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Previous thread: >>494398337

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Paus featuring Dante
i still like feet
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Rodya LOVE!
I still love and will always love WhiteNight
please post and talk more about WhiteNight this thread guys
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Getting assaulted by Rodya after she gets drunk! Her sobbing all her insecurities at you post struggle!
Hope you're shorter than 5'5 or else that ain't happening for you bub
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She's a solid 183 cm. That's like a little under a head taller than Dante (me) (you) (him)
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You'd like to believe that wouldn't you
Dante is canonically in the Ish-Yi Sang height range. The cutscene art is extremely inaccurate, one of these has Ryoshu leaning into a room and still being around Dante's height which would mean she's MASSIVE or Dante is TINY.
He's standing on a box, anon
<Shut it.>
dante the perfect height for bending hong lu in half
Super hard and long ejaculation. Almost felt like one continuous spurt. Urethra absolutely stretched out for this huge load
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reminder that ruina > POWERGAP > limbus
Now step off that box.
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This has to be bait there is no way people genuinely think this
Is his webtoon doing well?
Angela and Ayin...and my FUARKING HERO
hey what the fuck is the "deal 6+ status effect" missions for walpenis about?
>chains of others
>butterfly off yisang
>pathos for rupture
>der shooter for bleed
that's 7. Is "inflict" not counting chains of other because it's next turn or something?
Whore Lu
OUR FUARKING HEROS...all of them except Carmen after she schizoed out
Has to all be in the same turn I think
Chains is next turn bwo. Hex nail faust is a good substitute.
why is carmen skirt that short that is not professional
Imagine walking in on Outis streaming as a little girl princess Vtuber singing disney songs
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Sex with Faust will solve all of your problems.
<No, I can't!>
Anyone got that 2nd Ao Oni Don meme where she blood fiends out to bend the bars
its fucking sad how the only use sunshower has is making toad day go faster
Post faust100
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New account, I have butterfly Yisang, Cinq sinclair, and bigbrain ryoshu, as well as hod announcer.
Should I save my lunacy to get uber eats Rodion? I must say she is mighty cute stuffing her face with a mars bar.
How long does it take for the skill summary to come out after the trailer?

Also which 00 are worth actually investing into, hypothetically to uptie 4?
to seduce ayin and sexually frustrate giovanni
Uber Eats Rodya should be Season 0 so you can shard her any time.
>How long does it take for the skill summary to come out after the trailer?
Monday will have the skills with no numbers. Wednesday (patch day) will show the numbers in-game.
>Also which 00 are worth actually investing into, hypothetically to uptie 4?
Ring Outis, T Corp. Rodion, and a few others I can't think of right now.
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>Also which 00 are worth actually investing into, hypothetically to uptie 4?
Most 00 exist to agument specific team. So it's a bit hard to say.
>cape on space suit
Since it's a new account, you can give it a try and see if you get more IDs to work with but you should save after. We'll see her skills on Monday, check the countdown in OP for exact time.
>Yi sang and Cinqclair
both very good
>bigbrain ryoshu
who? spider? If so it's fantastic since she is limited for the next 3 months
>Should I save my lunacy to get uber eats Rodion?
We don't know what she does and she will have some completely new switching skill, could be broken or could be beyond useless
Also she will be permanently craftable so she is low priority, but nothing seasonal is coming out for the next month so might as well if she doesn't suck and you roll a bit to hopefully expand your roster
>Also which 00 are worth actually investing into
post what you have, they usually are cope options at best, you rarely want uptie 4 unless if they are exceptionally good(multicrack Heath, Ring Outis) or a good fit for the last spot in a team
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you could so easily make an edit and have her sucking a dick
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I hope director never tries to jew us out of new abnos ever again like he did this season
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do it then
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Her new ID highlights her cuteness so incredibly well
If they ever decided to do an ID that mirrors yujin, how do you think they could make a skill that works like boundary of death?
We are soon to be eating fine my true Rodya gentlemen!
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>which 00 are worth actually investing into
Its a mixed bag depending on what you actually have and what kind of team you want to build first. Some 00s are really good on a specific team.
But SPECIFICALLY on a fresh account where you're just kinda haphazardly throwing units together some worthwhile 00 can be:
>Any Faust
>Seven Ryoshu
>Any Heathcliff BUT Shi
>Any Ishmael BUT Sloshing
>Any Outis BUT Blade Leniage
is this loss
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Es mi IDEAL la estrella alcanzar!
No importa cual lejos se pueda encontrar!
Luchar por el bien, Sin dudar ni temer!
Y dispuesto al infierno llegar si lo dicta el deber!
Y yo se que si logro ser fiel!
A mi sueño IDEAL
Estara mi alma en paz al llegar de mi vida el final.
>Any Ishmael BUT Sloshing
This guy trying to pretend shi ishmael is good.
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The last thing we need for this to be a perfect release is if the ID itself is really good
I'm hoping it is given how it can just end up killing itself so it should have a high reward for such high risk
Fair enough, good to hear that it is season 0. I sure wish I started when kimsault was a thing. Can I even get him at this point, or would I have to wait until the blade lineage event come rolling back out again?


>Ideal: Butterfly
>Faust: Yuri, W corp, Zwei
>Don: N corp, Lobotomy Sheep don
>Ryoshu: LCCB, Lobotomy red eyes/penitence
>Meursault: Liu association, dead rabbits
>Hongru: Kurokumo, 20th district
>Heath: Shi association, Oufi
>Ish: Shi, Sloshmael, Edgar maid
>Rodion: T corp
>Sinclair: Cinq, Zwei
>Outis: Blade lineage, Ring
>Gregor: Liu, Rosespanner

I feel I got a pretty diversified mix here, the issue is they are all so spread out at this point that I can't form a decent "team".
I am just grateful that I got the 000s needed to push me through the cantos at this point.
>it should have a high reward for such high risk
as a joke right
Fuck Cervantes views
Quixotism is based and we should all aspire to be like Don
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She has solid numbers without conditionals, goes fucking insane when she gets low hp during the one period of time in this entire game where you're likely to suck shit and actually get her that low naturally, and 100% free. She's fine.
Thats pretty good for a new account. The Yisang and Ryoshu will do a lot of work still because they're just so damn strong rn.
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You can get Kimsault, he's just not in the Dispenser for now so you'd have to roll him. That will change sometime next month when the next Canto/Season arrives, and he will become shardable then.
>Yuri Faust
>Lantern Don
>lol meursault
>Yurodivy Hong
>heath is unfortunate but oufi is usable
>ish is unfortunate but absolutely not sloshmael
>TCorp rodya is alright
>Ring Outis
You're right that it's all over the place but you've got enough to work with or can support in for the ones who are lacking. You have parts of a workable tremor team here but I wouldn't reccomend investing in it as a new player. Just stick with slapping good IDs together.
For beginners, Shi Ishmael is good and is also cheap since you only need uptie II for her S2 to pop off at under 50% HP. Experienced players wouldn't run her, but their stronger teams usually don't take much damage to begin with.
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Which ID should I bench on my bleed team? I have 7 and I need 6.
imo i just bench n faust because i think her animations take too long despite the debuffs
Does Ring Sang S2 still go off reasonably well without n faust?
It really is a hard call but I usually bench pequod heath because the new ryoshu is shiny, has lust counter, and contempt/awe.
Bleed count is important and the rest of the units support that.
it depends on where you’re running this. if you’re running in MD you get debuff gifts served to you on a silver platter
the alternative is between your 00s and i’m not sure which one does better damage. hook gets a lot out of the speed starlight buff if you have that
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Mid Don or Ring outis for the last slot in a bleed team?
You forgot starting off with Lob Corp, followed by another power gap.
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Middle Don works better in a resonance team with bleed as a side gig than a pure bleed team. Go ring outis so the sheer amount of pierce units you have can benift from LCB don's support.
NTA. So I use Kurokumo and both Ring IDs. The answer is yeah. Sorta. In MD you can just stack bunch of gifts to replace the nails. I would go with N-Faust outside of it. Mainly because gaze debuff.
now that you mention it, bleed has too many pierce IDs, Mid Don to diversify the damage is probably best
pro bleed gamer here
consider this: torn bandolier and keenbranch
Did Not Gain Ego Gift
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Who The Fuck Slotted In For Another Work Inside Ice Queens Chambers
thanks for the distraction, my panicked ass has already opened Nothing There's cell. Time to kill myself.
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All Rodion btw
this is what your average gookcel feels when he sees the tiny dick hand sign
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My wife is so special and strong
>gookcels get to lucid dream rodion stomping their cock whenever they see the small dick handsign
so fucking jelly ngl
>sinking ego to kill gloom weak bosses
>time moratorium to kill sloth weak bosses
>heal EGO
She can't be stopped
your large western penis could never withstand 18 million damage, it is fleshy and sensitive
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But I have a small deformed penis.
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sinners for this feel
The panicking voice line the new rodion id has gave me a boner :(
top qt
dieci hong lu's stagger line makes me horny too dw
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>Rodion's a huge tease but genuinely feels bad when she takes it too far
I love her so much bros...
>Sex in the city is seen purely as procreation activity between married people
>Mortality rate is extremely high
>Somehow the city is still overpopulated, to the point that every single person is "expendable"
?????? I feel like there is a missing piece of the puzzle
Africans shit out a dozen kids per household and also live in areas with high mortality rates
>Sex in the City is seen purely as procreation activity between married people
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The Head is creating people and dropping them off throughout the city
That's why it's so important that there are only things that are, or were, 'human' live in The City
>weakest rodion enjoyer
leave him alone ;;
Imagine we get a full squad of Deyvat and they all try to leave at the same time and it fucking crashes the game
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Yes these games are surprisingly sexless but thats because it's focused primarily on characters just trying to survive another day. Just because the narrative doesn't want to focus on characters trying to bang doesn't mean it's not happening 24/7 as human nature dictates. Its porn-addict brain rot to think otherwise.
What do you have already
Honestly I'm happy it's not sexo shit. Authentic korean lewd stuff written by guys serms to be all about getting a magic piwer then immediately using it to rape. Or NTR. Wtf I want lovey dovey stuff (with hod)
>tiph post this time of day
>reasonable and sensible take
nature is healing...
I'm a PM fan that just spent the last week or so playing blacksouls, Please recommend more games
They just want to see sex on screen anon
go play nikke if you want overt sexual themes and imagery in your game
>Doing a MDH run
>End up fighting EGO Ahab
>With a Sinking Team

How close is Ruina to Limbus? From what i've seen the combat seems to be pretty similiar but there's no deckbuilding,maybe i'm wrong
I pratically forced myself to finish Library of Ruina because i really wasnt a fan of the deck building mechanics,i didnt think the combat was all that but i didnt particularly hate it either,call me retarded or something you're probably right
Though i like project moon i'm not gonna put myself through a live-service game i can't enjoy
I just play Last Origin for Korean made overtly sexual shit
Mercenary's adventure and the devs other games like new project. Off the top of my head I think the dev name was takamakuran
they'll just have to wait for the Black Silence Heathcliff/Ishmael IDs where the uptie story is Ish getting impregnated followed by 10 minutes of post-coitus banter.
I just read smut and doujinshi. I don't really enjoy too much sex in my regular games.
>IshMALE getting the Black Silence ID
It will be Hong lu instead
You're so obnoxious can you not shut the fuck up
go back heathmaelnigger
>Ishmalekeks getting uppity again
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What a url jesus lol but cool he's working on a new game
Thank you!
sinners for this feel?
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Ishmangelica would be cool because people could mod it to look like the actual Angelica and they already share a voice actress
Why does Gregor exist?
so i can fuck him
go back sis
These threads have just become tumblr but you can say you like loli/shota and slurs without anyone having a melty
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Nuh uh
These threads are just facebook but you can say you like loli/shota without anyone having a melty
But don't say you like Ishmael or Sinclair else there will be a meltie.
4Chan is just Reddit but you can say you like loli/shota and slurs without anyone having a melty
These threads are just like 4chan but you can say you like loli/shota and slurs without anyone having a melty
all true
This website is just like 9gag but you can say you like loli/shota and slurs without anyone having a melty
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What if I say I like Ishmael loli
This joke fucking SUCKS.
YOU fucking SUCK
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Three days.
Meursault SEX
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i love this fat retard
We've had Green Dawn and Violet Noon. What do you think we'll have next?
>Crimson Dusk then Amber Midnight
>Amber Dusk then a Crimson Midnight they pulled out their ass
Anyone has that chibi Devyat Rodion being bloodied and smiling while riding her scooter?
She is neither fat nor retarded
I hope we get Crimson Midnight and they add it in LC remake
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Stuff like this makes me wish Lobotomy Corporation had built in steam workshop.
You mean having to do RR to get the dungeon abnos?
>LC remake
My elephant Rodya )))
I think they mean how the BP abnos weren't even present in the Canto this time unlike the last two and we only fought them on this season's Railway.
Well we didnt ever go to an LC facility, but i do agree that its a shame.
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Oh boy is Jaldabaoth all over again
If they make a crimson ordeal and we don't fight a signle of abnos, i'm refusing to ever buy the pass.
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All of Rodyas fat goes into her breasts and her penis
Did they say anything about that or are you one of those retards that think games that play fine need remakes?
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Well, yeah, that's what I said.
Having to do RR to fight them instead of in story.
Don't forget indigo ordeals for all daytimes.
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I'd just like to interject for a moment to provide some clarity for any anons reading this post.
What anon is refering to by "her penis" here is actually MY penis. As Rodya is a woman, she doesn't have a penis.
Then why would she say that? The answer is more straight forward than you might expect. Rodya and I are in a loving, consensual, monogomous relationship. However, her rough upbringing in the backstreets has made her rather possessive of me (and my penis). This manifests as her referring to my penis as HER penis, as in, ONLY hers and no others. She exclusively has a very tight, unshaven vagina.
Hope that clears up any confusion.
Saving us from more derailing and talking about futa cocks
Sheep and king are both pretty lame fights not gunna lie. Portrait has a kinda-fun gimmick at least.
This is just fate but korean
Don't touch me can just pretend to have the aura of WhiteNight, he can only transform to One sin, Singing machine and happy teddy bear
This is just Tsukihime but with hags
*cough* i'm sure limbus only fags will enjoy this too
No i like LC but its obviously limited by the overwhelmingly limited abilities and time of its creators, like 2 of them at the time. Including the memory leak.
I think it would benefit from a remake overwhelmingly especially if they added Limbus related abnos as a noncanon option like Donors. Also anything else they didnt finish like Eggs for all abnos.
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Only the delusional deny that.
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My belly is too fat now…
Sex, nyow
I don't disagree that a LC remake is fine if it came,but i believe they should put the time they would be putting into the remake for another game
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>fuck frog
>lose 30 levels
What the fuck? Thank god I can savescum
I'm at Binah's floor realization and I'm not having a good time
I would rather do day 49 again
>Binah's floor realization
Anon, how?
Binah's only took me two times and I'm legit retarded. You can do it.
Ironically geb's was the worst with her bullshit first phase that made you restart like 10 times
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>>fuck frog
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>>fuck frog
What did he meant by this...
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you did what...
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Limbus Company?
hmmm nyo
Manager, do you want to explain?
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>just did my 4th MD run today
I'm bored
Binah has the joy of rolling badly once and losing nuggets instantly in two stages of her realization
Then there's the spam of mass attacks at apocalypse turd with like 10 dice to finish you off
The fight is also long as fuck
completely agree
the floor realizations are simply not fun
ideal body btw
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it was the hardest fight in the game for me, but I got through with decent teambuilding
Apocalypse Bird took me ten tries and multiple changes in my build to deal with the lack of light and Big Bird's power null
Jesus Christ, I hope they never bring Power Null into Limbus. That'd genuinely suck cock.
they will and you know it
I don't think it would make a difference unless it blocked coin power conditions, then yes holy shit that would be brutal for a lot of the archtypes.
it's been like 40 years since i played ruina. What did power null do again? Just disable any instances of power-up you had?
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>Power Null on the charge units
Charge is DEAD...
Disables power increases and decreases from cards, buffs and key pages. Only paralysis goes through.
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Is this alright for charger team?
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thats just kissing though
there's teambuilding rather than deckbuilding. Each character has a set "deck" of 3 skills. pretty easy at this point though. when you start goodstuff is fine, and eventually you progress to status teams.
Also targeting is better than in ruina
WSang and WSault are rupture. Ryoshu can also slot into bleed since WRyo is already good but I guess it conditionally depends on if you're fighting blunt weak enemies or not. Just run the 000 WCorp IDs, RIsh and the Crackheads.
(He hates it!)
(He hates it!!)
Charge? Dead.
Burn? L.O.L.
Sinking? Rest in Peace.
They better not be taking any ideas from this thread, IF they're even lurking here in the first place.
It happened afterwards
Yi Sang wouldn't do that, Ryoshu isn't plump enough
Looks good.
I'm using
and then MC Office Faust & Heathcliff and they work really well as a team.
>RIsh and the Crackheads
Ishmael and Multicrack office.
He means R Corp Ishmael and the Multi Crack Office IDs (Heathcliff & Faust).
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There are different schools of architecture
What is better W Ryoshu or Lobo Ryoshu?
WSang is more of a rupture unit but he's better than WMeursault, how the fuck do you use him when his charge gain nearly doesn't exist.
Is your enemy weak to blunt or resistant to slash? Lobo Ryoshu
otherwise use W-corpRyo
in general she's marginally better off in a bleed team since some of her conditions need bleed.
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well said
If you can get her/use her as support I recommend W Ryoshu. Just depends on what content you're running for etc.
What is currently the best team anyway? I just got back to the game after a year
>Saving us
You mean condemning us
both fulfill different roles
The former is focused on slash damage
The latter is a bleed-potency-shitting-out ID with HP and SP team healing
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Flatty Fish
I'm fine with anyone talking about their fetishes it's just that eventually people will start shitting on it and then they will fire back and it will become a shitstorm and ruin the thread
All have enough/meta IDs to make them broken as fuck. Bleed is nearly at that level but suffers from nearly zero bleed count application. If bleed ever solves that issue then they're probably the best.
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Flat Ish
People should more shit on armpit and feet posts, so those aren't brought up again either
That's what Sanguine Desire is for bwo
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or Fat Ish
Not really
Tremor got a lot of solid content alongside tremor flavours that deal sloth damage/clash power down/etc that makes them a solid choice, if a bit pricey in terms of shards. Also some interesting mechanics with the T-corp ids that open up some possibilities
Sanguine is a step in right direction but nowhere near enough to make your bleed last.
Liking futa while shitting on feet and armpit is rough
>Combat start so bleed count doesn't drop the entire turn
>Rolls well especially if they have bleed on them
>Doesn't cost any weird resources for a bleed team
The only real problem is Rodion has shitty bleed IDs in LCB, N and KK.
Just run Rhino Meursault to maintain bleed count, it's not that hard
What's your favourite obscure Lobotomy abno? By obscure, I mean like real out of the way picks that most people wouldn't give two shits about like Beauty and the Beast, any of the tool abnos, some of the translator abnos etc.
>He thinks Director doesn't browse the thread regularily
Ying/Yang don't get enough love.
Do we know new Rodya's kit yet?
Pianto della luna is pretty cool
Either both are accepted or none.
We Can Change Anything tickles my horror fancy.
I don't know about abno popularity, but the Dreaming Current is a chill dude.
doom train is ebin
Hard to say, Skin Prophecy I would say
What if all the gacha money is actually being used to fund a PM movie instead?
budget dante
Mon amour
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You have a week to kill the clone before we kill you both
It's not been shown yet.
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They can make a Ruina trilogy and use Crying Children and Xiao as cut-off points
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When DO we get ish and rodya's kits?
Name your favorite 'you had to be there' Limbus moment
Nsault announcement
First banner ever and it was already dogshit units. Fucking amazing
Day 0 Ricardo
Nclair announcement, Ring Sang twitter nerfs, Anything Linton related.
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Linton's cough posting
MD3 releasing with Kromer at 80-90 defensive level
Dawnclair's tri-buff shitshow
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The chicken event grind
the livestream
reading /lcg/ live reaction to Ricardo was a blast, especially after we found out why hes mad at us
Whos Gallopon?
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>the livestream
Oh yeah that too. I'm actually so glad I was "there" and seeing the reactions.
Pits that killed /lcg/ for like a month
All moments were shit
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1.76 MHz
feels fairly unique in being a sound rather than a creature
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Love me wife Outis
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kromerkeks seething over kraust
the first livestream
I forgot Yi Sang was basically a non-character for half a year due to motion sickness, fun times
Not sure if he applies but the closest to it i like is Woodsman
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Favourite EGO?
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"The Incident".
Nothing will come close.
ram ranch heathcliff
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Gothic Lolita Heathcliff single handedly saving Tremor
Why does Butler Ishmael have Pendant of Nostalgia icon in her title? What does Bygone Days have to do with Der Schütze?
holy sex
cute fluffy sheep
You will not train your AI with my answers. I'm a free man, I will not be replaced. I am me.
>the beginning of color tremor
Ebony stem honestly. I wish the abnos at the start werent such dogshit fights
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Monzo fucked up, 13000 lunacy imminent
You are number 6
>Locket of a woman
>Wearing black ribbons instead of white
She's clearly mourning.
This is why
Heathcliff reference, the ship is canon
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>Dunteh...I want RAGANGE...
>references Queequeg
>somehow trys to make it about Heathcliff
QQ IS Heathcliff
How does an ego gift belonging to another abno References Queequeg
The master and the beloved person are the same.
He was a character after his chapter at all?
He was demoted to comedic relief
Muh friends, muh genius, muh self esteem, muh mirror, etc
But enough about Ishmale
>anons think it's another abno's ego when it's just a normal locket
Isn't Whitenight a boy? Why are you gay?
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the next epic wilpeno id will be QoH Don, screenshot this.
It's a woman's portrait in the locket it's either Catherine or Queequeg.
Its the same sprite as the EGO Gift.
Are you saying we've always been collecting a Cathy/Queequeg locket?
If you see WhiteNight that way,then so be it
We all have our won interpretations of the lord,as long as we show respect,love and listen to it's voice it'll always understand us and the true desires of our heart
And i don't want to fuck WhiteNight i just think it's really cool
It's always been a portrait of a woman. So relative who is holding it.
Someone's master, someone's friend, someone's wife. A loved one forgotten or lost.
pretending to be retarded is against the head's rules anon...
People do this all the time. It's pointless and tiring.
I just realised that ishmael, a gay woman, supposed to play a role of "straight man" in the group
Sinners with this feel?
How is that message wrong
At first I thought you genuinely didn't understand now I realize you were being disingenuous.
How can Ishmael be a gay woman if she loves me (Dante)?
Pretended to be stupid again award.
I have bad news for you anon...
I'm sorry, just use your brain.
What size is Dante's cock?
It's average leave him alone.
<Small. Now leave me alone.>
Anon please stop samefagging.
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Paus can confirm that his reproductive sexual organ is way above average and its totally not below average. Source its not required.
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>one you out of all those anons
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one day terasu will draw a limbus doujin and this general will explode.
Oh okay, I suppose multiple anons just developed the same snarky writing style and got mad at that specific post on a dead thread
Kill yourself
It's literally the same design, down to the fucking portrait and shape
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do we even have a bleed deluge that is not sanguine desire?
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>schizo seething
You're really butthurt about being called out huh?
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Apex predator
>multiple people disagree with me?
>they must all actually be the same person!
What leads a person to unironically believing this
My favorite anon is the type who replies to a question with a snarky remark, and continues on refusing to answer the original question when it's brought up again
Makes me chuckle from the bottom of my belly at how pathetic they are
The fact that nobody was refuting his claim, and all they could do was shitpost and cope
Very pretty
Would you even want to deluge bleed? I guess it'd be wrath or lust damage but the whole idea is to stack it then clash a lot to kill them for free. Plus with Sanguine Desire + a potential deluge would it even take the bleed away truly?
It was clearly explained immediately.
>refuting his claim
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cant wait for people to actually draw her with slick back hair once her official sprite shows up
Thanks for confirming you were shitposting and then proceeded to shit pant when no one bought it.
>Multiple people!!! pretending they have the answer
>Answer doesn't actually answer anything

How does this answer that the switchup? If anything the ambiguous nature of it only makes the theory stronger.
dont u guys have better things to argue about
How rich do you think she is
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Donbros we were ROBBED
so much power that money isn't an issue
I can't tell if you're really still confused or you're just fucking around.
Then why does it look EXACTLY like the Pendant's EGO gift icon, down to the color, shape, and portrait?
The only explanation you can give me is that PM is fucking lazy and are recycling assets
She can buy a PS5 Pro with 1 (One) Game. Can you?
No new IDs for 4 months
Can she buy the disk drive though?
Heathmael gets so much more porn than any other ship
Why is that
My theory is as stated here.
It's relative to who has it. For the Shooter, a loved one of his. Possibly wife etc.
For Ishmael, relative as well. It could be multiple people.
I'm tired
>I don't understand what you mean, that makes you retarded
This is starting to become a regular occourence here.

Anon, I'm going to make it simple.
Heathcliff had Master's Portrait EGO Gift in his Der Schütze EGO.
Now Ishmael has Der Schütze's EGO Gift in her Master's Portrait EGO.
What does that fucking mean anon, tell me?
It doesn't explain shit as to why they look exactly the same icon. I wouldn't have brought it up if was a different color, had its position changed, was closed or whatnot, it's literally the exact same icon
Stop wasting people's time retard.
They're the only sinners with any meaningful interaction that could be mistaken for romantic. Can't say I see it or agree but people will always find a reason to encourage even the worst ships and Heathmael is pretty tame.
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when will we go to school with the limbus crew
>stop wasting people's time
>browsing 4chan on a weekend
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Do limbabs really?
Why are they both hurt?
Sinclair probably got pummeled by Don for looking at another woman but he would never hit back.
Yi Sang...
>Heathcliff had Master's Portrait EGO Gift in his Der Schütze EGO.
I don't remember that, where?
She blew all her money on funko pops thats why she needs to work for limbus or other companies.
we had our chance for highschool mirror world for april fools but director decided no fun is allowed during canto
They got into a fight with the school hooligans
Sinclair ended up beating one into a coma
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Tarkus - Heathcliff
Avitus - Meursault
Cyrus - Gregor
Thaddeus - Sinclair
This 6 month wait between cantos is a joke already.
The pendant is the same item. It's always been a female's portrait.
So whoever has it, the person in the portrait is relative to them.
That's all the discussion was about.

Why the she has the Shooter's item from MDs in her ByGone EGO is something only KJH knows or we might glean from some flavour lines.
Who knows the significance but he.
That wasn't what was being discussed, see above.
Anyone can pose an question that doesn't have an answer for theory crafting and discussion.
If this was your original genuine intent, you should have done so in a way that was more conducive to conversation.
Regardless, it looks like the other anon is curious about the same thing as you. You two should spitball and think about it.
6 months you daresay
So basically, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about and throwing out your theories and headcanon as if they were facts
Weepy rape victim style post.
April Fools, trust.
You must be 18+ to use this site.
It will get worse.
Heathcliff is a woman?
The site is older than you
Thankfully with all the delays the next april fool should happen towards the end of Don's season
I really hope this time he goes all out and makes actual fun IDs and not just a 2 minutes long story event
Where did all the baiting retards suddenly come from
>anons are making schizo theories on why Ishmael has a locket
Nothing was ever stated to be fact.
I don't know why you're so emotional about this.
I need KJH to grow a spine and release swimsuit sinners
>I replied to everyone
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Anon mentioned Erlking/Wild Hunt Heathcliff looking like Van Hellsing last thread and I cant stop thinking about it.
What would your favorite Ruina character's Lobotomy Corp HQ ID be like?
>What EGO gifts would they have?
>Would they be a captain or not?
>What floor would they belong to?
>Would they get along with their Sephirah?
>What's their preferred EGO equipment?
>Would they ape one of berserk Gebura's combat styles?
They're fucking with you. Stop responding autist.
Are you not have even a slight amount of curiosity why Ishmael is the only EGO we have seen that has direct correlation with another EGO thats effectively not related at all?
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Swimsuits never ever, Sinclair killed all hope of it happening
Sayomael is our last chance of getting a fanservice heavy ID
>Sayocliff with his pecs bulging out
Clit getting wet...
>are making schizo theories
I think discussion is healthy and fine.
ESL sama...
Also no, it's clearly just a normal fucking locket with a portrait
Nikke and Azur Lane are two threads down.
Reminder that we could've had our April's Fool event had director not delayed the season by a month or so. Whatever he was rewriting, I hope it was fucking worth it
I think playable swimsuit alts in gacha are dumb and I hope limbus never has them. A story CG with the sinners in swimsuits however I would be perfectly happy with.
Ye just finished watching it myself and it's funny how often their silhouettes look so similar.
I wonder if Director had another Supernatural moment.
> I hope it was fucking worth it
Yea it was, did you not play chapter 6?
No, it's the same locket, not just any locket
Delicious lunacy doko?
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>I hope limbus never has them
continue reading that guy's post lol
Im unsure how the ESL took over my minds.
It doesnt matter that its a normal fucking locket beacuse its literally 1 to 1 copy
>Big Brother oneshots sinners when he gets serious
>Pequod Trio loses to sinners despite essentially being extensions of Ahab.
>EGO Ahab empowered by crew's death gets beaten down by sinners
How fucking strong are SoTC threats?
I don't want nikkers
I don't want boats
I want Meursault in this
I'm disappointed in you limbabs.
What about this Emil Sinclair Limbus everyone keeps mentioning.
MolarClair isn't a "story cg" RETARD he's a "playable swimsuit alt"
penis would be too large, it would need an increase in age rating
What a clerk-like statement
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That or full sun protection warrior/wet suit would be funny too.
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That'd be incredible tbdesu
They're all very fucking cute
Except Outis, as usual
I mean we got wetsuit ishmael and people lost their shit over not having bouncy boinga boingas in sting bikini
Average limbus player is a gacha retard who only wants gachaslop
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I just want IDs where the sinners get younger
Did you play chapter 6 before the rewrite?
Relating to this, whats your opinion on comedy focused Ids anons?
You dumb backstreet third worlder NIGGERS.
It's not the same locket.
Different colour, different portrait, lack of the pattern on the inside of the cover.
You clerk niggers should kill yourself before I do it myself.
Which PM character would be a fan of Madness Combat?
This is fake, Dongrang wouldnt apologise
Isn't the locket just the portrait gift. I actually always thought it was asupposed to be small portrait that fits into locket because of the oval shape (paintings are usually rectangle).
No, it's clearly different
>I'd like hot females in Limbus
>I want hot males in Limbus
>So truuuuue sis Meursault would look sooo good in a a one piece swimsuit!
Faggot franchise
Yeah I meant for him specifically.
I know most people expect summer to equal bikinis for women.
Yeah. I'd like for them to nod to aversion of the heat and harsh light sometime.
I think they're good and funny if they fit within the realm of the character and aren't demeaning or mocking. Something sensible.
Angelica Ishmael
Roland Heathcliff

If Angelica dies before Roland, he inherits her skills (so he has one of every skill), losing his original s1 and 2 but keeping his s3 (representing Durandel). Gains new mechanic where once he uses each skill once, he'll override with Furiso which is a massive attk weight attack that deals extra damage depending on how much weight is targeting the target (max damage when all weight targets one target) It will override the first speed slot's skill, regardless of what it was.

Roland's passive would be "Charles Office Fixer" which will be a resonance based passive that will give him extra coin power and cause him to inflict extra rupture count.
His extra passive would be the skill inherit effect but also cause him to regain sanity and stagger on hit but lose extra when hit.

His Evade would be about his mask and it will give him a buff which lets him save his evade die the same way blubberbubble lets you save excess shield.
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Yeah, kill yourself you retarded clerkoid
This bait will be eaten up by limbabs
It's the same pendant and same portrait of a lady in it.
I don't even know why people are arguing this at it's base.
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Clearly a fake image
You mean lose his spine to sell out on his vision
somehow thinking twitter on the city would come to exist would be a way more fucked up thing that all of its violence
It's a different locket.
Source: i imagined it.
How's that bait?
It literally happened 5 posts above mine
>Ishposter is genuinely retarded
Director hang this filthy Seanigger
If he wanted to, he would. Give it time.
>Stay out of my shed
Sinners for this feel?
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Hod waiting for you so you can read in bed together while you cuddle
Ishmael, Pequod Captain ID
gn /lcg/
Green Noon to you too.
Gn Limbab
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S.D. and S.T.
I'm fine with them as long as they feel like something that I can plausibly see being part of the setting and aren't just an ID for the sake of the joke, like Tingtang Hong with his hawaiian shirt or the maraca gang. It's not like the franchise is afraid to have a bit of goofy stuff like You're Bald.
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This is super cute, I've never seen it before. Thank you for sharing it.
>IDs where the sinners are 15 years younger
>Don is the same
Don Quixote Bloodfiend seething was nice. Erlking reveal (both).
>that icebox
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I can see them...
he was forced to by the shareholders
i had a dream that devrodya had a gimmick where she didn't have ANY skill effects until you got an "onion ring" (which has a decorative slot in her skill 3 tab when viewed in battle), at which point all of her skills got obscene amounts of rupture and rupture count infliction, an additional coin to all her skills and also coin power
I hope that whenever we get our beach episode it goes something like this.
why is dante a nigger
And Don nearly killed one
Black people are actually some brown color.
Dante is Vanta Black.
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hypothetically speaking
would North N corp wear something like this?
will all our North IDs dress in this tech wear
My headcanon is that dante wore the shirt the entirety of canto 2 and saved it later.
It's because she's getting her super ID at the beginning of her canto.
>Dante is canonically black
FaustGODS won...
I suppose so.
Though I personally how the two aesthetics are blended together here looks a tad goofy. Rodion/Sault/Don look fine but the others look a bit busy or maybe it's the primary colours throwing me off.
>my daddy makes me put glass in my vagina
Sinners for this feel?
Don will get bloodfiend hunter id as final id because it's gonna be like pottery that she started hunting her own kind.
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Ish love
One looks like Cathy. The other is somewhat brawny and brown like QQ.
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I was listening too the lobcorp ost and I just remembered how beautiful some of the tracks are, I really wish more of these played during the actual days instead of neutral04, I really like all of the core suppressions because it was some of the few times I got to listen to something that wasn't neutral04.
I hope that if lobcorp ever gets remade or remastered that they do something to give you more opportunity to listen to more of it's ost during gameplay
kek I had a dream that I was a lv2 Lobcorp agent and was SEETHING that everyone else got assigned to work on abnos and get promoted while I was relegated to editing observation logs
This one is so pretty. I saved the regular lined version as well.
they wear armor, so its kinda weird but they would have padding under it. the armor joints would be filled with puff
Favorite /lcg/ trumpet moments?
If anything she's getting the jester ID as he's likely the canto's antagonist
Imagine seething over having the only "safe" job in whole corporation.
When work result
>Schoolgirl Don's running sprite has toast in mouth.
>Schoolboy Heathcliff can mount and dismount bike
>Schoolboy Sinclair can reveal dangerous company secrets, giving the enemy 10 attk power and damage up on turn 1.
>Also targeting is better than in ruina
>Blue star escapes
Your response, low tier agent?
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>I was relegated to editing observation logs
Isn't that a clerks job?
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>well shit, everyone is dead
>*gets slurped*
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is my team actually that bad?
I work from remotely from home sorry.
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You won so iy can't be that bad
the fucking sinclair livestream gets me every time
I don't think wings are as affected by fashion trends as much as freelance fixers are. All the wings we've seen so far have had a "armored faceless mook" aesthetic going for them whether East, South or West. I guess the only exception there would be T-corp who at least partially stick to the suit theme for South.
>Faust knows that we were effected by a singularity that turned us into children.
>Hey Frau Faust why didn't it effect Don Quixote?
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>seven yi sang
>kk ryoshu
overshadowed by lobcorp ryoshu
>rose meursault
>kk rodya
>zwei sinclair
zwei sinclair
>the fucking whale eye in the background
christ kek
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You should already have a full team at this level anon. Your team is ok, kinda reminds me of soulful early limbus bleed team so you get points for that.
And you think that will save you?
>rupture sang
>zwei faust
>n don
>zwei sinclair
>base outis
it honestly could be better but it has some meta IDs
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zwei faust's support is solid if you don't have any other IDs, desu
Tcorp follows their British aesthetic more than the South's suit aesthetic. They also transform into faceless mooks like every other Wing when in combat.
Pequod Heathcliff is strong enough to take on a lot of things solo, who cares about the rest of the team
Who's getting the red mist ID
>Schoolgirl Ryoshu can make allies hard
Netflix was a mistake...
what the fuck is don doing lmfao
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Ryoshu or Don Quixote at this rate.
Ryoshu would be seen as more of a hero while actually indulging in her "art" which is why she sometimes does the work for reduced or free prices.
Don Quixote would be a sort of Flanderized Red Mist where Don became the Red Mist due to the bloodhaze cause by her Bloodfiend powers mixed with Gebura's EGO and Mimicry. Personality wise she'd be even "more" of a hero than Gebura, seeing herself as the embodiment of her delusions about Fixers.
Rodion, Ryoshu, or Ishmael
Canto 6 look pretty good, look it will be from Don point of view
Don you fucking nigger
Ryoshu is literally wielding the red mists weapons pre-nothing there
it's over for Don Mist.
>this is how angela has fever dreams
I don't see Rodion or Ishmael working at all.
greedy beast
>or Don Quixote
Stopped reading there
Why don is like this...
Post THAT...
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I invoke Bloodfiend Don to prove that your distate for the concept will make it a reality.
Looking at how many of Don's IDs are wing employees or how twisted her sense of justice becomes I wouldn't be surprised if she got an arbiter ID way in the future instead.
Rodion justifies her acts of selfish attention seeking under the guise of heroism just like Kali hid her violent impulses under the guise of wanting to protect others. Ishmael was betrayed by someone she was close to just like Kali was and has the same obsessive tendencies for revenge that Gebura displayed in Lob Co.
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I just wanna know if they'll do any wacky hijinks with Blood Don and the other sinners when her canto comes 'round or if she'll be played 100% seriously.
The Ruina waifu roll char doesn't work in /vg/.
>arbiter ID
Claw ID*
Thinking of trying this, have been reading the rentry and stuff. I see rerolling looks pretty easy, but what's the initial roll income from story and stuff in this like? If I started, would I be able to get a decent shot at rolling the current Ryoshu before the banner ends if I don't have the autism to reroll enough or I get beginner banner pulls I want to keep?
The Naked Nest
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don will get queen of hate and it will be glorious
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smug erlking, keked
Cause people haven’t played Ruina except for me and maybe you
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This is a game in which you only need to roll every four months. You can grind to unlock everything else.
I just think that Rodion getting a color ID would go against a core tenant of her character which is that she actually isn't special even if she wants to be.
Ishmael's reasoning basically makes Heathcliff as viable as an option.

I think Ryo/Don actually play into indulging in ones desires/nature and dressing it up as something altruistic (Purposefully or incidentally) much better. Just my opinion though.
I made the original ruina waifu roll chart. It was universally hated but people kept reposting it.
Then someone else updated it when I refused to.
Just give it a shot, you get about 5 pulls from completing a chapter + some lunacy for meeting the EX conditions for beating a stage (usually within 10 turns). I don't know if new accounts will get it but we also recently got a free 10-pull thanks to PM's PM coding. Don't rush the story to get pulls though, the story is the best part. And even if you don't get her you'll be able to buy Ryoshu with shards (grindable currency) in ~4 months anyway.
In the beginning of the game it's better to pull to fill out your roster rather than hoarding lunacy for walpipi IMO since you can always shart later
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Shi Don
What Don ID are you planning to use for the Canto Anons? Personally I'm considering uptying Cinq, or perhaps even base Don.
That thing have potential but I feel the one in charge will put the whole page down tomorrow when he return and watch that his site was made to make memes
I only have Middle and T Corp Don built.
who will get the next install ID?
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sex don
>core tenant
It's not. She's about as special as like a fourth of the cast, it's just her insecurity about not being in the spotlight. Also Heathcliff was never betrayed, so it wouldn't. Ryoshu doesn't dress up her desires at all and is pretty open about who she is constantly and Don sincerely believes in her idea of justice and will pursue it to the very end even if it would cause her years of suffering. Meanwhile Rodion got her entire community killed under the guise of doing it to help them, which seems more 1:1 with the theme
is she the only 00 Director in the game?
It's hard to say, Tremor would let her be a good ID, charge too, but hopefully this will be rupture season so I'll use the lobotomy ID.

But right now I'm still feeling the high Sinking going god mode.
ESL anon...
Sounds good, I'll give it a shot. Don't worry, not planning to zerg the story just for pulls, I'm looking for a more chill/story game. I did see that I could buy her on the next event anyway, so I'll probably just reroll a few times for stuff that looks cool from the beginner banner. Thanks anons.
Oh, and post your friend code here when you get the chance so other anons can add you.
better question: When will we get our first Distortion ID (EGO Install + Negative Coins/Sanity)?
holy sex
>Meanwhile Rodion got her entire community killed under the guise of doing it to help them, which seems more 1:1 with the theme
Kali really had no problems with murdering everyone around her, people who raised her when she was a child the moment she decided there was nothing "morally wrong" with doing so. Meaning when they proved their greed to her. These were people that were like a family to her, which fits Ryoshu (book, possibly game) killing/allowing the death of her own family, and fits with Limbus' interpretation of Don having an immediate lethal response to anyone she deems a villain, even if they were ostensibly comrades as shown in the prologue. Ryo is meant to play into the idea of the Red Mist being seen as a hero by others when she's mostly indulging in her desires, Don Quixote is playing the idea of the Red Mist straight by having her act on her desires as a Bloodfiend unconsciously. It's about playing with the original Red Mist (Kali) by showing the same idea with different interpretations. Ryoshu would be self aware, Don Quixote would not. Ryoshu would be seen as a hero for her actions, Don Quixote for her intent. Again, I just find these options more compelling.
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El moses sexo
>Kali really had no problems with murdering
Who betrayed her. Not comparable with Rodion's situation at all.
Again, completely different scenario. This is like saying Ishmael should get the ID because she let her crew get eaten and presumably killed by the whale and that's similar to Kali killing people who betrayed her because ???? In fact, the Kali neighbor story more closely parallels Ishmael and Ahab's relationship.
>Ryo is MEANT to play into the idea
Both of these are speculation and you shouldn't treat them as fact. In my opinion, neither of these options make much sense and you really have to squint to make them do so.
fucking nigger 4chan
we need the tool abnos as a new team customization option/separate events in MD that gives you advantages in exchange for fucking you over somehow
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>can't post image in incognito
you're making a fool out of me right in front of my cool /lcg/ friends...
>Who betrayed her. Not comparable with Rodion's situation at all.
So... we now agree Rodion is a bad fit?
>he Kali neighbor story more closely parallels Ishmael and Ahab's relationship.
Not really, Kali's neighbors supplied Kali with life, Ahab supplied Ishmael with purpose. One is a purely physical need for survival, the other is nourishment to the soul. Kali kills her neighbors because not because they betrayed her but because they were greedy. Ishmael wants to kill Ahab because the fact that the crew was disposable to her was a betrayal of the purpose she gave Ishmael.
>Both of these are speculation and you shouldn't treat them as fact.
nigga I literally end every post with it being my opinion based off what we currently know of the characters.
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The thread podcast! Was your post noticed? Did the important topics get tackled!? Lets find out!
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The voices in this one are particularly bad.
Yeah they had some issues at the start! Must be the coughposting...
there's something really fascinating about how this would've taken probably hundreds of hours to make from scratch, yet it is simultaneously utterly useless and meaningless to anyone at all. thought provoking stuff.
>yet it is simultaneously utterly useless and meaningless to anyone at all
Definition of a shitpost
>So... we now agree Rodion is a bad fit?
Not in the slightest. My argument was never based on how or why they killed or got people killed, but how they disguise their selfish emotions.
>not because they betrayed her but because they were greedy.
...no? She saw them as disgusting and greedy, but she didn't murder them exclusively because of that and that's certainly not how Roland interpreted the story either considering he responded asking if she punished them for wrong to her, which she didn't correct him on at all. Also, the neighbors gave Kali "spiritual nourishment" by being a community and giving her something to fight for, but the distinction feels pretty pointless to bring up considering it's their responses and reasons for doing things that actually matter.
>nigga I literally end every post
I misunderstood what you meant by "meant" then. I thought you were alleging that you were sure it was how they were supposed to be read instead of how you personal saw it.
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it occurred to me we dont really have a way to clean negative status effects, donte really need them special bullets now
Dieci Rodya can do it
Has Amadis of Gaul been confirmed as a fixer yet?
at the same point in wich it has a lot of effort the effort means nothing
its soul-less. it knows nothing of the backstreets, of living 4 hours a day, of seeing your brother be stuck in a car crash for over 20 minutes, its a picture of a robot man with 9 brains stuck on its chest. it stares at your with the same disdain you stare at it, its own short lived work a sad reminder of how little he had himself, and how much he is not himself.
>Arbiter Don
> Heathmael the Black Silence
>Gregor the TRAITOR

what else for Outis, Sinclair, HongLu?
Do you all consider the Illiad to be required reading for Outis, or only the Odyssey?
dont care

total artist death
Just grab a pen, man, it's not that hard
Proud of you for reading the book anon. Keep chugging along!
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Is that uptie V janny Outis?
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sh...shut up... stop embarrassing me....
It's been a long while since I played Ruina but from what I recall of Roland and Gebura's conversation is that she was perfectly willing to let them rob her until she realized that it wasn't out of desperation but greed/envy. I'd argue against them supplying her with spiritual nourishment because the only time she "needed" them was when she was a child and needed protection, afterwards she was completely independent of them and gave back only out of a sense of obligation/reciprocity. After killing them there was no real change in her character or loss of identity, because she never needed them in that way. She continued to kill those she deemed disgusting and helped those she deemed weak, because her help let her indulge in her desires.
When Ishmael realized she was a means to an end with Ahab, she didn't just lose her purpose, she lost her crew and months/years of her life, she started with nothing and ended the trip with less than nothing. All she had left was to get revenge on Ahab for stealing everything from her. The scenario is completely different.
The distinction matters to me because if we go for the most surface level interpretations we get stuff like Olga should have been Rodion because big boobs and drunk/food. So my idea is that Gebura is very self aware but Kali is likely less so, having not gone through the LobCorp character development. Ryoshu fits the self aware Gebura Red Mist, Don Quixote fits the less self aware/actualized Kali.
>they were supposed to be read instead of how you personal saw it.
That's why I try to add on the end that it is my opinion, because I'm being completely subjective here. I try to put it on the end, so it's the last thing you read.
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He has to come back, right?
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unholy creature of lust
This what the average Ishmael fan is like, thoughts?
I'm horny
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I'm getting pretty sleepy but I need to prep my overnight oats before I go to bed... but I am unfortunately magnetized to my chair. A dilemma.
mpreg caused by Dongbaek.
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don't say such things
He bloomed
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So we know that Kali's EGO overrides Mimicry, turning it from fleshy to metallic.
We know Personal EGO incorporates your equipment via Xiao and Philip having their sword transform into their EGO weapon.

So the question remains: Was Dongbaek's EGO made exceptionally strong by having a full EGO suit and then unlocking her EGO on top of it?
sacristia or nclair release
>Was Dongbaek's EGO made exceptionally strong by having a full EGO suit and then unlocking her EGO on top of it?
Does it matter?
holy fuck i want to 3d print a whole squad of these niggas
all gacha fan are braindead horny monkey thoughbeit
>Kromer being blunt resistant when we were all bleeding for XP and Thread
>When we all specialized in Blunt to get through the HAMMER.
someone should make a lobcorp arena shooter where you play as the fully customizable nuggets with all kinds of EGO guns
have abnos break out and do weird shit from time to time
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This one was particularly funny
do ishfags pretend to have vaginal walls so that they can imagine ishMALE impregnating them?
>Does it matter?
No, none of this matters. I'm just wondering what other people's thoughts are on how personal EGO and EGO equipment actually interact in lore.
dont we have like 3 different types of rocket launchers on LC?
lipclair announcement

i want to shoot niggas with ding dings and do magic bullet collats too
>3 different types of rocket launchers on LC
Please anon, tell me more
very random moment but when the thread was anticipating a linton id and many people thought it was going to be sinclair, only for it to be greg. the cuck energy fizzled until philclair picked up the torch and ran to the corner couch
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Which sinner is getting the first ALEPH EGO?
Singing Machine
and another one I can't remember
Kimsault, Lipclair, Erlking
I mean, it doesn’t incorporate any apparent design elements from Sunshower, so it’s likely that it just didn’t incorporate it at all.
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Concepts for PM spin off games that can be outsourced/collaborated on with other companies
>sandbox MMO about being a fixer in the city
>PM fighting game
>Arena shooter using EGO equipment and breaching abnos
>Cooking Mama but you're a district 23 Cannibal
>W Corp action game
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I hope it's on one of the calmer ones like Yi Sang or Meursault, I'm gonna be rolling eyes because of characterfags acting like apes if it ends up on something like Sinclair, Heathcliff or any of the girls.
Absolute worst case scenario is Don getting the first one.
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that was a good one
I like you, think I'll kill you last.
>>sandbox MMO about being a fixer in the city
mfw stupid tcorp metafags stole my loot before I could react
>Absolute worst case scenario is Don getting the first one
So it WILL be Don
The first Mirror Dungeon double reset.
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>doesn't show his face when
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a shitty gacha game with alternative universe trash like fate
You only have 4 and a half weeks to finish the two books, so work hard!
Are you listening to the audiobook or reading it physical? I personally preferred audio, as I can multitask that way
Branches bursting out of her like the Umbrellas.
Gameplay has her create the blooming flowers like Sunshower made mini umbrellas.
The weapon is like the umbrella got stripped down and flowers grown over it.
Reaching: Same general shape of the rainboots and the new shoes + pants.
Poncho to robes.

idk, feels like certain design elements carried over. Same way Donggrang maintained some elements of his distortion going over to EGO.
Do you have the archive link?
Thank god chinks stopped that purple tear shit from happening with Ruina.
Reading the replies is a laugh
Not to reply to bait but do people unironically think Director is going to drop his plans for a 13th Association?
I like how they've been pretty consistent with making "entering an EGO state" a way to negate stagger, Erlking does the same thing with Dullahan, his ego.
Open the archive and type in the post number you stupid nigger.
The filename, post number and all the file dimensions are all there.
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Alright this thread sucks, I'm leaving.
naked nest
My mind wanders if I just listen to an audiobook so I read it instead. I'm not overly concerned with finishing on time, just reading it enough to have a good grasp on the characters then finishing it off sometime afterwards to have a good grasp on the Canto's influences.
As a matter of fact, the alley is an open one.
yisang when he opens a chubby girls' legs
I like seeing people draw Hod with modest or big tits
>your worship had better order these to be burned as well as the others; for it would be no wonder if, after being cured of his chivalry disorder, my uncle, by reading these, took a fancy to turn shepherd and range the woods and fields singing and piping; or, what would be still worse, to turn poet, which they say is an incurable and infectious malady.”
Character wise Ryoshu works the least.
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Haha nyoooo don’t suffocate me inbetween your bosoms nooooo
Justify your position. I would have agreed two cantos ago but now I can't.
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He looks like he pissed himself
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shut up Nelly
Manager says we're not allowed to listen to you anymore
What changed, according to you?
Take your bets, who will be the next sinner to distort?
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Lore accurate
the butterfly stuff just doesnt look the same without the thick white outline
you've clearly never pissed yourself
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I'm the world champion of pants soiling
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Rodion was basically a murderhobo with no skill except killing, the mini events did nothing to dissuade me.
I want to say Ishy's canto and the minievents that followed are when they started showing more depth to her.
But Heathcliff's canto is where they've especially pushed an alternative way to interpret her. Her comments about family and what is or isn't shows either strong emotions directly about family or at least some kind of direct moral stance outside of a mindless pursuit of art. I did read Ryo's book so I know the suicide after finishing the art, and how the artist loved his daughter dearly. It's enough to show there's more than the original murderhobo interpretation. The Head Butler and Lobotomy HQ IDs add more to an alternative interpretation to her character as they reinforce her maternal side or bitterness over family. The Butler version showing a harsh but caring side, the HQ showing her as colder but also regret (Penitence) and again disdainful of bad parents.
And if you want just a basic bitch surface level comparison, she literally uses one of the berserk red mists moveset and weapon combos, phrase drops a mutation of the "survivors are the strong" bit.
Don seems preety likely but maybe to likely
i would not be surprised if Outis also distorted if her chance to go home got taken away
Gebura was never in a special position like Ryoshu.
She grew up from the back streets by simple survival an insane dangerous environment on her own.
Knowing the hardship on the street, she tries to help as many as possible so other have the opportunity to also find their value.
fuck me. goddamnit.
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I'm gonna fuck Sinclair till he bluescreens
<Kromer, say the fuck away from MY pookie wookie.>
Been reading The Stranger. It happened.
Book Mersault is similar in a lot of ways as limbus Mersault but also different. It's hard to describe
>Don seems preety likely
Nah. She's gonna double down on her delusion so hard she'll manifest EGO but end up seeing the other sinners as enemies in the process.
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its going to sinclair
LCB Meursault for one hasn't shot an Arab yet, and he didn't talk about his preference for boobs
Rabbit Heathcliff's cum splattering on my home screen.
>Kali hid her violent impulses under the guise of wanting to protect others
yep it’s goina to sinclair
As expected. Nothing like Gebura.
Gebura was never about family. Neither did she kept people long around her, nor did she seek a family.
She just wanted to help people, without mich in return.
If anything it fits Rodya being a murder hobo and caring for people around her more though in the end no one really fits because characters can't be squeezed into different narratives so easily.
Don is already a distortion as a bloodfiend.
hey i want to make a team with fast as fuck animations for speedclearing MD, preferrably with nebulizer compatibility
so far my three candidates are maid ryoshu, ring sang, hook lu and cuck gregor
any other suggestions? or am i wasting my time and brainpower and should just run bleed comp?
i hate ryoshu’s character so much. a serial killer isn’t deep because he has a kid. it’s tacked on and corny
When the spammer got people banned by baiting them with his email. Devilish behavior.
>“The ‘Galatea’ of Miguel de Cervantes,” said the barber.
>That Cervantes has been for many years a great friend of mine, and to my knowledge he has had more experience in reverses than in verses. His book has some good invention in it, it presents us with something but brings nothing to a conclusion:
ok bro
>"The Tears of Angelica."
>“I should have shed tears myself,” said the curate when he heard the title, “had I ordered that book to be burned, for its author was one of the famous poets of the world, not to say of Spain, and was very happy in the translation of some of Ovid’s fables.”
Won't be shocked if we hear Dyon bring up the Black Silence in her chapter
Ryoshu fits Gebura, not Kali.
Don Quixote Fits Kali, not Gebura.
Even Gebura admits she is not Kali.
I'm sorry you don't understand.
>oh a new ID
>oh a new EGO
>oh a new character
can Monzo fucking kill himself?
I think bleed comp is better for speed, but you should try it and report back
bleed is the fastest team bar none and is also consistant
Rodya doesn’t care though
She’s more obsessed with her own self image and wants to be seen as amazing or whatever
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
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<Alright everyone, it's my turn to choose what's on the radio. You may wanna hold onto your seats everyone, cause Black Eyed Peas are in the hizzy.>
4000 post /vst/ thread that crashed my browser
>New EGO equipment from the new abnormality
>New keypage from a new reception
Anon I think there might be a pattern here
>Rodya doesn’t care though
Yes, she cares. She only also revels in her position a savor.
Ryoshu doesn't care for the people around her at all.
>Ryoshu fits Gebura, not Kali.
Nah, not even remotely similar. Gebura kills for the sake exacting revenge and maximizing suffering, Ryoshu kills because she has a fantastic time doing it. They're not even close. Ishmael fits the idea of obsessively wanting to enact suffering on the one who caused you pain. Heathcliff would have as well but he went a completely different direction than his book self
>Don Quixote Fits Kali
Only if you assume Don isn't being completely genuine in her idea of justice, which we don't have much reason to believe
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Updated for modern Limbis.
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>runs in
>hits you
>hits you
>hits you
>hits you
>hits you
>continues till you're pulp
>should have honored the deal
>modern limbis
Didn't get the memo? Meursault must have shit coins because of Regret.
>Only if you assume Don isn't being completely genuine in her idea of justice, which we don't have much reason to believe
Anon Don Quixote literally puts on a persona and gaslights herself.
>yi sang's account got hacked
These guys were kinda bootleg Middle looking back at it huh. The enhancement tattoos and everything. From a doyalist perspective obviously PM just wanted to reuse the concept without using literal stray dogs ID's, but in universe I wonder if they were ex-middle, or wannabes who couldn't quite cut it and so just cripped their style
>What is Kimsault
>Ryoshu fits Gebura, not Kali.
Ruina Gebura tries to cope with her anger issues from lob corp and is mostly understanding with different people's motives and pov.
In other words not like Ryoshu at all.
>Don Quixote Fits Kali, not Gebura.
Kali was not a 2000 year old vampire trying to larp as anyone else. She fits even less.
They found their tattoos in the trash and used them
there was middle concept art floating around back then similar to the current concept
>Anon Don Quixote literally puts on a persona and gaslights herself.
And? That doesn't mean she doesn't believe in her idea of justice. For all we know, she despises being a bloodfiend and sincerely wants to make the world a better place for its own sake but feels as though she can't do it in her true form. There's just not any info to suggest she's not being sincere. The Warp event shows that she'll fight for justice even if she literally has nothing to gain from it, so we have more proof she fights for its own sake than as a means to act out violent urges
>Anon Don Quixote literally puts on a persona and gaslights herself
Which isn't like Kali at all.
Maybe Don should get the Rodya id.
i need canto 7 to come out and be shit so you fags leave and stop wanking about pointless shit forever
If they don't mind retcons, they can easily make the Stray Dogs and Boris all ex-Middle after Roland rain a train over them and the survivors got absorbed by the Thumb.
Boris managing to rise to a capo despite it going against his core nature, the Stray dogs being little brothers who were left behind by their big brother.
>Which isn't like Kali at all.
I'm arguing against him but this is completely wrong. Kali puts on a mask that she's doing what she's doing to protect others when it's an excuse for her to act out her violent impulses.
>His only good (as in, not "good" only when x conditionals are met like Dieci) ID
Yeah thanks for proving my point
>Kali puts on a mask that she's doing what she's doing to protect others when it's an excuse for her to act out her violent impulses.
Holy shit, never talk ever about post limbus lore again. You don't know anything.
bro the last mini chapter revelaed that don is a bloodfiend with MPD or some shit if that didn't make people leave nothing will, we'll get an abno event and a cg where the crew jumps over dreaming current using a surfboard and we'll scream KINO
You're only focusing on surface level comparisons.
You're contradicting yourself, you suggest she is the way she is because she hates being a Bloodfiend (a monster) and essentially overcompensates by taking on the persona of a hero. You then use the warp event as her "gaining nothing" when it's literally her allowing herself to play the selfless martyr and hero instead of facing the reality of her being a predatory monster like the Bloodfiend before her.
>One of the few genuine people in the City
>so much so she manifested EGO before the light
>why she followed a fucking lunatic preacher in the first place
>>she did this to feel good about herself by the way
You deserve to be vored by Rodya
Well, one of their reasons for getting tattoo augments was because it was intimidating to look at, so you could say that most generic gangster syndicates make use of tattoo augments for that sake, the Middle being the epitome of it (and possibly having looted the fallen Nest of the Wing that used to have the tattoos as their Singularity product).
I guess all modern ids are shit then.
Is everyone who whines about regret this retarded
>You're only focusing on surface level comparisons.
We don't know know shit about Dons character beyond surface level.
What an unusual insult.
Why would he deserve nice things after what he just said?
When you're trying to make a point but your porn addiction acts up and you just talk about your fetishes instead.
Anyway, I hate trannies but chicks with dicks or Futa are fucking hot, what the hell?
bloodfiends are still humans btw. don’t know why this is so hard to remember
Add me for 1000 years of good luck
All abnormalities count as human according to the head.
okay but can you make them pregnant?
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Your thoughts about this artist?
flat ass psyop
perfect body
it is working
How in the FUCK is that a nice thing?
Regret is why the roll is so high
Also it's kinda funny that Mersault has the EGO regret, when at no point in The Stranger does he ever regret what he did.
This Outis would have torn Tomerry apart like an action figure.
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