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Previous thread: >>494321597

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

who cares about shitmael? post faust
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>Faust became Yuri for Gregor
>Faust became Kromer for Sinclair
>Yi Sang only escaped by becoming Dongbaek and no one really cares for Ishmael
The outcome is already known.
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No matter how food fixated Rodya is, her character will at least never be as flat as Ryoshus.
Nobody posted Ishmael, schizobro.
on a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a brick do you think Deyvat Rodya is going to be if it turns out she's a rupture ID?
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This thread is pro shipping
>rodya has a whole new gimmick
>is the first id
The chances of it being good is very low...
I need Don.
So Rodya's suicide mechanic's gotta do with panic, right? It's what was responsible for the softlocking that was happening earlier and that was from sinners hitting -45
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dieci rodion
what the fuck are you even talking about you weirdo shipfag?
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Best ship
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Who is the most misunderstood ID in the game,
and why is it Middle Don?
grip sinclair
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Faust harem
Bye, Gone Breasts.
you're wrong. It's either going to be complete shit or absolutely busted. They don't know how to balance it
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wait are you the Heathmael schizo? would make sense you dont care about Ishmael after she didnt do shit on Heath's canto lol
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>Middle Don
Look I love her as any of her IDs but shes ok at best, the 6 resonance requirement is a real pain in the ass.
can I get the don quixote support picture with the weird eyes. Or the Ryoshu one. I just wanna see the weird eyes.
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Rodya LOVE!
They should really have a proper character design sheet. It's so all over the place. I used to think it's just the artist but no, it's the same one with Wingbeat. Who's deciding this?
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Is there full?
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Big brother Heath will S A V E middle Don.
remove other males and replace them with female sinners please
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I'm gonna ship my cock down yo bussy
you need to be hanged
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And with a new ID! Things are looking up!
Ishmael was the one with the longest content gap, don't be dishonest now
No? I just found that post when lurked in archives
>the cast is sooo gooood
>most people hate half of the sinners
Works terribly in non-focused fights if you want to use her gimmick and speed in general is a motherfucker
>Ryoshu flat tits GOOD
>Ishmael flat tits BAD
Explain /lcg/
This isn't new to PM. Even Angela looks like a freaking flattie in LoR cause of the portrait angle.
><I can't compete...GODcliff...have my wife faust...>
jesus this is a pathetic show shipcuck, and then you wonder why everyone thinks you are weird
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SHITmael DENIED us from OUR DONTENT. She is confirmed the SHITTEST Sinner.
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Uhh claws? Yeah this one.
Consistency. We know Paus is busty. We know Ryoshu is flat. Ishmael is all over the place.
it might not be the same artist
there are 4 illustration artists as of canto vi, with kim yoonjoong (nai_ga?) as the lead, then kim donghwan, yang hoyeon, and jung jaehee
nai_ga's style is distinctive but the others could be anything
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Ishbros, I think we have to survive this slaughter until they hit us with the tits singularity again like they did with Don and make her big like the boatworks ID.
I don't hate any sinner, you are falling for the shitposters gaslighting
>I walk down the back halls of the bus, ready to fall asleep after a long day of abusing abnormalities
>It feels oddly nostalgic to be putting these monstrosities in its place, almost like this is what I was meant for
>The sinners enjoy being able to destroy some of the abnormalities they used to have to play nice with
>As I reach my room, I notice a hair of light leaking from the door one over.
>As unpredictable as they can be, usually the sinners keep their own rooms rather secure, especially since Don’s last incident…
>My curiosity bests me and I move closer to the opened door, hearing something as I begin to peek within
>as it gets louder I can tell it’s a soft, wet, rhythmic slapping
>as I lean into the light of the open door I see inside Sinclair, stripped down to nothing, laying on his back with his legs lifted open the far wall
>a obscenely large, ornate, and well-detailed black colored dildo sits in one of Sinclair’s hands, colliding with his exposed balls and taint at a rapid pace
>In his other hand lay a picture of Kromer, only identifiable by the toothy smile and haircut
>the rest of her features are blocked out by a massive black cock, nearly identical to the one in Sinclair’s other hand
>save for the white lipstick mixed with semen staining it’s length
>The sound of my voice predictably scares him, and I watch him collapse in on himself to protect the semblance of modesty he no longer has.
>He stammers, struggling to come up with the magic combination of words that would somehow absolve him, but I interrupt.
><I'll give you the Big Black Clock you want.>
>I step further into the room, unzipping my pants as the door closes behind me.
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You already got T.corp Don, which is great for a non seasonal. Just wait for her super busted season special 000 and EGO.
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Don will break the pattern and we will receive something at the start of season 5 and the doomposting will be insane because people will say she already had a ID this season
...i don't get it.
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Mentally ill faustfag, many such cases
>Waistline goes beyond the tie
That's cope.
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>Don will break the pattern and we will receive something at the start of season 5 and the doomposting will be insane
That would be hilarious.
Nice thread limbabs
i think this would be neat
i don't like how predictable canto ids are getting
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if you like at least one of them the other sinners don't matter
>Sinclairsissy self-inserter pretends he doesnt get it because he supports the shitposter
i hate every sinclairfag
Thank you,
>He said while replying to one of the very shitposters he's talking to
Could be wearing something that compresses them more than others (yes I am coping)
except for the fact that they have to take turns and you have to wait at least half a year for content of your favorite because of the 11 other shitters
i want to have zero-gravity sex with demian
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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I won
I only unironically hate Sinclair. I think his screentime is a waste, his voice actor is shit, and his IDs and EGOs are all boring.
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That's wrong.
I hate more than just half.
next update is kjh getting all ishmael art redrawn to be flat for consistency
>bygone days ego
>then zwei west in 2 weeks
Ishbros WON
just how it is in gachaslop
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So is Devyat Rodya another unique charge type ID?
wrong, she just wears a push up bra in the skins you THINK she's bustier. She suffers from breast envy and always waits for everyone else to be done in the women's changing rooms before changing herself.
Mirror mirror, tell me something...
Who's the loneliest of aaaaaalllll
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not to that point i mostly dont care about him but yeah its astounding people actually can like such a meh character
Finally I can take a break, I'm not farming for Ish fuck that
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>his voice actor is shit
Hot as fuck
>Boris the Jjobber
Even Yan robbed his distortion spot
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I wonder if we're gonna face the barber in her canto. It was alluded to, and there was a rather important barber character in Don's book, mostly trying to stop Don Quixote along with the local priest from acting any more retarded.
I tried to trace the outline of the creases created by the fabric of the clothes (when it was visible or implied), you ccould try to do the same. I would like to have other points of view with this.
Other gachaslop don't even give you content for your favorite unless it so happens to be the favorite of the majority of the playerbase.

Fuck you black pearl cookie you already had 2 skins you don't need another.
unique charge - poise clearly!
Distorting means you are a loser.
the insult was unwarranted, but the va just does not do high pitched voices well
>jobs and distorts to a neet hag and a broken typewriter
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Better to get something than nothing at all.
Boris had zero reason to distort.
He didn't even have any plot relevance, despite being a henchman.
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>Box kills Rodya
>It vanishes a second later near her corpse
Does it have some type of teleportation tech? Or at least one that sends it back to sender?
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Cute and Canon coming through
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Shitclair is by far the most reddit and xitter sinner
>b-but the census--
Even a BROKEN and RETARDED clock is right twice a day. I wish he wasn't posted here.
>Boris had zero reason to distort.
Hydraulic press distortion sounds fun
>/lcg/ hates Ishmael and Sinclair
>/v/ on the other hand makes fun off Outis constantly
Why is this?
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Just for that, you have now cursed us to get the Zwei west Sinclair 00, instead of Don.
i think it's fine, not the singing but just in general
>when the census confirms my biases it's accurate
>when it doesn't it's just a broken clock being right twice a day
Understood, retard kun
Who cares
>instant example of a faggot overweight Sinclair SI'er
Who cares
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I don't though?
Why not?
You can see it breaks into shards, showing it's not teleportation, Rodion just stop the connection by being dead. It's a box from a mirror world, so if she dies, her ID goes away along with the box.
How can Sinclair be a reddit xitter sinner when Reddit and Xitter don't like him?
You are just coping.
Ish is popular so she gets shit on. It's worse now because Donfags are seething about not getting a knight ID. Everyone hates Sinclair
Sinclair really is only appealing to low test self inserters now that I think about it. Pathetic, really.
I care
Shut up.
Nah, the barber isn't really the sorta person who makes sense to fight. A lot of the time in the book he sorta eggs Don on.
We are far more likely to fight against the Knight of Mirrors/Pale Moon, the priest, canon, and likely something to do with windmills
I also expect us to encounter, though probably not fight, a Duke and Duchess who play around with Don to entertain themselves.
I'm mostly curious how they will handle Sancho
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>ovenbreak hosts a costume voting event
>underdog pond dino (who has zero costumes) even beats a few legendaries
>sugar swan (who already has a legendary costume) beats her anyway
what's the point
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Yo, fags!
While you all whine about useless shit i've found THIS Angelica in /vst/ archives
Check THIS out
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I don't feel strongly about him actually. I just find this overblown hatred that's most likely theatrics funny.
It's the type of thing where you want to see just how far someone is willing to pretend, or you hope it's genuine cause its so stupid.
Sinclair does have the worst fanbase on this general, from the tranny that calls itself a woman and his gore fetish to the ritualposter that had a melty from Lintonclair jokes
To the >hahaha you are so mad im gonna spam him posters that were gonna spam him anyways and the unironic faggots who delude themselves with twink fanart of him
>Faust is popular on both boards
the most nothing pm character of all time
Trust me bros I like Sinclair because he's got a lot of potential for growth he's not literally me or anything, really
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Arcueid and Loland
>distortions aren't jobbers
Carmen please
Yes, but they're not going to be a regular barber. They're the one who fashioned Cassetti's punishment mask remember? The barber is apparently renowned for such type of work, so they're probably a bloodfiend.
ok but can you stop talking like a redditor?>>494367669
the potential thing has to be the most obnoxious thing about any character of that kind ever
yes i dont like JJK's Megumi
>Sub-WAW jobbers(emphasis on plural)
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Content that makes my dick hard: good
Content that doesn't make my dick hard: bad
This is the objectively correct way to view things
>New Rodion ID is actually a great Bleed ID that helps with count and clashes well

>Her flee mechanic is uncontrollable
>She can potentially flee the turn you need her to use Red Shoes
Limbabs your reaction?
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Based sex poster.
I wouldn't have been able to guess who that is without the title.
That second post you linked isn't even me though? The fuck do you even mean like a redditor? Do you browser reddit enough to even know what that is like?
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It's either gonna be busted as shit or middling at best but it at the very least will be extremely cute
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>World of Light
I hate niggers
>World of Darkness
I am a nigger
But enough about Thelma.
>half a year for content of your favorite
that's amazing compared to other gachaslop my fucking favorite hasn't had the spotlight in like 3 fucking years
fuck FGO for not caring about burgers
>Rodya tried to overshadow Hod on her birthday
truly a despicable woman
Reddit hates chadclair, so no, probably you browse reddit yourself.
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also this
>Self inserting as Sinclair
Kek come on, no one does that. Most of the retards here self insert as dante to masturbate to Faust.
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Is it supposed to be some type of scar on her face, or it just an allusion to how the abno is made out of wood, and the carving is peeling off?
Literally made for cheating sex with Olivier
they do, its pretty pathetic but they do
/v/ is so about /vg/ existing its sad
on todays /v/ thread someone said that he dont pick meta ids but ones he likes an first response was that he sounds like hes from here
Based Thunderbolt poster
can we stop talking about the things we hate and start talking about the things we love instead?
for example i love abnormalities. what's your favorite abnormality anons?
I like Sinclair and I don't self insert as him.
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Nothing There is my favorite. It was the first ALEPH I got, and I love its gimmick and story.
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>can we stop talking about the things we hate and start talking about the things we love instead?
What even is the theme of Bygone Days? I doubt it's literally about returning to better times because then it would apply to almost every sinner
Nice try, faggot. You're not fooling anybody.
In general or from a specific game?
Why is there so much broken english at this hour? Shouldn't burgers be awake by now?
I love swan. Unfortunately their contained version reminds me of Sinclair, so I must genocide every single person who posts in this thread out of sheer uncontrollable hatred for humanity having existed at all, to have birth the idea of Sinclair unto the world.
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>things we love
I love you...
Sinclair is ruining this general
i love sinclair and we should take more about him
It's about remembering and accepting the past and moving on from it. (I believe)
The Butler is made happy both by either being reminded of how long ago his Master left or by having his portrait fondly admired
Americans can't speak their own language
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Like most abnos, you can interpret it in many ways. It can be a longing for days long past, longing for a sense of purpose you had, missing someone whom you held in high regard, and so on.

It being made out of wood I have no idea. If I were to say the first thing that pops up in my head, is that aging wood shows that you'll hold unto those memories no matter how much time passes.
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Honestly, /vst/ threads were quite comfy as far as i can tell
What the FUCK happened?
Yeah I think it just goes back and uses Rodya for energy expenses.
No gacha games
Gacha game happened
Went to /vg/ when everyone said not to.
Sinclair and his sinnerfags happened, unironically
anyway what if don has met the red mist before and doesn’t remember because vampire things
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That's just how generals usually go after a while. Constant nonstop threads make for very poor threads, especially since the board is fairly quick.
/vst/ is ungodly fucking slow, so you could just let the thread sit there for days on end without getting a single post without worry that the thread is gonna die, so you get mostly chill people, and very little shitposters, since there's no incentive to shitpost on slow as fuck threads.

Not all the threads there were peaceful though.
>OP image is Sinclair
Dream of a Black Swan
>Library of Ruina
>Limbus Company
King in Binds

If I had to choose from all of them, though, I would just choose Nothing There.
I like thinking about it more about clinging to the past. Yi Sang's past is one he is fond of as he loved the league and that makes his appearance on the ego a lot cleaner. Gregor on the other hand can't let go of his past during the war and Hermann's experiments. His outfit is disheveled and dirty
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Ishmael and Outis are so fucking greedy
So who gets a WAW alongside Don in the next BP?

Sinclair? Meursault? Hong Lu?
I still believe that Hong Lu's season BP will be an ALEPH, since we're most likely getting two WAW banners along the way to his canto, unless they want to hold off on ALEPHs until even later and we get WAW replacements.
Its a image where everyone is about equal, what are you talking about
unironically the best part of this whole season was ryoshu and heath getting more 00
now I can actually do some perfect rotations for efficient starlight farming on MDs
We still had ritualfags, blogposting, baiting, shitposting and offtopic faggotry.
>Ishmael is so greedy
im betting on hong lu 100%
at the very least marbles will be on the battlepass and he’s getting marbles, regardless of level
because we actually like heathcliff and ryoshu
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Its gimmick was one of the many things that made me love Lobcorp. It stands out to me as the one non-event abno that can't be easily cheesed if you let it transform.
In general. I like all the LC/Ruina abnos and there's a great selection in Limbus as well, but I also miss being able to interact with them like we could in Lobcorp.
Thank you for trying. I also like Swan. I hope you can love her brothers as well someday.
Good choices. NT's an all-around favorite.
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What is with people and their cries for "it used to be better" when it was about the same? Even I'm not immune from thinking like that sometimes, and I just ignore everything that was shit happening at the time and just focus on the good.

Even with videogames, people like to bring up tons of stuff that was fun, but then you pay attention and there was just as much slop and garbage coming out alongside the good stuff.
Your greed is ruining the economy
Singing Machine.
My favourite abno extraction quote is either Theresia or Porccubus.
I really like WN too.
because pm used to be better too
Are you funding the theme park?
I dunno. There's something mangled in the brain of the average anon where they have to revere the past no matter what things were actually like. You notice this especially on /v/ and /lit/
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>Thread starts talking about how the generals used to be better
>Also starts talking about the themes behind Bygone Days
Are we EGO resonating?
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Because shitting on Ishmale is a time honored tradition that even the game recognizes
>67 dollars
Holy shit KJH adjust your fucking prices already
>there was just as much slop and garbage coming out
Provably wrong just by actually thinking about it.
Good indie games always existed and have been churned at about the same rate, so lets say its about even. But in the past there used to be a time when Companies were churning out great games like the original Halo or Fallout.

So the rate of good indie games is the same it has been, while almost all companies have been on a downfall. That means there's more shit coming out.
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Post Sinners that deserve more screentime and love
Big Bird, Punishing Bird and Judgement Bird
Ruinababs could not recover after the google play button reveal
That's normal. Why would you remember the bad things? Do you have any idea the amount of shitty books that come out every year? For every metamorphosis, wuthering heights, crime and punishment, demian, moby dick, and all others you might wanna use as an example of a famous old book. There are like 40 shitty books from that time no one remembers.
fucking nostalgia is a powerful and horrible thing
it's like how my mom recollects on how fun her marriage was and how great my dad was when the fucker was an awful person and died because of a car chase
>LC code is so garbage they had to scrap tons of neat features and stuff from the initial version of the game, and even the more fluid looking little animations on the agents, alongside elevators actually functioning
>Tons of bugs that are never cleared up post release cause they can't fuck with the game without destroying something else
>Justice is useless on some weapons without any warning
>Music loop fucks with ram
>Performance is trash
Rose tinted glasses, again.
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Don't forget that if you feel like shit you should eat some chocolate. It is good for your mental health, please keep your sanity above the threshold
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buying space marine 2 left me broke for the next 2 months, just in time for the next season, then i'll be back at the park funding
if we’re being objective, games peaked at the ps2
How is this shitting on her?
Anon even back during Snes and beyond, tons of companies put out slop, and garbage titles by the dozens. Movie games in particular were always a weird brand of bad. It's not just about indie shit. People only remember the good.
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Unironically still needs loads of both
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Not screentime but LOVE.
Don't worry anons, I'll buy enough for all of us!
Wait... how does Bygone Days even fit Ishmael
It can't be about how she wishes that she could go back to being a wagie... right?
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i bought both monthly lunacy packs this month to stock up modules for next season, no need to thank me
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Hello anons
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I dont even know what those two items on the top right are
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But no one is truly hateful to Sinclair there and Gregor isn't treated as the butt of the joke around here like in the game...wait....maybe he is...
*plap* *plap* *plap*
Did he win the chase at least?
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Isn't that just basic teasing?

>That shit freaked me out
>Yeah, but you were cool when it happened!
>And then you did the opposite later
>Truly, people hold two sides inside of them
>Yeah, very funny guys
wants to go back to scissoring with queequeg every night
This popped up in my recommended.
She wants to go back to taking Queequeg's femBBC
if you consider being chased by the police and then crashing into a pole
then sure
hi charon poster
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One to max out an id, other to max out an EGO
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>Entire canto is about remembering what she lost, and a driving force of revenge
>Gets extremely happy that Dante can somehow undo whale cum, thinks maybe she can have what she had back
>It's not that convenient
>Not sure what to do after that, she felt sure of what she wanted for the future with her past friends
>Has to move on and find a new thing she wants with her life
Wanting to go back to the days of having hope for the future she could have gotten with the others from the ship, it's fairly simple.
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Hello charon-poster.
Its obviously sinclair you morons
Hong Lu EGO battlepass is gonna be on his canto
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i wish he would do somethintg cool instead of playing his little airhead persona
I'm glad you discovered the best composition ever written
So he crashed into a pole and somehow the driver died? Must be a really strong polack.
well he did solve the way the time killer worked
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What you get for being so mean, Dante.
Stop posting my shitty isang drawing I made back a fucking year ago.
>Sinclair is going to get the season start ID
>Its going to be him BRUTALLY MURDERING a Vampire as a VAMPIRE HUNTER
Maybe you should have fucking read what I wrote. We're most likely getting new WAW during Don's canto, and I'm betting everyone is gonna get one before Hong Lu's arrives, so there is a chance his WAW BP EGO is gonna be an ALEPH.
Bought those, the enkephalin pack and library of ruina this week
KJH owes me a sloppy blowjob
Why would you even save my low effort shipost to a very specific anon reply?
Sinclair gets NOTHING.
There's no way it's not Ishmael. Let me explain.
Blind. Obsession. The hunter we meet will have had some interaction with Don, and has a massive hatred for her and all Bloodfiends. Blind Obsession the girl will get the ID.
sinclairposter is baiting on purpose
sorry it was funny
oh yeah he got stabbed by the time ripper my bad
i always remembered him as the wallpaper sinner
Greg 000
Sinclair 00
both are burn
Oh joy, another shitclair ID about his >MUH DARK AND VIOLENT AND DARK AND EDGY side
Just more self-insert fuel
well MAYBE you should remake it
Would be awesome but fat chance.
He's a tummyboy of PMverse.
It was pretty funny.
Be baiting
...Which is even more of a retarded statement.
If you think they will give 1 WAW and then imediately go to ALEPH, you ought to grow a brain
Kill yourself
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I hadn't thought of the extraction quotes, but I liked their fanciful nature. Those observation snippets are pretty nostalgic now that I think about it.
Based bird enjoyer. I wonder if we'll ever go to the Black Forest.
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It isn't bait if they are gonna be obnoxious about him wether anyone responds or not
By being on vg and by being a gacha we get cross posters and other disorders.
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Why is everyone saying Ish is getting a knight ID?
still curious what the bp egos will be
ishmael and heathcliff were all very obvious
there aren’t a lot of carnival themed abnos though. four hundred roses?
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Better than it is now desu
Please let the bloodfiend hunters be bloodborne lookalikes and not multicrack office lookalikes
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WheelMan is cool and jolly tho, Sinclair is more kinda pathetic and gloomy
Falseflag fag
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Bloodbath, I hope we see it's aberration (pic rel) soon
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I'm an enjoyer of gap moe so futa or feminine guys like Sinclair or Hong having massive cocks is really hot
>ciento cinquenta y seis
Post cute Dante and Faust, please
oh hes not baiting. hes just a retard
It's going to have to start at some point or another, so when is it gonna start then smartass?
Maybe they're planning on bringing back the 8 o'clock circus who knows
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i like one sin :)
god I fucking pray the Bloodfiend hunters have bloodborne weapons
>helo :)
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Punishing birb
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Cause director said whoever gets Bygone days, is getting Zwei west 000.
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source for that webm
>8 o'clock circus

They can always just make up new abnos to fill the slots instead of using the ones we have.
There's at least 3 abnos related to blood, but we don't know if that's what they're gonna go for.

>Drenched Gossypium
>Wailing Coffin
>Four-hundred Roses
I feel like four hundred roses is guaranteed. My guesses would be
>Wailing Coffin
>Tomorrow's Expression
Or maybe Gossypium.
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Pretty sure cinqclair and BLclair hint that he has a pretty good time when he's killing people, he just doesn't want to admit it. He's also capable of mass murder when he thinks his targets are ontologically evil. I think he's actually a pretty decent fit
Stop being a lower case gaylord before speaking
2 WAWs first brainlet
Or do you really think 1 waw and then 1 aleph makes sense
Cause if you do, Im sorry for your parents
Gossypium isn't gonna happen because he was in RR3
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>watching the trailer
>someone hits gregor
>Devyat Rodya:
So it means that she was the one supposed to get Philip? How many more IDs must be stolen from her?
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If k corp wages can get their hands on abnos, I'm sure some clown can too
I didn't know you were an intern at PM. Tell me, when is uptie 5 happening then? Surely you have other extremely factual statements that are sure to never deviate from.
Post that video of the pterodactyl taking Cathy away
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god I wish this was real, I want S3s to be this fancy
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And it’s still better than limbus
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Oh I see
Will she be the first Zwei to not SUCK MASSIVE COCKS AND BALLS, confirming South Sectionkeks as non-humans?
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My hero
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Your wild hunt S3 summoning thunder and lighting?
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Nah lobcorp is definitely the weakest of the 3
gee i hope no one will draw 9odya fucking a pengquin
Lobcofags will have melty over this one
I'm a bit confused (retarded). You mean as BP abno? Because it was introduced in RR3? Sure that might be the case. Cotton just fits theme well.
Director alluded the gimmick is still going to be defense, the issue is how she'll make use of it.
Cute delivery girl.
would be cool if we did
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Blessed upbeat Rodya
Yeah it's cool but I want a face cut like that webm it would be cooler
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Seeing her happy is truly the ultimate gift PM has given us
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I just remembered, since we're in the north, it's probably going to be cold as fuck, unless we happen to have arrived at the non cold season of the region. Heathcliff is gonna fucking freeze to death.
That part was minstranslated btw
At least that's my headcanon, no fucking way he ruins yet another id with his shitty defense thing
That doesn't work, you fucking CREATED a game where defensive ids CANNOT WORK FUCKING RETARD WHY WOULD YOU DO IT AGAIN
She is going to DEFLECT all criticism towards Zwei South by somehow being worse.
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Meur canto.
Any other questions?
>You mean as BP abno?
>That doesn't work, you fucking CREATED a game where defensive ids CANNOT WORK FUCKING RETARD WHY WOULD YOU DO IT AGAIN
What's that? Meur getting a new ID again? Better make it defensive oriented. That's his thing you see.
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I didn't realize that one was an aberration. I wonder what could be different.
I thought it was neat that we got One Sin and Spider Bud as MD encounters. More variation on gifts too, but I guess they couldn't fit in the Red Eyes glasses.
Very important
Our fuarking hero
Some guy is doing videos showing the TL for certain lines that aren't TL'ed for us.

Dawn Sinclair

Captain Ishmael

Wind Hunt Heathcliff
don't worry bro Zwei West passive will be
>build up defense and then cash it all in for big dick damage
Why is she white?
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The multitude tightens its hold…
What a SLUT
Ishmael would never dress like that.
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He is so cool. I hope everyone can get IDs as cool as him. I can't wait for Donqui's.
>I'll carve a brand onto you!
Stigma Workshop's weapons are too lewd.
wait why aren't these TL'd for us?
God I love her forehead
>no heart tattoo
Actual tourist artist I swear
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Silent Orchestra unironically
I love the Devyat uniform! Need Faust and Ryoshu in that uniform!
nice hips
Based and TSOpilled
What a fun picture. Fragment dressing up as a doctor with the kids in the other room is too cute.
>artist who left in summer draws limbus once more
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>Artists drawing Ryoshu without her left glove
>KoG is in a tracksuit
>Ruskies love their tracksuits
>Red Eye's children have little ghost costumes on
This shit is too cute I die for stuff like this
post them
Where is the wolf? How can you have Red without her bro the wolf.
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>no bygone days art
ishfags on suicide watch
The box that the Devyat wear kills them right? Can they just throw that at someone and have it kill them instead?
Just photoshop Ishmael's head on Gregton and there won't be much difference.
what if the director actually doesnt give a n/s/e/w association id for each sinner, what if its just a one and done deal
I really feel like it's way too early for an Aleph. Remember, we apparently have 10 fucking years of limbus left.
>He's not ready to meet the other 5 levels above ALEPH
Oh nyo
Your obsession for her downfall blinded you, anon...
So, who's got the worst EGO lineup? And who has the best?
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what do you mean what bitch i said it clearly
like instead of sinners getting a north/south/east/west version of each association like zwei, they only get one zwei id in total
so no south zwei ish, just the west and thats all for her in zwei
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>still no doujins
>came back for the canon wife
yup based
He meant that each sinner can only get north, south, east and west and that's it. So for example there won't be Liu Greg East or Zwei Sinclair North because they both have south IDs already. I think?
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Not happening. We already have been told WhiteNight is so strong that the head would need to become involved in the case of a full containment breach. There's not gonna be anything above that, or at least not by so much that it necessitates a new classification
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Today I will remind them.
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There are
Very good art.
Blunderlab is so ugly. They should've just let Mimi take that garbage away.
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making the first scanned and translated doujin a futa themed one
I'm sorry, I did read that but I thought I had misread because the idea was stupid.
I'm completely fine with that? I don't want a fucking Sinner to get a North, South, West, and East ID of a single association. Maybe the ones that have shitty South IDs could get a ID from elsewhere to informally replace them, but anything more is eating up time that other IDs or Sinners could be using.
Nah, Faust has Telepole and 9:2 which I'm pretty sure nobody has ever once used since they came out. Best is probably Mersault or Rodion, or MAYBE Gregor, though Lanturn is meh
>White Night
You mean an Abno? They specifically had to make a different one for Distortions (still not a thing btw despite being mentioned months ago) and EGOs. Then Shin and Mang are also canon which adds another layet. White Night has been powercrept anon.
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Anon the first ever doujin for limbus was futa don fucking ish
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Stay forbidden.
We have literally not seen anything stronger than White Knight besides possibly the two arbiters and MAYBE the Red Mist. Distortions are almost always weaker than abnormalities
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One day... i will scan them...
which one
>White Knight
Delete your post.
Sinclair has the worst EGO selection. Not sure about the best.
I use Telepole for Multicrack. It's competition is fucking Fluid Sack which might be THE BEST support EGO in entire game. Nobody fucking goes "Yeah, I don't want HP and SP heal for entire team on deman. That 10% damage boost tho? GIVE ME THAT"
Unfortunate case of having 0 burn IDs.
Autocorrect.... I am sorry
buying up all the doujins ill scan them 10 years from now btw
Even mandarake is barren, unless others are listed as something else
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well im shooting you now so take that
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>Shipfag it's too poor to use sadpandabucks to get the scans
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>play Limbus
>Don is a bloodfiend/vampire
>start reading another one of those korean webcomics that the MC reincarnates as a minor character and has to study in The Academy
>one girl interested in him is part jiangshi (hopping chink vampire) nun
>the other girl, his senpai, is a vampire demi-human
I'm starting to think koreans have a thing for vampires.
you just choose to ignore the futa don one?
just AI generate the doujins
The Tiph one isn't even being sold anymore nor was sold on comiket ever, i tracked that group down and it's basically never happening
Baram tear this man limb from limb
Why in God's name would you use Telepole on Multicrack when charge feeds fluid sack so effortlessly?
And I doubt anyone would use 9:2 Faust even on burn, as it's just not very good. 10 defense level down is alright I guess but 3 fucking gluttony is HARD to afford on that team.
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I'm not a shipfag I just like pics of Faust (3-days vacation) trying to bluff being smart
I already have problems accepting tentacles. I don't make concessions to futa.
Baral, castrate this fucker.
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Baral, make this man give me the sloppiest blowjob in the history of mankind
I hate vampires.
And I hate elves.
Also I hate fairies.
And dwarfs.
And gnomes.
>tentacles out of nowhere
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>I don't make concessions to futa.
but it exists, just doesnt cater to you
They're all OOC shit anyway
We know, Francis.
You either have to buy them directly from events now or hope the artists list them for sale on booth. Nip second hands sites have jack shit. There's probably a stigma against selling them secondhand among nips
Would 9:2 even be good if she had a burn ID? I only hear Burn Teams being good because because of Glimpse of Flames, which 9:2's burn conversion hurts instead of helps.
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>go watch a western vampire movie
>scene female vampire is nude bathing in blood
>play Castlevania
>have to fight naked vampires
>play japanese H-rpg game
>vampire likes stuff shoved up her ass
>play Ragnarok Online
>kill a crapton of hopping vampires for experience and can later tame one for myself
>play Skyrim
>can become a vampire
I'm starting to think humanity has a thing for vampires.
The voice lists in the Theater with the translated lines only have a stock set (Extraction, Uptie, Combat Start, Death, etc.) that're universal for every ID. If they have a specific voiceline tied to a specific action/special state it won't be included.
I pray for times like these.
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>go watch Van Hellsing
>Wolverine turns into a werewolf and kicks Dracula's ass
Bloodfiendbros!? Donbros?!
9:2 converting 10 burn to defense level down sounds pretty good in MDs where it's easy to stack shit tons of burn. even without glimpse of flames
Nah just for suckers in general.
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
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Pick your ID
WildHunt Heath/Erlking look like Van Helsing and I love that.
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Liu Faust time!
Ming Xiao
I will not explain.
NTA, but I like having more damage.
Holy crap you are right
>dont remember any of this people
wait i just remembered heather. but still who are the other two
Three Gluttony is kinda expensive given your only source is Ryoshu, who isn't exactly a great ID
Synergy purpose mostly.
>3 fucking gluttony is HARD to afford on that team
I blame sin distribution. 10 defense level down is quite good. And I imagine extra potency will help outside of MD, even if burn is not hard status to stack.
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Heather is your accidental ghoul
Velvet is the slut toreador that helps you in the Vegas section
Yuki is the Japanese high school girl looking for a wereshark
Damsel is the commie chick with the Anarchs
Jap girl from Chinatown where you need to kill a demon shark and Damsel the bitch from Anarchs
What type of vampire would each sinner be in Vampire the Masquerade?
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>runs in after tenma leaves
>stabs you again
>runs out
Why does such a good Charge passive have to compete with the best sustain EGO in the game bwos...
gregor noseferatu
I want to put my face on Tenma's pantyhose ass
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Tenma, Valentin, stop stabbing people.
How does evading multiple attacks work if there are multiple enemies targeting the same character? Target the leftmost coin of the fastest enemy?
To dick a greater being is a shared goal among all civilizations
at least it wasnt in the lungs
give it a try
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Holy shit, Bujangnim...
Sex with the Virgin Mary!
To imagine a greater being is a shared goal among all civilizations
Why does no one talk about the coolest abnormality, WhiteNight? Please talk more about WhiteNight guys it's so cool
Ryoshu face scars in her Lob Co ID foreshadows her getting Yujin btw
I'm not talking about nights and I'm certainly not talking about whites
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>species of essentially defects that need to parasytize on mankind to survive
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Seems like it
white night can kiss my ass i hate it
This, they were made shitty as a curse for a reason.
Holy retardation. Are you now saying we are cow parasites?
he'll make you love him
No because we have a symbiotic relationship with cows
i miss my 12 goons manager
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when fucking Hokma manifested Penitence EGO I actually kneeled
Yi Sang - Malkavian
Faust - fuck if know Tremere maybe
Don Quixote - Ventrue
Ryoshu - Tzimisce
Meursault - fuck if I know
Hong Lu - Toreador
Heathcliff - Brujah
Ishamel - Gangrel
Rodion - Toreador
Outis - Lasombra
Gregor - Nosferatu
>inb4 S-sinclair
I don't have enough knowledge if WoD feature clans designated for DICKSUCKING FAGGOTS.
>I don't have enough knowledge if WoD feature clans designated for DICKSUCKING FAGGOTS.
I wish Don was as small and flat as that vampire
El Director could never be this based
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Fat bitch.
bros... why is our community like this?
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Sinclair will get a bloodfiend hunter ID where he's bootleg Blade
>but he's a
He's a NIGGER. That's correct.
>No T Corp one
>Twitter link
Someone please reach inside this anon's ass and then tear your arm out like it was a beyblade. Thanks!
What is this
Brazilnigger typing
What is that?
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The one of many reasons why i love her.
marvel vampire hunter
>Xwitter link
I will make Meursault rape you.
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I love love LOVE this FAT fucking BITCH (immensely affectionately)
just dante and faust fucking like rabbits
since meursault was former ncorp i would probably say Banu Haqim as his clan but idk much vampire the masquerede
I want to gnaw on deyvat's rodion's cheek
I love love LOVE fucking this FAT BITCH
Dante lost the duel
every twitter link seems to be that,huh
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>T Corp
That's the one id where she refuses food
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Me on my way to fuck your bitch.
><Hahaha rodya's fat as f->
>Dante~, you're still being a bratty manager Danteeee~
><N-no please Rodya I->
>Too bad, come with me
>Get raped by all 183 cms and 200 lbs of me, Dante~~~~
>That's the one id where she refuses food
>Not N Corp
Nah, that’s OBJECTIVELY limbus
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Cool movie with Wesley Snipes
>Ishmael is a furry
dante probably moans with a train horn
You can't damage control it, soon everyone will understand what limBUNNIES are
The same reason I like Ish.
My 2 fat sinners!
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>The Wolf that destroys all around him
>Not a gangrel
Sure I can get Brujah regardless but come on, missed opportunity
Ishmael go with Lasombra since the Lasombra were pirates back in ye olden days
Sinclair? Definitely Salubri
Outis? Honestly setite if you want the deceit part
The Methuselah has spoken.
Dante would whimper like a bicycle bell
Don should have been a loli
Sinclair should have been a girl
So does Hong Lu
Heathcliff should have been white
Faust should have kept her original voice
Outis should have been replaced by another character altogether
God I wish that was me
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>Faust should have kept her original voice
Good news anon
Don IS a loli thoever?
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Also also also Don after the recent fuckery I'd honestly put her like some Tremere or Baali bur we can stick to Ventrue
Meurmeur Giovanni even if he's not incestuous. He's dead enough in his expressions to have it fit.
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i do like deep voice faust
ishMALE should've been MALE
I wanted to test out how panic type changes work when you have multiple (ie: both echos and ruin on someone), but there's like fucking NO enemies who have enough tankiness to not die in one or two rounds, but don't have fixed panic. The best option is base Hindly, but he's only fight in an unfocused battle. Niggers like Jun have less than 300 hp
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She is stacked, she isn't a loli at all.
<I don't lose.>
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Ishmael RAPES Dante
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Bro, your oppai loli?
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No, she should have been like the cunny in the warp train event
I agree she isn't a loli but breast size isn't what determines it
Idk why I quoted you, accident.
At what point does it just become a short woman
She doesn't give off the loli vibe
What good is the term oppai loli if the character doesn't actually have childlike proportions
I believe Don has fat tits entirely on whether I want Paizuri or Naizuri at the moment
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Faust RAPES Dante
>in story DQ has to tell Rodya she isn't a child
That's like the one of the common 1000 year loli tropes
>It's an Oppai loli bwo
>Look inside
>A 5 ft. woman with big tits
Maybe we should skin limbabs.
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She's too old to be a loli, they want an actual little girl in body type and age.
12 and under basically.
That's also a common child trope
Anons post more Don as Arcueid i need to build my collection
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*curses you to roll tails in RR5*
Donfags are retarded as usual
Short stack isn't the same as oppai loli. Don isn't THAT small.
<I, Dante, do the raping here.>
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>tourists don't even know what a cunny is
You really should all go back to twitter already to cry about Don being child coded or whatever
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i agree
I think you should get the fuck back in mirror mines, clocktard.
<Sinclair, it's time for our daily... consultation.>
This is just FGO
Oh yeah, this 1-9 says you get raped by EVERYONE, clockface
This, if you're going to be a pedo atleast do it right.
Why is he holding her breasts
FGO yourself
Sinclair is child-coded
There's an inherent differences between the retards here and the retards there,the retards here want Don to be a loli cause it appeals to their fetish,the retards there want to be a loli cause they want something to bitch about.
Very different
Hong Lu is child coded
Cherry-picked best aspects of fgo without all the dogshit
Call me a child rapist then
What's with the penguins?
Tiphfag is child coded.
Sinclair is child-bearing coded
Excellent news, all three of them can be looked over by BENCH YI SANG.
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check filename
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They were in Devyat concept art
There’s still dogshit thoughever
It’s just different
This and the climate is colder up north.
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All this talk about children is making me feel strange,anons.
She FUCKED them
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Why so serious?
When are we getting the fight where the enemy gets 10 turns to do whatever they want before you get a chance to do anything The Lorde fight is peak
>disgusting, dog-like descriptions of ishy in the first shittext
>the second is literally dogrape futafaggotry
Rapefags, why are you so gay?
Yeah. Peak.... Peak of SHIT more like.
>Check twitter for art
>Random "joke" posts as I scroll
>"I'm gay"
>"Man is pregnant"
>"Best lesbiabs" (One of them is a man)
I don't get it. Why can't these people only joke like this?
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>be Snaust
>rape your soul
>praying for the ring of draconic blessing to revive you 10 times in a row is peak
>Salutations, youthful ones. I come with the promise of delectable confections. Follow me and I shall give you them.
>being a retard and not knowing how to survive without bruteforce
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Tell me your jokes anon.
>disgusting, dog-like descriptions of ishy in the first shittext
Canonical accuracy
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Yes it's peak you retards I'm sorry you cucks aren't lucky
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The ONLY ways to survive his first turn without that ring leads to you having to spam stopwatches to kill him, and it's equally as shit
It's kinda like twitter kids needing to police your language despite the game having a 19+ age rating
>Check /lcg/ thread for art
>Random "joke" posts as I scroll
>"why does the project moon universe have to get such cringey art? the setting is gritty and serious but since limbus came out all we get is shitty art like this that has nothing to dow ith the games coomer art is better than this i hate gachas"
I don't get it. Why can't these people only joke like this?
I snorted
Is the link of the catbox already forgotten?
Fags and homophobes have one thing in common and it's that their only joke is saying that "x is a fag"
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alphabet soup individuals are infamously unfunny
Rapefics are worth less than my used toilet paper, accuracy is incompatible with them
I came
Meursault told me that Ishmael was kinda fishy. But since he I thought he was strange, I decided to wing it with Yi sang.
>doubling down on being retarded
>abhorrent post
Every time.
The Multicrack and Devyat IDs have pretty similar clothes/outifts, which makes sense since they're both northern based IDs. So south is all suits and ties, north is multilayered and obligatory sci fi. As Director said. Northern Liu must look interesting then.
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Who's Dante saying this to?
Prove that I'm wrong
You can't nigger
>a-asking to be spoonfed haha
Will be considered a concession.
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bisexualcliff is valid and canon
Any sinner before he experiences instant loss
It was mentioned once in an interview about DD that North fashion is "jrpg"-like too.
Instant loss'd by who? Dante won't lose.
Why did you tag me too? I loved it
Counter ring + Anchor + 5 already does it
>t. ishMALEkek getting uppity
Yi Sang is a Kiasyd, Hong Lu is the Malkavian, he just hides it with frivolous jokes

Meursault would make a good Gargoyle
Alternatively? He's a Blood Brother, but not the Tzimisce slave kind, the Thin Blood/Antitribu self thought kind; or would that fit Faust more? Faust makes a good Malkavian as well, but I like the idea of Sanguinus Faust
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But X is not a fag.
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tyim tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
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Every sinner. Even Yi Sang
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Do you have any idea what time it is?
<Fuck you, they are my sinners, my family even. They'd never, and I'd never.>
man...why no one make more creative and negative names for other sinners besides Rodion and Ishmael?
fatdya is NOT creative
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>Not shuck
Danteh... Watch your language, Danteh...
>maxed his luck stat to abuse stun
hahahAHAHAHA now do it SL 1
I wonder if East will look like
Hung Lu
>Its all china
How did donrape devolve into getting raped by don?
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His natural state
<i wish i was raped by don...>
Philipbro btw
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Then you didn't beat it, and your strat is a much of an abuse as guardian angel + draconic ring
But at least the second one works on SL1 so fuck you
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nyis tyim tyuu dyuu dya daiwies nyof cyurs!
dya wimbyabs wiww nyeed dya byoxis tyuu gyed dya nyupcyomyin nyids nyan dya nyego byefyur dya nyex syeesyon!
No one mentioned SL1 and once you're proven wrong you start talking about it? You were saying that the ONLY way to survive is with ring of draconic blessings
And even then there's that other cloak you get from the boss right before Florence which you can stack on Ring of draconic blessings
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Don't try to flex your way of "playing without bruteforce" if you're literally bruteforcing the game with maxed stats nigger
You're trash
Yeah, the only way to beat it without grinding stats like a shitter is to use revives
What a Chad.
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Thank you Zenya, good girl.
Meursault is clearly a True Brujah. Rodion a Zantovich descended Tzimisce. Ryoshu is a Troreador Antitribu. Don a Ventrue Antitribu. I'd switch Ishmael and Heathcliff. Yi Sang's probably a Kiasyd. Hong Lu is the Malk but likely the Dominate variety instead of Dementation.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but, Rodya's buff has electric sparks flying around her, in most of her moves she has yellow electricity sparks flying around, and the weird greenish cubes flying upwards, but in the one where the box murders her, the sparks are red.

So there's a visual indicator for reaching a critical state or something. She was fiddling with the merchandise, so maybe she has some type of mechanics where she takes shit from the shipping container to help herself, but obviously that's a breach of company policy, and if she doesn't get rid of the evidence by changing the data, the box kills her.
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The thread podcast
Is your post mentioned? Strap in!
This feels like a fever dream. Is this AI being mad to discuss shit in open terms?
So it's a charge-type ID but the charge kills you if it gets to high?
I wonder if the guard/defense will clear it or drop the charge level.
ashamed to realize this late you're baiting
Is this actually interesting? I dont want to bother actually checking it myself
Ishfags on suicide watch
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You were two whole minutes late, Zenya. But it's okay, everyone makes mistakes. We're going to send someone in to help with your timeliness. Oh, and don't worry about your vacation.
no, the first minute had literally nothing worth listening to so I closed it. meaningless fluff talk.
Did you write all the dialogue? this is amusing.
Fuck Zena
Marry Zenya
Kill Zenakots
I don't think stacking charge is the issue. The box is directly calling out Rodya for opening merchandise outside of the stipulated delivery area, and she panics saying she has to erase the data. So if you trigger whatever mechanic that is, she has to do something to avoid being made into minced meat.
>Ishmale and the meltdown happening over his new ID
>ishfags on suicide watch, actual quote
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Santa Monica... home
>AI can now mimic mid-podcast shared laughter and coughs to a realistic degree
Fair enough but I'm still curious on how the callout will work and if it does damage or if it just straight kills her.
Will it be set to actions, turns, or something else.
Seems potentially risky if it just kills her outright.
I accept your concession
Wow, AI voices are quite advanced now. It's over for voice actors
Nclair but his target is bloodfiends now.
Really, it took you this long?
You saw
>a-asking to be spoonfed haha
>Will be considered a concession.
And still didn't get it?
>we have to talk about Ishmael and the meltdown happening over HIS new id
Even the bots know...
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>Rodya's delivery case sends out 5G waves to melt her organs from the inside
if only there was a daily login event that gave thread , exp tickets . modules for newbabs
oh well
The resident WhiteNight enthusiast is a real one
The Head was correct
Don quixote definatly listens to drake
farmwatch will save rupture...
Don listens to Vanilla Ice unironically
I remember playing this a lot when I was a teen. The dialogue is still surprisingly great for how scuffed a lot of the gameplay feels.
I just want to know what statuses she's working with.
Stigma workshop weapons are too cool to just be generic burn weapons.
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What else are they supposed to be exactly?
>one of my posts made it in
Yeah I'm thinking I run this general
>my "just ai generate the doujins" got in
Ishmael's is basically exactly what I thought she was saying.
Truly, her leadership transcends language.
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Finally finished the second book of Don Quixote. Overall, it was an enjoyable read, though I think two books together are quite an ordeal to get through. I myself enjoyed the digressions and sidestories, but it is difficult to keep your motivation to read the books given how long it is, and how... Meandering it can be.
My impression of the first book was actually that it was not very funny at all, repeating the same joke over and over again. My most favorite parts of the first book were actually the side stories that had little to nothing to do with Don himself. However, the second book focused a lot more on Don and Sancho (who became my favorite character), and I feel Cervantes was actually a lot more refined in his humor there. I actually enjoy the author quite a bit, he has a very modern voice and his spite towards the other author who wrote false, slanderous sequel was never not funny. I think that the ending though very tragic in a way, perhaps came about a bit too quickly. All of a sudden he came to his senses and it was a bit rushed I think.
Despite that, I actually recommend anons read it, though. It is long so keep that in mind. If you want to complete the book before the canto you best start now. It feels like the sort of book that they will pull a lot from, but not in the direct plot sense. So I think you might get a lot out of it if you decide to read it. Don't be intimidated by it being a 17th century work, as I said, Cervantes has a very modern voice, it's not a hard read, just long
I plan to next get through a lot of the shorter books, before tackling The Story of The Stone, which I am dreading, but I am determined to complete prior to Canto 8. Of the books I have read, I rank them as follows
>1). Moby Dick
>2). Wuthering Heights
>3). Don Quixote
>4). The Odyssey
>5). The Wings + Crows Eye View
Okay actually bothering made me giggle. I wish there was something like this but real
Right, they actually brand symbols on people. Maybe it was just too much gimmick for an already gimmicky identity.
Sins, I got sins on my mind
And some M's, got a lot of M's on my mind
And my friends, yeah, I keep my friends on my mind
I'm in love, I'm in love with two girls at one time
And they tens
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i had a nightmare of negative coin distortions
i will not have this nightmare alone
These for the tests in canto 3?
Did you write this or did you have the AI summarize the thread? Depending on your answer I may either support this activity or twist your balls off
The AI podcast giving genuine commentary on AI is really funny though
The branding is essentially leaving a burn on the enemy, I don't see how it would be something else, the function is to literally advertise the brand if someone happens to walk out alive from being struck by one of them.
I like both of their voices
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Did it just fucking correct itself?
Max sinking, high butterfly, max Gregton damage up passive, ego gift procs bust be the evilest possible LAMENT ever.
Congrats anon. I'm intimidated to read the books honestly
I'm going to have so much fun tearing through Don's Canto with Heath and the lads.
Don Quixote's ending was probably rushed exactly because he just wanted an excuse to tell everyone to fuck off and stop writing garbage about his character, so he just had him die.
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I can't stop giggling this shit is so funny given how the AI clearly has no idea what it's talking about.
Idk bro don quixote aint some sort of literary masterpice, its just memed because cervantes was being king contrarian because he was so fucking sick of knight faggotry.
Outside its context it loses a lot of meaning.
>Moby Dick above Wuthering Heights
And here I thought I was a fan of the gay fish book. I adore Moby Dick but I could never in good faith rank it anywhere but 3rd or lower. I'm curious what makes you place it so high.
apparently it's AI...nvm
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>filtered by idealbook
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Can you get Walpipi IDs from the guaranteed 000 ticket?
Feeling tempted to just hold on to it until the end of time.
>Whitenight enthusiast
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Too late
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Depending on the franchise, they like to have werewolves be ultra fucking OP against vampires.

If Don's second kindred status is anywhere close to how bloodlines places Antediluvian vampires in the power scale, werewolves are fucking chumps to her.
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>suddenly doesnt like their voices anymore
Ishmael Redhood(ed Mercenary)
Heathcliff Big and Will be Bad Wolf (Erlking)
God I fucking FEAR the idea of some fucking California podcaster clicking this thread and seeing garbage like "NYOOO ISHMAEL!!! DYON'T RAPE MEEE!!!" or melties or
you get the point
Yes, during Walpurnight you can get the night Ids on every banner
>He didn't get it at first
The scarecrow is calling
i started reading it myself but i had to stop (i need to spend my free time on something else at the moment)
anons discussing and comparing books and game is always nice to read so cant wait for that
sovlfags everyone
I think it is a great work honestly. Yes it's clearly intentioned to make fun of knight fags, but I think overall, it's a very enjoyable book, and you learn a good deal about the period and culture of the time.
For one, I really fuck with the Whale autism. That turns a lot of people off I know, but it was actually some of my favorite parts of the book. It's a profession that no longer exists (whaling) so I found that to be intensely interesting, like learning about a completely lost craft.
Plus, the biblical wrath of god vibe of Ahab, the slow building of tension and mounting dread through the whole book, all for such a climax at the end. Great book, one of my favorite works of fiction
It wasn't bad, it just wasn't... Good.
Have you considered the audiobook? It's something to put on when commuting or whatever. It's an efficient use of time.
>unvampires your don
powerscale this, chumps
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>5-6 fanarts of the new EGO of Ishmael posted last thread
>''lack of fanart''
The podcast was interesting...at least...
I just don't listen to youtube shorts enough to be flooded with AI voices to the point i can recognize them,anons.
Even Koreans can barely understand it, let alone trying to do so through the translation barrier.
>AI laughing
Don Arceuied
Shiki Yi Sang
He claims another bros... he truly is Ideal
Ryoshu Ciel though this overlaps with Maidshu a lot.
Sounds unironically autism if you can't tell when a real person is talking.
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Rape on, Rocinante
Please don't stop making these. It's fucking hilarious
I think Sinclair might fit Shiki better for the twisted darkness inside the both of them
Plus Yi sang is a nice dude,not a psycopath that secretly enjoys killing,Not that Sinclair is one either,but he has a lot more dark thoughts than Yi sang.
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If you were a trve bimbusfan you'd understand his idealramblings.
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>I think Sinclair might fit Shiki better for the twisted darkness inside the both of them
Sinclair doesn't have what it takes to be a rapist.
Shiki is NOT a stuttering twink with a murder side.
I'm not diagnosed so i wouldn't know but i don't think so
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I was thinking the exact same thing. That game is so good.
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And Yi Sang does?
Can you realistically see Yi Sang saying
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Good day limbabs. Love me wife Outis.
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Using sinners as representative:
Three are from one game, one is from another. Name my IP.
RL Yi Sang would say that.
I'm not fucking joking either, he would really say that.
The only thing that can tip you off about the podcast is that two very clean, professional-sounding actual podcasters couldn't possibly be speaking about fringe basketweaving forum happenings.
Not noticing that isn't autism, it's just the lack of ability to infer things.
Man, I want to get to the part where Sinclair begins to drink himself into a stupor. Hell, even the part where he starts chatting fire side with that 'priest' would be nice.
Give me Sinclair progression PM.
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But we dont have Real Yisang in Limbus
Heathcliff is Grimmcore as of his Canto.
But Erlking is Lindamea
and now Don is Bathory.
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He will become like RL Yi Sang in canto 12 trust
You'll get Bookclair overlaid onto dough to act as an antagonist, and you'll like it.
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>and you'll like it
goddamn right
Who's the whitenight enthusiast?
>it's like PM opened a vein
>I thought this was a random forum not Halloween
god I fucking love these so much
Its a combination of many things. The way the speech pattern goes is absolutely soulless. Even more so than regular podcasts.
I refuse.
Demian won't give up on this blonde twink until he fucks his mom, I know it in my soul.
I just thought it stood out how similar the multicrakc office was to the uniform of devyat. Makes me wonder what is the most unique thing of the devyat other than their bags, Like how south Zwei is dressed like German police and elsewhere actual knights. The common thing is giant swords used as shields.
Inexplicable amounts of mating sex
Fair enough
Lol no he is stuck as the stuttering twink who failed his realization
more and more people are drawing again because most of the people harassing others for drawing PM have given up
no drama, no schizos bothering you = green light
if cows go extinct we can eat other shit. Vampires (at least in most interpretations) NEED human blood
Nice to meet you i also love Whitenight may we be obnoxious and ignored together
I wouldn't be opposed to seeing that, and our Sinclair obviously doesn't have the same circumstances as his book counterpart, I'd just think it'd be kind of hackish
NGL Bros, I read The Wings and I have no idea what the fuck I just read. It was like a collection of random thoughts.
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good news is you got it
bad news is you didn't get it
that dough person? dante
I wish there was like any kind of English language discussion of this damned book online so I could try and glean extra understanding. Legitimately I don't think I could even summarize what I just read, it was very incomprehensible to me.
idk, in Ruina they were just passive fodder for burn teams or solo runs.
For some reason despite being a relatively early fight their burn weaponry feels more special than Liu's the literal burn association.
I guess it would just be another mark ID then.

It's just in Ruina the char pages and combat cards had a lot of unique mechanics and were one of the few that explicitly mentioned a workshop for where all their equipment came from. So it just makes it seem higher quality compared to people with similar equipment.
frog day solo strats tier list
>solo Nclair
>solo GODcliff
he's unfortunately not actually fun to use
>solo ding sang
now you're cooking with gas
>solo electric screaming middle don
800 damage on turn 3, hard but FUN
sounds cool to me anon
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>writes book
>"man I wonder how these idiots who read this shit are gonna interpret my ramblings"
>97 years pass
>still filtering people around the globe to this day
skip button clears no diff
Does filtered now mean that someone struggled with something in general rather that they gave up in trying to enjoy/understand such thing?
I just use QQ Heath with Telepole and alt tab out while doing something else.
Obviously this isn't true, but sometimes I think The Wings doesn't actually have any sort of deep meaning and IRL Yi Sang just wrote whatever the fuck he wanted and readers put it on a pedestal because they thought his weird schizo ramblings contained deeper context
So is the new Rodya blunt or slash?
paus is my wife
>Giant blade sticking out
Ishmael is the company onahole.
S1 Blunt
S2 Slash
S3 Pierce
The first in history
Cute traitor.

>Ryoshu Ciel
Ryoshu needs the Shiki (R) ID though.

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