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You're a grown ass man, behave like one.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494354685
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Educate me, /xivg/!
Crystal Queue CC 3:25 ET
What is your WoL like? My miera is a lot like this.
Sex with ninja catgirls in public
this post has been claimed by the moonies, for the moonies.
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I aint gay
oi, you fucked the backlink >>494354541
I don't care about the story at all. I play this game for the collectathons, grinds, and glams
My catgirl liked, favorited and subscribed to this post
catboy supremacy
No, no I didn't.
i tried jerking off before posting but i'm still addicted to goonies
Lalaboys have the same energy as half-asian spree shooters. No, I won’t elaborate.
i tried jerking off before posting but i'm still addicted to glubs
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On my way to like and love these posts.
I for one am looking forward the XI alliance raid. Ready for some XI lore that's canon and not just that one off event.
my moonie has autism and wears baggy clothes and only goes outside when it's dark out
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Is Final Fantasy XIV the most successful it's ever been? There are more mods than ever and tons of new X accounts. It's never been easier to find a good plap.
My WoL needs an EB to colonize
My catgirl of the moon appropriates fiddie culture
good puppy
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may i post my catboy in this thread
/fluffs tail
I know which lalaboy you're talking about.
Moonies! Moonies! Moonies!
*microchip swap*
Glubs! Glubs! Glubs!
so approximately how funny will the cope be when in 7.1 Wuk is stil front and center in the content, since the story behind the ff11 raids is it's Wuk tracking down the former enemies of her dad, who are all ff11 references?
How many lalas can your wol lift? My sunnie can lift roughly 1.5 lalas (they are denser than they look)
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Fiddie for my Middie.
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post bnuuys doing bnuuy things
fiddie for me +zen
Why are xivg fiddies all into male characters exclusively?
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Alexa, make post with text "*Ahem*", add image Open Thread.jpg
Reply to above post with EffyIsMyWife.txt, add image EffyIsMyWife.jpg
Reply to above post with Close Thread.jpg
Leave name anonymous. Submit.

Alexa, start new post. Search for I'm Fox posts by using image hashes found in Fox.txt
Reply to images found with "Built for my Malera"
Leave name anonymous. Submit.

Alexa, CTRL F Effy in thread, reply to all posts with insults.
Leave name anonymous. Submit.
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Two, maybe more!
She won't be involved but people from here will still post about the twitter VA daily don't worry
they are agp's and want to submit to real men
For some reason this makes me hungrier than it does horny. Like I'm looking at roast duck skin.
All of them?
Why are xivg male middies all into femra exclusively?
You will never be a woman. Have you seen the state of retail? Exactly. At least our MMO has a story. Theirs doesn’t have one at all. And remember the time gates and grinding? Yep, we don’t have to deal with that either. FFXIV is still the king of MMOs, and WoW will never defeat us. We are NOT going back.
Is it just me or do fiera seem like they would make really good wives?
Miera and femra are the same race, they just wear different ear or horn headbands
Self insert wants a tiny asian wife
>she won't be invovolved
exactly how?
we know the story is tracking down galool jaja's former enemies and that means it will 100% revolve around Koana and Wuk Lamat rediscovering "is this papa's enemy? is this what he meant for me to learn about being the dawnservant for?"
I love how this made me giggle.
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I find it funny how easy it is to tell if someone is a biofem irl just by the way they type or the way their character looks. Most players are women btw.
which fiddies are you talking to?
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I might soon.

No. I'm a literalwho no one knows.

I lost a bet a while back and the punishment was fanta into a bun. Bun is okay but it's just not for me.
have you ever interacted with a fiera player
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my fiddie is like this

what this anon said
Shooting ropes to femlalas!
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It's Friday.

Post your adventure plate and what you are doing right now!
Why not?
don't do this to femlalas especially not mine
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these moonies have been claimed by the malera, for the malera
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My femroe looks like this
They're men of taste, it seems
There is no escaping...
>Reply to above post with EffyIsMyWife.txt, add image EffyIsMyWife.jpg
>Alexa, CTRL F Effy in thread, reply to all posts with insults.
It really do be your own niggas
Why is my xivg male miqo'te all into hrothgals exclusively?
my moonie looks like this
Because its an Alliance Raid tie in game so we'll get a disconnected story with some FF11 characters that won't carry over to the next xpac.
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no actually this is xivg
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glad you're celebrating friday, anon
my maliddie looks like and acts like this
You tried this a few threads ago..
It won't work.
Excellent claim, Khagan.
Any biofem femlalas that like mentally ill lalaboys?
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They're not, pretty sure only rob wants them exclusively, not even wryx sticks to femras only. the other male middies are desperate enough to fuck everything that gives them attention
see femlalas for example
After some quick research, lalas are on average are 2'10" and 35-50 lbs.
Which means my WoL could bench 6-8 lalas on a good day.
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i logged into the game and have decided to assassinate the gayest meena in lavender beds
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hey glubbers, glubba here. today we're going to talk about how much GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB
>It's an alliance raid tie-in
is your brain broken by the nier raids taht much? They are not just going to slap down a portal to ff11's world and have a self contained vacation in it
yeah it won't be refrenced outside in the MQS but Wuk Lamat is 100% the driving force int aht, how the fuck do you have a galool jaja story now that he's dead without going to his kids?
i’ve only met one willing to plap my femra
>neets who are eligible for an episode on My 600lb Life telling you how to live your life
Yep, I’m shooting ropes to this shit. Today, it’s either a femlala or a moonie. But tomorrow? Definitely femra. Yes, that’s right: I am actually, unironically masturbating to the image of a Final Fantasy XIV character. Probably porn, but also possibly LB14. Blasting goon ropes with my rape stick. Cum. Ejaculating semen. Yep, that’s what I do here. I masturbate. It’s not figurative, it’s literal. And there’s cum all over the place.

THIS is Final Fantasy XIV. And you like this.
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What's going on at Coeurl
tell him that a fiddie from excalibur laughed
When they ask "dylm", how do you respond? It better be with respect and saying you do.
what did sfia actually do
Why are you assassinating yourself?
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short males?
you know what awaits you, right?
Why are xivg male middies all into femlalas exclusively?
Yeah, I like moonies
>asmongold going to talk about the sfia situation on his stream
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>i logged into the game and have decided to assassinate the gayest meena in lavender beds
this but unironically
just boosting service ads, report to GMs and they will maybe come clean it up in 4 hours
My himcess-carrying frothgal talks like that on dysphoric days.
No one unironically likes male characters
that's probably a bought/jacked account
Raping this little glubber until she gets PTSD and kills herself! I love rape!
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if femra had proportions like this they'd be perfect
I feel like you're just trying to find a reason to make yourself angry over a throwaway story that won't be remembered or referenced in the future.
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Not very much. Roulettes for now, that's about it
It is only natural, my liege
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I am AFKing in lb14 while playing another game
Nooooo don't kill urself pls...
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My Femroe looks like this
Oh wait nvm i thought about it and its because anyone saying "Effy" wouldn't be Effy as he doesn't refer to himself in third person. So he's insulting anyone that talks about him.
we (me and my femra) like this
Filename filter:
/Tree of Tranquility/i;boards:vg
and lalaboys too right
You could be a good clown, swys.
Xeno, Arthars, and Zeno talking about Sfia being a sexpest who treats MMOs and statics like dating apps is goign to be the biggest irony lmao
How did you do that hat brim grip?
If he can get views off it, he'll do it.
Regardless of how involved he is in the community.
You'll never find me...
its not fair
I'm not a pedophile, so no.
>Its not even a NEW RAPE REVIEW
>its just some social retard being a social retard
>and women relying on men to do everything including inviting them to their statics because women never have any agency
why do we have a zoidberg sexpesting short males?
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What's that supposed to mean...
Add in A New Beginning, Heart Shaker, I Can't Stop Me, and Ilsa and you're golden
Paused part way through the cat girl /pose
Male midlanders that like au ra has the same vibes as white dudes who like Asian girls ........
>cheats on his gf with multiple women
>it's just some social retarded being retarded
Kill yourself chudcel lol
>Sexpest levels so strong even assmongler is talking about it
You guys are amateurs compared to sfia. Wheres our global sexpest huh? How come you gooners haven't made it big time yet?
>skinwalker lacks critical information
Niggas will spend all day talking about how they hate wowfugees but stay up to date on the newest Asmongold stream by the minutes
I am into femras, catgirls, fiddies, thighlanders, fieras, femroes and femezen.
Shooting ropes to this
I have flirted with multiple xivg male characters, here are the results
Heiko: he would give 2 word replies
Tyrone: he tried to get me to join VC
Gabe: he took sex gpose pictures before the first convo was finished
Veron: he pretended to be afk
Remus: he invited me to his discord
Jean: he talked about a threeway with a highlander

Femra btw
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ha. ha.
I don't hate wowfugees though.
fiddie post
>he pretended to be afk
So based?
>he pretended to be afk
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Playing with glams while waiting in queue
I don't get it.
And is there anyone you flirted with that wasn't a celebrity ebin?
Lowlander status?
my femra is thavnairian so it’d be more like a white guy that likes indian/brown women
FFXIV is the DK64 of MMOs
only if i may be your queen.
wtf remus never invited me...
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G.W. in PF / 1234 PW

Going to queue up some FL or CC probably, then TFT in a bit. Maybe get an outstanding mod commission done at some point.

my moonie
>ignore crush
>instead of chasing me he goes for the first person that gives him a shred of attention
>Jean talking about cuckold fantasies
I can believe it
i remember when this post ended with “femlala btw”
>Jean made the list and I didn't
I wish, WISH you retards kept that same energy when a woman does it. Somehow, whenever a woman cheats, its an indictment on the man. Whenever a man cheats, its also an indictment on the man.
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2 slow
stinky lizard
>he pretended to be afk
whose ass? I need to sexpest
Nobody wants to play your fucking games. Don't play hard to get.
my moonie can moonkick to reach high places
6+ years of sexpesting with a side of cheating
it only came to light after he started virtue signaling about "not enough women in raiding"
This is fucking exhausting to read man, grow up.
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Leveling PLD
i’d do the same
Wait never mind. Had to squint really hard for this.
Old friend group got tired of me so now I have to find a new one. This is very annoying.
wryx is definitely not femra only, just a preference
Did you retake this photo? I remember some anon saying there was clipping but I don't see it. Pretty cute ngl.
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The actual implications of his post are that people who think that anyone is good as long as it's someone are not even human and he found out his crush is one of those people
A former FFXIV player told me there’s footage of people eating moonies? What’s going on in the Black Shroud? Is it time to camouflage our moonies?
i can work with this
Don't get my melezen's hopes up.
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>he pretended to be afk
That sucks Macska, but that's what happens when you shitpost your friends.
penis inspector
didnt retake it but did do some editing
stuff like that you can literally just fix in paint
his chuddy audience would probably defend sfia
he's been courting a whole new kind of following the last year or so
>wonder why you never flirted with me
>realize since I never go to Balmung you would never meet me
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>please watch hector guides
The Guide:
Yeah Jean made the list literally thats the only way this literally who would make it on there
veron is samefagging again.............
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I clocked in.
He's the duskwight right? I imagine it transpired like this.
where are the veenas? all I see is ravas with blacked fetish
>people still shitting all over gave despite him being long gone
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literally me
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I am grindin' PUG on a new character with some old unused char data.
And actually doing yellow quests this time sometimes.
I miss Blood of the Dragon
I wish they kept it around even if it was braindead to maintain.
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my femra otr otr
Projecting hard-core to the mega
My femra has only flirted with one male middie and he wasn't on the council
knowing the truth about veron is so awkward because it goes against every part of his thread persona
i would have believed this list if you said Gabe already had sex pictures with your femra premade
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i went on a long quest trying to figure out who the fuck blanchard was because of this post
Real talk. Which femlala is most likely to try and rope you into an MLM scam?
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Cooking Lunch(breakfast) before drinking and terrorizing ques.
VPR is cool in pvp but my god is it missing something. Literally just one thing and idk even what thing to give it.
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>Veron: he pretended to be afk
how do i make really good chili mine just tasted really bland
longer range on attacks
They want to self-insert themselves into femras
Me but she's a lala
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me when im being ada wong next to a rabbit cosplaying as leon kennedy
i remember this person being a cunt in fl
He actually looks good in 2020
more of whatever spices you like
i put in a lot of cumin and a hint of cinnamon
w-well anon, it really does pay well if you get in early...
I love this huge femezen so much
my fiddie is also like that

https://brainworms.lgbt/ to understand the image and blanchard
God I don't miss that retard Gabe at all insufferable little coomer
I must be crazy, because I'm sure I didn't ask?
Vegetables and sweet onions
>a throwaway story
>we are now at the point where content doesn't matter
ok then what else are casuals getting this entire expansion if Alliance raids don't matter, savage and ultiamte aren't for us, foray doesn't matter and will also revolve around Wuk, and the MSQ will be about Wuk's story again and again, what is there even left?
Is it vegan friendly?
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They tried every other race and realized femra is their last resort choice
Yeah I can see that. Really just a tiny bit more would go a long way.

I do not like post HW FL so I think you've got me confused with someone else.
I'm committing tax fraud.
thinking about going in to pick up a 6 pack to ride until i go out tonight
i haven't won a single game of frontline today
>get on
>the guy calling stops calling
purplezen used to make fun of the boobymodders..what happened..
How do I convince a froth to rub her fluffy feet all over my face?
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can i plap her with your permission
My malera is slowly getting desperate...
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I stopped because it seemed like no one was on but I will start now my queen
i can call in a little bit
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hello and happy femroe Friday my fellow femroe fanatics
Summer is almost over and Autumn is just around the corner
I love femroes so much it's unreal

such grand and graceful girls, these roes,
who never let on their joys or woes.
taking solace in solitude as they brood with hearts blue'd
a femroe's heart barren of love, yet love will soon yet be sown.

recalling the times she'd reached out before,
her heart on her sleeve and in need of reprieve.
with love left wanting, she cursed and she swore
a femroe's heart sore with scorned love, yet love will soon soften her soul.

resigning herself to ward off such emotions,
her soul and her spirit a tumultuous ocean.
never quite knowing which direction needs going,
convincing herself 'tis best to be alone.
a femroe's heart unsure of love, yet love assuredly shall be her resolve.

a jolt! a spark! caught unawares in her thinking,
no longer alone, she looks down, unblinking
your eyes meet each other, her heart starts to flutter
a femroe's heart still a stranger to love, yet perhaps love indeed is something she'll soon know.

swelling up inside her was an unknown sensation,
swirling round and round
with these emotions, now found.
she knew not what to do, she hadn't a clue
as to what to say, think, feel or even do!
gently grabbing her hand with a most tender squeeze,
her body relaxes and she feels more at ease.
returning your gaze to her eyes, slightly dazed,
you smile sincerely, brightly and dearly
bestowing upon her the truth that once eluded her,
that love upon first sight was real and so true,
and that a femroe's heart can overflow with love, too.

please enjoy the rest of your Friday and have a good weekend
in the words of another anon, "remember to be kind, even online"
thank you
Casuals resub every few months to do more of the MSQ when patches come out/ERP/pvp/gpose. They aren't coming back to see a throwaway Alliance Raid story from an MMO 23 years ago
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Queued up for mahjong and rewatching The Professional (1994).
male middies with long fingers
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Crafting. Holy crap I haven't sell anything worth something in days.
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Still better than WoW. Just install mods and be social like the rest of us, it’s super easy to make friends in this game. And FFXIV respects your time so you can go play other games.
Cringe and yikespilled post
I love inside jokes between discord buttbuddies
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I thought the miera was just short... shnow me..,b;.,,
>And FFXIV respects your time
No it doesn't
>casuals don't care about alliance raid
what fucking world do you live in? that's like the pinnacle of what casual players like to do
gonna need the mod for that varsity jacket on the second cat
>And FFXIV respects your time
Explain why I'm online instead of working, then.
what does this mean chat
Any free use rapemeats in the thread right?
May I see your woob
based muse enjoyer
I could go for some bussin food rn fr fr desu. I just ate and I'm still so hungry
>simply exist
>loved by literally everyone

>have to write cringe shit like this
>not a single soul likes femroes
bankers really live like this, disgusting
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>my queen

gives me time to sort a few things with the pets, i don't mind calling either but I like knowing that there's at least interest first given it's so early

forgive a guy for wanting to play a game mode with people he knows before the inevitable downfall of cc in this general on 7.1 because "if you're not top x or x rank you're not a person" that will almost certainly happen, forcing me to play with randoms in ranked

>just get used to playing with randoms now before ranked happens
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Since there are too many gender/race combos that start with "f", I propose a battle royale for who gets Friday.
Femroes vs
Femras vs
Femlalas vs
Femhroths vs
Fiddies vs
Faggots vs
The fiddie I want to make my wife
The 10 minute story throwaway tied to the Alliance Raid =/= the Alliance Raid itself, people like the content but they don't give a shit about characters you won't hear about after the mini questline ends
>cc posters are shitters
LMAO of course
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you either die a hero or live long enough to become the modbeast
good morning lander
Blooming your spices before tossing them in is a good idea, remember you can also adjust the spice/salt level once it's done cooking as well. A bit of dark chocolate at the end of the cooking process is good too.
Wheres my 300k?
i only have a fiddie in my trash can
what about me?
>A bit of dark chocolate at the end of the cooking process is good too.
for me, it's cocoa powder
what exactly is blooming my spices
Where are you? I'll drop it off in a moment
Silence, bondie.
>the throwaway story
you say this as if they don't put voice acting and story in the raids themselves
If they have Wuk running next to you saying "wow papa never told me about this hidden temple!!!!" every time I do it I'm going to go crazy
No one unironically likes maleroes
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You'd know more people if you stepped out of your xivgger bubble.
i want to poke your pudgy tummy
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everyone mistakes me for a woman and i never correct them

Hello dream thighlander~
I love femores and femlalas though
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taking damage in pvp should cancel sprint
Literally all your posts are either about food or a mental breakdown why guys are mean to you
Take the hint already Shoro and fuck off forever.
Fo-forgive me, Khagan...
I say that like the 10 minutes of story they put per Alliance Raid don't matter and the only time its ever been tied to the MSQ is when they retroactively made it like that for Shadowbringers, you're just trying to find a reason to get mad today it feels like over small shit that doesn't matter bro.
So I'm British
Dark haired
Above average at xiv...
Are you telling me I could be drowning in vtuber pussy?
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Unpopular opinion but you can tell who the men on the thread are easily by just following the posts talking about cooking.
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If I target you, you should instantly die regardless of what team you are on.
>constantly seething
>tries to pit people against each other
he doesn't like people talking about male middies
you seem like you're just making excuses why having even side content revolve around a shitty side character is somehow good because "casuals don't do alliance raids"
>my crush is a shitter
no... no!
I have been afk at the LB14 for hours and no one has raped me yet
How hard is it to find hags to plap on a shotalander
I think I'm replying to a bored European that has nothing better to do than argue so I shant reply anymore
Finally on time to see a poem.. thanks for the cute friday poems yet again, anon!
oh baby it's alright
it's alright to feel
like a fat child
in a pushchair
>the moonei when i slip out of her poopchute and jam it up her fishhole
oh. he should probably filter it then if makes him upset
How good is Wuk Lamat's throat game?

The fuck is Lavender's Beds 14? What server?
I accept your concession.
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blooming your spices just means that you'd cook them in a pan with about two tablespoons of oil until it's fragrant.
It's not pudgy!!!!
Not true! Look I'll start a new discussion right now, unrelated to those

Ahem, why are Frontline players --->>>OBJECTIVELY<<<--- better than CC players?
Holy Projection!
interesting i shall try this next time
my moonie likes shotas...
thanks, im never posting her again
>why are Frontline players --->>>OBJECTIVELY<<<--- better than CC players?
They aren't.
I'm revoking your mexican food privileges.
i want to fuck akemi's sister
Good meowning
>tfw akemi is EU so I can't meteoplap her glub ass in CC
cclets COWER in the face of frontline KINGS
Not terribly hard.
I know what moonie posted this. You're an ugly pedophile who'll never get laid.
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It's probably not that good because she's dumb, but she tries really hard, so you feel pleased.
consider that realistically with small communities it is literally always just a high elo circle jerk, so outside of asking better players for advice people typically stick with their clique unless you're either notable for your gameplay, or have done something to garner attention like being a streamer, or in xivg's case being an ebin/schizo. Like yes I could go into a pvp discord and talk to random people who don't weave recuperate, or I could focus on myself and my own gameplay and outsource when I need to, because I have an otherwise pretty content social life and don't feel the need to worm myself into said cliques
What's the point of censoring your name if you didn't censor your house address, so anyone can just come see your name?
Frontline players have so much more to track and account for especially between maps having actual different objectives, CC is just a very minimal deathmatch fest that requires standing on a point occasionally.
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zackrawrr is talking about /xivg/
You have to realize everyone there is actually a sub or a beta bitch boi

The rapists are where you can find actual rape because a lot of you don't even roleplay anyway
>start raping someone from xivg that was "asking for it" in thread
>they're not replying
>ask if they're going to post their turn
>"You're raping me, I can't really do anything"
>this guys retarded
So you guys probably think xiv rape is someone doing animations on you or writing one sided ERP
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post your lb14 crushes!
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I didn't read you're post. Queue up.
I was going to play more visions of mana but then I got stuck being indecisive on what I want to do argh. the fiddie mind is hopeless
crystal balmung lavender beds ward 14
nyo you dont
Is akemi a larping grown ass man or a severely mentally ill grown ass woman
>no grinds
>no time gates
>level sync means that content never becomes obsolete
You can literally run UCOB or Coils just like the day they were released, unlike during Cata when half the game was deleted. And FFXIV has no Torghast or borrowed power. Checkmate, Blizzdrone.
I'm both
i know you're pudgy, sanchez
Post tit size
I hope it goes well for you! Last tip is that I recommend getting your hands on some dried chiles if you can. Freshly grinding them and adding to your spice mixture adds a lot of flavor.
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I refuse.
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Qrd? That where /xvig/ hangs out?
this but unironically
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How do I make this as my WoL? What mods would I need?
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I am free
Larping grown ass man in his 30s
I see you live up to the reputation you have, that's unfortunate
The one reading this :3
This roe is always attractive, but holy fucking moly
horrible ui scheme
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Getting ready to prog m4s in an hour.
For funsies
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How do I make friends in chaos...
what a pair of big tits does for femroes
Belongs to Remus
>no grinds
relics exist, eureka, bozja, diadem, and crafting exist and those are all just grinds
>no time gates
gear is time gated by tome caps, loot restrictions, time gates on attempts, and so on
>level sync means content never becomes obsolete
spoken like a guy who has never tried to do DR or SCOB synced, there's plenty of objectively dead content you cannot do anymore and if you try to make a party the community will scream at you for wasting their time and try to make you unsync it
How do I get that purple background?
what game is this
remove DC travel NOW
do we like this? https://files.catbox.moe/kl9pck.png
I hate ui mods so fucking much
Is this a landwhale or a tranny?
Post you're're're max Inferno max cape, bitch
Good on him, I'd do the same. I had someone flirt with me and then ignore me, I blacklisted her. She doesn't even exist in my world anymore. She could be confessing and apologizing in my tells with the most sincere, beautiful arguments and I'd never even see them or her. She's just a ghost in the wind now.
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Clip or it didn't happen.
I can see them.
yeah pretty much
you walk 2 steps and everyone's at the garden near the bridge where you spawn
Solution 9 bicolored gems vendor

that fiddie is gonna kill Remus
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Watched TI just now
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grinding pharos sirius for the blessed slops
we like this. . .
Do I really need to to do a gazillion FATEs to get it?
By going to Light.
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i'm just gonna lay in bed and watch tik tok for the rest of the day
good afternoon wife
Do you expect women who cheat to have morals or consistency?
Brain rot
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I'm getting my Beast Tribe drudgery over with.
My anonymous thredcred with anonymous is slipping... Oh no...
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It's alright if you're still learning to pose, but the actors feel kind of stiff and don't mean her penis
Yeah, you need to complete all the Dawntrail shared FATE to unlock the vendor
... is this a natural proportion for an upper lip?
If you like retail so much, then you’re free to go back.
my moonie does this
Where's the penetration?
it's so over for you
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And you wonder why you're alone and unloved and won't be remembered by anyone when you die.
if someone is currently busy I'm not gonna keep bothering them, what did you think would happen
Can you guys reply to my post when you're out of the game please, I got put into a non /xivg/ game
this but her big ol girl balls
Hate futa so fucking much
i miss doing this with my ex so much
aint nothin natural about this game
>i-iron btw
good afternoon wifeposter
I can’t post my adventurer plate right now, but this is Ndja. I’m slacking off at work.
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That was the funniest fucking game I have ever had.
not really but hey you do you
>play this game
>have never played wow in my life
>complain about this expansion being ass
>"go back to wow if you aren't 100% on board"
I'm going to hurt you bitch
*rips ass on you're post* Dayum
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Trying to get some reclears in during daylight hours.
I don't play fortnite but it has some really cute girls.
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How will I ever recover?
damn 2 days in a row for this retard moonie
kys already
Sounds like you would be happier back in WoW.
get that Kenshi lookin motherfucker off my screen
No, he's a moderate and the moderate position is now outrage at the increasingly insane and out of touch political left. He's not "courting" anyone new, you're just radically retarded and don't represent anyone but billionaire hedge fund managers and nationless criminals anymore.
i like me some big bitches but the tits are a bit too comically big
Bullying this cat in cc.
What a pain in the ass
I feel like this jaden guy showed up 2 weeks ago and he's already being gaped by a massive rava futa gock
Too bad, she's taken
I've been dieting...
Neither bitch
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it's still the same, nothing has changed
playing gacha
>Blacked shit
fuck off to wowg if you’re gonna keep talking about baldmongold
My WoL likes this more
grandma hands holy shit can u FIX THAT
So you’re just a gay man? Why don’t you ever plap then?
Viera can't just be black you racist?
Yeah. I saved the pic and got a chub
crystal QUEUE AT 10:40 ET

My mains bank, jelly???
This would be lovely if it wasn't a futa
You fat sow, come be my wife swollen with child
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After reading that entire page my greatest complaint is that HoI4 is on the cultural segment but FFXIV isn't despite the attached image literally having a FFXIV screenshot in it
What a horrible day to have eyes
In English please.
Found the unironic racist lol
All my crushes
Femhroths are willing to share Caturday with the smaller ones. The rest of you can duke it out I guess.
that's the main reason i play it, and also to play as rick from rick and morty and thanos do the funny dances

i wish they'd bring back chun li though so i can finally goon

final fantasy 14 is an award winning mmo with a free trial up to the critically ambivalent expansion Stormblood™

I'd feel bad if you actually starved, so you can just take back what you said about FL players being better than CC players and you can eat again.
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good mornyan
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I am a used good lalaboy, that is still alone on femlala friday.
Are Viera not allowed to be black?
Are you racist?
the pudginess only makes you better
I only like charcoal fiera desu
EB to listen to jeff wayne's war of the worlds album with me and we cheer when we get to thunderchild
i don't understand how to spell beaenkes
Its past noon you layabout
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Nice bank
I am queuing CC as well
Is it CONFIRMED the new Alliance Raids are about fighting GJJ's old enemies? That's such ass if true, having to use 24 guys to fight the peers of Hiroi's Gary Stu. The one cool character in Dawntrail and they manage to make him insufferable after his death.
clean up that bank bro
Can you not post irl animals like you want to mate with them??
discovering /tttt/ was the worst day of my life, 0/10 would not recommend
i hope it's not true, what a shit premise.
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Did you eat a fruit today?
Elezen gigachad
Jazz Peanus
>at the increasingly insane and out of touch political left.
Cackling at this post man
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i wish this rock wasnt here it would be a nice spot for a little bench otherwise
its always mornyan
what region are you
>healer immediately DCs and leaves origenics
>still no healer filled and it's been 10 minutes
Crystal is cursed
This but Tanaka's Rainbow Goblins and we get to Thunderstorm and Plumed Bird
My femlala just ran into her national senator at a grocery store. He has bitch tits when not in a suit
I had one request last thread, and you've failed me
you are so real for that
There hasn't been anything confirmed about the Alliance Raid story, anything you hear now is people making up plots in their head. We aren't hearing shit until 2 weeks from now
not yet, how about i get a taste of your peach sis?
I know this cat
twitter said he was touching kids
QRD on Kong? why do people talk so much about him?
Do you think you're on twitter or some shit?
Shut the fuck up, Kong.
I'm still in bed desu
Gonna go grocery shopping later, need to handle some work shit too, and I've got a fuckton of tome mats I should actually turn into something valuable
I am nothing if not skilled at wasting time
Make the rock the bench
>log in
>all my FC members say hi

active FCs are such a nice feeling
You can eat fat cat he has enough meat for at least a couple weeks
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No in prog is popping.
I thought crystal was full of subby healers?
God I want to plap your seaweed bun
We like this, chud
Hey that's a pretty cool search info, I kinda like frogs myself...............
hey, femra?
I just think its funny the second you see a black woman you go UGHHHHH BLACK PEOPLE like is this not just a comedy
hes ashkenazi and he hides his real beliefs well, he is neither moderate nor right leaning he just knows how to play to a crowd
We hate futa shit(it's gay)
We hate blacked shit(it's gay)
Do you? Who cares if something is blacked, if it was actually racist then pornhub would ban it
Checkmate atheist
>all fc members say hi
>say hello back
>ask for roulette group
>more than 4 people want to join
such a great feeling
>all my solo FC members ignore me
fucking hate this place
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(you) hate it, we like this
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You're reading into things way too much anon.
It's okay but the poses feel kinda lifeless
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I'm running laps around the wolves den whilst talking to a friend in VC
It's like Nick Fuentes freaking out about the black woman in The Minecraft Movie
I had some lemon cake, does that count?
>log in
>no fc
>dead shells
>no friends
feels good to be a catboy
Because they have taste.
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Was doing a random Nidhogg MINE with sprouts but had to leave just now to do laundry.
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Sorry I forgot to turn on the beauty filter
I'd rather starve than be a LIAR
Only 4channiers think that
I'd eat you before my kitty
>the second you see a black woman you go UGHHHHH BLACK PEOPLE
Projecting much? He said it was blacked shit which it is. Your brain went to "black people bad" not his.
QRD on Remus? why do people talk so much about him?
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want to join my solo fc we're pretty friendly

If I was at LB14 I would say come find me and I'll give you one but I'm too busy tryna find a PF
Jews are based and if you hate Jews (more than absolutely necessary) you aren’t a real American.
I like the rabbit.
qrd on Theo?
He has a fc filled with unironic twitter beasts so it's no surprise
>>dead shells
love that video game
Trying to fix my schedule but I'm falling asleep bros... how do I stay awake
You asked to be Secretary of Balloon Doggies.
What can you tell me about catgirls who use this hairstyle?
>log in
>/beesknees in uldah topless
>play wow on my other monitor
Blacked is a specific aesthetic with specific symbolism and terminology. Its not the appearance of a black person you pornbrained zoomer
>everyone in my solo fc says good morning when i log in

feels so good desu
They're mems
Yes. Anyone who buys gas and groceries is a Trumper now. Your position is the extreme one. Cope, seethe, and dilate so hard you seppuku and bleed out.
They have good taste
buenos dias
The tradwife look
why would you play that thoughever
Holy shit I might actually run into you one day, prepare for salutes
Is it blacked shit or not?
You gon cry?
Incredibly nice or a slut. I would know cause my catgirl used to use that hair
>about fighting GJJ's old enemies?
Was he an FF11 player?
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hey that's me

I'm working on it
Hey Akemi have you started playing the sims 4 yet?
Do you read what you type before posting?
> it's pronounced "hudge"
QRD on Rob? why do people talk so much about him?
whats a mem?
so were you nice or were you a slut?
i want to heal as a scholar but i feel my brain is too deflated for it
they choke on pirate cock because that's the hairstyle of the arcanist job quests NPC
you should get some nachos
>So mad you're samefagging
Lmao. Cope and put your trip back on.
no it's okay i like the abuse
when do yurojeets go to sleep again?
>login to the game
>solo fc member tells me to go fuck myself and go make some friends
>log out
Every time I see a cutie from EU I curse myself for being dragged into NA...
QRD on me? why does nobody talk about me
>Getting mad online because someone said the word blacked
The absolute state of this coomer
I'll keep an eye out for you some time!!
There's more to do in WoW than there is to do in FFXIV right now
You should kill him
I get that
SCH is for very high IQ players such as meowself. Purrhaps SGE or WAR is more ur speed
Who are you?
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They will have sex with me and the braids will be used like handlebars
What's the lore behind your horn?
Slut when it comes to gposing, but I've never erp'd. And I can't answer if I was nice or not other people would have to answer that
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I ate c@.
because you need to namedrop yourself properly like this. >>494375680
sometimes you can get the same mark twice
male middie doing this to my femezen
You'rere the BITCH
gm does anyone want to play the game for a bit
this is lovely because it's futa
QRD on Dream Free?

Yep, go ahead, slap a (You) on this post. You like this.
>active FCs
Would murder to find one on Chaos, they are all dead or discord only. No one talks in game it feels like
Then why are you here instead of in WoW?
QRD on my femlala
>So no
Whew. People's headcanons will age me prematurely...
who is qrd and why does everyone want to see him top someone in the thread?
QRD on the snowman?
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My therapist said that my habit of pushing people away and spending lots of time gaming after sex not wanting to be around others is a sign of age regression behaviors
But how can I be regressing if im fully capable of thinking and reasoning as I am now?
Ok what did you want to do? I was going to farm some Eureka Hydatos boxes.
Depends what you wanna do. If farming extremes for mounts sure, if it requires me to do a savage or ult, no.
you were suppose to lift me up and encourage me to practice..
I like my low poly nose! And I love my older pics!!!
Unfortunately no, I haven't had much time to play anything really
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm I would love that right now... maybe I'll have that for my 5pm lunch!
stroke it and see
nice dick bitch
What can you tell me about fiddies that use this hairstyle?
don't forget >>494375417
malezen hands
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The Japanese can be funny sometimes
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this guy is insanely powerful and majestic, its like seeing an 800 pound grizzly bear
I tried both fates and marks today and felt like fates are better in the ShB range.
How do I unsubscribe from that retard's blog?
I can't believe my wife is a russian nationalist.
It's GT on the verge of putting his trip back on.
Or possibly Molly Bloom seething over losing her thread cred for being a spoiled commie NEET.
ok sure
Hello cutie
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squeek squeeek
Oh thats cute, you think you have a community here, i could almost kiss you for being so retarded.
>EB ring
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QRD on essi?
They have a dark secret
he's clearly a family man, be nice
Yeah he has a femboy fiera wife he's always with
farming extremes sounds pretty fun, I've been practicing picto lately but can play other jobs too
would you both be down for mount farming?

also do we want to meet on crystal and see if we can fill a pf?
Leave Ohio at once.
i want to learn uwu, can you link me the youtube or pastebin people are using now? the clees guide seems really archaic
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This is genuinely some of the most boring drama I've ever seen the community latch onto heavily, I figured with how much people are bringing it up there would be some crime allegation tied to it
"wahhh he cheated on me, this is unprecedented in the gaming community :("
the c@ version is so much better looking its unreal
thank you
I downloaded some tape measure minion mod to try and measure it but I haven't done that yet

ironically enough it's been somebody else other than me posting that pic itt
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Yeah but he's probably not into lalaboys. Always with that slut miera.
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kot is my threadcrush
>mount farming
i already have 99/99 so can we not
Short haired fiddie are built for male midlander sex.
where the cheese at?
why use tape when you could just measure using my throat
hehe, ccat
can i be cheesed to meet you?
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but if I do that how am I supposed to make fun of WAR players....
it would be a non story if not for the fact that he started it by going on about "why aren't there more women in raiding?"
those balls are so stupid looking, esp on the side of the head
I don't know how long your throat is sis
whats the secret?
While it's not uncommon for lalafell to be cheaters, it is very funny he was definitely fishing for new targets and it backfired on him so beautifully.
I look like this
MB is a notorious blackedslut, of course she's the one seething about getting called out.
Why are you trying to downplay cheating, faggot?
Mating press.
Sure, help me prog a ult (this is a joke)
I'd be down for EX1 maybe in a bit
I'm playing a dishonest job in FL.
i've taken 12ilms once so we can go from that
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hello >>494367170
it's my birthday and i'm reallydrunk
now you know
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my layabout retainers finally did something in their useless chungus lives
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I am
A perfectly balanced suncat
>maleroe with femboy fiera wife
I kneel
nice we should be friends…
Sorry, I haven't touched extreme yet since I'm waiting to do it with a friend for the first time together. I pray it works out for you though!
What plugins were they using?
Which one?
Once you go black, we don't want you back.
Why should I care about relationship drama between people I've never spoken with
Happy b-day ./pet
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This website is fucking horrible. How anyone can identify with any of this and not come to the immediate conclusion that they are severely mentally ill and need help immediately is baffling to me. Please check yourself into a mental hospital and stay the gender which you were assigned at birth.
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thank you all for your kind words and/or for roeposting
I'm forever grateful that anyone at all enjoys my silly words; I sincerely appreciate it
take care and I'll see you all next week, Inshallah
Bro cheats at raiding and cheats on his girlfriend. Idk it's kinda funny that hardcore raiders are incapable of simply not cheating at anything.
you somehow made an ugly elezen post dt, impressive
There are dozens of us! I'll look forward to our encounter.

It's a real shame. Materia ofc exists for cross-DC meetups but it's not really conventional.

I actually took that off for a bit when the war started but I realized people most likely won't misinterpret it like that. So far if someone has, they haven't said so.
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wtf, we DO NOT eat pets! racist lies.
true heroes can never be stopped
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QRD on your least favorite ebin?
we should... moonies get along well with kids or so i've heard...
I have maxed out retainers, but I havnt used them to sell anything in a solid year or two
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when are they gonna buff the exp given by porta decumana goddammit fuck this trial
>I'm working on it
You'll get there sis, I believe. /smooch
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This is a picture I took of my catgirl today
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he was waiting for his boy wife to log on and he immediately gave a pet

none of you will ever have this
my malezen once shot an ala mh*gan just to watch him die
QRD on the retarded word “ebin”?
Happy birthday my wife
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my fiddie looks and acts like this
visibility, standard repo
yes, check advanced configuration and set up areas manually
you can set it to show friends while hiding other players
same with party / fc
Healchuds and Healchads, should I pick up the stick, deal the cards or read books?
>Living the dream
How did he do it bros?
May I plap?
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The left foot is clipping causing it to look like someone glued a brick of wood to the heel.
Saintly Style looks great on cute strong fiddies
Someone else needs to call my sexy hot wife who is real wants me to have sex with her
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Hi JC.
oh that's understandable then that you don't want to, maybe we could do some roulettes? I might do mount farming later
roulettes never hurt if you'd like to do some instead then, maybe

so the NAUR discord (essentially a pug discord that tries to standardise resources for people progging in PF) previously had all resources in their discord only, but now the vast majority are hosted on a website
this is for UwU https://ultistrats.com/guides/uwu/
I would still suggest joining the NAUR discord and checking out the #ultimate-resources channel so you can view the full list of toolboxes/mit sheets/etc https://discord.gg/naurffxiv
ermm sis your pantsu are showing...
I bet
>tfw no beefy hairy bear to squeeze you like a stress toy
why even bother
post uncensored
QRD on people wanting QRDs?
sorry I 'll take them off
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I'm sorry Daddy...
im actually in NAUR but thank you. i just figured id ask you since you’re the resident ult enjoyer. i’ll give that site a look!
>stay the gender which you were assigned at birth
that's what leads people to the kind of self hatred /tttt/ grows. Unironically medically transitioning is what freed me from that self hate cycle
my melfs gimmick is only have visibility mod installed and enabled 24/7 to hide all players

no i shant be posting him
ok sure
Happy birthdayyy :D
stick is easiest
do you hang out at lb14..?
builded for my melf
this cat is cute
happy birthday
My c@ is a big fan of this c@
Why are grown men like this?
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Is DRG fun
I've never joined any syncshells because I don't want modbeasts covering half my screen, but with the new mare feature, do I dare change my modus operandi?
hey. . . was just admiring from afar
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Hey I'm retarded, is Molly Bloom that moonie with the freckles who was swimming in (you)s before being blacked? The one that always used witchmagic shader.
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Fucking shanters, I swear
WHM quests are alright, SCH are kinda interesting because of location. SGE starts at 70 and while the aesthetic is cool, they really tried to make it different and yet the same. I still get confused what the buttons do though.
Pick up the stick. WHM has the most unique playstyle among the healers as it uses GCD spells to heal (and then cashes them in for dps), while the other healers mostly heal with oGCDs. The mitigation is a bit meh, but don't worry about it for now.
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I had to stop and admire during MSQ...
Join if you want who gives a shit, if you end up not liking it just disable it
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I have a preference for WHM and SCH but AST is fun too ^.^
Nice staff! <3
C@s do jump high so its thematic

I know I wanna eat something on this mhigan cutie.
Happy birthday
I like your blanks
Please leave patch
im glad shant posting took off because now i can say it and people don't immediately know it's me
i shant be elaborating
>Come back from being AFK
>See a /tell
>random level 50 asking why I was the only catgirl in the line without a ultimate weapon
... I fucking hate you lalafells and I am becoming extremely racist against you all
Need to have sex with this fiddie
no, the moonie you are describing is jaden mode

molly bloom is a fiera with huge boobs
i know who this is
I don't like short hair but the way long hair clips triggers my autism.... I'm in a tough spot bros
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what about them?
>why I was the only catgirl in the line without a ultimate weapon
well? do you even play the game anon?
ahh.... goofy mooner...
>level 50 lalafell
May I plap?
wtf that's illegal
yeah you probably do
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I'm logging in
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I can't keep track with ebins. But you can recover from being blacked right? *stares at the fiddie healer above* Recover your threadcred I mean.
You only can if you're black
im logging out
my moonie eb uses this haircut and he beats me
hebby birbday
Milk truck jus arrive
I have necromancer.... that should be enough ;-;
please change off this justed hair
It’s me…
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only if you want to take turns with her~
fucking based lmao
keep the fuck my shit up hair
yeah but u should kill urself for using ai
Fine by me
She ERPs with Kong now also so not really
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Well? Where's your ultimate weapon, anon?
Good, your guard shift starts in 10 minutes.
Stick is braindead but still really good
>AFK main
>Doesn't have any of the glowshit to show off while you afk
You're lacking sis
hello my wife
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i know whos alt this is

i shant be elaborating further
>do not show your feelings
>someone else shows their feelings
>he goes for the person giving him affection instead of trying to face what's being presented as a vain hope for someone who's seemingly not interested
how could this have happened
*unzips* penis. There's my ultimate weapon you damn tater tot. God I love femlalas.
sure i'll go first then >:3c
open wide anon
Listen here you little shit
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She's free use if you're a black cat
Happy birthday! How's it going?
I will try stick. I actually have played SGE on my previous character but wanted to do something less uhhhh whatever you'd call that aesthetic. And something different, obviously. Trying to to choose stuff in general that I haven't played or played much of. Thank you!
Hate ults, sorry anon
Here's my minion collection though
What is it with these people and getting blacked???
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I'm on my way

I'll cover it with the helmet
Who's the WAR of DPS
how do I get the lowlander mod...
Gives some mean snowjobs
I aint even a AFK main but the day I actually do AFK with them I get caught lacking. Can't have shit in Aether
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for anyone who wanted to do some roulettes, password is 2222 on Crystal
depending on how many people join we'll do trial and normal raid, possibly alliance raid (optional)
White people don't call it the Meteor hair anymore now they're calling it the Just Fuck My Shit Up hair
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i am logging in
i shant be falling for your gpose-rape sesh
I stole your portrait for my Dark Knight portrait. No, I'm not sorry
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I like cheeeeeze pizza
did people stop putting passwords on roulettes when they post them here? I haven't put up a pf in awhile
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how could u...
i'm otw


No. Once you go blacked you cannot go backed.
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That's lood! :O
I'm not! I just have a big crush on Yaana okay! >.<
I hope you like it! ^.^
Good luck with your leveling!
you're getting memed, it's just a shitpost
also im omw
no it’s just a shitty meme
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Finally leveling my gatherers.
thanks i know my portrait game is on point, although its just sheathe weapon so it wasn't hard to come up with or anything. can i see it at least
do you like fiera+
Yeah sure do!
I miss you
what happened
Day 1 of edging
some dudes are just suckers for ugu ^.^ emotes. what's sullied cannot be unsullied
yeah but do they actually play the game
my stacked bun wife...
its okay.. I like umbra

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