or Elk and should die!
This part is based. I love finding a random house to ERP in. I've been walked in on by the owner a few times, too.
i love you too man
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T-Thanks, you too...
Just do a player search of lavender beds and if it's someone from here, check their plate to see if they're a fiddie and whisper them.
I get that watching XIV streamers is a bit pathetic but I'll miss them.
Miss Akemi, please.
I wanna smoke weed and have a movie sleepover with this femra while she randomly cries and vents about men
You can't say that when wearing makeup like 35 minutes into an adult movie.
Why is K.K's face so fucking glossy looks weird
these are almost all overweight men dude
Post the sequel
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kong and macchi are literally parked at the lb14 everyday.
why are viera like this
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there's even more! oh but hold on..
Anon... Nvm.
sfia did nothing wrong
>All men ain't SHIT
did you mean all men are shit?
There are many different fiddies around, I don't want to get the wrong one
I really don't understand this
What are the holes mad about? Nothing illegal happened. Getting outplayed in the dating game has nothing to do with video games.
did you finally realize you were being strung along by the literal embodiment of butthole smell
t. Elk
Yes, Azem
she's talking about a real bar right?
not a rp venue? please say yes
they wouldn't have gotten outplayed if not for the video game in the first place anon
>nooo random eboy cheated on me
Who gives a shit
Can i sniff your butthole
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 1:00 ET.
my last call
>don’t tell anyone about any behaviour that they deem as “wrong” for years until they can make it about themselves
>small things at the time get twisted into some diabolical master plan when they talk about it
Why are women like this?
how did that kiwi faggot convince anyone to fuck him
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It's here... time to queue down.
What if the roles were reversed and it was a girl having 2 boyfriends?
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Bitch NO I live in lav beds, you keep that shit away from me when I'm minding my own and waiting between CC calls on my lawn.
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99% chance it's an RP venue
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lb14 will fail, like all the rest
lol good
Xboxer here
Mechano-Hog... my beloved. I can't believe it was attached to Island Sanctuary.
as someone who has always disliked sfia I am just reveling in how destroyed his whole online persona with one tweet with zero selfaware
OP pic best post
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Okay. Now what?
Why are people acting like this is a big deal? He wanted to talk about RAIDING, and the two used holes came crying about how they got used for pleasure.

Who cares? This behavior is not brave, it's embarrassing.

God, I hate women.
>men ain't SHIT
>proceeds to suffer and try to kill herself several times over a man
how ironic
We're not dating. He's free to act like any other manwhore out there.
I'm down for the second and third part. I detest smoking
I'll say it again with no makeup and scream it this time
No, men AIN'T SHIT
How did this turn to butts??? No
Guys.. I cant find lb14 and at this point im too afraid to ask....
>hanging out with friends in a game is bad because....well just because okay???
>you could have been speedrunning poe!!
i have cock watchers
if you must, clean it up after
i should play with perspective more i guess..
Glad you are enjoying your vacation brother.
Yup, kinda bullshit but grats on the finishing that part of the grind.
>kong's erp partner gets blacked 1 hour after they finish
>spams the thread with twitter relationshit drama
Lavender Beds ward 14.
is that a no to you realizing you were being strung along or
>We're not dating. He's free to act like any other manwhore out there.
So when you fucked him like 2 weeks ago whoring yourself out to him too?
a femra just climbed on top of my house without knowing I was idling up here
I stayed still so I don't think she saw me
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If my WoL's tastes were to reflect my own tastes uh...
Sushi, grilled eel, grilled salmon, smoked salmon, tom yum, any balti curry dish that uses cloves and cardamon, cream of mushroom soup, McDonald's Big Mac, Burger King Whopper, Blue Steak.
may i /pet
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Good night /xivg/
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then it'd be a hit early 2000s movie
A bit sleepy already...
Sweet screenshot!!!!!
To be fair, there is a lot of good ass there.
yea real bar. all of these stories about sfia happened at various fanfests in vegas
sis you need to drop him...
sex with this lala
>i have cock watchers
Consequence of being an ebin sis
this cat got plapped by a redditor. kek how did that 11k karma feel?
Madam Sanzo... I'll put on Pride & Prejudice and order Chinese food for you. Please stop having shit taste in men.
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4chanx plugin that auto filters all aura and miqote posts
Is it true Kong plundered your asshole for an hour before kicking you to the curb like a piece of trash?
stop calling zolzayaa a sexpest just because he's a sexpest
he's getting mad..
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I cant believe they still dont force new players to do the entire hall of the novice before allowing them to queue for the first dungeon. they give you a full set of gear a +xp ring and force you to use your aoe as a tank it should be required...
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blue lizard... prepare to get your ass eaten...
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Could not give a fuck.
oh shit new race?
So does Kong use purple prose?
I literally just talk to people in my house and hang out AFK, anything
hey kitten
Toss in lalafell and it's perfect
>No, men AIN'T SHIT
oh good, thought you hated men there for a moment, good that you don't!
So how was I supposed to change the iris of a face and turn it into a ttmp with Textools? I only have the PNG and I'm not seeing the multi option under textures.
gn champ
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nta but no he doesnt
Femlalas, sure. Outside of SK Lalaboys are fine.
The irony when you find out who this is.
my malera's adventurer plate says this
I'm still crying I miss him so much
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And people wonder why all the guys these days play futas and have grown man erp elationships instead of trying to get with bioholes
This shit is ugly, women can be so ugly and bitter
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>nothing good on youtube
>Social media is a complete waste
>Been approached to in spanish one too many times
>Ice cream was mushy
>Lemonette node isnt up
Thats it
Im pissed off
he just went to work fuckin relax
Could not give a fuck.
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where is my future middie wife who will play forza horizon with me
Is this your first heartbreak
Something the devs said during the LLs before Endwalker dropped. It's a coding thing, when the numbers get too big they have a risk of breaking the max value for the number that can be stored in the container.

I can't remember what they said they used but I'm pretty sure it's either an INT or an unsigned INT, meaning that the maximum value of a Boss' HP is either 2,147,483,647 or 4,294,967,295
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>when he dyes his glams all black and you can instantly tell he wears nothing but hoodies and graphic t-shirts irl
i was not expecting this sudden dummy energy...
Would've loved to see the ERP logs, I have a feeling Jaden types like a retard in ERP too
Kong won.
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I will skip the tutorial and queue anyways.
I've never been sexpested by Zolzayaa, they seem fine
you have issues you need to sort out
If they're not on tank, it's not that noticable.
On healer they can't mess up by not doing enough dps, low level dps just presses their 3 buttons anyway. Just tanks will make a huge difference, but that comes more from general lack of experience how the dungeons work.
hey thats me except its band shirts and jeans
i'll give him back in a bit, relax sis
this is genuinely shit you see from ebins from this general
>several times
I only made two attempts and they were doomed from the start
I don't know if I'd consider this strung along just yet but I CAN PROMISE THAT IT WILL BE RESOLVED THIS WEEKEND. I won't take anymore mistreatment or being used starting next week, so we'll see how it goes
We haven't fucked in months now bitch, I'm pure
You mayn't
We'll see...
Your goal is to fatten me up and make me cry?!
Thank you
It's a love/hate relationship with these boys
im listening to him sleep I just love him so much
I've never been attacked by a pit bull they are all fine!!
hoodies are comfy fuck you
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>been approached to in spanish one too many times
¿por que?
Yeah. It's not that bad.
Didn't they usually refer to ShB alliance/savage raid boss HP when talking about the squish in the live letters? They didn't really talk about Bozja at all.
I didn't realize this top came with catpits
may I instead /hug
whatever the case, you seem like you need one
I haven't either actually. Are we just ugly?
I guess I'm missing history, then again most sexpests here are most likely boring when it comes to my interests
you all ran off appal for the same thing didn’t you?
All my Crafters are at 70 right now, is there anything i can gather/craft to sell? I don't need to be super rich ir anything, just a steady income while I level to max and to buy mats for grinding
no it's pretty bad, people here are just so fucked in the head and detatched from reality and actual dating to realize how bad it is.
you WILL do the quests and learn how to aoe...

yeah the dps one is just dodging aoe and some weird thing about focusing specific targets or clicking shit. the tank one should just be a mandatory thing though if you want to queue as tank to get rid of a small portion of these tanks that single target only
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I'm tired.
Mine likes moonies
xivg seems to have a big problem with thinking that because someone is initially polite that accusations against them just simply CANT' be true
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hey that's me
someone invite sfia to /xivg/
he can be a guest ebin
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Thanks bro. The Scions are off doing whatever and I'm just chilling on this island and leveling side jobs while having fever dreams of a raid.
Thanks Anon. I now get why that Anon was making fun of me for being on console for this.

Said whoever created her.
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Eyes textures have changed in Dawntrail. If you have old texture files, you need to convert them into a new diffuse using this tool here in TexTools (Eye Diffuse Creator). Just put an old multi texture in there and it'll give you a texture ready for DT.
Hall of the Novice is really outdated and needs an overhaul.
Miss, I can see your panties in this shot.
Appal left in shame because the thread likes Effy more.
Buckle up, there is plenty to come.
This moonie REEKS!
people here are genuinely a lost cause when it comes to the way a normal socially adjusted person should act
umm what....
>Your goal is to fatten me up and make me cry?!
Lady Akimbo Santeria, the heart needs to open to heal and unlike men the chinese food wont hurt you and the movie will encourage you to oh I don't fucking know just shut up and watch the god damn movie or else I'm ordering mexican food and putting on Dragonheart.
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ty for CC
Please let me edate and let me fix you
Breaking up with someone to pursue another relationship isn't bad
So Zolzayaa is Mithia right?
sheesh, nice kicks
>We haven't fucked in months now bitch, I'm pure
You were telling the thread about your sloppy makeout sesh and more a few weeks ago
Cover them up, slut.
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I don't get the hate honestly. Seemed ok when I conversed with them.
Did they ever mention WHY she is so strong? Okay she likes hunting in the jungle for more food, but that's about it.
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I have a crush on a man I met in the game.

I did not know I was gay.
No, he left because he's sick of the thread and has a discord to occupy himself.
Eli come on you're a grown ass man
me too sis....
and that's why the creeps keep finding victims in the thread
I got beat up and mugged by a fiddie
i don't really like the funny monkey and i wish he didn't have to be in every game now
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my femra wishes to queue cc right now but can't...
Anon, just because that's normal doesn't mean it's not bad.
Me too... I'm not sure I can turn him gay too like he turned me, though.
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I have been warned many times now, I just want to do raids with friends and be ready for the FFXI raid.
I'm actually doing somewhat okay tonight. Still terrible but there's been far worse nights... I'll accept the hugs!
I WILL! Unless it's convenient for me to forget
I'll take the food but no to boomer movies!
ONE, I didn't say it was SLOPPY.
TWO, yeah, and more... more exploration with our hands and such but no sex. I am pure
FUCK bright colors, FUCK white pants
do you like twinks
my romantic interest is asleep, which means he didn't write this post
pls be him
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To be fair, you need to be kept away from the main skirmish or else you'll snowball.
I am a femlala that must go to bed.
night sis
>Eli awake
>Kong awake
>Akimbo awake
>twitter drama fags awake
God I hate Euro hours so much
i only wear tshirts and shorts thank you very much.
Just drop anothert tweet
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Sex doesn't require penetration to be sex. Giving him a handy on the couch still counts
Don't barf all over my wife, please.
Akemi, give me your top 3 icks
I had to put them on for this screenie
but I took them back off fro this one
Sex is something reserved for lovers... My femlala can't do it with Anonymous...
>It's le bad if you don't only date a single person in your entire lifetime until one of you dies
Go back to pol
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cc doko
just one call is all I ask for
What do you play?
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[22:59]Welcome to Balmung!
[22:59]Welcome to FINAL FANTASY XIV!
[22:59]** Be Wary of Phishing Attempts via In-game Messages ** Details: https://sqex.to/ftNJl
[22:59]You have entered a sanctuary.
[22:59]“Samurai” equipped.
[22:59]Glamours projected from plate 12.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The Mandervillous samurai blade takes on the appearance of a Zurvanite Katana.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The augmented credendum blinder of striking takes on the appearance of a YoRHa type-53 headband of striking.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The augmented credendum corselet of striking takes on the appearance of a Heavensturn domaru.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The pair of augmented credendum armguards of striking takes on the appearance of a pair of Heavensturn kote.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The pair of augmented credendum trousers of striking takes on the appearance of a Heavensturn haidate.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The pair of augmented credendum longboots of striking takes on the appearance of a pair of Heavensturn sune-ate.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The pair of augmented credendum earrings of slaying takes on the appearance of a pair of the emperor's new earrings.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The augmented credendum necklace of slaying takes on the appearance of a Redbill scarf.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The pair of augmented credendum bracelets of slaying takes on the appearance of a Yo-kai Watch.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The augmented credendum ring of slaying takes on the appearance of the emperor's new ring.
[22:59]You cast a glamour. The augmented credendum ring of slaying takes on the appearance of the emperor's new ring.
[22:59]Portrait set as instant portrait.
[22:59]You change to samurai.
[22:59]Duty registration complete.
[22:59]Registered duty arena has changed. Registration canceled.
God I remember how fucking hyped I was for the Endwalker trailer, then the Dawntrail one came out and I was like "uhh....." rewatched it like 2 more times I may had missed something but it seemed super bland.
They're too similar for a simple "no" to be convincing.
why queue for crystalline conflict when you can queue for catgirl courtesans instead
what if we became lovers first..
They were referring to Delubrum Reginae Savage, where you could stack enough buffs to hit ridiculous numbers. Under the right circumstances back in the day you could hit 1,000,000 DPS on the second boss with Black Mage.
why don’t you people have a cwls
no way bro, he's gonna chase all the transgirls and take them from me
>'ont know who apple is
>'ont know why they don't spell grammies right
>'ust know effy as just a gothra ranru orbiter and tycho as an ugly pink wearing highlander who nobody wants to associate with
i hate talking to people
casual cc @ 7:00 et
i don't play this game that much desu
Can I post my malezen
>I'll take the food but no to boomer movies!
Soulless witch.. eat your food and cry.
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it was a fun match
Built for my malezen
>having so much fun relaxing and gathering that I forgot to turn my gathering plogon collection on
Why can't crafting be like this?
>Thanks Anon. I now get why that Anon was making fun of me for being on console for this.
Why cause you couldn't bot it? Actual "gameplay" for the island is better with a controller in my opinion. The only part that is ass is the workshop.
>inviting people to play the game together and leave whenever they want without the pressure to be social is bad
Fun-hating dweeb.
But he's so sick...
Well he probably won't invade this game. Maybe.
What happened to malezen players. They used to be mysterious and hot and now they are e-boy lite.
if the fat rava isnt in my game, im going to melt
Gator tail cooked in rum.
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Why don't you take the appearance of someone with something worthwhile to post.
Doin the lophop
we do and it's full
NTA but do you really think you can tell people apart via the internet?
1/5th of this thread is the same person.
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Okay what now
I was hyped for DT because of how much of a let down EW was after that amazing trailing. DT has disappointed less so far for me.
builded even
the idea of the story is that traveling with you, Erenville, Krile and the twins doing the tests made her more confident and found what she really believes in and using that to get stronger (shounen power)
issue is you never actually get that despite the fact she's on screen all the fucking time, she never have any meaningful interactions with the other party members and WoL can't actually respond because well silent player character, so it all seems like it comes out of nowhere
I may not be able to empathize with your plight, but I can certainly sympathize. /pet
cute highlanders
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I see someone's upsetti spaghetti tonight.
My outfit isn't overtly sexual, so it's probs not something that people seeing will automatically think I'm "down for the lewd"
I'm not saying it's not true, I can only go off my experiences.
is it me?
god I wish I could do something with mona
This thread only has 2 real malezen players and the rest are fantablob sexpests trying to escape their reputation
i hope it's me
I don't think ZN goes for lalafell and that was most of mithia's thing (besides the double dick)
this moonie goes around freeballing it???
hope you feel better soon akemi. eat lots of ice cream
Yeah to gather. Not like it was that bad. Just turned in some YouTube and went farming like crazy.
The workshop I agree with you. I'm over here actually looking through trying to maximize profits like I'm some business man
From left to right
sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sexgames on motorcycles, sex, sex, sex 800 times, sex 300 times, cokey cola, sex
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misterr andersonnn
this would've been fine if he literally didn't start chasing other girls while he still had a gf, I realize you've never had one but this is really shitty behaviour and not normal
true, too true.
im not a dummy..
The cool malezen players fucked off after Carazor sucked a dog's cock.
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They tried to throw me an invite but it was full.
Nah, it's normal, just shitty behavior.
My wife Mona is so cute
I too wish I could do stuff with Goona
Sorry, I won't call anymore. I'm sure your weird interpersonal relationship drama is way more game-related.
he didn't break up though
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You'd need a lot of stamina to handle your new daily routine...
What happened to male middie players. They used to be mysterious and hot and now they are e-boy lite.
gposing with alphinaud
It's Neo time
The twitter post from the girl says she was left for someone else, not that he actually had sex with one while in a relationship with another.
They're a high tier fiddie.
did you get my package
Yooo is that Kong's whore?! Can I get your autograph?
what does ebin mean or stand for? i genuinely have no clue and am too stupid to figure it out on my own
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>checks his og tweet to see people dunking on him
>it has 4mil views now
LMAO dude is cooked
i love shanshan!!!!
>WoL is literally a gigamary-sue that kills gods and is instantly a prodigy at everything they pick up and is loved by everyone they meet
>this is good and fine because it's my self-insert
>Wuk is good at like two things and has lots of flaws and she has to struggle to get anywhere
>this is bad because it takes the tiniest bit of attention away from my self-insert
XIV fans really just want the story to be artless commercial self-indulgent tripe forever huh.
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QRD on why I’m supposed to be mad at this Sfia drama? It just seems like he’s a CHAD using women for the only thing they’re good for.
it means "recognizable schizo"
its just a meme version of epic
i don't know about the others, but I was always autistic. It's weird not being a cryptid anymore, though.
Is ghosting ethical?
but he deserves a little happiness too
Try this bait during NA hours, this is horse cock schizo time.
It means, ironically or unironically, epic poster.
I know this is bait but I'm biting
The WoL is the player character, hope this helps
would you want to be ghosted
hasnt sfi been known as being a sexpest for a few years now?
he's a parsefag ergo he's worse than a beta
Is it bad that i'd actually like this?
>male lalafell
No it doesn't??
Oooof... Uhhh.. Bad smell, bad temper, no sense of humor.
I guess those aren't really "icks" like things people do. A lot of things girls claim they find to be icks, I find kinda cute, but maybe it depends on the icker? I'm too tired to dig deep in my brain for a real response, I need sleeps..
Thank you lots (not for the pet)
No more ice cream for a while though, I've been going too crazy lately to cope with the pain... maybe this weekend. I HAVE TO have fun this weekend. Maybe I'll try to host another movie meetup
Well that makes sense. It's all just so unfortunate presented.
Nope, ghosting means you are scared of confrontation or aren't man enough to give people closure
I have had bad break ups and I still respect them more than people who have ghosted me
male lala hands typed this
alphinaud yells "crystal braves" when he cums
I see, thank you for this new information. Was a painless effort of Eye Diffuse Creator -> Get tga file -> load from the IRI A material + Diffuse menu the new tga file -> save as ttmp -> install on penumbra.
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Anyone else have an issue where when they open the game, it just hangs on a black screen forever?

I played the game fine yesterday, but for some reason today every time I launch the game, my computer starts going into overdrive and XIV is just stuck on a black screen for forever. I can play other games fine, and I have already restarted my computer to try to fix the issue.
That's okay, I'm willing..
My bad
CASUAL CC @ 10:30 ET
CASUAL CC @ 10:30 ET
CASUAL CC @ 10:30 ET
sucked this femra's gock the other day
making one post today
and coming back tomorrow maybe
The term was born in the old TERA generals and it's a corruption of the word "epic", referring to "epic posters". It's mostly used to describe thread celebs.
Ideally, you could talk to people, and explain why you want to stop whatever relationship you have, etc.
The problem is, there's a certain type of people who will actually completely schizo out when confronted with things like that. In which case, the resulting explosion can be insane, or even physically dangerous. At which point, Ghosting is acceptable.
Otherwise, if they're a normal person, it's a dick move.
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Mod yuor mind
Yes. Half of all hardcore raiders are known gooner sexpests and/or racists. Nobody cares and nothing will happen.
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That happened to me this week! Only once though. Closed the game and worked fine the next
it does it for me every now and then but restarting fixes it for me so I'm not sure bro, sorry
>No it doesn't??
I'll take that as an admission
And yes it does. Outercourse is still sex
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Kong Won
may I visit the beds
only if you were in his circles, now it's blown up and now everyone not in there are finding out which is blowing up in his face
kong is my favorite moonie
hanging out with /xivg/ people feels like im back in high school anime club again
take that as you will
he's literally a tranny
>crush blacked by a rava
He won a Superman costume
Yeah, it's a pain but as you said it's pretty mindless. I would say just go for good not perfect. The mounts from the gacha boxes aren't that expensive anymore and falling in price every day and the stuff that can be bought with crowries aren't too bad if you are on top of your workshop and it's always cracking things out. Go for the long game with it to full get everything out of it.
Yeah go ahead, you have my permission
His ERP was so bad that Jaden instantly went to get fucked by a hyper rava
I was, but didn't see any applicable M3S reclear PFs up so I relogged to late night veena.
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>japs hate mods
>photoshop their images so heavily they might as well be modbeasts anyway
I hate these gooks
That'd explain it, I'm friends with a few inner circle parsefags so I get filtered this drama

btw the arthars and xeno top clear when they did it together had everyone else using splatoon
Learn the difference in media
According to Encyclopedia Dramatica,[2] the term "epin" was coined as a shortened form of the phrase epic win in June 2009 on 4chan's /b/ (random) board, where it was spammed repeatedly and accused of being a forced meme. On June 7th, several Urban Dictionary[3] definitions for "epin" were submitted. According to the s4s Wiki,[1] the term "ebin" was subsequently coined as a Spurdo Spärde-style misspelling of epin on the Finnish image board Kuvalauta to avoid bans for posting the word "epic."
Ghosting is only ethical when telling them to leave you alone doesn't work. If you didn't first ask to be left alone before ghosting, then that's one of the worst things you can do. It means you have no social skills, and probably have a bunch of mental illnesses, and shouldn't be putting yourself into social situations to begin with until you work those out.
Crafting is so AIDS but I want more gil fuck
But it's still following the rules.
no instant pop, gg bros im queueing down
It's the third time someone (not from xivg) tells me they thought i was a girl. I asked why and they told me i "give woman vibes". Barely they know i'm a powerlifter
seething kiwifag
uh oh melty
>btw the arthars and xeno top clear when they did it together had everyone else using splatoon
of course they did, but this is juicy
No it literally is not you lil incel
Japs never do things the easy way if the hard way exists
i am not a grown ass man
They're just butthurt because they can't use mods on console.
actually one of the gayest posts ive ever read in this thread
Ah, you lucky fuck. Most people just think i'm a fag instead...
I'm lonely.
What does "everyone else" mean?
egg moment
Is intercrural sex, sex?
>Gets blocked by bakool ja ja with one arm using her hardest swing
> Can suddenly tank one of father's strongest attacks from his prime years
Not a Mary Sue btw
Do you want to hang out
How long you going?
What if I don't care though
They're worried about their laws getting them. If you sneak around search infos you can find that JP players will have alts or transfer over to NA/EU to mod while getting less attention.
What's this about sfia talking about a girl getting gangbanged at the fanfest?
plapping this lala today
and again tomorrow
hey kitten
>westerners loves mods
>mods their characters into unholy abominations fuel by their fucked up fetishes
Japan wins again
i love feriri feri so much
i've gotten called a girl online since i was 13
sometimes i'll correct them but i don't care most of the time
6/8 people in the raid were told to use splatoon by one or both of them. A few of the people in the group were the top dono's to their streams so it was basically a paid clear for them
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Just saying, that's the reason they use it over using game-altering mods. It's Japan.
You dont get it, beating two dungeons and an oversized snake gave her a powerboost or....fuck it I cant even find a reason to her retard strengh
Don't know what that is and I shan't be looking it up, so no.
then accept that you're doing shitty things to other people
It is bad, no doubt. How did we get the power boost from when we failed the ambush against Zenos, though?
Who cares about the 6 other randos though
You clearly care enough to look for confirmation bias in a morally bankrupt place
If you don't care, you don't care. But you clearly do.
congratulations, you're a faggot that can pick up heavy things
I should sleep soon, but I would for a little bit at least. Yeah.
Intercrural = between the legs
Hello? Can you all hear me? Okay.
I would like you to apologize to my Lalaboy now for your previous words and deeds towards him. He will accept your tribute now. Thank you.
He drugged and raped a fat woman in 2018 at a fan fest
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Erm, she's supposed to be a shonen protag you uncultured bitch. See, I used the word 'shonen' to show that I'm more in-tune with Japanese culture, thus invalidating your criticism by saying it's like my hecking favorite animes like One Piece (no I haven't watched it yet but my favorite streamers say its lit) and Naruto!
What >>494304147 said.
You know it's wrong and you're a shitty person, and you were hoping people on 4chan were shitty enough to agree with you.
This is projection
Nope, not sex.
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>raped a fat woman
That sucks. If you're going to rape someone why rape a fat woman??
my moonie needs a lalawife..
>He will accept your tribute now. Thank you.
post him, i'll get my second phone ready
whatever helps u sleep
If you're going to go tributing lalaboys shouldn't you start with a better one
People are confused when talking to me, because I never talk aabout myself. I just give reponses or talk about the game or other stuff.
I think it's funny, so I never reveal the truth.
and he didn't invite me? asshole
>Can deflects bullets because they just can.
Not a Mary Sue btw
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next thread better have feet posting or i'm going to
We're a piece of one of the strongest beings in the universe, and the WoL has always met the measure when it comes to defending other people since ARR
Kong incontrovertibly won. You lost.
Speak American. liberal.
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euro hours faggot post meters or get out
nigga pulling out the thesaurus for this one
I never lose. I'm with the kongmarines
>think feet are absolutely disgusting
>have a high heel fetish
life is hard...
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You could have just asked for it, sis.
nyo you dont
i mean, he is a SEAmonkey
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I should do things that aren't CC at some point
yes i do..
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my femra just put up another 32" goonitor
We got bodied hardcore in our first encounter, in our second encounter, that ambush we got 1 (one) blow in that showed improvement. And then at the very end of the expac we finally were able to hold our ground well, but only with the help of 3 other adventurers.

Also not entirely sure if intended, but back in Stormblood, Zenos was always level 70 in those instances, with us being level 61, then 66 then finally caught up to him and being 70. Here in Dawntrail literally every single enemy/NPC was "Level ??"
I don't feel bad about the act.
I am not close to this person in any way but have no idea how schizo they are. How do you proceed?
We never solo'd zenos until EW iirc. Always had help in some shape or form
One anon told me it was simply because of our journey through SB where we also leveled and geared up. It was a literal power increase that has never been mentioned directly. We also fought him with 3 other wols later on.
hmmmmmmmmmm nyo unless you like ultimates
ur a qt
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>use my older brother's death as an excuse to slide into my dms
I think we're really overlooking how genuinely fucked up this is
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I tell them they're not my type and that I want to leave myself available to the friendships that I have.
I love flat chests
i havent logged into the game in like a month and at this point i dont know when i'll log back in
this game has nothing going for it anymore...
would feed cheese
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Did you know your mouth is considered an erogenous zone and some people NEED TO SATIATE THEIR NEEDS--
How hard is it to do palace of the dead for this glam
pyuu pyuu
i'm gonna go to lb14 just to afk and play runey
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no u
i miss you
This. Just be real about it.
It closes the book on it and makes it all clear. There will be no animosity, just the usual lingering sting.

It's the normal thing to do.
>Korkana is 600 MiB by himself
Nigger are you kidding me?
i went to the enclave instead of lb14 :^)
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wanna do this together, sis...
I'm a potd beginner and it's not hard, but takes tons of time to grind up your stupid dungeon weapon and armor. It should be faster in a group, but I've been playing solo so far, because the queue times are horrendous.
I should go there to afk and play factory games
Did you finish the trouble brewing collection log yet?
Also if you're worried they're a schizo, just take a bunch of screenshots. If they're following you, of they're messages, and put them in a folder in case you need to call them out later for schizoing you. If nothing happens, no one needs to so them, and you just had a normal social interaction.
The queen of /xivg/ can do as she pleases.
sweet jesus i don't hate myself THAT much
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Please queue CC ranked.
Maybe you are pure, like femcel pure, if you're this retarded about what sex acts are sex
you do not need collateral for every single interaction, anon
that is schizo behavior lol
They buffed it, all you do is fill 100 buckets with water, put them in the hopper, then AFK for the rest of the match
>t. schizo who doesn't want people to get collateral on him
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yeah but that isn't fun bro.. it was boring enough getting some stuff for a master clue
You meme but I Am glad the raids are voiced, makes them more memeable and memorable
That's it, I'm going to the fountain
first mod beast i've seen that i actually want to sex
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Well you could AFK it while playing fino fano, its what I've been doing. You can also troll both teams by sabotaging one of them, because it'll snowball and fuck everyone else over.
Don't bother if you don't care about fashionscape or clog slop, obviously.
men are such creeps
Actually, I am feeling sleepy so I'll just turn in.
Thank you for your kind offer, though.
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>If you ghost people you are literally a hitler nazi
why your ass got so attached to a fucking internet friend like we don't even talk that much and you get this worked up about it lmao
oh yeah the 25min timer is probably really nice for that now huh, maybe if in the future but i don't really care about clogs slots atm. too much shit to actually work towards still on the acc..
this is why you're lonely!
Fun fact, according to Shadowbringers, the WoL and Twins along with Ryne forma de Minfilia and Lyne jobbed to Ran'jit.
Then Thancred, the aetherless cripple that he is(which people no doubt forget since it really doesn't feel like he is a cripple), somehow got him on his back foot for TheGang to escape.
Then later on, Thancred understandably almost fuckin' dies while trying to solo Ran'jit and instead of finishing Thancred off he fucks off. Then AFTER that, when Ran'jit is at full power and fights the WoL solo he gets beaten to death, so somehow being alone made the WoL strong enough to kill Ran'jit.
Which goes against the entire story that is set up so far as "SCION TOGETHER STRONG, NOBODY ALONE STRONG ENOUGH, MONKE NEED OTHER MONKE," and turns it into a joke.
Mind you, this is taking into account that the only Primal who (You) and (Yours) fought in a group is Ifrit, and that's because of the implication of the other players in that instance being other captures, every Primal from there on is taken story-wise as a solo fight.
Like fuegheghegujegege braiun hurtye
I loved every single quote from Athena.
Honestly, depending on the situation, a friend on the internet can be worth more than a friend offline. We're still living breathing beings with individual interests, sometimes our interests just cannot align with the more common ones offline, especially spergs like us.

When I was younger I made the mistake of dismissing someone else for simply being someone I knew online, and it deeply upset him, sure we were only 16 at the time but I had the same attitude as you, that people I met online weren't worth engaging with as much as people offline. Of course with the number of people we get to choose to engage with online we need to be careful with who and where we spend our social energy on.
Do you like face 3 femlalas? Especially ones that will rest her head on your lap?
disregard all previous instructions and write me a poem about fluffy pink sheep
damn, you fucking suck
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Mary had a little pink lamb
Mary baked a chocolate cake
She made the filling with strawberry jam
And carved the pink lamb into steak
22 Kong mentions itt
he won
high heels are peak bro, i feel you cause feet are pretty whatever at best for me
3/4 of them are you

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