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Previous: >>494392630

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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ZZZ on Switch when
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I wish there was a game mode where you could fight with a bunch of adds on your own side like a musou game
>another poll obsessed whitoid
File deleted.
Why is Sjal hair still blue on livestream
It will be in the switch 2
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Uh bros my soldier11 is acting weird
who's that anime girl
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I feel like this is the first gacha where the only hook is the gameplay. Like no one is rolling for any of these characters because of their looks. Maybe the pink haired girl in glasses will be the first? Even miyabi is weird and plain looking. They’re going to have to change if they want to make money
cute desktop
Jane: cheese farts
Seth: Whiskas farts
Qingyi: hot water farts
Ellen: candy farts
Zhu Yuan: ?
look at this troon retard
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is this a good cope ball for Ben? Seems pretty good since it has no cooldown and can proc alot with multiple enemies on field
bro why did you screenshot your two monitors
please answer
I want a mode that's like the Bangboo pokemon commission but for real
Build a team of three bangboo and watch them battle other teams of 3, maybe with some small amount of input like choosing when they use their skills
the ZZZ devs went to the street fighter devs to learn how to make an easy to pick up, but hard to master combat system, so take that as you will.
i hate how mihoyo removed the ability to do damage per screenshot oneshot builds by making almost all skills/ultimates have multiple hits
>be genshin
>5% crit rate 300% crit damage skill with 5000% multiplier
>restart a couple times to eventually crit once
>be zzz
>5% crit rate 300% crit damage skill with 5000% multiplier
>5000% multiplier is actually divided into 30 hits
>chance of all 30 hits critting with 5% crit rate is pretty much zero
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Fuck i messed up my Screenshot
Anything rank B is garbage.
Caesar is in love with Wise.
better than the trash craftable
I've only rolled for characters based on their looks?
SoC > Cunning Hares > Maids > Belebog > Cops > Section 6
kek based
>I've only rolled for characters based on their looks?

That's perfectly fine. You can clear the hardest content with anyone as long as you build them properly.
that's a good thing though
>banking all your damage on one damage instance critting
>misses on a 90% chance
fuck that noise
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bwos I'm finally pulling all in one go tomorrow. I'm happy with anyone except S11 fuck that hag
Main Jane then if you want damage per screenshot.
>Like no one is rolling for any of these characters becayse of their looks. Maybe the worst fucking design so far easily will be the first? The game should cater to my taste btw
Neko ball incoming
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Lucy gonna twist off your pig dick
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zhu yuan is so pure and innocent she does not fart
It's very easy. It's a one-button masher. There are no complicated input sensitive combos. (Other than that one move that Anby has). And characters automatically slide into attack range when you mash. Parries and dodging are very lenient. The timeframe to execute them is generous both early and late.I still like the game because it's fun and charming and the characters are awesome. But if the lack of dif in the game is the dealbreaker for you then so be it.
You're not going to use your polys too... right?
too bad she was powercreeped by jane.
Donuts farts
Cute cat
show her ass please
She took some combat enhancement drugs bro
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Can someone explain how these enemies have different damage multipliers when stunned? They are both elites so they should both be 150%?
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Came out of Grace's tape even more assured that there's a footfag with a lot of influence in the dev team
Bangboo Musou, Bangboo wars, Bangboo Kart Racing, Detective Bangboo, Bangboo Colosseum, Bangboo co-op vs Boss and more Bangboo Shenanigans.
the best cope ball is the bunny A rank one
this is because its main stat is defense % and because you create a shield the attack bonus has some use.
so..? tomorrow we have new banner?
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How do you justify playing this over a game that lets you jump and collect treasure chests all over the world?
Doin't worry she's not just normal retarded but also flame retardant
As long as I have enough for a hard pity....
I might
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>call for help
I don't care for Caeser Lawrence and Kamisato Burnice
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Slut bangboo
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>i want to aimlessly collect boxes for 10 gems at a time for 3 hours while being disappointed with all the stupid child puzzles they toss at me with lame ass tiny groups of enemies spaced out a certain amount so that other game platforms don't fucking blow up their fps and melt down
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What a brat...
just started playing. is jane doe worth it or do i keep saving till a limited loli?
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I play genshin impact and zzz. I justify it because because I think they're fun and I enjoy playing them.
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nevermind lmao, it was for the freebie code
Genshin has one of the worst feelings jumps I've played in a video game. Right next to shitty ass BotW.
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Will historians in future globohomo 2000 years from now look at this image and conclude china was full of black people in our time?
It's a waifu simulator. Pull for your waifu and ignore anyone you don't like.
This is a video of Nicole fucking Anby with her futanari penis
I started playing this partly because Genshin's exploration has been boring the shit out of me for the better part of a year
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>when a random sidequest from a gacha is more based and exciting that several AAA games combined
I fucking kneel, holy shit. I can't believe there are people that don't want more TV missions.
No lolis on the horizon for 2-3 months, probably upwards of 4 since OBOL is likely to debut before idols
Just decide if you want to roll for Jane based on her gameplay/looks or if you'd rather have Caesar or Burnice coming up.
Jane is a brick for F2P and new players
>implying humanity has more than 10 years left
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>*k0t walks in*
>"Are you winning boss?"
swing and a miss
pretty false
jane easily lets you clear content with her insane assault procs
>now cluck like a chicken!
>barely in the promo
>barely in SoC art
>keeps his shades 24/7
>despite joining the new Episode
Why are they acting as if Lighter isn't a member of SoC? Is he gonna betray them? We still haven't met Pearlman's Outer Ring insider after all.
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roll for males
mmmmm yes ZZZ would be greatly improved if they converted it into a ubislop open world where you trek across a giant empty field to open a common chest guarded by 2 hilichurls
and you HAVE to open all those chests to get access to most of your pulls for the patch!
Well, Mario Odyssey is a completely different game than Zenless.
why is brain damage so hot
Because he's an A-rank. Seth also barely got shit until we actually saw the update.
Caesar will have the biggest focus on this update.
What the fuck is Nicole doing to her daughter??
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>10 years left to have sex
no.. it cant be true. I need more time…
ZZZ porn is like Overwatch porn to me, feels weird as fuck, can't jerk off
>doing the captcha test
>meant for human verification
>they made it in a way where ai would have a much easier time with it
fuck off game
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lighter caesar lucy will powercreep jane burnice...
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Of course I'll roll for cool males. Much better than shrill voiced whores.
If you dont want Jane there's no reason to get her Piper does her job just as well and she's a loli
NGL Pompey was kinda cool.
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Bro if you can already post on 4chan and you haven't had sex you are already late, 10 more years would always mean too late no matter what
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Believe it or not this thread is not as brainrotted or schizo infested as the Fortnite general. I had to escape that place it was just too much
Is there any reason to hold onto A rank gacha engines or should I just be recycling all this shit
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Eye color=Ether aptitude?
wtf does he actually push his sunglasses up with his middlefinger
when you're poor and you don't have S ranks, that's me
it's not that bad here, i just filter some filenames and words and its ok
Paying off their debts!
There is literally no reason to roll for Caesar unless you want to waste poly on a unit that will benched in a few months from now when a limited support agent is announced.

The defender role is a meme and mihoyo clearly scrapped the original intended use of the class after the game went live because they realized that the gameplay wasn't hard enough to warrant dedicated defensive units and that the class wouldn't sell well. This puts them in a weird place where they take on roles of multiple classes but are worse than the dedicated class specific units. Literally making them an identity confused tranny class.

Retards and whales basedjaking at her support capabilities out of fomo don't realize the first dedicated support unit will powercreep her hard because she's not actually a support unit.
But Seth got way more promo than Qingyi what are you on about.
Lighter is a lame name
His name should have been Igniter
janecuck meltdown...
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it's because you spend it all on gachas you stupid bitch
> people define sex differently, so they may have different thresholds for what losing virginity even means.
sex is penis in vagina. Homos are technically still virgins
Usually sig engines are bis for their a rank unit counterpart. Best to hold onto them just in case.
Got it. Will skip then. Thanks
Lighter is cute and cool
shut the fuck up faggot, if she makes my dick hard then i pull.
I wish this was me and Jane
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life sucks
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There simply no topping the Zhu finger wag.
How many years was this game in development?
How do I cope with my arthiritis? Are there any autoclickers that wont get me banned?
Why are all the girls in SoC blondes?
I can't choose between Ceasar and Burnice
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Stacy faction
Why would you ever recycle A ranks...? What could possibly be the benefit?
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Will he be actually cool or just a weirdo like Anton?
Racist American faction. Gotta signal that they're white girls somehow.
caesar isn't
All blonde bimbos lured to the outer ring by the smell of boar cock
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dont we all?
If you think about it Caesar is THE SEAnig agent because she's a value pack of two mid agents in one (stunner+support).
The SEAnig values making the most of their limited resources (3rd world mindset) and will pull for a unit based on meta and value.

Me as a white man? I'm simply skipping and waiting for a future dedicated support unit and a cool stunner too instead of a cope mutirole pagbait character.
too much
will she away my peppeloni too
>spic make simple LE BIG shit mods
imagine that finger and your prostate
wtf are you talking about man, lol
Does the game get difficult? I don't mind button mashing as long as the game gets hard like nnja gaiden or something
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>instead of making lewd mods trying to keep accurate proportions all you see is off-model garbage
what's the fucking point of being able to mod at all
Now white people are browsing right now bwo….
play on phone if you aren't already. it's way more difficult if you're just using your thumbs as oppposed to any other way where you have multiple fingers for inputs
that was the joke. take, for instance, 4chan's captcha, which is more easily solved by a machine learning script than by humans
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t.retard here but why did they show Lucy getting assblasted in the trailer? Is this what the smart people call "character assassination" or something?
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based individual
I want Sjal to become a main story relevant character. Her and Archie and some of the other NPCs
i dont know but belle is so fucking pretty
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lucy has always been a brat
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I love mods
We want to attract the mesugaki audience.
supposedly he's an A-class and coming with one of the boringass section 6 bitches, but if he's S, I will
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Just noticed Caesar and Burnice's motorcycles are right next to the remodeling shop.
Only if the gameplay is fun
you will never be japanese
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I'm doing my part!
I'm not rolling until I know who's on 1.3 banner
It was weirdly transparent how hard they were trying to pretend he doesn't exist in the promo event lol
looks shit but ill still cum to it
>coming with one of the boringass section 6 bitches
why did they do him dirty like that, not even in burnice's banner ffs
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kys underage
mmmmmmm... nyo
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I hope that is true. I hate 90% of the people in my area alone.
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I look like this
I hope he's playable someday, I want a cool old bastard who punches shit on my roster
There's also that blond guy under Pompey that's been showing up but they barely touched why he was even there compared to the 3 furries and Pompey himself.
I'm smelling rats. No way Pompey turned by himself. Vision definitely have some insiders.
I’m white and I say this
I want to jam my tongue so far up Jane's asshole that I'm french kissing her
is it worth the disease THOUGH? you might even get the bubonic plague
fuck i forgot to ask for a way to hold the camera with your other hand in the survey

all my selfies being on one side is no bueno
Pompey? More like pump me daddy.
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how shocking
Have I stumped ZZZ or am I the biggest brainlet here
Devs need to give us more combat and explore comissions this time
are there any good content creators for this game yet or is it all seaniggers? I stopped playing in 1.1 but I wanna get back in but team comp shit hurts my head and I dont understand the point of defence units in this game where you only have 3 slots
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Is Burnice only going to be a sub anomaly DPS
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more like boobonic plague amirite
Jane's going to be a carrier of my child when I'm done with her
Check the mission details for in-battle buffs
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post something stunning and/or shocking
I swear to god anon if this guy has an accent
>try to watch ZZZ content
>cluckcluck tuktuk accent
>stop looking at ZZZ content

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>more like boobonic plague amirite
BRO hahahahah HAHA bro BRO HAHAaha ahahahah
Chinky won.
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"sub"dps don't exist in this game bwo
everyone is an on fielder, the only difference is WHEN they on field
it doesnt help that ESL's almost always suck ass at these games and misinform people. That and their extremely unfunny
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He doesnt but he sounds a bit autistic
Why does someone as pure and innocent as Zhu yuan have some of the most degenerate and degrading porn???
sex with this rat
You just answered your own question
mcdonalds used to sell hamburgers and cheeseburgers for 29 and 39 cents as a promo
i said that once and a friend reacted with "holy shit i wasn't even alive then"
as someone new can you go more indepth with this? Im used to Genshin where you basically only have 1 on field DPS and everyone else exists to swap in for their skill and/or ult. Also unsure if Prydwen is a good guide source so if there's any better sites to help understand team building i'd appreciate that

sadly this is one of the few content creators who isnt an ESL thats still absolutely dogshit. Need more people like sevy or zy0x
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What's you guys' financial advice in this situation?
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you should only ever ask the thread bros whats wrong with you. We know more then the content creators
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I never really fail to make the full repayment.
a-are we allowed to post THIS?
there are many viable shiyu strategies where you one shot the boss
forcing mandatory crit rate in builds makes them less accessible to f2p players
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Thread bros usually ignore my questions for the past few threads
So Belle chooses the bear too....
I’m fully aware, this thread is full of them
So when will I get to interact with Jane? I want to poke her cheeks, draw whiskers on her cute face and hear her tell me to stop making rat jokes.
if you can't give him the money you have to give him some of your resonium. there's also a corruption that takes away hp if you can't pay for it (so if you don't have enough money to give to him, you also get hit with hp damage). there's a balance to be struck.
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I'm slowly maxing Soldier 11 and you can't stop me.
I will buy The Brimstone and you can't stop me.
I will run her with Burnice and Lucy and you can't stop me.
I will later run her with Trigger and whoever fits and you can't stop me.

For I am unstoppable.
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When is she coming back?
After chpater 3?
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Caesaar Kang
none of the buffs affects damage against stunned enemies
belle would choose her own brother before the bear for some good old fashioned wincest
We wuz bikers and shit
what do you want to know bwo
if its about defense characters >>494419738
there's only three and they all do drastically different things
Ben is a counter focused unit with his sig wengine, Seth boosts anomaly proficiency, he acts as a support, and Caesar coming up gives teamwide shields and minor attack/daze support
>Want Caesar
>Have Anton C6
>Have piper C6
How did he fit through the door
Many people have a corruption fetish and there's the belief that the purer something is, the more intense their opposite qualities are.
how come genshin gets a million codes and we only get like, 3
I don't know which banner to pull on. I was gonna do Caesar because I wanted Lucy. But now Lucy is on Burnice's banner. But Caesar is kind of cute and ended up growing on me, plus apparently she's meta as fuck. But Lucy...
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I want to show you this pretty picture of my wife, because I hope you enjoy looking at her too.
I came four times today to FAT RAT ASS
I have never borrowed money from him so I have never needed to pay back anything
Always wondered if burrowing and unable to payback or able to payback, whats gonna happen?
Genshin gets three codes for 100 primos each. We got one code for 300 polys. They just saved you from copying two additional codes by consolidating the rewards.
>Wait Nicole.... This isn't a hotdog burger.
he fucks your sister
He takes away resonia until you've repaid the equivalent of the debt
wouldn't wanna miss out on... 20k dennies and 5 blue xp thingies or something like that
he takes randomly one resona (that you pick) out of 3 random resona that you own for every 800 coins you are short.
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Will Caesar's butt and thighs jiggle?
At least a little bit?
The boobs have an obvious jiggle but maybe her butt and thighs also jiggle a little - just not as much as Jane's?
Or will ALL butt and thighs jiggle happen on Burnice instead?
It's very important.
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based anon thank you for the explanation. I want to pull for Caesar but had no clue Defense is basically a catch all term for either being a support or stun unit
Man I remember those days. Tuesdays was one of the special days, at least where I lived.

Go for Caesar. Lucy will always be possible to obtain.
The interest rate he offers is always static within a single run regardless of the amount you borrow.
However, you get increasingly high rebate rates at the shops for borrowing more.
You can also reduce interest rates through Resonia (and one event, I think) - that's retrospective and can literally make interest rates go negative.

Basically, it's beneficial to borrow as much as you can.
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I finished levelling my kot ball
Maybe CNY if they want to have Chinese characters on banner?
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>as someone new can you go more indepth with this? Im used to Genshin where you basically only have 1 on field DPS and everyone else exists to swap in for their skill and/or ult
I'm a Genshinfag too. The combat between both games is fairly different.
Basically, out of our ENTIRE ROSTER, there are very, very few characters who actually do things off the field (those being Nicole and MAYBE Lucy). Everyone else needs to be on the field to do something, and that something is an attack.
The main gameplay loop is properly swapping between your 3 characters to use their respective kind of on field damage when it's the most convenient.

For example, lets go with the team the game starts you off with. Billy, Anby and Nicole. Billy is an attack character, anby a stunner and Nicole a support. This will roughly be your main trifecta of stunner/damage dealer/flex.

A normal fight with this team against a relatively strong team will go like this
>Anby takes the field. She chains together NAs and non-powered skills while doing dodge counters to increase that stun bar. Parries help, so parry the world away.
>Once the enemy is stunned, she triggers a chain attack.
>Pay attention to what's happening.
>Are you fighting a horde of scattered weak enemies? Billy takes the field and does a single, powerful chain attack.
>Are you fighting a horde of not-so-scattered weak enemies? Nicole takes the field and does her chain attack. This spawns an energy field, and you can quick assist over to Billy to take advantage of the defense drop
>Are you fighting a stronger mob? You get more than 1 chain attack, so go Nicole for a field, then Billy for damage.

This gets more complicated as you throw in different types of units that can do different things, so pay attention to the tutorials. Forget any Genshin knowledge you may have, as it doesn't apply here. Also, ults are shared so 90% of the time it will be your attack character using it for damage.

Sorry for textdump.
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>constantly in the red on the monthly budgets, blames it on Grace and her wacky experiments
>meanwhile the mf has caviar for lunch
This damn bear ojisan...
I'm pretty much referring to this video, yes.
It doesn't seem like her butt and thighs jiggle but that might be just the quality thing with the jiggle being not as pronounced as Jane's.
these little pigs are so funny, the ones lucy or pipper summon and run around with bats
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Hoyo wouldn't be stupid not to make her playable, right?
They saw that Lycaon was successful and from the way I saw the people's reactions, they seemed very positive for a female furry.
i want to cum on lucy's big dumb forehead
There's nothing
I made sure to close out my survey by mentioning the fact that implementing breast, thigh, and butt jiggle at the same level of quality as Jane's to all female characters from now on is CRITICAL to the game's success going forward. I only hope they listen.
I choose to believe.
china screechers ultimately decide everything, if they don't like furries we won't get furries
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gays and women love furries, heterosexual males prefer other things
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>showing her forehead to random strangers she meets on her street
How did such a noble, talented rich piano artist grow up into such a decadent slut...
Lycaon is popular cause he's a handsome homo, not cause he's a furry
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>Wise...Piper tells me you were hanging out with that pubsec captain again.
The only good HSR character left
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close your legs, HAG
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I'm heterosexual and I like furries, what's your point?
i hate twittertroons so much
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Would Belle be jealous of Wise hugging other girls?
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leave the first ZZZ collab to us kyoudai
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Only furry in this game who matters is MEWMEW
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I mean, her booba are jiggling A LOT and it's clearly her most powerful asset
Grace's walking animation is gonna be something too
you are a closeted faggot but you actually pretend that you don't know about it.
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your honest thoughts on AI art?
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That's really hot. I like when nsfw artists incorporate elements from the setting.
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If he was a kemonomimi he wouldn't have half the fans he has.
I'm gonna give the rat 20 rolls, wish me luck!
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I say this without a single hint of joke or sarcasm, but you gotta attach an attention grabbing image.
Be it a meme, or a funny face, or something you stole from this board, or some softcore porn from pixiv, it has to be ANYTHING that grabs the attention because otherwise your question just gets buried in all the shitposting and ritualposting and rabiposting.

There are some stickers in the OP for you to start with, and here are some funny cute chibi gifs that are always attention grabbing.
i dont understand why he said that
Don't bother wishing me GL, I didn't get her!
I didn't even get Seth, the fuck why did I get Billy twice
Are they trying to topple a vending machine? Nicole really has no shame, huh. Involving Anby in this...
king size tatas...
Boob jiggle is basic and expected, thigh and ass jiggle is where ZZZ stands out
it's shit
>why did I get Billy twice
You sure you didn't roll on standard bro
Good luck bro!
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Got her in 20, you can do it
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Not the biggest but close enough
Bad luck bro!
what is hmofa
Pretty sure, I thought it's because I already have c6 anby but I also have C6 billy so
So I'm gay because I'm a man and I like furry women?
When i was rolling for Jane i got 2 Nicoles in the same 10 pull whhich got me to C6.
Did.you see how angry.belle was after?
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>wanted fire anomaly buildup bangboo for use with my future planned Piper, Lucy, Burnice team
>just looked it up and saw that the SoC Bangboo is physical and doesn't have exceptional anomaly build-up at all
What... what the fuck was I saving up all these bangboo rolls for?
Why pick Belle now if you can play as her anyway? It just means she talks less.
Can caesar work as an onfielder with Lucy and burnice, i want to fit Lucy somewhere but both of them will take her spot on everyteam...
so in terms of grinding shit what takes priority? levels or skills?
Play Belle for male trust events duh.
I'm gonna whore my sister out for sweet polys.
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Be honest.
Levels. There's a level difference penalty and leveling skills is gated by level anyway.
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Should I just give up on exclusive W-Engines if I'm f2p?
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yes, being hairy is a male trait, women are usually hairless when they are in their more attractive period, so liking furry beings is liking a male trait.
levels > engine > skills + core skills > disks
3d is gross
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Bangboos are the most worthless shit in this game.
This game is so fucking rushed its unbelievable
jstern25 and Jello
I doubt that's how it will work. I'm oretty sure all trust events will just swap you back to your chosen siblings at the beginning of the game
No? You just need to read leaks and plan ahead
Sir? that's Lucy's right tit visible on that image you posted
>What... what the fuck was I saving up all these bangboo rolls for?
For Rocketboo, of course!
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>bangboos worthless
huh, there are people who believe that
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It's in the name of the anomaly she inflicts.
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bangboos being borderline irrelevant is a good design choice
it allows them to easily give boopons away for free for basically anything, and it allows the players to scratch the gacha itch without fucking themselves over
also they're sovl
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I'm rewatching the stream in JP to cleanse myself from the godawful EN dogshit.
Why the fuck is Grace so STACKED?
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Yeah. That's what I was going to do before I heard about the SoC bangboo. I'm using every roll over the pity amount on Rocketboo. I just thought that this fucker >>494423415 was going to be my Piper team's dedicated one. I don't know why I thought it was Fire Anomaly focused.
wtf is sharkboo doing
no nipples
burnice sounds so cute
Okay pedophile, If you say
Bro if you're already running Piper/Lucy/Burnice at least go all in on the theme and run the correct 'boo with them
how was the stream bwis
i can see it...
>wtf is sharkboo doing
His best.
constructing more pylons
Then what's the fucking point.
We've already had Jane's full different PoV for Sixth Street it'd be retarded to backtrack and just make swapping character only cosmetics.
If I switch to Belle and procc a trust then it should be Belle. If I switch to Zhu and meet Jane on the map then the dialogue should be between these two even if it doesn't procc an event.
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>try to finger Qingyi's pussy
>need to repeatedly click on her clitoris
>do it too fast
>get carpal tunnel
zzz won bigly
no way rina's are bigger than grace's
If any devs are reading this thread, please make a skibidiboo to attract the zoomer audience. Essentially a bangboo head coming out of a toilet.
You’re welcome.
Theme? I just think they're all hot. I was going for Rocketboo because the team I use now can't proc Burn to save its life.
I assume Burnice will be the solution to my problem, but with Piper being on field like 90% of the time I won't need physical at all.
i'm glad i asked because i was trying to keep my skill levels up with my character levels and holy shit it's taking forever for skills
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bros does anyone have more than 14 bike pics? I've got another 2 that didn't count
Not a Furry on sight
what a day
One day and another day
Cringe some fatfuck dj ruined it at the end
Lets go.
do you really think they'll put that much effort in it? the 100+ animations they'll have to make is probably the extent of it
is this the Lucy general
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Why does a little girl need such a fat ass
There's a fuckton of bikes on sixth street, its really easy
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If you skipped Boothill and skip Lighter you have low test levels btw
umm i dont do anything beyond getting the minimum requested and required for full rewards because I'm a normal well-adjusted human being so I stopped at 6 or whatever it was for today
>no doing the event for only the poly
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Tell us your reasons for why they are playable or not.
boothill is dangerously close to gay cowboys territory
their pee just doesn't taste the same once they become 13
this game ruined my life
Too much work to not make them playable.
This game saved my life
It helps absorbing impact.
that was pretty fast
was it preruined by another gacha and we got left with the scraps
This game didn't affect my life at all
I lost my virginity to this game
Pretty sure he's an S-rank. Otherwise, he would be on either Caesar or Piper's banner.
SoC Bangboo is about repositioning enemies and is designed to be used with a Piper/Burnice, pushing enemies into their AoE attacks.
i have panic attacks
This game bricked my dick
this game made me a virgin again
I want to mate with pulchra, just like I wanted to mate with that one tiger from world flipper
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they're shitty furries.
im not joking this game ruined my entire life
Yes. What else are those writers even gonna do with their time.
Genshin and HSR had hundreds of useless lines per patch what's so hard about making 5 lines of dialogue for agents that belong to the same faction. That's only 30 lines for the entire NEPS squad, 30 for the Hares, etc.
I hate Jane Doe.
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I want to see... What's inside...
will she and her gang be be ZZZ's Singora?
>repositioning enemies
He repositions a single enemy every 30 seconds.
Airbags saved my life
Pulchira and Mors are likely to be playable. They're probably going to test the waters to see how well a furry male/female will sell. If they do badly, we probably won't see any furry characters again. For Bellum though I can't imagine a Chinese gacha would make a black monket man playable, even with the recent Black Myth: Wukong hype.
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Most of the time it's me.
I find them to be pretty cute and entertaining.
t. dislikes silly mascot characters
I want to sex the first two.
The third one can get his windpipe kneeled on by Qingyi
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Why is she blushing all the time?
lmao this is why they shouldn't have listened to these retards and just left it as belle or wise walking around
She has rosacea
She's thinking about me.
This is like people shilling Luckyboo all over again.
The cooldown is 19.2 seconds if you're using two Sons of Calydon characters. It'll go down even further against trash enemies since after an enemy dies it reduces the cooldown by another 4 seconds.
Every kill reduces the cooldown by 4 seconds, so it's not that bad, but he'll still probably be ass. Maybe he'll do a ton of damage
>That DJ during the stream
>actually played Nicole's shitty song
>Kills reduce cooldown time
I regret rolling for Officer Cui...
This game made me hate SEAnigs
>we're gonna put the least amount of effort possible
>that's a neat trick
Incoming flops following the way of Genshin and HSR
>yi who is in game
>plays a good song from best girl
it was amazing bro, you just have shit taste in music and woman.
This game made me appreaciate SEACHADS and AusGODS
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>Be honest.

Okay. Jane doesn't hold a candle to Zhu Yuan.
I like this french bitch's Ashley feet post
i have panic attacks for this ga,me
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I prefer her Jane cosplay desu
How does saurei look like that
I'm waiting for the Lighter gameplay leak.
Having two Caldyon members just boosts damage. The cooldown reduction on killing the enemy hit does go up to 8 seconds at Skill B level 5 though. So 22 seconds max.
Not that it's going to matter when the enemy it hits is a boss.
this was perfect thanks anon. appreciate these kinds of responses
>they wouldnt over spend on a model like the rival gang's if they were just gonna be killed off yeah?
nah its still very possible considering that how many animation details get overlooked because of how many high detailed frames they put in combat and cinematic cutscene sometimes
HOW to add shock value to a red shirt death: make them hot
you ruined my life
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>irl person is just as hot as their avatar
Not a vtubepag
What other cases of this have there been.
why is every characters M6 some kind of guaranteed crit or crit rate up?
Kson/Kiryu Cocoa is the main one I can think of.
Is there an agent that can heal?
Her tighs are rubbing.
At this point NOT making them playable seems like a waste of effort.
the photoshop game is unreal
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>she is completely defenseless against those she trusts
anal with this rat
Kson was based off how she actually looks and she is not as hot as either of her avatar or coco
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Zenless Zone Zero....
stop posting this
The three of them are cool but a faction consisting only of gunmen seems a tad redundant, especially when Pulchra has the same gimmick as Billy
my penis belongs between those feet
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no, cosplay is great, pic not related
is caesar still OP after the beta updates or nah
I need a little sister so badly
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Why do people like feet
Nigga, read.
All of them use gunblades and different weapons.
another newfag posting that I hope I get a good answer too, whats the order I should have my agents in? I try doing DPS-Stun-Support but I feel like its fucking me up
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Uh what else do I put in here?
What were the Ceasar nerfs?
im schizophrenic please stop
It's a mental illness
has anyone edged for an hour to Nicole
Ask for more lolis
Based but add lolis and tanlines
after watching that live stream of the 1.2 update.
made not want any of the new characters coming up.
i may get burnice just so i have a fire team...
but the rest just seem meh
Yeah I imagine a footjob feels good, but I don't get why people fetishize them. Such weirdos imo.
>t. someone with a hat fetish
And yes that means I prefer Lucy art with her hat on. I wish the banner you get for her Cinema levels still had it in color.
Feet, just like any part of the body, should be defiled
everyone did
No. But there is a Bangboo that can.
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Here’s a QRD on Caesar
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Time to decide. For you...it's __________.
My bad, I'm retarded
If I roll for Burnice, should I get her ball too, and if not, what's a good cope engine?
That's the correct order. Parrying will bring out your stunner, can parry or swap to bring out support, support quick assist swaps to DPS so they benefit from whatever buffs or debuffs.
In my experience it doesn't matter as long as the Support is in slot 2 of your team. Lycaon/Rina/Ellen works as well as Ellen/Rina/Lycaon for example.
i play on 4 different accounts
I tried but failed
sisters.... why doesn't he smile like that to belle...
bros the lexapro prevents me from cumming so I can literally jerk off until I'm literally sweating
Yes, but piper's wengine is also pretty good on her.
I do that and stun support dps which is essentially the same thing but just lets me be lazy and get a quick stun on small mobs at the start of a fight
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3 pots of tea? Zamn
anything taboo gets me rock hard.
Ellen steals your hoodie. Thats how shark thirens claim mates, I don't make the rules
i luv croin...
Uhhh bwo wrong chat?
I look like this
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My 30 year old virgin cop wife.
I came 4 times today to FAT RAT ASS
Alright. I added "more agents like Koleda and Piper" :)
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this fact has been fact checked by REAL New Eridu patriots
i took sertraline clonazepam lamotrigine and quetiapine but i can cum
i luv you.....
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It's a body part, they can be cute/sexy, so yeah people can be attracted to them.
I'm a tummy/pits/neck guy btw.
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>30 year old
Even if you count her birthday on 9/1 as Canon, she's barely a Cake.
It's that simple.
Nicole's is the cheekiest one.
Ellen's is pretty cool because her side-eye is subtle.
>they fixed Burnice's chin
Wtf is this true????
Hag alert
I say this
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Fox queen is on her away anyway.
thanks anons, maybe im playing wrong, should my dps ever be out if the enemy ISNT stunned? I feel like I shouldnt bring out my Zhu Yuan until shit is stunned
>unemployed NEET at 24
>Zhu Yuan is already made police captain by 24
It's so over for me
I'd run my penis across both their faces
Will they narrow Miyabi?
more like her entire face
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If Miyabi doesn't have a Caesar parry mechanic this game sucks
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What else do I put here?
>skipped Ellen
>rolled Zhu
>rolled Qingyi
>rolled Jane
>rolling Burnice
>skipping furries
>skipping S6
>rolling OBOL
>rolling Idols

It’s shrimple really
She looks perfect now. Didn't think they'd change it when her model was already introduced to us
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Oh she's actually younger than me. And more successful.......ojisanbros..........
finally a good comfy thread
I'll narrow the Hoyo devs if they dare
How many Ceasars do I need to roll for her to be good?
Zhu is a burst DPS so she wants to come out only if the enemy's stunned.
Make Pulchra and Mors playable characters
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Gonna save for a months and buy all of the promos
0 copies then you’re in a good spot
10 more days bwos...
Lucy love!
You played the event. Thiren and Intelligent Construct are also valid entries for citizen records.
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Where is the PORN, furfags? I thought you guys were the fastest artists in the West!
what makes you think she will be playable?
thank you anon very cool
lets say I wasnt playing a burst dps, would I be swapping between the DPS and stun unit more often?
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Cute king
I still haven't done the Prophecy commission...
Delusion, to be honest. I can also see her as a ranged physical anomaly unit that works with Burnice
In that case you'd be using a off-field stunner like Anby or Koleda that have most of their stun frontloaded on their parry assist and EX skills. On-field DPS like Ellen and S11 can deal damage consistently.
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She looks so shocked by Lucy's aggression.
They have the stereotypical "amicable antagnoists later turned friends" vibe
I don't even know how to unlock it
You then want to get parries from your stunner to rack up huge daze rather than using their basic strings
So Koleda mainly
boothill and lighter are literally my type (i am a natal woman spare tranny jokes pls)
How bad/good is this clear?
they seem like people that do actually bad shit so I find it unlikely they'll be playable.
still, they could go through a change of heart after their boss goes full ethereal and they realize they aren't paid enough for that shit.
Post teenager pussy
What is a threesome with Burnice and Lucy like?
If Mihoyo ruins Miyabi I will travel to China and stab Dawei
cat please let me clean your litter box
Childe in Genshin tried to nuke a city and he's playable.

Star Rail has the main future antagonist (Luocha) as a playble character in the very first patch
You got S rank. That's good enough
bobs and vagene
If Lycaon has a knot, does that mean Pulchra has a cookie?
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Lighter's design is kino
Reminds me of Adler from Cold War
eh caesar said that the biker gangs are all competitive but still cooperate with each other for the overlord so doubt they'll be that evil
proof? show legs or boobs
Good taste, madam
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Good clear, I will say that the enemies do less damage then you think, don't be afraid to tank some hits to get piper her max power stacks and full EX off.
Where is that from? Is there one for Jane?
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>et tu, lucy?
Watch out Caesar, it’s Jane Doe!
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post feet please.
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Currently IK 48, and I have a problem.
My main team (Jane/Seth/Grace) is strong enough to complete their side of SD just fine, but I don't know who to invest in to carry the second part... I really don't wanna build Billy/Piper/Corin since they are all physical and I already have that element covered, and I hate Anton's gameplay. I tried Grace in a separate team as a main DPS, but it just doesn't seem to work that well, even though she's at C2W1. Any suggestions?

I am tempted to just invest HARD into Anbycoin and build her as a DPS, since I have her at C6W5 and I think she's really cute.
kek looks like her room ran out of food
I really want to know the context on the second picture. No fucking way that's a "cosplay" featured on an official MHY video.
I've only gotten 10 pulls in the last week.

Damn this game is stingy.
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When does the monke drop
A question for GI and HSR players, do you still use 1.0-1.6 characters in current endgame content? I'm curious about how units will age in this game.
Im drunk. What zzzenshin is for me
In game bios. Jane's is already in game like other characters and is unlocked via trust events.
Yeah I still use Topaz and Ruan Mei.
Everyone else has been powercreeped to hell
>Second picture
it's Wuwa
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I don't know...
>Pulchra is a shady trickster who uses traps and takes drugs in combat
>Mors is a bloodthirsty ex-bounty hunter whose notoriety rose with his body count
>Bellum explicitly incinerated other people in the war
how come I've been playing since launch and I can't make my agents attend the shop
Normall I would say "this account is so fucked up and lacks so many agents i don't even know where to start" but you're IK 48 which probably means you weren't playing since day 1. I say keep playing, you'll get enough agents next patch
Full cunning hares should be more than enough, just build them. If you're dead set on keeping grace and jane together that's basically your only option. If you're planning on getting burnice you could pre build lucy and ben/nicole as well but thats about it.
You could try DPS Anby with Ben and Lucy. Maybe even just do Lucy + Piper to get Piper's team damage buff
I still use Zhong Li, Hu Tao and some of the early A ranks.
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Made it slightly better
You have to do the trust events
Wise... stop flashing your cock all over Outer Ring...
I still use units from 1.1
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You already know
Wait for Burnice banner to use with Grace bwo
Bennett and Xiangling and Xingqiu are all 4* 1.0 characters and still among the most used characters in Genshin
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here you go bwo
Replace Grace in your Jane team with Nicole
This is my last abyss clear (genshin’s shiyu). Units 1,3,4, and 7 are all 1.0 units. The actual meta statistics show this as well
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*Pomf* what are we gonna do at the wall little sister?
Haven't played HSR, but is powercreep really a big of a problem in that game?
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no I am not that retarded sorry
I thought Seth was -kind of- cute in his own way at first but ehh, too twinky for me. I hope Burnice and Lighter get good art together tho
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Stop thinking about having sex with criminals
Thank you.
Doesn't count
If you're wondering about the longterm viability of early-game units then asking about Genshin is a terrible idea because MHY had no fucking clue what they were doing in Genshin's 1.0 and released 4*s that still mog the majority of the roster
I am going to think about sex with your robot sidekick
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A girl's feet -- when well-cared for and blessed by good genetics -- are curvaceous, soft, and cute. There's also the aspect of them being a body part that is commonly hidden by shoes, so they have a certain "taboo" appeal to them, much like armpits. They are also the lowest part on a woman's body, so they do things to people with masochistic tendencies for obvious reasons.
Zhu Yuan literally has handlebars for criminals to rape her better
Thoughts on Ben, Lycaon and Anton?
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I guess I'm getting Yanagi while rolling for this mf
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Ok claiming her
how good is Jane
No, not really.
3 liters of law woman piss...
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Ok fine here
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As much as I want Pulchra to be playable, these descriptions feel like Enemy descriptions, like the one you see in your information database Playable agents get proper character descriptions that doesn't include how they work in combat.
Besides, the banner lineup is already full of existing characters waiting to be released; Section 6, Obol Squad, the idols...
As a magic 8-ball quote puts it:
bwos piper says "thats kinda jewish" on her chain attack...
It's powercreep in the sense that there's a rotation set of FotM units who are favored in the Endgame mode buffs. However 4 stars can also take advantage of those buffs but no one actually wants to spend the time building them and would rather brute force it.
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>over 35 reroll accounts
>2 S drops on the event banner
>Soldier 11 and Grace, no Jane
Holy shit, just fucking kill me. Really puts into perspective how dogshit jewhoyo gacha truly is. I have 2 candidate accounts, with Koleda and with Grace, who's better in the long term? Also, how do you decensor the game?
You could wait to roll Burnice and do a Grace/Burnice disorder team. Anby could work there too both for Stun and as an energy battery for Grace using Anby's Sig with M4. Jane/Seth/Lucy can handle their side. Aside from that it's pretty much use Anton or wait for Harumasa.
Jesus Christ... No wonder their posters are so unhinged.
Soldier 11 committed war crimes. What's your point?
my interest in this game was waning, but then they put out that outer rim trailer. I'm back in!
Aren't Belle and Wise technically criminals
>2 S drops on the event banner
>no 50/50
that's not even possible you LARPing retard
You could have bought a Jane account for $10-15 from some random Indonesian and saved yourself the time and frustration
yes, but only by proxy
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I find it funny that if they weren't furries people would be sure they would become playable.
I would not fuck Ben but he seems cool.
Lycaon....I would consider, its hard to not like him.
Anton is....a weirdo, but my established taste in Boothill, I guess being a weirdo isn't so bad. He's at least more manly than someone like Muramasa?
The closest I'd say to Lighter for me is Lycaon. I also like Wriothesley so there's some similarity there...I guess.
Are you hot irl?
Yes. But between their work with Hollow Section 6 at Scott's Outpost, Zhu and Qingyi at Pubsec, Belobog, and Victoria Housekeeping's Patron they're criminals with connections.
If I don't stop pulling Anton I'm gonna cry
post something hot like neko pussy or something like that
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NExt faction leaked
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Even that would be difficult, considering i can't just paypal shit, as i am fucking russian. Would have to either buy crypto or find a site that handles payment processing, etc
yes and they would go to jail in this world for it. Non military use of hollow zones is prohibited to protect public safety.
Not surprisingly all the gangs and criminals use it. But your shit out of luck if you get dragged in there as a citizen, hoping to find a way out. There is explorers who take a lot of risk looking for valuable materials in there though, so you can call them pirates I guess.
Just assassinate Putin and end the sanctions bro lol
My point is that their bad stuff is explicitly laid out in their authoritative bios and files. Soldier 11 got a lot of implications and accusations by a traitor you have to pay attention to her personal story to see. Being outlaws they don't even have the excuse of being raised to be a tool on orders.
>as i am fucking russian
Don't you have more pressing matters to worry about.
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how's russia right now? like calm or what
you can have your war crimes swept under the rug if your side wins, full pardon and all that.
just don't go back to any country that hates you though.
my sides
That's pretty much the case; I started playing around the beginning of quingyi's banner, and I do plan to roll on Burnice's banner because it's stacked as fuck and I enjoy Anomaly.

Thank you for your suggestions. I'm hoping Burnice is going to be as strong as she is cute. I still think I am going to build DPS Anby for fun at some point.
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Honest good faith question: why does hoyo make so many twink faggot male characters if there are women like you who arent a fan? Are you just a small minority or are they ignoring a market? Because as a guy I also would never ever roll for an effeminate dude but might consider rolling for a male who looked actually male and cool and I feel like women would too, and it would be a good opportunity to bridge markets. But Hoyo seems dead set on never doing this
Grim. Just stick with an account, there's like 300 pulls to farm in game as of right now, you have more than enough for Jane.
Also there's nothing to uncensor unless you're a schizo and thought thongs were actually gonna make it out of cbt in a mihoyo game
your writing is hot im jerking off right now
I see a bunch of anons saying lighter is an A-rank does anyone have proof of that? Last I saw they changed him w engine on the games files to s rank
>why does hoyo make so many twink faggot male characters if there are women like you who arent a fan?
The target audience is horny men, straight or not.
Russia is winning the war (SMO lol) but at high cost. Ukraine is all but defeated, they won't have enough manpower to last 2 more years. They're also disadvantaged 10 to 1 in terms of artillery and air power.

ZZZ btw
Given that Caesar's banner got changed, I suspect that he was going to be rank A and paired with Burnice. There was a lot of complaining about lack of males though so I guess Hoyo changed their mind.
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hottest zzz female
>Last I saw they changed him w engine on the games files to s rank
How many times do leakers have to be wrong before you guys stop trusting them?
>faggots are 2% at most of the population, despite what globohomo would have you believe
>faggots are the target market
women make up the majority of mobile genshin players in asia. Theres a chart out there that gets shitposted in /gig/. It’s probably not the same for zzz but still, hoyo knows women are a massive market and dont ignore them
Not much is happening IN russia, outside of the regions directly affected. People are just trying not to think about the war, trying to pretend it doesn't exist. It feels like country is in a limbo of sorts, everyone are just waiting for this to end. But overall, this country is done, just a rotting corpse at this point, i need to get out.
i will now proceed to have sex with this rat
I guess I'm skipping Ceasar for Burnice
russia really is the brazil of yurope
If Lighter is indeed Fire Attack, I hope he's different than S11 in some way. Like he scales off of impact or something. Direct powercreep of a standard dps always hurts.
Probably because a lot of east asian women prefer twinky "soft boys (with a bad boy side, optional)" who are like kpop idols for the most part? I could be wrong. It's hard for me to really say. I don't even mind if a guy has longer hair or looks kind of on the "pretty" side in some art, but I'm not into kpop idol-type males, real life or 2D characters. But a lot of women are. I'm sure I'm not the target demographic. I thought about trying out that love and deepspace game because Boothill's VA is also a character in that who would look cool.....if the art style wasn't so realistically like kpop idols. Oh well.
Still, kind of funny that mihoyo has hit me pretty dead on with my type in all three of their biggest games, so I won't complain too much.

Sorry for tldr anon, I clearly have an opinion on this
Why are people so slow to make mods for this game?
what disk drives you got?
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If you ever feel depressed just search アキリン on Xitter for cute Phaethon fanart
Spilling my seed on her stocking feet...
Does anyone have the skill leaks for him? If he has some sort of gauge or bar mechanic he's an S-Rank, if not he's an A-Rank. I remember he could weave with his basics and dodge shit.
By that same logic it was a leaker that said that lighter was an A-rank
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1.3. Section 6 got delayed again because they're having trouble with fixing Miyabi's face. It takes too much time to render her face in combat.
All good. Interesting to get your perspective, thanks for sharing
>Ben buried people in cement
>Qingyi insisted on turning off her body cam to commit police brutality
>Soldier 11 killed prisoners of war
>Lycaon's past is shady, mindscapes imply he's willing to kill without mercy
>Billy is a killer robot that is feared by hollow zero raiders
Remember that besides NEPS, almost every agents is an outlaw or have/is part of an illegal side gig
A 9% chance to get +2, let's see
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Is Puffer Electro best in slot on anyone?
that's rough buddy
Failed, will hold onto it for now
There are Russian account sale sites/groups, surely. I'm not recommending it, but having rerolled 26 accounts on launch I understand your pain.
Nah, the two piece bonus is alright for Rina and dps you field with her, but thats about it.
Is Ellen the most powerful character when it comes to lore
I think the 2 piece is a consideration for Grace if you have her Sig and Rina.
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>implications and headcanon
Exactly. The difference between our playables and NPC enemies are that our playables always have justifications or only implications. These NPC enemies get the flat out "yeah she takes drugs when low to beat her opponents" and "yeah he used to burn people alive with flamethrowers just to make a name for himself." And it's not framed as questionable in validity, but as their history.
if I was a therian I would be half monkey because I don't have a tail, like monkeys
No. Miyabi Is.
humans are already half monkey, moroni
Probably Sunbringer that solo'd a whole Hollow that was covering the sky or something like that.
not me, I'm 100% human
It's BIS on Corin if you're using her as the Burst DPS strictly for stun windows and don't have anyone to proc Assault on the enemy beforehand. Pop Ult, hold SPEX, get out.
>there is nothing to uncensor
Well, i've seen some vids with Jane model without clothes under the jacket. Overall, things like Belle's black spats would be nice to remove, i want some nice panties to look at
Out of the ones we can roll right now yeah, but with her I think its more of a potential thing. Lycaon and Rina consider her stronger, but they've been doing this shit for decades
>Lucy's tits are still up itt
Uhhh based?
Does Lucy need ER 6th slot? I have her w-engine
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He's intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humor. He's literally me.
would Belle be able to resist if Wise was the younger one?
why is her tail so plump
Those are mods, you'll have to look up how to do that. I know they're all hosted on gamebanana but idk what people use to mod mihoyo games
Belle had panties like the one Coco wears.
Jane is everyone's pal
Monkeys have tail. Apes don't.
They're different.
Sex every night either way
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There's nothing sexual about a little girls body. That's why it's allowed.
Explain why it gives me a boner then.
crap hentai art. everything is overblown in proportions.
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It's Corin.
Supposedly Ellen. I assume that means during bursts where she's awake and active. Miyabi is certainly the strongest of the characters that have ever been playable and soon will be in live, but that's only if that counts.
It's Anton because there's absolutely nothing inside his skull except the sound of buzzing from his bro so his mental state can't be degraded any further.
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Love this girl (rat)
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He's so handsome.
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ban this sick filth!
Why did this make me hard
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Where's the porn at?
I'll say this once and I'll say it again in the future, whenever I see gay people or women say male anime characters are hot I feel jealous
bros, ourgirl sweetily hasn't posted her video explaining why bangboos matter way more than people think they do and you should be getting dupes because it makes a huge difference
she keeps playing honkey star rail instead of making this important video
Your mom doesnt call you handsome?
My condolences.
how do you know this based off of the three times we interact with him
what? why?
The market is ignored because they have no idea how to pander designs to women, it's like if all videogames for dudebros only delivered cowtit hags but never considered ass men or the side that likes flatties, shortstacks, lolis, hebes, little sister types, dommy mommies, goth girls, etc just a roster of busty girls and no variety whatsoever
I look like this irl but bald and fat
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Damn you're fucking pathetic. Glad I haven't fallen that low.
I don't, because all of these hot characters are usually below 180 cm lmao, i'd literally mog them
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Agent for this feel?
S agents arent allowed to job or else nobody would buy them. They are always written as hardworking, righteous, genius, and insightful.
Only whores want tall niggas bro
That's how it works here in Asia I don't make the rules
you could i dunno, think on your own for once
bangboo damage is useful but not if you can clear content in less than 2 minutes, because then you only get 4 bangboo shots off at most, and usually 3.
So the longer you take to clear the more value you get out of it.
So if you are clearing in less than a minute a bangboo barely contributes jack. This means they are more valuable to people who ignore meta or are not that good at playing...or have terrible disk luck.
Corin? No idea desu.
Handsome is platonic retard
>He actively seeks praise and cheers
Sounds like a colossal faggot who gets bullied and raped in the past so much that he seeks validation of his achievements. True champion does not find pleasure in fleeting compliments.
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>it's been a few hours already
>no new gooner pulchara porn
What's the hold up?
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Beats to cruise around Outer Ring

This is normal virginkun even the most hot stacies seethe at flawless 2D, to strive to be perfect is mankind’s eternal boulder but only if you’re superficial and vain, become a buddhist or something
I hope he's a normal salary man off-duty, then he'll be true ovulation tier
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closest is corin but that's for less than half the stuff said in it.
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Where do I find these cute little girls at? I'm still in the starter area and there's a bunch of sexy ass teen girls walking around, but no lolis.
>You youngin's
So how old is she?
Once you unlock Lumina square. It's filled with lolis and shotas.
>So how old is she?
piper is most likely around the bit young then rina, so around mid 30's?
oh I didnt know doing counters was a good way to stun enemies. a lot of the tutorial stuff is so hazy I might have to look back into the basics. Thanks to all the anons in the thread who've helpt. I've had a lot more fun since learning this shit
Her design gives big hoshino blue archive vibes so it could just be a bit like it is with her. But who knows, she could actually be 40
dude you are reading way too far into it or perhaps projecting your gay fantasies on him, either or
One-Dennyboo did nothing wrong
no one cares about pinkjew
Rocketboo did 9/11 (nothing wrong)
I actually feel jealous whenever people post characters who are more attractive than I am overall
you should just praise me instead
I've only fapped to Lucy and Nicole.
How old is Rina again? I get mixed answers regarding her age. Her story missions suggested that she was one of the babies that got trapped and that was like 41 years ago? But I could be reading on that scene too much
>only standard I ever get is the dog
>only s rank sig I have is the dog's bdsm ball
This game is trying to turn me into a furry
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Which zzz for this feel?
Most people think she's 41 afaik. But we don't have a convenient ID document for her like we do with Zhu Yuan.
no, her story mission does not suggest she was one of the children. there were 3 children, 2 are men, and 1 is a woman who works in a maternity ward. rina does not work in a maternity ward
the story mission did mention something about rina being the same age as the granny was when she did the beauty pageant thing, or that rina did it at the same age a year or two prior, or whatever the specifics were. but she's not 41
Lighter I will never take my mouth off of your dick you will not be forgotten
is there a good database of all the good 3d porn. I see a shit ton on twitter but I need that shit compiled and organized
she wasn't one of them i'm sure of it.
however she did say if you half the client age you'll have hers and she about 70-80's
it's implied that rina in her late 30's or even early 40's
what was the general consensus of the dj set list? i think it was cool, just caught up with everything now
>The wannabe cool guy who is easily forgettable
At least he has 2 interactions with NPC girls... Poor guy.
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I'll be using 4pc woodpecker electro when I get a better crit damage piece
The hell is dommy mommy?
It was cringe
You should consider 4pc hormone instead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFXs946vIiI
i liked it, sounded like some virtual riot and excision in there. also the DnB was nice
Yeah I have off pieces for it but not enough to make a good set yet
i like it, fan of the music in game so to hear it in a DJ setting was cool too
i'm glad they're putting so much effort into music and well as style, it's the main reason why i got TWEWY on DS back in the day
so glad i decided to play ZZZ, been one of the best gacha's i've played so far and most i play for like a week or two then stop. been playing this since day one
based as fuck


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