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Previous thread: >>494526072

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

You like Sinclair, huh? Well, maybe you should keep it to yourself.
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<Who ate all the pussy?>
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Rodya LOVE!
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Rodya did not deserve last thread.
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gyud nyid wimbyabs! zenya nyops yuuv nyad nya gyud dyay!!
wemyembyur tyuu fyinyis yuur daiwies byefyur dya dyay nyis nyov, nyan dyad zenya wuvs yuu!
sweep weww wyen yuu gyo tyuu!
Bros, what are the chances that Anselmo will be in Don's Canto? Literally the only way to redeem Linton would be to have an even bigger cuck show up.
cute OP
How vital is he for the story in DQ
>Bottom 3 popular Sinner
What does she deserve anyways?
starting the thread off nicely huh
NOT being turned into whatever fucking character that was last thread
>that filename
I found you...falseflagger...
Utterly and completely unnecessary. It's literally a 40 page NTR story that has nothing at all to do with the main plot. It's kinda hilarious
"Man, I hope I don't have to worry about sending anyone on scarecrow duty"
>Very next Abnormality batch has Scarecrow in it

Fucking goddamn it
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Too much to handle.
Huh? I just picked random Ish pic.
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Oh yeah, S rank bitches
It was funny doing the shelter strat tho, considering I have all ALEPHs in my facility
I'd say funny secondary character but even Samjo is important since he is the "catalyst of the story" of one IRL Dongrang's plays.
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Who gets his ID?
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Can't wait for this to happen to Don in her Canto. It's so soon bros.
I am still farming w don from last thread
I slowed down from reading what ever the fuck was going on last thread
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Also found this Rodya
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That's a good Rodya
The finished version exists though
Didn't, mean to reply
I am ignoring any and all posts that seek confirmation bias.
Dyon and Sinclair!
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>considering I have all ALEPHs in my facility
Did you do that with Blue Star in your facility? I think it's near impossible to keep the thing alive to kill Gebura when it affects everyone once it's out.
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Can't wait for this to happen to Don in her Canto. It's so soon bros.
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So with Canto VII approaching we'll be passing the halfway point I just want to ask, what has been everyone's favorite so far?
Mine's V but I'm biased a bit because of Ish with VI very close in 2nd.
Does Devyat Section 6 unironically deliver food? They have to, there's little reason why someone would want jobbers to deliver their expensive goods.
That happens in every piece of content technically.
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Rodya would NEVER run away from a fight!
She's merely tactically repositioning!
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Yeah Moby Dicksucker, we know.
We know that you'd give Melville the sloppiest blowjob ever done by mankind if you ever had the chance to do so.
Ah so now it's gore.
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Yi sangs
I love this dude so much
what if Ayin is the windmill? That would be pretty kino I think
I, the ones that come after that are not bleak enough.
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Pretty sure it's Tsukihime, anon.
faggot secondary doesn't get it
Sleep well.
The windmill will be her dream
pretty sure the windmill is going to be the advanced version of the pride peccatulli
Ayin will come back and give us a boon.
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For now.
A bat or a pillow?
Anyway goodnight, Zenya.
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Make a STUPID post
Ishmael haters are the biggest seethers in this thread holy shit
Faust banned the Hindley Rodya ID from being used
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How can you strangle someone in their sleep with a bat?
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small ass image
>sinclair schizoing out in far side
yeah i can see it
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reminder to defang your vampires
it is the safe and morally correct thing to do
but it already happens, anon...
I can't tell if last thread was ishfans or ish haters.
>Ishmale* haters
couldn't find a better one
Reminder to breed your vampires on the daily
They love it.
>"Faust knows everything, because Faust is a genius"
>You stare at the newly hired Agent in front of you, before glancing down at the clipboard Malkuth provided you this morning
>All her stats are at 1, with her Prudence somehow being lower than the minimum cutoff for new hires
"That's... interesting, Faust... we already have a job you'd be great at"
>She looks smug, as she follows you down halls, the soft yellow of Control giving way to the Purple of Information, before bleeding into the Orange of Training
>You stop in front of a containment unit, before handing a blank notebook to Faust
"You'll be doing Instinct work with Scarecrow, it's not hard, just-"
>"Faust will be fine, for Faust is Faust. Do not worry about Faust, Anon"
>Without even taking the notebook, she heads inside, and you watch through the window on the door
>She begins talking, and the reaction is instant
>The Scarecrow immediately runs past her, banging on the door desperately
>You can only stare in shock, as it pleads to you with its empty eyes
>Slowly, it gets pulled back into the center of the room, with Faust standing on it as she continues talking
>With desperation, the Scarecrow shoots out the 'straw' it uses to drain unfortunate Clerks of their graymatter-
>And nothing happens, the straw is completely dry, even as you see the Abnormality suck with what could be enough pressure to collapse the Woodsman's body
>And with nothing to sustain it, the Scarecrow dies

>You're getting written up for this, you can feel it
don't have a favorite yet
yi sang's is the closest because i liked dongrang's character arc but nothing has wowed me yet
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IV > VI > V > I > III > II
they like it in the butt more,so remember that too
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>this thread
They've been doing this for more than a couple threads, anon...
is she ok
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god I wish Don's hair grew long when she went bloodfiend mode
I really wanted this type of hair for her
you get what i meant retard
I want to know if it was them spamming THAT garbage last thread. I don't think I've seen a worse thread in so long.
it'll be the same hair but fluffed out sexhair-like to reveal red highlights
Why is Canto I better than Canto III, anon?
If that's all it takes to bother you, maybe Reddit or Discord is more your speed
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Comrade Yuri
yeah she actually learned human emotions and met her boyfriend from that so it turned out good
4 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 1 >>>> 2
Even so, I wouldn't say 2 is outright bad.
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nyangela shall save this thread
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i like 6
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Probably? You could say part of what made those posts possible is that they came up with another nickname to poke fun of her with ''Ishmeal''.
I think it serves as a good intro to Limbus Company and the wider City for the gachaonlies. It's heavy and depressing, and it does a very good job of making me empathize with Gregor and want to see the conclusion to his story.
I don't really like Sinclair.
>If you don't like shit where you eat, YOU'RE LEDDIT
Fuck off.
what will you do if 7 isn't as good as the last few cantos
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What could mili bring us on Canto 7?
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Sometimes I wonder, what the fuck was Yi Sang smoking back then.
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dunno. make a foxpost or two then go back to business as usual i guess
i just want don to murder all bloodfiend even the good the bad and the ugly and we has to stop the genocide form happening
I hope youre right
A mid song with high pitch vocals, as usual.
Wouldn't be surprised since it's Don's Canto
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>Why yes, that little girl is indeed my bride.
That chicken looks so gross, Is like 80% fry crust
no offense but are you 5
A kino song with kino lyrics, as usual.
You sound tense. Maybe take a break from the computer for a few hours, reevaluate some priorities, and come back refreshed
Personally hoping Don goes bald when she morbs
I like Canto VI the most at the moment. Before that my favorite was also Canto V.
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I will... not do my dailies anymore and be really angry.
It's still fetish shit, maybe it's some twisted form of endearment, but I don't want to know anymore.
How about just NOT letting threads go to absolute shit like the last, you animal?
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nta but no one has that much control here, anon. Things just happen. You can't really save anything once it's pointed out.
>How about just NOT letting threads go to absolute shit like the last, you animal?
>Implying random anons have control over what other random anons do
Yeah you really need to take a break from here
maybe you should apply for a janny position next time hiromoot re-ups (lol)
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*mind controls you*
You can only make GOOD POSTS from now on, and not BAD POSTS. Please keep in mind that below this post, you are MIND CONTROLLED and have to do as I say.
Oh boy
Retard fight
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*mind controls you*
You can only make BAD POSTS from now on, and not GOOD POSTS. Please keep in mind that below this post, you are MIND CONTROLLED and have to do as I say.
Mon amour
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>This thread
This art is gorgeous.
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>Wanted some jerky she packed away
>Knows her box is dangerous
>Carelessly looks in the wrong compartment anyways
>Fucking dies
Why'd she do it bros?
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I don't control you, but you'll do what i say regardless, Make horny post
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But you came after the good post mind control so how could a good post wind up making bad posts?
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Draw some abnos, Anons.
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Mind control? That's for wimps, y'know. Wimps of the brainy sort.
You know, thinking about it for a minute since Don goes nuts because of her shoes is this like her version of a Nigga Moment?
And yeah I get that even shoes can be abnormalities that can take people and even androids over, but what if her special timbs got destroyed or if she were to get both her feet cut off would she still spazz out?
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Altough I suppose I didnt have the bird exodia (I have it now)
>I think it's near impossible to keep the thing alive to kill Gebura when it affects everyone once it's out.
Yeah but blue star is just a cl*rk killer. Its ping its pathetic, the midnight of violet tentacles are much more scary
There's also the amusing Nothing There x Melting Love loop where they will just stay there forever hitting each other cause melting love will heal from all its attacks and Nothing there will just heal normally. Gebura walked into it in two tries.

Mind you, for my S clear I just let them all contained.
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Do as your heart tells you.
both me btw
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Jerky is worth gold
Is meat
But portable
Utter to me what you think the ideal is.
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More kuso, as always.
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he smoking that mary jane that nefarious sorcerous moon grass shit, that shit that made gubo try to kill vergie, this that shit that turned samjo into sticky icky goo. Shit be wattered with the tears of 42 k-corp eyes and the blood of a half dozen of vergillius' orphans. This that shit gluttony peccas are based on, this shit'll turn your augments off. Yeah this is some real nigga grass
If most story nodes cost 20 enk which equals 1 module why do story nodes not also accept a single module?
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Do what you want! just B urself!
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I don't control you,i will never control you,but you will listen to me,i know you will,i know you will do good,i know you will do what's right,i know you will make posts about me,spread the word about me.
eating melon and dropping dead before tasting it
Being a contrarian doesn't make you cool, you are still a limbab
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Hong Lu!
Wrong + not a limbab + you are a ruinabab
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His stoner smile never fails to crack me up
He looks so high he might as well be flying
Your prescript for this thread is to pick any random post and deliver it with a theatrical reading.
Best one gets one limbillion lunacy and all participants a (You) likely
Its not contrarian when most agree.
Man if only Rodya was sexy like Don so she'd be popular
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Im a lobobab
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She is sexy; She's just not special to care for.
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I will later anon. I want to try some new colours.
But need to give my head some time.
>How about just NOT letting threads go to absolute shit like the last, you animal?
No one can do that. And you're seething is only going to provoke certain kinds of people to do worse just to piss you off. If you can't just scroll past it, unironically go to a site more suited for you.
I love Big and Will Be Bad Wolf
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Ishmale is so ugly and mannish...
He's so cute
Draw WhiteNight
director needs to go fix the pink shoes abno event now
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You are into vore
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Don is cute not sexy.
Draw BlackDay Silent Girl
He's dying from TBC.
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0-2 road home
3-5 laetitia
6-9 QoH
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Very high volume ejaculation. Almost hard enough where I felt like I was being pushed back.
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It's over for me.
will do
yay can't wait to see what you come up with
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Hong lu...
Meursault is so lucky
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Cute at day, Sexy at night.
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that sounds incredibly silly
he could solo the entire ba universe
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Haven't seen Road since in a while, i think the Leviathan thing killed all their lovers
Cocacolamale, actually. Meximale, even.
I'm into Red Hooded Mercenary kicking his ass
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Dante becomes 500% more erotic if you can see his FLESH. I understand why el Direttore hid it now.
He's so cute bros. I want to protect this smile...
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Vores you both
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Webm too long so I can't post it
>reveal red highlights
Ha ha Don's gonna get ketchup and mustard hair
are there any art of don cosplay as a clown yet if so can you send it to me
THAT is fucking cute
Thanks, pal
Post sinners being friends!
The manager who keeps posting this will get Mael'd so hard he'll become the biggest ishbab known to man
Dante was made for Don. No nose
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why does Donkey fuck every mission up
<Nah, I'd win.>
though this was coach mcguirk for a second
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Here you go
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she's literally roleplaying but she's that always chooses the to do the wacky thing when presented with the opportunity
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<Nah, I'd wi-ACK.>
They're not just friends thougheverbeit
What if they change Don's name to Miguel
the yisangmeurdon throuple...
That's cute, i miss thematic abnos, limbus be lacking
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<What a bony, yet chubby and malformed, male-like hand you have there, IshMALE. Now let me go, my hand is starting to smell like fish.>
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I wonder who MIC is
Is Crack Cliff worth putting on the charge team? I'm still using GANCHUNG
clown meat
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People come up with some pretty neat looking OCs, honestly
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Yeah but if it's MD it doesn't matter that much
Change her name to The Stain.
Ye switch em' out
Post Dante abusing the sinners!
anon the first one isnt an OC its a character from a mihoyo game
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>*Mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu~*
Do I get something for killing all 30 Doubt robots in the 2nd walpurgis mini?
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Some anon pointed out how the anon behind this soundpost made Ishmael sound like Muscleman.
I can't get that image out of my mind now. It's making me visually focused.
I hate this fat retard.
Literally just Argalia, down to the sister complex
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Dante would never abuses his sinners.
Super cute. Love this artist.
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Now I'm MAD
the new rodion is really cute
I love this fat retard
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<Yes I would.>
WIP mod
yeah i member
Hard to say since I resonate with the themes in Canto 3 onward in different ways.
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Post Dante LOVING his sinners
Post Dante X sinners porn
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<MY Heathcliff.>
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Post Dante
Why did Ayin become a part of the light and run away from the consequences of his actions?
Man it's so weird that these zoomies who supposedly hate troons also constantly bring them up
his role in the plAn was to be an absentee father
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I mean these things.
Is there a lunacy bonus for killing all thirty?
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i member you
you get lunacy yeah
why are all these futa carmen images [CENSORED]
I want to see it!
Oh drat.
I'm not sure if I need more AOE or something been coming up a bit short.
He did eventually show up for Angela's realization
But I think he can't actively work against Carmen given the nature of EGO being self-realization.
Meanwhile Carmen can just whisper into their ear to give into ZETSUBO
Would be nice if in his omniscience he could fucking do something though
slot 1 spicebush is better than slot 1 MB outis
anything else is just spamming aoe ego
doesn't matter if it only hits 1 enemy, you have to be sure you clear each wave in a single turn
Absolutely built for being fucked like a girl in reverse missionary. You will regret insulting Ishmael's womanhood
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i added someone to my friends because i thought they were a girl but i think they tricked me
Let me guess, you like sinclair too?
I had no idea those fights were still accessible at all. Yeah, it's a harsh "timer", iirc the strategy at the time was to spam Outis' Ebony Queen and Ishmael's Blind Obsession. Regret Faust and Spicebush Yi Sang with his Sunshower EGO as well help a lot
ew fuck no
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any advice on the "inflict 6 statuses" mission?
only thing i know is that "next turn" stuff dont count
What team should i use?
Is this the gacha cartel I've been hearing of?
what do you mean tricked
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Peek at you own discretion
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Wednesday can't come soon enough
Is Limbus crashing for anyone?
Been happening a lot more often recently on PC.
Carmen's big carmens...
just bring as many niggas as u can with different statuses to a fight and smack the main body with em then win
He still left the Sephirah and Angela without them giving any satisfactory ending,either a chance for them to live or just killing them outright and he didnt even stay behind either to die with the rest of them
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Solo Yi Sang Lament
Butterfly Yi Sang, Lamet Faust and LCB Outis.
Apply all six on the body of the big dude.
What if i do and what if i don't
Now it's a dog? This SUCKS
I forgot how utterly dogshit kether realization is
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Canto VI. A bit of a clusterfuck at points, but overall it was KINO.
<I do not sound like that! And I'd never lose to Ishmael!>
Extraction Gestalt Ordeal?
Angela is whatever but leaving the Sepihort like that is fucked up
What did PM mean by this
VI wasn't terrible but:
The main character being Heathcliff made it worse because Heathcliff sucks.
There being no dungeon sucked.
There was also way too many bosses back to back, it's like 10 boss fights in a row in the second/third part. It makes all of the individual boss fights feels less impact. It was the first time a sinner distorted and nobody talks about it because it lasts for 10 minutes in between 10 other boss fights. A Sinner distortion should've been the focus of the entire Canto, sidelining it was super lame.
PM meant that Ayin is eeevil
No, it's Extermination of Geometrical Organ you retard.
No it's clearly Extraction Gestalt Ordeal
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their manager card was very girly, it had this faust image and their border was pink and shit
but they changed it and now its manly instead of cute
The Sephirah had a satisfactory ending though. They atoned for their sins and completed their life's work. They were all content with fading into the light according to what they say in Ruina.
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Thanks, borrowing a spicebush solved the fight.
I don't see any Lunacy reward though.
they were gonna fade into the light? i don't remember that,sorry then,i thought they were just left there to die
>I don't see any Lunacy reward though.
I know because I lied
Obviously he lied to you.
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>I know because I lied
So do the assocs run eateries and cafes? Since there's no ethnicities that are really defined, food being Assoc related fits, no?
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Wrong thread, vtumor.
Ah shit wrong thread h-haha
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can i put my penis inside your mouth
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The moment these chinese idols do some official meetup in the state, I will shot up that place
What a manly face...
donbros.... not like this....
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man lamentsang is such a stupid character
i wasted an hour of my time trying to do the walpipi missions with an actual team but solo sanging got almost every single one in a single run
It's almost as if this event is tailored for him.
the elusive heathcliff hater...
this guy draws yuri like a cheap vtuber
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That face will drool over you with ECSTASY as you get raped loser.
What caused Ishmale to transition from male to female?
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Ok so gnomes are monsters and monsters aren't abnos but monsters are whales and mermaids aren't quite like distortions and ordeals aren't abnos but also aren't monsters.
What are all these entities and do they relate?!
This last intervallo is confusing me!
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I think she's cute!
Would tap her cheeks!
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I'd never let that boatbilly get anywhere near my dick.
too little time spent in the waters, barely any lore outside of I WAS DROPPED IN THE OIL I FACED THE WHALE, shit writing except for the ending
they wrote in Leviathan stuff that would have been stupid to not be mentioned in VI, covered the whole book except the children, so PM did a good job
<MY Faust.>
<MY Yi Sang.>
<MY Don Quixote.>
<MY Ryōshū.>
<MY Meursault.>
<MY Hong Lu.>
<MY Heathcliff.>
<MY Ishmael.>
<MY Rodion.>
<MY Outis.>
<MY Gregor.>
>Outskirts beings that are not human are monsters
>Whales and Mermaids are monsters
>Distortions are Distortions
>Ordeals are Ordeals
>Abnos are Abnos
Is that so hard to understand?
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Sancho and Dulcinea?
Also women.
I don't know how to break it to you, but "she" is a man.
Dante is so masculine that people just default into referring him as a he despite technically being unknown
But why do these things exist?
Where did the monsters come from?
I know abnos happened because of L Corp but I don't rememeber if it explained ordeals.
I know distortions are people goign DESPAIR mode in some semblance.
You will fail anyway and get raped while sounding like a little whiny BRAT. This is canon.
I was right. You are retarded kek
Sinclair, or Gregor.
The real question is, who gets the Lothario ID lol
Oh I see, you're being wrong.
Well you're allowed to do that.
Carry on.
Sancho and Dulcinea?
Yellow Calf (forma de donkey).
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When are we getting Kemonomimi IDs?
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nta but im moderately surprised at how popular he is
heathcliff has always been my least favorite character (after canto vi he might be above sinclair but he's still near the bottom) and i dont get much of why people like him
They come from the ruins or are created by something or someone either in the city,the outskirts,or the ruins
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Wait a second, FAUST is ANGELICA?!
Dulcinea is not gonna appear lol. She's not even actually in Don Quixote at all, and probably doesn't even exist.
Like, book Don literally can't shut up about his imaginary GF. But if our Don hasn't mentioned her even once, it's safe to assume that's something PM has decided not to adapt.
Never, kill yourself.
rodyafags getting too uppity to claim their hate of another character, who is wholly superior to >rodion limbus
Hang yourself from the nearest tree
Dante LOVES all sinners
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Dante is Angelica and Roland is Beatrice.
dumb fucking slut need ass correction
He's just a likeable guy. His struggles are easy to relate to and understand, he is pretty entertaining most of the time, and usually plays a semi active role in other sinner's story's. He's always been my favorite, with Gregor as runner up.
Kemonomimi isn't furry, retards. It means ears+tail on a human, like the Telepole EGOs.
We technically have kemono ego.
You should kill yourself anyways for being an irredeemable coomer.
>anon cannot withstand the slightest bit of coom
How weak.
>t.irredeemable coomer
Did I stutter?
>Roland is secretly a guy
>Beatrice is secretly a guy
kino PM
When will Sinclair's egg finally crack?
>p-please h-hang yuoself, anon-sama
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>he thinks El Director isn't going to pump out more fan service IDs
We've already got maids. Get ready for bunny suits, bikinis and cat girl IDs when El Director needs a new yacht.
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New kino dropped
when he breaks the shell of the world
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Horrific slop.
>there are homos in this thread who would say no to THIS
Maybe they're playing hard to get?
Don Quixote x Siegfried NTR
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>roland blanco
Sinclair's transition will destroy the world... I kneel...
Your worthless life is an insult to everyone around you
I can't wait for the day this shit gets the same treatment as pony shit.
>"Look at my favorite ewhore streamer!! Isn't she so quirky and awesome?!"
I fucking hate it.
jerks with hearts of gold (gross oversimplification) are always charmers, and he has good or funny interactions with practically all of the cast. dumb moments where he's hyped up to peel potatoes with a spoon, or all of canto 6 where he displays a surprising amount of maturity over the brute impression he initially presents as were really good imo. to me, there's not anything to dislike
Siegfried giving an autograph to everyone except Don.
What did Outis/Hong Lu/HeathCliff/The Director ever do to you!?
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>y-your worthles- worthless life is an i-insult to everyone a-around you
Ok anon.
How small is that woman
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Sinclair will become a pretty girl and with city magic and have a tight pussy to be fucked by Dante
My FUARKING hero would NEVER have sex with a transsexual...
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Dante is so FUCKING strong
shit is so cheesy but still got me
Hello /lcg/, how have the threads been?
Too many Ishmale-loving tranny chasers.
i'll take him then
if i see your faggy vtubers one more time im going to lynch you
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Does this ever work
Elaborate in detail, what went wrong?
faust isnt stupid
>faust isnt stupid
You're right. Faust is VERY stupid
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I think more people should draw Genterbent Sinclair with long hair instead of his faggot short hair which ends up just being Sinclair with tits
<Faust isn't stupid, and you aren't White, Outis.>
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Paus is smart
Faust is a drooling retard without hivemind middle management watching over her.
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you rike?
Kromer shanghaiing sinclair into watching tons of cheesy horror movies...
That would be very cute.
<Faust and Outis job in the end to MY cock anyways.>
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Abhorrent. Content can't come soon enough.
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bros i just reached urban plague in ruina, is canto V safe to play spoilerwise for ruina?
i already know that carmen is the distortion woman (because of arknights fans) and that the people turned into books get released (i dont know the details)
How bad were they? What was in them?
Each time, its a little worse.
why is no one popular covering sarajinae yet
Go look at them yourself. Stop trying to dredge more shit up here.
they are getting worse, time to stop
>Not playing the games in order
Ignoring the garbage, pretty good actually
new drama coming with the new canto for sure, retards crying about no brown woman sancho maybe
i know its faggot behaviour, but i started lobcorp and limbus at the same time because of gacha fomo
Ignoring it being bad, it's good actually.
Imagine Sinclair being terrified of movies like Jaws the Revenge or Troll 2
There is a much higher density of bad shitposts.
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so true
OK but, what does Repression work entail EXACTLY?
Instinct is feeding it and taking care of physical "needs".
Insight is general enclosure cleaning/environment upkeep.
Attachment is establishing connections with the abnormality in question/basically enriching an animal.
Repression's only ever described as "A work to restrain existence" and "reducing an abnormality's wants". What does that mean? Are you giving it the "You should kill yourself now" speech? Beating it up?
you can see it in the yisang uptie story, repressing its natural instincts by trying to communicate with it or pacify it through distractions or other activities
why are hongers hongers so lareg
She's courting sex
I've switched from saying "one million" dramatically to, one limbillion.
I've switched to saying clock rather than cock for comedic effect. I fear it's terminal.
you lightly whack the abno's dick with that little hammer that doctors use on your knee
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I hadn't noticed just how scarce envy can become in a sinking team.
>Heath's binds wants 3
>Solemn Lament wants 2
>Rime Shank wants 3
>If you are using Paus then Fluid Sac wants 3

The only sources of it are Heath, Greg, and Rodya.
The best option seems to be to use Greg's bygone days and try and get him some kills so he can generate more resources.
To deny the meaning of existence.
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So does that mean Repression work involving this thing is just telling it "Hey, please stop trying to kill yourself, thanks"?
huge pen = huge boob
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Ah, you are forgiven then.
No? It wants that.
this image is beautiful
It's because his cock is huge. Big dick translates to big tits when made female.
who's that slut on the left
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content doko
isnt he chinese
Then Sinclair should be flat
Frau Eva...
Massive tranny vibes from this
cute image
since director directed heath's cv to not sound relieved at all in his song i wonder if he'll sing again sometime when he does have a sense of relief in his heart.

and yeah resources can get super tight on themed teams. i run into the same issues.
I've personally only seen two Chinese cocks in my life but both were big to really big and they got hard as fuck.
Outliers I'm sure but Hong has that BDE so it's not surprise me.
why were you looking at erect chinese cocks anon
*it'd not
haven't you read one of those many awful "I'm an immortal" type self-insert wuxia stories?
a common trope among them is the self-insert MC doing some chink magic shit to make their dick big near the very start of the story and Hong Lu is basically one of those MCs
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>I've personally seen two cocks
People on this site are genuinely retarded
You're just like twitter people except instead of reacting to a genderbent by saying "That character is trans! Finally some representation" you sperg about how much you hate trans people when a fictional character being genderbent has nothing to do with that
Horseshoe theory is the realest it's ever been
stfu troon
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I am a sperg and I hate sodomites and other hellbound degenerates in general. What's wrong with that? At least I am not a faggot like (you).
First guy was a wealthy cocky show off and liked to flex on everyone about everything. Everybody thought it was weird but it still was true. We never did anything but I let him take me out and hangout like we were dating, it was fun and nice. Think he was a little tired of people just liking him for his money/family or smth. In the end he started to try to impress me with money and shit and we drifted apart.
Second was a bf.
Ye that's what I meant ty.
Top kek, calm down gaylord
Just compare the default looks of Yi Sang and Hong Lu
Barely changed, ergo tranny art since it doesn't look properly female
Like with fem dante
>reacting to a genderbent by saying "That character is trans!
Are you saying twitteroids are smarter you? Even they get it
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>vorefag ERP hours ends
>troon and faggot discussion begins
why are you gay
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>ERP hours
Let us talk about WhiteNight instead
kek, you're going to piss off the Sinclair hating ESL SEA monkey
El director himself even knows that's a fucking joke
Uncle Terry touched my wee-wee when I was 5 years old.
terry isnt gay, try again fagotron
What happened to your second cock bwo...
Hey guys, guess what
chicken butt
personally I think lands is the highest iq deck in legacy
Hey guys, guess what
peepee poopoo
4 and u suck my cock
Knock knock
Who's there?
Nothing There
for me, it's labrynth
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I will continue to enjoy genderbent Sinclair art no matter what faggots and spergs may talk about
Shut up Naruto.
for me, its white eyes blue dragon
>Rodya tries to steal jerky
>suddenly from her weapon bag
Faust is incredibly stupid
Hence why I wrote that shitpost
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Everytime I go to exp lux grind i realize how little exp you get in comparison to need amount to cap IDs still even with the winrate time to complete
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>t. got t1'd blood mooned
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Isn't blood moon also legal in modern and pioneer though?
Nevermind I checked, it's legal in modern but not in pioneer.
why didnt they make devyat a sexy group
They are sexy wdym
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They deliver sex tho.
sex doesnt exist in the city
i cant see rodyas tits at all
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How long do i have to hold
hold what
Pic unrelated
>I draw
>I special summon
>I special summon
>I Link summon
>I set the pendulums
>I XYZ summon
>I special summon
>I fusion summon
>I special summon
>I special summon
>I fusion summon
>I special summon
>I special summon
>I end my turn
Your move, /lcg/
>holdSISSIES still exist after being BTFO'd thrice
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>>I special su-
force of will pitching ponder
go look again blind anon
Who's the most heroic sinner?
*presses hero power*
*shoots an arrow in your face*
*end turn*
>>I end my t-
get Nibiru'd idiot
>I dr-
Get Exodia'd, nerd.
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My FUCKING hero, Dante (AKA me)
Get fucked
>I draw
>I special s-
I chain Maxx C, have fun retard :)
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Counter THIS you fucking NERDS
Why? I love my EARF MACHINE brothers, you deserve it.
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Thanks for the LP NERD
*reveal six Melffys*
I just ate a pizza
sir squirrel is looking very cute
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>i cant see rodyas tits at all
What? You can't see her massive milky mounds?
Her shirt stretching
Button popping
Bra snapping
Round Russian rotundas?
he was lying
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>he was lying
In MY /lcg/ thread?
I can't believe this
I feel so betrayed
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>sir squirrel
ive seen russian tits, theyre more visible than this
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sinners for this feel
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How cute. When did this game get so pastel soft cute.
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when she sees my BP level
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Grey Coat Rodion
You can just post monster girls without an excuse bwo
Liwei really changed since the Library incident.
Whoa that looks sick. I wonder if any other Sinners outside of Meursault will get Grey Coat/Hole in the Man
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I love 1 shotting bosses turn 1 with this dude
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sinners for this feel
melting love
sinclair (cheeky oysters office)
Kimsault is kino yeah
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It's so fucking satisfying. I love it.
Melffy debuted in 2020 but its kind of an outlier in terms of the "Dragon, Waifu, Machine" trifecta of modern YGO. Sadly you cant play them because they got left behind by the powercreep even when they got godlike support in the most broken pack ever created: Power of the Elements.
I enjoy blmeur more because there is "less" set up meaning not having to reset for the correct order of things like with spicebush. Either way, both fun.
What a shame, they're really really cute.
I like the style a lot.
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all Bloodfiends should have snow-white skin color
i love pale bitches
>want to enjoy THE doujin
>don't know how to enter sad panda
Limbros... please help me
I want a new ardor blossom star
It's all futa shit anyway.
>not knowing how to sadpanda in 2024
When are we gonna fight basilisoup
imagine Bloodfiend Don is super pale
god that's hot
>It's all futa shit
I fucking wish. Nothing but an AI.
i want to fight the everlasting soup bird, paper chairman and the scissors girl
AND i want the spooky scary sexy nurses too even though I know they're likely to be in outis' canto 50 years from now
I don't use hentai sites often
Does this mean that one doujin is not included?
theres a limbus doujin?
Ends. Begins. Ends. Begins. ENDS. BEGINS
someone finally uploaded a year old digital kek
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lifetime stew
where the FUCK is the basilisoup fight director
I mean you can play them alongside one of the criminals from POTE the Sprights. The synergy is insane but in paper alot of the Spright cards are banned so yeah. In Master Duel at least Melffy is one of my event decks and its a blast to play.
Nevermind. It's all futa shit. I thought it was the ship doujin
kulu ya ku
>he doesn't know about the BL boys love doujin
It's all dogshit ships anyways. Only acceptable ship is Dante (Me) x any of the sinners
Not sure what, "one" you mean.
Yeah the three new ones are all futa garbage sadly.
the faust ones?
You're not Dante
You were never Dante
You will never be Dante
You're a sad, pathetic gachafag clinging onto Dante as you self-insert OC donut steel because you're terrified he'll cuck the fuck out of you
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Bullshit I gonna check it ou-
>its is all Futa and yaoi
I'm not reading that but good for you or that sucks I guess
Why would I lie.
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soft futadom rodion on gregor is healing for the soul DESU
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I'm literally Dante.
Futa and fujo franchise, please understand
Denying it won't make it go away
Whatever helps you sleep at night, shipnigger
I didnt think it would be ALL gay shit, at least dunno something vanilla like Outis fucking Dante I dont know.
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>all futa/yaoi
Self-inserters are the biggest and worst type of shipniggers
sorry brokie but the futafags are all crypto oil baron's sons and arabian princes and they bankroll the doujinshi market
Keep those (You)s coming *smooch*
Keep being in denial cuck
Now kiss.
>Still giving me (You)s
I'm on a roll today!
The only acceptable 4chan ship is Waifu x Green Anon, aka (you)
Self-inserters are cringe
>hate selfinserters
>plays a waifu gacha game
does not compute
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I both ship Gregor and Rodya as well as self-insert as Gregor
Your response, limbabs?
See >>494581538
A-at least it's not fucking vore ERP.
You're not Gregor
You were never Gregor
You will never be Gregor
You're a sad, pathetic gachafag clinging onto Gregor as your self-insert OC donut steel because you're terrified he'll cuck the fuck out of you
today i did 10 md runs
praise me
>bad wolf
>meat lantern
>singing machine
>entire canto about getting vored
Anon I....
I doubt Dante will be a character we already know of,and i don't think Director will change his personality significantly once the whole mistery is revealed,so chances are Dante will be a stain upon Pmoon as a generic self insert with a generic personality while maybe getting a face and a gender,though not even that is confirmed.
I don't want to see what you use to justify it, just NEVER AGAIN
oh by the way it's *your* self-insert OC donut steel not you, have fun seeing your wife get fucked by other men
>I'm not reading that
>actually read it but was seething venom
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>Gave me a (You)
Thanks so much little bro! You're the best!
*puts you in my belly*
>a generic self insert with a generic personality while maybe getting a face and a gender
In that case there would be no reason to hide stuff about his background in a first place.
>this excited over getting a reply
are u ok lol
meds bwo, take your meds
Fuck it.
Movie night with the sinners. (You) pick out a movie all 12 could enjoy. Go.
Since you're so nice, I'll give you another (You), I only read it after I copypasted it and noticed the typo. You're welcome *smooch* Your (You)s are delicious by the way yummy
Unless it turned out that he's Ayin all along
Why are you all caps spamming?
I will make them watch Van Helsing. It's fun, cheesy and has a fun monster fight scene.
There is something for everyone to enjoy.
official penis size rankings
>yi sang
>dante and vergil (exactly the same length)
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Why is base Faust fatal to lust? What did El Director mean by this?
I understand him getting a face besides the clock,but Dante as a character is already formed,it would be very jarring for his personality to suddenly change after a big reveal in the story and for it to just continue with a person with a new face and new personality
Would that even be Dante at this point?
I can only hope Director doesnt do what i'm Doomposting about because i don't want Dante to be cringe
shes weak to anal
based based based based
moebius (2013)
Donte and Bergil having matching cock sizes sounds cute.
I do think Hong Lu should be higher though. Above Dante/Vergil or at least above Heathcliff.
Heathcliff strikes me as a nice normal cock size while Hong Lu should be a little bigger than average.
>Malding so much he's typing in caps
Freddy Got Fingered
It's a comedy genius because it ridiculed comedy movies back then, so Faust and Yi Sang will commend it for its brilliance
Tom Green used the money to masterfully make a shitpost, so Outis will like it
It has plenty of gore, Ishmael, Ryoshu and Heathcliff will like it
It's a comedy, so Gregor, Rodion, Don, Sinclair will enjoy it
Everyone will enjoy it
Watership Down
Newbab here, my first walpipi night
Can shard 2 IDs\Egos. What should I shard?
Got nothing from gacha
Treasure Planet
What would Meursault enjoy about it?
My brain immediately read this as Parascope Down.
Dawnclair, Regret EGO and dealer's choice
How weird, I just watched this today.
Would Meursault enjoy any movie?
It's just a solid movie that I've been meaning to rewatch as well as of late
Because I (Dante) asked him to watch the movie the sinners and have fun
You're not Dante
You were never Dante
You will never be Dante
You're a sad, pathetic gachafag clinging onto Dante as you self-insert OC donut steel because you're terrified he'll cuck the fuck out of you
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im gonna rewatch this right now. goated movie.
He'd probably chuckle at some of the stupid humour.
He's a film goer in his source and has mentioned he's tried searching out life's joys. If he's been to a ton of clubs multiple times I'd say it's not too far of a stretch that he could find some entertainment in film.
Yeah it's great.
Enjoy bwo
Well, you're not really wrong. Dante has personality, backstory and purpose, unlike the other MCs I've seen from the other gacha games
Is this a new pasta or is this guy actually upset
>just continue with a person with a new face and new personality
This is 100% is not going to happen. I know people like to come up with the most inane shit for doomposting. But we have 2 previous with their grand reveals that didn't change characters that much.
>But we have 2 previous with their grand reveals that didn't change characters that much.
Such as?
What are the canon Sinner pairings?
bro didn't play ruina or lobcorp
Me x my favourite Sinner.
Me x your favorite Sinner.
Dante X Beatrice
Faust x Dante
Sinclair x Kromer
Rodya x Me
sinclair x dante
Me x youre mum
Me x someone else's favorite sinner
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We are watching Yugioh Gx or I'll blow up the bus!
I'll binds all sinners like our king and watch continuously 66 hours of card games
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I'd rather bite my tongue and die
My penis x Ryoshu's feet
cute ;;
5D or nothing nigga.
dub only shing in shinds
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Sex and reciprocated affection that lasts do not exist in the City
Dante x Vergilius
Source? OG Dante was a massive fan of Virgil and worshiped the ground he walked on. So much so that he wrote the very first popular fanfiction in history about his adventure with Virgil in hell and described how cool he was and how they were tots besties
>Sinclair x Kromer
She's dead
someone didnt read Canto VII
I will once she'll make me.
Of course we are watching the dub
1 Like 8 sinners cannot read
2 Get your Game On is kino
>Sinclair x Kromer
Sinclair X Kromer shippers also have to admit that Sinclair X Demian is what will happen in their ideal limbus company,as Demian's interest in Sinclair was similiar to Kromer's,but Demian isn't dead...so.
Dub had an episode where one of the shadow riders had a Christopher Walken impersonator. No amount of cope will convince me that the sub is better
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Go ahead bitch, I'll revive you as many times as i have to, You'll be singing the english theme song by the end
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Me x Don's feet
Gregor is going to find belowski very funny
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We have many more YuGiOh autists than I expected.
Talk about kino
A full story about a rich kid folly, redemption, overcoming odds, being true to yourself, and building a future for youself while having a great personality and not afraid to be a joke, a complete subversion of the rival
Chazz could be the greatest character in fiction
anime /a/utists? on MY anime site? no
The nigger infestation gets worse everyday
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MtG is for FAGGOTS
Are you one of them?
We also have way more footfags than I expected.
Am I?
tranny fetish in a tranny general
Dude, Unique monster designs, Esoteric rules, Insane lore, micro managing
I'm practically describing Lob Corp
I've been on /a/ (unfortunately) most of my life and haven't heard anyone discuss the various anime that franchise got in other threads.
It's surprising, that's all.
>trannies out of nowhere
I blame that one Ryoshu schizo me
Well shit, you're right.
Yu Gi Oh and PM fans not reading anything longer than 2 paragraphs.
Why are u being weird about it
I falseflag as both futafags and footfags
I would never admit to /*/. It's a black stain 9n my reputation AND my vocabulary.
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My shoulder hurts and I wish I could take my arm off like I'm some sort of lego figurine
Sinners for this feel?
>t/a/nny crossborders
heh sasuga /lcg/
haha if ryoshu was a dude she would have a tiny pecker
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Join the 41% since you love thinking about them so much
cute rodi
I wanna squish her cheeks
You mean a small deformed penis
Micro Dick Ryoshu...
>have tiny pecker
You would be an expert on the topic I bet
Those cheeks were made for smooching
And that's just what I'll do
Everyone here has a tiny pecker
?? no she wouldn't, she'd have the biggest penis in the cast
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futafags get the rope
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If he commited suicide the death would as a normal person's suicide instead of a tranny's therefore it would be impossible for him to join the 41%
Prove it, post it
Everyone here has a small deformed penis.
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>Save me Jesse
Not me tho my penis is huge and virile
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Good observation anon, however he is a tranny himself so he must join them.
a desire for knowledge can be categorized under lust. Just as Kromer lusts over the human form and Meursault lusts over railing Marie in every hole.
Nice try aids homo
Not everyone.
post dick or gtfo
>but you're a faggot-
I will continue to call your dick small and deformed while I pinch my index finger and thumb together.
>futa out of nowhere
That's a goddamn dinosaur
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>no proofs
Heh, whatever you say mr. small pecker
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<I don't need to post PROOFS cause my DONG is so BIG it would be OUT OF FRAME.>
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Sure you can masturbate to a bunch of 40 & above year old mans gender bent into women, but as soons as they are given penos, you feel threatened
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
What would Yisang think if he saw the general right now
What language is this
SEAmonkey speak
그 지붕에서 뛰어내렸어야 했는데
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stone thrower don my beloved
Good day today. Are you still lusting after cocks today?
she's so cute
Is there really not ONE mirror world where one of the maids sucked off Heathcliff to get him over his oneitis?
/a/ would've watched gx subbed because the dubbing company never finished the damn dub of it
Part of me was certain one of you would actually post your dick.
'fraid so sir
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2 am speech
The letters are bleeding and the insomnia is not letting up
That Maid? Catheirne
Who's Catheirne
Is that another self insert OC?
There are 0 nice cocks here worth showing off.
why do you fuckers always demand dick pics...
/a/ would've watched gx subbed because every single dub that isn't DBZ is garbage, or at least, they'll tell you that. In reality, it was mostly 4kidz. The older funanimation dubs still hold up
Believe it or not, not all men are that simple. For some a simple sexual act does not reset them to factory settings.
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rate mine :)
limbus company
I refuse to believe in our 30 some posters no one has a nice dick.
They would have watch the sub beacuse they are pretentious faggors
Well believe it.
Nah mine looks really good even my gf said it was good looking
bro that thing is HUGE
You know the rules, post it or gtfo moid
>There was a mirror world where Heathcliff fell in love with someone else and ________ made him turn back with a maid outfit
Our potential man really can't catch a break
I'm sure she was being honest and not just nice.
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Here's a clip of an asian qt beating my big cock.
이상은 후타나리와 보레, 발과 겨드랑이에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요?
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Whoever showed me the drawing of hokma in iori's gear, thank you because HOOOLY FUUUCK! HE RAPED PLUTO. I didn't expect a rape of epic proportions, man that shit was fucking nasty. Death by blocking
instead of literally circlejerking like you fags are doing currently im just going to figuratively circlejerk by posting my shameful card.
What game is this? new canto leak?
hey guys should i start limbus
>the SO LONG GAY BOWSER move at 0:18
Sinners for this feel?
This art is SO bad lmao
>Throws away the chicken, putting her safe from danger
> Goes after the chicken to beat it up some more
Why are women like this.
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and then forget to post image like an actual tard.
Their very being is magnetized to cocks.
Let see yours, fag
Bugmen are not human.
u stole that quote :((
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How is that a bad thing?
a white woman would have fail a slap, immediately triped, not attempt anything to defend itself, until someone save them
>holding hands
heathmael confirmed
chinks are soulless beings
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I’m almost full… tummy very big…

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