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Previous: >>494369360
>Why did they pick TB
post it
Drow ranger is so hot..
>terrorblade has bad early game
>proceed to feed him 3 kills
what did falcons mean by this?
4 kills tb 9 min in. doubters?
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i missed all of tb's kills because i was shitting, how did he do it?
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terrorbros... will we lose AGAIN
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me on the right watching TI with my best bro
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>7th thread of the Main Event
>Still no sticky
>bane maxing nightmare
Post Watson
>he doesnt max nightmare
gg ez
Yesterday that bane was bad, it seems its bad even today
>one of the best bane's in the world
>questioning is his skill choices
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its over
Falcons play like 2019 OG, if they win I'm gonna kms I think
Why do I keep seeing this dogshit furion character
Apparently not, if he max enfeeble he would make the MK, DK and Brood totally useless
that's normal i think
you just want Brain Sap for sustain and damage in lane, then after lane you want to max Nightmare for the cast range, cooldown, and duration
TI4 Cloud9 would've won this
kill yourself faggot
lina feet impregnation
>feeds every game and loses with bane
>best bane in the world
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I mean I am not seeing anything live on the site, but can see its live on youtube

But it doesn't do anything, only if you catch someone solo. But they would be dead otherwise.
If you nightmare someone they will just use spider or anything to break it and it's useless.
Meanwhile enfeeble deal good pure damage, has an insane range, low CD and makes your right clicks useless... and they got THREE right click cores and nobody that can dispel it.
lol that tip
They should make you pay a 2000 fine if you fail your tip
that play mindbroke falcons
it's over
has natures prophet won a single game this TI?
Biggest psyop in Dota.
>You have do max Nightmare because... well you just fucking have to, okay? Skilling Enfeeble whatsoever? Ruiner!
I heard that this MK player drinks a cup full of poop before every game, and I'm starting to understand why.
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>leagueschizos caring about dota more than dotard themselves
So there are only three series today right?
sex with hoodwink
>le man of big farm and zero impact
he falls off so hard
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this crowd is gay
no actually there's the secret lower lower bracket where spirit and BB battle endlessly, like in a gulag
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>you can get a top 6 placing in TI by just beating 1W and Aurora
what were they thinking with this garbage group stage format
What sense does it make to use Bane, a hero with near zero escape abilities, that aggressively?
Four and the last two games tomorrow
I hate whores and whoredom
I seriously don't get it, just look at this game. It isn't used in team fights and do nothing.
1 skill is enough and you don't need more, you only use it to disjoint and interrupt anyways.
Meanwhile enfeeble does 270 pure damage, reduces attack damage by 70% (they got 3 right clickers) reduces cast range which mentally fucks up enemies, has an insane cast range of 1100 and a low 7 sec CD.
It's like one of the best skills in the game to skill and will only start falling off later in game when/if the enemies build lotuses. Hell it's also so good to just put on supports with the cast reduction talent so they can't use their spells.
the problem isn't the player necessarily but the hero itself

Enfeeble doesn't do that much for brood as the spiders still get the bonus damage from bite debuff
DK doesn't need to do a lot of damage and will do his own damage reduction through fire but the cast range is actually more effective on him
MK is a good target sure
Having said all that, Mirana ult also negates a lot of that
enfeeble only effect one target, see above
C9 vs Falcons
Tundra vs XG
Liquid vs GG
Winner of C9 vs Falcons vs Winner of Tundra vs XG

These are the games today
please please PLEASE have a penis
does this bane have dementia?
DM can't hit an X into torrent combo holy fuck
Yeah but compare it to maxing out nightmare, what does maxing out nightmare do for him? Every game they max out nightmare it's not even used and do nothing. Meanwhile enfeeble could have had decent impact.

It's also one of the best spell in the game for Phylactery and bane is the best khanda user in the game.
They kicked SingSing for this
Fishman is so fucking bad
This Kunkka.
>hurricane pike on dk
Explain this /d2g/
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if the crowd makes noise in the arena but no one is around to hear it, does the crowd still make a sound?
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>Clown9 in 2024
I dont explain things to retards
>pos 5 bane getting kanda
ok bro
but nevertheless, I still think Bane is totally out of meta and is not a good pick this game, enfeeble would barely help at all because they have so much damage on tap
C9 doesn't have very good initiation i think
i think they were kinda hoping Bane would go around and scout and find solo enemies so that Nature could teleport in and get kills, but it doesnt seem to be working out that well
I 100% believe if just one or couple of pros started skilling enfeeble suddenly everyone would. Even pros are just stubborn metaslaves in many ways. I imagine so many heroes would be skilled differently if they were brand new instead of two decades old
They are literally using it as a walking ward and Falcons just charge in when they have a number advantage, i don't get it
>Feedman is now 1/9/4
Why do pros keep picking Bane?
what the fuck is this bane doin???? its pissing me off
pick tb = lose, that simple
Sound doesn't actually exist
give me a cute boyfriend and i will
not taking this offer until then
>I still think Bane is totally out of meta and is not a good pick this game
nta but i agree
Bane doesn't seem to be in a good spot at all right now
>Bane would go around and scout and find solo enemies

With a Monkey King around, what logic does it make
are their voice comms broken? there is zero coordination
Watchig TB get this kited is painful
bro what is this tb doing lmao, where's your bfly for damage
holy shit what an outplay
>press enfeeble on Hood
>she now needs to go in melee range to use spells
>use it on MK
>he now deals no damage
It would have been suuuuch a better option than nightmare in every way.

I just hope people don't realize how busted Bane is mid, how big of an impact he has and how well he scales.
He's so much better as a core than support.
holy outplay
>Aui killing his old team
Who wrote this script?
>this fight

Does C9 not use comms? Why were they so split?
You're a disappointment to your father, kill yourself
>terrorblade waffling around the entire fight, 0 focus 0 damage
y-yeah guys, C9 power! They're gonna do it!!
Bane is a honeypot hero confirmed.
>pick tb
>get ignored for the entirety of the fight
Hahaha, that was kinda sad
im just saying, that's what it seems like they're doing
seriously i'd pick a 0% winrate support doom anytime over bane
Looks great, maybe you just suck
Ammar gotta change nametag, it's really cringe.
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>this is your top 6 team
these teams won't survive TI8 group stages
Scandinavian men are very hot, they literally don't have to do anything and by default they are hot.
ammar the cucked
Falcons better not lose this series after that.
>all auras and barriers removed from the game
2k input is not needed
anyone who understands the game here?
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and glepnir
nice X
>every game has been a stomp
Is this the worst TI ever?
dotards... deadlockchads are laughing at us...
another 2:0
pls no im a np enjoyer
still TI4
but this TI is gettng there
i hope falcons lose. what the fuck malr1ne
>This is a top 6 team in TI
The absolute state.
kunkka mid would've won that
How do we feel about allchatting?
>We expected the Brood
c9 are so shit
necessary spice modern games lack
I bet your reasoning is
>duuude range and stats and mobility lmaooo I wavh every jenkins and bsj tutorial they are HECKING AWESOME SAUCE!!!
The state of /d2g/...
match over
I wish someone would make a compilation of all the time grubby got frustrated that lead to him leaving.
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shithouse draft, Bane dogshit and terror fucking SUCKS against brood
>and we picked BANE to counter it
read the item, read DK ulti, see what item is the strongest right now, see what heroes C9 had
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sometimes based
was it ever allowed or did they change the rules around that?
>max nightmare every game
>never use it as it can't be used in team fights
>rinse and repeat
it should only be limited to chatwheel, gg, and r/r? (for pausing)
all chat after you already winning is cringe
>best bane in the world
>just running around the map like a headless chicken
>not a single team with burst damage to jsutify this
Fun and cute
they have given teams draft penalties for it before, but it has to be somewhat excessive.
thank for telling us about your obsessions, chud
It was based when torontotokyo did it, or that iG chink, but faggots like malrine overdo it and it looks tryhard
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Why is all chatting treated so differently than the non-stop voiceline, sprays, taunts and tipping spams?
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This wasn't a stomp, its just that Bane kept giving free gold away and fell so behind that Cloud9 was playing 4 vs 5
It already peaked
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I love old IG players

I also love Tobiwankenobi
emo ? was peak allchat
I don't think DM has casted a boat that hit his teammates or the enemy
it's more personal if you typed it
no bf no suicide
I agree and I was a huge EGfag and that series put me into a clinical depressive catatonic state
so a single "dm?" is fine but you can't be spamming it, right?
I dunno why they're laughing, they're playing the same game with all the same antifun drafting and comeback/snowball mechanics in it, made by the same people. Compare the scoreboard of a dota game and a deadlock game and find me the different data points. there are none
Gives DK more range against their melee cores by the time they can get close enough to him they're almost/already dead
you're dead already
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>noooo why aren't the hecking crown hootering and hollering like my wholesome niggerinos back home!!!
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>pick fluffy wife
It's that simple broz
Which one is it? Lmao the state of /d2g/...
why is furion the one hero no one calls by his current ingame name?
all chat is the wild west, voicelines are curated. you can be both unfunny and screw over yourself with all chat, which isn't the case for other methods of communication
no, that's impossib-ACK!!
No because there was nothing spectacular about that match
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>Christmas OP
>It's not Christmas
It was a very even game until the fight far left when Noone didn't have BKB and they were under a ward. C9 actually withstood the Broodmother's rush pretty well, but they needed a few more minutes for Terrorblade to be scary enough, and ideally for Kunkka to catch up a bit. That one fight clutched everything.
DM honestly had a shitty game, you saw him getting sloppy with the X-marks at the end
It's the most soulful part of modern Dota 2.
Also to outrange the TB in meta and escape sprout
Fuck off tourist.
>no reaction
Soulless team, will never make it
These don't contradict his ult gives range and damage having pike gives more range which also goes with the Mirana ult that gives damage, attack speed and day vision
use your brain a little, also the other anon is fucking with you, c9 had no melee cores
Dota can be fun, Deadlock can't since its a TPS that is also ugly as literal dirt
That's what League and HoN players said when Dota 2 was in Alpha 2011.
Deadlock has the spectator problem since its more incomprehensible compared to Overwatch which was already a nightmare to watch
I hope all the furries fuck off to Deadlock and Dota becomes the anime girl game
Kunkka but later I did clarify it was mostly to outrange TB in meta
>thread full of self-claimed Immortals
>can't answer a simple itemization question
The state of /d2g/
And look at LoL now, it looks outdated, Deadlock is brand new though so there is literally no excuse.
ez for watsao
Can't wait for some whore to flash her boobs on camera.
why were Clown 9 in the UB in the first place, when they're dogshit?
It's going to be Slacks or Jenkins.
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Deadlock is on alpha dumbass
It's like judging Dota 2 back in 2010
my bad DM played so shit it feels like he was pos 4 kunkka
>HotS will kill Dota!
>Reforged will kill Dota!!
>Deadlock will kill Dota!!
Somebody typed "ephey number" on chat and got instantly banned, lmao.
Bracer bros??? Our response???
>antifun drafting
motherfucker deadlock doesn't even have drafting, you're comparing a game that has been a complete game since 2012 to an open beta
cuz other teams are even worse
tidehunter's portrait barely changed
It feels a bit more polished than what you posted, but yeah, it will change a lot before release
somehow there are worse teams than aurora so they got a freebie
>i-i-its just an alpha

Its achtually a beta already so don't expect big changes
yeah, pretty much, but at the end of the game these penalties are doled out at TO's discretion, there isn't really a hard rule set for it.
Because some retard thought it was a good idea to put Liquid and Spirit in the same group while Clown 9 gets IG and Talon
No shit retard. Same with Dota, both are old games. Action RTS (MOBA) is dead genre, I'm talking from a context that people judge a brand new game from the start.
it's not
Whos the zoomer perm nigga?
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instead of deadlock
make dota ARPG instead
think about it
Tidehunter was one of the few fully realized heroes back on Alpha
Remember when DK looks completely different in Alpha?
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>It's another day of 2-0 stomps episode
>match lasts for like 30min
>match ends
>it takes over 30min for next match to start
This is so painful to watch
for only $900
>Ep*ey on panel
That's a mute.
Dota will kill Dota.
Just like how America will kill America, not China, not Russia, not the Arab League. They're their own undoing.
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westoidbros, we lost. why is the russian cast better yet again?
>Not knowing Lacoste
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>ringmaster theme stadium
what are the chances they actually planned to release the hero during the TI mainstage, but then remembered they had to release him before TI, and now we're stuck with a rushed trailer and probably kit for the new carry hero
spirit was in LB anyway, doesn't matter
Spirit Went 6-0 in group stage and ended in the lower bracket lmao
holy shit now that's a real set, wtf is the English production doing?
Dota doesn't look old or outdated, LoL UI reminds me of those crappy low budget games from the 2000s mixed with mobile game/pixar shit character designs, Deadlock graphics are similiar to Valorant or Overwatch but way more grey/brown and dull with some of the worst character designs i've ever seen, made Concord characters look decent.
Because it's off site and not in the arena
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Genghis Khan blood!
And instantly lost LB. Apparently they just fluked in the group stage
How are they casting this from the trenches of Kyiv?
>Game in development for 8 years looks better than a game in active development for 2 years
>le fake anime voice grifter woman
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i unironically didn't expect them to improve her face to be more SEGGS, the ingame model still has a manjaw
i too would be hiding my erection under the pillows if i was so close to her pits and feet
jew detected
Ok but why is TI clownthemed?
They released puppet master that is a tiny bit related to circus , but that was months ago and he's already forgotten.
They lost to Nouns who they decided to verse which is the perk they got for winning their group
why are you this mad at deadlock, a videogame in open beta?
Well nta, but the third person team action genre is pretty packed right now with samey bullshit.
noone's hairline is actually crazy, man was fully FULLY bald at like 25
sex with wr
ringmaster's aghs
Pretty low. People were giving them shit constantly about how if Valve does that they'll never stop bitching about it. Also releasing it during TI means nothing if he's not available to play.

Valve most likely wanted to release Ringmaster EARLIER so that he would be enabled for Captain's Mode for TI. But their slow development time + 2 weeks of Midas bugs really fucked any chances of that happening. If there were no bugs they might've went "Okay he's been out for 2 weeks he's enabled now" even if the pros bitched about it but they didn't even get a chance to think about that.
Just to have a theme at all I guess.
Last year's stained glass theme was GORGEOUS, imagine if there was a full battle pass with it too.
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>terrible character design
>yellowniggers lashing out
lol, lmao.
Deadlock is in development for way too long and the dev already said that they are only "considering" changing the fucking shop icons, other than couple of placeholder models of stuff like Midboss and 2 heroes I do not see how the game will look significantly better.
Just look at Neon Prime leaks, Deadlock only looks a tiny bit better, lol
Someone post fluffy cunny for me to huff
>Cloud 9 Sand King
We're getting Game 3 lads!!
I want an all stars feature match where the players can only select heroes that haven't been (or rarely) contested heroes of the TI
>See, the characters are good when we take female ones, cut out their heads, and paste them on generic nude models and use them for porn animations
Not mad, just stating the obvious
I didn't say that, i said the graphics are similiar, especially the graphical effects that obscure the vision of the player, the characters of Overwatch while Pixarshit are at least well made.
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>dark unity: changed effect from illusion damage/penalty to terrorblade and all nearby illusions under his control gains a bonus 10% base damage per illusion (stacks multiplicatively)
>removed illusion damage penalty
>condemned allows sunder to pierce status immunity
>soul fragment grants terrorblade strong illusions
>reflection illusions now gain metamorphosis damage bonus at 50% power
>demon zeal now levels alongside sunder
>demon zeal bonus rescaled from 100 ms+as to 40/70/100 ms+as
>demon zeal health regen bonus rescaled from 20 hp/s to 10/20/30 hp/s
>demon zeal health cost rescaled from 20% to 30/25/20%
>aghanims shard now allows demon zeal to not be cancelled during metamorphosis, demon zeal bonuses during metamorphosis are halved
Ironically Bulldog always called it "Prophet".
>Hating the penetrator
Girl's gotta get the bag anon
She's better than 99% of the shitters here anyway
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Overwatch is garbage tho, but has hot women.
>picking wyvern into snap
Correct. Porn = Good
holdover from dota 1 and unlike most dota 1 names isn't retarded (e.g ench and bloodcyka)
If C9 loses with sand king then lol
overwatch has such great character design that every single porn webm is off-model
Luna and Sand King at that
I really wish valve would do an update of all the wonky character models like MR and morph. People would be more incentivized to buy cosmetics for heroes if they didn't look genetically deformed
>pos 5 Clockwerk
Never mind, it's over...
>sand king
they are desesperate or we get game 3
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I like
Furion is a retarded name because it's just the shortening of Malfurion which is also the model the hero uses from WC3
Yeah I think people still use names that just sound okay. I see Gondar, Trax, Bara, but nobody is gonna call troll warlord fucking Jahrackal or whatever his name is.
not bad
you can resell for more later
how can we save dota
ez win for clown9
fully naked TA persona
why is no team picking ringmaster
I'm gonna abuse Sand King for recalibration lol 4k here I come again
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another 2:0 series, very cool!!!
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Not available which makes sense since the hero clearly had the potential to be very OP
in-game sex mechanics
having sex with a teammate heals while consuming mana, gets interrupted by enemy attacks like a healing salve
He's banned from Captain's Mode until they feel like he's not OP/UP yet.
why is tidehunter bad?
5bros... they're making fun of us...
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based aui
This is the worst TI so far in terms of games you can't change my mind
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Aui is so fucking adorable
cutest little autist
ult dependent, useless without ult
He is just good for its ultimate, its like a Mars but with worse spells
looks like a man
>clown man setting up Aui_2000 for some basic YEAH WE'RE WINNING THIS shit before a game start
>he keeps mumbling "I dunno"
>I dunno
>I dunno
Aui pls...this isn't modesty, you need to man up a bit.
>mid ES
since when?
Son you'd best not commit blasphemy here
I would pay good money to watch Iceberg beat Malrine to death
sex with chinese analyst
that's a tranny and you're gay for calling him cute
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>C9 have already lost the lanes
Is this game better than League of Legends? I'm diamond 2 Riven Main but I'm hardstock now becase of noob team.
If SK is the best 3, what's the second best?
where can i meet men that look like her? looking to move there
>that's a tranny and you're gay for calling him cute
Tourist GET OUT
fucking faggot
Report Mars.
eating cacio e pepe, watching dota :3
Why are Chinese and Russian analyst women dressed in feminine beautiful outfits, and western women just threw some rags on?
based bambro
Yes. If you get filtered, it just means it's a skill issue.
Wym, Ephey is dressed cute with her little doodle tattoos
westoids hate beauty
What universe are you from that porn models follow its source material with identical accuracy, retard.
very very different, I play both and they scratch different itches. Dota is very strategic (bigger map, lots of different movements and tactics, items can easily shut down an enemy hero) while LoL is more streamlined and very dependant on teamfights and outplays

try dota out, play some turbo matches, maybe you'll get something out of it, mechanically it isn't very different (or even harder) than LoL
Don't tell him to start with turbo what the fuck
Only Jenkins is a whore and wear shit clothes
It used to be better, now it's trying to be a League clone but failing at it while not being like the game used to be.
Is this the main thread for discussing TI? This is dead as fuck
Which parts do you think are like League?
doodle tattoos are awful
curren match isn't particularly exciting
agree , 3 core meta vs aura stacker last year is waay more fun to watch
the bad ones
>english broadcast doesn't work ingame
nice game volvo
The dogshit unnecessary innate abilities
Such as?
This is the main thread for shitting on dota and btfoing dogtards shils
with floppy futa physics
Pretty much this whole TI is not. There are like 2 fun games total.
>play some turbo matches
Fuck no. Newbies should avoid turbo at all costs. Bot games are where you start then go to normal unranked. NEVER turbo.
Most entertaining thing this whole TI is watching BetBoom throw two games in a row
fr I hate this "supports are carry carries are support" meta
Why are role tokens still a thing?
Yes, it's also more complex than LoL
finally, they played as a fucking team instead of letting Falcons pick everyone off
>not all chatting
come on c9
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>chink pos 5 is sick
>GOAT pos 5 just happens to be in the crowd
scriptbros? is it happening?
That's it? They don't even make a difference.
I don't think you understand what makes League League.
I remember when games were about carries vs carries and mids vs mids.
suppsubhumans were irrelevant
The child diddler goatee...
the fuck are you talking about, most classic plays from TI have come from pos 3 and 4
Retard. He's complaining about heroes and their roles in the meta, not about players. lrn2read
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>buy 2 bf 1 rapier on ember
>do no damage
LCK Summer Split has more viewers than your 'Worlds'
How's your trades going, EE?
>Puppy winning TI together with Ame
We won...
Respect to both.
Your thread has more blacked porn than a wedding in Israel
It feels like individual plays is not a thing in Dota anymore.
When was the last time you saw someone land a great Lich ulti that fucked up the enemy team? People say that supports are more fun to play now, but I don't feel that. They have less impact now because their spells are so weak thanks for the powercreep.
Landing just a normal spell before on support used to feel good and impactful, now even landing a perfect ulti barely do anything.
You are not allowed to laugh at us when we are down on the floor
They better when they literally advertise it, embed the Twitch stream in ads, and make watching their tournaments a "quest" in-game to get blue essence.
>It feels like individual plays is not a thing in Dota anymore.
>Brings up RNG bullshit as the example
Didn't read the rest since you're wrong off the bat
>It feels like individual plays is not a thing in Dota anymore.
>Brings up RNG bullshit as the example
Didn't read the rest since you're wrong off the bat
you can't have view wars when 80% of your views are koreans and bots
What would be the most fun league-like heroes mechanically? I heard void spirit is one of them, is this true?
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Thirdies literally can't use Twitch
I'll spoonfeed because I'm in a good mood. It's kreamu.
Dotards still coping so much that League is much more popular
Wtf moot
What happened to LCS?
What is this gif even supposed to be
league of legends is apparently so good that you're posting in a dota thread instead of your own
Oh sorry, I forgot you literally got bullied out of your thread by ERPers LOL
SuperBowl has more views that your "Champion" League Final
Imagine being a elimination match at TI and your mid drafts ES how do you hide your rage at the auto loss?
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3 bracers clockwerk
koreans are closer to being insects than they are to being humans
Remember to tune in to LCS to watch black transgender singers (literally real)
make the rifle into a hurricane pike
Their game is held up by chinks and gooks and they think it is a "good" thing
Before this game every member of C9 took a poop in a cup and then drank the poop as a symbol of solidarity.
No white man cares about league
>le trans bad
No wonder your game flopped so fucking bad
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We're so back C9bros
Is Noone washed?
I would say kys but that's a given, so maybe saying get help will be more insulting to you as you don't seem to think you're mentally ill
classic CIS choke
Void Spirit is one, kind of like a kassadin. You also have Dawnbreaker, Crystal Maiden, Drow Ranger
seen people compare Yorick to Nature's Prophet, but the mechanics there are very very different
There was a page that told you what heroes are similar to LoL Champions, I don't recall which webpage tho
since 2018
He was washed in 2017, take a guess
watson wasted everything wtf
I can't believe the mods aren't sticking the greatest esports tournament of all time this year, they want /vg/ to be nothing but lonely losers in their 40s playing anime phone games and pretending to be little girls
fuck 4chan, this place can't get any worse
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This is Malr1ne, known for allchating and trash talking. Remember this face when someone acts tough on the internet, it's the only way these feel people feel safe when they need to lash out.
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Will No[o]ne getting ganked so much in the midgame cost C9 the match?
>508k (lck summer) > 400k (worlds)
Move on to Deadlock because EOS is soon
most non-pornbrained people already left 4chan
He looks fucking good though??
>likes something solely because someone else likes it
What the fuck was that Luna doing?
FalDAWGS are winning TI
Fuck CIS for making me think they can win.

These fuckers just don't even pop BKBs in fights.
>Luna just sitting there, alone, eating shit from timber
>team does nothing for 80% of her health bar
holy fuck this C9 team is dogshit
malrine should still kill himself though
Just gg
>satanic when only timber is showing
this is the correct opinion
>top 1 gameplay
he's not getting ganked, he's getting caught out because he's a bad pro player and bad pro players play the game as if it was a pub and get caught out over and over again
10/10 in pidorussia
c9 so fucking bad
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>their carry holds onto BKB for too long
>no linkens against dk
dog carry
this wyvern pick feels useless againt timer/snapfire
I just realized you can't hear the crowd at all. What abject failure of a production.
>greatest of all time this year
Thirdie street shitter ESL go home
The malr1ne troon is so insecure its so funny
short teenager acting tough online, what a surprsie
>inverse correlation between hoodwink/windranger being picked and negativity on d2g
explain to me why God keeps rewarding evil people
le 5 unkillable tanks
riveting draft from fagcums as usual
luna does no damage
Umm cockhole is salty because Russian chad is winning?
The problem with deadlock is that the artstyle itself is bad, not the unpolished current art. It is being carried by good gameplay, but unless they overhaul the artstyle it will always look ugly.
Dotards? You told me that Sand King is the most broken hero this patch.
why are there only 4 good teams at ti
GG Clown9, better luck next org
Will there be a single good series on the main stage or are we doomed to see stomp after stomp?
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>this is a top 6 team
But russian pigs are losing?
Ammar is literally doing a meme Mars build, Cloud9 is just worse
so we all agree that watson is a fraud who used scripts to get rank 1 right?
too many bracers on enemy team
>good gameplay
pos 5 Enchantress has more net worth than pos 3 Sand King, lol
malrine just typed Z as he killed noone, is he getting banned?
When does Artour play?
holy fuck how is c9 so bad, they literally had the win the entire game, i thought to myself the only way they lose is if they burst luna, they just waited 30 min to get picked off untill they didn't have enough gold lead so they coudl lose a fight.
that took some time :v)
Kek, screenshot?
right after EE's team
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XG Tundra series should be more even.
listening to OD pixel's "casting" is the funniest shit in the world to me
Watson is beyond garbage holy shit how is he at TI?
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fucking kek
they lost because of this luna
library doto
nice main event dotards
unfortunately DM is the one playing
Go home trash
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Bro.....what the fuck????
I thought Cloud 9 was better than this, what the shit
It would be hilarious if the team got dq'ed because of that
and finals will be 3-0 too
enjoy very balanced rock paper scissors pro team meta
Close one for C9 UwU
cloud9 didnt know how to play that team, why even pick in first place, so dumb
>buy dragon lance satanic manta khanda
>do 0 damage
wooooow go luuuna!
slavs are fucking inbred fucking retards holy fuck how shit can you be
Falcons and GG just seem better than any other team
I don't think a lot of companies realize how important hearing the crowd on the stream is for optics
If he can't win with TB or Naga it's over
>Another 2-0
This is TI4 all over
cry now
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Nah quick 2-0 for our guys XG desu
tundra clowned on falcons earlier in UB and xg stomped gg earlier in groupstage
it's more of a matchup thing
>dota 2
>good since post-ti 2021
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What did Mr. Bingo mean by this?
Ame will wipe the floor with that washed shitter
>don't take a single favourable engagement
genocide all slavs
Is Topson the GOAT if he wins it again?
>european dota is the shittiest chud le 9k hp tanks every game
>glorious chinese doto is traditional hard carry four protect one
Real easy to know who to root for this year.
can someone teach Nomad how to interview people
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>3 times TI winner

basically yeah
It's going to be Liquid Shit vs Gaimin Gladiators in the Grand Finals and we all know exactly how this shit is going to end don't we?
TI 10 was also a shitshow desu senpai
Ti4 was 6 2-1 games and 3 2-0 retard
I don’t know why I have to say this but if you are attending TI please shower and wear deodorant! PLEASE!!!
Yeah, no real discussion by that point, but I don't think Tundra wins consistently against any of the remaining teams.
Please refrain from calling me a retard >\\\<
>stand and bang 4 protect 1
>1hp supports entry
>supports do NOTHING
>carry does NOTHING
these niggers were throwing or should be shot for being so stupid
Fishman says he's gonna root for their bros Malrine and Ammar
yeah the 2-0 TI was more recent, was it 2022 maybe?
these games are worse than my herald pubs
File deleted.
>12 out of 18 knockout matches were 2-0
dotards? your response?
Did you watch tundra's series yesterday???
Couldn't play for shit and Flopson ruined the first game with his shit ego pick
>the only good guys left
I want Quinn to win a TI just to enjoy the meltdowns.
I don't like that card she's holding
That some could have easily been 2-1
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This isn't Smash.
>I don’t know why I have to say this but if you are attending TI please shower and wear deodorant! PLEASE!!!
Now I wish I could attend with my summer's worth of accumulated sweat and sticky cum smell.
trump making it hard for arabs and russians to get visa was bad for dota 2
but the pandemic was the nail in the coffin, TI being won by ooga booga slavs twice in a row was criminal
we are now living with the scraps of the game
dota needs a REAL update, a BIG update, like it was with reborn, source 3, rollback netcode, new models for all heroes, whatever, the game needs to bring out something new and exciting to get people back in
Player: XXS
Plays: XXL

Yep it's XG time.
fishman? more like fishfillet. the guy grilled himself every game over and over
Not how the real world works anon
If the chinks win TI it's a participation story win and therefore the last TI
If Liquid wins its a boring org story no one gives a shit about
If Tundra win it's ego stroking topson who doesn't deserve it
If GG wins it's deserved
You fuxking prick
>tfw they took the straw basket from us
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Ame, the uncrowned king. Take your throne
And Falcons?
As a serious observation, C9 made a lot of terrible initiations for teamfights. The last 3 were particularly bad. They never grouped properly while Falcons stuck together, and then they'd just trickle in one by one and feed so not even WW curse could get them any good kills because Falcons is just firing at them in a long line so it only gets 1-2 people while they murder the rest of C9.

That Rosh fight in particular was horrible for positioning. Luna should not have been the one to get jumped on. They didn't even really spot her or send her out first, she just happened to be in the place where the fight should happen and all of C9 just fucked off for a minute before coming back to trickle feed. It was hilariously bad. You'd think they were uncoordinated pubs instead of a pro team talking to each other.
>dota needs a REAL update, a BIG update
6 facets per character
if ame wins TI artour might kill himself, icefrog won't allow that
>out of 17 bo3s, 13 were 2:0
Riveting games.
imagine ever using twitch when a youtube stream is available lmao
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Mr.Bingo noooooooo
Frauds deserve nothing.
Falcons can suck my dick.
poopie rapie
Which start is the best on universal mids?
>5 branches
>4 branches and circlet
>4 branches and faerie fire
I like 5 branches since I don't buy circlet upgrades when I go mid.
>there will be cucks that buy this despite not having the arcana ingame
it's ugly yes
Aren't they planning to have at least three facets for every hero?
>If GG wins it's deserved
oh yeah, that's what dota needs, a bunch of effeminated zoomers winning TI
one of the worst internationals so far desu
On WR, I always make sure to buy a Null so I buy Circlets. Most others buy Bracers.
How do you beat them in a team fight? they just tank everything
Yes. Unlike you most of us have disposable income.
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wait what happened to dota2's Virtus Pro?
>team is ahead
>team stays ahead
>20 more minutes of them getting more ahead
>game ends with a stomped teamfight
i swear 80% of dota 2 games are like this in pro play, I hate to say it but even LoL is better than this garbage cause they have skill shots lol
Non-zoomers are either retired or playing like shit.
Ame yes, but don't foget Xinq. Lil teddybear needs to be crowned too.
yet not enough to get the arcana lmao
>nooo you can't buy good art you need to have pixels first
I swear when incels say their lives suck its 99% because of getting worked up over this type of meaningless autistic shit
I want to be held and kissed by a beautiful anime girl
and majority of them are stomps too
like 50%-70% dont even reach 40 minutes
>meanwhile many many patches ago anons were complaining about how the comeback mechanic was ruining the game as it matters not how far a team was ahead
I swear tourists like you should just shut the fuck up.
im a beautiful anime girl, i can hug you
any announcements so far?
based autist
>former lgd members
>they play honest dota
>not meta slaves
they represent old dota. they only team with sovl left
dota servers are being deprecated right after TI ends
>If GG wins it's deserved
Both games had awful initiations. DM just Xing from unsafe areas, NP jumping backlines to die instantly when you needed to focus cores not supports. This game they draft 4 heroes whose only value is protecting and zoning, and they never do it once. Constatntly they would engage, disengage then someone like clock would go back in. I can't even articulate how bad the positioning and initiation was. Why is ES initiating by roshan from miles away when he's obviously going to get blown up and luna has zero mobility. What is he hoping for? So many times they died leaving it 4v1. Then forcing huge fights without buybacks, then buying back in for shitty fights. It's just unfathomably braindead from start to finish. Luna could 1v5 but they are taking the worst possible fights all game.
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i got tricked by the new thread -> lolg troll link and was posting in their thread for the enitre last series and didn't even notice
Mobile Legends killed Dota 2
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I just realized Marline looks like Mr.Beast.
How does that reconcile the fact they're still ugly chinks????
I don't miss the "push to hg at 20 minutes, then farm for 40 minutes because hg is fucking impossible" meta we had last year
hello SEAbro
Team Spirit imploding is the worst thing to happen to this TI
that rules
well, you're a frogposter after all
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Let me make your dream come true
How does it feel having been the objectively best poster in an entire general for a short while?
Post faster I want to get rid of this filthy coomer thread
It's so sad that cyber cafes are dead in SEA when back in the 2000s it was the place for teens to hangout at. Now it's all mobile gaming and the likes, mobile legend killed dota 2.
They're the better team
Caring more about the story is peak zoomer
yeah, they're both white and male
This series is gonna be a 2-1 for Tundra
the comeback mechanic is still there retard that's why teams play so passive while building a lead, the team behind simply cannot do anything though due to all the hp creep and shit
Will /d2g/ cheer for Topias or Ame?
I'm white so Topson
It's hard to root for Tapsen after he betrayed his country
Pure Z
Zoomers are the master generation seethe harder
bros i stopped playing dota2 4 years ago and haven't kept up with the scene
give it to me straight... why didnt rtz make it to TI, i cant find him anywhere....
what the fuck happened to shartdoor?
I don't care about either team.
Ame and xincute
real /d2g/ will root for Ame
nu-/d2g/ will root for Trapsen like the redditors they are
he's smoking crack under a car somewhere
Is Saksa massive or are the others manlets?
>final 2 good guys
>one has to be eliminated
please not a 2-0
he absolutely shit the bed, surely you remember him being a team chasing whore when he left EG to secret, looking for a win? Yeah that didn't stop and he kept losing because he's bad lmao
i was about to sperg out that everybody was talking about faker during TI more excessively than usual when i noticed
chat, is this real?
>no dota version of this image
I... cheer.. for... some good & exciting games of Dota 2!!!!!
he is raking in the streaming money and doesn't care anymore
Imagine a player who is consistently really bad at decision making past minute 10 for the past 4 years, that is shartsqueezy
>Increase map size and camps so you are rewarded more for more map control
>This means you can win sooner by having a higher relative GPM surplus
>People whinge because instead of using this to end sooner people use it to drag the game out and not have to take any risky fights because they want to guarantee the win
They literally fixed the game so games CAN end faster and because losers don't take advantage of being ahead in this way you blame the game
>power creep making the comeback mechanic obsolete
>thinks that refutes my point that anons love to bitch and moan
People realized he was shit and the org couldn't find players good enough to carry him
Bulba finally dragged him all the way down to irrelevance
Ame because he's fought so long in the top ranks and that deserves to be rewarded
Shartour is semi-retired from the now dead NA scene and might play pro in the EU somewhere in the future.
he's like 6'5, very tall
>Increase map size and camps so you are rewarded more for more map control

Yes also make the game 6 vs 6 since the map is already large enough as it is
Kill yourself Futafaggot freak
artour became a variety streamer now and shills for any company that gives him $20
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don't sit like this dotards
6v6 and make it third person
The size increase was to reward being ahead so teams can end faster by farming even faster relative to base camping. This would undo that

Yes also make soccer 12 v 12 and no goalkeepers allowed.
No that's bad

Farming is boring thoughbeit
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Anyone cheering for Chinks is a race traitor
dis nigga balding
I wonder if they were just tilted or something. Everything from draft to execution was a disaster and you'd wonder what they were thinking with those bad plays.
back to the kway with you
>pick 4p1 TB and Luna
>don't protect 1
>carry gets zero kills
Varg is a welfare queen.
Team Secret.pieliedie
Team Secret.Puppey
Team Secret.Universe
Team Secret.Arteezy
Team Secret.Eternal EnVy
think about it, dotards
This. I cheer for DOTA
this is just now talmudic judaism for gentiles,
stop with this savior complex you fucking faggot,
your tolerant secularism just destroyed your country
Based, paying taxes only benefit jews and browns.
>Farming is boring thoughbeit
Including a way to increase XP and gold faster is the only way in the game you can try and reward another team for behing ahead (and therefore trying to incentivize them to want to attack sooner).
Ame, topson already won twice.
/qa/ was based, it's the closest thing we got to a sfw /b/ before it was filled with revenge porn and shitty coom thread.
Also kys.
XinQ is Liu Huahuan if he was a dota player
needs Mason
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Reminder to ignore all thoughers
>any combination of these
Nice mental gymnastics, '''Louis Cachet'''.
>he says, while posting a wojak
The only good TI was the wings one and maybe the first two. It's been downhill since then. They need to just delete dota
What about Thussers?
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ye i remember that
so they finally figured it out and cliffed him irl, thanks bros; as a token of appreciation i will kill league of legends in season 2025, my insider is working on the balance team
god speed you all
People don't want to admit this but Varg's ideology is that of an ethnic socialism, sharing resources freely but only to a certain kind, the white kind.
Why are trannies so triggered by these words?
Every TI (except 4) before TI11 was kino in it's own way. 4 was objectively a bad patch
uh that's a thoughjak
Daily reminder that if you havent impregnated a woman you cant criticize Topson
but is "but" ok?
>C9 is a top 5 dota team in the world and they don't even know how to draft or play
a TI is only good if there's a techies pick
There has never been a good ti throughbeitever
I didn't knew Topson was a mouthbreather
Nothing wrong with any of these thoughbeitever.
Goes to show how fucking difficult this game can be at times.
based insider, god speed
Noticed how most Chinese require glasses?
>my insider is working on the balance team
Impossible, no one works there
who was the guy with the hello kitty sticker on his face, malrine?
his daughter fucks niggers lol
holy fucking meds nobody thinks about the thoughjak when someone sayes though
and what race is topson's child?
You mean if there's a techies/pudge pick in a final
Needs Bulba
Who are the CHAD mouthbreathers in the dota pro scene?
no team with ukrainians can win TI
no team with americans can win TI
if you mean no one with a brain than yes you are correct
but the insider has half a brain so its a done deal now
Of course his kid is asian like him and his wife.
name a more uninspired team name than xtreme gaming
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(optional) WHY?
Varg doesn't even live in Norway, so much for patrionism and purity.
>pudge pick in a final
would singlehandedly save this TI
>and what race is topson's child?
Personally TI3, TI5 and TI6 are my favorites.
Then anyone has the right to criticize
>in my /d2g/
yeah time to root for chinks
2-1, Topson will pocket some insane shit at least once this series.
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>and what race is topson's child?
Pureblooded Asian
XG wins 2:1
Topson plays a weird hero game 3
Topson isn't white retards
remember when dota had soul? when every team had a psychopath player like QO, EE, bulba, bone7, puppey, rotk, mushi?
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>SD not banned
2-1 XG
Topson will never win TI without OG
>and what race is topson's child?
Tusg :DDDD
how many finnish dotards are in this thread?
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Topson has that ancient native European phenotype with hawk-eyed hunter eyes and extreme low sunlight adaptation. None of that street shitting Indo-Aryan saar shit.
>Chinese Dota
Finally some SOVL
>still the best game in dota history
what went wrong with dota
do you think God will ever pay for torturing good, noble people and rewarding evil sociopaths, or are we stuck in hell for eternity
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never thought I'd be rooting for chinks but it would suck to be all EUW already
Are you sure you didn't sneak a spade into this pic too you fucking bastard
I'm beginning to believe that wars and global social upheavals have an impact on mobas in general.
Am I crazy to think that dota 2 playerbase is probable one most vulnerable between all multiplayer games? Like you have to be miserable or some kind of masochist irl to play this game.
ame will teach you kids how to play pos 1, watch it
No mitä mä just äsken sanoin vitun vammanen Topson on 100% alkuperäiseurooppalainen (ei saamelainen) eikä mikää indoeurooppalainen kadullepaskoja
>SF Jakiro
Kino 2012 lane
take the gnosis pill anon, it is the material world that is the greatest evil
>Tundra picks pos 5 Clockwerk for auto-lose
It's over...
like two
He does the opposite
Did he convert to pisslam to marry that indo or was the european visa enough for her family to look away?
>Ame Void with Time Zone again
>instacast sf in square
>SD picked
Are you excited, SD Anon?
We killed God last century already, we deal now only with our own hubris.
you now remember FATA- streaming and playing the guitar
Bad Mars and Clockwork game
poronnussijat mitään "alkuperäis"roskaa ole vaan siperiasta tulleita juntteja eli mongooleja
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Is there any AI powered solutions to live mute certain people? Asking because of Ephey
Is it just me or is XG's draft really good? I feel Tundra has no real catch for the Void
Another 2-0 stomp ZzZzZz
Try becoming schizophrenic
xtreme gayming will pick centaur if sentinel doesn't ban it
If Tundra paces their plays well, then the long CDs of XG might become a problem.
Vittu sä olet TYHMÄ jos luulet Suomen ensimmäisten asukkaiden olleen saamelaisia
>siperiasta tulleita juntteja eli mongooleja
No täähän se ois kaikki suomalaiset on näitä mutta onneks germaanit on nussinut pahimmat turaaniuden pois
I'm telling you, brood would win it for tundra
I agree, Void/SF/Jakiro is a fuckton of damage and control, don't see any real answer for their teamfight.
Listen here little incel, nobody cares
stop posting
okay, xg needs an offlaner with a save, do people play WW offlane still?
>silly bear
wolves vs wolves kino fight inc
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based chinks refusing to pick meta shit. sovl
nta, but you should already expect that since this is Asuna
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Yes, can't try to learn anything from pros if the hero is banned all the time!
Hating women doesn't make me an incel, it makes me human
Oh fugg :-DDDDDD
These are some crazy picks from XG.
Mobile Legends killed Dota 2
>only the Chinese team still got soul left
what happened?
XXS is 100% building aghs this game screenshot this
>LD pick
gg go next
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It's time.
>poronnussija tarkoittaa vain saamelaista
yleinen haukkumasana lappalaisille
suomalaiset on mongooleja eli ei-valkoisia
crazy lycan pick, what the hell
I think xtreme got this
Asuna is BWC only
Ame stans. show your love for the king
Notice how I did not want to mute Sheever? I just want that brown creature with a fake cutesy e-girl voice to be permanently silenced and deplatformed.
idk this is such a CN pub draft tho, no respect
>fucking another man's butt isn't gay, it makes me dominant as I'm putting him in his place by embarrassing him
try getting some pussy it'll make her existence less hurtful to you
There was a Lycan pick yesterday to counter Time Zone but didn't do shit. They might've just picked him to prevent another counter attempt or they think it'd be funny to have a manfighting Lycan with Boots of Bearing IN the meme cube.
You are still an incel
XG's coach looks high as balls these chinks can't handle danish weed
you're mexican or mexican adjacent though
>void jakiro
What year is this?
Helen is cute!!!!
I still fuck women, specifically because I hate them.
It's a race thing not a pussy thing
kino if true
Lycan wolves were giving a lot of info of the enemy team and they are annoying as shit to deal with
>Time zone again
wtf is this chud's problem??
yeah, they picked it to counter sniper, the guy said in the interview
>Alpha Wolves, Time Zone and Bear Necessities
>translator is even shorter than tsunami
Isn't tsunami like 150 cm tall??? Wtf
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No it's a hating attention seekers thing, regardless of gender or race. She is also fucking retarded and only has her job because she isn't completely hideous and has a vagina. There are plenty of women who play dota who aren't fucking stupid
>noooo don't you DARE talk ill off my ethnically vague but undeniably street shitting egirl wife nooo
so you're just a flamming faggot? got it.
dotacapitalist, the backstabbing snake that destroyed tobi's career after he gave him the chance to become a caster, deserves nothing but suffering and filled diapers
I will watch it on mute
>There are plenty of women who play dota who aren't fucking stupid
Those are not actual women, no real woman would waste their time on Dota
>Tfw Danish manlet
>Walk past some Asians a few days ago
>I'm towering above them
It's crazy how short they are.
Mental illness: the post
They just want something that comes online early without a ton of farm and can hit backlines.
LD will win, his 3rd facet is broken as hell
only you on the surface of the planet cares about epheys"fake" voice
having sex with my wife ephey right now
>try to have sex with a woman
>she doesn't want to
>so you don't have sex with her
>lose your career you spent a decade developing
just have sex bros, what's our response?
name all those so called women who play dota and can fulfill these conditions: not a sperg, not a tranny, not ugly looking, above average at the game.
that's not what happened
>This bear will have a hard time getting hits in
I don't even play Dota 2 but I've noticed the LD is running Bear Necessities, he'll just destroy shit without the bear if he can get his three early items.
Is Capitalist a retard?
name every player ranked #1 all the way to ephey on dotabuff and their gender
She wanted the sex but also wanted him to be a betabuxx though
Except they actually had sex.
why not chrono vs sniper?
>Bang woman
>She wants to have a relationship with you
>Say no
>She whines on the internet
>Everyone backstabs you
>Lose your career
>not a sperg
>not ugly looking
These don't matter
>not a tranny
>above average at the game
These matter
Yes. LD is consistently one of the best laners since him and his bear can near-ensure lasthits when the player micros them right. The current LH/D score shows that, even with a subpar lane support like Clockwerk
okay i'll help you out you faggot retard, if she isn't known nor her face is shown she doesn't fulfill the conditions i presented to you, i'm not gonna use your head for you so try to take a guess on why they don't show themselves.
>13 years of pro Dota 2
>No mid Shadow Demon picks ever
synderen's wife wanted tobi to be her husband but he just wanted to get some ass and offered her a glass of water instead and she held on to it for 8 years and then ruined his career over it when the me too movement got popular
this is the truth
>shown she doesn't fulfill the conditions i presented to you
I presented the conditions first, you haven't disproven those. I win. You're a faggot. Have sex. Touch grass. Dilate. You will never be immortal. RTZ is never going to win TI.
it's worse than that, she whines on the internet 10 years after (she decided to marry your co-caster instead (she never told anyone until 10 years later))
Have sex with a real live irl woman so you'll understand that they do not behave like that brown faker
>not a sperg
>not ugly looking
>These don't matter
you have zero idea on how to make an event or engage the public, i don't care if your first girlfriend was funny looking, nobody wants to look at ugly spergs.
>it's worse than that, she whines on the internet 10 years after
I forgot about that but it shouldn't matter either way.
shadow fiend + lycan always makes me think of secret at dac 2015
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>topson vs chinks
you know how this ends
game just isn't the same when you can't hatewatch artour
Chinese victory
I believe
take your meds
ephey isn't good looking. You only think that because you're a loser who hasn't been around real women.
Thread #8?
>pick sniper
It's that easy.
not my fault bitches talk in a deep voice when you're around nigger>>494462641
e-whores do not represent real women have sex have sex have sex
Just SD things
SD establishing dominance in the demon hierarchy
based saksa
>Finngolian vs chinks
All chinks.
Time Zone is just as good. Arguably better since you and your whole team get a massive buff during it, while the opponents really don't want to manfight you. Only reason to pick Chronosphere is if you need the hardest of hard lockdowns against any amount of enemy saves, or if the enemies have good ways to escape Time Zone (e.g Juggernaut can just omnislash through most of time zone)
wtf is that damage
if you don't think ephey is attractive you are gay, I'm so sorry
It doesn't matter how they behave or look if it's a woman who is decent at Dota
You aren't gonna fuck them anyway but it fulfills the requirements for "woman who plays dota"
its over XIbros
>chinks imploding
another reboot

attractive enough to fuck doesn't make you hot or good looking. She's a solid 6.4
She's not as pretty as my anime girls.
classic incel doubling down
yes she isn't good looking, but she isn't ugly, wich is the bare minumum that all your tranny top ranks and obese women friend of yours cant meet.
Thats why I love playing SD myself, just casually making enemy cores' lives hell in early game
Based saksa SD play mid
she looks BOGGED
>5 men top
Wow tryhard dota
It's not just about stunning for 5 seconds and killing.

Time Zone fucks with ASPD *and* it slows down projectiles for survivability and boosts your teammates' ASPD and projectiles. It's actually really fucking good for brawling and dealing with people who might try to fight from range. You're establishing a domination zone and telling people fights are happening on your terms. It's why pros are picking Time Zone 100% now instead of chrono.
Xm fucking shook
I'll stopm responding to you now since you have no real arguments ephey the turd-colored whore will NEVER have sex with you just like all irl women
>being eskimo brothers with qojqva
Shadow Fiend should get a facet that moves his raze distance by 1 "level" (short becomes medium, medium is far, far is extra far)
>have an unkept, acne ridden, fat sweaty women stumble into her words in a 100k+ people streaming event bro we're gonna do amazing this year
you're a huge retard and you don't even know it
not even this gay lone druid build will make me reinstall
what the fuck does "attractive woman" even mean? Most men would fuck any non-deformed woman
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Everytime you say anything north of KILL ALL WOMEN people just assume you want to fuck them
only incels think this way
how is that deep svg, it's where the t1 is
Ephey is the type of girl that lets chads fuck and chuck her all while getting chased by a thousand betabux nerds hoping to marry her, ultimately setting down for a betabux nerd that has the ego of a chad but is still a betabux
I already fucked Ephey. She was decent
why are you talking about women
Okay one more sorry if I hurt your feelings by stating that I am not a fan of your precious e-thot okay? Hmm? Fee-fees cool cool now? We cool? Fucking faggot
fucking chinks can't stop missing CS for no reason
Ephey wife fucking other men behind my back while I'm playing dota...
>b-based china will save dota!
>it's just a boring PVE game
Wake me up for the grand finals
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this is the most beautiful woman to exist
>I already fucked Ephey. She was decent
I don't think promiscuity can ever be called decent.
game is done already
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>chinks gone quiet
I literally don't care a single iota about ephey, but your unhinged incel rants aren't winning you any favours
haha get fucked chinks
Who will be the greatest player to not win TI? Ame or Arteezy?
this is the one piece of wojak content i never understood
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Pure will win TI and signal Putin to drop the nuclear bombs in Lviv and Kiev and that's how WW3 starts
fug dis shid :DDDD
Ame is washed and why pick useless void?
it's actually fata

the 3 popular ones just show getting your 1 jacked at the highest level of dota is suboptimal. Yatoro the exception.
I'm late, is this Tundra vs Xtreme game 1 or game 2?
Nisha, Micke will try his best to deny him this year
Sharteezy was never good ROFL, he's literally your average pos 1 egomaniacal retard that you have to deal in your 4k pubs
>they are doubting china's power
Xi Jinping has a surprise for you, just you wait
Lads, when are the GOOD games?
when it's EU vs EU, xg have lost every single game vs EU teams on mainstage
Cant even beat the tormentor
>LD dies to tormentor
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stop supporting Ziggers
Kill yourself tranny loving faggot
>gging before 3-22
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>just walks out
nice timezone you got there
>support nyx
my sides
tundra throwing lol
This is Quinn and gg aegis to lose at this point thank you TS

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