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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114 #

Previous: >>494377042
The worlds greatest League of Legends player has been playing FFXIV
Sex with catgirls
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guess how big my woober is :3
may you plap?
>posing porn
>see my minion
>immediately feel guilt for exposing him to my degeneracy
My catgirl loves this
goopnose status?
This catgirl looks like an anime mom that dies in episode 1 to motivate the MC.
It doesn't exist. Trans people don't either.
I'm going to make her an anime mom
Post Miqittens
2 inches, and permanently caged
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these were the original job stones

Crystal CC at 610 ET
I'm chillin
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moonie here
Stfu Jackie Chan
LF cucks to eat my femra's creamy pussy
which /xivg/ friends lost to time do you miss the most?
pygo banthers
rob chidori
Women don't have woobers, anon
Can I guess with my mouth?
my sunnie doesn't have the equipment to plap with
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>twittoid invasion happens
>thread transphobia and god awful shit ass twitterposting shoots up at the same time
>fag image with nothing to do with XIV
Put your trip back on.
me? im the pig
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Holy shit Jackie Chan adventures
Giving the next ebin that posts a samurai themed rimjob
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A friendly reminder to all the CCfaggots residing in this thread. If you want to do CC and it's not popping/queuing on Crystal, then you're happy to come over to Primal. It's nearly always active on here.
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this moonie is here
Do I have to play a male character if I want a himcess
Will you EB me first?
post val's tits
I'd love eating creamy pussy, but I would never EB or date a femra, so unfortunately I can't be a cuck
Can you zoom in? I can't tell who you mean.
no. male characters can't be himcesses.
put your trip back on
"creamy pussy" has to be one of the most unappealing combination of words i've heard in a long time
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>levelling Paladin
>unlock holy spirit
>"wow this spell feels really bad to use, its ugly, and it feels like it does no damage"
>"i assume this'll get upgraded when i level up"
>look at

i cant wait to never play this job again when i get to 100
>she's actually good
I know it's someone's alt here and she'll leak my logs but I don't care.
>wasted exp
I hate when that happens. It should be stored and get used when you switch to a job that can use it.
>last thread was conspiracy theory garbage
>not a single complaint about it
>suddenly homo image
>starts tantrum
>blames GT immediately
Kill yourself, rightoid.
I'm saying I want to find a himcess dude
>Jackie Chan Adventures
Fucking kino
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Wrong that moonie is here
are you interested in shotas?
Well, from my experience, the best people from here are the real trans women. I don't mean the retards who pick catgirl and think they are trans. I've met two real trans women from here and they are the best people i've ever met since 2018 hands down. The worst are the pseudo trans, aka himcesses or whatever you guys call it. FF14 is on sale.
have to agree
sorry I can't read. I have better luck with my female characters.
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>log in
>say hi to EB
>sends me a link to a lewd mod
>tells me to meet her at her apartment immediately
my catboy was never weened and still nurses
>guy who wants to be all girly and treated like a princess
It should technically be a requirement
majority of himcesses like female characters only or male viera aka female characters
so stick to femra catgirls or miera if you absolutely need to play a male
bro it literally does get higher potency and become instant cast after your 123 combo
>immediately jumps to "conspiracy theory" instead of calling it what it is- a shitpost image
ok bud
on cocks lmao
He is just a tease anon. He never goes through with plans. Move along to better moonies.
Let's get some more girls so we conjure the mass sexpest
the himcess is the player. the character is the way in which he express his inner princess.
Gee I sure wish my eb wasn't borderline asexual
which moonies like shotas then.
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>The mentally ill child molesters are the best people
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so if i got the gay twitter shit right
>sfia, a world first raider, replies to a post about wanting more representation in world first raiding. namely women
>reply was saying he only got 5 applications from women and wonders what would need to happen
>ex gf's come out and see he cheated on them
>ex guild member comes out about allowing weird but good players to stay in their teams
>other twitter dogpiles
>sfia leaves internet

That Howard Moon stuff was crazy. This is just lame.
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this post reminded me of you guys
I know that feeling, anon.
Please stop using the /snap emote in public. It sounds a lot like something else, y'know? Be respectful.
nice one bro but my rava doesnt have a woober.
What did you expect to see on it by level 100?
Your aching, hefty cocksnot-churning musk machines?
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this post reminded me of you guys
where is this for my fiddie+ I am going to cry
Right here
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mods to look like this?
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crystal cc @ 950 et
Turning male characters into female characters!
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if i was an anime mom, i'd be disappointed in my children
you already have, you disappoint me and i want to die because of it
Hey...do you like fiera?
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this post reminded me of you guys
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Anything with moist or creamy just sounds absolutely wrong. 100% agree.

>Holy Spirit
You're going to be using it as a filler combo or whenever you need to disengage. They focused more of Paladin's magic damage on the Confeditor's combo.

You forgot about the bits where Sfia was objectifying women and trying to sleep with them while cheating on his partner. The reason why he wasn't getting any women in his static.
what do you do with those claws...?
why is he doing this to another male middie and not my femra?
If you call male elezen "melezen", you should call female ones "felezen". Likewise:
>bibo feet
Fiddie+ for my Femroe-?
nice pink c@
trick or treat
moonie feet
My wife......
Also yeah...
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/xivg/ is filled with Gooners that cum 3+ times a day, and depressed, angry asexuals that cum once a month, and no in between.
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reminded me of you
Me and my transbian EB are planning on luring a male character to our house so he can impregnate us and then leave, giving us children to raise as our own...
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Nothing to do with you.
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which one was that? all i found was this. am i missing something?
Oh it seems you already have a wife...
gimme gimme
treat treat
mmonie moonie moonie feet!
This sounds fake
tried to make an /xivg/ gooner alignment chart but gave up, can't bother thinking about them that much
cheer bro just finished my femlala sandwich
.... what?
Holy Spirit is amazing. It gets amazing upgrades.
what makes it samurai themed? are you going to do some hidden analingus-based iajutsu or something
that's LT every single day (according to him)
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i am
a lalaboy
who is going to get RPR to 100 this weekend and wants to share his zaza
Is it safe for my femlala to go to the lavender beds ward 14?
I don't actually know that anon...
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I am once again inquiring about your thoughts on nursing handjobs
can my femezen do this to male middies or do i need to be a bungirl
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Does anyone have any Black Clay laying around that they don't need
I need 17 more
paying like.. idk, 5k per item?

well considering i'm sending out a submarine which brings me 5-12 pelagic clay daily i would say that's a bit absurdly priced
What would be the axes?
Lawful/Chaotic being how likely they are to cheat on you, Good/Evil being how much they'd make you enjoy being EB'd to them?
No seat of sacrifice PF's up...
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who is the most unhinged maniac in /xivg/ or the XIV community?

pic related
will this cat give me a prostate massage?
Very specific fetish, mildly offputting to me personally.
You're all talk on here
Do you ever meet up
me male midlander
get digital breast reduction surgery and we'll talk
this is my favorite c@ poster
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>GT announces he's unbanned
>Fag OPs and shrieking about transphobia immediately happen
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>Commissioned their catgirl wearing diapers and khloe wearing diapers as well
>No one cares/skirtted under the rug because they do the weekly fashion report
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malera is better because it sounds like a disease which they are to the game
mala is too masculine sounding, lalaboy fits their crossdressing faggot asses much much better
falafell is funny and half their names are food based anyway
hrothgar need to just be called one singular entity because there aren't any real hrothgals here
I wanna say my friend as a joke but
my pov as he chases me to plunder me booty
crinklecat probably is
I remember the period of time where he was dating an EN community manager and knew about shit in advance which was wild
I was posting in ffg and didn't even notice it wasn't xivg...
A catgirl built like Angela White...
Shamus need not reply.
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Everyone at LB14 and the circle jerk linkshells
I didn't say Trump voters but ok i guess.
Me but i keep my power level in check
Oh so you're saying I have a chance!
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care to join?
l'fah when he comes around for his yearly humiliation ritual
elk when someone is posting that he doesn't like
heiko when a male character gets attention
remus when he's posting about himself
leviah when someone says you shouldve try to sleep with 13 year olds
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ty but i'm going to bed so gn
I am
A maleroe healer
Good, because you won't like it reaching for your ears to pull them for your transgressions either. With its weirdly specific calluses and all.
pretty based but people get too much into the mommying aspect when it's more about sucking on titty while getting serviced
It's impressive how you managed to make such an ugly moonie.

>Long sharp chin.
>Wide, thin lipped mouth, with lipstick that looks like it's trying to match the skin tone but you're clearly colorblind or something
>Hair the color of a neon reflective vest with weird poop brown skin. Like you're trying to camouflage yourself in a Mexican's ass crack at a construction site.
>Top dyed Sonic the Hedgehog blue.

You might as well give yourself the whore eyeshadow and heterochromia the way you're trying to make an ugly meme character.
love it
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I remember Xenosys pulling up a log where Sfia was trying to get in some girl's pants in that Twitter thread. I don't really any fucks about Sfia, given he always radiated this "look at me, I'm this masterclass fuck boy on caster" energy. Yet, as you witnessed, one little controversy and he's running away with his tail between his legs.

Have you tried all the data centers?

>wish someone impregnated me for...
You retards need to stop treating this MMO as a hook up website for your freaky ass fantasies. Take that back to VRChat or some shit.
i cant swim
felezen? what's the burning legion doing to elezen
>because there aren't any real hrothgals here
i exist but i don't care for all the thirsty bottoms replying to me so i stopped posting pics
based but only if the woman is bigger
gn c@!
getting head from a hrothgal seems dangerous
That's right!
Can you give me a nursing handjob?
>Have you tried all the data centers?
No im on Aether, the only DC that matters
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>If you don't hire me it's because you're a secret bigot
ain't no way people actually talk like this holy fuck
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I was a few inches away from sending a tell to a hrothgal or two once but figured they wanted to keep it in their race so I didn’t shoot my shot
>think about how it'd be to have an EB
>I'm probably way too emotional and focused on romance for almost every other person
>I don't even masturbate and don't have horny thoughts often
>tfw I just think about wholesome, cute, loving interactions with a potential EB
Can I see your F+?
I am
A sunnie
Who found out my father has prostate cancer and that it has metastasized
That looks like a mix of pythia and uranus or something I guess.
I like fiera and I don't have a wife. Do you want to do UCoB together, too?
A woman built like this is probably lazy as fuck in bed.
>fuckboy on caster
the sexy guys all play tanks and melees
>all of this has been known publically for years for anyone active in high end circles
Clees and Sindalf are lying so bad. Yeah Clees I know you read these threads at time, love you man but you're either lying or being stupid about it. All of this shit been public in the balance YEARS ago
they're too cautious so you'll never know
everyone else is just dramafagging for 'im so le quirky' schizo points
nice selfie
If VR headsets and rigs became cheap then this general would die off nglfam
Still my favorite veena on the thread
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What do you think of this Reapist glamour
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my femlala looks and acts like this
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welp i knew nobody in my game

crystal cc at 215 ET
i'm about to become a "Nice job!" and "Thank you." spamming faggot i swear to god
i’m sorry dude :(
That sounds like fun, then we can hold hands after raid.
That has been Sena's stance since the beginning
they reset being a token trans actor brought in to tick off a box or whenever they can be had for cheap
They know, even in the casting for this expansion, they were hoping "first trans person playing a ff protagonist" woudl get people to defend the slop
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I currently have all my Crafters at 70, I was wondering if there's anything I can try and craft for some decent Gil, mostly mats for further grinding. Both my gatherers are 100 though which I assume make better ways profit at that point.
and if you dont like the voice acting she did you're also a bigot, and if you don't like the smile song you're a bigot
IM, never forgiving her ex-EB who caused her to quit
>welp i knew nobody in my game
that just means its time to let loose, if you beat a bunch of xivgers with randoms on your team it's like winning a 1v2/3/etc
might be with current stats
used to be a pain to hit their threshold
gl getting your clay, you're better off putting up a pf group in others and saying that you're buying it
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as a vr/fbt owner I still spend most of my time on xiv. vr is uncomfortable for me so ymmv. also I wouldn't trust 90% of yall to behave in vr
P.M my wife and most importantly my friend
I was in your game........... :(
Okay melf, keep your hands to yourself.
Oh wow it's scar fiddie! This Friday just got better.
>be shit VA
>get no jobs
wtf transphobia
fiera wife for my femezen
cute Rapist!
goo morning :D
then i probably havent met/gotten to know you yet but I hope that you have fun games sis
nah dog i coined melf and shelf for a reason
bretty gud
post portrait
That right here
That's my wife
Think it's time to do a hard reset where I fanta, private lodestone, and name change
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my femra is flat
FUCK did they really quit?
Happy Friday female characters (except for femra)
Femra players, kill yourselves.
my favorite fiddie...
he is literally the exact same way, he uses his RWF and streamer credentials to fuck 18 year olds like Spudsy and sexpest constantly
He's an overgrown fratboy like most of the ffxiv and wow streamers, the only exceptions are the ones who are literal onions incarnate like jesse cox
We need more malera dont we? Only beings of their power can sort this place out now.
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Did the CC q pop?
It's me!
Woah already...
Why are you so small?
you should be alright so long as you don't keep going to xivg hangout spots
God bless her she is trying her best to fill that top out
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I never have.
>clees is a xivgger
makes too much sense
holy throat goat
Not good. Either ask to get your breast sucked, or give a blowjob, instead.
The malboro IM hasn't been on for about a year so it's probably true
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umm tldr?
moonie doxxing is not okay..
i have literally never bailed on plans, i am simply too busy to make plans lately
'sup, sweet lips.
its ugly and doesnt feel cool to use like fell cleave/GNB combo tho
huh? you're not a fiddie...
>female character is beautiful and fair skinned
>the male they are posing with is brown

every single time
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>You retards need to stop treating this MMO as a hook up website for your freaky ass fantasies
may i please see her?
maleras are like the avatar, you never see them unless there's one malera hard carrying the stock like nil or the shitposter one
We've been married...
didn't think about the specifics of the axes, just the ebins' style of erping
here are the ones I had placed before I gave up
>lawful good
Adder'ra (denies any allegations, pretty wholesome)
>neutral good
Hero Hroth (weird but wholesome and respectful)
>chaotic good
Wryx (open and somewhat perverted but chill, funny and unproblematic)
>true neutral
Effy & Val (everyone knows them, nothing interesting to say about them)
>chaotic neutral
Jazz Venuz (eternal sexpest and fantablob but pretty mild in the end)
>lawful evil
Kanchelle (consistently awful)
>chaotic evil
ZT (no explanation needed)
fiddies aren't real
Gonna have sex with this sphene
are you me
Its really fucking ironic he complains about diversity checkboxes whiile using Woke Lmao as his avatar.
>Gets tilted over a silly image
What? Not enough words for you to recognize it as a meme? If you ain't right, you're wrong.
I thought this was the feena who I was already talking about UCoB with, and I was hinting. Having more UCoB fiera would be nice, though. I can't think of many xivg fiera and who else this might be.
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Wanna try mine out sis?
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I feel unnoticed.
what races does jazz sexpest, asking for a friend
Mine does
My favourite anon...
Almost everyone around her is much larger, she's doing her best...
I can't believe my eb who quit forever actually returned!
My catgirl has small breasts
>look at houses available
>all have 1 - 5 bids max
- phase ends in 17 hours
- only have 651k gil
That's it. Grabbing the rope literally missing the best chance I got
That's beautiful. Yes, I'd like to.
It's something that you only do with your EB!
I'm really starting to dislike this person and I'm not even a bigot. I've been with transgirls with way cuter voices so its very obvious to tell that Sena doesn't even try or put in the same amount of effort as others. This would be fine but she's auditioning for female roles in which her voice will absolutely determine whether or not she gets the job. To claim others are "bigoted" for her own laziness and inadequacy is ridiculous
is it a moonie
gagging on this fuddie's + until she lets me breath
ok thank you, rape you next week
Need some free gil?
this fiddie plaps femezen with big butts
making this fuddie gag on my + until i let her breath
Xivg annoying nigger starter pack
>Face 3 femra or face 4 mooncat
>Garish colors
>Weird skin tone
>Says stupid shit on purpose
>Is an alt to a very mousy and cookie cutter main that they will have a melt if the alt gets connected to the main/golem
put an item up on the MB for 56m and post which world it's on
i'll go buy it.
the contrasting colors is nice.
i've been posing my tan male character with a tan female character a lot recently and the similarity in skin color makes me think about lighting and composition a whole lot more, though
my sunnie does too
You're probably on Dynamis if everything is still that low, don't worry bro you have all of the time in the world to do more of the MSQ for gil and buy a house later
Fucking all of these
Seconding this comment. >>494395910

How is this even FFXIV-related? Also, you ask this on a nearly daily basis.

>only on Aether
Mate. Primal is active at this time and I usually see that fight a few times a night in the Party Finder.
>only DC that matters
I hope they keep the DC locked down, because you Aether retards are fucking insufferable.

>sexy guys play [specific role here]
Nah. I've seen a lot of hot guys and they aren't locked down to a specific role. You're only thinking it's melee and tanks because they often are shirtless. Get a bit older and you'll be craving a sharp-dressed man.

I would go Raen, but I like my Elezen too much.

>wahh, it's not cool cosmetic-looking
Just wait until you get Confeditor. You'll enjoy busting a nut over a giant sword coming out of the ground.

>Abe Simpson meme
But am I wrong? I see more effort out of this thread trying to fuck each other's brains out than actually attempting to run content together.
the brown person is their self insert. Lots of brownoids play xiv, and the rest are just asians into blacked
No just a Rava fiera looking for company...
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Don't forget the part where they post worthless greentexts.
i'm not reading that
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was a bit too much of a fun-haver that game, was fun though

crystal cc @ 6 ET
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What's the TLDR?

Wish these fags would just own up to it. There's nothing wrong with being elitist jackasses. Every high-end circle in any game is filled with people not wanting to bullshit around and just speak their mind.
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god DAMN bro this is an INSANE stray, what did i do
this is my favorite speen from thread.
Skin contrast is hot
t. brown girl that likes white f+/guys for that reason
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Some jobs you just need gloves for.
cute image
>I'm a bigot
>btw not a bigot
Shut the fuck up transphobe.
Happy Femra Friday to Femra everywhere. Hope you have a Good Friday and weekend.
personally I'm into any race as long as your opening line isn't asking to get pegged
shit dude that's a lot of text hahahahahahahaha
Regular female Rava, or did you want to frot? No wrong answers. Are you on Crystal?
this may be a bad time to post my new gpose
I have been afk at lb14 for hours and no one has raped me yet
if skin contrast is so hot then why do most resort to brown men instead of xeno colors
>But am I wrong? I see more effort out of this thread trying to fuck each other's brains out than actually attempting to run content together.
Because it is significantly harder to advertise yourself and find people for this type of thing ingame than it is to find people to run content.
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Sorry I'm late, boss
Based desu. Transgirls with preggo fantasies are valid.
This is based
This is also very based this fiddie loves doing that
I refuse.
thank you /dote
you too
Ever consider that maybe you're just fugly?
>have your first job as a lead character
>it sounds like shit
>wonder why no one hires you
Xeno colors look bad the large majority of the time, look at how it downgraded KR
fiddies with short hair and a flat chest who go topless just like the boys?
I like how there isn't many of them diluting the pool. Keeps the posting strong.
he's been on the fiddie train recently but does almost them all
Everyone is coping about skin contrast but the truth is blackedshit gets the most twitter likes
the race i play doesn't have xeno colors and i wouldn't use them anyway because they look like shit
and i think the golems ace uses are xeno malera arent they?
Nah you're all good would feel wrong to take gil for something that isnt even a garuntee o7

Jenova shockingly, like look at this it just updated so some are now over 10 but still

Bro I wish I was on Dynamis ngl but the server is dead as shit
cuz there are more brown options for races than there are xenoskin
we love bluera and redra here
my sunnie does this also at the beach
she only wears swim trunks and no top
Mine does too
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Post uncensored. If you're just like the boys you have nothing to worry about.
Sindalf used to lurk as well
The TLDR is that Sfia is bad at flirting and has no self awareness about it. He is a prettyboy(tm) IRL so he gets women fawning over him which put him in a position to get pussy to the point he became addicted to cheat his girlfriends with it.
wanna meet?
I'm on jenova and have mega millions just take the gil
I dont recognise anyone in queue except for Marl
i need to get plapped by this fiddie+ ASAP
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lol, lmao even
There are significantly more slutty bottoms than tops lurking in lb14, the tops are stretched to their limits so you really have to push to get the rape unfortunately.

I don't like it. That's why my fiddie plans on getting testosterone into the Limsa water supply so the limsa cats turn into packs of feral rapists.
i want to see ur sunnie.
nta but i need this badly for the stupid sugar glider mount gahhh
how much are smalls, like 4 mil? I can loan you the gil just to try for a house
Sorry, I'm raping someone else right now.
rubbing my face on this washing board
I'm just being blunt sis. If you're not going to put in the effort how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?
I was just hoping to see some, sry.
my catboy is extreme physical pain
>I like thuggish brutish men that are violent and rebellious
>They need to have skin that contrasts my princess pale female character.... Because.... BECAUSE THEY JUST DO OKAY
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Im FAWKING squeeking over here.
it geniunely is for contrast, I don't really think about race at all whenever I take poses. I would assume that applies to most other people as well
most people dont even bother making the malera purple, they all resort to dark brown anyway
>my princess pale female character
i treat tan femra like princesses too though
make a webm of her running in those heels you had her in
Sure thing, since you asked nicely
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my femra kind of looks and acts like this
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>brand fucking new expansion
>beside job gear, there is only 3 ACTUALLY NEW armor sets, rest is reskins as always
>when a new tier finally drops we're only getting trash like diadochos

why is the quality so bad
why make an expansion if you don't actually want to add anything
story that isn't interesting and didn't say anything thought provoking or heartwarming or gutwrenching or just refreshing
armor sets that already exist
zones that have the same fates as we've had a billion times before

and i'm subscribed for some stupid reason
not the least bit surprising, he is an unashamed gooner who haunts the QS
GW is locked the FUCK in
But if you wear gloves you won't get to feel how soft my big femra tits are.
Thigh torture.
Nipple torture.
Watching the CC finals
Orbital strike
Putting you in hello kitty lingerie and making you do Fortnite dances
Handjob while I drive
You look bored but you're probably a semen demon in bed...what will it be?>>494395285
Ha! Negging!
Back to the front
Belly dancing
Hiking and sex on great heights
Oh man mean handjob with leather gloves (I start crying)
my maliddie gaped this transbian
how do police illustrations work for asian people if they all look the same
holy meowly ty miss i appreciate your tasteful nudes
>I'm just being blunt sis
No, you're being transphobic.
>expecting a decent top to be in the fucking stagnant ass 4chud pond
They are in uldah
this but unironically
am I allowed to get off on fantasy xiv raceplay if I hate irl raceplay
I can do that later if I don't forget in a farm party.
How do people get such nice quality webms?
why is xivlauncher taking 5 years to launch
speen has a viera face
why did they draw an anime girl lol
Who are the biggest sexpests of /xivg/
Yeah CC
My gray character is the one that's featured as the gray faceless guy in all your favorite doujins and mangas
nice nug bro
Well?? Are you gonna post em? We've been playing this game for two days now
You do if not you might explode soon...
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it's one of those days in cc for me i guess
Yeah I'm on crystal, but yeah I'm a regular Rava. That's why I like F+ characters.
If you did a rough texture blend of the tattoo so it looks more faded and sun worn, this would look so much better and trashier.
Yeah. She's made for my viera.
and right now they're all trapped in the iceberg
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That was apparently #1000, neat.
I am on... crystal... waiting for cc.
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>Sphenes Digiworld has security. Anticipating invaders or hostile entities of some degree
>Sphene also had robots that can run security
>No such robots defending the terminals
>No high-clearance required to simply turn it off and kill everyone
Why no guards? Why no high-end clearance to interact with them? Why even have them at all? It seems like it completely contradicts Sphenes ideals to have the ability to just kill everyone.
Did I miss something or did they really not put this much thought into the story?
we like this
all me
i know who you are and i am feeling your pain
I just recorded it on nividia shit, then used the easy webm converter.
I just saw a mouse in my basement, what do I do bwos? It keeps going in the rafters so my cats can't catch it
seems like there's a random queue that pops early, stealing 1 or two xivg guys, then the second pop is much later but is more likely to have several people from here

gonna try to find the CC finals vod, ty for joining the calls. I'll give you one last one but i will miss it

Crystal cc at 935 et
I love femezen so much it's unreal
>Yoshi-P fixed the housing issue by making an expansion so ass that everyone unsubs and loses their houses
>literally just one (1) mf crafting at lb14
why do niggas have to make things about themselves
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I want to meet you.
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>so, what food and pots did you bring?
>sorry, what?
>a HQ boiled egg
>that's funny. Egg. I mean, what raid food are you using? The name, the substats?
>egg is food that usually comes from chicken. Lominsan pirates call it "quackfruit"
>you don't have to tell me what consumables you're using, but you don't have to be a douche about it
>I just told you what I'm using
>so you're telling me you're not using food or pots? Is that what you're saying? How are you in my PF without food?
>I mean, what the hell? How do you not bring food with you?
>I didn't think I'd need any
>it's a week 1 prog. It's basic common sense that you need food to survive the raidwides. You're dead weight
>tell you what. If I need food, I'll use some of yours
I have a disease and a plappening is the only cure...
limiting myself
hope you are still here!

Proxy Noir @Balmung
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>I just installed a few mods on my femra to enhance her
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my bad bro
I told people in uldah to queue CC in shout chat
I'm not sorry
cc finals link doko
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just looking for things that have cheeeeze
so? those blacks don't even have job stones
pwetty pwease
Do you have some kind of a criteria for these, or do you pick the method at random?
You're thinking about this harder than Hiroi did
weirdest uchiki golem yet
I can't my pride will NOT let me, only reasons I posted that was to just type out my frustrations

You're fine. Gonna go grind Eureka or Maps for like 8 hours straight, but before I go grill borgor
my lalabulls cock has some cheese on it
free LP for me
my femroe is
Tango, strike one
Nah you get a pass.
>I've been with transgirls with way cuter voices so its very obvious to tell that Sena doesn't even try or put in the same amount of effort as others.
this is such a weird metric to try and point out and sound smart with
you can only voice train so much, it depends entirely on your starting point. and her voice passes just fine
the issue with her VAing is that she's a mediocre voice actor with almost no range
I'm going to do unspeakable things to this 'ra next time i see her in CC
Do NOT queue up for your own safety
Honest thoughts on Myron Bruh?
seven sand...... raenwife..
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he's too gay to make a good looking women.
My EB yelled at me once for not taking raiding seriously
uc and oj on the same team i am COOKED
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Grey femra.... gemra
eb status?
may I kiss her chest
only half of this image is loading for me for some reason
I look deep into my heart. It's not random, moreso topical-if you're me.
That's a free win bro
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Sphene memes stopped being funny when it became a porn thing
It's a golem, thirsty nigga.
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magic trick
what do you expect from the most pornsick mmo
Damn that's crazy, where can I find that Sphene porn?
may I disassemble her for convenient packaging for shipment to the dawn throne
You made this bed, get fucked in it.
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>and her voice passes just fine
Why not :(
Share the sphene porns
>getting otis and une on your team
grim, you're FUCKED
I made my malera brown because I am black.
ok thanks
i'm gonna (poorly) recreate something cool i saw in gpose then get lunch so i may just be safe, but we'll see
yeah i'm pretty sure there's 7 grains of sand in the image if you look hard enough, idk if that legally classifies as a raen or if it is eligible for marriage though
true and real
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cute joints do you need help oiling them?
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??? how are you going to invoke my name for some random cheese catrat? I don't even like cheese that much..
I do not fuck, m'elf
she hates when people touch her
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Do you ever think some people are just deaf? I think a lot of people are just deaf.
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Oh thats rich, Cissoids thinking they're capable of judging someones voice
Hooo thats rich, xivvyg
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>load into the dungeon
>see this
what do you do in this situation?
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A lot of you are like this
>it's harder to advertise yourself...
As I said, MMORPGs shouldn't be an alternative to a dating/hook-up website. If you happen to find the love of your life on this game, then I'm happy for you. Yet, if you're treating as a way to bust a nut (aka Tinder and Grindr), then keep that shit contained in the nightclubs, venues, and specific discords suitable for that shit. I know there's a good handful of discords out there and I ain't a fan of them.

>lmao lots of text
If you lack reading comprehension, then it ain't my problem.

>why quality so bad
What do you mean? It's been that way since post-ShB.

>why make an expansion if you don't want to add anything.
It's a strange thing. I know, but it's called capitalism. Why bother coming up with new shit when you can release "bottom of the barrel" content and our subscribers still eat that shit up? Besides, a portion of the playerbase don't even play the game intended and use it as a Second Life simulator.

>armor sets already exist
We've been bitching about that for years on Twitter and Reddit. This isn't new.

>same Fates
I agree and disagree. The formula does need to change, because it took like a day or two to figure out the new Fates. A lot of them are just recycling the same formula from last two expansions and that needs to change.

Welcome to the coomer MMO. Everything stops becoming a meme when the porn addicts get a hold of it.
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shut up reddit
May I plap your cat
I see, I see. I've had quite different... gradings on different images, but I guess it makes sense.
do you have a windows update or antivirus update going
shut up and go moo in a field you STUPED COW
Lvl 100 scholar but I haven't done any scholar quest since lvl 60.
Am I missing any spells?
>When the voice actor(ess) has to do a line where the character is yelling
It's funny, anytime I see this character posted, I know that every post translates to
>I'm not getting topped, so I'm going to be a brat about it.
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Sphene's strangely detailed royal feet!
Sure where at? And initials?
my iq is dropping the longer i stare at this cat and the more i revert to my basic instincts
Catgirl with fat and sagging breasts that are like wrecking balls and can knock someone out
Haven't had a good cry in a while but yeah
I'll help her learn to be okay with it...
okay i MAY be like this but i actually had a pretty busy week, i even yapped about it to a friend and we were laughing it up
no but it hangs for more than a minute at times considering i have ffxiv installed on a nvme ssd
And by "when" you mean "day one of early access"?
need to eb a moonie's feet
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This cat is thiccer than me
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>and her voice passes just fine
My darling, your beautiful name is just too precious to not be said everywhere! I agree though, that those people aren't giving it its proper respect... but you just charm everyone that sees you~
What are you gonna do about it? Go back to WoW? Yeah, have fun with that.
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the sphene memes started after
>As I said, MMORPGs shouldn't be an alternative to a dating/hook-up website. If you happen to find the love of your life on this game, then I'm happy for you. Yet, if you're treating as a way to bust a nut (aka Tinder and Grindr), then keep that shit contained in the nightclubs, venues, and specific discords suitable for that shit. I know there's a good handful of discords out there and I ain't a fan of them.
Nightclubs and venues are a shit way to meet people. The thread is a great way to meet like-minded people for goon related items. People are going to use what works better, deal with it.
ain't nothing weirder and sad than ebins who obsessively ctrl+f their names each thread
Single on Light
all me
Now that was a real good game for once
Or they've spent too much time around troons and are used to how they sound.
theres one from the 70 job quest
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I almost made a good play.
look in your actions and traits and check if anythings grayed out? pretty sure most jobs have their 70 capstone locked behind quests
catgirls watch out
im gonna get you
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that's what they all say...
Go cry tranny
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this is AI, it has to be.
What would you change? Or do you mean your images?
You pick a place. Just about anywhere would be obvious since you're a Rava, I think, if it's not just the main cities. I'm on Balmung.
how long has your computer been on?
I mean it
cc doko
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how do i get a lala friend to fap together with?
It's late for you, go to bed and be snug..
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>meeting people to ERP with in the thread
>The same general that will hold grudges for a decade over the smallest slight
The ones that keep the exact same tone in their voice because if they do it cracks are the funniest ones, they almost have to keep a deadpan high pitched voice the entire time they're in VC
left on the outside, right on the inside
desperate times call for desperate measures
on the contrary, i work a retail job and have to hear hundreds of cis women voices a day
a lot of them sound way butcher and/or manlier than her
real people don't sound like your animes
and not a single person pointed her voice out before it came out that the va is trans, which is curious
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Not necessarily anything, I'm pretty flexible. Kind of interesting to hear what others would do to me, purely judging from a pic of my WoL.
i meant you were the same team opposite to me
i did get to drop an lb on your head as a penguin and that was a w to me
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2:15 CC ET Crystal
your femra's a pedophile, wow
So do you like absorption with your cumgestion?
THEY will never be thespherehunter.
should i shiczopost
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>Copes about using the thread as a Tinder/Grindr meet-up.
You ain't meeting people if all you're doing is "I want to rape this cat." Keep up with the copium of your antisocial behavior. It'll backfire one day.
Refer to this: >>494400579
alri what are we gooning to
why do you avatar with a character from a different game?
LT <3
Disgusting tranny
Because he's fucking based
Before that came out, there was only a single voice line for anyone to analyze. And that line was partially obscured by the cinematic's BGM.
Why are millennials so obsessed with sex?

I lbed 0 people and then got sky shattered so that was sad
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no sweetie its time for your meds
>meeting people
This doesn't happen. Everyone I've asked to meet up with has immediately stopped replying
Women's voices are higher when they find someone attractive or if they are around friends and are happy, if is a subconscious response.
If all you hear or deep voiced women, I'm sorry.
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do it my child.
This is an actual funny post when you realize its from Kanchelle of all people, the same nigga that seethed about Sechen for 3 weeks straight over one CC game
You take such good care of me... yes sir, I shall!
Hello Sechen
i was the sky shatterer, i'm so sorry
that's why i put the penguin mod on, at least it's funny when a club penguin penguin does it
sechen is a retarded nigger who doesn't play the game to be fair
What kind of natal village do you guys think Ardbert had?
Stereotypical one? The kind that gets assaulted by monsters and burned down the moment you look away for two minutes?
i do this too but i'm a man
Millennials have less sex

I also work in a female dominated field, dumbass, don't try me. Theres a difference between sounding like not your typical female voice but still natural vs someone who is forcing a high pitch or feminine tone. Its fucking night and day. And that's not to say that there aren't trannies out there that lucked out in the voice department or did enough voice training to manage it, but the vast majority of your faggot HRT inhaling gamer doesn't pull it off.
Any femlalas wanna let me lick their armpits?
are you a femlala looking for another femlala
What's this about this time? Who is getting cockwatched?
I have managed to get two M2S and one M3S clears in the afternoon PF hours. Expecting to get back home from work after midnight and finding nothing again.
i do what i must to keep you from slaughtering me, the skill gap is wide, i'm sorry.....
I did catbox it the other day. I'll take another for you. How do you want them?
Send me a tell.
restart worked, turned out i had a memory leak at idle. turns out my ram usage was around 70% at idle
I wonder who still has a grudge on me these days.
I never moved.
Erm, you <3
You know I'm a slut though, right...? Be careful where you throw your heart.
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I'm so close Khloe...please...
Anon, the older you get, the more you realize all of adult life revolves around sex, alcohol, money, and other hedonistic pleasures. It's just coated in paint.
My maliddie? Only attracted to femlalas. And Femras. And Fieras. And Catgirls. And Fiddies. And Femezen. And Thighlanders. And Catgirls2.0.
There's always next week.
Just because they aren't fucking doesn't mean they aren't obsessed with the idea of it.
Not fully nude. Wear a cute top or smth
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time to get horsed
a grown ass man with massive balls wrote this post in front of a bunch of people without feeling embarrassed about it
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No, it's because they're not fucking means they're obsessed with it.
fuck off europe
I think anon meant the lack of sex is why they are obsessed with it. Breathing is mundane until you can't get any air, that sort of thing.
Who would you rape in LB14?
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Final Fantasy XIV is for cumming. Simple as. If you want a real game, there are countless others to play.
Wanna get miqote'd
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killing myself immediately
It's okay I'll still smile when I see your bun
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Should I gunmetal my boots or matte them
Thanks for complimenting my massive balls
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Rape and kill that fucking cat
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4:55 CC ET Crystal
I am
a femlala
staring down the barrel of 13 consecutive workdays in a row
pray for me
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Mmm no you dont lol. Voice training is the easiest step by far. Its just an adaptation of the training used to sing. It becomes second nature with practice.
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consensual rape Though
I like this unironically
What's up
I don't want to boost their ego
my femroe was
great addition to the album with that xaela
final fantasy xiv dawntrail?
tell that to all the retards who think a gay falsetto is a woman's voice
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anyone know which hair mod this c@ is using?
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Gotta believe in the heart of the Wondrous Tails.
I just added it like 10 minutes ago
please tell me someone has the k-hole image
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average rava player
i'm trying to learn from you ever match we play together, honestly
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anything really, i just really like how cute lalafels are and nothing turns me on as much as them for some reason.
i dont actually play though, i just like jerking off to lalas
Would anyone mind if I came and ran it down in CC on BRD or no?
>Used to sing
And a lot of people can't fucking sing worth a damn despite practice
>there's no way I can be a hot rava in reality
No shit
if you need any general tips let me know, I don't play drg doe
I wish more people were like this guy, its much better than grown ass men larping as their girl character in this thread all day like Akemi
tan femra are queens
this dude sounds based as fuck tbqhwy
Wanna tribute my femlala then?
That's why male characters are infinitely better, because you know that it's a man.
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Come sit by the campfire
I have said I'm a grown ass cock and balls male almost every time I've posted my toon but jizzbrains do not care.
Use different boots. I think both would look bad.
None of you do
average rava would never admit any of that
Its not like it even matters anyway.
The obsession with having a "feminine voice" is one that sticks to unrealistic and unhealthy standards, like most body image bullshit. If youve already made the decision to transition, you understood that your body as is has no say on your gender otherwise you wouldnt have even had this issue in the first place.
That's opposite to the contrary. As >>494401102 pointed out, younger generations are coming to terms with asexuality and less sex drives. I'm not going to spin this into a whole off-topic discourse and elaborate on it, but the general you're standing in is an extreme exception to the rule. Gooning and hyperfixation on sex? Yeah... don't have time for that.

Go to Second Life, faggot.

I don't have one and I don't give a shit.

Do it anyways. You'll probably get one or two schizos added on your blacklist for free.
Does LB14 have a raidplan.io?
alot of them here do but no one listens. like me.
i refresh the album periodically to check for updates, it was just good timing. i REALLY like your rava
great work, thank you for making more
>Do it anyways.
Ok based, incoming.
I can't, balmung is closed
Are the xivcollect/lalachievements stats representative of the general playerbase or just the people that signed up for their site?
fuck off retard
Do we prefer giving nursing handjobs to small dicks or big dicks?
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Wanna trade? I accept 8 cocobolo and I throw 1 black clay for free (assuming clay rate 50k vs cocobolo 100k).
Go afk some more with the rest of the gooners
>Tanned water dweller
Oh no.... theyve become so bold that theyre hunting on land...
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>The obsession with having a "feminine voice" is one that sticks to unrealistic and unhealthy standards
post cheevo score need to see if you are valid to make these claims.
Reminder: Spamming nigger nigger nigger in an open poal isn't a personality.
May I plap?
You may.
BF got bullied when the Mare size warning update happened, they used to be 500mb and now they're 200mb something.
And begging for people to not do it is not an effective repellant
killing this anon with my newly acquired seashell weapons
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no I need my raid weapon
Who keeps spamming this blacked shit recently?
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{I see.}
i don't even hang out at the beds you whiny cuck
Excellent, thank you.
Just get a DSR weapon, bro.
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really glad to hear you like it!
>make a joke about Kanchy melting
>he instantly does it right after
lmao even
Bro's getting harassed by 2 random lalafells I'm loving this
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I only comm male characters with cute adventurer plates.
Being a nigger isn't a personality.
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8:55 CC ET Crystal
Did I say you were?
You mean he? Last I checked, BF wasn’t non-binary.
ermmmmm heh sorry I get magnetized to fiddies
Wanna get Xaela'd then?
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this mfer surely rmt and bought em all as they went up and relisted
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i dont know if ill be able to tribute since i dont have a tablet but ill try my best, do you have a discord or something where you can show me her?
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I only comm cute femras like you
Do you want to be an ebin or would you rather be a nobody? Do you hang out in hangout spots (currently LB14)? Do you go to meetups?
nah bro you're getting cooked
I don't care about your tranny irl American gender politics I said what I said
Any other tranny words missing from the list?
Having a personality isn't a personality.
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Holy shit LGR is reviewing the most popular graphics card on /xivg/ today
Probably not RMTing but market flipping, meaning they've probably amassed a fortune purely from buying out others and relisting
fren is 4chan culture thoughever
Bro I dont even got DSR unlocked

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god i wish that were me
glub, shep
My femra has that one too!
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missing ~
Don't particularly care either way.
Stopped going to meetups after DC visit jumbled the crowds.
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>Far Right Ethno Nationalist
>tranny word

Hrmph. Rude.
I think I moved on to a degree but I still miss her a lot
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I mean... that's great...
i keep getting left out of the cc queue cause i'm here scrolling for the announcement i'm gonna seppuku
come to balmung and I'll do it too
Based but only from my male character.
Chronic masturbation preventing you from reading?
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These are the Popular works under the #FF14 tag. The Population has chosen.
NTA but good. Fuck trannies.
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Trans is a hate group accusing others of being hate groups.
Rather a nobody, ebin-ness doesn't have many perks. I don't want to relive my highschool days.
I'm on EU so I don't hang out anywhere.
I go to some cross-DC ones, can't ofc go to NA ones.
This HAS to be one of my friends or some shit cause what the hell is going on I see a third one fucking tp'd in this time with a dsr weapon

do what bully me too or...
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Hesperos time it is.
Blonde catgirl, blonde catgirl, blonde catgirl, and whatever the fuck that cow creature is...
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>there is a knock on the door, followed by the door immediately flying open
>my femlala twirls into the room holding a plate in one hand. she nearly trips in her dramatic flourish, but regains her posture and then slows her roll, waddling carefully into your room and towards your desk
>she stares up at you with the look of someone waiting to be greeted; when your only reply is silent staring, she pushes the plate onto your desk
>you stare down at it, and at the bizarre garnish, and then back at her, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet and staring up at you expectantly
Well...? Eat it...
>GT unbanned
>Weird uptick in offtopic faggy OPs and talking about blacked shit
Gee I wonder who's behind this?
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anyone figure out what settings need to be tweaked to stop shadows from flickering?
show you my TEA weapon and ask why you don't have one
I didn't set mine up and you're going to comm me anyways
Honestly I've had worse meals
Ease it with the transphobia. This isn't /b/.
Take your meds, dude
>unsubscribe any time
Can I unsubscribe to the shit you just showed me? I'm not subbed, but I want to double unsubscribe.
*pours some katsu sauce on top*
Thanks babe. *smooch*
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Probably you
Honestly this is fine, thanks dear.
I wish he kept his trip on so I wouldn't have to see his essays on gay male culture or whatever stupid shit he always yaps about
If you're a lalafell, I'm sending you to the gas chambers
If you're not a lalafell, I'll kiss you on your mouth then tell you to fuck off
My male character notices you and smiles when such a cute femra is in his duties, commending you right away and thinking your plate is really cute
*rubs your horns like in pic related*
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Everything on pixiv frontage is tailored to whatever kind of tags you usually browse, you fucking goober
My male middie feels alot like this rn (me in the middle)
hey chat
cc doko?
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Th-Thank you....
Cope + horrible grammar
it's like it was made for me!
Unironically put some onion salad on it and hot sauce and this is a pretty good meal
>Play tank
>take the least amount of damage
I think i did something wrong
You notice nobody you reply to is ever talking to you? Almost like you do it purely to avatarfag. Just like you make threads purely to try to "claim" XIV as a gay thing when WoW is more suited for sodomite boyfuckers like yourself.
No, thank YOU, my love. You're my shining light in this dark world.
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>"Oh nyooo, i'm a cis white male and i'm being hated by 0,02% of the world population HELP ME!!!! *sharts*"
Idk, you sound like a pussy lol.
Nothing will fix that. The new lighting and how it interacts with the new skin textures is just really bad.
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i dont know what im doing
And I exclusively browse the #FF14 tag, keeping it open in a tab to check on daily.
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12:15 CC ET Crystal
Bro what mechanics are even skippable, cause I unironically want the mount from it not even the DSR unlock
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Take your medicine, clown.
God I fucking love fishras
Jizzda accusing anyone of blackedposting is WILD
pop off king
whites are a minority
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Ayy, dance to this bitch if you gangbang (bitch)
I don't give a fuck if we don't bang the same thing (Crip)
Ayy, dance to this bitch if you gangbang (bitch)
I don't give a fuck if we don't bang the same thing (Crip)
I'm Lil Loaded, so these niggas know I'm Crippin' (6-O)
I got some partners Bloods, so I know them niggas drippin' (nigga, what?)
But we all still the same, we got Glocks with extensions (boom, boom)
I might got a semi and it hold 'bout fifty (goddamn)
I could bring 'em on the drill and I know they down to ride (big shooter)
If I call my Crip niggas, then I know they down to slide (air it out)
.223's, F&N's, pull up with that fire (goddamn)
I'm a real ass shooter, nigga, I don't wanna drive (lil' bitch)
Ignore GT samefagging to defend his allies, you're objectively correct. Just narrow it to transbians, HSTS are just very accommodating faggots.
case in point
Dont let his middie butt buddy faggots tell you any different. He is the reason why no one likes male midlanders.
I'm sorry for letting you down.
my moonie is unleashed for the weekend
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free me from dungeon hell
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i'm locking your moonie back up for your own good
I did it on purpose. I hope it hurt.
Do girls make these things because they want it to happen to them?
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Got XivAlexander and it helped a lot with my ping issues.
It seems like a lot of them are. This was the first result on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUMCDcEbuUM
I don't see any unleashed moonies
AI generated femra
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Have I been drinking too much again and my brains folding on itself again?
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And guess what?! We hate minorities on 4chan, so please white boys go fuck yourselves.
i probably deserve that
That promise isn't going to fulfill itself. Come on now, hop to it.
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>lala tribute anon still hasnt replied
its over..
Is it too late to announce a meetup on Sunday? Is that not enough time for people to plan on attending?
Only until my catboy gets his hands on her.
It's just the usual shitcord spam you see on every fast board and /vg/ general. Troons unironically think they're brainwashing people like in their japanese porno books. Just ignore it and stop taking the bait already.
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Shooting ropes to femlalas!
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what am i looking at
>He is the reason why no one likes male midlanders.
That's the council samefagging and astroturfing
Remind ya, I'm kinda
Wet, runnin' down my vagina (Uh)
Wet, runnin' down my vagina (Uh)
Wet, runnin' down my vagina
Remind ya, I'm kinda
Wet, runnin' down my vagina (Uh)
Wet, runnin' down my vagina (Uh)
Wet, runnin' down my vagina, uh
Slurp that dick 'til it cum (Slrrp)
Slurp that dick 'til it cum (Slrrp)
Slurp that dick 'til it cum (Slrrp)
Smack my ass like a drum
Slurp that dick 'til it cum (Slrrp)
Suck that dick 'til it cum (Slrrp)
Slurp that dick 'til it cum (Slrrp)
Smack my ass like a drum
anyone want a trib tonight
please just give your best shot at life for my femlala instead
Yup, that's a wife
Name so I can blacklist.
Didn't this unironically happen to an egirl irl? Like she kept saying she wished someone would stab her and then her ex bf or friend slit her throat?
10 years later you're still crying
Sorry they are so big...I know the top is ripping.
10 years later you're still alone.
You know what you're implying. Kill yourself you fat retarded faggot
You thought you hurt me. But I already closed my heart to you.
Sad not a single PF up for them on Aether, might try primal
has there been a single good thread today
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I don't like this, I don't like this at all
Taking my gloves off just to feel this femra's big tits
may i sniff?
i am
a gay hrothgar
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there hasn't been a good thread since february
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Piss yourself.
cheesed to meet you
Stop using ab body and tf3 variants. They're awful.
what mod? looks good, hate mods that clip if you do any cust+
Put your trip back on.

Attention. He used to avatarfag as Sanji before he got bullied off the threads and to /v/ for a long while.

Cope, GT.
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2:45 CC ET Crystal
what happened in february
Theres no good middies, huh? They really are all so insufferable.
Jfc GT was a 9 day vacation not enough?
Mating press.
my malera made an appearance
Sis, JO before your well deserved vacation
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These are the most tranny characters I have ever seen
Retarded commie
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Damn right you're sorry you moo moo cow do you want some grass? Ordering a big shot of voltaren from the maelstrom hq for your lower back STAT
I love AB and I want more people to use it
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I've got the hots for Erenvilles mom
See you in a week.
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I don't think I will buster.
anon? They're the best ones available atm.
Where are you going
Kill yourself whore.
>and whatever the fuck that cow creature is...
#Skeb #ぽっちゃり bbw #女の子 girl #FF14 #ララフェル lalafell



best ones available for what? there are always better versions for any size that aren't tf3 based.
Mating press.
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you're a gommie
kill me daddy xoxox
i don't think macchi would last that long
I prefer the cuter body
I think you seriously underestimate how shit womens taste can be
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too flashy to be trannies
trannies try to look homely and cottagecore because they're scared of attention, despite actually wanting it
I don't go to lb14 (I'm too cool and interesting.)
>GT is a midlander
Sure. Let's go with that story.
Even tho I made it clear I'm an Elezen.

Yep. Schizoposting is a lovely thing.
nothing remarkable
best everything? Like every part of the body is way ahead of the rest.
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>took my glasses off
>portrait reset
I've made piece with the random lalafells by giving them frogs. Back to AFK'ing I go
need to cum for someones lala now
>open game
>nothing happens
>open game again
>nothing happens
>open game a 3rd time
>finally the game opens
>2 other instances of the game slowly open in the background
me except I only like attention from people I know
sure, I have a surplus
where do you want to meet?
I feel called out
Same here, except for the cool and interesting.
Initials and DC for blacklisting purposes?
Every ebin here ban evades and the jannies don't even try to stop it
peace*, I'm too tired for this shit someone just come and knock me out
Awww little bitch ass baby took his trip off because his fragile mind broke at the thought of people filtering him.
Those are grown ass biowomen who will morph into IMVU beasts the second you pair with them
your comp is ded bwo
what jannies lmao
vauthry has abandoned us to our own devices
do you like malera
Damn he looks a lot like me wtf...
takes one to know one, sorry sisters
of course not
someone would have to get banned for them to evade it, moderation here hasn't existed since rev mayers drowned in hot pocket grease
say it aint so
its only 2 years old ;_;
It can't actually be Macchi. I can't imagine even DJ Jizzy Jeff being that desperate.
>"nyooo i can't handle being hated back, i need to blacklist you!!"
Fine. Rob Chidori @ Balmung
>Doesn't follow the melezen code of conduct which includes no homos and no commies
Sorry, your membership has been revoked.
anyone else here ship people here?
I miss Rev
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wtf nobody would do that to a rat
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anyone who filters or advocates for filtering is a little bitch
Posting it at the end of the thread
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rotation spreadsheet notes for Alexandria courtesy of my group lead
which one are you doing? is it any harder than it was in ew
They are actually bigger! The shirt is constraining them...please bully me more with cow stuff.
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is this really what no criterion does to a mfer
>all those people that made a custom answer and then picked someone else's
Anyone that goes around a filter is a little bitch because they cannot handle even one person not seeing their post and proves that the person filtering them won. Egotistically mind broken.
I nominate Chi
Heh little do they know my malezen has already raped these two (in cc)
huj your femra is LITERALLY builded
I'll try going to LB14 give me a minute.
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Why don't you put them in a maelstrom uniform and become a seacow?
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can't do balmung but i'll visit bryn
I see, see you at the Gridanian Aetheryte. CB@Diabolos, fiddie.
would I be under your orders?
Technically yes.
is that fucking une
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catbox your big cow tits
only if my flat commander tells me to...
Report with your uniform on and I'll give you an assignment.

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