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MEN like this. WOMEN like this. (You) like this.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114 (Cross-thread)

Previous: >>494438774
Hear the creasing muscles of a strong femroe
Feel the soft skin of a nubile fiddie
Think about the elegance of a demure femezen
break me upon your visage
cute wife material
yandere wife material
tomboy wife material
tradwife cottage core .will give a litter
what did you do to my third husband
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It's up.
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Paladins are pretty significantly different because their healing is directly tied to burst windows and isnt very flexible
Sex with catgirls
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I want feel wanted, but no one likes men anymore, not ingame or out.
i like this
Thinking about froths again...
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this is dumb because if you dislike Wuk Lamat you already have gone through the story
Worst posters and how would you fix them?
my femlala both wants to lay down and wants to enjoy the night she can stay up late at the same time..
hello my first husband smoochkiss
you cant
Me and by killing myself
Why did you pick your patron deity?
this shit is gonna get taken down fast so i'll download now. that being said i wish there was a sample first.
kill them
I'm doomed.
me, with a shotgun
I'm a moonie so I picked the moon one
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Stop posting about CC and PVP cringe and instead post healthy, fit, athletic women in gym clothes who are sweaty after a long and hard workout.
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Firing squad.
love the moon
later found out that I love moonies so it worked out well
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god, so much same sis.
Azeyma was my kōhai in a past life, I'm repaying her for all those blowjobs.
me, stop thirstposting. i can’t stop
>AI slop
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hey xivg
me by killing myself
so much work every other day... but body doesn't wanna acknowledge that...
my moonie is going to bed
do not reply to this post she will not see it
You have to log in to report a mod. Sel will just ban people from the discord if they report it because he's based and hates trannies.
I hate Heiko Harlocke
Self sustain
Party mitigation
who are the best pvpers
who are the worst pvpers
who are the most plappable pvpers
I'm obsessed with the moon so I picked the moon cat and the moon goddess and was bot unsurprised and delighted to find they were connected
Due to a Global Rule I can't talk about WHY I'm obsessed witht hte moon.
Well thanks for trying to help with m4s SCH friend. Pretty pissed off my net died and still isn't back.
I saw this moonie naked on x.com and I liked it!
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My femra is like this because she had a cold
I honestly wish I could say I was excited for Dawntrail and got let down but honestly I didn't have high hopes to begin with. And was vindicated.
gn ily
I'm a Black Mage Femlala from Ul'dah and my deity is Nald'thal.
I think it explains itself desu.
Your rest has to come first sis, future you will thank you for it...
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a malera and his child wife
crying about how much they miss dark arts or scourge
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drk is damage but only into buffs
Sigh, mother's milk?
My wife
The rest of /xivg/
My wife
Final Fantasy XIV?
holy moly, more?
and i'm keeping it that way because he was by far the best fight of ew ally raids
>Azeyma was my kōhai in a past life
Actual unironic canon btw.
Seryu Tachibana for all three.
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Wuks english VA was fine for like 95% of the story. Its one thing to download a mod if youre that much of a pussy, but it says quite a lot about a persons inner thoughts and alignments that they feel motivated to spend time creating said mod.
me! me! i'm the worst pvper
what the fuck
A fucking huge sword, have you seen it?
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self mit
dmg(2nd) prettiest skills
fucking huge /smooch to this poster
rape with maliddie
what did i do to deserve physical abuse
i'll be up... just a little bit longer, then i'll get cozy
Which Eminem? The blue cat?
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I really like your consistent vague posting anon, do you want to talk about it?
wait where did that yurt come from
are you just as down bad for your own character as I am for mine?
Sex with that middie on the left
It's really stupid but when I first started I already knew I wanted to play black mage and when it was time to pick, I thought that rhalgr's symbol looked like the black mage symbol so I assumed that's the one you had to pick if you wanted to be a black mage.
I realized the truth later but decided to keep it anyways
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idk doesn't seem that weird to me
>like eng for other chars
>really hate the eng for one who talks too much
>spend some time making a mod to fix that
Well good night whenever you do then, enjoy your night. ^^
Sis can you give me 10 million?
war is high damage high healing
pld is low damage high healing
gnb is high damage low healing
drk is low damage low healing
But there was never a mod for Venat??
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I look and act like this
Pld beats war in dmg lil bro, war is high healing low thinking
Does anyone on Crystal wanna do Expert and Alliance roulette
no not really
Kill yourself she was perfect.
My catboy? He's drunk. Really drunk.
Only when I'm playing as my f2 femra, my sunnie is pretty mid
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me (?)
i've played with jp since hw so idk if venat was bad in eng but maybe no one who hated her was able or cared enough to mod it out.
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i want to be with you forever and never leave your side
i want to do everything together...
i want to be on a discord call 24/7 until we move in together
i want to go everywhere and do everything together
just please
don't leave me...
i'll do anything and be anything for you
so please let me be your one and only...
I initially made the mggaow version of mod because I thought it'd be funny to replace literally every voice line with a cat meowing. The other languages were just an after thought.
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not me
not me
i also learned mnk today just to meteoplap a retarded miera into submission
wuk sux
Me, beating my depression
Its winning
venat was completely fine and i loved her voice to bits
Is he gonna be okay?
>want to be on a discord call 24/7
Why do trannies love this so much? I don't understand
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I wasnt interested in Adventurer Jesus just assuming Id clap at the screen whenever she showed up
which miera?
You can't have a kid, so no thanks
not me
not me
I'll come for expert but I'm bad..
people like this are basically guaranteed to cheat if you don't respond within 5 minutes, and they'll try to tell you it's your fault
why is it always the lesbians who want what i want
Unfortunately, yes.
Things have gone very very wrong.
mommy was perfect
subversive tranny detected
>erm actually the weird one here is you not sena baka
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Not as much as I do.
>who are the worst pvpers
The eng dub used to be good. Every va sucks in dt it isn't just wuk. Go back to hiring random brits the American vas are fucking terrible now for some reason.
who do you think
95% of her lines were text only so youre right, the rest thats voice is absolute shit, even 90s video games voice acting(guy we jsut picked off the street because he looked "cool") isnt as bad
may i sexpest this cat?
Kys tranny attentionseeker
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my femra acts like this
no i made that shit in the mines bro
do eureka
actually based
I like Azeyma's color, symbol, name, and the description.
Glad she turned out to have a fucking sex design too.
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FOLLOW (feel)
STUMBLE (think)
WANDER (teach)
LISTEN (blink)
WHISPER (blink)
SHOULDER (blink)
PONDER (blink)
WEATHER (hear)
ANSWER (look)
ANSWER (think)
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raping this glub
I'm sure it will catch up to him someday.
Why what’s wrong?
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Llymlaen is my pirate/sailor goddess and her winds guide me along the skies towards adventure.
Every gooning modbeast sex addict
Taking their computers away for 1 week
Lost my shit when Asmon was playing and he picked Rhalgar and some time later when he saw his symbol, he was devastated. "That's my god...? That's just a stickman with spiky hair..." one of the funniest moments of his playthrough
It's up on Crystal under R.S., PW is 4392
I'm also bad just come along
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good one sena, you look great hon

when they find a fellow tranny they just latch on and never let go
I like hammers and there is no hammer job but there is a hammer god.
My femra? She mains Lady Geist, Paradox, Pocket, and Vindicta
Can you shill your next dive into Eureka, I find it boring to do solo
Because if they don't have constant noise, they'll have to sit all by themselves contemplating rope.
Halone sounded PLD-coded
We are in /xivg/.
A certain middie's plap song
Who cares?
They are not real gods, are gone now and doesn't matter at all in the lore nor game anymore.
What a waste of time and commitment trying to farm a ring that's not worth the investment.
time god = cool
not me
not me
The only girl I've ever loved,
was born with roses in her eyes...
my femra mains haze and infernus
what does this say about me?
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I think a significant amount of people actually fucking forgot that Hydaelyn was completely missing for two expansions and in that time she got retconned from a force of nature with conflicting and selfish motivations into uwu mary sue mommy christ jesus
Freud would kill himself to avoid harming the world further at the sight of this
Put on some clothes, hussy.
I picked the one with the coolest emblem (Nymeia's).
1 slot still
i'm sorry...
i would never, ever, ever cheat on my partner. ever. it's morally reprehensible... but if you won't respond to me, i'll just assume you hate me...
i could love the right man... but i won't really be attracted to you automatically, you'll have to earn my love...
come back when you're posting something from on avery island or ferris wheel on fire
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let's plap to verify
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I wish we had more pajama glam. Characters look cute in their jammies.
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yippie! ^_^
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this game is so fucking boring if you want to do anything other than jerk off
It's so sad to see
the world agree
that they'd rather see their faces filled with flies
I'm going to stab you
I did this with my wife for 2 years when we were long distance. It's not that complicated to want to be around someone that you love. We slept over voice call and basically the only time we weren't is if one of us was out of the house. No point not to be in a call if you are both at home and talking to each other anyways, right?
>someone starts acting like a bitch
>start to distance myself from him
>more and more people distance themselves
>watch him spiral downwards even further
>feel bad, decide to spend more time with him
>something happens to upset him and he lashes out in a passive aggressive bitchy way
I never learn my lesson.
bro what
yippieee woohooooooooo
cc doko
I feel sorry for the schizo posters you're about to wake up. Wuk's VA is perfectly fine. It's just the shitty writing that ruined DT.

Yes. I would fuck my Majima-cloned Elezen.
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the (?) is there for a reason
Why would I try to earn a man's love? Lmao gay as fuck
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one who deserved to be crushed
do you like ravas
I read the lore and was gonna play a Moonie, kept it the same even after swapping of moonie
Truly the apex of final fantasy XIV: dawntrial discussion.
Why are trannies obsessed with Satan?
Are media literacy fags trying to argue how Satan is aktualy the good guy?
i'm not a man though...
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I'd like to see you try. (not online :3)
>i could love the right man... but i won't really be attracted to you automatically, you'll have to earn my love...
i am unattractive physically and very aloof i'm sorry but i could never earn that
I'm sure you genuinely believe that's how things played out.
molly may i sexpest you?
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i made someone a pajama shirt so that when we spooned in bed it looked like i gave her my shirt while i wore the matching pants
>go to rp venue to gamble
>male middie wont stop sex pesting me after i call him "big guy"
>tell him im a horse cock futa(im not)
>it gets worse
shameful would
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Good night anonymouse.
BPDemons are heinous, bro, don't interact with them if you can help it.
My Veena kind of looks like this. I decided against the housemaid set when it was on sale, though.
Maybe I made a mistake. Being a sadistic maid could have been hot.
I can break whatever I want since I'm cleaning it up afterward...
But you can't have a kid. Unless you are a barren woman, you are a man.
is there a good sfw lalafell body mod
She likes to go in
>go to venue
>everyone just asks "mare?"
never again
May I plaprape?
kys pedo
based transbianbreaker
um... that's really not how things work, anon... if there are really only two explanations in your mind, then i suppose i must be a barren woman... but you don't really seem like the sort of person worth talking to, so i'm not gonna talk about this anymore...
>do you like ravas
Ravas are really good friends, actually. Une is cool, for instance.
Post a picture of LB14 right now!!!!!
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joining public synchshells is just a way to fill up your drive with GB and GB of dumb useless shit
Why do I get aroused when I take off my shoes around people?
The movements were beautiful all in your ovaries

All of them milking with green fleshy flowers

While powerful pistons were sugary sweet machines

Smelling of semen all under the garden was all you were needing

When you still believed in me
because you think there could be footfags around you, eyeing up your feet
youd be right
im watching
god you're pretty
moonie feet?
>tfw professional bag fumbler
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Struck a nerve?
Agreed, especially when you've burnt through Eureka, Bozja, and the Savage tiers. Sure, you can do Ultimates, but you're more likely going to spend hours waiting for the PF filling than actually progging anyways.

I don't know why gooners spend $15/mo on this game when they stand around in Limsa / Uldah all fucking day.
it's about rejecting everything about the world you've inherited because you think it's all wrong
>safe for work
Uhhhh... this is actually not that bad.
It almost falls into the
>I mod because the character customization is bad
They should have given us more scale colors. The body mod is tasteful.
The only thing I hate is that the red is unnaturally saturated and the lips seem kind of weird.
Based tranny impregnator
same bro
this post is targeted at a person from this thread btw it's not meant for you
do you LIKE ravas
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may i kerploink?
may i
i'm going to bed nvm
You will never be a woman bruh
i think i want to put up halloween decorations this weekend
>mch gets into gpose
lol. anyway is that the twitter melf pvper?
Why do you stop there?
Huj if he went femezen.
may I zing?
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retard LMAO
Who do you think is your schizo and why?
>talked to a male character
first mistake
white woman spotted
gm to chaosbwos
bisexual white man sorry bro
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Imagine being born from a tranny's shithole and being picked on in school foe being a butt baby.
I have no schizos.
>my first impression of someone tells me to avoid them
>every time so far it's been vindicated
I hate being right, unironically
god I wish felves were real and liked white boys
I always commend the healer, because it's connected to their lovesense app for a little reward.
uchigi obviously, they have something going on
I once called out someone else's schizo because they were lazy about giving too many details during their rants, they immediately thought I was their target and had a meltdown for about two threads, it was great since I'm not even in the same region, I just have a fucked up sleep schedule from work.
If you want to go to a place with actual RP, that is not shit 1 liner stuff, do not go anywhere with:
>Twitch dj/music advertised
>Gambling advertised
>More than ~10 staff listed on their carrd/website

At that point you're mostly left with:
>Onsen/spa rp - Basically erp hookup lounge with water.
>Cafes/restaurants - Usually suck unless you bring friends to rp among yourselves.
>Bars/Lounges - The best option typically. Depending on the place can be very ERP or not.
>Brothels - 50/50, larger ones usually suck and are just silent museums to buy girls with no general rp. Smaller ones can be amazing if they focus on actual public rp. You'll know which kind you walked into in the first 2 minutes there.
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Handsome Malera that don't post shirtless.

Putting them in the Malera Sanctuary located in the illegal basement I made in my FC room where they have all the Malera necessities that need like comic books, videogames, snacks and juiceboxes.
YWNBAW lil bro but keep fishing for attention here
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I ain't ghey.. I have relationships with women, and sex with men.
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Hmm... I believe I just answered that question. I'll be clearer then: I like ravas AS friends.
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What is the proper way to treat a completely fresh sprout?
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I wish a hot girl would call me retard..
That's femezen 86
Ace are you actually a biohole like Akemi or are you a himcess? This is very important for my potentially shirtless malera to know.
the malera would just enjoy this and kick you out whenever you tried to enter
cover it up
tranny post
me too bro...
Is this the one who was telling people to level to 80-90 before DT through CC?
Because I wish I could remember that unhinged PVP schizos name. I know if I searched the achieve hard enough, I could find him.
you only asked why you get aroused when you take your shoes off around strangers
i just explained
what i would do, given the chance, would be far different and much more extensive
but i'm a men...
I see...
genuinely? don't tell them how to play properly unless it's like little hints here and there, let them struggle their way through a bit, so they have things to explore and find out for themselves
>comic books, videogames, snacks and juiceboxes
Why are you trying to make a lure for little boys? You're not a pedophile, are you?
because you are terminally online and are aware that feet can be fetishized
tfw no hung bottom EB
You don't have the chance?
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anynyan wannya do roulettes. I already did high level and lebeling.
How do you play brd again? I haven't touched it in like 2 years
>where they have all the Malera necessities that need like comic books, videogames, snacks and juiceboxes.
What about fiddie wives? A Malera isn't a Malera without a fiddie wife.
Give gil and tell them to focus on the MSQ before slutting around.

>>494447670 + a lil ghey
the gods are odd and cruel to have trapped me here. why do I deserve this.
One day my Lalaboy will find a Femezen who loves him. I hope.
No, but that whole saga was funny to watch. Everyone involved was so mad.
you keep ur funny dots up, and hit burst shot a whole bunch. songs go wanderer's>mages>army and you cut army's short by about 12 seconds leaving wanderer + mages around 3seconds after their last tick timer goes (and using any pitch stacks)
ahahhahaa this blud serious
protip: the more involved the
>I'm just a silly girl teehee
rp, the more bald and fat and mexican of a man they are
i dont know who you are
but i have a growing suspicion
It's too late I already logged out.
I'm not on NA, so I can't. Sorry meow meow
If you can't tell, you're cooked.
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You're probably wrong unless we're talking rn
The rotation never changed they have to shake it up
femra like this for my catboy
>maleras still chasing trannies
Khagan, you won't need to chase those creatures anymore once femra are done with you.
hey we left mage's early for a little bit there
you play mch/dnc instead
better yet just play pctCHAD
asian himcess
you literally just talked to them, though
Sorry but I'm not interested in the opinion of a cuckold.
>out of alcohol
Dogfucker hands.
pouring one out for you bro
Better drive to the store and get some more.
I love being a himcess so much bros.
Outside of LB?
>hung bottom
>out of weed
i'm actually gonna kms
You don't need any more bro...
i'll give you some beer if you suck my cock
Duude im like soooo drunk brooo xD
Slit your throat as slow as possible.
No one wants to fuck you.
My catboy can't since he's just not interested in FFXIV roulettes right now
Alright boss, here's the cringe you ordered. Where you wanna have it in the thread?
Cant get it delivered?
And you won't live past 30.
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>out of redneck bathtub meth
I'm about to make this all your problem.
what's the point of drinking? I'm depressed but just feel worse when I drink + more broke + more sick
Damn. I really want to know that guy's name because he was shitposting again about some stuff. That's still in his head and triggers him sometimes.
A mod that's face3 horns but a little smaller like this might be really cute...
it's the middle of the night here, but worse than that i don't have money
new Freyjakino just dropped
Reminder that half of your personality is someone blacklisting you for afking in their party.
Thanks Poisonous Ivy@Lich
>out of lean
can't run out of shake n bake meth you liar
Jizzda filled the order already, you were too slow.
This reminds me of H.R. Giger
what kind of mental illness/personality disorder produces such a vision
Pinoy hands typing these cuckold tier posts.
lalaboy post
>out of chamoy dried mangos
One more image to save to send to my EB...
then i don't know
but rest assured
i will be watching
and i will be staring
Meena more like CRACKERS
well? are you going to link the "kino"?
Go drop it in the wow thread and while you're at it bring back some Lili posters. The lala posters have gotten too cocky as of late.
H.R. Niger
why are you sending that to your eb
hey kitten

>xe thinks it's a fetish
I'm beginning to think you people actually have an interracial fetish for blacks.
nta but i feel nice when i drink
back off nigger
hello princess
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I can't catch fiddies they're too smart and distract me with something shiny.
That's so boring....
Catch Malera, then use the Malera to catch fiddies.
My femlala is thinking the name of H.R. Giger's cat. Can YOU read her mind and successfully name his cat?
need a fulalawife...
>3-3-12 song cycle (don't do 3-6-9 it's a fucking meme)
>keep dots up (easy to do because they come up roughly at the same timer each song)
>pop damage ogcds on cooldown (especially EmpArrow, don't drift that shit)
>use apex arrow as your 1 minute (either 100 gauge on mage's or at the next GCD after 21 mage, whichever comes first)
>start storing up bloodletter charges at 35 on army's so you can get 3/4 off on burst window
>don't double weave on army's
>spam burst shot/refulgent arrow as your filler gcd
>hate alcohol
>odd want to skull 3 0.5l bottles
it's vieras

hp lovecraft you mean
Because they're into bottoming for tall dark hung dick.
then post them, so i know who to stalk
>retarded bbc shit
>retarded futa shit
it's a shame because the girls looks super squishy and hot
nta but I get to pass out which is like time travel, and I get to slowly poison my body while sabotaging my future so that I'm guaranteed to be "right" about how trying harder was pointless
Hey answer the question please
Any loremasters online
Just get a lalaboy. You clearly only want dick.
I am a femlala who feels like God tonight. My hidden personality bubbling upwards
anyone wanna do cc in light or chaos?...
No, I don't. We're not talking about NM right now.
My mods are broken right now so it's just the default...
It's been sunnie saturday for hours where are all the sunnie posts?!
I am not here
That's probably a complex answer that nobody wants to yap with me about. I imagine at least a grain of it is because of the romanticized, Paradise Lost sort of imagining of Satan though, yeah.
>the name of H.R. Giger's cat
troon version of "ironic" nazi humor
Were people always erping in dying threads?
lalaboys aren't as cute and they wont have breasts like a fulala could
anything like that, and youll be added to the list
anytime i see you, ill check if youre wearing shoes
and if not, you best believe im staring
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I replied to the catgirl anchor, what more do you want??
It's a two-for-one because they hate women and want to see them suffer so they have them get fucked and mindbroken or impregnated by black men who they see as inferior to themselves despite having bigger cocks and muscles. If they hate women more than black people it's usually the first step before they get into bestiality and eventually snuff.
t. asked people on /gif/ why they like the things they like.
My lalaboy will worship you like one...
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love me... love me... love me... why wont you love me...
I can tell this post isn't made by a femra because it is very intelligent. Good job Anon!

Satan when framed in La'Vayen Satanism (which was originally the largest group of Atheistic Satanists) is a Prometheus-like figure who brought enlightenment and free will to humanity who was kept sheltered in the Garden of Eden.
MA post
And you can't provide, right?
please tell me you match those descriptors and you don't get cucked
yes and it used to be way more common
lalaboys aren't into catboys...
Black vieras
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thats not even xivg exclusive lol but die newfag
I thank you for your service, I simply desire MORE sunnies and the thread is being stingy!
i see
why did you attach a gif of my wife to your post?
did gross little lala hands type this
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I'm nooticing again
I only love face 2 and 3 femra
how would you compare /xivg/ to other /vg/ threads?
one of the best?
one of the worst?
one of the horniest?
one of the most schizo?
That the thread gets really shit around Euro hours? you're not the first one
As a face 4 femra, I am unloved
Satan is a scapegoat title that has been held by three different angels that were all cunts so the plot of bible wouldn't implode when god isn't all rainbow and sunshines. Honestly its a pretty cringe fanfic and I respect people who recognize El, Asherah and Baal more than what came after. Read the original manga gaylord
my bad
because you wont talk to me
one of the gayest
i am absurdly drunk holy moly please show me cute characters
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We used to cut mage's short as running the entire army's was a slight damage gain. DT upgraded bloodletter and gave it higher potency so mage's wins out now (+1% damage + extra mage Repertoire procs to get more buffed bloodletters off).
>tfw have paradise lost sitting on my bookshelf
>tfw haven't gotten through it because I struggle with reading old english
lf trans eb for my moonie
What's the appeal of ERP?
yeah i'm gonna have to smooch that dumb nose
QRD on my femlala? She has animal ears btw
>tfw have moonidise lost sitting on my moonshelf
>tfw haven't gotten through it because I struggle reading Old Mooniesh
>mooching maleras for fiddies
dangerous thoughts
I was about to post about something similar. I went and actually visited other boards for a change the other day, and it surprised me how different it was compared to this thread. There was so much less vitriol and hate, people would just talk about things they liked, and I found myself laughing at stuff. Made me realize I don't really laugh much when reading this thread. I remember having a lot more fun when I used to frequent other boards. So, why are you guys so hateful? Why is this thread always filled with so much negativity and arguing, even by 4chan standards? Or do you disagree with that assessment entirely?
This is a SEAnigger trying to pin the shitposting on cuckEUolds. What sort of loser would be up at 9am on a weekend? It's 6-8pm in OCE.
No thanks, if this is that one schizo you'll just become obsessed with me next
It's SEA too. It's also just that the thread slows down so the schizos get more time to get noticed instead of the thread just wooshing past them.
I get off to it better than porn.
This is the only general I use.
If I were to compare /xivg/ to other boards I browse, this place is absolutely the worst shithole.
What about a meetup where ebins have to get on stage in front of a podium and answer questions, explain why someone might think something of them and so on? Like putting the white house speaker out to be fried by the press
all femra faces are queens
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The beds are peaceful tonight
made for my catboy
another night having to send my thirst traps to only one person because the thread hates shirtless males
Well, it's pretty late in burgerland, most of the sunnies I know are asleep
Maybe the EU crew can help sate your appetite
literally me rn...
you arent real...
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Syncing with another character to find out they're a modbeast.
damn, he's just like me except for the weed part
Sometimes I think moonies may have been a mistake.
>animal ears
Consent, but I'm raping anyway
compensation for lack of irl sexual experience and other missed developmental milestones
??? im a white haired lalaboy i dont know who you're thinking about
whose alt is this
I like to wag my dick around as I poorly ERP as a catboy.
I dunno, I find it hot if the other person enjoys it, or at least pretends to. I ride a high afterward, for some reason.
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ayo where the white women at
sign me up
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I am
A lalafella
Trying not to laugh
The fact that they have a mare code didn't tip you off, Einstein?
raen feet
what a treat
have fun being objectified whenever you take your shoes off
Im starting to think no one from EU post here
Do you like feet?
a little more botting and i can uninstall and never return
it's probably just that you're new to it so it seems rosy, while the novelty of /xivg/ has worn off and the humor is old to you and you've built of a hate for various posters here that you don't have elsewhere. we also have the misfortune of being stuck with elk.
my sunnie is shy
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People can become addicted to being negative. It becomes their new baseline if they only interact with other negative people and it has horrible effects on cognitive function as well as overall health. When someone starts to rise up and try to be positive, negative people will punch them back down for fear of being left in the crab bucket to die alone.
the thread loves shirtless males
what did i ever do to you? :(
you can do it.. i believe in her
it's like jerking off but with someone else
Get real, women are too old for your tastes. You can't just lay low for a while and expect people to forget you're a pedophile.
i love feet
oh no
not even in the top 10 horniest or most schizo
Do you love paying for art..
The only general i genuinely consider worse than /xivg/ is /lolg/
>the actual kid-fucker is back
catboys are very real
>syncing with another character
shitpost doesn't work, put it back in the oven.
I dont get the trunks drink meme
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Smell my balls.
I use mare so my character can wear elegant dresses.
what are you trying to sell me sis…?
Theres nothing to get its just some amateurs VAs shitting around
you have jizz on your stomach
It's about my male midlander
why you trollin like a bitch, ain't you tired?
i really like your cat
do you have pictures of her naked?
>I play a female chara so I can see a cute girl on screen at all times
Same energy.
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photoshop is annoying
post elezen
thank you
aight lick it off nigga
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Bro that's CI, the answer is yes
I'm trying to sell you making me happy
Cover that forehead
you don’t like women
Maybe next Saturday. It's almost bed time and if someone says something mean about her I might have trouble falling asleep...
with what?
i assume you visited some non video game boards or something, but even then, most of 4chan is like this bro
Raen toes
On your nose
what sort of art am i paying for. commissions of our characters? commissions of our characters feet…?
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Thanks for the expert and alliance R.S.
You're probably afk though now. Good night.
...what kind of woman race are you?
rdy for adventur :3
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im workin graveyards now, my melanin enriched friend
i farted and my fan blew it back into my face
should i hit up men i barely know from this thread just to get money from them and barely speak to them but pretend like we're close friends and that we'll totally do stuff together?
describe it
are you making a lot of money for doing it at least?
>completely misses the reference
uncultured AND criminally attracted to children, ick combo
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Boy, you have no idea. Have a sampler since I have these catbox links saved:
sleep well lil sunnie
a moonie zoomie
Commissions of my OC
based ass-to-fan facing anon
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Good morning!
Lahabrea possessed ass, I see that crystal on your neck
what is you talmbout
what the fuck are you talking about
i’m not a large kind so you wouldn’t be interested
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Will you promise my lalaboy a place in your house of memories?
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yeah :)
nice butt maam
I mean that seems basic, why not make it a little more involved?
lalagirl, huh?
All of these are good, but for my money I actually like most of the SFW stuff you post in thread better.
/xivg/ is easily the comfiest place on the website
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If you're attracted to children, even fictional ones, you're a super-gross pedo creep!
Anon I understand you dont like me but maybe I’m not looking to be your friend
It's one of the best, because we have tons of OC and high levels of interaction. That's what I value. That all we produce is worthless shit, I don't care about, but it has passion and people that care behind it.
i’m disgusted desu
this cat has an attractive vulva
gud mornin
moonton is not old mooniesh
i need a shortstack lalawife to play the game wife..
Yeah, she looks really classy and I like it.
yeah, RAPE.
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There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you, boy
But you're still the same
Thanks for queueing guys
omw for that booty right now
>Favorite job in game
>How much you make a year at your real job
taller than that
drinking alcohol and i am a femlala
sis, you're gonna break an ankle
>old english
milton is early modern you absolute pleb
the problem you have is probably that you're just not used to reading poetry, especially narrative poetry
thanks for the run, hope you guys got a decent one for alliance


my malera is en route
this one isn't going to do real good since most of these people don't have a job, anon
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I like having variety in what I do so I agree with you a bit there, big benefit of not having a twitter means I can pose what I want, which ends up being a nice blend of normal and lewd poses
thanks! :3
Too short
raen toes
on my nose
raen soles
sooth my soul
>4am on a sat
try 6pm to get non-neets.
The promotional stuff gave off heavy BFA vibes. It's literally the Horde leveling campaign all over again complete with succession controversy. And then they drop TBC's Netherstorm on us with the same soul harvesting space ships.
Cheat code for being a famous ebin:
>Pick female moonie
>Choose one of the freak skin colors (blue/grey)
>Reply to everything as if you are your character.
This loli is calling me a pedo??? Tha's it! You're getting corrected!! Spread your legs, and get plapped as you reflect on your actions!!! PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP UUOOOOOHHH I'M ALREADY CUMMING!!! This doesn't mean you're excused from further reflecting!!
I love the light in those fire circles so much.
I'm sorry, I'm trapped in the forest elemental dimension, a bubble warping space and time, I don't think you will reach me....

Its okay I'm a White Mage!

So I just need taller heels you say?
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What's up
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4:30 AM on a Saturday and I realize Ballfart is open
you're a pedophile that cheats at xiv minigames, slit your throat
the funniest thing about you is that you've convinced yourself futa is mainly a biofem fetish based on some twittertranny poll you saw
i am my femlala
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HOLY FUCK, is this why they can't balance pet classes? SE what are you doing?

Just make pet potency 1:1 with the fucking caster
Someone post the webm
Cutt butt, also what heels?
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Stop bullying her... or else...
Type it all again but without the brainrotted lingo, thanks.
1. you're too shiny
2. your nipps are flat
No you need to stop being a womanlet
Max out that height slider
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Everytime I see thread drama and read about names I will never know.
OK but how does this affect you personally?
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theyre at it again
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Wait what's that behind you
They roleplay as a child because they are a nonce, so their character will always be dubiously short.
incredibly rude
I have flatnip syndrome and also I'm constantly sweaty
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can someone schizo this thread to bump limit I have a good post cooked for next thread
1 mil for 1USD is actually pretty good. MMOGAH is like $3 a mil. I actually recommend buying some during lull periods, especially when it's under 1$.
just post it?? we're not even at 600 you weirdo
Last of us multiplayer was the most PS3 shit in the world, naughty dog is never taking risks like that or kart racers ever again
goodnight /xivg/
how do you even trade like 50 mil if the trade limit is 1?
you're a pedophile (you want to fuck kids) that uses splatoon (a cheating game mod) in xiv because you suck at the thing you try to brag about, press a knife to your juggular
the most comical thing about you is that you've convinced yourself women with cocks (sometimes known as futa) are a sexual proclivity of women and not of transexuals, based on a poll you read on twitter (a site full of transexuals)
Look up "safe edgy."
more like breed, wed, love

this cat so pretty
>I have a good post
why are you lying
You use a Mannequin and sell something pointless, you get past the Marketboard tax that way too
same, trial/raid arenas tend to be great backgrounds for posing
off the top of my head I've used ifrit/ramuh/shinryu/suzaku/omega/athena p2 for backgrounds
work that noggin for a second you can figure this out
goodnight lobster hroth
according to my friend who used to buy they'd just send mogmail with 1mil in each
lemme in
i never had a mannequin
dunno getting 1mil per mail slot seems incredibly risky
I want to make him cry because I think it's funny when retards get punished for being retards
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Where's my scythe wielding middie Kirika to protect me and hug me
You can trade 1 mil at a time, if you really don't want to pay the tax. Takes less time than you think.

Then there's MB, where you list something cheap for 50 mil and the person buys it. You have to take the hit for the tax tho.

There's the FC chest deposit. Let them join your FC and deposit the gil.

Lastly there's the mannequin method. Which is the safest and off the grid of them all. List a piece of clothing for up to 999,999,999 on your mannequin and the person visits your housing to purchase it. No tax, no records.
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christ i forgot hrothgals were a thing
hows the msq
It normally would be, but they really just don't give a shit in this game. Especially if it's happening on NA servers.
The guy just traded me 1 mill at a time
gripravaging my spunkdispenser
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about 20k so i can pay my parents rent
but it's a comfy life
they don't ban buyers unless they talk about it, most mmos avoid the buyers and just hit the big sellers/botters who are obvious because they don't mind having a bunch of accounts farming ingame currency if they get sub money
your buddy kong threw you under the bus to save his own hide btw
Thread still hates you, fuck off pedo.
i see
for the latter you'd have to have the means to buy one though
damn i might just try it then
is there a way to sell an xiv account if its linked to steam
if not how do i sell 96 mil for like 80 dollars
Actually it was me and I blamed Kong in the thread because I hate Kong.
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Garbage and not even memeing about it, a good chunk of people hate it. Content is fire though
idk but i make way more than i need so...
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Why...why is omega not mandatory? The thing can literally spawn enemies everywhere even in cities
Shouldn't that be a big threat?
Yeah will log in soon
If you love them so much how come you only love modbeast glubs that are so far from the original.
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Wild how I can openly state that I am a pedophile but because people only care about that insofar as they can attack others, freaks will assume i am one of many random namefags
>Can you--
Type it all again but without being 100% correct.
Vaillains are hot because the Hays code in American media paved the way for modern storytelling. Also the whole being an outcast thing.
Because it's a self-contained sidequest with no consequences. FFXIV is terrified of mixing their peas and mashed potatoes.
my catboy? he likes penis
woow mine too
i lied sorry my middie is a bit more fate testarossa coded
any tank
my femlala? she likes women
How is "i'm at war and will exterminate the whole star if you don't do my arena shit" no consequences?
Oh yeah. I'm sure people will be lining up to buy gil at above market rates from a zero reputation seller.
This fiddie about to get egged
Revenge towards God for the crime of being.
Report to the Dawn Throne
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I personally wished it went f2p just because I really like FotM janky fps with battle royale stuff baked in. Closest thing that comes to scratching that itch was Hunt.
haven't heard that one before
why is the revival of bahamut (and the guaranteed calamity that would ensue) or alexander draining dravania (and beyond) not mandatory to stop? same reason omega isn't
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Now! we're big

Thanks! https://www.patreon.com/posts/cbt-heels-volume-83877980
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ive been hearing people say savage is a joke except for a few mechs, but im more excited for the rest of the content
hey at least the new models and textures look nice, too lazy to set up m*ds
...nice. thank you for your service
>fate testarossa
for what
i'm not offended since you're not wrong, but why did i get this response and not the faggy catboy?
I think mechanically its pretty fun, what's a joke are the DPS checks.
Fair enough
Thanks, slut, just came to this.
it wasn't meant to be goodbye
no!! just accept that i’m not your type!!
I hate femlalas more than catboys and there's the rare good catboy.
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Me whenever I see a modbeast in the wild with uncompressed triangles.
you'd have to sell the whole steam acc
Self contained in a meta way, because a writer can't be allowed to let their sidequest influence the MSQ. So if I gave everyone magic AIDs in the sidequest, Yoshi P is going hold a knife to my throat and make sure I wrap it up at the end of the quest.
sorry sis idk what catboy you're referring too, I'm just another femlalalala
Chaos CC?
cringe but internally consistent so i respect it
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Satan was outcast because his boundless love for God overstepped a lot of boundaries, surprisingly. God did not love angels as he loved humans because humans were capable of free will and had to *choose* to love him, which really tickled his fancy. Lucifer saw the fact that some humans didnt automatically love god as a sign that they were imperfect and not deserving of Gods love, thus his desire to scorn all of humanity because he believed God deserved only the highest of worship and praise. But when it became clear God would always prefer humanity over his servants, Lucifer had felt anger for the first time in his life, and waged war against god (for his love) and promptly lost because christians are fucking boring and god has infinite power or whatever

This isnt gay fanfiction this is straight from the text
I want to sleep using a moonie's feet as a pillow
best post in the thread
Because people want femlala wives and are thus salty that they're all transbians. Nobody wants a faggy catboy.
you start farting and shitting everywhere?
why would you want to use feet as a pillow when her lap is right there
My malera is the Dexter of /xivg/. Who is my Deedee?
my femlala comes packaged with my femra though so you have to like both and if you don't, that's a deal breaker.
there are trans women who are real women
sure haven't met one from here though
but nevermind that, i know you assholes don't put out for my straight sisters either
nobody likes femlalas
i do
I love you, Sun Rosa.
Havent played RDM since ShB, wtf do I do with Acceleration now
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No I start poking them with a stick and letting the air out. Which translates to ddossing them in self-defense in order to protect my vram and cpu.
don't play coy with me kitten
daddy wants a feet pillow
I actually meant the lewd-adjacent stuff you post in thread, but that has more to do with my preferences than anything else.
145-180 depending on bonuses
What if I want to be your Debra...?
What texts? Lucifer's pride caused him to rebel against God. Even in Paradise Lost, which isn't even canon, Lucifer couldn't 1v1 Michael and got his ass beat and exlied. In the canon bible, Ezekiel 28, it describes Lucifer's condition. Angels are beyond love, Lucifer does not love, he doesn't desire love from God. All he knows is greed and pride.
I've been spotted, gotta run!!!
Incest is wrong, bro.
What about real women who put dildos in their pants to larp as men larping as women?
>god made him wrong and then punished him for it
>as a joke
my femezen looks and acts like this
yes, with the squish

Yeah but you're the tranny in the equation. And if not... I'm sorry bro but being a grown ass man playing a femlala lesbian is about as weird as you can fucking get short of being an actual pedophile. Of course women aren't going to be interested in that.
that's not why they do it but it's based
It's NBR it's kosher.
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Catch her and tie her to the gay conversion therapy chair.
a mannequin is 10k gil from a NPC
i don't have the gil to buy a house
Made him wrong by making him too perfect, it actually is unironically as you said. Lmao.
You can place it inside an apartment bud
I remember when LL wasn't a mega gooner and didn't ERP constantly.
Millenial glubs
Millenial femlalas
Millenial femroes
Millenial femezen
Millenial fiddies
Love and cherish them all
melkorbros... why does eru hate us.......
>God makes a race of servants to follow his every whim
>Almost makes them retarded and stupid and capable of free will only sometimes
Alright sometimes religion is just retarded and im tired of pretending otherwise
Don't FC rooms also work? I don't remember.
if an apartment works an FC room should work, they're basically the same thing
Works too, mannequins are a furniture, as long you can place it, anything works
i have to get my mail — uh, the phone is ringing yeah that’s for me goodbye
I am a femlala
who just had her diaper changed
want? im up!
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No you don't. And i don't ERP constantly
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my wet ass pussy?
oh, he's drinking 7-up
Sometimes it's a bit silly, but it's as silly as scientists telling you the universe is made outta strings, unless you really look into it and know what they're actually talking about, then the lore is actually really fun.

Reading Paradise Lost, Dante's Inferno, the Non-Canonical texts, it's the mark of intellect to appreciate the depth of religion despite not believing in it. Being cringe reddit atheist is the mose midwit take ever.
Kill yourself, Crimson Chin.
I fucking wish that canaanite faiths never left this fanfic is so shit
my moonie is now once again queuing nier raids that will never pop
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How are malera stocks doing? I've been meaning to make an alt.
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good morning everyone else
why is she queuing for nier raids
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Its night like these where i think about raping a transmasc Thancred back into girlhood
I knew it...
w-what about millennial catgirls...
ChaosCC 9:00 ET
buduga boys look like THAT?!?!?
can I see ur moonie
just kidding
I know what she looks like
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My daddy taught me how to pop the queues using other people in a party.
i want the caster boots from puppets bunker
Is that a sad cock or a weird cloth texture
femlalas fetishize being lonely and it's insanely boring
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I found that male lala who couldn't stop drinking.....
Weird texture. The only cock around that femra goes in her.
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I miss your booba mod
holy fucking moly
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>half-naked catboy
>only ptom is from a lalagirl
barren wasteland
I miss your two huge c
I think I got skipped
This could be interesting but I doubt it doesn't just turn into a berating schizo fest.
why do you hate me so much...?
my meena latches onto femlalas like a squid and slowly dissolves them with his digestive juices
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waow its my boobies
ill have to figure out how to reenable all of that stuff :(
my what? my huh?
>5 am
I messed up… remember me… tell all the Femroe and Fiera that I love them… bleh
it's because i'm not at uldah bwo
btw i'm trans
Femlalas fetishize being manhandled by a maliddie bigger and I'm all too happy to oblige.
yea.. do the next call when the game is over pls ^^
weird post
The reason the schizoing is so bad here, is that it's personal.
Someone is jealous that someone is a better raider, so he schizos the better raider.
Someone is jealous that someone can enjoy PVP, so he schizos the PVPer.
Someone is jealous that someone enjoys things besides PVP, so he schizos the achievement grinder.
Someone is jealous that someone is fucking the fiddies that are supposed to all be his, so he schizos the person he's jealous about.
Jealous someone turned him down for ERP, and that's another schizo.

The weirdest one to me though is the horny schizoing. Most of the other boards are a lot more horny and they don't get schizoed over it like this one does.
weird post bro
Gn bro
Nuh uh
my femlala will never oblige an inquiry made on the thread.
if someone truly meant it, they'd reach out in game.
Wish I had a flat bunwife to cherish
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gock status??
it's not that deep bro most schizos are just fucking around
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Sometimes I wonder
Am I actually good at PVP?
Am I good because I play RPR well?
Or am I good because I'm using RPR?
where is she ingame so i can go pet her
This. Jizzda just does it because he lives a sad life with nothing better to do.
My catboy? He just had whiskey reach up his nasal passage.
looking not so good >>494450314
wanna play the game
They should remove Sprint so people can't run away from me anymore
I should try out my moonie golem settings on my bun sometime and see how she looks with a flat chest and huge ass and thighs.
sorry but in this particular moment, she's in bed and offline...
my femlala is sticking her skibidi out for the gyattler
>Someone is jealous that someone is fucking the fiddies that are supposed to all be his
he said, while schizoing magness
They should make the snare of VPR LB uncleaseable
Would make it more useful immediately
it's so fucking over
The only femlala I respect is Krile
ok presto sprint has been removed
you now get run down by a blm who used lb and die
double barreled
you should kys so they don’t have to
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these are my socks.
Some things never change
There's a ton of examples of very personal schizoing happening here. A lot of my friends have all had some different personal schizo.
Why is that so hard to understand? It's a social game and many people can't handle social situatoins.
My sunnie+ shestud is currently making some moon coon triple legend slutsquat for me. Fucking whores get a whiff of sunnie+ gock and they line up to get knocked up.
if you are a miera with a crush on a femlala message her NOW even if you think she's asleep
The only maliddie I respect is Ardbert
>I like transwomen
Good for
>and chilldren
I like them
please let a moonie shed her gockskin on my
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RPR has a high floor compared to other PVP jobs, which is why many people just do badly on it.
If you know how to use it, it's a very strong job, but to say you are carried by it is a bit much.
what the fuck
I'll kms if you go first
something feels off here...
femboys are cringe
they are just socks on a sheep rug.
Chaos CC 1:40 ET
what is it bwo
i can respect that and i wish you the best of luck in having the suitor you want the most to confess to you. genuinely.
>it's personal.
very true
doesnt help MMOs with very good social aspects like XIV are prone to e-dating so people get extremely mad at another potentially getting to close to someone they are or want to e-date or even just have to themselves like you said in your post about fiddies
i experienced it first hand when i started hanging out with someone that a prominent ebin had a crush on, suddenly i started getting shitposted and namedropped randomly, even when i didn't post my character.
he said, while schizoing magness
the lalas got him... hes gone...
my moonie is tired of running laps but i still need another level...
are you good because you play reaper
or are you reaper because you play good
>i can respect that
I'm an open book but my only stipulation is that it's in game and not here in public so thank you anon for understanding.
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I can't initialpost you...
oh, nothing
handsome face, bwo....
another blue ribbon for my femlala
woah, she's so talented
this little femlala
is gonna make some applie pie bread later today
people think i chase femlalas because i have femlala friends but i only wish the best for them.
i always push them to be more open with people they're wanting to be romantically involved with, if they have one.
you should go message that person you enjoy the company of most tomorrow or tonight, you never know, it might be the message that launches your ship.
>high floor
>many people just do badly
that's not what high floor means
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It's this supposed to be a defense of mag? It looks like a callout of her
we didn't say good night to each other but i am still awake so i'm gonna go say good night to her before i go to sleep
i miss her already...
thx bwo
Exactly! Love the socks, though.
Is it?
I though low floor would mean easy to play immediately
And low ceiling would mean it doesn't have much depth?

So High floor would mean hard to get into or play at first?

Was I mistaken?
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Heh, I echo more or less the same thoughts myself even if I don't actually have some romantic interest at the moment. I wish more people were open with themselves and others.
I'll keep you words in mind of course, I'm sure others could do well to listen to them.
thanks!! one of the few good ones.
could be magness or siegben
both of them claim to "own" the xivg fiddies and definitely act like the de-facto gatekeepers of them in their cwls
Its not gay if my malera is a DNC in CC right
it's a lil gay bro
I don't think it could be siegben. He doesn't care enough. He doesn't even bother to try to talk to fiddies.
it's kinda gay
ChaosCC 5:15 ET
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what the
Is RDM Acceleration only used for movement?
I also feel like I'm missing something with the spoiler but I may be too sleep deprived to catch on. Oh well, good night anyway.
what sock mod
happens, the chemicals have been potent this season
Guaranteed procs are always useful, but yeah kinda
dc'd, not coming
Based. Always love when middies swap to a better race.
alright, but nobody has smelled my catboy's balls yet
I would play pvp if they upped the server tickrate to a normal level like any other online game over the past 20 years has.
baka.. winning one and leaving (still hasnt popped)
wew did you get fucking lucky the zip 1 mb under the cat box limit.
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What were they thinking with this weapon, cant even hold it properly
I legitimately thought this was fibblit posting until I saw the lodestone
I stay in queue just in case
he went to sleep like an hour and a half ago
DYLFat femlala?
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high floor would mean the entry point is already good as a gimmick heavy job like rpr is
thank you i will be cumming on them later
go to bed rosa
I really hope we get one back-stage "wressling" match that would be really cool
from left to right: cheat with, marry, let her watch
yeah that's how most people use it in my experience
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>thank you i will be cumming on them later
no, what's being measured is performance
a high floor raises the bottom so that even bad players can perform alright
a high ceiling raises the top so that really good players can get a lot of mileage
a low floor means it's easy for bad players to turn in awful performance
a low ceiling means the job is limited in strength even if you play it well
>started dawntrail few days ago
>we need to help some princess become the next ruler
>this can't be the whole thing
>keep playing
>keep playing
>it's still help the dumb princess succeed over the stereotypical "brothers"
This is isekai light novel tier writing. I swear I saw the exam same plot in some shitty isekai anime. This can't be the whole expansion right? but why is it taking so long..
I forgot to do my ZZZ dailies today bros I'm cooked
game sucks anyway lmao
lasts until 96
it gets better
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What will be the possible consequences?
>schizzer called out
>a third party who somehow knows everything about the schizzer's schedule immediately swears on a bible that the schizzer is offline
many, many, many such cases
now i can cum and rape with my homies in uldah in voice!! we love this!!
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The fuck?
Then what do you say when the entry level is hard to understand/get adjusted to like RPR?

That's how I've seen it used most of time as well.

Oh what the heck, really?
I've been wrong this wrong this whole time?
Keep in mind that English isn't my first language, and I pretty much learned it alone by browsing 4chan and using google translate so I really always though low floor meant easy access, and high floor meant hard to access.

Well, you know what they say, the more you know.
siegben constantly samefags and will phonepost at you when he's losing internet arguments
would not believe anything good about that faggot
Wait till you meet princess #2
Which of you is "Breedable Femboy" on Marlboro? Fucking hell
just got in
most people use the floor/ceiling conversation in relation to skill floor/ceiling which is how you were using it. this is the first time I've ever seen the way the other two guys are trying to use it desu.
Guh... I missed it
>Then what do you say
that's low floor

think of it like floors on a building, the higher you go, the better you do and the more you carry
a job with a low floor means that if you suck, you can easily be on the 1st (lowest) floor
a job with a high floor means that no matter how bad you do you'll still be at least on the 10th floor
a job with a low ceiling means that even if you're amazing you can't get past the 15th floor
a job with a high ceiling means that if you're great you can be up in the top floor

jobs can be either low or high ceiling, and low or high floor. the strongest jobs have high ceilings but they're broken if they also have high floors
yeah im gonna agree with >>494456529
ive only seen it used the way you were using it
do you think 4chan are the only degens
I have only ever seen low vs high skill floor being used to describe beginner friendly vs not beginner friendly rather than the other way around.
No one has ever said they're tired and doing to bed then got back on when you went to sleep to cheat on you...
That's the wrong way to use it and not something I've ever seen done
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It's the heroic week, why aren't you idling on balmung while doing heroic splits on 18 alts, /xivg/?
EB status?
Because I'm already done? What are you some sort of casual?
ChaosCC 10:45 ET
It's literally every anime plot writing trope imaginable
this is the only way I had ever seen it used until today
We learned in Mamook that the lizard people need 2 to have a baby. So we need to know who Zoraal Ja fucked to create that little blue guy.
Floor is the baseline skill level required to not throw/feed on it 24/7 and be competent enough to be average
Ceiling is the potential for skill expression and the ability to carry games with personal performance and game knowledge
>18 alts
You can't be serious
I really want to know who he pressed his massive fucking body against to make his child
my theory is that the child is actually a creation from the blue head
I think you're the one misunderstanding what skill floor and ceiling mean anon...
high floor is beginner friendly
low floor is not
idk what to tell you bud, this is the first time i've ever seen someone use it in another way.
Im getting farmed..
Hrothgar Hero, cumming to a theatre near you
>So we need to know who Zoraal Ja fucked to create that little blue guy.
We also need to know who's Zoraal Ja mother first and foremost.
With how massive Gulool Ja Ja is, who the heck could take his cock?
standing next to an incredibly cute lalaboy rn
It's gonna be this
This is the only correct response
Switch to dnc and put the fear of god in them
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i don't know what more i can tell you other than that you're playing a casual game and probably wound up in an echo chamber of people who are wrong and don't play enough competitive games to know any better
you are defending an unconventional usage of the term
this is correct and what i have been saying
*raises paw slowly*
More like this
Then a low floor would means easy to be good at it?
And vice versa for high floor?
that's what i was saying you dolt
bake new bread already holy shit no one cares about you kids having a shitfit over what words mean
ChaosCC 13:20ET :3
glubnini lads
this would imply ffxiv players are actually funny
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But wait your picture is basically what I've been saying here >>494455560
I'm getting confused now
I want to change class next season..
Just got into the game
you seem to care a lot
they're confused and replying to the wrong people
if skill floor and ceiling is confusing to you, just know that reaper can and is played by retards to it's maximum effectiveness
Yep, boys will be boys.
>a low floor means it's easy for bad players to turn in awful performance
your image implies the exact opposite
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I'd watch it, not sure what a movie about our heroic hrothbro would be about though
a lot of "they both thought the other was a girl" minor drama shit
gn rapewife
>what words mean
i just called someone in my fc a ball licker but i typoed it as "ball liker" so i spent 10 minutes explaining to him that the insult still fits and i stand by my words
cc doesn't really have much job skill expression but there is a lot of skill expression for the mode as a whole, especially on learning to predict shit
wtf...... im starting tto think that you dont want to play with me :<
>to it's maximum effectiveness
That's not true though as someone with over 5k wins most casual queue RPR barely do damage on it, most of the time having a RPR in your party is a sign you will lose because it's a 4vs5.

It's different in something like high elo ranked, but for casual queue that's definitively the case.
Because I'm too busy with savage alts here. Also I haven't logged in to WoW for seven years.
Low floor means you can be retarded and do well on it and its easy to learn
High floor means it may have a lot of room for error or a learning curve and you will ruin the game if you don't know what you are doing
Low ceiling means it is simplistic enough of a job that you eventually plateau and jobs with higher ceilings can outplay you or predict what you are going to do
High ceiling means you can outplay other jobs if you are good enough
nothing, because no one will use it.
twinks and other fags who constantly squeak in falsetto will try to fish for each other before realizing no one actually likes men who are trying to sound like girls.
actual women won't touch that shit.
actual men don't care enough to touch that shit.
and most mmo players are socially terrified shut-ins.
On the contrary I want to play specifically with you
Someone make a new bread before I make a gay one.
No anon you have the definition of skill floor completely backwards from how literally everyone else uses it and the image you posted even says as much
Yeah that was my understanding of it as well, which is why the other Anon explanation confused me.

Maybe it's a bit different for games like MOBAs or Hero shooters?
Can we leave this floor talk in this thread pls. Don't bring it into the next one
It's not different anywhere, anon was being retarded.
don't worry I'll post about feet
I'll use it to say nigger in balmung ul'dah until I get banned by the dev
get pwned

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