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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114 # #

Previous: >>494393164
Bare feet or opened toe shoes, /xivg/?
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moonie ebins are very normal btw
fully armored steel boots
i am
a fiddie who likes
the smell of flowers
Seekers of the sun.
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fiddie wives!
Does this cat has an album?
I show my EB the grippers in private but publicly open toed shoes
Where the fuck do I find IVCS Bibo+? Am I retarded?
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Happy friday the 13th! What are you guys doing for this weekend?
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i legitimately feel like a bot when i play tank
I swung too hard and struck out.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Are people still in the CC games?
cute innocent fiddie just enjoying life
Rob Chidori is the most well known and respected maliddie.
For the AB body mod, is there another mod I need to install before I install this mod?
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i'm looking at the camera this time
give me my (you)s
Post your last screenshot
No cheating!!!
filtering is based af
Fiddie crush?
Not really a confession, I got a new mattress that has cooling gels in it that makes it pretty cold, but once I lay down it makes a heat pocket around me. It feels super comfy and I fall asleep so fast now. Some of the best nights of I’ve sleep I’ve ever gotten
someone linked the google drive once but I didn't save it.
those are some pretty bottles ngl. I like the sheen of light bouncing off them. Is it alcohol or medicine?
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Actually I like Ippikek more even if I give him ten tons of shit.
Went overtime, but it should be posted soon.
>massive raidtranny drama week before liveletter
Maybe yoshi will apologize again as he adds even more void lists to the game, maybe this time appearing anonymous to other people.
Badass bro, that's awesome.
who wants to let me pump to their lala? male or female is good, i need to cum
Nobody asked.
I knew there was something off about him
I'm happy for you bro, I get basically the same feeling from my weighted blanket and I sleep like a stone with that thing.
You don't deserve any
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What game is this? This ain't a fiddie
I want a flat chest fiddie to let me plap.
Not surprised that jizzda has such a shit opinion
i feel like i'm being annoying or bothering people when i message them first
even if they do respond i'm not sure what i'd want to talk about with them, its just the act of talking to them that i wanted
XIVG: Streamers are cringe! Using Twitch is cringe! If you're ever outed for using Twitch you're COOKED!
Shooting ropes to femlalas!
like that one anon said, open toed shoes in public, bare in private
Very cool, modestly dressed MCH attire.
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No, we dont. Faggot.
i am not a regular in this general so i am allow to use 'poggies'
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ten years a crybaby
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7:25 CC ET Crystal
Why the fuck would Yoshi P care about some American guy cheating on his girlfriend, twitterbrained people blowing this up into a huge deal is so funny
Happy Spookyday bwo. Gonna do a bunch of stuff unrelated to Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail, like going out and clearing the overgrown garden I didn't do anything with this year
oh my goodness gracious
bunch of terminally online trannies and some bioholes are dogpilling on sfia(world prog raider and small streamer) after he tried to virtue signal on twitter

it's a nothingburger blown out of proportions
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see >>494405836
current meta is picto/picto/viper so it's a lot different compared to blm. we can't do the other two expert dungeons and reasonably get a good time since we don't have bis for our jobs
pic rel is a blm rotation for aetherfont last expansion
criterion is very different
I aint gonna make enough by the end of the night, might resort to the thing I said I never would do... erp
I find it amusing that schizos on here believe anything remotely gay posted on this general is me. Yet, they don't realize the LGBTQ+ community is quite large.
I think I’m going to combo it with a weighted blanket, should knock me out instantly
That, I can't deny.
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Yeah, I play one.
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That rava looks a lot like mine, down to the same hair. I don't know how to feel about this.
I think my EB doesn't want to be EB'd to me anymore.
put the trip back on and stop using faggot reaction images
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>yfw you remember that period where the janny would sit in thread all day everyday
People here will find anything to hate and act like rabid animals on.
God I need an emet middie bf for my moonie
That sounds awful
Do you need a lot of Gil by tonight for some specific reason?
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We like this here
If you're the one i'm thinking of, just send me a hi on discord, my dog died and i'm just too depressed to even bother with anything tbqh.
It's not about him anymore, everyone joined in and started throwing shit at le hecking whoilesome chiungus strreamers that get invited to media tours for being fucking cunts off stream etc
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my fiddie otr
We need multiple jannies to sit here everyday 24/7
who said it was gil...
sick of val desu
the fat fucking wop Rev Mayers @ Twintania (Light) still sits in the threads, he is just powerless now
thread is actually fun and comfy and mostly sane, it was way worse when the only people getting banned were the ones too scared to ban evade and start going schizo
What are you making, sis...
No one will care in a week this is generic XIV twitter drama
Like that one sunnie says, "Kiss my ass!"
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hey wyd
i am boymeat
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Is this NPC using an in-game armor?
The threads are the worst they've been since heavensward
Dont you just hate it when the skies become umbral calamity red?
More or less the same but with miscellaneous chores instead of gardening. Currently fixing my keybinds from a crash.
Man those JP floral stage homes are amazing for these photos.
That happened?
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The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world′s end, do we cast off tomorrow
For whom weeps the storm,
Her tears on our skin
Should I get Rebirth?
Probably not.
>ban evade
noooooo don't make me press airplane mode i'm quaking aaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeee
get real
It depends on what they're doing. /gig/ had a resident janny that would do nothing but snipe OPs and delete threads that he didn't make, which eventually got him stripped of his powers.
>t. tranchelle mad that his schizo efforts are drowned out
Wrong general
Browsing the thread and eating turkey jerky.
is it on pc yet
I still want to find someone patient who will help me practice erp
yeah that's a "Distance" set from the aetherfont
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A lot
I don't like looking at european bestiality drama and NA porn spam
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if you rape one of us you can't rape the other
who do you pick? :3
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same sis.
theyre way more boring now than hw
too many overly safe/"friendly" posters
normies sit the ban out
the powerful schizos know how to evade and go crazy shitting up the thread out of spite
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Femlala eb like this???
the one that said they liked sunnies earlier
deepshadow recolor
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There ya go.

I wish we could go barefoot in the game, it sucks that even with everything unequipped I have to wear heels. The various sandals we have are pretty cool though so let's go with opened toe shoes, not that I really wear either option very often.
Truly vile trannies
my catgirls plays simon says
the left one and then later make passionate love with the right
pale skin does things to me
Neither. You look like basic trash.
I don't know anything about this game. Why is there often a gay pic in the op?
left one, the right one is honestly dog ugly
i'm schizophrenic and i wait out my bans
kiss my ass
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I am now
a BiS sunnie
who griefed her way to BiS
Based Fiera x Miera anon will defeat you.
i love jamjam
My moonie will be going to bed at this very moment
neither, ridiculous modbeast body and stupid pose
Left, has more fashion sense.
But if either would switch off the ham planet legs they'd be the instant pick.
OP is a faggot
thank you C:
my fiddie otl
The femra on the right. Plapping a flares would be hot
but really i just want someone to goon together with, male or female
where's the version of this with the duskie's meat out
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All you’re getting from me
returning to my slumber before I drown in alcohol tonight
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10:45 CC ET Crystal
ill post it after i send it to the person i made it for
Put your trip back on.
I only have sex with men.
When did NH become a glub?
neither, but right is particularly ugly
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Male middies are straight and only straight
my fiddie otl in all of these
Mating press.
i simply filter your post and win
is catbox down?
based reasonable schizo
that's the fucking stuff, thank you
love this duskie
Missing you
May my catboy suck on the right's woob
w-whoa, is that adder-ra or her NA twin?
I never knew she had leopard print summerwear.
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Built for hetero sex
Repair your gear...
Ryne is super cute, but Y'shtola's smug smile just gets me. Really looks like a cat who just caught herself a trophy and is super proud of it.
repair your gear GHOUL
male middie crush?
>inspect element
Why is that faggot on a primal alt?
the ones reading this :)
last night a cat boy ran up and started talking to me, pulled his dick out, said goodbye, and ran away
raping this femboy
i just want a slutty lala bf to fap together with, is that to much to ask?
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I'm looking for cheese again post address if you got da cheeeze
fix your gear dumb ho
What treasure maps are the most expensive rn
you passed
My male middie DRK is like this.
>macchi now stealing sechen's gommick
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it was mona until I heard about his kinks
anyone know any mobs that shoot out any blue beams? similar to the yellow beam grinnaux does if possible
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i just want a slutty lala gf to play games together with, is that too much to ask?
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post your characters LIPS
>sechens gimmick
when the fuck did they want cheese?
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They all belong to my femezen
Fingers interlacing while misionary and kissing your neck
You waiting for me at home while I crusade
Femra bits abuse
Being stuck in a groundhog day style loop for you
Trading nudes via Snapchat
Watching the fireworks
Forcing you two to kiss
Putting it in your hole
Hm. The usual or something new....I might have to go back on this.
step 1: type in "timeworn" into the market board
step 2: use eyes you dumb fuck
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you two should meet
your highlander is very cute
>No /v/ thread because he's too busy fighting for OPs on /vg/
Quite funny. My middie laughs.
>check file name
this is actually my femra SAM (she is target 1)
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pay my sub for me and i could be your lala gf (male)
Bare ninja feet.
I really don't like most of the open toe shoes in this game. Even with upscales they're pretty eh.
There are some shoes that are nice, though, like the Pagl ones.
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Adventuring barefoot does not sound like a very good idea :p
i am not a lala bf who wants to fap
Two of them
Still not sure if the scales are working as intended
what are his kinks?...
Silly picture of a hungry burger thief.
does it need to be an overworld mob or are you including raids
Hello I am playing FFXIV
do you still use yab med? also did you decorate that place yourself?
Male middies owe my moonie sex and an EB ring
What's this from, is it good?
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Isn't it crazy how there's not a single good lalaboy in all of /xivg/?
>cute innocent fiddie just enjoying life
Thank you!
>Fingers interlacing while misionary and kissing your neck
Anon, noooo, we can't do that unless we're EB'd!
Stirrup socks.
it doesn't take much to please me, ill suck any posters cock here if they send me slutty lala pics
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Be a middie
Pepper's a good boy, shut your whore mouth.
That trailer truly went down in legend as a masterclass in making people root for your villain because he's just THAT cool.
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haven't taken a new one since last night
stop pretending to be a woman
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2:25 CC ET Crystal

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yab large and sometimes i use lavabod legs instead of watermelon crushers if they look better
yes its my new fc room :D (unfinished)
kitty nail :3
is that... LT...
My male middie is NOT like this
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I can see the contempt in your eyes when you glance my bow string...
I'm sorry for who I am...
Also adding Charlotte and Tali to my list actually
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botters be like
queuing when I see the niggers disappear
It sucks that Alisaie doesn't lust after the WoL anymore, she moved on to Graha in EW and then Wuk in DT
i don't play at the moment but last i played was on goblin
definitely not after seeing the shit on baraag
it was just a portrait which i thought ended up kinda funny
you will have plenty to take at our EB ceremony.
lamitt would never do this
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So true sis
who is GT i keep seeing the name posted
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not even a lala anymore
faggot game rofl
I'm still pining for someone who quit the game and stopped posting here like over a year ago. I'll see some character that reminds me of them and go through it all over again.
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i know this c+ anywhere and i hope you're doing well
How do you do lip posing?
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giselle tarmun
jaw ruins your cat
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Rob Chidori
Who is that ugly nigga replying to the anchor
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Get cheesed lole
there is not a single good


in this thread. In fact there are no good male characters at all
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You can recognize us by hair color, my Maelstrom twin is blonde, I have white hair myself. I've had the swimwear for quite some time but rarely show it off, swimming is private business after all.

Bad option, my closet contains no skeletons.
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Treacherous fate...
Keep things fresh. I need change
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Could be way better but
I'll get a job for you.
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this terrifies the homosexuals.
your characters LIPS
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that's me!
holy moly
my femra looks and acts exactly like this
May I plap?
Do you mean /gsg/?
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I don't think there's anything scary in a lovely embrace.
tributing this
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all face 4 jaw rook same
My bad
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gn cheeze lovers.
Builded for my
Do you guys enjoy FFXIV?
Fucking vile
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she might...
What about him?
That's implied. Duhhh.
Then we're gonna make some blackmail material. Duhhh.
How about limit breaks persay? Trying out different sizes and maximum numbers of things you can take, testing your thresholds...
can you female troon players please put at least a tiny bit of effort into your posts, or if you are incapable of being at least somewhat interesting just leave the picture blank as you post it because I guarantee you dont have anything to say worth reading
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what's that?
I don't even have an active sub anymore, I just come here occasionally to see if anything's changed.
It never has.
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I haven't taken any screenshots in a little bit
Femlalas are only into femlalas and catboys.
good meownyan
wts moonie milk
Its from Diablo 4
I should use this as reference for a gpose
well, i know it's tough but at least i can give you a little /cheeron from here, from afar and anonymous is good enough for me

keep your head up, know you're doing great and plenty of people out there think that :)

(and the person you kept mentioning to me and i are getting along swimmingly and are of the same opinion: we hope you thrive)
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reminder that we are the most successful asians in the ERP scene
ask her about it
how so?
Shut up nigger I'm not telling you again.
what is the good good?
I am not going back, it's not worth it.
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Gyat thats a thicc rabbit
I think I do but burnout is real
Filipinos are the Mexicans of Asian countries.
I will get a job to afford your sub this I swear.
I logged out
not really
i only log on to play cc and fl
i think you like meeee
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*Coughs up blood* Im just getting started
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CC 5:55 ET Crystal.
Last one for me if someone else wants to do call outs
Sorry I just queued up.
On my end is says she's only 256mb? What the hell is going on?
Built for tribs
Wish we could sell items that we already put on cause I would offer to sell my old cassie earring here cause fuck...
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>dying the kasuga chest piece doesn't just dye the cloth around the chest

once again the people in charge of armor at SE prove themselves to be the dumbest niggers in existence
didn't you have a red bun as your duo before
i see them
what top is that?
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G-good shit bro, you got me good...
*coughs up blood*
Is that still not fixed with the second dye slot?
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before dawntrail it was mostly rotating the mouth part but now you gotta edit the positions instead. you can still rotate some of the parts but it wont move it as much as it used to
holy moly
I don't know who she is
What about yours
can't handle the heat huh little guy?
I hate women and I hate you.
i love this cat
need to knock her up asap
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this is the secondary dye :)
>afar and anonymous
got a feeling of who this is just of how that's worded and I don't think I ever brought someone up to you, but thanks. That's good if you two are getting along well.
stop censoring the feet in your images
Go for it
post it
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She's a terrorist in more than one way. She loves crashing Donny's venues, because she's so addicted to his dick.
What's your favorite leg gear for tanks?
this is my second most favorite lalafell in the thread
Dumb question
PLD heals a fuckton with its basic rotation in bosses, how do i keep my health up as Warrior? Spam my 1 minute heal, i suppose? Bloodwhetting is for tankbusters
Need to impregnate this moonie to help improve production
you cannot handle it...
my sunnie might queue up for
crystalline conflict
i swoon. enjoy your night, cute highlander
duo? What do you mean by that?
This one https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/116086
I just realized I've done my >>494407391 reply wrong, low IQ duskie moment
oh wow... ur saying u LOVE me???

a man of culture
>Bloodwhetting is for tankbusters
You're retarded.
built for the bottom of my shoe
Indonesians are the Brazilians of Asia, not for the women, but for all the horrendous shit that goes on there.
That combo goes kinda hard
Oh right, thanks anon
Speaking from experience, pepperonis are grounds for a warning/ban
There isn't a lot worth screenshotting lately
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I didn't realise we were being based today..
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Does this cat accept tributes
whenever i'm properly medicated or cope drinking i come here to try and say nice things to everyone anonymously, but leave shortly after because all the fighting and hate gets me sad
It has a 25sec cd you can usually use it between busters as well
/em scratches my nuts
hurry up then

more what...
I'll have to wait for the catbox anchor next thread to post it
I want to do lewd pics with your moonies
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you'll come meet me in person and rail my ass while we goon too right?
i cant stop changing my outfit or eating bread
the nin af helmet still doesnt even dye for miqote...
don't worry, we'll work off the calories with lots of sex
in the form of what
i promise i can
why is magness's pussy out
pumping my cock for this anons lala now
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Balalaika Fyth logging in
it can be anything, i'm scrubbing through anam rn and things can be done through invisible props instead of through a visible boss so it's basically rng if something is usable or not
alr i'll check this out in a bit, i'm assuming you're talking about sacrament or whatever it's called
A bunch of pedophiles in the picture.
more pics of your moonie (with less clothing on)
Patting that fiddie with a nuclear pat
Builded for my
Only housing now.
It's literally always out for some reason.
you just know that femezen is looking up the weirdest shit on her laptop
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cute fiddie
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I have raped every single male under 5'10
most are too ashamed to admit it, however.
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Bringing in catgirls dead or alive
what game is this
I remember you making this same joke months ago. Where's the new material?
You’re on multiple crush lists
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Caught again
Isn't that just sex, I don't think that counts as gooning anymore....
why is KR so fucking cringe holy shit
wanwan woo
THANK GOD the janny golem era is over, I'd prefer it if there were way less coomerposts but I prefer this /xivg/ over having random jannies nuking entire reply chains for no reason
May I trib
We don't need to see that bitch's Arby's.
*raps u*
Thanks for the calls bwo.
I remember you standing around height beasting since you started playing. Where's the the new material?
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If this were me I'd live in a current state of existential dread.
>I pay $15/mo to mod my avatar so I can RP my anonymous 4chan schizoposting in-game
they should really convert physical ranged into full time supports instead of this whatever in-between of subpar DPS with some support
cute! CUTE!!
Verification not required.
*kneel* my owner...
where are the eyelashes from?
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we like this cat
Quick picco
That's my wife.
Debating on coming to LB14
/pet /pet
I hope you had a good day ari!
LL (the good one)
the cute vanilla one who's name escapes me
the cute one with the scar on her nose, not scarmiddie
I am
a tipsy femra
queueign for dungeons
he looks better than bf
I'm not them, I just remember the same joke being made months ago. I think the image was different at least.

Why the long face?
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Uchiki just threw a chair at Otis
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I saw a cute drawing this morning.
what's wrong my love?
made for amazon pressing my catboy
I'm telling..
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I am
A sunnie watching football
I like this post.
My wife run rosa
Is the game starting already?
Love this brown sunnie
holy MOLY
Stay mad
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LB 14 is where pedophiles go.
Doman Enclave is superior.
He really wants to be topped, doesn't he.
of course, it'd be about as easy for you to tell who i am as it is for me based off your c+ lmao

anytime you tried to spin me away from certain people it was always like 'xyz and i are at the clave they're cool'. you were right. thank you.

and seriously just know i'm keeping the channels of contact open so you DO know you have a place to come back to if you want to or ever feel ready. it stinks seeing you go but i'm respecting your choices.
why are gay bottoms like this
please post more of her im close
For my male middie
No wonder you're so rotund. You whole 'zas by yourself.
Yeah just started Arizona just scored (BOOOOO)
cute but thats a lot of food for one lala
recreating this pic but with my fierda as the big spoon and the ra as the little spoon
The enclave is too cramped and the lighting is shit, I have no idea why some of you keep wanting to go back there
turn around
boy I sure do love not being able to progress the msq on my dead dc waiting for trial queues to pop
Fiera > Femra > Fiddie > Catgirl >= Thighlander > Femezen > Miera = Femroe > Femhroth > Femlala
I forgot Arizona is now a Big-12 team lol
why are cats such whores?
post more
My footslave...
*Marks your femra "Target to Ignore 2"*
>make cute characters
>ruin them with atrocious mods
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Height beasting was not possible when I started playing brother


Enclave lighting SUCKS
I was partial to sharlyan lighting
who is we.... i dont know if there is a we here...
It's still this
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Go for it! I have better pics for that though...
well have to see when it gets to that point, my cocks throbbing. want to come do it in private with me?
Which DC?
I expose my lalaboy's toes in his shoes because it makes him feel naked.
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My character struggles to smile, which is kinda hot for me because I'm into heroic furry dudes so autistically bound by their duty that they've forgotten how to smile.

This is my character trying to smile btw.
Just DC travel to do content like anyone else with a character on Dynamis
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Is this a reference from the hit game YIIK?
Thanks bros. /hug
That sounds a bit dangerous...
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finally cleared m4s this week, I can now rest...
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Open toed heels are the the only choice
Show the other pic
When will you remake the glubxodia?
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>smelly and overweight

that's most of xivg, not just moonies
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For a change of pace, I don't have a lewd latest screen for once
post more
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Congrats on clearing it, sis.
Did you get anything?
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I got big fish earlier this morning and I'm still really happy about it
Two fishes away from final fish now!
I didn't eat it all... at once... ;_;
Femra crush?
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She'll get her revenge
I like you're miqo'te do you accept tributes
thanks anons
should i be worried
bloonie moonie pits
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More what?
i love this bloonie
we all hang out at the afk spot and have conversations in the thread
we love this
Don't know if that'll be a thing. Me, K, B.R, L.C. are debating if it's even a good idea for me to connect back with most crystal people since I ended up just being used by 90% of them.
This is literally his best attempt at smiling (/beam)
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lol, lmao even
i'm doing ok /pet
It is very hard to decide if I want to fuck this cat or get fucked by this cat more.
more feet
just like that
sprinkles bird feed in front of you
Ty sers
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>people still giving LT attention
I think I blushed.
Am I soft banned, why does none here ever reply to me or my jokes?
I think that's enough feet for one thread.
i need an eb like that
ok this is based
I did not get anything... but all I need at this point is the mount


I'd like to see her try, I haven't fucked up a m4s mech in weeks
may i plap
Molly. No one wants to smell your faggot feet. Kill yourself tranny.
if thats the L.C. im thinking of I havnt heard about in a long time
I think most people have had enough of (You) for one lifetime.
Bros we have to come together to defend our king arthars from the wrath of the twitter mob
Male middies and male viera owe my sunnie sex.
what can I say, that rabbit is too sexy
crush me beneath your heel thanks
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Didn't the Jailer kill him already
post your sunnie
t. male midlander
post sunnie
what are you replying to? there's nothing there bro
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rock knives, rock knives, rock knives.
Greedy but I'm feeling generous... https://files.catbox.moe/lezcn9.png
Can always do both, silly
If you can't managed to accumulate more than 300,000 damage in a match of Frontlines please stop queueing up for it.
What are they thinking?
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you niggas are nasty
Post sunnie
only newfags give him attention, then they become targets if they play female characters, get creeped out, cycle continues with more newfags

do women really
- Sexual harassment
- Men trying to date you
- Being talked over/interrupted
- Input is ignored until a man repeats it
- "Parse run" doesn't include your parse
- Held to higher standards
It'd be easier for you to leave yourself than to get me to. You solely have the power to get me out of your mind.
If you think something I've posted is worth that, then knock yourself out!
This bloonie loves you too! /dote
I don't give a shit about putting forth effort in your meme mode for faggots. I will afk my way through my daily and you'll either accept it or stop queuing.
And you are trapped here until you kill yourself, Unnamed Neko.
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Mr Happy is based.
>does 30k dmg on your team
I'll see you tomorrow for more xp
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>Can always do both, silly
True! I'll have to hit you up sometime when you're in LB14.
Are you supportive of the transgender posters on /xivg/?

Let's define supportive as you being against the rabid hate they get.
Waiting for my flat femra commander to tell to unleash my moo
I wanna do lewd pics with your moonie one day.
Right one is thinking about pleasing Ukrainian men with her body, that's for sure.
>The archduke of transphobia himself weighs in
My Male Midlander is back to singing early 2000s romance R & B music.

He has no one to sing it to.
Instead of being like this, why dont you tell them what they can do to improve if you know them?
also stalks in game, and not just you, but your friends.
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Almost forgot, huh?
nice middie
Cute and cool and amazing!
Erm sis I think you forgot
Adding you to my blacklist and hiding your posts is nearly zero effort. I just thought you'd like to know what everyone is thinking. Goodbye!
this is why dogs aren't allowed on computers normally
I have a feeling they stalk me though I never interacted with them before.
Face 1 is the only Hroth face that actually emotes well. Feels like the other rigs were an afterthought. Like the entire race in general.
silly dog, you posted the explicit image
F. Rest in peace doggo...
of course, of course. that was a big piece of the stress on your plate for a good four or five months since the content drought. i was there. i saw everything you did to try and remedy it, and i knew you were getting to this point.

there's a nonzero amount of people that just miss you for you, and they at least asked me to pass on their wellwishes.

it was pretty short on the day that it happened but i stand by my advice, keep the ones that used you gone. the decisions you make on the ones that didn't are entirely up to you, no one else.

and also, you should probably come get your materia back next time you see me in the community idle space. i don't feel right keeping it when you're back to actually playing.
I want to make out with both pairs of Seishun Complex's lips...
where are the pubes though
Meet NOW
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But I'm gay. I want a Malera to fuck me and make me his personal cum sleeve.
You're so dumb it's endearing.
how do i make friends that don't only want to create porn or goon
it's like every person i meet here is pornsick
i fucking hate men
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I see something
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Fat fucks
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good morning ZB and SM
go farther im eating my bread....
Don't play on Crystal or with people who spend most of their time on Crystal. It's that simple.
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I bricked my pc trying to remove linux so now I can’t play FFXIV at all :) all for modded FFXIV, haha :) this is the only way I can have friends in 2024 :) I love life so much
Get a hobby that's not video games, go outside for once, socialize with real people. That's how you make actual friends.
enjoy your vacation lil doggy
fidde or miqote for miera bait?
Hang yourself, Linux fag.
Befriend people in /xivg/ that dom't post their character here, or, don't post their characters being shallow whores. It's that easy. Sometimes some gooners are nice, but it's rare.
But if you follow my method, you'll find what you seek.
>bricked my pc trying to remove linux
how the hell does that even happen
fiddie for good friend
miqote for gooning
I'll be your friend if you have a nice personality and like Helldivers 2.
Target the enemy players and press your buttons, even if you have no idea what they do you should easily pull 300k damage.
>I have better pics for that though
Let's see it. Something that shows more of your tummy compared to >>494412437
I really gotta be more careful..
Welp, time to take this dog out back and put her down
what shield mlady?
actual skill issue
>replies yet again to say he won't reply
I have a mighty need to smooch this lala
same and her cute little butthole too
He probably fucked with the master boot
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my wife..
hey girl hey
You’re right sis… So sorry…..
Open toes
aether is locked and primal is hispanic

can't do that

thanks, ill try
you never meet up with anybody
>Play a job with an evasive skill
>Healer keeps rescuing me right when I use it to avoid AOEs
fucking hate this
im trying, still waiting for them to reply. how do i reduce cravings for cock?
hi hi
You can do that but you're too lazy to put the effort into getting real friends
Nice nips retard. *Licks them*
Forgot to correct myself, /xivg/ meetups! I wish you luck tho
This is a weird Fibbit
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the jeetdows installer on my usb is corrupt leaving the main drive unbootable
>says this
>got in shape so girls stop being disgusted at him and could finally get some action
who is this
theo vore ox prepare for ultimate death
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Violent, primal, floor shaking, foundation quaking, bed breaking, baby making, neighbor waking, No break taking, SEXO with Mona's fiddie!
I need an adult
Shut up!
Sis you're posting that for free, you can get paid for those you know?
My favorite kot <3
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They really don't look that similar at all but you guys keep saying this. Not even the same face or hair.
i got a special milk glaze for your head, finish me
Remember The Hostages CWLS?
I am an adult
host content parties for just random content and help others when they need help for content
what would you like to do anon?
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I was poly'd so many times I'm pretty much just a tiny pig yelling angrily while holding a toothpick.
Does it count as transbian if the male i'd EB and let him plap me sometimes is a xaela?

Sunnie btw
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>plays WHM
>gets a new evasive skill in DT
>the static BLM and I play hopscotch with each other in raid.
>doesn't have Rescue on my hotbar, unless specifically requested to do so.
I understand your pain, bro.
fucking leo
Here you go brother
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You ever feel like you blink and three threads go by?
I am
A sunnie
Who has lost her appetite due to bad news
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open toes easily
because the people who ask me to "meet up" usually want to goon
Every day I get more unhinged and far less patient with retarded fucks I have to deal with IRL. Some people should not be allowed to breathe.
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my other pvp wife... i love you.
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This is about trees and the forest
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I didn't take any new pic today and yesterday sorry :p
Chloe! O_O
This is very lewd! :3
Pretty! ^.^
When is the corrupted arc with you as a DRK?
I am making a collage of every single xivg catgirls breasts I have saved from this thread
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Blink again and you can kiss your ear's virginity goodbye.
where are the open toes
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Is it really faster to solo variant dungeons than it is to party up for them? Is that why no one does them?
My catboy straps a femlala to his crotch with his you know what in her you know where and then equips strider boots and sprints around Ul'dah.
Any Crystalbros able to help out with Barbariccia EX farming? Just looking for one more mount drop for my frens..
My pvp notwife
im ready
a cool pic i took!
Did your mom make you clean your room again?
i honestly don't know anymore
just though id feel less lonely if i could make friends but i clearly don't belong here either
IV is so pretty!
Is this a custom face sculpt?
More like they have very few rewards, so people got them and stopped running them.
If you're unsync'd, I can travel and be the most mid SMN there is
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Good night
Wish someone streamed xivg syncs like the ranked boys do it with their games so I could watch and chill
It's for personal use don't worry dear
Got a link for a weighted blanket? would like to make sure im not gonna order the wrong thing
We call them communists
See you in 20 minutes.
Big piece of stress is a understatement. Moment I brought up in VC about heading to LB14, K said he should throw me in a psych ward so there's that.

>get your materia back next time
B.R. go over 2 full stacks of each materia cause he decided to be silly and spend his nearly 1billion gil, keep it if I need it i'll just ask his dumbass to meet me on Materia
Nah just vanilla face + vanilla hair mashup + YAB
You're obsessed you fucking fuck, stop namedropping me
Yeah, catbox it, my cat hasn't shown her minimeowers here
Go back to catboi
Unloved Nigger @ Jenova
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ok u died
Well too fucking bad you dont have your own agency, you exist for me
May I please see your minimeowers, miss?
Pretty please with a cherry on top?
/dote /dote
i will be finishing my bread anon-kun
(im never finished eating bread)
>Shut up!
*Shuts up by putting your nips in my mouth and sucks*
Uhoh melty. Gonna have a schizo meltdown? Wait you're stuck in a permanent one.
This kinda hat is exactly what I was looking for and YoshiP ties it to a hairdo...a similar one exists but it has a stupid mask in front of it. Why why WHY
Ha! No. She's not a WHORE.
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>sitting around one day talking in the CWLS with all the e-girls and avatarsluts
>basically my own harem because nobody else talks
>see Lowell "Ma' Mhigga" Giroux log in, must've just finished raw doggin his cat wife with that big BBC
>repetition intended LOL
>about to greet him with a friendly "Bonjour!" and tell hima bout my harem
>"sorry S*yboy Toiletwater, I've been dethroned by a raen bull"
>sweating profusely but Lowell ignores me, take my keyboard warrior skills to discord
>think he's believing me, everything is okay
>hear some commotion going on in my harem of cat bitches, think they must be in heat at first but I can tell they're talking in hushed voices to avoid me hearing them
>ask a narc lalafell what's going on
>"look, all the stars are disappearing..."
>fuck fuck fuck, this had to happen in Shadowbringers too
>look at the CWLS, only one star remaining by a name
>about to offer up Lowell one of my prime stock e-girls
>Lowell Giroux has left.
>all my wives know what's coming and immediately fuck off to go get plowed by Leo, A RAEN
>an elezen speaks up, insults Leo, and it all seems like it might turn around for a second
>disbanded before I could even go up to my last remaining wife and "Je suis monte!"
where did it all go wrong
It should be unsynced.
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Im sorry, i know he's looking out for you wherever he's now
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*cums on you*
she's so cute, may i pump?
Get cock, duh.
Miqo'te boobies are a gift and must needs be shared with the world.
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you're just eepy a lot

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lmao this nigga still eternally booty blasted. Imagine spending most of the your time in this cesspool manually spamming your inane shit.
what game is this?
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In Gridania,
The Keepers of the Moon are eating the dogs.
They're eating the cats.
They're eating the minions of the people that live there...
there's plenty of people here who actually play the game and don't typefuck grown ass men (at least publicly), but they're also the type of people to shitpost here maybe once a week and not really care for this place that much
I'm not one of these people but I'm friends with a fair few who are, it's just a matter of time and patience and actively throwing yourself into playing the game with others, I hope this helps somewhat
Can't take the heat?

Stay out of the kitchin. :devilemoji:
Variant dungeons are very poorly designed. People dont wanna click on random shit just to get through a dungeon. Thankfully, all the real dungeons will be made the exact opposite. One path, 3 bosses, gear.
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That's not unsync'd, assuming you're O. K.
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my thread wife?
she's a bit like this
I want your character to experience a bad end like a mortal kombat fatality bad end where he's defeated and executed while he's in a daze and is barely aware of his impending gruesome end
i am
a gay hrothgar
Are there any rare boobies you do not yet have in your collection?
dawntail more like yawntrail
tranny btw
what do i get out of it
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Tis unlocked and untouched. Fray's dead, he's locked in my basement.
I used to play DRK a lot on my main but as someone who hasn't gone into real difficult content there's just no point, the other tanks are so much better for roulette spam. I want to love DRK but its... unfitting for Valtrois and unfitting for the content I tend to do.
You want to do WHAT to my ears now? Truly the mind of the heretic gets more warped by the day.
Its a worrying sign when I see these kinds of comments and think "Well, at least its not 'rape'" rather than an immediate call to violence. I need to resharpen...
I am sleepy often. I reject eepy. I will never be honkshoo mimipilled. I sleep and nap like the Fury intended...
what is this gear set?
Want to breed this cat.
I didn't think you were this insecure about it LOL
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what gear is that miss?
cumming for your greedy lala
you should post some migos songs and larp as a gangster so you can escape from the reality that you're the scrawny autistic black weeb kid everyone thinks is weird
But what are the duskies doing?
I just started it so pretty much all of them.
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stop postin my mofuggin name shieet nigga i'm finna freak fr fr
i will impregnate you
free of charge!
Okay <3
Expect it in like 4 hours, I still want to play the game
Hey Unnamed Neko@Jenova when you go to bed alone every night do you fall asleep thinking you've made good use of your day by posting this stuff on cooldown?
Built for getting all their stars stolen in mario party
i dont think i could rape you if thats any consolation
I see this person and sometimes Plaptina in Jenova Limsa plaza
Something something femezen


>tfw someone was suggesting an erp class session in a locked house
>tfw some unhinged schizo will mass report everyone there and get 3/10d, because Balmung GMs are beyond salvation

Feels bad .. i'd love to teach you but im ESL
i'll have to charge you for that though... raising kids isn't cheap....
feeling good bros
Miqo'te boobies are for EBs
And you don't sound like a EB
>Fray's dead, he's locked in my basement.
for a long time i really thought dre was dead because of that
idk why
it's just the level 76 craftable white gear

zonureskin coat, zonureskin fingerless gloves, ovim wool bottoms, zonureskin caligae

(all "of fending")
bold to call him a person
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GMs are specifically told to not enter peoples houses though
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Fib but not old
>inquisitor is friendly with Magness
Does Heiko(the most handsome male character in xivg) like femras?
ill pay for everything
what kind of dad wouldnt?
at this point I don't believe a "supported" version of Mare even exists
Augmented Crystarium Halfmask of Casting
Void Ark Robe of Casting
Void Ark Gloves of Casting
Theogonic Longkilt of Casting
YorHa Type-53 Thighboots of Casting
you can barely see the boots so boots don't really matter
She just replied to a comment, bro.
No, I heard he hates them
Built for instant wins
I dont know how the investigation will work in that case, because if someone reports and its "violation" happens inside a house, it'd be like a perfect crime
stealing your dole whip /dote
oh nyoooo
Join K.T.’s party.
its over
cant wait to steal you away~
That's also not unsync'd, you're a nigger, I'm transferring home.
I miss you
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very cool!
I'm watching my weight so I have to eat apples :(
i recognize that pillow fort

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