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A general in which you can feel free to post all of your screenshots from various games

it seems the bump functionality was not operating on the last one so went ahead and made a new one

and as always, also doubles as giant snoosnoo general
previous threads

>>494473890 (bump not working for some reason)

>>494472096 (disappeared for some reason)
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Nice! I've been looking for a general like this
sorry meant this one for the first link >>494422097
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well i do enjoy some gaming screenshots from time to time
hello gsgers!

do you think the studio who makes dead by daylight will ever come back and make wet 2 for pc and port wet 1 to pc with mouse aim?

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No, they will keep making that shit ass crap live service game until the studio dissolves
thats a disappointing thought
Yes! It's comfy but also liminal, definitely need to get around to playing that some day but I've heard it takes 100+ hours
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It's alright but it's basically a massive timesink more than an actual 'game'. Imagine if you wanted to read a novel but had to play mobage-tier grinding to get to unlock the chapter. The aesthetics and story are really cool though but I would not recommend a second playthrough. The core gameplay is 1. unlocking rooms 2. reading books 3. using skills you learned from said books
Still, the artwork and setting is nice.
Woah didn't expect such a quick response. Can you actually read the text in game? Unrelated but do you know what happened to the last two threads?
Like about 2 paragraphs from each book, it's basically just a lore dump game, same with cultist simulator . No.
I love you all
God bless you
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janny rangebanned my sons phone on vg again so i cant have him samefag bump the thread for me in lieu of his chores (he is 34 and a good son)

my final message
play senran kagura peach ball
>xe's still seething because nobody wants to play house with him
got other bunkers to play grand strats in newfag
smell you next week
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so this is how gsg finally dies
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What's up?
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And literally nobody will feel sorry for it.
is that demon souls
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Elden Ring.
guys the geoguessr world championship finals is live, you're watching right
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hell yeah! this is literally ME
Okay I haven't been to /gsg/ for like 2 years and I'd like to know what happened
Well then, buddy. Looks like you've got two years of exciting archived threads to read up on then, dontcha?
*boops your nose*
an underage b& discovered the general and now we're waiting out the 100 years until it to gets bored v_v
that was not a whole week
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will eu5 be good?
The good news is that is will be cool to like EU5 and post screenshots in /gsg/ about five years after it comes out because then it will be retro
ayo is that the dog from dogworld???
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>check bandcamp
>page was deleted
>google "v the musical bandcamp"
>this fucking nigger is the result
You can't make this shit up.
You just can't.
use it wisely
wait is it actually pronounced byzanthymes
i thought it wass byzanteenz
Hey kid wanna see a map
post the map stranger
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>open catalog
>look up /gsg/
wait a minute...
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>we're even directly replying to people now
I do not like the future
nice day for a walk
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did you know that the gods of /a/ don't even let you expand images anymore
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vgh the glorious whatsherface of the literallywho idontevencare fantasy empire would be so proud
just say your mom, bro
my mom would only be proud if it was a fantasy germany
she left me on read bwos
*contemplates pusci*
God has been good to the racothane
Lord bless us our gamedev
lota loyalty for a hired thane...
deadlock is a prety gud game aye
i'd post screens but it's tough to find a game in shadow leavers' pool
Brandenburg is so much fun I love having to restart 80 times because wolgast keeps on allying Denmark who would send a doomstack to my capital the second I declared a war on wolgast
play manipur instead, it's a lot more fun
Sir I will not play Manipur I repeat Sir I will not redeem Manipur
Do you want to see some mappies /gsg/? Haven't blogposted in a while as I have a pretty bad lung infection and I'm not going to the hospital because I hate the antichrist.
>Give me a country to play saars please and thank you
Play as Caelum in Dominions 6
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Blogposting into the void
lol why is it so small
it grows bigger if you pick inno+offen
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mmm vassals
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I think the is the biggest I've ever seen Ethiopia
nice screenshot
i need to play some game
Nice WWII, kid
looks like you need some reading glasses there killer
reminds me of when i used to play ethiopia all the time, joining several mps as ethiopia
Why is this allowed?
why is what allowed baby doll?
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okay now what's the problem
how do i start it
try clicking register
that might start Victoria 2
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good and funny general!
have you tried uninstalling it?
scroonjelica schotz
my thoughts exactly
page 10 my old friend
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we are so back
Not yet you aren't... but you will be
>captcha ASSS
maybe, i dont really wanna force it
since the only person who even is posting here is this eu4bab tranjan ottershitter i dont really mind if he gets it back

i mean the thread even got autosaged which pretty much never happens on vg but no one noticed or cared...

even if he is a garbage tranjan who gave me a three day ban for posting the map from patch quest he can have it back i dont really care
i really care
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you are so black
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>shit taste in games
>shit taste in music
i miss grandi
at least he was fun to be around
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okwey, you win
you can hab ur genwal bwack
( ﹏) ノ
Strange times
i coomed
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floor 30 be like
floor 31 be like
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i never wanna play it again
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btw this is the dog from dogworld
shit goes hard
sleepy time
nighty night
mcdonalds kfc or subway my thanes
real thanes eat a dick
you're right i don't know what i was thinking
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there is no casus belli to take stuff from china or india even when you have taiwan and religious ideas
dumb game
also have to look at the dumb abomination that is "romania" because austria had a romanian ruler and culture flipped
>In 1911, in an event called "Hayırsızada Dog Massacre", the Governor of Istanbul ordered the stray dogs in the streets to be rounded up and exiled to Sivriada. About 80,000 dogs were killed during the ordeal, mostly due to hunger and thirst on the barren land of the island, and some due to drowning as they tried to escape the horrible conditions. A severe earthquake which immediately followed the event was perceived by the local as "a punishment by God for abandoning the dogs." That is why the island is known both as Sivriada and Hayırsızada ("the inauspicious island").
Why didn't Grandi include this as an event/decision?
wait aren't Turks doing it again?
bro plays eu4 in linux
Once again el blobbo is stumped and humiliated by basic game mechanics
>bro just do nothing
>has a mega rare Romania (gypsy lord) blob only Ottomans can slay him with 9999 roll
>complains he can't blob
nu gsg
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The Polish dog will kneel before the RVTHENIAN BVLL
also why in this mod do Lithuanians constantly conquer Rawa, in literally every single game of CK2 with HIP I've ever played they declare endless wars for this one very ugly county.
yeah idk what you're going on about, he's right
he has land in Taiwan, so why shouldn't the Religious ideas finisher, that very explicitly only targets nations adjacent to you, allow him to go after Bengal? he can walk to Calcutta from Taipei in two hours' time
but I dont even get the CB on the chinks right next to me

i dont want to blob either, i just want to convert
They're not adjacent to you, either. There's an entire strait in the way, if you hadn't noticed.
Just fucking fabricate a claim on them. It's not hard.
you are correct
i am sorry
i was wrong
forgive me
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>Sit down kid
Br*t*sh joined at the end but we sunk everything
*claims /gsg/*
no thane... no chuck... no bread to call our own... is it over /gsg/bros?
my wife loves that game
i've played it
>sideritis arrived
yup time to ponder upon byzantium again
a sad bump
didn't laugh
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it's over...
tried walking today it was only a tiny bit rainy but then turned back after 15 minutes because it got too rainy
time for a nap
good night for a walk to the river to smoke drink and brood while gazing longingly into the water
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>in anbennar, when dwarves get too rich they kick off a Hoardcurse disaster because they're greedy fucks
>it's triggered by too high income or hoarding money
>the more money you hoard before it starts, the easier it is to end the disaster
So the solution to being a jew is to, uh, jew even harder?
Dealing with jews and their tricks requires a lot of money afterall.
it's kyiv not kiev you chuds
um actually it's Kieŭ :)
to kijów
>qiyyōḇ... home...
>The letter contains a request to to Jews other cities donate money to buy Yaakov bin Hanukkah. It is reported that this person had never needed before, until he acted as a guarantor for his brother, who took money from foreigners. The robber killed the brother, and when it was time to repay the debt, the guarantor was taken to prison. A year later, the community bought it for 60 coins, but another 40 was required for complete release. He went with a letter to collect the missing amount. At the end of the letter are the signatures (names) of the drafters. Only 11 people. The text of the letter is compiled on Hebrew. The exception is the last word written Turkic writingas expected on Khazar language.
the more things change the more they stay the same
if the HRE was the RE then the CCP is the USSR
ello me mates
You know lads a decade ago I used to namefag in a general in another board and I was bullied out of it
And it was completely justified because I was an underage little shit who made everything worse so keep going
it's "kino" you dyslexic retards
yes, it is
the Mongols were succeeded by the Yuan, who were succeeded by the Ming, then the Qing, then the RoC, and now the People's Republic of China
All former Mongol territory is rightfully Chinese, including the Ukraine, and what better way to commemorate than to rename their capital to what doubles as a shitty misspelling of China?
>waah I don't have a CB against them :(
>waah we're in the middle of a truce :(
>waah my aggressive expansion is too high :(
literally just be a warmonger, who cares lmao
>It's an Irish trick that's true
>I can lick the mick that threw
>The overalls in Mrs Murphy's chowder
so how about them gaming screenshots?
i'll come up with something
after watching these videos, yea'?
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how about them mapples?
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'>johan bless
at 11:00 cst i will post one(1) screenshot of my system shock save
thanks for listing the symbol for the number 1, otherwise i would've been a little confused
np broski
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This game is extremely good if you're at all interested in Order of Battle, The American Civil War, grand strategy, map games, or real time tactical games too. Highly recommend.
What game is that, broseph?
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>start a war against a country
>one month into the war they become my vassal (???)
what the actual fuck happened here? how???
I'm more interested in that isolated serpentine area. Is that meant to be Dwarves' mountain fastnesses?
yea it's the dwarf / goblin / orc area, with the occasional kobold natives
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Bizzare. I've been playing Shaz recently, it's pretty fun, but I don't know how it compares to Ogrelover.
If you mean that one hold by the sea, it belongs to the Copper Dwarves, known for trading with humans and only Dwarves with navy, which means they are extremely autistic about it. I think there was some lore how it was completely abandoned and forgotten for millennia and only in the recent centuries dwarves move there once again
If you mean the Serpentsreach, there are two functioning holds, four abandoned ones and one orc tribe there
Interesting idea. Never played Anbennar
stop giving me (You)s
thank you
>108 manpower
bro you're mercs???
or did you get hit by hoardcurse already
another gunman, trumped
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which one of the reds do you think will win the blob wars?
Blobzantium > Blobthuania > Bloboland
poor albania, your days are numbered
bloboland may actually blob harder than blobthuania
more small fishies for bloboland to eat, while blobthuania may get raped by russia
lithuania is such a forgotten country
horsefuckers go for poland, asiatic horde enjoyers go for muscovy, turboautists go for smolensk and nobody at all goes for lithuania
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you guys have no idea how much i grind just to make the ball made of gold and it's not even fucking shiny
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god damn I love my subjects
Remember to feed your vassals as many provinces as you can - they're growing boys.
Played couple modded EU4 games.
In Anbennar I played Venail and 2 dwarf games, one as Gor Burand and one as Orlghelovar.
Venail is very fun campaign and recommend it to anyone trying the mod for the first time if you like colonizing. Quite a unique premise to migrate to the new world. I chose Lithiel as my path and it was quite fun as well. Has great late game boosts if you want to do a world conquest at the end or something.

Regarding the dwarfs both were fun, the common dwarf things are quite interesting. The hoardcurse is nice challenge to deal with but I think it's a bit too punishing if you don't already know what it entails. Gor Burand deals with lava and gets quite strong in the caverns while Orlghelovar gets artificers early and expands bit more outside the mountains. I was bit dissapointed with the artificers however but the bonuses from them are quite nice either was still fun, though it got bit stale on the second dwarf run. The dwarf content on these guys at least stops mid game, after that you still have the common goal of conquering the entire serpentspine and fighting The Command as the end boss. I have played the northern dwarfs before which names I don't remember anymore and those were also fun. I would recommend playing at least one dwarf run if you pick up Anbennar

Then I played Third Odyssey with Byzantium, where Byzantium migrates to America. It's a fun mod, beyond the start very easy however thanks to having an end node in the american east coast for you to farm cash from. Still very nice run if you want to do an america larp comp stomp and the missions carry you all the way to the late game. One thing I appreciate in particular is that beyond the numerous cheat bonuses they get, you can get really cheap warscore cost for provinces which means you don't have to 100% anyone to get 100% overextension of provinces from them. It makes late game clean up wars so much comfier. Can recommend but not a challenge.
I should do a Third Odyssey run sticking as Elysia
I always switch over to Spartakon because I cannot resist the urge to make a bloodthirsty Greco-Aztec warrior cult that makes Prussia piss itself
>want to take some clay
>rival the guy whose clay I want
>no CB replaced by humiliate, ie cannot take clay / vassalize
fuck i'm tarded but also shit design
>ok this will be my final border
>...ok it won't hurt to take those few provinces, given how I'm already there
>...... ok but this is the real final border, those mountains make for excellent forts
>... shit
so true bestie
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow?
Waiting for Hamas to gets mechs to be able to larp as gundam
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>find religion represented in Paradox games to be interesting
>Paradox games give it barely any content
how do I rectify this?
like all things in paradog games, everything is just a gamey modifier
>The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna's Wikipedia page has a section hilariously titled "Notable rejected applicant"
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Dismantled Bohemia :(
good day for a walk
a walking on a good day keeps the thought of blobbing away
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game is up come join
Server ID:c795a527-7366-4fc8-a186-b47b514cff95.nakama-1
>hmmm I'll annex this fucko in like 50 years, might as well force religion on him
>+9000 liberty desire: forced religion, decays at one fiftieth a year
>can't seize clay cause disloyal
>can't annex cause disloyal
>after 30 years still hasn't converted a single province to my religion
you can convert their provinces for them
yeah but your missionaries have to be fuck off strong to do anything
if I wanted to convert their shit myself I'd just take their shit in the first place
I thought surely there is some benefit on forcing religion? but no, it's strictly downsides, get fucked lel
gaming huh..?
well i never
>The host has another version of the game!
Colonies don't convert and some nations may be unable to convert muslims. You can just buy them off with prestige or deving and other interactions to offset the loyalty, well worth it just for the opinion on long term vassals.
>finally get the rite checksum
>host has another version of johanslop
at least i have curry
rehost punjabers
with updated checksum
yo... let me in!
how many grossgermanias have you formed in the last week?
my roman empire is forming kleingermanias
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>coring this much in 50 years
nice cheats sis
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retarded blobbing system
>not owning land is blobbing
yes, blobbing to feed your vassals is still blobbing
been here for 4 years and i still don't know what coring is
its when a sexy lady walks down the street and you say "Cor!"
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you WILL restrict yourself to an arbitrary number of provinces and you WILL like it
my blob is growing too big for my pants
sounds good to me

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