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Previous: >>494377982

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
The amount of F2Poors who can't pull for Caesar after pulling Jane and her furfaggot squirrel and are now coping hard about how she's suddenly "a confirmed brick" kek

Huff more copium, Jane will be forgotten in two month a la Ellen whereas Caesar will remain relevant for 2+ years due to shield gating alone. You wanted the shiny, selfish fieldhogger DPS, now make your bed and lie in it.
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let's try spelling!
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We REVERE Ellen here
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did you guys know that the best mackerel is always the one you haven't eaten yet?
If you think about it Caesar is THE SEAnig agent because she's a value pack of two mid agents in one.
The SEAnig values making the most of their limited resources (3rd world mindset) and will pull for a unit based on meta and value.

Me as a white man? I'm simply skipping and waiting for a future dedicated support unit and a cool stunner too instead of a cope mutirole pagbait character.
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Behind every anti caesar post there's a lucy having a melty
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EN Burnice should’ve had a southern accent instead of a generic anime voice. What a missed opportunity…
Sethpags are delusional
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need shark
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You think that's bad? Watch this.
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I assure you, your opinion isn't worth copy pasting to another thread
wtf I love anti-Caesar posts now?
>Caesar will remain relevant for 2+ years due to shield gating alone

Terrible bait. You didn’t earn your (you)
Don't normalize rats
Except she's not value at all because she's paired with two worthless A ranks.
Burnice fits your argument better.
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needs correction uooh
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hey fellas I don't have a single Piper but plan on C6ing her next banner. Can someone give me her best disc set and optimal skill level order?
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>all the rat hate last thread
Rats are more intelligent than your average housepet, more clean than your average house pet, and takes less resources than your average house pet.

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Lucy's ass
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look sethpags lol
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>ceasar butt
>burnice tits
>wise decides to go for this in the story instead...
first hoyo gay mc?
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I look like this and think like this
The problem with that is it would have just been a poorly affected accent by some generic anime voice slut, there are no real southerners in anime voice acting
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>trailer shows Belle meeting SoC
>but wise
Mind broken
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Feels blissful that despite being a "europoor", rolling for meta has never occured to me even for a moment since not having a best-performing team is merely a matter of getting As instead of Ss in last one, two level of SD. Which is how much, 100 polys per rotation? Much less than what you spend on a character you don't particularly like but is prognosed to me "meta"
Is Lucy physically stronger than the siblings?
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4fang 2blues especially with Caesar Lucy
anomaly prof / atk or phys / anomaly mast
level EX skill, kinda level chain and parry you can ignore everything else
>piper worthless
She clears this 17 faster than Zhu and S11 and an entire 5 seconds slower than Jane thoughbeiteverly
I'm gonna pound your ass
Thanatos is the biggest stupidest ether nigger in the fucking world.
actually according to the trailers belle is the canon mc
I mean yeah
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solo disputed nodes runs are fun!
Thanks for the help anon. Can't wait to use her
t. dullachud
The value comes to play with her taking on the roll of stunner and support anon
Aren’t a bunch of the EN VAs based in Texas? Surely they could’ve found someone who could do it.
rats only live for like 3 years though
>Shirakami Fubuki and Rosmontis
Are you my little toe? Because I'm going to bang you in every single furniture around my house.
I hope Lighter at least sounds like a man instead of unabashed faggot like Harumasa
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why does this game hate me.
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Good luck anon, shes so fun
One tip btw is not falling in the trap of facetanking
Just parry when the enemy swings at you, Piper will go invulnerable and finish her spin even if you switch out or parry
Then she can just have her way with us and we wouldn't be able to resist...
is that not what they did? she sounds southern as hell
But we're supposed to be the ones who correct her.
You'd think so, but point out one (1) anime voice girl who has anything but the 'standard anime girl' accent
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That's literally every agent
Texas is a californian refugee camp
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bwo your Koleda
bwo your Caesar
Caesar has no energy to do anything except wait around off-screen until she can parry swap in for 2 seconds and then leave again.
Sorry, not gonna waste 160 pulls on something you don’t see or use in gameplay.
why is her name nekomiya in english instead of nekomata?
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yes it is. now enjoy the show
im rolling to have cute girls
Uh oh pagcel melty.
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Only Mibibi players could've pulled that one off

Proud of you
why the fuck does Lighter look so tired?
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Caesar x Lucy
Burnice x Furrygirl
He spends all of his time surrounded by women and he doesn't even get to fuck them
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She's oversexualized and almost everyone agrees. And that's why her banner didn't sell well at all.
He's a tard wrangler for Caesar and Burnice
>uses his gauntlets to make a fire scarf flapping in the wind
chuuni dork
That's her name anon.
>jane buckteeth
>mousegirl behind
cute actually
why are these so hard to get AIEEE
Solos are fun.
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oh look at that
The siblings are slobs shown time and again to be in horrible shape. You can pick a normie off the street and they'd be stronger than the siblings.
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her real name is nekomiya mana but her nickname is nekomata
this shit is so dirty in the nonsexual way, doritos after sex must have the strongest smell
I literally threw up when I saw her ass jiggle
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Is there any way to make Anton usable or is he forever doomed to be the worst agent in the game?
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oh no
why do wuggers even bother posting here? their general is literally at 1 post a minute, do they not care?
Face blind autist-kun, he's not tired he's looking down on the enemy. In no way does his movement or expression indicate fatigue.
Is she enjoying it?
You should hear Careena in Visions of Mana.
I meant his eyes
he has some heavy bags
>every pfp is troonrail
Yup, ever honk and gig nigger can fuck off
>You wouldn't rape a criminal
u can force him to be useable but gou can use anyone else and do way better with the same disks
I'm sure if you go for major disc autism he can be pretty good, but desu it just feels like his multipliers suck. I hope one of the idol girls are an electric dps
>is he forever doomed to be the worst agent in the game?
billy exists
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>times Big Daddy was seen or mentioned in the 1.2 livestream: Zero.
Why am I being arrested again?
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>Pulchra and picrel mog all of SoC
it's not fair
nice bum
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I have 313 pulls
what the FUCK are the pigs
you cant have normal sized animal people and then weird chibi ones in the same game
Come on now...
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i love lucy
Just looked it up, they should’ve gone with something like that.
how is she still so perky in her old age
I want a scorpion thiren
Are these clips from the live stream? I don't want to dig through 45 mins
Caesar loves Wise
lucy SUCKS!
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Don't be lazy
>junkfood and fast food littering the place
>incest arrest
>mouse noob cop threesome
these images are always fucking gold. the amount of in game/media detail speaks volumes of the artists attentiveness.
and jane loves belle
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Heh, whatever. Corn could never overpow
The last 20 minutes is just music.
Grace/Anton/Rina is quite effective. But you kinda need all three.
There is a 5min version of it on their channel.
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I have 184
...bartendie didn't survive brain damage
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>i love lucy
>she sees your dick>>494395737
He deserves to be an S-Rank.
>and almost everyone agrees
wrong retard
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I wanted her so much based on leaks and ass jiggle animation alone and gameplay, but the more I played her story, trailer, cutscenes the more I hated her as a character. It's just an overly confident bitch. My account needs a dps bad right now and I'm at 80pity guarantee 50/50 on her banner but I'm having second thoughts, wtf. I don't want this whore anywhere near me
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wtf i thought shipfags didnt play the game though what the fuck
also the tail going back under his underpants is a realy kino detail too
Nicole is the only woman for me
so true sis
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being a tard wrangler is exhausting
Is Lighter confirmed to be fire attack or is that just speculation?
She says that to everyone.
Yeah found it, some pagtard keeps putting dub stuff in the OP
Okay faggot. Go away now with your shit taste, you should have enjoyed when she fucked up at the end of the plot then.
Build Billy. Do Billy, Caesar, Lucy.
i like girls best when they're either arrogant but dumb or competent but modest
lucy, qingyi and zhu >>> jane
Tell me why everyone is saying that then
Where can I download all of these
>flaming gauntlet
Nah bwo, he's gonna be Ether anomaly.
reminder that u need to enter the new code by the end of today to get 300 poly
it expires after 24 hours
zzziggers pulchra is waking up the furries
she very cleary has a slight southern accent
they just didn't exaggerate it which is good
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So should I go for Caesar and/or Burnice?
If so what would be their teams?
I just realized in the cutscene with piper, you can see (You/Belle) laid out on a couch like she dead. What the hell happened?
Still mad ironic lolicons draw Piper Wheel younger than she is.
Guess ironic lolicons can't be helped.
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i got them from reddit
if you give me 2 minutes i could make a MEGA download folder for them

nevermind, 5 minutes because some of them are too big
So are we getting co-op or raid boss?
Because what's the point of the friendlist.
in all honesty, both. Plus Caesar's engine
Daily onii-chan milking session took too long
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>hoyoslurpers when the personality isn't exactly shy girl that's a bit autistic
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eagerly waiting
I fucking hate zoomoid puritanism
It seems that coop has been put on the backburner for now
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Thank you very much anon
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lol at all the lucklet People here needing more than 4 pulls to get Caesar Burnice and their wengine
shiptroons killed the revenue lol
Lucy is a loser
>Loli faction comes out
>game dies out because no one cares
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She looks retarded
Thanks for the reminder bro just redeemed
It doesn't matter.
I like bratty girls too howbeiteverlythough
How do these people feel about Corin bending over to show you her bloomers on her skills screen I wonder
i got them all without pulling
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>cancer and stroke survivor
>brain damage from constant gas fume inhalation

Burnice and her three remaining brain cells are a profile in courage and a testament to the indomitable fighting spirit of mankind, she's just happy to be alive
isnt it awesome
I'm a day one player...
What does Caesar mean by this?
holy shit my dick
I'm just as disgusted with it but AT LEAST it isn't marketing material and shoved down our fucking throat.
I want to be verbally abused by Lucy.
hsr hebes sell it depends on if they lolibait or not
She wants her Queen.
romance of the three kingdoms isnt a just love story
crazy I know
she's for (you) and wants to have (you)r children
So they're good for my roster?
Women are at their cutest when they are basically retarded
if this is the average /hsrg/ anon can't imagine the people here who shill furries
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>Burnice is literally an airheaded bimbo
That's so based
Jane needs to be beat up to submission, too cocky, it's the right thing to do
And that's a good thing!
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She appeals to waifufags and self inserters
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is it safe to open on a crowded bus
A girl did this once to me, shit's so hot I can't explain.
Seems like Ship Doe sales are low
Actually fucking vile. Never post again.
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Just M4 her bro
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>people here don't know about cat woman, kill bill, Catherine tramell or mystique from the X-Men
>haven't seen or heard of any femme fatale/mysterious hot females in any media archetypes
How does this happen? Whether you like it or not is besides the point but why are people acting like this is something new?
rat ceasar burnice
this is a face saying 'tanoshiiii' while burning down an orphanage
I allowed to this.
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this is someones anomaly
My illiterate queen....
I unironically believe that if they don't stagger the Loli faction release, it'll be a major failure, besides what the mentally ill here will try to make you believe.
Why are you looking at me like that...? Er, can we get a mod in here?
Lucy/Jane/Burnice is cope isn't it
>How does this happen?
Zoomers and sheltered millenials.
Man I love gorilla retards
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girl did this to my ear and i nearly jizzed myself
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600 attack instead of Caesar 1000 atk + 25% dmg
theres hasnt been a femme fatale in the west in forever. THe only recent ones I can think of is Klassje. Those series are old as fuck bro. Youre thinking in decades now not years, thats how old you are.
Nobody is acting like it's something new. Gacha players just hate that archetype because it's intimidating to beta neets.
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I know of them I just dont care for them
When I imagine a wife I want either a dumb bitch who needs correction or an ideal housewife
will s11 lucy be better with ceasar or koleda?
I refuse to believe that zoomers dont know cat woman
how is crit damage calculated? if my crit damage is 100%, am i doing base damage x 2 or what?
The future is now old man.
C6 Lucy has no good effect with Jane or Burnice
Jane is also not good with disorder comps
You should either go Piper Burnice Lucy, Caesar Jane Lucy or Piper Burnice Caesar
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It's surprising for a gacha game to have a character like that, openly sexual towards everyone not just the mc. I mean mainstream and not some fucked up ntr game. And of course I think a lot of gacha players genuinely haven't engaged with much other media and aren't aware there's stories out there that aren't shounen isekai harems.
Koalda hands down.
how do you prononous Caesar
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edit when
Not anymore she doesn't.
They fixed her chin, although I still find it funny anons tried pretending there was no issue.
Take away movies and go Anime characters, a ton of similar archetypes that people are suckers for
That's a really good one as well
holy crap when billy got punched in the face by that kid xD
This should really be a lighter edit kek
classic contrarian basket weaving forum
though I imagine some of that was cope since gachas dont usually fix problems this far into the dev cycle, or even at all
im still in disbelief
holy crap lois
Just use both.
>femme fatale poster
Shut the fuck up already I see this posted every other thread.
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cool, ceasar is wearing a 3 star goku uniform I hope she strips
Stupid Momoi, everyone has played Bayonetta.
I see people cry about muh sexual character every other thread too, what's your point?
hello, /zzz/, i'm from the mihoyo team incorporated, i'm in charge of the deep character writting, i came here to say that burnice originally burnt her hair, so all she uses is a wig now, this is c anon information
nice furries (You) got here zzziggers
What are you farming?
Like the pizza mascot
God her lore is so big
>It's surprising for a gacha game to have a character like that
your newfagness is showing
the "whore with fat tits" archetipe has been in many gacha before
baldnice my beloved…
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>pigtail pulling irrumatio is no longer canon
it is so over
Discs for my dps anby
What's the point of shielders in a game where it's almost impossible to take damage thanks to dodges and parries?
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>the pizza and salad king

Quite the empire she's building out in chinese Arizona
still waiting for the royal guard character
ben sux
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What are your expectations for Lucy Hangouts?
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When you are shit like me and cant dodge anything from the giant robots
Likely kino team setups:

Yanagi, Jane, Burnice
Piper, Caesar, Lucy

I cannot be proven wrong.
you can greed hits
especially important in disorder where you have to fully build a bar within a strict 10 seconds
holy fuck, how are you so fast, I'm doing 2 mins with that piper team
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Apologies for the wait

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>zhuyan ex special
>skill description says dmg multiplier is 1121.4%
>single value
>use it
>shoots out 10x shots
>each shot can crit on its own
who the fuck designed this garbage
>It's surprising for a gacha game to have a character like that
Man come on she's basically just Yelan all over again
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How many inspiration films does everyone have?
I have 27! 13 from the first one, and 14 from the second!
i kinda wish i pulled for her, shes really fun in the event to use
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Wise won
Caesar's in particular also has anti-interupt so where other dodgecucks have to stop their combo to get away from damage like weak little pussy fags, Caesargods can just keep attacking
The point is nobody cares about media literacy and trying to police that on a Mongolian basket weaving forum is retarded. Keep whining and see if anyone carers, UM ACHSHUALLY SHE'S A FEMME FATALE
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This is beyond based thank you anon
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noooooooo stop making them sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God I love him
Disks. This sucks.
Damn dolphins can do THAT?
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You just need to make sure you land assault for the daze multiplier, stack a second assault, stun, trigger assault, trigger burn disorder, trigger assault disorder
If you do all that right with Lucy buff up then the guy just dies
Post your anomaly prof it might need some buffing
u know some rich person will design and open a store for movies that looks exactly like their store
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These are so cute, thank you for the upload!
2 more weeks of this flop banner until 1.2
Drive disks
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neato burrito
My hero
>almost impossible
Piperbros we lost....
the never ending investigation exploration task makes me want to fucking kill myself. I'll gladly take 10 combat tasks over one of these
>dps anby
Based if true
>my least-used units have the most duplicates
Why does this happen?
tanking hits and doing your rotation is a dps increase scrubletsis
you mean hollow abyss? that one is cancer
>t. prophecy enjoyer
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>Mihoyo gives (You) the perfect woman with the fattest ass
>(You) forget about her to lust after a criminal on a bike
>why are people acting like this is something new?
uuuuh? they don't?
What is everyone spending their energy on? I'm using all of mine on investigator logs.. seems like we'll need it very soon
it's true bwo
Nobody is trying to police anything. I even say in my post that whether you like it or not is besides the point. I know it's not for everyone, just like how tomboys aren't for everyone or autistic girls like S11 aren't for everyone.
As others pointed out, take more modern anime/gaming examples and its the same thing
I've rolled and own all the cops. I will not be rolling for the ugly biker.
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that's not Nicole?
Only real chads, like myself, stay with the best
What the fuck are you talking about? All you did was point out that femme fatale characters exist. NO. SHIT. RETARD. Do we need a reminder every other thread you autistic stupid bitch?
Yeah she has such a boring personality that only metacucks rolled her.
Even a sheet of paper radiates more personality.
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me when i anal the rat
>start watching Tour de Inferno teaser
This is an extension of the Overwatch universe, isn't it? I can't ignore it at all now.
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1.2 will save ZZZ.
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Don't speak about my wife with such foul language
>Angry Caesar still looks like a retard
Anby is cute but why the hell did they try making her the mascot and not someone who leaves a stronger impression like Nicole or even Eous
this is why you keep getting cheated on
Are we still on 1.2? Wuwa is already going to 2.0
Zhu and Qingyi on one side
Caesar and Burnice on the other
My only regret is the teams I want to build releasing back to back
It can't be mine if I only fuck her in the butt
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No I didn't.
I hope we get cops vs. biker gang in the future.
With lots of... interrogations... oh yes.
Nicole gives off slut vibes. I agree it should have been her though.
I want to watch Grace molest her Sweet Pea.
we need more a ranks
We need a femboy character
She will crush Wise's head with her thighs
I would never sully my dick with a chinese
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I rolled for all of Pubseggs though? As an ASS man I owed it to myself
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You will pull me every other banner and you will like it
POV: you're a smart toaster with built in wifi
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do you really want some biker thugs and truck driven by a girl (girls can't drive we all know this) deliver your erizon packages. They'll barely arrive in one whole piece.
Deep down you know they're all Chinese
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The story of the next chapter should end with ZY summarily executing Caesar and her gang and getting a medal for it.
Dont mind if Nicole pee on me
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>Belle at the first row
Real main character confirmed?
No that will be her with the thiren trio because she thought she saw them pulling a gun (they didn't).
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When The Outer Ring sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
anal with these cops
She wouldn't say that.
Ave, true to CAESAR
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Why do we have a thread on v all the time
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It will end with ZY receiving a sex tape of Wise fucking all the bikers (Yes even big daddy)
The construction site music is scientifically composed to make you feel like you
re going insane
Who is the other girl?
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>Photograph a TWO WHEELED Vehicle
Someone at Hoyo can’t count
i will never, ever plays as belle
she is my stinky, neet sister who keeps making a mess around the house
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Did you know thirens have been kicked out of 109 hollows? Just an interesting fact
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Belle Futa is canon
FAGse is non canon
The wheel at the back is just really wide like Miyabi's eyes
I often wonder on the type of person who makes these posts.
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Body cam footage of Zhu Yuan unloading an entire magazine into Caesar as she reaches for her ID in a routine traffic stop while Qingyi tases Burnice.
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Belle <3
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pettan insecurity never gets old
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>You do NOT eat an apple like that?
How the fuck do you eat it then?
cute guys
>(You) forget about her to lust after a criminal on a bike
I didn't tho?
Is that from one of Miyabi's team-jacket thing?
>loli faction comes out
>game soars to #1 and stays there for five years
>her face when I throw out the cheeseburger she's been saving for two weeks
Stop posting this slut
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Wise bros
Nicole is anti-semitic...
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Why is the cop sluttier than the biker gang?
uh oh melty
>genshin fanartists keep drawing Lumine with a dick
>ZZZ fanartists drawing Belle with a dick
Hmmmmm... very curious.... I wonder if that says anything specific about the mental state of people who pick the female option as a male.....
Pulchra is literally built for sex thoughever
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You run a string through 4 apples and use them as anal beads
why does this have so many likes, it's gay
Playing the femc is literally ALWAYS step 1 on the AGP troon pipeline
Futa isn't gay
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>people arguing over which characters are marginally better or worse than another
>claiming others accounts are "bricked" if they don't roll for specific upcoming characters
>any f2p who's been playing since day one should already have multiple S-clearing teams and can pivot between at least 3 different elements

Hmm... I think I shall roll for the ones with the boobies, yes.
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we have a canon dyke
OOC kill yourself
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what teams to Burnice and Ceasar want to be in?
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Years of living on the edge as an undercover cop has fried her brain chemistry and turned her into a nympho.
look at this canon
Seth's PoV
Cumming again to FAT RAT ASS
Wise is sucking dick, which is homosexual behavior.
Delete this
she's an undercover agent which basically makes her a spy. spies are never not sluts.
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>take Seth to Old Duyi's for a massage
>Duyi starts chopping Seth's back, who doesn't react
>until Seth's lower back is reached, then he starts doing this
I'm going to pull on Caesar's balls for Ben Bigger!
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bros where is he
Burnice wants other anomaly users, Caesar is more flexible and works with basically anyone since there's no character that says no to a teamwide attack boost and an uninterruptable shield
corin edit when
Caesar won
>a girl fainted when she saw Zhu Yuan helped her
How come they didn't do this with the guy having crush on guy?
Jane killed the hype.
BikerS0VL killed Jane.
We are, in fact, SO fucking back. (We never left, just sleeping until bikerkino)
nicole knows who the real enemy is.
It's kinda funny annoying that those shapes became strongly associated with Kill la Kill due to heavily featuring them.
bikers are all shit except Pulchra tho
fake and mega gay
This is brutality!
Grace would never be so rude
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about the Immersive Tactical Drill event; I dont see how to access it. The HIA doesnt show any special challenges.

Im lvl31 and just finished ch2 if that matters
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>F2P in HSR: can save up to 50 pulls if I skip a banner
>F2P in ZZZ: can barely get 20
What am I doing wrong? I need the pulls for the pyro slut
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>he skipped
i need my old hag who still has growth insecurity NOW
All the bikers are peak, even lighter will be cool with his boxer style
Snoozetion 6 LOST
do people seriously pay for this
What if instead of her personality being sexy detective, she was Rust Cohle?
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I didn't
>just finished ch2
Keep going, you need to finish chapter 2 interlude.
what went wrong with jane's banner?
sorry but i'm not rolling on woke ass "STRONG FEMALE" biker gang, it's extremely cringe
deadbeat dad who left his kids to be abused by some bitch with a bat
the fuck are you doing? im pretty sure an f2p can guarantee a banner every patch
Yes but i fap to her
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Jane is good, but I think Zhu Yuan still has the best ass. I can only hope they do her walking animation justice. Because her running animation is already very nice.
Where are people finding these reveals?
holy fuck i need to jerk off now
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In my bed, stop asking.
>Zhu Yuan is so work focused to slow down and raise a family
>Caesar would melt over the first man who would show interest and could make her feel feminine.
Five kids with my retarded wife and amazing mother
Where can I find a woman like this?
Me on the bottom left
Would you fuck a pig?
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she's perfect. Let the Bikefags have their fun.
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C6W5 CoreF Skill12
who's firehead? the old leader?
This game has turned me into an anal freak
Third dps character we've gotten out of four total banners so far, and there's too many good banners in a row with no time to save. She's really cool and fun to play but not necessary right now.
There's not enough. You get like 110-120 rolls with monthly pass
Modded proportions, Jane doesn't need coomer thicker mods.
I want obol squad NOW
Why does everyone draw him with pierced nipples, is that canon?
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in the vr training mode, how do i know what element enemies are weak/strong against? it doesnt say their stats/weaknesses
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According to data found in the 1.2 beta she is NOT playable for the foreseeable future. Maybe on a return run when we see the Sons Of C again.

However story wise they're just some rival biker gang so I don't see why any of them WOULD be playable. Sorry furrybros!
Lol this mod is the simplify edit, only removes some accesories. Proportions are literally unchanged.
Reminder you can like butts but not want to stick your dick in an asshole
Knockoff Shibuya Scramble having actual traffic sometimes is so sovl
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An anthropomorphic biker pig with a gigantic squeezable chest? Without a second of hesitation.

Commonly accepted character design thing for biker and more alternative characters.
no no no, burnice litterally kills them
like a pyro in a fursuit convention
Sorry bro I'll continue to do both
Took me way too long to realize I don't have to take the bridge when there's traffic there
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For every 10 screenshots buttmad yanquis on social media you post here, I'll attempt to get another dupe
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I'm a sucker for her as is
It'll 100% happen. Loli banners don't sell
sex? with a rat?
NEPS bro...
hnng he needs to be playable goddammit
Anons are horny today
I'll be asking to make her playable in every survey until they listen.
But honestly I'd rather have "bug themed" thiren girls
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You've just given me a thought. Just how much of HSR's playerbase is women?
The gameplay is utter horseshit and no person who has a single drop or respect for the turn based RPG genre would enjoy it, meaning that the only person who would willingly play it are people who are just too bad at videogames and wish to play a game that played itself.

Is HSR only successful because of young teenage girls?
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Foursome with Piper Lucy and Burnice
Hags failed (jane) so we'll just have to see won't we?
>This is ZZZ's V thread response.
Are they correct?
I can't take ten steps without seeing Ellen hanging around with a bunch of JKs
Which Calydon is the stinkiest?
jane flopped hard and she's the first half banner
while i hope they do insectoids, however i don't think they'll do that
while most thiren people have been based off other mammals.
ellen was a shark and they're not mammals.
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Idk what's /v/ been like, I haven't been there in ages but /vg/ threads do tend to be straight up unusable sometimes yes, especially hoyo threads
Go back, queer.
I bet big daddy told Caesar a bunch of mushy stuff about her parents’s relationship and it’s made Caesar into a romantic.
/v/ is the worst board on this site
i am including /trash/ in that estimation
meant for >>494404635
henlo how cute are the Lolis in the game
This is likely bait.
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That's pretty dangerous..
This is universally true and you'd know this already if you spent less time here.
/vg/ is a containment board.
>jane flop
maybe if you say it enough it'll come true in your mind
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What's the matter, bwopipi?
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I think Caesar is just a big dumb cute sexy idiot
opposite retard, /v/ is the containment board for discordfags although they sometimes break out and shit up other boards too
brother please I've already came three times today to FAT RAT ASS
we will see.
But thats true
>didn't get his (You)
>gets mad and samefags
lole, that's pathetic.
>the fuck are you doing?
I do all the dailies and events
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Uhhmm to what?
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What about crab girls?
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>Bike on the Street Corner
How come zzz and genshin have a /v/ threads but hsr doesn't?
Thats likely too.
I don't know why but I feel nothing when I look at the rat
Maybe I'm gay
meant for >>494404870
I am in love with Caesar
Try to visit /hsr/ its worst than gig
not really
/vg/ does attract a lots of deranged though
So what new areas can they add in future patches? Since the world apparently only consists of New Eridu city and the Outer Rim, and everything else is just Hollow disaster zones. It's not like GI with a multiple biomes world or HSR with infinite space
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Built for rapeing you
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It's ok to have prefences you know
face on this ones a bit goofy but I'll manage
This may be a bit late to ask, but is Anby supposed to be some kind of clone of Soldier 11?
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She's just not your type. Rat does nothing for me either.
Eridu Valley so we can unlock the harvest moon minigame.
are these furry characters like Lycaon even popular in China?
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Corin posters are almost as bad as piperfags.
what are the odds those same posters are there but just don't show their power level?
They come to you bro, you don't find them.
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Sometimes, I guess. And sometimes there are shizos that should legit be locked in padded room and they key thrown away for the good of the world. It all depends on the game in question. Just like here.
The broadcast mentioned a Faunus(?) Quarter so that's probably next. Otherwise you could get some military base when Obol Squad becomes relevant.
>/v/ is the containment board for discordfags
and /vg/ is the containment board for the containment board. all the sites biggest schizos are all here.
Rate the best to worst posters
They might be clones. All we know for sure is that Anby has history with Obols Squad. Anby's voice can be heard talking to Soldier 11 in Soldier 11's trailer.
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I should play Paradox one of these days.
What is there actually to discuss with HSR? The game plays itself. When a new patch comes out I guess you could talk about the story for a few days.
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Piperscholars OWN these threads
The nice thing about making your setting a single city with only small hubs available to navigate is that you can always pull a new neighborhood with a new gimmick out of your ass.
Personally i prefer smaller and cuter rat/mouse girls like Vikala or Nazrin. It feels weird for them to be so tall.
Yeah i like anby
>looked at the current hsr thread
>unironic tranny posting
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>Respectfully saying maybe a certain girl isn't the type
I fail to see how any of that was bad enough for you to get this butthurt.
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If she wore a normal outfit her popularity would skyrocket
anby is most likely the original. there's a part in the s11 trailer where a ghost of anby repeats combat advice in her mind. so it's either a memory of anby teaching her, or a science implanted memory of her previous life
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There was never any doubt Calydonbros are the most enlightened among all vgschizos
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When is the next drip market?
I did, their shiptranny spammer is an IRL crossdresser.
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I guess
touch tail?
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I'm waiting for her skin
At a crossroads here
I've decided to start leveling anomaly characters and physical characters to build anomaly and monophysical teams
I have a c1w1 Jane completely unleveled, and I have a C6w3 piper at level 40
I don't plan to get any more jane copies since I'm saving for Burnice and Caesar, would it be better to switch to leveling jane or keep leveling my Piper? Honestly I like how Piper feels to play but I get the feeling that Jane is meant to outright replace her as the stronger character.
Also for a potential anomaly team with Burnice at the center what team would I use? Piper/Jane and Grace or would I need a stunner or have Lucy/Caesar by the support? I haven't really touched anomaly characters, I've been building my teams around my stunners, so I don't really know what I'm doing with them.
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>lost the 50/50 to Nekomata
>the newfag gibs has ran dry

Janebros, Im afraid I wont make it. When do you think would be her earliest rerun?
i want to get Seth's attention via a laser pointer and see if he tries to catch it
so nekomata has 24% pen ratio by default?
It's an autobattler.
It's barely a video game, any time they make a thread it gets shitposted and abandoned.
Nobody on /v/ wants to touch it. Schizo drama and attention whoring is literally the only thing keeping that general alive.
>>494392780 >>494392941
>>494404972 >>494406052
>>494406320 >>494406347

reminder that ellen likely smells of fish
she is cold blooded
she is NOT a mammal
she likely lays eggs
and most of all, just a boring character
The loss of Graces cleavage is a bit of a bummer but the loss of Anbys thong is an outright sin.
those are all very sexy traits yes
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Tatakae bwo, keep rolling till the very last minute!
no, why would she
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Check gmail
how did they get away with this?
i remember the ellen caviar photo...
Their team has straight males on it
are you a whale or what
Piper is actually better than Jane in disorder comps and her times are quite comparable, breaking even with a c0w0 jane
Jane is a hypercarry so you probably wouldnt even want to replace Piper instead just run two different teams
Piper Burnice Lucy and Jane Caesar Seth will both be nuts
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Now I want her even more than before
Imagine Jane tail fucking my ass
There are entire open world games based just on a single city like Tokyo or Las Vegas.
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It's actually over for me
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la rata ____
Kissing lips?
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let's try spelling again, L is for the way you look at me...[/spoiler
Unironically yes. VG threads are "communities" and grow schizos that get too comfy thinking they have a home. Tribalism is much more intense and since the treads are up 24/7 it eventually has lulls where some other game or series is brought up and becomes a mainstay even when the thread becomes lively again and actually has shit to talk about.
The flipside is that a /v/ thread might get five replies and then die.
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I look and act like this
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Umm nyes
gotta max out your ellen bwo
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Yes, if it's forced by evil hags
Jane is CUTE!
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said King Caesar
Nah, they definitely know each other directly. S11 has an extreme hatred of traitors and Anby in one of her random trust events mentions how she used to know someone who always pushed themselves too hard and wonders what they're up to now.
The only question is whether they're clones or sisters.
>Shark and Rat infested thread
What comfy hours do you call this
He’s popular in the west, their target audience for this game.
See the concert they showed on the live stream
Narcoleptic due to low bloodsugar but otherwise also lazy
Exhausted because shes overworked and has to drive through the day and night
She is hot
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Someone said S11 has a voiceline for when Anby takes damage. Anyone confirm? Would be kino if true
Bikers unironically saved the game
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the best hours
This honestly looks like it'll get boring fast
It’s called SEA woke up hours
>hound game
>pod racing
>vampire survivors
>rhythm event
>papers please
What's next?
Anon, replying to your own posts isn't "we". It's just (You). (You) alone enjoy the shark because all of your peers were tourists or quit when they realized their mistake.
shitposter are in /hsrg/ right now
Who is that in the video? I can't make it out.
1v1 fighting mode with agents
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>the only leaked s ranks im looking forward to are caesar and yanagi
im gonna be swimming in rolls by the time another agent that im interested in shows up.
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Theres no acceleration physics only the background is moving while the bike remains still.
I guess this would be fun for about 5 minutes.
dont forget old school RPG with The Prophet
we bayonetta now
shippershizo is having a melty in htrg aka his original home.
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MFW (my face when) there are ellenphobic individuals in this very thread
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every time you walk, the entire universe moves while only you stay still
>only the background is moving while the bike remains still.
Just like IRL

Phobia is fear. Ellen receives only pity.
is this some autodrive shit like in Wuwa where the only thing you'll be controlling are the brakes and boosters?
not only are you a big fucking retard with no sense of world time (its 1 am in SEA)
SEA hates girls like ellen, they like little skinny ladyboys like hu tao
Please stop associating my wife with your shitty posts
genshin/hsr won in the mini-game departmenrt
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>vampire survivors
Where is this and how do I access it?
I'm ellen's little pogchamp
She does
The chinese version refers to her as 0 which is why people speculate Anby was S0
Not out yet.
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>its 1 am in SEA
Now call yourself a stupid bitch
>dub shit
jesus, they sound like vtubers trash
>Dungeon Run (2024)
who the fuck is awake at that time besides wageslaves?
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How is this allowed?
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Is anything in this golden week event worth reading?
lmao jane lardass
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Anon please she's already my favorite. You don't have to sell me on her.
I wake up at that time every day to log into ZZZ and do my dailies
Everyone other than wageslaves
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I guess the only thing I dislike about Ellen is her stupid ass last name. I bet it has some hidden meaning in Chinese but it sucks for non-Chinks
>he doesn't wake up with the sun
get healthy anon
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Based, zzz dailies are comfiest over breakfast
The majority of Jane's porn is with belle and I like it
>Lego Star Wars podracing level
>but in ZZZ
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Realistically speaking, does Mibibi have a chance to get more fanart than Ellen or even Jane?
Cumming from tasting Ellen's lips and tongue and saliva..
Please let me have sex with you
nah, midyawnbi will have less art than rina
Ellen? No
Jane? Maybe
Yes, easily
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Remember when this general loved Zhu Yuan? I do.
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>they removed TV for THIS
Holy shit, fucking embarrassing.
more like... WHO yuan
Man I wish I wasn't stuck with a c0 Piper and her banner coming after Jane. I haven't even fucking used Jane yet because building her team is taking so long.
At least I got to use Lucy a lot when I started out and rolled Koleda, plus I wasn't even looking up anything about builds then, now I'm just a metaslave
Get out nobody likes you stupid bitch
It's like they've never licked water droplets off of an apple before. Forget that it was zoomed in on and slowed down.
Zhu is still way hotter than rat, but she was 2 patches ago.
I think we love all our women here, it's just hard to keep up with all of them considering newer and newer women get premiered and they're all equally sexo
stop ban evading
Fuck it dude, let me race the Random Play van through a hollow
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after reading this thread I have come to a few conclussions
shark sex
shark pussy sex
shark sex in ellen's shark pussy
Are Fusion Compiler or Roaring Ride gonna be good for Burnice? Or is her W-Engine significantly better?
go gepard :[
swipe again?
odds yes
evens learn your lesson
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Jane eats fast food and drinks soda
Most believable theory I've read is that it's a reference to Joe Alves who made the shark animatronic for Jaws. The lead woman in Jaws is also called Ellen.
is seth worth pulling for? I already got Jane but no seth
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How does shark pussy feel like?
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LOL Jane's whole design is being slutty coomer bait, and she still loses to a natural beauty like Zhu.
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Jane sucks without Seth
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This is still my favourite one
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Holy Zased
I don't even think Jane is all that hot because of her outfit. If she had the dress, now that would be instant boner.
The collab should be poll based
I do not want collabslop
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>4 votes
I knew I shared the general with the same 3 faggots samefagging all day
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I don't feel any hype for this game.
yeah, sucks Belle FUTA COCK
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Unlucky anon
You dont need to ever metaslave bwo, you can honestly clear everything with whatever you want, even anton as long as you have some basic synergy and level your discs and such to maximum.
Always follow your penis, if it doesnt resonante with the character you'll regret her in the morning thats what I always say
When is the new patch dropping?
hit me up with that persona 4 collab
Then fuck off, Joshua.
so quit.
why are you wasting your precious limited time on this earth doing something optional you don't enjoy faggot?
give me a general persona collab with mitsuru and tae as a support. don't care who else they add
After Jane's banner
>The girl that is already dressed like a slut doesnt need coomer mods
I mean, obviously?
she sucks belle's dick every single night
Is the 1.3 drip marketing going to start how long after Caesar's banner drops?
What’s the stream code
I think that's outdated but 4 would definitely fit the atmosphere the most.
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I need a Persona 5 Collab with Makoto's sweet ass on my face
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>he’s skipping Jane
That wheel is almost as wide as Miyabi's face
We love Yi now?
Sex with small child-like girls
for discs is it worth only upgrading S or are A fine too?
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Hes not gonna be playable...
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not my zhu yuan
Is Caesar a character i would need to level to 60?
I already got her what more do you want from me
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but I didn't, I got her and her sig
if you're high enough ik level that you're getting s-ranks regularly, they're really all you should be upgrading. if you're not to that point, you don't really need to upgrade discs
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Yes I am whatcha gonna do about it
i'm mid 40s so i'm still getting a bunch of As
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What the fuck is up with the mihomo and woman characters, that by all rights should at least have SOME muscles from logging around their (sometimes massive) weapons, having no physique whatsoever?
I am I can't stand her cheese farts
Check out Caesars arms
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im just pulling for who i like bwos i have no idea why this is controversial
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So the consesus is that Caeser is a must pull and Burnice is a brick, correct?
Don't care rolling both
imagine this on your penis
congratulations, you don't have mihoyobrain. it's a fatal illness that for some reason only targets players of mihoyo gacha games. they see it as a personal attack if you don't like the character they like
The consensus is that you'll lose your next 50/50 again no matter who you roll on. I hope you've got 180 spare tapes laying around
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knot lycaon is a brick
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Silly anon, women can't be strong
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I'm rolling both for my Jane.
sex with this fucking rat
plug her ass with your dick so you won't smell them
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it fits Zhu too fucking much
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>Nig Daddy might release by 1.5-1.6
>I'll have like 70k polys saved by then
I wish I could get excited for a soon banner like Caesar Or Burnicefags
>Caesar 2x
>Burnice 2x
>Jane 2x
>Piggyboo 2x
What are they trying to tell us
It's ok fellow calydon chad, be patient.
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i dont even like jane that much
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Those are terrible teamcomps.
If they wanted Burnice right alongside an anomaly unit how come her banner doesn't have Piper.
They even have Nicole in it.

Burnice literally has 2 supports in her fucking banner.
Grace's arms being sticks does unironically bother me, it doesn't feel balanced with how big her boobs are.
that you're officially bricked if you don't have all three of them
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>get 1600 polys
>do a random tenner on Jane hoping to snag one (uno) Seth
>get uno (one) anby
>now at zero polys
>no funds for caesar and need to buy another welkin
>we have to sit nestled up against Lighter's ass
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I-I lost to S11
>how come her banner doesn't have Piper.
To tempt you into rolling on Caesar's banner and potentially fucking up your chances at getting Burnice
your a retard
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How many polys per patch do we get again?
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you mean not slutty enough?
Was there no live stream codes?
Jesus... I guess that's enough tape for today..
is the reason everyone is shitposting because once you get stuck trying to level up people there's fuck all to do?

that's what i feel like i'm doing right now. why can't i become a caffeine addict and chug coffee?
>he hasnt heard of arm to tit ratio
>Plug her ass
I see where this is going
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>Nig Daddy might release by 1.5-1.6
His sources:
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if you do absolutely everything you get around 95 rolls, with some of those being encrypted tapes
F2Poors have to put all their rolls into one character, so they feel they need validation for having picked only one, and will attack every other character people say they will roll for and will spam doomposts about the character calling them bricks and whatnot even though the game can be cleared with the lowest tier character solo
Only dickpickers are based, everyone else is cringe.
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What are Caeser's team mate requirements, does that team with Ellen work? Might not have to build the knot
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Except no one wants piper, they want Lucy.
It doesn't even make sense for Burnice to have Lucy in her banner since Burnice is the lucy sidegrade.
The mesh cleavage window is hotter
No. The concert was ass.
just broke my favorite piss jug bros im a little upset i might do some pulls to feel better
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Take any team
take out the stunner and add Caesar
Or take out the support and add Caesar if there isnt a stunner
Simple as.
Caesar Piper Lucy
Caesar Piper Burnice
Caesar Lucy Jane
Pretty much
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>The mesh cleavage window is hotter
Very true, king
Sometimes you just can't get what all these caffeine addicted zombies are talking about.
>t. someone who immediately wants to sleep after a cup of coffee
No tie and mesh fabric is the patrician combo
But what will I do if I forget where to deposit my sperm?
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This is probably what will make Caeser valuable no matter what.

She'll probably never be best in slot, but she'll be a good choice to have whenever you have nothing else to slot.
Like a Lucy, don't know what to use? Just slap fucking Lucy onto it.
Same will apply with Caeser.
An extreme flexpick.
My boyfriend works at mihoyo and he sucked loads of gutter oil slathered micro chink dicks to get that info. I trust his cock scented words
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life sucks
Nekomata deserves rape correction
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I respect that last dude, he's completely owning it
bro your corin?
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>check janes slow ass banner
>10 days left
im jerking off reading your post
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Are you serious?
That is fucking FAST.

Holy shit, Qingys banner felt like an eternity, Jane is moving light speed.
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plap plap plap
Feels slow as fuck. Qingyis was light speed compared to this.
is that futa?
I know there is cock here but that won't stop me
Yeah I'm shitposting in between desperately combing the world for knot credits
its jane futa with zhu
robololibaba sex
Is this game worth it for me?

This game's graphics and characters are amazing, but I hate easy games. I usually like to play skill based games like fighting games, cuphead, etc... Games where you can win by mashing X make me want to kill myself.
Futafags should kill themselves, your closet faggotry will NEVER be accepted or normal
>Post woman
>Think of cock
Whys this general unironically like this? By far the gayest general infrequent and I visit alg and BA all the time
I want more streets
More shops
More interiors
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We all had her, Seth. You're the one who went and married her
uh oh shiptroon melty
never been to /gig/ where they post actual men and think of their cocks I see
there is literally a cock in that sauce fampai
I had a goddamn plan, Jane Doe
I like Zenless Zone Zero
I like cock
I hate India
Sorry can't hear you. I'm too busy hugging my cute trans gf
>yfw Jane unleashes her Dorito farts in bed
>post miyabi
>think of vixen pussy
bros why am I like this?
For a long time I mained Koleda/Ben/Lucy and didn't give a shit but then I got into tougher content and started struggling since no damage (it didn't help that they set every boss elemental weaknesses to shill Ellen and Zhu). Once I rolled Qingyi (who I actually wanted unlike the first two banners) then I finally built proper meta teams (except Koleda on Ellen team since no Lycaon). Now I've poured so much into my ice and ether teams it's hard to even get started on another team, I only just now have Jane and Seth ready to go with levels and engines and haven't even started working on their discs yet.

I'm still happy with playing the teams I have now, Koleda's my favorite and at least I'm still using her. I really want to get back to using Lucy again, hopefully that'll happen once I get Caesar.
isn't it crazy how the anti-shipping schizo has a melty while calling benign posts melties? really makes you think
just when i thought she couldn't be more perfect
She's even more flexible than Lucy because her team synergy bonus activates with anyone who has a parry assist which the majority of the current roster
How do u bind the retard strength

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