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Previous thread: >>494587992

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

15 hours until we can schizo about their kits.
Place your bets.
Will Ishy have a good EGO passive?
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dyon... sinclair...
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My wife, FATdya the VOLUPTOUS
It'll be better than Roseate Desire.
Devyat Rodya will either be the next Ring Sang or Sunshower Heath.
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Ocasionally canon
How do you go on when you didn't get a single 000 ID in 200 rolls.
Asking for a friend.

Like Dante's Inferno. I get it now.
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>Trying to rush back to the later floors to get back to the core suppressions
>Realize the best way to do this is to have my highest Temperance + Prudence Agent work with Scarecrow
>And then have the rest of my Agents beat the shit out of him when he breaches

I am such a Brilliant Manager
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Maybe there's some pattern, not sure.
remember, the more you push a ship the more likely kjh will think it’s popular and start adding fanservice for it
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You move on.
im just waiting for the plastic chair cameo
it will be epic
so these are just a scam right? they don't even give any levels compared to the ticket they sold during the anniversary angela pack
Use the pity and then complain about it every time someone talks about rolls.
Do you think about me now and then? Do you think about me now and then? 'Cause I'm coming home again.
>Gives out thread substitute instead of EXP
Looks good in my book.
Yeah, it helped with Cathy...
if you still have the first time offers for lunacy bundles they can be worth it but otherwise no
My ship is Me x Sinners
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Thoughts on her?
Why does the EGO upgrade pack not include threads?
Been away a while. A whole canto by the looks of it.
Any good and cool extractions going on I should splurge on? Tips and changes.
It's specifically a pack to upgrade only a WAW Ego to UT4. Also 3 deca tickets for whatever reason
Are those scooters from dragon ball
Uninstall the game and be free.
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Deserves violent death after death.
Shard Huntcliff. Roll for Solemn Lament Yi Sang and/or Spider Bud/Penitence Ryoshu.
don will be happy if you buy it
>Spending money on limbus
>Even CONSIDERING spending money on limbus
Uhh bwo?
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Sinking. Invest in all of the new sinking IDs (sans Butler Ishmael). They are incredibly silly.
Also, a Walpur is happening. So spend all of your actual rolls on that first.
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good but not my favourite
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You know, all this flood made me thinking... why do we need Ishmael if Faust can do the same but better? Why not simply not use the mirrortech to turn Ishmael INTO Faust... Hell, we can use that to turn all sinners to Faust. Everyone will be happy.
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Thoughts on him?
This shit is funny to me. WDon's issue is quite literally that she is a season 1 ID so she has no modifiers. She just does pure damage but more and more IDs do pure damage but also have modifiers on top.
He's great.
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bad, i hope she stops being delusional after her dream gets SHATTERED to PIECES
So-o... mirrored Faust *can* use Faustcord, right?
Which means several Fausts can neglect negative effect of Faustcord disconnection, right?
Like geths from Mass Effect or something
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Architecture class is now in session
whatever is that don gets now has to be good enuff to surpass the simple power that w don has
w don has a serviceable S1, a S2 with 2 fragile and a s3 that does loadsd of damage. she barely needs charge thanks to telepole
its some power trhu a simplicity so amazing it do gets to be hard to face it
So, did she tank that or something?
I'm new and I've spend all of my lunacy on the Don banner.
I'm sure Dante can fix her up
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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I came back just to spend the lunacy I had desu. Felt silly remembering "man I saved up like 30k of that stuff thay I never used"
How does new yi sang meaure up to spicesang? He used to be my go to sinking guy.
Aight walpurgis it is
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I guess so?..
Did you win?
i like him, i hope he will get worse soon as he was more fun as ragetard
The most fucked up thing about the picture is the excessive amount of bodyparts.
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Nuh uh, the best way to do it is actually becoming a manager and not puppeting 6 agents
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He's a DPS machine. 'nuff said.
I got a the chicken EGO and 1 000 where she has two swords and some other 00 rank Dons.
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Faust's massive retarded breasts
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Existence of several Fausts is bad for the City's health. And besides if i remember correctly, mirrored personas like Erlking are unstable
he's an ASS but I like his progression
I like the guy, he is funny
and he likes dante (me) so we are friends
He's been my favorite Sinner since the Beginning
God I love my angry batter
Limbus Company but with real life mega corporations, which one you are siding with? I will be living in Nestle's Nest
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Thoughts on him?
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The best.
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Too awesome to live
My soul belongs to Lockheed Martin and the military industrial complex
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In my experience W Don's Rip Space does more damage than any of the other W's S3s. Never used Crack Faust outside of MD really but hers are monstrous in MD at least. I also think W Ryo is better than Unga Ryoshu on charge teams too.
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Guys my Roland and Angela look weird.
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You are in the Seven association cafe, What do you order?
Argalia solos and fucks both of these?!
Is it just me or is your chippi chippi broken
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glad this artist came back
Ask Outis for some chocolate milk straight from the tap
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Looks normal to me.
Just you
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Nah, he jobbs to the Crimson Slasher.
Hot chocolate
With some whipped cream and maybe sprinkles if they have any
We know SEAnigger
Why does 7 association have more blacks than any other association? Is it because they're french?
>he doesnt feel any guilt for selling his friends out
>his breakdown is about how he feels empty because all of his achievements are built on the backs of the literateurs and their achievements, meaning none of them can be truly attributed to his own effort
>tells carmen that he'll use his own genius and earn his own achievements, starting over from scratch if he hasto
>decides to destroy the last remnants of the 9 starting with Yi sang as the first step towards his ambition and new beginning
I really like this guy. He's an ambitious asshole, but also oddly virtuous and hardworking
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the bestest and cutest sinner
The Head would think these 2 are Abnormalities (Because of how strong they are) and capture them immediately
Argalia solos every 2hu because he's immune to range attacks
Lemon Tea and a slice of Strawberry Cake
they can't make worthwhile replayable challenging content because this is a gacha where your time is as much of a currency as any other, and them wasting people's time would cause an uproar
how does that make you feel, lobcucks and ruinafags?
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The Head would lose too.
Does the head care about that?
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Hmm. I can masturbate to this
Black coffee
Just...don't play it?
>How does new yi sang meaure up to spicesang? He used to be my go to sinking guy.
He doesn't have the sheer power of sinking deluge but his unique status effect more than makes up for it
+ he can actually clash and do damage with more than his S3.
Spicebush will probably stay as a boss killer option and nothing more in my eyes.
What piece is supposed to be her boob
That's the Cinq.
Seven is... British.
Black Tea with some pastry of my liking, or some simple biscuits.
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There's only one right answer.
Why don't you try to piece her back together to find out?
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>Dante feels this type of pain a thousand times every time they fight
This is probably what the sinners looked liked when they were fighting Kim
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Faust's vaginal discharge, from the tap
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She's a stupid dummy and I love her. I will support her delusions even after the dream ends
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Arcueid's death was instantenous,so i wouldn't even say that
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Yeah, I bet her pussy smells like fish. Because she didn't bathe in two years, get it?
Its her left hip missing?
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brits are worthless so they have to hire immigrants
Thoughts on her?
Wouldn't it be fucked up if the sinners couldn't feel pain from instantaneous deaths like being pierced through the brain, but Dante could and would feel the full brunt of it?
better that w don
fits on bleed team
heals are good, she fits well with solemn and erlking
Dante should fry his own clock brain so he cant feel pain anymore
>put her in 1st spot in MD
>don't find any skill replacements for her
>ends up 4th in damage
>find skill replacements for her
>ends up 2nd in damage (can't beat Ringsang)
That has been my experience so far.
Sinners for this feeling?
incredible drip and general use power on top of being great in bleed
Goes in my story mode clear teams and my MD bleed and probably RR too
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And lastly.
Thoughts on him?
is this computer science club?
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No thoughts.
Objectively the best sinner.
Bleed user = instantly great
Not sure why she had to get 3rd red eyes drip and immitate the easiest gebura form though
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Literally me
asians have no body odor tho
D I S T R I C T 2 3

>better that w don
Is that generic badass aura or crumbling armor EGO gift?
because is fucking sick dude
sustain is a big deal and the SPO regen makes solemn sang and lament greg better at their dps
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I think she's better in a charge team than a bleed team BUT W Ryo is better in charge so she's relegated to bleed for me. Anybody who uses swapping skills as a reason she's better is dumb because that can apply to any ID.
bleed is the weakest part of her kit though
The strangerrrrrrrrr
red eyes and penitence effects at max stacks
>BUT W Ryo is better in charge so she's relegated to bleed for me
Have you tried using her in a charge team just for fun, anon?
i dont understand why they had to limit fusion gifts to certain team comps
they don't automatically buff every team member anyway
i hope they change it
the fusion gifts are the same but now on a weekly rotation. enjoy
you dont need them
why bother
for the codex? that would make sense
she's so fucking cool anon i love her
>uuuh hurrr why is my [Rupture] Fusion GIft not working on my Burn team aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Choke and die.
Yeah but she never performed crazy enough to make me not want to use W. Plus MDwise KK is wack so I'd rather use her in bleed anyway.
Ryan Gosling from Drive of PMverse
is this the average limbsissy's level of reading comprehension?
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I'm not a fan of this "cute n casual ut1 art" then "big ol badass ut3 art" thing going on. Let us have some cute art as the animated thing too PM
He meant L O N D O N but as projmoon joke
That's pretty good
Remember, you inly have a gambling problem if you lose. There's only gamblers and winners.
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Im talking about "why" though
Yeah but its irrelevant. Whatever activates MD ego gifts
Please don't.
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what a coincidence everyone who reeks always says the same thing about themselves
NTA but I want the power of these gifts for my solo runs.
They do animate UT1 in the case of 000s. You can see it if you click and hold the lobby screen.
Powerlevel franchise, not sorry
We don't get that many bleed/charge IDs huh. Now I like this one.
I mean animated all the time like the ut3 art is not repeating the extraction animation but that is cool too.
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Small indie team, please understand. There's someone actually fan animating 00s on youtube, I wouldn't have the link though.
i dont need most of the mechanics this game has to winrate my way through all the content
but since the mechanic is already there there's no need for it to be shitty and pointless like that
i'm fine with, say, mechanics that require 6 of the same faction because shit like BL outis is a counterbalance
but you can make status teams with all 6 members being good, so there's no need to REQUIRE five. and yeah solo and stuff like that other guy said
Noice, got him on the 4th 10 pull
The animations are dogshit and get in the way 99% of the time.
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He is quick to anger, but...
From the beginning he's been close to 90% justified in his violent notions
... Apart from striking Sinclair and caving his head in, during the beginning of the prologue

I have never been in love. Never will be. But seeing the bat go from Revenge to Remember felt crushing. So is the modified dialogue of Bodysack
The Epilogue of Limbus better be Heathcliff bridal carrying Cathy away. If it's not, then I'm personally flying to HHPP
How could something you only see on your dashboard or manager card get in the way exactly?
How? That's ishmael.
Also wtf is this? We can pull anounders now? Is everything gamblecore now?
Realistically, probably not, but they will certainly find them annoying since those 2 will never abide any rule, and no one can do anything to them, basically like Color Fixers but extra annoying
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I love cute boys!
I'm sure the head has an anti-2hu singularity somewhere stashed up their ass
>Apart from striking Sinclair and caving his head in
No, the result of the action justifies itself
Yeah, you can get some unique announcers from Walpurgis.
The downside here, however, is that once you get them, they're never really removed from the pool. So you're able to get announcer dupes if you're really unlucky.
Also, congrats.
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That's a MAN
Yep, you can also pull multiple duplicates since announcers aren't removed

I pulled Angela five times during my rolls. Five. Times. Ayin was fucking right.
Sinners for this feel?
True, most 2hu can actually be countered using The City tech surprisingly enough, they are not invincible or anything
For example, Sakuya, she can be contained by T-Corp if they try enough, won't be easy, but possible
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That too
Do yall realize that Ayin is the mix of a black and asian dad
He runs away from his responsabilities and consequences of his actions to the light and once his kid does something good he shows up back again and congratulates them because that's the only worth he'll see in them
They make it uglier AND take resources to produce.
This Image In Particular Emanates A Terrifying Homosexual Aura
You fit both of those criteria too
Does Sinclair have the guts to see a woman in the street,kill her in broad daylight and cum from it?
>Forcing a mirror world ID of a sinner to watch as you fuck another ID of a sinner in the ass
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He clearly likes it though
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Did I just bricked myself by not clearing 8+ times to single enemy mission first try in normal walp? I solo with Yi sang like what everyone said
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I love Ryoshu bros
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Got any food?
I’m all out.
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retake your english lessons please
Really tremendous ejaculation. Urethra has that good ache from the load being too thick.
you only neede to do these missions twice desu
i did it with ego team+ erlking and phillipclair, was really fast
I've got some dog food that Ish didn't finish.
There's something hilarious about watching people do Walpurishnacht pulls and getting fucked over by shitty luck
is Mahjong Soul any good? my only real experience with mahjong is with the Yakuza games
Still has the best laugh.
Imagine NO TRESPASSING rolling all heads from -30 SP while your sinners flunks their EGO roll for 75% of gameplay.
That's mahjong.
We are flourishing
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>had to do 200 pulls on the last 3 Walpipis and 180 on the 1st Walpipi
Yeah. Hilarious.
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>tenma also played limsus compadre
bro the normies will invade us soon
So who will win bigger with the update? Rodya or Fish?
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outisfags are so cringe
EGOs are worthless artist bait.
The coming update?
The Zwei update?
... Not sure
seems pretty in character to me
His hidden evil part, yes.
Has anyone tested if W Faust, Rhino or any of the charge supports work with Budshu?
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Oh, that's who's in the Bodysack
Some random gangers
Faust took me 60 pulls
Outis took me 50
Current one took me 80
That's Wildhunt Heathcliff, doesn't count
Doesn't count. Our Heathcliff and his dead rabbits would NEVER kill anyone retard
>this shit again
Heathcliff wouldn't kill anyone.
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yep, we figure it out
Heathcliff has never killed anyone though.
The Bodysack is Heathcliff's emotional baggage
lets be real nobody but already existing fans watch shit like "HERE'S A NICHE GAME YOU'VE NEVER HEARD ABOUT CALLED LIMBUS COMPANY"
Heathcliff is a good boy. He didn't kill anyone.
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Aww shit
The Bodysack contains another Heathcliff
>Go to write the threadly shitpost story like I have the last few threads
>End up writing a nonshitpost because Heathcliff

Fuck, I've failed you all
Send me to We Can Change Anything, I'm a failure
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There are different interpretations of this to be fair

This Meursault is talking about a Heathcliff of a different world
We genuinely do not know if our Heath had to do anything similar

It was the action that solidified his resolve to make a name for himself, away from the control of Wuthering Heights
So to assume that our Heathcliff committed a kill for the Dead Rabbits is not illogical
But at the same time, we know for a fact that the person in his bodysack in the EGO has always been himself
The bodysack contains (You)
Wrong. Heathcliff has never killed anyone simple as. Retard.
Hope your angus is peppered.
Heathcliff killed my mom :(
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No, it was me.
The dead rabbits are a good syndicate. Like fixers but better. They never hurt anyone and solved their issues with their own words. The spiked bats? Decoration. Part of their fashion. People simply donated money to them and they pacified all the other syndicates via talking. Carmen has nothing on them.
This is me btw
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kromer hate
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You wouldn't destroy Judgment bird's egg right? You wouldn't disappoint the best abno right?
>download mod that makes all my clerks immortal
wow bros... why didn't anyone tell me this is the best way to play the game...? kino......
no, no one actually plays the game
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I hope you prepared your bullets.
>Best Abno
That's not One Sin though
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Kromer love
Ego gifts all work with her so naturally supports should too
For me, it's the flying gay
kys nigger you dont deserve to live don't ever say that again and anyone that agrees with you should also kill themselves
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>He doesn't have any fAith in our lord and savior, One Sin
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Are you one of these posters by any chance?..
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Thank you <3
New pull pools in 3 days wonedr what else is coming :)
It's as canon as our Sinclair awakening his ego after getting cucked
you believe in a false prophet that will only bring doom upon you and your kin
i would say that there is still hope for you but people like you are hopeless and deserve to die
I'm dissapointed
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This motherfucker trusts WhiteNight
Manager, execution bullet this Clerk
W Faust is for lowest max hp so its not reliant on her being a charge ID and Rhino affects the ID with the highest charge count so it depends on if her shit is coded as unique charge or not cuz I don't remember
The Inevitable Ayin ID is inevitable, but who will get it?
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what did people here used to talk about between the release of lobco and ruina? at least we're getting pieces of content to talk about with limbus
No,there is no "Inevitable Ayin ID"
I can see a Roland ID,i can see a Gebura ID
But why would any of the other Sephirah get it? They're not fighters,especially Ayin
Probably PM's favorite boy Yi Sang
we talked about nothing because this place didnt exist. try again tourist tranny faggot
You mean 4chan? Lots of stuff. Hell, /v/ even made nudemod for LC back then...
They already did...
why are you like this
But if you're talking characters that match Ayin enough for an ID,maybe Yi Sang or Heathcliff
Tenma is the exact opposite of normie attractor.
He's getting the BLACK Silence ID though
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i, for one, hope more people start to play limbus.
i love seeing newbabs trying to wrap their head on all of PM's bullshit
What this poster actually means is that "he" wishes for more trannies and leftists in the community.
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You need to crack some balls to... uh, i forgot
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Anon... your Blind Obsession with troons is concerning
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Nothing there did it not me
You tell him xister! We can't let any more hecking chuds in our super niche community!
The "badass UT3 art" is the character usually doing their big Skill 3. You know the thing you just unlocked by taking them to UT3? It's not always the case especially with the S0 IDs who likely had their kits moved around before release (I.E. G-Corp Outis doing her S2 in the uptie art instead of the screm) but has been consistent.
It might also just be a "Ayin Adjacent" ID, like, i consider the Dual wielding Ryoshu to be a lite red mist ID, so i think an Ayin Lite ID is genuinely very likely.

Honestly, if it werent for the clearing of cathy from mirror worlds, recreating the Ayin Carmen dynamic would be one way to do an Ayin ID.

Too low drive, to be viable for Ayin you need to be able to invent new and unimaginable kinds of evil.

PM Loves mister Hong Lu a lot more, but i can imagine him with a manager Yisang ID.
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Choose wisely
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What the hell does this stupid fucking toad represent? The answer isn't gloom btw
what's the best Meursault to put in a tremor comp? you'd think rosespanner would work, but it's impossible to get 3 gloom res
What would Ayin lite even be? Whoever gets the ID stabs Dante in the throat and takes the role of "commander"?
animal that is sad
Attachment work with One Sin
He is literally me
I always roll with my Skull Head. He's the only real one in this facility full of fake ass "apostles".
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>so i think an Ayin Lite ID is genuinely very likely.
That's just Dante though
If only One Sin had 777 enkephalin, it would have been
being fucking annoying.
Ignore them, I'll go "work" on Laetitia instead.
sad froge that needs comfort :(
Not one sin so he may not be touched or given any attention,cause that's what he deserves
Not WhiteNight so he can achieve freedom
T o T
A Defensive skill thats probably "SP Bullet", Skill 3 is execution bullet, maybe some qliphoth themed special charge gimmick?
I can think of a few cool things that could be done with a "Branch Manager" ID

The Chance of Danteh being Ayin is low, but not 0.
its a cave
The antithesis of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBxn56l9WcU
Wants to be noticed. They cry and cry, but it's mostly for attention. Hence the Envy & Gloom weaknesses.
Cunny Collective or Hag Hub?
or maybe
Gloom Toad or Wrath Frog?
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is Ishmael the first sinner with 3 teth EGO? or am i misremembering someone?
I dont know but she is the best sinner, that is for sure.
I'm so sad...
Damnit guys.. I'm really.. Sad...
Things went badly.. I'm sad.. I'm going to cry....
Sad.. Like.. Really sad...
I wish i could mentally kick people.
Don, Hong Lu and Meur all have 3
Perfect answer
What Sinner is this?
So which Sinner will get the 1st Aleph E.G.O.?
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Sinclair, Toad form
Ryoshu in the battle pass of her canto
Didn’t he kill Sinclair like 5 minutes into getting on the bus?
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Ishmael, Mountain of Smiling Bodies
Morally justified
I'm willing to believe this. El Director has been trying to appeal to the Nips really hard ever since Limbus started.
if no one reminds me to do my dailies, i will be EXTREMELY upset...
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I seem to recognize that chocolate bar in Rodya's mouth. And want to be it. Does anyone else recognize it?
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now ishmael got massive retarded breasts?
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We have 14 or so minutes anon, don't worry
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Jap only goods
JP dub for Ruina
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Anon-on! We not not succumb to our sexual desires no matter how smelly and soft the femcel-cel
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I'm tired of living /lcg/.
Why are we still here? When does it end?
Ryoshu was also the face of the first pass despite her not being one of the first 3 cantos.
Hold still, let me beat you with Penitence
They flunked hard on her EGO. It looks and animates very poorly.
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It ends when I say it ends! Now pick the spear back up and stab the goddamn mermaids already. The whale won't kill itself
>all the nip exclusive merch
>physical nip advertisement banners
>ruina jp dub
>E.G.O gift with SO suit
I think you might find that difficult to do
I loved chapter 3's dumb fucking fillers, where they boiled down to "Polnareff goes to the toilet and fights off three stand users"
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He's going to absorb this damage into his skull
why cant real women be this cute
looks like normal chocolate wafer to me, if its supposed to parody any real brand i dont know it
HEY, Anon
Hey look, listen. There's no need to be sad, alright?
30000000 Clerks died since we started working. That's a lot of Clerks. So cheer up, alright?
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tyim tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
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Dailies Danteh...
>what a nice drawing but i cant tell whats that thing in farmwatch soup
>its ox tail
is it worthwhile to shard rime shank for dieci rodion or should i just stick with butler faust? i feel like rodion is too count negative to be really worthwhile
MoSB Ish? Oh no no no no
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Faust forgot shit...
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yeah its great
I hope the artist draws a platter for all the other chapters
I hope so too, the soda is making me incredibly thirsty.
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>Hmm today I will MD hard the walpurgis event card with my BL slash/poise team
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZAIrbonUcA sinners for this feel
u rike the weakness system? Buy lunashee.
>ZWEI association
>only 2/5 members in game use zweihanders
director is a HACK
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My sinner came out as trans...
>2/5 members
I mean...
They all have two hands at least
Zwei Gregor has two hands....
Post it.
Fucking loser.
its a mechanical hand
Vergilius’ room:https://youtube.com/watch?v=hV1E8eYrqM8
>>494669382 here, I'm trans by the way if that matters.
least obvious falseflagging
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Very neat detail in canto 5, actually.
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some do, some don't
Can't believe that Sinclair fucking died at WWI.
w-what?! n-no! he lived happily ever after with Demian in the outskirts and they built a little farm together...th-that didnt happen!
sinclair’s wet dream
Who are they talking about?
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>it's fox day
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But rather than ramble, I'll just say that I love him.
I used RS until they changed him. In MDs I use base Sault for fun.
If you're trying to use a team for RR I'd not field RS if you're going for "efficiency".
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I don't get it
Ncorp Day
>bootleg burn team with the 00 jobber trio clears faster than my complete sink team
i kneel
Everyday is skip day, ideal boy.
I will sit in the middle on his lap
I've always done my weekly MDHs since launch, but I've seen people get INSANE BP levels. Are they all grinding MDHs or normal MDs? are there benefits to doing normal MDs?
Her healing on skill 3s makes just making multi cracks spend 10% up kind of a who cares.
imagine wasting 5 minutes on the fox fight
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content doko
by refilling 3 times a day using free lunacy, i can get 70~80 sinner shards daily just by doing dailies and like, 3 or 4 MDs.

counting the big payout at the beginning of every week, which gives me more or less 150 sinner shards, i can consistently get enough shards to buy a 000 id/EGO from the dispensary and fully uptie it every week.

but you tell me.
Malkuth fell onto my face ass first and killed me
Hod fell onto my face ass first and broke through the floor
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gm and happy chuseok to anyone celebrating /lcg/
Malkuth and Hod fell onto my face ass first and I swallowed them whole
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A schizo actually complimenting your game while wishing you the best isn't something you see every day
Thanks, I guess
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is heathcliff be for me tho
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Positive Schizophrenia
its a bit based on these posts https://arch.b4k.co/_/search/text/nga.bbs/
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how long would he last in the city before the arbiters launch a nuke in his general vicinity?
He gets parried and killed by a Grade 3 Fixer
I cannot see Don without thinking of how much i want to kill her for how annoying she is but that she wont really die cause she's a vampire but i really wish she stops being annoying after her canto because everytime i hear her voice i squeeze my hands like i'm squeezing her throat as hard as i can
1 week at most if he does his blood hunting shenanigans and doesn't get killed by something else before the head does something
this is funny cute and sweet... i initially thought you were the spammer at first glance
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>no faust
Anger management might be for you.
can any schizo translate this babble of your ilk
no i'm fine
v1 is absolutely fucked if they ever come across a bloodfiend
Does he distort? What would he say to Carmen?
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More than one week if he'd pick the right company.
If hard dmg that limits max hp is a thing...
I think even the 12 base sinners at uptie 4 and level 45, with the help of Dante probably have a chance at stopping him
Provided Dante is somehow invisible to V1 of course
I make them both rotund then kiss their large bodies all over
Carmen would be too trustworthy for him to listen to her.
He isn't very rational from the way Ultrakill as a game is structured
If he spawned in any random backstreets he would probably kill anything it deems has blood in it,then an association or an office might be alerted on it and die because they're canon fodder and repeat that until someone beats him,i'm not a powerscaling faggot though so i don't know what grade of fixer would be required to kill him
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I hope one day we get an ID with a short hair ponytail don.
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>Sucks out all of his blood
GG no re.
>smears whale oil on herself
>gets pallidified and becomes a mindless mermaid
Good job retardmael
Bro just skip
Imagine being a modulelet
Which IDs have different hair styles at the moment?
I only remember Chief butler Ryoshu
twintails ishmale
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Off the top of my head, Maidshu
Massive Malkuth
Hefty Hod
Because you risk getting a claw teledropped onto you if you screw up. Though then again erkling was larping as a rabbit for a while so maybe they don't count it as the same person the way they do for clones.
Though that does make me wonder if the head have some freindly customer service center where you can inquire if this thing you're doing breaks any rules or if they prefer to just wait until someone screws up and use them as an example.
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>Massive Malkuth
Got you
the head are just retards that let shit happen before doing anything
they don't act immedieatly,they let whatever impurity is in the city do what they want to do a bit and see if they will die by themselves
I think Erlking's stay was short enough that the head didn't interfere
i feel like canonically having infinite ammo could already allow him to kill like, 80% of the city's populace
Heath has two with QQ's braids and WildHunt's longer hair. Greg usually has a ponytail but I think his GCorp ID doesn't. Molar Ish uses a ponytail instead of just letting her hair flow down.
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>Hefty Hod
I got that covered
Queecliff and Wild Hunt have different hairstyles. Molar Ish and W corp have ponytails
When does Fubuki do another shill for Limbus Company? Does she even still play? Last I heard was that she's the sort to whale every once in a while and reads the story.
Hod is cute
Malkuth is cute
Binah is cute
Tiph is cute.
Angela is cute.
The head would kill him before he can get to that point if no one stops him before that
>>494676387 (me)
W corp Outis, I mean
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Gebura is cute. CUTE.
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Gebura is cute!
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Apparently neither of those worked for the mission lol any team tip?
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Love Ishmael and Rodion!!!!
She's just fat as fuck, anon
No need to panic
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>he doesn't skip Luxcavations
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how does he fair in the city?
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Sinner LOVE
the full moon pack seems to be a really weird value because while it gives 4 decas for the full package it's still nearly 40$ for that if you have the first-time bonus
Gebura is C.U.T.E
It's on the same turn, Wishing Cairn Don gets you 3 of the status effects and you can just use Yi Sang for the other 2. That's how I did it.
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Do you need to sink in the oil so you start to become one of the two results or spilling oil on yourself and leaving it for a short time is still dangerous? The process seems to be slow but can it still be fully done if you're not submerged in it?
You're supposed to line them up on the turn that you're sure you're going to kill it.
Cleaned up by sweepers
Make it to A corp and you'll find what you desire,citizen.
my limbus fave with a new id!
Inflate his already bloated ego and how he fuck it up big time.
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I won't bite the same bait twice.
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proof is an image of squished lobotomy corp gebura that i dont have saved right now
The first one was on the 1st turn and the second pic on the 2nd turn, unless some of those doesn't count like a negative effect
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her ass is NOT a navy breacher
you do need to pay for battlepass for that
>canto I-IV HE
>canto V-VIII WAW
>canto IX to XII ALEPH
The patterns support this. I believe in the patterns. Uptie V will also release around the second event of Hongs canto for the same reason.
the patterns said don would get the knight id
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>One month from Dontent
~4 weeks until we find out what Don's BP WAW is
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False. "Don likes knights so she gets the knight ID " is not a pattern. Ishmael getting to the new ID and EGO since she's gone the longest without a 000 and that usually end with a sinner getting multiple things in a row is. True patternfags were calling it being Ish from the start.
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AHH my text. I forgot to write.

I love seeing my two favorite IDs (and the coolest IDs in the game) doing so well.
"Alright, what's the last Abnormality I'll get for the Safety Department"
>The Silent Orchestra
>Warm-hearted Woodsman

Thanks, Binah
Fuckin' cunt
Just make a nugget designated for woodsman
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What's the matter, afraid of getting [CENSORED]?
considering you only pay once to be able to get anything you want, i'd say it's a good deal
im an abnormality
You want to know what ideal is? ... Some would say it's a complicated question. But not me. I know for sure what ideal is. My ideal....

It's when you listen to a complex technical lecture by Frau Faust and start to fall asleep from her soft and calm voice. And then your sleepy head already falls on her shoulder. But she doesn't stop her lecture and doesn't wake you up, she just reads it a little more softly and gently....

It's when you playfully banter with Ishmael and between the banter you insert a compliment about her gorgeous sunny hair. And then watch as she slowly realises what you've said and turns away from you. And you see in the reflection of the window how her face changes to the colour of her hair.

It's when you raid the company fridge with Rodya and share your portion with her, telling her you're not that hungry and you're just having fun in her company. And then you watch as she, clearly reluctant, still offers to split your portion in half.

It's when you go through the roleplay scenario in Fixers & Syndicates with Don and give her the best loot. Saying that only the most honourable knight is worthy of the rewards. And you watch her glowing with happiness, saying that there are no knights without a loyal squire.

It's when, after a heated battle, you ask Outis for advice, reasoning that she's the most experienced in these matters. And that it would be an honour to learn from such a wise and attractive general. And then watch as she proudly and a little embarrassedly asks you not to make stupid remarks, but still agrees to train you.

It's when you keep lighting a cigarette for Ryoshu. And when she finally asks you why you have a lighter but never smoke, you reply that you only carry it for her. She looks at you silently and turns away. The next time she doesn't look in your direction, but without saying anything, she holds out her cigarette to you.

That's it..... that's the ideal.
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That's the plan, I just found it funny/painful that the options were

>Will fuck your Agents up
>Will fuck your Agents AND Facility up
>Annoying to manage but tolerable

I'll [CENSORED] your face, Manager
I will never forgive Ruina for ruining censored...
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finally managed to snag all the gifts :) What do you think the Abnormality behing the "Lunar Memories" gift will be like? Will it be one of the ALEPHs that stand a cut above like Apocalypse Bird and White Night? What do you think it will represent? My money is either it's related to the 6 Limbillion deaths from the trailer or the incident that caused the City to be created to begin with and the Door that is cryptically referenced by PM's logo and Arbiter dialogue
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>out of character headcanon
why are waifufags so retarded
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Kimsault has long hair tied up in a topknot.
Regret, his hair is messy and unstyled. In Pursuance, it's his usual (dandy cut) 댄디 컷 but styled like (comma style) 쉼표 머리.
Very true. Only Faust would do something like that
>Ryoshu being motherly
Kill yourself anon
She's talking to her sword retard
Make sure it's all in the same body part.
Which one?
>out of character
Ryoshu is a mother so she would do this.
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She's talking about B.Y.T.A.C.
You can't really say it's out of character when we have no point of reference for how Ryoshu would act when close to someone.
I'm her husband so I would know.
Burning You To A Crisp?
the one you like the least
You're right. Ryoshu would NEVER hug someone ever.
Do you think the CENSORED Lobotomy EGO gear ID would be using negative coins or it would decrease the SP of the allies and enemies instead? I wonder what the gimmick would be...
Fuck you, Fetus.
Ryoshu is my mommy
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My guess is he has something to do with the other door
The door Dante uses to fetch the sinners back
Alright someone abort this fucking Fetus
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Sinner for this feel?
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Your favorite Project Moon character would kill you for money or for free if you’re annoying
erm actually she's cupping the viewer's face in her hands not giving them a hug
The only abno I particularly hate is that train.
One Sin would never do that to me
Chesed would never do that to me.
Finn would never...
Dante or maybe Gregor
Bon voyage
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6 limbillion is a drop in the bucket of the total city population, it's notable but no more so than a big wing war. So I'm leaning to some buried lore regarding the city's origin and the moon
Nah. I'm competent, calm and have big tits. I'll be fine.
i hope sinclair does this to me
Nyo, he follows my every command. Nice try though ruinabab.
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Can you get abnos pregnant or not?
I don't know but nothing will stop me from trying.
Oh my god don't
Nyo. You may try though.
Abno can get you pregnant.
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i want dream of a black swan belly content. stuffing, vore, brother, sister, whatever, just give me it
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After beating Philip (nice suit) with my super enhanced team due to not knowing I wouldn't get back my pages until beating the whole section, I managed to build two scuffed but good enough teams to do Eileen and Greta.
Eileen was scary because both her and her disciples used disruptive cards with really big numbers.
Greta however, was the most unfun fight so far. It wasn't even that hard, I would even say that redirecting all the attacks to the librarian that's going to go in the sack was funny, but she takes so long to drop, specially when she cancels bleed, paralyze and burn every five scenes.
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Abno fuckers hours
all the female sinners are trans because they were men in their books
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Abno fucking? Yeah, I'll pass. Got a job to do here. Facility to manage and shit, you know how it is.
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You haven't been slacking on your dailies, right anon?
This fucker is an ALEPH I bet
all men are trans because they were originally female before their chromosomes mutated
Umm,, ackshually... Rodya vores Ishmael and Outis exclusively... get your facts straight, chuddie
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What handsome man.
Of course not, I never put things off.
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does this mean women are the default state of humanity and men are evil aberrations?
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Meurdon is cute and canon, by the way
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After countless Mirror Dungeon runs, it's finally mine!
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yes, men are weak fetuses that listened to carmen's voice in the womb
why the fuck is don so big and fat here. you just know a westoid drew this
Nah it's fine I'll get take care of them tomorrow (never)
Dante is so lanky...
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Abnormalities do have physiological needs that can be sated such as being able to ingest food and water. Due to abnormalities being able to survive in abandoned facilities with no real harm + their physical state being reset when reduced to their egg form, they do not NEED to do these acts but they are able to do so. This can imply that they could have reproductive organs even if they can not reproduce

Assuming that the act of intercourse would be sating their physiological needs, it would be Instinct Work. While most would assume it is Attachment Work, that is for social needs and bonds and not for primal instincts.

Working with this, the humanoid abnormalities who would prefer intercourse (either having Instinct as their most preferred or second preferred work) would be:
Fairy Festival
Forsaken Murderer
King of Greed
Lady Facing the Wall
Little Red Riding Mercenary
Old Lady
Der Freischütz
Why are they the same size
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I don't think that's don
That is how SHITmori wants you to see Dante. Nai_ga draws Dante how he really is: a GIANT of a man
>ZAYIN level Abnormality that doesn't fight back since you say you did your homework
>turns into the ALEPH Uberfuhrermensch the moment it finds out you lied
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fake donfag. kys
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That is NOT Don. That is a skinwalker.
Yay! Congrats!
Why does Ishmael have to end up like this? So man shit fetishes tied to her stem from this moment
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Those are NOT Don's eyes you retarded nigger faggot CLERK
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>V makes Dante tall and lanky
>NG makes Dante small and petite
What did KJH MEAN by this
>blue eyes
clearly that’s hong lu
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I don't mind MeurDon tbhdesu
Meursault is almost two feet taller than Don. The one in game art that has Don, Outis and Meursault in gay baby jail you can see that Don and him are almost the same height, and he's sitting on a bench in that art.
Naiga is uhm...
>shorter than Ryoshu
TWINKte, meant for FREE USE
>gonemori fans still mindbroken by her
For me, it's Dong Lu. My reasoning? The name sounds funny
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Don Canto leak
>GODte faces down the unknown without bending or breaking
>COWARDsault and SISSYshu cower behind him
nai_ga understands the true essence of dante. SHITmori does not.
nai_ga is a lolicon, we know
nai_gai is a rapist
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is there any reason to do another RR run if i already have <100 turn count?
Nai_Ga has two modes, giant man and cute loli. Anyone that falls in between will come out wonky.
As to why El Director gave the green light to all these iterations? It's because Dante is literally (You).
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Don Canto Leak
How did you manage to get this? The Director's taboo hunters should have dispatched you.
lower count for banner but I am too lazy to do it.
Dante should use the golden boughs to make every women in the world flat
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Goalpost-kun... you're moving so fast we can't keep up!
No. I just do the bare minimum for max rewards.
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<True and Factual. They fear MANLE-Te...>
this is the best man i’ve ever seen nai_ga draw and it’s a genderbent vtuber
Abnormalities are FRIENDS
you can fuck friends
Meursault is 188cm, Don is 162cm. There is 26cm difference in their heights.
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With benefits?
That's hot
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Die, monster! You don’t belong in this world.
Pic rel is the actual POV meeting between Don and her father, Don Sr. (pronounced señor)
...with benefits.
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fucking bastard
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The power of Tcorp!
kill yourself
No way I'm taller than the stupid french. You are making these numbers up
When does the next soccer tournament thing start again?
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Some of the earliest Dante art PM ever posted, this is The Vision.
Which ones.
Around 12 years from now, when we are done having one baby a year
What a dork
I wish I was this expressive, bros... all I do now is stand there with my hands in my pockets like a Ayin larper...
well vellmori got fired so clearly not
Watch your manners, you are talking L corp CEO
Dante is so cool and handsome god I want to fuck him and let him fill me with his clock cum...
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This gamestate winnable?
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This but reverse.
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What does the L stand for? Loser?
Did this artist ever draw porn of their femte
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thats actually fake news. she didn't get fired at the end, they just made it look like that so small dicked korean incels wouldn't riot
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>Claims to be a centrist
>Is just a coward
Realistically, what is this called?
The real answer is just that nai_ga has a hard time with consistency. He once made Gregor really tall too.
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Dante when I press his stupid fucking button
Hey Vellmori
So basically I'm just not gonna renew it (your contract)
I know.... UGH I know....
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna renew it is all
I mean, I'd chill with Red Hooded Mercenary
>Ish getting melted see: digested is canon
Why do you let fags run wild here?
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>shorter than Ryoshu
I'd make sweet love to Red Hooded Mercenary and caress and kiss her scared body
Fujoshi franchise
we dont THOUGH
i make sure to shit on all suspected faggots (read: tourists) whenever they appear. i am the force keeping lcg from an age of darkness
Yeah, Vell's Dante is the prototype and should be standard. His sprite is the closest and most basic/similar.
Ok Ppodae
Literally me whenever I get t decide if some faggot stay or not in the company
I like women.
He's so cute.
Someone post the art where he's tucking his shirt in to his pants. I went looking for it and couldn't find it the other day.
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>What does the L stand for? Lo-
That's so fucking GAY
I don't know how to draw sheeps
stop being a rapist
That dog is a fuckin' monster
We should send that thing to the Singing Machine already
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>taller than rodya
dante longclock
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Not sure.
this guy jacks off to being called a retard by anons
>retards think this is a woman
Which Sinner(s) would wear a micro bikini?
Faust (but only for Dante's eyes)
You do your job very poorly.
Dante and Gregor were standing on boxes actually.
You will not be allowed to ruin another thread
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Faust has no ass.
So as Dante.
Boxes don't exist in the City, not after the box incident
Ryoshu and Dyon. One cause she has no tits and the other cause she does not know better.
In terms of actually wanting to wear one and enjoying it?
Rodya, Hong Lu, and Faust (only for Dante)
In terms of who would be the first to wear it?
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I was standing on Outishit
Improved more like
No one deserves voreshit in Limbus, not even Ishmael.
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are we posting Dantes now
>Ish's canto is all about an all-devouring whale
She ESPECIALLY deserves it
Feetshit is worse and you say nothing about it
Based thank you.
No one ACTUALLY thinks he's a woman kek
They're just saying it to rustle your jimmies.
this is retarded. if you're going to post dantes please post good dantes, thank you.
its great she has no future canto to ruin things with
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Quit talking
Feet are at least part of the body. Weird shit like armpits, but it's still tolerable compared to shit like dying and dissolving in a stomach. Not even comparable to one another.
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Nobody argues that Dante is meant to be a woman, the argument is whether PM intends Dante to be unambiguously male or gender neutral.
How can my manager be this erotic...
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fuck you Im going to post whatever dante I want
>Too much off a coward to reply
You know what I'm going to bring it up even more now thanks to you
good post
we need more posters like this
i know anons love to overreact but what are you mad about? dante wearing ego gear? anyone can wear ego
>blatant false information
Kill yourself.
Fuck you, last bit of attention you get from me
>anyone can wear ego
Laugh at this secondary
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I have art that would surprise you. No, I will not post it.
damn sinclair got jacked
Dante could solo KEKtin's universe.
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>Eats you with my Ishmeal
By that logic Heath would deserve to be inserted in cuck and self-humiliation scenarios and Sinclair would be about guro and sadism and so on with the other sinners. No one deserves this.
which sinners would support this?
I want to post the cursedclair in response to this but i'll refrain
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>By that logic Heath would deserve to be inserted in cuck and self-humiliation scenarios and Sinclair would be about guro and sadism
Anon I don't know how to tell you this...
i don’t get why people insist ishmael turning into goop is a fetish thing and therefore the director is based and pro-fetish
>reddit sinner
>discord sinner
faust, don
>4channel sinner
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Can I see it?
Anon, i... it is fetish. Liquid- you know what? I won't spoil you; you must remain pure.
Move faust to 4chan(nel) and you will be right
this paus face is so cute
i read the guro manga where the president fucked a baby and stuck it in a blender
just because someone can get off to it doesn’t mean it’s supposed to be that way in limbus
it's not, these fucking losers have nothing better to do than talk about their disgusting fetish
Fetish game. Fetish series. Fetish restaurant.
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this is retarded, can't dante just heal by turning back the clock?
What's fetishistic about the restaurant?
If you've been, you'd know
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being able to bend 7 underpaid service workers to your will
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Any concept is something someone out there finds attraction towards, anon. There must be even someone out there that finds the thought of inserting their hand through someone's body that is stuck in time and space to be hot.
kjh already does that every day
Yeah I am after you faggots decided to make one of the worst threads we've had in weeks. Fuck you. Not letting you do that shit again.
Does he know?
he can only heal the sinners' wounds thats why ishmael jumps in front of the k corp syringe and vergilius has to call in a favor to get an ampule specifically for Dante to stop him from melting after the kromer fight. retard
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Carried me against electric sheep. Serious Skullbuster is really good for clashing.
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He should have his shirt off for bandaging... and someone else should be doing it FOR him what the SHUCK.
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Thanks for the extra SP, anon.
And what are you gonna do about it, tough guy? Keep throwing a tantrum? Maybe piss and shit yourself?
>bandaging myself through the shirt hole
I'm retarded
I'm going to suck your cock if you don't shut up, retard
Don't fuck around, you'll find out
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By all means start sucking
He's sexy so it's ok to be a little dumb.
dante and his eternally young mysterious boywife
thats it
*unzips dick*
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>He's sexy
He looks like the average lanky anon, plus he's BLACK
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...why not?
I hope she finds help for her broken left leg :(
Kill yourself >:|
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
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>*cockvores you*
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So with another character getting yet another Teth risk E.G.O. how long will it be before we start getting Sinners with multiple Waw alts?
Kill yourself ERPing troon, you are cancer
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I see you, Ryoshu footfag
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What exactly was it that Roland saw that made him vomit back during the smoke war? It's supposed to be L Corp's singularity, but why would it have that kind of effect on him? Is it some sorta super abnormality? It must have been some sort of being right? Though the only abno I can think of that has that strong an effect by just looking at it is Censored, which seems to be a completely forgotten about abno at this point so I doubt that.
Anyone have any theories?
>troon out of nowhere
blind obsession
>worrying about that Don was drawn big and fat
>doesn't notice the absolutely abhorrent hands on both her and Meursault
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Woah real gay hours
SEAniggers already here?
>say that after a disgusting man rapes you and ruins your life forever. limbus company
you can go back to discord
Don being a giant obese retard is the most grave offense. Then her shoe then their hands.
That's not a picture of my husband so it's dogshit.
Once everyone gets a Waw I'd assume
So I think Sinclair, Hong Lu, Don, and Meursault have yet to receive them?
Don and sinclair for battle pass
Hongers and the Sault whenever
No and they stopped drawing Limbus stuff for better games They were a massive Heathcliff fan so that artist is probably a woman
Based falseflagger
kys moid
nai_ga only puts his best effort into his own wives, sorry
Only those kinds of freaks enjoy shit like vore.
>multiple WAW's
>Don gets a WAW during her Canto + another SInner (e.g. Meursault)
>Hong Lu gets another during his Canto + another Sinner (e.g. Sinclair)
>Walpurgis would probably speed it up by 1-2 Sinners at most
I'd wager around Hong/Ryoshu's Canto, leaning moreso towards the latter
he is too based
Awful and horrible :( just the worst!
saw a theory once that mentioned how Censored could be an abnormality that reflects the monsters used in the smoke war, and the reason why it's censored in the first place is because X (Ayin) felt so remorseful for what he did back then that he immediately goes insane
as such, Censored without the cognition filter might look like the smoke beast we see in the second phase of the black silence boss fight
The worst posters are the guys that poorly larp as "women".
When it's a stereotype only you and your kind know it's obnoxious. Saying dumb things then seething at each other. You are all retarded. Both the larper and people that fall for it.
>which seems to be a completely forgotten about abno at this point so I doubt that.
Absolutely wrong statement, very clerk like too
As if you didn't understand why [CENSORED] can't be shown
If this is what all it takes to make you seethe I hope the fatfags keep posting fat art
It's just ugly art mate, it's not that big of a deal.
You're likely overestimating others emotional involvement in the situation.
D-does that guy do that?
Once everyone has at least one. My guess is the season 6/canto 8 BP which is also my guess for first Aleph.
>ugly art
I've seen worse shit being posted here. The only really obnoxious parts of it are the hands and Don's legs, everything else looks passable. Not amazing, but passable.
You could say this guy's a, white knight.
You need to crack some eggs.
One could even call her devotion to her manager a blind obsession
How DO we know that, actually? The two CEOs we've met so far look like they're jacked with singularities, why would Ayin be the exception to this?
Now THIS is ideal posting!
>Aiyn felt so remorseful
Look, I get why it can't be shown. Obviously, it can only exist with its gimmick within L Corp HQ since the sensor bars are just a second cognition filter. But you can't deny we haven't had any reference to it since then.
That being said I actually do think it could be possible to do in limbus, maybe Dante's clock head has built in emergency cognition filters or maybe his golden bought protects him from it or something
Though I feel it's more likely we will simply never see it again
Then why does its sanity damage apply to workers as well? This would be believable if it was related to the old L corp's means of producing energy, which was so bad that Roland had to get his memory wiped.
I think she's ok and that's it. Her ramp is just too slow to get any value out of unless you run her on a chaege team and on a charge team, her healing and blubt damage is redundant because MC faust exists
She can take advantage of MC Heath's blunt fragility but that's pretty much it.

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