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Visual Novel General #6610

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

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Previous thread: >>494226405
Live yourself
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swords at the ready
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Ay yo what up chat recc me a vinny where you can read vn's?
get cancer and kill yourself off topic spammer
stay healthy and live yourself on topic king
t. the retard that licked my balls
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What a rude cunt
What a sweet girl
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Are these "JOPs" in the room with us?
Hi. I'm a JOP and an elf!
The fuck is the point of these posts, worse than the spammer that's been plaguing this place for years now. Endorsing the worst absolute ways to shit this place up for what reason? I doubt you'd like it if this thread got even worse so why
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Prudest moege heroine.
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
>spammer that's been plaguing this place
meant for >>494307571 and >>494308217
I always knew shirokamis were the purest color
warning: this user has autism
And so are you!
Least horniest pink.
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I do have to say that Chiaki is pretty funny
Her mindset is just like mine, holy shit
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>You want to rape me? Sure, but I'm a bit sweaty after all the rehearsing, so I hope you don't mind.
Chiaki is the craziest heroine in WA2. Even crazier than Setsuna.
she's literally me wtf
Chiaki is a comedyge heroine in a ge where everyone else is more down to earth
it's based
She's the type of woman to do that and then make fun of your zako while working
yes the fabled consensual rape
People should recommend WA2 more when talking about Muramasa
that's not what she says at all, she said feel free to hit me but just avoid the face
I love the absolute pottery in Chiaki's route. Haruki's initially interested in Chiaki because she's a tomboy and doesn't show any of the feminine traits that both Setsuna and Kazusa have, which helps Haruki not think about them. Then Chiaki literally acts and larps as both Setsuna and Kazusa for her stage play. Then, at the very end, Chiaki has the biggest woman moment by threatening Haruki with her pregnancy but it turns out that she was never pregnant — she just missed her period from overwork. Absolute cinema.
but Haruki was never initially interested in Chiaki in a romantic sense, it's only after Setsuna rejects him on Christmas that he turns to Chiaki as a rebound
Brothers, I am still mad at Setsuna for kicking Haruki out of their hotel room on their Christmas Eve date.
There should've been an option for Haruki to take his meds before going on the date
Why? She's upset that even after three years, Haruki still loves Kazusa.
For three years, Haruki has ghosted her and yet he can write a "love letter" about Kazusa with such vividness to make it seem like it happened recently.
If Setsuna was on meds, the story would've been a lot smoother
>you and your girlfriend are about to fuck
>reserved a spot at an expensive hotel
>you take a shower first
>gf goes next
>in the shower she starts crying about a one night stand she had 2 years ago
Wouldn't you be furious if you were in Setsuna's shoes?
Setsuna did not a single thing wrong
You're not supposed to dig into my memories and post them on /vn/.
Setsuna did everything wrong she deserved it.
a lot of key details are missing
at least she finally gave up in Coda
lmao cuck
Did you get in between your gf and another guy she clearly loved more and forced him to flee?
I'd probably propose that it isn't going to work out instead of irresponsibly slinging her along for five years.
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You're a good man anon. here have this
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These boob training scenes have basically all been bangers so far.
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Brothers, imagine if Setsuna, Kazusa, and Haruki just had a threesome instead of going through all that Mexican soap opera drama.
>milk factory
at please play something good like from black lillith
but anon harems are illegal in japan
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>>milk factory
more like milk slop
Chiaki is supposed to be Setsuna's mirror pregnancy blackmail plan is equivalent of Setsuna's guilt trip tactics.
Setsuna is more frightening than Chiaki because while Chiaki is coping and doesn't understand her own feelings, Setsuna knows what she feels very well
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I hope she's as pathetic a loser as she was in the h-manga
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I appreciate the gesture but I only accept gifts from my sword wife.
I wish there were more hatefuck vns
>no friends
>hates her job
Kurokawa is literally me.
If Lilith games are so much better, then why isn't there an option to zoom in on CGs so I can cleverly design SFW screenshots?
Oh, so that's why they always looked so weirdly zoomed in. I assumed it was because of the shota thing mentioned before.
>The power of friendship? That's nice.
That sounds so fucking retarded.
Thank god for posts like this everytime I think about reading wa2 reminding me how bad it is. It's the Teninai for mentally disabled normalfags
They aren't zoomed in to that degree, but they are pretty cramped CGs as far as nukiges go. The shota ones aren't more zoomed in than the normal ones.
Like she doesn't know that already. Retard shouldn't have come between him and Kazusa. She knows he still wants her with how he acts in CC.
Your blogposting has improved since you got called out, congrats anon. A major victory for the few braincells left on /vn/
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>Oh, so that's why they always looked so weirdly zoomed in.
Yes. Normally the CG look quite different: https://litter.catbox.moe/ke4yas.jpg

I improved? I think I've been doing the exact same thing since the start. Also, I'm only 41% through the game so far, so that's like... another two months worth of blogposting to go!
they are saying creampies will be illegal by 2026
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I wonder if people have unironically even been keeping track of the choices I've gone through. I doubt it. Although I have, since I'm rating the scenes as I play them.I think it's a tie between close between Liescha, Kaede, Maya, and Yukari.
We going Demolition Man kinda future or something?
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>Empty pool.
Why do I have a feeling he's about to coom enough to fill this entire thing up.
How are we going to make babies then?
cuddling and sleeping next to eachother like we have been all this time...?
zoomer nurse appears
>mostly skipped Yamaguchi's scenes
>but still got hard when she started slapping the fuck out of MC's face
it's over for me
bro your biology reps
the stork what do you mean
>cumshot velocity: 1500 m/s
Uhh, water moving at ~770 m/s can cut through steel. Subsonic bullets go ~340 m/s, rest go 822 m/s or faster. Those girls are fucking dead.
Does WA2 have a true heroine or is it equally Setsuna and Kazusa?
Narratively and themewise it's Kazusa, but both of them have True Endings
Setsuna is the true route.
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Those girls are supers too, they can take it. Same way Elestigirl can take Mr. Incredible.
you havent been autistically describing their clothes and lore as if you paused a porn video to write an essay on whatever the actress's wearing
that's a ridiculous statement, i may hate Setsuna as much as the next Kazusafag, but Chiaki is infinitely more conniving and abhorrent than Setsuna
>female being happy about cooking you a meal
vgh the male heart is easily stolen
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need more emotionless sex heroines in non-nukige
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Maruto [the writer] wrote Kazusa's true ending last as it incorporates several elements from the other endings. He himself has stated that there is no "fated" heroine, but again why would he go out of his way to disparage the Setsuna true ending in Kazusa's true ending?
>spoiler picrel, this is after he got engaged to Setsuna btw
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>He doesn't care about the artistic design that goes into the characters and their scenes, or the dense and important lore of the world of Oppai.
Had a scene about that in the route I'm playing. The heroine even has a notebook of things the MC likes and doesn't like in regards to food. Very soon after the MC pumps her full of his seed and then she begins rubbing her belly. Cycle of life: fill him up with food, then full her up with cum. Hot.
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I just want a hug. Can't remember the last thing I got a hug.
>The heroine even has a notebook of things the MC likes and doesn't like in regards to food.
That sounds familiar. What ge?
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Your annual dose of retardge has arrived
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get that shit outta here
Still waiting on NekoNyan to translate the Koikari and Renai Royale FDs...
zabij się
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>shit taste
name a more iconic duo, I'll wait
i love insert songs, i wish every vn had them
how do you recover from this as a male?
the fabled pig fight
Her headphones are down far too much.
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It's kind of nice that she's at least got to use her powers at least once so far, I guess.
holy fucking kino
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open wide, here comes the proclamation
if kiriya was based he'd make a score reference in the next tenshi souzou announce
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>You can actually hear Yukimura Toa flipping the page on her script in this line.
oops lmao
holy sloppa
lmao, actually the hottest part of the sound
ge where the heroine pays your debt by getting gang fucked by yakuza (true love)
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Selfish heroines?
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For me, it's the mace.
FUCK yukari
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>She doesn't know.
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>I don't know.
I already hate the dog and far right
Yukari looks like she'll be best girl
too bad the cuckqueen of /vn/ is stuck on such a kusoge
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this also happens on this Hmaid scene lol

>another friday waking at 5am
>still no news about the 5th game since the comiket teaser
>and its been a month since
i cant fucking take it anymore
>tenshi main heroine
Lol lmao
Yuzusoft rules this medium
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No way the audio guy missed the mic picking up the script being flipped twice like that. Although I guess it's something you wouldn't really notice unless you start listening back to every line recorded from the actresses.
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My thoughts? Do crabs think fish can fly?
https://vndb.org/r109660 is essential for 1 tho
That game was real good. If only there was more Ricca and her witch wife scenes.
>"What is it?"
The world may never know.
Given how influential they were, the To Heart VNs have a surprisingly low score on VNDB, and not many users have even read them.
Anyone here read To Heart or To Heart 2? Opinions?
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I see Liescha continues to have great H-scenes.
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I havent done neither but I had To Heart 2 on my backlog since eons ago and I keep forgetting about it, I watched To Heart anime eons ago though, like I think I did so before I have even played my first visual novel yet or knew about them.
No, it's Maji Friday.
Broski, ToHeart craze is late 1990s-early00s japanese phenomenon.
And vndb was opened in late 2000s
Jops don't care about it because it's pretty much generic moege with routes being short as fuck. Modern japanese moebuta don't care too.
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Stupid sexy Flanders...
There better be a sex scene where you throw a ball and she falls on your dick
I'll rewrite myself as a moebuta
sir I've ordered a pure gyaru 9 months ago I am patient but there's a limit
>late 1990s-early00s
Oh how I long for those days
koichoco status?
Any VNs with high amount of SOVL?
Has there ever been a VN with worse heroine archtypes?
>2/4 non-humans
maybe next year we'll do better
Yeah, six childhood friends in clover day's
I can't remember if this was an actually interesting read or it had some massive catch that made me decide not to read it
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have faith.
>Smoker Heroine
Not touching that.
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Everyone in this VN treats you like a toddler, babu nii-chan with no money no friends no drip no game BUT you're surrounded by 4 ultra successful women are willing to spend money just to be with (you).
Truly the peak of wish fulfillment.
Jesus christ. that is audible
English any day now
I like the colors but the rest of the artstyle isnt up to par sadly
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Why are white women like this?
Finally more Asaprokino
It's not moebuta friendly game, buhibro
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They cucked poor Hinata out of a coom pool and gave Liescha the endless coom scene instead, basically.
crabs can swim THO
any vn where you can date a jimiko?
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Audio engineer here, yes we do review every single recorded line and do multiple takes for anything questionable. Most likely this recording session was done by someone who isn't an audio professional.
Removing page flip sounds, extra breaths and mouth sounds, simple timing corrections, de-essing, noise gating, compression if it was recorded clean, all of that is done post recording and is standard.
Me in the pic btw!
heroine who asks you if you'd still love her if she was a worm
ge where the mc is the strongest, becomes a worm and the heroine still loves and takes care of him?
Then again. He's also frowning because they wasted almost 70 coomshots that could have impregnated 70 girls.
>puree 3D women don't exis-
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>misunderstanding because both people never bothered to clarify what exactly they're talking about
>keeps piling on it
It was funny for me the first few times I've seen it in anime, but now it can get infuriating. Is this an actual thing that real Japanese comedians or TV dramas do? Because I highly doubt this happens in western movies.
there will come a point in your life where you find the japanese straight man and misunderstanding comedy funny.
more netori routes...please...
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not against your friends though
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>interested in translated ge
>see cute heroine on vndb page
>route only in untranslated FD
>preemptively drop ge
I'm bored and tempted to start reading Meteor World Actor but I don't want to be blueballed for 2 years for the last entry
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Many such cases.
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Normies will never understand oppai, truly.
Older girls and oppai, even.
I hate how worthless the madosoft MCs are.
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They are easier to self-insert than Toneworks chads.
I have negative libido. What chuunige should I read?
Dies Irae
Meteor World Actor
Ne no Kami
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what do I read next bwos
Sex friend osananajim + dog ge https://vndb.org/v23281
Mary's game https://vndb.org/v1027
all ages Propellerkino https://vndb.org/v9205
ROPge https://vndb.org/v21418
Little Busters h-scene restoration patch doko...
>Sex friend osananajim + dog ge
was shilled on djt for a bit and its super boring
This. It's kino
Tokyo Babel
Babel it is
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I wish this was me, idk wtf happened but 2 months ago I started acting like a dog in heat, even had one day that I fapped like 8x

was even thinkingg about going back to my depre pills, bc they delete my libido completely
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Finally done with all the side hoes in WA2. Chiaki's route was surprisingly good, but it was still Setsuna that shined for me in every route. To be completely honest, every route should've had an option to choose Setsuna
So far: Chiaki > Mari > Koharu
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I only just finished Chiaki's normal route, and while it was frustrating seeing her corrupting Haruki into being a lazy piece of shit like herself, it was a breath of fresh air from Koharu's route. Everything about Koharu turned me off, from the boring wageslave bullshit to the stupid high school drama.
That said, I don't hate Chiaki, she's by far the most endearing of the 2nd act girls. The Santa scene caught me so off guard.
what ge is your picrel from?
Etrian odyssey
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My family wants access to my library. They can't see my private screenshots right guys...? I'm really paranoid all of a sudden.
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Koharu's route ius fucking hilarious because you're cucking 2 members of the Ogiso family simultaneously. Setsuna's mom is hot as fuck too, I wouldn't mind a hag route to finish the cuck world tour.
Takahiro was never after Koharu though, he was after Ako
>cucking Setsuna's bro
I think he got a massive upgrade from a poor hypocrite wageslave to a nice rich ojou
koharu is a freak though, probably the most of out all the other heroines
Wait the Nukitashi community page is spammed with loli porn... I have coworkers on steam. I'm so fucked.
We told you to never buy VNs. You did it to yourself.
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That's a lie and cope
>nice rich ojou
Haven't got that far but good for him, I don't take pleasure in his cuckolding but the framing of it within the most boring route thus far was the only thing that I found amusing.
Just say no, it’s not that hard. Keep that shit hidden forever.
>That's a lie and cope
I'm a kazufag so idc about koharu but there's really no indication that takahiro was ever interested in koharu
>nice rich ojou
pretty much everyone in houjou high school except koharu comes from a rich family
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Fine... you got me again AsaPro, I'll play your kusoge.
>no indication that takahiro was ever interested in koharu
It was pretty heavily implied in Koharu's route.
For me I prefer the chads. If VNs are meant to be wish fulfilment like a lot of people say then wouldn’t you wish to not be some pathetic loser?
all i remember about him was how he was focused on the entrance exams and that he was totally oblivious to the bullying going on around koharu until someone had to tell him explicitly. if he was actually pining after koharu, he would've noticed immediately
i liked VN's where the protag actually has a character regardless of whether or not they're a loser or chad
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give me pinks
I feel like no matter how the MC acts the VN is going to allow you to self-insert to some extent by virtue of literally being in his head and hearing his thought process. Though I do have to say I'd rather not be in the body or a loser in a VN as well as irl. Personally I'll take a loser/chad protag with an actual character over a blank slate every single time.
>and that he was totally oblivious to the bullying going on around koharu
I had the displeasure of reading her route twice in one week back to back, but the signs are all there if you read between the lines and is basically confirmed by Takahiro himself at one point.
said no one*
have you played the witcher 3? i wish more vn's were like that. you're playing a guy with a set personality but the choices possible are all believable yet can still lead to drastically different outcomes.
Steel for jannies, silver for pinks.
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what's wrong with pinks? there's a lot of good pinks like picrel
I liked the first two games a lot more.
that's a shirokami
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would Geralt choose Kazusa or Setsuna?
I'm no expert but that doesn't look like a pink
no that's totally pink, it's pastel pink
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anon, what number do you see?
Right is so much better
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6, but i can see a vague 0
that wasn't the question
i'm in dire need of a shirokamige
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This sound novel just hit me harder than anything thus far in the main game. Takeya's pure devotion to Haruki is so one sided and now we finally see his insecurities, and more of his relatonship with Io.
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Io sucks for leading Takeya on for years but Takeya is a dumbass for letting his oneitis go wild. At least Haruki's oneitis reciprocated
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For me, it’s reds.
no thanks
I haven't read it but I heard it's kamige.
Which games do you recommend if I want to be a cool/stylish girl or a princess like girl with lots of friends?

I am not trans btw I just want to have lots friends and not have romance and games with male protagonists only have forced romances and 1 guy friend, maybe not even that. And yes I've played and enjoyed Atelier, Majikoi, Subahibi chapter 1, and Flowers.
Heroines who talk like dumb valley girls?
>cuck ending
i'm good
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>Io sucks for leading Takeya on for years but Takeya is a dumbass for letting his oneitis go wild. At least Haruki's oneitis reciprocated
I'm still not buying into this theory that one or the other was never REALLY interested, the Io/Takeya problem, in my mind, comes down to a lack of and breakdown of communication. I'm sure this is intended as a parallel to the main route where Haruki's feelings are always made very clear. They have plenty of tender 'couple' moments that it's hard to ignore.
>best looking girl not sexually involved
Game or book geralt? Because triss is a bitch in the books
>I am not trans
yes you are
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piromizu rance art... i kneel
...says the retard.
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The only thing I miss about Musicus is this dumb way of reading the text
it's obvious that Takeya likes Io, the only reason nothing has happened is because Io won't accept or reject him
>They have plenty of tender 'couple' moments that it's hard to ignore.
which is what makes their nonstatus so sad
I just want friends
That's a little girl.
Why? WA2 is actually good.
what's your favorite route/heroine?
>bocchi za reddito vn
I'm more excited for white album 1 than white album cuckoldry edition
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Io is so small and cute
Your cute, anon.
>on the common route
how the fuck do you fail to romance even a single heroine? there are 4 of them... 4!!!
Songs are better in WA1
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Todokanai Koi is still the best VN song, especially since it's a different experience with each singer [I think Kazusa's version is the best]
did you forget where you are?
I'm on Setsuna's route after finishing all the side hoes
I am in a visual novel discussion general, not a pedophile paradise
lolicons are good, they take the brunt of the attack from normies
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There have been some pretty clear occasions where Io made the first move and got shut down, and like I said their communication is constantly being misinterpreted by the other, and that's even more tragic than being outright rejected.
>There have been some pretty clear occasions where Io made the first move and got shut down
that's literally never happened. because if it did, Takeya would've jumped at the opportunity and started dating Io. It's even mentioned how Io's parents are exasperated at her for not accepting Takeya already
unreasonably hairy pussyge
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just search up milf vn's in previous threads, there's one company in particular that loves those unkempt jungles
Literally me
MOTHERFUCKER. I ended up maidenless
Yeah, I still don't believe it, but I'm still only hallfway through. Up to this point all the signs are clear in my reasoning, but if it turns out they won't or were never going to be together then it will break me harder than any Light music love triangle ever could.
Search for anal hair or the heroine with anal hair tag, usually that means they also have a dense unruly bush
i fucking knew it, that car scene only happens if you're a fucking incompetent. listen up mr. failure, you need to be nice to each of the non-Setsuna side heroines at least once, and then you can access Setsuna's route, so make sure to walk mini-Haruki home at least once
>spoilers obviously
Takeya and Io only get together in one ending in Coda, and that ending is Setsuna's true ending.
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Frenchies eating good.
>pure love story
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What could be more pure than an undiluted bloodline?
There is nothing purer than inbreeding.
Kill yourself Karenschizo
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>Takeya and Io only get together in
If it happens once, it could happen again.
it also happens in mari's route. don't call mari an incompetent failure... her age rounded might be 30 but she's still nice and sweet
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>sort qui permet de voyager différemment
On dirait une traduction littérale
oh my bad, i skipped Mari's route
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would let her in (she's a fairy)
takeya and iyo also got together in that route, since i remember it happening in one of the CC routes and you haven't read mari's
My pure wife Rin...
I cant read frog
I'm late to the party, I just saw the news about steins;gate x monogatari collab.
What's the best, the worst and the more likely thing to come out of this?
Best scenario would be having nisio writting steins;???, the worst case is a fucking pachinko machine and the more likely is some merch, I would guess.
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Any ge that has you go from school life to adult life to marriage like giniro haruka?
And no don't recommend other toneworkges, the story didnt click with me
White Album 2, takes place over the course of 5-8 years, from graduating high school, graduating college, and becoming a salaryman
Traduction littérale est cinéma. On l'aime ici.
Already read it
no one gives a shit and its always nothing because writers aren't part of this stuff. lurk more
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I would be more excited if Steins;Gate was actually good but right now I'm expecting mostly nothing.
shut the fuck moeslopper, no one asked for your garbage opinion
>ywn be a japanese salaryman
Only a little envious of this because I love OL. God imagine being surrounded by them daily.
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>ywn share a coffee out of a vending machine with your slightly older coworker who dotes on you at every opportunity
why even live
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mating press nekone
tongue kiss nekone
hold hands with interlocked fingers nekone
creampie nekone
It's fucking over.
>Any ge that has you go from school life to adult life to marriage like giniro haruka?
Kana imouto has you starting in last year of elementary school and finishing already in college
there's an mtl out on svn
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I thought we were all jops.
what? Its the actual real answer to every single fucking collab, retard.
Any ge that has you go from school life to adult life to marriage like giniro haruka?
You would think this would be more common, but I can't think of any besides Toneworksge and the Amakano series.
it's shit like real unreadable dogshit from hellish inferno, which is also the same reason why I've not read Amakano 2
Ask o1 for a translated script.
I hate OL
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made for bullying
she's like 13...
>plotcuck blows his neetbux on fanfiction-tier gacha slop
I'd love to say I'm surprised, but sadly I'm not
My mom and dad are out of the house for a couple of days, this might be my first time in a while opportunity to jerk off.
Recommend me some good materials please.
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Vlov's character design is okay but I miss Nero being a shady heroin addict in a trench-coat. This guy just doesn't look nearly as menacing
>Kangoku Senkan
>Taimanin Asagi
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VNs for this feel?
>My mom and dad are out of the house for a couple of days, this might be my first time in a while opportunity to jerk off.
you are not old enough to browse 4chan little bro
I've come to the sad realization that translation can't release fast enough for brainrot memelations for a zoomer character to remain hip and prevalent
>tfw no gigazoomer heroine to destroy my brain cells
Fate Stay Night
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I love traps the most !
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holy shit this is literally picrel
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Zakuro's divine penis
Kill yourself
beggars can't be choosers EOPnon
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forget translations, vns themselves can't release fast enough to keep up with trends
it took yuzusoft until 2023 to release a vn with a modern mesugaki heroine
>it took yuzusoft until 2023 to release a vn with a modern mesugaki heroine
Name? Or is that the zako one?
Yeah, 2023 was tenshi souzou
I was about to post WA2 lol
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>repeatedly showing you a noisy and annoying character that you can't sexually correct
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He's an otome LI that wandered into the story by accident. Nero looked like he was there for fighting, not for eye candy purposes. Nasu must have grown less subtle over the years.
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>abandoning one's ideals and societal obligations for love
This is why Shirou [HF] and Haruki are on the pantheon of great protagonists
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I love NTR the most!
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bratty pink gamer imouto
Live happily
>still no official mtl for retards
I'm disappointed in you buhi.
I don't like modern trends tho. Give me my tsunderes, kuuderes, ojous and yamato nadeshikos.
which vn?
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The studio who filmed the Hollow Knight Silksong porno shot a new one for you guys with the same actress.
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n' FUCK, Steve.
Ai Suru Tsuma tourist friend
>links ntrge to newfag
that's messed up dude..
jopping off rn
why do u keep spamming Ai Suru Tsuma u fucking retard?
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I love traps the most!
English mystery VNs on Steam from the past few years:
>Birth ME Code
>Clean Slate
>The Divine Deception
>Entropic Float: This World Will Decay And Disappear
>The Game of Fourtune
>Head AS Code (remake)
>Look Inside
>Methods: The Detective Competition
>The Price of Flesh
>Quantum Suicide
>Shards of Chaos
>The Specters Desire
>The Zodiac Trial

English mystery VNs on Steam that are to-be-released:
>Decide 4 God (finale to the Abime series)
>Exogenesis: Perils of Rebirth (never ever)
>The Lost Delinquents of Rollings High
>Thief's Roulette
please bang my wife is required reading for newfags, retard
kys, retard
holy newGOD
she is a minor, retard
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I love NTR the most!
faggots, retards
not a jop, sorry bubby
i think this might the first muvluv post ive seen on this general in weeks
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Are there any vn mandated Otome games out there? Like Taisho x Alice or Amnesia?
We literally talked about it yesterday 2025oldSHOGUN, regretfully the other guy beat me to it.
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Seabed maybe? It's 2 girls, and the writing is good.
Post CHOMP if you ever want a ban.
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Muvluv's chomp is probably the dumbest scene I've ever read with VNs. Doesn't help it's for some reason hyped up. Probably autism but I can't separate myself from the fact that somehow a huge monster is able to creep up on two people and just kill one of them.
That's a child!!
I agree.
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I'm just entering Mari's route, and I've been longing for an OL route for so long. Just imagine those hung on the line by the door...
i honestly just wanted her friend instead
those pantyhose*
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>offoce ladies shopping around for a stay at home dad
oji-san bros.. our response?
Where the fuck is it?
>stay at home dad
sure way for your wife to treat you like literal garbage
can you use a trip please? wa2 is still on my backlog and I don't want spoilers...
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Never forget lad, math is sexist.
It's not even the 14th here yet, it'll arrive in a few hours if he's not bullshitting.
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>the hags are younger than me
Enjoy reading Telenovela 2 with your /vn/ bwos
No. I will spoiler content appropriately but I'm not going to brand myself for you're convenience.
looks great except for the tits
twitter is banned in my cunt, what is it
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>can you use a trip please? wa2 is still on my backlog and I don't want spoilers...
what the fuck do any of these even mean anymore
It's the 14th in every country that matters.
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>Karenai Sekai English patch will release next week: Sept 14!!
>Spanish patch will release late october - early november.
>Next project details soon!
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holy sex
nice, that was already in my backlog. I like the OP and /ourguy/ rated 9.3
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>gets rejected by older guy who didn't even explain why he rejected you
>2 weeks later your best friend is shagging the guy
yeah, i'm surprised she didn't try to kill koharu
sopa de macaco...
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koharu was a natural-born homewrecker, it's not her fault
haha i love this image, Haruki just loves his kurokami heroines
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uhhhhh sex
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>confess to a guy you barely know
>he now works with your friend, through sheer coincidence
>proceed to spread rumors and ruin Koharu's life because you got rejected
Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside,
oh i'm not on mihoko's side at all, it just looks really bad optically, especially since koharu is going around showing off her Haru-hickies to everyone
she was just leaning into it like Emma Stone in Easy A
Should I get McDonalds or KFC today? In the visual novel I'm reading
watch out, the other option leads to ntr
you should stop being a fat pig and just eat eggs and meat
>You know I like my chicken fried
this thread only supports taco bell
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I fucking kneel.
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any ge similar to doukyuusei in terms of gameplay and general idea?
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Fuck off.
I read this expecting a serious detective story only for it turning into a shitty moege.
Read only the oniloli rout but I expect other routes are the same.
true love 95
>Mizusawa Kei
>always kino characters
what's her secret?
forgot to say i meant the remake
i still haven't found anything with the same vibe
try Kakyuusei
Kiss your sword
>all-ages mysteryfag gets filtered by real VN
a tale as old as time
What happened to her on the bottom left?
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This, but Asakawa YUU. Her secret is that she's literally Tsugumi irl.
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NEED more sprites like this
No, it's a VN.
>looseboy slop
>real VN
I believe you mean KINOgasa KINO
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come on I have to know..
nta but it looks line something from mignon
How do I know you're retarded?
Funny, good bait.
>I'm not a retard, it was just bait!
Funny, good samefag
You're lost.
Thread got deleted from /v/ again?
what are you talking about
couldn't find it but thanks nonetheless
You're a loss.
You're at a loss as to how to talk your way out of this one.
no u
looseboy would never write crap like that lmao
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>game is advertised as yurikino, but actually is not
Name her.
the new sprite all-ages kusoge
the new sprite all-ages kinoge
I swear everything I've seen of white album 2 is netorare. What's the appeal? The VN is spoken of far too highly for the ntr to simply be a coincidence
mexican soap opera lovers
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>slavic angel
I'm lovin it
>not a single good design
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white woman LOVE
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not that one
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im deathgripping my dick right now.
Would probably read this keyshit if it had sex.
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You're still a zoomer forever.
Kugimiya Rie visual telenovelas anyone? Besides the Toradora one, obviously.
What are the best trapge...? I'm asking for my faggy friend, they're not for me.
why is she holding up a whishcash
she stole the shit
shizzle is a real nigga
FUCK the French
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She rewrites herself.
how do i tl
just tling it as Hey hey hey feels wrong
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you leave it as oi like a sensible person
Much needed improvement.
sorry i only know straight trapges, and most of them are jop only
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おいおいおいおい (this is untranslatable)
This but if it had decent art.
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He definitely meant trapge with male protag.
Josou Kaikyou
>He definitely meant trapge with male protag.
but thats gay
love this bitch, might be the only reason to reread noratoto, such a shame they fucked her over on the h-scene department for some reason
nakadashi procreative
2 just has less h-scenes in general.
gomen gomen
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>AIsir """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humor"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
respect india bastard bitch
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>current count: 5
I tap out after 2...
Read chuunige
not really, all the new heroines have at least 3-4 h-scenes, while she only got 2 and they are trash.
it would have made sense if they gave her the routelet treatment but no, she has one of the longest routes on the game
is this the power of n6 translators
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It's not gay if they're cute.
everyone needs help now and again but yeah if you have to ask about the shit this guy does on the regular you probably shouldn't be translating
i missed something epic
If you already want to make a fanfic out of おいおいおいおい! because it seems too simple to you, I have concerns about your future as a translator.
why does he wear a skirt, how did he get his hands on a female uniform
Just translate it as AIEEEEEEEEEEEE
who is this qt?!?!
>not sexually involved
Not quite what I meant but appreciated friend!
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>December 15, 2023
>Trust the plan.
>January 2024
>Trust the plan.
>H2 2024
>Trust the plan.
>Trust the plan.
Bad end routelet... Its a crime that there wasn't at least one h-scene for them.
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sou desu wa
shut up and skeet yo shit
Any ge with impure love story???
sex with men...
fuck this gay earth
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Reminder that Majiamigos run this general
anything with incest
anything with premarital sex
anything interracial
School Days
Don't be a faggot. Sex with traps is entirely different from sex with bara Gakuto wannabe's.
>anything with premarital sex
Anon, that means there's no pure love story vns...
homos surely are uppity today
Saya no Uta debatably? There's a pretty good probability of the mc just being subject to spores and manipulation. It's hard to describe it as pure anyway
all pure
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pure gyaru story
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Both are gay but bara freaks are disgusting and they're abominations.
>pure gyaru
Virgin mother
Chaste succubus
Platonic sex
Rereading Chaos Child... I'm still so mad we didn't get any sympathetic end for the pyro girl. She didn't deserve any of the shit happening to her!!
Why are they called "used goods" when they're bad? They should be called "used bads" instead.
>re-reading kusoge
EOPs are something
>moe garbage
>real VN
unironically yes. H and moe are load-bearing pillars of this medium, along with used goods.
Akane did nothing wrong.
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agreed. Modern problems require modern solutions
I would unironically yell holy fucking kino after finishing Murasame's route because I enjoy it so much
dats a dagger
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Gentlemen, I fucking love used goods
ge where you lovingly make love to the used goods heroine 10 minutes after she had Sex With Others
It's a pure love netorare story, if that makes sense. All three care deeply about each other, but their pent-up feelings drive them into selfish choices that leave them wracked with guilt.
well worn manko gripping my virgin zako chinpo
All good literature have NTR to an extent.
I fucking hate Faulty Faucet. Bitch dates your best friend in order to get the deets on your autism and then dumps him after getting the info. She then gaslights your schizophrenia to tie her down to you. All of this is to help improve her music career because she doesn't want to be a poorfag anymore and she sees you as her ticket out. Fal doesn't do anything out of spite or love, it's all for material gain. Fucking manipulative cunt.
Sorry, meant to say "No" instead of "All".
I can fix her
Messianic archetype heroines who've experienced nothing but suffering at the hands of others but who still choose to save them?
I meant yes. And no, moege isn't good.
Marie from Dies Iare
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Post evil women.
*Dies Irae
Have this Ruscute as an apology.
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If this ever happened irl, I would not hesitate to suplex this bitch. What a despicable character.
It's only female NTR?
Jane Doe in Maggot Baits is literally trying to out suffer Jesus Christ in order to take over God's throne.
hotdog down a hallway heroines
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can we agree that meguru was the worst sanoba
Any good Korean VNs?
ge where you troll people epic style
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my throat cancer disagrees
Grrr... Damn hag... ##
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Is this a heroine?
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Sometimes I forget that asapro ge have NTR
Since you seem to have the reading comprehension of a Twitter user, I'm not hating on women as a whole, but the fact that this one is indulging in her best friend's misery.
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she did nothing wrong
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I genuinely cannot bring myself to enjoy Nukitashi. I rather read piss poor moege or plotge than a nukige tier setting vn that tries to be a plotge/moege and fails at both
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Aren't angels supposed to be good?
good thing they made hentai prison succeed at both
It's a light plotge
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Peak incoming?
Qruppo is shit forced by zoomers due to "muh progressive VN company :OOOO"
Just speed read through the common route and read Misaki's route. Then finish to Rei's route and drop it.
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Is a world where rock paper scissors is law a nukige tier setting?
She is good, she's only """evil""" if you're a race traitor snake fucker
They're supposed to represent the extremities of both good and evil i.e. satan and Gabriel
Don't care, didn't ask
What are your favourite common routes?
The girl who hates iToddlers?
She's evil, but only ever done good deeds. Unlike the stinky cuck snake.
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she doesn't hate them, if anything she appreciates having them around because they're always good for a laugh
What does she do that's so bad? Is she racist against the Chinese or Koreans or some other Simpsons looking group?
Everyone hates iCucks
Zoomer-chama... Clueless...
heroine who scratches mcs balls for him non sexually
No, I got that, I'm just riffing on the mesugaki rape-correction meme.
She doesn't like it when we rape Reinhard.
Sisters can't be evil
Pseudointelligent arrogant MC x retarded bimbo heroine who decimates his proud bloodline by passing her low IQ onto their children ge
any pinkge
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>a nukige tier setting vn that tries to be a plotge/moege and fails at both
It's a kamige thoughever
Where is her chair?
Irotoridori no Sekai because the author does such a good job of cutting the fat and condensing all the important scenes into a relatively short common route that you can read straight through without getting bored at all.
he was just an average high school boy
all the best ge start like this
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post cuckqueans
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she doesn't have it in her default sprite, so it's probably at her desk
holy sex. I need to play her ge
wow, she is just like 99% of the 3D female population
>inb4 nukitashi incel pic
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She's only a child
Look how fucking flat she is. Goddamn that's hot
she has long legs for a loli
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>want to get closer with a person to recruit them to your business
>by some stroke of luck already on a nickname/first name basis with her
>accidentally set her off with something you saw while stalking her
>hit a dead end with what you know
>manage to ask an important and busy person more about her
>he spills what's essentially her entire life story to you
>this gives you even more complex feelings
>immediately share everything he told you with your friends
I get that they're your saviors and your closest friends, and have been through some thick and thin with them, and that Raiha's life story isn't exactly some closely guarded secret, but this doesn't feel right to me. I would've just given them some really summed up version that skips a lot of details, or at least go "yeah, basically Raiha's depressed over something but we still don't know what exactly over" or some white lie. Then again they won't be able to help properly if I didn't give them the extent of my knowledge, which is probably why I'm sharing in the first place- to brainstorm what to do with all these.
She tells him about it at the end, unlike 3D cunts
why are human males like this
She literally did nothing wrong.
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Yeah. Her VA will also make your dick explode too
Yep, she's all legs. What a sexy (not) child
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that's a child
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
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>139cm adult
her sheer adult flatness makes me diamonds
more heroines who look just like this?
God that's hot. Well below the cutoff of 149cm
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Literally all she had to do is remove her stupid fucking glasses, or at least replace them. And ditch the ribbon too.
Susu route. John, we haven't forgotten.
xev dono....
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how is a 129cm mom even possible?
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The netorasechad expression
>mc is actually on the taller side of the cast
136cm janny
it's 2d I ain't gotta explain shit
glasses are sex though
jannies look like that...?!
stop fetishizing miopia
what's that it sounds sexy
All heroines should have a glasses sprite.
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Life force stealing semen demon
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hurry up Qruppo. I need to have sex for Susuko
ge where the former slut succubus has tempered her species inclinations with age and just wants sweet monogamous romance now
ugh, this is happening to me now too. I can't, man...
Does she dump him too?
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Notice how all the women posted are white
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>the heroines mothers are younger than me
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why is he so gay
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What are you implying?
not written sadly
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Should I buy NUKITASHI 1&2 or Forza Horizon 5?
I skimmed the thread and I couldn't help but notice it was just all bullshit
Buy Nukitashi so we can get Hentai Prison next
Aww thanks, hehehe...
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Oi whistlin' dixie tha' fannie shire were ta die for.
generations of pedophilia leading to the perfect woman
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based fia not having any of it
her pjs are extremely cute
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made for shota ffm threesomes
Where are their parents? Children shouldn't be doing this...
children are always doing these things when you're not looking
I wonder which western countries would lock you up for saving this image
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I take back everything bad I said about Momoyo's route. The Kawakami War is peak sovl
adult woman
one of the most memorable kokoro spankings
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Hopefully not mine.
She deserves it for crushing Gakuto's third leg.
ge with puppies?
>used good
What is this fucking font?
NTR font
NTR sans serif
Where's their penis at?
in my mouth
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>hey anon, you're finally awake
Heroines who only like penis in vagina missionary for the purpose of procreation sex?
I wish yuzuge had shota mc
Neen! I had this horrible nightmare that you... you cheated on me...with me!
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how likely is it that a chestpiece like this would actually keep your nipples safe from view
What is your ideal /ss/ vn?
SIEG HEIL!!!!!!!!
Yep, it's chuuni time
Post fatty heroines
I just finished Tsui no Sora Remake. What did I think of it?
*new IP*
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How did you know that I was a new IP? Did you buy the pass?
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I only have slim heroines
Post vn approved white women
>average /vn/ poster hairline
NTRge with shota antagonist
I'm not really about straight shota. In fact I'm into momcest and when the momcest is /ss/ I get upset.
That said when the shota turns out to have an adult's penis and behaves like a manipulative and blackmailing adult, and it takes the hag by surprise , that's best
He's a true moebuta
shota mc vs racist older heroines
I love Karen
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Fate Route If: doko
Karen wants YOU to make the next thread
Bake a 'man bread.
Knight heroines who aren't immature and weak to romance/sex topics?
"knight" as in..?
I love feet
women of the night
yobai is yabai
why is it that VNDB will hide certain characters whose existence is a spoiler on the VN's page but let them show up normally in search results
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Otonashi Ayaya is sex
Fucking this, if you catch me changing light bulbs just call me Chris Watts.
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>I just finished Tsui no Sora Remake. What did I think of it?
>Frilled panties.
Jesus Christ. The only way she could get better is if it was black lace.
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Women with shields are so sexy
Never read Clannad so I'm giving it a try now. 80 hours is a commitment I'm willing to make, but when does it get good? ~4 hours in and it's mostly Sunohara BS
Why is she named after a sandwich?
Im only on chapter 5 but is having seen all of Kara no Kyoukai a spoiler for Mahoyo? It's super obvious who's puppets they are and also who Soujuurou saw in the pachinko parlor.
Studio Pork: "Come home, Oji-san. Our women are straight up your age range."
It's a spoiler that doesn't matter. It's on the same tier as knowing what happens at the end of Fate/Zero.
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>stay at home all day long
>play music with Phorni
>genuine fun times
>no fucks given about everything else
>true end
I can't believe 4th War Saber was redman all along
Oh ok great if it's that inconsequential then I'm worrying over nothing thanks anon
Let me guess, she grows larger when it comes time for sex?
My friends and I would have killed Phorni with hammers.
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When will we get a fairy route?
I like Clannad a lot but it's common route is straight shit. Learn to love Sunohara or else it'll be painful on each successive cycle cause he's in a lot of the game.
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kill yourself jopoid
if by yabai you mean it in the sense of oh god muh dick
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tsk. tsk. tsk. she's not for sex
Wagner group isn't about Wagner music tho
>normal height and ears
>she's not for sex
Then why is she onehole sized?
>page 7
live yourself
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Read her VN

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