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Previous Thread: >>494493369

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Ui (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Hinata (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Iroha (3* rerun)
Miyu (3* rerun)

[Rerun] In Search of a Hidden Heritage ~ Trinity's Extracurricular Activities 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 8/22 (Thu) 11:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Perorodzilla (Field w/ Purple torment) - 9/11 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 8/28 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards/Scrimmages - 9/11 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Akari (New Year) (3*)
Haruna (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Fuuka (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Junko (New Year) (1* - Welfare)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2634213
[Rerun] New Year's Aperitif - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Binah (Urban - Torment w/Special Armor) - 9/10 (Tue) 2:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 9/9 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 9/16 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/23 (Mon)
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Hifumi Daisuki
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You have been banned from Kivotos
student for this feel?
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Where's Rio?
Man oh man, what a thread!
Dumb fox
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shrimp thread!
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Where are we in the cycle?
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Ibuki and I had sex again
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Fuck, I've been slacking hard.
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Post your best Yuukas
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I need this except it's just seia sex in every step
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Sexy Momoi
How much stamina do you get at cafe rank 10 with max comfort?
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>isakucksan left
>mx2joke left
>doremid left
Heh. Leave nu-BA to me.
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Alice is my light.
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670 a day
Shitty fetish slop?
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no no no
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Okay, thank you.
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>changing the SDDM made Wayland work on my Arch install
I don't know how it happened but I'm happy it did.
My nigga Black Smoke got pulled up on by pink Kokona.
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AI is progressing backwards
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we shrimping
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Yes it's AIslop. Found it while browsing the BA tag, I just find this shit hilarious
smooch me muchuki
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>smooching a post stolen from reddit
you got dirty lips now slut
That's fucking horrifying.
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I wonder what's the lewdest thing you can make with a young looking girl. For science, of course.
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Hina should smile
God help us if that's our future
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I concur
Hoshino should fry
Can I be concerned here?
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I prefer grilled shrimp
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it's shrimpover
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This but with Yuuka and the gamers.
Is shrimp good?
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Leaving Serika with my Haitian friend.
are you frying it?
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I generally hate seafood but shrimp is the closest fish I like.
it's okay
shrimps are sea bugs
you're eating le bugs
All seafood tastes similar.
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Would you date Ichika... even if she goes crazy when she's angry?
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Every single woman does that anyway, it's all just varying degrees of craziness
I like good fried fish, shrimp are very eh for me
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Ako works as or harder than Hina
She deserves praise too
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yeah but ako is annoying.
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Is Plana sexier than Arona?
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Roll Umika
kaya should fry.
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it's not tuesday
fresh shrimps are excellent, you can blanch them and their umami will carry.
frozen shrimps are better cooked in other methods. Beware of shrimps that are stored for too long, their texture will change for a lot worse.
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Please talk about steaks instead
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You know sometimes I ask myself if I should install the soundpost thing again

But then I see posts like these and remember why I delete it
Stupid dog
You make me look bad
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Ako ASMR soon.
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I need to feel soft sweaty calculators
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>Wake up.
See this:

What to do?
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That's the plan
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grab nonoms
snuggle back to sleep
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Pic related
Then go back to sleep
go back to sleep
captcha wwwtv
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Do we not like mesugakis anymore? Did kurocoin crash?
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Please leave Utoo out of this.
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if only someone has thought of this before
you can just filter it?
that one and the haruna one I just filter because I've seen enough of it already
I also filter the gookako ones
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I filter every post
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wtf bros
1 day until Kisaki is revealed
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You're not allowed to have rights
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I don't want to wait another year, I need dress mutsuki NOW
Hoshina should die
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help chise with her mcdonalds order
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Mutsuki hours?
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glowie nonom...
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Toki+cHare makes 26m pretty consistent
if I get plat on GA binner again without doing torment I'm going to be laughing
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Finally, a gook Mika
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Rio love
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Coom in foom
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nom nom
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The Grand Big Mac, 2x Large Fries, Oreo McFlurry, and a large Diet Coke
Why did they do it?
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You mean CUTEsuki
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fr, post Hifumi everyone
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So what is she reading?
I think I just got the cursed omikuji, am I going to be okay?
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I only have erotic Hifumi, is that ok?
Jumbo will punch you again
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>Error: Your image contains an embedded file.
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Enjoy the extra ligma.
You're dying tomorrow.
Why does cursed give the most money + Jumbles coins?
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you made her cry
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How much longer do you think Isakusan will stay silent? He hasn't posted anything in two weeks.
Mika should die
He's fucking dead.
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I'm gonna spam all over her face
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this is the closest to scat I'm willing to put on my gallery for this gig
Asuna can read?
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I will never get enough yellow crafting rocks to spend all these gifts.
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Fine. One.
give me earbuds
Which student would your rape if have the strenght to
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it's not possible for there to be an unerotic Hifumi
why is he mad lol
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who cares she'll forget it in a couple hours anyway...
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she smiling now
I lost all my pvp matches including a 3 miss iori ex on yuuka, surely this is enough
If I had that amount of pyros, I wouldn't even be mad.
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Now post the real sex foom
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I have erotic real Hifumi
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Midori got him
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that's it, now she's pissed off, no one in this thread is safe from the wrath of the Hifoom
Architectbro, post your high score
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Where were you when your canon wife finally took the top 1 spot?
Now that's some hella aisloppa
0, because Jamble deserves no food.
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We posting sexy students now?
>90% of Yuuka's fanart gets her pupils and proportions wrong
At what cost
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I still haven't beaten Very Hard. I was like 3 foods away from clearing it, Arona hotdog is a bitch and you have to get lucky with the order of the expanding/shrinking foods.
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https://cytu dot be/r/agleague
/coomindoom/ playing if you want to join in and doom
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It cannot be helped.
Pic unrelated?
Shuro fuck that then kill her brutally
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Would you adopt this student?
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I tried, goslingbros
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that's not the real top 1 spot
try again
I love off-model fanart.
Like almost all Koreans, he gets offended over nothing.
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this but unironically
Marina this entire week you've let me down in PvP and I'm ready to turn Red Winter into a crater because of you.
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Rio Status?
Please post the webm of Hinata's furniture interaction.
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the webm of Hinata's furniture interaction.
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>Ikkakumon hasn't tweeted since his project failed
>BA hasn't released new content in weeks
makes you think
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Is there a vod for the /bag/ match?
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>BA hasn't released new content in weeks

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Ikkakumon would never do the decisions that Pikaman did
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I wish I could sleep.
Jesus fucking Christ, look at those hangers!
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lmao just go to sleep like close your eyes haha

Is it strange that I find S. Hinata's chibi very sexy?
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Still not out
Put out a new student already
The game has been on break long enough
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Yes you're a weird deviant now, I'm sorry to say.
>"Hm. Why DIDN'T I like doing Mystic Torment Binah?"
>try a mock
>oh, right, that's why

This really just sucks, RNG fest and there are hardly any units worth a damn to bring out. What continues to baffle me to this day is how weak Izuna is. I know she's an early 3*, but a lot of early 3*s are quite incredible yet her damage is absolutely nothing compared to MAris or Wakamo. And basically, without at least 12 really strong students you can just fuck off. Good thing I'm on NA so I'll probably still plat with Insane.
As a gacha addict, BA 3rd year for some reason feels more dead than gbf and fgo 3rd year
At least the fanart output is still strong
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fat django
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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Try some Melatonin anon, works great for me.
try anti histamines
shit puts me out pretty good when I struggle to sleep
I can sleep fine normally though - I use it as an emergency
so if you are chronically unable to sleep probably won't work for long term
What in the fuck is eos
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Mina momo 6 and 7 are going to be great.
Should have been a 2 star, maybe a welfare.
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ejaculating on seia
eros of seia
estrous of seia
enjoyer of seia
educating onahole seia
erotic ovulating seia
enticement of seia
engagement oathing seia
extremely orgasming seia
ecstatic over seia
exquisite onahole seia
extractor of semen
entering of seia
eating of seiass
embodiment of sex
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A really nice camera
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>night terrors
>sleep paralysis
I'll use my GR ticket on Kirara I think, but I wouldn't be unhappy if Umika showed up.
Thanks god its censored
Skill issue. You don't even need Izuna for torment.
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What do you like the most about Momoi?
this reminded me of the loli dissecting machine for some reason
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Her mouth
I want to smell Kazusa's hoodie
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Her big fat tits
big momoi
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forgive me bazoos
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>sleep paralysis
i used to get these and my way to reduce it or at least put my mind at ease when it happens is always sleep hugging a pillow and on my side or on my stomach. even when it happened (doesn't happen very much anymore - probably went away with getting much older) my mind was still OK with the loom sense of creeping terror (aka hallucination) that comes with sleep paralysis.
blue archive btw, tsubaki would give this advice, probably.
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>coinflipped by haruna
>stack special armor and go again
>coinflipped by haruna anyway
Seia is getting fisted bros
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you rike?
by me
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Get a job involving physical labor.
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Because they kept wanking same characters over and over again. Oh, it's Hoshino again, it's Hina again, it's Problem Solver again. When the same characters kept appearing, you would felt as if nothing new happened despite the they're being different contents.
she very cute and sexy
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>see someone running sAyane high up
>"they're definitely using Haruna"
>bring red tanks and just assume Sumire will kill Haruna before she uses her EX
it's that easy
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Pretend this is porn and post screaming Koharus please.
How about do some short exercise?
It'll certanly help.
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her sister
Sure whatever champ
regular anti-histamine use has been shown to cause dementia and other brain problems, histamine is important for normal brain function. Emergency use is fine but don't go around recommending it casually.
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>6th day
>still low 1000's
Easiest Plat of my life, I fucking love Binah
It's that easy
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fuck, my credits
akemi's hard trained body...
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
Here we go, I guess
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Gal Gun Double peace and Gal Gun 2 and other PQUBE games are with a 95% discount on steam, how good are these games? any recommendations?
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
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Chibis are optimized for sex.
why haven't you been doing them day-to-day
Dogs smell really bad when they sweat. Imagine how stinky Hibiki is, whoa.
summer is over when are we getting aruautumn
Dogs don't sweat
please tell me you didn't miss the daily...
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autumn isn't real, once summer ends it's christmas season until january
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They do
Are you both stupid

Obviously I've been doing it daily, but you only need to do 3 a day. I was planning on doing all my pulls in a row at the end since I can just have a macro do it.
only through their paws
>saya gives you an elixir
>tells you it would boost your productivity and energy levels for 24 hours
>you drink it
>turn into a 9 year old

which student are you calling for help?
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no u
I got on meds and it unironically fixed my sleep
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Is it normal to want to brutally rape Shun? I mean like legitimately torture her while having your way with her. I want to tie her hands to the ceiling and bind her feet and drip burning hot wax all over her and fuck her while she screams in pain. Stuff like that.
Help about what exactly?
that's OK
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Hurting any student makes you a piece of shit
it's time to invest in more students, you can go below 10m again
Chink AI had one fucking job, put halo on back of head
you can post that
clearly saya
saya will keep me safe from predatory students
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It's perfectly normal.
Jesus this looks so realistic
Your Hoshinos. Hand them over.
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I never managed to hold more than 200m because I try to max every student
Shun is a teacher though. Not sure why, but the thought of abusing her really turns me on.
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I would give Saya my shota semen
saya is extremely realistic, yes.
I'd call Shun. And Rumi.
I wanna cuddle with iori at half mast rubbing against her so she can't help but get wet and squirm against me
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She is mine, you can't have her
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Inflation has made the zinger box more expensive. It's time for you to give up your vices and start becoming a responsible adult. Pay up.
well she did get coomed on
I'll even let her eat my zinger box.
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the true EoS
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Kiss the tablets
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I'm hovering around 20m because I keep maxing out EX skills (I just did dKayoko and cHare and have sEimi at EX4 just waiting for some purple BDs to take her to EX5)
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Do not hurt students.
>zingerbox is expensive
>spend money on me instead, sensei
I refuse
I'll pay up if it means I get to use Arona's hole
this but with one eyed shiroko
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Inflation means I need to cut back on luxury goods, sorry Arona... looks like no pakeji for a while...
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I was raped!
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Does anyone have a pic of student doing the "dab"?

Need it for something...
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good churrs
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Round 2
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haha that's funny sensei
You were erect so it was consensual.
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I just want to be breast fed bwos...
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____ ______ ____?
Sex. With Saya
this is my weakness
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I want to kiss Kayoko! ON THE LIPS!
BA should stop flopping and make a big comeback
Millennium anni would be perfect
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she will bear my children
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Saya cunnilingus
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this guy >>494533830 is not me >>494533494 I was at 200m
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Why does /bag/ always call Kayoko a hag? I think she's really pretty.
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Forcefully using Aris' tongue...
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fuck you niggers
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Where Ogogee banner
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An odd pairing, but they go nicely together, makes it seem Serika is falling asleep listening to Cherino propaganda.
Saya. I'd make her stay with me for 48 hours as compensation.
kazusa took my virginity again
But nobody likes Millennium?
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Starts In 2 minutes
Ichika wouldn't hurt sensei.
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Saya's popularity will rise
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I could really go for some Megu Milk
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That's pornography...
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What should I eat for dinner today /bag/?
pretty hag
Rich coming from a girl holding a glass of iced Hanako pee.
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According to justin planner, I'm going to be spending at minimum 600mil cumulatively from now until February. So that's gonna be fun
Being ripe of age is very much an exception for a student
Even more so while maintaining a body like that
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A salad, fatty.
Because she's over 18 you dungo
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what for? Surely you've already finished your Set investments.
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A salad.
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>favorites = insta-max
>everyone else gets maxed as needed
>plat everything
I never go below 500m
this but 20m, been playing for over a year btw

don't even mind the EoS period until next bluefes because of that
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Floor 74 looks better
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a salad with extra ranch dressing because you're fat
New students + good students that I keep ignoring
Not even 5MMM most of them are just going from 1111 to 5744 or whatever
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Seia, let me drink your piss.
Ranch, or cool ranch?
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I blew ligmas on Atsuko UE50 just because I lost some defenses. I think I might be retarded.
it's hot outside so go with the cool ranch to cool down
Momoi never touched a salad in her entire life
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It's a shame we lost every match today but Jumbo tried her best and did really well.
She will if I put my dressing on it.
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decided to do more "serious" insane runs (NA)
I'll probably be save in the end. Don't want to do Torment.
>not 5777
Uncomfy clears dear god
Tenderly kissing Kayoko's lips!
Neither have I
Cup noodle.
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Momoi's a fatty that only eats chips and sweets
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I can confirm you are retarded
Your boyfriends cum
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Any 3 team setup for torment? how do i cope without Chare?
I made guiso today.
torment is easy though
The strength of a fully grown 18-year-old's thighs...
oough...Makoto...your tits taste so good...
I refuse to build wakamo
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You were supposed to roll for cHare, now suffer the consequences for skipping.
Yeah, I sure need that subskill that "Increases HP of allies" to be 14% instead of 11% for comfier clears. How silly of me
hummmmmm no.
you don't
Gently licking Kayoko's lips!
Maxed students perform better, everyone knows this.
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Slowly slipping my tongue between Kayoko's lips!
Yeah no shit, but it's not something that should be a priority if you have multiple students to invest at once
Everyone will eventually be 5MMM T9T9T9 Potential 25 Bond 50
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
Good night
gn anon
We should be getting news today right?
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This is my favorite picture of Kayoko.
>Everyone will eventually be 5MMM T9T9T9 Potential 25 Bond 50
That's not how it works, this is gacha
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> https://i.4cdn.org/v/1726354512691202.webm
why are /v/acas like this
Thank you, Karin
I didn't mean it!
this is disgusting
2 costco hotdogs and drinks
can you guys stop promoting making BA girls in this new AI tool
it's disturbingly uncanny
This makes me sad
Imagine if you had to use different girls for each PvP attack
God I hate PvP so much
This is my favorite picture of Hasumi.
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is this harbinger of EOS
Students that can't afford a Costco membership?
All of Abydos
>Imagine if you had to use different girls for each PvP attack
That would fuck over newer players more than older players
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Stop posting Kayoko
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This is my favorite picture of Wakamo.
Thanks, I hate it.
Akane, lower the defense of my Binah
maybe you could use Ui?
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This is Chise.
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I don't care, kill all newfags
Alternatively make this the rule for top 100 or something
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This is my favorite picture of Rio.
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>This is my favorite picture of Kayoko.
Flesh-pencils... we lost...
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>Junko shows up for 5 lessons
>NYJunko doesnt show up at all
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>no mole
Holy sloppa!
I don't even have enough strikers to fill 5 teams let alone tanks and I rolled for fuuka so I have a few more students than I would have if I was hard saving.
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Niya should win
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we warned you about the effects of junnyflation
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Is it? I really can't tell with that one.
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This is my favorite picture of Ako.
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Professor Nyanya
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it's so fucking over....
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Who should get alts new alt next?
For me It's Kikyou and rest of Hyakkaryouran
>blue archive netflix
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Fuck you
Look at the zipper
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This is my favorite picture of Ichika.
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This is Angry Chise
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This is my favorite picture of Akemi.
im eating out that cat!
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Less loli version
Evict SRT already
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Sexy Miyu
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My Sensei. Literally me...
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This is my favorite picture of Shiroko.
Sir, this is Wendy's
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fucking kek
Kill yourself
Never post that cringe ever again.
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This is Iori.
Do not enter Ako
No mole is a little upsetting, but I really like her face being completely blushing red. That's how I imagine she would look while I'm eating her out.
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What >>494539384 said
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What's next for Isakusan?
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Rare Utaha
Hinatards once again ruining the thread what a surprise
any particular reason for Hanako? or are your Azusa and Maki just not built.
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She doesn't seem like the type to be so confidently lewd. She's definitely the self-conscious type.
seppuku before Midori gets him
Okay, but for real now. We need more images of Ui with huge hangers, and I'm not even joking.
Winning while BA is declining.
>all this meta
>that score
Ui is small though, like Azusa
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Somebody stole my crafting luck.
Still kinda miffed how Kayoko joined Rio and Asuna in the secondary bait camp.
I know, I bet she would be so embarrassed. I wish more people would draw her face like this.
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go back to /kvg/
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>first project eos in less than a week
lol lmao
Made me laugh. Also
>running without moving/moving very slowly
AI is literally a tool to help us convert dreams to video format
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I got 1 purple report and 1 firing pin today
august has been very bad for me so you're not allowed to complain
Kazusa still clears her let's be real
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Suzumi alt when
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Will this cure Kisaki?
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The rope
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>only person in Kivotos I can share my autistic powerlifter music tastes with
>cat mom
>voice of an angel
>stable/stoic personality
She's always been one of my favorites.
At least she's not at the quinary bait camp with hi*a
Has the guy even posted since KV went under?
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you've probably gotten lots of purple gifts there's NO complaining allowed
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He's dead bro
I can't believe John Nexon would do that
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I need even more for her birthday...
I think Kisakiwank would improve the game drastically
Nope. Not even once.
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Shuro will be another feet student
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>complaining about crafting luck with that
death penalty
>any particular reason for Hanako?
I just copied a team i saw that had her, don't have Azusa built, but yeah I could've used Maki
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Why doesn't Sensei put his guard up around Hifumi? She's so dangerous yet Sensei is way more cautious around Hanako.
i think Miyako is in my walls again
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She never left
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Fuck you, explode
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Who is more Goslingcore? Kayoko, Kazusa or Kikyou?
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Post your favorite illustration of Kisaki.
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>no first person proposal/hug art of Wakamo
road map for global doko
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>no shiny or flower at the 3rd node, only radiant
>no purple gift every time
Happy Saturday.
Well basically look at the JP banner history
It's the exact same
You only like Kisaki for her body.
oh nyo...
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I've been having two weeks of bad crafting you knew the risks when posting that.

here's a funny pvp webm to watch while eating your final meal
I'd prefer gambling on a radiant over a shiny anyway
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Yes, and?
>3 years and BA is already dying
Fuck this fandom and their drama
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What do they have in common?
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I was wondering why the fuck Binah suddenly took me 4 teams for Insane but it turns out I was one blue using my yellow teams.
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I did get 3 pieces of purple furniture so it wasn't a complete scam.
No that's not me coping...
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purple furniture on radiant is good for crafting furniture selectors, at least. The worst radiant drops are the weapon parts and reports by far.
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In my defense it is months of hoarding and my bluefes keystones...
>Mine fucking dying
>Sumire missing Yuuka despite the double debuffs
>Eimi picking up the slack
I've been running Eimi a bit when I get the chance as well, her Normal can do some surprisingly high damage sometimes.
Says the fucker starting unecessary drama over fake bs
Who is Azusa? I got her while trying to roll for ny Akari. I have literally never heard of her. Does anyone like her at all?
kill yourself subhuman animal
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Pat the Waka.
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New sensei here:
This game sucks?? (love my students, though)
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My name is Ajitani Hifumi. I'm 16 years old. My house is in a small quiet lane of Trinity, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I am just a student in the Make-Up Work Club, and I get home every day by 9 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink peroro brand juices. I'm in bed by 10 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.
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I'd still prefer reports over ooparts honestly.
You spent 10 golds or 4 purples to even get to the third node and the game is like I HOPE YOU ENJOY A 25% REFUND LMAO FAGGOT
Do not pat Waka, she has fleas
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The primary protagonist
For what?
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>be 32 year old virgin
>read koharu's momotalks and think they're really cute and funny
>show them to my 18 year old normalfag nephew that has had a girlfriend pretty much non-stop since he was 12
>he doesn't laugh or anything
>he just gives me a weird look and says this game is really weird
>asks why I'm playing a game where I pretend 15 year old girls are texting me as a 30 year old man
>"ha ha... I just thought it was funny..."
>he just stares at me
>walk away
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I can fix that for you.
That doesn't explain anything. You didn't even say you like her. You must hate Azusa with all your heart, sad.
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I'm fine with taking the reports but fuck and I'm being 100% here FUCK getting weapon parts. That is easily the biggest middle finger you could get from the crafting chamber. Happened to me recently and I'm still mad.
If I were smarter I'd have used cKotori to get the helicopter, but I'd forgotten it was red armour. I'd use Eimi more if people ran things other than Nagisa or Minori but that's just how it is. Sumire did her job killing Haruna before disaster could happen anyways.

I liked running a 0 evasion team though. Just power through it with health, defense, and sustain. No gambling on Marina EX actually giving you the advertised bonus evasion.
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I like her so much, I have this image saved
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>hinawank forever off the menu
>kisakiwank will replace it
I've read this post before.
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Its in the OP dumb dumb. We already know what we're getting. NOTHING! (Well I guess this is good if you're missing Ui or Wappi)
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We hate Kisaki here!
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Really? Ok.
You have two images of her saved, wow. Is she your favorite?
>purple furniture on radiant is good for crafting furniture selectors
I must build the shrine.
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>wife alt at 49 so I can finally focus on 100 for her

gonna be a long road...
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Please be quiet, /bag/, Wakamo is sleeping.
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Trivia anon here. Sorry for not attending last week, I've been dealing with some health issues and I fear today I won't be able to host the quiz either. I'll be back next week.
It actually happened to me, unironically. I saw that art on twitter and wanted to post it so I figured I'd share my story again.
get comfy
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When it ended LMAO
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uhh.. there's no new content bwos...
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Take care
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Trivia... EoS...
Henlo what tank pairs best with Chinatsu's dodge buff
Because I am using Chinatsu no matter what
Sorry bwo, BA is declining.
We really are weird.
evil yuuka
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I like to run bag tanks against Iroha users as well but Iroha can actually put a massive dent in Haruka/Mine/Eimi anyway because bags are a joke. I wish I had Reisa so I could run her but that little gremlin never spooked me so I only have so many options when it comes to yellow. Build your BNeru already.
Bringing a healer works if you want to go full cheese as well.
My Marina has been shockingly bad lately, I really hate evasion gambling on tanks sometimes...
EoS Status?
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Average Yuuka
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see u in 6 months
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You mean Yuuka (default).
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wtf I hate the sisterhood now?
Yuuka Tsubaki
I didn't even realise Chinatsu had a basic skill evasion buff, I always thought it was DEF
Probably one of the dodge tanks so Yuuka/Atsuko/Marina. Tsubaki will work if you don't have any of those three built.
Considering she has a defense subskill as well, Yuuka and Tsubaki will get the most out of it, but not by much.
Did my first torment bwos
Less fucked up than my mock run too
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Looking for Hina/Hoshino/Seia blowjob animation.
I saw it on twitter but shit decided to refresh and I can't find it.
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Thanks, had her with Yuuka, just wasn't sure if there was a secret super dodge tank or something
Chinatsu's momos have swayed me immensely
I think it was posted last thread
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[X] Grope tits
[X] Squeeze ass
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Take care anon
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So netflix cancelled that french movie to do this...
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my bNeru will have to wait at 5444 until I pay the 675 T1 gear toll. cHare is also waiting at 5444 and I really want to fix that. I've lost games against Iroha because the split shot crits and kills Marina or Eimi if I'm being cute

I have literally never seen Reisa in pvp outside of one defense report where she was obviously deleted by Sumire. I wouldn't hate trying her out but she'll have to spook me first.
I regret looking the page up
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Thank you!
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bake me a new one chef
nuh yet
dont worry, the next story chapter is gonna be great, have faith
Man Hoshino's cock hypnosis eyes are so hot in this. Hina being a dutiful girl as usual and sucking my balls.
I have far more pictures saved of Kayoko than my studentwife....
Why japan started to appeal the niggers?
sexy Seia would never
this sensei has succumbed to the adult pussy
That guy's a westerner ESL-kun, plus nip artists have been drawing dark skinneds for decades so no idea.
Where are the images?
she punched me
scroll up
And she's at UE40 as well, right?
Iroha's splitshot really is nasty though, both Junko and Mikoto can dodge it at least if they're lucky which is nice but her accuracy is actually annoyingly high.
>I have literally never seen Reisa in pvp
There's this one chink in my bracket who uses her, he used to use Marina+ONodoka as well and I'd run some really silly teams against him all the time. But he recently got NYHaruna and Minori so I guess the fun ends now...
The problem is that everyday they're making the male darker.
Jamiroquai stole them
Junko took them all.
People say it's to make the girl look comparatively pale and pure or that Nips are naturally brown(some are) but it sounds like cope to me so again idk.
Can you believe that when nobody was looking Junko stole 375 images? That's as much as 75 groups of 5 images
lately NYHaruna has been giving me more trouble than any other single student, I swear every battle opens with her oneshotting my entire team
To be honest I was accepting that at the beginning, because it actually just looked tanned but right now they're literally brown, gray or black.
Just got back from the bathroom taking a huge Ako what happened to all the images
That's terrible.
in my bed
you already know I wasn't expecting to roll her on the re-rerun so I also wasn't buying elephs

I have 300 ligma but I might try and hold on until bing to see who I can UE50 from the gauntlet
Why is Jenifer like this?
That's our Junko!
How much of a diff is Reisa compared to Natsu for Pero TOR wise? I want to get the cringelord with selector but Natsu seems better...
What's the next raid bros
NYHaruna is hell for me because I'm pretty much banned from running Junko against her unless I wanna gamble. If you do happen to have CKotori she works as a great counter but otherwise you can just try cheesing the fuck out of them with a bunch of blue tanks and Yuuka.
Sometimes I double down on the gamble and run a low cost team with SHanako and SKoharu.
Now what? What do you want to talk about?
>Iori is the best PVP pick for the season
>gets shat on by nyHaruna
>half of top 10 is either nyHaruna, tanks or nyMutsuki

I've been playing Fallen Leaf all day.
This is BNeru's worst season anyway.
I am now up to a grand total of 1200 ligma thanks to my NYJunko farming! But that's my rainy day fund so I won't be making any silly PVP investments right now, not like I really have anybody I want to build I think.
Koharu is for ____
What went wrong?
...I bought pakeji
Anyone has vids for Binah?
She means sex, right?
>your shupo
>what did you have for dinner tonight?
Nozomi's vagina
just be yourself
what does Binah like to watch?
triple tank: Yuuka, Atsuko and Track Yuuka. Yuuka on top so she tanks SShiroko. Iroha as a win condition.
I want to try her out against the Haruna teams I'm having to deal with since I don't really have a good Marina replacement. But it's definitely a no-go until I get her at least to UE30 and that's not happening any time soon.
Me fucking Maki
learning to graffiti
for every one that color the male brown or black you can find two more that color the man sickly gray or even purple, which is far more offputting
Red Mash can also work instead of Iroha if you either don't have her or she seems to struggle to come online to kill everyone.
fumo yoshimi
>Yuuka on top
Where? The first slot?
Post Binah cock
Never thought of using CKotori but it makes sense, I'll try it out. Now to raise her... (I'm broke)
4th slot
Nozomi's body
BNeru is honestly fragile as fuck even at UE40 because her evasion isn't really that amazing and even NYHaruna/Nagisa can chip away at her. And because it's her worst mood she straight up fails to kill NYHaruna with her EX, Shun is no problem though at least.
You could always fall back on the fat tanuki.
What's the best booru?
I left my GA to the weekend and now I don't want to do it.
She's fine even at 3*, I don't know the minimum investment on her EX/Normal to kill NYHaruna as I immediately boosted mine to max on those but she pumps out a lot of damage. I was even using undergeared equipment initially.
auto Extreme
>Look up one of my waifus from other gachas in pixiv
>Every single piece of art is him being gay or NTRing the MC

Y'all don't know how good you have it here
Hey, it can be worse. You would be a fan of dragalia lost and like a particular maid from that game
don't know what you expect
>read miyako doujin
>calls herself a horse
why would a "rabbit" be a horse that's stupid is she stupid
gelbooru -rating:explicit
>read miyako doujin
>calls herself a hare
you're miyako you retard you're not hare
miyako mentioned
miyako (rare)
>limit break studentwife on the first month
>limit break studentwife's alt on the second month
What the hell am I meant to do after that?
I didn't think that far ahead.
limit break ako
limit break another girl
take the hoardpill
>your studentwife bond rank on the first month: 8
>your studentwife's alt bond rank on the first month: 3
>yuzutyie hanae animation
holy fuuuuuck
Not like you'll be able to afford to limit break anyone else with that fucked up oopart cost
I don't get it...
They saw Africa's birthrate and thought they needed some of that
I'm just gonna limitbreak BluFes hypercarries' atk after I get all my wives fully maxed.
>BA keeps losing
What anni would save this?
>caring about Set after LBing your main student
Couldn't be me.
>UE50 student
>can no longer use elephs as quick lesson finder
Nexon pls fix
the Anni that makes you go back
Shimiko and Suzumi alt anni
I have this weird feeling I'm being observed and cant fap

I started playing one month prior
Regular blue Peroro?
Tsubaki is just not fun to watch so I will not be doing that. It's a shame there aren't really any fun blue tanks but at least Sumire can cover that base sort of.
Do NOT say bing
I say bing and you can't stop me
ding dong
Why is Chise like this?
There's SPYuuka... I guess. Feels like blue tanks are pointless sometimes because they're just SShiroko fodder.
One day they will add a purple tank and it will be horrifying.
Name 5 things that aren't bing
Jackie Chan
banana phone
bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bing
shut the fuck up α“€β€Έα“‚
her problem is she just groups people up when the meta is AOE damage.

Sumire tank (elastic) soon
Yeah there's a few SPYuuka users in my bracket and it's funny watching them group up only to get nuked by my BAkane+SKoharu.
Please no
we momoi?
no momoi today
it's over...
total momoi eos
anyone got momoi link?
This one?
momiji eos
I'll host again when I add some more characters.

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