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Previous: >>494404303

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~ Sep 18): 10 SQ, 10 Stargazer's Teapots, 1 Lantern of Chaldea and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Stargazer's Teapots expire October 31.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples (It also counts for the duration of OC III)
▶Welfare Servant: To be revealed at the end of OC III.
▶This event is scheduled to be added to the Main Interlude.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ 30 JST.
▶LB4 main quests at AP 0.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.
▶New upcoming event on October requires clearing LB4.

>Archetype Inception Part 2 PU Summon:
●Sep 11 ~ 18 JST
5*Foreigner Koyanskaya of Darkness (limited)
4*Caster Edison (story locked)
●Sep 13 ~ 20 JST
5*Saber Astolfo (limited)
4*Rider (permanent)
●Sep 15 ~ 22 JST
5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
●Sep 17 ~ 24
5*Alter Ego Kingprotea (limited)
4*Alter Ego Passionlip (limited)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna (permanent)
4*Lancer Percival (permanent)
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
please be civil
Guda x Hakuno sex scene in part 3
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City owes me sex
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Lebanese love won
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Marisbury owes me sex
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>Better written than most silbings servants
>Not actually related to each other
How does Nasu do it?
What the fuck is happening here
Yea but the friendly one looks like male Haku
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Sticking it inside her butt.
Should Mooncancer change its name at the end of the event?
Why is there no bingo?
You are not liking OC 3
Why are you bringing shit from the previous thread?
>Why is there no bingo?
Someone posted his bingo card before the release of the chapter, shame I didn't save it because it was pretty accurate.
Don't crosspost my post. Leave that shit in the old thread.
Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but I’m just posting until the 25th to see if my premonitions are wrong, which I’m hoping it is.
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>people still arguing about what's likely or not according to lore
It's been 20 years how have some of you fags not realized that the nasuverse runs on "this sounds cool, let's do it and come up with an explanation later"... and that's when Nasu is writing, when it's someone else, all bets are of, they're allowed to do whatever.
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Marie Alter summer next year
Hmph. Well one thing is confirmed, whoever is posting Haku is a different person for sure.
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This thread will be better than last
>He doesn't make soba with a girl tied up in the room
Unironically ngmi.
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I agree. Stay positive guys, I have a good feeling about this thread!
you said the same thing about last thread, look how that turned out
It can't get worse than last one
Next year summer will be half new characters and half second swimsuits to fan favorites
Im going to sexually punish xu fu for slacking off while Im trying to save this OC when I find her
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Jirai-kei Morgan.
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She only want Paisen's futa cock
My theory on Dubai 3rd ascension

>name becomes Archetype Moon

>literally just BB in her OG uniform and black coat

>They sold an animation update for the original welfare as a SSR
Its not a punishment if she wants it
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I hope october gets halloween
anon I...
Xiang Yu will fuck you after that
where's this from?
They really are the silbing servants of all time
From Choco's newest book, it's Melu looking on in disgust at the yuri stuff with Aurora.
>Kengoro is at last releasing a SE.RA.PH update next week.
Hate that he works on two manga at the same time.
Melu is next.
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For me quite frankly?
It's gotta be Foggsu~
Reminder that the Babylonia anime made King Hassan eat Lahmus alive
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Say something nice about this Heian slut.
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peropero little cunts...
Tits too big
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Trash and Crash upgrade when?
She's my best ST Berserker desu, I appreciate how many times she's helped me
Hag tits, made for milking
>Only thing that unite her daughters is their common hatred for their mom
Isn't it sad BB?
with what animals has she had the most sex with?
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It would be cool, I want the angelic form
I thought they were united by the fact they're alternative materials for GraceNovamon.
Is sandy's animal equivalent a turtle? I forget
>bug eye max
>sticc legs max
Old wada being forgotten is a good thing
She has a chastity bow
Finally, the original CCC NP is finally in FGO.
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In Japan he is often depicted as a kappa.
we need an oppai loli servant to save this game
Would Harada deliver
It seems to me that the original is the one used for BB summer, the one for fate extra CCC is a fallback because there wasn't enough budget
Mhmm, k, yeah, sure, whatever...
>>literally just BB in her OG uniform and black coat
>>They sold an animation update for the original welfare as a SSR
I mean they did that with Nobu so...
Post one with Haku. See how her fans will like it.
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BB Summer uses CCC prototype. I want the original CCC used in CCC in FGO. It looks best.
she is very arrogant
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It's time to let go, Murasaki.
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>dude my upper court language lmao
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Its funny because he had to include a disclaimer so retards wouldn't act so retarded.
He even wrote it in english for them.
>"So, what did you want us to talk about?"
>"I think I might be pregnant."
>"Relax, heroic spirits can't get pregnant. All the seed got turned into mana."
>"Yeah... I thought that was the case too, but then I remembered we're constantly full while in Chaldea and we both have Independent Action..."
>"Soo... what are your parents favorite meals again?"
Part 3 when?
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one year
Janny Xu Fu working overtime
In 10 days
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
Not even close
Any whales here who unlock all 5 appends and level120-ed their favorites?
Do they recommend you to use the leftover coins when you create grails like last time?
Not a whale and I did multiple of them.
So do they recommend you to use the leftover coins when you make the monthly grails?
It's up to you.
That's NP7 of this ugly piece of fucking shit cunt and 0 Xu Fu. I'm uninstalling again this dying game can go fuck itself
I meant when you try to make grails, was there no text on the coins?
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Not him, but I don't think they changed anything this month when I went to grail cast, I think the lack of text was still there, and the others still had the notice of enhancements being available.
I could be remembering wrong. I'll have to actually check next time.
Which Beast has had the best theme? Who had the worst? Don't just go off memory, listen and remember the songs.









>4chan hates it
>xitter hates it
>Appmedia hates it
That means it's good.
I just unlocked the last two skills on my Kiyo for you
Go to the making grails section and see whether there's this text.
The reason the append outrage can be a legal problem is they removed this text on servants with 3 appends and 120.
No. Save the coins of your favorites in case you need them for 150 or more appends.
I know how to check, but you can't get to that screen after you make grails for the month. But >>494529839 confirmed my memories of a few days ago and it does still show up.
>implying nips won't have an autistic breakdown because more coins are needed and they will force cucksengle to give more coins for free to all players
The only way I could see them getting away with coins for 150 is if bond becomes infinite and you get 60 per bond level after 15 forever.
>60 per bond level
hahaha no that's way too much, they will go unironically bankrupt
Goetia > Eresh > Camazotz > Draco > Tiamat > Koyan > Kama > Kiara > Olga
Thats what 12+ already give you now.
for me? it's Enkidu
That was Nasu inserting his fetish.
So does it still show up or not? lmao
I'm on the crossroads here. Lvl150 probably requires 450 coins.
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>Section 15: Available after 09/25/2024 18:00 JST
That's like 10 days, what the fuck
The notice on the coins for servants not maxed out say something along the lines of "Further enhancement available", the ones maxed out don't. But don't burn like a retard, don't trust them.
Hakuno is that though. They even call themselves as "The moon."
Do you like it?
What main interludes are available in the rp shop right now?
Camazotz theme is different because was a heroic song.
I liked Goetia's the best.
It doesn't show up anymore but they already got yelled at once, so 150 will probably require a new and even more jewish currency rather than the same old coins.
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Huh... no? I understand there is still an event going on, but it was brief and I have already emptied the shop like most people.
I hope we get something next week...
But the Anti Saber append and Crit damage is useful..
What's even more jewish than rolling more copies?
I could see 150 requiring a bunch of some item you get through consecutive logins like the paw prints
Jeanne Alter, my beloved.
No one said not to unlock them. Do it. If they're already 120 and you are sitting there with 640 coins why have you not unlocked and leveled them?
>90*** storm pod quests that rewards the item
>but only if you have the servant in the team
>also you need to run it 3 times/day for 6 months
Because of lvl150?
If 150 happens, which I doubt at this point, It'll probably be through a Super Grail or something. There's just no way they could require coins after the last shitshow, if they were ever planning it.
People were really expecting Melt to show up, huh?
I'm pretty sure Marisbury is Roa.
Not because I have any reason to think that, but because it's weird that for all the fanservicey nonsense in FGO, Roa as a concept hasn't come up yet.
Roa got burned alive by Dantes in Fate timelines. Sorry, bro.
Yeah I know.
But this is TM. A super special exception caused by Roa being the Snake of Akasha and snakes resisting fire on Tuesdays allowed him to survive, recalled by the Holy Grail War wherein one of the mages summoned Victor Frankenstein who wasn't a real person but one of Roa's persona's and thus recalled Roa back to the world conditionally.
Or some bullshit.
Holy shit Nasu is here in the thread
>Gets bullied by KPuta for being a justice purityschizo princess
>'ates Astolfo summoners
>Wants to lead (you)
Kunnydrop will ritually execute Jinglebells Muniere where Tezca failed and lead /fgog/ into a bright new future where holding hands will make you pregnant
Draco love!
You underestimate their jewishness.
Needs more Barbara Walker
>have np5 bond 15 girls I swiped for years ago
>even after the bond coin gibs, still just a few coins short of unlocking everything
>rolling np6 is retarded coin overkill, if I could even roll for girls who haven't been on rateup in months/years anyways
servant coins are gay and you max coins being just short of how many you need (as opposed to something obviously greedy like one full np6 copy's worth) really grinds my autism gears
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this halloween for sure
I mean we are one year and 291 days since her last PU
Except they got fucking bashed this time, so they're not going to suddenly put out something requiring NP20. It's just not logistically sound, even before the backlash.
Anima Ataraxia > Symphonic Shikisai > Childhood's end > Tamamo's theme (Techno egg remix) > Camazotz > Sodom > Ereshkigal > Olga > Karma Ataraxia
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Goetia feels like cheating. Otherwise it's Camazotz.
wait what does Eeresh's text say?
before it gets slashed and after?
Evil of Humanity of Vaginal (Anal)
Preservation (保存) / Hoarding (死蔵)
Evil of Humanity Conservation into Hoarding.
what type of oc sin are we missing now?
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Post them all at least
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literally untranslatable
Shame (probably Olga)
Is the anon that rips the NP sprites here? I'd like to request BB cosmo's cute pout cut in
Goetia and Olga also have multiple themes, Nerofag.
>Devs want to get through Anti Purge Defence
>Give boss buff removal
>Get raped by NP unless you have a specific counter with buff removal resist, which most often only targets one character
>Devs want to get through Anti Purge Defense
>Give boss Anti Purge Defense pierce
>Can now use David, Skadi, etc to survive
>Whole frontline is safe
Is this really that big of a deal
>Goetia and Olga also have multiple themes, Nerofag.
yeah send them?
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why big fat cat tats
It really isn't, invulnerability pierce is better most of the time anyway.
>gives the enemy pierce invul, pierce anti-purge and buff removal
Your move /frog/kek.
The size of her breasts is directly proportional to the amount of evil she is exhibiting.
That's not to say that the small-breasted original version is not evil, just that as the level of evil increases beyond its base level her breasts grow.
Everything is roa my ass is also roa, hack.
>Ackchyually the anti-purge def effect is a mooncell exclusive so all the bosses will just keep on spamming defensive (or complete) buff removal to be lore friendly.
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Lily content when?
Bros, Ecchan is kinda cute... I might roll...
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What was Wada thinking?
She looks like a girl from circus
>4 break bars
>permanent invuln and anti-purge invuln piercing
>immune to debuffs, cannot have NP drained
gg no re lol
He's honestly wracked up 90 years worth of ban evades at this point
shitposter meets shitposter
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>>Devs want to get through Anti Purge Defense
>>Give boss Anti Purge Defense pierce, boss buff removal, instant death, any flavor of stun, np or skill seal (half the time it's both at once), buff success rate down, unremovable DoT debuffs, or fucking anything else these hacks have always been using to counter it for the past 4 years
>Get raped whenever Devs say you get raped
Profound change of circumstances, nicely observed anon
The next powerceep will be guaranteed dodge
One of Olga's.
Lazy to hunt all ost 1 themes including animu versions.
>Alice's anti-purge buff is too OP
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Still don't care about what the voices in your head say.
What are all these gudafags gonna do when fgo 2 comes out and all there waifus move on to the new self insert?
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Rare O Cunny art.
>fgo 2
Thinly veiled hopepost.
I can't believe it's a discussion at all
The only character Guda was ever going to end up with is Mashu, in the event that she doesn't die (or dies and comes back again)

It's a fucking phone game. Maybe if retards would stop whaling on a completely sterile product with zero romance or sex, Nasu would go back to making actual stories.
They will become the next shiroufags while denying they aren't the same as them. Selfinsertshit is a fucking mistake. Change the character, but they behave as the same shit.
It's pretty obvious by this point of your shitpost. Cease. Now.
>come back to see a another schizo meltdown and samefagging
Fuck this
Biggest cope I've seen is people thinking if they did make a FGO2 that they would transfer servants and wouldn't make whales roll again for their waifus.
A shame you people won't stream your suicide before or in 2025.
Then it would die like that Love Live game.
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The closest we're ever going to get to an FGO2 is another engine update
Correct answer.
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I havent been here for awhile did they explain her weird creatures
Everyone was waiting for a certain schizo to blow his brain out last month but alas.
welp guess I'll take one for the team and have messy anal sex with Xu Fu. You guys can thank me later.
>The only character Guda was ever going to end up with is Mashu
Without hating Mashu, but I would rather have Rappi as the winner in Nikke rather than her in FGO. Not because she doesn't deserve it, but because there has been actual BETTER options with BETTER chemistry, while Mashu barely got shit. Let Mashu be the normal end, and give at least a CG or a short story summary about a possible servant route cause with this shitty ass company that's probably all they can afford.
I don't think they have unless I skipped something.
Tell me how it goes later
Kiara > Koyan = Eresh > Olga > Kama > Camazotz > Goetia > Tiamat
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>What's even more jewish than rolling more copies?
I don't maybe actually deleting pic related's data from the game in the next update and having the story Avengers rendered unusable after clearing OC2. And if Moon Cancers ended up getting DATA LOST'd in the OC3, erase them from game data and future rate-ups/GSSR's as well.
But you'll still play the game if that happens, let's be honest.
Oops, forgot to put Sodom in the same place as Tiamat
There wouldn't be a game left if that happened
Guda will be summoned as a servant
New players will say Guda Chad is fucking them
The cycle will continue
I thought those beast were related to the mooncancer servants summoned in Dubai.
-Dolphin like creature - Summer Jannu
-Lion creature - Edison Alter
-Many-eyed creatures - Koyanskaya
Never lol, stop sharing your cuckbrain.
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how much of the story is even left?
There is no fgo 2.
We should have gotten a new protagonist for every story arc
A new character for EoR, a new one for LB, a new one for OC, etc.
At this point Guda's seen so much shit and gotten away with it that it's ridiculous. "EX-rank Luck" doesn't even scratch the surface, the fact that we're walking around at all after Goetia is comical
I mean Kiara has yet to appear
Bla bla bla shitpost
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The story at least acknowledges this by saying Guda's luck is running out fast.
BB Dubai's third ascension
War of the BBs that has to be broken up by White Sakura because OC3 = O(CCC)
More clap shit
Reveal that Hakunon's the mastermind behind it all so she can be an SSR next anniversary
They are the Servantverse Beasts.
You also can see a fire sword (Servantverse Surtr)
>Reveal that Hakunon's the mastermind behind it all so she can be an SSR next anniversary
Not going to happen.
>They are the Servantverse Beasts.
No? Where do you get that bullshit? It's spooky animals instead of cute animals normal eresh summons in animations.
>SSR Pretender
>The entire time Hakunon was actually Archimedes
Jokes aside, Hakuno in general qualifies as Pretender, don't they? They're technically NPCs based on the real-world Hakuno rather than hackers inserting into the Moon Cell. That satisfies the condition of accomplishing great deeds while using someone else's name
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Please consider sex with the banana
Coin refund any day now bros
I'm not a kpop nibba
Mastermind of what?? You're dumb. They already aid no more collab characters as Anniversary Servant. Arc was an exception.
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I prefer other kind of fruit.
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Abby without those stupid panties
No cocks for onis
It should be illegal for Abby to wear clothes
What about pussy?
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The story sure says quite a lot of things
I don't think you've thought through the issues with this
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Guess she has them orginally but they burn off with her first death and don't regenerate. Finally, destructable bottoms.
>no more collab characters
Hopefully no more for the rest of the year. Barring a new Liz variant, we should get brand new Servants soon this Halloween.
brand new male servants
Has city returned to chaldea? Will tez know what he did sooner or later?
We might see his reaction in the epilogue
SSR Archer Gun God soon
>Nasu says this
>oh all those corpses? merely pretending with magecraft and decoys my boy
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You're literally already in the underworld, you already have a perfect set up to bring back characters that die in that chapter. It makes no sense to have so many fake outs when you have a perfect set up to bring them back at the end. Guda was dead the entire chapter and he brought himself back at the end fighting day it instead of just Guda, have everyone die, and then have Guda battle for everyone's souls at the end.
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EoS next year
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I WILL roll for her
Hopeless battle
Wish I was a girl with Astolfo husbands
When Tez yelled WOOOOOOOO
I felt that.
Nasu told me in 2018 that loli vinci is going to die
Good morning I miss the bit
>Could've had a fun summer event
>Could've had an interesting story about Mooncancer's standing with Alaya
>Could've had a standalone arc where Servantverse gets to shine and have an unnerving story about Ereshkigal turns into a beast
>Instead cram all of them into a single plot and have everything feel rushed and disjointed as fuck
For something that's allegedly not close to EoS, Nasu sure seems to be doing everything he can to check off his bucket list so he can fuck off
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I'm halfway through OC2 and I'm starting to think while the famitsu votes doesn't represent the majority of the players, it's pretty much hard carried by both Horta and Dantes' popularity and not because it's actually good. The amount of repetitive lines every enemy avengers have coupled with Guda's (speechless) dialogue choices is so fucking annoying.
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I don't know if it's EoS or just Nasu retiring but everybody can feel something is incredibly different with this year. Literally 60% of all the content has been collabs or fake collabs, like they're just running down a checklist.
Everyone alive will die. Stop to be a retard. If you want an honest answer like Mash she is a designer baby who has a short life when part 2 ends she will die unless revived. Stop stating this stupid statement.
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>Guda's (speechless) dialogue choices
You're underestimating and misunderstanding the gravity of Ritsuka Fujimaru's trauma.
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>Everyone alive will die. Stop to be a retard.
the fault also lies in the other writers, just when did we last get an actual original fgo servant that's not from a collab
From what I see you like being there would you go back there?
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>just when did we last get an actual original fgo servant that's not from a collab
>almost 6 months ago
jesus christ
I wouldn't even count this guy a character and more like a Douman reskin considering I read OC2 and don't understand what the fuck his deal was.
Good fucking lord he's so ugly.
Like Jesus shit even his art is unsalvageable.
His deal is literally
>I am fucking over Chaldea's master because he is loved by Monte Cristo and I fucking hate Monte Cristo
That's it.
There were quite a few fgo original npcs
But he was in a collab too
I would have forgotten this dude's existance if it wasn't for how many copies of his CE I got while rolling for the City and BB. Now I hate the shit out of him.
pretty sure even before the trauma he was already nodding rapidly in a lot of choices anyway
Is this worth MLBing? I lost my old account after being inactive so I bought one of those botted SQ account. I don't really have that many CEs. My main farmer is going to be Space Ereshkigal.
We all know he's coming soon as the Final Apostle, all know what he looks like last year when OC was introduced, and he's alluded as far back as Heian-kyo.
And neither is Andromeda. Her literal character is just being a damsel princess for Perseus to save and bone. And given the streak of collaborations lately, we're likely to get a Prototype Collab with Perseus very very soon. He's datamined from the very beginning after all. So, she's not wholly original either.
Sure, not like it's worth keeping multiple copies unless it's kaleidoscope.
Will they animate the Tezcatlipoca scene in strange Fake?
>she's not wholly original either
Because she's related to a character that appeared in Prototype? You're taking this a little too far anon. That's like saying Sigurd isn't an original character because Bryn was in Fragnments.
>Her literal character is just being a damsel princess
>she's not wholly original either
Do you really have to stretch this hard to make your homo look less shit
FGO Cagliostro might be the worst version of him I've ever seen, instead of a scheming fraud it's more like he's the penguin of doom (and shitty olga reskins)
Pretty sure he's just an ordinary boy who got pulled suddenly into a grave situation and doesn't know how to actively or properly respond to anything. Trust me, you would've acted the exact same way had you been in his shoes.
>The amount of repetitive lines every enemy avengers have
Is kino, it's theatric, makes the group kind of cohesive despite member being so different.
Incineration of human history happened in 2015 bro, we're talking about ordeal call 2
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Anon, it's okay to acknowledge that FGO's writing has flaws. Stop acting like criticism of the way Guda's character is handled is the same as hating Guda.
haha funny sarcasm retard.
It was bound to happen with the amount of CEs we're getting.
Isn't FGO ending next year? Why did you buy an account?
I miss when FGO came up with wholly original characters like the LB6 characters (at least the Fairy Knights or the Lostbelt inhabitants) or Abby the Foreigner. It was a real surprise and well-received partly because no one knew about her before Salem and she was brand new despite being a historical figure from a very obscure period in history.
What's the purpose of having Andromeda there? The only logical sensible way for her to be in FGO is to set up Perseus later and for Medusa to start seething more.
It's good though. Immersive and the Avengers were well used. Those "speechless" options have usually introspection.
Unlike this shit Nasu just pulled out his ass.
>What's the purpose of having Andromeda there?
early this year or last year Nasu literally admitted they've started making basic filler characters for the sole reason of "needs to be done, live service game"
(you) are Dantes' waifu and he hates Dantes because he fucked him over in the past apparently. We have brief flashbacks about this.
I only hit one copy after 150 rolls. Not sure if I really wanna chase.

It was 25 bucks. I'm bored. I'm a rinfag and found out about Space Eresh. I didn't know we were approaching the EOStimes.
Valentine picks never made much sense to begin with, the one before Andromeda was a... popess???
OC3 being bad does not make OC2 good
As of now OC has absolutely no reason to exist
>Why did humanity die in this unrelated and irrelevant timeline?
Christ on a rocket. I don't give a flying fuck.
OC2 is good though. Your nitpick is a dialogue choice you don't like, and Guda being "speechless" sometimes when Guda has a lot of introspection as this happens it's dumb. You just interjected because you couldn't stand people shitting on Nasu's mediocre writing for his pet scifi characters and cast. It's godawful. It's not just the juvenile plot, unlikable cast, terrible dialogue choices, having Guda act like a generic genki retard without depth to make Hakuno look better, but also the atmosphere and setting. The avenger trials and Tokyo oppressive atmosphere felt more magical then this artificial Dubai. The setting is a loss.
Me all through part 1 and 2.
They didn't do anything with Perseus. You already called CBC and the secret 2nd collab and he turned up in neither.
Andromeda's just a one-off idea for a servant they cooked up and went with, not unlike Penth, Europa, et al. before. Giving her Cetus as something she can control isn't particularly unoriginal for her depiction in any case.
You (Guda) care about your own fucking world getting fucked over.
You don't give a shit about this weird trip. You were supposed to be relaxing and Hakushit and BBshit got you involved in their nonsense.
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When was a tez scene in sF?
>Christ on a rocket. I don't give a flying fuck.
OC3 will be in the main interludes so you can just skip it now and ignore it later as well, it's not necessary for getting to Antarctica.
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Goodnight /frog/. Behave while I'm gone.
For real, man? I thought it was necessary for the score.
There was a scene where somebody was wandering around various underworlds and one of them was Tez's underworld and he was by a bonfire, it was basically just a cameo though.
>filler of a filler arc
>hates mashu
>but C.I.E.L is ok
(you) are mentally ill
Well since it'll explicitly be put into the main interlude section it can't be necessary for story progression, no main interlude is, and Romaniface said you'd only need to clear 3 OCs to get past the Antarctica wall so if you get through the ruler OC that should be enough, probably. Mooncancer class score might be locked behind OC3 though.
I only care about chapters that matter to the story.
Chaldean already condemned this as filler of a filler in the prologue.
Theory time: Foreigner won't get an OC, but they'll be important in the last Olga quest which will be longer than a single chapter.
Honestly, when the final chapter is actually out, there's no way Nasu actually forces people like Kawasumi to play the ordeal calls and Olga quests to access it.
>Why does media not cater to my special needs?
Christ on a rocket. I don't give a flying fuck.
He's been datamined and confirmed to be in the game, so we know they have something for him. And I didn't expect anything from this year's White Day CBC at all, except they'd do very little with it, basically anything that is not LITERALLY NOTHING, because they can never do that with their annual recurring events and non-events. And I was right, they did next to literally nothing for this year's CBC.
By the way, the other Servants you listed, they were also made witht the mindset that their associated previously established characters (i.e., Achilles) are coming soon. The same is with Andromeda, who is far less inspired than the pooshit from OC1. Cetus btw is associated with the Perseus myth, so it's a no-brainer that that would be her NP. It's like having a Marcus Aurelius servant and his NP is Meditations.
Narita and Nasu love sucking him up so yes.
mental illness
That's the thing. Ritsuka does nothing most of the time and it's usually his friends and associates in Chaldea, in a Singularity or Lostbelt, that do all the job. Partly because he has no idea a lot of times what correct course of action to take and is plenty nervous and deathly afraid, given that he is an ordinary guy with no knowledge of all this shit like you and I.
And barely time has passed since the start of the game, one whole year max.
>they were also made witht the mindset that their associated previously established characters (i.e., Achilles) are coming soon.
Achilles and who else exactly?
Zeus is as never ever as it gets and they've made no effort to bring Hippolyta in either.
>He's been datamined and confirmed to be in the game, so we know they have something for him
You're being given another good chance to reassess how much faith you're putting into that thing.
An entire filler chapter dedicated to the expanded sakura five and yet Violet's nowhere to be seen either.
I'm pretty sure the prologue confirms there are four Ordeal Calls, not three.
Yeah, but this is the unofficial 5th OC.
>does nothing
Fuck off retard
Each day my scorn towards TM fans grow exponentially.
>no u
Can't handle the facts?
No, Dubai as a keyword. It means is the one Chaldea mentioned and dismissed.
It means Foreigner won't be getting one. And that's fine, it got a pseudo one as 4.5.
The fact you didn't play or read the game.
How will they make the chapter not gag when the serious main plot-related servants there are only Abby, Kuku, Yami and Gogh to some extent
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>no arguments
I didn't say he did absolutely nothing all the way through. He did some things like in Solomon, (although it required outside help still) but 9 times out 10, he's just a walking camera with other people including Mash being essentially mouthpieces.
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I skipped 90% of the story, just to catch up with the bros.
Avenger ignored half of its class and still had to class-swapp characters like Boudica and Britomart for its "not-gag" chapter.
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City vs City
You forget every fight you play is the same way guda fight. For example in lb1 using avicebron golem fighting ivan or oc1 riding medusa np fighting kali. But as I said you in the first place didn't read or play the game you have no right to argue in the first place.
>every fight you play is the same way guda fight
And it's only thanks to Galahad's shield and Marisbury's FATE System that you aren't already dead when you set foot to Fuyuki. And keep pulling the "no u" card over and over, although I wouldn't blame someone for not bohtering with FGO because the game and story and everything about it is garbage.
bro your city is dying
>Scroll through the thread.
>Seen this post >>494517342
It begins.
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She's the character /fgog/ hates the most.
Well at least you're honest but why are you talking about yourself in the third person?
Just don't roll bro
When are people gonna get rid of the flesh fangs it just turns me off
Are you going to use her a lot? Got enough exp, mats and qp to max her out? If not, refrain.
Artist to lazy to draw them white, please understand.
Raikoujannies scheme.
>Went to sleep for 8 hours
>The schizo is still here
You have no life raikouschizo
You just woke up and the first thing you did is check if the schizo is still here?
This could have been averted if you summoned PHH Melusine instead.
So fgog reporting him on trolling?
It's just an unofficial fanart bros
>OC3 is so fucking bad that we need to bring in another game's protagonist to carry the story
But extrashit is part of the problem why OC3 is bad.
You mean ruin it
Tsubaki's parents implanted the mesoamerican space fungus in her head, and her servant is the pale rider.
She has a certain connection to the mesoamerican underworld and she meets Tez who starts speaking spanglish to her.
Please tell us your opinion again after you read it
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It's pretty pathetic to see grow men act so pressed on fanart.
Only girl doing fine this summer without attracting controversies.
>Ishtar "pseudo" is different from FGO
>Tez "pseudo" is somehow the same with FGO
It feels too much like a pure clap bait
>The amount of repetitive lines every enemy avengers have coupled with Guda's (speechless) dialogue choices is so fucking annoying.
That's how Sakurai writes since the What a Beautiful series. Constantly repeating lines of dialogue when she doesn't need to.
Tez shouldn't even look like that when you summon him.
>Be the midget of the family despite having a younger sister stil
KD has it rough.
Did you miss the retcon that had nothing to do with the Olgas?
It's pretty pathetic you keep ban evading and missing the point
If you EVER thought Ishtar's presence in FGO was anything bug Rinservice idk what the fuck you were on
It's still more make sense with (You)r case since it's the same FGO timeline
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This is how it feels to play FGO in 2024.
I'm not ban evading. You reporting a fanart that is not "off topic" should get you evaded. Only because you feel cucked by pixels. Stop being so pathetic.
This but with meeting Daybit again and for the 0.00000000000000001% chance he gets to be playable
Do you think there is some new or hidden ability Kazuradrop has yet to reveal in Oc3?
Sure anon, a schizo that spams everyday and ban evades is not a problem. Go fuck yourself ban evader, nobody would ever defend your ass.
|1 hour, 26 minutes ago, everything is fine.
The moment he showed up, everyone knew he was here.\
Her only ability is Bug Eater, if she has any hidden ability it may be from one of her sisters or BB's.
You speak like ruining everyone's days is a bad thing.
If only the plotgang was here...
GudaBB will win.
I'm not evading anything. Plenty people here are tired of your schizo ramblings that get broken by a fucking art piece. YOU are the problem. If you don't chimp out, nobody would even repeat the same thing.
As an oldfag I'm fucking tired of /alterfags/ selfinserts ruining this general. We used to laugh at people like you.
Quetz is also blonde, they can make excuse about divinity/siblings/etc
Unless you prefer him to disturb you every single second instead of every single day.
When you are about to type your next post, he disturbs you every single second just to ruin not just today but forever.
I thought his true form was that mecha weird thing in his np.
Someday the plotbros will rise...
Hakuno is here to stay and short of a scene with BB saying "I will forget Hakuno and dedicate myself 200% to Guda" he will forever be used for shitposting unless BBspics learn to not reply.
Best possible ending we could get is Hakunon packing up all of the non-Tsukihime Moon Cancers and taking them back home.
Give her the Sakura Five too, fuck it
So daybit sees himself as an alien whose responsibility is to protect humanity's reputation?
Reputation with whom?
>It's not me ban evading I swear
>Resumes his posting after nobody believes him
Worse than Nicolas Cage in acting
He believes "to be human is to do good" thanks to his dad's teachings. Also other aliens.
He was far too generous in assuming the retards could read English or Japanese
Nasu will make some random Chaldea NPC the final boss and drones will scream "EPIC NASUGOD" lol
Yeah it's his true form. I mean about the excuse for his humanoid form
>loves human for being "good" and willing to kill them to protect their reputation
Beast Daybit...
Yeah, I will clap when Chaldean NPC #3 was the mastermind all along
Maybe he also met daybit and he's fucking him.
Bro Daybit is only 15 y.o at most on FSF timeline and we don't even know if the relic incident also happened there
If I was Guda, I would be like, "Screw humanity! I'm staying and teaming up with the fairies! At least, they're hot as hell!"
You thinks this thread is grown men? This is like 10% 28+old guys and the rest are under-17 zoomers that have never had sex.
>10% 28+old guys
Those same guys were also under-17 who complained about Obama in this site. So, yeah, there's no maturity to be found here or anywhere else on this board.
dead thread
dead game
I wanna suck Nikitich tits
Fairies are all in wormbro tho?
>I'm an oldfag so feel free to be retarded
Grown men don't act like a child and using buzzword.
This is how I envision /frog/ when they stumble upon something they don't like
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Shirou was sixteen when he met and fucked Saber.
I hadn't thought about that.
My contrast, Hakunon has far less volatile husbands
I'm talking about during LB6
Wow, Saber was a pedophile? Cancelled.
As is Medusa. She fucked Shinji who is also in high school.
Gilgamesh is extremely volatile, he just mellowed out because Hakunon's got a sense of humor that plays to both of his instincts. One being a compulsive need to start shit with everyone who makes eye contact, and the other being a hyperfixation on collecting things.

I don't know if we'd count Charlemagne but he's perpetually tied to Karl so that would probably be a huge problem if so. Though strictly speaking, both Hakunos are surrounded by characters that are protagonist-sexual, and aside from the true end with Sakura, Hakunon also canonically tries to fuck Nero in CCC, so she's definitely not limited exclusively to husbands.
Hakuno's women are clearly
And Hakunon's men are clearly
Link is the Charlie route.
Hakunon doesn't have an option to say BB she loves her. And gets hand holding instead of an embrace with Nurse Sakura so it's pretty dumb she's the one getting baited with Dubai. They should have switched the places.
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i want to make her a mom
Gilgamesh didn't "mellow out", the writers blatantly just warped his personality so he'd accompany the mediocrest rando in the entire moon cell.
>Warped his personality
It's more like he changes from FSN gil into Carnival Phantasm gil once you find his first costume
I'm not letting the WOOOOOO man gets close to my cute autistic ayyngel boy
>He missed the whole Bob thing
>He missed the whole Lost Woods thing
You'd be dead within a day. They'd literally tear you apart to make lucky human keychains.
They are fucking and allowing you to watch
Here's a fun fact:Amaterasu is considered an Elder God, an enemy of the Great Old Ones, in the Cthulhu Mythos. So, Alter Ego Amaterasu when?
Daybit is pure stop corrupting him
Tamamo is already her alter ego bro.
Pure sex according to Tez
Why did they waste time making this auto function, hyping it up, and releasing it if it's absolutr unuseable garbage?

This is genuinely one of the laziest companies I have ever seen. Even fucking Valvr got off their asses
Insane how little content they got away with this year
>months of nothing for a fake rerun voting contest
>now months of nothing because they're releasing a story chapter with 0 new summonable Servants so far
Oh, yeah. non-AlterEgo Servant Amaterasu with an anti-foreigner passive skill when?
We got 6 summonable servants though
Those were our Summer Servants anon
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Ok but genuine question do women seriously find THIS attractive or are they just coping with fanarts?
And this is a summer event
there's a reason why they would rather make fanarts anon
Nope, it's a story chapter. The Summer event is seperate
Nasu literally said he was writing the second half of the summer event.
Daybit's eyes and facial structure look uncanny.
>coping with fanarts
That's weird. If you say you like a character but also hate their actual design then are you actually like the character or just some twisted version of them? What even the point then, might as well just go for any characters they actually find attractive
His nose like the one one the CE kinda remind me of how you'd make it on basic 3D face modeling
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His sprites are cute enough that a wonky cg doesn't deter them (or me, but I usually like my guys be a little bit goofy looking anyway)
That just makes Saber look really bad, but the fate route is just trash in general
Slow in the uptake here, did they remove Summer BB's red eyes in NP when they updated her NP or did I imagine them to begin with?
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News Doko?
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>His sprites are cute
Based and true
Cutebit Love
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Daybits's nose or knows
Tez hands typed this post
Man I just noticed that Ordeal Call is such filler they don't even put it along the other story/event bars. Even the stupid Road to Filler campaign gets its own bar for convenience's sake but you gotta enter the blanked Earth to actually enter the story.
Guess they finally figured out how to make a map with pickable quests after 8 years?
There better be a point where he makes that face when he comes back from his vacay in Mictlampa
I wanna explode by the sheer cuteness of it all
women and gays absolutely find that attractive are you dumb
Is this game dying yet?
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Do you want Reich Hakunon or white dress Hakunon effgawg?
>No buff for my elephat
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Give her to me already
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Are we getting an indian themed event as an excuse to introduce Violet since her only component to not be in game is Apsara, an indian fairy?
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Yes? Are you unable to difference artstyle from design again? Why does this general have such struggle to understand that one's subjective dislike or like artist's style does not mean the character is mean to be unattractive?
I think the moeblob Wada style is fucking hideous and they look like squashed bugs with ay heads with wigs. Yet I realize the portrayed characters are mean to be "hot" even if they look like vomit to me.
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Both his sprites have blushing expressions. Worst case scenario is that he gets another new sprite (or 3 if he gets playable), all have blushing expressions and we don't get to see any of them in the game
That Pepe looks more androgynous than Pako's. He looks pretty similar to those androgynous supermodels. I think he was meant to be modeled after them.
Like the anon said, whoever does the present character design doesn't mean shit when they can change it whenever: Dantes, Rinfaces got out Takeuchi's hands as did Sakurafaces (which had different artists), lots of FSN and FZ cast aren't by Takeuchi either. Learn people like his design. There's no "canon appearance" other than he's blond with swirly purple eyes as coming out from Naruto, slightly stan skin and wears loose practical and autistic clothes. He's handsome, short and muscular.
I don't mind that style myself. He looks hot yet uncanny which is mean to be the case.
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Like the dress more but she'll definitely be all suited up like her male counterpart
That's what I'm hoping for after OC3 is teasing her again but knowing our luck, it's just going to be a curry-themed lotto with old PUs like Junao or Vritra
>they look like vomit to me
I mean that's the point. If you don't like the original artstyle it will turn you off even if artists can make them looks more in your preference, but it won't make you like the character, so it's really weird to see some people that genuinely like a character only because they looks good on fanarts
>He's handsome, short and muscular
Please don't bully him like that 179cm is in range within American standard
Is Daybit the shortest Crypter male?
No, that's Kadoc
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It's just how Keitarou draws adult man
>captcha: P0KA
Holy flop
From shortest to tallest: Kadoc > Daybit > Beryl > Kirsch > Pepe
I do like some Wada characters, like Gawain and Tamamo? Because the designs look good. And other artists take that. So? It's like that. The issue is that you still can't separate style with design.
Fanart isn't "coping" when it takes the same design and isn't fundamentally changing it (like those Anastasia has super big tits one). But I have never seen any Anastasia posting those pictures got asked if they liked the art of Ana in the game. It's weird they are literally making a fuss about men usually.
Vgh... big titty Anya... (akitokage went legit didn't he?)
3rd part better be good.
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Bit of the height
It will have Lip dying again to beat Nezha's record
>5610 sq and 4636 sq frag
I-I kneel
Why would it
>>first Camazotz has the unique intro in which his sin changes until it becomes Oblivion
>>now Eresh has it too
This is the problem.
Nothing is unique in this franchise anymore.
The Pretender class is supposed to be Oberon only. But here we are
Nasu is like gacha. Sometimes you get lucky and good stuff just comes out.
Oberon isn't even the best Pretender
Blame Nasu, he lets his friends do whatever they want.
How many chapters do we have left?
10 parts of story. Interludes count as one.
I could do with some more sq if these fucking faggots are gonna drag this shit on for this long
Nasu did both Batschizo and Eresh though. And he wrote other Pretenders.
Nasu is a hack.
remember when mooncancer had a unique bb exclusive card until kiara came
Mashu is still the only playable shielder we have in game so I'd say there's at least one unique thing
>the thing no one wants is the thing thats kept
You WILL rike Mashu
I already got what I want from this game, I don't care if Trashu keeps her class for herself
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Gotta say this is one of the most romantic interludes, even though their relationship has no romance element
There's a manga about that? Where is this from?
Check mangadex
It's adaptation of Penth interlude
Is hakuno (female) gonna be in the gacha or what?
i wanna use droppu as an onahole
I don't know, nobody here works at Lasagna
Seems like the best possible team for bullying Eresh about the size of her tits.
Is this the least excitement a main story chapter has ever gotten in FGO? All discussion regarding this chapter has practically died in just a couple of days.
not surprising considering this chapter is everything that is wrong with this franchise.
Turbo boring
Every new content we get is like that
Nah it's because this general is just dead
It being timelocked doesn't help though
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What was the general like when LB6 came out and the wait times between parts since they were longer than with OC3? Especially when it's a whole new world with brand new characters there that we knew absolutely nothing about back then?
the problem is how long its being dragged out, and part 2 is so fucking short
Same as now. But instead of Georgie cuckposting BB or Melu, it's Castoria.
LB6 had new Servants
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I don't remember a lot of details but the most memorable thing about it was lasengle fucking up which in turn made dataminers find out about Pretender Oberon even before part 3 was out.
>The schizo is here
Pack it up.
I still remember this. Most of the part 3 scene was datamine even before Lb6 part 3 was released.
Yup, people were so hyped back then it even had chinks making fanart of Oberon-Vortigern before his official debut.
Why are you talking about yourself in third person?
OC3 has new servants too, it doesn't matter
>Need to wait two weeks for a thimble of story after the utter snoozefest that is summer, with the recent part being much shorter than the first
>Nothing new. Just old favorites, shitters no one cares for or ever will, and literal NPC Ais
I don't think part 3 is going to make any of this worth it.
ciel and...?
And all the swimsuits
>he replied
Kek, schizo
>Hakuno welfare
Not even summonable

So far OC3 has had no new Servants that are actually summonable
Can't tell if retarded or trolling
Name one
>randomized tierlist again
Part 1 literally launched with three servants
That was the Summer 2 PU 2. They said that on stream. The OC3 PUs have been these re runs like Astolfo
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OC3 is summer
At least EX is finally isn't a mess and only actual EX for (you) there
>he fell for this
Brainwashed faggot this is a story chapter. It being connected to the forgettable ass Summer event doesn't change that
Stop replying to yourself.
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Draco love
Still summer. Nasu said so.
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Sex with Okita
We should start getting CEs like these.
I got depressed when I saw BB Cosmo's outfit and thr first thing I thought was Among Us.
Sugoma is eternal
Did you know that sugoma, in a latin slang, means "her tits". So you are saying that BB's tits are eternal, and so, I must agree, but also I have to say, Zenobia's tits which are more biggers and even better, are also eternal, not as eternal as her beautiful ass made for the sweetest huge creampies and her beautiful tummy which is to see it's sexy ABS turn bigger cause my child is developinng there, then after she gives birth to our children I can tease her tummy while I fill her beautiful ass again
I am just using this post as a reason to say I would like to have a Zenobia in my bed right the fuck now
Nah it's gonna be the Kazuradrop event.
Most likely a new Halloween or Gudaguda
I think BB Cosmo is hotter since I can see the round shape of her boobs better.
But BB Dubai has the kind of pandering of being that kind of girl you have fight sex with so I'm divided
Dobrynya is hotter than both
what the fuck is wrong with his face
that's the author's attempt to make him look like a chad
coulda been far worse
Meh her eyes are very generic and poorly expressive.
BB has a very shapely toned attractive body and her playful seductress personality is the best.
I don't like retards who want to belittle her to become a Sakura doormat
Ecchan is hotter than both as well
>Schizo replying to himself
Whats the consensus on BB dubai?
I think Kama shoild be lower
She has nice SRs on her banner
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His sprites look way better
>tfw have genuine enjoyment when I draw my own OCs, which I mostly keep just for myself and only occasionally share it with some close friends irl
>never feel that enjoyment when drawing my favorite character(s), even if I get likes and compliments when I post it online
I think I failed miserably as a characterfag
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Cucks mindbroken
You will NEVER defeat her
>Oberon was supposed to be the only Pretender
Moon Cancer was supposed to apply to one person, and it's not even a real class, it's just a label, the same way you'd call Guda a "Master" or Mashu a "Servant."
Twisting it a bit specifically for the CCC event where BB's forced into a Saint Graph and decides to warp herself into what she wants to be is one thing. I'd even make a concession for Summer Kiara, because her bug's the reason BB manifests into a "Moon Cancer" in the first place. But then Jinako shows up and the whole thing's jumped the shark again, just like they did with Avenger.
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>6.5K RTs and 38k Likes in only 10 hours
Obeguda stacies are too strong.
Jinako released before S.Kiara
Woopsies, forgot the link.
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But has she opoened her legs and expose herself 4k on multiples screens? I don't think so.
I hate how they're pushing multi core so fucking hard. It's the gayest form of this game and requires you to whale absurdly hard to participate
I just run an arts looping team and I've never had any difficulty clearing events.
I just use my favorites because who cares about gameplay
Hmmm Yumesisters?? When was the last time a male Servant/Gudako fanart got these kind of numbers?
Why do twitter numbers matter again?
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To be fair. I overall think Gudako's color pallete crashes with a lot of servants especially with the most popular like Oberon or Dantes, while Gudao although kinda overused it's an absolute classic. Since it's a basic black and white pallete & splash of colour (Blue in his case) it will to compliment the other servants most of the time, which makes it more pleasing to the eye from an aesthetics perspective.
This one has 91K likes and 18K retweets:
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It's the same with Oberon. Edmond, and Tez.
People can see that their designs are good, but their literal artwork is ass so they recycle the design in their own artstyles.
The Pretender class card is clearly depicting Lucifer. Idk what you're on about with Oberon being the only one
Moon cancer is the real issue. It should ONLY have been BB
Foreigner Sefar when?
There are better Pretenders as a concept than Oberon anyway
game is crashing ramdonly anyone having this problem too?
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We fought ORT.
Unironically where do we powercreep, or at least fanservice creep from here?
Story ends next year
Marisbury is Crimson Moon
We fight Chaos(Forma 100%)
We fight U Eliza ORT
We fight Nasu
We fight Nasu
We fight Saltriver
Nasu is a hack but he ain't at that meta level yet.
% is a bit different
They never cuckpost males
>TYPE-MOON is the final boss
Because they want to get a reaction and most of these threads are straight men.
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Cunny or mommy?
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>mash is losing hope
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ORT was severely weakened so there's still room to grow.
Full-powered Primate Murder (from an alternate timeline obviously)
A version of Velber that isn't the punchline of a joke, or just something from whatever cosmic monstrosities cooked up the Moon Cell in the first place

For peak clapshit you could have a chapter where modern-day Zelretch ships you off to an alternate reality to fight Crimson Moon in a timeline where he never existed, in a restricted space where the Jeweled Sword doesn't work.
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She's just around 30yo
I think her eggs are still fertile?
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anything past 12 is a hag bro
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Not true!
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Nothing. Just stating facts aren't we?
Bet you have posters of Melu in your room since she's your entire personality
>Nothing. Just stating facts aren't we?
Nobody was talking about melusine though?
The subject was if saber was for you or not
Why did you feel the impulse to throw melu in the conversation?
My love turned into hatred.
Because raikouschizo believes that if he keeps saying it people will believe him and it'll become true. Never happened with saber cow tho.
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As a non-optional scripted loss that deletes your account and fills your phone with viruses. No way Nasu is letting you beat him in an rpg if you can't threaten him to let you do so.
Wasn't Locusta supposed to be Nasu's expy as a mushroom girl?
going to let*
>No way Nasu is letting you beat him in an rpg if you can't threaten him to let you do so.
LMAO Nasu is a pushover who has trouble saying no to the other writers and includes plenty of stuff in the game just because somebody handed him over stuff he didn't expect, he's a pushover and he knows it, a boss battle with him would be straight-forward with no gimmicks and there'd be no penalty for losing. No scratch that, there'd be one gimmick, bring older sisters like Martha or giant women and he gets debuffed to hell, yeah, that sounds about right for him.
Can you really say that after he pretty much "returned" from "retirement" from F/GO, forced his gragantuan mess of a script for down the devs' throats and made you go through... how many scripted losses, again? I stopped counting after the 3rd one. Not to mention all the scripted victories with his OCs... At this point it's pretty clear that he controls every single aspect of F/GO and only pretends that he's a pushover when outsiders are watching.
I hope we get loli Rin before EoS.
Sure Anon sure, he's totally your projection of what you'd do if you were in his place and your made up nonsense like he ever "retired" from FGO (something that he never said, was never announced in any way, we only found he took some time to write Tsuki Remake for a while, and then on the same year Remake released he also dropped LB6 AND Melty Blood) and whatnot, whatever floats your boat.
>with his OCs
Nasu created the entire setting, every character is his OC
Most normal post on /fgog/
Oh it got translated, thanks for the heads up.
Never Altera was a massive flop
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City is scary...
That's my wife
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Are qe getting an Olga piece after OC3?
As was Extra but Nasu keeps shilling it.
Extra didn't flop. CCC was a success as shown in FGO.
Extra and CCC were both successful.
Extella picked up a ton of neglected Extra fans, only to fuck it up with a game that was mediocre on every single front. Which is why Link was a complete failure, because people couldn't be fooled twice. And then there was Last Encore which people hated explicitly because it went off and did its own thing poorly instead of just sticking to the script.

Extra Record is likely an attempt to salvage the series, because the alternative is trying to do something with Apoc and that's the real red-headed stepchild of the franchise, as far as serious works go.
I'm gonna say the M word with the C word and the R word with the K word.
Marisbury Chaldeas Roa Kirschtaria...
Mystic Codes Compliment Kaleidoscope? Yeah, though it depends on the party obviously.
The final boss...
Other than lion bride shitposting, it was ok. Because people like Nasu as a fantasy writer. We know he can't fuck up Camelot shit, meanwhile his Extra and sci-fi slop is awful.
Depends on their plans for OC5. The schedule is hard to predict because they have to finish OC by next year and leave enough room for the finale.
Plotbros lost hard. FGO stopped being a structured story and 100% sold out to extend the story and input meaningless filler. It all began when Olympus was separated from Atlantis, then .5 chapters started happening. THen road to LB7. OC filler were the last straw.

I just want Nasu to end this and make a new Fate.
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Orange with blue/green are good for contrast.
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t.didn't play ccc
the slightest misstep early on will have Gilgamesh murder Hakuno in a split second. I agree there's an asspull in why he's so different, but he definitely has not mellowed out at the start.
*Rainbow Moon, Crimson Moon's grandfather who was missing
anon, mashu wasn't even supposed to be the only one from the beginning. Achilles was already meant to be one.
You weren't here for OC2 where they tried to cuckpost Dantes with Haydee? You weren't here for Lb6 with Titania/Blanca?
They do try. But sisters aren't as easily baited as fragile waifufags and ignore them. Romani, dude with 3 potential female love interest, plenty of fujobait, and 900 npc women in background is still one of the most beloved husbandos. The more attention to give, the more you'll encourage this.

>Extra and CCC were both successful.
Their numbers are poorer than SR, Extella's too. Stop lying to yourself.

>shown in fgo
just because some whales throw money at slutty sakurafaces doesn't mean the game was a hit. You needed FGO to make them relevant.
Don't care about your console wars.
Can any non-shitposter tell me how Hakuno is differentiated from Guda in personality? They didn't have too much in the original extra games.
Difference is that he actually has one LMAO
Nobody's going to reply to you but yourself schizo, fuck off
I say this
I am nobody
I typed this
Both Hakunos look like expressionless kuuderes but they are actually kind of goofballs. Guda is more down to earth but he can crack wise if the occasion calls for it.
Thank you.
The Hakunos' main ability in CCC is verbal abuse towards women and jumping
To be honest I think both are more similar than they are different in personality and it's their circumstances that differentiate them, Hakuno's whole thing in the first Extra is that he woke up without memories as part of a HGW where only the winner gets out alive, his biggest motivation until the last tournament battle is "to live" and then you look at Guda and the reason he throws at Goetia for why he's solving the whole human incineration he got caught up in as part of Chaldea is also "to live" pretty much, yeah there's more to the characters, but both are common people pushed into outrageous circumstances where they have no choice but to push forward, and both are similarly human yet heroic in their personalities. The biggest scene Hakuno had to assert himself was dragging himself through "dog space" because he's the type who will move forward regardless of how helpless things may look, but at this point I don't think Guda is much different in personality, that's probably why the FGO Hakuno has 1000+ years, so Nasu can write some way of differentiating them even if it's development the players haven't seen yet and may never see.
If there's one difference I can spot easily it's that Hakuno usually knows about heroic spirits, usually near elimination matches when he puts together everything he knows to guess their identities while Guda learns about them from Mashu and Vinci, and they both develop different personal issues as a result of their circumstances, Hakuno has lost memories angst for a while, Guda has doubts about whether he can go back to a normal life after everything's over, that kind of thing.
One different I know about them.
Hakuno is more willing to be cruel, while Guda would have issues with that.
Guda is lawful alignment
Hakuno is neutral
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>Characters have been missing from FGO. Have you seen any of these? Call Nasu at HQ and maybe help him find the plot.
Guda is stated in the very first line of the game to be Neutral Good.
Yep, neutral lawful
Good is not the same as Lawful.
Hakuno is less forgiving and more ruthless. Since they began as saving themselves on premise before becoming more of a savior. Guda didn't have to take these choices until part 2.
Hakuno is also more "ruler" like? They rule the Moon. Guda, despite being the Master, is more submissive to someone superior in rank: Olga, Roman, Gordolf, Kadoc, etc.
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Save me plotman...
Are we just gonna forget that Rin somehow synchronizes with Eresh in SF and summons the underworld because apparently Ishtar and Eresh are now tied to her thanks to FGO?
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To be fair if he doesn't break through the mental issues of some of the sentinels forcefully he'll just end up trapped forever and probably die, he doesn't go out of his way to be needlessly cruel, he only does it because of the situation he's been placed on, there's no other way to break the hold BB has on the sentinels, and the sentinels usually walk away from the SG invasion having accepted themselves and the things they were hiding.
If you are talking about the imperial decree scene in OC3 then all Hakuno says is that in battle between a master and a servant the servant has no chance of victory if ordered through the imperial decree, he never says anything about what Guda should order Beast Ereshkigal to do with it.
>comparing PSP sales to PC and modern PS and Switch consoles
You're retarded. And FGO already prove that CCC is popular. It's the best event for 6 years.
Because Hakuno starter pack was "Kill some mfs to live" while Guda was not. And Guda remembers human upbringing, while Hakuno has no memories as a digital being who just got a soul.
But Guda's climax was letting some of his closest allies sacrifice themselves for them while they get to live: Fou and Mashu. Hakuno in Extra does the opposite thing: they sacrifice themselves so Rin/Rani would live instead. So in a way Hakuno's more selfless than Guda.
Survival of the fittest vs Survival of a incoming disaster are different things. The first is clearly who is more worth of living, the second is surviving at all cost knowing that there will be sacrifices, and if failed, EVERYTHING goes to shit, though granted, this last part falls more on Extella side.
>But Guda's climax was letting some of his closest allies sacrifice themselves for them while they get to live: Fou and Mashu.
This is disingenuous, Guda knew nothing of what Fou was doing, Fou was doing it for Mashu of his own will, and like hell was there anything he could do when Mashu shielded him.
Fou, Mashu and Roman*
FGO part 1 still played as if Guda was a selfless Master up to the finale where the real sacrifices made were by other people while Guda would just accept them, even if they were upset. And the reveal their motivation was simply to live instead of saving the world.
The opposite happens with Hakuno who started with survival as motivation and, in a journey of self-discovery, grow truly heroic and looking to save the world and someone else as priority even if they would give up their existence in exchange.
That's why Tamamo likes Hakuno's soul better. Tamamo's entire thing is that is into souls instead of bodies. She might find Guda fuckable, but it's Hakuno who shines to her.

That's why one's destination is to be a baker and another became the ruler of the Mooncell too. Guda's story is of still a normal person struggling through motions which has a sense of average standards. Hakuno transcended them. It cannot be called average in my opinion.
Guda knew what was Mashu going to do when asked to get to hold her hand one last time.
So Beckman who was the investor of Moon Dubai threw a fit because "Not everyone is supposed to be wealthy and live elite lives, only the elites are supposed to live like that, us true elites can't feel better unless we are better than the people below us, AI made humanity too perfect for too many people"

In 2200 the world was basically perfect
And by 2299 Beckman single handedly lead massive distrust in AI, lead to AI almost wiping out humanity, leading to the human AI war, and left the earth inhospitable for the next hundred years, before telling the AI to AI-ify the remaining humans and bring them into Moon Dubai

So he kinda single handedly destroyed the world because he was angry poor people were living good lives due to AI fixing everyone's problems?
So it's not that humanity suffered because of equity but because some retard was mad at this?
Start reading here, although if you want more context then read the entire videos from the start

In the end, anti-ai retards ruined the world.
Afterwards Anthony says that was basically an excuse tho, he just didn't like AI basically being better humans.
Humanity in this context is considered the pre-humanity. AI became the new humanity after old humanity were all digitized and wiped out around 2300.

However this chapter is about how humanity was wiped out. So while this does answer how the original humanity were destroyed, it doesn't answer how humanity as a whole was wiped out in 2999. If the pre-humanity was wiped out then the AI would now be humanity, so how was the new AI humanity also wiped out? Or is it that there were also still humans on earth after the conflict that were also wiped out? All we know is that whatever was considered humanity stopped existing in 2999.

The current Moon Dubai residents were people that were chronologically frozen from the last few hundred years, so they also have no idea how humanity was wiped out. They were all awoken 17 years ago by BB, who told them Humanity was finally destroyed.
This "ugh I can't feel good about myself unless other people are worse than me" argument pops up in anime and manga sometimes, but honestly I don't know how common it actually is in real life.
Sounds a bit too sociopathic.
Men are beasts
AI is a mistake anyways.
Maybe I'm just weird for thinking that I should mind my own business rather than seethe/gloat at others.
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And there is nothing wrong with that.
It's very common in this general at least.
Was the one of the left "Chang's insane"
Very common in hierarchy based societies like india and korea
That's just human nature tho
The phrase
>some people just want to see the world burn
Is as real as you may believe it. Be it for grief, for grudge, or because of actual pure unfiltered evil, some people out there only has the purpose of making as much disaster and ruin people life as possible
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human nature is fucking lolis
Jinako's death was oddly well written.

Remind me to buy her new games when we return to chaldea.
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>FGO part 1 still played as if Guda was a selfless Master up to the finale where the real sacrifices made were by other people while Guda would just accept them, even if they were upset.
Unironically what was he supposed to do? There was no path where he could sacrifice himself for the success of the mission to avoid the sacrifices of the others. By that same token Hakuno was told he could not survive entering the Mooncell core so he never had a choice where he could live at the expense of anyone else.
Your arguing feels pretty biased and subjective, particularly with the Tamamo and future job prospects comments, so all I'll say is that Nasu probably doesn't think of any of his protagonists as superior or inferior and for anyone who isn't trying to start tribalist shitflinging that's perfectly obvious.
It makes perfect sense after CCC and LB4, it's not some fluke of the writer, it's where her character should go.
That's a child you pedo
Their SG should return to Chaldea by this point minus Mash and (you), so how likely they are informing about (you)r situation?
>it's not some fluke of the writer,
LB4 was Minase
And her 10,000 years in a cube fell entirely flat in LB4 because it was forgotten three seconds later due to her resetting herself. The entire moment felt hollow because of how little it ended up meaning afterwards.

Nasu is the only writer in this game who's good at getting you to oddly care about small things properly. Even if you don't like the story, he can make you care properly.
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>City keeps getting art
That inhouse Lasengle dude is pretty good, he needs to make another servant.
Lip and BB both point out an AI cannot wipe out humanity, AI's aren't malevolent. They could only do it under someone elses orders, but something designed to assist and follow humanity couldn't purposefully choose to wipe out humanity. Which is why they both knew the war of humans and AI in 2300 don't logically make sense, an AI cannot decide to wipe out humanity

But doesn't this create a contradiction; BB is currently deciding to wipe out humanity, unless you think that the election is humanity deciding to wipe itself out and therefore she's merely giving them what they're asking for. Which implies one of two things; either there's someone behind BB that lead her to undertake the destruction of humanity since AI's can't decide something like that for themselves, or BB is using the elections to "give humanity what they're asking for".
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what news are we getting tomorrow?
>A fucking warning for making a harmless post
Oh fuck off. Part 3 of OC3 of Fate grand order can't come soon enough.
Unfortunate he doesn’t have an art account.
Doubt it.
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Probably nothing given that it's an holiday (in Japan).
Remember when they said there would be new content between Summer/OC III?
Doesn't AE mention that she is trying to figure how humanity managed to kill themselves and only pretending to decide on how to do it?
Which makes me question on why the fuck does she needs us around
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I don't think even plotman can save the Part 2 finale after 2 years of filler
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Egao tummy
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>OC1 was shit
>OC2 was good
>OC2 is shaping up to be even more shit than OC1
According to this pattern Gaijinfags are getting an absolute kino chapter
You meant OC3?
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Summer ends in 6 days.
Fate strange fake
It would also be thematically wrong on so many levels for anyone else to make that sacrificie, not only because Romani is the only one who could, but one of the key things about Fate in pretty much any given scenario is that 'Humanity must be led by humans, not ghosts of the past'. "Ghosts of the past" are ultimately tools for a means, even if Guda, and pretty much any other former TM protagonist subverts that nature by humanizing them and treating them as fellow humans. Romani is ultimately a servant that was given palingenesis, as much as he experiences very human feelings once more thanks to the flesh that he was given for a 2nd life. The same logic might apply to Mash as well, she's an artificial human who was greatly humanized in the story, but she's ultimately a servant that fulfills a role, even if that role might in last instance be a self-sacrifice one as her Master's shield.

This is without getting into other inconvenient and contradictory ideas or scenarios, such as Romani, as the protagonist's senior and superior, to force the sacrifice of his junior (after putting his unexperienced self on the frontline for so long), who also happens to be the one who has been charged with the weighty role of humanity's survival and hopes.

Sacrifices have to make sense on a thematic and functional level within the narrative. Romani's made sense not only because he was the only one who could do it, but as the de-facto head of Chaldea, it was his role (both as Chaldea's leader and as a Heroic Spirit rebourne) to do so and it symbolizes a passing of the torch to those present and for the new generation that can be trust with the future of humanity.
Hakuno in Extra is an expressionless silent protagonist that occasionally feels fear
Hakuno in CCC is a four parts class clown, and one part sexual predator
We got stuff on holidays many times
OC4 is probably gonna be by Higashide, so it's gonna be good.
Are WE gonna have OC Foreigner or not?
No the Foreigner OC was cancelled and replaced with this shit since nobody can find Meteo.
Probably, it seems like they want to buy time before the end of fgo
he's writing 3 volumes of requiem simultaneously
Yes but it won't be called OC.
Yeah. It will be called OC.
Everytime I see OC I think of original character like someone's trying to start a fan fiction.
Well, OCs certainly feels like fanmade stories that shouldn't exist.
I feel the only time an OC was perfectly done was with 2 because it actually used fan favourites and pandering
Servants are a product of the past since they are of magecraft. FGO should end with a reset ending that reshapes the world into one similar to the real world, with no more mages, no magecraft, no mystery, no more remnants or any trace of the Age of Gods remaining in the modern age. Where the future is shaped by humanity and the forces that drive humanity to progress, science, technology and reasoning. After all, it is through science and the need to compete with other humans drive us to bring man to the moon 55 years ago.
The same is true for the others. Kama is very popular and OC1 pandered a lot. OC3 has pandering as well and is pretty much all fan favorites for its female cast, minus Nikitich and Jinako.
More like it was the only one that had a decent story and tied to the Avenger class well. OC1 was shit even though it had Kama pandering and this one is pretty bad too, Nasu literally made up what the Mooncancer class is supposed to be on the fly.
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Meant to be one but is he a shielder in game? Obviously not
You had Imaginary Scramble
IS was LB era
What if guda destroying lostbelt and having his origin changed to death was part of the plan?
It was part of Sion’s plan at least.
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>when you are told you need to make a successful chapter and you're told to use Saber Gilles, Lanling, Sion, Meduseless and Rani
Most of those could be good characters if used right, but Minase chose to go for clap with Zouken and Sakura.
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self love is important
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Apexbros, don't look
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my capital city
Arthur lost to the cock...
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Something I never understood: how was Legend of Dracula Vlad ever considered a threat to Karna? We know this Vlad is particularly weak to sunlight, and Karna's armor is made from solidified sunlight and has an A rank solar divinity. I get that they wanted a feasible midboss for Apocrypha, but by all accounts the Dracula form just makes him 4x as vulnerable to anybody with solar attributes.
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You did save those ASMR, right?
Because the Black Faction was never a threat at all.
Achilles would've solo them if Chiron wasn't there.
is Iori gay
peak crabs in a bucket mentality lmfao
its good Wada's art improved so the breasts look more natural while still being larger
Although Wada has said the huge features like the eyes is very intentional since she likes it
Still here for me. Last chance for anyone to download any of it.
for me
>my wife atill doesn't have an asmr
>year 1 servant without an alter vesion
Let's face it, is there any servant who could defeat Edison Alter?
Who is your wife?
she's not that popular
They mightve found a way to cut his heel without Chiron.
Besides, half the Archer class are demigods anyway
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it was just one guy
>They mightve found a way to cut his heel without Chiron.
Vlad's spikes should feasibly counter Achilles so long as you get him off his chariot.
Nobody would know he's Achilles without Chiron lmao
I doubt plotman even knows we exist. To him we're probably just a cog in his machine.

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