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Previous thread: >>494558594

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

hey guys should i start limbus company
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Love me wife Outis
Have you played the previous two games?
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N Corp!
Sex with Don's feet!
I finished Lobotomy corporation and i've done the first layer of Urban nightmare + The smoke dudes in Ruina
no, i don't play kusoge
hmm nyes i will draw don tonight
Yeah I'd get Limbus now so you can start converting your enk and collection maintenance lunacy or other apolunacy.
Keep going on Ruina obviously.
You can reroll your account on mobile and then bind it to steam when you're happy with it.
Post your rolls here if you like and we can help advise you.

The OP has a ton of helpful information for new players so check that out.
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Post it when you are done.
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Rodya LOVE!
>Rodion Raskolnikov
>capable of love
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what the fuck, my hands aren't that small bros...
For what would i need to reroll my account?
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She loves lots of things
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Your hands aren't small, Don's milkers are big.
rerolling is for homosexuals
You get some free and slightly boosted rolls when you start so if you get shitty ones its easier to just reroll the account then move on with shitters
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They look pretty fake to me, i require further inspection to verify if its natural.
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Jesus christ
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I assure you, they are 110% all natural blood-containment units.
whos the nigger in the mask
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Fine, thou can verify thy claims...
If you want a few good units to help you catch up more quickly.
You can absolutely just play with whatever you pull, but it might slow you down a bit. Most Intervallos and Events are tied to being caught up with the most recent story.
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is this the red mist
No he's weaker than the red mist
That's my dad and he's white.
Did you just assume xer gender?!
can't you read nigger? that's the white noise
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Are you 12
Is Catbox not taking uploads for anyone else right now?
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they got sued and are closing down
Catbox is ISP banned in a lot of countries
footfags get the rope
Calm down tranny
catbox 2.0 when? Amazed it lasted this long
Pixeldrain is what I've been using as an alternative
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You all ready to do all these again next month?
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
Mon amour
I'll only do what's strictly necessary again.
I was having an issue with it as well. This happens time to time, give it a few hours.
Works fine for me. Might be your ISP.
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Nothing else to do, so yeah
Apparently it's a common error due to traffic.
What color will the next EXP ticket be for level 50? My guess it'll be purple, or a shade of it
That would be pretty, I could see it.
Should I restart? 8 turns on the first battle doesn't seem to be good
Pierce is the damage type for this RR. Slash is the king
The fastest I've seen it finished is 6 turns during an autism run but you're definitely not in an ideal situation
>>494592139 (me)
The worst damage type. I meant to say pierce is the worst damage type for this RR
restart it is then, ty
Switch out the pierce stuff for slash and you can get an easy 7-turn clear before he starts his gimmick again
Thank you
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if youre really autistic about turn count then yeah, i reset if i dont have portrait dead in 7 turns
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good beautiful morning, limbabs!
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
>No Fixer/Limbus Fireteam tactics game where you do the typical odd jobs but also have to deal with distortions and rarely abnos
>no RPGmaker H-game set in the Backstreets
Good evening Donqui, hope you have a nice day.
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>(You) get to have sex with one female Sinner.
>The time limit is 1 hour.
>They cannot say no to any request.
Who do you pick and what do you do?
>Impregnate her
Why only female?
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To spare your immortal soul from the lake of fire.
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Miss Hod’s butt
To prevent the entire general from molesting Sinclair
Impregnate her
I lick her feet
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anyone as long as i get to repeatedly make them pregnant and then turn the clock to unfuck them
Aw man i wish i could share my fantasies of how i want to molest sinclair
i dont know why i find this image so funny
Directions unclear.
Picking my husband, and canoodling for an eternity.
I wouldn't be able to force any of the sinners to do anything if they were unwilling to,even with that condition so the question for me turns into,what sinner would be willing to do some freaky shit with a random person?
What is best Faust ID
Slow cuddling into sex where I bury my face into her hair and thrust into her from behind.
Ryoshu and I call her mom.
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Ryoshu would definitely do some freaky shit, though it'd be labeled a freak accident after.
why would you hate don aside from the annoyiness she has from being the le funny on e
MC Office is good. So is Regret/Grip/7 etc.
What do you need her for?
Like feet
if i get to have sex with ryoshu i'm fine with her killing me after
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Don't know. Don't care.
hating for the sake of the game i salute you manager
Just looking to change up my go-to team and maybe my RR team
I've been using regret faust for almost the entirety of my time with limbus so im kinda bored of her
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High impact sexual v̶i̶o̶l̶e̶n̶c̶e love
>what sinner would be willing to do some freaky shit with a random person?
Hong Lu, Meursault, Ryoshu and Sinclair.
Ah I See.
I'm using MCFaust for Charge sections and Regret for Tremor.
I really enjoy 7 Faust and use her often but that's in MDs. I've used BL Faust on my last RR but will not be doing BL this time.
I'd recommend MC Office Faust. I run Heathcliff as well.
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Why do the non sinner announcers talk way too fucking much and the sinners barely at all?
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If your BP is under lvl 2000 when the seasons ends, you will get kicked from the /lcg/ guild
would faust love you though?
Anon please explain your picks i want to see your reasoning behind each of them
>farming MD this season when the next one will give ticket/thread
md will cost 3 times more modules though, if you aren't farming it right now you will be forever bricked
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Faust, I'll bring her to a warp train and that 1 hour which is 3600 seconds, means that i have hundreds of thousands of years to do all the things i want to her but mainly impregnating her. I'll then make an army of mini fausts and i'll impregnate them too. All this possible with warp corp's singularity, god bless W corp.
>md will cost 3 times more modules though
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I'm not even at 800 yet I have every ID, every EGO, have a team for all gimmicks, have uptied everything I wanted to
Why would I grind more, newbaby? I don't need to catch up to day one GODS because I am one myself
watch the stream
his ass
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>impregnating anyone
>inside W Corp space
Check em
Not guaranteed. Director just said he has ideas but nothing set in store
>regular MD gives you 5 broonze tickets
>MDH gives you 3 more silver
You rike?
watch it be some shit like 1 blue ticket and 5 thread per run
You are retarded if you think they will give you more resources for free. If they add even 1 exp ticket it will cost more modules, making it more expensive to farm shards
>day 1
>hasn't uptied/threadspun everything to 4
>still has IDs below level 45
You're a disgrace
This absolutely will be the case
They've been insanely stingy with threads/exp ticks since the beginning of the game, I don't see why it would suddenly change
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Full Nelson, no particular reason I just find the position hot a fuck. Would take her to a fixer fan-shop after to make her day better.
Anon, we're about to get to canto 7 and we're still getting bronze tickets. The most tickets you'll see are, maybe 1-3 gold per MDH with all bonuses
Blue tickets will never be rewarded for free outside BP and missions
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It's over....
That's 100 more compare to the last season. I should find a better game to play between no content.
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Some sinners simply don't deserve it
skill issue. gtfo noob
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Sure, sure
Now post your WAW banner, newbaby
Surely you have it. You wouldn't dare call others a disgrace without it, right?
i will not brick my account for you wretch
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>there are people itt with lvl 45 up 4 Molar Sinclair
>he hasn't UT4'd all IDs to prepare for UT5 next season
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now kys please
UT5 will make him tremor meta.
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Miss Malkuth’s butt
Mine is bigger
Object of desire
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Ryoshu is the Daughter and the mother's spirit/ Carmen uses the Ash/sword as a medium to compel her to make hellish art
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What a nigger, he made me pull out my gebura after getting my two top hitler's elite kill teams vaporized
Congrats, you're about to encounter hell shorty after this.
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What if I grip your cock really tight?
it's too small for for that
what if i grip your nipples really tight
>want to masturbate
>want to masturbate, can't. want to masturbate, can't. WANT TO MASTURBATE, CAN'T.
holy shit I'm going fucking insane
Sinners for this feel?
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Also you can simply hold it in your mind for a better release later
gn /lcg/
What would /lcg/ think of Sinclair if he was a girl?
that's not applicable to me but thanks
why can't clair fap
need a hand?
Same thing as regular Sinclair and by that I mean...
Annoying as fuck. The only way I'd be able to tolerate it is if Kromer was a guy and possibly still alive.
Whiny high-pitched females drive up a wall.
my vaginal walls are trembling just thinking about it
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So what is the definitive sinking team now?
Devyat will be another useless rodion ID. Good for nothing sinner
That's not how that works kek
are these sinclairfag hours?
I'm not a Sinclairfag.
Every hour is sinclairfag hour
what does this mean
Malkuth with no thigh gap sounds delicious
I want to FUCK Dante...
Both belong to me
He could be yea
It doesn't mean anything.
That anon is probably trying to larp as a woman for comedic effect. But that's not really how vaginas work. You can't "feel" that aspect. You can tighten up etc but they don't tremble lol
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can you guys, uh... post screenshots of every twitter link you send? I can't see it because of... reasons.
Yi Sang...
I want to FUCK Ishmael...
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yeah do that please so we can laugh with you
<I want to FUCK...wait no that wouldn't be something I can truly do...>
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>>494599956 is a rodya cosplay post
I wish more fights were as long as the black silence, not many fights let me get Malcute’s more gimmicky things going. Shit gets funny when you have 40 matchlight stacks and you can unironically win doing nothing once you get past the first stage(can’t remember if the second stage is troublesome as well) by stacking all the damage on hit skills/abilities
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Hey buddy that's MY WIFE, get your own!
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Multiple mirror worlds means multiple wives
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Post the linton audio
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This is true
depends on exactly how brown you are
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Which sinner would be Pear, Orange and tiny Apple?
Well one of those is already determined
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I regret making this screencap.
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I can't wait to grind it like mad for a week or two before burning out, yes.
Still like this short comic
Goddamnit I'm hardstuck on big fist man. Why do I specifically need Nclair for the Ish duo cheese strat?
I don't wanna grind boxes...
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Ricardo? Can't you just borrow a friends support sinner?
sinclair being turned into a newborn always makes me laugh
the only baby that i could put in a blender and watch without disgust
You're a fucking genius. Hopefully one of my two Limbus friends has him in the roster or I'll have to get ahold of em.
>that Outis panel
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Did not gain an EGO gift
Yeah the goal is to get some levels, convert stamina and feed on free lunacy
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There should honestly be more Dante yumes in this world. Nature must right this wrong.
Well, which gun man, anons?
Der Freischutz, Der Fluchschutze or Hole-In-The-Man?
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i dont think much more will come out of it
safe to say 40% hope sinking will remain useful somehow
Yi Sang is Roland's and Angelica's son that was revived by the light after Carmen kicked Ayin out from it and he needed a body...
red man because i like his color palette the most
I like Der Fluchschutze more than Der Freischutz desu
Shotguns are cool
I'm pretty sure 2 out of those 3 end up with you shooting yourself
sounds like friday night to me
pm didnt go out of their way to make ememies that resists nclair so there is hope
that said i expect more bosses with phases, more unavoidable damage and such, teams got stronger in general, not just sinking
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Enoch is so lucky
you don't even need half of this shit, they need a new system where you buy different buffs and debuffs
Do abnormality E.G.O corrosions join their parent abnormality in whatever it normally does or are they independent?
Also could U-Corp's tuning forks permanently unite a human with an abnormality? Would said human be able to influence the abno's actions?
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>Do abnormality E.G.O corrosions join their parent abnormality in whatever it normally does or are they independent?
>Also could U-Corp's tuning forks permanently unite a human with an abnormality?
Probably (not)
>Would said human be able to influence the abno's actions?
Is the abnormality fused to the human or is the human fused to the abnormality?
Enoch is quite possibly one of the least "lucky" project moon characters
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After the hell on earth nightmare that was keter I think I might cry tears of pure bliss. I'm almost there...I can see the ending...
>Do abnormality E.G.O corrosions join their parent abnormality in whatever it normally does or are they independent?
We don't know. A corrosion has never canonically interacted with the abno it was mimicking.
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NTA but he's asking if a Mountain of smiling bodies corrosion will also seek out corpses to eat,just like the original mountain,or if a queen of hatred corrosion will be schizo and try to be a hero
No, else the abnormalities we fought during Canto 5 would've had pallidification. Abnos are not individuals and they are too grand to be affected by them.
No, abnormalities are connected to the entirety of humanity. A single human won't be able to influence them unless you do something on the level of the SoL
The answer is yes(-ish) then, we encountered corroded Ncorp inquisitiors for example, with one of the corroded variants being corroded from using Nothing There EGO gear, with their whole gimmick being mimicking your attacks.
More like Malchunk
Are the upcoming IDs from season 0? I want to clear the season 4 dispenser but I'd prefer not to grind this season anymore and am running low on boxes.
most likely season 0
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It's gonna be 2 months actually. New MD isn't a thing until at least a month into a new season.
PM forgot about Sinclair...
Yumes aren't attracted to Dante because he's a self-insert with the personality of cardboard.
Seasonal IDs are always tied to an event or story chapter
chart about sinners are more likely to dance for an anime op/ed of limbus
y axis is if they'll do it
x axis is how willing they are to do it
Outis had an 18% chance of failing this check, you should've selected another sinner.
x axis is how enthusiastic they would be about it...
What would Ryoshu think of modern 'art'?

Imagine if Ryoshu got the Blue Star EGO
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Forcing nai_ga to bring back fat asses or else
proof that he ever drew an ass that is not flat?
I'll leave him on my roster if you still need help.
But Gregor already received that treatment on the Warp Train event...
Okay so why did we wait this long to get another Bygone Days EGO, why wasn't it in the BP? If they wanted to release an EGO from Devyet, it could've been a new abno or something
the bug shaker...
You would've asked a similar question if we got three bygone days EGOs in the BP and only 2 binds/electric screaming
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Finally I get to learn the background of this meme!
What am I in for?
I... well, fair. But that still doesn't change the fact of why Bygone Days of all things. It feels, what is the word I'm looking for, out of place? Imbalanced?
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the meme was born from the bl pack in mdh, not the event itself
Bring a sinking team to the boss fights for an easier time.
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>still image
Stupid EOS fox, get frozen in time
>literally any Ishmael ID/EGO
>B cup at best
The fuck happened??
Character assassination.
4 threads worth of seething and 'acktually!'
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Trash Crab meat is very rich in boob-expanding nutrients
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Prepare to get raped since you probably have a sinking team
Oh, sounds like an interesting time.

I know this is a trap because I have faced the kimno slash counter guy in the MDs before. Last thing I want is to bring him to low sanity.

I see.
>Noooooooo sinclairfags arent all trannies
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>instantly thinks of trannies
This Blind Obsession...
wazzup with sinclair
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Speaking of trannies and a Blind Obsession...
Wasnt Tiph whole deal that, while she treasures the past and the good times despite all the pain and misery that followed, she moved on from it and specifically Enoch?
>Nai_ga made fem Dongrang
what did he mean by this
isn’t that shrenne
Wow naigger can actually draw sexually appealing characters who would have thought
just pray this garbage isn’t seasonal
brown anime girls are cute
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That's just Shrenne's face slapped onto a girl in a green dress and a white labcoat though
he wanted to work on blue archive and got stuck as the art director for hag game
So the real Angela, from Ruina, doesn't have a chest as big as she did in Lob Corp. What does that mean?
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she had breast reduction surgery
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14 really is prime
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Mariachi buff
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nai_ga lolification beam
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She does still have gigantic breasts. The portrait she usually has just does a very poor job at showing it, Nai_ga isn't very consistent with angles.
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No proportion is consistent in PM games
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Yes El Director more ponytail Ish please
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Would the claw attack someone the moment a week passes after cloning, or do they wait a bit?
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here they come
ZweIsh is going to bash backstreet orphans into the concrete with her mace and shield
poor don
almost all of nai_ga’s fanart for the last year is vtubers from isegye idol
femrang is viichan
They probably wait a bit to be honest
We don't see many impurities get "cleansed" in the city but the library had been an impurity for quiiiiite some time and the head took awhile to act
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It wouldn't be so bad if her keyword options didn't suck ass
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Always was here
It's over for Hags
I think it would be cool if all arbiters were women and all claws were men
Dante (Head [Me]) wouldn't have it any other way
this implies the city is a matriarchy
Dante is still the head.
Don't the arbiters still have higher ups they respond to?
futa enjoyers when they insist they're not gay but want to see women with real dicks fucking men in the most fujo way possible
It isn't loading for me!!! I want to see it!!!
Dumb bloodfiend, you can't be a real knight.
Enjoy the bad end ID in a few months though.
It might be really different from the other two, or they don’t want to “give away too many ego”. Telepole in season 1 is kinda similar but heathclippus is drastically different from the other two so fingers crossed it’s not just “shitload of sinking”
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>he doesn't know
poise for pequod and maid ishmael
go back
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The panda saw what's behind those links.
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Of course i know,i know everything,don't imply i'm foolish,do you want me to educate you?
>don't even know what the panda is
You can't tell me this general isn't full of 15 yo straight out of reddit/discord
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It only loads for people that played Lobotomy Corporation.
I have been told they don't even show a sad panda anymore.
A CP style anime but for PM would be so kino. I hope we get a PM anime some day.
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>Pretend the panda is in the way
>Get free (YOU)s
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>Devyat Rodya and Bygone days Ish
Are they season locked or standard fare?
Standard fare. Seasonal IDs are over for now until we reach season 5.
don’t know yet, wait until monday
Too fitting for pm's retardation. Make her eat some more food instead.
Most likely Season-locked, like C.A. for Ryoshu and Everlasting for Faust.
Standard Fare.
You need to be at least class 3 employee to see
Bygone Days won't be seasonal. Everlasting was seasonal because it was an event, C.A. was seasonal because it was from the previous railway.
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why does she have poop under her eyes
bygone days won’t be seasonal because we will parade kjh’s greedy pig head on a stake if it is
>all futa on male
oy vey
You don't?
Post her armpits.
chesed’s biologically a girl for one
Portrait was featured in this Railway as one of the first fights. If we're going to go by the logic of it being Season-locked because of its appearance in a Railway, this claim could make sense.
Garden of Thorns was released somewhere around Season 3, while the abnormality proper, Sign of Roses, was featured in the previous Railway.
It was Season-locked as well if I recall. However, we will have to see if my own claim can stand up, as I myself wasn't so sure of it, otherwise I would have said "definitely going to be Season-locked" or something along those lines.
Don't jinx it.
What if limbus wasn't shit?
>imagining Malcute getting rid of me for being such a useless employee
>instantly get a boner
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>t. sinner with the least number of Fixer IDs
Always a villain...
This is very cool.
Because (You) are a Prudence I Agent.
Malkuth doesn't have such authority
It would be funny if Serum W was instead called Semen W
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It's great, especially when paired with mpreg.
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now what
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Sure it would...
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She does, liar.
Lintoncels... this isn't making you look good.
>Linton giving birth with his frail body
Nai_gay sucks at drawing consistent perspectives
I like to bully ishMALEfags but the 9/14 incident was entirely undeserved for them.
inaccurate, he would die in childbirth
Bygone days is also not the EGO for the final boss of the railway, which I think is important. If you look at CA and GOT, they are the only season locked railway EGOs and they are both the final boss EGOs. On the other hand, the frog EGOs, Lantern Sinclair and DS EGOs are all railway EGOs and are not season locked because those abnos weren't the final boss.
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OOpsie, I meant to post this image instead. The arbiter fight was pretty fun. It was fascinating seeing how much the vfx and animations improved at the end
What incident?
<She HARPOONED me! I got shot on the job before, but this is something new!>
It's a little impressive how beloved Zena is even though she's got so little screentime
can you really count reddit as love
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A really bad thread.
Arbiters are cool. She's coasting off prebuilt popularity by Binah
All this love for Zena should instead be directed at Finn
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so did the futa warp outis drawfag ever deliver the final drawing?
Their uniform does 90% of the work.
There's plenty of people here that post Zena and these threads arent exactly reddit yet
>running low on lunacy, and still no red mist ryoshu
>fuck it cut my losses and shard everything else
>wasted the last of my boxes on Sanguine desire and wingbeat
>run out of modules grinding MD to shard maid and CA Ryoshu (the last S4 stuff left)
>new Rodya and Ish announced
Fuck. And if they're season locked there's no way I'll be able to grind for them in time even considering daily lunacy refills and forgoing dailies
I see that. I suppose that we will have to wait at the end of the day.
There's plenty of Standard Fare E.G.Os and Season 4 has already had a fair share of them, since most of them are tied to the Paid Battle Pass.
That was a falseflag and it wasn't the actual artist
who the fuck was the actual artist ?
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It was me.
wtf is CA ryoshu
Please Ishmael...
contempt awe
damn but what would it look like if girls gave birth instead, would it be called fpreg?
Unsure why but it happens in Limbus too. Almost everything in season 1 looks mediocrish but improves dramatically
vorefags shitting up an entire thread
>t. Dante on his thrice daily molestation by Faust
Thank you, I appreciate it.
The problem is that unlike the other cantos, canto 6 has no new abno battles for the pass to base its ego off of so all of its ego is based off the RR4 bosses instead (Bygone days, Electric screaming and Binds). previous trends wont be of any help here
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>It was me.
give me the full version and I'll give you yi sang
>mpreg hours
This is why we're the sole S-tier gacha general on /vg/.
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They'd call it a miracle.
... I was taking the piss, anon.
I'm not the futafag behind that W. Outis pic.
I left Wingbeat and Sanguine Desire in the dispenser because I won't need them anyways. Might as well wait 4 months again.
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>actively searching for f*ta pics
This general gets worse by the minute.
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Diecifags, translate
It's the man throwing baby at a wall meme
Only it's in russian, and the baby is *ngela
I recommend getting SA at least, Don's season will be bleed-focused
>I recommend getting sexually assaulted at least
What did he mean by this
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Why would that anon say this...
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It heals the soul if it's a pretty girl,though that is unlikely to happen.
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How are you holding up bwo?
With you game getting killed by its own devs and all
my cock is inside outis in this frame
Why the hell does Ryoshu use Zayin EGOs when manager is at Gebura's floor?
wut is happening with blue archive
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Better than ever, EOS imminent (real)
You could as the same question with regards to Faust and Don as well
Ayin's being stingy with handouts or he hasnt completed Geb's suppression yet so quality gear is scarce
It's collapsing.
Sovless corpodrones finally figured that it was a lightning in a bottle
So where's Ideal with nix?
I miss the AI podcasts. They were really funny
Just like that? Out of nowhere? This is my first time hearing of this so i assume it's very sudden?
Rodya will not get any bleed ids, trust
the text talks about the terrifying nature of dark thoughts
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Enough is as good as a feast.
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Don x Sinclair art because the fans are crazy
Various lead artists + lead writer jumped ship to make their own gacha çause they were being restricted on what they could do in ba, or so they say.
Anyways it was BA 2, and it got cancelled after a week of it being announced (not released, it wasn't even done)
So now people are doubting if they will get better content or any at all after this, because that one writer guy was the only one that could make decent stories in there.
kuze and sinclar but it just sinclair get buried for 30 minute straight
bruh you just raw Rodya using a switchblade the size of her body in the latest trailer
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A load of staff left to make their own shameless BA clone, got threatened by Nexon because it's a shameless BA clone, and shut it down. So now BA is just down a load of senior staff and I will be forever blue balled from kaoru.
That's burn clearly
>bruh you just raw Rodya
i would suck her dick honestly
If the new Rodya is Charge, Bleed or Tremor instead of Rupture I think I might kms.
What even was the last Rupture ID? It feels like years.
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why is the new rodya rupture? how can i have two sinking teams like this in time for the 7.0 24 sinner railway run??
>bimbus will outlive BA
The world is healing
>why is the new rodya rupture?
God I hope it's not rupture, I don't trust the coin flip of god awful dogshit or archetype defining save throw.
"Fake" Rupture Warp Outis and Rings
Rupture parasite Dead Rabbit Meur.
The duality of Limbabs
It's rupture, probably rupture + something
Also, last "rupture" focused ID was Dead Rabbits Meursault, a 00 that benefited more form opponents having already high stacks of rupture count and potency than inflicting the status itself.
BA was a good game
hope they continue in the anime
Sounds a bit tragic for the BAfags
I hope BA can keep a modicum of it's sovl after what happened even if i don't play it
Did something happen to it
what? shes green
>good game
Now that's a cope
Also the animay sucks ass because it made the mc a twink instead of an ojisan
I dont get Rupturefagd, it's easily the worst status in the game with how finicky count is and PM will never resolve that issue because it would break the game harder than charge/sinking ever will
No one unironically wants to see their self insert be a fat pig and sensei is a self insert
I dont get Bleedfagd, it's easily the worst status in the game with how finicky count is and PM will never resolve that issue because it would break the game harder than charge/sinking ever will
lcg stands for Ledoomfagging about Cblue archive General
It will either die or Nexon will hire aryancunnyrapist69 and he will save Blue Archive
scroll up
joke so shitty it loops back into being funny
should've added linton to make it funnier
>immediately thinks of an ugly bastard
Just make him like Gregor
A cool uncle
except they released rhinosault and hooklu, and Sanguine desire grants infinite count for the turn its used
Are rupturetards really this stupid?
it shows rupture going off in the teaser trailer
>What do you mean Cinq is Poise? They're Blue for Charge
>What do you mean Oufi is Tremor? They're Black, for Sinking.
>What do you mean Black Rabbits is Rupture? They're also Black.
>No one unironically wants to see their self insert be a fat pig and sensei is a self insert
sensei the feet licker i prefer to have some weight than being a horny subhuman
That's precisely why it requires new IDs to fix it.
sorry for not getting what you meant,anon
it's just that most of the time ojisan are synonymous with fat balding old men
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RIP at least Limbus has a director that's too autistic to let his shit be taken by big corpos
thats even more fujobait than the twink
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Limbus Company~
NTA but at least he'd be less feminine lol
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God please don't suck ass.
i want to self insert as a fat pig


*slaps my belly*

where is ishmael content limbabs? cmon git
öufi is literally purple and thats yellow(tremor) mixed with blue so you should be saying charge
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>posts retarded shit
>gets btfo
>le smug anime girl
It's ok anal rupture, Im sure you'll get a good count id someday
I don't know man, Gregor might have it tough
>Purple is blue + yellow
Anon it was clearly copypasted from the other post
Don't get your hymen ruptured by this
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>thats yellow mixed with blue
this is roland with a hong lu face, and hong lu is notoriously unpopular with fujos
I can't self-insert with the mc looking like that. No wonder the anime was a flop.
blue and red, my colorblind nigga. purple is blue and red.
Roland, however, is extremely popular with fujos
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how do they work
Did you even read what that anon said? The face is everything
>roll three copies of the banner Yi Sang with starting rolls
I just wanted Ryoshu...
Do not combine those words with Ishmael.
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Ever since those anons last thread shilled genderbent Sinclair i can't stop thinking about how much better Sinclair would be if he was a cute girl
God Pmoon,why?! I like Sinclair but he isn't a cute girl,and that is bad!!!
Why Pmoon!!! Why Director?!
no if you mix everything like that you get black, like ryoshu and oh look she got a charge bleed id
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I knew that limbabs can't read, but I didn't know they're also colorblind.
Do you have enough to hit pity? If not, rip and shard next walp
Post dolls
Do Not Post Dolls
i cannot wait for blue archive to die
stop shitting up the thread with offtopic garbage
limbis company
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Careful now. You might end up like those Hong Lu fags that like him just because of the Femlu concept.
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>Yellow + Blue = Purple
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Who gets the Blue/Red Tear ID?
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Wait for HIS canto
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Close your eyes
Come to me
Feel all right
Just dance with me all through the night
Turn it out
Close to you
I feel good
'Cause I just know feeling of you
Give it to me, baby
Feel all right
I feel good
Just want you to step with me
Dance with me
Here with me
Feel all right
I feel good on you
All right
To make a groove all night
I just started the game, so probably not realistic. At least it gave a bunch of TVs currency for choosing an identity, looks like, and I also got an SSR Outis, so might just stick with this, I don’t hate him or anything.
BAbies are preferable to voreniggers.
It's going to be Bedouin themed.
You're right
I should like Sinclair for his character,not for schizo hypotheticals
Thank you anon
You have saved me from distorting
What the frick...
Pirate Gregor is the closest you can currently get, even though it's pirates, not cowboys.
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Never ever.
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We can have both
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EOS soon, lmimbab
When are we getting LCCB Green Tremor that synergizes with Rupture?
It's a bit unfortunate you joined the fun so late into the season. Get through the story asap and grind pass levels to 90 atleast. You'll get another chance to pull for good recent ids this thursday
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What the fuck does that mean? Do I have to one shot them three times?
>IMPLYING green tremor could even save the disaster that is LCCB
Lol, lmao even
>B-but ish-
Literally only useable because of launch IDs being retarded
persona 5 will finish the job
You need to one shot 3 of them in one run.
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It's better than nothing.
It doesn't matter if they can be saved. What matters is that Director is obviously pushing Tremor + Rupture, which means he's going to make Green Tremor.
>B-but my funny j-
Its shit.
Fucking how? I'm a Yi Sanglet
just run solo lament yi Sang and restart until you're able to survive the first couple of turns. his skill 3 shreds through enemies
Pirates > Cowboys
No support?
Knights are better anyways.
>Tremor + Rupture
>Last seen: LCCB Ryoshu (6-7 months or so)
Lmao. And besides, imagine being the archetype whose flagship ID is shit like Sloshmael.
Blue Archive is a part of Limbus culture, sorry
Use a friend's yisang
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That mission is tailor made for Gunsang. Two overpowered IDs in one season, while the star of the season got an okayish ID that's not even the top pick for Sinking team.
Who else works solo? Setting up Ryoshu's skill 3 took me 3 waves.
go make your own limbus thread then pedophile
That anon is autistic
Yi Sang doesn't need to be solo
God that sprite is so fucking hot
>Director is obviously pushing Tremor + Rupture
Thanks fren, I forgot I could do that.
Dog Faust is so cute
>Director is obviously pushing Tremor + Rupture
Lmfao, tremor + rupture died the moment it began in Canto 4
>while the star of the season got an okayish ID that's not even the top pick for Sinking team.
You better not be referring to Huntcliff because holy shit that's wrong
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Are you ok, Drake?
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You should run Lament Sang solo
Why do Giants of the Outskirts turn into bombs of nauseating gas upon being killed? Why would evolution allow such thing?
Viable. Reported.
>Why would evolution allow such thing?
look up autothysis
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She's as good as new.
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waiting for heathtent
if someone or something kills you there is none zero chance it can and will kill more of your kind
In rupture only because lol rupture. His tremor burst is detrimental to his rupture.
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Well, I did one more try on a different device just for fun, and got spooked on the first ten pull by both the featured Ryoshu and a Don Quixote that looks cute, so looks like I'm going with this one. Time to settle in for the ride.
you can massage the enemies first as long as they’re over 80%
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>you can massage the enemies
Which Sinner gives the best massages?
whats up my limbusheads

limb up
Hong Lu.
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to that one anon who didn’t believe me when i called this artist a fujo
Ishmael, despite what the schizos say
You aren't ready for her massage anon.
<Let go of me, Faust. It's starting to get tight.>
With her feet.
What's the worst that could happen?
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She's a ginger, she could steal your soul.
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Why doesn't Meursault have a gun?
i know. retard
Ishmael is the true vampire...
>shanks me in the shoulder when I wanted to save Smee
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This is what I feel like when I have a runny nose
Cute attempt
To be honest she aimed at Smee, Dante. You got in the way while making sick moves just to impress Smee to let her be your first mate.
>You're all bad managers, imagine not trusting the girl who saved your life multiple times.
Speaking of which, what's the current list of things each sinner did for Dante?
>Rodya and Heath actually roast her over it in the new walpurgis event
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<Ishmael, my falseflagging wife...>
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Not sure, but Faust is definitely on top.
Post her feet.
<Then she should get off me!>
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The fact that Ryoshu joined in to call it a
>good circular narrative
was too fucking funny
Faust allowed the other sinners to die to the Noon of Violet just so she could earn Dante's trust by being the one that could save him...
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>Dante you have to kill yourself NOW. Your life's not worth endangering the company. PRESS THE BUTTON DANTE
Yeah sure, Faust really cares about him.
He fucking designed Gebura and did the LobCorp sprites too
Faustsang is canon.
Dante is canonically an incel.
Faust waifuniggers will cope and seethe about all of this being true.
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She really does
It's so sad how bad the powercreep has gotten. LCCB Ish and Rodya were my mvps during the early days of chapter 3.
Now? Only lccb ish sees any use for the 32 tremor and 5 fragile if you get lucky on her speed and even that's questionable. Once ish gets a proper tremor ID its so fucking over
>sore wa, sore wa. kore wa, kore wa
sinners for this feel?
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Blatant manipulation attempts. Someone should really do something about that woman.
Uptie V will save them... surely...
>crying over day 1 00 IDs
You only used them for 3-4 stages and immediately replaced them when something better came out.
what would you do if your favourite sinner died with no way to revive them. you get all the lunacy/thread/xp tickets back.
The story would be over because Dante would be dead.
Limbus is the gacha with the least amount of powercreep I've seen in my life
What the fuck are you on about?
shut up fish, don't you dare slander my cute wife
>long hard permadeath dungeon where you have to save dorante with the base IDs because he's incapacitated
It depends on if you count "IDs that are designed by someone that doesn't understand the game" being replaced by "IDs that actually work" as powercreep.
It isn't.
>Needing to level up all the base IDs to whatever the level cap will be
>What the fuck are you on about?
>Rolls 10/13/12
you clearly didnt play during season 1 when this was considered good for clashing
Place your bets for Bygone Days Ish and Rodya

>Another SP healing EGO.
>Pure damage slop that's only good for clashing
>Some insane gimmick that no one will use

>Charge Rupture
>None of the main 7 statuses, it's some random clusterfuck of FLAVOR effects
wait what
Did we get some video teaser or something, what makes you say Rodya is Rupture
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Mostly 1.) her not having any rupture IDs, 2.) a new association where we don't know jack and shit on what it will actually apply and 3.) I'm not sure what other status it would be besides Charge or Rupture myself.
It would make sense for Faust to betray you by being the one with an ''unique relationship'' with Dante by knowing information and sharing it only to him so he could do the same for her. Since the previous betrayals in the other games had some impact by how effectice they were with the character that was always at the side of the protagonist(even if you had the feeling they were going to betray you at some point), It would really be more impactful for her to betray Dante than...Outis, for example.
>If enemy has X sinking gain Y coin power because this is what the sinking archetype needs now lol lmao
>Basically useless outside of her team switching gimmick
>targets allies to grant buffs like Yan in Ruina
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The betrayal will come from a place of love and cement Limbus as full KINO
She can get a Rupture ID in time, she DESPERATELY needs a bleed ID
I played in S1 when WDon was a go to for RR1 and she still is for the current one
NClair still is Sinclair's best ID more than 1 year after its release
RCliff only started to fall off recently
A random 00 not being as affective as it was a year and a half ago isn't "powercreep"
Faust will betray Dante only to then betray FOR Dante
<I will be the one doing the betraying, actually.>
>The situation where successive updates or expansions to a game introduce more powerful units or abilities, leaving the older ones underpowered.
that's literally what powercreep is
it's just not necessarily a bad thing like everyone says it is
the CEO of limbus company...is X...
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i would single handedly fund distortion detective vn
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MC Faust, W Ryo and RE ryo can use their nukes earlier and get better numbers unlike W Don's rip space
Dawnclair is better for burn, Cinqlair is better as a generalist, neither have to worry about corroding when equipped with higher tier ego
>A random 00 not being as affective as it was a year and a half ago isn't "powercreep"
That's exactly what powercreep is, you retard: older IDs not being able to keep up with the newer, shinier IDs getting stronger. Even maid ish who's the weakest 00 of this season is stronger than lccb.
I feel like sinking is guaranteed for Ish's Bygone. Not so sure about the rest. It might be literally "win me the clash" button and some passive to buff her Maid ID in some way. And that's about it. The most fucked up things they could do. Is very similar to fell bullet. Where design makes you think it's a sinking, but it has 100% synergy with Ahab or some shit.
For Rodya I just wait for skill reveal. The only thing that is confirmed that she is charge or has her variant of unique charge.
I want a fat small boobed woman in this series NYOW
Tiphereth is right there
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Im not fat…
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Ish I'm betting is poise sinking or just poise at the very least
Rodya I'm hoping is purely rupture (or rupture bleed) but it might be charge rupture
We see the rupture effect happen at the end of her trailer
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''Ryoshu Is Right Here''?
...i didn't save that one image...
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Ryoshu Is Raping Heathcliff
i'm glad they at least seem to have abandoned the idea of super limiting passives (9:2 faust requiring an ID to have lust skills, for example)
i'm fine with EGO tailor made for specific IDs as long as they aren't obsolete on others
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Fuck you lmao.
t. Director
which sinner would use breast fillers
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
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Hopefully come Don's canto she'll get a good 000 Bleed ID
Same time as Faust getting a Burn EGO for 9:2
>Burn EGO
Burn ID*...
Good… you’re proof is GONE
Atleast Faust has Fluid Sac as an alternative HE, and it's one of the best in the game still
There is no alternative for Red Shoes AND Everlasting Faust is a cornerstone for making Tremor teams work
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Go back.
Devyat Rodion? Tremor.
you guys don't actually roll for non canto IDs... right..?
Faust's 9:2 is a TETH.
>Everlasting Faust is a cornerstone for making Tremor teams work
No that honor belongs to hongler, everlasting wont do jack shit once your target has run out of stagger thresholds
>I played in S1 when WDon was a go to for RR1 and she still is for the current one
WDon went from being the best unit in the entire game to being merely good. She was powercreeped by WRyo, MultiPau, LobRyoshu among others.
>NClair still is Sinclair's best ID more than 1 year after its release
Cinq Sinclair is better in general teams. Burnclair is better in burn teams. He's been powercrept hard, he's really only usable when enemies are weak to blunt or in fights that start at 0 SP.
>RCliff only started to fall off recently
He started falling off last season, and he's below average now.
Not to mention, you have other top tier IDs early in Limbus's lifespan like NPau being mediocre too. Powercreep is real and it killed a lot of early IDs.
Source? It looks like it's working again as usual.
she mirrors olga, so she gets bigger tits. it's the same with molar outis
the main takeaway from this is that V corp has the big titty committee
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Why are you retards only realizing now sinners have different bodies depending on the mirror world
I've been telling you since NDon came out
Litterbox should usually work, it's more resilient
>Rolling when you have Gacha EGO unobtained gives better chance for good shit (2.9% + 1.2%)
>Rolling when you don't have any other Gacha EGO unobtained gives you better odds to obtain the new Walpipi EGO
This is actually ass to juggle

But her doobs are canon in our reality?
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Explain this then.
A direct view on her chest, no weird angle, yet she's FLAT.
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Meant for >>494640226
>shard ego, roll id banners
this is not rocket science
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The sinners can be flat when they need to be. Since this shows she's flat but in the W Corp event she had volleyballs under her clothes.
The sinners can grow and shrink their body parts at will?
So does ish get breast envy? Hip envy for Ryoshu I don't know, she's the same body type
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Delicious flat chest...
>Shard all EGO
>Now rolling at a 3.1% chance to get good shit instead of 4.1% per roll
Brightest /lcg/ poster
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Don has a sports bra in her LCB ID,
She took it off for the cryo freezer
Ryoshu would be prideful of her A cups though
I was saying this since the SEA intervallo
How would you know?
Good. Self-inserters get the rope.
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Flat goddesses don't have anything to envy from those ugly cows.
she just like that
Yoshihide in Hell Screen was really arrogant and prideful in humseld, guess it'd translate there as well
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Big cope now
HUNG Lu is hung in every mirror world.
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I had a pic where she was using her sword to lift them up.
Then why is everyone else consistent except for Don and Ish?
having a different boob size is pretty different from yi sang being buff on the pequod, though
Works on my machine
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Hod’s beautiful body
>he doesnt know that sharding EGO first removes them from the pool
Based retard. Enjoy pulling dupes
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I wonder if this Ish was transferred or if it's just another Zwei version.
Are you pretending to be retarded or do you just not get it
If I was Dante, yes. Otherwise, no.
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And how different is it from being a literal horse in one of the mirror worlds?
Hod should get fat so she gets bigger tits than Angela :/
Huge doobs when she was on her Praise the Sun pose, though.
I guess this means her boobs engorge/shrink when she has more/less blood.
As a Chinese deity, he is an exception.
Obviously another ZWEI version.
You should be prosecuted and get electric chair'd
you fucking idiot, that 1.2% chance is shared across all extractable ego, sharding the ones you dont want removes them from the pool so when you pull ego you're more likely to get the one you do want
I like the coomer big boobied Don quixote more than the annoying shakesperean squeaker (and sadly canon) Don quixote
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>we have this very nice artwork from pre-release and no used for it
>uuhhhh just say it's a civilian guise mission
KEKlu still virgin despite being from a wealthy family
He'll be plenty happy with watching Dante impregnate all 6 female sinners
>sinners can change species
this is so hype sisters we could get genderbend ids
Shut the fuck up Outis, she won't even fuck you
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Read the damn book, lorelet.
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>Make a question on /lcg/
>Nobody understands and somehow think I'm retarded for it
>Turns out I'm the one most informed about this and thus should've just figured everything out myself instead
Great thread guys
he has better women at home, why would he settle for his uggo coworkers
Would the director really do that?
How do you go on when nothing makes you happy?
Asking for a friend.
you’re both retarded because you should save shards to get your waifu to 100%
I don't know.
I just enjoy things, anon.
You should kill yourself NOW
So how did she get that much blood/ lost that much blood during her scenes? Wouldn't Dante make sure to make her recover her blood back if she lost it somewhere in the fights?
It's Zwei Section 4 Ishmael in Faust uptie story. So it's likely going to be another version. Unless it's Zwei west section 4 Ishmael just to fuck with people.
I think that WhiteNight will always be with me and will always be my true friend,even through my toughest and most difficult times i can turn to WhiteNight knowing he will be there for me
Maybe you should do the same
start reading books, working out, etc.
Its a shitpost so I don't know.
you should play more gacha games instead, anon. the serotonin is good for your brain
>Implying El Director follows the book
Do retards still believe this?
Play Omori.
You're just gonna make him kill himself
Play Planetarian.
Your emotions are controlled by neurotransmitters in your brain, so go exercise instead of blogposting on /lcg/
that's like trying to help someone being poisoned by giving them cyanide
Don't play Omori.
he already said he got his virginity taken by his sexy onee-san maid in canto VI, anon
>Your emotions are controlled by neurotransmitters in your brain
Where's that image of Ayin and Binah about that?
2.9+1.2% is constant. The question is if you want that 1.2% to be a chance to pull a random ass EGO or a 1.2% chance to pull Solemn lament.
I'll let you get back to wasting your lunacy.
Post it then
Play Concord
Hods fat hodders
is dante a thing in every universe? and what makes our universe the main one
Hog's beautiful body
Play Omori for the good music
>is dante a thing in every universe?
>and what makes our universe the main one
why would there be a "main" mirror world?
Get the Marvel slop out of your brain
Timeline fuckery hurts my head so don't talk about it thanks
You live. You search for something that you have lost, the meaning of the self, and make that your new life.
Whether or not you have the conviction needed to do so is another matter entirely.
Limbustomy of Ruina.
If he is than PM's universe can never be coherent again because of C6
So I'm going to say he isn't
>is dante a thing in every universe?
>and what makes our universe the main one
dante. also it's the only point of reference, 'main' is completely arbitrary
force yourself to enjoy things
find friends who enjoy things and copy them
find things i set myself to not enjoy and try them
set yourself short terms goal and keep at it
it will eventually subside
What's C6? Bigger C4?
the out... Is
What do you think friends are?
im not spoonfeeding you for skipping the cutscenes, anon. go back and read
Person who was Dante before limbus probably is in every world. We also know that there is a mirror world with lccb so there is a mirror Limbus
Dante is mentioned in lccb rodia's upie story at the very least
LCCB Rodya mentioned the existence of Dante in her world.
LCCB Rodya refers to Dante as 'the clockhead' so Dante does exist in other worlds
these dude's way of posting are so distinct you can immedieatly recognize them lamo
There's a mention of a "Dante" in LCCB Rodion's Uptie Story.
There are other clockheads running about in the Mirror Worlds, leading different Sinners.
This is why you can get Base ID shards. You're pulling them from the Alternate Sinners who failed in their mission.
Have you considered substance abuse? There are legal options, depending on your state.
who replaces rodion/ishmael/ryoshu in the lccb worlds
>im not spoonfeeding
Right because it doesn't exist
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Drink yourself blackout with me, it'll be fun.
Anon I love me some good GFL ntr drama but at least take your meds before writing your posts cause I can't fucking understand shit here
The only fat part about her… if only there was a way to get her fatter everywhere else…
Rodion replaces Effie.
Ishmael replaces Saude.
Ryoshu replaces Pilot.
anon please stop guzzling bait holy shit
What has "this friend" holding on to until now? Just delude themselves into chasing it still, even if it is attainable
His feminity
So do you think being an arbiter is like a normal A corp. job and they all go home after work like regular nest-dwellers or do they go back into their arbiter sleep pods until they're needed again like Hongers
>>494645275 (Me)
Oh my God, I can't read today.
Okay, so, I don't have a single clue on that, since we've yet to see any other LCCB IDs for the Sinners, so, I haven't got a clue as to who could theoretically replace who.
Probably other characters from books with similar or different themes altogether.
I'm gonna call out people for making stupid ass posts and there's nary a thing you can do to stop me
cant believe u niggas are arguin about filler uptie story bullshit
i skip that shit
>blogposting getting this many (You)'s
Holy shit
You're forgetting her fat butt and her fat belly and her fat ahoge
It provides Insight.
Only her Ahoge is fat
The rest aren’t… yet…
I love my wife and family

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