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Previous: >>494515239

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~ Sep 18): 10 SQ, 10 Stargazer's Teapots, 1 Lantern of Chaldea and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Stargazer's Teapots expire October 31.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples (It also counts for the duration of OC III)
▶Welfare Servant: To be revealed at the end of OC III.
▶This event is scheduled to be added to the Main Interlude.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ 30 JST.
▶LB4 main quests at AP 0.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.
▶New upcoming event on October requires clearing LB4.

>Archetype Inception Part 2 PU Summon:
●Sep 11 ~ 18 JST
5*Foreigner Koyanskaya of Darkness (limited)
4*Caster Edison (story locked)
●Sep 13 ~ 20 JST
5*Saber Astolfo (limited)
4*Rider (permanent)
●Sep 15 ~ 22 JST
5*Moon Cancer Jinako Carigiri (permanent)
●Sep 17 ~ 24
5*Alter Ego Kingprotea (limited)
4*Alter Ego Passionlip (limited)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna (permanent)
4*Lancer Percival (permanent)
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
no-tan version soon
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cuddling and snuggling with nitocris!
-on my dick*
He'd let them know pretty quick
you can't win against japan's obsession with tanning
>MHXX works because the appearance and personality are different enough to warrant it and feel different
>Nasu somehow didn't understand this
>What if I make MHXXA who is literally the same personality and appearance as regular MHXXA
>Somehow flops
Tans are sexy and tanlines are begging to be smothering in a viscous layer of my cum
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
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sex with fampai
that's not your favorite
Jack could have cut achilles heel, if the plan didn't go off the wire instantly and a prostitute gained control of Jack.
Achilles issue is he's kinda arrogant, the second he thinks he's won he loses all awareness, even just when he thinks he has the advantage. He's gotten his heel sniped in every major appearance so far. Fuck I think Avicebron alone probably could have clipped his heel eventually. Achilles bet no one could stop his chariot and Avicebron did it instantly, golems can do whatever. There's no weaker servant out there than one who thinks they're invincible. You never want to be in a defensive position in a war.
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What song is she singing?
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she must be a servant
>From spamming "forgotten" to "flop"
She didn't deserve these shitposts
Imagine me with a huge ass fur coat and gold chains dangling from my neck, fingers decked out in jewels and rings, dollar bills are spilling from my pockets, I've got a wine glass filled with apple juice but I'm pretending it's alcohol, and my free hand has just slapped City's ass.
What do you do?
>AI spamopa
Kill yourself.
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Who are those three servants?
These Ordeal calls are stupid I want to know about area 51 and shit
Bob, City, and Marie Alter
>hehehe I said it again xD
After you, retard
whatever you say AI slop spammer
You will bow to AI.
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Charlotte is to vanilla for stuff like that.
Beckman is not wrong.
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she has to try otherwise she will lose ground with the other bitches
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This looks too gay
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>another comedy character
hopefully never
(You) are a fucking faggot so it checks out
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Scathach, Skadi, Zenobia
No because I like girls like the fae girls we summoned.
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Made for female masters
? Enkidu for me
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We need more gyarus JCs.
Your ai?
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Please consider sex with the banana
Yeah, my personal sex servant
>Bao, Abby and Marie cucking Mashu
kys cuckfag
If our Hakuno is from the Extella timeline and not CCC why does he mention the Secret Gardens in his skill animations
Because Extella is based on an extremely nebulous timeline where all routes of Extra and CCC happened simultaneously, even the bad ends.
Because CCC still happens in the Extella timeline? Hakuno just has both Nero and Tamamo during the incident.
If Hakuno's summoned as a Servant then it's safe to say that Throne rules apply to him, where his abilities are broadly influenced by the collective mythology and his current form is just based on Extella as an origin.
CCC still happens in the Extella timeline.
There are multiple endings in CCC.
>Normal ending where you get sent back to Extra
>CCC's true ending which you get reborn with Sakura
>all 4 Servant Endings
Gilgamesh clearly has knowledge of them in Extella.
Anon... your Extella Zero...
>Round 5
>Hakuno fights Julius in the fifth round.
Nero is rendered unable to fight by Assassin's Noble Phantasm. With Casko's assistance, Hakuno challenges Julius and Assassin on his own. Thanks to Hakuno's efforts, Nero recovers, and the story proceeds as it does in the latter half ot the PSP version. After Nero recovers, she tells Hakuno her true name. Her Noble Phantasm is finally unsealed.
>Missing Chapter
>This is when CCC takes place. Casko remembers all of it. Nero only remembers, "Elizabeth is my lifelong rival. But which round did we fight in?"
> Round 6 ~ early Round 7
>Rin and Rani are defeated in round 6, and say their farewells. Hakuno anticipates a showdown with Leo next... but Leo is reported to have been defeated.
Never mind that Arc isn't mentioned in Extella Zero, so a Hakuno with Regalia shouldn't recognize her at all.
Mainly from Extella, has broad memories of CCC but no solid recollection
Never returned to the HGW, spun off of a hypothetical third ending of CCC with BB
Hakunon is wearing her Regalia from Extella though
The ring isn't explicitly limited to the events of Extella, it just means they have admin rights over the Moon Cell. Given that BB and Sakura both pass through management roles in CCC, it's not hard to imagine an alternate timeline where someone retains control after purging Kiara's antics through other means.

Could even set up a plot where the lines are blurring between active simulation and storage because of all the land-grab fuckery in Extella. Hakuno's the ruler of the Near Side and Hakunon's the ruler of the Far Side.
Evens roll my last 30 quartz for np2 BB
Odds save for a surprise part 3 rate up
>divine comedy
>written by higashide
yeah... i'm thinking OC4 is gonna be kino...
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She's too old for that outfit
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She's trying to feel young again that's all.
What could the part 3 banner even be?
SSR Kazuradrop, obviously, but they need at least one 4*. Edison Alter? Hakuno's not actually the welfare?
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She's already getting a rate up with Protea in a few days though, so while not impossible it seems unlikely.
New Lip!
>lipfags still coping
Why did she do it?
lasengle will deliver
Lippo, Kazura, Edison Alter
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/fa/ City.
brb calling Eresh and Mashu
>Romani is ultimately a servant that was given palingenesis, as much as he experiences very human feelings once more thanks to the flesh that he was given for a 2nd life.
No, it's not. Romani was human and not Solomon. This was left very clear by Nasu wishes. His role is the opposite direction of Mashu since his existence is not a "human becomes a HS" but a Heroic existence becomes a human. Since from birth he was this. Which was unnatural and it's explained right there.
Extella is a different timeline where a version of Extra and CCC happens, it's Nero's Servant end.
Here I broke the code:

>OC with Sakuraface
>OC without Sakuraface
holy shit! kino!
So Hakuno never beats Leo in Extella?
And yet Sakurafaces are the most popular faces.
>me when I lie

>Jeanne and Jeanne Alter
>Artoria Everything
>me when I reddit space
Arcueid rerun
Jeanne Alter alone is more popular than all of them.
Arcueid rerun after 21st stream
Mystery Nigga OC3 boss PU after 25th
Do we really count those though? Those aren't based on Artoria.
25th is Arcueid, nothing on the 21st
>Strange Fake announcement in a few hours and nobody cares
Holy shit FGO killed off all the goodwill from the oldfags and anyone interested in TM outside the gacha game
No one cares about Aniplex’s latest artist album shilling
Bro they are SABERFACES. So yeah you do count them.
I just don't really care about Strange Fake specifically, it feels like the worst kind of fanfic.
>Strange Hiatus
That tends to happen if it's not in FGO.
Holy secondary Batman
It's an official TM property, dumbass.
Anon just update the latest fsf info rather than nothing.
I'm just waiting to see if it can actually get in fgo before the eventually eos
ArtoriaFACES then. Out of the OG FSN characters, Sakurafaces(except Parvati lmao) are popular.
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>not Prototype
I don't really care about this fanfic with epic OCs that never die and clapshit galore.
and then there's the unfinished requiem that only happened because they needed to collab with something
another shitty commemorative CE
I do, just patiently waiting for the collab next year as well
Also why blame the only consistent thing for TM rn than the lazy (or the severely sick and stretching themselves thin) writers that haven't done anything outside of it for the most part
>still no vol. 3 of Requiem
>Nothing on Einherjar either
>Lol on anything else
>Still no single target Rinface
Why are they all AOE servants, bros?
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>we're getting SF anime before prototype fragments
lol lmao
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SF at least has some hype moments and references for people to clap to. Fragments is a snoozefest.
Isn't Proto having a manga adaptation rn or something
Within next section they have to
>Introduce Kiara
>Deal with Kiara
>Deal with Archetype Earth
>Explain what the story even is after all this time, what killed humanity and why.
>Beat BB Dubai
>Explain who BB Dubai even is
>Beat Kazura
>Explain all the things Kazura has been doing behind the scenes, like why there was that scene where Eresh was slowly becoming a beast and the camera cuts to Kazura in the background smiling, as though she's literally behind everything the entire time
>Find Karna
>Find Xu Fu(easy part)
>Stop the earth from crashing into the moon
>Beat Edison Alter
Did I forget anything?
If every chapter has like 8 arrows then mushroom can easily conclude it
>, it feels like the worst kind of fanfic.
i wont lie, a lot off fate feels like fanfic nowadays
this glorified summer event and OC in general gives off such strong impressions
FSF anime will probably be a lot better than the LN if the animation is up to date. It's just an American blockbuster slop series rather than anything deep. And an anime would probably cut out filler so that means less CLAP in the dialogue. That alone is probably a straight upgrade.
Explaining Eresh ascension 3, City stuff
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How do you like your soba noodles /fgog/?
Why city betrayed us
Idk bro I've never had soba
She didn't
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She got tired of being cockblocked during the Summer event so she joined BB to get rid of bitches and get you all for herself.
With chili oil, tempura, some yuzu and tsuyu sauce
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But she attacked your base
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It's okay, she will build you a new house soon.
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She only went to scare Jinako, there was no casualties because she's not against us. She even gave us an item that will have a purpose in the last part.
Wtf bitch. That must've hurt Melu's ear
No, Hakunon does, then Hakunon loses to Hakuno, though her servant was nerfed.
>no u
wow what a nice comeback
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>Want to read Lilim Harlot
>Autistic about name and auto text speed so i can't watch the videos
What time is strangefake news?
Probably another 30 minutes to an hour. They got a music bit, and an anime announcement or two.
>Going by the schedule.
>The current timing is new anime info part 4 and two more anime info stuff.
>Music live
>Anime info part 5 is when FSF and two other anime info.
Do I get NP levels for Arc or BB Dubai...
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new takeuchi servant when
What the fuck this retard mean?
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Don't make me tap the sign.
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Okay but seriously, I am in a pickle. I love both so at this point I'm wondering which one would get me better merit as both are Mooncancers and one can DPS and support while the other is pure uga bunga.

Are you guys satisfied with your 120 level NP2+ Arcs? I heard some say she's still very weak.

Anyone with a 120 level NP2+ BB Dubai yet?
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It's time.
Super Olga and Chaldean next year.
Someone post Takasugi sprites when he was a NPC. They made them like that as a joke.
wait until 25th?
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>no PV
Umm bros?
They confirmed that the first episode of Strange Fake is going to be the anime for the NY Fate special.
>no pv
aniplex/a-1 fucking up scheduling again lol?
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That it.
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Depends on what you prefer, simple Buster loop or someone that has more flexible option outside of standard Arts stuff.
Ewww. Wouldn't surprise me if it was dubbed as well.
>stau tuned for more news
>no fucking news
What is with Type Moon and stalling/unpreparedness? A franchise this big shouldn't be so mismanaged.
>announcement of an announcement
I'm tired, boss.
the only correct way to watch it is dub. Its the canon voice over
>>announcement of an announcement
welcome to nu-tm
remember the mahoyo movie announced 3 years ago?
Ufo likes to take it slow and them prioritizing Demon Slayer doesn't help.
The animation industry overall seems like it's falling apart
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this is a-1
>End of year garbage broadcast
>Another collab new year servant
>Strange fanfic
It's not as bad as last year but I'm so fucking tired of this shilling of failed projects
Bro, I was talking about the Mahoyo movie...
yeah but she's a murderhobo
true. even that genshin anime has been radio silent for just as long. fuck demon slayer man
Option A:
>NY eve stream
>Hey let's try this again. Fsf Richard showing up on Guda warekanai
>NY cope on FSF Richard servant

Option B:
>FSF collab

Option C:
FSF ce. Do you like it?
It seems like they would rather bring back old characters for old TMfags than make new one's that'll flop like andromeda
I want Richard to use Loxley as a stepping stone in one of his attacks. That was the funniest mental image he made
i hope narita keeps on gatekeeping strange fake till the anime is out
Itll force him to do a prototype collab. Because hat other type moon product is left?
april fools games
each of them
>tsuki no sango
>fate lost einherjar
they will always find new shit, retardbro.
best get your collab while you can
remember that people wanted enkidu to get an animation update after babylonia anime.

4 years later and he's gotten nothing
The worst choice is the most possible things.
they already added two servants I don't think they do a full on collab
>fate lost einherjar
that only has like one issue though
what are the chances of them adding my husband Orlando as a pseudo?
Ciel is the biggest summer flop they ever released and the two collabs this year performed worse than your average FGO event this is not even an argument.
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Has pic related EVER been referenced at all since the beginning of FGO? Is Nasu ashamed of it, has no idea how to integrate it, or wants it to be its own thing?
In the negatives, maybe you'll get a 3* CE at best
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Gil got blacked
no...the dream is dead....
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Just like the previous collab.
Olga is a reference to it
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For me, it's Blushu
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Archie doko
And Galahad, and Sion, and Shiki please!
We've had male welfares since last Christmas.

>Sono G
>now Hakuno
Olga AND Roman. Doesn't matter if they had a previous (unpublished) design. Now they'll be an Olgaface and Romaniface.
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I love Fatty/Grand Order
>Excepting a swimsuit alt for a shitty character with stupid comically large eiken-esque breasts
>Wada draws one as if to deliberately tease lippers into thinking it will happen
Do lippers really?
Would be funny if GudaGuda also gives us another guy welfare
God damn he's ugly.
He's so fucking ugly. At least keep him in the suit, it dampens the ugly a bit
She has more fanarts than Ecchan
>this is not even an argument.
With nothing but hearsay from you it can't be, yeah.
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Chaldea treasure hunting final countdown before it's taken down:

>113k views, 5.2k likes

122k views, 5.2k likes

64k views, 3.4k likes

68k views, 2.9k likes

135k views, 7.7k likes

124k views, 5.2k likes

I can get Assclap since he's popular but niche, but I could have sworn Tiamat was popular.
Knocknarea exists
Hideyoshi welfare before his 5* in another year seems inevitable.
It's clearly made to run before the next GW and if Narita's to finish the next volume around Feb-March it 100% takes the collab slot.
Bro? Your Doctor Roman and Olga Marie? Their prototypes are from DDD. FGO was always a DDDXFate collab.
The problem with it is that it's not even Nasuverse. Though the setting has bullshit reality bending ways to make iself Nasuverse. Or you can treat it like a Lostbelt in FGO context. Kanata has a cool enough design to stand on her own.
>collab slot
no such thing exists since this year EVERYthing has been a collab aside of valentines, white day and oc2.
Yes, and? Obviously even that's not nearly enough to include at least some characters from all the other spinoffs.
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We're probably gonna have six more Servants for this year, and have original ones next month, guaranteed. So, at the end of the year, we're only gonna have like four brand new original Servants at most.
We're gonna have at least one female welfare next month, right?
Just like Oberon in a midssumer night's dream
I love Draco!
>only a total of 3 original servants that we haven't seen in another work
Yeah the EoS is near.
I'd love her if she had a good ascension design
All three were flops anyway so who cares
Why is this year so blue?
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What makes no sense are Nameless and Gil being part of Hakuno's servants if he's from the Extella timeline. Since to Hakuno they're basically his Nero's lieutenant and some random go joined Altera. While to Nameless his Hakuno died and we still don't know what happened to Gil's, this is why Extella was so extremely criticized from Nameless and Gil yumes since it shat all over them and then tried to win them back with Charlie and Link but even in Link he clearly friendzones Hakuno it's nothing like what he has going on with Guda

2016 was the year Nasu sold out
To be fair Extella was released on an time In which Fate as a franchise was on a identity crisis, if it was released nowdays I don't think it would be some heavy on the waifu-pandering at all.
Don't think too hard about it.
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Hell you can even see it on FGO with Roman since it was initially presented as losing a parent figure and nothing else, but it's been flip-flopped since then with slowly turning Roman into Guda's emotional anchor instead of Eggplant.
I guess it makes sense since this is supposed to be a Hakuno that's been doing this thing for 1k years.
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The way Nasu wrote how Guda weeps and clings to Roman in his Solomon script and have flashback of him when he lunges Goetia, and the animu removed that and only put Mashu's flashbacks really reframes a lot of part 2. But I think he did have that set up. His theme song was a romantic breakup song, and his introduction to Guda had a straight out otome line. Nasu was carefully never having Guda refer him as a father figure too unlike what he does with Gordolf.
I miss Kazuradrop's silly frill...
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News Doko?
I'm going to disagree here. The problem was that Mashu and Guda often overlap, and he's Mashu's big brother/father figure. But the way he was introduced with Guda had more romantic subtext than, for example, Guda introduction of Olga. If Mashu was the "first member" Guda met, Roman was the last. And both had a 'special' set up: corridor and their room. Also Guda asks if he's the "fluffy type" which is a type of love interest in otome games.
When Guda returns, the first one they ask about is Roman, not Mashu or Olga, and Da Vinci gets mad because Guda missed a "flag" for Mashu. Means showing concern for someone is a flag itself. There're little subtle indications of why it wasn't wholly platonic.
What happens after the prologue is when Mashu and Guda became basically one character in part 1 with exceptions but functionally. They have become more and more divided which in turn increases the difference between their relationship with Roman.
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>Nasu was carefully never having Guda refer him as a father figure too unlike what he does with Gordolf
tfw I'm the same age as Gordito
I just think the director was a hack and people involved with Babylonia and Solomon had a hateboner for Roman since they removed all of his important scenes in Babylonia.
Roman character's lines and concept was picked by Nasu of a song between a separation of two lovers (that hope someday will meet again). I don't know if it was willingly written as a parent figure. Ambiguous maybe. There is mentorship there for sure but that doesn't mean family. Rin and Saber were mentors to Shirou.
Setting the bar real high there
Guda never refers to Roman has a father. But him and Da Vinci and clearly meant to be the mom and dad of the team in Part 1. It wasn't after P1 finished that they started to go heavily on "muh Dr.Roman ;_;"
Maybe. He also cut a lot of him in Solomon despite how Nasu asked (on his script) to focus on Roman. And most of it is Roman scenes (all Servant stuff a few lines or so which Nasu had zero interest on expanding). I was surprised when I read it.
wtf bros you mean Rin grommed Shirou?
pls understand upcoming animators used Solomon to expand their portafolio in hopes of being able to escape from A1/Cloverworks/Aniplex clutches. That's why 70% of the movie is useless Sakuga action scenes.
I agree on Team Dad/Team Mom stuff. Look again in OC2, we know Dantes was just larping to do the murders (that's why he never got "dad" dialogue box near Guda), but other characters did fit the roles and Da Vinci as a mother but Roman is not present as the father. That said, the Prologue did feature romantic-hints with Roman in the meeting and the last scene as the anon brought up. Guda dodged a Mashu romance flag by triggering asking for Roman.
So Ciel can't be the biggest summer flop
I liked the music at least.
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>All of Minase servants are flops
I'd personally be on suicide watch
I don't think they hated Roman, but wanted to animated their waifu/husbando more. That's why Ushi was inexplicably buffed in role in Babylonia. I was re-reading Babylonia and Benkei had more scenes and an arc, while she disappeared earlier and became a midboss for Benkei.
There's Assclap, although he's no that popular when you compare it to the big 3* hits like Mandy or Izou-san, and there's also Kama but Nasu co-wrote her.
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Speaking of Izou. 5* Okada Izou for this Guda Guda event I can feel it bros, it's been a while since the Tosagumi was the center of GG.
Stop calling him Assclap. I almost called him like that when I was talking about Greek mythology with friends.
>Sword Saint Izou (Alter)
Saber Izou
Some "literally who?" genderbend
Berserker or Caster Shoin-sensei
Here's your leak, now post it on [low quality screenshot of discord server] format.
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Saika wasn't a "literally who?" she was my main in the Sengoku Basara games...
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>not a dirty stray dog anymore
Izou from a timeline he was not misguided and became a sword saint instead would be pretty interesting.
>Some "literally who?" genderbend
Imagine the shitpost
>constantly assaulted by demons in my sleep
Oh uh Forneus kun Barbatos kun, he found out.
Not that big a deal tbdesu, they pretty unceremoniously deleted half the cast in a single chapter in part 2, they even made a big deal about how hard it is to even scratch KP and then took both of them out in 2-3 sentences each without even real playable sequences
LB7 was pretty similar, a ton of big names still running around unaccounted for coming up on ORT and then they all got taken out of the picture in 0.5-1 chapters each
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Nah, he'll stay a male
Imagine Terasu MC's brand new FGO doujins....
>Introduce Kiara
>Deal with Kiara
>find xu fu
will be a filler breather chapter because it won't have any fight, just some random scripted thing. she's just fucking suntanning.

>deal with ae
>stop earth crashing from the moon
It'll be first chapter next part and will be Talk no Jutsu after a script battle with Ciel support

>find Karna
>deal With Edison Alter
Remind you Karna was important to Edison in Murrica. Another filler chapter.

The rest: Kazura, Dubai and the "Mystery" (yawn) can develop with Nasu's pace.
There's a lot of things they could've done with her that probably would've had broader appeal than "girl in overalls" honestly
Like yeah, I guess it falls under her "mommy" trope but dunno how many mommyfuckers have the picnic basket fantasy
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Just let us die in peace
Is Kiara even in this? The beach candidate was Jeanne.
She gave you something that looked like a relocation form before leaving.

She's the monster in Area G.
Yes, every Moon Cancer Servant in the game appears in this Moon Cancer-themed chapter because there are so few of them before this.
bro we already explored Area G...
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Yeah, fate turned from waifu franchise into shipfaggotry cuck infest yume/fujo shit
Hopefuly after FGO death at december 2025 TM will pay for the betrayal
Bro she literally appeared in the cm
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meanwhile Lip didn't show up in either CM kek
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Finally the "3 sprites on the field at the same time" servant
>Ryoma pays for all of Miss Crane Izou's costumes
>in all the FGO anniversaries he mentions him and something "somethingsomething with Izou-san, all 3 of us together"
The true 3some servants, the lesbian pirates fucking wishes.
Anon it's 2024, no one cares about the yuri pirates anymore
No one cared about them by 2017
No it's in November for the NA Fate Celebration in LA.
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No it's both? Of course they'll rerun it during NY.
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I'm not sure on how to feel about people that put the Koyan bond CE on Koyan and the Da Vinci one in their caster slot.
It's referring to Protea Alter retardbro
Thanks for the spoiler, I'm still in chapter 12.
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>ruin the summer event
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that's extrashit no one asked about that for second time, fag.
Shit universe and extrashit both ruined this chapter, and it's the first ever Nasu chapter that is genuinely horrible.
And also Eresh
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Say what you will about every other summer event. They had actual welfare.
Who cares, I'd rather have a good summer story and not the blatant shitty favoritism Eresh got. Passionlip as well and she's not even a summer servant.
Hey, give Eresh a break, she also got shit like Lips. Both of them got their time to shine, even if it was on OC and Nasu autism ruined summer. Plus we still have at least a slight chance of getting Lip as summer or wardrobe.
Lip isn't getting shit though
>blatant shitty favoritism Eresh got
She had to wait several years for her summer event and wasn't even the main focal point.
Summer event was all about her anon
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It was over before it began
Why is the event 2 months long?
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I hope he cries himself to sleep after Part 3 drops and nips hate his super cool climax of Hakunon vs Hakuno. God I miss Kadoc and the cypher gang
>reinstalling app deleted my progress during olga quest
why something like this has been saved locally? just how shitty those coders are
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>meanwhile morgan who was supposed to be the main for the summer got shafted cause takeuchi wanted castoria to be the main one and welfare, and at the end nasu throw knocks as the welfare and also suzuka to double down the insult
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/fgog/ did
From my point of view, this OC is a failure. The second part dried up all interest, fan art or discussions thanks solely to the introduction of a character nobody asked for and that killed people's interest in the story.
Fucked up how deermud still doesn't have summer costume despite being one of the ikemen of the game
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>ruins summer
>wasting more costumes on shitters no one likes
No thanks, this summer is already enough
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Part of me is glad she's saving this summer from misery.
Part of me wishes she was in a better summer.
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Father and mother of Alexander the Great, Phillippos II and Olympias.
Below are Hephaestion and Faker.
>>Goetia refused to be part of this faggotry
This is summary of you mental illness
Half of those girls I consider my waifu.
evil women
Alex stop staring at hebe boobies
There is not a single good character here
Oh, you guys don't like my genius plot? 3 more events around Extra shit it is then.
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>that scene where Nikitich's hair is blowing
The VN aspect of the game has been improving over the years.
I swear I can see her areolas there
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melu won
Bros... My Japanese vocab isn't nearly good enough to play this without translating 95% of the kanji. Is there an Anki deck for the most common words used in fgo out there?
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Bros, I'm going to misunderstand.
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Give up.
Hey bros I'm illiterate, can someone tell if oc3 story is good?
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/fa/ City.
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My wife is there
Mmm quartz
she's still need to pick up 2 levels worth of cotton
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Poor girl has to carry summer on her back
That's Violet's height isn't it?
The entire reason he has divinity as a skill and his divine cows is because of a rumor that Zeus is his father
Violet is 182cm, the artist could have added at least another 10cm more easily.
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Half a decade later after her meta and Skadi still can't find her deserved rest...
Summer Skadi has completely oveshadowed her.
i felt like Skadi is a fucking scam, because they are simply renamed already existing servant, so i skipped her
I think Tlaloc wants to have sex with me
Shorter than me
why God, why?
You're thinking wrong then.

She only has sex with me.
So what is actually the story with Hakuno(n) in OC3?
Are they interchangeable or are they two different people here?
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Super Dragon Ball.
If they're from Extella, Hakunon was the final boss in the HGW for Hakuno. Male Hakuno had Nero and Tamamo as servants and Hakunon had Archer.
This reminds me of that mobile game that's an actual pokemon parody
is /fgog/ excited about the Strange Fake anime? finally you guys are going to have something to talk about besides your cuck fetish.
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Anal sex in the butt
no, anal sex in the egao
Who knows
>no pv
Cute feika
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
I am, but considering it's just one episode, the rest is probably still in production hell. At least we'll finally get Richard soon
The character /fgog/ wants to hatefuck the most.
its up

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>They drew straws on who'd be joining Chaldea
I was hoping for Hakunon as an alt but the dream is fucking dead
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they needed to throw woman a bone because it's all female banners right now. they just picked the worst way to do it
Himiko's himikos
You know if Nasu loves Bloodborne so much it's weird there's not a lot of Victorian steampunk themed Servants. Babbage, Holmes, Moriarty x2, that's it.
The foreigner class is literally just Nasu learning that Lovecraftian lore existed because he played Bloodborne.
It's the yume age now. Love and deepspace being number 1 just proves that so there gonna go full otome
Foreigner class is Meteo's. Nasu just use it to put some OC garbage in it.
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She deserved a swimsuit to usher in an era of himiko sleeping paizuri doujins
Fotm flops rarely get swimsuits
That's fine because Kuku is the best girl by a lot
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She's literally the worst one though
>nothing Lovecraftian about her
Yeah no
I didn't realize how much I liked Gogh's gameplay until I lost my account and bought one without her. Surely, she's due for a rate up soon, right?
Explain curry getting one
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10 days
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He was released on a very lukewarm received LB, and hasn't showed up in any event besides summer and also he isn't extremely shilled either, despite that he made it to the ASMR.
Reminder that the first child we had in fgo was with oberon
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You get to go on an adventure with your favorite servant! The themes are
>urban fantasy
And last, but not least;
>Strawberry Cake isekai
>also he isn't extremely shilled eithe
Nigger what
Assclap is so many fucking events its absurd.

Hes had what, 3 summer mini interludes at this point too?
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Lolwhat, all the Lovecraft foreigners are Meteo's, the class was made for something else probably related to CHALDEAS, the Animusphere and Daybit, and later on Nasu decided to stuff some other people there like XX, Koyan Dark, Kuku and Aoko, none with Lovecraft influence.
He laid an egg in your head and it hatched into ort-elizabeth
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>How many references do you want?
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I got the wrong fucking fox. I'm absolutely livid.
It's like she's telling you to never roll for fakers
Yeah nasu decided on non lovecraft foreigners because meteo is basically a guest writer with how much he writes
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Only roll for real and official foggsus.
Chinese and Russian counterfeits are to be reported.
He flung BB and MHX into the class barely over half a year after it was introduced
Spinning retard never ever
I hate foxes
I fucking hate Tamamo
What about Indian foxes?
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>There is not a single good character in FGO
Hey, Columbus is good.
Of course, because people like you like evil assholes like Shou Tucker and Hitler. I bet you want the latter to be in the game.
Explain Russian cat getting one
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What the fuck were they thinking
As we've shown over the year, if LB6 or LB7 are any indication, fans like evil more than good. There's a reason why Shinjuku was a very popular chapter when it came out. There's a reason why villains or antagonists like Morgan, Melu, Bob, Tez, City or Batman became popular, while the heroes Nasu pushed for Percival, Gareth and Kuku flopped.
It's not just that, I like UNABASHED evil assholes that don't have a tragic story attached to them to justify their asshole nature. Which is rare in this shitty franchise.
Man, you're just eager for Hitler to be there, are you?
has a cooler kit
Uh, your kid with Okitan?
Look, everyone is at least curious to some degree what TM might do with him okay?
The Quick meta needs more variety and flexibility
Arts has Castoria, Xu Fu, Tamamo and Purin
Buster has Merlin, Oberon, Hikari and Morgan
I want an actual WWII singularity where we fight Nazis. Think of it like World at War, but it's anime waifus and badasses who beat the Germans in Berlin. And more entertaining. And better.
Yeah, I'd love a Quick support who's built for CQs and boss fights instead of farming
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detroit become human (impossible for this poor dude in every timeline)
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I'm all in for it if Darnic is in.
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>No Rabbit Hole edits yet
FGO is reclining.
The only push he gave her is off a cliff
Habetrot's a better example
>what if Shirou was trained by Kerry
And went from there, I guess.
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>saber's story is over I will never again allow any other portrayal of this servant that isn't explicitly an AU saber
also nasu:
>teehee I wonder what wacky misadventures my special snowflake OC MC will get into this month
Fuck I love misunderstanding so much
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>Evil asshole
least unhinged oberonfag
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>All seemingly playable Servants released already
>Everyone assumes Hakuno is the welfare
>Middle-chapter Gacha stops just before the final chapter gets released

I sense fuckery afoot, Watson.
All right, let's go crazy, will we even have new servants?
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She would've single-handedly saved this kusoge.
Thanks Mushroom.
Would have to see her Bollywood dancing and singing first before judging.
I mean Kazura has to be playable right? No way she's just a NPC again right...?
If there isn't then the entirety of September is a dead month
Kiara is either a serious sub-boss or boss of yet another gag chapter and Hans wins by cussing her out.
Earf will probably be a scripted 1v1 special clapfest solo with Ciel, since we started the middle section with an actual boss fight. End section is starting in Area H so it'll be over quickly with (You) waking up there and finding Ciel because the rest of the party is still kwabbed by Eresh.
Kazura's already been beaten. Had her arms ripped off and heart torn out. What she's been up to doesn't matter, and I wouldn't count on them adding her until New Year's.
Xu Fu is obviously in Kiara's uncharted island scrubbing swimming pools or whatever. Karna's probably there too.
Edison Alter is also close to dying too. He's been in critical condition the whole last chapter. He's also so overdesigned that I don't think he'll be a costume.
The main thing to wonder about is what the hell is going on with Moon Dubai, BB Dubai, Hakunon, and how humans died out on Earth. That will take up more time than any of the above.
Plus if the welfare is really not a summer one, but a fucking oc one, then that means the CE will be fucking summer. I don't think it can't get worse than that.
Do they have any interaction in the game or nah?
True Demons were compared to Lovecraftian horrors in material books around the release of HA. Some of you retards are so new that you don't know these "Nasu bases stuff of Fromsoft" gags are only gags and really believe he isn't a massively well read dork. A bunch of chapter names in FSN are obscure references to mythology or philosophy that's never mentioned in those actual chapters, nevermind having the entire thing revolve around a Zoroastrian demon, which hardly everyday reading for someone in Japan.
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>I don't think it can't get worse than that.
>suddenly the ending revolves around realizing that you can't really take enjoyment on summer and decide to stop delaying the OC and overworking, despite that even the director himself is complaining that overworking is not good
>hakuno is the welfare, hakunon died and she doesn't have an alt
>no other new summer, or new servants, but a wardrobe for edison alter
>the CE is about that sometimes resting is not enough, and you need to leave those memories and start working and focusing on the job to achieve what they really want, including separating from your otakus roots
>the ce has photos of your servants inside a closed box
U rike?
I don't think they'd be stupid enough to put Hakuno in the game and leave no avenue for Hakunon, even if she's shoehorned as a bait SSR or some shit
>Ryoma pays for all of Miss Crane Izou's costumes
He only bought the debt. The 4* CE in that event is him forcing Izou to do hard labor so he'll pay him back.
>I don't think they'd be stupid enough
Oh you innocent soul
Those 3 are pretty much the Lively Trio from GudaGuda, and I absolutely love it.
This year's summer (the one time of year that draws the highest number of new players) had no welfare and was just the setup for a chapter that takes new players literal months to reach.
Everything's out the window, the sky's the limit. They've done stupid shit in the past but we're fully beyond the pale
What makes that combo weirder is that she does have lines for Sei instead
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Can we address the fact that there's some fucking planet-looking thing popping out of the sea? It was there during the summer illusion and it back there again and nobody's addressed it yet and it's driving me up the wall.

Kazura is supposed to be completely powerless in combat. Which doesn't rule out her getting access to some powerup or something, but they did establish a justification for leaving her as an NPC.
Are you tards still seething about that joke? She's just fucking with BB, who genuinely doesn't know why she's there. Hakuno tells you clearly that didn't happen.
Kazuradrop has already vored Melt and Violet. She's just pretending to be weak. Soon she'll eat BB too.
That looks more like the surface of the moon?
What? No
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There's nothing at all like it in the dry version, and it's a separate asset loaded on top of the sea graphic. It's clearly there for a reason.
That kinda looks like a Demon Pillar skin
it's the moon's cancer
I am clapping... my hands.... are not stoping
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Reminds me of ol' pal Jupiter
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Hakunon knows something Hakuno doesn't which is why he chose to go with BB.

BB acts like she's got Hakunon trapped as a hostage but clearly has no fucking reason why she's there and is kinda flying by the seat of her pants when it comes to her.

BB Dubai in general is hinted by Archetype to not really be in control here.

Guda and Jinako took it as granted that Kazura is shifty as hell and probably planning something but nobody knows what so they decided to play along.

Nobody really knows what happened to (vanilla) Protea, why she suddenly turned evil or what was up with the absorbing Servants thing, other than Alter confirming that needing them to grow was bullshit.

Karna might be a sperg who needs to ride a short bus, but probably not enough to not have tried to contact anyone yet.

(Original) Lip is probably not gone since Hakunon is the one who moon beam'd her instead of BB.

Someone summoned Koyanskaya to Dubai, but it wasn't BB.
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>gets forcefully summoned to the moon by BB
>Told to greet Guda when he shows up
> hasn't been following the situation at all, since she was summoned in a giant desert and just told to wait there, so she has no idea about BB Dubai yet
>Realizes she can create all the milk she wants with her NP
>Decides to open a giant cake shop so Guda will come running when he hears about it
>She's only open one hour a day, probably because work is a pain
>Every dessert is 50,000 calories
>Eechan gets trapped in a debt contract after snacking on the cakes when she she winds up there by chance and now can't escape because whatever she makes to offset the debt is negated because she keeps eating the cakes

Protea Alter chapter was Interesting I suppose
>>Beat Edison Alter
Ben already commanded Edison to drop out and join you, and he got injured while escaping Eresh so he can't even fight anymore.
Kazura ate Protea probably when she was asleep for 70% of each day, or perhaps the second she was summoned to begin with and was posing as her the entire time. When they fight protea alter mocks Kazura that she always wanted to be a giant and look down on people, but deep down she's a princess who wanted to look after people, Kazura shifts her eyes and asks "how did you" at which point protea alter rips her arms off. She pretended to be desummoned but chances are she just escaped to her original body
Kazura summoned konyasku since konyasku said she was summoned by someone she considers a friend/equal, of which there is only one person that fits that description for her, Muryan
BB Dubai has no real idea why Hakuno is hanging around them, but once you realize she isn't the one who shot the mooncell light, suddenly her other actions become less serious. She's trying to act like a villain but something about her hasn't clicked into place yet. Guessing Hakuno joined BB so she didn't have to be alone playing the villain, whether out of pity or just to keep things fair. She understands BB's real situation here and doesn't want her to take all the heat.
It's obvious that they're building up Kazuradrop to be the last boss
BB Dubai looked genuinely clueless when she found out about beast Eresh
>they pretty unceremoniously deleted half the cast in a single chapter in part 2
The only (likely) casualties other than Protea were Lip and Percival, and Edison's not ruling out Percival being sufficiently stupid tough to have survived that so he sends out someone to look for where he landed. Even Lip isn't confirmed dead.
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>Someone summoned Koyanskaya to Dubai, but it wasn't BB.
How long until they realize that Kazuradrop has a Muryan part? May as well learn the other 2 goddess parts.
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What happened to Percival?
I have been reading le morte d'arthur recently, reached the story of Accolon.
>Dude goes hunting with Arthur
>They both get drugged by local maidens and taken hostage
>Arthur wakes up in a dungeon among other 20 dudes by an evil knight who needs someone to fight on a duel in his name
>Arthur makes a deal with the evil knight, he would fight to the death, no surrender possible from his part, so the others knights can be freed
>Accolon is "rescued" by Morgan's minions and he is given the Excalibur and Avalon that Arthur had
>He meets the good knight that is supposed to be dueling the evil knight Arthur is representing
>because that dude has a spear through the thigh he can't fight, so Accolon will fight on his name to free the prisoners from the evil knight
>Accolon, using Excalibur and Avalon fights Arthur, and neither of them knows who the other is due to the armor and helmets
>Accolon beats Arthur without a scratch while leaving Arthur a bloody mess
>he breaks Arthur's sword and, not wanting to kill him, asks him to surrender, thing that Arthur can't do
>this was all plotted by Morgan so she can make Accolon king and marry him as his queen
>one of the ladies of the lake interrupts the duel making Arthur recover Excalibur, and without a sword Accolon needs to use the sheet Avalon as a shield until he is disarmed and Arthur deals a fatal blow
>only then Arthur asks him for his name
>"Sir Knight, said Sir Accolon, I am of the court of King Arthur, and my name is Accolon of Gaul."
then it's followed by the equivalent of "oh fuck" with the poetically appropriate flowery language from Arthur
>Arthur tries taking him to a medic but Accolon doesn't survive
>Morgan when finding out her favorite knight is dead she goes into a fit of rage, grabs Avalon from the injured Arthur and throws it back into the lake, where he can't get it back
>this creates a chain of events that leads to Gawain exiling himself and the fall of Camelot
I want him as a servant
>Kazura ate Protea probably when she was asleep for 70% of each day
That or she somehow copied her saint graph and defeated Protea and replaced her after that...
>or perhaps the second she was summoned to begin with and was posing as her the entire time.
No that was our Protea at first since she had a heart to heart moment with Lip and mentioned Lip was the one that got her to grow up and be more bold.
He tanked the sword to divert its trajectory from the server towers in front of the business area instead of teaming up with Mashu to protect only Area C. Mashu is roughed up after having been the one to stop the sword for good, but apparently not seriously wounded. Percival might have gotten killed but Edison doesn't rule out he might still be hanging by a thread somewhere.
>Guda seeing Melt's true nature/past and still willing to accept her for who she is.
Oh, no, no, no. But you told me her personality was rewritten and retconned. That FGO Melt doesn't resemble at all CCC Melt, and the only reason Guda gets along with her is because he doesn't know anything about her past. How can Guda fall for an evil woman?
Looks kinda like a clam, maybe? The whole lake kind of has that shape, and Kiara is giant in the PV and we haven't seen her yet.
I lost count of the number of tragedies in La Morte that could have been avoided if these retards made a habit of asking each other's names before dueling. Same thing happens with Balin and Balan.
Damn everything bad happening there can be attributed to morgan having a fit
There was something about that time to do with heraldry that made them think asking names was a waste of time, I think. If you wore no identifying device you were probably considered a hedge knight or something. Reminds me of when Percival and Lancelot saw Galahad riding without identifiers as some random knight and immediately decided to attack him because there were no identifying banner or sigils or whatever. Things were weird in the world of chivalry, I doubt this was common practice outside the realm of literary romance.
That's one of the names that LB Morgan use on her attack animation, the ones that she gained thanks to PHH memories. Does Morgan has the ability to create magic based on real names?
Hell, are names actually an inner sea thing? Excalibur's seals are locked behind names, and PHH Morgan seems to have a fair knowledge of magic that definetly involve real name.
or maybe nasu just thought it'd be cool to reference a bunch of names that's never gonna appear in fgo
Melt Monda-
Dude, irl Morgan and PHH Morgan are literally that. LB Morgan is pretty much a more chill version (heartcold at first then more human after Chaldea).
Pretty much the only reason she's like that is because of the things she went through lol
That pretty much goes for practically everything wrong with Camelot except for Lancelot. Truly Lordless Camelot.
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One of the most common versions of The Green Knight straight up starts with Arthur refusing the Green Knight's challenge with what can be paraphrased as "oh fuck off, this is Morgan's bullshit again innit?" and when Gawain takes the bait he's like...
He knows already, he accepted way worse than her (Medb, Gilles, Kiara, Douman and Koyanskaya for example). Also did you forget that during that confrontation Melt warned everyone that they would die if they didn't fight with all?
That too, unfortunately.
PHH Morgan was forever seething for having her purpose denied, meanwhile Tonelico had a different purpose from birth and also from love of her family, which ultimately lead to all those events that left her hollow and broken, and ironically, that was PHH Morgan's doing.
Come to think, she originally died the first time, and apparently that's how the faes end up dissapearing, but then after surviving once, she said to Mashu many thousands of years later that she died many times. Did I miss something or I am failing to remember something else?
>Does Morgan has the ability to create magic based on real names?
seeing as the whole Fairy Knight Court debacle is because Morgan is using Name-based magic I say that yes.
I can only imagine that she is using Accolon's name as a spell to use his strength or something similar
But the cuckposters said that if Guda had been in Hakuno's position during CCC, he would have also killed her. How can Guda go to such lengths for Melt when Hakuno didn't care for her?
>Did I miss something or I am failing to remember something else?
Tonelico was supposed to die before even leaving her village. She survived in the "second timeline" thanks to PH Morgan sending her her memories, but she let herself be "killed" (faking it) a bunch of times after she became inconvenient each time she popped up to fight some calamity.
Emiya Alter is all Takeuchi, anon.
just because a man has a pet alligator that he can pet to his heart's content it doesn't mean another dude can come pet it and not lose a hand for it
>she said to Mashu many thousands of years later that she died many times.
She never actually died, it just appeared that way to the fairies, such as when Uther got poisoned and she used magecraft to make a traitorous fairy look like her and be killed in her place.
Different circumstances, retard.
Morgan surely is one of the strongest magician/sorceress out there. I suppose is her niche or maybe the Inner Sea has that stuff.
Oh, yeah you right. Which makes her real death at the end even worse when you think about it. How her family died, how she was supposed to end, she only delayed it.>>494836675
Kengoro remembered that there was a time in which Melt was supposed to have an intense orgasm at the end of her NP during CCC's early development but that it was cut and replaced with a suggestive liquid falling from her off-screen crotch. Not even the "censored" or "restricted" version of her NP made it to FGO but it's nice they included it in this.
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Crypter Summer next year bros. Finally FGO related content.
There's one. Fou is there.
Can't wait for animation update with this. The water drip at the end makes it a 10/10.
>BB acts like she's got Hakunon trapped as a hostage but clearly has no fucking reason why she's there and is kinda flying by the seat of her pants when it comes to her.
She's putting an act and immediately folds when she requests her anything with a hopeless blushing face.
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They should have used Accolon name as the knight of Londinium instead of Uther. That was weird as fuck.
Kazura is good at mimicking her targets, Nurse Sakura also had a heart to heart with Hakuno in foxtail manga, only to find out it was Kazura the entire time.
They kind make it clear this chapter AI are meant to help humans, its their nature. Even BB's own twisted nature is the result of trying her hardest to help humanity. Simple requests can trip her up. Not that we know BB Dubai is even BB.
The problem is that Protea references things they did in Chaldea. And Protea alter already stated that our Protea got defeated and replaced.
>And Protea alter already stated that our Protea got defeated and replaced.
Yes she got eaten, somehow you think I'm making the argument that protea was never summoned in the first place and was never eaten. The argument is more when she was eaten, we already know Kazura is good at acting as her targets, pretending to be them, she can imitate them for quite awhile without being caught. Was she sleeping 70% of each day because Protea is randomly sleeping in this world, or is it because Kazura was having trouble digesting Protea, and also because Kazura can't move around several spare bodies(puppets) at the same time. Does she also gain the memories of things she eats? It would explain why she would know to summon Konyasku. No other ego has the memories of the goddesses that make them up, Melt doesn't have Artemis memory, so why would Kazura know about things Muryan did? She would need memories from chaldea, unless she just tried to randomly summon someone and Konyasku happened to answer due to a misunderstanding.
>OC1: Extra shit and Sakuraslop
>OC2: no Extra shit, no Sakuraslop
>it's decent
>OC3: Extra shit and Sakuraslop
Christ anon...
>somehow you think I'm making the argument that protea was never summoned in the first place and was never eaten.
I went off what what you said here though?
>or perhaps the second she was summoned to begin with and was posing as her the entire time.

I'm done here regardless.
>good not great, the writer lacks the ability to bring out the potential of the concept they created, but I can see the idea they were going for at least.
>Idea is there, writing isn't great sometimes, but the idea is something people always wanted
>Crazy idea, but somehow Nasu makes you care throughout the story by turning some random bullshit into a very personal story at moments you wouldn't expect. Like Jinako choosing to die almost referencing what happened with Gatou, telling Anthony its alright for him to live.
Nasu simps keep eating shit and pretending it's gold.
You said this already.
At least I'm not a Sakurai simp like you lmao
Out of all of Sakurafaces and EXTRA girls, only Melt works as a main heroine... Despite being fucking crazy.
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His position as our senpai is in danger...
Yeah, because the other Sakurafaces were main heroines in a chapter/event, right?
>Kama in OC1
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I never considered Kadoc a senpai much to begin with
This is me coping but people are biased against OC1. Even I hated OC1 not because of Kama but because they introduced filler call.
Dumb opinion
KD larping to talk to Lippu is on the table since the story makes a point of her observing Lip during summer and giving a positive-ish analysis of her on the way down the elevator at the start of OC3
There's some stuff that makes the original KP we see a bit suspect (her powers malfunctioning, having an excuse to "turn off" for half the day, KD telling you to run in that direction)
But the strongest argument against KD eating her before part 2 is KP talking to herself about wanting to be small at some point, think it's after the convo with reset Lip
>Guy tries to start sakura shitposting here
>Tries to hide behind OC chapter "discussion" to do it
>Isn't quite getting the response he wants
>He could easily go to /alter/ or /a/ and shitpost there instead, but he chooses to try to shitstir in a dead thread for attention instead.
It's just Georgie. It's a Nasu chapter so he has to shitpost.
When did you realize that FGO "main story chapters" are written like episodes the most formulaic, predictable episodic cartoon?
>status quo is king; any remotely interesting plot development is thrown away so that nothing can really change
>zero development in the story outside of the beginning or the end
>no regular character will die or leave because of status quo
>no new character will be added to the cast because of status quo, so you can be damn sure that any "wow, they're totally joining Chaldea" character like Castoria or (lol) BB is gonna die in the end
>any change of scenery (Shadow Border to Storm Border to Chaldea Base to Storm Border 2.0) is immediately negated because any change to status quo would make the story too interesting
>whatever the plot of the story chapter is doesn't really matter, it will be forgotten as soon as it ends and it won't affect the main characters at all
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Playing a FGO main story chapter is like watching a Simpsons episode, no matter what happens you can be sure it won't stick and you will be back to status quo by the end.

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