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Previous thread: >>494488135

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Rodya LOVE!
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Reminder that Dante is the rapist not the rapee.
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Sex with Sinclair
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>use a harmless and cool Don as OP
>thread quality was shit
Fine, I'll intentionally use an instigating OP then
Heathmael is SHIT and will never be real
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He wouldn't have sex with you. You're not a hag that looks suspiciously like her son.
>Heathmael is SHIT
This is agreed upon thoughever
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Heathmael is BASED and is already real (siblings trying to kill each other)
hate it when artists draw all of the sinners but don't order them by their designated number. wtf is this order?
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Faust and her husband
All the men up top and all the women on the bottom dummy
Moby Dick would make a great harem anime
>Neurotic hotblooded autist goes on a cruise with his tall cannibal tomboy gf meeting beautiful harpooners from around the world
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I can't draw.
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Out of all sinners OG books I have read, Don is the best one so far. Which books did you guys like the most?
My current top is
Don > Crime and Punishment >>>> Demian > The Stranger.
Although I have read Crime and Punishment 12 years ago and might change its place on further reread.
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I have no strong feelings towards heathmael
yayyy!!! daiwies dyon!!!
yayy yayyy!!
dyank yuu wimbyab!
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heathmael is based because it pisses off anons
i still do not understand this picture
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Paus Love
the secret lore of the pendant is that the master is also the Der Shooty abberation's love
Cute bird.
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>he didn't like The Stranger and Demian
Why are you here if you don't like autists or the mentally ill
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>You rub the bridge of your noses as you groan, trying to ignore the two idiots in front of you
>Finally, you look up from the papers you hold and towards Dante
"...you're filing a sexual harassment claim against Faust. That's correct?"
>Dante makes various clock sounds and you consider looking for the windup key to his head while he sleeps
>"Dante says that's not accurate at all-"
>You hold up a hand to stop Faust, before clicking a button to start up the projector
>On the screen is Faust, pushing Dante up against his bedroom door in the hall
>A hand his between his legs while the other holds his throat
>You can't make out what she says, aside from something about a "cat maid" and "the grippening"
>Faust stares straight at you as soon as you turn off the projector
"You do know this means you're fired, right?"
>She doesn't get to finish her sentence, before a blur of red grabs her and throws her out of your office window
"Thank you, Vergilius"
>Fucking Mondays
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clerk pov
very cute
Someone said Cashy looks like she ate something and is hiding the fact. Or something
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>that random 7 fixer staring at them
i'm losing my mind
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Sorry, Dante, but Vergilius follows Faust's orders as well.
is the zenya retard a female or a confused sodomite?
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But "Don Quixote" and "Crime and Punishment" about autists and mentally ill as well...
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Faust did not have sexual relations with that clock.
the out is
would she even deny that?
>in a /vg/ thread
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Are you guys doing your daily mirror dungeon?
There's a few drawfags that make meurdon art that I'm sure are women
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In front of the others, yes. Alone however..
are you the tranny sinclairfag or just another faggot?
>Daily weekly dungeon
Why would i
Nope, those drawfags are trans
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Moses marriage mating press nakdashi impregnation
no, i have enough to shard everything for this season and i want to stock up modules to grind season 5 mirror dungeon
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I'm not a troon you fucking nigger
These days I only run them when I feel like it since I have everything and plenty of resources.
Yi Sang!
>sinclairfag that's not a tranny
geez shipfags are mentally ill
he's just a homo
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The other Sinners get jealous of how much time they spend together
that's not what an oxymoron is
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i got like 500 modules and 1000 boxes just by doing daily mirror dungeons
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There are no women here.
There are no men here.
None of you are real.
Already did too many MDs in the past week. I must now get up to 400 modules at least if I want to get more and more boxes in a quick pace to shard stuff again.
>start ruina up again as i was almost done with the game
>it's another "read a novel to understand what you have to do this fight" episode
>close ruina
yea, no.
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retarded ESL poster
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me too!
Dante will friendzone everyone.
Finish your duolingo course
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>He doesn't know about best russian rapper
Shame on you, Sinclair poster
very cute and good job
you can draw, and did.
How would you summarize the various Sinnerfags?
all sinclairfags are trannies or worse, SI into the character of Sinclair
>/lcg/ finally realizing the damage that Sinclair and his posters cause to the general
Holy shit bros we're healing
I like The Stranger the best so far. I only have Hong Lu's book to finish.
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I have only read The Stranger
amazing, starting another thread off with the delusional schizo again
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THANK you, finally someone says something TRUE
if people ignore him he'll eventually get bored and leave
insane how few people have read Ryoshu's book considering its the shortest by a LOT
western based site will generally prefer western books
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Heathmael is cringe because she's MY wife and is NOT ALLOWED to frick anyone else >:(
I didn't like The Stranger as much as Crime and Punishment, honestly. How many of you related more to Meursault than Rodion?
still waiting for kjh to reveal you have to read every short story by akutagawa
>yi sang
trannies, underage girls or ricecel self inserters
incel self inserters that want a retard to fuck
weebs, but usually one of the better posters.
i think one girl likes him? he doesn't really have a fanbase aside from her.
>hong lu
female incels, shippers favorite boi
4chan, unironically. probably the most based posters this general has. i show respect whenever someone tells me they're a rodyafag.
also feeders (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTGVWtpiE7E&ab_channel=DailyMail)
groomers, homosexuals, mentally ill hags, hated by reddit so technically 4chan core
4chan. good posters, probably the sanest of the bunch. likely old (25+) though.
no one likes gregor, he's forgotten. imagine being a 5'6 jewish manlet with a nicotine addiction and a cockroach arm.
Only actual autists can't tell women from men. The point is that their gender doesn't matter here. It's all anonymous. We're all anon.
Being a retard fixated on it and bringing it up in thread is just as bad as attention whoring with it.
it's pretty funny how yi sang is objectively the weakest author on the list lol
dante has been forgotten once again...
I don't think he's going to go away now that you said that.
Anon, WE are Dante
twitter and reddit hagfags
It was the 2nd I read (for the first time) due to it's short length. I'm surprised as well.
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I got warned for my behavior in the last thread. I'm sorry friends :c
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Imagine being a little boy like this poster. I will groom you
one of the best pmoon pics btw
>old (25+)
I share this general with underageb&s.
>yi sang
bio women and faggots
regular 4chan posters
actual women
gosling posters
contrarians but with more basic bitch taste than ryoshufags
trannies and homos
literally has no fans except the occasional korean woman who draws guro of him
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>likely old
please tell me most of you are above 25
>weebs, but usually one of the better posters.
>Rodyafags is one of the most based posters
So you like the feetfags and architects, is that it?
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I'm 31
test failed
hi ayin
People keep mistaking me for a high schooler, does that count?
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I like Gregor goddman it. Stop bullying him for godssake he's a VET GODDAMN IT.
But anyone I hate is a tranny though
I really hope you're wrong
i don't believe in loop theory or that there's going to be a new cast, but there are two empty seats on the bus to be filled at some point
Though the age of shotajiji is upon us. Sit tight old man.
I'm 28
but anyone i hate is a hong lu fan
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Remarkably high accuracy post. You forgot to caveat it by saying
>all sinnerfags contribute to the highs and lows of the thread and /lcg/ is big enough for all of them.
You also forgot to mention Outisfags are 1000x more likely to falseflag as other sinnerfags and derail threads to make themselves look good it's obviously working
which matching outfits would be the best sexo for rodya and don to wear? Or pratically any two pairs of sinners?
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>there are people who have literally lived over a quarter of a century in this thread
ell em ayy oh
Yes? You're playing a game in a series very obviously aimed at young adults.
If you're 25+ yo, you're not the target audience.

I'm 23 myself, and I already feel like I'm too old to be enjoying this shit.
41 here
hi gregor
My favorite
Please come little 15 year old tourists so that i may groom you
If you can call what I did "living".
So is Outis and she gets bullied all the time too
Nigga shut the fuck up
>braindead take
Understandable, be on your way kiddie.
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>There are hag people in this thread right now
Don't you people have bingo nights to attend or something?
>barely an adult
>feel like you should stop enjoying things
you have severe depression ahead of you, let go of these notions and become happy
>yi sang
schizos or women
self inserters who want to fuck her
redditors or retards (perhaps both)
mentally ill people
women or "literally me" posters
faggots or women
femcels or shipfags
see don
faggots or trannies
xitterfags that fell for the hag meme
self inserters (but based)
What did you do
don't think he's wrong about the demographic though. pm is about as gory as jjk or csm and those are literally comics for teenagers
>Yi Sang
Women who into pottery and intellectual man who think of him as "literally me"
Kudere fags.
>Don Quixote
Basic dudes. Now feetfags joined here
Feetfags and dommy-mommy-fags
Women with basic "tall and obedient" taste in men
>Hong Lu
Fujos and homosexuals
Fujos and woman who into mysterious boys
Lesbians and men with basic taste in women (I mean ginger slightly bitchy girls is the most basic taste you can get, besides maybe blondes with big tits)
Guys who into girlfailures or, unfortunately, fatfags
Sadistic femcels
Men with mommy issues
Women who into submissive men
He is me and (You)
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I like her too...
Oh, I did. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. It's just that the theme and general set-up of the series is definitely aimed at a young adult audience so expecting most people here to be university students between 20~25 isn't weird at all.
Like, once you turn 25~27 you're usually getting your first "real" job, buying your first home together with your SO, and so on... The time you have to play gacha's goes down a ton.
get out zoomer.
>once you turn 25~27 you're usually getting your first "real" job, buying your first home together with your SO, and so on.
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Off topic and slurs
Oh, you’re baiting
>Sadistic femcels
stop entertaining that tranny delusions, thats why he latched onto our general the fucking tourist
your notions are dated back to the 2000s, that was two decades ago, let go of them and become happy
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That's quite retarded mindset. This series is made by people in their 30-ies.
You can enjoy anything at any age. If you think otherwise, then you should leave forever and go on cruise or play golf or go gamble at casino. Idk what else old geezers do.
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Fellow homosexual Hong Lu enjoyer here
Change Meursault to autist whisperers and literally me posters and Heathcliff to Homosexuals and Romantics (covers guys and girls) and I'll agree with your list.
>Yi Sang
>Don Quixote
>Hong Lu
Ok. I will. Goodbye
>and Romantics
femHong Lu
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I actually like Meursault the most because I've read the stranger and I'm terrified of becoming as estranged to human relationships as he is
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finally a correct listing
Isang no...
You’re actually like 50
The moment you grow to 25 you lose all happiness in your life and get fat and bald, as simple as that. Stop pretending to be kids, grandpas.
Manager Sama you make only the best lists
>Basic dudes. Now feetfags joined here
So you're saying Donfags were completely normal before the W Corp event?
this post is kino in how absolutely dogshit it is
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another hong lu TS artist hit pixiv
Dante canonically loves all his Sinners though.
I still have all my hair and am a healthy weight thoughbeit
>2 less than 18
hmmm, i'm calling the moderators!
>have to be le gore to be le mature
kill youself
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I have met dozens of irl limbus friends and i am by far older than all of them at 31
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Faustcliff is based because it pisses off heathmaelfags and self-insertfags
Cathy is the only good choice for Heathcliff
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gross, is genderbending being called trans now?
What the fuck are you even talking about? Most Sinclair posters I've seen on other sites are definitely female by the way they post
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>Two underage
fair, csm is the only story that i would call mature out of the three
Perfect for grooming
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>yesterday made it easily to phase 2 of Xiao with one floor but haven't beaten her yet
>today I can't even make it through phase one of Xiao with both available floors despite not having changed any builds or the floors I use
what happened?
>there are people over 24 pretending to be retarded in the Limbus Company thread on the daily
Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?
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>buying your first home together with your SO
I'd not be terrified. Just become famliar and give thought to your actions. So that you don't become wrapped up in something you did not plan.

That way you can enjoy your life as you like it comfortably.

If you do not want to become that way, you could work actively against that by engaging in humanity people and work related to being more empathetic etc.

Good luck either way anon. You will be OK I'm sure.
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that's the tag for genderbends on pixiv and every asian website, my little western retard
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Can't we all just get along?
S tier behavior
You became spontaneously DUMB
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I'm not pretending.
Been using support W don for 2 months, today going to stop being a broke faggot and grind md 5 times for enough shards to get it
>there is variance in my RNG game

whoa....no way???
Ishmeal and Rodya...
>never had and will never have a SO
sinner for this feel
if you're 22 or younger, please just get off of this website. i wasted my entire youth here.
it's not worth it. it might be fun, but you'll continue to be a social retard and this'll bite you in the back once you're an adult.
go out, have fun, be social. do not use this website. get out. get out. get out.
cute cosy girls
Gregor :(
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>buing your first home
You are either 50, or you will be surprised by the real estate market, lol.
Also, how the fuck do you plan to pull off a house at 27 if you don't have a real job by 23??
Best case scenario for most people is to finish uni at 22 and start working at 3rd year of that, even before their diploma. And even they need to take 10-25 year mortgage in that case
/lcg/ will go nuts when Faust will get WalpAngelica ID
I don't like people
It's fine if you use two groups to do phase 1. I personally think it's even great, if you use Yesod and grind for the abno page that paralyzes on blunt hits, you can trivialize phase 2.
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Is this Ai, who is it supposed to be aping
I had this open because someone linked it here in a previous thread
Hmmmmmmmm nyo
it's AI
Wow, someone actually saved my shitty drawing. Thank you anon. You made my evening
i want to waste my time on this site tho
The meta in my country is that your parents put down 100~200k for your first house, and you get a mortgage to cover the remainder once you get your first job.
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nice n cozy
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It was a rhetorical question, it was obvious
But who are the voices supposed to be imitating?
It is AI, I don't know who its modeled on though.
Yea, but once you grow up you'll have to deal with them anyway.
Get used to it now, and profit in the future.
Xiao Hong Lu
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Knowing I need to work for six years to be able to afford getting a mortgage in which I spend 70% of my salary for 30 years to pay it off makes me want to distort on the spot.
i love meurdon
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If Carmen was real the world would collapse in a week
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how far away are we from the billions of megadeath in the trailer or are they gonna retcon it
And if you lose your job in those 30 years? All of that time and money in the shitter while you rent for the rest of your life or worse case scenario become homeless
Do we have any information on the ruins besides that R corp sends expeditions there? That's all i remember so maybe i missed some small info sprinkled through Ruina and Limbus
Whatever will be after Don's canto
It's pretty much the same everywhere. If war haven't started, then I would probably be able to pull off a 5-year mortgage with my salary. But it was like, top 3% in the country, and I'm pretty sure people who are younger than 30 and can afford the same mortgage plan are extremely rare.
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WhiteNight will show up and do that at the end of Inferno,bro.
Meursault's canto where the qliphoth deterrence will truly shatter and abnormalities will be set loose onto the populace
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I doubt it'll get retconned since they've started putting dates on the cantos to see how close we're getting
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they've always been doing that
Post chubsters
Didn't it get added in an update at some point? Fairly early on iirc but I don't remember them being about at the start
The thought of trying to get a partner in this economy is frightening
I've already decided that I am just going to an hero after I make sure my parents rest peacefully, and I'm not going to take some kind of loan to buy a house
Out of character
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Love me wife Outis
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>Hong Lu's fight against his brother will court the death of a limbillion people in the process
That's China alright
Wish we'd gotten to see more Sinners in clothes like this from Zwei
hong lu gets on his flying spear after getting a pill of 40 years of energy from his auntie designed to poison him but due to deep meditation and dantes help he can defeat his older brother in mortal combat
I think you can slot in how his rock-like physique helped in overcoming the poisoning I guess
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Unfortunately that'd be too unique. Best we can offer is a shoulder guard on top of their uniform.
I was promised demian mom. where is she
We saw her already in the previous games bro -_-
What do you think those Golden Boughs we're running around collecting are pieces of, anon?
so cute
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love when sinclair is depicted as a little milf lusting freak
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what did they mean by this
Poor guy doesn't even know what he's holding out for anymore
I think it's kind of obvious what they mean by it, but play ruina if you're confused.
>Wing goes to shit
>No man's land
>New Wing gets established
>Modicum of normalcy back
can't wait to play LC2: Limbus Corporation in 2040
If only I would live that long
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what the fuck is up with westerners and making ishmael brown?
I have a crackpot theory.
Sinclair isn't just the character from the book, but will also be Adam from the biblical tale.
Demian will aslo be "Eve" or Eva and through temptation lead Sinclair away from the LCB, or attempt to.
My only basis for this is Sinclair's ego and my schizophrenia
>Sinclair's ego
He's a baobab.
>sinclair learned cultivating from hong lu and cultivated himself into a fucking tree
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>>hong lu
it ain't gay to appreciate a good twink
>Cain is the first-born son of Adam and Eve
zamn, I can see it
it would, however, pretty much solidify Sinclair x Demian as canon, and director would probably rather not get into even more controversy
It's a very controversial opinion, but it needs to be said.

Ayin was right
Women and men are not allowed to date.
Women and men are not allowed to be friends.
Women and men are not allowed to meet.
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So, since Don is daughter of Cain, that would make Sinclair her grandfather
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It's the dedicated cutie squad.
based faggot/dyke utopia enforcer
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Just ate the best limburrito I've ever limbeaten with lots of limbcheese and lots of limbeans.
Your response, limbabs?
i miss rabis, the new gacha beast does not have the same impact
what the fuck is a limbean
This except Outis and Executive Manager Dante.
This except Outis and Executive Manager Dante
This except Outis and Executive Manager Dante.
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>*Jiggles your limbelly*
an outiskek made this
But what if I wanna fuck pussy?
Yum yum yum
westerners do that to any character they feel like but if the shoes ever on the other foot they have a meltdown
Glad for you, Rodionfag-ome.
you should limb yourself
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I should probably finish upgrading some EGOs...
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>likes dicks
Hey futafaggot
Fuck off my general
What Limbus has the wettest slipperiest pussy
-1 image slot
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I literally JUST realized that Sinclair has the mark of Cain in his symbol
are you a donposter by chance
Rodya's plump thighs...
Pretty sure it's an egg, anon...
Time to become a faggot anon
But only if you're actively bleeding out/melting
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Do not stick your dick in crazy
But only if you're Dante
Can you remove this image.
I don't like it.
Limbus Company reminds me of Homestuck, unironically.
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In some ideal world, Roland impregnated THAT
give me a reason why I shouldn't stick my dick in crazy
It actually is, why are you guys shitposting?
Kromer when she sees Sinclair
The reason Kromer gets staggered when you bring Nclair to the fight is due to the orgasm
Get the fuck out of my Library
project moon (after limbus especially) has been a haven for homestuckoids
Homestuck is the work that taught me that I really, really, really enjoy when symbology has mechanical impact on the setting.
rodya introducing outis to ishmeal! both of them complaining that it's cramped inside her churning belly!
I had a dream i had sex with Kromer
Men are only allowed to have sex with other men and get AIDs
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If it was truly ideal he'd have impregnated both.
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Because it was obvious since the beginning
I grabbed that blond chick you looked funny at in aldi the other day and fucked them as they dressed like Kromer, was waiting for you to self report to tell you this retard
Fuck you, give me your dreams.
I want to fuck that robo-racist into a fucking meat pile.
this is incorrect. Meursault would immediately answer to Don's call because he knows it's proper to.
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Stick your dick in crazy.
>Since the beginning
At the beginning we didn't know what the Mark looked like.
You'd need to see the mark, THEN look at Sinclair's icon closely.
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Are you sure that was a chick?
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Anon, we saw the mark since the game released
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I like Kromer and how she looks but I don't like crazy.
I thought the egg was cracked because it symbolizes Sinclair leaving his shell...
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Fair enough
I watched Supernatural with my sister so i knew
>has never heard them used for anything other than troons before
Actual ngmi m8, I will attend your funeral to hit on your aunt
I like when this artist draws big Kromer.
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>egg was cracked
Sinclair will become transgender. This explains so much things...
what's an aldi?
Did you fuck her
cheap grocery store
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He hates transhumans tho
>faust knew this would happen and did nothing
>using singular "they" when you know the gender
Yeah, man, you kinda outed yourself here. There is no shame in being gay, don't worry. I won't judge you
Sorry anon i didn't mean it i don't even like Kromer that much
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It's the dedicated cutie squad.
Demian literally had the mark in the trailer pre-release, anon…
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aldi is nice
their french toast bagels are fucking incredible when you're hungover
No I have a lot of younger sisters, but I'm attracted to older ones that I don't have
All sister fetishists are either freaks or only childs
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Okay but in all seriousness, how do you counter the Brushwood passive? Specifically that is what keeps screwing me over.
>Illiterate with troons on the brain telling me how spoken language works
>when they're first called a chick so a girl
I accept your admittance of defeat.
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This was deboonked ages ago, anon.
ruina fights get too long late game and it jeopardizes the whole experience, change my mind.
He doesn't hate prosthetics, he just felt uneasy with them because his family turned themselves into triangles and squares
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If i remember that fight right, you can use several floors but i wiped her with Yesod and heal/paralyze passives
The amount of times I've gone in since it was there, grabbed 1 thing then put it back because of 3 15 minute lines is a bit annoying.
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What will be the Shimmering passive effect in Limbus
Literally no ass. Zero. Nihil. Ninguna.
>when they're first called a chick so a girl
ESL-kun... You should check your own sentences before calling anyone illiterate
it raises the stakes and makes beating the challenge feel cathartic
same with lobcorp, that game is mad long.
It already exists. Shimmering is just "This boss has a fixed rotation".
yeah it's always bad when the wagies aren't working
i'm blessed with having wednesdays off so i get to run around and do my errands while everyone else is in their cages
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Not everybody can be built like Jack-O bro
a special passive for every boss where they'll be immune to rupture because it will be too good if properly supported
At the start of each game session, exhaust
all Ids and Egos of your account; add new Ids and Egos to your account. Their Uptie becomes IV.
Rodya can.
Hell, even Outis got bigger hips and butt.
both Roland and Angelica getting ganked but the baby being saved and Argalia having to raise it sounds cute
Go nigger babble elsewhere
I don't think adding a big time investment in a single fight that has an outcome decently affected by RNG a good idea. principally when you're replaying fights to farm cards
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Jam has a bigger ass thoever.
Vore is such a trash fetish.
Wednesdays off sounds actually perfect honestly to get shit done.
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I wish either of them were built like her. Also Outis ain't got shit for hips.
Irrelevant characters need not apply.
What's the most kino moment in limbus?
god I love Rodya's va for jacko is so hot
Dante killing the sinners and engraving his Aspect
You are the dumb nigger here. Kys. Or I will find and rape you. That anon went too soft on you
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i disagree
When the silly man jumps in the die instantly water
It takes the sacrifice of 12 but is for the greater good for all of humanity.
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When Charon takes Vergilius' ego after his death.
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The whole Canto 4
Rape victim esque post
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heath thread
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man fuck working at drevyat
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Four way tie between Yi Sang dealing the final blow on Dongrang, Ishmael SCREAMING "OARSMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Vergillius choosing to intervene in the basement of Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff and Cathy of different mirror worlds yearning for each other as [CLEAR ALL CATHY] goes in to effect
Why the fuck is Devyat rupture? Most boring status, Please give us fairy back
Oh. You sure will be, anon. Just you wait. I am in your walls and I stalk you through the night
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so peak that, not only the audience, but even the characters within the story were like "wtf, that doesn't even make any sense"
>order my nuggies to be delivered by the devyat
>some jobber takes a wrong turn and limbexplodes
>no nuggets
bros do i still have the receipt for this shit do i contact the öufi?
Rodya's VA also voices Jack-O so...you know...
I keep seeing comments along this phrasing pop up here recently.
What is the intention of it? Is it successful?
Feels a bit too specific to be general use.
Honestly I don't remember any of it. There's the scene of the bug soldier turning back towards us while mutating before the giants hands come down I guess?
you get what you pay for
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>furrified Singing Machine vore
I'm honestly not even disgusted, just completely baffled as to why that abno in particular.
>No uncle Argalia spin off series where he and his garage band have to raise his niece
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>that was so funny
Typically these things are born out of an anon receiving the comment. They in turn use it on others because it upset them. Hence most of the aping that goes on around here.
Idk. I'm just roleplaying for fun
When Ishmael told Heathcliff he had a blind obsession
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When LimBus Company turned itself into Blue Archive; funniest shit ive seen
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>Clear Cathy
I clapped.
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It's like the text version of calling someone a squeaker.
Generally no real meaning, it's just funny to say, the real joke will be when someone reading posts saying it, absorbs it into their actual vocab and says it in the wrong place.
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>>494542505 (me)
>Heathcliff and Cathy of different mirror worlds yearning for each other as [CLEAR ALL CATHY] goes in to effect
I take this back, honestly the entirety of 6-48 is pretty well executed, tied up with a very neat bow that is "Through Patches of Violet" being a duo
Specifying just one moment of it is a disservice

I'd honestly claim the final clash vs Ahab fits too, IF Compass did not have vocals
I cannot understand anyone who even tolerates the vocals
Except for the part where the singer goes
>"when it snaaaaaaaaaapped, my compass was swallowed by the sea~"
>"my compass was swallowed by the seaaaaaaa, I curse this relationship between you and me"
every other lyric has this scratchiness to it that makes me want to close my ears
Such a terrible shame, because I think the instrumental is fire
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Unpopular opinion. But for me, It's canto 2. It was hilarious.
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Sinclair and Dante both melting to death while trying and failing to achieve what they felt like was their purpose
That parallel was kino
Ishy getting bathed in chewed up rodya snacks...
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Looks like Rodion's on a diet
tattoo or gtfo
See that bread, will be fixed soon.
Well water.
whoa wtf i guess i'm gay now
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The TRVE scriprt.
Is this a FNAF reference??????
yes, you can tell because the image has been mirrored
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Rodion is very cute!
how is this hard to grasp
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>Why does the abno that you feed entire bodies to have vore art of it
Who fucking knows
That *is* the second floor in that picture, or rather what's left of it.
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She's going to eat HHPP out of stock...
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End of Canto VI.
>Clear All Cathy
>pic related
>Heathcliff and Catherine in every mirror, embracing each other one last time
>'But among the infinity, I catch a glimpse of tranquility."
>"But Heathcliff was watching all of it in silence. As if he wished to carve each and every single one of them into his memory."
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The cutest!
I want to give her spending money and feed her whatever she wants to eat!
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This 4
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Dieci make pilgrimages to the Ruins according their ID info.
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I really have no idea what the fuck you people see in the most hackneyed hamfisted muh destined tragedy plot for retarded sockpuppets.
>The relics of the saint are magic bullshit from the Ruins
Why not cosplay one of the hot sinners instead?
I enjoy that their resolution ironically was to become selfish with their love. Not love every version of each other but the one they had.
I'm sure your high-class tastes in only the finest literary works of man make such sequence of actions pale in comparison.
I only beg for thine forgiveness, CockLover69.
>Dante, I'm so hungry, and ish is looking really good...
would you?
Because when you do the best, why bother doing something that's worse?
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Heh, good one Anon.
I'd kill Ish, alright.
you're not killing her
If one of the sinners eat the other, and you rewind the clock, would the sinner be vored? Like are they going to rewind in the stomache?
Mon amour
Philip (Nice suit) is a pushover even if you bring Xiao to the fight, huh. I guess it makes sense since he's the first in a boss rush, but I was expecting something at the level of SotC.
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<How's that even a question?>
<Ishmael, slather yourself up in butter and report to Rodion's room immediately.>
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Watch me.
Blue Philip or Philip (forma de statue)?
'Cause if its the former, he gets lowered resistances when having burn inflicted onto him
you're not really doing the killing would be more accurate, that'd be rodya's juices
Xiao can (quite effortlessly) solo Phillip. the first layer is meant to be more of saving up your keypages than anything
What is a squeaker
>No, you're being ridiculous. Why butter? Are you crazy? Why are you sending me to Rodya's room?
now what
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You ever play Call of Duty or something?
Oh. I thought it was some real world slang I was not familiar with. Never mind.
/lcg/ won't survive another in game Ishmael "blind obsession" reference.
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>I used to rule the City
>Seas would rise when I gave the word
>Now in the morning, I sleep alone
>Sweep the streets I used to own
>I used to flip the coin
>Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
>Listen as the crowd would sing
>Now the old king is dead, long live the king
"I read a guide pamphlet and it told us to do that. Surely you will trust a pamphlet, right?"
if the clothes are out they could be rewound normally otherwise they get spawned back inside
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I freaking love hags bros.
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wild that some people can call rabbitcliff powercrept nowadays
Rodion, go eat gregor's clothes
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10000 good rolls for the anon who translated this.
Next boss will be pierce envy weak trust the plAn
Also applying fragile is just really good he's always gonna be at least splashable
<Past menopause? That just means we don't need to use a condom.>
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As you should
<Butter would've made things easier for you. But if you don't want to listen to your compass, Rodya can always do it the hard way.>
everything about rabbitcliff that isn't his skill 3 is actively bad by today's standards and even QS is only impressive as an on-demand fragilebomb
Hey, that was me! Unfortunately I got extremely fucked with my Walpurgisrolls
If you were to go back to the earliest threads and tell anons that rabbitcliff would be powercrept, how would they react
>M-manager?! What the hell?! I'll bring this up to Faust, this is completely insane!
19 :D jsut started this game
<It is a gacha, after all.>
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Ishmael, get eaten already.
>The Distortion was violent, moreso than usual
>The fact that only Heathcliff, Ishmael and Outis were alive after a well placed Upheaval put the screaming statue down was a testament to that
>You watched as the three Sinners staggered over to you and Dante, the clockhead carefully catching Outis as she stumbled blindly
"You did good, just rest a bit while Dante rewinds, yeah?"
>You give the Manager a nod, and he does his thing, the sound of ticking intensifying
>The three survivors manage to catch their breath in the time it takes for the others to resurrect, and get up to make their way over to the others to help them reorient
"...Dante, you forgot Rodion"
>The gambler in question remained nothing more than shredded flecks of meat and bone, as if Don were allowed to cook
>Dante stares at the pile of meat, before looking back at you
"I mean, I'm not the one in charge of your fighting team-"
>Dante shrugs, before herding the useful, living members of the team onto the bus
><I focused on bringing back the useful ones, don't worry>
>And as Mephistopheles drove off, leaving the pile of meat behind, nothing of value was lost
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Try eating THIS
Why people want to feed Ishmael to Rodion now? You're saying she's the sinner with most nutrients in the bus? I thought that title was placed for Hong Lu with how rich his body must be or even Faust with all the brain inside of her.
23 so she's in hag territory automatically.
No one should’ve been surprised when it’s both a gacha and PM. Surprised it took as long as it did for something like ringsang to come out.
faust would NOT say that
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>You're saying she's the sinner with most nutrients in the bus?
Yes, and I'm tired of pretending she's not.
who's pov is this? no way verg would be so casual
Its about the taste, not the nutrients. Hong lu tastes like chinese noodles and I fuckin hate those
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(you), Anon
most all of my Shitposts are from (you)r perspective
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Paus says listen to your manager, Ishmael. Paus knows best and Paus knows Dante.
Incorrect, I am not Gregor.
her diet at sea made her full of nice omega 3s and collagen, she'd make rodya look stunning
>이스마엘, 빨리 먹어라.
>and I fuckin hate those
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Ishmael with a boobjob..
Faust would ABSOLUTELY say that
Behead all those who insult the city and the human experience
This thread just proves that none of you know how limbus characters act
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Stop letting your daughter post here, Baral.
shouldn't rabbit cliff still be good in, like, railway where you can set up his QS with bodysack and nuke the fuck out of a boss? i never bothered because getting the best banner was effortless last railway
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>Ishmael, hurry up and eat
All that matters is they make me horny.
Incorrect because all my posts are 100% in character and factual
I wanna shoot ropes onto Outis's bare ass and see the white contrast on her skin
Pal, I'm just writing shitposts to distract myself from the fact that doing a fresh restart of Lobotomy Corporation was the stupidest choice I've made in a long time
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Behead Limbfidels.
is there any other girls under 20 here
>Lobotomy Corporation is not a cute and funny s-ACK
is PM a publicly traded company? can I buy majority shares and tell them to EoS limbus?
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<Sorry, Rodion....but Ishmael's armpits belong to me. You can't eat her.>
They haven't gone public.
im 22, so im basically just like outis age wise
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that's not lobotomy corporation
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<Outis, you need to have sex with me right now!>
Bro... are you me?
>runs in
>stabs your womb with my cock
>runs out
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<Heathcliff, put my PDA down!>
*are there any other
Women arent real. Go away
>"Fuck this, this is some weird prank. I'm going to my room."
Did you not beat the game before starting all over?
I didn't make this post
I wanna plap Rodian as she digests her Fishmeal.
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the city is alive
>source nigger?
the way the story presents the city in ruina,the fact that it has a hearthbeat,the fact that the index exist and how the head seems to treat the city
the only monsters allowed in the city is those of the pure human experience anything else is expelled into the wastes to die.
But I'm Dante.
Based and same
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If you don't start putting spaces after your commas,I'm going to start doing it,too. But yes,I agree.
hi friends, new here, wanna try to get into this game and I'm gonna reroll cuz why not, anything i should look out for to? preferable a unit that makes things chill for a dumbass?
Anon who recently read Don Quixote and The Stranger here. Just read Hell Screen. It's a pretty short book, even compared to the shorter works like The Stranger, so there's less to say I suppose. I enjoyed it, it certainly felt very Japanese (in a good way), though I feel I've experienced similar stories before.
One thing that surprised me was that Yoshihide was a man. For some reason I had thought that she wasn't genderbent in the game, likely since people seem to really emphasize her being a mother. I do feel like I sorta understand the vibe that the canto is going to go for, though I feel that it's going to be the least tied to the actual plot of the book, at least in terms of characters, since there really aren't many characters in the book. It's really just Yoshihide, his daughter, the feudal Lord, and the narrator.
Overall it built up to the climax well, and the narrator very much felt like he was speaking to you, rather than recording something, which I enjoyed. But, while it was an enjoyable hour or so, it wasn't exactly the most thought provoking or original story. I guess I enjoyed the "vibe" the author built, it was obvious where things were going but I think that was very intentional, and the goal was to build up to the inevitable conclusion.
I'm definitely more excited for her canto, and I'm very much convinced that, unless there's some twist with her being the stupid monkey also named Yoshihide (surely not), she's definitely a mother. That's a huge part of Yoshihide"s character.
Of the works I've read so far, I rank them as follows
>1). Moby Dick (Yeah yeah hate me if you want. I loved it, I have great memories talking to my dear friend about it, sue me)
>2). Wuthering Heights
>3). The Stranger
>4). The Odyssey (I feel like perhaps I should remove this, as I haven't actually read the Illiad, and I feel I should before Outis' Canto)
>5). Don Quixote
>6) Hell Screen
>7). The Wings/Crows Eye View (this is the only work I didn't particularly care for.)
fuck u
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<The big fat Whale was Rodya all along...>
>gives the skirt to the least curvy sticc character
you bullied this anon so much he's pulling out the emotional attachment card. hilarious
ishy screaming at you for letting her get digested
*shoves you into a locker* READ THIS, NERD!
<The skirt will fill out after a few consultation sessions.>
I just don't feel like having to defend my position on the book for the 4th time
>still filtered by idealbook
No, I did
I did a full reset
Which makes me plap even HARDER
>All those Dantes allowing Ishmael to get digested
>So they can feel how it's like to be digested inside Rodion
Wait a minute...
Why do you regret it?
I can't believe the thread has been taken over by vorefags
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<You fool. It's about forcing the most dominant sinner into clothing she would otherwise never wear. It's the appeal of knowing despite her strength she still has to do what I say. Getting to see her lesser seen bits is also a nice bonus.>
Go ahead anon, please. Enlighten us on why you enjoyed The Wings. Or Crows Eye View. What makes it so special or impactful to you?
Reroll for grips Faust and ring painter yi sang, it's a great duo + 150 shards for painter outis and the Shi Ishmael you always get is 4 lust a res team members that can asap EZ clear mirror dungeon. Then from there anyone else with lust skill 1 or 2 is good for generic team building
finish down Rodya's throat to drench ishy too
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I responded to you last thread, unsure if you saw it.
Glad you enjoyed Hell Screen. It's a short but nice read, I understand what you mean in regarding the vibe.

You don't have to justify your favourites anon. You like what you like. You should read the Illiad sometime when you can.
Hope you enjoy what you read next.
>nless there's some twist with her being the stupid monkey also named Yoshihide (surely not),
this is the one time I feel that twist wouldn't work at all especially after the uptie story in her lobco ID
Because my Nuggets don't have the nice EGO suits I used to put them in
I had a pair of Nuggets that I pretended were twins, put one in Crimson Scar and made him head of Disciplinary and one in Cobalt Scar and made her head of Welfare
ishmeal needs to be useful somehow
You should thank native speakers for taking the time to help you with your English.
"Ishmael I know it is lonely in there so I've brought my kids to keep you company "
How do you even let the thread get this bad?
Moby Dick "fans" made this thread bad.
no content
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thank you friend
Guess I'm going to have to start filtering vorefags huh
every general goes to shit when there's little to no content.
Not an excuse. Other generals can go through years of no content without turning to vore ERP.
on the other hand "she's the daughter" stocks rose exponentially
Found the only limbless cousins were futa so now out of hate I'm trying to coerse the next to be vore
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Of course. Here is the first image as well if you like.
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how come limkeks cant use this
/lcg/ is special
Play and recreate them, anon. Maybe get some mods for a second time playthrough.
What if Faust walked in?
Vorefags and Ahabfags in power at the moment
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ehh not really I feel like her lobco id was her just coping/projecting to the Mother
Activate the clock and feed Faust too
Surely you're not talking about ishMALE
how the fuck would that EVER happen, she'd say no
That's the plan, Just gotta get Crimson Scar again and I can have things the way they were.
All of Asiyah meltdowns are done, so I get to do the 'fun' soon.
God I don't want to do Binah's meltdown again
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He hasn't been powercrept! He's still STRONG!
idk what that all means but I will look out for those 2 and infer the rest of that info... Thankyou verymuch!
Were you the one that said Mersault was less alien to you? Yes I did see it but I had some friends over for mahjong and didn't get to respond before the new thread started.
In regards to what you said last time, I don't think Mersault is evil or anything, in fact I think that's sorta the whole point of the book. I'm sorry if my post sounded that way. People sorta just have this automatic hatred/fear of sociopaths, psychopaths, and narcissists, which I think the book sorta touched on. Mersault is literally (seemingly) incapable of feeling the sorts of feelings the prosecutor lambasted him for lacking. Is it really fair to judge someone for that? Honestly it's one of the few places I think society hasn't changed at all from that time period. I mean, he still did kill that guy, he was guilty, but still, most of the prosecution was on his character.
No I 100% don't think she's the daughter. Like, there's no way, at all. Ryoshu is in a lot of ways similar to Yoshihide, but is not at all like his daughter, besides the fact they are both beautiful women. Yoshihide's daughter is timid, and doesn't paint
If these threads have taught me anything Faust would listen to whatever Dante tells her to do
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danke danke, nyes glad to have that too friend
it's hard to imagine what could have happened for her to condemn herself so strongly
did she want her kid to get into art and the kid decided not to and that's how it died?
"That would be a unique experience to contribute to Faust, they'll be jealous "
It would go exactly like that.
shards = type of currency
get them from dupes or grind
use them to get a character
150 for 00
400 for 000/EGO
that's all
it's not going to lead to faust voring ishy, she'll say no
>did she want her kid to get into art
Yeah... i suppose you can say that
In regards to that, it just felt like KJH was further cementing she has strong feelings about how family (general before comments) and now a mother should treat, care for or think about their children.
So I look forward to seeing what she experienced to give her such strong outward feelings. Her being harsh on "the mother" and gently removing the babies from her then placing them on the ground let me know her wound is still quite fresh.
Taking the time to question or reprimand an abnormality is a bit nonsensical otherwise.
Faust would only ever vore Dante, as voring is an intimate act. She's not a pig like Rodion.
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Just gotta face the fear.
Yeah because Dante would tell her to get eaten by Rodion
why would faust want to know that experience
mmm i c heheh thanks again
Is Sinclair... you know...
stinky? very
Yeah, I know. Only issue is that I prefer to only have 3 Agents in each department since it's less of a headache managing them all, at the cost of firepower when shit hits the fan

It's funny how the simple phrase 'Face the Fear, Build the Future' has managed to get stuck in my head so hard.
Straight? Yes, yes he is.
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So in most content you want sanity to 45 asap.
Grips Faust on her own generates sanity for the team if you play 4 or more lust (orange) skills in a turn so her + the painters and shi Ishmael is 4 members likely to get 4 lust skills in a turn to activate this Faust ability.

In the main grinding content of the game this team also inflicts good amounts of bleed which is easy to win with there to make grinding more of a team easier for the remaining slots.
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the daughter better be her child
found family bullshit would not work
>"Dante, there is no need to subject yourself to that pain. I also do not wish to willingly die."
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The yolk in my ssanghwacha?
She wants to not rely too much on the Gesellschaft. So that is going to fill in her curiosity, since there's not going to be more opportunities like that one in the future.
Faust wants to know everything.
She doesn't know what eating Ishmael then being plapped is like. Do the math.
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rodya will get jealous
Rodya will (headcanon)
C'mon man.
<Faust, I sent Ishmael to get eaten, knowing that I would feel her pain afterwards. Now...get in. You'll enjoy it, trust me.>
She'd gladly agree as it would be in the name of research and Faust knowing everything
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sh-shut up! Farmwatch is coming, trust the director's plan.
Why is there fucking vore roleplay in this thread
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No, it's fine. I did not expect a response. Just checking if you'd seen it.

You never stated or implied he was "evil". Don't worry, it did not feel that way.
I'd argue that he does feel things. Many things, but not in the way that others do or that is expected. He's not someone that is deeply attached and overly empathetic or sympathetic to others.
He thinks on it, doesn't necessarily know how to process it and then lets it fall by the wayside because he only cares so much.

And yes, you're correct. The prosecution was of his character, not the actual altercation and crime that took place.
Hope your mahjong get together was enjoyable.

Of course.
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>Hell Screen discussion
>Faust, Rodya, Ishmael vore ERP
canon Ryoshu moment
A mix of good and evil like always.
so is faust psychically linked to all of her other timelines?
yeah she gets to feel every me smashin her puss in all the mirror worlds
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hmmm interesting, sounds pretty awesome thanks for the explanation!
surely there's a limit
wut is this
>n faust hates all clankers
>gives dante a pass because ???
i thought you guys said limbus writing was good
How different in appearance can the Zwei from the East and the North can be now that we know the ones from the West dress like European Knights?
when we lost a superior cutscene artist because this game was made by chuds
If there is, we've yet to reach it
Time to do more research
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She's stupid and thinks it's a mask, disgusting readlet
I know its impossible to listen a woman but at least you could try to read what she speaks it's a mask
Please stop with the vore roleplay
She got the LimbCock treatment.
That's right, you can't win against the LimbCock.
Bait starting early today huh?
Sorry anyon. That one is so stale I'm not interested in it. Make me another.
Nfaust being connected to Faust knows Dante with memories is a racist clanker hater with an all human 10 incher.
Keep up with the lore retard.
Anyone have any idea what we are looking for at here in Forest for the Flames? Maybe I'm just not observant, but I don't really see many references to Hell Screen here. All I see are candles (not a big thing in Hell Screen, but I guess there's a lot of fire in the climax) and the 5 finger's symbols.
Unfortunately less people wanted to talk about Hell Screen than did The Stranger or Don Quixote. Any suggestions on what I should read next?
My main takeaway from the book in regards to limbus is, I don't think that he was "normal" before and some traumatic event changed him. Book Mersault was clearly always this way, so I don't see why limbus Mersault would be any different. Which will make a big emotional climax at the end... Interesting. Not that Mersault feels emotions, but they are very different from the ones the other sinners have felt (melancholy, regret, jealousy, etc). It also makes his strange, Gloom Chains of Others against Erlking even more odd. Why did he do that? Even ignoring the Gloom, it was implied I think that he felt something for Heathcliff's situation there, I'm pretty fascinated and I think his canto is now the one I'm most looking forward to.
Any suggestions on what I should read next? I'm gonna hold off on Dream of the Red Chamber for a while, it's extremely intimidating
but limbus is woke????
It's not; check the list bozo
dante literally cannot speak regular words and can only tick and tock. thats not a mask, the clock completely replaced his head. i thought faust was smart? i thought she knew everything?
the list is also woke, retard.
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You should re-read Faust's NCorp UT ID story.

Aside from this though.
I noticed MC Office Heathcliff/Faust are tagged as a mechanical amalgam.
Does NClair get his buff fighting Sasha from the Warp event?
retard is a woke ableist term, factoid
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Did you even played the game?
She's dumb as brick when there's no wi-fi present.
Good goy, now find Limbus there if you can.
Yes, in fact; he does.
Sasha and the MultiCrack Bloodbags have the <Mechanical Amalgam> tag attached to them, so his extra damage buff triggers against them.
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Speaking of translations, anyone know what this one says?
t. lobotomite
>finish fucking rodya with ishMEAL being sloshed around in there
>bring ish back while rodya relaxes and gains 40 pounds
>faust walks in
>ish starts berating you like crazy for the entire thing
>faust just swallows her whole and then demands she receives the same treatment because faust says so
>ishmael screaming inside faust's gut and mouthing you off as you fuck until she's slosh
i'm just here for the replies, milkwater slurper
Did you just call someone a factoid?
cum-drinking nincompoop
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>have everything in the game
>still farming boxes
Im buckbroken
stupid dumb retard
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you smell
Incredible thread, limbabs. S tier general.
I hope your ice cream melts and drips on you, you air-breathing simpletons.
I only lurk here to see shitposts and discuss lore
and shit on past PM games
carmen keeps LOSING
ayin keeps WINNING
Gotta keep the rent down, there's been 2 whole shitty reviews of the game this week on YouTube. Can't have those people thinking this is the place to be.
>we had actual book discussion for the first time in months
>People talk about vore instead
Never change limboobs.
You can probably imagine how hopeless I felt with my first big boy job at 19 as an electrician, watching shitter houses go from 100k to 150k in just a few years. When I first started wiring them, they had fans in at least the living room. Then they only had the basic bitch boob lights, but we still used 10/3 wire so a fan could be easily installed later. Then we didn't even use that. Just basic 10/2 wire, all while the price continued to climb. My first step towards the American dream was me watching it sprint away from me leaving a trail of dust. I live with my grandad now and I hope I'll be able to inherit his and my deceased grandmother's house. He had 2 kids, but my uncle died last month and my mom has turned into a Black Hebrew Isrealite, so I hope his misogyny and distaste for her cult will push him to giving it to me.
This is a good limthread limbabs. Good work.
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as you should be since those mfs are getting cut in half next month
You only lurk here to take screenies to show your discord friends you fucking faggot. Go back.
You see, it's because we had vore discussion that we also had book discussion
Imagine if instead of the pianist it was the Eater and Roland saw his wife and unborn child vore'd in front of him.
Would he still be able to forgive Angella?
book discussion is fucking lame and gay and the bookfags are consistantly the worst posters during story segments
>erm director-nim youre butchering the hecking source material chud!
shut the fuck up dweeb
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Yes. I'd have to agree with you. I don't think Meursault was "normal" or A-Typical like others before. He just is who he is.
As to why he is the way he is and why he acts the way he does. Why he holds back, why he bites his tongue. What caused that, is what I'm curious to learn.

I agree, the build, break, and resolution will be very interesting. I greatly look forward to it.
As to why he stopped Heathcliff, I am of the mind he did so because over time he is coming to take more responsibility in the goal of LCB. He and Don leaping in front of Dante to protect him from the blast in Yi Sang's Canto makes sense as he's [likely] tasked with protecting him if not already been directly instructed to do so.
He understanding what his personal responsibility in a given situation outside of direct order is what we're seeing progress on.
In Sinclair's Canto, he holds him back but also does not notify Dante of his emotional instability.

In short, I do feel it's his progression of doing more to aid the overall goal of LCB rather than a (strong) emotional feeling of responsibility or care for an individual. Though he did interject factually that some might fancy Dante and not find him odd. I think until we get those swirling unending monologues, those streams of consciousness swirling around in his head we won't actually know for certain.

I'm glad you're looking forward to his. I am as well. I'd like to know more yesterday as it were.

You many continue to put off DotRC longer if you like. I will say once you get into it, it moves pretty smoothly. There are also audio books and a few drama adaptations as well if that's more your speed.
Fabulous. I did not run him so I never checked.
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Genuinely terrible thread tonight.
You should just ignore that which does not interest you.
The people discussing vore would join the book discussion if they wanted to.
and you're not making it any better outisshitter
Is Dyon gonna be a haughty lolibaba who does a villainess laugh with her hand to her face? I want her to be like Yupiel.
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Don Quixote is cute when she is in distress.
When is Outis going to save Dante from danger like Faust, Ishmael and Meursault did in previous events of the story?
here's ryoshu and ishMEAL
i agree
>The people discussing vore would join the book discussion if they wanted to.
Who's to say we aren't doing that as well?
she's always annoyin
You got the assignment wrong, it was supposed to be Rodya and Ishmeal.
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sinners for this feel?
The statement is neutral and does not imply one way or the other.
Yi Sang
ishmeal is for feeding everyone
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>my fish wife
>every losing to that stupid arthoe femcel
gregor cause he's poor
Is /d/ tier fetish talk considered off topic?
Never. Look forward to another two instances of Faust saving Dante next canto.
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she puts out
it will be during next walpuris with the Big and Will be Bad Wolf Heath ID
no,please continue talking about how you want Rodion to vore ishmael (You) and how you want Faust to rape (You) and how you want Ishmael to have a big futa cock the thread is at it's best when people are honest with their emotions
It's on topic when it's my fetish.
Ishbros...are we going to be compensated by El Diretor for all of these horrible past threads?
If Dante told Meursault to cockvore Sinclair, would he?
Probably yeah
Yeah, it's way better to be a fucking vore coomer. Definitely
fine, here's ishy turning everyone else into meals instead
ishy still feeds everyone
Is PM thread in /d/ still active?
N Corp Heathcliff
I've found a couple audiobooks for Story of the Stone/DotRC, they are... Intimidatingly long. And unfortunately I could only find them on YouTube instead of where I normally listen to audiobooks (Audible only has shitty, incomplete versions). But I simply don't have the time to read a 4 volume epic so I must do audio in that particular case.
Did you at least like the book? Did you feel it was worth having read? Also, if you've read all the books, how do you rank them (including Divine Comedy)
Does Gregor have a bug penis
at a glance because i'm sure as fuck not hanging out there, probably not because it was one of the boards affected by the oopsy woopsy fucky wucky wiped all the threads
<Rodya finishes, she goes to Faust. Faust finishes, Outis. Then Don, then Ryoshu. Helps keep them nice and curvy, their love handles are coming in. Plus, don't need to spend anything on food.>
What do you think his "arm" is?
Well damn
That's a loss
God, what compels vorefags to exist. They feel like the sort of people who would literally burst into flames if they were exposed to the pure light of the day. Truely "people" with black hearts. Subhumans who've fallen. Literal orcs.
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She wants to FUCK him
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Enough vore. Make way for the homos.
Kill yourself, vorefag
*uuurp* daaaw, it's okay Ishy~, I'll let you out in a bit...
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dragon ball ruined the lives of thousands, sad
God, what compels futafags to exist. They feel like the sort of people who would literally burst into flames if they were exposed to the pure light of the day. Truely "people" with black hearts. Subhumans who've fallen. Literal orcs.
You could convince Hong Lu to try doing some vore. He's always on the lookout for new experiences after all.
Someone mentioned RCorp in /k/, neat
you could read a sumary and nothing will change
They are long, you're right. Yes, YT is what I used as well in the past.
I did enjoy the book. But I also enjoy period piece dramas and read/watch a fair amount. I think you will be fine.

As if I feel like it's worth, I'm not the ideal person to ask such a question.
I would find it worth because I like to have my own opinion on things. So of course I need to and want to read the source myself. Maybe listen to a fair portion and see how you feel.
There is no shame in it not clicking with you or feeling like too much of a slog. I think you enjoying WH and MD will lend you to be able to get through the more dry or dragging parts that others might encounter.

I do not think I could rank the books in an objective tier list in a reasonable amount of time personally. I can say what I enjoyed or took enjoyment from and what was informational at most.
WhiteNight will save us all
He will bless us with his holy light and bring us to heaven
In heaven,there is no vore,there is no futa,there is no rape,there is no sex,only true,unfiltered,pure,love for our savior
God, what compels Outisfags to exist. They feel like the sort of people who would literally burst into flames if they were exposed to the pure light of the day. Truely "people" with black hearts. Subhumans who've fallen. Literal orcs.
There wouldn't be any of that here either if Manager just used the execution bullets on these fucking CLERKS already
why is vore posted in every single thread lately
District 23 does exist and we know they're a bunch of pretentious shitheads when it comes to food so it's not actually that big of a stretch to say that some sick fuck out there got augmented so they could swallow someone whole
God, what compels Donfags to exist. They feel like the sort of people who would literally burst into flames if they were exposed to the pure light of the day. Truely "people" with black hearts. Subhumans who've fallen. Literal bloodfiends.
You fags let them think they were welcome.
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
Don after being churned in Outis...
It's called gatekeeping, sweetie
They're actually keeping the true undesirables out
You should be thanking them
everyday lawfag start to make more sense to me
4 and Devyat Rodya is good while Bygone Days Ishmael is bad.
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More CEO when?
talking about fucking rodya or faust while ishmael gets digested inside them is arguably better than whatever x does to them
>district 23 was just mentioned
what the fuck
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Please don't carry this over to the next thread.
Devyat Rodya vore is confirmed
Anon, you might be schizoaffective.
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What's the appeal of this?
my son :)
being churned inside kromer
Being churned inside Rodya
4 and next thread will be worse
you mean twitter?
it'll be better by then surely
4 and the next thread will be more of the same
For me to self insert as in fantasies where Rodoan molests me.
I sadly saying this know what the replies will be,
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Older man being fagged by a twink porn
Yes, x (formerly twitter)
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4 and the next thread will be better
you guys suck at getting 4s
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cute youthful blonde boy made for ryona and molestation
do shinegros never get tired of jobbing this badly?
4 rhymes with vore
no 4
it's limover
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4 and *hack* *cough* she is my WIFE *cough*
I hate all of you
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It's because of Ishmael. The compass of degeneracy points directly north towards to her, tracing back to that damnable soundpost and vocaroo. The vile voreposting seeped into this general like the black waters of the Great Lake, ever since that fateful day when Ishmael was (rightfully) made a fool of, but alas the mere association with her disgusting presence attracted the attention of the undesirables. My proof? My absolute fact and objective belief but you've already known this, so instead I present to you with Rodyavorefags, who have long since existed in this general as slumbering whales, having barely shitted the thread with their disgusting fetish. Now stirred, awakened and lead by that abominable ginger, they post freely and will stop at nothing until this general's quality has been devoured in the gaping maw incessant shitposting.

Know this /lcg/, Ishmaelfags should be hung, drawn and quartered for the betterment of this general, this board, and this site.
Newb here, any tips on what I should build for EX clears?
4 and rodya vore
I change my mind, I want to self insert as Sinclair and be molested by THIS.
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all failed rollers get the opened can
Has anyone stopped to consider that all of our posts start with 4?
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better for whom?
i'm so good at screaming i bet i could be the new dub for mountain of smiling bodies i just screamed in panic after seeing the state of the threads and i realized i sound just like mountain of smiling bodies when i scream in distress is there any way i can contact the director
Love this ginger like you wouldn't believe!
4 and she'll never open the door for you
And is your wife in the room right now, Mr. Linton? Catherine I believe you called her. I don't recall anybody going by that name in the Wuthering Heights manor?
Holly shitting! Is that shyte made by bsaed TotleighSoft BECAUSE COMPUTERS, greatits devevloper of all times?!
t. lobco apologist

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