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You're a grown ass man, even when you forget to act like one.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494377042
what is it about mooncats
Post THAT pic
You know the one
Is 7.1 out yet?

Has Sena Bryer 49%'d yet?
Sex with catgirls
pumping to the next female posted
>stopped in traffic
>look ahead
>see this

what do
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lol, lmao even
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Why they a piece of shit or sumthin? I rarely keep up with the thread drama and who is a piece of shit and who isnt anymore
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Please reply to this post with your delicious miqo'te milker catboxes both big and small and in between! Pretty please!
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no way!
moonies ^_^
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am a male midlander
eating Taco Bell and watching football
noooo i meant female, fucking phone please have mercy anons
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Moonie for my Midlander.
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Can someone tell speen that she has a nice armpit
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Sex with Ai Yuzuka
Really love getting along with someone and all of a sudden they treat you coldly. I don't know why I bother trying to make friends
I am
A sunnie watching football and eating pizza
what happened to your elezen
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am a male middie
eating beef tips and watching dinosaur media videos
Do you think Ariuna will leave the closet for me?
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who's that cat on the bottom
I need her data
wrong anon
*kicks you're ass*
*Meows persuasively*
Let's try this again..
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cool, i'll keep doing it
Whatever happened to Spaghetti Carbonara
thoughts on >>494415110 ?
I have been leveling Astrologian so I can have a job of each type at 100.
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I actually just realized I had gil stored in my retainers... so now I can bid on the house. Will I win, most likely not
am a male midlander
eating a gyro and fries while looking at fighting game videos
who is playin
Why does this picture exist?
>lala gooner friend that makes me pump isn't online
they'll be back soon right? i need to cum for lala cunny soon, im so pent up..
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Very interesting.
That guy you hate? He's playing and he's winning.
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how do you find one
I want someone to drain my balls every night
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my moonie has autism
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Late but it was a funny anchor so I had to post it xD
why is this cat doing the NTR smile
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surely this will not cause controversy
no I'm not her, just keeping her memory alive in a way she would probably hate
she's too big to sleeve me but I'd give her smooches below the belt to make up for it
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anybody else wine drunk?
Hey you're back!
show me some fucking moonies on this juicy friday
no just high on weed xD
seriously there’s gotta be a gene or something that explains mooncat players
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minecraft dirt ahh face
become her, anon. but with your own flare.
Join K.T.’s Barbarricia EX farm party.
No I'm weed high
at least you didn't post it raw this time, mutt
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post your breasts miss
Crazy that you are playing into the stereotype that women are unfunny, ugly, self centered, and unloved fatherless whores shtick
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I've never done barb ex, am I welcome to join or is it too hard if you don't know the mechs even if unsync'd?
No attention and lack of father so they have to get any amount of attention by posting their awful characters with shit mods
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>give attention to GAM
>this happens
every damn time, man
yeah I'm fucking drunk as fuck rn you cunt
Anybody else an insufferable nigger?
no, just inexorably horny for catgirls
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my moonies' family tree is a wreath
the only people that noticed you were there were me and hk and only because we knew you, tbf, i don't think anyone else was paying you mind

i am still worried about you, i will continue to worry about you, but i think you knew that was gonna be the outcome when you made that decision. just know you're cared for and supported no matter what you choose.

and if it gets tough you know the other website where my dms are open, i don't mind being there even if you have to pull back again.
post your bloonie naked
can you explain that further?
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This anon>>494416142
why are you farming Barb synced?
Why they keep cumming inside you anon?
Good DPS can kill it before she phase changes a second time. So around PlayStation colors if you want to watch a vid.
>Install PetNicknames to experience their character fully.
this just popped up for my eb.. it's so over bros
queue the mothercrystal on primal rn
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no opinion
can I have a qrd?
But anon, you made him coom now it means you're married and if you don't give it attention every 5 minutes you are a bad person.
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>you can kill him before act 2 now
I am posting it again
+ warning
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Its for their minion you fucking cuck.
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I wish I was allowed to play FFXIV right now
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Me on the right
post your catgirl naked
>WT on summoner
>nobody hits him
It’s not; it won’t be.
They're special and should be treasured.
hes more of a poonie desu
when the nukes dropped in the third astral era many moonies died and so in order to repopulate they had to resort to inbreeding its just simple bottleneck genetics
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>capped for the week
>did all of my raid weeklies
>omni-100 already
>did dailies
What is there to do? I'm kinda burnt out on playing Yakuza 0, but there isn't anything appealing in the Party Finder on Primal nor Aether.
can i have some
keep drinking sisters
a disease not easily cured, i hope you are healed soon.


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i'm a evil nigga now, up to nefarious deeds
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I had to scratch a kemono itch.
That's nyat true! We moonies are a proud and nyoble race!
it's too late, i already tossed the ring. gotta find a new wife now
Ace got an STD?
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haven't really found a wine i like yet (cuz im retarded)
Let's get a garudapost please
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Hey. Nice job.
AFKing is not playing.
god I want to worship her cunny and lick it for the rest of my life
I literally don’t have a pc and all my screenshots are now permanently gone
>anon who was going to let me be his lala gf stopped replying
i just want to have a boyfriend that will fap to lala and pay my sub
sniffing under this cats boobs
can i see ur lala
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fiddies were made for BRC
delicious flatty
only if you drink some aswell tou fucking bug eating slut
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I love you and I wish that was me.
I'm nyot gonna this thread either!
>pinkish hair
That ain't ace.
Cheater world firster says there should be more women in wf. Then gets outed for cheated on his gf and being an all around awful sex pest.
garuda my fieras nuts
This cat looks like she cucks lalaboys.
Which body mod is this?
>catgirls are so eager to share themselves naked
Are you free to make a plap pics request?
holy moly
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if youre going to virtue signal, try not to be a hypocrite about it
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>expect lala with "animal ears'
>Actually fully furry
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i genuinely hope you get the electric chair
Ilu2 anon
I am doing CC calls/queues
Share the mods for this, please
I beg you
Thats an ebin of eld.
i make spritzers so the wine is inconsequential to em
um.. thoughts?
im already doing that though
i am
an intoxicated tank
who will ruin your queues
don't make me get that cursed as fuck gpose
Even the chinese are laughing at him
well drink more then so I can justify it for myself
which helmet bros?
Smoochable lips
i don't have one yet, i used to play on goblin during shb
you know that image says that they look like a girl but they are actually a boy right??
what the fuck is a sfifa
>which helmet bros?
All of those have a visible neck opening except 3, so 3
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laid bare
the bit of skin showing under most of these is a bummer. anyways 4 or 5
*slaps your cock*
I kinda hope they disable markers as well because it's going a bit too far in TOP PF but then these types of players will just try to make "mare but for cheaters"
is that faggot ryun playing?

shant be queueing if he is.
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My on the rape list what?
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>i make spritzers so the wine is inconsequential to em
im retarded what is that
life-altering cringe
what did kong's dick feel like
thats kinda hot. Imagine all the moonie /ss/ that happened
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t. jealous femra
Yes she is but she's good so I don't know why you don't like her
yes and?
val's tits.... please...
Unless you are making hot poses each day, it ain't worth
ah okay i was just making sure
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>oh actually there was an entire garden under the uldah catacombs that i and the entire royal family had completely forgotten about due to childhood trauma
my mom > your mom
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hi i went to a beach
i am
a gay hrothgar
why have so many people been quitting?
My moonie is very good at making other moonies into pets
yeah its really unfortunate, but theres nothing I can do about it other than pretend to not notice
>le femra boogeyman
Why so lalas let femra live rent free in their head?
Krauter body
gposing with alphinaud
Ask the shanters
Looks fun!
You're missing the point
No confess anchor
I had a nightmare I had to teach my coworkers the /yoldance as a team building exercise
MSQ is le bad
also job design is still the same slop and unless you do weekly savage for loot there is no content right now
hello CIA catte~
Certifiably built for RAPE
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I will be giving her fat tits next time.
Thank you.
Do you do collabs with others?
My moonie finds petting sexually stimulating
for me I'm going through old content. Currently finishing up bozja and eureka
>I will be giving her fat tits next time.
unbelievably based, can't wait
i was happy never having to see crops of this comic ever again
Gimme Alisae's head
me on the right
I will pet this moonie nonstop for 15 hours straight and see what happens
>AFKing is not playing
Agreed. I wish the whole community understood that gooning/ERPing with your discord buddy, while AFKing on FFXIV isn't /actually/ playing FFXIV.

Yeah... but knowing some of ya'll, you probably struggle with your rotations or mechanics to the point that we'll be seeing Act 3 or 4.

Some egotistical black mage player who has a lot of skeletons in his closet. Essentially, he's getting cancelled for trying to rizz up girls in his static, while also being in a relationship. He tried to pander why women weren't joining his static, but got exposed for being a giant sexpest.

1. Tourists are leaving. They'll be back in 8.0
2. Players haven't been fed any substantial content to hold them over for years now.
3. The only people that stays over during the "lull periods" are the newbies, gooners, and absolute shitters who basically panders to SE's wallet.
can do
its wine and seltzer
I have done all old content...
i am once again in a m3s reclear party waiting for one (1) support to join (it didnt fill yesterday)
please don't do this to moonies
>um.. thoughts?
warm cotton and sweat
No I'm too scared of getting banned for modding...
id explode its very dangerous
Don't reply to my posts, faggot spic.
feminist man ousted as a manipulative sex pest.

This mindbreaks the moonie, please do this to moonies (I am a moonie petting moonie)
she is low elo trash
I won’t report. I want to plap your cat.
I am a moonie and will do this to make this moonie feel better
a risk I am willling to take
what if I kick their fucking teeth in
Do you mean My mom, or Your mom?
my sunnie loves petting
I'll reply to them if I want to. Seethe.
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>Why don't you try playing CC
>Its a minigame and shit
>Ok why not do raiding?
>Do I look like a parse tranny?!?!
>Alright why not do bozjah or eureka?
>Old content is not content.
please more of kemono, I love them so much
please reply to this post with your lala you'd like tribbed
how do i make one of her
I leveled everything to at least 90 and now have a truckload of shitty job quests to power through. Fuck my life.
im waiting on the next call, babe
felt a pit in my stomach reading this. hope you woke up quickly
How do we feel about lunar envoy trousers of fending
praying my image editing skills are improving ever so slightly
Unfortunately I just can't risk it with a legacy account. I know getting banned probably won't happen but it's still too scary...
My sunnie is dancing all alone waiting a Seat of Sacrifice PF to pop up (I refuse to make one myself)
pretty cool
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my favorite shitpost i've ever drawn? you got it dude
Love this adorable flat princess
Awww… I think plapping teen cats is hot
its peak
We had some queue terrorists delay the 2nd game
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Watching my wife play Resident Evil 3 bros.. We are so back.
Am I going to have to get into Balmung at like 2 AM and just wait here so I don't get fucked over tomorrow night
I'm being cringe at the lavender beds
my moonie is now going to queue for nier raids (it wont pop)
I find them quite fetching but I wish the entire cape would dye and not just the bottom part
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Tea break. Be right back.
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what dc sweet moonie?
I kinda wanna start a Materia hangout spot so all regions can just mess around
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hey /xivg/, if I transfer from Seraph to one of the other Dynamis servers, will I get back my road to 90 buff?
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one of the best pant's I've ever had the pleasure of glam mixing
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Im very bad at making gifs
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Take your time
lmao is he really a spic?
the fact xivgers are praising it tells you it's bad
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>keep drinking sisters
It was a long work week but I've already had quite a lot for tonight...
I will come terrorize queues for a moment on something with a high skill floor because I like the queue caller
i hate buttcapes so much its ultimate
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Why are there so many whores and faggots in this game?
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hahaha..... yeah......
Cute nubian queen
>Krauter body
Where did you download it? It says it's out of date everywhere I look.
I'd rather not be in the same vicinity as these modbeasts on my precious non-american character
I just got everything to 90 before my buff went out
Yeah. Beyond the obvious tell of being from Primal, his ESL slips out when he's really seething.
Just keep up the grind, bwo.
Her smile is cute!
Oof maybe it wasnt to be..
My wife
unsure if hot
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I just found 12 bricks
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>no pop
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currently helping a friend's static unlock top. they did not watch a guide for p8s
just make webms, sis
my moonie is sweaty from a jog
I hate butt capes.
But that one is the exception
The Remake?
Absolutely disgusting
May I kiss her?
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smooching fl@ c@ t@s
It was never updated past 2.3.3 but it still works fine in DT. I didn't have to change.
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are you my crush?
grace and wryx....?
im raping this fat cow
i ran it recently and only saw up to manifold flames and limitless desolation for what its worth
good luck with HC1, at worst you have to do HC2
If you want me to be sweatheart..
she's the one doing the raping. she's a menace to short kings
my moonie looks like this but does not act like this
belong to my male middie
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I'm logging in.
why are moonies like that
How new are you?
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>why don't you play CC
I play CC on Primal, but I have to be in a specific mood. (I like PVP PvP games, but because my autism made me very competitive--I had explosive episodes when I went on losing sprees.) I refuse to play it on Crystal, because knowing some of the schizos here--I'll end up getting ran down and my night ruined.

>why not do raiding?
I actually do that, but it gets old after a while. Also, it takes quite a while for Ultimate parties to fill up.

>Bozja and Eureka?
Done Bozja. Thanks for reminding me about Eureka, since I'm very close to finishing that. If anything, I just need to do achievement hunting out of these zones. That's all.

>Lunar Envoy Trousers of Fending
I actually like the grand majority of the Lunar Envoy outfits. Very elegant and appealing to the eyes. I still have the caster robe that I use for glamours now.

None, because they're a bunch of schizos.
Can you explain that picture to me? When you make an image like that are you getting off to a bunch of black people raping your OC? Or are you self inserting as your OC and wanting to be raped by a bunch of black people? Or are you self inserting as one of the dudes?
catboys are
this looks familiar
If only you were on a normal DC then we could connect..
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>There are only 10 minutes left until the deadline, and if no one shows up we'll disband...
its so over
where CC
fujo bait
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Why does the average female player say they're "bi" but when you ask for proof of them fucking males they clam up and go silent?
Surely a catbox link would shut me up, right?
Do they still count as a crush if I already own them?
he spent an hour kneeling in front of her a few days ago
>Some egotistical black mage player who has a lot of skeletons in his closet. Essentially, he's getting cancelled for trying to rizz up girls in his static, while also being in a relationship. He tried to pander why women weren't joining his static, but got exposed for being a giant sexpest.
hmm okay thank you for the actually detailed reply. however, this is not a slight against you, but that sounds kinda based desu
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Shep gang assemble
*Slaps your cock.*
You're not my crush....
We have so many people queueing we ended up with 3 games going that time... (One exactly at call, one like 2 eorzea minutes later, one like an hour later)
You waifu has shit tastes. Tell her to khs or stop posting in my thread.
thats really far into the fight iirc
its been like an hour and we havent made it to fourfould
Damn I can't believe he likes futa cock
They have good taste, albeit.
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big fan
Give me a list of what jobs are being played and which mirrors would be my best shot at a free win
>queue terrorists
is it me
same sis but f3 horns
Lizzy Lostheart
Fibblit Tandywine
Mona Slater
Charlotte Bellveil
Talienne Arliss
Mira Nicotera
motherfucker you cant be serious, what kind of static is still trying to do 8s blind
>for TOP
my condolences
It was whoever withdrew from the Queue ~5x in a row.
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my femlala toots like this
calm down magness
or lorilee
or siegben
i dont think its that far, its just the transition between dog/snake 1 and literally after high concept 1
but my unsync group had some guys with m4s weapons so maybe your results may vary
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my prison sustains me
im used to it
All the pale femras
Top tier tastes
Vira gang I swapped off her fucking ages ago in GBVSR to 2B and now to Versusia, I want to love her, but she's just so much worse than so many other options...
I hate fat people
play PCT
best moonie witnessed, my day is made
it was really obnoxious when people used to complain about nothing to do and newfags would unironically reply "but have you done this old content yet???" as if everyone started playing after them.
macchi is based for shitposting that into no longer happening.
I love this moonie
none of these people

also I forgot to include you on my crush list as well
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this turns my sunnies smile into a frown
"I hate fat people" *suffocates you with my gut and kills you*
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Embrace the true lord's grace.
I don't want to boost their ego
People really get a crumb of (You)s and start posting their character 20 times a thread.
I tried to replicate this
there are 10 fem chars for every male
and 9 out of 10 male chars are too autistic to either do lewd stuff at all or to not come across as a weirdo when they try
it's just like real life really, men are nice in theory but never in practice
sneaking in and hiding under the butt cape
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should i resub or what

pic unrelated
No one really respond back when I ask for lewd stuff
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Can't what?
Can't get help for your mental illness?
Can't escape your routine of spamming here all day?
Can't get your old friends to come back now that you've burnt your bridges?
maybe there is a future for paags like me...
moonie btw
my sleevewife otr
you should hang yourself before you cause irreparable damage to a kid.
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Anyone got a DL for this?
need to work with it, good with certain chestpieces otherwise bad
my sunnie wants to have sex with your character
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No inertia on the left arm, it needs to follow behind the rest of the body, but a very good attempt
kino post
Shut the fuck up, Honey B. Lovely.
Go fuck a bee
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You haven't replied to me the last two times so you're off my crush list
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Dude you can talk to me ingame or air it out here I don't care but this is cringe. If you've been here long enough to know me then I know you are in your early to mid 30s doing this shit. Communication goes a long way!
>whoa that jp bro posted a nice vanilla screenshot!
>wait let me just zoom in to make sure
>eyes photoshopped so much it doesn't even look vanilla
>hair photoshopped so much it looks like a painting instead of in game textures
>lips photoshopped so much it looks like they're wearing 10lb of hot pink lip gloss
need a wife like that
nice ballsack lalabro
idk, it was a very spur of the moment thing so i cant blame them really. plus p4 ended up dying in like two pulls so its prolly a bit of a shock to them
i think we can get him to 50% if we do animals 1 clean but we'll see
polygamy is a sin
I take no offense what-so-ever. No worries.

Just my take. If you're going to be a piece of shit in private, then so be it. If you want to be as horrible as Howard Moon in your static with friends (and they're okay with it), then I give zero fucks. You do you.

However, don't be running around on social media--preaching about "why doesn't women join HC statics????" and (You) being one of the culprits yourself. Don't be throwing stones in glass houses.

>ESL faggot
Yet, I see lots of ESLs speaking better English than half of you hicks.
Can you communicate to thread on why you spam like a hundred YouTube links every day?
>Communication goes a long way
And you've gone nowhere
Does it matter to you?
my penta...
If i was a shameless modbeast and not a tos abiding subscriber I would totally get into MMD animation ffxiv mods (i used to mmd a lot when i was younger and not just slapping on things people already made)
my fiera woke up to this song

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i am
a femra
who received genuine praise for playing well
I am unable to handle it and keep thinking about it...
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As a thread regular who has to md5 all of your images to get rid of the spam, yes, yes it does. And don't dodge the question.
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>someone posts a garuda
>YouTube link spam is ok
>one person posts a few links per thread
>this is literally a crime against humanity
don't understand you fellas desu
putting a kitten in this cute cc caller
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*teleports behind you*
it's raping time
You did such a good job, I'm proud of you
Yea so the timeline is somewhat as follows (memory recall):

P1: AoE; octa/quad; picto; resolves octa/q; snakes1/dog1; manifold; aoe again; fourfold: octa/quad; then dog1/snakes1 (opposite), and more or less repeat

P2: AoE, tankbusters, na1, aoe, hc1, aoe, ld
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OMG SISTERS im in this one! How are we all doing tonight crystalkeks? Are you seething yet at the aether shep summer bash even after your failed attempt to steal our spotlight with a terrible meetup? We got the entire discord crew right rn (theres a couple of new uglies but its ok we have their data now if they try anything stupid~ we know your plans crystal) *AHEM* can we all appreciate once again even after all the attempts by crystal to shitpost us and bring us down with the bigoted asmongol coming to our DC. My viera is looking SO FUCKIN GOOD RN *BAAAAAAA*

||Quick blogiepost, my onlyfans for my viera has taken off and ive been getting some donations from pathetic aether males LOL. I should have enough money for a new mic on the 14th since my racist pos dad ( fuck off dad i hate you) broke my mic instead of giving it back to me. the date is on sisters~||
We just hate you in particular, Unnamed Neko@Jenova.
honestly i prefer whatever this guy is doing over the filename embeds that were popular a year ago
QRD on Tali?
neither is ok althougheverbeit
my favorite poster
you dog shit melanin skin toned monkeys need to stop queueing and ruining my win streak
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why is every femlala like this
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i logged in
i cleared it like a million times because i was glam farming it but the party disbanded while i went to go pee so thats over with i guess
idk, mine isnt tho
>Tali self report
biggest schizo, basically.
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>20 minutes per run
Bro why cant i unsync this
i was gonna afk in lb14 but my friend asked to do something so you're saved from seeing my ugly character for a while longer..
>LTG is in queue
im heading over
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it would be cool if this game wasnt archaic and people could queue for multiple servers duty finders from their own server and idk an incentive to help new servers with their queues
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Marriage with the intention of procreation with Ryne!
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Probably whatever I'm on because I honestly got really drunk tonight and have no clue what I'm doing.
On the one hand, it wasn't about that but on the other I've had an interest in F/F+ in my search comment for years...
you're that x1000
do the cc lalas mind if i uoh
stinky smelly
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>check that gear is updated
>save the gear set
>double check that glam is applied and gear set is saved
>Instant portrait reverted to default. Current appearance and/or gear does not match that shown in portrait.
I'm getting radicalised here
Luci seems a lot of fun but Versusia gets a lot of points for me aesthetically. Not as many as Vira, but... closer. Also a nice chance to branch out into a sort-of-zoner.
because it's soul
ummm what do u mean? dont u like ur second chance points and poetics? maybe even some bluetomes?
>this nigga on my team
free win whether you're drunk or not bro
So do you want to fuck the futa or be fucked by one?
she's 16
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half naked femras
real shit. I miss gaming with the material cat but i just cant be asked to travel there bro
It will be 10 minutes less of my soul if i can beat it up with 730 gear
i liked your middie more.
stop calling me that
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out of 10!
Me from the top and a lalabro from the right.
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IMO Luci has the better memes.
7 win streak gone to a garbage ass player, autopiloting trash with fucking wifi pressing the same buttons hoping i die
honestly I really wanted to enjoy variant dungeons.
I do like the riddle solving aspect and trying to figure out all of the paths on my own.
but the trash packs and bosses take way too fucking long.
I thought this would be because I was doing it solo (I didn't want path spoilers) but doing it with some friends took forever too.
16 out of 10
women have this body irl. its not just a gooner's fantasy body
Now post her as a moonie
I love Ryne's fertile body so much ToT
mr brappy is the best of all the xivstreamers
I don't want to boost their ego
I hate GERD
I have one cup of lapsang souchong and my stomach/throat hurts for the rest of the day
That's definitely not Tali.
sex with the grown man playing this femra irl
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We like this.
no they don't, 3d women suck
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anon, she's legal in most states
Would let her do anything to my sunnie
move the tail NOW
Too bad for you bro
I recommend just stealing a bottle of ezomeprasole from walmart those work well as a 2 week treatment for a while
Tums just do not fucking work
>no they don't
american detected
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Yuri sexing this cat
I want to lick Proxy’s fulala cock so bad…
Move the tail into my mouth NOW
You need permission from the parents. Imagine asking a girls parents to have sex with her at 16 as a grown man lol.
What are good flower beds to gpose near out in the world?
Does anyone on primal wanna do some roulettes?
Good morning Leviah
anything that is a hydrangea, they are the best flower
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The federal age of consent is 18 which means marriage wouldnt be recognized by law in any state.
Of course America is so backwards that these laws are often ignored for the sake of "religious freedoms" so that mormons can fuck multiple twelve year olds in their honest to god cult camps
skibidi skibidi skibidi
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my femra is like this with moonies
ok sure
>"hey thancred can I bone ryne"
>"yeah man you literally saved the universe"
>but if you call these dudes creeps they'll start crying and sobbing and throwing up
it's open on the back too anon
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That's pretty unsanitary...
Who are you? I'm on leviathan
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I have one I didnt go with. Hows this?
Hypno lalas..
mheg, and the SB zenos area one.
Lolifags deserve prison time
Esomeprazol doesn't work. Lansoprazol doesn't work. Omeprazol doesn't work. Even novaluzid doesn't give temporary relief. It's fucking hell.
My moonie will collar you and keep you submissive
I really want more p8 weapons, but i've only cleared twice..
sorry, there's just not enough actually wearable outfits for that body type
consider your ears bitten
i love krabby patties, spongebob!!!
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I'm the biggest schizo now? wow...
holy MOLY
Love em
a non-descript femra, i can put up a pf tho
may I sex?
If no meds work you have a fucking ulcer dood.
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no... i'll escape...

my femra is very wily and clever...
>everybody that wants to meet me is a sexpest
I'm tired, sisters. I just wanted some silly little friends to play the game with, not have to play along with cringe highschool-tier flirting.
File deleted.
Oh no Ryne spilled milk on herself.
She's so clumsy haha!
i'm a trans chuddy
Weekend femwaa
my femra is wild, and pure, and forever free
LL post
caller is in a match
same, it's tough for pf since you cant skip much of p2 but what can you do
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Missionary, with the lights off, under a duvet while holding hands, as God intended.
I need to spill my milk on her and inside her
why the FUCK do I need to wait 90 days after character creation to move to another world? Dynamis is absolute dogshit, I want out NOW.
tell him to hurry up
that's kinda inconsiderate of them
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honestly not bad for only a few attempts
if you notice, the arm lags a bit behind do to the minor inertia acting on it
you're really good tho man
Age of consent means she has the capabilities to consent to sex on her own
I agree.
Not really a creep, just stating facts.
They do https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Handley
The real issue is that they even bothered to engage with the stupid argument of "She's 16"

She's not real, her age means nothing because it's not relevant. She's a fictional character and I could decide right now that the version of her I want to fuck looks and acts the exact same but is also 40 years old and it changes nothing.

Even stooping to the level of trying to justify why the character's age is okay is already losing because you're trying to argue with a toddler who cannot distinguish between reality and fiction by pretending the fictional thing is real.
Those are beautiful but I don't think I've ever seen them outside of studio houses. I got no friends so I can't really use them unless I break in at night.
>areas outside of hw+sb
I really should buy the game eventually...
Thanks but god my reactions are slow. Managing to get carried most of the time.
Both have happened but I'm 100% sub so take your guess as to which happens more often...
>holding hands
they have to EB me first if they want such degeneracy

i legit have LESS faith in p2 groups than p1 because of the big deeps, you can easily drag 1-2 people into p2, but p2 has bodychecks
stop drinking bwo
If over the counter stuff doesnt work you gotta see your doctor and have him recommend a specialist.
Gerd can progress to esophageal cancer through years of not being treated.
Better to handle it now than to suffer the chances.
ok its up pass is 6182
Oh sorry are you Galford today?
Surely, there are better hypno pictures
i think thats a me thing not an all women thing
why don't you just ask someone to make one for you
there are probably people with a decorative itch that they want to scratch here, and rooms/houses to do it with
Sorry i had to take my dog out, I can't get on right now though to learn the difference between gooning or sex i will pay your sub though
met with jazz didntcha
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i don't give a flying fuck how "legal" it would be if she was real. none of that would stop me from wanting to pin her down and make a teenage mother out of her
I want to do lewd pics with your femra
oh also its up as expert
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That was a very long game
she's definitely met with one of the Jazz (dunno which one is the schizomaker)
Cool so you admit you're a pedophile
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you will be kept in your prison realm for your heresy
My roast beef looks like this
You're not me!
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>but is also 40 years old and it changes nothing.
half of the people spamming her ITT would stop liking her
MORE so i can cum
You can't. Swishing tails deflect all sex
Tested negative for the whatever the ulcer-causing bacterium is called, so my doc refuses to believe that it's an ulcer. I just want to be able to drink tea/coffee without pain, man.
prison realm aka between Val's thighs.
well the mch was cheating lmfao, immune to all forms of cc, even meteodrive, and never dropped sprint. Imagine still losing while doing all that
i hope whatever you have kills you, faggot
stop being lewd, no more lewd next thread
I'm about to play Stellaris for the first time any tips
pedophilia doesn't work that way, ryne is sexually developed
Thanks, me too.
it would be cool if they did bonus xp for it
understandable they made it super annoying even when im on na i cant be bothered dc travelling
My reaction to that
https://litter.catbox.moe/1rfkjk.png Made you look
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"pedophilia is bad!" They say in the most accepting pedophile website next to fucking ATF
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So post lewd catbox art with the CC calls too then? Got it.
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post your civics and all that
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my sunnie looks like this
Hope that argument holds up in court, bud
You're gonna be overwhelmed with info, take it slow, read stuff, expect to fuck up stuff and try to learn something every run
I don't understand this image. Most mammals have swollen mammary glands when pregnant or after pregnancy in order to facilitate a means of feeding their young. This image seems to indicate that she has produced enough breast milk to fill up a liter yet she wastes it by drinking it back up? That's deeply confusing and seems wasteful as breast milk contributes to healthy newborn growth compared to processed milk, which may contain unregulated chemicals and metals that may harm the child's health. This is a horrible 16 year old mother.
It is femlala friday, and I have a femlala licking my lalaboy.
Anyone wanna...
download the lustful void mod
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>age of consent discussion
Guys, stop trying to justify your pedophilia here. Ryne and Gaia are fucking underage.
>pin her down and make a teenage mother...
Stop subjecting the fetish with your rape fetish. You should be in fucking jail for these disgusting thoughts.

Mr. Yappy is boring to watch. Sure, he has some based takes, but he's goes on mile-long rants that I really give 0 shits about.

Your thighs look like a turkey crawled up your ass and stayed there.

>LB 14
None. They're all terminally online schizos.
Any allin putas in the chat?
please put your fucking trip back on
ryne's holes are for _______ sex
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ok so im not insane, they frame 1 cleansed like 4 of my raijus, and there were even times where i tried to wait out their purify and they didnt get cc'd anyways. if they were cheating and still lost holy fuck they suck.

ty for the games sis
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>dodo horn is in hundred thousands price
korea has fallen
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hot. name of outfit?
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Install this mod first https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8719-stellaris-lustful-void/
my wife
Hydrangea are the best plant and are very easy to setup in a garden
>Guys, stop trying to justify your pedophilia here. Ryne and Gaia are fucking underage.
Like that kid you groomed?
Skipping cutscenes, how long would it take for me to beat DT? I'm tapped out on the plot after Endwalker.
QRD on Magness? I wanted to befriend her but some anon told me to stay away from her.
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>>age of consent discussion
>Guys, stop trying to justify your pedophilia here
I'm not a pedo, I was just stating facts.
what's their name?
i wish someone would groom my femlala
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nobody remembers allin tuta it's sad it's very sad
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Weird how furries never seethe this hard when they get called out for being furries.
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As you wish.
>Your thighs look like a turkey crawled up your ass and stayed there.
Whoever made that post the other day about ESLs saying shit like "Your father is a dog's leg" really hit the nail on the head.
Depends, is Venus in retrograde? Have you completed your taichi practice for today? The answer for your question depends on how you answer those two.
>holding hands
They'd best be EB'd first, that's scandalous otherwise
Fuck, it's over...
i'm not gonna log back in to check, plus unless i have actual evidence of them cheating and not just "well i think this is what happened" i'm not going to witch hunt them either
Skipping cutscenes would take you like 10-15 hours with a good third of that being level 91 quests
Are you a woman (not a tranny)? If not, you're safe.
*flicks your forehead*
I dunno but I'm skipping out on every cutscene in endwalker post msq. It's just so mindnumbingly boring. I'll skip through DT as well if it's boring too.
I dont know this question can I get a different one...I already failed your monhun weapon question
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I am a femra thats learning my ebs native language
my wife (by proxy)
nice hairline
Be a straight man piloting a fiddie and you will be fine.
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Resist all you want. Ryne will continue to be lewded.
Outfit link? boots too that's a reall cute getup
*opens laptop*
Okay, describe what kind of wife you're after in Final Fantasy XIV...
Weskalber is a retard, that is all.
how do I make gifs
how do I make webms
how do I make videos
tell me
I don't really have the option to /tell people and besides I can't offer them anything. It would feel like I'm mooching off them.
I did find these nice flower fields near Kugane and Wineport but nothing that high fidelity. My illegal version of photoshop can be spotty with how many modern editing tools are available to me so its difficult to scrap together some ingame flowers and make them appear natural near my wol.
you better be certain that things will last or it better at least be a useful/interesting language
anyone at lb14 want to do a cs skip msq roulette?
I enjoy this cat and their taste.
We already had a month of QRD spam on people
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where woober
I can't resist Ryne
she's pure sex
But are you a moonie that needs to be petted?
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Why don’t you ask me ingame? I’m not up for a personal conversation in thread.
Same. What I would do to have sex with her.
femdom wife, likes making me kiss her feet
if his team inted him for cheating then that's based
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breathing the fresh air at lb14
may my male character smooch and then plap
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They are? That's good. I'll keep that in mind once I sub. You can use apartments to create large floral studios right? Or do you explicitly need a garden from a home to create flower decor?
My eyes burn
Is schizomaker what we call people who makes the schizo chimp out in the thread over them?
How do you skip it?
I do not post my moonie normally but is there any EU niggas online?
bui zu...
Our whm got the achievement for first CC game.
hector should make guides for dragonsong reprise and the omega protocol
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Blessed Ryne thread
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threesome with these sisters
Maybe thats the thread meaning, but for me is the one that turns glowie schizos into full blown ones
This dishonor will not go unpunished. k

Once I log in, I'm gonna use this hairline to headbutt your character.
saw you at the pier together so i dont need to ask
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I finished my gpose image set today
Post more Ryne
She's perfect
There is the easy hydrangea garden item that is a hydrangea bush, but you can also grow them in pots for interiors while using a colour formulae
I fell to the darkness and made my first slutmog.....
how many mornings are there in a day
Insane AST
i would rape ryne so hard
You can't just do thighlander thirstpostings on a friday.. or can you..
i am online
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your hair is ruining it desu
id still plap his cat (in game)
if someone says mog or toon i add them to the na blacklist
please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
Time to blacklist him and stalk pvp linkshells to see who else disappears.
holy moly
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Ryne is our blessing.
wanna do something since am bored champs
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Very well, after consulting my handy compendium of esoteric questions, I've come up with these two to ask in lieu of the previous ones:
1. It's the first month of UFO defense, you've entered a terror mission and the first enemy encountered is a chryssalid. What do you do next?
2. How many unladened swallows would it take to transport a 1998 dodge caravan at least one meter?
... this is the glam I suggested the other day. But that was to a femra. Did you fanta too? Be on Balmung and EB me.
Also, I LOVE the hair.
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>openly admits to wanting to rape Ryne (a minor) and impregnate her, if she was real
>wants to force Ryne to be a teenage mother
I'm very certain the state will think otherwise.
You can lay off the copium.

Ikr. It's almost like a mental illness.
Post gay shit? Call /actual/ pedophiles out? People seethe.
It's like what I said about Sfia. Don't toss stones in glass houses.

Seethe. You know I'm right. Your FemRa is nothing, but what gets your rocks off.

And I'll keep calling you a pedophile. Rightfully so.
the moogles..
what is there to do at this time of night
you can just ask in the thread
there are plenty of people lacking inspiration in their own homes
Why did you do it https://files.catbox.moe/7yqj0z.jpg
Blonde ryne or orange ryne?
OH... MY...........gosh~.... DID Tee-Ay, A.K.A Taleee Arlays meet with Stacey at James' House?.... *Jaw drops* I... I.... I can't believe it, i gotta tell EVERYONE on MySpace about that fufufufufu~
Good. I specifically say things you don't like to keep you from interacting with me.
>brute bomber was a red mage that got sick of being a verjanitor
>started juicing and beating people up
>I'm very certain the state will think otherwise.
>You can lay off the copium.
Nigger that was another person
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nice highlander
the leggings do not mix with the top and hands
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we need guides like this
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HAHAHAHAHAHA You transphobes got wrekt
my sexy wife...
before I give my answers. African or European swallow?
only ballin' futas here, anon. sorry
You're all the same god damn person to me. Twisted and sick in the head.
Really rocking that outfit, Wook Lmaot
I hate Hyper but this is a kind of amazing picture and I can laugh at it at least. The boob posing and everything.
What do you think having sex with ryne is like?
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Get on the Skyranger and fucking leave month one you'd never be able to handle Chryssalids without bringing three tons of high ex.
Wait, what were these questions for?
>1 hour ago
I'm not watching your video Anon
I'm about to fall asleep because I drank a bit and I'm a lightweight...
Hey thanks! Hope you have a nice Friday night!
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glorious but it's a little distracting with thancred listening from the other side of the door
You have Ryne full nude?
holy fuck the chinks are eating good
>63k subscribers
>Thinks it's me
Because you're afraid the video will expose you Wuk Lamat haters for the transphobes you are.
depends anons, you nwanna do roulettes to pass the time? ive done em all but need somethin to do
I literally get drunk after half a can of caeser
magness cucked again..
holy kino
The butt cape has the lighter grey that matches the top alright.
I do agree with the hand gear.
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What did you call me
>consider your ears bitten
officially my favorite femra in the thread
May I see it? I wish to start collecting Ryne pics.
no but you wanna do em or what bro
I like it alot, its a nice beachy one
I preferred blonde Ryne desu
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How should *I* know that? Answer the damn question!
Correct! Brazil can go fuck itself
>Wait, what were these questions for?
{Don't worry about it.}
No thanks I'm going to be cya!
good evening my wife wookie feet i hope you are feeling better
Every straight man with taste does.
what am i supposed to do launch xivlauncher thru steam? do i have to redownload the entire game if my free trial was from the SE site?
Again, I'm not one of the chomos here. I was just stating facts.
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Glad you still like it.
Though I think it's still stupidly oversized for a mod unless the maker made a downscaled one.
i am going to fucking explode
You check the box that says "launch with steam"
more what
sunnie ultra griplock
i wanna say its sealia but im not sure
can you repair the game without losing all modded files?
@ me when these jungle fuckers stop queueing in CC tonight, im done
It doesn't need to
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Last call for me, if someone wants to take over.
Game is saved, content creators are finally defending Dawntrail from you ignorant fuckers
>tranny shit talking Brazil
Oh dear...
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nah its totally the right size for a tall race
is it me
Unnamed Neko
>modded dance
>half naked
WE LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Surely theres an eu nigga out there..
The duality of man

I am neither the person you talked to or on Balmung

yeah I agree, I also forgot to adjust the rings. Might switch to some nice gloves....
gt giving me dr pizza vibes
Why are you installing mods with textools?
hi anon how are you
yeah im roping those thighs right now
No I mean filesize wise. In Mare that singular outfit reaches 1gb. As for scale, I think the tits could be bigger.


Now that Dawntrail is saved with the defense of trans folks finally can you people stop sending Sena death threats? You people are weird as fuck
why not
>not on Balmung
Transfers are open. EB me.
Anon please, it's a reference to a decades old shitpost image
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Is rumbly card queuing
also tell me what hair would make it better in your opinion
How about you talk about the game instead, fag?
I wouldn't know, i'm 19 years old.
like will it delete my mod folder and my shader folder
Bless you. Is there any more of this or that’s it?
>file size 668Mb to share on mare...
its over...
your right though.. and bigger? nooo
more sphene for next thread please
The eu niggas who are awake at this time are all playing on na
t. eu nigga on na
I would say you are right but my experience has told me you are wrong
busting to that cleavage
yea that was it
those boots"?
no u
>censoring the image in a catbox
those are the level 89 redmage shoes babe...
I'm not installing C+. I will not see your modbeast.
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This is good.
you know, anon. as someone who prefers the vanilla proportions.. i did not consider this.. maybe i should uninstall it and just lie saying "i dont know it doesnt work anymore"

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