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Previous thread: >>494438406

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

I want to motorboat Don Quixote's tits.
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Dyon thread!
What other unnecessary additions will the rest of the sinners get, like Don being the second oldest bloodfiend?
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I also want to motorboat Don's tits
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dante was a claw
yes but she might eat the baby directly out of her womb
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I wanted to make it a Heasucarippu OP, but I decided to drum up some hype for canto 7 instead
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>Out of boxes for the first time in a WHILE
I'm not gonna be losing shards at the end of the season yippee
Too tame. You can do even stupider shit with Dante. Meursault was probably a Claw
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Why does Don's Milk have an overwhelming iron taste to it?
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>lvl 26
Dyon and Sinclair!
Tattoo augments are probably easy and cheap to use and buy
The Middle has their own special type of tattoo though
>Don//Heath Christmas event
>Don/Meursault Roll events
>Don/Sinclair paired in official art/ego
>Don with the boys chicken event
Why does this hag keep preying on these young men?
Because she is a tomboy/mentally ill
Other girls wouldnt get her
Meursault was a real human bean whose values happened to not conform with the societal norms of the city
He is autistic when we get him in Limbus because N corp harvested the healthy out of him
She is child-CODED, chuddies. Don't post that
What would a middle member to color fixer be like?
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Dante is Ayin.
ayin has clearly distorted
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>wyuns nyin
>smyuchis yuu
>wyuns nyoud
Sent. Let me know if there's anyone in particular you want on support, I have them all except Ouifi Heath and Zwei Greg
The fingers are a high tier threat
They might all have the same ideology and fighting styles but they are all fucking rich they can probably buy a cannon If they wanted(cannons arent considerd guns by the head)
Their subsidaries depends If they are competent or not but they will probably join in on their bosses’ missions N such
Sinners with the username "Cunnyrapist"?
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Something's childcoded but it ain't her age!
>real human bean
Oh no.
Merusalt If you orderd him
Why is Meursault even a Charge+Bleed ID?
If he had his Hammer he would be Tremor which would synergize immediately with the Rosespanners, AND would let us use his Sheep EGO to give other Rosespanners Charge.
I wonder how long it took for lcb to gather everyone. It's been ~11 montjs since they found dante and lcb does not seem like a group that have known eachother for over a year
Dante (Me)
It's still a stupid thing I see and I don't understand the logic behind it. If you're a manchild, you don't become a fucking child overnight. You are still an adult. Don is visibly adult-like, she is just a fucking manchild. You'd feel freaked out if she stared at a bunch of kids or tried playing with them.
Don has openly said that she is quite fond of the young'uns
Don Quixote if she were honest. Instead she'd probably name herself <<//shotalover\\\>> or loliguide118
>Why is Meursault even a Charge+Bleed ID?
His weapon of choice. I guess it works with Rhino consider they gore people with their helmets. But honestly. It's just another weird way to experiment. On the same banner with Zwei Rodya. Fucking poise. Sinclair was tremor.
Came out at a time when bleed was pretty low support, needed more count applicators.
don the bisexual queen
Did you cut off your thought or are you directly bitching about Twitterfags?
I'm only asking because I want to be clear if this is a direct response or If I need the entire reply chain as context.
Well, she is actually 2000000 years old so most are young for her.
where is the dontent
where is the sintent
directly bitching, still think it's a retarded way of thinking if not extremely dangerous as well
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OP should have been another Devyat Rodya picture
Low IQ: Roland x Angela
Mid IQ: Roland x Gebura
High IQ: Roland x Tiph
Low IQ: Faust x Yi Sang
Still Low IQ: Faust x Heathcliff
High IQ: Faust x Dante
self-inserters don't get to call others low IQ
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dom is a tard
What about Gebura x Tiph?
Oh no no no
Boxman IQ
>Well, well. Look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy German car.
>This car was made in Guatemala.
>Well, pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.
>I bought these shoes from a hobo.
>Well, la-dee-da, Mr. Park Avenue Manicure.
>I'm sorry. I believe in good grooming.
>You're not gonna grow nothin' on the old Simpson place. That's why your daddy abandoned it.
>Oh, what do you know?
>Well, I know your soil p.H. is up around 9.6, and you need it seven to eight max.
>Oh, that's just superstition! You watch me. I'll grow something out there.
>Not if you're plantin' gummy bears.
don kind of reminds me of foreskin in this pic
That's good or bad?
Only Tiph B
Of course.
adult baby don quixote sucking on your dick like it’s a milk bottle
I'm bored, what can I play while awaiting content?
this sucking on your dick like it’s a milk bottle
Low IQ: Roland x Angela
Mid IQ: Shipping is cringe
High IQ: Total Shipper Death
Day before yesterday was fatfags. Yesterday was vorefags. Today will be ABDLfags. Every day is rape fags/femdomfags.
Ends. Begins. Ends. Begins. ENDS. BEGINS. ENDS. BEGINS.
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galaxy brain: don x rape
>Early access
Shipping is fine if it is ships, I agree with.
I can't believe Don Quixote is smart enough to get into a Wing.
That Rat chick must have been a complete retard. I guess that's why Pete is rolling with the Purple Tear now and she's still giving blowies in the backstreets.
you watch too much porn to be coming up with sexual assault scenarios for normal, caring maternal instinct behavior
Grim Dawn, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
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Paus x Dante
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Space Marine 2
>missing out on KINO over such a trivial detail
>gay marines
no thanks
chat is it cringe to build a personal relationship with your students????
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You're a teacher, not their friend.
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>No update in nearly one year
That's not a good sign.
soulless and onizuka anti-pilled
>suddenly, trannies
That's the best part
NTA but this is the sort of soulless atomized bugman mentality that makes the modern education system complete trash. Impersonality is good when you're sitting in front of an entire classroom of kids you'll see for less than a year before they're out of sight out of mind, but this isn't really a good method of education, just an easily widespread one since private tutors have historically been very rare to come by.
There's appropriate and inappropriate topics. There's a fine line between what is professional behavior and what isn't. A kid pulls you aide and talks about their abusive home life, that's one thing. You trying to become the person they tell all their personal shit to is another.
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*very rare and expensive, rather
is this the fucking "dogs don't love you" guy again
That's some strong copium you're imbibing.
What the fuck is even going on itt
dogs try to insert themselves into your personal lives and become a “member of your family” but they don’t love you. they just want to fuck your kids
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>it's common now for elementary and middle school aged children to be transsexual
you are mentally ill. go outside
oh no its amerifat hours
Lmao, even
oh my god it is
a while back there was a guy who would go rabid at the very mention of dogs and insist they are incapable of having any sort of affection for its owner, that it only sees you as a meal ticket and safety but nothing more than that
this guy reminds me of that, insisting that a stranger to your family in the form of a teacher cannot possibly have a valid emotional investment to a student and wanting to see them happy and progress and not have hardship because... she must want to fuck kids???
Sounds boring
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Limbus Company.
I let my gaurd down, forgive me Yujin-sama...
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Contentless behavior.
I remember that guy. What a freak
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Politics obsessed retards derailing things
Post Gebura’s squishy belly
That is... weird.
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P-peak takes time and all that.
Truth is, Exanima just updates slow as shit. It already has an impressive amount of content, but at the rate the devs are going it won't be done for at least another 2-3 years. At least the good news is that the next update should drop before the year is over.
>my favorite characters
the top
>your favorite characters
the bottom
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Big if true.
post nose
>Seemingly has some kind of suicide conditional
so Devyat Rodion is DoA right?
yeah she's Dead or Alive
I wonder what non-american schools are like. Honestly you don't hate teachers enough, at least American teachers.
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You are not immune to propaganda.
I'm more interested in the Bygone Days ego, honestly
will be nice to have something else in Ish's TETH slot that isn't dogshit like Roseate desire or steal resources from ABS like capote
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Ryoshu Toad
Propaganda of what?
About time someone reacted to my shitpost.
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*jiggles it lightly*
Thank you.
>Jun tries to teach The Rules of the Backstreets
>Have Erlking shove him in a coffin like the nerd he is

God I fucking love this ID
Anyway the assistant principle got sued for strip searching students illegally.
What's wrong with taking the Backstreets?
is there a reliable way to get nebulizer++ and horseshoe++ asap?
I'm the anon that finished Don Quixote yesterday, and this morning at work, I read all of The Stranger. What a profoundly disturbing, yet extremely thought provoking work. In many ways, it was like reading a book who's POV was an alien or something.
There's such a profound lack of care in Mersault's mind. He doesn't have any passion, not any feelings besides contentment, fear, and annoyance even when facing his own impending death.
I think, moreso than what he does think about, what speaks a lot louder is what Mersault doesn't think about, and how little he cares. When his mother dies, it's just an event that occured to him, and as soon as it's over, that's that. When his mother's companion limps far behind the funeral procession, he just coldly analyzes it without considering helping him, which I and I think most people's first thought would be. When he's arrested, he just goes with a state appointed lawyer since it's more convenient. In prison, he just exists, he doesn't seem to plan, worry, feel bad, anything. Not once, not ever does he even dwell on the fact that he killed that man, not even in a cold way.
He's a complete nihilist, but not in a smug reddit way not people think of it. He's an atheist but not like some spiteful teenager. He simply just doesn't, and maybe is incapable of feeling anything.
The most disturbing part I think was the final chapter, which really just shows how completely alien his way of thinking is to most people. It was fascinating, seeing him contemplate his death, how he copes with the fear, how detached he is from how most would think. The last bit, about how he feels a brotherhood with the cold, unfeeling world, and comes to terms with his death was heartbreaking, yet satisfying
Anyways, good book. It will likely stick with me for a long time.
Of the works I've read so far, I rank them as follows
>1). Moby Dick
>2). Wuthering Heights
>3). The Stranger
>4). The Odyssey
>5). The Wings/Crows Eye View
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Take a propa ganda at deez nuts.
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Does unique Counters work against enemy counters? Or was it just so much damage he got staggered?
Post retirement Gebura… strong… yet soft and squishy
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inconsistencies about who can and canot fit in a coffin are really funny
big kromer fits fine apparently but last time i fought josephine she didnt
Running a Sinking Team, so the sheer damage from the coffin broke his neck
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>moby cock above wuthering
>>>>above the stranger
I'll start filtering your garbage blogposts from now on.
Moby dick is the best one? really? the fucking prose is so dry.
Nice analysis, too bad it's wrong.
>still filtered by idealbook
Rags Erlking is so funny.
Wonderful thinking anon! Is the next thing you're gonna tell the thread about men and women being unable to be friends or that animals have no sentience to understand the concept of bonding like compared to humans?
>anon starts to realize that the glazers of the "classics" of literature is a circlejerking crock of shit eating losers worshiping the past
Oh whoops, I forgot to rank Don Quixote. I put it at 5th, above the wings, below the Odyssey, now that I've slept on it. It's a good work and I enjoyed it, but I imagine it will stick with me less than those above it, and the Odyssey is a more enjoyable adventure
I ran out of space but, I wanted to comment on people's perception of Mersault in Limbus. Many seem to think he's closed off like he is because of some event that happened to him in the past, perhaps at N Corp. However, if he's anything like Camus' Mersault, that's not the case. You get the impression that Camus' Mersault has always been like that, is perhaps incapable of being otherwise, and it would be quite a departure if Limbus Mersault is any different.
I consider it a great work, and it's one of my favorite books I've ever... Listened to. Perhaps part of my enjoyment for the book was the fantastic reader for the audiobook, who really gave a lot of life and soul to the characters. Also, as I stated in my Don Quixote post, I really fuck with the Whale autism, as learning about a lost craft like that really tickles my autism. Plus the slow mounting of almost biblical doom mounting in the crew all for a fantastic climax really did it for me.
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What was the firing of the PM artist about?
Are we on the side of the Korean chuds or the artist?
I haven't read Moby Dick yet. What did you enjoy about it?
No, I love dogs. Older women have no filter so it's pretty easy to get along with them.
Sex with EoS fox
No they just want to fuck white women
I can never get ahold of rags whenever I'm actually doing a sinking run
pisses me off
I'm going to punch you in your hymen.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dick over Quixote
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>BL Outis is ba-
>based on the novel by albert camus
Have you read the wrong book?
post audiobook? not that I really need to read moby dick anymore post-canto but i got mad filtered by how boring it was of a read between non-whaling related bits
I just like watching his sanity jump from 45+ to negatives and back in the same turn.
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>the fucking prose is so dry.
Man shut up.
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>forget how to read
>show non sexual affection to dogs and minors
>worship the beast you have become
Limbus Company.
>Not even a post-MD damage number chart
>Not even a screenshot of big numbers
>A fucking RNG check
>1). Moby Dick
sincere question, do you have autism
Fought the crabs on a Risky Encounter
Had him use two coffins on two different, but identical crabs.
One got shoved in the coffin, the other did not
Affection given to dogs and minors are always sexual
obviously not, since he thinks meursault is “alien”
t. illiterate pseud cocksucker
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I dont have a hymen albeit, thats a woman organ.
He's retarded like Ishmael.
Both book and bimbus version of that faggot.
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We're on the side of project moon. Both the koreans and the karens can eat pants.
why did a side tangent take over the entire thread?
I punch you in the prostate.
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Flipping the skirt of Dante's ceremonial uniform!
<It's not a skirt.>
Correct: anything that doesn't further the opening of the theme park is our enemy.
That was the first result on Google images lol. Idk if that's just some translation or what. I read Matthew Ward's translation
It was William Hopkin's reading. I highly recommend it, though I think the book takes a certain kind of autism to appreciate. Not saying I'm better or worse for having that, it just really resonated with me. If it makes you feel any better, Ishmael is one of my least favorite sinners.
Yes. I felt the lesson of Don Quixote didn't really require such a long, drawn out affair. Recall that Don Quixote, if you count both books, is twice the length of Moby Dick, and thrice the length of Wuthering Heights. All for a profound, yet rather rushed conclusion. Much of the works are enjoyable and interesting, yet rather unrelated (perhaps thematically related I suppose) side novellas. I enjoyed the book, but it wasn't something that will stick with me as long as those above it.
But enough about humans.
It's not the artist the problem but a some suspicious organisation that claims it works for the artist rights, that emerges from it.
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We're on the side of the chuds
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You ignorent bastard, we were always already t a n g e n t i a l
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Imagine being a humanist.
Meursault is a dog, think about it.
True. If a lot of the "classics" were released today the perception of them would be completely different because they don't have this elevated status that makes people want to worship them
>Whale Autism, 1851
Mmmnyeeees, the whale autism completely enhances the book by enriching the reader's knowledge of whales thus allowing them to better relate to a seaman.
>Whale Autism, 2024
The whale autism gets in the way of the fucking story and is a nonsensical, boring side tangent
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>read sinner's book
>read canto
>el director butchers the original work
why would I ever read the books again?
seems like an easy way to enjoy limbus even less
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>a n g e n t i a l
I don't get it.
But reading Wuthering Heights made me enjoy Canto VI more?
you are fucking retarded
are you going to shit yourself when hong lu has magical powers too?
>read sinner's book
>read canto
>correlation and clear influences while weaving in his own story into it make me enjoy both works twice as much
No downside unless you physically want to act retarded
If you're expecting a close recreation of the book at this point you're just a dumbass. Reading the books is supposed to give you background on the inspirations for characters, speculation for what's coming up next, and understanding how aspects of the book were converted while being made to fit in the setting.
>a n g e n t i a l
or did you mean?
ishmael is my least favorite too so that didn't really help matters, but i still wanted to give moby dick a fair shot because i got back into reading physical books because of limbus and have been enjoying myself a lot because of it. normally i would enjoy narratives that are heavy on the intricacies of a job but the book felt like it was actively training me to be a whaler and it started to become more and more of a chore to read. anyway, thank you
moby dick was unpopular when it released thoughbeit
>read [work based loosely on western classic]
>[east asian society] butchers the original work
Fixed that for you.
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If Director-seonbae can't make the adaptation of the book good, then the book simply sucks.

It is what it is.
imagine IMAGINE the chink rage if they dislike hong lu's portrayal
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I'm not acting, bud.
this was referring to modern /lit/fag's reactions to classics
But Crime and Punishment is the best book out of the sinners?
Can I have the full lore rundown on doganon?
What books do I need to read to understand him?
Keep clapping like the seal you arw.
you are not reading the story of the stone. don’t try to lie
Well, another factor is, I actually read Moby Dick before Limbus company. The other works, besides the Odyssey, I read purely because I am playing this game. So perhaps I enjoyed it more as it was read on the recommendation of a close friend, rather than a desire to read them for context on a game.
Talking about the book with my friend perhaps biases me, as it was a fun time.
Who's doganon? The guy who thinks dogs can't love?
But Canto 3 is the best Canto out of the series?
Utter to me what you think of Moby Dick.
previous threads
For good reason. Melville is a fag.
kinda based
that’s from the book, anon
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>nooooo the sinners story needs to exactly follow the book or else my reading will have been worthless!!!!
kek bookfags stay losing
Anon, Hong Lu does have magical powers
He's a fucking piece of jade mimicking a human
you are genuinely retarded if you expected an actual adaption
Book Lu has magic powers?
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*reincarnated into a human, carrying around the rock like magical girl with her soul gem
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>Its another don autist complaining about her being a vampire
Does anyone have that post of the anon who compiled the archived threads of notable events in Limbus/PM's threads in general
He's got magic eyes
...and magic hands.
Don't they start schizo'ing out the moment someone tells them about too much coom
Or the story
book hong lu is a literal rock that became human
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Wait, what in the fuck?
That means there's higher powers at play, unlike the other books beside The Odyssey I think.
why are don fags so retarded when it comes to book "adaptation"?
Ryoshu molested me without my consent...
It's just booktards getting uppity. Not the first time, won't be the last either.
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Is Don strong enough to defeat late stage capitalism?
I think we should all ignore Carmen since she's lame
>don fags....retarded
you answered your own question
>It's another Heathclifftard proudly proclaiming their love for retarded slop
If Don's Canto isn't 90% focused on heroism then it is fucking garbage
>doesn't even exist
Easy don win
Thank god Hokma's realization doesn't have a Price of Silence section. Only having 30 seconds to think is hell, I can't even do it in one minute.
But Capitalism is based? Why would you want to defeat it?
Not a Don autist but there is no reason to suddenly accept this retarded inclusion.
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Not on her own she isn't. But she isn't alone!
yes and no. it’s similar to magic realism where there’s supernatural shit that has almost no bearing on the mundane
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Donfags getting too uppity today.
i was surprised to see "dog doesn't love you" was a search that mostly came up with this thread
the odyssey, metamorphosis, wuthering heights, and divine comedy were all the readings i knew beforehand either through education or mythology autism phase. i started off with demian and got surprised by how modern it read and branched off to the stranger and crime and punishment from there. sadly i don't have anyone to chat about it with but i do seek out book analysis stuff almost immediately after reading so i better absorb/comprehend themes and such
What the fuck do you mean "Suddenly accept"
What are your conditions to accept anything?

Its the setup to her canto and you don't know how it goes
It's actually a ishMALEkek falseflagging as a Heathcliffposter
no because Bloodfiends are the physical embodiment of supply and demand.
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>don fags already making up retarded headcanon to doompost
christ what a fucking pathetic group
I hope Don keeps getting shit on and her dream breaks
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>William Hopkin's reading
can't find it. can you post?
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High IQ post.
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I ONLY made the first post with middle Don, the following meltdown is all by different people
Stop generalizing posters
you all bitch the same
You're still retarded, anon
Donfags are retarded and (You) are one of them.
Saviour of these threads
Vellmori did nothing wrong. Only the most obsessed /pol/fags support the chuds. Generally, we support PM and are against the gookcels and the organization that tried to capitalize on the drama under the guise of assisting Vellmori
So Anon, what did we learn about making Don Threads?
>Its the setup to her canto
>Literally fucks her whole story shifting it in a completely different direction
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You absolute fool, you imbecile. There are no other posters, it's all just (you) in here.

Wake up.
Vergil was right.
Kill Donfags.
I still don't get the issue with Don being an old vampire.
Rape All Dons
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His Canto is such a mystery it's insane
It means her hymen isnt intact
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>AI is making PM memes now
Yep we don't need artoids anymore
It ruined Canto 7.
>old retarded man chasing something impossible like being a knight
>a creature that is shunned, feared and hunted by society but wants to be a Noble fixer
>both chasing a dream
>somehow this is completely different
one autist kept posting schizobabble about her being a bloodfiend since, like, day 1 or something
clearly, it all makes sense
Have you ever had any issues with any plot point in a story?
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>Hiroshimoot took away the IP counter so you wouldn't realize there's only been 1 IP posting in /lcg/ for months
it’s not really a mystery if you can read, but it’s probably going to be very disappointing for current hong lu fans
Keep seething donchud
You'll clap anyways once it releases
>i-i won't-
You will
Can someone please explain to me, what is The Great Halvening about? I only got the minor gist of it - it's something related to shard boxes at the end of the season? If so, how?
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>If I die
>In this world
>Who will know
>Something of me
Sinners for this feeling?
I Hope this soundpic will explain everything.
Season end,
Half your shards and shard boxes become thread boxes
That's about it
He will distort on the 19th. Ask /gfg/ about it, he went all in on spiritually shorting gfl2
abo + n = abno
food for thought
>We now have an anti-artistfag
Probably got his extremely autistic fetish commission rejected or is just a pajeet.
we wuz abnos and shit
abo + n = abon retard
You weren't here for What Robots Need
Yes. What's wrong with Countess Don?
Half of all your shard boxes are converted to thread boxes
Half of all your shards are converted into thread.
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IP counter is still here, anon, but i won't spoonfeed you
Most anons on 4chan think them not liking the writing or direction of something makes it bad.
I love art, but I hate artists
spoonfeed me instead
I was there for that, but those anons had their word and that was it. This guy just keeps mentioning artists like they killed his family or some shit.
So my guess is it's a good idea to use these shards and boxes to get ID's and EGO's, before moving into next season? As well as keeping atleast 800 shards for whatever ID's come out in the next season, as emergency?
>If I can spare to have 800 shards, that is
I don't like how 4chanX modifies the UI.
that kromer post from before made me wish the movie went more into that horror aspect.
Post architecture you useless bums
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Common A(I)ngela W
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didn't read the book :^) exposing YOUrself as a retard
Shard what you want, uptie 4 what needs to be uptied to 4, then enjoy a new season of easy upties (up to 3).
I think yumes would love to see him suffer and ended up with a dead lover and lived the rest of his life in a monastic celibacy.
Even the ones that just post art and fuck off?
>the DOG House
Smiling Angela is offputting.
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>the thread that ate up the sheer retardation that was "Clear All Cathy" pretending they can judge the quality of a story instead of simply eating up anything as long as it says PM on the cover and Mili wails on the background
They are the worst.
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Do people seriously get off to that kind of stuff? I thought I was a weirdo for being a reverse rapefag
no sinclair...
no don...
its over...
I mean, I'm not a complete newbab, I've been playing right from the beginning of Canto 6, so I have a lot of threads and good ID's.
I just never witnessed the halvening myself, so I was wondering how it actually halves everything.
Thanks for answering, though, will keep in mind.
Almost no one has reads his books, its gonna be hilarious watching these hardcore ''bookfags'' dissapear into thin air the moment we reach his Canto
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For me, it's yanderes and incest
I don't get why people love canto 6 so much. Looking back on it, it's just a huge mess of vomit and dog shit. It sucks because Heathcliff is cool but he got that as his canto.
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Is there anything more cucked than raising a dog? Think about it logically.
At once or
>the thread that ate up the sheer retardation that was "Clear All Cathy"
Explain why this is bad. I'll wait.
Canto 6 was morally whitewashed desu desu desu
last time i posted this angela i got banned for racism...
Sinclairposters were the scapegoat sacrifices that made this general so high quality. But without them... look what happens...
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Post something to watch.
Limbus Company
It had dogs.
Nice we reached the ''everything sucks'' hour
I listened to it on Audible unfortunately. I 100% would post it if I could.
At least it's not whatever that fucking story was. Got to the part where it said "seagull" and left
I should do some uptie 4s before the great halvening, seeing as we were told they were going to add exp tickets and thread to MD eventially.
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at the same time?
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Yandere older sisters are great, yes
Oh, Big O anon, I saw this the other day. Not sure if you'd like it, but Big O art is rare in general.
>Artists who don't speak their opinions and just post art are worse than artists who have to talk about their opinions as if anyone cares about them
>everything is bad because i didn't read the book, pm is le bad because fired artist, i am a tranny from discord that has nothing else to do but post bait
maybe a rope will help
It's kinda neat that people forgot what sarcasm is
Like this? >>494501730
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Oh boy do I have a VN for you...
Dorothy is not THAT big but thank you, fellow anon.
i have officially not jerked off in 300 days. limbus company
Sarcasm only works in real life when people can hear your tone. No one can sense sarcasm through text unless you overexaggerate your response.
>Big O
That show was fucking stupid. He didn't even tap the robot. And it's gay and stupid. And I fucking hate tomatoes. Even if they are delicious.
Is there a way to remove the black sinners (outis and heathcliff) from the company, or at least move them to the back of the bus?
The fact that they're a past of the game really ruins my gameplay experience.
>donald trump scares the boomers with "niggers are eating your dogs"
They literally do
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The hell are you talking about? Я чтo-тo yпycтил?
Stop brining the clown up here.
>oh no we can't defeat Erlking
>the obvious solution? use a Golden Bough to retroactively delete every Cathy from every mirror world(they can do that now) instead of using it to nuke Erlking or delete every Erlking from every mirror world
How do you defend this forced drama?
One second you are fighting and the next one someone is getting deleted from every single reality retroactively.
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How would HE fare against the sinners?
The Russians are eating my fish!
Uninstall Limbus Company and put a gun to your head. This will get rid of the blacks.
>Real life American politics being brought up
Nice S tier general, Limbabs
Elking is Heathcliff though
By your logic it would nuke our Heathcliff too
Woke up in the ER, the nurse was a black woman.
What now?
Zero proof other than chuddies posting twitter posts that don't show what they're purporting
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FALSE. Our independent fact vheckers have found you've been posting daily cum status reports for months.

Ignore the image, i dont have a false one >:(
There used to be mods that removed them, but it was removed for racism.
Then try again, did your mom raise a quitter?
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Damn, Sinclair is so bullyable
The Onyx Master...
So I am supposed to believe you can finetune the golden bough wish-granting powers so they can retroactively edit reality in all mirror worlds and affect only one person but it can't just kill a single guy that is right in front of Dante?
Who's the best narrator for The Odyssey audio book?
Apparently I am immune to bullets, the doctors told me a rare form of cancer has been growing neural tissue alongside my heart and liver.
What now?
Shitclair's existance is a humilation ritual for whites.
>In another world, this would be the catalyst of a tragedy
>In that other world, the craven melody would be the catalyst that would drive so to the pits of hell
>In that world full of revenge and hatred
>This is not that world
>This is a world in which you existed as a lowly fixer, and clashed against the arachnid-esque pianist that should have caused ruin
>Instead, families were saved, a man was kept from despair
>And you were sent in his place to keep things on track
>Standing next to the strange mechanical library director, you realized just how deep you were in
>Welcome to The Library, Anon
They're eating them for Ohio rizz
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>So I am supposed to believe
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I hate this thread
We are told exactly every chapter that golden boughs have unprecedended unexplainable powers that cannot be predicted
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Executive manager, please do not ethnically compare me to the gypsy we reluctantly keep with us! I am a GREEK! Greeks are European, we are Whites! Greeks are supposed to have tanned skin like this, in fact many ancient depictions of Greeks had us with dark skin and hair! Ancient Greeks were not pale, sickly white like that milksop kid and Faust, they looked like me! You can look at plenty of ancient statues and see the resemblance between me, a modern Greek and ancient Greeks. M-manager, I am not a turkish slav mutt! I am a WHITE, EUROPEAN! P-please get it right!
I lose to the Rats
I guess we are at the point of the dead week where reads who can't read shit their pants and cry huh
Yeah, you!
Who cares about Sinclair having some special make, if we are just 7 sinners in and already one is the second oldest blood fiend?
The mark of cain will have barely any significance in comparison after everyone else is gonna be some high level Mary Sue.
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I'm going to shit my pants and cry. Nothing you say will change the outcome. Everything is predetermined.
outis would not act like this
>one is the second oldest blood fiend?
She's part of the second generation not the second oldest bloodfiend alive
>high level Mary Sue
Please stop using words you don't understand
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Good afternoon, /lcg/. Would you like to have a quiz today? This one will be on nightmare spirits, as was requested by an anon last week. Let's start with an easy question.
Question one. This well-known demon's name means "to lie beneath", which I assume quite a few people want to do with it. What is it?
<... So you're saying that you're actually BLACK, not TURKISH?>
I bet this retard has only read Damian so he's just an actual retarded faggot
>unprecedended unexplainable powers that cannot be predicted
Except Cathy, she could predict that the boughs could do exactly what she wanted to do, and instead of using it to directly save her Heath she went for a multiverse scale suicide that would rewrite history in unpredictable ways.
The best part is that it didn't work and many versions of Wild Hunt Heathcliff are still out there raiding different worlds, she killed herself and rewrote reality for barely any reason.
succubus? I prefer an incubus myself
That's just your basic Succubus, ain't it?
>and instead of using it to directly save her Heath
She did directly save her Heath
Qliphoth meltdown in progress, please hold
I sound like this
And look like this
No, I'm-uh, OUTIS means that she's White, executive manager.
I called a greek guy turkish once and he punched me into my face for some reason
is she doing it right or is she selling panasonic blu-rays in lore?
>She's part of the second generation not the second oldest bloodfiend alive
He called her second, didn't he?
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Yeah a second kindred, same way Buggatti was part of the sixth kindred
Nature of Predators lookin ass
and now
Hung Lu
Yes, in the most retarded and convoluted way possible.
If she could do the crazy shit she pulled off she could have easily nuked Erlking, but obviously that would have been a logical move that doesn't provide forced drama for future Heathcliff scenes.
Why did they make Gregor a dwarf? Could this be subtle anti-semitism?
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It means she's obsessed with an idealized past that never actually existed.
I actually don't mind how fast the sinners are growing in strength. Just means that the threats we face have to get stronger to match us. Ideally, the threat level will stop escalating and we'll just keep getting ALEPH tier threats that are around the same strength.
>Could this be subtle anti-semitism?
Anon, we are driving a human-powered bus with 1/4 of our sinners being german-related; our main villain is a jewish hag
That's racist. He is clearly halfling.
Hermann is Demian's mom
Hermann is Gregors mom
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Quizzes will continue until morale improves
The succubus, that is correct. Preferring incubi is pretty gay, anon.
Question two. This spirit cries out the name of someone who will soon die, and some traditions even have families assigned specific members of the "species". What is it?
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Demian's "mom" is Carmen.
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The only thing that matters
Oh, that's a Banshee
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Unlike the Ruina cast who started at the top of the food chain(thanks to Geburah, Binah, Roland and Angela mostly) the Limbus gang has to slowly climb up to reach their level, anons have no idea what powercreep means, 6 cantos in and our entire gang is still getting destroyed by ''washed up rank 9 fixer'' Rolad
Cassie Wei
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...is Demian's mom. She's going on maternity leave to give birth to him.
sex with this
>Limbus gang has to slowly climb up to reach their level,
>actually we started off with insanely high level characters who were artificially nerfed so we can pretend we are the underdogs
Is it the Banshee (or something similar) also yes it's gay I know
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Heathcliff is already taken man. DO NOT SHIP
Do not sex the retarded inbreeded things
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By whom
>still can't even reliably collect magic sticks
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My very hungry wife
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Do you really think it will change something?
Is gonna be hilarious watch Don not be as strong as these sethee post make her out to be
Did you ignore the "artificially nerfed " part on purpose?
people forget how the Bloodfiend elders couldn't even keep Elena in check?
id imagine Bloodfiends are just shitters
who are you? the sex police?
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Maybe i am
>she married someone else
>then dies
taken my ass, its MY heathcliff now
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>He didn't even tap the robot
he was going to just believe me bro
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I wouldn't be surprised if our murderhobos could actually kill Cassetti through sheer attrition, outside of the train that is.
the sex chapter
You like tomatoes.
Everyone like tomatoes!
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Don taking her shoes off KILLED Faust just with her aura
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AI powered AI uprising
I don't
Cassetti was a weak willed bitch, he would've been fodder outside the train
>cactus respawns
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You sure it wasn't the smell of her feet?
>so we can pretend we are the underdogs
If they're nerfed they still are the underdog, retard.
im a brainlet and never understood what this meant
The power of T Corp Anon
Yeah the contract with Dante nerfs the sinners, we know this since chapter 2, are you gonna shit yourself in anger when Ryoshu goes full sword of the Stranger in Canto 9?
/lcg/ is S tier for Stupid
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Soulless really is the perfect word for this
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The Banshee is correct. If I recall correctly, she also washes the clothing of the soon to be deceased. Nice lady, isn't she?
Question three. This Japanese spirit takes the form of a doll. The way it haunts you is reminiscent of those "X km away from you" memes. Can you tell me the name?
Angela is such a bitch
>No left glove
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Nai_ga Is a secondary they hired to cover up for the artist they fired, who cares?
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Nyi dyont knyow...

Thyanks fwor thye quwestyions anynyway myister twiviya!
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Me neither
>are you gonna shit yourself
How limited is your vocabulary? Can you only give the same idiotic sentence as defense, that isn't even a real defense as answer?
>id imagine Bloodfiends are just shitters
This is plausible. Or Director fucked up Elena powerlevel in game.
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this thread would be repossessed by the head and everyone who posted and praised the AI artwork would be slain on the spot
I can only really think of either Daruma Dolls, which I know are wrong, or Hinnagami dolls, which I doubt are it either.

Guess I gotta work on my Prudence more. At least I got the other two questions right.
id imagine since the Elders were just drinking a small/normal amount of blood compared to Elena who gorged herself like a fat ass made her stronger at the time
Ish is meant to be eaten
tbqh in a city where death is common, dante is probably already a star of the city, id imagine even someone like ricardo could fall to him if he just kept the sinners up well enough
the bloodfiends might just be nice-ish people. they dont want to use violence because they know they could eat themselves to death. so elena might just be a sneaky child compared to most well developed bloodfiends
>bloodfiemds are weak because they had problems with holding another bloodfiend back
You see the problem with your logic?
Also, Elena was literally a Star of the City.
Elena like the rest of the Ensemble is a special case, she's not supposed to be your run of the mill Bloodfiend like Cassettini


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ummm zashiki-warashi? i think i heard of them from touhou but idk
by Rodya
Dante is only slightly better than K Corp's green sludge due to the fact that he's an easy target. If directly targeted the sinners will have no choice but to bodyblock the attack. A sufficient amount of ranged attacks would destroy the sinners.
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Also true
>A sufficient amount of ranged attacks would destroy the sinners.
wouldnt this be true for almost everyone in the city
Argalia? He would TANK that.
the thing is we are talking about the Elders here
if Don is some second gen elder then that doesn't make she is giga op like that one retard having a melty is implying
No? If someone uses a ranged attack just facetank it worst case and start closing in. The problem is explicitly Dante.
ZETSUBOU SHITA! The absence of neet waifu in my life is making me despair!
Anyone else have a habit of rereading things until they know for sure they processed every single word? I keep doing this but it's honestly mostly detrimental
Only shitters get done in by ranged attacks
t. Loland
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I always took it to mean that Roger and most of the people in the city were "grown" to be actors in the plot, and you need to wait for the right moment to "pick" them to have the most satisfying story. Something like that?
It's all right if you don't know.
Mary is correct, well done.
Question four. This monstrous looking thing was said to emerge from the water and bring sickness and death with it. Its lower head could spew out a toxic mist that would destroy crops. Apparently its name means "Devil of the Sea". Can you tell me what it is?
>if Don is some second gen elder
Wording on the Canto strongly implies "Second ever Vampire", not "Second gen vampire", unless someone comes with the Korean Translation then I assume that's correct.
Also you didn't actually counter >>494508283
I only read the three first and last words of each sentence and it's usually just enough
Argalia is literally the only competent person in the City, so he doesn't count
nukelave? is that how you say it?
I immediately thought of that old rhyme/short story 'Slithery Dee'
The Slithery Dee, came out of the sea. He ate all the others, but didn't eat me.

Pretty sure that story was based off the Nuckelave
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okay but wheres the bygone days art
Catherine is an emotional, self hating, foolish, rash woman. Much as Heathcliff is an emotional, self hating, foolish, rash man. Of course she acted the way she did. Have you never seen what a melodramatic woman will post online? Unironically her course of action was incredibly believable, if you deal with that sort of woman fairly often
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I've never been as excited for an ID as this one
>Check Twitter for Bygone Days stuff
>Literally all shipping/lesbian stuff
Why are Ishfags like this?
Jk, I know it's just what Twitter is like
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Did your topic make the cut?
IshMALE is a slut
On Twitter but all the art is shit, because her EGO is boring as fuck.
Ryoshu is hoarding all the good artists sorry
/lcg/ now has a podcast. take that, discord
oh boy a new ego, can't wait to use it like once to win a clash in MDH and never utilize its passives or effects
I never really gave a shit about rodion but if she finally starts getting good and interesting ids Ill like her a lot more
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I unironically like this a lot. It's probably my favorite piece of OC this general has made.
EVIL zenya...
How would you feel if EGO didn't have resources but were balanced as once-per-battle only trump cards?
Still tank your sanity though.
New player, I like the story, but do the first two Cantos just consist of pressing Auto-Win until the fight is over?
>Extract, Gestalt, Ordeal
Also the next 4
Both of You, Shut Up
They're the babby cantos to introduce you to the games mechanics. You have to use your brain a little more starting Canto 3 onwards
If you used the gacha to roll strong IDs, then yes
If you're using the base ones, then the climax of canto 2 might need some planning to not fall behind in dmg
that makes ego resources a pointless mechanic though, other than making the whole weakness-resistance chart unnecessarily convoluted
but, it would fix other problems like having to save up said resources and IDs and comps being incompatible with certain EGO
maybe they could create a new ego resource sink
i only use win rate and im at cunto 5
Meant for
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Can’t button pants…
this is what fanfic addiction does to a MFer
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The Nuckelavee, correct.
Final question will be a bonus one since it will reference a specific story. In this story, the main character hires a guide that tells him about an evil spirit that stalks a certain region. Later on, the guide is snatched by the spirit and proceeds to drag him around the area so quickly that the guide catches on fire and burns until only his hands are left. Can you tell me what spirit this story was adapting?
remember when you had to actually use defense and a little bit of your brain in md2h? how everyone shat and pissed themselves? good times
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You're doing it too? Heh heh, I knew my examples would be easy enough to copy. That's alright, here's a few tips though:
Generate a few discussions and then edit out the parts where it goes
>Uhh yeah community blah blah blah what is limbus company a secret handshake coded language

Because that shit gets boring fast as it's just repetition every time, the fun part is when they're talking about the posts.

For generating many discussions at once, you can actually just have multiple accounts generating at the same time, usually three/four generations yields enough content.
3 for 4, that ain't too bad. That's at least freedom from Scarecrow Duty, yeah?

I'm pretty sure that's The Wendigo. It was in a story in 'Scary Stories to tell in the Dark'. Oh my firey feet, my burning feet of fire.
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Reminder that we will never have this again.
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>Baral's syrums contain the rabies vaccine.
Come here Evil Zenya, I'm gonna smooch the evil outra you!
I figured from the first post I saw that something new came out, so it only a matter of time until I found a "thread game" about it.
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It'll be a bit of fun for a bit, I suppose, I wish they had different voices/styles though.
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>gets E.G.O wrong
It's the Extermination of Geometric Organ you dumby dumb.
I don't even use EGO in md now.
I want Angela to exterminate my geometric organ if you know what I mean.
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That is correct! Glad someone else remembered it.
That will be all for today. Thank you to everyone for participating. What should next week's quiz be about?
ego should be like NP from fate grand order.
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Zenya.. Calm...
Female orgasm
Celtic mythology.
So I guess: >>494512754
nobody here knows anything about that though
I'm pretty sure you could mention any story from those books and I'd remember it. I read those books religiously when I was in school back in the day.

How about more modern stuff, like Urban Legends?
Assuming you haven't done those, yet.
You deserve the warp train
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but I don't want to be quizzed on Sumerian mythos.
We can make quiz about hearsay and assumption about it anon.
Ishmael is going to get the Mountain of Smiling Bodies Lobcorp EGO
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Just started reading Don book.
I hope they add a scene where her vampire friends (barber already was mentioned by Cassetti) try to burn her fixer magazines to cure her mental illness, but fail due to their own love of such literature.
Also, I hope some artfag will make Woodcut illustrations with our Don when other book character designs will be confirmed. I might try as well, but I don't feel like I'm good enough for this kind of challenge
And you need to have a nap you cranky puss
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the beast
I will vomit fire and brimstone onto you, begone.
Go ahead?
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Why is she so FUARKING STRONG?
i think that the new wally IDs are kinda mid if we consider design.
heathclippu is much more kakkoii
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the strongest
I will do a quiz on urban legends, then.
''MY [dead relative] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'' is the biggest power boost one person can get in the city
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I dumped the entire Head Eye Claw thread into it. I know just dumping and clicking fire only works so well, but it honestly it would be kind of cool to just see a podcast of that thread done justice.
I think that would actually be the best use of it, putting together a few podcasts of the "famous" threads and letting newbabes experience a small shred of what it felt like to be there.
Though let me tell you, obviously it struggles when given that many topics at once.
I remember this thing from LoR's first ever few releases, Gebura and the bad end girl (who got used a lot in demo art) were nuggets or something and they killed rabbits in a bar.
LoR would have been so fucking peak if there was some form of City exploration to it as well. Imagine thinking you're safe from the Library and then Lolan
Children shouldn't smoke...
I wanted the female orgasm quiz though... I'm a theoretical expert
>urban legends
With the context of the quotes, that came off as funier than it should have.
Psyops made up by the government
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I still can't be bothered with railway.
What's his problem?
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What you want to do for stuff like that is curate the segments you paste in - split the topics into different discussions by picking and grouping the themes/topics you want, and then smack them together in edit. This way you don't have to create a million discussions off the whole thing and pray they'll talk about the topics with variety.

It's a bit of work, but it will create way better results and it's actually very easy to edit together as there are multiple pauses and topic shifts in the podcast style by design. Good luck if you want to do it, I'm currently working on my video editing as I recently pirated adobe after effects so I'm not doing that podcast stuff now.
post the one where she has a beer bottle
1 prudence.
i love yisang
me neither, actually
i might use it if the clash is bad during a boss fight after pressing winrate and i'm too lazy to redirect to a different skill
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Are you excited for the O-Corp story arc?
yes and?
bloodfiend hunters will inflict bleed and then convert it all into burn like wound cauterization
wanna kiss?
that would be cool methinks
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>Turns bad condition into a worse condition
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I don't think I've ever seen that one
isnt heathcliff the gypsy of the sinners as stated in the book
Gypsies are white, though.
Aleph is cool and all but can I get army in pink for zayin?
Bleed is good and viable (because its units are retarded, the status itself is worthless)
What about Greeks?
Shut the FUCK up this is one of the worst insults you can say.
Come up with Unique Bleed anons
Xiao Ishmael will save burn
how would a army in pink ego even work?
really specific conditions for a nuke or negative sp into corruption that kills the sinner?
>sexiest sinner
>most competent sinner
>most loyal sinner
>most relatable sinner
>most trustworthy sinner
>most responsible sinner
>cutest sinner
>most intelligent sinner
Yi Sang
>most marriage worthy sinner
ishmael will get the red mist id
>most digestible sinner
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shut the FUCK up
Americans have it easy that they don't have to worry about gypsies
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Whoops, seems like you wrote "Ishmael" instead of "Faust"
I'm a gypsy by blood and my skin is white. I'm pretty sure the hobo part of our kind are just tanned because of their homelessness.
Greek girls are cute (some boys too).
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>most delicious sinner
Don posters are so stupid

Stuff from this artist hasn't been uploaded before?
Yeah, yeah, sure, go die.
Heathcliff is not canonically a gypsy, just ambiguously brown. Gypsy is just the best guess the characters had
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Anti cagulate venom
-1 end of turn
A target with this bleed takes only a 3rd potency damage from bleed but cannot close count.
she's just genki. she decorates everything including herself and has lots of cutesy stationary. just because she's got shorter hair and is excitable doesn't make her a tomboy.
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You somehow accidentally typed Ishmael instead of Outis 8 times.
post carmens
>sold as a pdf
Weird that it wasn't ever uploaded
Oh I forgot I had one for her, too
>dumbest sinner
Wait, Heathcliff's book isn't the comic strip?
I just bought all three and will upload it, that's why I'm asking. Just want to be sure it wasn't uploaded before to not double up on it.
so which of you is it venting over at /dlg/
Seems like you typed "Faust" instead of "Ishmael" this time.
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i cant believe pm made heathcliff a full gypsy
Hey, I know that guy, he posts here sometimes too like the mindbroken retard he is.
Nope they haven't, go ahead and upload them anon
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Is there art of Rumia Don?
Sweet, give me a few then.
Me whenever Outis gets an identity
Yi Sang is literally behind her. How can he see her face?
Basado, thanks for uploading them
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"white" supremacist tears sure are tasty. How does it make you feel that my skin is whiter than yours even with my gypsy blood euroboy?
why is there no buff harpooner there to help save her from this whale??
If Limbus was 100% faithful to the books, the book authors would file a DMCA claim on PM so I get why they deviate from them during the story. It makes sense, it's also normal practice.
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I'm no white supremacist, I just specifically hate gypsies.
Your body might be white but soul will never be white.
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What do you mean "gone"
What happened to her
Fun fact, no one is 100% white
I had a gypsy friend when I was a kid, but his family moved around a lot and because of that he'd sometimes miss several weeks of school in a row. He ended up dropping out. I wonder how he's doing now.
Jewish hands made this post
I'm not even white, I just hate gypsies
>Steal everything
>Ruin communities
>Rampant begging as a business

The worst minority I know of.

Our local park had to remove the benches, why? Stolen. Local restaurants couldn't leave the chairs outside as they were stolen IN BROAD DAYLIGHT DURING OPENING HOURS. Police busted and found PILES of stolen bikes. Then every street corner in the summer has a fucking granny in a yellow/red vest 'giving away' random magazines for money that get picked up at 4pm by their hustlers.
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Good shit
World needs more Vordya
I'm white though
You both have nigger genes inside you
I'm a member of the most powerful race in the world
Does it
No I don't, I'm not american
Ethiopian king...
based philipinobro
She got Bygone Days
I'm tired of vore
lets get a new fetish
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i wonder if dante can rewind time and make don quixote just telefrag outis
>t. seanigger
Sounds like made up bullshit from a schizo chudcel
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That would be wild.
But why?
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It does yes
the most inorganic shit ive ever seen, fuck off cracka
she turned into ishMEAT
If only you knew, the only people that are even remotely positive about gypsies are those that have never lived around them and get their cultural osmosis through Disney and shit like "My big gypsie wedding" or whatever that shit is.
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Nearly the entire game is pressing the button and correcting sinner brain damage.
Yeah we get it gypsy, you will never be truly white
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Yeah. This division by race thing is considered antiscientific bullshit in anthropology at this point. Division by ethnicities is much more precise, and most of the so-called *racism* in the world is between people with same skin color (just look at the Southern Europe).
It's still funny to bait some retards by saying that *hated ethnicity name* is white or *their ethnicity name* is black
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>rewind time
she's in outis
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outis can keep fighting forever she has an infinite amount of spanish cusine
The STRONGEST SINNER for a reason
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Why is Tremor (arguably the worst keyword by far) so overly complicated? There are so many types of weird shit cluttering the keyword for no reason.
Don makes that face every time I'm done with her.
it's hot
Because it was SHIT so they spent months and months to try and fix it being absolutely worthless and now it's a mess.
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I'm really glad you could enjoy it or it impacted you so. I also appreciate your very fair and observational take on it. As someone who Meursault's way of thinking or processing things was not alien to, it's very interesting to read someone's that it was.
I almost wish we could discuss it more.
Hope you enjoy whatever you read next anon.
Flavor, which makes it more fun to use than stuff like Burn
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complicated? its quite easy to understand. maybe you're the only one having a problem with it? maybe you're retarded?
If your soul is white as you claim. Can you name at least 3 types of seasoning used in European cuisine without googling?
Being a gypsy nomad must be so based. Just walking from place to place with your bros and probably cycling through all the sexy gypsy bitches in your group.
All this vore posting reminds me of this really fucking weird hentai I once saw where a girl managed to swallow two girls whole
It was really weird and disgusting
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someone post the lol& of this I don't have it please
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wypipo dont even know what seasoning is. whenever i go to eat white people food its like eating air
Do not go to sleep until you finish reading the value of e
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parsley(a scam, doesn't add any flavour)
What is the point of this post, saying "heh, other countries also use them so you are not white"?
What the fuck? I live in Belgrade, and they are quite tame here compared to that. They just try to wash your car when you're in a traffic jam and annoy you by aggressively begging.
Still hate them, though.
Sinner for this feel?
I have been getting my ass raped by Dongrang for the past 2 hours
I'm so bricked
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So I'm not exactly from around these parts, a good friend of mine directed me here. I have a few physical things I bought and will scan later, but at least here's something.

post team
Dongrang simply wants to be able to live without remembering memories that make him hurt, have you considered stopping being so selfish and letting him do it?
The further north you go, the more you get those that travel in for organized crime/begging rather than actual honest work, so, for example, the Nordics absolutely have the worst gypsies even though they also have the least.

Ask a well-meaning, accepting Swede about what they think about gypsies and you will see the eyes of Satan.
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This reminded me of Nothing There
Are fr*nch "people" white?
stop pressing winrate
turn on your braincells
You niggas just outed yourselves.
All the shit that brings out the taste of the main ingredient instead of overriding it like spices from other cultures. Although salt ,pepper, paprica and garlic are also used, but like your said they are used everywhere
Don't let the podcast see the state of this thread
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fuck off nigger
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>Using "Seasoning"
It's shit.
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>Second limbus doujin
>Also futa
I'm starting to see a pattern, also thanks for your efforts anon
I refuse to make a panda account but this is tempting me
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Just to add to this, I'm not fully confirmed on all the purchases, but that's what I intend to buy and scan. Man, I fucking feel sorry for you guys. I'm too used to FGO and shit being nearly constantly available in between second market stuff.

Thank you for your service anon, Limbus is really lacking some good doujins
unless your underleveled you have a decent team so read up on the passives if the game allows you to even see the passives
fighting dongrang is just fighting drifitng fox so you gotta get attacked sometimes and kill some trees
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Is this a specific thing? Where a pretty girl is actually some horrific monster? Can't just be "monster girl", right?
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Magnificent contribution
Neat. Thank you.
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Br*tish hand wrote this post
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You didn't specifiy that you wanted seasonings ONLY used in european cuisine
I use all of those in my food but don't know the english words for them without looking them up so I went with the easier ones
Please do the dresser sets for both male and female versions at least, I love the art for both but it sucks it's behind a paywall (and I'm not making an account just to buy them)
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Don't spoonfeed lazy retards
>futakek can only react with violence when confronted with FACTS and LOGIC
I'm in MD nigga I've already fought Dongrang several times before
Judging by those doujins, we're still lacking.
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>non-nsfw comedy doujins
These are always the best ones
this feels chinese
No, I'm Finnish. Our food 'culture' is so 'bland' that it caused Anthony Bourdain to swear that he'd never go to the scandis again. That's probably why he killed himself.

A real right poofter if you ask me. Meat and potatoes are really all you need, everything else is just extravagance. Think I'll have some chicken and noodles later, might crack in a few raw eggs.
>be me (racist), so naturally have a very diverse group of friends
>one of my friends is indian and he keeps making fun of whites for not using seasoning
>i usually don't mind, or laugh along
>i send him one meme making fun of indians
>he gets pissed and doesn't talk to me for a week
why are they like this? he's unironically the only one that can't take banter.
asians don't give two shits, blacks don't give 2 shits, but indians are fragile af.
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then stop getting raped by him dumbass
>"befriending" a pajeet
Seconding the dresser sets
legitimately, unironically, in all sincerity: white people never take offence to other races trying to be racist towards them because they are superior. Also other races have really weak racism and so its like a little kid calling you a poopy doodie head you just laugh it off
indians aren't people
"Can't cook" is not as big of an insult as "smells bad", anon.
At least I was going to get both the male and the female versions of the dresser. Just have to wait on a confirmation from my proxy about confirming purchases on those. If they can, great. I at least have a confirmation on two of the sfw doujinshi comic ones, so they'll be guaranteed scanned.

It may take a bit for me to scan them, in between me doing FGO scans and just shipping taking ages. So this isn't going to be tomorrow or next week at a minimum, sorry about that. Really not used to pixiv and booth stuff, but at least there's some digital options.
Go to sleep Eetu, it is past your bedtime
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>white people never take offence to other races trying to be racist towards them
this nigga has never visited /pol/
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No way, I'm going to stay up 'till 7 am because I need to watch virtual wrestling.
>Finnish cuisine is so bad it makes a celebrity chef kill himself
Can't be worse than fucking jeet street food
No worries, if they do get confirmed, post them here when they get there.
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4 and you go to sleep
I wake up every day thanking God for making me black and not a gypsy
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Understandable then. I only knew their names in other languages out of necessity, but if I stayed in my home country, I probably would need to google them as well.
At least you have a plenty of cheap red fish. Finland is a small country, so I suppose it's hard to have a developed food culture. Although it didn't stop the Serbs with their 6 mil population compared to Finnish 4 mil. It's sad that Serb cuisine is quite unhealthy despite being so tasty
Limbus Children's day event
>Is this a specific thing?
Sorta. You better look at specific artists for this stuff. When I was young and retarded. I just used creepy tag for booru. Now I'm just retarded. Things didn't change that much. Yeah.
>this nigga has never visited /pol/
everyone knows /pol/ posters are black
>SAARS is not the same
One requires making a skill the other is wash, you're right pajeet
i went to finland and had mammi.
i don't know how they made it look so tasty, but taste so horrid.
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please for the love of god let devyat be bleed Ive had this ego at U4 for months and never fucking use it
No problem. Most likely at least not before next month. But I'll post pics here once they do get here then post scans once I get around to them. I'll keep an eye out on any other releases for random stuff as they come along.
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We DO have a food culture, it's just not about seasoning. We have pastries, reindeer meat, mä-
You need to eat it with milk, you can eat it out of the box but it's best with milk and maybe a bit of sugar if you're feeling dainty.
uh oh rupture id
Limbus will be known as a futa game if this shit continues.
I feel like I'm the only person that doesn't care for these. I like the idea of it but the actual product falls flat.
The voices and the way they speak all blends together for me. I don't know if it's the generic voice itself, the over use of common phrases and annunciation or bridges from sentence to sentence topic to topic. But it just feels like a big bland mess.
Hard to keep focus on because the intonation is so repetitive. Almost like background noise.
Devyat will be vore and you get to hear ish's muffled complaints from rodya's stomach
Idc for futa but rating 5 stars for the good will
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The first one is a lie (since most European cultures use seasoning). The latter is the truth, hence the reaction
its a poor imitation of thread simulator videos. Ive been tempted to make those a couple of times but then I remember this place is majority tourists so the effort to make OC will be wasted on swine
Futa franchise
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I like where this thread is going.
Post your favorite food from your country.
Oh that's cool, if the Dongrang fights goes on for long enough the vocals fade out and there's this cool sound/instrument added in their place
it can never dethrone the king of futa gacha that is arknots
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We know it's confirmed to have Rupture in it, but it is worth noting that her other attacks didn't have the Rupture effect, only when she was in critical mode did the effect appear
That being said, PM could've just forgot to show it for her other attacks, or left it in on accident for her final attack, or maybe even has it so that she gains Rupture when her aura is at a high enough level
Thank you for further ruining this franchise.
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Oh, I remember having reindeer meat while visiting Norway. It was quite nice.
On the other hand, Finnish liquorice put my 14-year-old ass into slight depression.
Good morning sir.
american btw
why is sans undertale in ur mac and cheese
Where the fuck is my ubereats order rajesh
Does steak count as American?
I fucking love steak.
Serb/balkan cuisine is bastardized turkish cuisine
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It's an acquired taste..!
I will share it later if someone else has not.
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tyim tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
would you fuck rodya if she had ishy in her tummy
there are more yaoi doujins than futa. look on booth
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No Dailies
Faust is busy finishing this MDH run
Absolutely, I'd want to finish in her mouth in the Hope's it pours on fishmeal
I'd fuck Rodya no matter what she has in her tummy
And I'd ESPECIALLY fuck her if she has something in her tummy
this ego is completely uselss in md because you can literally just pick the red spider as your starting gift and never run out of count
and where else are you gonna use it
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With meat. With eggs. With onion.
All day, every day
>she gains Rupture when her aura is at a high enough level
Doubt they going to do W-Sang but worse.
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>Hey, don't you want to look for it? The meaning of life? A life with us.
>It doesn't matter who you used to be. We are truly happy.
>I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for living with us...

Is every single chapter of this shit just gonna be a gut punch like this? When I saw people shilling Astlibra in here, I thought it was gonna be a little more easy going.
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Wrong thread?
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About that...
Is it really confirmed? Every single one of her combos does not trigger rupture, the only time rupture shows up is when she attacks before being killed herself, which could have been left by another unit.
Limbus Company?
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PM loves to throw random Rupture into kits though
>tfw my mum and dad are from different countries
>and we grew up in a different country than even those
I can't list 3+ dishes...
No I saw people mention it here, and tried it. I did not mistake the thread.
You can name 1 that you love the most though
>random rupture
>warp jannies
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Does the Funny Prank abnormality page override Purple Tear's reroll passive or did I just roll bad twice or does it not work on EGO? It sure as hell didn't look like it rerolled.
I ended up reading through the thread together with a friend and it was fun enough as is. He's got announcer experience so it was pretty funny. Had more of a vibe of sporting events commentary.
You're right though, investment of time needs to be sensible.
Not enough rupture to matter except for W Sang so it may as well be random. Sure Dimension Shredder exists but nobody is going to run the W fuckers in rupture just for that.
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That would make sense, considering their history. I'm pretty sure most cuisine can be traced back to something and called a bastardized version of it, though
I don't think I could name just one above all else because it'd be a falsehood...
I'm not new...
they stack so yes PT's reroll does trigger
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wow you suck or you really really got unlucky with ego gifts and its floor debuffs on mdh
Thank you cutie
>friend and I got to the Tomerry boss fight and then met Gebura yesterday
I just want to fucking lie down and cry
Apparently this is the point where you'll know what the game is like and whether to keep playing, but... mman...
Jannies have it for flavour mostly. Yi Sang is the only one being true hybrid. Kit reveal "soon" so I might as well wait. I guess.
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I think I got severly unlucky, dongrang deals 50 slash damage per coin on the slash-resistant IDs
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will you herald a happy ending?
will you usher despair against this despair?
can you yield it like a weapon?
or will you winter away at it, like how your enemies wanted you to?
did you go into the 4th floor final boss with the fusion gift
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Theoretically possible, but I personally doubt PM would muddy up the preview by having her trigger someone else's rupture
That being said I went back and watched a few other reveal trailers and none of them seemed to have status triggering effects on their skill showcase portion
Most likely they recorded the portion where Rodion explodes in regular gameplay in order to get the effect off and as such they couldn't or didn't turn off the effects for it
There is a point where it becomes more time efficient to call the run a failure and start over.
True, I decided to forfeit and call it a day
Spam Meursault's base EGO whenever his S1 comes up, since the power-down will allow your other Sinners to clash easier. Use Yi Sang's base EGO if possible too since the power down applies that turn and he's weak to Pierce.
Meursault's Pursuance can be used when the team needs healing, but won't do much damage since it's resisted
oh my god no wonder your losing you dont know fusion gifts exist
if you fuse horseshoe and clover together you roll like 30 on a skill 2 with poise
I felt similarly drained after doing love town, though it was more so me being weak to situations fucking over a pair of cute lovers.
They were just background randos doing their best, I definitely didn't expect this sort of fucking freudian nightmare
>at low health, Tommy's head is just GONE and Merry's head is crying
FUCK the gear church
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what a wholesome group of friends :D

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