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Spanking Frenchmen edition.

Previous thread: >>493334983

>Nebulous Fleet Command
Nebulous: Fleet Command Devlog 35: Strike Package: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA1_SUYpvco
>Galactic Civilizations IV
GalCiv 4 Dev Journal #67, Plan your Research: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1357210/view/4328605968622370115
>Distant Worlds 2
Distant Worlds 2: Return of the Shakturi dlc dev log 1: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1531540/view/4571804614864059548
>Airschips: Conquer the Skies
Airships: Conquer the Skies, update 1.2.7. :https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/342560/view/6464437551375326994
>Sins of a Solar Empire II
Sins of a Solar Empire II, v28.10 Update Notes: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/4611210477261139745
>Dune: Spice Wars
DUNE: Spice Wars, community update #3: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1605220/view/4344369662289739605
Civ 7 releases 11th of February 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK_JrrP9m2U
>Sins of a Solar Empire II
TEC spotlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8mBx6udZuA
>Distant Worlds 2
Return of the Shakturi stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2234442117
Dev Journal 7, Sound Design: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/4263306772078106748

== Pastebins ==
Alpha Centauri (new 14/06/22): https://pastebin.com/QgEvG3ET
Free and open source games pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8nRQckSN
Stellaris: https://pastebin.com/hPfrhazx https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Stellaris_Wiki
Stellaris DLC guide: https://rentry.org/STDLC384
Endless Space 2 + Endless Legend: https://pastebin.com/yu57huWm
Civilization: https://pastebin.com/eeL9tyaW
/cbg/: https://pastebin.com/ZSLVg9kT
Workers & Resources: https://pastebin.com/XaWF8mE6
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>playing Endless Legend
>still trying to win as Broken Lords with a Sisters of Mercy spawn nearby for roleplay
>got a spawn with fucking EIGHT SoM villages in adjascent regions
>have conquered the entirety of my home continent, 4 other empires were assimilated into my cutegirl harem
>only one of them managed to escape by founding a city on the transitional island between continents, too much of a hassle at that moment to wipe out, gonna probably have to tho
>two of the three remaining empires on the other continent declared war on me
>so far no one has set foot on my lands, I guess it's just a sea-war. Which sucks because the cultist has basically full control of the oceans with high damage high health ships I can't match
>have to match it with pure overwhelming numbers from production and dust buy outs
>want to go for an econ victory, but that means I'm going to need 2m dust generated
>haven't begun the snowball yet cause I haven't finished the main quest, but am on the final steps
>fucking quest is such bullshit it gives me locations on the other side of the fucking map constantly
>as long as the cultist doesn't run away with the game or snipe my victory I should be able to pull the win
>want dust, but am also basically set up for expansion or supremacy should I need to take those
>pic semi-rel. My last run where I had a good spawn. This city looked so fucking cool bros. My cities this time don't look as good, but they're based cause I managed to build several world wonders and focus each of the three mains on different thing, prod, sci, and dust (though I have a better dust one nearby)
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Why did the last thread die?
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Oh hell.
So, the wonder in Age of Mythology Retold? It triggers a secret Age that gives massive bonuses to all mythic units, among other things.
Too much computer game playing and not enough thread bumping
Because nobody was (You)ing my blogposts about EL
I'm sorry. I'll try harder. I've got like four games on the go right now. That Human campaign in Distant Stars 2 went totally off the rails, and now I don't know if I should switch to something else or not
Sorry, I was too busy playing Rogue trader
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Good morning.
>Rogue Trader
Interesting. I was thinking about coming around for another pass on that one. I liked WotR quite a lot, despite not normally liking fantasy stuff
Good day to you, anon
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The boys fully kitted out with helmets and chainmail going on a bandit killing adventure
Or in other words, everyone gets drunk and raids the next village over
thanks for the info
the point about livestock is kind retarded, bu how the fuck do you take out a horse from livestock trader
for example, I ordered two horses for the stable next to the trader, but one went to another stable entirely and now I can put the two back together

also on that note, the manor itself can only be built with village level two, I rushed to level 3 because of the baker and now I can't build it anymore, lmao

also regarding, having more than one market so you can supply further houses
will the shop builders distribute themselves to supply the markets or you pretty much have to build everything again on the other neighborhood?
>also on that note, the manor itself can only be built with village level two, I rushed to level 3 because of the baker and now I can't build it anymore, lmao
Never happend to me before. It should unlock with level 2 and you can build it whenever you feel like it. You sure you got all the necessary resources?

>will the shop builders distribute themselves to supply the markets or you pretty much have to build everything again on the other neighborhood?
I think they fill up the first market, then the second an so on
So if you want to fill up the entire region you should use multiple small markets
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Finally got some news from Foundation, Devlog #19: https://steamcommunity.com/games/690830/announcements/detail/4606707511976429601?snr=2___
Was too busy flirting.
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You know, I liked this game at first, but my appreciation for it is growing. These Vanguard have some really cool units. The art style is almost like original Battlestar Galactica or something. Quite nice
Thanks bro
You're making me want to play EL again, that's for sure
With who~?
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Should I get Distant Stars or Astral planes?
Also are any of the species packs worth it?
Imo lithoids are pretty fun but theyre all mostly just flavor, nothing too different mechanics wise
Yeah the missions are pretty decent too. Sadly they threw it all away on AoW4
That must be their cash cow. Is it the same gameplay in the AoW games?
American girl.
It's basically the same as Planetfall. The main difference is that all factions have been pretty much replaced by RNG generated traits, similar to something like Stellaris.
No. I play as an ugly bastard sorta character.
You're not my type, sorry.
You don't spank hard enough.
Crimelord/Operative? I liked the look of some kind of fanatical priest character also
>Never happend to me before
aw yeah, it had a big red text but I was able to build it anyway

>So if you want to fill up the entire region you should use multiple small markets
ahh I see, that's helpful to know, terribly inefficient to micro tho
but I'll try it out

here is my current hubble, I found the design to just spread along a road to be more efficient regarding backyards, I just had to micro small plots for artisans with neighboring farming plots on their back

currently struggling like hell with the livestock trader to get the animals where they need to be
but besides that I was hoping to expand southwards on that main road over there, but I guess that no chance of that now
I'm more of a sci-fi fag anyway, so this is probably the one for me. Planetfall has a very relaxing flow to it once you get in the groove. Total War always makes me wanna pause and plan out every little move even though I know it's not supposed to be played that way
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Planetfall I really like since it's on the more pulpy and fantastical side of space sci-fi. It's an aesthetic you don't see that much anymore.
Tower of Monsters? I liked that one.
>Spanking Frenchmen
spanked frenchman?
that's spiderfag
>peak roman degeneracy
no game to portray that yet?
Everything in VII looks great except this civ switching which ruins it.
Town are cool, events are cool, buildings per tile is cool, but the core premise of the game was ruined
Yeah, it does, really, but all the stuff about the Star Union makes me think that stories back in the 50s or 60s would have been set in this golden age, not the post-Cataclysm stuff we get these days. It's weird that we're living in even more of a golden age materially but have such a vastly more bleak outlook
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>hahaha marines are shit
Yeah well make 10 of them and upgrade them to the max and see if they're still shit.

I fucking love that game. Even if both Bungie and Ensemble Studios (its dev) disliked it, I really love it.
They got out-woked by Humankind. Now they'll look like a bunch of dinosaurs if they don't follow suit
Humankind won the cultural victory.
>not a kid
Not peak degeneracy then
CK2 with sex mods
Skyrim with sex mods
>scratch my back with a sword
So anyway, which Hegemony should I get?
I fucked a vampire in the shower in the Sims, but I guess that's not really the same thing
>I fucked a vampire in the shower
>in the Sims
>rimworld without sex mods
what did he mean by this?

nope, I mean more like if someone made a game about the Sparta series
Old World sort of gets a little bit of that vibe tho
>what did he mean by this?
Exactly that - Rimworld has mucho sex mods that encompas probably every fetish out there except scat and piss.
With animations, headiffs, items, memes, ideologies etc.
nighty night
Anyone here still play HoI4? I've been playing some MP games with my friends. Recently got kind of obsessed with the air designer. Been theorycrafting scout planes and stuff, I wanna try the unarmed kind as UK maybe. USA unfortunately starts too far away to do much with this, even with max fuel tanks etc.
Also messing around with heavy fighters. I want to do medium naval patrol/bombers but you have to make them technically heavy fighters or tac bombers (tac bombers is just worse I think though, since the bomb bay kind of shittifies the hull by adding a bunch of weight and fucking up one mission type). So i have these weird 1.25 air superiority giving "heavy fighter" flying boats with torps, a2g radar, and fuel tanks...
Does anyone know if having bad air defense significantly negatively impacts losses during naval strike/port strike?
/gsg/ is general you want.
Woops, thanks anon.
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Your experience inspired me to play then cursed me, the city it wanted me to capture for the later quest was the Cultist capital and they already had begun to snowball on another continent so I was just fucked. I feel like that's a bit much.
Ara in 2 weeks. Is that a 4x game?
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>12% unemployment
>companies complaining about not enough labor
there's no fixing this
welcome to real life
I still have that Age of Decadence on my to-play list. It might fit the bill. I played the beginning of that Colony Ship game they made afterwards and it seemed good
Good luck over there. They're going through a tumultuous period at the moment. You can get some good air war shit going on to test ideas if you play on historical and try to win the Battle of Britain as Germany. Or the Germany/USSR conflict. I think heavy fighters make more sense in large air zones. Now that they have those manufacturing concerns it limits some of the options. For instance, Germany doesn't have a manufacturer for large airframes, so they don't get any specific bonuses for them. Kinda lame
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Good night.
Gn, anon. I'll watch the hood, you watch the skies
Play strategy games
And stay off page 10. That's the wrong side of the tracks
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And rethink your strategy.
did they have a run-in with skin bandits or something?
gsg died
god paradox games suck
anyways i've been playing old world blues and i'm now totally done just uninstalled, what an annoying shitshow of front micromanagement
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Nope. They met my Vikings.
AI kept spamming slingers. Slingers fare terribly against berzerks and shieldbearers.
AoD's in the stack for my favorite RPGs ever but there's not really any decadence or degeneracy to be had. Without spoiling anything (Since this is revealed extremely early on, maybe even before entering the game proper) the age of decadence would've been before the game since the game is post-apocalyptic

Might start a new planet in Planetfall tonight. Got a headache and running a fever but that sounds pretty good. I did finish up my one test game of AoW4 and even though there were a few aspects I liked about it, I think Planetfall's better in almost every way now. I think maybe the single largest thing I liked in AoW4 over Planetfall was the cap on cities and heroes you can control, since I appreciate them feeling special rather than feeling like you aren't playing right if you aren't carpeting the entire map in cities. The alternate victory conditions in empire mode in Planetfall can help alleviate that since it can force your attention down a certain path, but you aren't always offered planets with alternate victory conditions. I know at least some secret techs have alternate wincons so maybe those are fine for turtling and then winning with fire or xenoplague or whatever
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>hyperfixated on shitlaris and played for 7 hours straight
i fucking hate myself
>Age of Decadence
>no decadence
Damn, they really threw me a curve ball on that one. What, does Colony Ship actually take place entirely at a daycare? It's interesting they went in that direction. There was this game called Vagrus that I was looking at which does the same thing - Roman Empire reestablishing itself in a post-apoc setting. I was thinking about it a little more and I guess it's present in New Vegas also. So I guess we can thank Chris Avellone for that, which brings us back to the subject of Italian degeneracy
Yea the quest is kinda bullshit
Every time it told me to conquer a city, the following step said "in this region go to the temple"
And it gives me a location nowhere fucking near the region it's supposed to be in
Anyways, finally just won my game. This time felt somewhat easier than the others, probably because I was more experienced
Last thing I did, and I managed to time it perfectly by complete accident with the final turn of the game, was defeat the cultist. He had total control of the eastern oceans the entire game. I countered this by going west lol. I carved through a different empire (who declared war on ME) just to reach the cultist capital with my entire military force (6 full army stacks with decent unit variety, all with heros, and all 5 guardians)
As I approached the city, I saw that he still had about twice as many units as I did. I literally counted and it was my 59 vs. His roughly 100, not accounting for others who might have been off screen. Still, the final set of battles was really fun. I basically baited him into attacking my frontliners, who had heros with double reinforcements, and used the first round of those to call in all of my guardians at once. Despite him throwing everything he had at me, I was able to clear armies left and right, I believe I only lost about 5 units total, whereas I cleared almost all of his entire military over the course of 6 or 7 battles.
It felt very good, considering this faction had killed a couple of my runs in the past, but I didn't exactly need to do it
I would have snowballed to victory in time even without leaving my home continent at all, still, it was a fun set of fights even though they were very easy. Felt good to finally steamroll something. I'm not sure I would be ready to up the difficulty, this is only the second actual game I've won.
>7 hours
I piss 7 hours in Shitlaris for breakfast
>Colony Ship
Yeah I also have that on my wishlist, first I've heard of this one though,
they really look decent tactical rpgs, but unfortunately i just can't seem to get into these games anymore
shit, just as I thought i even have the game already in my library
Someone else mentioned Rogue Trader ITT and I've been playing it again. I think they homebrewed this system, but it's similar in a lot of ways to their Pathfinder stuff. It's funny to talk so much about CRPGs in this general, but honestly there can be a lot of similarities with RPGs. This tactical combat stuff is like, extremely zoomed in strategy stuff. Then in these Owlcat games for example, they blend in the strategic management stuff as this really good context for the fights. Do you or find you can't get into the gameplay aspect, or the story aspect?
Vagrus is one I've had on my wishlist for a while. Looks neat, just haven't gotten around to it yet

Definitely wouldn't recommend AoD or Colony Ship as a tactical RPG. AoD you only ever play/control a single character (Once in a while you might have allies but they're AI controlled and it's not all that common) and CS you can have a party but I wouldn't call it all that tactical since most encounters are in pretty small areas so there isn't usually much to consider. The main tactical point in each is deciding which type of attack to use and remembering to use consumables because they're very important in both games. That may or may not be a plus for you, but the flip side is they both lean toward brutal combat. In AoD you can EVENTUALLY become a combat god (If you focus extremely heavily on combat. AoD's a game that rewards focused character building) but it's hard to get there, and CS I'm not sure if you can do so or if you can only git gud via cheese. Of the two I loved AoD and didn't really like CS, though

Never played Rogue Trader in tabletop but yeah, from what I've read they massively changed almost everything about the system for the CRPG. And yeah like you mentioned there's a good deal of overlap with strategy games and RPGs in general, especially what with D&D originally being spun off as a small scale wargame and all. In fact I still haven't started up Planetfall since I was continuing a Darkest Dungeon 2 run. Rogue Trader the CRPG's definitely closer to a tactical RPG though, and it is a fun game if you like 40k
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Play Ancestor legacy (please).
I swear the hex grid thing is just a meme that caught on. All these years I thought it was used because there were more adjacent tiles to each other than with squares until I actually counted the angles (including diagonals). Either way it's an arbitrary division. Might as well go with the option that allows for more variability. Although I guess pic rel does show the advantage of hexes over larger areas, but probably they aren't used at that scale as often
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If a square grid was good enough for War of the Monsters in 1992, it should have been good enough for you too, Sid Meier, you fucking communist
Maybe. I like the gore
One time I was sitting around thinking about Chess, and I was like, wouldn't it be cool if you rolled dice to determine the outcome of the attacks. I started planning it all out and thinking about the rules and then I realized that was essentially D&D. That's how stupid I am
Things in nature are more often round than square
It's easier to make good looking landscapes with a hex grid
Also squares are boring
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I guess they both have their advantages
But they could be using this octagonal grid. 12 direction movement from the major tiles and 4 directions from the minor tiles. We could call the square tiles 'liminal tiles'. The zoomers will love it. How's that for boring?
Why would you just be able to jump over the squares? What's their purpose, then?
I was thinking about that. You could probably come up some different ideas. If it was a Civ kinda thing, those tiles could provide some sort of upgrade function for the major tiles that are adjacent to them, but then, movement-wise, they could be circumvented. I'm not sure any of this makes sense. I might be delerious
Decided to try the new(ish) Master of Orion. I have no nostalgia for the old MOOs, but it seems fine so far. Like a lower-budget Endless Space 1.
Maybe if it was combat related, certain abilities/classes could use them in some way to bypass opportunity attacks. Or only certain types of units can move to them or bypass them
>new(ish) Master of Orion
That's called Distant Worlds
If politicians and economists can't figure it out (at least not without importing low wage immigrants), what makes you think gamers or game devs can?
The solution would probably be to force people to take jobs and employers to take workers at gunpoint, followed by walling off the border to prevent escapes from your now-totalitarian shithole, but the question is how realistic would that be?
I don't think the new master of orion was low budget. The voiced leaders and news robots are not cheap to create. I do suggest to play with the balance patch mod and maybe the 5x mod too. They fix a lot of things, improve the ai, and add a few things to the game.
It's pretty realistic, since we already have North Korea.
Having the option to imrpove vocational training should also help more unemployed people find work elsewhere. Not every unemployed person can fit in any job opening either to do training or just life related stuff.
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>it actually can work
>in small pseudo-feudal countries with barely any electricity outside of its capital
Don't die you silly thread.
>Ardent mage faction quest ends with them discovering how to huff enough dust to become virtual without understanding the science behind it
Coming from ES2 first this is pretty kino. Also, is ES1 worth looking at? I never hear anyone talk about it.
I played it. But I didn't want to bother with autistic combat, so it turned into a visual novel where you also need to save up some skill up points for future road blocks. Also, story would sometimes slightly break down due to your choice, at least imo.
Overall, I liked the story and atmosphere but gameplay was not for me.
ancestors legacy?
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>AoD's a game that rewards focused character building
can you get by being sneak and cunning or avoiding combat altogether?
duh, finally realizing what everyone else knew?
>but probably they aren't used at that scale as often
Old World

plus its also better for flanking mechanics
East-Germany was a thing.
Also you just described Berlin wall.
Tried Northguard.
I don't get it, someone please help.
Haven't ever been able to get into it, sorry, can't help
I didn't get far enough but I heard from other anons that basically it's just too simplistic in the wrong places and too complicated in the wrong other ways
Basically the game mechanics are not very deep and despite having a hundred different factions they don't feel different enough to play
Not what I'm asking.
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is there screenshot key for this yet?
actually had my first real raid and it was quite bad actually
Why do the cultists in EL need food? Theyre robots
>why do I need to change the oil in my car
Heck. I love the portraits.
I would imagine that vast majority of their population isn't actually cultists but rather the converts. Also maybe the guys are cyborgs instead of robots or use biodiesel, honestly no idea if they are true robots not so deep in EL lore
I think there's a comment in the questline about how they wear the metal like skin, there's flesh under it probably.
Will Roads to Power (finally) save CK3?
Why tho?
Yeah that's what I thought as I was posting, but decided to post anyways to get opinions
>what is a simile
Also the actual answer of course is game balance so they don't feel too much like broken lords. Typically in games like this you have rules (like population requires food) and then one faction is allowed to break that rule at least in a given way. Cultists break the rules around cities so they probably would have felt bit weird if they also broke the food rules. That may have also made them too swingy with their start since food is easier to balance than say dust or production.
Maybe the food is for all the minor races that they have living in their capital?
Not convinced by northguard.
Feel like Dune Spice Wars, but not actually fun. It feels balanced that you barely make a benefit.
>what is a simile
>"But I am curious to know what's beneath the strange machines they wear like skin."
This can't possibly imply they're robots, the simile is for how they wear them not that they're like robots with something akin to skin.
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So how does one even play this game? What kind of defences should my cities have? Where do I build mines and farms and all the rest of the buildings? Even the controls are kinda obscure.
Is this a good deal?
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Forgot the image.
It would be more fun if you could kidnap and enslave other clan’s villagers.
Anyone played sose 2 advent? I don't understand its unity and culture mechanic. I mean why make culture when the enemy is so far away on large maps I play on.
culture gives bonuses to your planets, like increased credit production (at least for TEC, I don't remember what the Advent culture does)
unity points are given through special structures, points are spent on abilities that you can use to buff yourself or fuck with the enemy
basically wherever you have space you should have a Temple of Communion to get those bonuses, and as many Temples of Unity as you can fit because those abilities are super helpful
too balanced for multiplayer
What's up with my advent reborn titan missing those extra weapons (they seem grayed out)
It's a shame there's no Drakken equivalent civ in ES2.
advent culture gives a bonus to crystal mining
Well you have the trees that can make people peace out of wars against them.
but the trees are gay and lame
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War is hell.
Nah, but I am sure they're Scottish.
I'm too busy playing Starsector and reading manga to bump.
I'm playing frostpunk in anticipation of the sequel.
Fair enough, hadn't seen the actual quote
It could be talking about their motherboards or somethin idk lol
Post city.
I don't want to.
I'm playing on easy.
It's okay, no one will bully you.
Just got to that quest
In context it's clearly talking about their personalities and goals, not what is physically underneath their "machines they wear like skin"
They are full on robots, not flesh people wearing mechanical parts
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Fine, here ya go.
More like Driftlands, actually, where you get a meager amount of food and wood, just enough to slooowly progress.
Now trading between areas is kinda of a hassle
It's been a while, but I remember this game being really cool (no pun intended). My inclination is usually the opposite though, and I try to stay away from something that has new content coming out, like I'm doing with Factorio now
Starsector kicked my ass at the end of the tutorial in that big fight they set up, and I angrily stopped playing. There must have been something fundamental I was missing
>There must have been something fundamental I was missing
Most probably given that it is baby's first fight.

Meanwhile I tried and failed 3 times in taking down an asteroid defence satellite system.
Tried Ancestor Legacy. In Standard.
Barely survived, and only because the AI kept trying to spam archer against my shieldbearers.
Do you play the battles on auto? I found it so trippy watching the way the ships behave
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I pick a fleet doctrine(ie how you want your fleet to behave in combat, so fitting it accordingly) and then I pick the ship in which I can be the most help if I control it. Then I give the other ships orders depending on the enemy(ie. group them in 2 or 3 groups and nudge them to divide the enemy fleet) and try to play my flag ship as best as I can.
I have like 90ish mods though.
Why is it that the second I see someone post about a different game than the one I'm playing, it makes me want to play that instead?
I dunno man.
t:different anon
Subliminal messaging
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>Waaah, police bad, prisons bad!
Fuck you assholes! I gave you nothing but meat on the table (no soup or sawdust) and the finest engineer whores I could get to the house of pleasures.
>no soup or sawdust
That's commendable. Sawdust soup is my first order of business.
And don't forget that destruction of the old world in these settings is implicit authorial condemnation of all that the old world stood for and likely even the concept of civilization itself, so it shouldn't be surprising that some people trying to do anything other than reversion to imagined idyllic monkey is also considered inherently evil

>police bad, prisons bad
Then don't commit crime lol
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Thank god you can build settler-type units without it halting pop growth. Fucking hate it when games do that.
Altair Ibn La Ha'ad?
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I already went incredibly hard with this when the DLC released. Then I went back and combed over CP77 again, on the more parkour, less menus side of gaming. Now I'm considering Kingdom Come: Deliverance as the new parkour game. Also I can't stop thinking about that edited Calvin and Hobbes comic that introduced this parkour/menus distinction apparently
All I care about is that I'm disappointed with Northguard, and I just got fucking rekt in Age of Mythology. Again.
I'll stick to Holdfast and Dune Spice Wars.
Yeah, a brain *snort*
Calm down Phil Burnell.
Never tried it, though now I'm tempted to. How close does this hew to the Total War norm?
>try age of mythology
>get rekt
...please help?

It went something like
>play Odin
>against Chronos
>because idiot, got 2000 food and no gold very early
>still reach age 2 very early
>settle aggressively
>enemy somehow got a full army, immediately attacks me
Beg your pardon?
Northgard is nothing like Total War. If you played Dune:SW, it’s the Viking-themed predecessor.
I mean does it play more like Total War, or maybe like Age of ______ ?
This sounds cool:
>The game features dynamic seasons. For instance, farms will stop producing food during winter, while the consumption of wood will significantly increase during the same period
What game?
Oh, it's that Spice Wars dev? I wasn't super enthused about that game when I played it
Nah, not really. If you know Driftlands, it's pretty similar. Let me recap how my game go:
>pick one clan out of 14 (game has a lot of DLC)
>spawn with longhouse and four villagers
>villagers will, by default, gather food, but are bad at it
>make a lumberjack house
>one villager will build it
>select two villagers, right click on lumberjack house
>they're turned into specialist, make wood passively
>make scout house, built automatically by idling villager
>same shit, turn villager ot scout
>scout automatically explore new land
>use food to colonize it, unlock 2 new building plots
>every plot has a little something, either fertile place allowing you to build a farm, or woods, or neutral building
>game is about constantly making food so that you don't starve during winter
>during winter, all production is halved
And that's the gist of it. I have issues with it because it feels very hard to break it even, economy wise. People compared it to Dune Spice Wars, but I find it closer to Driftlands.
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What’s the best game for plundering and enslaving people? Something like Rimworld where you can manage your slaves and buy/sell them.
There’s stellaris but I don’t feel like playing that. Is raiding fun in Norland and Manor Lords?
Conan Exiles? Song of Syx?
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What the fuck is this shit? Spawning massively overpowered aliens directly next to my homeworld an hour into the game? My best ship has an attack of 8, this better be fucking scripted.
Wrong Altair
What game?
You can with some caveats. In almost all the main "Paths" through AoD there's at least one non-combat way through but it can be harder to find/do in some paths than others and can require careful skill management. There's also the caveat that some paths can be MAINLY played non-combat even though you'll still end up in some unavoidable combat, but with allies so even a weakling should be fine. Thieves and praetors for example will always get into some combat but with good skill use it'll just be encounters that you almost can't lose unless you charge into the enemy. Assassin and legionary are the two routes where you'll get some serious combat no matter what, even though there is some really cool stuff that only a non-meathead legionary can do, and assassin is just flat out the hardest path since you need to carefully build combat and non-combat skills and you'll have tough encounters no matter what

Sadly it probably is Rimworld, but I'll be interested to hear other suggestions you get

>Conan Exiles
Crafting survival games tend to drive me nuts and it's my understanding that this is kinda basic if you're playing singleplayer, but it always sounds cool. And it gets bonus points for tits-a-floppin conquering sword and sorcery bullshit which is always great
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new Master of Orion
did you died?
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decided to play civ 6 BBG and wanted to look up a civ tier list, googled it and every answer is just AI slop content farming sites
can you guys give me a some real opinions? what are the strongest or most fun civs to play in BBG I should try?
yesterday I played Tokugawa and it was way too easy.
I haven't played that game for 20 years. I wanna help, I can't remember much of it
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Okay I picked easy difficulty because I wanted to learn, but I didn't think it was THAT easy.
It seemed to be a scripted event for whoever's on top. They destroyed a couple easily-rebuilt structures and airdropped me a shitty diss track before leaving, so I'm not too miffed.
>plus its also better for flanking mechanics
Which is better for flanking? Hexes has fewer angles of approach
Oh and also, I'm probably going to have to play this Old World game now too, so fuck you Except not really. I actually love you all
Oy vey
>Crafting survival games tend to drive me nuts and it's my understanding that this is kinda basic if you're playing singleplayer
Eeeh... Yes. Undoubtedly yes.
Slaves are essentially just NPCs that you recruit. Except that instead of paying them, you beat them.

It's Retold, so things are different.
Like, for example, if you worship Isis, then your Pharaoh blessing a monument makes it impossible for enemy to cast a miracle nearby, and it heals everyone in range. And also, Wonders don't trigger an endgame countdown but a secret new Age.
what's the current stellaris meta so I can be groomed by my friend and his homoexual discord buddies
Torpedo corvette spam
I dunno I haven't played since planets had tiles.
Wear a short skirt and always be dropping things and then bending over to pick them up, but that's actually reverse grooming meta
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What's KRT?
MoO 4. It's basically 2 with prettier graphics and a bit more depth. Combat is different though. Honestly not bad and overhated because it's published by Wargaming. I got it for free, looks like its $25 on steam(I wouldn't pay that much for it unless you fuckin LOVE MoO).
King Ranperre's Tomb
as the other anon said stuff that ignores shields/armor is meta from what I've heard. You also want a build that will be chugging along by year 30. If you're going tall machines with virtual ascension is strong you just make pops out of thin air whenever there's a job.
>stuff that ignores shields/armor is meta
That stuff is supposed to be countered by point defense. It's irritating everyone uses the same fucking system and no one can balance it properly
Does the AI use point defense enough to consider other weapons?
Not that I found, no. Last I played it I leaned heavy into missiles and torp boats, plus carriers later game, and most of what I was fighting stuck with the old lasers/guns shields/armor paradigm, but a human player should theoretically be able to detect that and refit to counter. Do people really play Stellaris multiplayer?
There must be some amount of people, otherwise it wouldn't be BALANCED FOR MULTIPLAYER.
I want to play Dune 4X. My options are dune spice wars & civ dune wars revival mod.
Are they good?
How unique is each factions gameplay?
Dune Spice Wars is pretty good. No idea about the others.
Yeah, I'd say it's good.
It goes the Age of Empires 2 road: similar chassis, but every faction has little details that change how you play them, radically.
What happened to the general with the crusader kings games and stuff? Or did only this one survive?
My autism has struck again, though it is less severe this time
>playing cultist in EL
>restarting spawns until I get a nearby region with 3 villages and a decent (hoping for god-teir) city layout
>had one very much like this, closeby anomolies, including a golden tree (best one in the game)
>unfortunately decide that since I'm playing with a single city, this means I NEED to get every wonder or else I'll consider it a failed state
>get 3 of them by the skin of my teeth, literally went to war with and destroyed a city because someone was building the 3rd right there
>lose the 4th because I didn't have the resources to build it, oh well
>start new game with enhanced KNOWLEDGE of how the faction works
>significantly more stable (but worse) spawn. Last game I was on this weird fucking snakelike continent and met almost every empire incredibly fast. This time the city tiles themselves are not as good, but i've got a block of regions to myself, with only one empire next to me causing trouble
>I need to manage to kill him, but I also need to find or buy the highest tier resources fast to build my wonder before some faggot snipes it
>I WILL start over if I don't get it
>I am playing on hard this time instead of normal. The combat does seem harder, I'm not sure if the AI has some advantages or if it's made to just be playing better, but I feel somewhat weak and especially far behind on sci, despite building the sci wonder and upping my sci as much as possible
grand strategy general?
autism I guess
>>>/vg/gsg/ still has some paradox in there
I'm trying to Captain Janeway this situation. Where am I supposed to blogpost about this? I don't wanna leave. It's such a pain in the ass
Play Dune II (1992) first
I find such a thing hard to believe, but supposing it's true, how could a 'meta' composition be one of these supposedly balanced aspects of the combat? If the enemy goes missiles, go PD. If they have energy defenses, go guns; armor, go energy. If you're playing single player, just RP and chill. Playing the game in an orthodox manner, the picket ship fleet role is meant to intercept strike craft and missiles, so as long as you include some in every fleet it will deal with the odd missile or whatever
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They are going through a rough patch right now. Tough to say what the outcome will be
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>anything other than reversion to imagined idyllic monkey is also considered inherently evil.
Which would mean devolving back to pre-civilization hunter gatherer clans formed by family relations.
Yet strangely enough people who advocate for it never seem to understand what they are advocating for, seeming to think they can keep the civilization and society, without its darker sides and without having to completely abandon it.
Damn. But maybe you guys can answer my question. Is victoria 3 worth buying yet or am I better off buying the next civ game? I think it was 7?
They are quite different games really. Victoria 3 is a communism speedrun simulator with an expanded version of the production/resource system from HOI4 bolted to it, and Civ is more of a complicated board game. You played a lot of Paradox shit or Civ games?
Both. Was more of an euiv and civ5 Kind of guy though.
Phasers, swarm missiles, torps there you go you can kill anything now.

Phasers fuck your evasion, swarm missiles overwhelm point defense torps kill the big shit.
Civ V was the last good one in my opinion. I hear people make arguments for IV or V being the best, but I've never really heard anyone advocate for VI. Consequently I think there's probably not too much hype for VII, but I dunno. They got kinda lost in the sauce somehow. Just look what happened to their X-COM games. Complete degeneration. For me, my fave was probably Civ 2. That was the one I played a lot as a kid, even though I had no idea what was going on and just founded cities named after cities in fantasy novels. Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that Old World game, and just glancing at it, it seemes so much closer to the scope of what something like Civilization should be, where it excells in the early game, then things kinda turn into deathstack soup as you enter the modern era. I've never seen a game that attempts to encompass all of human history really succeed at going through these changes of focus and scope through different eras in an elegant manner, not that it's impossible by any means
>swarm missiles
Creating a version of missiles that defeats their natural counter may have been ill advised
I'm getting a bit bored of civ v and wanted to give vi another shot. Does it have any good mods like Vox Populi?
God lord, please spoiler that shit if you're gonna post it in here
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We were on page 10.
And one could use a dog turd as a paperweight, but there are better alternatives
However your amusing newspaper snippet kinda balances it out for me
Eternal cuck seethign about Musk will never stop to amuse me.
>Schitzo maxing Sherlock holmes
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They'll never forgive him for how much they used to suck his dick pre-2016, or whenever that was, and he still bit the hand that fed him
>page 10
Plus he took their favourite toys away and they are like fucking kids.
I wanna bump with frickin gameplay, but I'm falling in love with my space fishwife this evening
How is Sins of a Solar Empire II from base building perspective?
Is it relatively deep or is the focus on ship combat?
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Evening? At 1 PM?
Ever played the first one?
It's kinda like that, but now instead of separate trade facilities and refineries (increased money and resource production respectively), now the trade facility does both and refineries turn regular resources into strategic resources.

Also you now need a metric ton of research facilities.

Planets are now more modifiable than in the previous game and you can even have research facilities on planets and colonizable asteroids.

Fleet control feels like it wants me to create separate fleets for specific ship types and/or compositions and then try juggling them in battles.
However, the good old and tested doomstack strategy still works just fine.
NTA but how are the cheats? I remember it was incredibly annoying to find any trainer or cheats for Sins 1 and as a result i never actually bothered to play that game..
>i don't play games if I can't cheat at them
I often cheat a little when i try to learn the game to kinda handle the one aspect of the game at time or to shape the game to my liking.
Or just to have fun with spaceships go boom without faggy mechanics like in Stellaris.
>I often cheat a little when i try to learn the game
Why? It's the best part, when you spam spearmen, throw them at enemy cavalry, and see it MELT instantly.
Because im cool like that.
So does it have them more than Sins1?
Why though?
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No clue, never used any cheat engines in my life.
Thats cool too.
Does it?
But why? The fun of strategy is managing everything at once. Cheating takes away part of the game, so instead of being overwhelmed by the mechanisms and barely making it, you can tackle them one aspect after another.
It's bad.
It's like automating everything in Distant Worlds.
>It's like automating everything in Distant Worlds.
>its like automating in a game that defining feature of is ability to automate shit so you can focus on one specific aspect of the game
You couldnt pick worse example if you tried..
>But why?
Because i often hate certain aspects of the game and desire to change it. Like i played on higher pop limits in Warcraft 3 because i hated the default 90 of vanilla.
How do I know what to build for ships in Stellaris? And in Rimworld, how do I make a base that doesn't look like shit?
>How do I know what to build for ships in Stellaris?
I just mix everything and hope for the best given Stellaris ass combat.
Holy shit there's a Rimworld general
There has been one for several years by now, you blind tool
Sorry if it is the wrong thread but any idea how to design good fighter planes as a smaller nation in hearts of iron 4? Just as normally? Feels kind of unsustainable
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Got the AoE3 DLC.
Btw when i talk about cheats/codes i never mean shit like instant research or unit creation because i hate those and never used it.
Abelard! Send out the recaf harvesters!
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Weren't these forcefully disbanded by Philippe le Bel (who wasn't that good-looking)?
Templars got rekt, hospitallers were good.
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*looks around*

Templars and hospitaliers aren't the same?
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>aztec town
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>italian town
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>amerindian "town"
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>aztec queen
>"the only way to escape mommy's slipper is to obey or run away"
La chancla... la chancla...
Damn, now I wish I hadn't deleted this. I posted here by accident only, as I'm trying to be a good boy and abide by posting norms
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>playing malte
>can turn into "barbaresque coast" or hungary
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>play FRANCE, the best country of all time
>can turn into Haiti (aka become pirate)
>become Canadian (buffs the already pretty strong French peasants)
>become American (get a small cock and the need to overshare your socio-political issues online)
>become French revolutionary (turn all peasants into fighters)
Oh those are the Antarans, they get stronger the longer the game goes on. Defeating them at their homeworld is one of the victory conditions just like in MoO2.
>2 new precursor chains
>get yuht and first league 5 rerolls in a row
>zroni still dead in the water.
When the fuck will Paradox wise up and just give us a precursor selection option?
nighty night
You can basically pick it by choosing what you survey first ya dumbo
/&tg/ is dead and buried, is this where I XCOMpost? It's a strategy.
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Good night anon.
I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it, this isn't a super active general and it's somewhat related
I think some anons have posted xcom here in the past.
Sea Power will release in early access next November.

exactly, so it makes both harder but easier to surround, just essentially better for ZoC mechanics

imo its really good, the best 4x-esq since Civ4
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Good night.
page 10
Why do 4Xs (usually indie, that I've seen) often focus so heavily on the Xterminate part? Dozens of different parts and strategies for your troops/mages/ships/armies/whateverthefuck for you to make many different builds for your playthrough, but everything before that is practically barren. You pick a faction with a mild bonus to one thing and and easily-surmounted penalty to another if the dev feels spicy, uncover a lifeless world defined only by sporadic dots of particular resources, plop down a city or seven that never needs to be interacted with beyond setting a production queue, THEN the game actually starts when you get to design equipment loadouts and auxiliary modifiers and special effects and counter-builds and all that.
Kitbashing a bunch of Green Army Men and smashing doomstacks together across the map is all well and good, but there's an entire 3/4 of a genre before that.
>Why do 4Xs (usually indie, that I've seen) often focus so heavily on the Xterminate part?
Because the three others are depending from the world, and the world is usually very passive in these games. It's hard to find a game where the world is as dangerous as others players, like Gladius or Conquest of Elysium.
It's only very recent that 4x games have been shifting away from that. It basically comes down to having win conditions I think. If there are win conditions deleting your competition is usually the fastest way. If you would have to co exist or something like that, how would you quantify that? Think more of a game like Dwarf Fortress, in that game you can do whatever, and everything that works towards the desired end can be a valid strategy.
You played AOW4 once and came to that strong a conclusion? I like them both pretty much equally. It comes down to whether I'm in the mood for sci-fi or high fantasy.
Grand stategy fans are a funny lot. Having played both genres a fair but I believe 4x games are more difficult but the gsg crowd is incredibly pretentious for some reason whereas people who play 4x games are much more humble.

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