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Previous thread: >>494363347

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Faust's massive retarded breasts
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Sinclair-free threa-- AIEEEEEEEE THE OP
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Cute meat eater
why would i want to beat lobcorp? it's super long and doesnt even have steam achievements
9th post
>Sinclair Yisang
what the fuck even is this ship and who's the tourist faggot that keeps drawing it
I love vampires so much bros
why are they best type of monster
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Today I have turned over a new leaf and will not be responding to bait.
Witness me brothers.
Thread died as I posted, so doing it again.
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Yeah, yeah, I'm sure not even a 100 posts in you'll be deepthroating the next bait that comes around.
Whitenight is so fucking cute. I want to give him a smooch and hug too
>please look forward to the dream ending
How come she and hiskuripu VA's run free advertisement for fucking bimbus
The latter hasn't missed a single bloody daily, either.
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The cutest, canonicalest couple
Is the guy making AI audios is the same one that made the Tiph stuff?
that's dante
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Beautiful beings that bond with you in multiple ways and also monster sexo if they're feelin freaky
giving doggy sinclair the knot
They quite like the game and are pretty passionate about it.
I really hope Director appreciates it. Heaths' CV voicing the intervallos really did make it all much more enjoyable for me.
>tfw haven't missed a single daily and been playing since release day
any ancient gamers in this thread rn?
Hong Lu's va streams and draws hong lu from time to time
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Very cute and very canon.
The colouring on this one is really pretty.
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Sorry, but Executive Manager belongs to Outis.
wait i saw that but i didn't know he drew that
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Yeah, I missed a day.
I'm thoroughly limbricked, limblamenting, limbmourning and limbdespairing.
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Dyon and Sinclair!
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this artist is incredible to me
they appear every once in a while, dump a bunch of beautiful artworks onto pixiv, and disappear again
since they're chinese i assume they have some other account on lofter or weibo, but i have no idea as of now
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Still here collecting boxes, looking forward to the next canto.
>My Vampire Femboy Dad can't be this cute!?
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>we will eventually get midnight ordeals with negative coin IDs
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They are the cutest.
This one is wonderful too. I love how perfect she looks. And yeah, you're likely correct. Most CH artists I know post their things there first then eventually will post a log of collected art on pixiv.
Rose is a perfect being in every regard.
Cute corrosion.
Day 1 here, I have missed days, weeks, even MDs.
I am very lazy, it's like Gachas exist in direct opposition to me.
Still have everything though.
But he hasn't logged into his account in ages? Did he change accounts cause I still have it on my friends list.
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I missed a few initial days cause I was trying to tie my re-rolled account on phone to my PC, and they fucked up the method for a few days, otherwise I'm day.
I made my way through emulator after a while, waiting on their fix, since my phone was too shit to run the stages.
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Why is he like this?
futafag has a small deformed penis.
okay but eventually you're gonna have to break the ice about the mpreg.
yeah around the 22 minute mark is when he starts to draw
He hasn't. He's very touch and go.
Heathcliff's is the most consistent followed up by Don's with a pretty big gap. Then Outis' was followed by Hong Lu. He's all over the place playing some of the worst games you'd expect.
i think it's fair for him to focus on his job or his life and not limbus
hong-kun (heathcliff va) is just built different
So she received some meat as a gift from "LCB"? I wonder if that's just her being playful, or if PM actually sent her some commemorative meat.
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
I thought Outis used Hongers account when she was streaming still on twitch?
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Reminder that if you got de-friended by hiskurip VA you're a loser
I meant referring to or interaction with Limbus generally.
And yes, you're correct. She did use his account at that time.
>Accepts the attack
>Claims your bones.
how do you have fun in this game ?
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>didn't screenshot the season 1 icon date
The fact that can't happen is part of his status as a perfect being though?
Don't be mean erlking...
anon... just hold click the banner...
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>Director is an Architect too
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I just take it easy
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Also Heath's VA also voice acted a lot of characters in Ruina like Nemo and Maxim
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>174 instead of blank
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oh so i'm just retarded and didn't click long enough. fitting for my turncount
stfu sexbot
I really like these chibis
What are you playing while waiting for the dream to end? I'm probably gonna replay Phoenix wright games on PC, and then try out investigations since I keep hearing it's great but never got around to it.
He has two daddies.
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Hmmm nyo.
work eat play with my dick sleep repeat
Monster Hunter World.
faust could have spent three years smashing dante before waking any of the sinners and no one would have been any the wiser
dropped the ball
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Washed up grade 9 fixer bathrooms...
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blankGODS run this general from the shadows, the masses will respect our power
spicesangbros how are we holdin up
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I don't think it was a criticism. Just clarification.
Many of the CVs are quite busy.
gonna finally get around to Dawntrail
no cute art doesn't suit this game at all. it's gritty and dark. cringey shit like this only started with ruina and I hate it
im about to finish black souls 2 so i can finally know context about going to alice, once im done i will read chaos;head
investigations games were quite a ride but i will miss names from fantranslation
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man i wanna fuck this guy
i could sleep on that.
t. never played lobcorp
>LobCorp didn't have chibi art
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I wish this artist still drew them. Some the best imo.
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How the fuck do you do this one?
Lamentsang kills them from full hp but I think its not counting because they die from the sinking.
>cute art doesn't suit this game at all
Damn, I sure hope the franchise didn't start out with cutesy art being canon.
scarecrow, now
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Do they still upload elsewhere? Their twitter account is gone.
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I actually preferred the fan translation names, some of the localized names are really retarded. Other than that Investigations 2 is the best game in the series.
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finish some games i been holding and keep practicing drawings
Just count your blessings and hope that they don't die from sinking.
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Masterful bait, here's a (You)
cute abno art is the best
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It's the same bait from yesterday. Please stop giving him (You)s.
Not that I've found yet. But I'm hopeful they'll pop up. The style is great.
I'm playing Void Stranger
Bashing my head against the Tail puzzle
He's just Hong Lu.
the resemblance is scary.
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I never added him in the first place. Dogs have no place on my friend list.
why is nothing there so gassed up? so easy to work with. blue star is a faggot on the other hand
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i'm sad i didn't get to archive them on danbo before nuking
but i like seeing cute art in response
Stinky Sang has been getting some well deserved rest finally.
>t. doghater fag
maybe you directed other sinners to hit ordeal first and thats why it didnt count? i did that with yi sang as capitan and had zero problems
Nother there is just really memorable and if he does get out and you don't have giganigga with KoD blessing he can absolutely wreak havoc. Blue Star is just game over when it breaches but its really easy to keep contained.
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He stole all our chicks
It does count. Just make sure to do it 3 times in the same run.
Meat Dog is a good boy
Best 4-5 Instinct training in the game
Just don't let him get out
That puzzle is unironically fucking retarded
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Oh, I really like this one. It's great.
I saved a bunch, but I should have just ripped their entire history...
And fair.
Please post more cute abno art in particular. It's my favorite
Does anyone in this thread have one of the VAs added? If so, who?
Not asking to share their friend code obviously, I'm sure they're full, I'm just curious who people have collected
Blue Star is just a meaty stat check, it's also really easy to defeet it
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I have Hong and Heath, that's it.
If I could get Sault I would. I've not seen the other's codes but I do have some of my favourite artists added which is nice.
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'member when g gregor was considered good for his sustain? i 'member...
I'm guessing I have to somehow link every parts of the tail to form the engrave but I've tried multiple ways to do so and just can't get anything that works
Somehow I never noticed the male symbol next to the mom's name lmao
That's because That's actually not the solution at all! Hahaa! Fooled ya!
I wanted to try out a game someone here shilled, action platformer that had to do with a knight dude, and time rewind I think? And something with a dragon and a childhoodfriend. I freaking forgot the name of it so I couldn't get around to it.
Having him on the bench makes solo runs viable though.
Intimacy is the best form of flattery
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Same as the other anon I have Heath and Hong, I don't think Don's VA ever shared the code and if she did I've never seen it posted in these threads. Heath just added anyone who friended him during the early days but his friend list is probably full.
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Hello /lcg/! Did you know that the movie Shin Godzilla was supposed to have lots of scenes of civilians dying and suffering? Here's one example that was cut early!
Goodness, wouldn't it have been so amazing to see them contort and cry with fear when their inevitable death approaches? How they panic and scream as they cook alive underneath his atomic breath?! Ah, that would have been great to watch with Sinclair, what a shame, what a shame. See you next time!
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content doko
Astlibra Revision?
I've saved a bunch of doodles and snippets here and there from our local drawfags but am having a hard time finding the ones in particular I'm looking for.
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What the fuck
Throwing my head at the wall trying to beat the elden ring DLC without using any blessings
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The cutest
What are you looking for?
Director cracked and added maid IDs, when is he adding the magical girl IDs/EGOs?
A month until Dyon if no more delays
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kromer wouldn't say that about non augmenteds
Right that was it, thanks. I got curious about it since it seems janky at a glance, so I'm gonna give it a shot for curiosity's sake.
Well, technically it is, but the solution is so stupid it's mindboggling.
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I had a dream where there was a new PM game where it was similar to that Blazblue entropy effect game and most of the sinners were playable in it bit for some reason Binah and Netzach were also playable.
There's something wrong with me...
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There are always a bunch scattered here and there if you look.
Yeah, it's over...
I'm looking for road home/will you play/Laetitia all drawn next to each other. I thought I saved it but guess I didn't. I think they were all drawn by different people
So this guy's clearly gonna be in Outis's canto. What other abnos that we have seen do you predict will be in certain sinner's cantos?
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>will you play
This is the spooky scissors girl right? I like her.
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I love this guys stuff.
Heathcliff with cute animals always makes me laugh. He's perfect for that archetype.
He didn't even have the stones to call them maids so if they do get added they'll be called frillbillies instead
why did she do it bros?
why did Ishmael steal from Don
What's his threat level Bros?
ye she cute. I don't think she has an actual name yet
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I don't have the crop saved, but it was in this drawpile.
She's genetically superior
I'd play it depending on how the EGOs and IDs work
Because her last 000 was in February and Don got T Corp in May+has a canto next month.
Based on game data, "Will you play?" is supposedly her abnormality name though.
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this just screams 'abno for Faus'
also i think Don will get Tomb of bone
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this one?
lol cute
More like WHO-tis with how irrelevant she is
It doesn't just scream
Flask literally just IS the Faustcord
Look at her icon again
AYE yeah both I guess but didn't remember them being separate. Cheers
yeah, mb
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useless sinner only good for porn
Ayin was a man of taste
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cause ishmael STINKS and its UGLY
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Someone had to do it
i was ready to bet money Heathcliff will get spider of marrige, sometimes shit is too obvious for director i suppose
tbqf Heathcliff isn't married, him getting fell bullet was fitting though
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This could be you, Limchuds
When do you all expect us to get Aleph encounters/EGO? Like, realistically.
For me, I hope it isn't any time soon. We got absolutely blown the fuck out by a guy who's probably about as strong as Esther, an actual Aleph should rape us easily
>You hit a staggered unit
That's it.
Next Canto. I'm not even joking. Or maybe the Canto after when everyone finally gets a WAW.
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But what if I get a bad grade?
WhiteNight is so cute here! I can't believe our lord and savior can be so cute! Why don't we all give WhiteNight a big hug and give him some time for himself?
Art is for losers, AI is improving better than ever
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Whitenight is the best abnormality
Post more Whitenight
on the 30th we'll get confirmation of next season starting considering the zwei banner would have to end early due to season start, kinda like with garden of thorns
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She's really cute. I hope we get to fight her and Paper Chairman soon. I want more art of them again.
WhiteNight! I love WhiteNight! He looks so cool and the connections he has with established characters is very interesting. He's the second/most difficult fight in Lobotomy Corporation and one of the few abnormalities that will inevitably lead to death if you take in your facility.
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How come gachaslop games like ZZZ or Nikke can get amazing porn of their characters but for Limbus, the only porn is either fetish shit, gay shit, or cheesecake pinups?
Becasue 500 billions people don't plat Limbus stupid
Limbus doesn't have the popularity or marketing the others do. Limbus is carried by diehard autists obsessed with the franchise.
This game is laughably niche by comparison and they don't go heavy on fanservice.
Not to mention the investment to get into this game is incredibly high with Lobotomy Corp filtering tons of people.
i miss this artist i wish they didn't schizo out
3D models are infinitely easier to churn out bad porn of
You think Director should pay for it like BA?
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It is pretty strange that a game like Nikke that's all about showing how fucking sexy women are has more/better porn than a game where the most risque ID is a boy at the beach or a girl in a wetsuit.
>Not to mention the investment to get into this game is incredibly high with Lobotomy Corp filtering tons of people.
>Needing to play LobCo to understand what's going on
Reading Leviathan and Distortion Detective explains more but only 5% of the entire playerbase has done so.
Anyone have the link for the arbiter gf story? I forgot to bookmark it.
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do we not like this?
How horrible to see WhiteNight in this situation! Truly saddening...
>sleep rape outis set
Haven't seen that in a while.
take the AIpill
Cause Limbus is pretty small for gacha standards.
WhiteNight agents will do EVERYTHING to convince YOU to work on their Abnormality.
Do NOT fall for their tricks.
Other gachas have fans willing to pay hundreds for the newest characters.
Here we have David, who spends 50 dollars on Walpurgis, regrets it, and begs for donations.
I fucking hate the Ring so much. I genuinely felt anger when I saw Ring Outis killing all those people because MUH ART, same with Yi Sang. I think it's a travesty that the Ring hasn't been completely annihilated in one section of the City.
Im going to be honest Nikke's porn scene kind of sucks
most of the doujins are shitty in terms of artstyle and more of the porn just pin-up style art and not full blown doujins
it fucking sucks ass
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I'm still looking.
Have this in the meantime. @DUXPtOLw8n96491
Another good abno artist.
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>Anon seethes at the wanton violence going on in the City
How do you function with 90% of the stuff in this setting, when most of it insane violence and general apathy towards human suffering.
paus has always been a pear...
I fucking HATE artists so much it's unreal. At least the other guys kill but they aren't fucking pretentious self fellating snobs about it. Look into art """philosophy""" and all you'll fucking see is that Plato was right on art for none of the reasons he spoke of.
Introducing Dual Identities. They feature two sinners and can be equipped to any of the two, but not to both at the same time.
The first one is Emma and Noah. Sinners being Mersault and Sinclair.
The second one is Gregor and Rodya Tomerry.
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I am fiending for more content. I need me some content. Don't make me go back to the Railway please! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>At least the other guys kill but they aren't fucking pretentious self fellating snobs about it
Are you joking? The Thumb kill people because muh respect. The Middle kill people because muh revenge. The people in the City are very petty.
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He has to be baiting, it's too ridiculous and comical.
>The Middle can kill someone's family for looking at them funny
>The Thumb punishes their own members for not following the rules
>The Index has people killed if they don't follow the prescripts
>The Ring kills people for the sake of pursuing art
I don't know, aside from not knowing what the fuck the Pinky's thing is, the fingers all suck
I love the Ring, solely because they can mulch up as many people as they want in so many creative ways.
Both superior to art
The city should have more love
>Less seething about violence and more about art
You lot should be more forthcoming.
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Cute Kromer
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perhaps we should just agree the head is not that great and distort together
Only if you're weak. The strong get to find happiness
>>The Thumb punishes their own members for not following the rules
The thumb is even worse than you say it. Everyone has to follow their rules. It doesn't matter who it is. You didn't know the guy you accidentally bumped into was a thumb capo and yo didn't instantly grovel and cut off your arms? Death.
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I'm going to shove a large nail down your throat and a large nail up your ass so that the tips touch. Delete your image NOW.
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Are you an AInigger by any chance?
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>and distort toge-ACK
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Or maybe the Head is super cool actually we shouldn't ruin a good thing.
I personally just think "Serial killer who does it for the art" is a pretentious trope, even if it's intentional a lot of times.
Rodion being a fatfuck implies her ID will be good via pattern recognition.
>play piano
>millions dead
The girl cutting out her tongue was kinda hot though
I still have not received my gift totes since the last company get together. He sucks.
Ai generated kroma
The Ring is a textbook example of why artists need to be replaced with AI
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>people so weak they go mad with music
the pianist did nothing wrong
Maybe we should kill and mulch Angela.
Pajeet backstreets are spilling over into the threads again...
Most serial killers' motivations suck
>You're cool with the Thumb as long as you follow the rules of class and respect
>You're cool with the Middle as long as you don't mess with them
>The Index at least gives you directions even if the randomness is built-in
>Erm your dots weren't sovlful enough. Prepare to die uncultured plebian
I could never create or even AI generate my own porn because I don't know what I want until I see it
maybe carmen should have not been such a BITCH and lived.
My wife Binah is so cute
>Thousands dead
>Oops I talked to a Thumb capo without permission, there goes my tongue
>Oops I spilled coffee on a Middle member, my limbs are broken now
>Oops I didn't follow this prescript correctly, the Index proxies are on their way
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My fat wife Rodion gets another great image set..
You are giving too much credit to a group who gives you a piece of paper saying "eat your legs and burn your mom alive during her birthday party" and kills you if it isn't done by Monday.
Bros, is Bygone Days Ishmael (Awakening) the worst animation in the game? Seriously, she just slashes. Like this shit is more boring than the base EGO. She LITERALLY just slashes.
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somehow this is related to ayin and carmen
the only AI i can get behind cause it's so ironic it's funny
At the very least, the ring doesn't murder you for trying to join their ranks unless you like testing your lucky. 3 tries to have your art evaluated, fuck up 2 times, fuck off, try a 3rd time, get murdered if you were dumb enough to present them shit.
It's not great but it's comparable to basic shit like Yi Sang 4MF and Impending Day
Maybe the Pinky is actually reasonable.
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You have to be kidding me...
How about killing this anon? 494409407
Doesn't deserve a (You).
>Bygone Yi Sang just throws knives
>4MF Rodion just swings down her axe
>Fluid Sac Don just swings down her weapon
Nah, Impending Day had flavour. Bygone would've been an IDs S2.
>Ryoshu's image suggest they're mutilated and sickly
Mmmmmm no
Deserved for running SHITcliff
So the one I replied with DID in fact make that initial image but I thought it was ANOTHER artist that makes more painterly stuff. I never could find him.
Here is another cute one I found while digging though.
I wouldn't exactly call two variations of hitting with a big hammer flavor
>Bygone Yi Sang just throws knives
I mean yeah, but imo that's better than swinging your arm
>4MF Rodion just swings down her axe
She has a pretty flaming dress, the axe looks cool, and there's a bloody firey effect as she swings it. That's much better.
>Fluid Sac Don just swings down her weapon
She hits the target into the air then slams them into the ground. Way cooler
Hitting someone with a big hammer is always flavor.
I guess what I'm saying is those are all very short sequences compared to others
I fucking love great hammers.
Ok but what TETH Ego has the BEST animation?
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>coconut candy
Rodya has shit taste
After seeing how boring the new Ishmael EGO is, I no longer like women. Bi Gone Days
SODA corrosion.
Blech that's awful.
cococum is good thougheverbeit
Is that "chudo"? Why name a chocolate that?
Finally. I'm glad someone found it.
Oh shit, Rodya has good taste.
Too bad I'm in love with an american.
Russians have awful everything.
>chudo the chocolate chud
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>be yan
>be born in the city
>parents die due to prescript
>prescript tells him to become a index proxy
>deliver prescripts, they are awful and horrifying
>decide to express his own will by manipulating prescripts and forging your own path forward
>manipulate friends to do stuff for your grand plans of independence
>decide to invade a library that might contain the knowledge for your freedom
>make fake prescripts to tell your friends to go get it
>its a fake, but they knew it. they always knew.
>they received a prescript to follow the fake prescripts
>they have a prescript for yan, then they go die in the library
>meet the place where prescripts are made
>discover a super seismic machine is reading everyone's piss and shit and bleeding stream and cobble together the orders the prescripts give to everyone
>the city knew
>it made him that way
>it gave him even the illusion of rebellion
>the only reason he was ever allowed to be this was so that he may be broken on that moment
>and he was broken
>a new prescript was made just for him at that exact moment
>go die in the library
>and so he did
You can literally see the "olate" of "chocolate" on the candy
Rodya getting RAPED by the box doko
That's... good to hear anon.
Why are you stalking a man?
His name? Ricardo
>Just found out my stalker is a midget
I'm killing this fucker by punting him towards the sky
What is the rough timeline on Zwei? Is there any chance for an 00?
>go die in the library
What you're missing is that the Prescripts likely knew that he will return soon after the light is released.
No way they're going to throw away a Main Battle Tank to die on the Library.
Likely 3 weeks away and no, probably not.
>Meursault Yumes if they lived in the City
Timeline says that it'll be next month.
I hope they've accelerated, even if only slightly.
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I love the way PM writes dread and dispair. Yan's story is amazing.
wonder where he ended up spawning or if he even respawned given kim only just reappeared
That's the funniest kind of rebellion.
He didn't die so he failed.
>Manager. There is a deranged stalker following us. She appears to be after me in particular.
Your response, Dantenim?
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Yan sexo is all that matters.
No, very polite. I can tell.
where did you even mean to post this
Sinclair will get the ID.
It will not be Walpurgis but an event where we undistort him.
Stalking sounds bad, meant following.
Ironically it was a PM cosplayer kek
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>not denying it
Philip will live. I will always believe.
Literally the only twink on the team so yeah he would get it if it happens.
>he missed out on the /STALKER/ threads
But who gets Gloria?
Post the cosplays.
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Who is the Strelok of Limbis?
I've used stalker in a humorous or self-depreciating tone as well. But you can't do that shit here because there are ACTUAL stalkers and schizos.
I've seen five too many blood tributes in my time.
What happened and why is everyone responding to a deleted post?
>I've seen five too many blood tributes in my time.
a what, like an aztec ritual?
Bro your 4chanX?
Anon posted tummy
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My sweet, summer anon....
Hot, sweaty, babymaking sex with Rodya! (Only after getting married, of course)
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someone noticed they may get arrested for posting and thinks this is a good enough way to hide is tracks
>implying you'll last unvored til marriage
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Sure anon, lets go with that
With Rodya!
Sex with Rodya!
Missionary !
Reverse Cowgirl!
Full nelson!
Side prone!
Mating press!!
Full sex!
Pay by love!
Making babies!
Give her monthly cash!
Make her a full meal!
Russian meals are eaten hot!
Enduring the cold together!
Raising pet bears!
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oh anon...
it's just because it sounded worse than intended kek
The people I've met through 4chan are often more pathetic & pitiful rather than schizo or dangerous.
Though I have met a true schizo or two, the language of using stalk to mean follow is harmless enough even here.
How do you manage to make rapefags look good
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>The people I've met through 4chan are often more pathetic & pitiful rather than schizo or dangerous.
no... I'm a very dangerous person...
I hit my head twice as a kid
Just give Rodya treats and you'll be fine. Probably. The whale on the other hand...
I'll go back in time to make it thrice now
I've actually been really lucky and only ran into one schizo. I've actually made a lot of good nice friends from the site over the years.
If only
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too bad this maggot got filtered
That is lucky. All I've really run into is people in a lot of pain or distress. It's sad. But I can't help.
What sins are you weak/resist to?
She's already eating a few treats yet she's still eating more
It'd take a whale and then some to keep her satisfied
Fatal to everything.
what a FATASS!
Weak to sinking and tremor
Resist none
So I can feed Ish to her?
You must offer her your Ishmael. It's the only way.
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Still not taking it.
>So I can feed Ish to her?
That you must >>494415726
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Yeah I vet people by chatting a lot on site for an extended period of time before moving off site.
Best way to see if we're compatible. And totally, lot of people need help. Good on you for setting your boundaries.
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cant wait for pure dontent
Sukuna heath wtf
no thats lu hong his disowned brother
Even the worst kind of buff is worth it for that gift.
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been here since day 1 babeee
currently darkest dungeon i still have to kill that bitch of a countess
oh no i'm KROOMING
sauce please
based tysm!
I had a dream last night that Faust got the Xiao ID
Can tell.
Samefag, already saw your catbox link earlier. I'm not mad, just disappointed you could get to this point.
I had a dream last night that Faust smothered me with her breasts
Can tell.
Samefag, already saw your catbox link earlier. I'm not mad, just disappointed you could get to this point.
Based mom
Not a combo I expected.
There's been more schizos lately
Off your meds again, anon?
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>My mum who works in HR for a big company had a talk with me
>Told me I earn too little for what I do (Part of an e-commerce start-up for digital goods), and said that I should just get employed at a big corporation again to instantly double my salary
I don't want to work 10 hour shifts(not including commute) as a project manager again bros... But I'm getting peer pressured to "succeed" by my family.
Is that Don he's holding?
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Kill yourself, retarded fetish fag.
>works in HR
Opinion discarded
Why are you talking about this in /lcg/
Why do people treat /lcg/ as reddit or discord
Here have a cute Ish. https://x.com/unitaroukun/status/1834592369745732083/photo/1
I want to help brush the knots out of her hair.
You are my only friends.
Im not your friend, Im your brother
Fuck your mom (figurative)
No content. There is very little to discuss save from ourselves and bookclub.
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Is it normal to feel like you're losing braincells when you're reading The Stranger?
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I'm glad my parents have low expectations for me
They say they're proud of me for the smallest of things like having a low effort job or making money through drawing, when I'm just a lazy fuck who's done nothing
No, you're retarded.
Only if you're tanking the text at face value
I agree with the other anons, stop blogposting you faggot
Limbus Company?
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>have to play the gacha but in terms of burning books
what is this hell?
>posts Don
>loses braincells
like pottery
Anon is paranoid
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>Worked 50 hours being payed well below living wage in a dangerous environment that I needed training in
>finally said fuck it and left when I found out I was going to be paid even less and got triple the work load in winter and being chewed out for sitting for 5 seconds after doing heavy lifting with nothing else left to do
>My mom tells me I am being fucking lazy for not manning up and dealing with breathing in toxic gas and I am given an amazing opportunity at being paid a dollar above min wage with the amount of hours I worked

Fuck whatever anybody over the age of 45 thinks.
Sinner for this feel?
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This is probably what Dyon is gonna sound like as a bloodsucker
Just listen to the audio book, its a lot easier.
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I'm trying my best. Mersault's dialogue reminds me of how a lot of autists here write.
>Mersault's dialogue reminds me of how a lot of autists here write.
It's not looking good bros...
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so this LC we are whalebuyingnight into is not a normal LC right?
Ok but how would Meursault feel if he didn't shoot the Arab?
he was suffering a heat stroke, he couldnt feel anything
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>doesnt enter the thread
>shoots you and KILLS you
>contract completed within 5 minutes
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abno tierlist based on how much i wanna have sex with them
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Which sinner?
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You just failed your autism test
I wish Star Child would groom me into having sex with him (Better be in his profile picture's artstyle though)
>Don pic
>It's always accompanied by a completely worthless post
Every time. How do they do it?
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What's an ID that you really like but don't use?
>all male abnormalities arent in D
faggot post
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But he did shoot the arab?
Whitenight is clearly S-tier material! It would comfort you in it's wings while ominously transmitting messages directly to your brain of how you are not alone and it's a fetus,so it's also appealing to the loli and shota lovers!
Please reconsider your choice,for WhiteNight hears and sees everything.
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>literally exactly the same as a human
>except they drink blood and are slightly stronger
you're not a real monster fucker until you start admitting you want to have sex with ACTUAL monsters like king of greed (monster form) or blackswan
i love nearly all liu ids
burn still sucks
Samjo who is a sinner next loop
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>Apply for jobs
>Don't get jobs
>Live happily on benefits
This isn't so bad!
Ryoshu is the only one that qualifies for the title of THE DRINK,whatever that means.
This place would be lifeless without the shared retardation of Don posters
I'm too white go get gibs but I'm now medically crippled so I can try again.
Would you rather bring 3 Arbiters,3 Claw and 3 Beholders from the head or Carmen + Her light to the real world
>see on the UI that one of my nuggets is super low
>pause, search the entire map three times over, can't see it anywhere
>it dies because it was completely covered off by one of the enemies and i didn't know where to shoot my bullets
awesome game simply heckin ebin
This guy has the Bless EGO gift
Same way you did it.
>or Carmen + Her light to the real world
Isn't that the plot to Baroque?
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KILLING every single poster above me with my MIND and this endless NINE
>no 9
pft. this 9 kills all tiphposters
nice try bub
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<So anyways, I fed Ishmael to Rodion.>

<Ishmael wasn't too happy about it, but between Rodion's whining about being hungry and Ishmael's complaints about, well everything, I'm seeing it as a whole 'two birds one stone' kind of sitch.>

<Plus we've saved a pretty sizeable chunk of ahn on the food budget this way so that's also pretty nice.>
Best usage for Ishmale discovered.
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sending this poster specifically to HELL where he will SUFFER for all ETERNITY in the most AGONIZING ways possible and NEVER get to go to HamHamPangPang EVER with this NINE
>friend when he tried to destroy the index and see them nothing more than zealot
Its upside down.
its me >:)
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>Effie probably would have lived and been healed if Outis didn't kill him
This bitch is so dumb it's unbelievable
he was impaled through his entire body, he wasn't making it out of that
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Yeah he would have been fine
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people in this series survived much MUCH worse and fully recovered
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Why can't they feed the sinners to Mephi?
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Do NOT fight the Violet Noon MD pack with a slash/poise team.
worst mistake of my life.
A little bit deeper would be perfect
please give me xmples
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We probably didn't have the time and resources at that moment.
>In his current state, it will take around two days for him to completely die.
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>wants to fuck tree sap that has a chance to make you explode
>male abnos not in tier D
You're weird
Ishmeal forcibly penetrating Dante
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This is a monster girl thread, begone xenofucker
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What is a group of Hod called
>This is a monster girl thread
That's why he posted a monster girl.
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Please refrain from attributing animal characteristics to abnormalities. It is not a man or a woman, a dog or a cat, a child or an adult.
Did you like.. get the R.B. IDs to cook her...? Pretty fucked of you, manager.
why was faust so insistent and autistic about this
>Just a bird with a mutated female human face
If you want to fuck birds then be my guest
you think that don will go on a full blow purge to every bloodfiend in her canto
A passel
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Extra podcast episode: Analyzing "Between two worlds"!
At last I see... Yes.. Makes sense...

Time for them to take a break, can't run a joke to the ground!
Hmm, do you all consider the Illiad to be required reading for Outis, or only the Odyssey?
Based bird fucker gets it.
Normal birds have a normal human face so a bird with a mutated female human face is no different.
fucking STOP
That doesn't sound anything like book Don.
sinners for this feel?
Well, I had to spend I think about $100, but I got Butterfly Yi Sang.... I think I might grab a second job for a month.
Dante and his 12 goons + retiree & retard
I mean that Abno are not monsters. They only look a little weird but that doesn't mean they're monsters.
Because it's dangerous to do so. Without creating a distance between you and them, it is easy to become too attached.
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Maybe Ishmeal should stop eating all my food. Only Rodion has permission to do that.
Nobody disagreed with the sentiment so it's not like it's just Outis' fault. They didn't know he could be saved and Saude didn't mention it either if I recall correctly so it was a mercy. It just happens he may have survived but we don't even know if Saude survived in a good state, we just know she's apparently alive.
>xenofag getting uppity
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I'm happy that Rodion is getting more fans.
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<I'd be lying if I didn't think about it, but before I could bring it up, Rodion had some weird, greenish gold glint in her eyes and went to town on Ishmael.>

<Best way I could describe it is she 'gobbled' her up like some kind of bird. Maybe a duck or a pelican? It was surprisingly not messy.>
Ishmeal sounds bad
>Read the Knight of Despair boss passives
>Still don't know what to do
Maybe I should take a quick break.
>it's holding up a mirror
>it becomes your story
nyo... i don't want to become sinclair...
Fattening the Ishmeal up for Rodion to eat
Reading C&P actually made me dislike our Rodya more.
But time killing time made me like her more so it cancels out.
Kill the swords, then win the clash against the swords within two turns and then stab KoD and deal a lot of damage.
if you're suffering this early i feel bad for you
Its Dante
Clash with the swords
After some time, they will do a big boy attack
Win those clashes, you can't lose them or else you'll have to do this segment again
Jane Despair gets skewered
Jane Despair gets staggered after this
If not won by then, repeat the whole process
gn /lcg/
Can anyone post that one queen of hatred image where's she's with 4th match girl and laetitia
Makes sense, thanks.
It's probably just because I'm sleep deprived, I'm doing this a lot later than I should, I'm almost done with the first part of Urban Nightmare, just finished the weird flower boss after doing all the middle floors for Pinocio, Malkuth has E.G.O pages, etc.
How come nobody thinks Solemn Lament Gregor with his Linton ID isn't a mistake?
I mean, I've seen people comment on how Rupture is too OP or how Fluid Sac is too OP or how RingSang is too OP, surely the 8 coin nuke EGO skill is bad and is going to warp the game?
Rodion from Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Why did the book make you feel that way? Differences in character personality and nuance and such?
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Even though the number of Rodya fans is on the shorter side, people coming around to her is nice to see as someone who liked her even back in the first chapter
She grew on me quite a bit during the time killing time event and talking with my friend.
>greenish gold glint
The fuck? Also you're a weirdo.
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Much appreciated
>animal abnormality
>attribute common characteristics of that animal onto it
>die because it proceeds to act in ways completely antithetical to the animal, seemingly random if only using that animal as a predictor
thats why
who gives a shit anymore, game is cooked gameplay-wise
having to balance MD, non-MD, focused and non-focused encounters and them jumping around between different gimmicks (remember 7 sinners?) it's just a visual novel with gamba at this point
i'd like them to refine MD more for longevity's sake. right now it's just an autowin simulator
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Say it with me.
Ishmael. I.S.H.M.A.E.L
Not Fishmael
It's Ishmael.
is treating everyone you come across as if they were a capo de capi against the rules too or do they just want people to treat each other with respect and gratitude
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>Also you're a weirdo.
Do you know where you are
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>started this game two months ago
>decided to save (almost) everything for walpenis after rerolling
>managed to get a single 000 (w don) in my 200 saved rolls
Should I dump my account? I feel like rerolling might be better at this point.
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Pretty much. Rodya from C&P is a wonderfully complex character, defined by his abstracts and his relationship to them, yet is also a hypocrite.
Our Rodya feels less defined and fleshed out for one, but also feels like she shares very little in common what so ever with the original.
Our Rodya is somewhere from the middle of the book, yet our Sonya is basically from the end of the book, which warps part of what I think the book is about/it's primary theme.
I know we ain't done with her, like with greg and Sinclair, but she feels too divorced from the source material. She may as well been a different russian revolutionary or some such.
Just get 6 egos and the announcers in 150 rolls like me. And none of the walpenos ids.
You can add stuff that balances only MD and doesn't mess with other modes by virtue of it having EGO Gifts
This is just focused and non-focused
Non-focused fights are just story stuff. Whenever we get into a real fight it becomes a Focused fight.

So basically we only have to balance Focused and MD.
That's rough buddy
Cursed account, reroll for sure.
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Fishmale being turned into an Fishmeal for Rodyhog
You are an outlier man, I don't think people get off to Rodya eating Ishmael like a pelican...
yeah rerolling is easy enough that you can get at least 2 000s in a quick amount of time, with some luck they could be both walpipi IDs. Single 000 is abysmal luck.
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I can't believe I lost to her.
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I got everything from Walpipi in like 4 rolls EXCEPT Hod who I had to hit pity for
>red hair outlines
Nor ryoshu
Who the fuck is this
>Pitying for Hod
I got everything in two rolls lmao, I fucking hate newfags and I hope they all suffer and quit.
Lose how?
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its a mirror world where ryoshu dyed her hair
chill bro
I went from hating her, to her being in my top 6 sinners.
I lost...
That'd be insane luck to get 2 000s, an Ego and both announcers in 2 rolls.
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I wasn't that anon. I just found the idea of calling people weird here funny since people being weird is to be expected around here.
The problem with our Rodya is the fact that she's, ironically, not the main focus of the story. She's one of 13 protagonists in a gacha game instead of the main character of a 500 or so page novel so it isn't fair to compare the two based on how complex they are because no matter what PM does, our Rodya will never be at the same level of complexity and intrigue as book Rodion

All that being said, I still really like our Rodya and am very curious to see what will be done with her
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She's the only girl boss who actually knows how to have fun and have feminine qualities.
zamn, I got like 10 if I include egos
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/lcg/ is really weird but there HAS to be a line drawn and vore is that line.
Lel get fucked I got everything before pity.
>Vore is that line
>Vore has been integral to the game since Lobotomy Corporation
Boy do I have some bad news for you buddy
I understand your point and agree with it to an extent but certain sinners feel like they just get more spotlight than others even before/after their cantos. See Faust, Heathcliff, Yi Sang, or Meursault. The game is really in your face about Meursault being more and more proactive and Yi Sang as well.

I think Rodya (Sinclair and Gregor for that matter) are hurt immensely by being close to the main villains/antagonists. You can't have them progress without Hermann, Demian or Sonya around.
Mon amour
the Wolf? I know but that doesn't count.
Sleep well me
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Goodnight anon
ALEPH-tier threat.
>first 3 cantos Saranjinae end with 3 reverse notes
>they're our introductory cantos
>they also don't resolve the sinners troubles (in the case Sinclair, it's only a half-baked resolution)
>canto 4 lacks it
>canto 5 and 6 has them normally, not in reverse (though they're incorporated to the tune, strings and piano for 5, guitar for 6)
Is the loop theory actually true
I saved up like 170 rolls and didn't even get a single 000 or EGO, I did get one announcer that I don't care about.
I'll probably rage spend soon to hit pity.
I just realized, we had more smiling Yi Sang's in mirror worlds while Meursault has zero
Meursault only has Liu for now.
"each loop we live through" is just the sinners being revived from the dead, hence their standards of trying to stay alive falls down.
was it something like this
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It's a good thing Don didn't get the Zwei west ID
The last two times Don got the first 000 of a new faction she ended up with Cinq Don and Mid Don
Sault only has smiled in Liu (so far) I do wish his pre-uptie or uptie art showed it.
He also made a bewildered gasping expression in Ishmael's Canto. Unfortunately again, no CG.
>You can't have them progress without Hermann, Demian or Sonya around.
Unfortunately true which is also probably why those three tend to be rated the lowest on popularity polls (more so Gregor and Rodion)
It is what it is and all we can hope for is more content for them in Intervallos as time goes on
I like middle don
She also had good fortune with W and T Corp
That's some mild WHITE damage. Like 4 or 6 points' worth.
Middle Don makes me horny so it's good.
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Some real good shit if you made this edit
>new PM game announcement in just 8.5 years
i'm hyped
Meursault doesn't emote in his IDs except in that one Liu uptie story
Most distinct expression he makes is scowling
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Why didn't you like it?
I guess because it caught me by surprise. It's fine though.
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ishCHADS our ishtent is upon us
I called bygone days and now we are getting zwei west too
feels good man
In his Electric Screaming he looks pretty miserable. Is that the scowl you're referring to? Or like in Guido?
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Don't worry, I got this
I wish it was just regular zwei.
I aint into the pseudo knight look.
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The only options were Don and her so calling it isn't that impressive bwo. Good for her though I'm looking forward to big sword.
Anon, nta but it's really fucked up and weird of you're not exposed to whatever that is supposed to be. Deviant art type shit.
<I don't sound like this.>
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Saude was still at the end of her recovery period when Pilot tells you about her, meaning they didn't use the ampoules on her.
The after team member even got annoyed at how Dante is friends with a color to secure the ampoules for himself like that, when it must be super costly, or require some connections to have it more easily. So no, he would not have been fine, he would have kept agonizing to death for days.

Remember. Before team is the expandable team, Saude lucked out, they're not wasting super expensive and hard to acquire K.corp Ampoules on nobodies.
That's baby shit, newbab
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Not him, but I think this might be vore depending on your mileage.
Neither does Ishmael sound like a silverback
the correct answer to the ishtits question is that ish pads her chest. Hence why she is flat in ego art (forced outfits) vs varying tit size in other ids (different pad sizes)
>I aint into the pseudo knight look.
I love it. It'll be my homescreen ID D
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I'm starting to think you guys like Ishmael and just tease her because you can't be honest about it.
I'm indifferent to her. She just makes a good buttmonkey due to her fags here
I am very honest in my like for Ishmael.
I also just happen to think she's gay.
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I like all the Sinners
Please... no more fetish shit after this...
I've seen much much worse on this site. And others.
That doesn't make that post somehow pleasant or not weird.
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wouldn't it be so nice to see ishmeal melting in rodya's gut
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Me too.
Is this for shock value or?
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Ishfags take the bait too easily. Though it's like 50/50 whether this is actually true or if it's people falseflagging as Ishfags taking the bait to use as fuel to laugh at Ishfags
there are probably more falseflag ishfag posts than genuine ones in any thread
I'd like to see that desu
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>Ishmael gets a cutscene of her getting melted by goop
>Sloshmael also exists
What did El Director mean by this
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cute heesu
so rare its not even worth running an n corp team for the memes
>Only shows up in their EXACT Card Packs
>And by that I mean one only shows in the first N Corp Card Pack, and the other only shows in the second N Corp Card Pack
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what happens if i dont clear the missions in lobcorp and just keep playing as normal?
Just collapse their posts.
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Me too.
he is a personality excretion chad
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He clearly wants to see Ishmeal eaten and digested
It is a cannibalism/vore game series, after all
Yea the sheep
You got me.
I love Ishmael, she's easily my second favorite sinner but I also like bullying her here.
meant to be churned in rodya's gut
Got it.
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me too
I'll forever hate shitmael because I'm fully convinced she has a coin roll debuff in event rolls.
>see thumbnail
>thought it was faasan for a sec
>get excited
>its not
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I don't like any of the sinners.
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this dumb bimbo gets 0 fucking art
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Who is it?
Contrarians are the coolest
Cute, source please?
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Love this fat bitch
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She's been getting a fair bit with this new ID
Not as much as other Sinners, but still a nice amount anyways
some loser from league of legends
who's that dude
You can just be honest and ask for people to post new art of her new id
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Viego from league
john lenon
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Rodion love!
ok so my friend just came back from season 1, and he did 200 on the walpipi banner, he got t corp don and greg ego, also he has most of the strong season 1 units like nclair, nfaust, ting tang. Should he shard ryoshu or sang? Im thinking he should shard ryo cause she seems more generically stronger and fits into charge/bleed. Thanks in advance
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Anyone have the translation doc of combat skill dialogue?
thank you!
>Sharding a current Walpipi
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I would say Yi Sang is the generically stronger one, Ryoshu is very solidly into a support role that happens to do damage if she gets to ramp up. Charge units are expensive thead-wise, which your friend may be lacking on. If he's still catching up, he'll need a good Yi Sang for Canto 4 anyway, and sinking helps a lot in Canto 5.
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>should he shard ryoshu or sang
Oof, found it in my phone history
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Anons, the friend hit 200 isang... it's the first thing he said in the post. READ
is that the bug guy from fgo
W ryoshu is S0 and insanely good
I'd say grab shootysang
its a league character apparently
i'd say it depends on what he has already, more sinking IDs? yisang, charge team? ryoshu, already has Wryoshu? yisang
His yordle wife is hot
Canto 7 is looking good
Comfy day ahead
>limbus art
>watch van Helsing with a friend since we're inspired bc of Don
>comfy holiday coming up
Man this is my favourite time of year. Hope director gives us something fun or cute for the fall holidays. I'm still holding out hope for cute Halloween adjacent themed IDs.
>philipclair keeps sliding around because his run animation is bugged
<I can't sleep. Faust, check out the Faustcord for solutions please>
>bigger eyes
>pale skin
>red highlights
insane how few elements you need to change before ryoshu starts looking like a cheap vtuber
looks extremely homosexual but his crown looks like oberon so he gets a pass for having even one feature resembling peak
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I will settle for ample cute art.
read Don Quixote instead
That would be fine too.
We both already have! We should probably watch the stage play together though.
not really
lore is the dude is a necromancer and misses his wife and is angry all the time
so I guess that's why the artist drew them with Wild Hunt
is it more or less homosexual to have muscles compared to being sickly and frail
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I've finally got my first proper team, and holy shit Sinking is busted. Abnos get RAPED. I thought Poise was great, Sinking fucks no condom.
please director let the bygone days ish ego inflict echoes of the mirror that would be so cash money
Men should be well built and not fornicate with other men.
>Blunt tank IDs from Ruina with stagger damage mechanic
>Make him bleed lol
What did KJH mean by this
He uh, he's on TKT rn
Viego doesn't fuck men however
Nice. Hope you enjoy messing around with it.
He means that Meursault is using a different weapon.
depends on what they're wearing
and you can't really do this with calling something GAY
Either they look gay or they dont
Don's canto is expected in October, expect cute bloodfiend hunters instead.
It is but it falls short against human enemies, or just enemies with sanity.
I am just making a general reminder to all gentlemen in the thread to take care of their bodies and stay away from homosexuality.
Everything fucks in MD to be fair but Sinking is pretty fun
Source please.
I expect them >:)
>Cassette tape melted like Don's ice cream in the sun
Thinking about it in detail is a lot more terrifying now. That's got to be one hell of a sight to see.
When will I get my witch paus ID? Hmm???
Where is this even from
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during the h game collab
Thank you very much.
Thanks anons, well my friend didn't have wryo infact the only usable 000 he had in this day and age were the ones i listed, but he had remnants of a bleed team, so he went with ryo, prob sharding paintersang next
poise is one of the weaker statuses in md imo
the raw damage debuffs are too strong when they’re properly enabled by gifts
Oh then good shit, he's in solid hands.
31 minutes, a chilean tv show
>ting tang
RELEGATED to bench slave
REDUCED to niche usage in RR
REMAINS standing
I remember this
You're a retard on Nfaust. She fuels Ring IDs like crazy.
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TingTang is both a bench support GOD and is part of the 35 turn RR4 run so he stays relevant even now
TT is still my top damage on dallies.
I also include him and base Rodion on most teams for the added damage.
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So the ID is confirmed to have rupture at the very least
Very cool.
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rupture bleed hybride s-surely
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sooooo whats the point of tank ids again?
>ooooh they can tank a hit
dont need to tank if you just win the clash
>ooooh if you have 0 sp you cant clash
if you have 0 sp you are at the start of the combat, and are able to reset without much headache until you win the first clashes.
>ooooooooh you need SOMEONE to tank that move
just nuke the part / enemy with speed shenanigans

so again, whats the point of tank ids? the only scenario where a tank COULD be used is during the pequod trio outside of MD, but even then its niche.
sometimes Ive noticed tanks are really fucking helpful for story mode stuff especially bosses and hard focus fights
I like them :D
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>lo de los vampiros estoy seguro
>los molinos los invente yo
They're fun as fuck to use for solo MD runs
Yeah. They're not necessary in MDs but they're nice to have in story content.
I love my tanks :)
>t. uses multiple just for the fun of it
They may end up serving more purpose if PM starts making enemies stronger due to chain battles. Realistically though the only times I care about tankiness is if they have aggro during RR runs or using SHITcliff to fight the frog lux.
I like being able to let shit go unopposed but it also means I love manipulating sin resistances its fun
>rupture + charge
That's not a good news.
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clashtards at it again.
No anon, you don't need to restart the battle because you lost a clash and took 6 damage. And its perfectly okay to take damage if it means you can get a one-sided attack out of it.
Not confirmed just yet
Night of Revenge.
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night of revenge
So why do it look like Bloodstained
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Do you think PM will ever actually collab with anything else?
Melting Love is a whore
faust cum stomps me flat
faust fucked me flat
faust made me cum high into the morning sky
and ugly
HamHamPangPang x Sweets Paradise
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the erlninja...
I want cherry blossom to come back for a walpurgis
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Baking New Bread.

Will share on page 5.
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just got out of the workshop how did I do?
the hell is faust-ing
I'm gonna Faust
Show me who's on your card and I'll decide.
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I really hope so because I like Rupture and need a substitute for one of these goobers badly.
It's clearly WOutis
it lets you ignore some attacks which means instead of clashing and wasting damage your glass cannons can just attack broken parts
Why do people like rupture? Like actually? Do they find the upkeep game interesting which would get solved by qol ids? Echo or chaser damage is overpowered and just a must use in every game it's in, what do you like about it?
Why do people like bleed? Like actually? Do they find the upkeep game interesting which would get solved by qol ids? Echo or chaser damage is overpowered and just a must use in every game it's in, what do you like about it?
I like imagining the enemies bursting and their innards spilling out, and green is my favourite colour
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i like feet
i know
he knows
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I like armpits
they know
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I like bellies
blank? How the fuck?
i like BIG tits and FAT asses.
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beat you
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>over 100
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Sis, all those guys are out of date. An extra rupture unit just means another brick until they give us more characters.
Oh, you mean the people who PM tried to disregard at launch, resulting in IDs like fucking BL Outis? Clash"""tards""" are more on base about the game's balance than you could ever hope to be. If we listened to you we'd still be getting launch-tier IDs like chef greg with fat % damage multipliers on them.
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>level 57
I took a break after the first railway until the end of canto 5 leave me alone.
>more rupture is another brick until they give us more rupture
Try fighting the envy peccatulum in RR4 with app squishies you retard, especially section 3 and 4 lets see how long you last. One EGO usage ruins your credibility by 1%
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>no Diligence
Mmnyes. For the time being getting another rupture unit just means leaving the ID to gather dust until they're steadily added over time.
Rupture has like 4 good-enough IDs already and Burn is more than playable with 5, we only need one Rupture ID.
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The fact that rupture is true damage gives them mileage way beyond their age, While I would argue 7 Faust and Heath are still very good I kinda agree on the rest which is why I want units to mix it up with.
they’re otaku so they’re chomping at the bit for a collab
the only real blocker is who wants to collab with the sandwich shop

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