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White Middies Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Last Time: >>494312059
First for femra
would you look at the time
First for femra x miera
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Heh heh.
>my eb replied with only 1-2 word responses for everything yesterday
sisters..... it feels so bad...
Wuk Lamat
>Hardest savage raids ever nearly kill the game's population
>one expansion later
>They release UWU, the first ultimate raid
I don't get it
If the players couldn't handle the alexander raids why did the devs start creating ultimate raids?
Since players were getting burnt out by DRS and TOP last expansion does that mean the devs will make a new difficulty level?
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my femra looks and acts like this
Throating the doggy is a public service
You just know.
>They release UWU, the first ultimate raid
UWU was 4.31. UCOB came first, in 4.11.
oh really
>UWU, the first ultimate raid
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All tanks are fun and have their own identity and plays

WAR for instance has no real mitigation, and its only way to survive is from life stealing, it also has an aoe ranged stun and a grab/chain that make your target move toward you and give them a snare for 3sec.
WAR LB make every target hit by it unable to use guard for 15sec, and make WAR CC immune on top of giving them boosted damage, literally giving you the berserk fantasy.

PLD is more on the defensive side of things, with an actual shield + mitigation with holy shelltron and the ability to cover a teammate and protect them for all form of damage, it has a great synergie with guard since it let the teammate use recuperate without being stopped, its LB give your party 33% mitigation and make you impervious to damage (but you can still be CC'd)

DRK goes into the actual Dark Knight power fantasy of sacrificing Heath for damage, it actually has the strongest ability to snowball a fight because of Plunge putting the "Sole Survivor" effect on the target that reduce their healing by 20%, but also if the target die with Sole Survivor on, you get 20% HP and MP back, and it also reset the CD of Plunge, letting you get some crazy chain if things goes well.
DRK LB use all its HP to do a big attack but also make them unable to die for 10sec while giving you life steal on every GCD.

GNB is and/or can be a Jack of all trades because of their Junction ability.
Use it on a tank or yourself and you get Nebula that reduce any damage taken for 10sec while also giving you thorn, 20sec CD (gnashing fang also give you shield to boost your mit)
Use it on a healer and you get aurora that heal you for 12k with a 12k regen, 20sec CD (gnashing fang heal you and your teamate
Use it on a dps and you get blasting zone, 10k damage ability 20sec CD (gnashing fang combo deal more damage).
GNB LB has the shortest charge of all of them and is an aoe stun that can deal a lot of damage and has a great synergies with double down.
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post elezen please
thank you
Yeah I got mixed up
how do you know when an EB is over?
based retard
When it starts
The HW raids weren't too hard mechanically, they were tuned so that you needed gear from the early fights to beat the later fights, but there were still only 4 per tier. Gearing up was a slog that no one wanted to do
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sex with brown catgirls
that sounds gay as fuck
Any Legacy players still around?
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does ANYONE use this shit except the banned people
I'm a femlala
Who needs a lalawife to afk with until 5am
what shit
I'm a legacy biopole, yes. What do you need?
Yes, at least 92 people are using it.
up the eye glow and add some rape smog and this is a 10/10 goon meta image
thats crazy
hfw she posts the ol'
I’m glad you stopped talking to her. She was just using you. She never talked to you first. It was always you. You don’t need her to run content. I’m here. I’ll always be here for you.
No, I didn’t say anything to her. Those logs are manufactured. Look, mine are different. She clearly has an ulterior motive. She’s trouble. I’ll make sure she doesn’t take advantage of your kindness. You’re too forgiving. Ignore her. She would ignore you. How often. I’ll always talk to you first. I’ll always listen to you, about the game, how your day is, what work is like. Have you been eating well? Have you gotten enough sleep? Would you like to sleep together? I can comb your hair while you rest. Don’t worry. I’ll make you breakfast too. Nobody else would do that for you. Nobody else knows how great you are. Just me. You’re overlooked by everyone. Remember that time you tried to talk in the area, and no one replied to what you said? I replied. I can give the attention you deserve. I always will. Come, let’s go do that trial you’ve been having fun with, or farm that glam piece you want.
Tell me more about yourself. I’ve never had the chance to ask. Maybe we share similar tastes. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
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I'm in a cutscene, do nyot..
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*glubs you*
Is a lalaboy (female) okay? I'm about to eat some snacks and watch YouTube so I have no problem logging in to AFK.
gordias was only hard because of the absurd dps checks mechanically the fights werent anything super hard
Why does your belly button look like an anus?
>Vast majority of people aren't pedos
Who woulda thunk
i think TOP is the upper limit of "difficulty" before the game just stops being fun, or at least the way they like to design difficulty (react to debuff vomit, stand in near-pixel perfect spots or everyone takes 9999999 damage, etc). i feel like fru will be on the level of dsr
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a3s was harder than any of the B-tier raids released afterward. Less people cleared that than the ultimates
i will goon to this later
*Smooches your belly button, with tongue*
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what does your adventure plate look like?
>in a cutscene
That's okay with me, I'll derail your cutscene
Was that the water guy?
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Nu uh, I'm kinda enjoying the story more than I thought I would.
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just paypigged for PoE mtx AMA
male elvaan
Yeah that was the living liquid
I'd post my character but Korbo might take that as a reason to sex pest me
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Everytime you make fun of me, this is who you're bullying. Do you feel like a big man still?
I know something you'll enjoy more..
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if i DC travel to materia will i find active fate farm parties?
As my malera cock awakens, eorzea trembles.
Built for breast expansion
Sorry anon it's already 5am here. Maybe tomrrow night. Enjoy your snacks and have a nice evening/morning though.
[/spoiler] /pet
are you having fun with the season
Breasts grow after pregnancy.
No. I'm sorry.
STINKY cat can't get the sticker off
>the fiera im trying to bum went afk in limsa
its so over
You know you could jus travel to materia and find out right?
I don't want my character to have jet lag with nothing to show for it.
If I ask "What" and you say "My cock" then I'll hit you upside the head with that awful charm of yours, dork.
>the only males that femra don't chase after are malera
you love to see it, really
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yeah I stopped playing like a month or two ago or something a bit after the raid tier released because I spend like 20 divs failing to craft a minion wand but now that I'm bored and need games to play and can just do blighted maps while watching forsen vods yeah it's pretty good best league in a while wish they would put ore in blight maps though so I don't have to do actual maps ever
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>rat bastard manlet dyel Sfia had millions of bitches on his dick for pushing buttons good
Life is simply unfair.
The Duality of Anon.
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twiceth more death
Actually I was going to suggest a nice meal at a fancy restaurant. but I guess you really do only have cock on the brain..
Sex between Femra and Fiera
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That's easy to say with hindsight! Grr..
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>rape smog
now you're just making things up
i just watched the a3s guide and you are right none of the mechanics seemed that hard
it seems like back in the day people were a lot less willing to map out where people stand and that made things harder than it needed to be
NTA, but I'd say a 24hr VR hypnosis session where you're bound on all fours and having your holes stimulated
i just want an autistic biofem eb who will be happy to see me when i get home
what race do you play
You're the one who assumed it would be lewd not me, doggy
Shit bro I'm in my bed here I can't post my plate
Hunting marks or fates 70+?
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If your screenshot doesn't include fertility fog and debuff vomit it's not abiding to the X (formerly twitter) porn meta
This..is actually one of the most specific and unique things someone has ever said to me.
I do have a VR, but no experience in Hypno at all.
Does it even work?
Yeah, you're right..
Just the way my brain works sometimes.
You don't get exp from hunting marks...
Maybe there's an anon out there who can fix you, I definitely can't
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Happy Friday the 13th anons!
No one can.
Just keep getting worse..
Thank you though :3
my minimum height femra tops maximum height fiera
Well there are different kinds of hypno, the one I was more referring to isn't really hypno, but it's more a state of the VR headpet playing lewd videos and noise cancelling heapdhones playing moaning sounds, while toys buzz in you to keep you in a state of being that's overwhelmed and stimulated, sleep deprived, stuff like that

The real hypnosis is being pulled into a trancelike state to have triggers installed to adjust your behavior, I've done both to others, it's fun
now this is sick
Beside the ones in the pedo bench in uldah I haven't seen anyone else honestly
Because who's gonna stop me? Not you.
That sounds like something worth looking into eventually..
I'll end you.
Holy shit. It looks like there's a lot of bot/automation plugins when I checked popular plugins. Does SE not actively detect and ban these? What the fuck.
Sorry, but this delicious brown femezen deserves a set of absolutely humongous honkers, I don't make the rules
So fucking Kino..
>That sounds like something worth looking into eventually..
Good idea, given what I know about you, I'm sure it'd happen sooner or later
dare i even ask wtf that is referring to?
Does anyone know of a way to adjust how a weapon is holstered?
>given what I know about you
What do you know exactly?..
>I'll end you.
That won't untongue your belly button.
*Sloppily makes out with your exposed belly button.*
I'll believe in you if you try, if not then enjoy your lewding doggy
LMAO holy fuck someone please make one of these with DANGER: LOW SEMEN warning
I wish you guys were less gay
I'm going to fucking CRY!
Thanks anon, that's kind of you <3
Whoever holds this post is gay
Sorry anon.. I just like dick is all..
impossible for this thread, the majority are either gay or prison gay
Impossible, Master Chief.
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Why? Isn't it fun to kiss and cuddle other boys in my favorite game, Final Fantasy XIV Online: Dawntrail?
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i mean this game has lots of annoying shit that needs to be automated, dungeons, crafting, island sanctuary, grinding the accursed, it's an ungodly waste of time and completely unfun to do this manually
I love femras so much
LoporritSync an alternative to mare that use an anonymous registration system that keep your anonymity, and is mainly used by actual pedo (not lalafell players, actual child mods user).

For the bench, it's the one near the moogle tomestone event.
You were always my mhigga
my femra never lies
There is a disturbing lack of moonies being posted this thread
well let's just say you fit a very clear picture of what you want and who you are as a being, you've made your character the perfect looking fucktoy, smol, cute and submissive, with a blindfold to go. You'll also act a bit bratty and uppity, but that's mostly because the general sexpests that are around that you've played with are not interesting or boring because they don't realize how they actually need to treat you
Thoughts on gray hrothgals?
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im not gay i like girls
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>less gay
Cant get lower than 0%
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Well anon?
My cum tanks are dangerously low
small, go away
I don't have one leave me alone harlott
why do people try to do 3 ranged in pf
please play with it anyway...
You can automate literally every aspect of this game with plugins, every single possible activity you can make it autoplay for you and there is zero anticheat whatsoever.
I have essentially botted all content for the last three expansions that includes PvP.
palmraping my goonstick rn
small (5 inches)
I'm not a cringe ass futa. Now be a good sea turtle and choke on this plastic.
You are now my husband
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I don't like how you managed to nail that down so easily..
Now you have me curious at who you are to be able to read me so easily, or if we've already met/talked.
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I'll still bring you snacc my hetero friend.
all of those are side activities that don't need to be done except dungeons.
*proves it*
I picked L in tbse because I felt like XL would just be over compensating and beer can was just comical for viera
post race NYOW
We've never met before, but I have seen you. I can introduce myself next time I see you around if you want
Sure thing! What's your Race so I know who to look out for and not be mislead? c:
It's 5 inches. I'm massive for a malera.
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Idk, I know my guy's 168cm though so that's about it https://files.catbox.moe/h4z0p0.png
You do the math, I'm too stupid and too lazy to resume from this point.
Why am I still killing A Ranks bros...
Damn, I have no hope of guessing who this is then.
Well, I look forward to it ;D
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9 ilms
but i want to do them, i just don't want to put in the effort and so it all does itself while i am at work
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I apologize for any mistakes or pauses, my nose is clogged up and some of the words are butchered in the text
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I'm circumcised - I hypothesize it would've been bigger had rabbi gorhevitz hadn't gotten to me.
i am not a cuntboy they are weird
What the fuck is an ilm?
>xi's equivalent of modbeasts
gross anon
likes it up the bum
I wish Korbo would sexpest me
Well I'll make sure I remind you when we meet
where oh where is my miera eb (femlala btw)
I wish literally anyone was interested in lewd things with me
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Close enough to what NA's doing, I hope.
A tiny 8 inches. I curse god every day for giving me a small dick when even women are packing 10 inches these days.
post character
I really wish NA used macros
I cant read any of this shit I just follow my plugin and have my rotation auto for me
No I'm shy.
im not readin allat
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>queue into dungeon
>dps isn't aoeing, just randomly pressing single-target skills at all times
>first boss
>immediately starts spamming every single aoe skill and nothing else even out of melee range
>he's literally flaunting it towards us to make absolutely sure we see him doing it
>doesn't roll on loot for (((some reason)))
Why are people like this?
macros are sovlless
marker dancing is sovl
ok at least tell me what race
NA niggers wont read macros but they will read the pf description saying skibidi fanum bees 2
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Made it to sunrise sabbath last night but I’d be pretty much worthless in PF - just rely on MT to call out what to do for chain lightning and midnight sabbath.
>>doesn't roll on loot for (((some reason)))
are you implying that not rolling on loot is a jewish trait?
actually doing dungeons is very 2021 we all bot here
Are you marker dancing for every single one of those formations, though?
thank god binis left the server
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Tbh thanks to all the anons that answered my dumb questions and flung out here. I really don't have many resources besides asking here and just google searching. You guys are the best!
Aw, shucks, thank yous.
Kisses u on the tip of your penis
QRD on the Chaoscord?
It’s so you can’t kick him. He’s trying to grief in ffxiv and this is the worst he can do lol
if you're referring to that M4S macro we just do clock spots on NA
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Not rolling on loot makes the party unable to initiate a vote dismiss, it's how people used to afk crystal tower/etc without getting kicked.
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I come bearing gifts
do you like moonies
Bro chain lightning is just counting 4 numbers
I know why he's doing it. I'm confused on the usage of (((parentheses))). Is it a jewish conspiracy?
You'll get it after you see them a bit more. You really shouldn't need callouts for chain lightning especially and I'm surprised your lead is doing that, since the two groups get a different order to follow that sounds confusing.
based retard
of course I do!
Is there a Chaoscord?
I'm sorry I didn't think it'd get this far. Please forget you ever saw my post
Breeding this dumb moonie irl
cute grown man voice
I’m focusing on the mt because she’s taking pretty heavy autos… it’s hard for me to multitask!
I guess I'm the only straight guy ITT that gets grossed out by seeing a female toon post a man's voice?
Okay, now put back on your masculine voices you use for everyday. Come now, no one is that twinkish without willingly manipulating their voice to sound more effeminate. You don't have to be shy about it, we all are hairy, bearded men here.
niggas be like oooooooo chain lightning so hard ic ant do it without someone saying 1432 in say chat
Bro was in the wrong static thinking about thots per second instead.
Its kinda grim ain't it
Nigga go to any city and take a look around. 99% of the female characters you'll see are played by men. men with hairy ballsacks and deep voices

this is the modern mmo
Take your pants off.
Please don't make me catch pregnancy..
Thank you :3
Sorry but this is just my natural voice, no training or anything like that.
I rarely speak as is.
did you seriously think female characters were played by women retard
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hell yeah
we love the tome chest
its okay I'm a femlala too..
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Second try baby, dunno whether to keep playing or go play No Man's Sky while the rest of NA wakes up
I don't know
Oh she’s not calling out the order, but they are slow enough that I can just follow her for them.
Oh you sound like that...everything makes so much sense
I love ballsacks...
Why does it break the illusion for you? Come now, you should know MMOs stand for Many Men Online.
straight guy here and no, it's perfectly normal and acceptable.
go back
>IRL partner says they want to EB (ingame) because I've been playing so much and mentioned there's a marriage system
>tell them they have to be level 50
>they scrunch their face in disgust
>and they have to sub at least once because we can't EB free trial players (afaik)
>scrunch again
>I tell them that it would be kind of silly to eb and log off forever (besides free play times), but I wouldn't expect them to play
>scrunching stops, they nod and agree they would not play the game since they can't unlock the class they want to play yet (DRK)
This is not going to be easy
I'm unsure if this is a good or bad thing, or what makes sense..
Reasons to play a female character
>You're a tranny

Reasons to play a male character
>You're a faggot
i like to join savages and fail proteans / fusedown on purpose just to see how long it takes before they kick me
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vroom moonie has finished doing a bunch of roulettes and is awaiting fp2, wondering who is going to kwab into the wall next
ive been doing them recently and alexander raids are like 1 one room non trial boss and its done.
even though im seeing it post level unsync, it does seem trivial
>no training
I'm sorry for your father but I guess I'm happy for your mother?

Now I wonder how deep and masculine Val and Akemi's voices are. I'm thinking they sound like Hank Hill but more baritone.
You can just say he bro.
It's okay we accept the gays here.
Oh it's a very very good thing, best not to worry your pretty head about it tho
Acceptance is a very strong word.
>buy subscription
>buy story skip
>buy DK class skip
>get married
>she never has to log in
>just pay $13 for her to play once in awhie

Problem's solved.

Next anon.
If they can't commit to playing xiv with you they aren't worth it, time to move on
That's what no father does to ya ;3
They've posted their voices before, I think? Just ask em next time.
Grr, okay..I'll try.
>- just rely on MT to call out what to do for chain lightning and midnight sabbath.
rare self awareness moment from a static member, legitimately 90% of them do this and act like they're too good for PF (they're the reason their PF parties are so bad btw)
Val sounds like a faggot from the few times I've vc'd with him
I'll take "Things that never happened" for 100, Trebek.
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They want to bait a reaction so they can report you for "harassment", that and/or posting it online for reddit gold.
Are you just providing reasons for them not to do it because you’re already secretly EB’d and you just don’t want your partner to know? I’m on to you
How can i overcome my snowflake syndrome? I want to enjoy samurai but it seems it's the most played melee dps...
Why do you obsess over people in this game so much, I'll never understand it
Val's surprisingly matches his personality, which isn't good
I love femezen so much it's unreal
>Grr, okay..I'll try.
Good puppy, just go enjoy MSQ :)
What... are you trying to groom him? Just play other games with him. EBs are for sick, degen anons who don't know eachother irl. Thus, they can put on airs and really sink deep into their futa personas online without it being uncomfortable.
I find something really hot about dominating sissy men online who play female characters.
Can free trial sprout catboys consent?
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my malera is like this
It's kind of weird that some men are just naturally born to take it up the ass
Ugh, I am..
my femlala on the bottom
no they cant consent to getting blacklisted
> act like they're too good for PF
Oh yeah, I’m aware I’m quite casual. I don’t like PF because I don’t like spending a lot of time with unpleasant and abrasive people.
>no vc for akemi
I always knew that gaslighting himcess knew how to play this game better than anyone. Just don't talk. Ever. It doesn't ruin the illusion when there's always simps desperate to believe in the 1% chance of a biofem.
Not Akemi btw.
Someone answer please i'm trans
Something got lost in translation from Felvaan to Femezen
Every single fault and evil in the entire world can be traced back to a filthy jew so yes.
I was about to answer you but now you should probably kill yourself
>I always knew that gaslighting himcess knew how to play this game better than anyone. Just don't talk. Ever. It doesn't ruin the illusion when there's always simps desperate to believe in the 1% chance of a biofem.
this, but unironically.
Post tits and I will answer
Okay fine, HE
That's a lot of wasted money to watch a cutscene tbf
We live together, he just knows the game sucks at the start and has tried multiple times to play
Unfortunately yes it did
I'm not EB'd at the moment but I did mention I might EB a friend who plays (GAM) for items/tp
>What... are you trying to groom him?
To play the game? I'd hope so one day but that's a pipedream.
>Just play other games with him.
We do, usually locally though.
Make a snowflake glam for it and also get gud at it so you outdps all the other SAMs, then you can have a smug sense of superiority.
The game has so many players every DPS has thousands and thousands of players. You just have to do what you want to do.
just get a really cool glowing sword that barely anyone else uses and consider yourself a cursed, demonic samurai ronin that has no master
Are you Br*tish?
ew faggot
Why the fuck would it matter what others are playing? even then you can check on fflogs what the most popular melee is and its vpr by a fucking mile. Just play what you wanna play
>Ugh, I am..
What quest are you up to?
>That's a lot of wasted money to watch a cutscene tbf
It's <$100, that's like nothing
Thank you for the help guys, i'm a bit new to the game and these intrusive thoughts sometimes pop.

https://files.catbox.moe/mk8c4i.jpg (For the anon who asked)
> just noticed the jabroni Gomptherium gear squeaks when you move
How do I get a pet fagboy to use as a content slave
My malera enters your hovel, the rape smog quickly follows.
I've never interacted with them in any capacity so yeah no clue what they sound like
pot calling the kettle black ;D
why do you think the Romans loved eunuchs so much?
no but close enough
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>Attention whore tranny
You're honestly disgusting
Damn, those are better than mine... all women in my family are flat af though so makes sense.
That's a dude............
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"At a Crossroads"
Honestly this is nowhere near as bad as people made it out to be.
It has it's issues but I'm enjoying myself.
The only thing I call you is a faggot!
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What is malera rizz?
You approach your desired target and you grab.
The rest is history.
fucking peak
HOT I will now answer
Play what you find fun but if you want the least played class play monk or black mage
Stop being gay holy shit.
I think I speak for everyone onlone right now in saying biofem vag doesn't interest us. You best have a cute girlcock to show off anon.
idk if its still the same definition anymore but when i was one i'd go "hehe malera rizz" when i get 2 kardions/dance partners or otherwise a ton of buffs
swap mnk with nin and you're correct
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He already said he's trans bro
thats literally 99% of people in this game
this picture makes me miss my ex tranny gfs tits
I'd swap dance partners
But she's beautiful! She's built and made to be groomed into my perfect cumslut wife!
Sometimes I like to imagine my totally straight malezen in a bunny suit with an unamused look on his face but internally loving the attention because he's fit and handsome and he knows it. Other times, I imagine him completely naked, just for fun of course, often caught in a predicament such as his woober becoming locked with a naked miera's woober, not unlike deer antlers interlocking. They pull and struggle, sliding around each other, getting handsy, embracing to find a better release angle, but he's totally straight and not gay.
>that guy actually catboxed male nipples
If I had a nickel for every tranny teat I've seen on /vg/ I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
No i need proof. Right this moment. If its just a skinny female with an ugly face, I can get that from /soc/. Himclit is the only thing I crave.
Should I feel better about that?
>unironic chasers
/xivg/ has fallen
Anon, that's a whole ass grown ass man.
have them go through the MSQ to stormblood, have them know it's worth it
Ahh you're at a pretty good spot desu, the robot guys is great and he's one of the highlights of DT.
am i in /xivg/ or /lgbt/
gnarled fujoid hands
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>I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
i've heard this before somewhere
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I don't know why I keep coming to this place. I swear you guys were at least marginally less gay in Shadowbringers.
tranny chasing malera run these threads
I don't care anymore I NEED TO GROOM THAT THING
The only tranny chasing I approve of is with torches and pitchforks by god.
your god is pretty weak if he has to chase people with torches and pitchforks
post flat chest
Phineas and Ferb
Awful lot of gayposting going on here, how do we fix this?
It's a very common reddit meme, I think it comes from some gay cartoon show for children.
You don't hunt with nukes. Sports are no fun unless there's an element of luck and skill.
Yeah, I think I'm done posting during EU hours, nothing wrong with being gay, but it's like showing up to a relaxing sauna and then every hairy tranny dude is buttfucking in it
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funnily enough it almost happened, makes me laugh because 90% of the time i was on some shitty job like EW RPR
I hate spending time with my eb
We need biofems posting
wish my official non-official eb would throatfuck my femra but he's been so distant lately...
present dark skinned or tan girls to me for inspection
need more hrt titties posted...
I will never understand you chasers.
simping for biofems is the gayest shit ever
>but it's like showing up to a relaxing sauna and then every hairy tranny dude is buttfucking in it
but thats the best part of saunas
t. swedish guy
>almost happened
meant almost never happened oops
Trying to get gatherer scrips is the most unfun shit ever.
Wait a minute.
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Get men loyal girlfriends.
Get women loyal boyfriends.
I'm part of the belief that too much loneliness makes one gay enough to pass as a tranny plapper and femboy impregnator out of a need to be with someone due to how humans are wired to be social.
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It's been days since I found out my Long Term Short Distance Thread Crush Fiddie EB was a man through vocaroo, or maybe only 16 hours. I have lost all sense of time and self.
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Post cock.
Good sign of your age in pic rel. You needn't worry, femboyism is a state of mind. Twink death is definitely real tho. I accept you. Now post cock.
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>Men become women
>BTFO of them in their own sport leagues and even the Olympics
>BTFO of them in bust size
Are women OK?
>the most unfun shit ever
Try talking to Atma Buster.
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first off you wont do shit, you never will lol
They're quite smooth, actually.
Not a chaser I just want to see tits and I play the numbers
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Obviously you all have seen what's going on, sorry firstly to people I hurt directly over the years.
The horsing has been an issue I've worked on (through off and on therapy among other stuff) for a long time.
Not going into details why I'm my brand of fucked up because ultimately it doesn't matter. It is something that has been, is being, and will continue to be worked on.

There is also shit floating around that is untrue - I'm not going into too much detail again because it ultimately doesn't matter and contains some pretty fucked up stuff.

Sorry to people indirectly hurt, people close to me, close to catgirls I've been with.
And sorry to people here, I know people will catch flak for being close to me. I'm generally a private person, and these were private issues.

I'll pass server lead over to Kou and dip.
I've had relationships with women for over a decade. Just the thought of making a man submissive and woman like is high test
I already replied to you once bro don't be greedy.
Ummmm womenbros? Our response????
PLEASE present more my malera is STARVING
>You needn't worry, femboyism is a state of mind. Twink death is definitely real tho. I accept you. Now post cock.
Bro I'm just a fat hairy guy that likes women and wish you guys would talk about the game more and genitals less.
I know but you're too much of a coward to say anything so I'm going to keep making you miserable.
So if you're not British, are you a New Englander or one of the surviving Rhodesians?
smooth fujoid hands
i think viper has at least twice as many players as sam now
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Men are better than women at everything, including being women.
where's garuda when you need her
God I just want some malera to run a train on my femra
>someone does a casual oath in English that contains the word “god”
>instant lgbt meltdown
The homos aren’t doing well
errrrmrmm.. moonies?????
you think god created this entire fucking thing then decided after watching nothing for a few trillions years to hop down to earth and tell us that putting woobers in buttholes is gay and to not do that
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viper a shit
There has never been a woman who has played this game and posted on xivg anon.
Kong plz, I don't want to see your futacock. That wasn't what I meant by you were better than a biofem.
Have a cock then yeah
AutoDuty makes me feel dirty but it's working. It got stuck on all the 'teleporters' in The Praetorium though. First one it just kept running into the wall, second one it sat in front without interacting with it. Switched over to background (low fps mode) and it's chugging along.
qrd on this post and image
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take a look at how many adult men are single and not haven't had sex in a year or more
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
wawo wawo
Yeah what happened to moonieposting
I don't think I could ignore the dick when I'm hitting it from the back
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I hate that this scene has the WoL instead of Thanny. It should've been Thancred there, not the WoL. Story wise it would've had more of an impact, gameplay wise in like 10 or 20 minutes you'll solo Ran'jit solo anyway in his powered up form.
From here on out, it should've either been like a scene where the WoL faces off the Browlander and it fades to black, then the Minfilia stuff happens and ShB wasn't shy about showing what NPCs are up to before so why now? Anyway, after the Thancred and Minfilia stuff happens, it fades back in on the WoL and showcases him victorious over Brow'jit in his powered form but he fucks off.
Instead of, you know, fucking off from a clearly tired, heavily wounded and almost dead, aetherless Midlander while he himself still seemed in some asskicking shape, could've killed Thancred right there and then.
I'm bothered.
I mean why do you think they orientate towards jrpgs? The genre known for killing gods. They must've been giddy when all the twelve returned to the lifestream, thus, invalidating all religion in xiv beyond a giant prayer machine at the center of the universe. SE caters to this ideology. Always has.
ok im waiting...
show armpit
dog in wig
What is your femra like?
Kind of hard to find a woman who wants to date a lesbian(trans) and isn't a bigot racist sexist that will only date men, I HAVE A PENIS
same bro, i'm reaching around for that shit
My goonie is online
I love raping women taller than me.
>t. Lalaboy
this is a dude
Cute titties, princess.
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>not even a catbox
Okay we got the auto duty plugin to bot dungeons
is there one to bot fates yet?
i hate you all so, so, so much
Hot take.

Guy nipples are gross.
Holy shit what's wrong with your nipple
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you've been replying to me this whole time and you didn't know!!!!!
Bro, your Meria? Your Miki?
xiv almost always has a positive view on religion, they just wanted to clear the deck of ancients and primals they’ve been lugging about since arr
*closes thread*
Nice set of tits then.
You're not really a moonie are you, more like a doonie
Mr. Advertiser a second pair of tits has hit the general.
I forgot I forgot I forgot
killing myself now bye
nice tits bro
erm.... moonie butt?
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You are all unworthy. Prepare for final judgement by God.
This is still a middie
if you can't figure it out you don't deserve it

Before you go, can you give me some armor suggestions?
i'll miss you king
so now we have dudes posting their irl nipples instead of their femra
Come on shorty, let’s not break suspension of disbelief.
Please be on estrogen
my EU tranny wife from the same timezone as me...
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What the FUCK is going on in this thread.
husbant.... nooo......
Holy based, thank you anon
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Does this satisfy your needs?
Would you settle for an oldie?
you're not supposed to ignore it
You are gay if you don't want to see a bitch posting her tits
Someone's son.
permanently online loners i guess
Gabe is staring at fiddies
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>Just the thought of making a man submissive and woman like is high test
Understandable, I employ that mindset too.
Nice tits then, broski.
Crippling loneliness manifesting its primal nature through anonymous internet messages.
Now that's a moonie, deserving of consensual petting and handholding
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Turkish sister...?
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am logged in
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looking for healer / dps friend around level 65 to queue over and over again with me pls
Ein Froth, Ein Volk, Ein Furrier
You won't. You'll wind up like me where they annul and dont tell you and you just kind of find out when thread talks about them and "their eb" then spend a whole week crying over it before getting angry and quitting entirely
Getting ebd to the wrong person killed this game for me
>umm you're mentally ill YOU HAVE TO SEX WITH MY PUSSY
The ego of women has lead to this very problem.
Be my wife.
>decide I'm gonna tough it out and level crafters
>look at gillionaire girls guide
>gearing up and melding materia to even do the crafts
>remember I've been ignoring class quests since the start
>look at all the gear on the mb
>either overpriced or sold out
Dude this fucking SUCKS how do people stand this shit
Thank you! :D
who are you quoting
We're bound together
Now and forever
The loneliness has gone
Do you like lalaboys?
almost everyone in here saying you have to have sex with women is a man
Make me :)
now you only have to level the submissive jobs, anon.
hope you got your lovense ready
>found a plugin that auto logs in to your character
How new?
what is it bro
Khagans, my woober is dripping...
I just might! :)
My phone has embarssimgky learned the word “primalspic”

also niggerball
Good girl mindset, I like it
Try me slut.
It did not learn the word embarrassingly. Looks like you have no shame in this, which is based
just throw the whole thing away
You can skip the crafting quests until you way over level them without trying to gear up specifically at lvl 50/60/70, you only really need to do the chains to get up to unlocking Manipulation but you can put that off until near max level when it starts to matter
You should also post tits like the other girls did!
How does this >>494334628 relate to that post? You're clearly a guy. The janny thinks as much since I can still see your post. Please quit the facade.
Wait so are you an actual biofem or a tranny? The post chain made me think it was a girl but no offense, your nips make me doubt it.
vauthry please come back
Because they're also a tranny lol
hello, which race is the most free use at the moment
because god i need to unload
*beats you with a giant mallet* stop that
Just saying bros, you haven't lived until you have made a man/femboy/tranny cum from pounding his ass.
>wahhh that's gay
I don't give a fuck

are you guys ready to call each other niggers in voice chat?
Sorry but I don't do IRL nudes if that's what you're asking for purely due to one bad experience.
So the best I can do is in game :3
Current body:
Old Body:
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You said man 3 times
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They're all men until they show downstairs. That's the rule.
I know they were acting like a biofem with that comment chain. At least the vocaroo fags had the decency of outting themselves without much fuss.
don't do that
i haven't met one person who sent me a friend request in PF that didn't immediately reveal themselves to be some prog liar or otherwise bad actor trying to game the system through nepotism
Now he's someone's slut.
This is rule #43 of the Khagan code.
old body was better
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This is actually painful.
WOOF WOOF AWOOOOGA AWOOOOOOOOOOOOO *stomps feet in place and jumps up and down* GIMME GIMME GIMME *makes grabby hands towards dem titties* COME TO MALERA DADDY!!!
I only add people who are better than me so I know your dps will carry my gray parse
Tbh they never specified they are a biofem themselves, tit size is inherited so if you get on HRT they'll probs be the size of your mom's.
vauthry... garuda... somebody...
I cum harder from bottoming for trannies and being their little spoon
t. straight biopole playing F char
Don't let one bad experience ruin it for you.
This thread needs saving from itself
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Just to make it clear, i only posted tits because the anon demanded. I can't let a good white hard working christian American anon hanging, can i? That said, i've been enjoying Samurai more after the answers (not to the tits), thank you and sorry if i disrupted the thread.
a canon named malera looked down at me just as my 34 min queue popped was it divine intervention
t. femlala
I agree
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are you?
You look so cool in that jacket
malera hands typed this post
If you post your nudes in the thread I will never consider EBing you
Why would I want to EB you?
Good girl.
I just wouldn't consider EBing anyone from here at all
I've had nothing but bad experiences
I'm almost at 100... femlala btw..
What body is the old one?
It's on the thicker side for sure, so I tend to pull it out for animation stuff if the small one is playing up.
I'd like it if you never contacted me again.
I get what you're saying, but it's not happening.
Thank you! It gave me an Arknights feel, so I enjoy wearing it every now and then.
I'm gonna post my nipple I need xivg's vaunted opinion
Old one is just basic Bibo+ with YAB oily texture.
Small everything if I'm not mistaken?
Because you're a lonely faggot if you're posting pictures of yourself in the thread
Nil post
Wow, don't be a prude. You and I both know that that delicious scrumptious body is MADE for big malera cock!
It better be a hairy man nipple.
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erping with my himcess over voice chat
The trick is to EB someone you didn't meet here
If I demanded would you EB my malera?
Please please please just nuke this fucking thread.
I tried ShB fates and the xp is pretty bad on a solo tank. Back to dungeons.
Yes, but why would I care about not EBing you? I wouldnt EB anyone from here
wheres the plugin
my femlala is awake and ignoring that anon's titties hi everyone
We're fucked untill the next one, ain't nothing we can do unless vauthry saves us
Catgirls with small modest breasts
licky licky licky
holy meowly
This sounds completely normal idk what that other anon is on about a fake voice
How do you install? Spoon feed me like I'm 5.
Huh. I don't remember the Bibo+ chest looking like that, but it's been a while.
Buying the cheapest early 360 era microphone I can and putting the sensitivity to maximum before I go to a meetup
Arguably the same, if not worse.
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Sure thing, anon. You starting from scratch or do you already something you're working on?
You're too young to be playing this game, little guy.
Installing rn but no one will ever know who I am.
Hii hii heeey hello HII ^_^ hii!!
I was led astray by false pretenses and promises they had no inclination to uphold
Now they whine about being lonely always
Will next spooky club or meetup be held somewhere less congested?
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my lalaboy looks and acts like this
built to be corrected by +
Maid dress
why's he so gay with it...?
*stiffarms your giant forehead*
What now, manlet?
I can't anon, I already married my femxaela wife
What do you two qts sound like?
Hypno into obedient slut.
May I post my brown girl next thread
why not do it now
how does it work
Have you found time to make a portrait gpose of https://files.catbox.moe/9cgbjt.png but with your arms up and pants down
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We had a good thread, you stupid son of a bitch! We had khagans, we had himcesses, we had all the ERP mods we needed, and it all ran like clockwork! You could have held your posts, gooned with grown men, gotten as much EB offers as you wanted! But no, you just had to blow it up! You and your pride and your HRT titties! You just had to be the girl!
I dunno what to tell you I've had my EB I met irl for years at this point
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>if you posted in this thread
its your fault
>if you read more than 5 posts itt
its also your fault
>print logs to chat
just the littlest bit homo... perhaps a bit faggy
whats my fault
I don't really care for anal desu, but frotting? I get goosebumps just thinking about it.
Safe to say malera stocks are ruined FOREVER. Do not reply to them anymore. Find better males to persue.
Phenomenal post
I wasn't part of this conversation, but here you go: https://vocaroo.com/1aGT3jVaH7j2
Can attest to this, probably a winning strategy.
mike my goat
You're the exception, treasure what you have.
best post ITT
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I invest in melf and middie, malera was my offshoot but this khagan code has gone too far... Where are your standards...
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If she were a final fantasy character, who would she be?
idk why you guys act like they've dropped massively when malera stocks have never been good.
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>woke up in the middle of the night
>started fucking around in photoshop
>figured out how to make my own body freckle mod
I'm too powerful now, I cannot be contained.
Malera are FUCKED
I never cared much for anal either until I found a fembiy irl with a juicy ass that cleaned himself regularly, he got me into cumming from foot jobs and smelling his feet too so maybe he cautious if you don't want extra fetishes added down the road
Starting from scratch, mainly been using the AF sets for each tank but been wanting to get a few good looking sets of armor I can use when tanking.
based divine inspiration artiste
Crazy but I don't remember asking.
is it really saishi
this post radiates seething 80iq energy
Sorry I'll let you get back to your transgirl tiddy viewing.
I'm very tired.
i laughed
Seems like it
Have any examples I could follow?
can you figure out how to make an armpit hair mod and let me know
g.... garuda....
How do I find a XIV brownoid transgirl into white cock

Tranny guide is now redundant
don't forget to fill the womb of your local femlala!!
aids convention
>this thread
Israelis are the only euros left having heterosexual intercourse.
Trembling, scaly femra hands typed this post.
Israelis are not european.
Yeah I'll get back to you
>attention seeking tranny who posts man-tits after asking a question about samurai
there's no way
>never used plugins
>see item vendor and monster loot plugins
free trial crafting just leveled up, kupo
That's /xivg/ I know that
Disregard malera. Invest in male midlanders.
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!!! WARNING !!!

Nanky Meek is a paranoid Lightoid notorious for being a backstabbing nigger. This idiotic shemale himcess is a big time horse cock fangirl(boy) and has a multitude of incidents ranging from deleting an FC chest because someone pissed him off, to being a massive homewrecker in general. He is a magnet for drama and cannot be trusted at all. If you end up on his bad side, he will spread lies about you to anyone unfortunate enough to listen.
He leaked over 100 images of logs. He lies to make himself look better. He is obsessed with Soima Tho and has had multiple relationships with him. He non-stop talks shit behind people's backs. He has caused several three-way relationships to end, Soima/Binis/Nanky, Soima/Ryun/Vazi, Soima/Falke/Binis and Nanky/Gar/Eiki.
After HORSING Eiki. and prematurely killing the grown ass men relationship between the two most wholesome catgirls in Light.
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this man is painfully unaware
this thread is an AMAZING filter ad
Easy on the slavophobia
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So, anon, why are you not on Balmung yet? You are aware the server is open... right?
It's an honor to be joined by man (singular)
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Why would I live where people shit?
How are you so retarded holy shit I hope the next five threads are full of pretty transwomen showing off their budding HRT titties and malera chasing them just to punish your stupidity. Fuckin' retard.
I'd rather not join the gooner capital server thanks, its full of freaks
I like my penis where it is.
>posts and spends time here
that's the plan.. just need to find the right one
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Does he like femlalas? Can I claim him? Can I groom him in the fashion sense?
my eb is on balmung...
Malera completely trashing their own stocks will never not be funny, why even have a malera Monday? They deserve nothing.
I moved
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Because I have a house.

On Excalibur, Primal.
Indeed, its like visiting a zoo where you get to look at animal exhibits except it's GAM and trannies
No you didn't like my song
what happened
>typical med behavior
I didn’t say *exclusively* heterosexual sex

Are you suggesting they are indigenous to the Middle East?
My balls are hangin like mad I just wanna dip them in your mouth
No one erps or slutglams on FFXI, btw. Come be amongst friends.
I only fill their butts, sorry.
I love femroes so much. I wish femroes were real.
Scroll up.
my eb has a house on our current server. Not like I spend much time on the mung anyway desu
Since I haven't dived into doing my own poses, this is probably the best I can do IF I'm thinking this is what you wanted.
Second one may be more accurate?
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post your server's solution 9
I was just on Excalibur. Man that place STINKS!
rude of you... we need to be treated with upmost care and that involves womb painting
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Well the QRD is sexpesting trannies and a Miqo
Does anybody have a gallery of all these pics.
The anon clearly said portrait so you've already messed up
They are real. Go to any anime convention.
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Excalibur, Primal.
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>there are perfectly good guys I can eb who'd treat me good
>go for a slutty himcess who hurts me instead
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>amerimutt starts talking
>it's the dumbest post itt
I knew I was forgetting something..
i hate malera so goddamn much
thats it? i was expecting omega level cringe like that one malera rizz post
>tfw playing with a new static today
>incredibly nervous
it's over before it even began
I mean, if you are on Balmung we can. Would you like to EB for the sake of EB or would you like something more? I'm always down to talk to anyone from here, as long you're not a lalaboy lmao.
apologies i'm just waking up and too otherwise distracted to type well...
I'm working on it
Because Aether is much more pleasant
Hard pass. Whore.
I will always stand by our greatest ally, the only heterosexual European nation
Balmung would be nicer if you stopped sending your rejects here to shit up shout.
That IS omega level cringe
your head is clearly filled with fluff
I'm from Coeurl.. my server is respectable, yes?
Ignore the other anon these are good
Actually I have a different request since you provided these
Could you do one where you're on your knees mouth open and tongue out, waiting for a cumshot i.e. tribute
My hrothgar is on Balmung and will give out free hugs.
I was nervous about playing with my new static too anon

I played like shit
Feeling sad today.
are your initials SK?
nah you haven't seen the worst of it by a mile
all Balmung xivggers are some of the gayest most retarded niggas in this thread
You'll do fine anon I believe in you!
Nigga he literally posted his tranny teats to the thread, what server he plays on in an MMO isn't what makes him a whore.
AutoDuty for Ultima is horrible. Phase 1 it wouldn't attack, phase 2 it wouldn't heal. I gave it a try after getting phase 1 to 50% and it was able to finish it though.
Coeurl is the "new player that couldn't start on Balmung first" world.
Sorry for the slow response. What kind of look do you like? My tastes lean in a specific direction but I don't want to assume you're the same.
I'm not them, i know exactly who you mean, i know them since 2020 and they are a good precious friend of mine. But no, i'm not them.
Is it cringe to actually cum irl when your dom tells you to while ERPing? I couldn't help myself when she called me a faggot cumdump slave while fucking my catgirl and I shot handsfree...
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What would it take for you to give out the offer of being someone's personal bodyguard to protect them from harm from all costs? I would offer you gil to randomly protect someone else.
that's brynhildr because newtards go alphabetically
and it's why brynhildr's reputation is shit in terms of gameplay
I've never met a straight tranny, but I'll keep trying.
listening to your dom is based, anon
Sorry man, they're all yours.
If my sub doesn't send me pics of his loads I leak our logs in our mutual discords.
it's cringe in the sense that now you have to clean up which is annoying
I wish the wall would go back up
Launch DT where all the tourists got cockblocked was the best balmung has been in years
Isn't he on Aether?
Sure, next time I see you loitering in balmung I’ll pick you up and we can run fates while I play poorly. I’ll be pretty drunk so you’ll have to have a multi-seat mount to cart me around
>Is it cringe to actually cum irl when your dom tells you to while ERPing?
If that's cringe, then I'm cringe pretty damn often.
True gooners always have a tissue box handy. The expert spot is in a desk drawer immediately accessible by your non-jerking hand.
I've been sitting here for 2 hours reporting people in Ul'dah /shout
Why are they so openly sex starved and creepy
okay folks it wasn't saishi

no i wasn't talking about the lalafell
Made an alt for it.
Won't transfer because I got subs.
Zalera isn't clogged a lot.
I'm thinking of moving out of balmung to aether since it has a more active pf for when I feel like doing content. I don't go to the social hubs of crystal that much anymore and have preferred to stay at home or make gposes by myself.
my maloonie is on balmung and is milked by bored women in alleyways
malera are cooked
2 hours you will never get back...
I'm a gay and retarded tranny and I play on balmung. checks out.
Sex tourists from all around XIV DCs rush to Ul'dah Balmung thinking the game rules don't apply anymore and expect everyone to be a sex fiend, the first few weeks when travel restrictions were strict was great without those people around
this guy GOONS
You know come to think of it, the reason people probably think roes and hroth are nice and trustworthy is only because they assume they are gay baras and thus not a threat to them or their crushes.
>no i wasn't talking about the lalafell
Who else has those initials?
Well you won't see me disagreeing here, I have always been of the opinion that DC travel ended up a net negative for the game and community.
It is always those not from Balmung lmfao
no it was because people were playing the game AND most importantly there were no mods
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Oh, not my personal bodyguard, just pick someone, that's not me, to be their loyal guardian for however long as you please.
I'm okay at the game and have cleared a lot of stuff but I'm very shy with new people
the worst part is that I'm going to be trialed by another group a few days later, and then a third one at some point too...
Good post
>white middie
You just know.
I find the people of crystal to be catty and transactional, which is really what being dominated “fetishes” does to a person. I prefer warm friendship to plapping (which I can get by visiting)
Mare was back before the restrictions were gone
Which catgirl is this so I know who to go after...?
Why are you guys being so public about them lately? Saishi was my first crush back in 2020, i think it's my oldest frenship from XIV. It's always such a throwback talking to them even though it's rare.
Macska Aranyos
mods were back by day 2
I'm sure it'll be okay I doubt they'll expect you to be extremely talkative off the bat just do your best and you'll be grand
not the gooner ones
When I ERP I lay a towel on the floor so I can just stand up and blast my load
>about them
>talking to them
you can say "him"
you cay say "he's"
it's okay to admit it
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Killing whoever this guy tries to protect so he has a mental breakdown and considers hanging up his cape
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when you have a taste for blood, it actually isn't
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I think your English is falling apart. I’m picking a third party for you to guard?
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Fuck your ERPing with grown men, flirting like a pajeet is gonna get me pussy tonight~
Final Fantasy XIV
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yeah I probably panic too easily in social situations it's stupid
this is sad
Something like that..
Mm, I don't think I can pull that one off with the experience and poses I have I'm afraid.
Wasn't that bad until DC and world travel
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Today I'm gonna level WHM, I have a feeling it won't be fun
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No, I'd pay you gil to be another Hrothgar sworn to protect others for a while.

I wouldn't give up after a single failure, but I would feel shame and defeat in my powerlessness to fulfil my duty
that fight was so soulful
I felt like it was very boring
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reminds me of this post
xivg will not survive 7.1 being a flop
Hi guys what's up
The sky kek
anon what is a 'throat goat'?
Dragon dimmadome? Owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome?
Can't gain experience if you don't try!

Trying to make female mods to work and getting a migraine from it
check zurvan
Yes it would, because the infrastructure of the game is still there, it'd actually take an entire expansion or two of absolute buttfuck nothing for the game to eventually fizzle out. The fact that the game has taken a hit due to absolute garbage writing and the existence of Kate and Sena is undeniable though.
The price of a good time.
every time i'm stalking someone by googling their lodestone and find out they named their character after some anime garbage, i blacklist them and never think about them again
this has happened dozens of times
>you haven't lived until you have made a man/man/man cum from pounding his ass
>it'd actually take an entire expansion or two of absolute buttfuck nothing for the game to eventually fizzle out.
That was endwalker though
i named my character after food
>Ugh, why are these weebs using Japanese anime characters name in this Japanese MMO?
>Fucking disgusting
Malera/Miera post
What does kate have to do with anything
Hotdog With-Beans....
My lalafell wife...
Weebs will get made because nobody likes their anime shit but not because of the stalking shaking my head to be honest family.
Endwalker was when people started engaging in the "nightlife" and discovering the faffing around doing nothing much in the community side of the game. It was proof that people can use the game for other things if the devs are incompetent.

Yes another expansion of absolute garbage would not help, but the game would still survive. However it would require the dev team to get back on stage and apologize for the shitshow and really bring it back the next expansion for it not to enter a death spiral.
No femlala likes lalaboys this is a certified fiddie post
the only way you will ever kill this game is by either breaking mods forever or making it so hard that modders simply quit
even if they put the game on life support you'll still have an insane amount of people logging in just to socialize and rp
anime a shit and being derivative is even more a shit
>b but ffxiv is anime
love the gameplay hate the genre that inspired it
maybe vote with your dollar and play a game that doesnt give stalkers a dozen tools both official and third party to stalk anyone anywhere at any time in a way that cannot be blacklisted or privatized
considering how sparse and lean the 6.x patches were we may be pretty far along that timeline already
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Erenville was right in the DT trailer, when he said to Alphi, don't you forget the REAL purpose of our journey. *points at giant derpy looking catgirl*
i love the targeting lines plugin to even more than ptom
Driving people away from the game with her influence on the game and the community. Not everyone kicks up a fuss, if there's someone being a negative influence they'll just take the path of least resistance and move onto something else.
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good thing nobody knows what I named my character after haha lol
It's going to survive on the same whales who have made the game their personality.
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femlala eb for this feel?
i transferred here years ago and still regret it
No worries, apologies for my slow response as well. I was looking for something similar to your tastes, you seem to pick really cool looking armors, I like the vibe of them so that's why I was asking for advice. I play all tanks except PLD so I tend to prefer darker armor
>love the gameplay
Is XIV the only game you play, the gameplay hasn't been a strongpoint in years with how bad the jobs are
I'll never understand it myself as I can chat a strangers ear off but I have full faith in you anon!
>having thoughts of fantaing to femboy lalaboy so a femlala can groom me into being a fulala sleeve
I'm going to Church on Sunday to ask for forgiveness
this nigga is a social butterfly
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I'm going to use the microphone I bought in '97 for my first PC and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Leave the gay shit here please

>Mm, I don't think I can pull that one off with the experience and poses I have I'm afraid.
i can help you learn posing tools if you promise to ignore thins cringe thread goomer shit and keep it in game
>with how bad the jobs are
high end content is better than ever althougheverbeit
and the good jobs are largely untouched
erenville is fucking annoying
goddamn what does he even do
i have a wind up cursor minion too everyone has that one dude
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I need an Aether healer to queue up for Skydeep PRONTO, we're on the last boss and had to kick the last dude for trolling
I based it on my irl name and a car
You're goddamn right anon
I appreciate the offer, really I do.
I'm no gooner per se, I just enjoy making others feel good.
I'll learn eventually, maybe.
I based it on my favorite GoT character and my favorite jutsu.
>I'm no gooner per se, I just enjoy making others feel good.
not saying you are
its the other guy that you are enabling
Can I add you in game? It'll be easier for me to give you advice there, especially since this thread's about to die.
mine is character from a book and then my ex eb's last name
Ohhh I see what you mean now.
I am..a bit of an enabler, not intentionally usually but it comes with the making them feel good.
A "friend" conned me into going there then promptly abandoned me because their real friends were there and I was no longer needed
If I ever come back I'm transferring off
Please consider trying, it doesn't matter if it doesn't look good to you I'm sure I'll love it
random assortment of japanese words, memes, lazy desk object naming conventions are the fashion
loreful or at least vaguely fantastical names seem to genuinely annoy ffxiv players
its retarded but true
One day, maybe..
my femlala likes how lalaboys *look*, but they need to calm down!
you are the reason malera have a bad name

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